Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 21, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Eetnrns of Week's Transactions at
Liberty Stock Yards.
Stocks in Hands of Allegheny Tanners Well
Cleaned Up.
Ofi-ice or pittsburo Dispatch, 1
Thursday, June 20. 1SS9.J
Liberty live stock markets present few
satisfactory features this week from the sell
ers' standpoint The run of local cattle was
too large tor demands of trade, and quality
was below the average. A number were still on
hand at noon to-day. The few loads on hand
suitable for our markets held, up fairly well to
last week's prices. These were light, tidy butch
er stock, weighing from 1,100 to 1,200. The
stock that dragged were thin feedcrs.which had
been taken from grass too soon.
Sheep and lambs were slow at prices ranging
from 15 to 30c below rates of last week. Both
euecp and hogs were slow because of difficulties
and delays in transportation to Eastern mar
kets. Following is report of week's transactions at
.Liberty yards:
Thro'. Local.
Thursday SOI 375 S.S00
FrldaT i 3) 80 1,3-10 2,530
batnrday. 400 300 1,100
fcundsy. TO 8-0 3,000 3,531
Monday CO iro 225 1.DS0
Tuesday 170 l,ui S.840
'Wednesday to 525 23)
Total. 150 1,770 7,565 35,390
Last week 5301 1.3S0 8,400 11,680
Prevlousweek.. . 1.230 1.260 17,325 12.930
Thnrsday 17 1,016 750
Frldav.. 3S S3i 2,092
baturdav 6 S31 1,1)03
Monday 1,161 2,891 4,205
Tuesday 376 Ml 3,759
Wednesday 157 820 1,070
Total .. 1755 6,631 13.869
last week 1.33S 6,893 12,071
Prevlousweek 1.251 9,685 11.285
Tanner in Better Heart.
A representative of one of our leading har
ness leather manufacturing firms, who has
seen to-day's reports, speaks as follows con
cerning the situation and outlook of this indus
try: "Hides and leather have given signs of
greater firmness and activity the past week or
two. Stock at the Allegheny tanneries .has
been well cleaned out of late. A few weeks
ago stock was accumulating uncomfortably
fast, and there was a fear that tanners would
come up to the hot season with a larger sur
plus than nsual on hand. All of the Allegheny
manufacturers have been increasing their ca
pacity duringthelasttwoorthree years. Their
product was so much in demand that it became
necessary to enlarge. In tbe early spring it
looked as though we bad overdone the matter.
But events have failed to justify our fears.
So far as I can learn the tanners over the
river are carrying very light stocks.
"When harness leatlier can be sold at all. the
Pittsburg brand has little difficulty finding cus
tomers at lc per pound over all other brands."
The firm represented by the gentleman here
quoted works up oi.OOO hides annually and con
sumes 12,000 cords of bark. In order to reach
tbe total of the Allegheny harness leather tan
ners it wonld be necessary to .multiply these
figures bv four. One-third of this product goes
to New England.
Horse Equipments.
One leading manufacturer of horse equip
ments reports a trade from January to June
above the corresponding period of last year,
which was an extra good year in his line. This
trade is principally in the finer grades of har
ness. Said he: "Prices of low-grade harness
leather are cheaper than last year, but on the
Quality we use there is no material change. We
have had a better trade each month this year
than we bad the corresponding month of last
year. The returns for June are not in, and
trade has been slow tbe past week. But what
ever comes, we know that tbe first half of this
year has been better with us than the same
period of last year, and that year had beaten
all previous records."
By Telegraph.
Chicago Cattle Kecelnts, 11500 head;
shipments. .500 head: market 510c lower;
steers, S3 403 50: stockers and feeders, S2 25
3 40; beeves. $2 901 35; cows, bulls and mixed,
tl 40g2 So: Texas cattle. SI C02 53. Hosts Re
ceipts. 19.000 bead: shipments. 7,000 bead: mar
ket active and 5c higher; mixed. S4 2U4 40;
heavy, S4 15! So; light. 4 2o4 55; bulk, Si 5
4 3a Sheen Receipts. 5.500 head; shipments,
1.5(10 bead: market steady and firm; natives
$2 124 SO; Texans, S3 50S4 25; lambs, S2 00
&3 50.
Sew York Beeves Receipts, 400 bead, all
for export trading, and pull and lower for
dressed beef at $6 007 00 Der 100 pounds for
native sides and Si 505 50 for Texas do; ex
ports to-day, 550 beeves and LOOO cattle. Calves
Receipts. 1,700 head; demoralized, with no
show for a clearance: veals sold at S3 504 50;
buttermilks at S3 50. Sheep Receipts, 6.300
head: active and a fraction higher at S3 754 25
per 100 pounds for sheep and $6 007 75 for
lambs. Hogs Receipts, 5,100 head, all lor
slaughterers direct; none offered alive; nomi
nally a shade firmer at SI Kigo 00.
ST. LOOTS Cattle Receipts. 2,500 head: shin
ments, 00 head; market slow: choice heavv
native steers. S3 SOgM SO; fair to choice do, S3 10
S4 00: stockers and feeders. $2 20ffi3 30: rangers,
S2 703 30; grass-fed. S2 603 7a Hogs Re
ceipts. 3,600 head: sbu-ments, 1,600 head: mar
ket steady: choice heavy and butchers' se
lection, S4 204 30; pacKing, medium to prime,
$4 15014 25: light grades, ordinarv to best,
J4 204 30. Sheep Receipts, 800 head; ship
ment, 2, 400 head; market steady: fair to choice.
13 008)140.
Kansas Crrr Cattle Receipts, 2,071 head;
no shipments; dull and with a downward tend
ency; good to choice comfed steers. $3 753 95:
common to medium. S3 153 60; stockers and
feeding steers. S2 003 20: cows, $1 602 90.
Hoes Receipts, 7,811 head; shipments, 1.240
head; strong, active and full 5c higher; good
to rhoice light, SI 10dM 17- heavy and mixed,
$4 004 10. Sheep No shipments; strone and
active; good to choice muttons, S3 503 75;
common to medium, S2 503 25.
Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 87 loads
through: 9 loads sale; dull, nothing doing.
Sheep and lambs fairly active and higher:
receipts, 12 loads through; 7 loads sale: good
t lCOb, V V1tS ,W. ...1. ..IF iVUU, ,T3 ,UX UU,
Hogs slow; 5c lower on mediums; 1520c on
Yorkers; receipts. 18 loads through; 1G loads
sale: mediums, S4 50: Yorkers and pigs. $4 GO
4 65: roughs, S3 803 00; stags, S3 2oS 4a
CnfcrJUfATT Hogs easy: common andlight,
S3 404 40: packing- and botchers', $4 104 25;
receipts,490 hood; shipments, 2,040 head.
" Wool BInxkets.
rjfiTrXoTJls Receipts, 105,086 pounds; market
.Steady and unchanged.
Whisky Market.
There is a moderate demand for finished
goods at SI 02.
A Snbstitnte Foatnl Clerk Who Got Away
Willi SO Registered Packages.
Chicago, June 20. "W. C. Lally, a
substitute postal clerk was on trial in the
United States District Court to-day charged
with stealing 86 registered packages. C.
A. Storey, an employe in the registry divi
sion who was dismissed after the robbery,
testified that the only wonder was that there
had not been more robberies. He said that
the registry division was inadequately
guarded; on Sunday nights from 8 to 11 p.
It, there was no watchman, only two men
occupied the office and the doors were wide
open lor railway mail clerks to enter and
All the circumstances, he said, poinied to
Lally as the guilty man. Since December
20th there had been eight robberies, and the
time books showed that Lafly was the only
man who was on duty at the time when all
these robberies occurred.
A Hurricane Loose In Dakota.
VEBMfLLiON, Dak, June 20. A heavy
wind storm struck this place at 12:45 this
morning, doing considerable damage.
Colonel Jonathan Kimball's new residence,
the Catholic Church and a building on the
fair grounds are total wrecks. Several
houses were moved from their foundations,
and steeples, chimneys and outhouses are
generally flat. The loss is estimated at
Buc and Wet Wcntker Give 'the Wheat
Market Another Boost Corn and Oats
Higher Roc Products Active
nnd Unsettled.
Chicago Wheat was stronger today. The
news was more favorable to the bull Interest
and created some little anxiety among the
short Interest Damage to wheat by "bugs, un
settled and rainy weather, especially in sections
where dry weather would bo preferable, and
large clearances, changed the sentiment of
local traders and the feeling at domestic mar
kets was likewise affected. June advanced lc,
but closed with the advance lost. July opened
Kfie higher, advanced lfo receded c and
closed Jc higher than yesterday. Deferred
futures shared in the improvement, advancing
lljc and closed JJQlc higher.
Yesterday's closing developed a rather bear
ish feeling, but this morning at the start there
was not much wheat for sale, and under the
nature of the Influences brought to bear on the
market, good buying set in, which caused the
steady and sharp advance noted. Probably the
principal Influence was the reportedappearance
of "green bugs" in the wheat fields of Indiana
and Ohio, and the report that considerable
damage would be the result, more especially in
the way of shriveled wheat Rain was also re
ported West and South and cloudy weather in
the Southwest There was some buying on un
settled weather. Damage to the Russian crop
was also brought to the surface again, which,
it is claimed, is greater in som sections than
had been calculated upon.
Considerable interest was manifested In corn,
trading being quite active at times, and higher
prices were" established. Most of the business
as transacted during the first half of the ses
sion, after which the market became more
quiet Trading was more general to-day than
lor some time past, the volume of business be
ing larger with more doing on country account
Tbe wet weather as the strengthening factor,
and country shorts covered freely, which made
local operators rather nervous, who In turn
also covered. The market opened a shade
higher than the closing prices of yesterday,
was firm and gradually advanced Jc; reacted
JiSJaC, ruled quiet and steady, closing yic
higher than yesterday.
In oats a larger business was transacted and
a stronger feeling developed, especially in the
near futures, which were bought with increased
freedom by shorts, who became scared at the
advance in corn and reports of bad weather,
and wanted to cover. Offerings during the
early part of tbe day were light especially of
July, which advanced c, but reacted a
and closed easy. August, September and the
more deferred deliveries were offered freely,
and prices only advanced Jc
Trading was more active in the market for
mess pork and tbe feeling was somewhat un
settled. Early sales were made at 57Kc ad
vance, but a weaker feeling developed later,
and prices receded 1720c The market
closed quiet at inside prices.
Only a fair trade was reported in the lard
market and the feeling was easy. Prices ruled
2Sc lower and the market closed tame at
the reduction.
In short rib sides trading was moderate and
the feeling was easy. Prices declined 25c
and tbe market closed quiet and steady at tbe
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 2 July. 777eK773ie7c;
August 7576K75H76c; September, 75
7dH7o&754c; December, 764776?
Corx-No. 2 Jnly. 34K35JS4K34c:
August. 35K35K35H35i4c; September, &
uats r
OOMiCTl,! ., 'IOm
SIess Pork, per boh July. SU 65SU 65
11 45ll 4K; August SU 70U 70lt o2
11 52k; September, Sll 7oll 75011 6'J11 6C.
Lard, per 100 tts.-luly, $6 06 5C6 47&
8 47K: August S6 576 57K6 556 55; Sep
tember. S6 6766 67KM 62K6 U2
Short Ribs, per 100 fts. July. $5 755 80
&72ioT2Hx August S5 8o5 8505 80
5 80; September, $5 92K5 925 S7K65 87H-
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm
and unchanged. No. 2 spring' wheat 8080Kc;
No.3 spring wheat, nominal: No. 2 red, 8080c
No. 2 corn. 34 JJc No.2oats.22Jic. No.2rye.4uc
No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, SI 52.
Prime timothy seed, SI 33. Mess pork, per
barrel, $11 5a Lard, per 100 pounds, S8 42K
66 45. Short ribs sides (loose), 5570. Dry
salted shoulders (boxed), $5 12. Short clear
sides (boxed), SO 12K. Sugars cut loaf, un
changed. Receipts Plonr.1,2000 barrcls;wheat
10.000 bushels: corn. 15S0U0 bushels: oats.
148,000 bushels: rye, 2,000 bushels; barley, 4.000
bushels. Shipments Flour. 6,000 barrels: wheat
5.000 busnels; corn. 223,000 bushels: oats, 288,000
bushels; rye. 2.000; barley. 1.000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day tbe butter
market was firm and unchanged. Eggs firm
at 12c.
New York Flour steadier and less'active.
Cornmeal steady, less doing. Wheat Spot
strong and lIKo bigner; options fairly active'
and ?4lc higher, closing heavy; shorts cover
ing; bad crop reports. Barley malt dull. Corn
Spot higher: light offerings and less doing;
options moderately active anu stronger. Oats
Spot stronger and fairly active: options more
active and firmer. Hay about steady., quiet
Hops rather steady and quiet Coffee Options
opened barely steady and 4050 points down;
closed barelysteadyat5060 points down; lower
cables: active: sales 140.250 basrs, inclnding
Juno. 14.4514.65c; July. 14.IC14.S0c; August
14.6014.80c; Septembor. 14.75ai4.95e; October,
lt8515.05c: November, 14.9015.10c: Decem
ber, 14.8515.15c; January,- lt9015.10c: Feb
ruary, 119015.15c: March, 1515.15c; April,
15.1015c; spot Rio dull 'and lower,
fair cargoes. 17Jc. Sugar Raw dull; sales,
5,011 bags; Gnantanamo molasses sugar, 87
test 4 7-6c; refined steady and quiet Molasses
Foreign, 50 test 31c; New Orleans quiet Rice
quiet and steady. Cottonseed ell dull. Tal
low quiet Rosin steady and quiet Turpen
tine dull at 37Q3Sc. Eggs firm and in mod
erate demand; western, 14jllJic: receipts,
4,524 packages. Pork quiet Cutmeats strong;
sales pickled bellies, 12 Sis., 6c; pickled
hams, 115i12c; pickled shoulders, 5c; mid
dles quiet; short clear. $6 4a Lard lower; spot
in fair export demand; sales spot western
steam, S6 82J46S5: June. SO 80; July. S6 81
asKeu; August, eo V4; oepiemoer. 3D vbng:i ui.
closing at S6 95 bid; October, $6 94. Butter in
good demand and firm; western dairy, 913Jc;
do creamery, 1317Jc; western factory, 8l3c
Cheese weak; more demand; western, 7&8c.
Philadelphia Flour quiet and firm.
Wheat Car lots firm; speculation quiet, but
prices of options strong and lc higher: No.
2 white, June, 9091c; July. 82KS3c; August,
82KS3c; September, 8383c Corn-Firm
and higher; speculation quiet; steamer. No. 2
mixed in Twentieth street elevator, 42jc; No.
2 mixed, on track in grain depot and in
Twentieth street elevator, 42c; No. 2 vellow,
on dock, 42Kc: No. 2 mixed. June. 4212Kc:
July. 41K42Vc; August, 42543Kc; Sep
tember, 4343j$c Oats Good demand :for
car lots, and prices advanced UKc; No. 2
mixed. 2930c; No. 3 white, 31J32: No. 2
white 33J$c; futures quiet and flrmfNo. 2 white
June, 3233c; July, 3233c; August, 31K
32c; September, 3132. Butter is active aid
weak: Pennsylvania creamery, extra, 16j?17c; do
prints, extra, 18c. Eggs firm; Pennsylvania
firsts. 16c.
St. Louis Flour quiet and easy. Wheat
Cash easy; options easier: advices were bullish
and the market closed lc above vesterdav; No.
2 red, cash. 80c; July closed at 73J73Vc bid;
August 735cbid: September. 74Kc asked: D.
cember, 77Jc Corn strong; No. 2 mixed, cash
30J31c; July closed at 31Ji3Ic August
32ic bid; September, 33Jic asked; vear, 30c
Oats strone; No. 2 cash, 23c bid: June, 23Kjc
Julv, 2222ic,and none offered. Rye No. 2.
383!c Flaxseed August delivery held at
SI 15 bid; spot SI 30. Provisions quiet
ClNcrsjfATi Flour quiet Wheat easier;
No, 2 red, S6S8c; receipts. 2.200 bushels: ship
ments, none. Corn firm; No. 2 mixed.37c. Oats
aieiuji ,iv.Aluucu,Myrau xtve auii; JNO. Z,
44Uc Pork easier at S12 00. Lard weaker at
SS 256 27. Bulkmeats and bacon easy. But
ter quiet Sugar firm. Eggs and cheese
Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat
easy; cash, and July. 74Jic: September, 75J&C.
B AlriMOEE Provisions stead v. Butter quiet
and stead v: western packed. 1012c; creamery,
1617c. Eggs steady at 1415cCoffee nomi
nal; Rice fair at ITJic
Toledo Cloverseed nominal; cash, S4 25.
He Will Object.
It is charged that a number of employes of
the city have been working in Johnstown and
drawing pay from the Relief Committee while
their salary has been going on as usual. Con
troller Morrow sajs he will not pay any of such
employes if he finds they received pay at Johns
town for the time they put in there.
She Had to ee Him.
Fritz Friel will have a hearing before Alder
man Foley, of Woods' Run. on Tuesday, to an
swer a charge of aggravated assault and bat
tery preferred by Emma Ousterich. The pros
ecutrix alleges that Friel called on her last
Saturday night. Sbe refused to see him on ac
count of sickness. It is said ho then forced
his way into tbe parlor and struck her twice in
tbe face. ,The affiant knows, so cause for tbe
When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she ci led for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Children,she care them Castor! a
A Big Tumble in Exchange Member
ships Within Three Years.
Sickness and Death Traced Directly to Sew
age and Surface Water.
Three years ago a membership in the Pitts
burg Petroleum, Grain and Metal Exchange
was valued at about $1,100. Yesterday one
was sold for 5475. This shows that the spec
ulative interest here is in a comatose condi
tion", and there is no prospect of a speedy
This fact should give a greater value to
our bank clearings than is accorded them in
some quarters, as it bears out former state
ments that nearly all the business done here is
The following legend Is displayed at the
cashier's window In one of the leading banks of
the city:
"The Lord helps those who help, themselves,
but the Lord help those found helping them
selves here."
The problem of a water supply at West End
Place has been solved. , I mentioned a few days
ago that a well had been bored and a good sup
ply of the natural beverage attained. Since
then two other wells have been put down,
making three in all. They are IIS', 90 and 75
feet deep respectively. The diameter of the
bore is six inches. They are cased with iron'
down to the rock, which is found at a depth of
15 or 20 feet This makes it impossible for sur
face water to get into them. Bored wells are
coming into favor hereabouts.
Pure water is necessary to good health
Where wells are used too much care cannot be
taken to keep out the surface water. The
typhoid epidemic which decimated Williams
port in this State, a few years ago, was caused
by impure water. About nine years ago an
alarming sickness broke out in our handsome
suburb of Wilkinsburg. The sick list num
bered S00 or 400, and the death roll was very
large. It was traced to sewage and surface
water getting into the wells.
The ancients were great well diggers. Their
wells were 15 or 20 feet in diameter, from 50 to
70 feet deep, and cemented from top to bottom.
Tbe well at which Isaac's commissioner met
Rebekah aud tbe one where our Savior talked
with the woman of Samaria, are still in good
condition, and in dally use. The former is
more than 3,000 years old.
I asked an iron worker yesterday to give me
his opinion of the condition and prospects of
the market He replied:
"Prices are no higher, but they are a little
stronger. The mills are hard at work to exe
cute tbeir orders by the end of the present
month. At the beginning of July there will be
a general shut-down for two weeks or longer to
make necessary repairs, and to settle the wage
question. This may cause some trouble, but I
do not look for a strike. The workers know
that trade has been dragging for a long time,
and I think they will be reasonable in their de
mands. They have always been paid consider
ably more than Eastern workers."
"Because in the East the manufacturers are
organized and the men are not Here the re
verse is the case. This shows the power of or
ganized labor."
He added that the orders the mills were now
working on were for regular sizes to supply
anticipated wants before operations were re
sumed. "How do yon think the fall trade will be T"
"I think it will be brisk. The prospect is
favorable for a good demand for almost every
thing, and I think prices will be advanced."
A Pittsburg grain broker, taking the Gov
ernment crop report as a basis, has figured out
that tbe wheat crop this year will be 520.000,000
"It is more likely to exceed than to fall
under this estimate," he" added.
Stock Brokers Reaiine on Their Oars for a
Turn of tbe Tide.
Yesterday's stock market was productive of
a great many figures and very little business.
After the morning call a small lot of Philadel
phia Gas changed hands at 37. showing firm
ness, if not activity. Electric was opened at 5L
with 50 bid. The firmness of this stock Is ac
cepted as an indication of a revival in the near
future. La Noria was wanted at 1, but It was
held higher. The remainder of the list was
featureless, as well as dull.
The sale of a membership at S475 when, three
years ago, it wonld have brought 1,100, shows
better than anything else the depressed condi
tion of the speculative interests. A broker re
marked: "We have no orders either way to
amount to anything, and of course we can do
nothing. Prices are about at the bottom. The
next change will be for the bettor." Bids,
offers and sales follow:
Bid. Asked. Hid. Asked.
ritts.ret.St0CXiM.Ex 475 490
fifth Avenue Bank... 40 .... 40 ....'
Keystone Bank of P'g .... 60J4
Masonic Bant 57
Diamond N. Bank
Uuquesne Nat. Hank
ExcnangeN. Bank
reople'sN. Bank
K. E. L. and Trust Co
City Insurance
Citizens1 Insurance.... 35
German American Ins 51
Monongabela Ins 33
Allegheny Ins. Co
Boatman's Insurance
Hen Franklin Ins
Ulrmlneham Ins
Pennsylvania Ins
People's Ins
Allegheny Gas Co S3
Consolidated Uas Co. .. 33
Bridgewater Gas
Chartlers Val. Gas Co
Nat Gas Co. or VT. Va. 67
1'eonle's N. G. Co
155 ....
14S ....
80 ....
150 ....
33f ..:
51Ji ....
3S ....
27 ....
45 ....
.;;: ;:;:
43 47 43
70 67 70
reople's N G i r Co.. 17 .... 17
fennsvlvanla Gas Co.. 14 .... 14 ....
Philadelphia Co 36J 38 36J4 37
fine Run Gas go
Wheeling Gas Co 29 30 29 30
Central Traction 31M 31& 31 31
Citizens' Traction 70 .... 7uM
PlttsburK Traction.... 61 52JJ .... bl'i
1'leasant Valley VJ& loo
ritts., Alle. & Man 2S0
Pltts.,Cln, &bt.U 19 ....
P. A Y. K. K. Co IS KH 13 JZH
f. &"W. K. E. nref.... SO 21 .... 20S
North Side Bridge Co. 53 55
Union Bridge m 13 l4Ts 53 55
La Noria Mining Co... K l IH IX
Kcauuiivura uiib.iju w gi ou (,1
U. Switch & Signal Co. iZH 24 23 24
There were no sales at the morning call
After call five shares of Philadelphia Gas sold
at 37. In tbe afternoon 100 shares of La Noria
went at 1, b. o. 30, and one membership at
The total sales of stocks at New York yes
terday were 210,425 shares, including: Atchison,
14.6S5; Delaware. Lackawanna and Western.
22.000: Missouri Pactnc.3.651; NorthTestern. 8.
GSO: Northern Pacific preferred, 7,060: Oregon
Trranscontinental, fi,loO; Beading, 24,500; St
Paul, 30,712; Union Pacific, 14,917; Western
Union, 3,070,
Oil Opens Weak and Closes Strong, With
Ten Little Doing.
Tbe oil market was badly in the dumps at the
opening yesterday, but It improved in temper
as the day wore on, and the close was one of
the firmest for a long time, indicating a belief
in a better time coming. Trading was light
and of a professional character, the most ot it
being done in the afternoon. There was noth
ing in the way of news to affect the market on
either side.
Tbe opening price was83Jc. Themarketthen
made a little spurt for no particular reason and
advanced Ho, but it failed to develop staying
qualities and quietly receded to the opening
figure, where it held for some time, and then
moved up to 835c, at which it closed with very
little doing. Wednesday's clearings were 162,
000 barrels.
Feature of tbe Market.
Corrected dally by John M. OaKiey 4 Co., 45
Sixth street members of tbe Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 83VLowest 83
Highest 63 Closed sH
Average runs , 49,451
Average shipments 70,643
Average charters , 45,683
Beflned, New York, 8.90c
Etflnetf, London, 6 1WM,
Rellned, Antwerp. Ut.
Kenned. Liverpool, a 5JM. M. .
Carrying, New York flat; Oil City, flstl Brad
ford, flat; Pittsburg, flat MIA. .
A-B. McGrew fe Vtk, quote: Puts, 83Jio to
83Je; calls, S3c
Other Oil Markets. '
On, cmr. June 2a National transit cer
tlflcates opened atS3Jc; highest, S3JgC; lowest,
S3c; closed at 83c
Bradford. June 20-. National transit cer
tificates opened at 83tc; highest, 83c; lowest,
83c; closed at 83c
Trrosvil.l.E, June 20. National transit cer
tificates opened at 83c; highest 3c; lowest,
S3Jc; closed, 83)c
New York, June 20. Petroleum opened
steady at 83Kc but became dull and remained
so throughout the day. closing 83c, Sales? 84,
000 barrels. ,.
The Financial Interest Still Moving Along
Smoothly nnd Quietly.
The condition of things at the banks yester
day was very much the same as has been re
ported for two or three weeks. Money was
said to be in good supply, with a light demand.
Rates ranged from 558 per cent accord
ing to the quality of the collateral. Currency
was a little more plentiful, showing no danger
of a failure. The clearings were $1,727,142 01
and tbe balances $212,411 52, indicating the
usual movement in trade.
money on call at New York yesterday was
easyat22 per cent; last loan, '2 per cent;
closed offered at 2 per cent Prime mercantile
paper, S5K. Sterling exchange quiet but
steady, at 4 87 for 60-day bills, and t for
Closing Bond Quotations.
IT. S. 43,rer...
U. S. 4s. coun.
..128 If
M.K.&T. Gen. 5s.. MX
Mutual Union 6s... .lOJJi
N. J. C. Int Cert...ll5g
Northern Pac. lsts..l20M
Northern rac. 2ds..llS
Northw't'n consols.!4i
Northw'n deben's.,114
Oregon & Trans. 68.105
U. S. 4Hs. reg.,
U. S. 4MS, coup. 106
raciflctisof '95 lis
Loulsianastamned4s MX
-Missouri 6s 102K
Tcnn. new set. 6s.. ..109
Tcnn. new set. 5s. ...105
Tenn. new set. 3s.... 73
Canada So. 2ds 99J
Cen. racialists 116V
Den. AK. G., Ists...ll9j
Den. &B. G. 4s :S2
D.&K.G.West,lsts. 102
Krie, 2ds 101)4
11. ii.. &T. Gen. 6s.. 63
St. L. 41. M. Gen. 5s S3
St. L.& S. '. Gen. MIS)
St. Paul consols vai
St. PI, Chl&rc. lstslM
Tx., Pc.L. G.Tr.BS. 89
Tx..Pc.ltG.'lT,Kcts 38
Union rac. 8ts....,w
West Shore WsX
Yesterday's bond offerings aggregated SS5,
000, as follows: Registered 4s, $20,000 at 129; reg
istered iXh $40,000 at 103: $25,000 at lOSJi. Gov
ernment and State bonds were dull and steady.
New York Bank clearings, $118,805,707; bal
ances, $5,348,502.
Boston - Clearings, $18,490,271; balances,
$2,453,16L Money 22 per cent
Baltimore Clearings, $2,043,341; balances,
Philadelphia Clearings, $11,893,210; bal
ances, $1,525,417.
London The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bank of England on balance to
day is 50,000. The bullion in the Bank of En
gland increased 691,000'during the past week.
The proportion of the Bank of England's re
serves to liability is now 43.53 per cent Bar
Bilver 42d per ounce.
PARIS Three per cent rentes 85f 60c for
the account The weekly statement of tbe
Banc of France sbows an increase of 26,823,000
francs gold and 3,400,000 francs silver.
Chicago Money hardening on call at 5
5K per cent; time loans, WM1 per cent Bank
clearings, $10,999,000.
St. LOUIS Clearings, $3,425,936; balances,
A Good Demnnd for Both Deals in City nnd
Kelly &. Rogers. No. 6315 Station street East
End sold to Cynthia P. Hunter for Catherine
Drum, a six-roomed frame house and lot 82x
100, on Broad street for $2,300, cash.
Samuel W. Black it Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
placed a mortgage for $4,000 on property on
Wylie avenue, for three years at 5 8-10 per cent.
George S. Martin, 503 Liberty street, sold in
the Maplewood Park plan, Wilkinsburg, lot
No. 119, having a frontage of 40 feet on Maple
wood avenue by 146 feet to Fabnestock lane,
for $460, to H. F. Stefler; also lot No. 149 in
the same plan for S300 to Mrs. L. J. Moxan.
Black &Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold
another lot in the Hay plan of Valley view
place, being No. 1, fronting 20 feet on Rebecca
street by 100 in depth to.an alley, for $100. The
purchaser was Mr. E. Larimer.
J. R. Cooper & Co., 107 Fourth avenne. report
the following lots sold In the McNeil plan.
Thirteenth ward: No. 26 to David Wright, for
"5300, and No. 49 to Albert Pickle for $350. This
firm also placed a mortgage of $1,500, at 6 per
cent on Southside property.
Leads a Kally In tho Stock market, Fol
lowed Lnter by tbe Ronlers The
Bears on a Raid Advances
In tho Mnjorliy.
New York, June 20. The stock market was
much less active to-day, there being less dispo
sition to trade than' on any day for a week past
The news of 'the day was not of special im
portance, though the usual reports of rate
cutting in the AVest beside other troubles,
were talked about; but they seemed to bave
but little influence over the course of prices.
The denial that the Rock Island intended to
leave the Inter-State Association, with tbe un
expected buying orders in the market from
London this morning, completely wiped out
every appearance of weakness at the opening,
and first prices were generally from to per
cent higher than last evening's closing figures.
The smaller shorts hastened to cover, and the
result was further slight advances in tbe earlv
trading. The bears, however, could not give us
the fight so easily, and a demonstration was
made against the list with tbe result of bring
ing Union Pacific, which was a fair mark be
cause of a threatened strike of its engineers,
down nearly 1 per cent Lackawanna, Missouri
Pacific. Reading, Rock Island and Atchison
followed with the general list, showing slight
losses. The force of the movement was spent
in the first half hour, however, and a better
tone soon spread throughout the market, with
Sugar Trust leading. It reached 114, the
highest point yet
Oregon Transcontinental was helped by the
announcement by Mr. Willard that he did not
intend to liqnidate Transcontinental but pro
poses in due time to reconstruct tbe
company on a better financial basis,
which will be greatly to the advantage
of the stockholders. The stock roso
about 1 per cent to 37. Dullness became the
must conspicuous feature of tbe market after
noon, but prices continued to creep up, and
the Coalers took the lead in the upward move
ment, which extended to about lk per cent,
with Delaware and Hudson and Lackawanna
leading. The suits to abolish tbe voting trust
In Reading attracted no attention and seem
ingly had no effect upon the stock.
A realizing movement began in the last hour,
and prices moved off quite rapidly in some
parts of the list, Atchison, New England and
Lackawanna leading. Just before the close
there was another lot of gold ordered for ex
port, and this helped tbe downward movement,
tbe market closing quiet but heavy and close
to opening figures. The final changes are all
for fractional amounts, with advances in a
large majority. Oregon Navigation and West
ern Union sold ex-dividend to-day. '
There was the usual moderate business in
railroad bonds and the regular firm tone, with
slight fluctuations and lack of special features.
Tbe sales of all issues reached $1,636,000. Read
ing 4s contributed $137,000. the 2d incomes
$100,000 and the Erie 2ds $107,000 to the, grand
total. Kansas and Texas consols 7s rose 'li to
90. Ohio, Indiana and Western 2dslost 3,
at 4a v
.The following table'snows the prices of active
stocks on tbe New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected daiij for The Dispatch by Whit
ney & Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange. 67 Fourth avenue:
Open- HI en- Low- lnc
Intr. est. est Bids
Am. Cotton Oil 59 VIM
Atcn., Top. &.F.. 46J i54 45 45
Canada Southern 54K 54 X 54 53
Central of New Jersey. li: 113 112K 113U
Central Pacini 35
Chesapeake & Ohio ... 3'4 Z 3u 20,
(J., Ilur. i Ooli.cv. ....102M 102S 10 1 J, 102j
a. Mil. & St Paul.... 11H 71 71M ?1)
c, Mii.jtst. r.. nr....Jii U2 uiii iujJ
C, KockI.&r 95V tH 85 95
C St. L. & Pitts I 15K
C, St L. & ritts. pf. 3S&
G. St. r..M. iO 35
c, st. r..M. &o.. pr. 93 n't
C Northwestern.... 109X 110 lu9H 109X
C& northwestern, pr. , nisi
O. CC.il 72)
Col. Coal & Iron 2S 28 23 23
Col. A Uocklng Val .. 14 14 13 13
Del., L. &W WH 148 140 H73.
Del. & Hudson WH laH WH 148
DenverAKloG 17
Denver & Bio G.. or... .... . 43
E.T.. Va.4a .. 10. 10
E.T.,Va. Galst pr "75
E. T.. Va. Ga. 2dpf. 25 25 25 25
Illinois Central... , 114
Lake Erie ft Western 18
Lake Erie & West pr.. 60 60V 60 XH
Lake Shore &JH. S...105 106, 105U VHH
Louisville Nashville. 70 To)," 70M 70H
Michigan Central ,;.. so
Mobile Ohio 12. 12
Jlo.. K. .tTexas n
Missouri raclflc .T70 75
Hevr York Central 108
J.Y..L.I..tW 28 23 Z7M T,H
H.Y., L. E.&W., pref 68 68
M. V., C A St L 17k 17
IN. X., C. t St. L. pr. .... 70
N.Y.. C. ASt.Jj.2d nf 37
H.IlJf. E 51 ! CIV 50 ,51
a. i.,o. w lijj uh nji, na
Jiorfolk A Western
Norfolk Western, pf..52!4
Northern PacUc 28
Mortnern racUc nref. 67JJ
Ohio A Mississippi 23
Oregon Improvement ....
Oregon Transcon 36
racifioAlall , ....
l'eo. Dec. A Kvans 22tf
1 hlladel, ft Beading.. 48
Pullman t'alace Car.. .187
Klchmona A W. P, T.. 25
ltlchroond A W.l'.T.pf ....
Straul&Duluth ....
St. Paul A Duluth pr.
St p., Minn. AMan... 103
gtL. ASan Fran ,
St. L. A San ITran pf.
St. L. A San Jf.lst pr.
Texas Paelflo 21
... , I5X
62 $2
28 2"l
6673 67
22X Kif
Soa 30j
21 21
43 4S!f
1S7 188
25 25
..i. 34
103 103
.... 27
..:. 5934
.... 112
21 21
61J4 61)4
..." 15
28 29
S6i 86
mas a abiug
llnlnn (I..IM.
Wabasn ',
Wabash preferred...,
Western Onion'.....,
Wheeling A L. K
NStlnnal I a4 T..
, 62
. 28
. 69
Suirar Trust ."lilM
Chicago Gas Trust 59
59 9 U
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations or Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 87
Fourth avenue. Members Mew York Stock Ex
change. Bid. Asked.
Pennsylvania Kallroad 51 51M
Readlnr Railroad 54 24 3-16
LehUh Valley 53 H
Lehigh Navigation 54 54
Northern raclflo 28 28$
Northern taclflo preferred 67
AtCh.Landrirn.nt. 7!ft
Old Colony. 175
Wls.CentraI.com... 21
Wis. Central pt... K)i
AllouezMgCo(new). 90
Calumet A Hecla....207
Catalna 12
rranklln 9M
Huron 1
Osceola. 9
rewablc (new) 2
Qulney SO
Bell Telephone 213
Boston Land 6
Water rower 6
Tamarack 102
San Diego 26
Atch. ATop. It K. .. .45
Boston A Albany. ..212
Boston A Matte.. ...1!S
C., B. AU. 102
Clnn. Ban. A Cleve. 24
Eastern R. K 91
Eastern R.B. 6s ....115
Flint A Pereil 29
Flint A rerel!l. nfd. 97
Mexican Cen. com.. 15
Mex.C.lstmtg. bds. 66
N. Y. New Em... 6W
H. Y. A N. E. 7s. ...128
Ogd.AIj. Cham, com. 8 ,
He Takes the French Spring Works' Affairs
Into Court
A bill in equity was filed yesterday by
Frank D. Layng against tbe A. French
Spring Company, Limited. The capital
stock of the company is $500,000, of which
Mr. Layng claims that he owns $31,250 worth.
He states that in 1S8S Aaron French, Chair
man of the spring company, without the
knowledge or consent of the plaintiff or the
Board of Management of tbe company, pur
chased the stock of the Bolton Steel Company,
of Canton, O., to the amount of $S7,S00, a con
trolling interest In payment French gave
three notes for $25,000 each and the balance m
cash. The purchase was professed to have
been made on behalf of tbe spring company,
and was charged up to them.
The Board of Managers afterward ratified
tbe purchase. As a result the regular divi
dends of the spring company have been sus
pended. Layng desires the Court to enjoin the
payment of the three notes out of the partner
ship funds, and that the Board of Managers be
required to indemnify the company from any
loss by reason of the purchase. Also, that the
Conrt decree that the purchase of the Bolton
Steel Company's stock was not within the
scope of the business ot the partnership, and
tbe purchasers be declared to have made the
purchase on their own account
The City Stopped.
Isabel C. Sargeant yesterday, filed a bill in
equity against the City of Pittsburg, Chief
Bigelow of the Department of Public Works,
and W. J. Dunn, contractor. The plaintiff
owns property on Stanton avenue, and asks
that an injunction be issued restraining the de
fendants from laying the Haights Run sewer
which goes through her property until a bond
be given to secure her for any damage she
might sustain. A preliminary Injunction was
granted until Saturday when a final hearing
will be had.
Re Avrnlti Sentence.
In the Criminal Court yesterday Henry F.
Voight ex-Cashier of tbe defunct Farmers and
Mechanics' Savings Bank, of the Southside,
wbo was to have been placed on trial, entered a
plea of guilty. There were four indictments
against him for perjury, embezzlement alter
ing the books of a corporation with intent to
defraud, and making false entries by a bank
cashier. The amount he is charged with baving
embezzled is over $100,000. Voight who has
been in Jail now for over six months, was re
manded for sentence on Saturday.
Grnnd Jury Work.
The grand jury yesterday returned the fol
lowing true bills: George Daub, 'Josh Evans,
Patrick Cleary, James Laird, John Robinson,
assault and battery; James McNally. ag
gravated assault and battery; Robert Ray,
Michael Spence, selling liquor without license;
Michael Spence, selling and furnishing liquor
on Sunday.
Tbe ignored bills were: Lizzie Davis, selling
liquor without license; Hugh Nelson, assault
and battery.
To-Dny'a Audit List.
Estate of
John Alderson
Mary Green
X. Steinbrenner
F. H. Bargeman
George P. Hamilton.
James W. Edwards...
Sarah Thompson
Joseph H. Hill
George L. Ober
.R.B. Petty.
.Rev. John Otten.
.B. Steinbrenner.
.A. M. Fierce.
.J. C. Boyer.
.George P. Hamilton.Jr.
..Maria Edwards.
.TJ. V. Teegarden.
.Annie D. Hill.
.Adam Enrich.
To-Dny's Trial List.
Criminal Court Commonwealth vs William
Desmond, E. McConnell, J. P. Smith. Thomas
Brittain et al, Joseph HIrsch. Thomas Mooncy,
Arthur Killen, James Wells, Cyrus Pryor,
George Alexander et al, Henry Irwin.
Secretary Proctor has returned to Wash
ington from his home inVrrmont and was in
his office yesterday.
Andrew Grimes, the colored murderer of
John Martin, mate of the schooner Annie Carl,
at Atlantic City, on last Christmas day, was
banged at May's Landing, N. J., at 12:07 o'clock
this afternoon. There was no unusual scene.
Dispatches from Southeastern Kansas says
the Neosho river is at flood height, is out of its
banks in numerous places, aud tbat many
thousand acres of wheat and otbergrain are sub
merged and destroyed. In Ncosno county
alone the damage to crops Is estimated at over
Among the 713 steerage passengers landed
at Castle Garden yesterday by tbe steamer
Wyoming were 300 Mormon proselytes. They
were carefully called out from the Other pas
sengers and transferred to the OldDominion'llne
steamer, en route for Utah by way of Norfolk,
Va. The elders in charge of the party traveled
first class on the Wyoming.
Three murders in one day is the record in
Putnam county, W. Va. James D. Paul, a
bachelor farmer, was killed by a tenant, whose
daughter he bad misled. John Moore, another
farmer, killed a neighbor, Henry Bradley, with
a club, and Doc Lawrence, a miner, killed Tom
Stevens, a fellow miner, with a pick. All the
murders were in a radius of three miles.
The complaints In Indiana about tbe destruc
tion of wheat by a strange Insect are increasing.
Tbey come chiefly from the central and eastern
parts of the State, but the ravages of tbe little
bug have already spread to Northern Indiana
and tbe Secretary of the State Board of Agri
culture regards the reports as alarming. The
insect is wbat is known among agriculturists as
the "green midge," another species of which is
tne -red midge."
Two Choctaw Indians, who had drawn sev
eral hundred dollars of Choctaw net proceeds
funds and started fur Ft Smitb, Ark;, were
killed Tnesday night in tbo woods of Sugar
Loaf Mountain, in Indian Territory. Tbe re
mains were found yesterday by an Indian
school teacher. Botb men bad been shot
through tbe head with Winchesters and their
Sockets rifled. Their horses were also stolen,
leputy Marshals were ordered to scour the
Advices from Tucson, Ariz., say that
friends of the men who robbed Paymaster
Wham, some of whom are rich and influential,
are making setret efforts to procure tbe ap
pointment of a successor to United States Mar
shal N. K. Meade, who has "pushed the pursuit
and capture of seven of tbe robbers. -Three
yet at large bave been identified and will be
taken in a few days. Marshal Meade is in
possession of important clews fixing fie crime,
and they regard tbe prompt appointment or
his successor necessary to save the thieves from
AUthe Lake Superior lines gave notice
yesterday of a reduction in canal rates from
New York to St Pant to a basis of 36 cents.
This is 2 cents lower than the rates announced
on Tuesday. The announcement was also made
yesterday tbat tbe Fitchburg would take its
nsual differential under the 64-cent lake and
rail rate. This makes first class from Boston
via tbat line 49 cents. The Omaha has an
nounced tbat it will not only reduce its lumber
Tate to Kansas City to meet tbe Alton's cut
bat will put its Kansas City rate into Council.
Bluffs, Omaha, Sioux City and other Southwest
Missouri river points. It does this under the
long and short haul clause. The new rate is IS
cents, and applies from all stations on tbe
Eastern and Northern divisions as well as St
Paul and Minneapolis.
Country Butter in Over-Supply and
SlowCheese Easier.
Cora Advanced, Oats Weak, Malt and Hops
Looking JJpward.
Thttbsdat, June 20, 1889. J
Country Produce Jobbing; Prices.
Cheese is moving out freely, but shows a
downward tendency. The advance in New
York at the beginning of the week was specu
lative, and a reaction is at hand. Country but
ter is in over-supply and.slow. A leading job-,
ber of Ohio creamery says he would be glad to
close ont his stock at our quotations. The cash
customer will find butter jobbers ready to con
cede. Much of tbe fruit and vegetables coming
to markets is water-soaked and keeps but a
short time. Eggs are in good demand at quota
tions. In general produce trade has been de
pressed the past week, owing to continuous
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 1920c: Ohio do,
1718c; .fresh dairy packed, 1415c; couDtry
rolls. 1314c; Chartlers Creamery Co., 20c.
Beaks $1 751 80.
Beeswax 2830c ft for choice; lowgrade,
Cidee Sand refined, $6 S07 oO; common,
$3 5064 00; crab cider. $8 008 60 fl barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012o f! gallon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, 8c; New York. 10
10Kc; Limburger, 89c; domestic Sweitzer
cheese, 9y12c. ,
California J'Btms Callforhia peaches.
$4 004 50 1? box; cherries, $3 00; apricots, $4 00
4 50: plums, $4 004 50.
' Eggs 15c dozen for strictly fresh; goose
eggs, 30c fl dozen.
Fruits Strawberries, 5Sc 13 quart; pine
apples, $1 001 25 fl dozen; red raspberries, $6 00
7 00. 2-bushel stand.
Feathers Extra live geese, E060c; No. 1
do. 4045c; mixed lots, SO35c 9 lb.
Potatoes Old, 50c fl bushel; Early Rose,
$3 253 50; Peerless. $3 U03 25.
Poultry Live chickens, 6575c per pair;
undrawn chickens, 1012c fl lb; drawn, 14
15c fl a.
Seeds Clover, cboice, 62 lbs to bushel, $5 60
fl bushel; clover, large English, 62 lbs. $6 00;
clover, Aliske, $3 50; clover, white, $9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 ttfl. $1 65; biue grass, extra
clean, 11 lbs, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 lbs, $1 00;
orchard grass, 14 lbs. $165; red top, 14 lbs. $1 25;
millet, 50 lbs, $1 00: German millet, 50 lbs,
$1 50; Hungarian grass. 60 As, $1 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, $2 60 per bushel
of 14 lbs.
Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered, S
Tboficai. Fruits Lemons, fancy, $4 50
5 00 fl box: Messina oranges, $4 505 50 ft
box ; California oranges, S4 504 75 ft
box; bananas, $2 00. firsts; $1 60, good seconds,
fl bunch; cocoanuts, $4 b05 00 ft hundred;
new figs, 89o fl pound; dates, 5g6c ft
Vegetables Tomatoes, fancy Florldas,
$3 003 60 a crate; Mlsslsslppis,one-tbird bushel
crates, $1 251 50: beans, round wax fancy.
$3 00 a crate; beans, round wax medium. $2 50
a crate: beans, round green, $2 252 50; new
beets, 3540c ft dozen; cucumbers, 40o0c ft
dozen, $1 752 00 a crate; radishes, large
white and gray, 30335c fl dozen; cabbage,
two-barrel crates, Louisville and St Louis.$2 00
2 25; Eastern, single-barrel crates, 75c$l 00.
Coffee options recovered 40 points from the
drop of Saturday and Monday, and closed firm.
Tbe reason for the decline given by one of our
jobbers is that stocks had accumulated until
holders were unable to handle them. There
are few sales beyond immediate wants, and
likely to be till market settles to some fixed
basis. Sugars are so firm that a rise is daily
expected by dealers.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2223c; choice
Rio, 2021c; prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 1819c;
old Government Java, 27c; Maracaibo, 2223c;
Mocha, 3031c; Santos, 1922c; Caracas
coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2l23c; La
guayra. 2122c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands. 23c
high grades, 2527c; old Government Java,
0ulk.31K32Jc; Maracaibo, 2627Kc; Santos.
2123c; peaberry, 28c; peaberry. cboice Rio,
24Kc; prime Rio, 22; good Rio, 21Kc; ordinary,
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 9c;
cassia, Sffitfc; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 70SOc
Petroleum (jobbers' pricesl 110 test 7o;
Ohio, 120. syic; headlight 16(h 8Kc; water
white, 10Kc: globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; carnadlne,
llKc; royaline, 14c.
StrupS Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar
syrup, 333Sc; prime sugar syrup, 3033C;
strictly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup, 90c.
N. O. Molasses Fancy. 48c: choice. 46c: me
dium, 43c: mixed, 4042c
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 34c; bl-carb In Js,
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight 9c; stearine.per
set 8c; parafflne, ll12c.
Rice Head, Carolina, 'TUn choice, 6Ji
vc; prime, 0utc;.LiOui3iana, iX(fD-ac.
Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 5J
57c; gloss
starcn, tri(S7C.
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon
don layers. $3 10; California London layers,$2 50;
Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels, $1 85;
Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, JKQSc;
sultana, 8c: currants, new, 45c: Turkey
g runes, new, 45c: French prunes, 813c;
alonica prones,in 2-S packages. 8c; cocoanuts,
fer 100, SG 00; almonds. Lan., per lb, 20c; do
vlca, 19c; do shelled, 40c: walnuts, nap., 12K
15c: Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12lbc:
new dates, 56c; Brazil, nuts, 10c; pecans,
ll15c; citron, per lb, 2l22c; lemon peel, per lb,
13014c: orange peel, 12Xc
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per lb. 6c:
apples, evaporated, &X64c; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 1518c: peaches, evaporated,
nared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated,
unpaired, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, nnpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424Kc; blackberries, 78c: huckle
berries, 1012c
Sugars Cubes,1010Kc;powdered,1010c;
granulated, 9Kc; confectioners' A, 9J9c;
standard A, 9jic; soft whites, 89c: yellow,
choice, 8K8c; yellow, good, 8&3c; yellow,
fair. 8Kc: yellow, dark, 7c
Pickles Medium, bbis (1,200), $4 50; medi
ums, half bbis (faOO), S2 io.
Salt No. 1, fl bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex. fl bbl, $1 05;
dairy, fl bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl, $1 20:
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 SO; Higgins'
Eureka. 16-14 fi pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches. $1 3045
1 90; 2ds. $1 S01 35; extra peaches. $1 501 90;
pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, $11 50; Hfd. Co.
corn. 7090c: red cherries, 90c31: Lima beans,
$1 10; soaked do, 85c: string do do, 7o85c; mar
rowfat peas, $1 101 15: soaked peas, 7075c;
pineapples, SI 401 50: Bahama do, $2 75; dam
son plums, 95c; greengages, $1 25; egg plums,
$2; California pears. $2 oO; do greengages, $2; do
egg plums, $2: extra white cherries, $2 90; red
cherries, 2 lbs, 00c; raspberries, $1 401 50;
strawberries, $1 10; gooseberries, $1 801 40;
tomatoes, 8292c; salmon, Mb, $1 752 10;
blackberriet , 80c; succotash, 2-Jb cans, soaked.
99c; do green, 2 lbs. $1 251 60; corn beef. 2-ft
cans, $1 75: 14-lb cans, $13 50; baked beans, $1 45
1 50; lobster, Tib, $1 751 SO; mackerel, 1-ft
cans, broiled, $1 50; sardines, domestics. Js,
$4 154 50: sardines, domestic, Ks. $8 25S 50;
sardines, imported, s, $11 6012 60; sardines,
imported,s,$18; sardines,mustard, $4; sardines,
spiced, $4 2a.
Fish Extra No 1 bloater mackerel, $36 ft
bbl.; extra No. I do, mess, $40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
$36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c ft 'lb; do medlnm, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c; boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 6K7Kc Herring
Round shore, $5 00 ft bbl: split $7 00: lake,
$2 60 fl 100-lb. half bbl. White fish, $7 00 ft 100
S, half bbl. Lake trout $5 50 ft half bbl.
Finnan haddock, 10c ft lb. Iceland halibut 13c
9 ft. Pickerel, k barrel. $2 00: V barrel. $1 10:
Potomac herring, $5 00 ft barrel, $2 50ft
Buckwheat Flour 22?ic ft ft.
Oatmeal 86 30B 60 fl bbl.
Miners' Oil No, 1 winter strained, 5S60o
fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Flonr and Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 16 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft Wayne and
Chicago, 4 cars of hay, 2 of oats, 2 of flour, 1 of
middlings. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St
Louis, 3 cars of hay, 2 of oats, 1 of bran, 1 of s
corn. No sales on call. Oats aro weak and a
shade lower. Corn is scarce and higher. Flour
jobbers are growing firmer in their views, and
report that spring patents are moving out more
freely at a slight advance on prices of a week
or two ago. Malt and hops show a firmer tone
since Tuesday's election. A prominent dealer
in tills line said the result Of tbe election has
put a more confident feeling into the trade.
Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red. 8990c;
Corn No. 2 yellow ear. 4142c; high mixed
ear. 3940c; No, 2 yellow, shelled, S940c;
high mixed, shelled, 3839c; mixed, shelled,
Oats No. 2 white, 8232c: extra. No. 3.
81ffi31Jc: No. 3 White, 293uc; No. 2 mixed
oats, 2S28c
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 6162c;
No. 1 Western, 4849c
Flour Jobbing prices Winter patents,
$5 505 75: spring patents, $5 756 00: winter
straight $4 7505 00; clear winter, $4 504 75;
straight XXXX bakers', $4 004 25. Rye flour,
$3 5003 75.
Millfeeb Middlings, flue white, US 00
15 60 ft ton; brown middlings, $11 5012 50;
winter wheat bran, 512 25012 0: chop feed,
m 00016 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice, S15 00; No. 1
do, $13 0013 50: No. 2 do. $11 5012 50; loose,
from wagon, $16 CO IS 00; No. 1 upland prairie,
$10 5011 00; No. 2. $7 608 00; packing do, $5 50
6 60.
STKA-w-Oats, $7 60; wheat and rye BtraTv
$7 007 508 00.
Sugar-cured hams, large, lljc; sugar-cured
hams, medium, llc: sugar-cured hams, small,
lc: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders, 7Kc; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 9c: sugar-cured California bams,
8c; sugar-cured dried beet flats. 9c; sngar
cured dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds, 12c; bacon shoulders, 7c: bacon
clear sides, cfbacon clear bellies, 8c; dry
salt shoulders, 6J4c; dry salt clear sides, V.c
Mess pork, heavy, $14 00; mess pork, family,
$14 50. Lard Refined m tierces, 6c; half
barrels. 7c: 60-ft tubs. 7c: 20-ft pails, 7c: 50
ft tin cans, 6c;3-Ib tin pails, 7c; 5-ft tin palls,
7c; 10-ft tin pails.'TVic Smoked sau3age,long,
5c: Iarge,i5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless
ham, 10c. Pigs feet half barrel, 3 50; quarter
barrel, $2 00.
Dressed Bleat.
Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 lbs,
5Kc: 550 to 650 lbs, 6Vc; 050 to 750 Us, 6Kc Sheep.
8c fl lb. Lambs, 9c ft lb. Hogs,Cjc. Fresh
pork loins, 9c
Metal Market.
New York Pig Iron firm. Copper nom
inal: June, $10 00. Lead dull and steady;
domestic, $4 00. Tin weak; Straits, $19 95.
a a
Chartlers Creamery Co.
Warehouse and General Offices,
Telephone 1423.
Factories throughout Western
For prices see market quotations.
Wholesale exclusively.
Transact a General BanHng Business.
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of 'Credit for use of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits,
Available in all paits of the world. Also issue
For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West
Indies, South and Central America.
On mortgages on improved real estate in sums
of 51,000 and upward. Applv at
mh4-34-r No. 124 Fourth avenue.
1"BE8S service between Hew York, South
ampton and Hamburg bv tbe new twin-screw
steamers of 10,000 tons and 12.500 horse power.
Ifast time to London and tbe Continent. Steam
ers unexcelled for safety, speed and comfort.
Keeular service: Every Thursday from .New
York to Plymouth (London). Cherbourz (Paris)
and Hamburg. Through tickets to London ana
Paris. Excellent fare. Bates extremely low.
Applvto the
General Office Hamburg General Passage Office,
American Packet Co., C. B. KICUABDA CO.,
37 Broadway, N. Y. 1 61 Broadway, N Y.
MAX SCHAilBEBCr, 527 Smlthfleld St., Pittsburg.
tBothnia, June 19, lOAMJtUmbrla. July 6,11:30 am
SSEtrnna,JuneZ!,1.30FXjServla, Jnly 13, 5:30AM
Anranla, June 23. 8am Bothnia, July 17, 9 AX
tOallla, Jnly 3, 8:30 A M lEtrcrla. July 20, noon.
(These steamers carry flrst-class passengers only.
tWlll carry Intermediate.
jWill carry lntermedlat-, no steerage.
Cabin passage. (60. (30 and (100; Intermediate.
t35. Steerage tickets to and from all parts of
Europe at very low rates.
VERNON H. BROWN & CO., General Agents,
4 Bowling Green, New York.
J. J. SicCORMICK. Agent.
Fourth ave. and Smlthfleld St., Plttsbnrg.
State Line
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin passage $35 to $50. according to location
of stateroom. Excursion (63 to (90.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Rates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO.. General Agents,
S3 Broadway, New York.
J. J. MeCORMICK. Agent, Pittsburg, Pa.
Passenger Accommodations Unexcelled.
Prepaid Intermediate. $30. Steerage, $19.
Passengers by this route are saved tbe ex-
ense and inconvenience attending transfer to
iverpool or from New York.
Pittsburg. ra27-57-MWT
Atlantie Express Service;
Steamship "CITY OP ROME," from New York.
WEDNESDAY. May 29. JuneM, July 24.Aog.:i
Saloon passage. (60 to (100: second-class, 835.
Steamers every Saturday from New York to
Cabin passage to Glasgow. Londonderry, Liver
pool, (SO and (60. Second-class. (SO.
Steerage passage, either service, $20.
Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates.
Travelers' circular letters or credit and draft
for any amount Issued at lowest current rates.
For books or tours, tickets or Information,
J. J. MCCORMICK. Fourth and Smlthfleld: A. D.
SCORER & SON. 413 Smlthfleld st.. Pittsburg; W.
SEMPLE, Jr., 165 Federal st., Allegheny.
1 of tbe county of Allegheny Notice is
ereby given that an application will be made
to the said court (or a law judge thereof) on
Saturday, the 13th day of Julv, A. D. 18S9,
under the "corporation act of 1874." and the
supplements thereto, by John, H. McElroy, C.
L. Stevens. John H. Lobmeyer, J. A. Gordon.
Melcboir Varner and others forthe charter of
an intended corporation to be called the First
Church of Spiritualists of Pittsburg, the charac
ter and object of which is the support of public
worship according to thefalth, doczrlne, disci
pline and usages of tbe Spiritualists, and for
this purpose to have, possess and enjoy all the
rights, benefits and privilges conferred by said
act and its supplements. D,T. "WATSON.
leAL-u-jr . ooiicitcr.
The diseases of the kidneys and urinary or
gans are much more common than are gener
ally supposed. Beginning by a weakness In the
back, accompanied by pain, which at first may
be so slight as to cause little or no Inconven
ience to the persons afflicted, still as tbe dis
ease progresses there are presented a chain ox
symptoms which eventually lead to
graver difficulties; tbere is an in
creased pain in the small of the back
and In tbe region of the groins, high colored
urine with brickdust sediment, scanty or
copious flow, with frequent desire and pain in
voiding it. Not only, do the organs themselves
become organically diseased, terminating in
gravel or stone In the bladder, diabetes or
Eright's disease, often ending in that most
fatal condition, convulsive ureamia, but are
one of the most potent causes of rheumatism
ana aropsy. ine pnysicians ot tne iroiypatnio
Institute also treat successfully all forms of
skin and blood diseases; also clubfoot, tumors,
rupture, ulcers, varicose veins, piles and de
formities. Please remember that the physicians of tho
the Polypatbic Institute are not traveling
doctors, but are permanently located. Tbey
bave been established in Pittsburg for nearly
one year, and hundreds testify to cures re
ceived. Office hours, 10 to 1120 A. M.. 1 to 4 and 6 to
8p.m. Sundays, 1 to 4 P. 3f. Consultation free.
SURGICAL INSTITUE, 420 Penn ave. jel5-D
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week ia
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
5115 Hamilton Building.
mylO-70-rj Plttsburc Pa.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel,
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured.
ap28-l .
ii raw mis.
As old residents know ana back files of Pitts
burg papers prove, is the oldest established
and most prominent physician in the city, de
voting,special attention to all chronic diseases.,
ML7DnilOand mental diseases, physical
H Ull V UUO decay.nervous debility, lack ot
energy, ambition and hope, impaired meny
ory, disordered sight, self distrust,basbf ulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, emotions, im
poverished blood, failing powers,organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for busines,society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons tborongbly eradicated from the system.
1 1 DIM A DV kidney and bladder oerange
U fl I IN tt II 1 1 inents. weak back, gravel, ca- .
tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment;
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whittiers life-long, extensive experi
ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as car o fully treated .
as if here. Office hours 9 A. ai. to 8 P. M. San
day, 10 A. Jf. to 1 p. M. only. DR. WHITTIER,
814 Penn avenne, Pittsburg, Pa.
khow thyself;
m-t m SOI32WCS3SJ OX Til H'jsl
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise on
the Errors of Yonth, Premature Decline,Nervou
and Physical Debility, impurities oi me isiooa,
Resulting iromFolly, Vice, Ignorance. Excesses or
Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the victim
for Work, Business, the Married or Social Relation.
Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this greaj
work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8vo. Beautiful
binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only $1.00 by
mail, post-paid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illus
trative Prospectus Free, if you apply now. Th
distinguished author. Wo. II. Parker, M. D- re
from the National Medical Association,
for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and
PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps,
of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, confi
dentially, by mail or In person, at the efficeof
No. 4 Bnlflnch St., Boston. Mas., Io whom all
orders for books or letters for advice should bo
directed as above. -
SPECIALISTS in all cases ro
quiring scientific and confiden
tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake.
M. R. C. P. S., is tbe oldest and,
most experiencea specialist m
tbe city. Consultation free and
stvictlv confidential. Office
iintiro tn 4 and 7 to 15 P. M.: Sundays. 2 to 4 p.
M.Consnlt them personally, orwrite. D0CT0K3
Lake. 90G Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
look's Cofetoaa. Hooti
iComnosed ot Cotton Root, Tansr and
Pennyroyal a recent discovery by an
M nhvsiclan. Is successful!!! used
monKur-Safe. EffectuaL Price $L by mall..
sealed. Ladies, ask your druzgist for Cook'a
Cotton Root Compound and take bo substitute,
or inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad
dress POND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 Hike
Block, 131 Woodward ave.. Detroit, lllcb.
jeUl-ol-DSuw .
iumm'mi pills
EO fZSSS ILUi:X3 EilliJ.
rellaU pUl for nle. Herrr Fail. A
2 E,iUw boc.tcll Willi blue rio
21 S-Ulboa. At Oruzslsts. Actept
board boxef, pink wrappM.are adanger-
i . try onsconateneife wnu -c. ui.rap., .r
V particulars ana KeIIf forLH."
N h later, Ht retnr matt. 10.000 tcstW
lOldlrli"mlABlE$w'''T"n01n,,- S"'P"-
Chichester Ckeiulcal Co., Madison Sq.,PhlblPa.
de38-21-wsuwk .
Pull particulars In pamphlet
sent free. The genuine Grays
bpeclflc- soni by druzgtsts only In
yellow wrapper. Price, tt per
nackaffe. or six for 85, or bv mall
- on receipt or price, bv address-
re THE GKAT MEDIOINK CO, Buffalo, if. Y
bold In Pittsburg by S. 3. HULLAN l. corner
Smlthflelil and Liberty sts. api;-43
weakness, lost vigor, etc.. was restored to health
in such a remarkable manner after all else had
failed that he will send the mode of core FKEKta
all rellow sufferers. Address L. O. MITCHELL, . ,
East Haddam, Cons, htJI.-H-psuws;
" -ssti,
iwis -;- --i- i -- '-'. ---, - A-Jk