HEKB 'vmrw y , 16 THE "PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, SUNDAY JOTE 28, -1889; - fi f V - V ASTRONOMY FOR ALL. A Simple Method of Identifying the Stars and Constellations. IT IS NOT SO BARD AS IT LOOKS. ome Plain Directions That Gire the deeded Information. A POFULAB BETIEW OP THE HEAYENS nrEimat ran rax dispatch." It is the purpose of this article, and of articles to follow, to systematically go oyer the entire starry heavens, describing in a popular -way the principal objects of inter est, and furnishing to the general reader a means of easily and certainly identitying the larger stars and more important constel lations. The method used will be that of identifying objects on the meridian. A person who looks at the stars only occasion ally, and does not understand clearly the motion of the celestial sphere, is likely to become confused, and think the motions of the stars are erratic This is not so, however. The relative po sitions of the so-called "fixed" star vary only after long ages. By "fixed stars" is meant simply a star proper, and not a planet "When the term "fixed" was origi nally applied to stars, it was thought that the stars had no motion of their own. Since then it has been found by the comparison of accurate observations, separated by long in tervals, that each star has a proper motion of its own; these motions, however, are in appreciable to the unassisted eye. ALL THAT IS 2TECESSABV. To undesrtand clearly the apparent daily and annual motions of the stars, it is stm plv necessary for the observer to conceive all the stars set immovably on the inside of a vast hollow sphere, and himself sta tioned on terra firma in the middle of this sphere. Now let him imagine an axis to the sphere, passing through his position and making, for our latitude, an angle of abont 40 with the horizontal, and extending north and south. This is then the axis of the celestial sphere, about which it revolves, the in dividual stars always preserving the same relative positions with respect to each other. Very near the north end of this axis (the south end is, of course, below the horizon) is a star of the second magnitudewhich it is important for the observer to be familiar with. This is the star Polaris, commonly called the Pole star, and, on account of its proximity to the pole, (it is only 1 17 distant from the true north pole of the heavens) it always remains in almost the same position, and may be taken to repre sent the pole. i To find this star, let the observer look di rectly north, and about 40 above the hori zon he will see a rather bright star. It is pointed to by two stars in the bowl of the dipper. HOW THEY MOVE. The whole explanation of the motion of the stars is, then, simply this: The entire celestial sphere revolves about an axis marked at one end by the pole star, once in 23 hours 66 minutes 4.09 seconds, or approx imated in four minutes less than a day. A little watching of the motion of the stars from hour to nour on a clear night will show that tbey all move in concontrio cir cles, having their centers near the pole star. that those in the far south describe but small arcs above the horizon; those rising in the east are about .half way from the hor izon to the zenith when due south, and that those rising in the northeast pass near the zenith and set in the northwest, while some still nearer the pole never rise nor set; but simply circle around tho pole in larger or smaller circles, according to their distance from it. It is necessary for the observer to be familiar with the North Pole of the celestial sphere; he must also Hare firmly fixed in his mind the celestial meridian. This is a great circle passing through the north point, the celestial pole, the zenith (point just overhead) and the south point It cor responds to the terrestrial meridian of the observer's location, just as the celestial pole lies in the prolongation of the earth's axis. Across this celestial meridian every star passes twice each revolution, once above the pole, and once below; it is only with the upper crossing, transit, or culmination, that we shall have to do. Each star culminates at a certain time each day, and at a certaiu altitude above the horizon, so that to identify anv particular star all we have to do is to find out these two things and then look at the proper time for the star on the meridian at the proper altitude, and this is the method which will be pursued in this series for identifying the stars and constella tions. SOME DIRECTIONS. It will be convenient to have the meridian marked out, and to have some means of knowing at what part of the meridian a given object is to be seen. For this purpose the appended diagram is furnished. A semi-circular piece of wood, about two leet in diameter, is to be laid off according to the diagram. It need not necessarily be semi-circular, all that is required being that it have the semi-oircle drawn on it and the degrees, etc, indicated as in the dia gram. It is then to be fastened to a convenient place a post, for example in inch a posi tion that the lino N. 8. wjll extend in a north and south direction, and the lineZ. 0. will be vertical. The line C. P. will point to the pole, or approximately to the pole star, and the line C. E. to the celestial-equator, or equinoctial. Astronomers; reckon stars as so many degrees north or south of the equinoctial, this distance being called north or south deolination. It wljl be ad. vantageous to drivo in a light nail at the point C. and one at every fifth or tenth de gree, over which to sight to a star. The above scheme may seem a little com plex, but it is really very simple, and a great help. Of course it can be done without, butit will be found very convenient. The first object to'which we shall direct attention is the first magnitude star, Arcturns. The declination of this star is 20 north, and it crosses the meridian at 821 F. M. on June 23. As the celestial sphere completes a revolution in four minutes less than a day, on June 21, it will transit four minutes earlier, or at 8:17, and thus the time of any succeeding transit of the star may be calcu lated. FINDING THE ALTITUDE. If we wish to know the altitude of any star when on the meridian, we have simply to bear in mind that the equinoctial, from which declinations are reckoned, is elevated 49 S3' above the south point, and that a north declination will place a star above it, and a south declination below it; so, we have the following rule: If the star's de clination is north, add it to 49 33', if south, subtract it from 49 33'. The result is the el vation of the star above the southern horizon. In the case of Arcturus, it is 70, This means seven-ninths of the way from the south point to the zenith, as the whole distance is 90 or a quarter-circle. Ten degrees northeast of Arcturus is a third magnitude star, and farther on are two more stars each about 10 from this last star, the four forming a large letter Y, Arcturus being at the base. This quartet is "Arcturus with his sons," mentioned in Job xxxviii., 32. The southernmost star at the top of theY is Alpha Coroure, and is situ ated in a semi-circle of about half a dozen stars whioh form the constellation known as the Northern Grown. Next Jet uifind the constellation Libra, the Spates, one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac. It has only two stars of any size, Alpha and Beta. Alpha orosses the meridian on June 23 at 8-54, and has a declination of 15 sonth, corresponding to an altitude of 34; Beta will be found about 10 northeast of Alpha. These two stars, each of aboat the second magnitude, are the principal stars by which Libra Is identified. AN INTERESTING POINT. The head of the Serpent may be identified by the third magnitude starBeta, which tran sits at 9:50 on June 23, at an altitude above the horizon of about 65, its declination be ing about 16 north. Jnst east and north of this star will be seen fonr others, somewhat fainter, the five formjng an irregular X, about 5 high; this is the Serpent's head, To trace out his body we look southwest about 5, where we sea.au irregular row of three stars, and still further, about 20"dl reetlv south of the star we first identified is another star; these, with a single star about 35 to the east, form the Serpent. There U some slight sense in calling such a colleotion of stars by the name of serpent, a great deal more than there is in calling some star groups by the patnes the ancients invented tor them, as we shall see later on. Our first hour with stars has had to be a brief one, but a more interesting list maybe promised for next time. Bert. E. V. Lttiy. Fresh Arrival. Just received from the Anheuser-Busch St. Louis brewery, a large Bupply of their celebrated Budweiser beer, in both quart3 and pints. For sale at O. W. Schmidt's, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city. pp& -BKuMSSiKKSStf SEJiK8l,3 WiMTS8iS$y'""SSMwm-r. truppiiwIH a Vftv kx v h mpi wRs-iSmm HSS Wnsv -wB&iSlv fittHBEBiW vtffiwu Nl i &&IB ttfitfuM .m Kiwo .iMiinM'' ttwNHRSP' jbei n 4 nn j.hks. .'mii V.flcAl tWH M H a teigkr'lii AT.niB-fi. A u" medicine is mm. mmm.mKmmmmm wua-BM for Weak Sfomacli Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. AMUSEMENTS. RECREATION PARK, Boquet street and AUechenj",a venae, Allegheny basetIall. WASHINGTON VS. ALLEGHENY, Monday. June 2t; Tnesday, June 25; Wednes day, June 26; Thursday, Juno 27. PHILADELPHIA VS,- ALLEGHENY, Friday, June 28; Saturday, June 29. Game at 4 p. ir, Train at 3 10, je2354 STJNPAY KXCURSIONS-. STEAMER MAYFLOWER, FOR SHINOISS PABK.1 Leaving wharf boat, foot of Wood St.. 10 A. H., 12 M., 2 P. 3L, 4 P.M. and 6 P.M. je22-8i Round Trip, 25e. HARR AMUSEMENTS. iHAND PROMENADE CONCERT. V5T PiTen b toe employes of tba Penn In cline Plane Co.. at Penn Incline HalL on WEDNESDAY EVENING, Juno 28, lggg. The entire proceeds to go to Johnstown suffer ers. Mnsic by Mozart Orchestra. CoL Joa Christy. Prompter. Danclngrom 8.30 to L All kinds of refreshments served In the hall. Large balconies for promenade. Admission W cents. Persons wanting tickets call on CHA8. G.'BROWN, GeneralManager Penn Incline Co. je22-29 EYERY THURSDAY NIGHT! Grand summer night receptions, given by the Imperial Club at Imperial Hall, corner Sev enth avenue and New Grant street. Mnsic by the Mozart and Royal Italian Orchestras. Ad mission 50c. "These receptions are well attended and are much pleasanter and less expensive than picnics." , je2W7 IS' -CTH EATERS COMMENCING MONDAY, JUNE 24. repared only by TH0S.BEECHAM, St.Helens,Iancashire.EngIana. B. F. ALLEN & CO., Sole Agents FOB UIVITEO STATES, 305 & 307 CANA& (ST., NEW YOEH, Who (if your druggist does not keep them) will mail Beecham's Pills on receipt of priceK inquire first. (Please mention this paper.) Last Week of the Engagement of the Popular Young Actor, jN" S WDDT) Appearing for the first time In Pittsburg in hi - ' ps mr mmar J MQUJituuuiu uuiUOli AIHU13. ' Adrift in New York, T&a&Su'VAK, THE NEWSBOY," 4. familiar New York character around the dock, where he has saved over thirty human belna from drowning, It is a play FOUNDED ON FACTS. Act L Dan's Noble Rescue. Act If, The Riyer Pirates. Act IIL Dan's Home. Act IV. The Great Sapper Scene. Act V. The Millionaire's Home. THE ATMOSPHERE AT THIS THEATER IS ALWAYS COOL. Next Week "THE TICKET OF LEAVE MAN." JeZMS e A GIANT &A I I liB TH FOLLOWING TUGRAPH. DISPATCH WIU. EXPLAIN ITSlFi A Picnic Economical Housekeepers 1,000 yards 36-inch Glendale Muslin, 4Jc a yard. 1.000 yards 36-inch Fruit of the Loom, l$c a yard. 10,000 yards 36-inch Unbleached Mnslin at 4c, 5e and 6Jc 1,000 yards Utica Brand, 9-4 wide, 22c; 10-4, 24c a yard. 1,000 yards Pepperel, 8-4, 17c; 9-4, 19c; 10-4, 21c per yard. 1,000 yards Lockwood.8-4, 18c; 9-4, 20c; 10-4, 22c per yard. Our Orders Are to "Turn All Goods Into Ready Cash Without Be lay: No Matter Wliat the Loss May Be." Crochet Bed Spreads. 800 10 4 Crochet Bed Spreads, sale price, 69c and G9c. 600 11-4 Crochet Bed Spreads, sale price, 85c and 99c Higher Grades Seduced in Same Proportion. 500 extra fine 11-4 Marseilles Bed Spreads, sale price, 1 49 and 51 99. 300 very fine Imported White Marseilles Bed Spreads, sale price, 53 25 and 3 75. Higher Grades Also Reduced in Same Ratio. All Chenille Portieres. 200 Pairs Elegant Chenille Port'eres, sale price, 56 50 and 57 99 a pair. 100 Pairs extra large Chenille Portieres, sale price, 58 96 a pair. 50 Pairs Tycoon Curtains, 3 yards long, !ale price, 50c a pair. Curtain Scrim Just About Half Cost. 200 pieces Curtain Scrim, sale price, 7c and 8Jc a yard. Nottingham Lace for Curtains, sale price, 9c a yard. Nottingham Lace for Curtains, sale price, 13c a yard. Other Grades in Same Proportion. 30 pieces Embroidered Swiss for Sash Curtains, sale price, 22c a yard. CO pieces Embroidered Swiss for Sash Curtains, sale price, 39c a yard. Laces and Flouncings. One lot of 27-inch Oriental Lnces, sale price, 15c a yard. How is this; 40-inch Oriental Laces, sale price, 25c a yard. One lot of 43-inch Oriental Laces, sale price, 43c a yard. Narrow widths to match at correspondingly low prices.- Black Lace Flouncings and Drapery Nets at proportionately low prices. Woes (to. t. .-S222 WSSS' ," " TO Coniuinv TK.VNSAnTS and Hi ll 11 nlilnii it c'livwr ot Uorepeate ASAMDdin? itu- nfs.-uice. "" 5l!?... HMtRPHATm m-rss V fcOLttJUV 15 T EUKfcKT. ueneru D EUiv tiBAmessees onVo uz -" a mesaEe rack d MeaAicoa. JlerondJaa ; A0E. uxNg deXvered 07 MfiAiT. tjmnn fiKFH mprj flffyfftnt rsmcsx of t&a Mcaan under tba 0D&fiCE& Mftwi abam.v.-'1 ROEVTN GREEN. President. " ' - - -t t-jf nnoimi ftoprw e. .j-I'i f .NCilBtpr t BLhT 8T I BECD Bt -p S- OTK,' - x . t. -. ( 1 SfSftlved &V. &AAy 'xSU ...' "?jUzl7 v7 AZ W A tC., ir - jf a-HS5- " ls1-fW tc J 'W-efajss jrJ v - A. 'Sr' 1 I 'Mte-UJjtviA &pj sSECZ-q n C L r YSfc?- MM & l0Lst- C- ' ' jr &4AS-'' Z-' ujUccfAe 2leo J&su- "sUJ, &JUjLjdmt- (SuuZCL 1 X T -TIl---Y", Black Goods, Away Down in Prices.. 50 pieces Black Cashmere Twill, double width, sale price, 25c a yard. 60 pieces Black Cashmere, very wide, sale price, 34c a yard. 50 pieces 47-inch Black Henrietta Guillauinet dye, sale price, 69o a yard. 40 pieces First-Class Black ilohair Lustre, sale price, 25c a yard. - r 60 pieces Choice Black Silk Grenadine, plain ana figured, sale price, 75c a yard. v Colored Dress Goods. STARTLING VALVES. 100 pieces Colored Cashmere Twills, grays and browns only, sale price, 9c a yard. 75 pieces double width English Suiting, sale price, 15c a yard. 125 pieces Colored Henriettas, double width, popular colors, sale price, 25c a yard. 75 pieces Illuminated Silk Mixtures, new shades, sale price, 35c a yard. 150 pieces Scotch Suitings, verv effective styles, sale price, 35c 100 pieces all-wool Cashmeres, elegant colors, excellent value, sale price, 47c 200 pieces Fine Challis, all new designs, sale price, 15c a yard. 100 pieces Fine Challis, popular styles, sale price, 5c a yard. Wash Dress Goods. 500 pieces elegant Satines, light and dark shades, sale price, 6Jc a yard. 300 pieces choice Satines, beautiful styles, sale price, 12c a yard. 100 pieces French Satines, Persian designs, exclusive styles, sale price, 20c a yard. 200 pieces Fancy Ginghams, 5c a yard, 500 pieces Pure Indigo Prints, best make in the world, sale price, 6Jo a yard. ouu pieces uoioreu iiawns, sale price, 6,a a yard iuu pieces .Blazer striped Skirtings, sale &&2&u Ivi Lu f r w price, 7c a yard. White Goods. DANZGER & NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUT. 230 pieces French Plaid Nainsook Mnslin, sale price, 8Jc and 12Jfc a yard. 51 pieces French Lace Stripes, sale price, 17c and 25c a yard. Higher Grades at Greatly Reduced Prices. Ladies and Misses' Jerseys. 100 Misses' Jerseys, colored and black, sale price, 49c. 100 Misses' Jerseys, colored and black, sale price, 99c. 150 Ladies' Blouses, sale price, 99c. 130 Ladies' Flannel Blouses, sale price, SI 49. 200 Ladies' French Flannel Blouses, sale price. 51 99. 180 Imported Blouses, French and English styles, sale price, 52 74. 4 -a Will Assume the Management of this $139,000 Consignment Sale. Causes which we cannot control will force the Messrs. D. M. & Co. to make this appalling sacrifice. What the loss will be is of no consequence to you, that you can buy Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Goods, Lace Curtains, White Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Muslin Underwear, Jerseys, Wraps, Millinery, Summer Underwear, Furnishing Goods, Shirts, Corsets, etc., for the next ten days at less than the cost to manufacture, is the point that should electrify the purchasing element wherever this startling offer is known. AT 9 O'CLOCK MONDAY MORNING, .. .. . . ;j We throw our "doors open and invite the public to the Biggest Bargain Sale of the season. ' ;. , . ' 5 TIKE LOSS ILTOIsriE OP1 OTTIRS.. , f" ' SPECIAL AND IMPORTANT You'll find Every Item as Advertised. ... THESE PRICES WILL ATTRACT ENORMOUS CROWDS TO OUR BIG STORES. -ft Scotch and Irish Crash and Towels.) Ladies and Children's Underwear. 50 bales all Linen Scotch Crash, sale price 6c, 6c and lie 100 pieces checked Linen Crash, sale price, 8ea yard. 100 dozen -Pure Linen Towels, sale price, 6c and 9c. Other Grades Reduced in Proportion. 100 dozen Linen Damask Towels, large size, sale price, 20c each. TJiis is Everybody's Chance to Get Grand Bargains. Lace Curtains. Bargains tliat You Can't Afford to Pass By. Nottingham Lace Curtains, S yards lone, sale price, 69c and 75c a pair. Nottingham Lace Curtains, Zfi yards long, sale price, $1 89 a pair. Higher Grades Reduced in Same Proportion. Nottingham Lace Curtains, fine confined styles, 4 yards long, sale price, $i 50. Glassware Almost Given Away During this Giant Sale in our Basement. Parasols Almost Given Away. Handsome Fans that must be sacrificed, SO cents each. Tliese Prices Will Create a Great Excitement in Our Dry Goods Sections. 50 pieces Heavy Gros Grain Silk, fall width, pure Silk, price 45c a yard. 100 pieces Heavy Super Extra Black Gros Grain, full round cord, sale price, 56c a yd. 100 pieces Pure Silk, Solored Faille Francaise, choice colorings, sale price, 85c a yd. 100 pieces Pnre Silk Surahs, 45 shades, sale price, 44c. 50 pieces Cheney Bros. well-known China Silks, all new shades, sale price, 74c, 100 pieces India Silk, all new shades, sale price, 45c a yard. LADIES For Millinery Bargains, Muslin Underwear Bar gains, Apron Bargains, Jersey Bargains, take Elevator to Second Floor. Children's Bibbed Vests, sale price, 13c and 17c. Ladies' Swiss Bibbed Vests, sale price, 15c and 19c. Ladies' Balbrigean Vests, 15e and 25e. Boys' Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, sale price, 29e. Come and See tlie Startling Bargains in Men's Flannel, Top Shirts. $25,000 wortli Men's Furnishing Goods at prices never quoted by any other house in Pittsburg. Men's Underwear. Bargains That Will Create a Big Sale. Hen's Gauze Shirts and Drawers, sale price, 19c each. Hen's Fancy Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, sale price, 39c each. Hen's French Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, sale price, 40c each. Hen's Summer Bibbed Shirts and Drawers, sale price, 50c each. Other grades reduced in same proportion. Table Linens. 100 pieces 58-inch Cream Table Damask, sale price, 35c a yard. 100 pieces 58-inch Cream Table Damask, sale price, 49c a yard. Higher Grades Equally Reduced. 160 pieces 58-inch Bleached Table Damask, all linen, sale price, 39c and 49c a yard. Other Grades Reduced in Same Proportion. 63 pieces 58-inch Turkey Bed Damask, sale price, 35c and 45c a yard. Chenille Table Covers. 150 4-4 Chenille Table Covers, sale price, 99c each. 180 6-4 Chenille Table Covers, sale price, 51 99 each. 2,000 Tapestry Table Covers, 4-4 ior 39c; 6-4 for 75c; 8-4, elegant styles, 51 25. Dress Trimmings and Buttons Almost Given Axoay. 93 6-inch Silk Ornaments, with Pendants, all colors, sale price, 23o each. 94 7-inch Silk Ornaments, with Pendants, sale price, 50c each. 83 pieces Colored Silk Ornament Gimps, sale price 88c a yard. 50 pieces Embroidered Persian Bauds, sale price, 99c, worth $2. 30 pieces Embroidered Persian Bands, sale price, 51 24, worth 53. 39 pieces Applique Trimming, sale price 52, worth 4 SO. 100 "Waist Sets, sale price 24c a set 150 "Waist Sets, very elegant, sale price 51 per set. . Buttons at 25 per cent on the dollar. Ribbons ! Ribbons'! - Ladies Visit Our Second Floor. 50 pieces elegant Sash Bibbons, sale price, 39c a yard. 50 pieces Honiton Sash Bibbons, sale price 25 a yard. Ten Thousand Dollars Worth of Other Ribbons in Same Propor tion. 10,000 Elegant Curtain Ends at 25c. Ladies' Jackets. r- Hosiery At Less Than Cost of Production. 185 dozen Ladies' Striped Hose, sale price, 9c a pair. 169 dozen Ladies' full regular-made Balbriggan Hose, sale price, llo a pair. jw uozen xtaaies lasvoiacK nose, saie price. 1'Jc a pair. pair. Lot Pure Silk Hose, a grand bargain, sale price 75c a pair, 60 dozen Hen's full regular-made Socks, French grays am grays and stripes, sale price, 12c a Lot of Hen's Balbriggan and Striped Socks, sale price 19c a pair. DANZIGER & SHOENBERG, THE LIVELIEST HOUSE IN TOWH, 300 all-wool Stockinette Jackets, sale price, 51 60. 250 all-wool Tailor-made, sale price, 52 99. 190 all-wool Fine Cloth, perfect fit, sale price, S3 99. Ladies' Beaded Wraps. 180 beautifully jetted "Wraps, sale price, 52 49 and S3 49. Yonng Ladies' Jackets. 1,000 at Your Own Price. Children's Beefers, all-wool, pretty colors, sailor collars, sale price, 51 49. High Grades Reduced in Same Proportion. ' " Eid and Silk Gloves and Mitts. Ladies' Black and Colored Silc Mitts, sale price, 19c a pair. Ladies' Black and Colored Silk Hitts, sale price, 24c a pair. Higher Grades Reduced in Same Ratio. Children's Silk Hitts, sale price, 12c and 24o a pair. Ladies' Plain Silk Gloves, sale price, 50c a pair. Ladies' Sick Taffeta Gloves, sale price 19c a pair. Children's Silk Gloves, sale price, 25c a pair. Ladies' Colored Kid Gloves, sale price, 47 and 59c a pair. Ladies' see what 24 centswill do for youin Our Big Heioelry Bepart ment during this wonderful sale. 2,800 pairs of fine Imported Corsets, choice of the lot during this remarkable sale at 50 cents each. Our Grand Housefurnishing Department in the Basement wilt hold out extraordinary bargains during this great sale. t REMEMBER THIS GREAT SALE BEGINS MONDAY HORNING AT 9 0'Clock. DANZIGER & SHOENBERG 42,44,46, 48, 50,.52 SJXTH ST., ' , 538,. 540, 542 PENN AYENUE. ., Sixth St and Penn Ave.