IQMHKbSs s jsr" WJI, w V fcr - . THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. t-at PAGES 9 TO 12. T SECOND PART-' -""... V ,- - I HO LOAFEESWMTED. Only Those Who Are Willing to Work Can Hold a Job at Johnstown. THE FOKCE OF MEN CUT DOWN. 'Many of the Laborere Suffer From Too Steady a Diet of Salt Port THE JOHNSTOWN OP THE FUTURE rrBOM A STAFF COBKESrOTTDEJeM JonxsTO-wx, June 2L Colonel "Wash ington Hill, of the Commissary Depart ment, held a consultation this afternoon with the foremen of the gangs for the pur pose of rearranging the camps. The force of inen has been cut down to about 2,300, and there are tents enough erected to pro tect 3,000. At present there is not much system, the men from the different crews are handing together, and it is a difficult mat ter to find them when wanted, t Colonel Hill states that there are a num ber of bummers in camp who won't work and only ferment dissatisfaction among the laborers. The fellows will have to go un der the new system, and if they don't do it quickly they will be arrested by the author ities. " I Colonel"Hill states that the trouble has been that the contractors have too many men, and they can't properly handle them and care for their physical wants. One day there would be too much to eat, and the surplus would spoil, and the next there would be starvation. WILL BE ORGANIZED. From this time forth, the workmen 'will be organized into gangs, and each crew will have its own camp. The foremen will stay with them. The men will not be allowed to bunk together promiscuously, as they have in the past The Kernville workmen will have tents located on that side, and will remain over there. These changes will be made at once, and it is believed there won't be much dissatis faction in the future, and the work will progress more rapidly and General Hast ings is determined that the men shall be well fed. Some of the laborers were com plaining to-day that the food was no better. One of the loremen said the fresh meat was in a filthy condition when it arrived,and not fit to eat. His stomach was sore from eating salt pork, and the digestive apparatus of many another is disarranged. An epidemic of hives broke out some days ago, but the disease is spreading and becoming worse. Many of the State officers complain of itching sensations and erup tions on the skin. The doctors say the trouble is CAUSED BY THE SAM MEAT. Some believe it is scurvy, and probably if the truth were known this is about correct. This is another beautiful day, and the men are feeling better, though not many are working. About 400 have been wrestling with the drift. Major Phillips, the terror, got up early this morning and fired off enough blasts to wake the dead. Then he went to Sang Hollow to remove an obstruc tion in the river. The Major is a genial fellow but people don't like the thunder he produces at 5 o'clock in the morning. The weary correspondents toss on their perforated couches and bless the Major in not the sweetest tones. According to Chief Engineer Dduglass reDort, there were 2,408 men at work, 211 wagons, 21 carts, 4 extra horses, 1 construc tion train of 12 cars and a derrick, car. A force of 2,300 men will be maintained in the luture. It rained this afternoon for an hour, but when the storm cleared away the air was much pleasanter than before. The dyna mite fiend got in two good licks during' the storm. Israel. CONTRACT WITH CONTRACTORS. The fecale of Wnccs Arranged by General Haotinss fortbe State. FBOM A STAFF COEBESPOKDEXT.l Johnstown, June 21. General Has tings, representing the State, makes the fol lowing contract with the contractors: The contractors agree to furnish all the labor and necessary tools and apparatus to rem ova tbe debris and destroy it, and to clear the streets and ground vt mud, logs and other foreign materials, under the direction of the engineer in charge. In return- the State agrees to pay the cost of such work, plus 18 per cent. The engineer in charge regulates the number of men and directs the application of the forces. The cost of tbe work shall be ascertained ac cording to the followine list of prices to be paid for men, teams, etc: Prices for labor. 150 per day; foremen, one to each 40 men, S3 per dav;surperrisors or general foremen, one to each 2s0 men. S100 per month; wagon and dou ble team, with driver, $5 per day.; extra heavy team, J5 50 per daj ; horse and cart, with driver, F3 per day; men engaged in handling lines, classed as skilled labor, 20 cents per hour. The State furnishes the contractors such shovels, picks, wheelbarrows, cross-cut saws, canthooks, crowbars, etc.. as the State now has in Johnstown, without cost to the con tractors. The tools to be returned to the State when the worK is Completed. Any other tools required to be f nrqisbed by tbe contractor at his own expnse. It is agreed further that for such men brought to Johnstown by tbe con tractors, who work for two weeks or more, the State will pay their fares to the place. For cooks and stablemen, the contractors are al lowed actual cost, but not a percentage. It will be seen that nothing is said about furnishing .the men with food. General Hastings says the State does not furnish it. The contractors have to do that. Israel. THE RECORDS ARE SAFE. Siapi and Flota Extant That Will Facilitate the Relocation of Lots. fTEOM A STAFF COBBESPOlTOENT.J Johnstown, June 2L Sheriff Stine man, who has been in Ebensburg for a few days attending to the business of his office, returned to Johnstown-to-day: The Sheriff doesn't think there will be much trouble about the laying out of the town. He says M.i. Caldwell had made an accurate survey and map of every piece of ground in Cambria conty affected by the flood before the disaster hap pened, and he believex, with the aid of this atlas and map, the- work will be very easy. Judge Master also said there are records ex tant and enough boundary lines left to lo cate every lot in the town. The Sheriff said his deputies had not yet been paid, but the money would be forth coming' some day. Iseael. MONEY FOR TfiE MEN. Major Phillips Doesn't Think the State Should Do All the Work. IFBOJC A STAFF COEBESPOXDENT. Johnstown, June 2L About $3,000 in wages was paid out to-day by the account ing department to the employes immediate ly under General Hastings, and the con tractors were also given about $4,000 on account to pay some of their workmen who wanted to leave. The forces in the various departments were cut down about 100 men to-day. Major Phillips returned from Sang Hol low, and said there was not enough stuff in the river at that point to give any trouble. He doesn't think it is the State's business to keep the entire river open. Israel, Ten Knlthts of Ilonor Lost. tFBOX A STAFF COEEESPOXDEST.1 Johnstown. June 2L The Knights of Honor will meet Tuesday evening Jor the jfifBttime since the flood. They lost ten -Sgae ef tStete eSrs will be THE NEW JOHNSTOWN, None ortfao Industries of tbe Ruined City to be Removed All Will Rebuild and tbe Plnco Itself Will Fat on a New Appearance. IFHOH A STAFF CORRESPONDENT.! Johnstown, June 21. A great deal has been said and written about where the Gautier works will be rebuilt. General Manager John Fulton, of the Cambria Iron Company, said to day the directors would meet next week, when this question would be settled. He claimed not to know where they will be located. Two sites have been considered, one on the Bishop tract, near Sheridan stition; the other the old site in Woodvale. The chances are strongly in favor of Wood vale. Judge Masters, Superintendent of lands and dwellings of the Cambria Iron Com. panv, said to-day: I think both the steel and wire mills will be rebuilt on the old site, and the property hold ers along Portage street are willing to ex change their land for lots on Center street and on higher ground. These lots tbe iron com pany need, and beside, tbe people are anxious to llvo as far as possible from tbe water. I don't tln.ilc there will be much trouble about tbe exchange when the time comes. Their lots hare been badly washed out and are covered with sand. The Cambria Iron Company will lease from 300 to 400 lots at Morrellville, at the rate of 3 to 4 cents per month, each, for the location of as many nortable houses. A number will be placed for the people on the hills above Wood vale. None of these buildings will be pnt in the center of the washed out districts. Tbe new town at Morrellville, on the James tract, will bs known as Hastings. It is the intention of people living here to mike Johnstown about eight feet higher than it has been. The to n will be filled in that much, and the bed of the river will be left where it is. It is nonsense to say that the river was not wide enough to cut off tbe water. There was room enough under ordinary cir cumstances, and no one could have foreseen sucha disaster as has fallen upon us. The stream, by confinement, was rapla and carried off all the stagnant waters, making Johnstown one of the healthiest ot places. The sea wall along the river to the viaduct is an excellent idea, and Mill do much good. It is not true that tbe Cambria Iron Company is buying in Millville, for the reason that with an exceptional lot they now own all the land. The Johnson Company will rebuild their works at Moxbam, in the near luture, so that Johnstown will maintain her old in dustries. Israel. THE LADIES IN CHARGE. The Relief Commtltee at tho Exposition Re tires In Their Favor. The committee that has been in charge of the Exposition headquarters for the relief of the Johnstown sufferers, retired yesterday and the Ladies' Belief Committee was placed in charge of the goods there. The following letter, which explains Itself, was received by the Ladies' Belief Committee yesterday: We will place nnderthe control of theLadies' Rejief Committee, Mrs. H. C. Campbell, Chair man; Mrs. George A. Kellv, Mis. William Mc Creery, Mrs. J. B. Scott and Mrs. William R. Thompson, all goods, clothing, etc, now at Ex position bnilding for tbe benefit of tbe Johns town sufferers, holding them responsible there for, and we notify them and others throngs them that all requisitions other than clothing must now be approved by our rommittee. Reuben Miller, For committee. The ladies have not yet decided when they will give up the present headquarters and remove to the Exposition Building. There seems 'to be no decrease in the number of Tipmli vcn mil dailv nn thp lariipK for re- litf. A great many have called a second time and are either fed or given clothing. Those served yesterday were: J. W. Brown, George Schulthers, wife and two children; Mrs. Bauers -and two children, Mrs. Valentine Lowther and three children, MisMaxncll. John Martin, who is staving w Ith friends in Allegheny: Mrs. D. D. LeVine and four bo)8, stavinc at Spnngdale: Mrs. Elizabeth Lcwi mother and four children; Mrs. Mary Ann Lloyd, now v ith friends in Oak land; Lilly Lambert, now with a friend on North avenue, Allegheny; Mrs. Emma Bosh and five-children, staying at Braddoek; Mrs. Hoover ana son, and Mrs. Morgan Reese and two children. Donations of cl&faing and other goods were received yesterday from .Mrs. Kate Bealson, Miss Caldwell, Mrs. C. Kay, the Helping Hand Society and Miss Letitia Sampson. KLEPTOMAXIA OR SHOPLIFTING ? The Interesting Little Question f Crime Ida Bishop Mast Answer." About 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon a woman entered the wholesale millinery, store of J. D. Bernd & Co.', on Liberty, near Ninth street, and, going back to the elevator, went upstairs to the ladies' dress ing room." A short time after the woman lelt the store, and, after her departure, it was discovered that she had stolen a gold; headed umbrella, a pair of gloves, a silk veil, and 1 50 in cash belonging to one of the lady employes. r Tbe matter was placed in the hands of Detective Fitzgerald, and a description of the woman was furnished him. Yesterday afternoon Detective Fitzgerald arrested the woman, whose name is Mrs. Ida Bishop, and who is well known to the police. She was lound on Market square. At the lockup parties from Bernd's store called and identified her as being the woman who was in the dressing room. An infor mation ior larceny was lodged before Magis trate! McHenna, and she was committed to jail to await a hearing. La l'erln del Fnmar. These celebrated clear Havana Key "West Cigars are for sale at: Hotel Duquesne, Hotel Anderson. St. Charles Hotel, Albemarle Hotel. Union Depot Restaurant. John Lauier, 3799 Fifth ave. Peter A. Ganster, 35 and 37 Frankstown ave. John F. Ganster, 27 Frankstown ave. Peter "Weber, 70 Wylie ave. John C. Stroun, 25 Union st. E. W. Hagan. 009 Smithfield st Neville Baylev, 405 Smithfield st. J. K. Derr, 400 Market St. P. C. Duffy. 640 Grant st. ' E. F. Busch, 3710 Forbes st. Linhart, Bald & Co., 411 Smithfield st. Charles Eble, 0009 Penn ave. G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave. . i ' Fireworks! Fireworks! The largest line ever shown in this city, comprising all of the latest novelties in Fourth of July goods. Now open at James "W. Grove's, Fifth avenue; wholesale and retail. CLARET WINES. Imported BrnndenbnrsFreres. Medoc, St. Emilion, St. Estepha, St Julien, Margcaux, Pontet Canet, St 'Pierrie, Chateau Leovillc, Chateau La Kosa, Chateau Mouton, Grand Vin Chateau Margeaux, Grand Vin Chateau Lafitte, by the case or bottle. G. W. Schmidt, $5 and 97 Fifth avenue, city, The building must come down, closing out carpets, curtains, oilcloths, rngs, etc. Geo. W. Shaman, jtwps 130 Federal st, Allegheny. Hospitals use it; physicians recom mend'it Klein's Silver Age. irwrs The Best Is tbe Cheapest. Just received, a carload of Milwaukee ex port beer, in pint and quart bottles. Allow ance for empties returned. W. H." Holmes Sh Sow, Nos. 158 First ave., 120 Water st Hospitals use it; physicians recom mend it Klein's Silver Age. irwrs A FLIRTATION H FIRE the tttle of a romantic novelette btt-Niin Crinkle, bated on the event immediately prec-ding the breaking template t xoj BUSINESS IS BET1EE. A Marked Improvement Has Been Koted at a Number of Points. PITTSBURG WELL TO THE FRONT. Pig Iron Prices Have Received a Little En couragement. F0REIGS TRADE DOES NOT BALANCE (special telegram to inx disfatcbt.i New York, June 21. Special telegrams to Bradstreet's this week report a moder ately increased activity in the general trade at Boston, Philadelphia, Memphis and Bur lington. This is likewise true at Pittsburg, now that railroad traffic in the Pennsylva nia flood region has been resumed. At Kansas City the improvement is most pro nounced, where reduced lumber freight rates have increased shipments and stimu lated building. There has been only a moderate business at New Orleans, St. Louis, Galveston, Detroit and San Francisco. Chicago, St Paul and New York maintain full season able averages. Heavy rains over the West ern end Central Western States are re ported, bnt no serious damage to crops is reported. Eight out of 18 leading staples have advanced in price this week; five are steady, even firm, coffee, cotton and hog products alone being noteworthy, as show ing declines. In spite of disturbing elements in the Western railroad situation, the danger of disruption to the inter-State association and apparent sensitive conditions of the money market, stock speculation at New York continues to show a decidedly bullish tem per. Activity is slightly decreased and at tention drifts from the grangers to the coal stocks and "industrial" specialties. Bouds are strong in anticipation of a July rein vestment demand. EXPORTS OP GOLD. Over ?5,000,000 in gold was shipped to France, and the New YorK money market stiffened, the rate for call loans rising from 22 to 3 per cenf at the close of the week. Foreign exchange is firm. Sterling is lower relatively than continental bills. Demand sterling '54 88i4 89. Gross and net earnings of 91 railroads Jfor April and for four months ending April 30, show gains over April, 1888, in gross of 3 per cent and in net of 6.5 per cent. For the four months the gain in gross is 5.7 per cent and in net 16 per cent A phenomenal improvement by the granger roads is due to comparison being made with the period of the great Burling ton strike of last year. There has been an advance all around in bread stuffs despite the glowing domestic crop reports; wheat having gained 2 cents, corn i cent, and oats 1 cent per bushel. Flour has shared the stimulus, and on a freer export move ment is, quoted higher. Wheat has been very variable, down on good weather re ports and easy cables, and up again on rumored revised crop reports. . The crop winter wheat has sold at St Louis at 75 cents. The Australian and Bra zilian demand for California wheat has ad vanced spot at San Francisco to $1 30 per cental, as millers there want old crop, and "neWcropis slow in coming in. Hog prod nets have been more active but are lower or barely steady, as receipts of hogs at West ern centers continne very heavy. THE STTGAE MARKET. Demand lor raw sugar has slightly de clined owing to a modified request for re fined. Foreign markets remain very firm and active. Production of refined at New York has.however, been increased to supply accumulated orders. Holders of refined prefer to store rather than accept modified bids. The latest report of the world's visi ble supply is 782,032 tons, against 1,063,138 tons a year ago. Prices remain firm. Heavy liquidating orders in the specula tive coffee market here and abroad have re sulted in unusual excitement and a decline of 1.35 to 1.45c per pound. The break in the price abroad was quite as precipitate. The outlook is not regarded as encouraging. Large new crop figures are current Pig iron Is more active, with occasional slight increases in prices. Some furnaces have refused contracts for future delivery at current prices. Anthracite coal, notwith standing curtailed output due to the mines being flooded, has not sold at the late ad vance in circular rates. Trade East is dull. There 'is a better demand for copper, hut American mines are being actively worked. Prices remain at 12c for lake. European visible supplies and Chilian arid Australian stocks afloat declined 3,000 tons during the first half of June. The de mand for steel rails is the largest since April. DEYGOODS LINES. At Eastern drygoods centers fall trade opens with dark prints and ginghams in de mand; the latter leading makes selling at 8Jc. Cotton goon's are firm and some bleached goods are higher. Semi-annual clearing out sales are being arranged. Woolen goods are firm but quiet. Print cloths are stronger. Manufacturers have bought wool more freely and the staple is firmer, more active, and at some points lc higher. Baw cotton is in very active de mand at a decline of c. Business failures reported to Bradstreet's number 234 in the United States this week against 195 last week and 177 this week last .vear. Canada had 28 this week against 20 last week. The total of failures in the United States, January 1, to date is 5,674, against 5,048 in 1888. R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of trade says: 'There is a better feeling, with larget transactions in iron and wool and crop prospects are more favorable. But the agreement of railway Presidents has not prevented a renewal of strife, and the de moralization of rates is spreading widely, and meanwile the exports ot gold to-dav will exceed 54,400,000. If the railway out look continnes to discourage? foreign invest ors, and the banks begin the last half of the year with low reserves, gold going out, and large crops to be moved, the monetary pros pect will not be quite encouraging. SOME IMPROVEMENT At Milwaukee continued wet weather re tards, and business is rather quiet at Kan sas City, and outside of speculative opera tions and the iron trade it is generally" dull at Philadelphia, but marked improvement is note'd at' Pittsburg, and in a less degree at Cleveland. The demand lor money is rather active there, but generally very mod erate, with collections not on the whole per ceptibly better. Bains have decidedly improved crop pros pects in the Northwest, so that great hope fulness tinges all commercial reports from that section, and the demoralization of rail rates is commonly supposed to promise bet ter returns to farmers, while the difference in cost of transporting Eastern products to Western consumers is already considerable throughout the region north and west of Illinois. Better prices for iron are reported at Pittsburg, at Philadelphia and to some ex tent here, the advance on many kinds of pig iron being about 50 cents per ton. But Northern No. 1 can still be bought here at $16 50 to $18 00 and Southern No. 1 at 516 25 to 517 00 per ton. The markets for manufactured products are stronger and higher. In ' coal, recent hopes have not been realized. It is even stated that the Beading Company has not received a single order at the late advance, and sales below tbe schedule are reported at Philadelphia. Copper is unchanged, but tin is lower at 20 cents, production having been stimulated. Wool is rather stronger. AGRICULTURAL STAPLES. it&Wheat has, bead advaaeedlV GMits,,with, PITTSBTOEIG, SATURDAY, TONE But this speculative movement seems to take no account ot the fact that wheat and flour, equivalent to about 40,000,000 bush els in excess of a minimum stock will prob ably remain from the last crop, July 1, to be added to a new supply which promises to exceed all requirements for the next year. Corn is a half cent and oats three-quarters higher, for no other reason than because wheat advances. Cotton has declined an eighth. A long expected break in coffee lowers the price i cents, with sales of 696,000 bags. But the price is still 15 cents for December op tions, against 9 cents a year ago, and op erators wonder that the public does not buy. Pork, lard and hogs are a fraction lower; sugar unchanged for this week, and leather half a cent higher for some grades. The general tendency of prices has been slightly upward. . The heavy shipments of gold this week arc a surprise to many, and are attributed by some bankers to the needs of the Bank of France and the large expenditures of Americans at the exposition. But tbe bal ance of foreign trade has for months been so heavilv against this country that no such explanation of gold shipment is necessary. TRADE AGAINST US. For June, thus far, merchandise exports from New York are 16 per cent larger than last year's, with imports somewhat smaller, but even these changes would leave a heavy balance to be met by shipments of securities of gold. At present the tcumerof speculation does not encourage the belief that foreign buyers will take railway securities largely. On the contrary, demoralization of rail rates is likely to be followed by foreign sales. . The stock market is a little lower than a' week ago, but with great speculative strength still shown in the stocks which have been controlled by powerful combina tions. The business failures number 220, as com pared with 250 last week, and 225 the week firevious. For the corresponding week of ast year the figures were 204. ONE STREET KNOCKED OUT. A Nineteenth Ward Thoroughfare, Proponed In 1875, Is Knocked Oat. The Committee onPablio Works met yesterday afternoon, but had but little busi ness to transact. A communication from Chief Bigelow, of the Department of Public Works in regard to the remonstrance of A. J. Davis, against the opening through his property in the Nineteenth ward was read. Mr. Bigelow states that he has searched the records and found that in 1875 the opening of the street was authorized by Councils and approved by the Court ot Quarter Sessions, bnt the opening had been delayed until now. He thought nothing could be done now but proceed with the opening. , Mr. Davis in his petition claims that the street was opened withont his knowledge, or opportunity to appear before the Board of Viewers. As the opening would do great damage to his property, to the benefit of no one, he asked to have the ordinance referred back to the Board of Viewers.- Mr. Holliday's motion to refer the ordi nance back to Councils, with a request that it be returned to the Board of Viewers, was agreed to. A number of residents of Copeland street also appeared before the committee to re monstrate against the ordinance recently in troduced for grading, paving and curbing that street. Mr. John Davis, as spokesman for the party, stated that a 11 would have to be made on one end of the street, which would affect his property and that ot others seriously, and moreover he and the other re monstrants would not be financially able to proceed with the improvement. No rebuttal being offered to the statements ot the remonstrants, the remonstrance was referred to Councils, with the request that it be sent to the Board of Viewers. AN OLD CARPENTER'S HONORS. The Former Shover of an Allegheny Jack Plane Comes Home. Prof. Bobert Graham, of the Kentucky University, and President of the College of the Bible, Lexineton, Ky., arrived in this city recently. It is his intention to remain a week or two, visiting a nuniDer of his relatives in this vicinity, among whom is his nephew, Becorder Graham. An old resident of Allegheny says he re members Prof. Graham some 50 years ago, when he was shoving a jack plane as a car penter's apprentice in that city; but, having a great thirst for knowledge, he took his kit of tools on his back and trudged away to Bethany, W. Va., where a college was being erected, and offered his services as carpenter on the new buildings in pay for forthcoming tuition. His offer was accept ed; he remained and graduated with high honor, and entered the educational and "ministerial field. He has taken front rank in institutions of learning, filling the chairs of belles lettres, mental, moral and political philosophy, sacred history, etc., etc. He has been Presi dent of a number of colleges and universi ties in the South and West His has been'such aTrasy life that he has only found time to visit his early home here but a few times in the 50 years of his resi dence elsewhere; but he declares the growth and improvement of this section of the conn tryare truly marvelous. He has consented to preach Sunday morn ing and evening in the Christian Church, corner of Arch street and Montgomery ave nue, Allegheny. ThorDoaf and Dumb Anniversary. The closing exercises of the Western Pennsylvania Institntion for the Deaf and Dumb, at Edgenood, will take place on Tuesday, the 25th instant, at 2:30 p.m. An interesting programme has been prepared. There will also be on exhibition specimens ofirood carving and other work done by the pupils. Trains will leave the Union depot at id p. si., ana returning leave-bklgewooa station at 4:21, 5:03 and 5.30 pTm" I v To-Daj's Special Sale. ' Special prices have reached tlje lowest notch for to-day's sale. Men's elegant suits in 1;000 different styles, from fineTcheviots, cassimeres, worsteds, serges and diagonals, at ?8 and 10? worth double tile money. Don't miss this chance. We areunloading our big stock at ridiculously low prices and giving the public an opportunity to buy it dirt cheap. Also extra tor to-day men's genuine electric blue serge suits at 517. See them. P. C. C. C., corner Grtint and Dia mond streets, opp. the new Cdurt House, Speaks Well for T 10m. Sixty per cent of all the I ieycles in use are Columbias. Why not 1 ny the best? They cost no more than those claimed to be as good as Columbias. For 1 oys the Fam ous Ideal has no equal for ea: y running and durability. James '. Grove, ifth avenue. The best material and artesian well water makes a healthful and palatable bev erage. Sold in bottles anu kegs. Send them a trial order. Telephone 1018. IF you are seeking for a very fine im ported cigar, ask to see the La Matilde brand. From 510 to 540 pe 100. G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97Eifth ave. When ordering beer forjfamily use, give C. Baeuerlein Brewing Co. is product a trial. It is absolutely pure and palatable. Tele phone 1018. i xhssu Guns, revolvers; catalogues free. J. H. Johnston, 706 Smithfield st. RLEY DARE. An to-morroufs DlS- pAoth. retatet .the yi&Memrv 23, 1889. A TERT WET TEAE. Predictions for the Balance of the Tear Based on Good Science. EVERYDAY METHODS OP KN0W1KG. Why the Signal Service is Approximatelj Correct in Its Reports. MORE RAIN IS IN STORE FOR US ALL There be many people who make wise prognostications about what the weather is going to be to-morrow or next week or next month, and predict for the future great storms of wind, rain and even of fire for cer tain districts of the world. They thereby often cause nervousness, irritability, appre hension and sometimes insanity and suicide among credulous, nervous people, for there arc many people, more or less superstitious, who believe that these so-called prophets have the gift of prophecy and can read the signs and portents in the heavens, of com ing disaster, as well as could the prophets of old. A prophecy by an unscientific mind is about as probable .and plausible as that ''The sun do move." The prediction or "probabilities" from the Signal Service Department in Washington or other regularly organized and equipped Weather Bureau is generally approx imately correct, for it is made on scientific principles and with a knowledge of the con dition of the weather and the direction of the wind and possible storm centers over a large part of the country at a given time. With that knowledge given the operator, .having ordinary intelligence and previous experience of the habits of storms, can give a very shrewd guess at the weather for dif ferent areas for 24 hours ahead, unless some unlooked for current of air from the ocean should make a sudden appearance and knock all of his predictions in the head, for ocean storms are the worst storms, and are totally unpredictable. some everyday methods. Man's ingenuity, foresight or even great intelligence are swamped before the instinct of the dumb animals and birds. Although the sky may be clear and all nature serene, dumb creation can feel the approach of a storm, while mankind can know nothing of it unless by telegraph. The pig will carry straws in his mouth to the pen; the cattle in the field will gather together toward the barn; ducks and geese will flap their wings and utter loud cries; the peacock will utter his peculiar scream, while many birds will fiy very high and animals and birds all show considerable nervousness. The coffee cup makes a very good barom eter. If the bubbles stay persistently in the center, a good day surely follows. While if they as persistently scatter and finally strike the side of the cup, rain may be looke'd for; and if they from the first stick to the side of the cup, ram will almost surely follow. These peculiarities have been watched for ages and confirmed by accumulated experi ence. But man cannot tell without scien tific knowledge as much as the animals about the changes of the weather. Only by long experience and daily telegraphic re port can he foretell anything about the weather for to-morrow. But the great astronomer and scientist, Herschel, got up a weather table for fore telling the weather throughout all the luna tions of each year forever, as a result of many years' actual observation based on the attraction of the sun and moon in their various positions regarding the earth, and showing what kind ot weather would most probably follow on tbe moon entering her different phases at different hours of the day and night. here aee predictions. Taking that as a guide, and finding the hours of the moon's changes for the entire year, the predictions are decidedly unfav orable. The indications are for rain, changeable, wet and stormy, cold rains and wind and rain almost throughout the year. Commencing January 25, the predictions to this time have been remarkably accurate. From now to July 6 cold rains are predicted. July 6 to 19. fair. July 19 to 27. changeable. July 27 to August 4. fair. August 4 to August 10, changeable. August 10 to August 18, fair. August IS to September 16, changeable and rainy. September 16 to September 24, fair. September 24 to October 16, rainy. October 16 to October 24, fair. October 24 to end of the year, rainy, cold rains, windy and showery, changeable and stormy, are predicted. Se there are but six phases of the moon credited with fair weather; about 49 days out of 193 days, rainy and uncertain. This is certainly a gloomy ontlook, but there are many of those days marked changeable, whiclrmay turn out partially, if not alto gether, good. These "probabilities" are based on purely scientific astronomical facts backed by experience of many years, and by the fact that the moon certainly has a considerable influence on our terrestrial at mosphere. Tnev won't tell on what particular day rain will fa If, but they will give an indica- i tion ot the possibilities ror certain seasons. They will bear watching. BuMBALO. Pittsburg, June 22, 1889. - SPECIALTIES FOB, SUMMER In the Suit Room at Jos. Home Sc Co.'s, Penn Avenue. Prices reduced on all garments this day. Note the following and lose no time in com ing: New gingham suits in ladies' assorted sizes, good quality and well made, at $5 and up to 525. Satine snits, $5 and upward. White lawn dresses at 53, 55, 510, 512, 51S and upward, in plain styles and richly trimmed in embroidery. White lawn wrappers, plain and .embroi dered. " ,. Traveling dresses in all wool, lightweight fabrics, good styles, reduced from 520 to 510. Black surah silk dresses, accordion plaits and plain black suits in fine wool materials. Choice styles in printed India silk suits, all at reduced prices. Printed challis tea gowns, wrappers and suits in large variety. Snrah silk blouses, all colors, and black. French cashmere shawls, in all the best colorings and cream white. Fancy silk shawls and traveling mauds. Striped tennis blazers and blouses a great variety of new styles. 52 and upward. One'lot of flannel blouse waists at 51. Jersey blouses in best styles. Flannel blouses in fancy stripes. Jersey waists, black and colors, at lower prices than ever known. Chintz wrappers, gingham wrappers. Lace mantels, silk mantels, French em broidered mantels. Long ulsters, in lightweight cloth, for tourists. Mohair ulsters, waterproof long wraps and ulsters no rubber in them, but absolutely waterproof just the thing for hot season, and lots of other garments in this suit room you ought to see before finishing up your summer purchases. In the infants and girls' department you will find best styles ready made garments in finest qualities for summer wear for all ages. Beniember, this is the beginning of our clearance sale in these departments for, this season. Jos.'Horne & Co.'s Retail Stores, Penn Avenue. Get a sack of "Ivory" flour of your grocer, and see what fine bread you will have. its' fPT. ADA PUT 1 17 n tymorrovfs DlS tJjAHA JJMlLD, patch, relalajn a lawst-'Btwawurw or. a NOW FIEST m i c SE! A Tale of By C3-. .A.. Author of "Under Drake's Flag," ALL SIGHTS SYNOPSIS OF PREVIOUS CHAPTER. Chapter L Lieutenant Colston, of H. II. S. Tcnebreuse, while on a brief visit to the Carne's Arms Inn, flhlnz in the neighboring river, is told the story of the Curse ot Carne's Hold. In the days of tho First Charles, Sir .agar came, tue occupant ot carne's noiu. a house on the neighboring hill, fights for his king, and brings home from Spain a young and beautiful bride. Tliey lived unhappily and frequently quarreled. At last one day she, in a paroxysm of madness, stabbed her child to death. After this nono except the inmates of the Hold ever saw Lady Carne again, but a few days be fore she died she cursed the Carnes, her bus band, the bouse aud her descendants. Tbe curse subsequently worked in ber descendants, several laying violent bands upon their rela tives and themselves. The present Squire, though moody and reticent, seemed, however, to have esc iped tup taint of madness which the Spanish ancestress had endowed them. The Hon. Mrs. Mervyn, annt of the Squire and his sister, resides in the neighborhood, and Gnlstoit is invited there to a ball, which he accepts. CHAPTER II. Margaret Carne. Bonald Mervyn was, perhaps, the most popular man in his regiment. They were proud of him as one of the most daring steeplechase riders in the service, and as a man who had greatly distinguished himself by a deed ot desperate valor in India. He was far and away, the best cricketer in the corps; he could sing a capital song, and was an excellent musician and the most pleas ant of companions. He was always ready to do his friends a service, and many a newly-joined subaltern who got into a scrape had been helped out by Bonald Mervyn's purse. And yet at times, as even those who most liked arid admired him could not but admit, Bonald Mervyn was a queer fellow, His fits were few and far between, but when they occurred he was altogether un like'himself. While they lasted he would scarce exchange a word with a soul, but shut himself in his room. or. as soon as pa rade was over, mounted his horse and rode ofLnot to return probably until late at nisht. Mervyn's moods were the subject of.marsy a quiet ioke among the young othcers of tbe regiment. Some declared that he must have committed a murder somewhere, and was occasionally troubled in his conscience; while some insisted 4that Mervyn's strange behavior was only assumed in order that he might be the more- appreciated at other times. Ainonr the two or three officers of the regiment who came from that part of the country, and knew something of the family history of the Mervyns, it was whis pered that he had inherited some slight share of the curse of the Carnes. Not that he w as-mad In the slightest degree no one would thinfcof saying that of Bonald Mer vyn but he had certainly queer moods. Perhapsrthe knowledge that there was a taintin his' blood affected him, and in course of time he began to brood over it. When this mood was on him, soon after joining, the regiment, he himself had spoken to the doctor about it. "Do vou know, doctor, I am a horrible sufferer frjm liver complaint?" "You don t iook it, juervyn, tne sur geon replied; "your skin is clear, and your eye is bright. You are always taking ex ercise; your muscles are as hard as nails. I cannot believe that there is much the mat ter with you." "I sutler, Doctor, so that at times for two or three days I am fit for nothing. I get into such a state that I am not fit to ex change a word with a human being, and could quarrel with my best friend if he spoke to me. I have tried all sorts of medi cines, but uothing seems to cure me; I sup pose it's liver. I don't kuow -what else it can be. I have spoken about it to the Major, and asked him it at any time he sees me iook grumpy, to say a wora to tne mess, and ask them to leave me to myself; but I do wish you could give me some thing." The doctor had recommended courses of various foreign waters, and had given him instructions to bathe his head when he felt it coming on; but nothing had availed. Once a year, or sometimes oftcner, Bonald retired lor two or throa. days, and then emerged as well and cheerful as before. Once, when the attack had been particu larly severe, he had again consulted the doctor, this time telling him the history of his family on his mother's side, and asking him frankly whether he thought these peri odical attacks had any connection with the family taint. The doctor, who had already heard the story in continence trom one ot the two men who knew it, replied: 'Well, Mervyn, L suppose that there's some sort ot distant connection between the two things, butl do not think you are likely to be seriously affected. I think you can set yournind at ease on that score. A man of so vigorous a frame as you are, and lead ing so active and healthy a life, is certainly not a likely subject for insanity. You should dismiss the matter altogether from your mind, old fellow. Many men with more than usual amount of animal spirits suffer at times from fits of depression. In your case, perhaps due, to some extent, to your family history, these fits of depression are more severe than usual. Probably the very circumstance that yon know this his tory has something to do withtltj, for when the depression which is, as I haye said, not uncommon in the case of men with high spirits, and is in fact a sort of reaction comes over you, no doubt the thought of the taint in the blood occurs to you, preys upen your mind, and deeply intensifies your de piession." "That is so, doctor. When lam in that state my one' thought is that I am going mad, and I sometimes feel then as if it would be best to blow out my brains and have done with it.'lc?- .USl. . . t' II rmrf'S fa m PUBLISHED. CARfS HOLD. Adventure. BCe3L-br3 "With Clive in India," etc., etc. RESERVED. Mervyn," the doctor said, earnestly. "I can assure you that I think you have no chance whatever of becoming insane. The fits of depression are, of course, troublesome and annoying, but they are few and far apart, and at all other times yon are per fectly well and healthy. Ton should, therefore, regard It as I do as a sort of re action, very common among men of your sanguine temperament and due in a very slight degree to the malady formerly ex istant in your family. I have watched yon closely since you came into the regiment, and believe me that I do not say it solely to reassure you when I affirm that it is my full belief anu conviction that you are as sane as other men, and it is likely that as you get on in life these fits of depression will alto gether disappear. You see, both your mother and uncle were perfectly free from any suspicion of a taint, and it is more than probable that it has altogether diej out. At any rate, the chances are slight indeed of its reappearing in your case." "Thank, you, doctor; you can imagine what a relief your words are to me. I don't worry about it at other times, and indeed I feel so thoroughly well that I could laugh at the idea were it mooted, but during these moods of mine it has tried me horribly. If you don't mind I will get you to write your opinion down, so that next time the fit seizes me I can read it over and assure myself that my apprehensions are unfounded." Certainly no one would associate the idea of insanity with Bonald Mervyn, as upon the day before the ball at his mother's house he sat on the edge of the ante-room table, and laughed and talked with a group of five young officers gathered round him. "Mind, you fellows must catch the 7 o'clock train or else you will be too late. There will be eight miles to drive; I will have a trap there to meet you, and you won't be there long before the others begin to ar rive. We are not fashionable in our part of the county. We shall have enough partners for you to begin to dance by 920, and I can promise you as pretty partners as you can find in any ballroom in England. When you have been quartered herea bit longer you will be ready to admit thertruth of the general opinion that in point of pretty women, Devonshire can hold its own against any county of England. No, there is no fear whatever of your coming in too great strength. Of course, in Plymouth here, one can overdo the thing, but when one gets be yond tbe beat of the garrison, gentlemen are at a premium. I saw my mother's list; if it had not been for the regiment the feminine element would have predominated terribly. Ttje army and navy, India and the colonies, to say nothing about all-devouring London, are the scourges of the country; the younger sons take wings for themselves and fly, and the spinsters are left lamenting." "I think there is more push and go among younger sons than there is in the elders," one of the young officers said. "They have not got the same responsibil ities," Bonald laughed. "It is easy to see you are. a younger son, Charley; there's a jaunty air about vour 'orage cap and a swagger in your walk that would tell any observant person that you are free from all responsibilities, and conld, as the Latin grammer says, sing before a robber." There was a general laugh, for Charley Mansfield was notoriously in a general state of impecuniosity. He, himself, joined merrily in tbe laugh. "I can certainly say," he replied, " 'He who steals my purse steals trash;' but I don't think he would get even that without a tussle. Still, what I said is true, I think. I know my eldest brother is a fearfully stately personage, whq, on the strength of two years difference of age, and his heirship, takes upon himself periodically to inflict ponderous words of wisdom upon me. I think a lot of them are like that, but after all, as I tell him, its the younger sons who have made England what it is. We won her battles and furnished her colonies, and have done pretty nearly everything that has been done; while the elder sons have only turned into respectable landowners and prosy magistrates." "Very well, Charley, the sentiments do you honor," another laughed, "but there the assembly is sounding. Walter, bring me a glass, of sherry; your sentiments have so impressed me, Charley, that I intend to drink solemnly to the success of second sons." "Yon are not on duty, are you, Mervyn?" "Nq; I am starting in half an hour to get home. I shall be wanted to aid in the final preparations. Well, I shall see von all to morrow night. Don't forget the 7 o'olock train. I expect we shall keep it np till be tween 3 and 4. Then yon can inkike a cigar, and at 5 the carriages will be ready to take yon to the station to catch the first train back, and yon will he time for atnb and a change before early parade." The ball at the Mervyn's jaw; a brilliant one. The house was Iarge7and aa Mr. Mervyn had died four years before, and Bonald had since that time been absent on foreign service, it was a long time since an entertainment on a large scale had been given there t$ the county. A little to the disappointment of many of tho young ladir in the neighborhood, the military andnaT officers did not come in nniform. TI were two or three girls staying in the h' and one of them in tbe course of the ing, when she was dancing with J said: "We all consideryou have tar Captain Mervyn. We made snr' would all be in nniform. Of who ive near Plymouth area it, bnt in these'parts the red c a. novelty, and we feel we frauded." "We never go to balls in unnora, exoeM-,wfcf -- t --milMiniis siilli t BsVssHsBSSBHHBf