Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 21, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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average expense to Allegheny county for
each Toting precinct is $54 50. and as Phila
delphia county has 1,827 voting precincts,
the cost or the election in the banner wet
county was not far from 51)9,000. A con
servative estimate was given yesterday by a
man who has had eight years' experience in
settling election bills, 'and his figures of
$1,000,000 are probably not at all excessive.
Persons nt the Polls.
In certain quarters yesterday some little
excitement was occasioned by allegations
that the ladies who worked at the polls on
Tuesday last influencing voters and "pedd
ling" tickets for the drys, were amenable to
law under a section of the general election
laws which seems to have escaped observa
tion during the campaign just closed. Some
of the women who were conspicuous by their
activity at the polls were in quite a flutter
of excitement over the matter, believing
they had been in jeopardy of their liberty
under a strict construction of section 121 of
the general election law, which reads as fol
lows: "If any person not qualified to vote in
this Commonwealth agreeably to law (ex
cept the sons of qualified citizens) shall ap
pear at any place of election for the purpose
of issuing tickets or of influencing the citi
zens qualified to vote, he bhall, on convic
tion, torfeit and pav anv sum not exceeding
5100, and buffer imprisonment for a term not
less than one nor more than six months."
The above section of the general election
law was submitted to Major A. M. Brown,
whose sound views on constitutional law
are always of interest, with a request for an
opinion as to the possibility of prosecutions
of women working at the polls under its
punitive construction.
"This is another of the myriad instances
of loosely drawn State laws," said Major
Brown. The definition ot the offense and
the characterization of the possible offender
is of the broadest nature in the first few
lines of this section. "Any person" is cer
tainly comprehensive enough to include
women with campaigning tendencies
such as were a feature ot the
scenes near polling places on
Tuesday. But when it comes
to a provision of penaltv for the defined
offense, the pronoun 'he'f is too explicit to
be mistaken. Clearly the prescribed penal
punishment can only apply to persons of
the male gender and women with an elec
tioneering bent need not fear molestation
under that law, unless they commit some
overt act, which can be construed as a breach
of the peace, or an actual obstruction of
voters. Those who framed the law did not,
evidently, contemplate such a possibility as
the presence of women at the polls as a
disturbing element. But the personal pro
noun "he" shows the intent of the law too
clearly to be mistaken. If only the state
ment of the offense is taken women must re
frain from active politics,but as there would
then be no penalty the attempted applica
tion to the cases in point would be a mani
fest absurdity. As it is, the law does not
inhibit women from taking just as active an
interest in the progress ot the voting on
election dav as the so-called lords of crea
tion." K0W FOR A PICNIC.
The Brewers Will Go to the Woods Facta
About tho BIc Money They Spent
Yesterday Afternoon's Sleeting:.
The "Western Pennsylvania Brewers"
Association held its regular weekly meeting
yesterday afternoon at No. CO Fourth ave
nue. After declaring that the association
lias no disposition to gloat over the liqnor
men's victory, onj of the officers said to a re
porter of The Dispatch:
"All we have done was to pass a rote of
thanks to Mr. Theodore Straub for the master
ly manner in which he conducted the campaign
for our organization, that is all."
"They arc very anxious not to appear too
jubilant," said Mr. Josef Bruenlng, of the Key
stone Brewing Company, '-because I was cen
sured at the meeting to-day for decorating my
wacons with flags esterday morning."
The Chairman of the Finance Committee was
requested at yesterday's meeting to make a re
port, bat he said it was not ready yet. All he
had to say was that thev had enough money on
hand to meet all tho bills, and that tbey did
xuwant anv more; but he also said that there
woulduenono left In the treasury atter all
obligations had been met.
The reporter was given to understand by one
of the members that about $100,000 had been
spent in the campaign, of which the-whisky
ected among the brewers.
"ilia any urewers irom outside or Pennsyl
vania contribute J" asked the reporter.
No, they did not," the officer replied, '-we
expected to get something at the Niagara
Tails convention, but when the commitee
voted 10.000 to the Johnstown sufferer there
was nothing left for us. However, we have
done very well with what we had and I must
say, that in places where we spent the money
we spent it to a good purpose."
"Is your organization going to extend its
labors toward a modification of the Brooks
"No, we are not going to do anything which
might be interpreted as an intention on our
part to take too great an advantage upon the
strength of our victory. While our organiza
tion is troing to be a permanent one, we are
going to spend several thousands dollars in fix
ing it up. Still we will rejoice on the quiet
without ostentation."
"But you surely are going to do something
to celebrate your victory?"
"Well, yes, we are going to have a picnic
next week. But thi purpose of that will be to
make our wives acquainted with each other,
and to create a general good feeling among all
of ns. We will probably have the picnic at
Bock Point."
Why Daniel Sailor Causes the Arrest of
Police Offlccr Farrell.
Daniel Sailor yesterday lodged an in
formation before Alderman Cassidy against
Policeman Patrick Farrell, charging him
with disorderly conduct. This suit is the
outcome of some trouble at the polls in the
First ward on Tuesday, when Farrell's vote
was challenged.
The defendant was arrested and gave bail
for a hearing this morning.
Alderman Porter Ilcld for Conrt on Two
Chorees Yesterday.
Alderman Porter was given a hearing yester
day afternoon before Alderman Carlisle, on a
charge of extortion, on oath of Benjamin F.
Stewart. The prosecutor was sued before
Alderman Porter some time ago by Lawrence
Meyer. He alleges that the case was settled
bv'hls paying the costs, which were 16 20.
Alderman" Porter then charged him another
dollar for a transcript of the case. The tran
script showed costs for 11 witnesses, which the
'Squire's constable swore had never been sum
moned. Attorney Sullivan represented Alderman
Porter, while Attordey Jordan appeared for
Mr. Stewart. The Alderman .was Ueld in $500
bail for court.
As soon as this case was over. Alderman Por
ter was placed under arrest again on a similar
charge, on oath of James Young. The latter
had some trouble with hislandladyafewweeks
ago, and she sued him for a boarding hill. The
case was settled before the defendant was
given a hearing, and Yonnr claims that the
'Squire charged him 51 50 more for costs than
he should hate douc.
The 'Squire waived a hearing in this case and
gave bail for conrt. Alderman Porter sa s the
whole matter is a blackmailing scheme, the re
sult of prejudice against him. He says he will
be able to prove in court that there was no ex
tortion in either case.
And Ono Hundred Forlnble nouses Will be
Kent to Johnstown..
Mr. J. B. Scott, Mr. Reuben Miller and Mr.
8. S. Marvin held a conference with the local
Belief Committee yesterday relative to procur
ing portable houses to be sent to Johnstown.
Mr. C L. Cross, a representative of a Chicago
firm, was present and was consulted. As a
result o the conference, Mr. Cross left for
Harnsburg to see Governor Beaver. It is un
derstood that 00 portable houses will be
shipped from Chicago to-day. The Pittsburg
committee Is arranging to ship 100 additional.
There was little done around the Cbamberof
Commerce yesterday. One or two members of
the committee were engaged in answering let
ters, and a few donations were received.
Snglnatv's Splendid Ssliowinz.
The merchants and citizens of East Saginaw,
Mich., came nobly to the rescue ot the Johns
town unfortunates. Their contribution con
sisted of S4 cars of lumber, i cars of shingles. 1
car of doors and sashes and $3,000 in cash.
This is a grand example of practical philan
Iron Masters Do Not Object to
the Workers' Scale
Ko Fight in the Iron Industry is
Anticipated This Yean
Trouble is Expected at Carnegie's Home
stead Steel Works,
There will be no strike or trouble of any kind
in the iron indnstry this year, but a reduction
in the steel. mills is expected. The scale of
wages in force during 1SSS-S9 has been revised,
"and there are but few changes; in fact the
alterations made in most cases are favored br
the manufacturers. A copy of the new scale
as prepared by the Amalgamated Association
was mailed to the manufacturers, and all were
pleased, and, in fact, surprised, when they
received it. None of them have any objections
to it, as it wipes ont many objectionable feat
ures, and although somo new clauses are in
serted they are not of a serious character.
The following points are all that aro men
tioned in the memorandum of agreement, al
though the scale of prices is the same as last
On all mills working Iron or steel weighing one
hundred and sixty (160) pounds or over, extra
help shall be furnished to the heater, the same to
be paid by the company.
It will be seen that several clauses in the
agreement have been eliminated. The boiling
scale is the same as at present, bnt the follow
ing clause has been added: "Busheluig on cin
der bottom to be one-half the price paid for
The muck and puddle mill scale is the same.
Ihe scrapping and busheling scale is the
same, "hut some changes are made in the ex
tras The following have been inserted. Bush
cling on sand bottom to be 50 cents per ton
above the current price for piles on boards;
busheling scrap and wrought iron turnings
mixed on sand bottom to be thirty (30) cents
per ton above the current price for piles on
One clanse in the old agreement has been
stricken out the one making busheling scrap
and swarth mixed on sand bottom to be one
half the straight price paid for boiling.
Ko changes are made in the scale for knob
blmg. The scale in the bar and nail plate mills is
,,. atmtt ,n4 hut tvr., ithaniro, am vnorio in tt,A
extras the first and the last which are ap-pended-
AU sizes below one and one-halfhy one-half
(ixsl incn nais. one ui men rouna ana seven
elgntlis (,) squares when worked on a bar mill to
be paid for at guide mill prices. One-Inch rounds
x lien worked by hand on a bar mill snail be paid
for at guide mill prices.
All sizes below one and one-half by one-half
(lKxSji inch flats, one inch rounds, and seven
eighths (s) inch squares, when worked on a
twelve (12) inch mill, to be paid for at guide mill
prices. One-inch rounds when worked by hand
on a E-lnch mill shall be paid for at guide mill
The scale for the guide, 10 inch, hoop and
cotton tie mills, nut iron, channel iron, "T"
iron, angles, clip or wagon strap, name iron,
ten inrh mill, hoop aud cotton tie mills remain
the same, but the following two new clauses
are added to the latter:
All half ovals below regular gauge one-fonrth(U)
the thickness of its width, shall be paid far as fol
lows: h. ii: H. fW50: JS50; 5f, $i so and J.
S3, the same to ad auce and decline as per regular
Thtrtr (301 cents per ton extra for cut boons, all
"These clauses mean a net reduction of $139
in favor of the firm. Two new clauses are
added in nut iron viz. 27-64, which is classed
i and 1-15, and the same price is paid there
for viz. $12 50 per ton. Unde this head an
entire f yv size is added, 27-61 by 9-61 at $10 per
The price for rolling plate and tank iron has
been reduced from SO to 72 cents per ton on the
base, and the same relative position maintain:
tbrongh the entire scale, and the following
extras are added:
First For N os. 10 and 11 gaures, 20 cents per ton
above common prices.
Second -For hos 12 and 13 gauges, 30 cents per
ton above common prices.
Third For os. 14 and 15 gauges, 40 cents per
ton aboTe common prices.
Fourth For Nos. 16 and 17 gauges, SO cents per
ton above common prices.
Filth All re-rolled iron shall be double com
mon prices.
Sixth-Tops and bottoms to be 10 cents per ton
less than common prices.
The above extras were eliminated last year,
much to the detriment of the workmen in some
mills, hence the reinsertion this year.
Extras Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 7 in the last year's
scale are included in the new scale.
The scale for rolling pipe iron on sheet and
jobbing mill is exactly the same as Ian year;
also the sheet mill scale, yiifh the exception
that the clause demanding 10 per cent for strong
iron is eliminated, leaving the 10 per cent apply
to steel only, and the weights for Birmingham
wire gauge, including all extras, with the fol
lowing one added:
kheet mills working three (3) turns that make
tin and black plate shall be permitted to work
three (3) turns of eight (S) hours each, of seven (7)
heats each turn.
The sheet mill hands' scale is the same, but
the two following extras are added:
Sheet mills working iron or steel one hundred
and twenty (ISO) Inches long and over, the day
hands shall be paid an average day's work for the
Willis working narrow widths and short lengths,
below and Including S3 inches wide and 81 inches
long, shall be allowed to make eight (8) heats for a
turn's work, and for each turn of eight (8) beats
the day bands shall oe paid In proportion. Xbls
clanse sball only apply to mills that make a uni
formly large amount of narrow width and short
length sheets, such as the small trains of rolls In
Lcechburg, Apollo. Demmler, Uanonsburg and
Mansfield, Fa. ; Irondale, O., and bt. Louis, Mo.
While the scale for roughing and catching
for sheet and jobbing mills does not apply to
the manufacturers, the roughcrs and catchers
being paid by the roller, the wages of the for
mer have been advanced from $2 25 per day,
and will hereafter be governed as follows:
It Is understood that roughcrs and catchers on
sheet and Jobbing mills shall, each, be paid as
follows, based on a two (2) cent 'Western Iron
Associations' Card, with two (2) per cent ad
ditional for each one-tenth (1-10) advance of said
card, and two (2) per cent decline for each deduc
tion of one-tenth (1-10) lrom said card, bnt it shall
not go below a two (2) cent card.
On large sheet and Jobbing mills the wages for
roughing and catching shall be $2 60 per turn,
each, of seven (7) heats, and when eight (8) heats
are made the rougher and catcher shall each be
paid S3 per turn. Bat the price for roughing and
catching on small sheet mills shall be the regular
p S3, each, per aay or seven (7) heats.
The classification on common sizes remains
the same, but the following new rule will apply
to mills making narrow widths and short-lencth
sheets, and will be quite an advantage to mills
making those sizes:
Mills working narrowwldths and short lengths,
low and Including 3 Inches wide and 84 Inches
long, shall be allowed to make eight (8) beats for a
turn's work, and for each turn of eight (8) heats
the rougher and catcher shall, each, be paid at the
rate off: 57 per turn. Ihls clause shall only apply
to mills that make a uniformly large amount of
narrow-width and short-length sheets, snch as the
small trains of rolls In Lcechburg, Apollo, Demm
ler, Caunonsbnrg and Mansfield, X'a. : Irondale,
O., and bt, Louis, Mo.
The tin and block plate mill scale js the same
as last year, as is also the scale for rolling muck
bar and finished iron for sheet iron at Apollo,
Lcechburg and Demmler.
The following has been eliminated from the
20-Inch structural mill scale:
IHien in working piles over nine (9) feet long,
bricking up is required, the heater and helper
shall each be paid ten (10) per cent extra when
working beams and five (5) per cent when working
The scales for Urge and large and small uni
versal mills, mills with continuous trains and
wire rod mills are the same as now obtain.
For several years past efforts have been made
at the conference meetings to insert a price
list for roll turners, bnt was refused. The
same will apply this year, but the following
schedule ot wages and rules for journeymen
roll turners have been inserted:
First The wages of Journeymen roll tnrncrs
shall be (I per dav of ten hours work, at accent
card, and an Increase of one-tenth (1-10) cent on
the manufacturer's bar iron card to Increase the
wages two (2) per cent.
becond-1 lirec hours and SO minutes to consti
tute a hair day, after the regular time.
1 bird For a man working all day, and com
pelled to work the following night, with half honr
lor supper, two davs be allowed for the night.
Fourth If a man starts to work at 8 o'clock P.
M.. and works all ulght and the following day, bo
shall be entitled to two days for that night.
Firth All work after the regular time on Satur
dav until Monday morning at 7 o'clock be con
sidered doable time.
Sixth-All regular night work to be paid time
and half time.
bcvcntli-lto man working by the day shall be
allowed to work more than one tool on sand iron.
No change has been made in the scale for
spike cutting either on self-f eeding or hand
feeding machines. A radical change, however,
to fact a complete revision, has been cude in
scale for nail cutting. The reduction in the
price for nailing will average over 45 per cent.
The Amalgamated Association Convention
tried to wind up the business of the session
yesterday, but failed, and will bo compelled to
hold another meeting to-day and probably one
to-moriow. It was decided to retain John Gal
lagher as organizer in the Eastern district and
to put organizers In the South and tho West.
This is an innovation, and it is expected that
the organization will be built up and made
stronger before tho next scale year expires.
A recommendation that tho National Lodge
have a vote in the Executive boards of each
district was adopted. The trustees recom
mended that tne president and secretary be
elected for two years alternately, but It was
voted down. A recommendation that the
terms of office expire on October 1 instead ot
August 1, as heretofore, was carried,
An attorney will be engaged to look after the
interests of the organization. The report that
the strike at Dilworlb, Porter & Oo.'s mill has
been declared-OS is positively denied.
The next Important matter that is to be con
sMcred by the convention is the election of of
fi ers. which may bo held to-day. President
Vciho stated positively toaDlSPATCU repor
ter that he would not be a candidate for re
election. A prominent delegate said that if
Mr. Weihe would not run they would compel
Secretary Martin to accept the position. Mr.
Martin lias been practically at the head of the
organization ever since be accepted the posi
tion of Secretary, and could have been Presi
dent if be had been a candidate for tho posi
tion -n hen Mr. Jarrett retired. It is said that
Mr. Martin mav receive a foreign consulate if
he wants, but his friends say he will remain in
the organization if the members desiro in pref
erence to a higher position under the Government.
The Scnle at Homestead Not Satisfactory to
tho Workers-Doth Sides Willing to
BInLe Concessions Abbott's Letter.
There may be a strike at the Homestead
mills, and if there is a fight it will be a bitter
one, as the firm has practically issued their
ultimatum through Chairman W. L. Abbott,
of Carnegie, Phipps fe Co. Tho committee ot
the Amalgamate! Association expressed a
willingness to make some concessions, but after
receiving the scale declined to hold any further
conferences. They were to have met yester
day, but the workers' committea did not ap
pear. Mr. Abbott had nothing to say on the
subject, except what he said in a letter to the
workers, which is given below:
Cabxegie. Pmpps & Co., Limited,
PITTSBCBG, June 12, 1S89. J
Mr. 'William Weihe, President Amalgamated As
sociation, L and 8. V. :
Deah bin When, on Tuesday last, you asked
lor and were given a copy of the scale of wages
submitted to ourcmploes or the Homestead Steel
Works, yon were told that the same caused an
average redaction in the rates at present paid or,
approximately, SO to 55 per cent.
It was explained to yon that the greater part of
this cut was taken from the wages of those men
whose earnings are abnormally high, under ex
isting Amalgamated rates, made so in part by
reason orthe exceptional facilities we possess, and
the special character orthe product of the Home
stead works.
In connection with the revised schedule of
wages Is to be Incorporated a sliding scale. To
this very Important icature of the change about
to be made, your particular attention was direct
ed. Under this plan, granting that a fair and
equitable basis Is established, alt cause for dispute
between labor and capital is removed, lfy it
wages rise and fall with the market. The great
law or supply and demand fixes the value or la
bor, as it mustneccssarlly regulate the product
or labor.
My attention has to-day been called to tbe fact
that the men at Homestead are circulating print
ed copies or tbe scale that was given you. In a
parallel column is published the present tonnage
rates, but the estimated tonnage of each turn
contained in our copy, has been omitted from
that the men have had printed.
A perfectly correct understanding of our prop
osition is Impossible If all features of the scheme
are not exhibited
Permit me to submit some figures for your con
sideration. They show tbe wages that would
have beet earned under the new sea e, based upon
the actual output ot the Homestead Steel Works
iormemoninoz aiay. usy:
(A copy of the scale of prices follows.
d, whV in
It will be noted that the estimated prod
turn was in manv Instances exceeded, w
others the 23-inch mill, forlnstance--tbe reve.se
is the case.
Jtut we invite your impartial and serlons con
sideration to the exhibit here mad3. and ask you
to point to any unfairnei. Do no, these figures
substantiate the claim that the wages proposed to
be paid will be actually higher than paid elsswbere
by tbe leading manufacturers of the country
whoiO products are-sold in competition with
it is due to ourselves and to'onr workmen that
onrposltl-nandour aim In the action that has
bee.i taken be clearly defined. As the official
head of a grea) and lnflue'tlal organization, to
which so man or these men acknowledge allegi
ance, I briefly summarize tne statement made to
you orally.
First Tl e Homestead bteel Works cannot
longer be operated successfully under a scale of
wages established to apply to iron products, nor
under conditions that nave radically changed,
and which did not contemplate the use of appli
ances and methods admitting of a largely in
creased outpu'1. without corresponding increase
of labor. Ihes improved facilities were acquired
only through the outlay of large sum,' of money,
on which capital we mnst have a reasonable re
turn. Second To placi ourselves upon an equality
with our leading competitors, an average reduc
tion of wages of, approximately, 25 percent is
Third At a cure for the annual recurrence of
wrangles, and the dissatisfaction inevitably fol
lowing the yearly agitation of the wage question,
and In the interests of our men quite as much as
of ourselves, a sliding scale shall be established.
Fourth The scale adopted shall be operative for
not less than two and cne-balf years.
Tnis action is not taken in antagonism to organ
ized labor, but it has been lorced upon us by the
unreasonable and short-sighted demands of that
power which, like all power not caiefnlly con
trolled, is apt to be used to destroy Itscir. We rec
ognize tbe right or every man to get for his serv
ices the highest market price. Whether, as em
ployers, we purchase snch service from the indi
vidual or from an organization which controls him
is immaterial to us.
Let it be known, therefore, that this association
has no quarrel with the Amalgamated Iron and
Steel Association. If. as a seller of labor, your
organization is prepared to consider our condi
tions as a purchaser, it will afford us satisfaction
to confer with you.
It otherwise much as it is regretted, wo shall
feel constrained to enter the open market and
avail ourselves of the numerous offers that have
alreadv been made to us.
Bnt your immediate consideration ofthlsraatter
Is necessary. Very respectfully,
TVs. L. Abbott, Chairman,
When tbe Amalgamated Association com
mittee met with the firm, they were asked if
they bad power to act, and replied that tbey
bad. The first conference was held on Wednes
day, and before any business was done tbey
were given to understand 'that the following
three essentials would be insisted upon by the
firm: First, a reduction and a material one;
second, a sliding scale; third, that whatever
agreement should be reached, it Was to con
tinue in force at least 2 years.
The workers did not make any serlons objec
tion to tbe second question, tho.only objection
being that tbey did not understand its work
ings and were in doubtas to its effect. The ob
jected to the base of the scale, tbe firm de
manding $25 and tbe Amalgamated Association
asking for $27 50. The firm stated that they
were willing to leave it to one man to establish
tbe average selling price and they wonld allow
the Amalgamated Association to name the
man, only provided that he be a strictly honest
man. They named President Weihe,Secretary
Martin and Vice President Roberts.
Theconfcrence ended and nothingf nrther was
done. The Amalgamated men were to have met
again yesterday afternoon. When a Dispatch
reporter callcdon Chairman Abbott he declined
to talk on tho subject, but intimated that there
might bo a fight. President Weihe, of tho
Amalgamated Association, said he knew noth
ing about the matter and had nothing to say.
It is believed, however, that there will be
trouble, and a strike involving 2,500 to 3,500
men will occur on July 1.
Abolition of an Old Knle Cannes Trouble nt
the Steel Casting Company.
Concerning the existing trouble at the works
of the Pittsburg Steel Casting Company the
Superintendent, Mr. Stewart Johnston, was
seen at his East End residence last evening and
said: "For several years the firm has been pay
ing for 60 hours of work per week in Its mill,,
and the men have really performed 53 hours
and 40 minutes' work, reckoning by the week.
With 150 workmen, the paying lor an hour and
20 minutes work every week in the- year
for each employe footed up to a large
annual sum. Last Monday we posted a notice
informing the men that the practices would be
done away with and that payment would be
given only for actual work, as is the case every
where else. Sixteen of the inolders took the
position that they ould not come in under the
cbanged method and they went out. The
balance ot our operatives did not demur and
are at work. The mill is running full and we
do not expect to recede in the slightest from
our position, nor will we treat with any com
mittee that may be deputed by the disaffected
One of Her Citizens Ilns Been Appointed
Consnl to Geneva.
Mr. Roland J. Hemmick, of No. 272 Ridge
avenue, Allegheny, has been appointed by
President Harrison Consul to Geneva, Switz
erland. Mr. Hemmick is a member of the
Pittsburg Supply Company, Limited, an active
business man and presumably Well versed in
mating pertaining to iron manufacture.
For a Lnudnble Purpose.
There will be an entertainment in Salisbury
Hail, Soutbside, to-morrow evening, for the
benefit ot tho new Somhslde Hospital,
Prohibitionists Couldn't Agree Upon
a Definite Flan
A Small Bat a Terj Excited Gathering in
Union Kink.
Enthusiasm and a paucity of people charac
terized the prohibition mass meetinc in Union
Kink, Allegheny, last night, the object of
which was organization of their forces.
By actual count 179 persons wero there,
which number Included good people who
advocated views of their own regarding the
prime feature organization with a vim that
savored of a political hurrah.
The arguments pro and con were hissed and
applauded alternately, which went to make the
meeting ono of enjoyable excitement.
The preachers, lawyers, physicians and com
mon cverday laborers present made their little
talks, and all met with common approbation or
common disapproval, just as the speaker's
points affected them. The lady workers to a
great extent sagely stayed at home, but a few
of tbe most loyal adherents presented them
selves to join in the grand cause, as they
term it.
Rev. T)r. Fulton was asked to act as chairman,
but he declined on account of his position as a
Sreachct but he proposed the name of
C. riiristy which was unani
mously received with cheers, after which
Chairman Christy kindly suggested to the
people that a secretary was a very essential
article upon an occasion of the kind. This was
also hurrahed, and as a result John E. Shaw
was chosen to fill the position.
didn't all agkee.
After these preliminaries had ended, the ob
ject of the meeting was broached by Chairman
Christy, but it was answered by many dissent
ing voices. Dr. Fulton, with bis usual reserved
feeling, awaited tbe lulling of the impetuosity
of tbe people present, and then arose and
,"Wbatis the object of the meeting? We
don't want to take up arms against each other
or divide as foes; let us understand oar inten
tions." A committee was appointed consisting ot
Harvey Henderson, A, C. Rankin and Drt
Fulton to draw up resolutions.
During the interim, speech making was quite
prevalent, and the first ono who arose was Mr.
A. C. Beirwell, who stated that he was
glad to see so many people present to
discuss the subject at hand, and to
effect an organization of forces which
would eventually win. He criticised the state
ment made by a prominent temperance advo
cate through a writer for The Dispatch that
their defeat was due to machine methods. He
hoped for
and that was the anti-liquor party.
Br. Leak followed him by saying that one
point had been made, and the temperance
people now know where tbey stand as regards
the two political parties. He asserted that
men, not votes, won the election against
prohibition, and those men were the
ones who were bought off or forced to tbe
polls by intimidating measure". 'The people
of Pennsylvania," said he. "want strong drink,
and until they are educated the temperance
work can't be carried forward."
The speaker gave the foreign people a gentle
"roasting." and said:
"We must Americanize the foreigners or
they will f oreicnize us."
There was a howl of applause over this, led
by a loud "amen" from one of Dr. Leak's par
ishoners. Rev. Mr. Jenkins, tho colored preacher,
spoke next in favor of a new party. In the
course of his remarks he said he was done with
the Republican party, and was loudly applaud
ed. The Prohibitionists had been snowed un
der ha said, but the snow would soon melt.
Dr. Fulton presented tbe following report of
the committee:
"There being no prospect at present of either
the Bepubllcan or Democratic party taking a po
sition axalnst the saloon, both belne under the
power. Its power, as the vote of June 18 shows, we
hereby form ourselves into an Anti-Saloon party
to work for tbe overthrow of the saloon.
We recommend that a committee of seven on
Permanent organization and a committee on plat
orm be appointed.
That a county convention be called on a date to
be fixed to hear the report or tbe Committee, on
This report was slgncdjby Dr. Fulton and Mr.
Rankin, but Mr. Henderson refused to dlgn,
giving as his reasons that he was ,
the Republican party. He claimed there was
no policy in attacking the G. O. P. on account
of the defeat of prohibition.
During his speech he was interrupted by some
who evidently attributed the Waterloo to the
action of the Republican party. The inter
ruption was vnlear, but finally Mr. Henderson
got a quiet audience and explained bis state
ment as follows:
"I assert that tbe Republican party has done
all it promised to when it submitted the amend
ment and gave every man a right to vote as he
pleased. I think the best plan now is to work
for local option."
Frank Blair said: "Pennsylvania now has free
whisky; let it have it, as the vote says so."
Hisses jrreeted this.
Mr. Leak commented on Senator Quay and
Congressman Bayne, and said that the prohib
ition party was not a political party nor should
it be ruled or governed by political leaders.
His sarcastic remaiks upon the two politicians
mentioned were greeted with great delight One
ot the most exciting features of the occasion
was the quiet rejoinder of Mr. Stephen
Quinon to Mr. Rankin's remarks. He said:
Tm in the newspaper business, but I don't
think any temperance paper can be started, or
any one idea without financial footing. You
must have a' hundred other things to success
fully run that kind of business.
If the Republican party leaders don't come
out for prohibition their majority would bo a
vast amount in the minority the next time. Teil
them that, and show our power. If we assist
ourselves in that way the Republicans would
be in line at once.
Any number of Impromptu and impulsive
talks followed. The two committees which
are to act on organization, etc., will be ap
pointed at B. C. Christy's office at 4.30 this
A Mania Killed by a Train on His Way to
His WIfo and Children.
The dead body of John Hnllman was brought
into the Union Depot last night on tho Alle
gheny Valley Railroad, the man having found
his death at Driftwood. The circumstances
connected with the fatality are of a more than
usually sad character.
Hullman was a carpenter and he lived with
his family at York, Pa. Sometime ago he made
up bis miud tn go to Canton, O., and he sent
his wife and two children on there, while he re
mained behind to settle bis affairs. Yesterday
he started with his son, a little boy; and bis dog
to join the rest of the family. They all got on
the train at York and went as far as Driftwood,
where tbe child asked his father for some
water. When Hnllman had secured the drink
and was returning to the train a freight train
camo running into the depot and before the
man could get ont of the way the engine struck
Ho was knocked down and mangled to death.
The corpse was shipped on to Pittsburg to be
forwarded to Canton, O.
Allegheny City Will Try to Control the
Pittsburg end Western Railroad.
At a meeting of the Allegheny Street and
Setvcr Committee, held last evening, the fal
lowing resolution was adopted:
WnEEEAS, The Pittsburg and Western and
other railway companies are continually blockad
ing the crosslnprs along Klver avenue and other
thoroughfares for hours at a time: therefore, belt
Resolved, '1 hat the Mayor is hereby Instructed
to enforce the ordlnanco relative to railways on
street crossings; also to have a full width of clear
ance of 40 feet maintained at all city crossings.
On motion ot Mr. Hartman it was decided to
have an ordinance reprinted for Council au
thorizing a trial piece of asphalt block pave
ment to be put down on Federal street, be
tween Ohio and .North Diamond streets, the
contract to be let to the Asphalt Block Pave
ment Company, of Philadelphia, at 2 40 per
square yard.
It Is Thought ho Will Pat Colonel Allen's
Brognni on Ere Long.
The resignation of United States District
Attorney Allen is regarded as clearing the
track for Walter Lyon. There seems to be no
local opposition to his appointment, that is,
nono outspoken, at least. Mr, Lyon seems to
think that with Mr. Quay's support and Colo
nel Bayne's friendship there should .be no
specially troublesome obstacle In tbe way.
S. U. Trent, Esq., has been mentioned an as
pirant for the place, but he says be isn't, and
he ought to know. 8ome suppose Mr. Trent
would accept tbe position of assistant.
Guns, revolvers; catalogues free.
J. -H. Johnston, 706 SmitMeld ot,
Tho Ladle' Relief Dealroua of Changing;
Quarters They Also Want to Shorten
Their Hours A Telegram From General
Tho Ladles' Relief Committee will hold a
meeting this morning to consider the advisa
bility of changing their headquarters to the
new Exposition building. There was a meet
ing last evening for the same purpose, bnt the
matter was not settled. The change is pro
posed for tho reason that it will save a great
deal of trouble in hauling goods from the Ex
position building to the Pittsburg Female Col
lege Aside from this, everything will be under
one management. If the change is made it is
likely the committee will move to-morrow.
The committee put in a busy day yesterday.
About 75 people arrived and were led. Somo
ot them came direct from Johnstown, and
others had been visitins friends here and else
where and were going back to tbe ruined city.
About SO people were given outfits of cloth
ing; nearly 1,000 pieces were distributed.
Among those cared for were Catherine Hart,
who was sent to Warsaw. Ind.; Mrs. Peter
Eckel and two sons, sent to friends at 208 Ohio
street, Allegheny; Mrs. Joseph Hamilton and
two boys, sent to Massillon, O.; Mrs. Lydia
Among the donations received was clothing
of all kinds from various persons and institu
tions. Tbe citizens of PittsUeld.Pa., sent $44.25
in money and clothing. The committee is in
need of pins, needles and other small notions.
A telegram was received from Adjutant Gen
eral Hastings announcingthat sufferers would
only be sent on morning trains. This will make
it unnecessary to keep tbe rooms open through
out the night, anil hereafter they will be closed
at 5 o'clock in the evening.
Mist Ella Irwin, who was sent to Grand Rap
ids, has arrived there safely. The committee
has received a letter from the ladies who be
friended her. These ladles have letters of in
troduction from Mr. W. O. Aughart, formerly
of tnis city, now oi uranu uapms.to tno i,uaui
ber of Commerce and to the" headquarters at
He Is Not Able to Tell HotvHe GotHnrtnnd
Will Probably Die Soon.
Dr. Chas. H. Miller, ot Kansas, who was
picked up in a bad way some days ago on tbe
Allegheny Valley Railroad, and taken to the
West Penn Hospital, is still in a precarious
state, and the doctors do not express much
hope for his recovery. Dr. Herron stated last
night that the base of Miller's skull and frontal
bone had been fractured.
Dr. Miller has a certificate from the State
Board of Health of Kansas, entitling him to
practice medicine in that State, and he is a
graduate of the Pennsylvania State Medical
College, of the class of 1875. He is a man
of culture. and much Interest is
-I felt in him by the medical staff of the West
Penn .Hospital, ur. juiuer has practiced in
Atchison, Kan. He has written for medical
journals and stands well in the profession, but
Is of a rovine nature and it seems has been
among the Oklahoma boomers. He wanted to
go East and it appears hadn't much money,
only $10, so far as can bo gleaned from his
rather incoherent account, and was working
bis way as he best could, beating in it trains
and occasionally paying fare forshorc distances.
He can give no account of the manner in which
he received his injuries.
A brother of tbe injured roan came from
Philadelphia to see him day before yesterday,
and from him intelligence of the doctor's past
life was gotten, bnt he knows nothing of the
wanderings which resulted so seriously.
Incidents of a Dny In Tvro Cities Condensed
for Itendy Rcadinc
Jornr Kir en will have a hearing before
Alderman Doughty to-dav on a charge of may
hem, preferred by Simon Straub.
The Soutbside will have the electric lights
turned on to-morrow evening. The gas in the
street lamps will be done away with.
Delinquent Tax Collector Foed yes
terday reported to Controller Morrow collec
tions of taxes for May, amounting to 50,6-17 07.
Alderman McMastehs last evening com
mitted Saiah Pace, alias Brittenture, to jail for
a hearing on a charge of keeping a disorderly
JGband Armt Post No. 236, of Allentown,
held a festival in the Turners Hall, Allentown,
last night. The proceeds are to go to the
Johnstown suffers.
Harry Watt, living bn Edwin street. East
End, had his skull fractured yesterday by a
crowbar falling on him at the Carnegie fur
naces, Rankin station.
Thoxas Sheby was arrested by Officer
Duncan last night for fighting on Forbes street
near Brady street. He was locked np in the
Fourteenth ward station.
The National Tube Works Company, of Mc
Kcesport, has purchased a slto on which thay
will erect a large brick storeroom for mill sup
plies which will cost about 330,000.
The Ladies' Aid Society of St. John's P. E.
Church will give a garden trarty at the resi
dence of Mr. John Perring. Butler street, oppo
site the car station, Thursday evening, June 27.
Two locomotives collided in the Pennsyl
vania Railroad yards at Twenty-eigbtb street
last night. Peter Conovan was thrown off
one of the engines and sustained a severe scalp
Irwin Ross, while intoxicated entered tbe
bouse of an Italian on Cherry alley and cre
ated a disturbance, fi. policeman was called
and he was placed under arrest and will have a
hearing this morning.
Bernard Keller, of Kilbuck township,
gave bail In the sum of $1,000 last night for a
hearing before Alderman Carlisle next Thurs
day to answer charges of selling liquor without
license and to minors.
St. Philomena's Catholic CrruncH, at
Fourteenth and Liberty avenue, is undergoing
extensive improvements. The inside will be
painted and oiled, and changes will be made in
the brick work outside.
A newsboy named Hardy, 9 years old. fell
from a street car on Western avenue, Alleghe
ny, last evening about 6 o'clock, and bad his
foot smashed. He was removed to the Alle
gheny General Hospital.
There is a strike at tbe .works of the Pitts
burg Steel Casting Company. The firm have
asked tho men to work 45 minutes longer each
day without any increase in pay, to which they
objected and quit work.
Last night at '10 o'clock a wagon collided
with cable car No. 105, Citizens' traction line,
at Penn avenue and Sixteenth street. The
side of the car was badly cracked but the pas
sengers escaped injury.
A company of about SO men from Woods
Run bad made arrangements to go to Johns
town yesterday to work. They heard that tho
men at Johnstown were having trouble about
their wages and did not go.
MAX Schambero, the Austrian Consul in this
city, lias been knighted by tbe Emperor of
Austria to the order of Franz Josef. He has
also received $10,000 from the Emperor for the
relief of the Hungarian sufferers.
A WAGON driven by James McClure, of the
Crescent Steel Works.was struck by an express
train esterday afternoon, at the crossing on
Fiftieth street and A. V. R. R. The wagon
was demolished, but McClure escaped unin
jured. F. E. Chester, Judge of Election in tho
Fifth district of the Eleventh ward, yesterday
surprised city officials by turning over to the
City Treasurer $2 50 he had received from tbe
county as rental for occupying the Eleventh
ward polico station aB a voting place.
John M. Rose, a member of the Legislature
from Johnstown, whose home was well-nigh
washed out, and who lost his brother, Harry
Rose, District Attorney of Cambria courjty, is
to be assisted by bis fellow members of the
Legislature. A fund has already been started.
Bernard RafferTYiwIio owns 13 houses on
Sixth avenue, between Grant street and AVylie
aenue, says that he, with others, will bring
suit against tho city for damages for allowing
two tracks of the Central Traction Company
to be laid on that street, which is only about 22
feet wide.
The colored people of the Ebenezer Baptist
Church, Miller street, the Avery Mission
Church, on Avery street, Alleghen , and the
Birmingham Lodge, No. 3,073, of Odd Fellows,
gave tho Cantata of Queen Esther, in Salis
bury Hall, on South Twelltn street, last night
for tbe benefit of the Birmingham Lodge of
Odd Fellows.
The Knox School Board organized yester
day by electing President. Martin Henkle; Sec
retary, H. W. Sellers; Treasurer, Fred. FiehteL
The teachers elected were: Principal, Ellen
McCutchen; Assistant Principal, Emma Neely;
Primary, Misses Ewens, Sellers. Nelson, Mar
tin, Mensinger, Moore; substitute, Miss
Hughes; janitor, Lawrence Ruinas.
Htjoh Biqebstaff, aged 7 years, fell into
the Alleshonyrlver at Tibby's glass house at
Sharpsburg, Wednesday afternoon at 1
o'clock, and was drowned. The body has not
yet been recovered. The boy was the son of
James Blgerstaff, an employe in the glass
bouse. When be was drowned he wore a blue
gingham waist and brown jean pants.
Tho Road Commenced.
Work was commenced yesterday on the
Squirrel Hill Railroad. About 100 men have
already been engaged, and the company ex
pects to nave owworKing next weeic 'ice
Con ! la rt a ltntr)t1 o Mnlrilv na nnastVilA n4
1 efforts will be made to have It finished within
I three months.
The Lutheran Ministers Belong to the
Church Militant.
The Question Sufficed to Throw the Pro
ceedings Into Dire Confusion.
At yesterday morning's session of the Lu
theran General Synod, the first business dono
was to make tbe discussion of the common
service the special order for 2 o'clock in the
afternoon. ,
The Historical Society then reported. Rev.
Dr. Morris, of Baltimore, President of the
Society, takinc tbe chair, aud Rev. George D.
Getnret being appointed temporary Secretaryf
Dr. Wiles, Rev. Mr. Purcell and Mr. George
Ockerbausen wero appointed a committee to
nominate officers.
Dr. Hay, the Curator.read the biennial report,
which was adopted. He also read tbe 'Treas
urer's report Mr. Emminger.of Mansfield, O.,
made inquiry concerning the buildine in which
the archives are kept, as to whether or not it is
fireproof. Dr. Wolf said it was.
Dr. Wolt read the special report on Sunday
schools. The report contained subjects lor
contemplation In tho Sunday schools for every
Sunday la the year, grouped in quarters: Tem
perance lessons, tbe laws of God's love, scenes
from the life of Christ and His humblo mira
The Synod took up a question of absorbing
interest at the afternoon session yesterday
the resolution concerning the publication of
the revised service and old service in separate
editions ot the Book of Worship, unfinished
business of Tuesday. Rev. Freas, who had his
remarks unceremoniously abbreviated by an
adjournmentlast Tuesday, reopened discussion
of the subject and advocated the publication
of both services in ono book. Ho was
followed by Dr. Owens, who filed a protest
against the ten-minnte rule.
Dr. Enders said: "We don't want two book".
It would cause a split I am on both sides, and
were such a split to come I would bo extin
guished. I propose that wo lay this subject on
tho table and expunge It from the record.
Let us have the two services in ono
book without extra cost. Don't introduce fire
brands among us and have him who uses the
old service called disloyal.and him who uses the
common service called a High Church Luthe
ran. I move that it be laid on the table."
Dr. Orth thousht that a very summary way
to dispose ot such an important matter. A
member said: "I understand the motion Is to
lay the snplect on the table and bring it up
under the report of the Publishing Commit
tee." confusion: engendebed.
Great confusion was precipitated by the
above remark; excited clergymen called for a
division on the motion; motions of all sorts
were fired at tbe Chairman, .and a liberal
amount of gratuitous advice was ofTered that
functionary. Favoritism towards speakers
was charged. and points of order
were circulating in all directions. Dur
ing a momentary lull in the noise Dr. Con
rad called out in a stentorian voice. "Brother
Enders please withdraw your motion. All is
confusion." Then Dr. Enders got the floor.
"You ask for information," he said, "and when
I rise to tell you, you call for order. Voices,
Explain! Explainll The intention ts to table
this and take it up under.tbe report of the Pub
lishing Committee." The Chair said that the
report of tbe Alleeations Committee was in
order, and if Dr. Enders' motion was earned it
wonld come up. . . .
Dr. Hufford made quite a long speech. He
said: "Four-fifths of the members want sepa
rate books, as heretofore. There isgreat oppo
sition to the common service. If it is intro
duced into the same book with the old service,
it will be forced upon the people and cause strife
in the church. Why, the common service
is as the red rag before the maddened bull. I
think the Synod has lost sight of the great
Lutheran principle of Congregationalism. Let
ns give the congregatlonswhat they want the
old service. If you can get good out of the
common service do so, and let us get what
good we can out of the old service. If the
common service had been presented (to the
Synod at Harrisburg, it would have
that it wonld never have been beard of again.
Go contrary to the spirit bf Congregationalism
and you will split No ono oau deny that there
are faults in the new service. How do you like
the beginning of the evening service, "O, Lord,
deliver usf Deliver us from whatT After our
people have been attending church all dav we
come in tho evening and pray 'O, Lord, deliver
us." The people want the old service. They
know what they want, and in that they are
wiser than their preachers."
Dr. Wenner, Chairman of the Committee on
Compiling the Common Service, made aspeecU
in which he said: "If we have two books
it will result in inexplicable confusion,
and will eventually have different shades
of service. To bo consistent you will
have to print five books instead of two. Yon
will be the only general body in any country
which does not give its congregations one
authorized book. You will destroy all respect
for the General Synod. You will be throwing
our church into anarchy."
Drs. Breidenbaugh and Ehrenfeld made
heroic efforts to get the floor, but were
drowned ont by the calls for the previous
question and a general tumult Finally order
was restored and Dr. Ehrenfeld said that if tbe
people were compelled to buy the common
service nolens volens, the synod will hear
thunder. The congregations are the church,
not tbe ministers. "I wonld not like to say on
the floor of a public meetingsome of the things
I could tell you." The Synod became noisy once
more. A member tried to speak and gave np,
shouting as be took his seat: "You are all
wrong!" Another member shouted: "Mr.
President we do not want that sort of Demo
cratic gag-law here." Amotion to close the
debate was finally made and carried.
Rev. Mr. Holgan then asked: "How will this
action harmonize with the purpose for which
the common service was introduced, viz., that
this and two othersynods (the Southern Synod
and tbe General Council) might have the same
book of service t" His question as not an
swered. The motion before tho hoose was the
resolution to adopt the following substitute for
the report of tbe Allegations Committee in re
gard to the common service.
Kesolved, That the Hymn Book Publishing
Committee Is Instructed to publish in all future
editions of the Hook of Worship, and or the lioolc
or Worship with Tunes the order or service au
thorized In 18G9 (as subsequently amended) as well
as the order of service authorized lnl8S7 the com
mon service.
When the motion was put a division vota
was called for. Several voices said: "I'm all
in a muddle." Then for several minntes there
was considerable corifusion and exclamations
of "I don't understand the motion." Dr. Owens
asked: "Mr. President has this thing de
scended to mere puerility?"
The Chairman You ought to understand it
Voices Well, we don't.
Chairman Well, Idon't know how to getyon
to understand it It has been read to you sev
eral times.
Hero Dr. Conrad arose and tried to speak.
His voice was drowned by calls for tho ques
tion and another member got him to sit down.
Then tbo motion was gotten before the Synod
and was passed by what is regarded as a de
cisive vote. When the report was an
nounced the Synod fell into confusion
again. By vigorous use of his gavel the Chair
man restored order. The auditors of the
Hymnbook Publishing Committee's report
reported that they had found it corrrect The
Chair then announced that the report of tho
Sunday School Committee was in order, when
a perlect whirlwind of noise burst forth. One
minister asked for a sergeant-at arms to main
tain order, and tho President got np and
thumped with bis gavel until partial quiet was
restored, when he said:
"Brethren, I am sorry to have such trouble
to keep order in a meeting of this kind. Our
honor is at stake. We are here in the business
of tbe Lord, and the Lord loves to have bis
business done In peace aud harmony. There
fore I hope that the brethren will listen moro
attentively to the calls for order." This had
the desired effect, and tbe Synod resumed its
wonted dignified quietness. The report of the
Committee of Reference on the report of the
Sunday School Committee was read by Dr.
Butler, and was adopted without discussion.
Dr. Luckcnbaqgh read the report of the
Committeoon Ecclesiastical Correspondence.
Several letters wero also read. One from the
Freedmen's Synod by Dr. J. G. Morris, of Bal
timore, to suggest that several members exam
ine that Synod on tbe Augsburg confession,
and until that was done that the Synod be not
recognized. No action was taken. A resolu
tion was adopted rejoicing in the interest taken
by tho Sontbern Synod on the colored people.
Dr. Sevemhorn wanted all referred: to the
Emmanuel German Synod stricken out, but
Dr. Eaders suggested that tbe question should
not be raised.
The evening session was devoted to the re
ports ol educational and literary institutions.
Hartwick Seminary, at Hartwick, N. J., re"
ported an endowment of 133,000 and an enroll
ment ot 95 students. Tbe Pennsylvania Col
lege, at Gettysburg. Pa., reported an endow
ment of fSO.000. They have a new building
almost completed, alsoi a new memorial
chapel. They have 201students enrolled. Wit
tenberg College, at Springfield, O., has in the
course of erection a ladies' ball at a cost of
$5,000; also a new $10,000 theological building.
They have 2S4 students enrolled. Seelins
Grove, Pa., Seminary reported an additional
endowment of S3 00J. They have S3 students.
The German Theological Seminary of Chi
cago asked for aid, which Dr. J. F. Geise, of
Cumberland, Md., opposed. Mr. Nolenburg. of
Richmond, Ind., protested against the Ger
mans being sat down npon.
Mr. Severnhorn. who is President of the
Seminary, got the floor and stated that be bad
two notes which were signed by Dr. Geise and
that the money, if it could be collected, was to
be turned over to the seminary. This, he
stated, probably accounted for Dr. Geise s op
position to the seminary.
There were cries of "shame," and much feel
ing was exhibited. An adjournment was im
mediately had, anJMr. Severnhorn was asked
on all side to apologize for his attack on Dr.
Geise; The matter will not be allowed to drop.
, Artistic Photosrnphy.
No crayon work can equal the life size
photographs made by Mr. Davis Hahan,
artist photographer, 43 Fifth avenue. These
superb likenesses are made by the exclusive
process invented by Mr. Mahan, the resnlt
of over 30 years experience. The pictures
have a fine naturalness of expression and
softness, of finish that can be imitated by
none but perfect masters of crayon portrait
work. From the highest lights to the deep
est shades the flesh is perfection. So durable
are these photographs that they can be
safely washed with soap and water, if they
become soiled.
In making cabinet size photographs, Mr.
Mahan excels. So much is his skill ap
preciated that he is constantly employed to
makelikenesses of thefmost difficult subjects,
always being certain of success. Mr.
Mahan's magnificent work has a more than
local reputation. He has been asked by a
New York artist to furnish him with proofs
of come photographs of beautiful children
to be sent to Boston for designs for Easter
and Christmas cards.
Call at 43 Fifth avenue to inspect this
beautiful work. The pleasure will amply
repay visitors.
Property Owners In Allegheny.
"We have a constant call for small houses
in Allegheny, and cannot supply the de
mand. We want some to sell, and if you
have a small honse, whether in good repair
or bad, call on us, and we can oiten find a
cash buyer in a. very short time. "We make
no rash promises, but do say that we can
sell quickly any small property at a fair
price. Come and see ns anyhow, and leave
description of what vou have. No sale, no
charge; and we will bear all expenses. This
applies to all classes of property, but what
we want, especially at present, is for the
man of small means who wants a home.
Black & Baibd,
95 Fourth ave., Pittsburg.
Newest Styles In Parasols.
English and other novelties to be seen
only in this parasol stock.
Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Ladies, keep cool summer corsets, 49e;
jersey ribbed vests, 10c; wrappers, 50c;
chemises, 17c; Hamburg drawers, 25c; ruf
fled skirts, 25c; Hubbard gowns, 49c; silk
mitts, 15c. Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and
Everything to be Gained
By buying our fireworks, baby carriages,
bicycles, girls tricycles, boys' velocipedes,
dolls, toys, etc. Our stock is the largest in
the city. "We give yon the best goods made
and as low as inferior goods are sold else
where. Look over the line aud convince
yourself, at James "W. Grove's, Fifth ave
nue. Empire Side Border White Monsstllnes
Only 75 Ccnta
A yard. This is another of our special
summer dress goods bargains. Regular $1
and 51 35 quality at 75 cents.
Jos. HOBNE & Co.'S
Penn Avenue Stores.
Dress Goods 42-inch -wide French all
wool, dress goods in plaids, stripes aud
checks at 50c, actual worth 51 a yard.
rwFsu Hugus & Hacks.
Excursion to Cincinnati via B. & O. B. R.f
At the extremely low rate of S6 40 for the
round trip- Special' train leaves this even
ing at 10 k M.
Motheb, deae, buy your infants' cloaks
and slips, at reduced prices, at Busy Bee
Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty.
"Wm. J. Fbidat's Marie cigars are very
fine; 3 for 25c. 633 Smithfield street, wrsq
Price, 23 cents, at all druggists.
::: T. T. T. :::
109 Federal Street,
your family keep the VICTORIA NAT
URAL MINERAL WATER, imported direct
to this city from near Ems, Germany, by Major
CW. Kraus. Send orders by mail or messen-
per ton. W. TTRATTB 1SS9 T.fhortv VB.
" Y ' JelW J
In tbe Suit room Special sale ot
Ladles' Summer Suits. Satlne and
Gingham Suits at $5 and upward.
White Lawn Suits, t3 50, ?5 and up
ward. Traveling Snits. S10 and upward. 1
India Silk Suits, Black Surah Silk
Suits, Black Net Suits; ChaUl Suits
and Tea Gowns.
Tennis Jackets in cream, whits and
fancy Flannels
Ladles' Flannel Blouse Waists, 41 and
Plain and fancy stripe and check
Silk Blouse Waists.
Large and complete stock; of Chil
dren's and Misses' Suits, in Gingham,
Lawn and Light-weight Woolens. Boys'
Kilt Suits, 4 to 6 year sizes. Boys' Man-o'-war
Suits. Fauntleroy WaIsts;Whrta
Guimpe Waists. Baby outfits complete.
Black French Cashmere Fichus, em
broidered and with silk fringe all
around, 5 and np to $20.
Traveling Dusters and Long Cloth
Wraps at lowest prices.
Our special Summer Dress Goods
Sale in light weight woolen fabrics for
summer wear; striped and plaid Mohairs
at 25c; regular 50c quality. Fine im
ported Novelty Dress Goods, $1 and
$1 25 quality, now selling for 50u a yard.
One lot of side-border Moussellnes,
cream white, with high colored borders,
only 75c, were SI and SI 35 a yard. Near
ly 100 styles m 60-inch fine wool check
and stripe English style Suitings atSLa
yard, regular price SI 25.
Printed India Silks Hundreds of
pieces here, 50c, 65c and 75c; also, at SI
and SI 25. Hundreds of yards selling
dally, as our styles and qualities are
the newest and best and the variety of
designs unequaled.
Special good values in Black Surah
Silks, Black India Silks, Black Silk
Grenadines and other Black Silks in
light weights for summer wear.
Our special sale of Satines and Ging
hams. Another 100 piece lot of fine,
wide Scotch Zephyr Ginghams at 25c a
yard. French Satines. at ISc. Fins
American Satines at 12c, 15c and 20c a
yard. Fine French Satines at 25c and
30c Good Ginghams at 6c, 9c, 12&
All are bargains.
New fancy plaid Scotch Flannels only
25c a yard. New styles in Outing Cloths
at 12c and 15c a yard. Fine French
Flannels 75c, worth SL
Special bargains in Ladies' Muslin
Latest styles In Millinery Department
Trimmed Pattern Hats and Bonnets, at ' '
reduced prices. Special sale of flna
French Flowers.
Hot Weather Underwear, for Men,.
Women and Children. '