SRETtWI Tfc ptZV r?llT! ?KTjr?7 THE HTTSBiTEG DISPATCH, FKIDA JUKE 21, 1889.' Qsnsf DEGREES CONFERRED. Closing Exercises Last flight of the Western University. SEVERAL HOKOKAEI TITLES. Elocutionary Contest for a Gold Medal at the Cnrrj University. INTERESTING THOUGH LENGTH! ETENT The commencement exercises ol the Western University for the class of '89 were held last night at the Bijou Theater. A largo audience was present. On the stage -were seated the trustees of the university and the Graduates. The latter for this year are J. a McGeagh, A. C Davis, S. E. Hare. P. S. Miller. A. P. Hoff man, C W. Johnson and J. H. Patterson. The exercises were opened with prayer by the Eev. Dr. W J. Holland. The salutatory was given by J. & McGeagh. An oration, "The Element? of Success." bT A. U. Davis, followed S. E. Hare cave an oration on the "Benefits of Machinery." and F. 8. Miller an oration on Our Generation." "Steam and Other Motive rowers' was the subject of an oration by A. F. Hoffman. A philosophical oration on "The Ultimate Form of Government"' was given by C W. Johnson. The valedictory addresses were made by F. S. Miller. G. H. Winslow, Bachelor of Philosopbv. cave an oration for the degree of Master of Philosophy. His sub ject was "Electricity." Following the orations Prof.M. B. Riddle presented the literature prizes. The first pnze was presented to V. A. Johnston, and the sec ond prize to C F. Eagan. Chancellor M. B. Goflf then proceeded with tne conferring of dc- trees, xney were asiouows: A. B. Joseph Samuel McGeagh, Frederick Ehelbler Miller. Ph. B. Adam Clarke Davis, Samuel Edgar Hare, Addison Frederick Hoffman, Charles Norris Johnson. C E. John Henrv Barrett. A. M. Samuel Eckeburger Dun, of ISSfl; Clarence Arthur Butler, oflsi-H. Ph. M. George Herbert Winslow. of 1SS6. Honorary Decrees D. D. Kev. John Gordon, Omaha, Neb., of class or ISStS: Kev. William F. Brown, Canonsburg, Pa.; Bev. B, D. fcprOull, BrooUvn, N Y. Ph. D. Berkev Hunter Patterson, l'ittsburg. Pa. The exercises concluded with a benediction by the Rev. D. J. Davis. The orations of the graduates were well rendered and well re ceived, and the affair was a very pleasing one. During the evening a number of excellent selections were given by the Gernert A Guenther Orchestra. ELOCUTIONARY CONTEST. The Kins Gold Mednl Awarded at the Carry University Last Evening;. The annual elocutionary contest by tbeladies of Curry University for the David B. King gold medal, took place last night in the presence of a large audience. The judges were Prof. W. T. Noss, Principal of the Sharpsburg schools; Mr. James Pershing, who won the gold medal and S100 prize at Princeton College, and Miss Maria Burress, who won the medal at this school tw o years ago. She is at present leading ladv for Frank Mayo. The umpire was Rev. J. HRisk. The regulations were that the contestants should be undergraduates: that they should enter a; their own option; choose their own selections, and that no prompting be allowed. The names of the contestants and their selec tions were as follows, each contestant reciting two selections: Miss Mildred F Kerr, "The First Settler' Etory." "The Widow Commtskey." Miss Clara Dawes. "The Wounded Soldier." Asleep at the Switch." Mibs ltebie btcvenson, "What the Clock Saw." "The Bobolink." Miss Jennie L. Morgan, "Battle of Ivery." Arathua'sTorment." Miss Hannah Baiter, "Poor House Sm. 'Blddv's Toothache." Miss "Mary Nelson, "The rilot's Story." "Mr. and Mrs. Bowser." Miss Blanch Oswold, Potion scene "Borneo and Juliet." "TheSlsters." Miss Mary Avres, "The New Lochlnvar." Closet scene "Hamlet " MlssAnnleP. Mathews, Rlzpah." "The Sen tinel or Mela." "-Miss Lizzie Stamatz, "The Octoroon." "The Guardian Angel." The contest lasted from 8 o'clock until after U o'clock. The judges awarded the gold medal to Miss Blanch Oswold for her recitation of the "potion scene" from "Romeo and Juliet," although they said they did not like her second selection, "Ihe Sisters." Honorable mention was made of Miss Annie Matthews and Miss Lizzie Stamatz. Prof. 13. C. Garber enlivened the evening with a banjo selection. TRY MYSTERIOUS INDEED. A Secret Society Applies to tbo Police for Aid In a Man Search. A committee from Duquesne Council 110, Jr. 0. TJ. A. JL.yeEterdaj- called on In spector McAleese and enlisted his aid in learning what become of W. S. Fondersmith, a member of that council, who has been myste riously missing since last Sunday night. Fon dersmith has been boarding at 2503 Penn ave nue, his roommate being Joseph McCandless On Sunday evening about 8 oclock Fonder smith left McCandless; to visit his uncle, J. M. Andrews, at 138 River avenue, Allegheny, say ing he wonld meet McCandless again about 9 o'clock at the Union depot. Fondersmith went to Andrews' home, bnt was there informed that the latter was waittn" on Montgomery avenue, and started for that place. That m as the last seen or heard of him, although every effort has been made by his friends and the members of the council to which he belongs. Fondersmith is about 23 years of ace, of medium height, lignt complexion, light mus tache, and the third finger of his right hand is missing. Be is said by his friends to be of un usually punctual habits, never known to have drank a drop of liqsor, having a particular aversion to saloons. His home is near Erie, but he has been working in a machine shop In this city for three years. A lew weeks ago be got into a dispute with two men. and some of his friends recall that now. as was aiso Known tnat he was accus tomed to crossing the Fort Wayne railroad bridge when visiting his Allegheny friends. It is thought he may have been waylaid on the bridge, and thrown into the river. Fonder smith had laid ont his working clothes, already to go to work lait Monday morning, and tak ing all his characteristics into consideration, his friends think they have good grounds for fears of foul play. Owen Was Acquitted. George On ens, xhe principal witness in the Alien mardcr trial, who was brought here from Baltimore, and committed for alleged com plicity in the murder, had a hearing yesterday afternoon before .Magistrate Gripp. As there was no evidence to show that Owens was in any way connected with the murder of Hud Lee he was discharged. Fob a disordered liver try Beecham's Pills. Peaks' Soap the purest and best ever made. BtACK -StJkahs Special values in 24 inch blck surah silks at 75c, S5c, $1 and H. 25- a yard, fully 25 per cent better values uian any shown anywhere that we know of. MWFsn Hucus & Hacks. Fresh Arrival. Just reeeived from the Anheuser-Busch i u5s,brewery, a large supply of their celebrated Budweiser beer, in both quarts and pints. Por sale at G. W. Schmidt's, Xos. 95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city. Men's Ilnlf Uoie see Ihe Mow Window. A wonderful variety 15 cents a pair up to finest qualities cotton, lisle thread and silk "fast black" 25c. and np. JOS. HOKNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. A PULL line of imported cigars, in boxes of 25, 50 or 100, at prices to suit the pur chaser. Wm. J. Friday, WPSU 633 Smithfield street 86 40. Excursion to Cincinnati SO 40. Tia Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Special train leaves this evening at 10 o'clock. French Robes The remaining stock of our handsome French robes ajrain reduced in prices to close quickly. MWFStt H.UGUS & HaCKE. Puee California port, sherry, angelica, muscatel, at 50 cents per full quart, or one dozen assorted at $5 CO, at Max Klein's. MWFS Ark for The Alberts cirjar, 3 or 25c, or ?6 co per 100. Wm. J. Friday, WESa 633 Smitbheld st. ;Guns, revolvers; catalogues free. . j., J. H. JOHNSTOIT, 706 Smithfield st. r A MASONIC TEIDMPfl. Facta About the Dedication of the Mew Temple The Frogmiume List of ibe Tonsti and the Tonstera The Guests. The workmen engaged on the new Masonic Temple are actively pushing forward the completion of the building, while the trus tees of the Masonic Fund Society are as busy in completing the interior decoration and fam ishment. The temple will be dedicated at high noon on Monday, June 24, next, by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. The ofifcers of the Grand Lodge participiting in the solemn cere monies of the dedication will he: Clifford P. McCalla. R. W. G. M., or Philadel phia: Hon. J. Mmpson Africa, K. W. Deputv Grand Master, of Huntingdon, fa.; Hon. Michael Arnold. R. W. 8. O. W, or Philadelphia: Mathias Henderson, K. W. J. G. W or Sharon. Pa.; Thomas R. Patton, K. W. G. T., or Philadelphia: Michael Nes bit. It. W. G. S., or lTilladelphia,and Kt. Kev. Cortlandt W hltchead. D. D.. R. W. Grand Chaplain, with the appointed officers of the Grand x,odge from the different portions of thebtatc. la the evening at 7 there will be a special meeting of Lodgo 45 for the reception of the officers of the Grand Lodge, to which all Masons are cordially and lraternally invited. Lodge 45 is the oldest lodge west of the Alle gheny Mountains, being 104 years old, and is one of the flourishing lodges of this district. The exercises of the evening will be Interest ing, and will he as follows: Mnslc. Address. Welcome to Grand Officers........ A. B. Rutledge. W. M. Besponse Cllnord 1 McCalla, R. W. G. M. Music. Address on behalf of Trustees or Masonic Fund Society Geo. T. Oliver Besponse on behalf of the Fraternity. Geo. W. Guthrie Music, The music will be under the direction of Prof. William H. Slack. The special feature of the evening will be the dinner tendered to the Grand Lodge, -which will take place imme diately after the exercises of Lodge 45. and will be held in the new banquet hall in the temple. Over 300 covers will be laid. Tho most nrominent men in Masonry in this and other States will be present, the city and Allegheny bcihg well represented. The toasts and sentiments, and those who will respond, are as follows: OUB GUESTS ABSENT. "Their letter may be this or that, lone or short. it matters nothing, the heart 1 there." Though absent, present In desires they be; Our souls modi further than our eyes can see." D. A. Stevenson, Secretary Lodge No. 45. OUT. GUESTS r-KESEXT. "Or many minds as to manv things, bnt one In thought and purpose In loyal adherence to the landmarks or Freemasonry." W. C. Moreland, P. M., Lodge No. 535. THE GRaXD LODGE OP PENNSYLVANIA. May It abound In light and knowledge, deter from error, ana succcssiuiivresistau innovations. Clifford P. McCalla, It. W. G. M. Tltl CriCRCH AND FREEMASONRY. It does not assume to fill the place of the former, but gives recognition to the one Eternal God and Ills Immutable laws. Kt. Kev. Cortlandt Whitehead, D. D., Grand Chaplain. TnE WORKING MASTER MASON. His work exhibits the beauty and glory of the Crart. Hon. Michael Arnold, K. W. S. G. W. THE JUDICIARY AND FREEMASONRY. The Inst Jndge holds the scales with equal poise. Freemasonry demands exact Justice for each brother and all mankind. Hon. F. II. Collier, P. M., Lodge No. 223. The committee of arrangements for the re ception at Lodge 45 and the dinner afterward is composed of the following gentlemen: J. P. Andrews. Chairman; Robert C. Patterson. Sec retary: D. A. Stevenson, H. D. W. English. A. B. Rutledge. John Benford, J. C. Aufbammer. Geo R. Moore. John T. Fox and W. H. black. A. U. Rutledge, Worshipful Master of Lodgo 45. will be seated at the head of tho guests' table, while on his right and left will be the present Grand Master Clifford P. McCalla,- of Philadelphia, and Past Grand Master Joseph Eichbanm, or this city. The other distin guished guests will be arranged on either side, while directly opposite the chairman will be seated the toastmaster of the evening, W. C. Moreland. FURTHER SUBSCRIPTIONS. Treasurer Thompson Received Over 810, 000 for Flood Sufferers Yesterdny. Tho money received by Treasurer "Wm. R. Thompson for the Johnstown sufferers now amounts to 646,7$) 15 the sura of 310,103 61 having come in yesterday. The contributors were: Morrison, Cass & Co., $200 Hartle Bros.. (120. Godfrev A Clark, ?1K. Uodfrcy A Clark's em Jas. refers A Co.. f 100. ploycs, $52 50. McElroy Co., f50. C. Dovlne, ?10. A. C. Kerr. o. X. West Jfc Co., SO. McCulloughA-Sralth,fc3.HlgglnsBros. (5. Detroit Sulphite Fiber Harney Paper Co., Co.. Detroit. S5. Wellsburg, W. Va., Stewart Paper Co., 110. Jlrookvllle. Ind.. fZ. Miss Lottie E. Benleigh, J.Kohler, Allegheny. ZT Men-port, K. I.. Si. George H. MorrcII&Co., J. F. JlcCaughley, flO. jen zorc r-a xjuisiea men, company O. It. Etnelr, J5. O. Fourteenth United J. 15. FlUglbbon, . btates Infantry, Port Bemlnrton&Son, water- land. Ore., 111. town. N. y.. p. MaxrJhennan. ft. Louis Sherman, 50c Hugh J. McFJroy, Jr., V. Vlll, 50c 2. S. Sawyer, 50c. Mrs. Uttenwcller, J2. lugruzsircnKaDonB, fo. n. o. uiii, cz. B. Hirsch. ZL J. W. Stacev. S5. Huch McKlroy. 50. Employes of McElroy 4 u. t. Aurae, ii. P i r s t Pre sbyterlan TV. Lorch, Lockport, N, VfU., $m. Church, SIS 50. Y., 15. F. W. Leonard, Lock- F. F. Kinney, S5. port, N. Y., flO. Carroll Club, East II. E. Church. .Natrona. S21 75. End, Pa.. f28 60. Entertainment, Clinton, Dispatch Publishing Ind., fto. Company (add), ?728 91. Crowel Lumber and Citizens of J unction City, Grain Company, Blair. Kan.. S195. Neb., 1174 j Citizens of CentervlUc, Citizens of MunhalL Iowa, ?88 53. Mich., S84 52. Citizens ofGrand Rapids, College Chnrch, TVhea- Mlch.. S185. ton. III., ts 63. ProceeJs concert, Ash-MaquoVeta. Iowa,Publlc land, Ky.. S3T8 00, School, HI. Bunalo. N.Y., per Ex-Citizens of IronMonn- press, fSS 69. tain, Mich., S313 25. Citizens or Atlantic City Citizens or Albany. N. (add) $1,000, Y., (add) S4.500. " Mission Church. Ama- Entire proceeds of tab- zonla. Mo.,tiE7. leaux Riven in Wash- Citizens of Troy, N. Y., lncton, D. C, by Evangelical Lutheran Church, Memphis, (11 Tuna Lodge 1122, K. and I.. IL. Kendall Creek, l'a.. S125.23. inu( v"- iuisu Aismie ana Frederic Leech, Ab ble and Edith McCam mon. Helen Steele and Bessie Ashton, S19. Flrat .National Bank, First Presbyterian Ch'h, West Newton. Pa.. Citizens of Lnninvmn' ,, .Miiiugiuii, ii 93UU. ?I50. Mich., (432,46. Citizens or Galesburg, M. E. Church, South III.. rl2.R0, Webb Citv.Mo., S54.77. Citizens of German H1IL little Helen MacCol- Forest Co.,Pa.. f3L llns.Bramwell.'W.Va.. A. B. Wilson, Henry, 12,10. ". HI., 56. A CHURCH'S EE0PJ5NIXG." The Second Nlcht of nn OT. E. Fete Week in Lnwrenccvllle. The second nicht of the'Butler Street M. E. Church's re-opening week was a great success. The exercises last evening, were under the aus pices of the Society of Christian Endeavor. It was called "a younj: peoDle'a meeting," but many old people were in attendance, too. The services were interesting, the programme in cluding literary and musical exercises. There is much talent In the society of this church. The third night of the fete week will be the occasion of the opening of the new $4,000 grand organ this evening. The programme, which is mainly for an orgin recital, is as follows: L Torchlight March Mr. David D. Wood, The eminent organist or St. btcphen's P. E. Church. Philadelphia, Pa. 2. CantlquePour .Noel D'Aaams Mr. H. B. Brockett. Lately returned from European Conservatories 3. Andante rroin Symphony No. 3 Mozart Mr. David I). Wood. 4. La Serenata Kosslnl Mrs. Emma Wolfe (nee Blnglerl and Mr. H. B. Brockett, 5. Extemporization Better Mr. Carl Better, ."er Director May Festival chorus: organist at Syna gogue, Eighth street, city, and Calvary P. E. Church, East End, cltv. 6. My Redeemer and My Lord Dudley Buck Mrs. Emma Wolfe. Pupil of Madam Holla. 7. Minuet and Chorus Handel Mr. D. D. Wood. 8. Barcarola Gounod Mrs. Emma Wolfe and Mr. H. B. Brockett fi (a. Serenade Beethoven Jo. Overture, Seinlramide Rossini Sir. Uavld D. Wood. 'William K. McComsey, Accompanist. Organist or the First English Lutheran Church. CHANGING THE BOLES. The Snb-Committee oflhc County Repnbll. can Committee Will Act To-Morrow. The committee appointed by the Republi can County Executive Committee to revise the rules which were adopted at the first meeting was to have met j esterday afternoon, but failed to get a quorum. The committee consists of John Gripp, Walter Lyon, William German, and William Flinn as ex-offlcio mem ber. Mr. Lyon and Mr. Flinn could not be present, and. therefore, it was decided to try and get a meeting ot the committee on Satur day evening. The rule which is most objectionable to the opponents of the new rules is that concerning the changes in representation in countv con ventions. Instead of having delegates from each voting was decided to have representation by Legislative districts. The idea was to cut down the number of delegates, as S48 members of a convention makes it iin wieldy. The opposition claims that the new rule cuts oil representation. There is so much opposition to the new arrangement that some change will certainly be made, but what it will be is not yet known. ALGAL YEGETATM. An Idea of What May be Learned in an Aqnatic Conservatory. THAT PROPOSED IN WEST PARK. Superintendent Hamilton Talked of it in a General Way Yesterday. WHAT THE NEW BUILDING WILL BE LIKE The last princely gift of Henry Phrpps, Jr., to Allegheny City; an -aqnatic conservatory, must be studied a while to be appreciated. A few people favorably situated on the seashore, with luxuriant flora on hand, live and die with as little appreciation of their surroundings as does the hog who eats acorns under the tree, without ever giving a thought as to their origin at least, some snppose the hog to bo thus insensate bnt to the cultivated person living in the city, where his senses are starved, even the lichens.on the stone nail are of price less value. There are thousands of people within 20 -miles of Pittsburg who daily tread under their feet beautif nl forms of en dozens, acrozens and thallofzens (sedges, grasses, ferns, liverworts and mosses) without ever giv ing thorn a thought except as to their commercial value. They may know that Whcre the copsewood Is the greenest, tVhere the fountain glistens shecnest. Where the mountain dew lies longest, There the L. dry F. grows strongest; bnt they don't care for that. They regard a venerable oak, aged but still sound and full of life, as worth so many dollars, and they have no other regard for it. Not long since in a vil lage on the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railway, not a dozen miles from the city, a man well on toward three score and ten, sold an oak to a vandal sawmill owner for $5, notwithstanding that tree had shaded bis cradle and was a thing of beauty and a Joy to all people of taste in tbo vicinity. He was a rich man, too, and didn't need the money. CULTUKE AND PEOFIT COMBINE. There is something more than a mere senti ment of love for the beautiful in nature, though that should be sufficient, to be gained by culti vating public taste. Did our people love beauty more and dollars less, we should not now ho mourning so much disaster either from drouth or flood as has been experienced in the last ten years, and nave naa mure aouars to dooc SuperintendentHamiltonstatesthat a promi nent feature in the new conservatory will be water lilies, red, yellow, blue and pink. The Victoria Regia throws out stems and leaves 20 feet long. Most aquatic plants are cryptogamous (flowerless), and all make interesting studies. They are also of economic and commercial value. The Fungi, though they grow in the shape of mushrooms, toad-stools,- mold, mildew, smut, rust, dry rot and blight, are related to the algse. The latter include both fresh and salt water plants, chiefly the latter. Tbey num ber thousands of species and range from micro scopic cells floating on water to vast submarine forests. Oftbealgre it is said that "in the lowest forms some of these celular plants ap proach so nearly the boundarv between vege table and animal life, that it is impossible to tell where the one ends and the other begins." The green runcous that collects on stones con stantly moistened by water is-of the lowest form. Something nearly related covers the Red Sea and from its color gives the name. IN THE AQUATIC CONSERVATOBTT in Allegheny will be propagated the lace plant, beautiful, but flowerless. Something in some respects similar, bnt on an immense scale, is found in theNorth Sea, and near the Orkneys it forms meadows throngh which it is difficult to force a boat. This thread-like species grows from 30 to 1,000 feet or. more in lrnzth. and from the thickness of a thread to that of a man's arm. The Sargasso, or gulf weed, mats so thickly the middle of the Atlantio that it retards passing vessels. At a short distance away it seems sufficiently substantial to walk upon. The Stnrasso Sea is said to be equal to the area of tho Mississippi valley. A volume might be written respecting the beauties of algal study and hence the import ance of stimulating it by meansof the conserva tory offered by Mr. Phipps. The results may be further reaching than we can even conceive. As has been alreadv stated the buildings will cover 5,000 square iter. One will be 40x60 feet and 18 feet high, ani two will each be 20x 50 feet and 12 feet high, with a connection be tween the present house and the new one 20x23 leer, in general the architecture will Do me same as that of the present structure and will add mncb to the already beautiful park in which these conservatories are located. Rinse the waste pipes and disinfect every suspicions place with Piatt's Chlorides. Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad. Pullman car between Pittsburg and Lake wood (Lake Chautauqua). Commencing June 20. a Pullman car will leave Pittsburg on the 4:10 P, M. train, daily except Sun day, arriving at Lakewood at 1036 p. m., and Jamestown 10:45 P. 21. Returning, the car will leave Jamestown at 10:55 p. M., ar riving in Pittsburg at 630 A. if. Tourist tickets are now on sale. Forget-JIe-Noia and Gipsy Bine New and pretty. Delicate shades of enamel, solid cold, but inexpensive, only $1 50 to 2 50. New style gipsy rings set with gar net, sapphire, emeralds and rabies at same price. Call at E. P. Roberts & Sons. They nave so many dainty novelties for summer. FSU Don't SIIss Seelne the Lnce Curtnln Bar sain, 75 cents a pair the kind yon generally pay twice or more than that for finer styles also at half price. Jos. BTorne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Don't come to town to buy a gun. Jnst write for our illustrated catalogue. You can make your selection. Order by letter, and we will send by express c. o. d., privi lege to examine. Address J. H. Johnston, Great Western Gun Works, 706 Smithfield street. irwr 500 Engravlnga Given Away Free, Free, Free. One 22x28 engraving given with every P uchase at Treganowan's picture store. Picture frames, engravings, etchings, etc. Iiife size crayon portraits, 25x30, for $6 00. Now is your time, improve it. 152 Wylie ave. WFSu . TAYLOR & DEAN'S. 203 and SOS Market Street, Is headquarters for adjustable window screens, which will fit any window. Price from 30c to 50c each. Also for fencing of every description. eod Two Bargain Counters Embroideries and Lnces Right adjoining be sure and see them when in the store fine goods at one-half. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. To Former Student of Carry University. Please notice that date of annual excur sion ;to Rock Point is Monday next, June 24, leaving Union station at 9 a. m. mfssu Freight for the Enst. The Allegheny "Valley Railroad is pre pared to lorward promptly shipments of lreight for New York, Boston and New England points. Excnrslon to Johnstown, Sunday, Jnne 23. Via the Baltimore and Ohio R. R., $2 35 round trip. Train leaves at 8a, m., city time. Tomer Excnrslon to Cincinnati This evening, via Baltimore and Ohio Rail road; rate, $6 40 the round trip. Special train leaves at 10 o'clock. New York and Chicago Limited. The Pennsylvania Railroad announces that, commencing Monday, June 24, the New York and Chicago limited train will be resumed. Removal sale, the building to be re placed with a handsome new structure. Barcains in carpets, curtains, linoleum, etc G. W. Snamak, mwfs 136 Federal st, Allegheny. Bbst 51 CO per doz. cabinet photos in the' city.- Panel picture with each doz. cabinets. Lies Popular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. sumwp THE MONTH OF WJSDDIN6S, Two Notable Nuptial Events In the City Last EveningA The wedding of -Hiss Laura D. Zimmerman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zimmerman, to Mr. J E. Good, of Cleveland, took place in the East End last evening. Kev, George Hodges performed the cere mony at 530, in the Calvary Episcopal Church. The church was filled with admiringirlcnds of the contracting parties. The interior of the church was beautifully decorated with an ex uberance nf flowers and tho vestry was he decked with most becoming floral taste. One feature ont of the usual rnn of charcn weddings, was the absence of bridemaids, there being only a maid of honor, the intimate of Mrs. Good, Miss Stella Hayes. As Prof. OUtings played a beantifnl wedding march the hridal partv entered, five ushers, Messrs. R. O. Enright. Cleveland, O. A. Lacy, Tlcdo; John Jenkinson, F. Goddard, Charles Zebling, Dr. "W. "W. Blair and best man, J. Russell, leading, followed by the maid of honor and tho bride leaning on the arm of her father. She was dressed in white silk and faille, trimmed with Valenciennes lace, embellished by pearl orna ments. After the ceremonywas over a congratulatory recentlon and banauet was held at the beautl- J f ul residence of Mr. Zimmerman, on Dennlston avenue, where every reiresnment lmaginaoie was set forth, supervised by Chef Sichteiman, of the Duquesne Club, assisted by his corps of attendants. Toerge's orchestra discoursed an unbroken line of mnsic during the reception, which add ed to the happiness and gayety of the occasion. The groom is a popular young business man of Akron, O., and many of his friends attended the wedding. The presents which were displayed in an upper room were magnificent. The couple, after receiving kisses and good wishes, lefc for the East to spend their honey moon, after which a residence will be taken up in Akron, O. BlnnnlnB-Scnlly. Very unostentatious was the wedding of Mr. Charles T. Manning and Miss Marian Scully, at the residence of John D. Scully, Marion station, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, last evening at f o'clock. It was a home wedding, and only relatives and intimate friends were present. Rev. D. J. Devlin, of St. Stephen's, performed the ceremony. As maid of honor and best man. Miss Bertha Scully and W. T. Manning acted respectively. The Scully homestead was beautifully adorned in and outside with a profusion of flowers, and the wedding was characterized by the sensible simplicity in every detail. ino nriae is so wen Known personally tnat no dosenption is necessary. Her wedding attire consisted of white silk, brocaded, and satin trimmed in Duchess lace, wearing pearl ornaments. The groom is a prominent young Balti morean, son of tho late C. P. Manning, chief civil engineer of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road. The wedding gifts were very elaborate, one in particnlar, being the silver'set presented by the road department of the Baltimore and Ohio company. A grand dinner was served, after which the couple left on a special train for the East, to remain ten days. They will take up a residence here subsequently. Fine Whiskies. X. X. X. 1853, Pure Rye "Whisky, fall quarts $2 00 I860, McKim's Pure Rye Whisky, lull quarts 3 00 Monogram, Pure Rye "Whisky, full qnarts 1 75 Extra Old Cabinet, Pure Rye Whisky, lull quarts 1 50 Gibson's, 1879, Pure Rye Whisky, full QUI k fcS 2 U J Gibson's Pure Rye Whisky, full quarts 1 50 txuckenheimer Pure Rye Whisky, full Giickenheimer Export, Pure Rye Whis ky, full quarts 1 Moss Export, Pure Rye Whisky, full quarts 1 1879 Export, Pure Rye Whisky, full quarts 1 1880 Export, Pure Rye Whisky, full quarts 1 00 Por sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and. 97 Fifth ave. Pnre Kyo Whisky. XXX 1852, Private Stock JZ'OO XXX 1870, Choice Old Cabinet. 1 50 Choice Old Gibson 2 00 1879 Gibson 150 Guckenheimer Sublime 175 Guckenheimer Pure Rye 1 00 Large's Old Rye 150 Superior Y, Overholt 125- XXXX Old Monongahela 100 Full quarts, case or gallon. Wm. J. Friday, 633 Smithfield street TVFSn BInck Dreaa Gooda In Summer Weights Or really of no perceptible thickness Mousselines, nun's veilings, mohairs, bril liantines, Hernanis some extra values 50 cents and upward. Jos. Horne Ss Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Good Sense Is displayed in making wise selections. Such selections can best be made from the largest stock. This can be found in the line of baby carriages, bicycles, girls' tricycles, bovs' velociDedes. bovs' wardens, b.illn hats. hammocks, lawn swings, fireworks, torpe- uoes, crackers, etc. w noiesaie and retail, at James W. Grove's, Fifth avenue. Solid Gold Stick Pins. SI, 51 25, $1 50 to $3. A lovely assortment. Many enamel and set with pearls. All new designs. See them at E. P. Roberts & Sons, corner Fifth avenue and Market street. " rsu 1,200 Tarda Finest Scotch Ginghams by Express For the 25-cent gingham counter come to day to get your choice. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. La Perln del Fnmar. These celebrated clear Havana Key "West Clears are for sale at: Hotel Duquesne, Hotel Anderson. St. Charles Hotel, Albemarle Hotel. Union Depot Restaurant. ., John Lauler, 3799 Fifth ave. Peter A. Ganster, 35 and 37 Frankstown ave. John P. Ganster, 27 Frankstown ave. Peter Weber, 76 Wylie ave. John C. StrotiD, 25 Union st, E. W. Hagan.' 609 Smithfield st Neville Bayley, 405 Smithfield st J. K. Derr, 400 Market st P. C. Dufly. 540 Grant st E. F. Rusch, 3716 Forbes st. linhart, Bald & Co., 411 Smithfield st Charles Eble, 6009 Penn ave. G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Imported Wines. I have a complete line of clarets, Rhine, Burgundy, Sauterne, Hungarian and Ma deira wines from $5 to 541 per case. William j. Friday, "Vvfsu 633 Smithfield street Beware. Everybody wants the best for their money. Then why not go where you can get abso lutely all colored fireworks as cheap as plain goods are sold elsewhere. We have them. James W. Grove, Fifth avenue. Black Cashmeres Our grades of 46 inch .wide black cashmeres at 50c, 65c, 75c, 85c and 51 a yard are acknowledged the best values ofiered in the city. mwpsu Huous & Hacke. Ass for the 56 60 per 100. WFSu" Alberts cigar, 3 for 25c, or Wm. j. Friday, 633 Smithfield st. Hospitals use it; physicians recom mend It Klein's Silver Age. mwfs Wm. J. Friday's Marie cigars are very fine; 3 for 25c. 633 Smithfield st. wran Many aches and pains yield promptly to Parker's Ginger Tonic, Try it. Parker's Hair Balsam will save your hair. Lace Curtains Many lots of which we have from )f to 3 pairs, each style only, will be sold at very much under value to close. Huous & Hacks. mwfsu -Hospitals useit; physicians recom mend it Klein's Silver Age. mwfs K3Dirplay advertisement! one dollar per tquare or one insertion. Classified advertise ment on this page nich as Wanted, For Bale, To Let, f(x, ten cents per line for each inser Uon, and none taken for lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branoh Offices have been established at the folio-wing plaoes, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 0 P. M. for Inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts wlthTniDls PATCn. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, S3u0 Butler street. FJIIIj 6 STUCKET, Mth street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY & CO., Wylie ave, and Fulton St. N. STOKELY. Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J- TV. TVALliACE. 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEK & SHElBI,EK,5th av. & Atwood St. 60UTU3IDE. JACOB SPOHN, No. 2Carson street. CHAS. SCHTTABM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEK, 60 Federal street. H. J. McllRIDF, Federal and Ohio street. FEED H. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. P. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Westernand Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERRY M. GLEIM. Hebeccaand Allegheny ayes. WANTED. Male Hole "TTTANTED-2 PATTERS MAKERS. APPLY VV at JACOB H. JONES', 2410 Penn ave. Je21-40 "VTTANTED-A TRAVELING AGENT-GENT ,JV or lady: for full Information call on ELLA M. NEWTON, 12 Sixth St. Je21-68 "TTTANTEU DOLLY CHAIN MAKER AND VV helper. BAKER CHAIN 4 WAGON MIQ. CO., Allegheny, Pa. JeJl-70 "VXTANTED-A COACHMAN FOR LIVERY- i n one nni soner ana experienced need a toT. B. MORELAND, 6100 Penn ave., .Last End Pittsburjr. Jel6-91 WTANTED AN EXPERIENCED YOUNG TV man to work in a grocery store: reference required. Apply at 350 BEAVER AVE., Alle Kheny City. Je21-39 WANTED-TWO FIRS'l -CLASS TINNERS cood wages paid. Apply to SAMUEL SIL BERSTE1N. 7127 Grazier street, near Homcwood ave.. East End. jezl-34 Tfr ANTED TWO GOOD STRAP-SADDLE T makers, three lacers and two stitchers for fine work: none bnt first-class workmen need ap ply. GILLIAM M'F'G. CO., Canton, O. JcS-71 TrANTED-SUME LIVE AGENTS TO SELL TV our new Installment' goods; good pay weekly: only those with good reference need ap ply. UNION CREDIT CO., 103 Fourth ave. Jcil-46 "ITrANTEO-GENTLEMEN TO A1TEND N. VV Y. Cutting School. No. Ml Wood St.: Urllng's actual measurement system taught in ali Its branches; the only true system fitting any and all shapes: instructions 10 A. H. to 4 r. jr.; even lngs 7 to 9 p. M. ; call or write for circular. apr30-GS YTTANTED- MAN-TO TAKE AGENCY OP V our safes; size 28x18x18 Inches: weight 500 lbs.: retail price S35; other sizes In proportion: rare chance to create permanent business at home: these safes meet demand never berore supplied by othersafe companies, as we are not governed by the Safe Pool. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati, O. Je20-4-D TyANTED-AN ENERGETIC MAN WHO TV has or ran control 81,000; this will procure a well-paying position ($1 per day) as well as a handsome dividend on tne fnvestment,at the same time gives a chance to learn a trade that will ever no a life-long benefit: any one wishing to estab lish a son In business this fs a chance seldom met with. Full information of T. O. BEOWN &, CO., CO Fourth ave. Je21-71 TTJANTED-LIVE AGENTS ALL OVERCAM T r BhIA and surrounding counties to sell this memorial of the greatest calamity of modern times, "The Johnstown Horror, or the Valley of Death;" 500 pages, inlly Illustrated: hundreds of this book are being sont to all parts of the world. For outfits, terms and territory apply to P. J. FLEMING CO., 77 Diamond st,, Dispatch Build ing, Pittsburg, Pa. )e!5-7S WANTED-A GOOD, SOBER HOLDER TO take charge ot a machine and Jobbing foun dry, a short distance from the cltv, making from three to five tons or castings daily, furnish all labor and make castings byithe ton; nonebnt energetic, determined and competent men need apply; must give good reference; to the right man this is a good opening. Address FOUNDRY, Dispatch or flce, with fnll address and reference. Je2l-68 Female Help. VTrANTED-A GOOD COOK IN SUBURBS YV near ino city; good wages. Apply at 77 FIFTH AVE. jezi-43 -TTTANTED-A GOOD STRONG NURSE GIRL; TV Protestant; one who can take charge of an Infant at night. Address J. 9. C, Dispatch office. Je2l-S9 WANTED-A PRACTICAL HOTEL COOK; mdst be a woman notover mlddleage;a woman who can give satisfaction can have a steady situation at good wages. Address D. MA GAW, New Brighton, Pa. jel9-97 Male and Female flelD. WANTED-AT ONCE GERMAN MAN FOR hotel kitchen, 10 farm hands, 1 dressmaker, 10 per week : hotel cooks and assistants, waitresses and dishwashers, 200 house girls, cooks and cham bermaids, H per week. MEEHAN'S, 545 Grant st. )el7-D -rrTANTED-pS -WEEKLY-REPEESENTA-tt TIVE. male or female. In every community: goods staple: household necessity ; sell at sight: no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad vanced. Full particulars ana valuable sample case free: we mean Just what we siy. Address at once STANDARD blLVEUWABE CO., Boston. Mass. jell-70-D Situations. TTTANTED--A POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER VV for a widower; can give first-class refer ences. Address MRS. L. Z. Dispatch office. , jUl-67 Partner. TTANTED A CORPORATION HAVING A ii monopoly In a business making 80 per cent firofit and no credit given, having more business han they can handle without more hclpand capi tal, would sell a half or quarter Interest In differ ent States and In large cities in Europe to men of push and small capital of from 2,000 to 3,000: a big return guaranteed yearly: can rerer to the solid men of Boston for evidence of the great sup port receiving In this section, whrre it is now making its first start In the world: references re quired. L. P. CO., P. O. box 2250, Boston, Mass. Je21-35 Roams. Houses. Etc. -1YTANTED-TO RENT-A HOOSE OF SEC OR V seven rooms in the Twentieth ward, not more than 15 minutes walk from the new cemetery gate. Penn ave. Address JOHN LORNE, Dis patch office. Je21-27 Bonrdlng. WANTED BY SINGLE GENTLEMAN, room and board outside or city and con venient to railroad station. Address B. A. X., Dispatch office. Je20-10 Financial. WANTED MORTGAGES. LARGE AND small. ED W1XT1SH, 410 Grant st. Pltts-hnrg- Jel8-32 TTTANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN TT, in sums to suit at H 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 1M Fourth ave. Tei. 1S7. apl9-14 TTTANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP- ir larre, over ftcoo; 4 per cent: no tax. fca. 82 Fourth avenue. mb2-a22-r "TTTANTED-RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT V. LY: property managed with satisfaction. ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. UI3-S1 WANTED-AT 5 PER CENT, MORTGAGES In large or small amounts on Improved cltv property. W. A. HERRON & bONSi 80 Fourth Te- Jeo-5-MWP WAM'ED-MORTGAGES-tl.OOO.COOTOLOAN in large and small amounts at 4j, SandS K'.ceiii, iree oi aiaie tax; no aeiay. COYLE & CO., 131 Fourth ave. IEED B. my21-00 WANTEO-TO LOAN MONEY ON MORT- i GAGES on Improved real estate In sums of 500 and upward at 4. i and percent. L. O. RAZIEtt. Forty-fifth and Butler sts. Jo21-36-FSu WANTED-TO LOAN S500,000. IN AMOUNTS of S3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4 percent, tree of tax: also smaller amounts at 6 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 85 i ourth avenue. se2l-d2S-D TTTANTED MORTGAGES fl, 000,000 TO LOAN TV on city and suburban properties at 4K, 5and 6 per cent, and on larmi In Allegheny and aaja cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. iLPENNOCKft bON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-f4l WANTFD-TO LOAN 1200,000 ON MOBT- GAGES: tlOO and upward at 6 ner cent: 500,000 at 4J per cent on residences or business Iv-rtf1-11' o in auioimng FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue? counties, s. H. OC31-eSt-D Miscellaneous. . W: ANTED-LADIES TO KNOWHAUGH & lveenAn rn&lr. reflntah sir i,rthn1tr aIH furniture promptly and In the best possible man- a a au 34 water ST. 'Phone 1625. myo-s2 -rrTANTED-BUYEBS FOR LARGE. LEVEL, IT beautifully shaded lots, overlooking the Oblo river, on line of railroad and proposed electric street railway. In the midst of schools, churches, stores, fine roadways, elegant surroundings, at Groyeland: iree excursion on steamer Mayflower, leaving Monongahela wharf, loot of Wood st., 8:30 sham, Saturday morning, Jnne fi: returning, arrive at fip, x,; mnsle aboard; lunch at noon, nnder the shade of magnificent forest trees on the ground; come with your wife and children; free tickets now ready; call for them at office of May flower. WILSON, BAILEY A CO.. 118 Water St.: at sOMERS BROS. A CO.. 839 Liberty St., or at my office. CHAS. HOMERS, J13 Wood st. Jel9-H WANTED. Miacellnneous. WANTED-TO TRADE A GOLD WATCH worth $33 for a horse, or will give or take. Address HOME, Dispatch QHlcc. Jen-61 WANTED-CUSTOMEKS FOR DIAMONDS, Cold and silver watches, marble clocks, sil verware, etc., at II per week upward, atlJO"ed eral st Allegheny. J.MITSCH. Jcl5-MWFSU WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGKAFHER, W Fifth avenne. Pittsburjr. and 43 lederal ftlrit Al!fM,nv t.vrvhnriv tn know that he is making line cabinets at fl SO per dozen: photos delivered when promised: instan taneous process. mhl3-G3 WANTED-ANY ONE WANTING A HAND SOMELY engraved 14-karat, gold-MIed, hunting-case watch, stem wind and set, guaran teed for 20 years; Joints, bow, crown, lips all solid gold: IS extra Jewels: 4 pairs In cap settlntrs; spring compensation balance, quick train, safety pinion; all latcit improvements; at a low price on easy payments. Address LOCK BOX Ml, Pitts burg P. O.. and I will call and show same; corre sponde neo strictly conndcntlal. Je20-7 FOR BALE laiPHOYED REAL ESTATE. CUT Residences. FOR SALE-NO. 43 LINDEN ST.. S1XTII ward, near Chestnut, 7 rooms only 83,000. W. A HERROIJ & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Jel6-73-,27.29 FOR SALE NO. 30 BLUFF ST.." SIXTH ward A good house of S rooms; price low. Vr . A. HEHHON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. , Jel6-7J-17.19,21,21,27,29 FOR SALE-CHEAP-DOWN TOWN PKOP- ERTV; corner Ross and First avenues. For full information sec W. A, SO fourth ave. HEKRON & SONS, JClS-50-iS,Zl, 25,23 FOR SALE-S2.250-ON CLAY bT. AND A. V. R. Ii near Forty-ninth St., Inst opposite Crescent Steel Works, 2 frame dwellings, in good repair, now renting ror S300: at terms to snlt. TfaOMAS M'CAFFREY, 3oS Butler st. Je20-65 Ertst End Residences. FORSALE-AT S7C0-GOOD HOUSE S ROOMS on Atwood near Forbes st. W. A. HERRON ASONS, 80Fourthave. JelS-73-17,19,21,54,27,29 FOR SALE-SOUTH HILAND AVE., E. E.. a rare opportunity: an elegant new brick house of 8 rooms; all conveniences; well worth S3.500: will sell for S7.5C0 on terms to suit. D. P. THOMAS CO., 408 Grant St. Jel3-S3 FOR SALE-?2,700-GROSS ST., TWENTIETH ward, three minutes' walk to statlob. new frame dwelling. S rooms, finished attic, hall, ves tibule. Inside shutters, front and rear porches, well finished all through: lot 21x100 feel; terms easy. L. O. FRAZIER, Forthy-flfth and Butler sts. - Je2l-38-FSU -FTIOR SALE-NEW FRAME QUEEN ANNE X1 dwelling, 6 rooms, 2 attic rooms, reception hall,, bath, inside w. c. hot and cold water, rear stairway, front and rear porches. Mate mantels, laundry, slate roof, etc.; lot 37.x133 feet to alley; convenient to Shadysldc station: price Koooj e-uy terms; Immediate possession. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. Je2l-s-F6u FORSALE-A NEW6-ROOM QUEEN ANNE frame dwelling; reception halt, vestibule, batb, h. and c. water, inside w. c, nat, and arti ficial gas. finished attic, slate mantels, stone hearths. Inside shutters, front and rear porches; lot36xll9ft.; only 3 minutes from Hoop station, P. R, It.; possession at once: price (5.500: terms very reasonable. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., S3 Bourth ave. J20-95 TTIOR SALE-LARIMER AVE.. E. E.. 5 MIN- ju utes' walk from Llbertv stitlon. a hand some, modern style 2-story select brick dwelling, 8 rooms, finished attic, reception hall, batb. Inside shutters and w. c, slate and marble mantels, tile hearths, front and rear porches, natnral gas, elec tric lights, etc.:lot24xU0to alley, or will sell ad ditional lot If desired: a bargain. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO., 99 Fourth ave. JeIS-89-Turs FOR SALE-SI5,000i-OAKLAND-RESIDENCE property (over one acre): 6 minutes' walk from Filth avenue and directly on line of new cable loop: with large 2-story and mansard frame dwelling, 12 rooms, ball In renter, bath, range, etc. : also good stable and carriage house: the en tire lot covered with fruit, shade and beautiful natnral forest trees: will sell for at least S3). ono, within one year; possession at once. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. jeil-52 , J70R SALE-SHADE. ROOMINESS AND OUT ! LOOK are features to consider In buying residence property; these and many other ad vantages are possessed by the elegant and com modious new houses upon Oakland square, whtch Is one of the most attractive neighborhoods In the city; only fifteen minutes' from the heart of the city, vet with all the attractions ot the conn try; dwellings finished In the neatest and most durable manner; streets paved with asphalt and sewered: natural and artificial gas: fronting on handsome park planted with shade trees: new cable loop (for which ordinance Is in Councils) to go within 100 feet of the square: price of houses, standing on lots 30x100, (6,600; terms, moderate, cash payment, remainder upon long time; most beautiful district of the city and convenient to all parts. Apply to SAMUEL TV. BLACK 4 CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. my!2-71 Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE-NEXT TUESDAY AT AUCTION, on the premises, at 2:30 o'clock P. M.. No. 174 North ave. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Je21-a.' Suburban Residences. F OK SALE-IONA STATION. A. V. H. B.. new modern frame dwelling. 8 rnomx. Porches, front and rear stalrwav. well nn retr poreb, slate roof and convenient to station; lot. v.xiou ieeif price ri.uu; very easy terms. 1- o. FRAZIER. JFortj-fifth and Butler sts. Je2I-38-rsu TnORSALE-COUNTRYHOMEATFAIROAKS, JD P., Ft. W. C. R. R., embracing between 4 and 5 acres of land on which Is a dwelling of 11 rooms, lee house, wash room, large stable, car riage honse and several outbuildings; land Is cov ered with bearing fruit trees and large shade trees: dwelling and stable are supplied with delicious sprint; water, and heated and Illuminated with gas atreasonabIeexpense;prem!sesare connected with R. R. by board walk, and are unsurpassed in beauty and bealthrnlness of location; will be sold quite low. J. MSTONER, 22 Bakewell Building. je2Q-62-Mwr FOR SALE LOTS. East End Lots. FOR SALE A CHOICE LOT ON AMBER street,' 'Banm Grove Plan," 40 feet wide, which can be sold for M0 front foot; must be sold qjilfjUy. MELLON BROS.. E. E., or JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, S12 Smithfield street. ' jelS-58-Tur TTIOR SALE-THINK OF THIS BUY -VOTTR- JL' BELf loL 40X137. Bank of Commeree Addl. tlon, Brushton station, and have your own home, no cltv taxes; broad streets and alleys: sidewalks: excellent neighborhood; only good house can be built. Call for particulars. JOHN P. BAXTER, Agent. 612 Smithfield street. Jels-ssvrur FOR SALE-LARGE EAST END BUILDING sites; this magnificent residence place Is situ ated on Linden ave., near Penn-ave.: the eleva tion Is one of the finest in the city, commanding an excellent view of the beautiful Liberty Valley, convenient to P. R. R. and cable lines: the prices being only S25 and S30 per foot front, make it very desirable property In price as well as location. Call at office for plan.- BLACK L BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Je7-6.7,8,10,I2,14,17,19,21,24,2S,28 AHeshcnv Lorn. F IOR SALE FINE BUILDING LOT AT JL JP bargain, on Avery st., Allegheny, near parks. W. W. MoNElLL&BRO., 105 Fourth ave. jea-iuu FOR SALE LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply toJOSEPHMCNAUUHER, 43 N. Diamond St. inh7-9S-D OR SALE-SPLENDID BUILDING LOTS IN Second ward. Allegheny, convenient to street cars, at lowest prices and easiest terms; buy now and have a home of your own In desirable locality. W. W. MCNEILL &BBO., 105 Fourth ave. Je2u-1 FORSALE-EXCELLENTBRICKDWELLING and good lot 25x90 feet, with side entrance. No. 10 Greenwood avenne, near Beaver avenue. Allegheny, 10 large and commodious rooms, with bstb, w. c, natural gas: all In prime order throughont: to be sold at pnhlic sale on Monday, July l. at 2 o'clock p.m., on the premises: peremp tory sale. Terms from J AS. W. DRAPE & Co., 123 Fourth avenue, Plttshnrg. JcI9-33-mwts Hhzelwood Lota. TTIOR SALE-FLOWERS AVE., UAZELWOOD ! nuiiQing lots as auction, satnrnay. jnnea. at 2:30 o'clock r. it. VT. A. HEBRON S: SONS.. ! oaiuiuar. uucj. no. so Fourth ave, JC2I-3S-MWT FOR SALE-FLOWERS' AVE.. HAZELWOOD building lots at anctlon, Saturday, June 29. at 2:30 o'clock p. II. No. 80 Fourth ave. TV. A. MERKON & SONS, Je2I-33-MWJ' FOR SALE-LOTS AT HAZELWOOD AND Glenwood. near the station: only 15 minutes from new station, Smithfield st,: graded streets, sUewalks, city water, gas: (300 to (1,000: houses for sale, small naymeut down, balance In monthly payments lr desired: railroad fare, monthlr tickets. 5Jf cents per trip. GEORGE C. BURG WIN, 150 Fourth ave. JelS-71-UWFSSu Suburban Lql. 17OH 8ALE-AT W1LK1NSBUEG-DE3IRA-. JD BLE bnlldlng lots at low prices; location Sood. Call or send for printed list, free. W. A. ERRON & bONS, No. SO Fourth ave. J21-55-MWFS FOR SALE-LARGE 'LEVEL LOTS: NO grading or paving, no interest, no taxes: rich soil, producing fine gardens, green lawns; pure water, healthful surroundings, cheip build ing material, river, railroads, schiols, churches, stores, beautiful forest and fruit trees: low prices, longtime. onlntsntGroveland; these are the features that will attract buvers; Improve ments and advanced prices following will make ibem fortunate Investors, Call at my office, see views, sketch or surroundings, plan of lots, and get ticket for free excurslou by steamer May flower, leaving Monongahela wharf, foot nf Wood St.. Sitnrdv morning at 8:30, June 22. CHABLES ftOMERS, 313 Wood St, Jel9-13 Farms. FOR SALE-A FARM OF 50 ACRES IN O'Hara township: good garden ground; has house and barn on it. and plenty or fruit and water. SEBASTIAN BITTER, Sharpsburg. Pa. JelS-11 v FOR SALE-FARM 180 ACRES; RICH SOIL: fine springs; eonl and Iron ore: excellent for stock, grain or fruit; large stone dwelling: also brick dwelling and store house, bank barn and other out Jhultdlugs: only one-half mllo from R. K. station; 45 per acre, ED. W1TT1SH. 410 Grant St., Pittsburg, Pa. Jels-D Miscellaneous. TiTOR SALE-ATLANTIC CITY.N. J.-HOTELS, X" boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or for sale by I. Q. ADAMS ft CO., real estate agents, R, Est, Law Bdg., Atlantio City, N. j. my20-2-D FOB SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. T.10R SALE-TJPHOLSTEP.Y AND CARPET r cleaning works, in good town, handy to Pitts burg, doing large, paying business: only (600 to qnlek buyer. SHEPARD Jfc CO., M Filth ave. Jel9-22-WPSu FOR SALE-BUSINESS CHANCERENT p): sublets 861 per month; lease and household effects of 8 furnished rooms; cheap to quick buyer. Inquire JAMES E. CKEIUHTON t CO., 12 Fed eral st., Allegheny. JeU-63 FOR SALE-3 LICENSED HOTELS ON LINE or R. It., 40 miles from Pittsburg, doing good business; owners Interested in other business, and will sell cheap If sold at once. For particulars call on THOS. LIGGETT, III Fourth ave., Pitts burg. Je21-57-Turssu FOR SALE-FINE, EXTENSIVE AND PROF ITABLE bakery, ice cream and confection ery business: nothing better and must be sold: also, grocery, ilrygoods. drug, cigar, china and notion stores: printing office, butcher shop, baker ies and other business chances. Free particulars. SHEPARD CO.. 51 Fifth ave. JelS Bcstneu 8 triad. FOR 8ALE f3, 100 BUTLER ST.. EIGHT EENTH ward, 2 brick business bouses and dwellings, a one frame dwelling, all In No. re pair; now renting for (S00; at terms to suit: bar gain seekers, what do vou think ot this? THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 3509 Butler street. Je20-5 FORSALE-LEASEHOLD FROPERT GOOD business investment, Penn ave.. near Twenty-second St., 3 three-story buildings, containing large storeroom 50 deep and 5 dwelling rooms each, dry cellars, well sewered, both gases; leasehold has 22years to run: lot 48x100; rent for (1,440 per year: price 6,O0O for all. or will sell beparaie on small miyments: balance on time. BLACK A HAIKU. 85 Fourth ave. Jel5-s-MWTg FOR SALE-3IISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. fcc F lOR SALE FINE FRAZIEE KOAD CARTS. u. w xsi A KAJ.t 421 uuquesne way. jei4-4S FOHSALE-AN IMPORTED HOLSTEIN COW, with heifer calf by her side. Apply to D. O. bTEWART, 1019 Liberty St. Je20-91 FOR SALE-HANDSOME PAIR OF BAY CAR RIAGEhorses. It. H. BOUUS, North ave nue and Monterey street, Allegheny. . Jel9-40 FOR SALE-BUGGY MARE, 7 YEARS OLD. Brewster sidebar bnggy and harness at a bar gain. Call or address BENNETT it FLOCKER, cor. .nwirspairioc ana est ena ave., Allegheny. Je20-7j FOR SALE-HORSES JUST ARRIVED. DO yon want a horse? If so, yon will save money by going to Exposition track: coach, buggy, sad dle, business and draught horses arriving dally. JAS. MCKEOWN. Jel3-86 FOR SALE-FINE MATCHED PAIR GELD INGS, bays, IS hands, full brothers, "and 8 years old: lady can drive them; not afraid of any thing: can trot 3-mlu. clip to pole: also a fine family horse. For further particulars call on or address J. J. CRAWFORD, Toronto, O., C. & P. R. R. Je20-79 TTiOR SALE-MT BLACK GELU1NG NOW IN position urivlng 1'ark; must be sold immediately; he is 6 years old, IS hands high, fine mane and tail, penect action and superior style; he was pur chased In Kentucky one month ago, an J, as I have no further use for him, I will refuse no reasonable offer. Jel9- SInchinery and Metal. FOR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES. 18x22. 1 Ball engine, Ismail dynamo and21ampand meatchoppers, rendering kettles, etc. VELTE4 MCDONALD, Penn ave.. cor. Thirty-second t. Jel9-91 F 'OR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND hflll . 4ll .1, S Sn., Dt.1.1 fr ... 1. frwv. 4 to 10O b. n. : all refitted: rood as new. at inwpst rices; mounted portable engines, S to 25 b. p. 1-25 Park way. J. S. YODNG, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-92-MWP FOR SALE 28x43 CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year: can be seen In operation; price on application; also a new Strange Co. stave ma chine, all complete: capacity 10,000 In 10 hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK. 159 First ave. aul-p32-MWl' FOR SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY: one 7)jxI2-Inch donble engine, double drum: others large and small, with single or double friction drums: wire and manlla rope, centrifugal pumps, etc.: two 26x4S-lnch horizontal engines with flywheels. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS. cor. Lacock and S.inilnskr sts.. Allegheny. ial-Mwr PERSONAL. PERSONAL BOOKS WANTED IP ITOTJ have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth L0U0, let ns knojr: we will buy one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Sseventh Ave. Hotel building. my3-2S PERSONAL WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters In renalrlng and clean ing your old clothes, when It can be donefora trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Firth ave. and Wood st., second floor? Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed : suits made to order: spring styles now ready, telephone 1558. mh8 LOST. LOST OR STOLEN SILK UMBRELLA natnral wood stick, gold top. Initials L. S. engraved on It; liberal reward and no questions asked by leaving It at 31 SHERMAN AVE.. Alle gheny. Je21-65 T OST-POCKETBOOK. WEDNESDAY, JUNE XJ 1 with over (20, along Third ave.. Smith, field. Fifth ave. to Duquesne Incline; finder will be rewarded by leaving at 53 Smithfield st., JEW ELRY STORE. Jell-30 AMUSEMENTS. a RAND-ENTERTAINMENT AND CONCERT, far the benefit of the SOTJTHSIDE HOSPITAL, at Salisbury Hail, SATURDAY EVENING, June 22. at 8 P.M. MISS EMMA BINGLIN WOLF. MISS JENNIE EVANS, DR. W. F. ENGLISH and the pupils of the TWENTY-EIGHTH WARD SCHOOL. Admission 60c. je21-31 -pECREATION PARK. Boquet street and Alleehenv avenue, ALLEQHENY CITY. BASEBALL. BOSTON VS. ALLEGHENY, Wednesday, June 10; Thnrsdav, June 20; Fri day, June 21: Saturday. June 22. Gamo at 4 r. M. Trains leave Union denot at 3:40 p. x. Tickets at usual places. jel5-43-WThFS PICNIC GROVE FREE! WINDSOR PARK. Onl7 si: miles from the city, situated on the bluff overlook!!.!; Davis Island dam. Easily reached by rail or boat. Large grove of forest trees, cool, clear sprints of water, flue dancinc platform, etc The use of the prove will be pven free to Sunday schools, societies, lodges, G.A.R. posts, private, fetes, etc., the only charge beinj fare on the steam elevator to and from the Grounds. For dates and further particulars apply to J. H. DAWSON, Lacock street, near Fed eral street, Allegheny, or to A. CLANEY on the grounds. mvll-15-p AUCTION SALES. A T AUCTION-CONSIGNMENT OF FINE M parlor suits'; which must positively be sold, brussels and ingrain carpets, general merchan dise, eta, at the rooms, No. 311 Market st, FRIDAY MORNING, June 21, at 10. Tho parlor suits are very handsome, two being in French silk tapestries, one very fine English rug, two silk pluh and one mohair crnshed plnsh; all croup suits, made in the very best of manner and spring edges. Our orders are to sell these Roods, whatever they bring under the hammer. Also, mabojrany, walnut, oak and cherry chamber suits, folding beds, chiffoniers, dressing cases, wardrobes, washstands, bed steads, chairs, rockers, tables, bed lonnges, bookcases, desks, secretaries.toilet ware.dining sets, lamps dishes, glassware,, rugs, clocks, albums, fine chenille door cur tain, bedding, stoves, sideboards, hallrack. linolenm. refrigerators, etc., etc. HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM.. Auctioneers. je20-15 iiEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. Ellen Cowan, late of the city of Pittsburg, county of Allegheny, State of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to slid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims against the same to make them known without delay to M. A. COWAN, Administra trix, 62 Gibbon street, Pittsburg. je2I-40-p EXECUTOR'S NOTICE - NOTICE IS hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Ann Sutton, deceased, late of city of Pittsburg, county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, bave been granted to the under signed, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims or demands against tho same will niakfthem known with out delay to MISS THEODESIA BLOOR, Ex ecutrix. Winebiddle avenue, nearPenn avenue, or her attorney, JOHN H. KERH,89DIamond street. my2I-35-p J. M. CALDWELL J. P. SPLANE, Att'ys at law, KiDiamnnil xtreet, Pittsburg, Pa. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. 1, of Allegheny county. Pa,, at No. 520 June term, 1SS9, between Jane Moore Ramsey and W. J. Moyer and wife et al a bill in equity for partition of three houses and lots and an in terest in a leasehold in Allegheny City, and five acres of land in Reserve township. Allegheny county. The Court has made the following order, to wit: And now. May 23, 18S9, upon affi davit presented in open court that W. J. Mover and Mary his wife and Oscar Win. Ramsey, de fendants, are non-residents of Pennsylvania and cannot bo served with process by reason of their residence not being known, it is ordered that publication he made once a week for six successive weeks in the Pittsburg Daily Dis patch, notifying sail defendants of the nature and object of the bill, and that unless they cause an appearance to be entered for themselves in said case on or before the 20th day of July, 1889, the bill will be taken against them pro confesso and a decree made the same as it they bad been personally served, mjSiZ-T TO LET. Cltv Residence. TO LET-30 BLUFF ST.: GOOD LOCATION: 8 rooms; late Improvements; rent low, W. A HEEKO.N & bONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Jel-72-MWT Allegheny Residences. TO LET-I01 FAYETTE ST., ALLEGHENY", good brick. 8 rooms: late improvements:rent low. W. A. HE1JP.ON & SONS, SO Fourth ave. Jei6-72-MWT ADnrtmenn. TO LET-FOUR NICE ROOMS ON ONE FLOOR suitable for light housekeeping, with gas and water. Apply to J.G.MOKEOW'3 SHOE STORE, 289 Ohio St., Allegheny. Jell-H Offices. Dek Boom, etc TO LET-PHYSICIAN'S OFFICES. BACH ELOR'S quarters and dualling, at 71 SIXTH. AVENUE. Jell-43 Boslneu Stand. TO LET-HOTEL-THELAKESHORE HOUSE. 37 and 33 Bank it. ;. 3 minutes' walk from Uulon depot: contains 30 rooms. Address J. DUNN, 51 Rockwell St., Cleveland. O. Je20-5 Tb LET-THE OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE bnlldlptrlatelvoccnnleri bvthe Readlnr Iron Works. 220 and 2J2 Sonth Fifth St., Philadelphia. This line building was erected expressly for the Reading Iron Works In 1887. being 51x200 ft,; and fronting on three streets with ample office and storage room, is well fitted for carrying on a large wholesale and retail business, or would be suit able for the purposes or an express co. Apply to JOHNF.KEA10R.241So.Flhhst. JeSo-64 BUSINESS CHANGES. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existraj; between Jos. H. Boyd, S. B. Con ley and David Henderson is hereby dissolved by mutual consent, a B. Conley and David Henderson retiring. Airbills and accounts of the aforesaid firm will be settled by JOS. H. BOYD. ALLZOHzyr. Pa.. June 19.1889. je2O80 OFFICIAL P1TTSBUEG. Pittsburg. Pa.. June 12. 1889. "VrOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JJN reports of Viewers on the opening of At lantic avenue, from Liberty avenue to Rosetta street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. 31. BIGELOW, je!2-56 Chief of Dept of Public Wors. PiTTSnnRG. Pa., June 12, 1859. -VTOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THATTHB LN reports of viewers on the construction of sewers on Melville alley, from Thirty seventh street to Thirty-sixth street; Mign onette street, from Whitfield street to con nection with sewer on Beatty street; Auburn street from Lowell street to Larimer avenue, and Grazier street from a point 2SD feet west of Lan avenue to Lane avenue, have been ap proved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Com mon Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW. Jel2rS6 Chief of Dept of Public Works. BUSINESS TAX AND WATER RENTS, lsS9. Notice is hereby given that the du plicates for the business tax and water rents for the year 18S9 bare been placed in my bands for collection by the Board of Assessors author ized to assess tho same. The time for paying said taxes and water rents at the Citv Treasurer's office is the month of June. No discounts allowed. "Water rents and business tax remalninc; un paid after June 30. I8S9. will be placed in tba hands of the Collector of Delinquent Taxes for collection, with 5 per cent added. All applicants for statements ot water rents must cive name of the owner of the prop erty they occupy or desire to pav water rent for. J. F. DENNISTON, je5-95-p Citv Treasurer. PROPOSALS. "PROPOSALS FOR ORDNANCE SUP JL PLIES Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, 111., June 12, 189. Sealed proposals, in tripli cate, will be received until 1 o'clock P.M., on FRIDAY, JULY 12, laS9. for furnishing saddlo blankets, forage, silver, gold, steel, tin, brass, iron, copperand brass rivets and burs; Iron, brass and copper wire; nails, screws, tacks, bolts, nuts, leather, thread, rope, duck, paints, oils, chemicals, paper, cleaning and polishing materials, files, eta, during the fiscal year end ing June SO. 1S90. Printed lists of supplies needed, with full instructions, stipulations, etc.. can be had on application to MAJOR JNO. R. MCGINNESS, OrdnanceDcpartment,TJ. S. A., Commanding. jel9-2 EECRUITING RENDEZVOUS. PENN avenue. Pittsburg, Pa.. June 18, 18oU Sealed proposals in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office) until 12 o'clock noon, June 28, 1889, and then opened, for furnishing cooked rations, tbres substantial meals dally, of good quality, and the allowance of soap and candles authorized to be Issued to a soldier, to the recruiting party and recruits stationed at this rendezvous durins the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1889. ami endlncJune 30.189a Preference will be given to articles of domestic production or manu facture, conditions of quality and price (In cluding in the price of foreign-productions or manufactures the duty thereon) being equal. The Government reserves tho right to reject any or all proposals. Forms of proposals and full information will be furnished on applica tion to this office. Proposal' for furnishing complete rations at a place objectionable to re cruits will not be considered. Envelopes con taining proposals should be marked, "Proposals for Cooked Rations," and addressed to CAP TAIN R.G.HEINER, Recruiting Office, 915 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. je21-33 PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING STA TIONERY, furniture, fuel and other snpplies. In compliance with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I hereby invite sealed proposals, at prices below maximum rates fixed in schedules, to furnish stationery, furniture, fuel, and other supplies for the several departments of the State Gov ernment, and for making repairs in the several departments, and for the distribution of tba Sublic documents, for the year ending the first onday of June, A. D. 18901 Separate proposals will be received and sepa rate contracts awarded as announced in said schedules. Each proposal muse be accompa nied by a bond with approved sureties, condi tioned for the faithful performance of the con tract, and addressed and delivered to me before 12 o'clock M. on Tuesday, tne ytnuay of July, A. D. 1S89, at which time the proposals will be opened and contracts awarded, in the recep tion room of the Executive Department, at Harrisburg. Blank bonds and schedules containing all necessary information can be obtained on ap plication at this department. CHARLES W. STONE, je2-C9-D Secretary of the Commonwealth. EDUCATIONAL. EW YORK MILITARY ACADEMY. Cornwall-on-Hudson. Courses of study in civil engineering, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful building', grounds, location. COL C. J. WRIGHT, B. S A. M., Supfc; BELDKN F. HYATT, Comd't of Cadets. jel-i-D KEBLE SCHOOL SYRACUSE, N. i. Boarding School for Girls. Under the su pervision of the Rr. Rev. F. D. Huntington, 3. T. D. The nineteenth school year begins Wednesday, September 11, 188V. References Rr. Rev. H.C. Potter. D.D..N. Y. Rev. Wm. R. Huntington. D. D.. Grace Church, N. Y. City. Pres. E. N. Potter, D. D Geneva. N. Y. Hon; Andrew D. White. Ithaca, N. Y. Apply to MISS MARY J. JACKSON, Principal. , jel4-72-Tnlr OAKLAND SQUARE, . 15,500 each, moderate cash payment, balance 200 per annum, elegant new two-story and mansard brick dwellings, 8 rooms, hall, bath, laundry, slate mantels, art lire places, tils hearths, sliding doors, wired for electric light; fine chandeliers, both gases, plate glass win dows, etc.; Oakland Square, five minutes from Fifth avenue cable line and directly on line of new cable loop which is to be constructed this summer; a beautiful park (on which are sev eral hundred beautiful shade trees), the whole surrounded by streets and sidewalks, sewered and paved with aspbaltnm;on each side of and facta? the park are the above described dwell in; most desirable houses vet offered; en hancement or values sure. SAMUEL W. BLACKJi CO., 99 Fourth ave. rayU-39-D R. BURGOON, Tuo iie Snecialiet. of 47 Ohio street. Allegheny. defies competition in the cure of all chronic troubles. He does not point to fictitious tes timonials. COME AND SEE THE ORIGINALS, At his ofllce, of your neighbors who have been cured in Pittsburg ani Allegheny. Consulta tion free. je21 IANOb. ORGAN3. S. HAMILTON. 81 AND 03 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-74-l A. WH1TELEY. 128K THIRD AVE.. UPSTAIRS.' Gents' snoes soled and heeled in 15 minutes for 75 cents. Finest work in the city. mv23-U.wr "T E. LLNKENHElMERi " ' ARCHITECT, 5 Smithfield street. Pittsburg, Pa. Freihela Freund Building, second floor. mh2i-S0-HWI' J-UNCAN C. WHITE, Building Contractor, 71 Diamond street, Second door above Smithfield, jritaourg. xau-7- i ft' V.