Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 21, 1889, Image 1

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' Is the title of a deeply interesting novel, by
Nym Crinkle. baed on the events immediately
precedinc the breaking up of the Rebellion,
anfi puWishca tn next Sunday's issue. Ercry.
one should read it ,
. . J . . .
After a Trial of Prohibition in
the Constitution Rhode
The Majority Against the-Dry Cause
is About Three to One.
. f
Tlie Governor Cast an Open Tote for the
Repeal ot the Measure Senator Chaco
Sees Likewise by Mistake, and Blames
tton the Women The Anil-Prohibitionists
tlave ihe Contest Well in ifand
JProm the Start The Condition of the
State Treasury One of the Arguments
Used The Ladles Greatly Discouraged
by the Result Only One Little Disturb
ance. Bhode Island Las lelt the ranks of the
prohibition States. By a vote of 28,449 to
9,853 it has
I m
decided, after a three years'
trial, to return
to the license system. A
tig vole was polled and great interest taken
in the contest. Governor Ladd voted
openly in favor of the repeal movement. A
large number of the most prominent citizens
followed his example. The ladies worked
hard for the snecess of the cold water cause,
but werunableto stem the tide. At one
of the voting places there was a disturbance
Over an alleged attempt at illegal voting.
rsrxciAi. tei.ec bam to the dispatch-i
ProtcdenciS B. J.t JuheVSO. Little
Xlhpdy has fallen from grace in the estima
tion of the cold water army, and by its vote
to-day emphatically bnricd the fifth amend
ment to its constitution which forbade the
licensing of the sale of intoxicating liquor.
Thd people of the State forcibly expressed
their disgust with the prohibitory law as it
had been enforced the past three years, in a
very forcible way and came out boldly for
The. article voted off is a brief one. It
teaSs: "Article V of the amendments ot
theiConstitutiou of this State is hereby
annulled' Article "V reads: "The manu
facture and" sale of intoxicating liquors to
be 'used as a beverage shall be prohibited.
The General Assembly shall provide bylaw
for carryiblt this article into effect." The
battle that resulted in the adoption of this
latter article was successfully fought for
jrohibition in the spring of J885.
One so? she Feature of the Fight.
Onejfestnre whiebwas to the advantage
of repealers in to-day's election is the finan
cial condition brought about by prohibition.
State Auditor Goodwin said not long ago
thai the seizure of two and one-half bottles
of lager beer had cost the StatelGO. This
is a sample. Informers have thriven at the
expense of the State, and persons whose
presence would lower the tone of a peni
tentiary have been accented as co-workers
in the cause of prohibition. The treasury
of the Commonwealth in the meantime had
become so depleted that a special appropria
tion had to be asked to answer the demands
of the prohibitory laws.
There were plenty of staunch Prohibi
tionists who voted for the repeal of the
amendment simply because they were sick
of the farce which has been enacted ever
since the law went into effect. The utter
disregard of the law has not tended to in
spire the people with any respect for such a
law, and to-day they wiped it from the
statute book by a vote of 28,449 to 9.853.
It was necessary to rake up three-fifths of
the votes in order to secure the repeal of the
law. This the repealers succeeded in
doing, and, lest there should be any mis
take about it, they piled up 5,469 votes in
excess of that three-fifths majority. Three
years ago the vote in favor of this same
amendment stood 15,113 in favor and 9,230
ogainst the legislation. '
, A Surprisingly Big Tote Out.
This vote was abont 14,000 smaller than
that by which the amendment was to-day
rejected. The whole State was aroused to
day and there were lively scenes abont the
polling places. There were plenty of ladies
around the ballot boxes" in the various parts
of the State, hut they were not quite as
hilarious as they were when they knew that
the amendment was adopted.
They looked as they felt grieved that
prohibition had not been a success, and
grieved that men in the little State of
Bhode Island were no better than the rest
of men in that so many of them will insist
upon taking an eye opener. The Prohibi
tionists started into make their record early
in the day, that the first bulletins displayed
might have a good effect upon those who
had remained away from the polls through
dismay at the Pennsylvania result. They
made quite a spurt, but by 11 o'clock were
far in the rear.
The hest support for the amendment came
from the Bepublican party, and the credit
..forthe repeal would be largely to that
party. There was noticed to-day the same
spirit in the Democratic ranks which was
noticed in the spring election, and through
which they threw away the State ticket.
xx, A Cessntlon of Baldness.
There was a very general cessation of bus
iness throughout tne State, and men in all
stations of life hnstled in the liveliest man
ner to get out a full vote. At the factories
and machine shops in the city there were
teams and carriages by the score, and they
were soon filled to overflowing with men
desirous of voting the repeal ticket
The workers for the prohibitory side be
came lazy, and the women, who had ieen
vorkinr lively all the day with their hands
full of rejected ballots, took seats on corners
and looked upon the active repeal throng
with discomfiture. Governor Ladd voted
early in the Second ward, and there was
much hearty commendation when he pnt
his repeal ballot in the box. Prominent
and wealthy men drove up in their private
carriages and followed his example.
There is another prominent man who also
Toted te repeal the license, but he did not
to do so, Ex-Senator Jonathan A.
Chase, 'one of the prohibitory leaders, was'
approached by several ladies just' before he'
reached the ballot bor and they clung to
Mm with so much dependence that he be
came razzle-dazzled, and dropped a repeal
ballot into the box. He discovered his mis
take when it was too late to remedy it
Kow Mr. Chase is madder than a March
hare and says he will forever oppose the
placing of women at the polls in his cause
A Little Bit of Excitement.
There was great excitement just before 1
o'clock in the Third ward In this city. ' The
Prohibitionists claimed to have found a
man voting the two ballots at one time. -A
row ensued and a prohibitory "worker found
it almost worth his li fe tn remain there. He
followed the alleged ballot box stuffer and
wanted a policeman to arrest him on the
spot Over 300 men collected and they
threatened to annihilate the "Prohib"
unless he kept quiet
His hat was stolen and several pocketfuls
of "reject" ballots were scattered breadcast
along the highways. There was a move
ment on the part of the lowest element to
vote against the repeal of the amendment,
but that did not amount to much. There
were plenty of men who seemed to hang
around the polls with the expectation of
getting a little something for their votes,
but they were sadly disappointed.
The vote was cast on its merits and the
result shows that the great majority of peo
ple are down on an amendment which can
not be enforced. There is nothing uncertain
about the vote and whatever slight clerical
errors may'be found in the official count
cannot possibly make any difference in the
result Little Ithody has left Iowa and
Kansas, and has taken her place with Mas
sachusetts and Pennsylvania, which have
declared so emphatically in favor of high
A Young Girl Hilled Becauso She Conldn't
Love a Widower.
New Tore, June 20. The report that
Alvin Parks, a dissipated man, had mur
dered his sweetheart, caused a tremendous
excitement in Mystio to-day. The whole
village wa thrown into an uproar at once,
and Parks was immediately secured and
hustled off to the lockup to await the trial.
Tne excitement was so intense that threats
of lynching were heard on, all' sides, and the
officers who had Parks in custody had their
hands foil to keep the would-be murderer
from the fnry of the mob.
Parks has been keeping company with
Miss Littlefield for some time past, but his
suit was not looked upon with much . favor.
There was a circus in town last night, and
Miss Littlefield attended it in the
company of another young man. This fact
angered Parks, and in a jealous rage he
started out to seek consolation in getting
drnnk, after which Parks repaired to
Miss Littiefield's residence, armed with
a revolver, met the young lady,
and opened fire on her. Five shots were fired,
and all bnt one took effect Two of the
bullets lodged in the head and two in the
left arm. He was immediately captured.
The affair is described as cold-blooded
and brutal in the extreme. The victim,
Miss Littlefield, is but 14 years of age, and
her extreme youth has intensified the exi
citemeut over the affair. Parks is a wid
ower, 40 years of age, and was the cook of
the fishing smack Maria Louise.
The Indiana Are Reluctant to Sign Away
Their Reservation.
Pine Bidge Agency;, Dak., June 20.
Governor Poster and Major "Warner, of
the commission, this morning held a private
council with Bed Cloud and three half
breeds, who are his recognized confiden
tial advisers. The discussion lasted two
hours, but, so tar as can be learned,
it had no marked result There seems now
to be no probability of breaking the opposi
tion here, except by securing the support of
individual Indians, and in this manner dis
integrating Bed Cloud's-following. Should
these desertions become large enough to
make the opposition believe the bill will
carry in spite of them, the result will be the
same as at Iiosebud.
General Crook is having a conference
with his old scouts this afternoon, of whom
about 100 are present All of these have
signed or will sign, and their combined in
fluence will be a powerful lever, as they are
scattered throughout the different bands on
the agency. The Indians have been signing
slowly all day.
American Capitalists Will Pnrcbnse Sev
eral Islands and Start Fishing Works-
Halifax, N. S., June 20. Two Boston
gentlemen have passed through Pictou on
their way homefrom the Magdalene Islands.
They represent a syndicate of American
capitalists who propose to buy the islands
and build on them a second Gloucester.
The islands are owned by Captain Coffin,
heir to the estate of the late Admiral Coffin,
who many years ago. for services rendered
the British Government, received the
islands by grant Captain Coffin has
offered the property for sale, the
price, it is said, being $500,000,
and the Boston syndicate has concluded to
purchase. Laree fishing worts will be
started there, including a number of can
ning establishments. Pictou is to be made
the port of trans-shipment and a steamer
will ply between, that port and the Magda
He Instigates Ills Inamorata to Poison Hor
Employer's CoOec.
Helena, Ark., June 20. Dr. W. M.
Bichardson, a prominent physician and
planter, living 'near La Tour, this county,
barely escaped being poisoned yester
day. He was about to begin
drinking his coffee at breakfast
when, noticing something peculiar in the
looks and smell of the coflee, he proceeded
to investigate the cause. He called in Dr.
J. H. Yinyard, a neighbor, and on analysis
the two "decided the coffee had been
Maggie Brown, the colored rcoofe, was ar
rested at once and confessed that at the in
stigation of Abe Johnson, herjover, whose
frequent visits had been forbidden by the
doctor, she had poisoned the coffee by dis
tilling Jamestown weed roots and other
deadly herbs. The two have been jailed.
Dr. Bichardson is a wealthy man and one
of the best citizens in the county.
Twelve Handrod Persons Killed and 10,000
Rendered Homeless. 1 "
Shanghai, June 20. One-half of the
important cityof Lathan, in the province of
Szechuen, was recently destroyed by fire.
The conflagration raged four days. It is es
timated that 1,200 persons were killed.
Most of them were crushed in trying to es
cape from the narrow streets. Ten thousand
persons are homeless. A fund has been
started'fortbe relief of the sufferers.
The lirnd Drummer.
Atlantic City,. J., June 20. Mr.
P. H. Boot, of Port Wayne, Ind., was this
evening elected President of the National
Traveler's Protective Association,
J 'iJlr
Tjip.Tenernble JJx.sena)hr (Sfrjeken With.
Paralysis nnd No wrDllrIous Ills
Illness of Long Standing; and
Likely to Prove"atal.
"Philadelphia,. Jane. 20. General
Simon Cameron is dying at his Donegal
country residence. The veteran statesman
has recently been so seriously ill that he was
unable to leave his bed 'for jtreeks. His
stomach completely failed, bnt his marvel
ous constitution came to his rescue,
and he pulled through. A . little
later the .Pennsylvania Legislature,
Senate and House, adjourned to pay 11
visit in a body to his conntrv place .In
honor of the General's ninetieth birthday.
Since then he has gradually recovered his
spirits, hut late this afternoon he sustained
a slight stroke of paralysis in the left side,
and to-night he is unable to recognize his
two daughters, Mrs. Wayne MoVeagh and
Mrs. Haideman, who are at hii bedside.
It is feared that this attack, so soon after,
the late illness, will prove fatal.
Ex-Senator Cameron was born SO years
ago, less than 25 miles from the spot where
his home has been for many years. Beared
in poverty, used to "hardships 'that the men
to this day can scarcely comprehend,' he
lived to wield a political power greatcrthan
that of any single man in the nation. His
father was a country tailor, who could hap
pily get bread and meat for his family, and
when Simon Cameron was 10 years old
the resolute, courageous and fair
mother was obliged to give him
to the care of the neighbors, that he might
be reared to something useful. He fell into
the hands of 'a doctor at Sunbury, on the
banks ot the Susquehanna, and began learn
ing the trade of a printer when printing was
in its infancy. In 1821 he worked as a jour
neyman on ' the Congressional debates In
Washington, setting type by the light of a
tallow dip. He got $10 a week salary for 12
hours' work. He there became acquainted
with James Monroe, who was President,and
has known'cverv Executive from that da v
to this, and helped to make a great many pf
tnem. in iki ne eaitea tne xioyiestown
Democrat. Two years later he was elected
Publio Printer of Pennsylvania, and in 1824
he went with the Governor to receive
Lafayette on his return to this country. Tn
1826 he was appointed Adjutant General of
the State, and began turning his attention
to the practical affairs of ltfe.
He Was engaged In the backing business
and also as a canal contractor, before enter
ing upon his- political careerC iln 1615 he.
toot his seAtin.tha United States Senate as
the suecessorofJames Unohannn. He was
the cotemporal-y bf Vebster, Clay, Webster'
ana other great men or a lormer generation.
He served ont his term and was elected
again in 1856. and held the office until he
resigned to become Lincoln's Secretary of
War. The latter office he resigned and was
subsequently appointed Minister to Bussia.
He was electedjto the United States Sen
ate in 1867 and served until 1876, in all 18
years. He has lived to see his oldest boy
not only United States Senator, but Secre
tary of War, and even richer in money than
himself. Even after he left the Senate his
political power grew. In the campaign of
1880, when the fate of the Bepublican party
hung in the balance, he set the machinery in
motion that made General Garfield Presi
dent of the United States. Again, when
his son was a candidate for re-election, the
wise old man practically managed the can
vass. He once said: "I had the advan
tage of starting poor in life, while Don
started rich." Within gunshot of his man
sion start four lines of railroad he built He
was at one time president of all four. The
letters and telegrams of congratulation that
ponred in on his birthday t referred to his
wonderful experience in building the publie
improvements of the State, and also to the
political battles in which he had taken such
a prominent part
Indlanlana Punished for Voting; Inmates of
County Insane Asylnms.
Indianapolis, Ind., June 20. Hiram
W. Miller, ex-Treasurer of Marion county,
and Charles Williams, Superintendent of
the County Poor Asylnm, who were indicted
for voting idiotic and insane in
mates of the county asylum at the
last election pleaded guilty before Judge
Woods to-day. Miller, who, as election in
spector in the precinct, disregarded chal
lenges in receiving the votes of the unfor
tunates, was fined $250, and Williams, who
at the preliminary hearing was shown to
have conspired with Miller to vote the pau
pers, was fined $50.
The result of the prosecution is regarded
as important in that it will stop the voting
of idiotic and insane inmates of county asy
lums throughout the State, a practice that
has become common during recent years.
Harrison Has Appointed a Postmaster Who
Is Not n Republican.
Franklin, June 20. The Bepublicans
of Canal are up in arms over the appoint
ment of A. D. Brown postmaster at that
place, and have petitioned President Har
rison to withhold his commission. It is
claimed that Brown is a Democrat and
voted for Cleveland, and that he has no
claims that entitle him to be postmaster of
that Bepublican stronghold.
Outside of being a Democrat, Brown is
said to be a good man, and the people are
anxious to see if the President will with
hold the commission on partisan grounds.
Mrs. Harrison Has More Colored Serrnnts
at the White House Than Ever.
Washington, June 20. The report that
Mrs. Harrison has dismissed from the White'
House nearly all the colored servants is not
true. There have been one or two changes
and one transfer, but an official of the
White House says the places have been
filled by other colored servants and that
there is more colored pedple employed in
the White House now than there ever has
been before.
Cornell's Commencement Exercises.
New York, June 20. Cornell's com
mencement exercises occurred this morning.
One hundred an sixty-four degrees were
conferred as follows: In arts, 11; phiioso-
.Uw 1R Eni.nin latto e 1Q .!ir!1 n
glneenng, 14; mechanical engineering, 32;
.Hon. Simon Cameron.
law, ou, yutuiuauj a,
The AbsointtLReigiTof a "Despised
Despot Comes, to an'Abruptno.
Who for a. Quarter of a Century Had Eeea
Bearing a Burdensome loke. v '
v 1
For the First lime In Many lean, and All Without
Any Bloodshed, -
' Venezuela has been revolutionized, and
that, too, without a drop of blood being
shed. Ihe absolute reign'of Guzman .Bjaljco
has come to an end. The people have risen
and overthrown his power. He will prob
ably make an effort to regain control, hut
will be def eateLFor the first time n years
the press is freo-. The Capitol of the.rt
public is the scene of great rejoicing.
-z. : 1. 3
Caracas, Venezuela, via ISkv
York, June 20. Sensatibnal evenfV KSve
been occurring in constant succession for
the last 30 days and the republic has been
trembling with apprehension and excite
ment, but the first peaceful revolution it
has ever known has been accomplished.
The rcigH of Guzman Blanco hap- ended,
the military despotism that has existed in
Venezuela for a quarter of a century(s
abolished and there are constant demon
strations of gratification, in which all classes
join with equal ardor.
Men who have submitted quietly to the
tyranny -of Guzman, for fear of injury to
their business, are now marching and shout
ing in the streets. Those who have hardly
dared to whisper his name, are crying:
"Down with the tyrant!" and most of his
obsequious followers are foremost in
Ppr the first time in 30 years the press is
free; the editors of the established papers
are permitted to speak their minds withent
fear of imprisonment or ,exile, and Ain
amusing crop of seven-by-nine handbilu is
springing put of every printing office. -In
them "The'lllastrious American" is lam
pooned without license and cartooned, with
out mercy, while he is in Paris gnashing
his teeth in rage and planning for revenge.
That he will make an effort to recover the
control of the government is not doubted for
a moment by those who know him, bj)t no
body Relieves that he can succeed, and that
opinion adds-to the enthusiasm. That the
situation may be understood-. and thet sig
nificance of recentj&vents appreciated it
must be known that General Guzman
Bianco, sinoe he first came into control of
the government in 1870, has seemed to re
gard Venezuela as his own property to do
with as he desired. , "
-Ke'h3r'beated the BepUhliev which em
braces an area as large as the Middle States
and New England, as if it were his own in
. ,.., ... j .v. o vmnni - .i.
smwiPilwi.wl.,.vj1,j,: "Plorence is to haveabttll fight.
his tenants at will. He Mar-been an-ttriSitteenbnils from.North Carolina, and a
crowned Czar and his Government an abso
lute despotism. Under the Constitution
the President may not succeed himself in
office, may not have two consecutive terms,
but is elegible for re-election after an in
terval. Guzman Blanco has therefore filled the
Presldental chair every alternate term dur
ing the last 19 years, and between times has
placed in power a dummy or mask, who was
entirelysubject to his will. His many acts
of tyranny have awakened a secret hostility
that has only been suppressed by military
force. It has occasionally been manifested
by an outbreak or
and during later years he has been com
pelled to surround himself by soldiers night
and day to protect himself from the ven
geance of those who have suffered at his
hands. Two years ago, at the expiration of
his Presidental term, he left the country
and has since resided in Paris, where his
daughter is the wife of the Duo de Morny.
The cable between Caracas and Havre haa
enabled him to continue the direction of
fovernmental affairs, and nothing has been
one here without his approval. Before go
ing he gave himself credentials as Envoy
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten
tiary to all the European powers, and the
ostensible motive of his absence was the set
tlement of numerous international differ
ences that exist between Venezuela and En
gland, Prance and Germany.
He was also authorized to arrange for
the funding of the national debt, to secure
colonies of immigrants, and to negotiate
concessions for the development of the ma
terial resources of the Bepublic.
Before leaving forEnrope Guzman placed
in the Presidental chair Dr.Bojas-PauI, one
of the ablest citizens of the Bepublic, who
had previously been prominent in publio
auairs for many years, tie bad been .Min
ister of Foreign Belations, Minister of Pi
nance, President of the Senate, Speaker of
the House of Representatives, Chief Jus
tice of the Supreme Court and director of
the university a man of learning as well
as experience, and possessing the confidence
and the respect of the people as well as of
the dictator. But President Panl failed in
a very important item of the programme
which Cuzman expected his representative
to carry out, in omitting to have Guzman's
statue decorated on the anniversary (April
27) of the letter's first assumption to the
Guznan ordered him to resign and he did
so. The people, however, would not have it
that way. Within an hour after theresig--!
nation was received 20,000 men were sqout
ing themselves hoarse with dennnciatious
of Guznan and praise of Paul. They de
manded that the resignation should not be
accepted, but the confusion was so great
that Congress could not take action and, in
fact, its session had to be abandoned be
cause of the invasion of the excited popu
lace into the legislative chamber.
When Congress adjourned the crowd went
to the "Casa Amarilla," or Yellow House,
where the President resides, and remained
about it all day, calling for him and de
manding (bat he should withdraw bis resig
nation. That night the entire population of
Caracas gathered with a common impnlse in
the Plaza Washington, wherestands a statue
of him who was "first in war, first in peace,
and first in the hearts ot his countrymen."
They were addressed by several local orators,
who expressed the unanimous sentiment of
the communitv that the administration of
President Panl had been wise, patriotic and
popular, and that he should continue in
office regardless of the demands or desires of
Similar demonstrations to those made bv
the Caracas people occurred in all the chief
cities of the Bepublic, and since Dr. Bojns
Paul withdrew his resignation he has been
visited by the Governors of nearlv all the
States, and has received messages from the
rest with renewed pledges of allegiance and
A PJttfburg Man Secures a, Very -Nice Ap
pointmentHo Was Backed by Quay
and Cnyne An Ohio Politician
Succeeds in Gettinc an Ofllce.
. rsrscUi. tjxsoeam ro tub pi8mtcb.i
Washington, June ,20. Pennsylva
nians.were treated to quite- a surprise this
evening, in the announcement of the ap
pointment of Mr. Poland J., Hemmicki of
Pittsburg, to be Consul at no Jess desirable
and lovely a place as Geneva, in Switzer
land. Sir. Hemfcrlctr has not appeared
heretofore; in the list of possibilities, as his
application was kept very quiet. He was,
pf course, indorsed bySenator Quay, but it
is stated that the particular power behind
the throne is, in this case, the Hon. Thomas
M. Bayne.
Altogether the success of Mr. Hemmick
is considered one of the-neatest pieces of
work in the interest of any applicant, in
that it is done so quietly as to arouse no
comment, gossip or opposition. Had it
been known that he was an applicant of
course the friends of all of the other nu
merous aspirants would have at once been
arrayed against him. While the post at
Geneva does not pay the highest salary, it is
looked upon as one of the most desirable
consulates on account of the beauty of its
situation, its proximity to London, Paris
and the leading Italian cities, and the
numerous American residents there.
William Monaghan, of New Lisbon, O,,
r-1 ao -was appointed Consul to Chatham.
Canada, is a prominent politician of Colum
biana county, who was pushed by both Sen
ator Sherman and Representative McKinley.
Among the other appointments made were
the following: Oliver H. Simons, of Colo
rado, Consul to Hong Kong; William J.
Bice, of Massachusetts, Consul to Leghorn;
Lyell T. Adams, of New York, Consul to
Horgen, SwItzerlandHenry W. Diederich,
of Indiana, Consul to Nuremberg.
Calvin Brlce's Son Dismissed for Attending;
a Bali Game.
Exeter, Jtf, H., June 20. The sensation
of the town is the expulsion from Phillips
Exeter Academy of Stuart M. Bnce, son of
Calvin S. Brice. Young Brice had left for
Cambridge, where he studied with a tutor,
to enable him to enter Harvard. During
this time Brice has frequently returned to
Exeter to pass Sundays and holidays. He
is of a convivial disposition, and his retnrn
was invariably marked by jollifications.
Brice was told by the faculty that his visits
must cease until the close of the term.
Saturday the great ball game between the
Andover and Exeter nines proved too great
a temptation, and he came to Exeter in the
afternoon. It was generally believed that
his disobedience would be overlooked, but
on' Monday morning Brice was expelled
from the academy.
South Carolina Sports Bonnd to Havo Some
Kind of Amusement.
Columbia, S, C, June 20. Since cock
fighting has been prohibited in South
Carolina, the sportlngmen. have been en
deavoring to invent some suitable amus
meat to take the. place of ths.itim.erhmored'
Ispojt. The lawmaker herWmaileahy pro-
vision 'ogalnstTmil fights, and now comes
an aaverusement oi a uuii ugniw Xiorenoe,
in the latter part of July.
Florence is a new countr, recently creat
ed, and this is to be a festival in honor of
!.- t a j: -i-l. r -mi
iuc wttaotuu. .n. uumuiuu iruiu .ciureucB
like number from our own State, will he on
hand to fight, mutilate, butcher and kill
each other to make a Plorentine holiday."
Vermont Politicians Moving to Prevent His
Retnrn to the Senate.
rSFICUL TILIOItAK TO the dispatch.:
Burlington, Vt., June 20. It has
been a great day for conferences and politi
cal gossip, and much opposition to the re
turn of Senator Edmunds to the Senate,
and ex-Governor Stewart to the House, has
been developed. No one seems to know
just where the opposition started, but that
there is an organized movement to that end
cannot be denied.
The plans of the opposition to the present
status of Vermont politics, however, seemed
to have leaked out prematurely, and what
ever they may think and do in private, the
men at the bottom of the scheme are loath to
say anything in print
He Tries to Kill a Family and Escapes on
a Stolen Horse.
Omaha, June 20. Mrs. Pomeroy Clark
was shot dead near Elgin last night by
Nick Foley, who had been courting Mrs.
Clark's sister, a Miss Biggs, and had been
Foley first attacked Mr. Clark and
wounded him slightly. Being thrown out
of the house by Clark, he climbed up to a
bedroom window, through which he shot
Mrs. Clark. He fired several shots without
effect at Clark and Miss Biggs, and then
escaped with a horse stolen from Clark's
stable. A posse is in pursuit
He Is Charged With Shooting and Robbing
a Peddler.
Louisville, June 20. Tom Mitchell
and Harry Ardell were arrested near
Shepherdsville, Ky., yesterday for shooting
and attempting to rob Joseph Lavin, a
Louisville peddler.
Lavin was making his rounds near
Shepherdsville yesterday morning when the
men attacked bfm, and when he resisted,
shot He can hardly recover from his
wonnds. Both men confessed. Ardell
claims Pittsburg his home. Mitchell lives
at Jeffersonville.
C. P. Hnnllngton's Reosoo for Subscribing
8500,000 to the Congo Rnilway.
Brussels, June 20. Mr. crP. Hun
tington, in subscribing $500,000 for the pro
posed Congo Bailway, declares that he
simply wishes to testify to his admiration of
King Leopold's work and to help suppress
slavery by abolishing the profits now
obtained through the employment cf negro
A Move by the Inter-State Commission.
St. Paul, June20. Itis reported that the
Inter-State Commerce Commission has di
lected United States District Attorney Bax
ter to begin criminal proceedings against
the Minneapolis, Salt Ste. Marie and At.
lantio Railroad for its practice of making
discriminating rates.
Prince and Pensant.
Vienna, June 20. Lieutenant Joseph
Loisinger, brother-in-law of Prince Alex
ander, of Battenberg, is about to marry
Louise Kopek, daughter of the head game
keeper of the Dagnaiska forest, in Hun
gary, thus allying the English royal family
with the game keeper.
The Pope's Brother III.
Bosie, June 20. Cardinal Peed, brother
of the Popeis seriously. ill.
The Laborers at Johnstown Object to
the Quality of TheirpFood
General Hastings Says the -Workmen'Mst
be Much Better Fed, or '
The Contactors Say Thy Can Cet AU the Men They
Want by July L
Trouble was feared yesterday when it was
reported that a thousand .or more of the
men employed by contractors in cleaning
away the debris at Johnstown had struck
for higher pay and better meals. There was
no strike ' there, though. Several hnndred
of the men called for their wages and quit
work because the food furnished them was
so bad. General Hastings says theymnst
be better fed, or he will feed them himself
and charge the cost to the contractors.
UBoa x staff conBisrosDisT.
Johnstown, June 20. The workmen
are dissatisfied about two things food and
wages. Both are small in quantity, and,
according to one of them, the former con
sists of water and hog's grease. This may
be a little exaggerated in description, but
there must be something wrong, since the
provender is the universal subject of com
plaint The men claim there is not enough to eat,
and what there is is of very inferior qual
ity. There are not sufficient knives and
forKs to go around, and waiters are badly
needed. Many of the men are unable to
eat tbefood and leave the tables in disgust
The men say the bread is sour and beans
and potatoes are luxuries. The meat is
principally salt pork.
In the wage line they ask for $1 50 per
day and board, or $2 and they board them
selves. These demands have not been ac
ceded to by the contractors, and about 1,000
men have quit work, and more will follow.
The workmen have not struck. They have
too much respect for themselves, and the
place to do that, but they hold they have
not been treated fairly, and they are leaving
in disgust.
General .Hastings said to-night that the
men would have to be fed better than they
have been or he would feed them himself,
and charge it np to the contractors. He is
thoroughly convinced the men have not
been properly fed, and he says he will not
alkvjlhe contractors to take advantage of
Contractors McKnight and Biggs were
kept busy this afternoon paying off the men.
It is difficult to estimate how many will
leate." Top' men. claim 1,000 will go;,the
contraotors,saiMly-fi504i8V:IeJt- tThrla
tartweqgipIWDed tola evening that the con
tractors refused to give them transportation,
and they said they wouldn't leave until
their fares are paid, but there won't be
much trouble on that head. General Hast
ings will supply them.
One of the workmen, in speaking of their
difficulties this morning, sad: ''We think
the Pennsylvania road and the Cambria
Ironworks are responsible fpr the low wages.
If the men got good wages from the Stats
they would have no trouble to secure
enough laborers to clear away the debris in
the mills and replace the tracks on the
The men held another meeting this after
noon, but everything was done in as orderly
manner. '
Captain Joseph Bennett, of Braddock, in
speaking to-night of the contractors' side of
the case, said: 'I admit the food is not of
the proper quality, but hereafter it will be
better. We have ordered 2,000 meal tickets
to he printed, and when a man misses a
meal he-will not be charged with it The
men will be paid $1 50 per day, and their
board will cost them $3 50 for 21 meals.
The general impression seems toprevail that
my gang, working in the drift, is responsi
ble lor the trouble. They were being paid
$2 25 for night work, but it was reduced to
$1 BO, when they quit work. I do not
blame them for their action. From this
time out there will be no night work, and
the men will be paid the same price. About
145 of my men have left, but by to-morrow
night I expect to have a gang of 200 work
ing again on the drift We can get plenty
of men. I know that 500 of the .men from
Homestead will come here when the strike
is inaugurated on July 1."
It is true a great'many new men are con
stantly applying for work, but they come
here out of curiosity, and this feeling wears
off in a few days, when they are ready to
quit. If this town is to be cleaned out the
men must have a personal interest in their
work, of a pecuniary nature. This thing of
changing the men every few days will
never do.
Contractor McKnight said this afternoon
he had 1,500 men on his rolls, but more
than half claim they will leave.
It is Proposed to Construct a Sen-Wnll to
Hold Back the Waters.
trnoii x STxrr connisroNDtNT.J
Johnstown, June 20. In talking with
one of McKnight's sub-contractors this
evening he stated that plans were In pro
gress to construct a sea-wall ten feet high
from a point directly opposite the Pennsyl
vania Railroad station on both sides of the
Conemaugh and deepening the stream by
dredging, and then, when the wall was con
structed, a broad asphalt promenade wonld
be constructed upon the present leyel formed
by the wash from above.
That a portion of this fiat would be taken
as the grade and levelled up clear through
to Kernville. The streets are to be cut
through between the Conemaugh and Stony
Creek, atright angles from the asphalt
promenade. The ten-foot sea wall is to be
of granite, and curved from the points above
stated, to the stone viaduct, in order to re
ceive the thrust of water from above and
direct it down stream in event of another
flood. Israel.
The Labor of Recovering Corpses Daily Be
coming aioro Repulsive.
Johnstown, June 20. Sixteen bodies
were found to-day, and many of them, on
account of the advanced stage of decompo
sition, were promptly buried, after being
completely covered with oil. The stench is
becoming daily more sickening and unbear
able. A case of diptheria developed to-day.
The viotim is now at the Bed Cross Hospi
tal. No other serious cases were reported
The Women's Christian Temperance
Union was to-day privileged to open coffee
stands for the purpose of supplying hot
coffee free to the laboring men.
A Monument to the Unknown Dead.
Johnstown, June 20. Dr. Foster to
day started a subscription for a monument
to the unknown dead. He proposes to have
the monument erected on a high eminence
near Prospect Hill and overlooking the un-
lortunaie town.
No Room In Johnstown for Men Who Slight
Canso Trouble.'
Johnstown, June" 20J Bepeated
breacnes of the peace occurred during the
day, and to-night a free .fight took-place in
which Joseph' Trnn2er, of Lawrenceville,
was assaulted n probably faially.hurt by
Tom Colliers, of Philadelphia. All the
idle men who can get intoxicated are drink
ing, and to-night' the milljra ar resting
nervously upon their arms, and the thou
sands of fires that are burning holes into
f theisldomy night .are thr4lng-a flickering
and uncertain light over a gooa-sizea army
of laborers burniaitupwith-a desire to
mutiny. f
The authorities have announced that all
idlers must leave early I4)m inorning, else
the militia will be carted upon to drive
them away. In such an event serious
trouble is contemplated. New men ore
coming in on every train, and as the con
tractors have agreed to in the futureJurnish
their men with better rations,,jfcigeaeralIy
thought that if the discharged men will
leave here peaceably no further trouble will
Colonel Spangler Defends Ills Conduct ot
Ihe Commissaries.
rrncra x Stats' oonnisroMxsT.I
JoHNSTOWN,Tijne20. Colonel Spangler,
the Commissary General, was looking for a
Pittsburg reporter this afternoon who com
plained that the food supply was failing and
the Commissary Department was poorly
conducted. Colonel Spangler explained
that the food supply was more than suffi
cient, and he had the means at his disposal
to keep it up. Some of the bread got moldy
one day on the road and the doctors con
demned it Therewas a big supply of
crackers on hand, and Colonel Spangler put
the people on crackers one day. He is
issuing bread again in sufficient .quantities
to supply everybody.
The commissary department is well organ
ized, and one distributing station is located
in each place, so that the people don't have
to walk very far for their provender. The
truth is the people do not Walk as far for
what they eat ss they have for years when
they bought their supplies at the company
stores. Colonel Spangler is very indignant
that such false reports should be, sent out
about his department. ISRAEL-
The Body of a Johnstown Unknown Found
Dlllea From the Wrecked Town.
Steuhenville, June 20. A floater was
found here late this afternoon, supposed to
be from Johnstown. The body was that of
a man abont 21 years of age, smooth face,
dark balr, closely cropped; wore a full suit
of white gauze underwear, blue cheviot
shirt, brown cloth vest and striped seer
sucker coat, striped cloth pants and con
gress gaiter shoes. The articles found on
the body were pnlyakey ring and 46 cents
in money. The head was bruised and
swollen. The body was immediately buried,
- mil i p- "--" mmmmm
Canada Discovers That Its New Extradition
law Has an Important Omission.
Ottawa, June 20. The Dominion Gov
ernment has decided, within the past week,
to put the Weldou extradition bill of last
session into operation Immediately after it is
ratified by the British Government, and to
expedite its good into effect The. Imperial
Government has been requested to'deal with
it at once. The omission of one word has
made the bill retroactive.
- The section defining the application of
the bill reads: "This act shall apply to any
crime mentioned in the schedule committed
after the coming into force of this act" It
should have read: "Shall only apply," etc.,
and the omission of the word "only," the
Minister of Justice says, makes its applica
tion retroactive, which will bring John C.
Eno and scores of others within its scope.
The bill slipped through both Houses With
out the omission and its effect being ob
He Keeps at Hit Labor After His Foot Is
Torn Prom His Leg.
tsrxciAi. tsleobam to tile dispatch.:
Bockport, Mass., June 20. A diver
was working under 15 feet of water, trying
to get a chain beneath a bowlder weighing
12 tons. He thought the chain was secure
and gave the order to hoist It had gone
upward a short distance when the rock
slipped, and in his effort to make the chain
secure the rock fell upon him, and his foot
was torn from his leg, flesh and bone being
crushed until the foot hung only on a ten
don. He pluckily continued his work, hobbling
about on one leg until he had made the
chain seoure. His leg was amputated just
below the knee.
The Date Fixed and the Presiding Officers
Dayton, O., June 20. The Ohio Dem
ocratic Committee, in session here to-day,
declined aftera sharp struggle to change the
date for holding the State convention
August 20 and 27.
Michael D. Harter, of Mansfield, was se
lected to preside over the State Convention
and Lewis Mable Secretary. The State
convention is to consist ot 789 delegates,
one for every 5,000 votes for Cleveland last
The Schooner DInggle Avery Overdue and
Believed to Have Sank.
Charlevoix, June 20. The schooner
Maggie Avery left Traverse City Saturday
night laden with brick for this port and
has not been heard of. Captain H. G.
Edwards and mate John Tooly, both of this
place, were on board.
A diligent search has been made and it is
believed she sank during the gale of Satur
day night with all on board.
Sir. Hartranft Has an Office.
Washington, June 20. Ex-Governor
Hartranft, of Pennsylvania, has been ap
pointed a member of the Cherokee commis
sion and has signified his intention to the
Secretary of the Interior of accepting the
office. This fills the commission.
Patterson Leaves for the West.
Mr. W. J. Patterson, the Government Build
ing Inspector, who bas been here for the last
month examining the new postofflce.Ieft last
night lor Nebraska- He said that his report
regarding the Pittsburg Government Building
had gone to the department, in Washington,
and that It would speak for itself as soon as
Looking for an Uncle.
A pretty yonng German woman arrived In
the city yesterday from Germany and inquired
for her uncle, who lived at 24 West Carson
street He had moved from that place and1
conld not be found. The woman was taken in
charge by the police authorities, and an in
quiry will be made to-day as to the whereabouts
of her relatives.
Working for the Flood Sufferers.
The Johnstown Belief Committee of the
Ladles of the G. A. B. at a meeting last night
appointed committees to solicit shoes, stock
ings and other articles that the committee is
short of from the merchants. They will rive a
dinner next Tuesday Jrpm 11.30 A. 1L to 3r.lt.
for the benefit of the sufferers, .
Who has a pood article to sell, and wfio adver
tises vigorously and liberally. Advertising U
truly the ife at trade. All enterprising and
Judicious advertisers succeed.
The Cold, Water Campaign Wil -,
Require the Counties to Pay- .
a Coo! Million.
Forthe Conntie3 Will Call on It
forthe Jfonev,
- !
What the Amendment- Campaign Will Cost
Allegheny County Taxpayers An Esti
mate for the Whole State Likelihood
That the Legislature Will bn Asked tn
Reimburse Election Expenses to the 68
Counties A Legislator Goes Over the
' Mooted Question Exhaustively.
It is generally admitted that the recent
special election for the Constitutional
amendment will cost a very pretty
penny to the 66 counties in the
State. An election expert of this city
estimates that over $1,000,000 have been
expended in legitimate expenses of the
campaign. The printing and expressage of
the tickets, done by the State, is really art
inconsiderable item of the whole amount
The next question that arises in fact is be
ing widely agitated is who will ultimately
pay for the election. As the matter stands
the counties have all paid the bills without
any quibbling. But the State will un
doubtedly be asked to reimburse the conn
Commissioner George T. McKee, of Alle
gheny county, says that the County Com
missioners here will make out an itemized
account of all monies disbursed on account
of the election and hold it in readiness for
legislative action, and that he should not
be surprised if all of the 66 counties fol
lowed suit This undoubtedly presages a
general onslaught upon the State Treasury
through the mediumship of the State Legis
lature. A FIGHT TO BE 5TADE.
An Allegheny county member of the
Legislature was asked yesterday his
opinion as to the question of reimburse
ment He said: "The matter is fa peculiar
jhape. In the first place the session of
LVgulaiure is a good ways off. and publio
opinion is so fluctuating that itwonld be
fborbirttrpredict what the constituents' of
the legislators" by counties ."would want
Again, there has not been a special election
since 1873, when the new Constitution was
adopted, and itwill be freely contended all
along the line that the Constitution was a
matter of public business, and that the peo
ple had no legitimate excuse for asking the
State to defray the election expenses in that
matter, while the temperance amendment
was as clearly a matter of sentiment stirred
up by a very small minority of the people"
and not at all necessary to the well-being of
the public. In other words, it will be very
reasonably urged that the Legislature,
having in deference to the agitation of a,
few taxpayers, thrown a heavy burden upon
the general taxpaying public, should see
that the State reimburses the counties for
their expenditure of publio money use
lessly. "I have no doubt that public sentiment
will lean strongly toward the above view of
the matter, and that a bill to refund all
moneys paid out on account of the special,
election by the counties would have a large
majority in both branches of the LegishCure.
Whether an economic or cheese-paring ex
ecutive would feel it incumbent upon him
to head off what might he called a --
itis Impossible to predict at such long
range. My opinion is that an extremely
pretty fight will be the outgrowth of the
matter if the County Commissioners of the
State decide to take concerted action looking
toward the reimbursement of the funds paid
"Does not the fact that the suffrage
amendment was also voted for seriously
complicate matters?" queried The Dis
patch representative.
"Undoubtedly it does, but the special
election was undoubtedly conceived origi
nally for the benefit of the temperance ques
tion, and the suffrage amendment was a
minor matter a sort of an elective 'rider.
It wonld never have been submitted at a
special election so far as its individual
merits or importance were concerned."
County Commissioner Bobert E. Mercer
was asked his opinion upon the question of
reimbursement, and said the Commissioners
would certainly be very glad to secure the
return of the election expenses from the
State. "There is no precedent for such an
election or for such a question afterward
within my recollection," he said, "bnt it
will depend upon the way the Legislature
looks at it ana the amount of pressure
brought to bear by public opinion. We
have vague hopes of getting the money hack
that we paid out yesterday and to-day."
The air has been full of warrants for two
days at the Commissioners' office in the
Court House. The election boards, consta
bles and owners of polling places had only
to present themselves to receive the legal sti
pend. There are 140 voting precincts in Pitts
burg. Each precinct board of five men re
ceived $25, or $5 apiece. One hnndred and
forty constables on dnty, one at each
polling place, received $2 each, making the
Pittsburg sum total for election supervise-
ment $3,780. There are 70 voting precincts
in Allegheny, the cost of "manning" the
same being after the same ratio being $1,890.
In the boronghs thereare 42voting precincts
costing $1,134, and in the townships there
are 117 voting precincU costing $3,159. Bv
way of recapitulation there were 1,845 mem
bers of election boards in the county, who
received $9,225; 528 constables, who received
$1,056, making a total for election officers of
$10,281. Another formidable item of ex
pense was the rent of the polling places, of
which there were 369, supposed to cost $2 50
each, or $922 50. But many of the polling
place owners refused to allow the election
to proceed so far as they were concerned
without double pay.
So the County Commissioners estimate
that about $1,200 will be the figure for rent
als. Distribution of tickets, printing of
return and tally sheets, and a few other
minor but necessary items, are estimated at
at least $500 more, and with the addition of
advertising, the grand total of the expense
of the election in this county foots up to the
surprising sum of at least $20,000.
There are, of course, in the 66 counties
many in which the expenses will not be near
as much as in Allegheny. But the enor
mous expense of Philadelphia county will
bring the average np appreciably, Tkt .