llfflEU Jest Cases to be Shortly Be . gun by Several Damaged by the -Flood. MANY MILLIONS INVOLVED. Jolin Thomas & Sons, "Who 1 Lost $150,000, Vffl at Once Enter Suit AGAINST THE SPORTSMEN. If They ,Are Successful, Scores of Similar Suits Will Sure ly Follow. COMPEOMISES FOR 50 PERCENT. May, be Satisfactory to Most of Plaintiffs, trat That Would Hake the Sum Total the MT 1 CENT LESS 'THAU' 20,000,000 A movement is now on foot among the citizens of Johnstown to cue the South Pork Pishing Club for damages caused by the latejdisaster. The firm of. John. Thomas & f Son, who lost heavilv, will set the ball roll- fng'by bringing a suit for $150,0001 A strong legal fight wiir be made, and if the plaintiffs sncoeed their example will doubt less be followed by other business men. iFBOM A STAFr COKRESrONUEST.3 JOHSSTOWr, Jnne 22. "As soon as Horace Bose, attorney, recovers, we will take steps to bring a test suit for 5150,000 damages against the South Fork.Fishing Club," said W. B. Thomas, one of the firm of John Thomas & Son, this afternoon. "We were doing a business of $200, 000 before the disaster. "We lost the profit of 21 tenants in the flood, and a fertilizing mill ontside of our store stock, and altogether we place our loss at 5150,000. We will comcromise With the club for half that amount, bnt if rhey do that they will break their necks wd we don't expect any such move on their yart. p "Over 100 merchants in the town have offered to contribute 550 apiece to bact us tip in the test to be made. The merchants will hold a meeting in a few days to decide what course of action to pursue. The opin ion is prevalent that we ought to make the -first move, and Material AsslMance I Promised by everybody interested. The Cambria Iron Company will not sue because they held a few shares of stock, which they bought, I am told, for the purpose of know ing what the club was doing. The suit will "be entered in Cambria countyand the very best legal talent in the State will be em ployed. "We seem to thint we can make out a good case, and we propose to see what Can be done. Nothing will be started in a lurry and we believe our chances ol success pie good," The firm of John Thomas & Son is worth about 5500,000. They have lost heavily, and owing to their excellent standing in the community, the merchants naturally se lected them to make the fight The suit will be carefully prepared, and, if it stands, every man in Johnstown who lost a cent will come in for his share of damages. It Is surprising how determined and united the people are on this subject, and they are .earful lest some blunders in the legal pro ceedings should be made. Determined to Fight the Ctnb. ' Not many davs will elapse before some- -ting is done and the fishing clnb will find .they have a big fight on their hands. Some of the people think the entire town will compromise for 520,000,000. It is difficult to estimate what the actual losses will be. They are placed anywhere between $40,000, 000 and 550,000,000. Dr. "Wakefield, who is doing such heroic . work in Kernville, is very much interested in this snbject The doctor lost his home and library amounting to 56,000. In an in terview he said: "The people have talked all along of bringing damage suits against the club, and 4f they can secure the slightest hold they will do so. The citizens are bewildered, and don't enow whom to sue, and it is a question with some whether they can do anything with a limited corporation. The millionaires in the clnb ought to reimburse the losers to a certain extend withont any suits. If they would do the best they could I think.the people will be satisfied." A Verdict Anxionsly An-nttcd. . "Everybody is waiting for the Coroner's decision. The people will keep Dr. Evans Vtirred up until the verdict is rendered. Those who know best claim the South Fork club exceeded its charter rights. This fact Vill be determined by the bestlawyers, and If they have done so in the slightest degree, 'they will have to pay for it Colonel John P. Linton, in all probabil ity, will assist in the suit of John Thomas & Son, This firm has opened its store and resumed business. A carload of store goods was received from Pittsburg, but in the present condition of the town there are not many puyers. isuael. About CO citizens have subscribed 510 apiece for the purpose of suing the South Pork Pishing Club for damages. A paper is being circulated and there is not much trouble in securing signers. Israel. TEN THOUSAND TORE I0ST. finch Is the Estimate Made by the Physicians ofJohnstcOTn. Johnstowtt, June 22. All the local physicians met accidentally at the Bedford Street Hospital last night They repre sented all parts of the stricken city, and after discussing the calamity, all joined in, the conclusion that not a soul less than 10,000 people were lost in the flood. On account of the general knowledge of the people possessed by the "physicians, the estimate is looked upon as reliable. EXPERT TESTIMONY. Report of a Committee of the American Eo ginecrlna .Society on the Breaking of the Dam Farther Sur veys Necessary. rerrciAL txlegbam to tot dispatoi.i Seabkight, 2T. J., Jane 22. This was the second day's session of the thirty-seventh annual meeting of the American So ciety of Civil Engineers, which is being held at the Octagon House. The parlor of the hotel was crowded when Chairman Croes called the convention to order. George W. Eafler, of Bochester, read a paper on "The fresh water algae and theirrelation to the purity of pub lic water supplies." Desmond Fitzgerald, of Brookline, Mass., read an essay upon "Some maximum rainfalls in Boston." A. Fleley, the Chief Engineer of the Aqueduct Board of New York City, who was the Secretary of the Special Committee" appointed by the society to investigate the cause of the Johnstown tiam failure, made a verbal report He said the engineering press had shown great enterprise in going to the spot and taking views. Their accounts could be taken as accurate. The committee had visited the dam, and had taken a survey of it and its surroundings,, but it iound that no final report could be prepared until they had made extensive surveys of the reservoir and its watershed. There was no question that the rainfall at the time of the disaster was very heavy. This is shown by the fact that on the Juniata river, on the main line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, not less than 26 high iron Bridges, which had stood for many years, had been washed away. The question which remains to be investi gated is whether the flow of the Conemaugh river at the dam, although large, could have been foreseen or whether it was ot un precedented magnitude. This questioff was to be solved by the result of the surveys in which the committee was engaged, audits report would be given to the society as'soon as the committee reached its conclusions. ' THE LIST OP DEAD STILL GROWS. Twenty-one Bodies Recovered and Severn! of Them Identified. IFEOM A STAFF COIUIEEPODEXT.J Johnstown, June22.-Twenty-one'bodies were recovered to-day. Twenty were taken to the .Mill ville morgue, and one child was found in Kernville. The condition of the bodies was horrible beyond description. Still a few "were identified, as follows; The daughter of Jphn Hannon, 'Annie Len hart, James Martha, wife' and three children, Jacob Hamilton, Maggie P. Hippie. The balance are unknown. One was' a woman with acbild. She wore brilliant eardrops. Another body was supposed to be Hiss Lenton. An unknown man died at the hospital. "He had a check marked J. McK.,.jib.'l,698r - - -Israel. 0SE CEXT.A MONTH F.0R BEST. Such Will be the Charge for Site for the Portable tlonses. , -FROM A STAFF CORE.ESFONDKXT.1 Johnstowx, June 22. Dr. Lee, of the State Board of Health, sent Dr. Matthews to Cambria City this afternoon to select sites for the erection or portable houses in that neighborhood. Mr. 3f otbam trill lease Jots for this"pnrpose-at"l cent per month. Dr. Lee is anxious to .have the cellars of all available houses cleaned out There are a number of such houses in Kernville, bnt the tieadsof the families, in many instances, are employed in the mills, and can't do the work themselves. The doctor will not allow these houses to be occupied until the cellars are cleaned. " Israel. CUTTING DOWN THE F0ECE. Sir. Filnn Proposes lo T.ay Off 500 of His Men To-BIorrovr. rrnOJT A STAFF CORRESP03TDENT.t Johkstotvx, June 22. Philip Flinn on Monday will cut down his force of men 500. He relieves 15 timekeepers and 11 hoisting engines will be discontinned. This will leave 4 engines and a force of 500 men. All the contractors have been ordered to cut down their forces. Mr. Flinn thinks the men will be added again in a few days. Guy Deomies and two ot his Italian com patriots were lectured by General "Wiley this afternoon for creating discord among the workmen. He threatened to put them in jail and they promised to behave them selves. THE SOLDIERS WILL BE PAID. General Eastings Assnres the Boys That They Will Get What ! Dae. rFEOM A STAFF COBBESPOXDEXT.I Johsstowk, June22. General Hastings assured the boys of the Fourteenth Regi ment that they would be paid. The money will be paid next Saturday, if the men want it At the close of camp life here they will be furnished with new suits. The General told Colonel Perchment that the regiment could go into camp this sum mer if they so desired, or be would inspect them in the fall. This arrangement is per fectly satisfactory to the men. Isbael. Fifty Bnslness Houses Uecun. Johnstowtt, June 22. The Building Committee this morning commenced the construction of SO business houses on the public square. ETEN THE INDIANS KICK. Tho Nez Perces Protest Apnlnst Their Re cently Appointed Agent. "WASHiKGTOir, Jnne 22. James Ben bens, a ixez Perces Indian from Omaha, called on Secretary Xoble and Acting In dian Commissioner' Betts to-day, and warmly protested, in the name of his tribe, against the retention in office of Charles F. Monteith, aS.agent for his peo ple. Mr. Monteith was the agent for the l!ez Perces during the four years imme diately prior to 1886, when he was suc ceeded by George W. Norris. His present appointment was made since the incoming of the present administration. Benbens represented that dnriug Monteitn's former term he had forfeited the respect and good will of the tribe by repeated acts of crnelty, and on many occasions he had demonstrated the fact that he bad no in terest whatever in the welfare of the Andians. lie said that He was a man totally unfitted by nature to occupy the position he held, as was demonstrated by the fact that during his former term he had gained the ill will and enmity of nearly every member of the tribe. Secretary Noble, at the conclusion of Ben ben's statement assured him that his charges against Mr. Monteith would receive his careful attention, and if it was lound that Mr. Monteith was unfitted for the po sition to which he had been appointed he would not be permitted to continue in it Taking Down Ihe Wires. ISrECIAL TELEOfcAK TO THE DISPATCH. New York, June 22. The newspapers of this city which have private wires run ning into their offices have been put to se rious inconvenience by the cutting of tel egraph wires along Park Bow, which was begun on Friday and practically completed to-day. Nearly all of the papers suffered to a greater or Jess extent I to-day. Nearly all of the papers Buffered and Plannagan threw himself npon his cot I to a greater or Jess extent j and began to cry bitterly. Negroes', nnd White People Deaert Their Work to Follow a Preacher Who , Claims to Be Christ The ' Man Arrested tu a Ya Brant. ' SPECIAL TILXOKAJ1 TO THE SISPATCH.1 Chableston, June 22. Down on the banks of the Savannah river the negroes, are in a peaceful state of mind. For a month or so a white man who calls himself Jesus Christ has been going through the country preaching. The negroes have come to be lieve in him and have accepted his words as inspired teachings. "Give up everything and follow me," he commanded. "Let your crops go; turn your cattle in the patches; the Lord will provide for you." And, obeying him, hundreds of negroes have quit work. Their little crops have grown -upwith weeds; the planters have been deserted by their la borers, who absolutely refuse to work; the turpentine manufacturers and the sawmill men have difficulty in getting men enough to continue operations. The colored people have been demoral ized for three weeks. To such an extent has the craze spread that the intelligent colored people and the whites joined in discussing some plan to put a stop to it It was decided to arrest the crank or send him oat of the country. Some were readr .to lynch him, but better counsel prevailed. &. warrant was issued for his arrest -and put-in the hands of the Sirann. m ' The women were more emphatic than the men and had armed themselves with gnus, but the newprophet told his people not to oner any resistance as-he would not be put to death. When the officers Went to arrest him no resistance was offered. After his arrest he gave vthe name 'of' Campbell and said he came from the "West He shows scars in his hands wl'ich he says were made by nails when he was crucified'on Calvary. His hair and beard are long and' shaggy, although he evidentlv endeavors to trim his beard as the Savior's is represented in some old pictures. - The negroea fall down and worship hjm and kiss his bands .and feet and anoint him. He dresses shabbily some times: and at all times poorly. He refuses money pub-J jiciy, dui is saia to nave money, imu.ii tvas feared the charge of vagrancy could not be sustained. At his bidding, women have left their husbands and mem their families to follow him. His familiarity with the Scriptures is exceptional. . He has toldthe people that he will go back to , heaven in. a chariot of fire at an early date. IN A CRITICAL CONDITION. Mrs. Hayes Is Still lylnc in an Uncon scious State It is Feared That the Paralytic Stroke Will be Fatal injts Results Many Mes 'sages of Sympathy. Fremont, June 22. Mrs. Hayes is now resting very quietly. Last evening, several hours after the stroke, General Hayes thought sh. understood what he-said. He asked her if she understood him, anH if she did to press hi i hand, which she did with her left ' hand. )He also thought she 'in dicated in the same manner that she was without pain. Her son "Webb came from Cleveland last night, and he said she had not recognized him in aDV way. If she is conscious now it is hard to determine. It is dffficult -to distinguish much change from yesterday. Webb thought if there was it was possibly for. th- tetter. This afternoon she was unable to retain any aedicini. !wn ' i The General said last night thaFduring the past winter both he and .Mrs. Hayes had enjoyed better health than for years Be fore, and that for three or four weeks alter the Hew York Centennial they both felt splendid. But for the past two weeks Mrs. Hayes had been feeling poorly, but no serious illness was thought of. All the children are at home: Burchard from Toledo, Webb from Cleveland, and Scott from Cornell. Bud and Miss Pannie were at home in constant attendance on their mother. Intimate friends of the family entertain the gravest doubts of her recovery. A brother of Mrs. Hayes, Dr. Joseph Wtbb, died from the same trouble nine vears ago. iiving only ten hours after the attack. Many letters and telegrams containing ten der words of love and sympathy for the family are being received from friends. A BATCH OP LUCKY ONES. President Harrison Distributes aFewPInms Among the Eager Politicians. "Washington, June 22. The following appointments were announced to-day: John T. Stevens, of Maine, to be Minister Besi dent to the Hawaii Islands; George Money, of Tennessee, to be Minister Resident to Paraguay and Uraguay; John Martin Craw lord, of Ohio, to be Consul General at St Petersburg. Mr. Steven? was formerly Minister to Paraguay and Uraguay under the adminis tration of President Grant, and under the Hayes administration he held the post of Minister to Sweden and Korway. He has been a member of the Maine Legislature, and has held other State offices of im portance. George Monev, of Tennessee, was also in the diplomatic service before his present appointment, having been Minister to the Republic of Colombia during Garfield's ad ministration. He was chairman of the Tennessee delegation to the National Re publican Convention of 1888, and has been a prominent hgure in politics. John Martin Crawford, who is appointed Consul General at St Petersburg, is a scholar of distinction, and translated the Scandinavian National Epic. HARRISON ENJOYING LIFE. He and Sir. Wannmaker Drop In on a Baso hall Gamp. Cape Mat, N. J., June 22 The Presi dent this afternoon visited the Athletic Park, where a baseball game was in pro gress between the Cape May team and a team of Indian boys from the Lincoln Institute, Philadelphia. It was ten minutes past five when Manager Hamil ton's conpe, containing the President, Gen eral Sewell and Postmaster General Wana maker was driven through the eutrance. The game of baseball was abandoned while the President and party -was driven up be side the grand stand and halted. Cheers were given by the assembled crowd, a college cry, and a campaign yell were given bjr the players, and the Presi dent bowed his acknowledgments. There was a large amount of handshaking done Ty the boys, who crowded around to see the President of the Union. The party re mained upon the grounds but 10 minutes, and then pursued the pleasures of the drive. Baby McKee was taken along, as usual. RED NOSE MIKE'S DOOM. He Cries Bitterly After His Death Warrant Is Rend o Him. WrxKESBABBE, Pa., June 22. The Sheriff to-day, accompanied by several news paper men, entered the rell ot "Bed Nose Mike" and red to him the death warrant, by authority of which he will be hanged on Tuesday next During the reading of the document the prisoner kept his eyes stead fastly fixed on the Sheriff and neverflinched. His only words after the reading were "All right sir." After the party bad withdrawn from ,the cell the murderer of Paymaster McClure and Plannagan threw himself npon his cot and began to cry bitterly. By a Proposal to-Have Disputes Be tween Landlords rind Tenants TURNED OVER TO ARBITRATORS. Thousand- of Bifles Stored Away for Future Use by Boulangists. THE LAW KO EESPL'CTISB OP PEES05S. Somen tf War Quieted ty Calm Reflection on Its Inevitable Cost In the House of Commons a motion to settle disputes between landlords and tenants by arbitration greatly excited the members, and was of course voted down. Pretty1 Princess Stephanie is kept in Vienna, against her desire, by a peculiar law. The var rumors of- a week ago have alFdied down into a peaceful quiet IBT CABLI TO TEH SISFATCH. London, Jnne 22. The House of Com mons came out ot itsi usual languor la3t night and got much excited over the big debate on Ireland. James Ellis, just back from Ireland, where he had witnessed numbers 'of evictions, proposed that the House should make a law of his proposition to ' refer disputes between landlords and tenants to arbitrators. This suggestion, eminently fair to every right-minded person, was"1 vigorously opposed, of course, by the Tories, and a big word fight was the result The one thing missing was a speech from the Grand Old Man, but Sextou's eloquence almost atoned for Mr. Gladstone's silence. Arbitration, of course, would not suit Balfour, who likes to play at being A KULKB BY BLOOD AND IBON, fancying himself somewhat Bismarckian, and he opposed the arbitration proposal in trne Balfourian style. The trouble was all due to ihe Irish agitators, said he, and to the natural stnpidityof the Irish tenants, who did not know what was good for them. The Government, of course, obtained a majority ,on a vote, thanks to the Liberal Unionists, but the debate has produced a good effect, thanks to the facts brougnt out That arbitration would, in nearly every case, prevent evictions is undeniable. It has already restored peace on more than one nclntA'mhAKrt if kns Kaah ttAii ThA Pftn. sonby tenants have offered, to pay 104,000, and the landlord's agent demands 110,000. The difference of 6,000 t COULD BE EASILY ADJUSTED if arbitration had been In fact agreed to on both sides, when Smith Barry, the Tory County Cork landlord, who, unable to ob tain an election in his own country, sits for an English constituency, interfered, at Bal four's suggestion. Consequently evictions are being carried on with energy. Twenty families have been pnt out of their homes this week, and that number will be doubled next week. Detailed re ports of evictions, even as toned down in the Tory papers, have so damaging ah effect in the minds of Englishmen that the Gov ernment has adopted the plan of putting a cordon of soldiers around each cabin that is to be operated on by the evictors, and so keeps uncomfortably inclined spectators at a distance. CAPTURED BY AMERICANS. The City of London Overrun by Ker York Theatrical SInnngers. JBT CABLE TO THE DISFATCH.l London, June 22. London each day be comes more and more the property, tempo rarily,of Americans. They are climbing over every monument, filling the theaters.crowd ing the boats and rejoicing the shopkeepers beyond all description. Men who act, and especially those who manage actors, are a peculiarly pervading feature this week; A. M. Palmer is here, with all his family, and Charles Overton and Henry C. Jarrett Eugene P. Tompkins is at work, if his friends are not mistaken, in getting together English money to turn the New York Academy of Mnsic ownership into a stock company, and then to tnrn the Academy into a concert hall, after the fashion of the London Alhambra. Imre Kiralfy is on his way to collect a Hungarian ballet in Buda Pesth. His brother Bolossy, with whom he quarreled so saaiy, saiiea mis morning lor JNew xorc. They are not quarreling now. Thev met here in the smoking room, had a drink, made up, signed new partnership inden tures, and made arrangements to work, harmoniously, that inexhaustible gold mine, the American public. Tony Pastor is here, and Helen Dauvray Ward, whose sister is doing a bust of Horace Greeley for the New York Press Club, and James Powers, of the Casino, who wants to act in London, just to see how it goes, and Henry Abbey, whose last feat has been to get Sara Sate, the violinist, for America, and Evans and Hoey, and, in fact, almost everybody. THE GOOD POINTS OP PEACE. War Costs Far More Than Frequent Bnmora of Approaching War. JBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.l London, June 22. The promising war scare which required writing up last week has gone the nsual way oi war scares. It's dead. The markets are strengthening. Russia, for the time being, has pulled in her claws and disclaims the acts of her paid agitators in the Eastern States. The war talk has calmed down in Berlin, and the in dustrious correspondents are pooh-poohing, in chorus, the happenings which made them hysterical a week ago. The signs and pre dictions very apparently amount to nothing at present, and it is well, to resign one's self to the fact that we shall not know when trouble is coming until it is actually here.' This wonderful calming down of the big scare is generally attributed to Bis marck's influence over the young Emperor. The latter wants glory, and listens gladly to General Waldersee, the principal friend of war in Germany at present, but Bismarck thus far appeirs to rule. The 'patient gentleman who collects sta tistics brings out to-day some figures to help the cause of peace. It seems that trom 1852 to 1877 war killed 1,948,000 people, and what is still more wonderful, that the killing of each man cost more than 2,000, a total cost of 2.413,000,000, so that peace has its good points, from an economical side. I1TED 20 YEARS ON HI8 WITS. An Old Rogue Who Feigned Insanity la Order to Evniio Work. rBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.1 London, June 22. At Garstong, Lan cashire, to-day, Daniel O'Neill was com mitted to take his trial on a charge of swindling. O'Neill, who has ten aliases, has for 20 years lived well without the necessity of working by feigning epilepsy and insanity. f He has been a voluntary Inmate, from time 'to time, of nearly every lunatic asy luhi in'this sxrantry. "r " The Beaotlfni Princess Stephanie Not Allowed" to Leave Vienna for Awhile A Law That Prevents Her From Flying Pram a Place She Detests. CBT CABLE TO TIM DlSrATCH.3 London, June 22. The unfortunate Crown Frinces3 Stephanie, whose husband, Budolpb, was such a bad lot during his life, which ended in a disgraceful murder or suicide, will soon be able to leave Vienna and the Austrian Court, which she detests. According to the law of the country, she is obliged to remain in the capital as long as there Is the slightest possibility of a posthu mous heir being born to Prince Budolpb, for this baby, if it should come along, would actually be the Emperor of Austria. The doctors have certified already that no heir is possible, bnt that is not sufficient; and the young woman must remain for ten months of her widowhood, to make sure. At the end of that time she will take up her residence on the little island of Lac rima, and it is supposed that she will not live in Austria any more, but spend her time on the Biviera and in Switzerland, where a villa on Lake Lucerne is being built lor her. J- This young woman, so unfortunately mar ried and so tragically widowed, is only 25 Veara old and good looking, so that she may still make uplor early hardships. In fact, Vienna gossips are already arranging the matter for her in advance and have discov ered one or two successors to Prince Bu dolpb who would do admirably. The house inwhich the dissipated young prince killed himself, at Myerline. is being pulled down The orders of the Emperor are to make every effort to obliterate the scene of the midnight tragedy and to cause it to be fnnrnrton ''The Empress of Austria, Princess Steph anie's mother-in-law, whose marriage, by the way, has also been a decided failure, is greatly improved in health, which is at tributed to fte massage treatment The paralysis ol the limbs, which she was sup posed to nave, has been, removed by rub bing, and she is now abler to go about and indulge in her favorite mountain climbing, although not as yet to ride. " BE. PAEKUR .TIRED OP WORE He Finds Gold Pieces Too Seldom in tho Contribution Box.- CBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. J London, June 22. TheBev. I)r. Parker, who, in 'a religious way, rather recalls Boulanger's political characteristics,, and who went over to America with the sup posed idea of gathering in Henry "Ward Beecher's vacant church, appears to have some deep move ia'bis mind. He has made several references'Of late to the possibility of his leaving the City Temple, and only last Thursday he again remarked to his con gregation that it was no easy work that he was doing there; and that he is daily con sidering the probability of giving it up. He told them this so that when he did no map need say it came upon him as a sur prise, and that no notice had been given. Curiously enough this announcement fol lowed a facetious allusion to the discovery by the reverened gentleman in the collection box of two gold pieces, a thing which he said had happened only half a dozen times in 20 years. It is to be hoped that this lack of gold has had no influence in making Dr. Parker look npon the City Temple as not good enough. NO KESPJ30FER OP PERSONS. A Conrt Found Not AfraTd to Summon the Queen's Coasin. rBT CABLE JCO THE DISFATCH.l London, June 22. Mr. Sims, author and journalist, never heard of by anybody until the Duke of Cambridge assaulted him with a sties: in a crowd, may perhaps get satis faction out ot his Royal Highness after all. Police Court Magistrate Bridge declined to summon the Duke when asked to, on the ground he did not think he could be con victed. Now a more respectable tribunal, composed of the Lord Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Hawkins, has decided that the Duke must be summoned and excuse himself the same as any ordinary mortal. The Chief Jnstice was very careful not to be disrespectful to the Duke, but made it very plain that where he was running things all subjects of the Queen, including her cousins, must have the same treatment, and must expect to come to court, even if they assault only a small-sized author. END OP BEIfiLlANT CAREER. A Member of Parliament Tries to Starve Himself and Retires From Ihe Honse. BY CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. J London, June 22. At the beginning of the week the resignation of Mr. Brnce, Lib eral member of Parliament, was announced. To-day the story of his leaving the House which, by the way, will bring on some very interesting competitions, as the Tories are going to be silly enough to contest for For farshire was first made public It seems that the unincky man, who was the second son of Lord Elgin and who prom ised to have a brilliant career, was seized two years ago with a fit of depression. Lately he has attempted to starve himself, refusing food until it became necessary to use force to make him take nourishment, and during the early part of this year, while still a member of Parliament, he was placed under restraint, and has now gone abroad. PREPARING P0R THE SHAH. His Majesty Very Slowly Annmlng the Habits of Civilization. IBT CABLE TO THE DISrATCH.l London, June 22. The Shah will soon be here, and preparations go on apace. The increasing eagerness to obtain seats at special operatic performance has put the price of stalls up to 5 each, and everybody has invited his semi-civilized majesty to endless entertainments. The Shah has got a whole valise lull of decorations of the Orderof the Lion and the Sun to distribute. In the course of his visit in Holland, where he has been having a cheerful time, he has given away a great many of them, and made some prosperous Dutchmen very happy. Although the Shah has taken to wearing" a pot hat and patent leather boots, a hand kerchief does not yet form any part of His Majesty's personal goods, so that there is considerable room lor improvement THE BOULANGISTS WELL ARMED. Thousands of Rifles Reported Secretly Stored Away In Case of Need. ;BT CABLE TO THE DISFATCH.l London, June 22. Our friend Boul an ger, is wonderfully quiet of late. He goes about to little afternoon receptions, bnt is not making very great headway socially; The latest story from Prance concerning him relates to his tremendous purchase of arms, secretly, after the Schnaebele inci dent, which threatened war between France and Germany. Thousands of thousands of rifles pur chased by the general at that time arc al leged to have mysteriously disappeared, and it is said are stored away in secret places, to be distributed among Boulangists when the time shall Come for action. A Schemo to Save iTonngSIen. CBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.l London, June 22. A scheme is on foot for a great international conference in the. interest of Christian young men who are imperiled by the universal evils of gambling and betting. Harry Elamm, a Bank Bookkeeper, in Jail. THE MARINE NATIONAL BANK The Sufferer By Trying to Help a Half Orphan. TOO MUCH M0NE1 FOB THE SALIET. AEnnaway Wedding Hatch With Colonel KHgore's Daughter One of the Features. Harry Flamm, bookkeeper it "the Marine National Bank, was placed in jail last even ing on a charge of embezzlement It is claimed that he falsified the books and appropriated to his own use in two years 535,000. He is not yet of age, but had dis tinguished himself before by running away with Colonel Kilgore's daughter, and mar rying her in New Jersey. Bail was fixed at 520,000, but he was unable to get it "What he has done with the money will yet make a good story. Harry ITlamm, bookkeeper of the Marine National Bank, was placed in jail last night on a charge of embezzlement of 135,000 of the (unds of the bank. The information was made yesterday afternoon by W. W. O'Neill, one of the Directors of the bank, before Alderman McMasters. A. A. Heiner, i ' of the Heiner Detective Agency, was given the warrant and found Mr. Plamm in the office of J. H. Porte, on Grant street, Mr. Porte and Mr. J. Scott Ferguson were Mr. 'Flamm's attorneys, and insisted that he should not be arrested, saying that they could make an arrangement on Mon day by which he could go free. Mr. O'Neill, however, was not inclined to look at it in that light. Colonel E. A. Montooth, the attorney for the bank, was also anxious that Flamm be either locked up or give the bail required, which was $20,000. Detective Heiner concluded, in view of the fact that Mr. Flamm could not get the bail, that the best thing to do was to place him in jail, and accordingly did so. ' only a bot, Harry Flamm is a mere boy. As near as can he ascertained he is not over 19 years of age. Something over a year ago he helped to make a social'sensation by running away with the 16-year-old daughter of Colonel Kilgore, ei-County and ex-City Treasurer, and marrying her in New Jersey. His father, who was well known in Pittsburg, but not a wealthy man, died seven years ago. Young Flamm was one of the persons who attracted confidence. He had a good education, and was especially quick at figures. On account of his orphanage and his perfonal bearing he was given a .position in the Marine Bank, and was quickly ad vanced to the position of bookkeeper. Every confidence was placed in him, And he was honored and advanced. THETAtTSES OF SUSPICION. The directors of the bank had no reason to suspect that anything was wrong with Mr. Flamm's accounts until they learned that he had bought a house in the East End for $6,500. As his salary was only $75 a month, they couldn't understand how he could make so much money in so short a time. They accordingly put detectives on his track, and found that Mr. Flamm was not so attentive to his home as he might be. They learned that he went around the city at nights with $200 to $300 in his pockets and made an ex hibition of his wealth. It was learned that he had spent as much as $100 in one night, and more than two-thirds of that sum in one house. BESTJXT OF A CHANGE. The removal of the Marine Bank to its present location gave opportunity for look ing over the accounts. The tearing down of the old building at the corner of Third ave nue and Smithfield street, cut off business in a large measure. The directors had more time to look into the books. They found that Mr. Flamm had been systematically falsifying accounts, .making false records and forcing false balances. It was only yes terday afternoon that these facts were iound, and the Board directed Mr. O'Neill, the President, to make the information, which was accordingly done. Mr. Flamm's case is one out of the ordi nary rnn of bank defalcations. He had been in the bank only two years and is not yet of age, and was not of his own merit placed in such .a responsible position. When arrested he said to Detctive Heiner, "I suppose my house will have to go." Heiner says, however, that he under stands that Flamm has made only a small payment on the property. HE LOST HIS PLACE, Became Despondent, aad Pnt an End to His Earthly Existence. rSrlCIAL TELEOBA1C TO THE DI8rATCB.l New Yobk, June 22. Waldo Wells, lately an opener and packer in the Custom House,disappeared from his home in Brook lyn last Tuesday. To-day his body was found half buried in the sand on the beach near Norton's-Point, Coney Island. It had evidently been in the water several days. Wells had been in the Custom House about eight years, having been appointed under the last Republican administration and holding over through the administration of Cleveland, but he was dismissed by Ap praiser Cooper. Mr. Wells lived at 11 Lafayette avenne, where his wife keeps a boarding honse. He lelt two grown daughters: The friend who saw him last was Mr. Baird, and to him he spoke very despondingly when he left to go to the rae.es on Tuesday. There appears to be little doubt that Wells committed sui cide. ' AFTER FORTY IEARS. A DIan Under Surrclllnnce for a Murder Committed a Generation Ago. rSFXCIAL TXLXQRA1I TO THE PISPATCH.l Woodstille, N. H., June 22. About 40 years ago a German peddler disappeared from this neighborhood. Abont ten years afterward the bones of a human being were dug np near the point where the team of the peddler was found. Bings found on the fingers, engraved with the name of the mur dered man, served to make identification complete. Alexander M. Greenougb, who was suspected, went to Canada, and after to Central America, and from there to Chilli. A few weeks agohe was taken violently ill, confessed to the murder of the German, bnt did not die, and the written confession is now on its way to this country, while Greenough is under the surveillance of the Chillian officials. Connecticut's New Ballot BUI. HabtfobtJ, Conn., June 22, Governor Bulkely signed the new secret ballot bill today. The Republican Party Taken to Task and Cbarsed With Failure lo Keep Promises Foreign Ship Build- era Said to be. Preferred to Americana. ISrXCIAL TELXQBAM TOTHZ DISPATCH, j New- York, June 22. The International Brotherhood of Boilermakers and Iron Shipbuilders was in session in Chicago when the Bepublican National Convention nominated Benjamin Harrison for President. The delegates from Cali fornia asked the Republicans to insert a plank in their platform favoring the employment only of citizens of the'TJnited States npon Government work. Tbey came loaded with facts and figures to show that the Union Iron Works, of San Francisco, which was building three steel cruisers for the Government, employed immigrants, while competent workmen, citizens oi the United States, were idling about the streets unable to find employ ment The desired plank was promptly put into the Bepublican platform. At the 'convention of the brotherhood in this city to-day some of tbe speakers ac cused the Bepublican party of bad faith, al leging that immigrants had been hauled up by scores from Castle Garden and set to work at boiler making and iron shirjbuild ing in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, while citi zens of the United States were willing and able (b do all the work on the new cruiser Maine, in course ot construc tion there. Thomas J. Curran, Chairman of the convention, said that Acting Naval Constructor Hoover had reduced the pay of the workmen from $i 26 to $2 80 a day. Ho member of a boilermaters' union, he said, could afford to work lor such wages. It wa3 decided by the convention to ask Secretary Tracy to carry out the avowed policy of his party by employing boilermakers and iron shipbuilders who are citizens. The convention discussed the eight-hour question, and agreed to support whatever action the American Federation of Labor might take on the subject The delegates attended a picnic of the local union in Lyon Park last night Their labors here are practically over, but there will be a session to consider a proposed revision of the con stitution of the brotherhood. THE ENGLISH CONTENTION. An International Conference Proposed to Decide the Behrlne Sea Dispute. rSPECIAL TZLIOBAII TO THE DI8FATCH.1 Ottawa, Ont., June 22. Imperative orders have been received from England that no steps be taken for the present to pro tect Canadian vessels sealing in Behring Sea. The British Government suggested a joint commission of all the maritime powers of the world to decide on the validity of the claim of the United States to exclusive jurisdiction in these waters. It is pointed out that it is a question affecting or likely to affect tbe interests of every maritime nation, and that a joint conference or con vention is the only practical way of de ciding the question, to whom the claim for damages of tbe owners of the vessels already seized would also be referred. There will, therefore, be no interference on the part of British or Dominion cruisers with the United States vessels carrying out their instructions in excluding British seal ers from Behring Sea. Next week the Brit ish men-of-war stationed at British Colum bia and on tbe Pacific coast will start on. their annual cfhise north, but.will not go to Behring sea, as has been stated.,. It is Stated on good authority that France and Germany support Great Britiin in her con tention that Bearing Sea is anopen and not a closed" ee'a, as held by the United States Government. It is partly in connection with the. Behring Sea difficulty that Sir John McDonald visits England shortly. SHE DID NOT KNOW HI1T, Bnt They Were Married, and Now He la Sued for DIeamy. CrNdNNATl, June 22. On the 8th of last October Mrs. Alice . Ladd, organist of St Paul's Episcopal Church, this city, married Edward M. Beynolds. Mrs. Ladd knew little of Beynolds. She had" met him in Chattanooga and he had led her to be lieve that he was rich. After the marriage Mrs. Beynolds gave her husoand a check for 51.000, and "taking this, he left her? After weeks of search the deserted wife found her husband in an inebriate asylum at San Francisco. She gave him more money, and in a few days learned that her husband had married again while in California. She at once had him arrested on a charge of bigamy, and she applied to the Probate Court here to-day, through Attorney William Tugman, for a certified copy of her marriage license. IT HAS NOT BEEit WRECKED. Anchor XJne.Acenta Believe That the Vic toria is Ail Right. rlFXCIAL TXLZORAH TO THE DISrATCH.l New Yobk, June 22. The report of the finding off Nantucket, on Thursday, of wreckage, consisting principally of doors and door casings, old bills of lading, and a writing desk, apparently from the steam ship Victoria, of the Anchor line, does not, in the opinion of the Anchor line agents here, necessarily signify that the Victoria has been wrecked. She sailed from this port on Wednesday last with a cargo of cattle for Avonmouth, England. Her agents think that the purser of the vessel probably threw the. old desk and the worthless papers it contained overboard be cause they were in the way. If the Victo ria had been wrecked the agents say that some of the cattle probably would have come ashore with the other wreckage. A DUEL IN THE EARLY. DAWN. The Code of Honor Revived la the New Orleans City Park. tSPICIAL T2LXOBA1I TO THE DISFATCH.l New Orleans, Jnne 22. The first duel fought here for months occurred at the Lover's Oaks, in the lower city pork, at S o'clock this morning. The principals were H. L. Salvant and E. J. Lebreton. Three shots were exchanged and the men were prepared for the fourth shot when they were interrupted by the police, and princi pals, seconds and surgeons were carried to conrt and placed under bonds. The duel was due to a misunderstanding arising over the Presidency of a benevolent association, for which the two duelists were candidates. It was thought here that the code of honor was dead in Louisiana, but a revival is threatened. TWENTY. MILES OP FAT CATTLE To BcSeea at the Queen's Forthcoming Agri cultural Show. rBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.) London, June 22. Queen Victoria is coming back from Scotland next week, and is going to personally superintend the or ganization of a big agricultural show in her castle park at Windsor. This will be the biggest show ever known in the world. If the present plans are carried out. Visitors will be able to walk past 20 miles of ploughs, fat pigs, oxen, etc. The Queen's daughter, Beatrice, who has been dangerously ill since tbe birth of her last child, has got better and is going abont a great deal, which, it is said, has cheered the Queen up immensely and helped to con sole her for having to meet her imperial friend, the Shah, a prospect which she does not care for. The loung Tariff Qhmpion WiLIITtf be a Candidate for OHIO GUBERNATORIAL flOSOES. He Has Pledged His Snpport in the Contest to Another Man. HIS PAITH WILL BE STEICTLI KEPT, M And the Efforts of His Friends Hare Been yntluat Hlf Sanction. Major McKinley will not be a candidate for Governor of Ohio. His friends hays been pushing his name for the honor, hut he positively refuses to even consider tha snbject He will attend the convention, however, and has pledged his support to another man. I SPECIAL TXLXOBAlt TO TBS DISPATCH. Canton, O., June 22. After persistently declining to talk about the Governorship, Major McKinley, the tariff champion and the Sherman disciple whose refusal of sup port for President at Chicago nearly took away the breath of the Bepubli can National Convention, to-night first allows himself to be quoted by your correspondent Of course it is known here that for weeks he has been be sieged by solicitations to come out a can didate and that he has declined, but as he would never consent to be talking about himself and the Governor's office, no one is ever thought to have received an atom of encouragement that he might become a can didate. He talked to-night because of the story from Cadiz of the gathering of Eastern Ohio .Republicans to urge his nomination against his declarations and claiming to know what they were about and that he would accept This report stirred up the hopes of the local McKinley boomers and they wanted to know why Cadiz had. the first Knowledge on the subject, but McKin ley gave them no hope and said to your cor re spondent, who called on him: NOT IN THE FIELD. "I am not a candidate for Governo-, nor will I permit the use of my name before the Columbus convention for that office. I mean this, and every word of it There are many reasons to influence me to this conclu sion which I need not name. Those I shall name are sufficient it there were no others. "I have said to some of the candidates now in the field and to their friends that under no circumstances would I be a candi date, and could not accept the nomination. To what extent, if at all, this may have influenced the candidacy of others 1 do not know, but whether little or nothing, it is ample reason why I should not be a candi date, and should demand that my friends shall desist from the use of my name in that connection. "AH of the candidates are my personal friends, and one of them is a citizen of my district who early advised me of his candi dacy and to whom I promised cheerful sup port, and no contingency can arise which would indnce me to place myself, or permit myself to be placed, in even apparent oppo sition to him or the other honorable gentle men contesting for the nomination." HE WILL, KEEP FAITII. "But, Mr. McKinley, it is said that it is your duty to accept the nomination if ten dered you, notwithstanding you are not a candidate; in fact that it is a call to daty which you must obey." "Yes, but, my dear sir, don't you know there is no public duty wbich demands the sacrifice of good faith to party associates?" The Major would not risk opinion as to who the nominee would be. He said, how ever, that he expected to attend the Colum bus convention. CHICAGO'S CONTRIBUTION. A Meeting; to Decide What Shall be Done) With Remaining; Funds. Chicago, June 22. The Chicago com mittee of the Johnstown relief fund will meet to-day to decide upon what shall be done with the $34,060 remaining in the Mayor's hands. The total subscription to date is 5121,254 for Johnstown and 51,201 for Seattle. The Mayor has received another letter from J. H. Ferguson, of Benovo, Pa., urg ing that some money be sent to the citizens of that town, as nothing could be secured from the Pittsburg committee. The matter will be snbmitted to the relief committee. WHERE TO FIND THE NEWS. A Directory for This Mammoth, T:pIo Number of The Dispatch. The Dispatch this morning offers Its read ers an intellectual feast. The first part contains the latest news by cable from the old world, and reports some sensational events transpir ing in the Unltod States and in the immediate neighborhood. All the news. Including the editorial comments thereon, are presented la a bright original vein. The second and third parts contain contributions from the brightest writers of the day, as follows: Part II Faces 9 to 1G. Page S Some ArtUtlc Gems HexbtHatxtb A Tureen Favorite J. TV. A. At Hollyhock Hall Feezokise qctu Page 10 Clara Belle'3 Chat Clara Belle Americans Abroad ULAKELT Hall Homes of Bachelors ilAKT Gat UuxrHBXTa Last Drops or Oil K. VT. Cbiswell Page 11 The Music World STAIT'WBITXX Boys, Good and Bad PAUL I ASTXOB Classified Advertisements. Page 13 Something About Beaax Has. FkaskLxslis Noble Sbopkeepers M. M. DtLXX Society Gossip, Q. A. B. News, Art Notes, Bnslness Cards. Page 13 A New Bond of Union Johx Hoi Secret Society. Financial, Business Cards. Pageli- S porting Review Pbetolx Baseball News STAFF COKbisfovdsXT League Uossip staff cobsxspoxdex? A .National Garden .N. Teibla Business Cards. Page IS FlorlmarofFlorlngen Ekxxst H.HzxziCHS. Among tbe Indians. .... Staff Coeresfo"JDi'nt ' A l'rlmitlve Craft. Educational Notes. -. Business Cards. Page IS Astronomy fur All BeetV. LUTT Amusement Announcements. Business Cards. Fart III. Fages 17 to 20. Page IT j Wizards in India Frank G. CABPrsTBB Sivedbya Dead A!an....STAJTCORRXSPOXDBXT fJ Page 13- Lessons of Nature Gioeok Hodoxs Famous Heidelberg BXLVA A. Lockwood Page 12 Xew York So natters MrsiR va Spescih A Charming Study .'. ShirlctDabx SHUUSJ inniiym. . , - 1..HHI.1. , The Fireside Sphinx. Page 30- ,v Tourists Troubles L. B. Fraxcx Chinese Medicines J. C.Thomas Bill Nye as a Sport....... Bill Nti Everyday Science Statt Warns .1B 'ft 4 i ,l: i -a M a