Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 24, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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The latest About the Graded
" Salary Trouble.
The Senators Arrive and Beady for
To-Day's Battle.
Important Action of the Local Fishing and
Bunting Clubs.
Games Flayed Testerdny.
Baltimores 8.... Athletics 0
Cixmnnatts 15... . Kansas Citts.... 7
St. Ixmis. 7....LouisvnxES 3
Gaines To-Day.
Nation Ai Leaoce Wasbinetons at Pitts
burg; Philadelphia at Cleveland; Bostons ,at
Indianapolis; New Yorks at Chicago.
American Association Baltimores at
"""Philadelphia; Columbus at Brooklyn; St. Louis
at Louisville.
Eochestcr: Londons at Syracuse; Detrolts at
Buffalo; Toledos at Hamilton.
Association Record.
Perl . Per
Won.t05t.Ct. Won.Lost.Ct.
St. Lonls 38 17 .6SICInclnnls...V6 15 .510
Athletics 18 .660!h.snsaCltys..21 70 .412
UrooUvns.... SI 20 .& Columbus. ....18 29 .387
Balttmorcs....29 23 .KSSiLoulsvlUes.... 9 43 .1M
Conflicting Opinions Abont the League
Graded Salary Plan.
Without doubt the controversy between the
Rational Lcacue and the Players' Brotherhood
is the leading question in the baseball world
to-day. Magnates and cranks alike are making
it the theme for every word of conversation,
and the general opinion seems to be that we
arc on the eve of a few big changes. The fact
remains, however, that had the discussion
-which is being indulged in just now taken
place when the League was adopting the classi
fication matters would have been greatly dif
ferent. However, the discussion of the question has
become general, and it is almost as exciting as
it is ceneral. Ed Hanlon, who is one of the
players who have to meet the magnates, was
spoken to regarding the matter last evening.
He said: "I really am not in a position to say
anything definite about the matter. I expect
to know to-morrow where the proposed meet
ing is to be held. All that we can do, I pre
sume. Is to state clearly what we want, and
then exchange opinions on the question. I
suppose that the magnates will return to the
League and report as to what we want and
suggest what we should have. We will also
report to the Brotherhood, and then a futuro
conference with the League will probably de
termine how far that organization intends to
go with us."
The officials of the local club are not disposed
to express themselves definitely on the ques
tion just now, but it is a certainty that the local
club intends to bold out for the classification
rule. A ball player in a position to know
whereof he speaks, said last evening: "The
Brotherhood's demands will be discussed by
the League and Brotherhood committeo at
Chicago next week. The demand are: L Abo
lition of classification and reimbursement for
all loss by its operation covered by contract.
2. No reservation for a salary less than previous
year. "3. Absolute abolition of the practice of
selling players. If no agreement is reached a
Ftrike may come. It may seem bluffing when
we talk about a strike, bat we mean it. Of
course, I don't mean that a strike will take
place this season. We cannot well do that, but
when the season is ended we mean to insist
upon some important changes. It may be that
a majority of the Presidents w ill want to i etain
the obnoxious rule, but we mean to try and
have it abolished."
The Presidents of the various clubs have de
clared themselves on the subject. Washing
ton, whose team arrived in this city last even
ing, wants the rule to stand unaltered. Presi
dent Hewitt's opinion is to the following ef
He says there are five members of theLeague
who favor the equal division of the gate re
ceipts, and only one vote is needed to carry the
point. If such a modification iu the rules can
be effected be will be willing to Abolish the
classification rule and make his own terms with
his players. Mr. Hewitt says be believes the
day is not far distant when there will be a gen
eral demand for an equal division of the re
ceipts. He says the attendance at Capital
Park so far this season, has exceeded that at
Staten Island. In Philadelphia a club has to
draw about 2. 40U people to get more than the
guarantee. The grand stand there is the most
profitable part of the Philadelphia enterprise.
People there kick about paying 50 cents to go
in at the gate, yet the majority of them put up
an additional 25 cents to get into the grand
stand. This ot course operates to the disad
vantage of the visiting dull. All of these
matters have to be considered in connection
with the classification rule, in the interest of
promoting meritorious players and giving them
reasonable compensation for their services.
Sir. Hewitt insists that the life and elevation
of the game demands the continuance of the
classification rule or a similar provision.
Boston is likely to be in favor of a change in
the rule, but President Soden is confident that
there will be no strike. He is also willing to
bare the classification rule abolished, and lie is
also in favor of doing away with the sale of
Indianapolis does not want any change, Phil
adelphia is also in favor of classification and
so is Cleveland. It is probable, however, that
Chicago will be opposed to it President Day,
of the New York club, made the following sig
nificant statement to New York reporter on
"Were you correctly reported when it was
asserted that j ou favored a division of the gate
recelptsT" 1 asked.
"Not at all," was Mr. Day's reply, "I said I
wasn't looking for it I do not believe in such
a division. Neither do I believe in one club
giving another club a percentage to keep it go-,
mg. We give and take 25 per cent now, and
tint is enough. This question of salary is one
entirely between a club and its players. lam,
therefore, opposed to classification in its pres
ent form. At the same time I am willing to
Toto for any modification of it that canbe made
operative. I think a club should be allowed to
pay its players what It chooses to pay them. If
a club can only afford to pay $30,000, let it keep
its salary list within that figure. If it cannot
afford to keep its end np in the League, let it
get out and get into a League where it can make
things pay.
"I am not in favor of abolishing the trading
and Belling of ptajers. because I think an occa
sional change about by the players is good for
baseball. One thing lam sore of they cannot
ran successful Daseball clubs on a system.
That is why I am opposed to tho millennium
plan. It w onld kill baseball by robbing it of all
ambition and competition, which makes the
game what it Is."
Altogether It seems safe to say that there is
a lively time ahead before the matter isset
tled." ,
A Sonlhslder Says a Few Words Abont tho
Local Club.
We are in receipt of a letter signed "Sonth
slder," criticising In strong terms the manage
ment of Mr. Phillips. It is only fair that the real
name and address of the writers of these criti
cisms should be given publicly, therefore much
of the letter is here omitted.
The writer concludes as follows:
"Some weeks since when the bustler was
scouring the country for a promising pitcher,
the name of John Evans was sent to Sir. W.
A. Nlralck, bnt he treated the communication
with silent contempt. He signed Dunning,
Krum and Beam and it can be proven that
Evans Is a much better pitcher than either of
the three signed, and be is a better catcher
than Carroll or Miller.and Mr. Evans will prove
these assertions to the entire satisfaction of
the board of directors of the club, any time the
coming week. He will allow Beckley, Maul.
Sunday and Carroll to knock him out of the
box, If they can. Let them try him."
Rev. Dnjter Preaches a Sermon on the Na
tional Game.
Tho Kev. Forrest E. Dager, of Holy Trinity
It. E. Church preached Sunday evening a ser
mon upon the "Moral Lessons of Baseball,"
taking his text from Eccles. ax, 9. The sermon
is one of a series that Mr. Dager is delivering
upon the amusements of youth, and contained
many unique parallels on tho national game.
He declared that the gamo on general princi
ples was a good thing, and said:
"Wo cannot afford to ignore anything that
has taken such a universal hold upon the lives
of our young men as baseball, and there. are
many lessons to be learned from it First, the
umpire: the most important person about a
game is tho umpire. Great difficulties are ex
perienced in securing competent umpires, and
there are not over halt a dozen In the whole
country. From this we can draw the Inference,
if a man is not competent to settle disputes
arising between man and man be certainly is
not to settle those between God and man. In
the great game of life, with God as the umpire,
yon are bound to have fair play.
"A second feature is the need of skilled and
temperate players. All the big clubs have
found it necessary to have men who have had
lone practice, and who are willing to abstain
trora strong drink. This is also necessary to
make a success of the great game of life.
What one error may cost! It can be safely
said that the great majority of nil games were
lost by one or tno errors. So it is that one
misstep in life may mean everlasting defeat.
Another thing urged is the great need of sink
ing individuality and obtaining success In gen
eral team work. The best results in the church
are obtained in this way. Finally, the enthusi.
asm when the home club wins, and tbe silence
when it makes an error. So it ought to be in
life. We should always be ready to render
praise for good works and .refrain from criti
cism for mistakes." Phildaelphia Inquirer.
Thcro Seems to bo no End to the Various
Louisville, June 23. Manager Davidson
hardly expected the Louisville players to report
this morning, and. Indeed there were serious
threats last night that they would not They
thonghtictterof it afterja. while, however.and
all showed np at the grounds. The trouble was
the old one ot the fines, which was revived
when Davidson went to pay off the players last
evening. It was then found that he had made
them out Indebted to hint. Hecker was tendered
a check for the magnificent sum of ?1 95 as tbe
full amount due him to date. Browning and
Shannon received statements showing them to
be indebted to the club, the former to the ex
tent of $225 and the latter $135.
Only four players escaped the heavy touch of
the manager. They were Weaver, Gleason,
Stratton and Toinney. The other players
suffered as follows: Browning. $335: Shannon.
S225: Cook. $225: Raymond, 8225; Ehret, 225;
Hecker. S200: Ewing, S184: Wolf. 525; Vaughn,
$25. . Ramsey was paid onlv 850, and it Is said he
was touched for 181 Browning, Shannon,
Cook. Raymond. Hecker and Ehret were the
six players who struck in Baltimore, and they
were charged 200 each for the two days that
they laid off. Browning was fined 100 in
Brooklyn on a charge of intemperance. The
balance of the fines, except in the cases of Wolf
and Ewing, were for errors, or indifferent play
ing, as Mr. Davidson puts It. Captain Wolf
was fined for quarreling: with Browning and
All the players who were heavily fined de
clined to accept the balance tendered them by
Davidson. The total amount withheld as fines
assessed on the late trip Is about 1,700. The
players have all appealed to President Wickoff.
Davidson published a card to-day announcing
that he would take 6,500 for the club and de
claring that he had been -off ered only 1,000.
Tho Senators Arrive to Tackle tbo Home
The Senators arrived in the city last night
from Indianapolis and are ready to tackle the
home players to-day at Recreation Park. It is
possible that tbe local players may get a game
or even two from the ttvilenders; at any rate
each team lost tour straight last week, and the
luck of one or the other must turn. This is
somewhat consoling to local enthusiasts, be
cause it may be that lortune is destined at last
to favor Pittsburg.
It is likely that the battery of the Senators
will be Keefe and Alack. The former is a very
effective Jolt-banded pitcher and has consider
able speed. Staley and Lafaer will be the home
battery. The makeup of the teams will proba
bly be:
Pittsburgs. Position. Washingtons.
Sunday Right Field Sweeney
Hanlon Center Kield Hoy
Maul LcftPieJd Wilmot
Kuehne Third Bane Wise
Smith Shortstop-.... Irwin
Dunlap ..Second B.iso ....Myers
Beckley First Bass Morrill
Staley Pitcher.. Keefe
Lauer Catcher Mack
Kilroy Shuts Oat (he Big Athletics With
Four Hits.
Pnrx.ADELriHA,June23. Kilroy was entirely
too much for the Athletics this afternoon. The
fielding was sharp and clean. The gatne,which
was played at Gloucester, was witnessed by
about 4,000 people. Score:
Athletics i 0 00000000
JJMtimores. 0 70100008
llase hits-Athletics. 4: Baltimores, 10.
F.rrorB-Athlctics, 3; Baltimores, 1.
Earned runf Uiltlraores, A.
liases on balls-Off Kilroy. 7: off Seward, 5,
Struck out Bv Kilroy, 7: by Seward, 5.
Passed balls KoMnson, 2;iate, 1.
lid pltch-Sewsrd, 1.
Time of game-Two hours.
Umpire Gafiney.
Ho Will Be Heard To-Day for Violating
the Sunday Law.
Cincinnati, June 23. To-day's Cincinnati
Kansas City fame was atslugging contest, In
which both Duryea ana Sullivan were batted
very hard. .In the fourth inning the Cowboys
worked tbe first triple play that has been
made here this season. "With the bases full
Beard batted a grounder to Sullivan, Duryea
being forced to the plate, and the batter was
thrown out at first. Halllday attempted to
score on tho throw and was put out. After tho
game President Stern was arrested for violat
ing tbe Sunday law relative to ball playing.
He gave bond in tho sum of $500 for his ap
pearance in the police, court to-morrow morn
ing. None of tho players were arrested.
Cincinnati! 2 3 0 10 6 4 0 -H
Kansas Cltys 2 0 2 10 0 110-7
Earned runs Cinclnii&tls, 8; Kansas Cltys, 4.
Tvo-base hits Burns.
Three-base hits Keilly, Keenan, NicoL. Burns.
Home run Halllday.
):ase hits Cincinnati s, 21: Kansas Cltys, 18.
First base on balis-liy Duryea, 2; bulllvan, 4,
Passed balls -Keenan, 3: Gnnnison. 2.
Time ot jrame Two b ours ana 40 mlnntes.
Umpire Kenns.
Tbe Colonels FInnllT Score n Victory by
Good PlnylnE.
Louisville, June 21. Louisville's long line
of defeats was broken to-day by a victory over
St Louis. The team have appeared in better
spirits since their return home, and to-aay put
np an excellent gami;. Ramsey was very ef
fective in tbe box, and bad strong support. At
tbe bat too, the homo team held tho visitors
even. St. Louis' fielding was weakened by Co
tnlskey's errors, which were costly. Chamber
Iain was hit freely, and! Hudson took bis place
in the ninth. St Louis left to-night tbe game
scbcdnled for tc-mon ovr having been played
yesterday. Score:
St. Lonls 0 00010200-3
LoulsTilles 3 02020000-7
Earned rutin St. I.oa Is 2; LouisvUIes, S.
Two-base bits-Mill If in, Chamberlain, Wolf 2,
Tarec-basc hits Raymond.
Kite lilts bt-Louls, 8 IiOuiavUles, 11.
First base on balls Oil Ramsey, 3; off Chamber
lain, 2: off Hudson. 1.
Struck out By ltaro(!y, 3; by Chamberlain, 2.
Time ofgarue-One ho ur and 49 minutes.
Urn plrc-Fcrgusun.
Brooklyn De Tents Colnmbns.
Brooklyn, Jnne ZL There was the usual
big crowd at Ridge cod Park to-day to wit
ness the baseball gam e between tbe Brooklyn
and Columbus teams. The Brooklyn nine won
more through the bungling fielding work of
Columbus than throng h. any specially brilliant
plaving, Baldwin pitch ed an unusually effective
game considering his support. Score:
Brooklyn 0 000300328
Columbus .1 01 0000002
Earned runs-Brooklyns, 1: Colnmbns, 1.
Pitchers-Brooklyn, Carnthcrsi- Columbus.
Time of pame One ho ur and SS minutes.
Umpire Goldsmith.
Illlller B;!Rt Dnnlnp.
During the last visit1 of tbe local club to Indi
anapolis, "Midget" M lller and Fred Dunlap
tested their respective sprinting qualities, and
Fred came out second, best. They ran 100 yards
for $50 a side, and whf jn about 30 yards were
covered Dunlap was so far behind that he quit,
and Miller got the money.
Good; Advice.
President Young, no one blames you because
certain umpires are inefficient Wo know that
certain League magnates who have protested
tho most -vigorously are tho ones who most
strongly indorsed the "weak sisters" last
winter. But when yon discover. that they'are
no good, let 'em go, Mr. President Sporting
Trl-Stnte Leaeae.
At Dayton i . . .
Daytons 0 0002014 2-9
Msusflelas 0 1 1 0 3 0 2 J -l
Earned runs Daytons, 5: Mansnelds, 8.
llase MU-Daytons, 1J; Mansnelds, 13.
Errors Day tons, 6; Mansnelds, 3.
At Springfield
Wheelings, 0 20101010-5
Sprlngflclds 2 0 0 0 0-1100-4
Earned runs Wheelings, 1; Springfleids, 1.
Errors Wheelings, 4: Sprlngflelds, 5.
At Hamilton. First came
Hamlltons, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Cantons 2 3 0 S 0 2 5 1 -16
Basehlts-Hamlltons. J: Cantons. 17.
Errors Hamlltons, 12; Cantons, 3.
Second game
Hamlltons 2 0 0 0 0 00 0 79
Cantons i 3 2 3 S 0 1 4 1 -19
Base hlts-Hamlltons, 10; Cantons, 14.
Errors Hamlltons. 9; Cantons, 4.
jtae una iviieeiuijcs, ivi cviiukuuw, -.,
The Railroads and Fishing Clnbs Fall to
Como to Terms.
There was an Important meeting of passen
ger agents of tbe various railroads going out
of Pittsburg on Saturday, and as a result the
local fishing clubs' camping prospects are not
so bright for the season. Representatives of
the United Hunting and Fishing Clnbs at
tended tbe meeting and made the following
requests: That clubs be taken to camping
grounds at the rate of a fare and a qnarter for
the round trip; that each ticket be good for GO
days, and that advance guards or representa
tives of clubs travel at the reduced faro to the
camping grounds.
The representatives of the clubs pointed out
that last year a single fare only was charged
for tne round trip, but they stated clubs were
willing to pay the extra quarter fare this year
providing a ticket would bold good for 60 days.
The railroad agents however, were not pre
pared bv any means to grant the request
made. Thev refused to issue tickets at re
duced rates for a longer time than SO days and
also refused to grant reduced rates at all to
any party of less than ten in number. This
decision was unexpected and caused con
siderable surprise.
The fishing club representatives held a meet
ing and discussed tbe matter on Saturday
night One member stated the case as follows:
"The rates are useless to us except tickets are
good for 60 days. , Hundreds of ns are idle dur
ing the summer for two months or ten weeks
and we want to camp all that time. Again wo
have members who don't want to stay that
long and they desire to join the club after it
has been out a few weeKs; but those members
cannot get rates except there are ten of them.
Altogether I fear that we'll have to try and do
without the railroads."
Finally a committee was appointed to confer
with tho directors of tbe steam packet compa
nies whoso boats run to Geneva and down tho
river. It is understood that the big clubs on
the Southslde will camn in localities that can
be reached by water. If all the clubs make
this resolve the loss to the railroads will be
great, as there are about 100 clubs in the vicin
ity. At present the feeling against the roads is
very strong.
Jake's Friends Confident That Ho Can Do
Up tbe Big 'Un.
Baltimore, June 23. A great crowd was at
Halstead's to-day to watch the work of Kilraln,
including a number ef local sports who take a
deep interest in Jake. Some of them are a
trifle shaky regarding Kilrain's ability to hold
out against the big fellow, bnt the large ma
jority agree with Charlie Mitchell that Sullivan
will not have a picnic Mitchell has full confi
dence in Kilrain's powers, and thinks he will
have no trouble in carrying off the belt stake
money and all tbe other perquisites of the
fight "They say if Sullivan hits Jake he will
kill him. Well, what's the matter with Jake
killing hlmT" says Mitchell.
It is feared by the friends of both men that
tbe climate of New Orleans will be too much
for them at this season, and that perhaps one
or both of them may be sickened so that
they cannot enter the ring. Dr. McGill has
sent Kilrain six jugs of his Strontia spring
water to take with him on his trip, and as the
water is one of the principal things to be
feared, it is hoped that much of the danger of
sickness will thus be avoided.
Kilrain will remain another week at Hal
stead's. He and Mitchell intended to leave for
New Orleans abont July 2. This will give
them ample time to reach the scene of action
and recuperate from tbe effects of the 1,000
miles of railroad travel which will in itself be
rather trying at this time of the year.
The colors the fighters will wear in the ring
are ready for them, and duplicates are in cir
culation among the sports. Kilrain's colors
are of silk and bear the United States shield,
the arms of Maryland, and the Irish flag, with
a picture ot Kilrain and .also of his belt; a
border of shamrock surrounds the whole.
An Ex-Mllitary Sportsman Dreams the
Winner of a Bis Race.
An English exchange relates the following
strange story about the Lincoln handicap win
ner: "The latest dreamer, and winner, on the re
sult of a big race, is in England. A well-known
ex-military sportsman had made up bis mind
that he would try and dream tho winner of tho
Lincoln handicap. This ingenious idea of his
he announced to several of bis friends, who
naturally smiled somewhat skeptically on the
would-be seer. However, on Monday night
five times in succession ho dreamed that num
ber 13 had won tbe race. As there was no
horse of that name, the sportsman in question
then came to the conclusion that bis vision
must refer to tbe number on the card. Ho
made no secret of his belief, and ho sent a mes
senger to King's Cross to gat the card and back
his dream number. There wero no cards to be
had at the station. " Accordingly he wited
to Messrs. W. H. Smith & Sons' bookstall at
Lincoln for the name of numberl3 on tbe day's
card for the handicap. Tho answer came back
promptly, "Wise Man." The resolute dreamer
immediately backed tbe horse, with tbe happy
result that all who racing men now Know.
Every detail of this singular story is absolutely
true, and there are many who can testify to
having heard the prophecy of number 13 deliv
ered on the day of the race."
A Johnstown Sufferer Enters For tho
Mounted sword Contest.
' The following letter explains itself:
Sporting Editor Dispatch:
Please enter me for the sword combat which is
advertised for July 4, at your Exposition Park. I
served In the Pennsylvania Cavalry during the
war and I think I can give any of the foreigners
named all they want. Let me know through Tue
Dispatch Ifl am all right and win be allowed to
compete. . Yours,
P. 8. -I have lost all In the flood, and that 500
prize would help me out considerable. Ifl can't
beat the Englishman. Jcssop, who stvles himself
Major., etc. lwlll never return to Wllllamsport
again. C. ilCC.
Williamspost, Juno 23.
Mr. McCann's entry is all right and he will
be allowed to compete. Ed.
Sensntlonnl Sword Contests, Wrestling and
Rnclne for the Fourth,
Duncan C Ross has completed arrangements
for the wrestling and mounted sword tourna
ment to be held at Exposition Park on July i.
Tbe sword contest is for the championship and
500. The contestants will be Ross, Sergeant
Walsh. Captain Daly, Captain Voss and Major
C. H. M. Jessopp. The wrestling will be mixed
styles, first prize 400. second 200. third 100
and fourth $50. Tho entries at present are:-
itoss, uniur, r-eirre, juciaugnun, .aicoianon,
Connors, of Australia, and Graham, of En
gland. Beside tho above there will be pacing, trotting
and running race and entries can be made to
Moore Floyd, Exposition track. The 2:40
pacing race is open to the butchers and mer
chants of Pittsburg and vicinity. Altogether
there will be some great sport
To Select the Ground.
New Yobk, June 23. Frank .Stevenson
Mike Donovan and William H. Harding, of
the Police Gazette, Jake Kilrain's backers, left
this city this morning by the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad lorNewOrleans. Their mission
i to select a battle ground for the Sullivan
triirain fight which comes off on July 8.
Imported Brandenburg Frero.
Medoc, St Emilion, St Estepha, St
Julien, Margeaux, Pontet Canet, St
Pierrie, Chateau Leoville, Chateau La
Bosa, Chateau Mouton, Grand Yin Chateau
Margeaux, Grand Vin Chateau Lafitte, by
the case or bottle. G. W. Schmidt,
95 nnd 97 Fifth avenue, city,
B. &B.
"55 to (10 chunks knocked ont of the
prices ou all our fine gingham and satlne
suit." Boqgs & Buhl.
Half a Hundred Celestial Actors of
the Highest, Ability
Their First Appearance Before an Audience
of Americans.
For Its Residents Think the Event the Greatest
Since Confucius' Day.
Chinatown, New York, is in a furore of
excitement. Fifty Celestials, of high stand
ing in their own theatrical world, are to put
a plav on the boards at the Windsor to
night A reporter visited the headquarters
of this dramatic company and saw and
learned much that was interesting.
Hew York, June 23. At no time since
the death of Confucius has there been such
commotion among the Celestial residents of
New York as was to be observed to-day in
Chinatown. It was owing entirely to a great
Fifty Celestials, high in the estimation of
their brethren in short, the Swintien Lok
Chinese Dramatic Company, 50 all told
had arrived and were located in the old Joss
Temple, No. 10 Chatham square. Chop
sticks were being twisted and tom-toms
beaten .when a reporter got there, and the
smiles overspreading each Chinaman's face
in a "sunlight-chasing shadow" style,
clearly betokened something of a very pleas
ing character in tbe air. He accordingly
smiled on nearly every Celestial he met
with in the most benign fashion, and they
fairly giggled with delight
The reporter we nt by direction to a small
room, where half a dozen Chinamen sat
around a square table. In a few moments,
however, Tom Lee, the gnide, philosopher,
friend and banker of Chinatown, arrived.
Tom was dressed in a suit of brown tweed
and wore a black Derbv hat. He welcomed
the unbidden guest and tried to be as com
municative as possible with the aid of his
little friend, the prince of Chinamen, Wong
Ching Foo.
Tom Lee and Wong were prime movers
in inducing the dramatic company to come
to New York. They have never played be
fore other than Chidese audiences, so that
when they open on Monday evening in the
Windsor Theater Americans and people of
other nations will for the first time in their
existence have an opportunity of witnessing
a display of Celestial histrionic talents and
costumes never dreamed of outside of the
Great Wall. Tom Lee will have them play
to all. He and other Chinese merchants
pnt up $12,000 as security, but they believe
there never has been a greater theatrical
success in New York than will be the Swin
tien Lok.
Tbe Chinese theatrical headquarters at
No. 10 Chatham square were silent when
the reporter reached there, but he tried every
floor. Alter much noising around he at
last found his quarry, and only a partition
of boards kept him out from a room from
which came the sounds of- chattering, clat
tering voices. A screen of red cotton hung
down midway in the partition. This he
raised and walked in. He was in the great
sleeping and dining hall of the Chinese car
avansary. It was a very large room. All
along the floor by the walls blankets were
spread to the width of an ordinary bed for
one, rests for the head separated each blan
ket, and on these indeed did the Chinese
visitors pass the night. The room was al
most absolutely-bare" of furniture.
Away to the front sat some 40 or 0
Chinese, smoking and talking for dear life.
These were the dramatists. They started
up as soon as they saw the stranger. All,
with two or three exceptions, wore the ordi
nary Chinese garb, to be seen any day on
the streets of New York. -
The leading characters were the excep
tions. They wore long coats of blue silk,
after the manner of Chinese gentlemen, ana
black skull caps which showed off their
carefully dressed pigtails to very great ad
vantage, and gave them an appearance
quite above their companions. In addition
to their elegant attire, they have the ad
vantage of handsome figuresj well displayed
by their long robes, and faces that might
vie with those of even good-looking Ameri
cans. Taka "Wing is particularly good-looking.
He is in the twenties and altogether such a
pretty fellow that he is first among the first
of Chinese female impersbnators. There is
no woman with the company, so that the
leading lady is a man Taka Win? who
takes tbe- role of Sean Neon GooriJoo, a
princess. Taka has been over half a dozen
years on' the stage in China, where he was a
prime favorite.
Moo Snng Jee, who plays the part of'the
chief male character, is older than his
friend and went years ago to , the head of
the profession in China. His friends claim
that they have an excellent stage in the
Flowery Land and that Jee "is the leader.
He is a man apparently full of intelligence
and is not at all averse to remaining inNew
York at the head of a Chinese theater.
The other leading characters are Chaw
Lorn Yin, Woy Soo Wo and Ma Ki Wing.
The latter are also pretty good looking fel
lows and take the parts of vivandieres.
The play to be put on the' boards of the
Windsor to-morrow night will be a most
decided novelty, bringing up, as it will, life
in China ten years before the Christian era.
In the play there is an abundance of love
and slaughter. The Chinese are at war
with the Tartars, and the genii, who, by the
way, were all squatted about the Joss yes-,
teruay mornine, agree to assist them. The
Chinese General, Yung Zoon Pow, after
marrying the Princess Koon Joo, leaves
with the army. He shortly afterward falls
hut being a free and easy sort of fellow,
makes himself quite at home and takes to
wife his captor's daughter. He lives with
her happily for five years, after which he is
allowed to visit China to see his dying
rqoiner. viunu. u iu tue uiroes ox insur
rection, and he finds all his friends have
been slain, witb the exception of his wife,
who all alone is abont to make a voluntary
exit when be clasps her in his arms, and
they are happy together once again. He
sets' everything to rights in China, restores
tha Emperor to his throne, whips the Tar
tars, and with his two wives lives happily
ever after.
The mounting and dresses will be of
extraordinary grandeur. Manager Murtha,
of the Windsor, told the reporter that in his
experience-he never witnessed such a ward
robe. A hundred large, old-iashioned
boxes filled to the brim were stored in the
"Windsor yesterday morning. The people
there who got a peep at some of the dresses
say they are gorgeous.
The wives of Chinese merchants have se
cured the boxes for to-morrow night, and as
they are so seldom seen by non-Celestial
eyes they will form an attraction of them
selves. Both Wont Down Together.
Philadelphia, June 23. Walter and
George Lyford. aged 10 and 16 years re
spectively, were drowned in Big Timber
creek near Westville, N. J., yesterday.
Walterjwent into swim,.and getting beyond
his depth, George jumped in to save him.
'Walter, half conscious, seized George in a'
rlp ol. desperation, ana ootn went down
efore help could be rendered.
EEMOVALsale carpets, curtains, oilcloth,
etc. Come for bargains.
Geo. W. Shamait, 136 Federal Bt
Two Lads Killed While Attempting to At
tach Power to the Famllv lea Cream
Freezer A Small Boiler Ex--;
plodes Two Other Per
sons Injured.
Philadelphia, June 23. A foolhardy
experiment of two lads' of a mechanical
turn of mind resulted in both boys being
killed and two others seriously injured.
The dead lads were Harry and William
Jessrv, aged 15 and 17 years respectively,
residing at 621 South Third street They
were apt scholars and were constantly em
ploying their spare time running a smal
engine. For a few days past they had been
generating steam in an old range boiler,'
niiii-u iuc uuu set up iu a. corner ui mo
yard under a shed.
Steam was conveyed from the boiler by
pieces of gaspipe, while a small brick fur
nace was arranged under the boiler, where
the boys had kindled a hot fire. Henry,
who owned the engine, which was about 18,
inches long, had stated his intention to at
tach the engine to the family ice cream
freezer and do away with hand-turning.
With that in mind, the lads conducted their
experiment. While Harry was oiling the
engine and William was banking up the
fire with bricks there was a terrific explo
sion, which was beard for squares aronnd.
Harry was thrown with great force against
a ience and instantly killed. His legs and
arms were broken and one side of his head
was horribly crushed. William was thrown
further under the' shed and a living brick
evidently struck him in the heai'fraqtnring
his skull. Both his legs were frightfully
crushed. He was taken to the Pennsylvania
Hospital where he died in about an hour.
Little Henry Kniese, who was watching
the experiment from a shed, was cut under
the eye, and Mrs, Flora Kniese was severely
scalded about the back.
Bnt Finally Persuaded to Don Man's Gar
ments nnd be a Itfun.
Deteoit, June 23. Clara Ellis, who was
sent to the House of Correction as a dis
orderly woman, bnt whom the physicians
say is a man, will be put at hard work by
Superintendent Nicholson to-morrow. Clara
is medium sized, with large gray eyes, and
had dark brown hair, reaching several
inches below her waist She was appar
ently about 35 years of age. Superin
tendent Nicholson compelled the pris
oner to don trousers, to-day and
have the beautiful bangs' and hair cut.
"Clara" was persuaded to-day to give her
name, which is John Beady. "He says he
was 12 years growing his hair, and has dur
ing all that time worn woman's habili
ments. Mrs. Westeate says Clara Ellis
roomed there several weeks recently, A
barber on Xarned street, kept company with
"Clara" during the latter's stay at Mrs.
Westgate's, and the landlady says they were
to be married soon.
"Clara" was an expert dressmaker, and
made several dresses for wealthy ladies on
Jefferson avenue. Mrs. Wcstgate says Clara
drank heavily at times. The hair on her
face grew rapidly and "Clara" shaved it off
daily. Bessie Henkle, a boarder at No.
143 Lamed street, says she was well
acquainted with "Clara" and had been
quite intimate with her at times, but no
one suspected Clara was a man, although
she (or he) had a very deep, hoarse voice.
"Clara" is a fine organist, Bessie says, and
told her of -many places in which she had
been chambermaid, and Bessie cannot real
ize that her old chum is really a man.
Tho Perprtrntors of a Mysterious Murder
Finally Brouebt to Light.
JoPLiir, Mo., June 23. On the night of
June 5 Louis Channell, a young engineer,
was assassinated while on duty running a
pumping engine for the Consolidated Min
ing Company. Hfs body was robbed of a
gold watch belonging to his mother. The
murder was very mysterious and there was
kittle to indicate the author of the crime. A
'family named Seaton, with two boys that
were classed with, the hoodlum element,
moved away from the city the day succeed
ing the murder. The officers suspected these
boys and kept a detective on their track.
Yesterday Sheriff Miller arrested Charles
and Grant Seaton near Seligman, Barry
county, Missouri. Last night Deputy
Sheriff Watkins arrested In this city Wash
Seaton, an older brother, who had remained
here. The two younger brothers were
brought back and placed in jail at Carthage
to-day. On the person ot Charley, aged 16,
the gold watch was found, and has been
fully identified by number and other marks.
The boy denies the crime, claiming that he
got the watch from a boy who owed him a
lot of marbles.
How a Woman Who Pottoncd Her Husband
Failed to be Punished.
OnanaccJck,Va., Juno 23. Last March
Mrs. Virginia Taylor was convicted of
poisoning her husband, the jury finding a
verdict of murder in the second degree. The
trial lasted 'nearly a week, and attracted
considerable attention. Mrs. Taylor was
defended by the ablest lawyers in the
county, who' appeared from the County
Court to the Circuit Court on exceptions to
the rulingsofthe Judge. In his charge to tie
jury the Court instructed that a verdict set
ting forth any degree of murder might be
rendered. Judge Gunther, of the Circuit
Court, decides that the lower court erred.
According to the laws of Virginia, mur
der by poison is murder in the first degree
only, and as the law is also explicit in set
ting forth that if another trial is granted
the accused cannot be tried for a higher
crime than that of which he was previously
convicted, the Judge therefore decided tha't
Mrs. Taylor must be discharged from cus
tody. She was accordingly set free,
i .
Missouri Republicans Tired of the Adminis
tration's Slow Motion.
St. Louis, June 23. The Missouri Ke
publicans who hunger after office are
thoroughly disgusted with Harrison and his
administration. For three months the
three Eepublican Congressmen who repre
sent this city, and who assume to
control the patronage of the State, have
been busy explaining to the wheelhorses
why 'they have not been appointed to office.
Each particular Missouri wheelhorse picked
ant his office, only to see an Ohio or Indiana
man slip into it.
George Bain, S. D. Brock, Emil Prectori
ous, Dr. H. M. Starklofi, Charles Pope,
and a dozen others have seen their con
sulates grabbed by Eastern cormorants,
and now they are sore and disgusted.
They don't understand the footing of the
administration, and they are quietly but
emphatically consigning the whole Har
rison outfit to the regions that abound in
sulphur and smoke.
Tbo Sioux Indians Are Becoming Jnst a
Trifle More Trnctable.
Pine Ridge Agency, Dak., June 23.
It is now definitely known that prior to
the arrival of the commissioners a combina
tion was formed at this agency with Bed
Clond at the head, pledged to oppose the
bill. This explains the reluctance on the
part of many of the Indians to talk abont
it Work having for its 'object the disin
tegration of this combination, has been
quietly carried on for several days. It now
seems as if some progress was being made.
Indians are signing slowly and prospects
are more favorable than'' at any time since
the commission arrived.
A Plant That Bears Bright Crimson
Flowers Throughout the Year,
Standing Above a Neglected Grave as a
Silent Witness of
Xwo Ghastly 8keleton3 Found, One With a Knife
Thrust Through the Skull.
A story of a remarkable, if not super
natural phenomenon comes from Fort
Worth, Tex. Near that city is a rosebush'
that blooms summer and winter. The
flowers are the brightest red, and the sap of
the plant is the color of blood. A gentle
man who examined tho spot found that the
bush grew over a grave, in which were two
skeletons, one of them with a knife in its
Foet Woeth, TE3C, June 23, A well
known professional gentleman, returned to
this city to-day and related the following
remarkable story:
"On what is known as the Biver road, and
about three miles from town, stands a dilap
idated old house, the history of which no
one knows, but it dates back to the time
when this was but a frontier military post.
Within a few rods of the deserted house lies
a grave, on which not a sprig of grass
grows, although the ground about is over
run with vegetation. But at the head a
rose bush until lately spread its untrlmmed,
uncared-for branches.
These branches, summer nnd winter, were
covered with roses of such a burning, vivid
red as to even offend by their raw, unshaded
color.' These roses, on being plucked, faded
and fell to pieces almost instantaneously.
I am an enthusiast about roses, devoting
much time to the culture of them, and am
thoroughly acquainted' With all varieties.
But the one growing on that nameless grave
was unknown to me, and although I have
tried again and again to grow it from cut
tings, nave never succeeded.
"After planting, the sprig would invaria
bly be fonnd dead the following morning,
and blackened with a dull, smqoty stain,
which was not to be explained-by anv pecu
liarity of soil, or atmospheric influences.
But the most singular thing in connection
with these flowers was not discovered by me
until a few days ago. 'I had occasion to
drive out on tbe Biver road early one morn
ing, and as I passed the grave the unnatural
crimson hue of the roses struck me more
forcibly than ever. They hung heavy and
full, with the dew dripping from their
large, curved petals. Fascinated by their
strange beauty, I dismounted and took one
of them in my hand without plucking it.
'xne moisture shaken irom it fell upon my
fingers, and, to my great wonder, I saw it
was a thick, viscid fluid that resembled
fresh blood too much to be pleasant In
voluntarily I carried my hand to my nose,
and the sickly, fleshly odor of new-drawn
blocd was unmistakable. I shook the hor
rid drops from my hand, and saw that they
were thickly exuding from all the roses and
dripping heavily to the grave beneath as if
from a fresh, gaping wound. I took my
knife and made an incision in the main
stem and the blood-like sap oozed freely
out Struck by what I deemed only
I cut a good sized branch from the bush
and shook the roses over my handkerchief
to catch the crimson dew. The branch
withered In my band in a very few moments,
the sap becoming so foul with an odor of an
imal corruption as to be unbearable, so I
was obliged to throw it away, bat I carried
the stained handkerchief to a prominent
physician of this city, who is also a fine
chemist, and asked him to determine the
nature of the fluid. I told him ail I knew
concerning the roses and was, of course, be
lieved! by him, but upon calling for tho
handkerchief the next morning was accused
by tbe doctor of trying to hoax him.
"What made you tell me that cock-and-bull
story about that rose bush? Why.man,
you knew it was blood on that handker
chief. My microscope revealed it at once,
although there is a something nbout it I
cannot understand in the least a corruption
and yet a life. However, it is only blood,
and liuman blood at that.
"I assured him that I had only told him
the truth about the rosebush on that lonely
grave, extraordinary as that truth might
seem. On hearing this, he hurried me off
to the spot.
"It was still early enough for the dew to
yet remain on the grass, and the roses to be
heavy with that horrible moisture. The
doctor examined it closely and came to the
same conclnsion that I had, that some deed
of blood was thus revealed, and that the
victim of the deed slept in the gravp be
neath. This we believed, although both ot
us had hitherto been even scoffers of all be
lief in supernatural occurrences. We re
turned to town; and procured a couple of
men to aid us in opening the grave, which
we did at once.
Judging by the absence of remains of
wood, or metal without coffin, and beneath
a shallow covering of earth, lay two skele
tons. One that ot a woman ayonngone,
the doctor said and the other that of a few
months' old child. A long tapering knife,
such as a Mexican bravado carries, pierced
tho temples of tbe infant, end from its po
sition must have pinned it to the bosom of
the mother. No clew was found as to race,
name, or aught else, so we reinterred the
pitiiul remains, and burned that bleeding
bush. I cannot explain its bloody sap from
any natural standpoint."
What Archbishop Ryan Bars of tbe Socletr
and Its Members.
BALTIM0BE, June 23. Archbishop
Bvan, when asked his opinion of the Clan-na-Gael,
''Our Divine Lord himself has laid down
the rule that everyone that doeth evil
hateth the light, and he that doeth truth
cometh to the light that his work
may be made manifest. When asso
ciations of this kind veil themselves
in secrecy and darkness the presump
tion is against them, and it rests with them
to prove that there is nothing evil in their
societies. If a society works or plots against
any lawful authority hen to be a member
of it is to be excluded from the Catholic
Church. No Catholic can conscientiously
ioin or "continue in a body in which he
mows that these features exist
"If any society obligation be such as to
bind its members to secrecy, even when
rightly questioned by competent authority,
then such society puts itself outside of the
limits of approval, and no man can ben
member of it and at the same time be ad
mitted to the sacraments of the Catholic
Church. What I have said refers to the
Clan-pa-Gael and any society where secrecy
is entertained."
A Healthy Climate.
From the New York Weekly.
Easterner Is Nebraska a healthy State?
Nebraska Man Healthyl Well, sir,
there's an old man in Omaha named Wil
liam Shakespeare, and I'm hanged ifl don't
believe he's the original.
On a Perfoet Equality.
Harper's Bazar.
Fond Father You want my daughter,
eh? Have you any prospectsT
Suitor No,' sir.
Fond Father Nor has she. Take her
and be happy.
Bat It Looks ns Though tho Wrong Man
Was Palled for the C'ronln Murder
This Time The Story Told
br Brooks Does Not
Hold Together.
Chicago, June 23. The capture of
Cooney, the Cronin suspect, was reported
to-night at Frankfort, Ind. Chief of Police
Hubbard received a telegram saying that a
prisoner who has been arrested for burglary
answers to Cooney's description. Lieuten
ant Schmettler made preparations at a late
hour to-night to take the first train to
Frankfort. A special dispatch from Frank
fort says, however, that the correspondent
has seen the man arrested, that the officers
are mistaken, and that the fellow is not
Cooney at all
George Brooks, tbe newsagent who claims
to have seen three men carrying a trunk
from the Carlson cottage and afterward wit
nessed the trio dump the contents of the
trunk into a sewer, is not apparently being
borne out in his statements. Brooks said
he was on Thirty-seventh street in Lake-
view when he. met the men, but there is no
such named thoroughfare in Lakeview.
The driver of the mysterious wagon convey
ing the trunk was inasked, so says Brooks'
story, as published. A sudden jolt dis
placed the mask just in time to enable
Brooks and his lady companion to obtain a
good view of the driver's face. None of the
other persons who met the wagon and the
three men that night have ever made any
mention of a mask.
Brooks declares that a picture of Michael
Cooney is an exact representation of one of
the three men. Mrs. Jennie K. Fletcher, of
Fort Wayne, Ind., whom Brnoks describes
as a cousin of his, is named by him as the
lady who with, him saw the supposed mur
derers of Cronin. A special irom Fort
Wayne says:
Mrs. Jennie E. Fletcher is a, middle-aged
married lady who has resided in this city for
years. She emphatically denies the Brooks
story, and is indignant that ber name is coupled
with such a matter. She says George Brooks'
stepmother is ber niece. She nas not seen
Brooks for years. She has not been in Chicago
for 12 years,
Imprisoned for Months for Wont of Security
In n Civil Suit.
-Philadelphia, June 23: "This law is
a relic of barbarism!" exclaimed Lawyer
Thomas A. Fahy recently in Judge Alli
son's court, and he proceeded to show the
absurd injustice of tne enactment which
compels defendants in certain civil cases to
enter bail for their appearance at trial, in
default of which ihey must be committed to
prison to await such trial.
The misfortunes of an old Irish woman,
Bridget Boache, led to the case in court
She used to peddle apples, and last winter
some of her clothing was stolen, and she,
suspecting George Plarr, had him arrested.
For want of evidence the jury acquitted
him, but Plarr, in a revengeful mood,
brought suit against the woman iordamages,
and she waS arrested upon a capias. She
had bail for a short time, but ever since
March 1 she has been in jail awaiting a
trial, which will probably not take place
until next spring.
Lawyer Fahy took pity on her and
brought the case into court For many
years this antiquated law, which works as
imprisonment tor debt, has stood on the
statute book. Mr. Fahy argued that when
his client's trial came off there was every
probability that no case would be made
against her. Judge Allison took the same
view of the question and ordered the woman
released immediately.
Not nn Improvement.
New York Weekly. J
Eastern Housekeeper Do you have any
difficulty in keeping good girls in the
Western Housekeeper (from a natural gas
town) Great difficulty. Every "once in a
while a girl lets the 'gas run too long before
lighting it, nnd. we have to look about for a
new girl. 'No' Use looking for the did one.
For Western Fenn-
i tylvania, West Ftr-
flinta and Ohio, fair,
warmer; variable
PnTsnBRa, June 23, 1839.
The United States Signal Henrico officer In
this city lurnlshcs the following.
8:00 A. V
12:00 A. H
1:00 r. M ,
2.00P. M,...
:00P. M.........
' Klver at i r.
.Mean temp 64
Maximum temn.... 73
Minimum temp.... K
Kanee 18
Precipitation 00
M., 8.5, a fall of 0.9 feet In 24
Cincinnati Tnkes a Little Jnmp and Gets
Above Pittsburg.
BOSTOK, June 23. The following table,
compiled from dispatches to the Post from
the managers of the Clearing Houses in
the cities named, shows-the gross exchanges
for the week ended June 22, 1889, with rates
per cent of increase or decrease, as com
pared with the amounts for the correspond
ing week in 1888:
' Inc. Dee.
New York...., ?ra.7C2,S3S 11.2 ....
lloston , , 87,7118.662 35.7
Philadelphia 77.4X.2M 11.4
ChlcaKO G4.I67.CC0 7.2 ....
St. Louis :i.Mi.ira so.o ....
Dan Francisco 1 8, n70. f73 25.0 ....
lUltlmorc 11,593,911 9.5 ....
Cincinnati 11,921.910 70.7 ....
Pittsburg- 11,3GD.T73 3.2 ....
Louisville 6,tM,U 20,9 ....
Kansas CHV. 8.8H.H9 3.8 ....
Sew Orleans 6,2fil.e02 21.5 ....
Providence -. 4.920,100 14.2 ....
Milwaukee 4.157,000 25.9
St-Paul 3,77T,S77 7.9
Omana VOT.3II 32.4 ....
Denver 3,lj0,wi0 3.7 ....
Detroit 4,!3.632 8.3 ....
MlnnciDotlj 3.M-&02G 11.0
Cleveland 4.C51.78-1 27.2
IndlananoUs J.K7.9D 2U.2
St. Joseph.. t,-3M,5M 8.7 ....
Commons 2.2SI.500 3.S ....
Hartford..:..: .-. I,7nsi2 14.5 ....
Memphis..... 1,636.1199 J5.7 ....
reirllaven 1,004,405 7.6 ....
Peoria. 1,305,804 22.8 ....
Fort Worth.. i 871'J6 84.1
Snnnirfleld- 1,197,439 5.4 ....
ftlchlta 693.299 3.9 ....
Oalveston 71LT31 4i(T ....
Worcester 1,031,974 1.3
Lowell 720.1W 20.4
Syracuse 72S.C00) 7.3 ....
Worrolk ......- SS7,3S 5.6
Grand Kaplan... 556,619 . ....
Topeka 30,530 27.4 ....
Tacomat S1,949
Total t .....11,144,611.187 30.6
OnUlde Hew Von 383,868,331 20.1 ....
tot Included In totals; no Clearing House at
this time last year, t
Biver Telegrams.
BEOWXSVIX1.S River 7 feet 9 inches and
falling. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 72 at
i P.M.
MoROANTOWW Klver 6 feet 4 inches and
falling. Weather clear. Thermometer 75 at
i P.M.
WAERKT-Kirer 4 and 1-10 feet and falling.
Weather clear and pleasant.
Struck the Hearts of New Jersej
Prohibitionists When They Saw
Although Disappointed, They Say They Are
Not Discouraged, and
Eien Though the Fight be an Uphill One and Impossi.
hie to Win.
A chill has struck to the hearts of New
Jersey Prohibitionists. Before the election
of Tuesday in Pennsylvania they had hopes
of carrying their Stateiat the comingGuber
natorial campaign. They are not so san
guine now. Although claiming not- to be
discouraged, they admit they are disap
pointed by the vote of Pennsylvania.
Newark, N. J., Jane 23. The over
whelming defeat of prohibition in Pennsyl
vania has struck a chill to the hearts of the
third party people of New Jersey, many of
whom fear that it will have a depressing
effect in the combat which they are prepar
ing to wage this fall with their old enemies,
the Republicans and Democrats. Even be
fore the election it had been definitely de
cided that there should be no coalition be
tween tbe Bepublicans and Prohibitionists,
of which there had been some talk, and it is
now more than ever certain that the cold
water people mnst go it alone.
It is a peculiarity of the Prohibition party
of New Jersey Aat Democrats constitute a
large part probably a half of it. Many
of the Democratic farmers of Monmouth,
Sussex, Warren, Hunterdon and other agri
cultural counties are strong Prohibitionists,
but when they beard that it was proposed to
bide tnto POWER
on the shoulders of the Bepublicans they
lifted up a voice of protest that quickly put
an end to the scheme. The Bepublicans
have also shown a disinclination to snch a
deal, and, believing that the Prohibition
ists can show no such strength as they did
three years ago, when tbey polled 19.000
votes lor General Clinton B. Fisk for Gov
ernor, they prefer to make the fight alone
against ex-Governor Abbett, who will in all
probability lead the host of the Democracy.
The Prohibitionists themselves do not ex
pect to cast so many votes this year as in
1886, the fifures for which indicate the high
water mark of their strength.
The Temperance Gazette, of Camden, tha
State organ of the New Jersey Prohibition
ists, in its last issue thus defined the posi
tion of the third party:
The Prohibitionists in this State are again
called to face the liquor forces, their allies and
sympathizers. In another political battle. Tha
lines between tho political foice are clearly
drawn and established. As Prohibitionists wo
have nothing to hope for from either of these
parties (Republican and Democratic) as all tho
rumsellers are in them as mime factor?. The
only alternative left to Prohibitionists is to
rally again with unfaltering faith and immov
able purpose to advance our voting column.
All who favor prohibition must unite with us
if they expect to advance their principles, as
no other political party has committed itself to
prohibition. ,
"We have been surprised at the size of
the majority in Pennsylvania," said G. J.
B. Graw, one of the publishers of tha
fjazeMe,yesterday, "but we have not been
discouraged. We are'fijrhtmgfora principle,
and are stronger than the anti-slavery men
were at the comparative period ot their
history. I thought that Pennsvlvania
might give a majority of 80,000 or 90,000
against prohibition, bnt not snch a majority
as she has given. Still, I don't think that
it will have much effect on New Jersey's
H. B. Howell, one of the leading Pro
hibitionists ot Trenton, frankly admitted
that he had been disappointed by Pennsyl
vania's vote, but, like Mr. Graw, he held
that nrohibition was a matter of principle,
and all should stand by the party regardless
of its defeats.
The State Convention for the Prohibition
ists has been called for July 18 at Asbury
Park, when it is expected that nearly 1,000
delegates will be present. George Lamon,
of Somerset county, has been mentioned as
an available candidate for Governor, and
there is no doubt that the action of the con
vention will be taken without reference to
the Republicans. The latter are at a los3
for a candidate, as all the old leaders hava
refused to accept a nomination. In this
predicament either General E. Burd Grubb
orForster 51. Voorhees, the Republican
leaders in the Assemblv, stand the best
chance of being named. Voorhees is a young
man, about 33 years o!d,and it is not thought
that he would be a strong candidate.
The Prohibitionists will aim their attacks
principally at the Democrats for their re
peal of the local option bill and passage of
the'Werts bill. The Democrats arc not dis
turbcd; however. They have made heavy
gains in Essex county, the former Bepnb
lican stronghold, where the Germans bare
been driven out of the Republican party by
its attitude on temperance questions, and
no doubt is entertained of the success at the
polls of ex-Governor Abbett or whoever else
the Democrats may pnt np.
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