Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 20, 1889, Image 1

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Of any kind can best bo
satisfied by advertising in
the columns
Prohibition Leaders, After An
alyzing the Returns of
the Election,
CliairmanPalmerHas Stopped
Thinking and Befers Ques
tioners to Quay.
Referred to in an Ominous Way by
" All Prohibitionists Who
Care to Talk.
AMIS' HAJ0B1TT 189,056.
.Poll Tai Must let be Paid by Toters or
by Somebody Who "Wants
Their Totes.
Official or other returns are in on the pro
hibition amendment from every county, and
are nearly accurate. There are some coun
ties yet to be heard from on the poll tax and
sufirage amendment, but every county but
Philadelphia so far beard from bas gone
against it Figures on both amendments
follow, giving majorities for or against in
each county:
J36r&s.sa a.ss . ....
Butler. ,
Cameron ,
Lawrence ....
Lehigh.. ........ ......
Lyco lining..
Montour... .
i toga. ...... ..........
I C Mil.t (()
as X,olU
........ 2.165
Majontyln State..
Total majority against prohibition, 1S9.056.
Denotes that the counties so marked are Re
publican, having voted for Harrison in 1S8S.
Those not so designated went Democratic.
The sufirage amendment met the same
fate as prohibition, though not quite in the
same degree. Authentic figures from SI
counties show a majority of 144,172 against
the amendment. Philadelphia is the only
county so far beard irom, giving a majority
on the other side, rolling up a majority of
92,523 in favor of it Following is the vote
of the counties against the amendment.
-m 4,474
Allegheny .25.139
Bedtord 4qs
5 14.177
.Blair. n is
Bedford " tm
Juniata 1.9M
i.acKawanna. a,iu6
Lancaster 2,464
Lawrence..... 3,500
Lebanon 3.3C7
Lehigh 10,290
Luzerne. 9,;j7
Lycoming. 2,000
Mercer. '.. 3,392
Mifflin 2.689
Monroe 2,j50
Monttromerv in no.-.
Bucks 1U.839
vuugn...... ........ Z.IAV
Center 3,847
Chester io.f7i
Clarion 4,4W
ucarneio....... .... 4, usi
... 4,375 Montour..... 1,681
.. S,u74tMorthampton 9,716
... 3.500 Northumberland .. 5,679
Crawford SKj.ftrn i,ais
Delaware 1.139 fechnvlklll 8.796
Erie 4,857Snyder. -305
juk .. l,ma somerset... z,v&
Fayette 6.39J
Forest 6.081
Frnklln 4,026
bulllvan 1,314
'llora 1,874
Union 2,003
Venauiro s,f.
WaKhington... 7.779
York 9,611
jnium.... .......... j,.7
' Greene 4,090
.Huntingdon. 3,830
L. MAliEE.
Pbttadelphla Politicians Say Be Hud
y jSBflrrnee Amendment Beaten.
X rrEOX x staff cokeespondext. i
PHILADELPHIA, June 13. Allegheny's
big vote against the suffrage amendment
was a great surprise to the politicians here,
who were for it on both sides. Ex-Congress-man"R.
Hilton Speer, of Huntingdon, says
from what be has heard of the vote through
the State there must have been some secret
force systematically at work for its defeat,
and the death of this amendment is blamed
oCC Magee.
There are reports here that Mr. Magee
was against it, and confirmation of them is
of course found in tfee rote of Mr. Magee's
of The Dis
county. "Why lie was ..against it no one
seems to know. Simpson.
Prohibition Leaders United on One' Paint,
Which Is That They Have Been Used -as
Cat's Pain and Will Here
after Bo Partisans
Brooks Pleased. 1
Philadelphia, June 19. Hon. 'Will
iam Brooks, the father of high license, is
greatly pleased with the result of yester
day's election. High license is his hobby,
and he says it has been for the last 20 years.
He considers the overwhelming majority
against prohibition a vindication of his the
ory that the way to deal with the liquor
traffic is to regulate it by a strict high li
cense law.
"I opposed any amendment of the present
law by the last Legislature," he said, "be
cause I thought it would not be right to
complicate the result until after the people
bad expressed themselves. Now, that they
have done so, and chosen high license in
preference to prohibition, I feel perfectly
free to follow out my ideas,' and in the next
Legislature, if I am there as I hope to be, I
will make every effort to have the high li
cense law improved. The fees ought to be ad
vanced, and 51,000 will not be too high in
the first-class cities.
Palmer Stops Thinking.
Chairman Palmer has invented an ex
pression that threatens to become famous.
"I have stopped thinking ; ask Quay," he
said in r?u5y to a reporter, who wanted to
know what effect the result of the election
would have on the Republican party this
fall. Mr. Palmer began to think later, how
ever. This morning he said :
"Well, it just means this: It will give
the Republicans trouble- I don't think
Boycr can be elected,, State Treasurer. X
guess there is no doubt that be was against
the amendment from the .first. No man can
be elected Governor who voted against it.
General Hastings can, for be acted fairly
and squarely with us. The next President
will be a Democrat Quay, Beaver, Mc
Manes and all the big leaders voted for the
amendment so that they can say 'We did
not do it' But if you hire a horse and
wagon from a man. does it make any differ
ence whether he drivesit or sends another
man to do it? You never can convince me
that there were not more Ithan 26,000 votes
polled for the amendment in this,city."
A Third Party Man' Opinion. .
Mr. Palmer' left this afternoon for his
home, and Secretary Reddig will close the
State headquarters and leave1 the city for
Franklin county to-morrow morning. 'He
was in a much easier" frame of mind than
Chairman Palmer. Mr. Reddig is a third
party Prohibitionist, and his regret is tem
pered bv the consciousness that while -the
ConstitutionaljAmendment Association bas
received a shock, his party is by the same
shock brought to the front, "When asked
this afternoon for an expression concerning
the result, he showed The Dispatch cor
respondent a copy of a telegram he bad just
sent to A.. A. Stevens, chairman of the
State prohibition party. It read:
"The militia defeated. The old guard stands
firm, waiting for orders to advance for the
Prohibition party campaign this f alt."
Mr. Reddig said: "I think the result of
this election shows that the only way to get
prohibition is through a third party.
-The Republicans on the city com
mittee are feeling very sore, and
are going into the Union Pro
hibitory League. That is but a step
Toward the Prohibition Party.
, t has been very clearly demonstrated
that it is not the virtue and sobriety of the
people the Democrats' are seeking, but the
offices. Quay's lieutenant in this city,
David Martin, is boasting that his ward J
gave the largest anti-prohibition vote. That
speaks well Republican sincerity,doesn't
Internal Revenue Collector Martin was in
a laughing mood when he was asked .this
morning concerning Chairman Palmer's
denunciation of Republican and Democratic
"Of course they must say something," he
remarked. Then he added: "I think they
were beaten by the people, if I know any
thing about it. "Why of course they must
say something."
"Was the result as much as you ex
pected?" "I thought the majority against the pro
hibition amendment would be from 65,000
to 75,000." Then Mr. Martin excused him
self from saying more, remarking, "I must
now leave, as I am in a hurry to meet an
Speaker Boyer. wbo is the only candidate
in the field for the Republican nomination
for State Treasurer, left town yesterday and
will not return until Saturday. His views
on Republican prospects this fall would be
interesting, but are unobtainable.
Republican Defeat Predicted.
Senator Cooper was in town this after
noon, but declined to talk on the result. He
is waiting anxiously for bis expected ap
pointment as collector of customs. The
Prohibitionists are making free predictions
of Republican defeat this fall, and not a few
Republican .politicians feel tbat there is
something in it The McManes following,
in particular, do not hesitate to say that a
great mistake was made by the party work
ers who went into the fight against prohibi
tion. Mr. McManes went on record a few
weeks ago to the effect that if the Republi
can party, with its big majority, permitted
the overwhelming defeat of prohibition, the
result would be disastrous to the party. Mr.
McManes left the city to-day, but a friend
of his says he bas not revised his views so
far as known.
"The proper course for the Republicans,"
said ,this gentleman, who is a municipal
officeholder, "was to have gone to the polls
and simply voted. That the majority of
the Republican workers wore the red ribbon
ot high license, took the money of the
liquor men and worked against prohibition
at the polls cannot but have a very bad
All the Fanlt ot Qnnr.
The sentiment of the Prohibitionists is 4
voiced by ex-Judge Bnggs, one of their
leading workers, whose legal services were
given freely during the campaign when
needed. He said: "The defeat of prohibi
tion means 150,000 stalwart Republican
votes for the third party's candidate in the
next Gubernatorial contest "Where will
the Republican party be then?" Mr. Quay
thinks be has pulled the wool over people's
eyes by votingfor the amendment Every
body knows that he could have had it
adopted, but that bis orders went forth to
have it defeated," The ex-Judge "then
named several Republican Iocil leaders
who worked against the amendment, but
who would have been for it had Senator
Quay been sincere.
Judge Bnggs mad no exception, how-
i :. ' "l!ff.I
rern favor of Mr.Quay'g deares enemy
In'Phlladelphra the man who promises' to
be Mr. Magee's"friend "in next year's cam
ipaigH. "When-asked" -whether thVsaine
reasoning would jnot, apply to James Mc
Manes he replied: " "No; Mr. McManes was
sincere in his support, of the measure. He
'wanted it to pass." -
Women Who Charge Fraud.
While admitting that the defeat of the
prohibition amendment was not a surprise
to them; the 'women of the "W". C. T. H.
openly, hargeithat the heavy majority
rolled up against it was the work of fraud.
They.eay .that after the color and style, of
their badges became known yesterday morn
ing bogus'ones were struck off in quantities!
by the opposition and wofn by their"work-,
ers, who, thus palmed off the wrong ballot
on unsuspecting, voters. They .also insinu
ate that prohibition ballots were1 -destroyed
or withheld in certain districts,' thus pre- j
venting a number of votes frohii being cast
on their side. The "Vy. O.T. TLare buying.
in all the red'high license badges that they
can secure, AaiJsaythaftheyare goipg.to
reserve th.emUo.spin, on any orall advocates
of temperance who talk high license, be
cause,. they say, "that is where such people
belong with the liquor party." . "
"We don't call it defeat," said one lady,.
"It's only Bull Run, and Gettysburg is
coming after awhile. There's one thing
about it. I don't imagine temperance people
will have much to say about high license in I
the future. Of course we can't nave any
thing to do with it The issue yesterday
was not the saloon; it was high license.
;We of the "W. C. T. IT. are not cast down.
No Compromise and No License.
"We feel thankful for the opportunity that
this campaign has given for an education on
temperance lines that would otherwise have
taken five years yes, .more than that time
to have accomplished. Men have redd 6n
the subject that never read, iefore,on. tem
perance. We'Iigo right on with onr regu
lar work, irfall'o'f jts 40 'departments, "with
incessant'diligenceand ever widening fields!
OurwatchworfjsHioMnliSwTiere. the
hydra-headed'v.serpent cannot jtba skilled!
That-vote pyesterday waslargel'; a foreign
vnwa,rfl4f'v ". Jsr- ,. a
vdte-aVwatf-'V " 511'
(More than the Prohibitionists'itre talking
of wholesale frauds vesterday." Jli'3is'com-
mo'n" rumor in5 the streets, and ftTis ftply
charged thatan investigation would showsev
eraJ suppressed.ballots in divisionswteretbo
Prohibition vote is given jnttejirejurns"' as'
only 1,2, Sipi) other small ffigures.?Mr.
Hoffman,' of"ihe.rm of Hoffman & Co., 'on
Broa'd street, is quoted 'ai'sayi27'!pro"h'i
bition Votes were cast in his " division.1' and
howeverthat many considered Prohibition!
ists didjiot rote that way." - SniPSdir
wSpd by-jiagee.
S ft.i "fliasi " i a
Whr'the'Plttsbnrs Leader Objected to the
Xeolsiqinre 'Sibmiuinc tbe Amend-
raeut'Resolotloh-Tfae'DKorer to
theEepbJkonJiarTojro- "
,- j seen bat Ignored by 0.1307.-J
Philadelphia, June19.Yesterday's
election was ,thelJresnlt,6t'" ajKaereement
made by'Senatbr Quay wit'i'the Prohibi
tionists daringi the Beixcriarnpaign of
1886, that if they .turned in for Beaver he
would agreew submit xnequestion otpro-hibiUontbHneTrebpTe:-"1
It will be recalled that during the sum
mer of 1886. and immediately prior to
the Republican State Convention, there was
much fear among Republican politicians
that Charles S. Wolfe, who had announced
his candidacy for Governor on the Prohibi
tion ticket, might defeat Beaver. As a spp
to the Prohibitionists, Quay agreed to use
his influence with the Legislature to submit
the question of prohibition to the people.
When the convention which nominated
Beaver opened. Senator Quay offered a sub
mission resolution, which was. promptly ob
jected to by Mr. Christopher L. Magee, who
asserted that the party would rue the day
when they let the amendment go to the
Quay triumphed in the convention, as he
did in inducing the two succeeding Legisla
tures to approve the submission scheme.
The amendment cannot come before the
people again for five years.
Its President Itemizes the Causes of the
Amendment's Defeat He Says the
Third Party is la the Fight to
Stay, With an Aug
mented Force.
Philadelphia, June 19. The Union
Prohibition League was organized in this
city during the campaign. Rev. Dr. A.
Kynett is its President The league has
branches now in 20 different counties, and
the work of organization is to be poshed
vigorously. Dr. Kynett said to-day:
We are still in the fight, and do not want to
be misunderstood. The defeat of Constitution
al prohibition in Pennsylvania was the result
of a number of remarkable combinations.
First The combined power of the liquor
makers and dealers throughout the United
States who furnished the "sinews of war."
Money was used without stint and in every
conceivable way to defeat the amendment
Second The combined activity of the politi
cal machines of both great parties. While the
leaders said "hands off," it is notorious that
the practical workers of both parties were in
the employ of the liquor dealers.
Third The combined voice of the, leading
newspapers of the State, both Democratic and
Republican. Not one of the leading papers
adviated the amendment. Several openly
opposeu iw J.nv iuerai liiuuence 01 ail was
against the amendment.
Fourth The unnatural alliance of good tem
perance men with the liquor dealers. This was
promoted by the remarkable success of tbe ex
isting law known as the Brooks law. Its re
strictive features, administered by our incor
ruptible judges, especially m Philadelphia and
Pittsburg, greatly reduced the number of sa
loons, closing about four-fifths of those which
were open two years ago, and leaving in Phila
delphia only 1.205 out of more than 6,000, and In
Pittsbnrg less than 100. The more public evils
of the traffic had disappeared, and many good
citizens were afraid to exchange this certainty
for what seemed to them the uncertainties of
constitutional prohibition.
Blsh License n Success.
Fifth The combined influence of various
plausible arguments, chiefly that high license
had been tried and proved to be an effective
remedy; then, that prohibitory legislation
should not be put in the Constitution; if de
sired by the people, it should be by statutory
legislation, and the usual exaggeration of sup
posed evil effects upon property and business
Sixth The strange apathy of temperance
people of all classes, comparatively few of
whom were personally active or contributed
support to the campalgn,and many of whom re
mained away from the polls.
Dr. Kynett did not care to say much
about frauds, of which he believed there
were many. He said:
We are In the flght to stav. This over
whelming defeat is a remarkable evidence of
great progress. So attempt was made to de
fend the liquor traffic The enemy advanced
to the position held by the successful enemies
of the saloons two years ago. Their workers
wore badges inscribed "For High License." So
it will prove in this great war. "Where the van
guard camps to-day, the rear will rest to-morrow."
This election ends one campaign and
begins another in the long war against the
Continved on Sixth Page.
IBS I ! '.
FivejrhQUsand Laborers, Angry at a
-"' decision of tU Contractors,
f ifc'
Soldiers Are Ordered to Go on Police Duty1
. ' t WitlbadedGuns
fiit j1 !
The JItn Compltln cf.rcor Food and , oflnsufflclMt
, . . Jay for Wort -
- r
'il T ?
A strike among the
r t
5,000 laborers of
vJohnstowh. isthr&itenedi to-day. Fearful.
of trouble General Wilev has ordered the
solcliera to load their gnus 'and do police
w.lpodshed is feared. v The laborers
compla&of iheir food an3 are incensed at a
decision of the contractors to allow "no pay
for extra time. Unless , a, compromise is
effected'most of themen'will leave to-day.
: ' ; - i sj,
."'Johnsxo-wn, June 19. Johnstown is in
a fever of excitement to-night -A strike is
threatened hmong the 5,000 or' more work
ingmen -who haye been engaged, fif clear tip
the debris, and. unless the matter is amicably
adjusted in the morning, all except a few
hundred will quit work to-morrow forenoon.
According to their agreement they will ask
General HastingV to furnish them trans
portation to their homes: This will leave
t thVtdwnv in J terrible 'condition, and the
work that has been -progressing so rapidly
will stopifqrarf indefinite time.
r. A mass meeting of all the men engaged in
clearing tip the wreckage was beld at 9
o'clock to-night. The object was to protest
against a reductiop of wages, which was to
go into effect to-moirowl ' When the men
were first engaged by Booth & Plinu they
jwerejiaid ?2.per day for their services.
-DISSATlgFA'cTIOir AilONO the men.
"When the firm dropped the work and the
contract for cleaning the town was divided
up among lour contracting nrms, the wages
ifere.ont down to $1 50 per day and the men
Tjoaraedthemselves. If they did not choose
tn TirmrMft" tliAlr nwn food ihp Mnt.motnn
'were fo furnish their meals and charge
them. 50 cents a day for ,board. An agree
ment was made with the majority of the
men, some of whom worked on the drift and
,othcrs at night that they were to be paid
time and a nan, or ps Z5 per day. An
'order was Issued by the contractors to-day
that all of them were 'to be paid the same
amonnt-lfCO per day and no overtime.
After supper to-night a meeting was
called'and an agreement made to strike if
thereduction was enforced. A committee
of five was appointed to wait upon Adju
tant General Hastings and notify him that
the men would strike. If a favorable an
swer was not received from the General an
other meeting was to be held at 9 o'clock to
morrow morning and the strike inaugurated.
General Hastings read to the men the
agreement between the State and the con
tractors and said the men would have to ar
range the matter with their employers, as
the State had nothing to do with the wages
to be paid, lhe committee then leit and
sought their foremen. The latter replied
that they could do nothing, and the notice
the meetingas passed through the
HDS. " "" .
A large number of the men were inioxi
cated to-night, and it was leared that a riot'
would ensue. The toremen appealed to
General Wiley for protection, and the latter
ordered out two companies of tbe Four
teenth Regiment The soldiers are now do
ing police duty about the camps, and every
disorderly individual is placed under arrest.
When ordered out, the militiamen were
given orders to load their guns, and if an
outbreak among the men occurs to-night
blood will be shed.
The "speak easies" where the men have
been getting their liquor were closed up to
night by General Wiley, and guards sta
tioned around them. The outlying guard
lines have all been strengthened, and no
body is admitted into the town 'unless he
has the countersign.
Twenty-two of the men struck to-night
and will leave for their homes in Pittsburg
in the morning. Their action will probably
be followed by hundreds in the morning.
The men claim that the quality of food fur
nished them is very poor. The committee
that waited upon General Hastings to-night
also stated that they could get better meals
in any jail in the Slate than those that are
being furnished by the contractors.
Prominent Officials of Johnstown Testify to
Their Good Behavior.
Johnstown, June 19. Joseph Stefaako,
the Hungarian emissary, who has been here
for the past week investigating the charges
against his countrymen for robbing dead
bodies, etc., left for his home in New York
to-night He carried with him letters from
Adjutant General Hastings, Sheriff Mox
ham. Burgess O'Neill and Chief of Police
Harris testifying to the good behavior of
the Huns and stating that the stories sent
out about them were untrue.
Mr. Stefanko was sent here by the Hun
garian colony in New York to investigate
the matter and he will make a report to
them at a mass meeting to be beld in the
metropolis "Friday night
The Soldiers Take Measnres to Stop
Business of the Speak Ensies.
Johnstown, June 19. Information was
brought to General Wiley at a late hour to
night, that a number of saloons were open,
and supplying liquor to the laborers who
have gone on a strike. A large sqnad of
militia was detailed, and a thorough search
of the town was made.
All the houses were closed, word of the
approach of the squad having been given to
the proprietors of the "speak easies."
The Record of the Mornes at Kernvlllo
and aiillTille.
Johnstown, June 19. The morgue re
ports to-day show but 10 bodies were recov
ered, ot which four were taken to the Kern
ville morgue and six to the Millville
morgue, as follows:
At the Kernville morgue A boy aged 12
years, a boy aged 6, a man aged 60 and a China
man. At the Millville morgue were a female
ot o, a lemaie ot aj. a male of 12, a female and
a male too much decomposed to approximate
their ages; all unidentified; and Carrie Wil
liams, aged 20.
The First Criminal Case.
Johnstown, Junel9-a;hefirstCTiminal
case that has occurred since the re-establishment
of civil government in Johnstown was
tried this afternoon beiore Justice Bland.
A drunken laborer had assaulted a fellow -workman
with a knife. The prisoner was
committed for trial at the next term of court
in default of bail.
He Will Take the Ohio Gubernatorial
Nomination Again If He" Can Get It
Almost Snro of the Plum A
Little" Troublo Among.
the Democracy.
COLUHBUsJune 19. Governor Foraker
returned from New York this afternoon.
The reports of interviews had with him
while Rast, he states, were not authorized.
He is reported as having said he was not a
candidate and that he would not acpept a
nomination if it was offered him. He says
he has not changed his former statements in
regard to his position, and that is that while
he is not a candidate he will accept the
nomination if it should be tendered him
with any degree of unanimity. There seems
to be no doubt that Governor Foraker will
be nominated on the first ballot, and there
are some who think the other candidates
will withdraw when they find he will ac
cept In this county, and in fact a majority of
the counties of the State, Foraker delega
tions are being sent to the convention. The
friends of the Governor are making direct
contest whether they have authority to
do so or not It is pretty well settled
that A. L. Conger, of the National Com
mittee, will be the Chairman of the next
Republican State Committee.
The Democratic State Committee at Day
ton to-morrow will have trouble over the
old differences which exist in that body. A
minority of the Auditing Committee on the
last campaign will submit a report making
serious charges against Chairman Town
send as regards the handling of the finances,
and charging him "with incompetency in
the management of the campaign. The re
port will insist on the dissolution of the
Executive Committee.
He Resists Arrest, Shoots no Officer and
Is Shot Himself.
Wheeling, June 19. About 10 o'clock
this morning Officer Henry Frohme, of the
city police force, was notified that a tramp
had insulted several ladies near the foot of
Forty-third street, and that trouble was
feared. The officer went to the spot and
found a dirty looking fellow named Henry
Gertsmansheim, whom he placed under ar
rest Gertsmansheim attempted to draw a
revolver, when Frohme closed with him
and threw him down. While the two were
in that pqsition the tramp succeeded in
drawing the pistol and fired at the officer,
the ball entering Frohme's head above the
right ear, running along under the scalp and
coming out under the left ear.
Frohme fell, but called to some"bystand-
Ktt. ji. young man named XiandErone ran
up, took Frohme's pistol and shot the tramp
in the face, the ball entering the inside
point ot the right eye. He was then taken
to police headquarters, where a revolver, a
hunting knife with a five-inch blade, and a
butcher knife with a blade 14 inches long
were found on his ncrsnn. toother with a
bottle full of acid. Frohme will recover.
Gertsmansheim is badly hurt He is in
jail, charged with shooting with intent to
The Remains of Tenncsse'a First Governor
Once More Interred.
KnoxvUiLE, Tenk., June 19 The re
mains of John Sevier, first Governor of
Tennessee, jrHchhayeJainforJi years in
I Wn.tli AliKsmn vatp t-rtnv Tp.infprrd in
Knoxville with imposing ceremonies. The
casket arrived from Chattanooga whither it
had been brought yesterday from Alabama
about 1 o'clock accompanied by the Gover
nor and his staff. State officials and a Com
mittee of the Legislature. Owing to rain,
the procession did not move until 3 o'clock.
The afternoon was beautiful. The proces
sion was composed of State and city officials,
descendents of Governor Sevier, Tennessee
military companies and civic organizations.
The line of march was more than two miles
Twenty thous and people assembled at the
Court House to witness the ceremony of r&
interment. Prayer was offered by the Rev.
Dr. T. W Humes and Governor Taylor
made an address, delivering the casket to
Knoxville. The oration of the occasion
was then delivered by the Hon. W. A. Hen
derson and Captain J". W. McCullum read
a poem. Tbe ceremonies of re-interment
were conducted by the Rev. Dr. James Park.
The city was handsomely decorated and the
ceremonial was the most imposing ever
witnessed in Tennessee. A fund has been
started to erect a monument to cost $20,000
over Sevier's grave in Knoxville.
Officers Have a Wild Chase Before Catch
ing Their Prey.
New Castle, June 19. Charles Haag,
who stole three horses from the field of
Jeremiah Harman and Jacob Ward, near
Leetonia, O., on Saturday night last, was
captured near Pulaski, 12 miles from this
city last night, by Detectives Marshall and
Brown and Chief of police Rodgers of this
place. When captured Haag had in 'his
possession two of the stolen horses, the
other having been traded to a map named
Dinsmore, near New Castle, but was after
ward secured by the officers. When first
sighted Haag was making for Mercer
county, and was riding one of the horse.
The officers put their horses to their utmost
speed and the race continued for two miles
before the officers got within shooting dis
tance of the thief.
They then called on him to stop or they
wonld shoot and Haap stopped. He was
brought to this city to-night and made a full
confession, in which he implicates a young
man named Lentz. He said he- had been
hiding in the woods near where he was cap
tured since Sunday morning. He was taken
to Leetonia on an afternoon train. Haag
formerly resided in this county, but has been
in Leetonia for some years.
The Slonx Commission Discussing too Sub
ject With tbe Indians. '
Pine Ridge Agency, Dak., June 19.
The condition has somewhat improved
since yesterday. The excitement bas sub
sided and a better feeling seems to prevail.
The Indians are now asking for information
singly or in parties ot two or three instead
of complaining about the violation of tbe
treaty which has been the constant burden
of their talk until tS-day.
With few exceptions none of the chiefs
have before been willing to even discuss the
question of the sale of tneir surplus land.
Murdered by His Boy Comrades.
Indianapolis, June 19. A boy named
Snyder, 13 years old, residing at Highland,
Vermillion county, was murdered by four
boys whose ages range from 9 to 15. The
boys are two brothers named Pearman and
two named Douglas. - Snyder's body was
fonnd in a creek. He had been stabbed and
shot All the boys are under arrest
A big Plant for Calllornln.
San Feanoisco, Junel9, H. W. Ham
mond, representing an English syndicate,
has selected a site at Vajlejo, directly oppo
site the Mare Island Navy Yard.dor.exten
sive iron and steel works. Ten. millions of
dollars have been subscribed for the purpose
mui,.u lfJJIHlUtA
HrMi" -in-rnf"-
The Names of the Men Who Actually
Committed the Murder.
The Other is Still at Large, hut the Police
Are After Him.
Tbe Papers for Bis Extradition From Canada Are
. Being Prepared.
Two men named Cooney and Burke are
said to be the actual mnrderers of Dr.
Cronin. The latter was indicted yesterday,
and will be extradited from "Winnipeg as
soon as possible. Cooney has not yet been
arrested. Both men are members of the-
same camp of the Clan-na-Gael. I
Chicago, June 19. The special grand
jury in the Cronin case gave its first indica
tion of results at noon to-day in the shape of
an indictment against Martin Burke on two
counts. Burke, alias Martin Delaney,
otherwise called Frank Williams, is in
dicted first for murder and secondly for con
spiracy witli Coughlin, O'Sullivan and
Woodruff for the purpose of committing
Application will at once be made to Gov
ernor Fifer by an officer who is now ins
Springfield for requisition papers for the
extradition of Burke. These papers, prop
erly attested, will be spread before the Gov
ernment at Washington and the Secretary of
State will make the formal reonest to the
Canadian Government for the surrender and
extradition of Burke.
The testimony of Michael Gavin, of the
Chicago Sewer Department, who had known
Burke, was very conclusive, and it was
npon his evidence that the indictment was
returned. Gavin testified that he had
known Burke for a long time; that he bad
frequently heard the latter boast of his
friendship with O'Sullivan and others of
the suspected parties,!rhd on one occasion
Burke had expressed his conviction that
Cronin was an enemy, if not a traitor, to
the Irish cause.
poe his extbadition.
It was announced this afternoon that no
more indictments would be returned until
the jury was prepared to make a final re
port and that Burke, had been indicted at
this time on the united plea of Chiet Hub
bard and State's Attorney Longenecker,
upon representations that it would save
time in securing his extradition.
Chief Hubbard, who at no time enter
tained hopes that Maroney and McDonald,
the New York suspects, would be identified
as accomplices 1n the murder, pins his
faith implicitly to the Rurke theory. His
eiiorts to secure an indictment last evening
were renewed by a personal plea to the jury
this morning, and it is chiefly to Mr. Hub
bard's earnest instances that an indictment
now rests over Martin Burke.
Upon Burke's known connection with the
case, the Chief has established a theory
which he confidently believes will lead to
the detection and conviction of every con
spirator to tbe murder. Old man Carlson
is positive in his identification of Burke's
photograph-as that of Frank "William j, who
rented the cottage;- and his wite ami son ad
mit striking points of resemblance, although
not positive in their identification.
Martinsen, the expressman, is confident
that Burke is the man wbo hired him to
remove the furniture from the Clark street
fiat to the Carlson cottage, and it is his
conviction in this respect that gives birth to
the belief that the police are at last npon
the right track.
J. D. Haggerty told the jury about his
alleged conversation with Alexander Sulli
van in which the latter,' it is claimed, bad
characterized Dr. Cronin as an obnoxious
person, whose influence was pernicious to
the Irish cause. Haggerty's testimony was
in the main a repetition of his stor before
the Coroner's jury.
T. J. Conway told abont Cronin's fre
quently expressed fears for his life, and
Frank Scanlan gave a description of the
man wno drove up lor uronin on the night
of tbe tragedy. Napier Moreland, Dinan's
hostler, also described the man who hired
the white horse, bnt failed to identify
Burke's photograph as of that individual.
E. G. Throckmorton, the real estate man,
detected a striking resemblance between
Burke and the man Williams who hired the
Carlson cottage, and added another link to
the chain of evidence that is surrounding
the Manitoba suspect Among tbe other
witnesses who testified before thejury were
the following: Mrs. Conklin, "Joseph J.
Cronin, the murdered man's brother, and
John F. Beggs. All these persons have
testified before, and their evidence is well
A dispatch' from "Winnipeg says: Bnrke
has made no confession except his ac
knowledgment that' he is Martin Burke,
and that he lived in Chicago and knew
Cronin. He is waiting impatiently for the
arrival of the Chicago officers, who will be
in town to-morrow afternoon. At the re
quest of Superintendent Hubbard, of Chi
cago, Police Chief Murray has taken the
prisoner out and had him photographed.
Burke objected most strongly, and tried to
argue the question with the chief all the
way to the gallery. When he was being
photographed Burke moved a number of
times. The photographer finally secured a
shot at him and procured an excellent like
ness. Copies were mailed to Chicago police
An entirely new Cronin suspect is being
looked for to-night His name is Michael
Cooney, and he has an odd sobriquet "The
Fox." Cooney and Burke are claimed to
be th'e two men who actually killed Cronin.
Both are Clan-na-Gael men, members of
Camp 20. (Jlooneyis a bricklayer by trade,
and, like Burke, came here from Ireland
only a few years ago. Burke's number in
Camp 30 was 108, and Cooney's 109.
United States Mnrslmls Raid One oT the
Illicit Stills. .
Erie, June 19. United States Marshal
Hickenell and a posse of officers went to
Stoneboro last night to raid an illicit' dis
tillery. The still was located on the premises
of John Swager in Wild Cat Hollow. The
officer went well armed but found the
premises unoccupied. The moonshiners
had scented danger. The still was found
and Swager was arrested later and brought
to Erie to-night.
It is reported that that section of tbe coun
ty is full of illicit- stills and that the rural
speak-easies are in the thickets of the forests
and deep ravines so characteristic of the
county 40 miles south of the lake.
A Terr Pleasant Occasion.
Wheeling, June 19. The fifty-second
annual commencement of Mt De Chantal
Academy, under the direction of the Sisters
of "Visitation, took place this morning, over
1,000 spectators being in attendance. Rt
Rev. Bishop Kain presided. Many distin
guished visitors from abroad were present,
and among the West Virginians was Sena
tor John E. McKenna. whose daughter is
I one of the graduating class.
A Henlth Officer. Reports a Case of the
Dread DIsenseinRrooklm A Physi
cian's Carelessness May Cause
the Infection to Spread.
New Yobk, June 19. Dr. J. S. Young,
Deputy Health Commissioner of Brooklyn,
at a late hour to-night, received a message
by telephone from Dr. J. B. Bogert that he
(Dr. Bogert) had been attending a patient
named Dr. E. "W. H. Duncan, surgeon of
the steamship Colon, since Friday, and that
he was pretty confident that the patient bad
yellow fever. He feared he might not live
through the night Dr. Young immediate
ly communicated with Health Commis
sioner Griffin, and the latter at once sent
T)r. George B. Convery, the Inspector of
Shipping, to make an investigation. The
inspector reported that there was hardly a
doubt of Dr. Duncan's disease being yellow
Commissioner Griffin decided not tore
move the patient, but to establish a strict
quarantine around tbe Hancock street
house. Policemen were detailed to guard
the' front andftrear and allow no one to
leave or enter without the authority of the
Health Department Commissioner Griffin
was indignant that Dr. Bogert had violated
.one of two moststcict sanitary rules in'not
reporting the'ease until he feared that the
patient might die, and he laid the facts be
fore Police Justice Walsh, who issued a
warrant for Dr. Bogert's arrest Dr. Bogert,
however, will not be taken into custody for
several days, but will be allowed to remain
at the house with his patient. It is said
that Dr. Bogert has been attending other
patients since he took charge of Dr. Duncan
and it is feared that the infection may have
been communicated to some ot them.
Health Commissioner Griffin said to-night
that there was no doubt whatever that it
was a case of genuine yellow fever, and
therefore bad made arrangements to remove
the patient to quarantine during the night.
He then disclosed the fact that a quarantine
boat was already at the foot oi Division
avenue for that purpose. The removal of
Dr. Duncan was very carefully carried out
under the direction of the health officials at
a late hour to-night His condition is con
sidered very critical.
Mrs. Redmond, a washerwoman of Den
nett place, is a prisoner with Dr. Bogert in
tne nancoeK street house. She was em
ployed to-day to do some washing, and was
at her work in ignorance of the natnre of
the illness at the house. Commissioner
Griffin instructed the policeman not to let
her leave the house. Some of the residents
in tbe neighborhood have made arrange
ments to close up their houses and leave for
the country.
The Ex-Sppakcr Leaves Washington for His
Summer Home at Wallingibrd. s
Philadelphia, June 19. Congress
man S. J. Randall, accompanied by his
wife and son, Samuel J. Jr., reached here
from Washington shortly after 2 o'clock
this afternoon, and only waited at Broad
street station for the first train for Walling
ford, where the ex-Speaker and family have
a-honse for the summer, not far from that of
Colonel McClure. Mr. Randall said he
was feeling pretty well, though he looked
pale and showed a loss of considerable flesh.
Dr. Martin on com menting upon the fact
that a year ago it was said he could notliye
more than three weeks said: "He is getting
along as well as could be expected. What
Tie wanU is rest He should have left Wash
ington before this. It bas been too warm for
him down there." . '
The ex-Speaker bad nothing new in poli
tics to talk about He remarked, smiling
ly, that it had been pretty wet here the day
before, and that be was surprised at the
majority against the prohibitory amend
A Coroner's Jury Charges Dr. Downle, of
Brooklyn, With the Crime.
New Yoek, June 19. The inquest in
the case of Mrs. Jessie Downie, who died
two weeks ago at the city hospital in
Brooklyn from the effects of poison, and
whose hnsband, Dr. James Downie, was ar
rested on suspicion, was held to-night by
Coroner Rooney. Thejury, after deliberat
ing for half an hour, brought in a verdict
to the effect that Mrs. Downie died of the
effects of poison, placed within her reach by
the connivance of her husband and holding
him responsible. Dr. Downie was then
formally committed by Coroner Roonev.
Dr. Downie is a graduate of the Edin
burgh University and has some wealthy and
influential friends in Scotland. About
three years ago he eloped with Mrs. Jessie
Duff and brought her and her two children
with him to this country. They were mar
ried, he says, by a Lutheran minister soon
after their arrival in this city and at once
took'np their residence in Brooklyn.
An Old Woman Who Killed Her Hnsband
and Then Strung Him Up.
Indianapolis, June 19. On November
12, 1888, Richard O. Allen, an aged farmer,
living five miles southwest of Washington,
Ind., was found tied to a tree near his house
with his throat cut from ear to ear. The
death was thought to be a case of suicide,
and no inquiry was made. A few days ago,
while laboring under religious excitement,
Mrs. Charlotte Allen, the 70-year-old widow
of the dead man, confessed to two colored
servants that she committed the crime. She
said that she and her husband had tronble
as to who was the rightful owner of the
farm, and in order to settle the dispute, she
gave her husband morphine in his tea.
Allen fell asleep in the garden. She
then procured a table knife and a rope and
tied the rope around.his body, and making
several slashes at his throat, half severed
the head from the neck. She then dragged
the body to a tree and tied it there.
NO CIYIL J0R flltf.
Mr. Porter Says His Department Does Not
Como Under tbe Rules.
Washington, June 19. The attention
of the Superintendent of the Census, Mr.
Porter, was to-day called to the letter re
cently sent by the U. S. Civil Service Com
mission to the President in w"hich they ask
that appointments of the census office em
ployes be made through the commission,and
suggesting iuu preiercnce oe given to tne
employes of the lait census.
Mr. Porter said that he was certain that
it was the intention of the framers of (he
law not to place the census office under the
civil service law. The principal reason
for this, he said, was that the Tgreat bulk of
tfie census employes were employed for a
very short period.
He Refuses to Prssecnte the Man Who
Attempted to Shoot Him.
Youngstown, Jone 19. Frank Pred
more, who attempted to kill Charley
Spencer last night, was arraigned with
Spencer in police court this afternoon on a
charge of disturbance. Predmore pleaded
gnilty and was fined $10, and also fined $15
Tor carrying concealed weaponsi Spencer
refused to prosecute him for the shooting,
and after paying tbe fines 'and costs Pred
more was- discharged Spencer pleaded
guilty to the.charge Of disturbance and will
have a heating, to-morrow.
Who has a good article to sell, and who adver
tises ylgoru5ind liberally. Advertising i3
truly the JSpde. All enterprising and
judicious ado a Succeed
. yb. ,
The Liquon.fen Say They Will
Next Amend the Brooks
Law, if it is Possible.
Prohibitionists Already Eeor
ganizing for Good and Air.
Mighty Interesting Chats With Liquor
Dealer Weiss and Those Opposed The)
Semi-Official Majority for tbe County
84,058 -Igaiast the Suffrage Break
There is a Mighty Majority of 25,138
Some Exceedingly Instructive and Ea
tertalniog Reviews To-Nlght's Organ
izers, and Their Large Plans.
A representative local liquor- dealer
speaks. He says they have only just begun.
He tells of Excise Commissioners to sup
plant License Judges, of interchangeable!
bond's, of thanks to Judge White, and other
new ideas. His name is Matt Weiss. That
name is representative enough. Its owner
speaks for all the trade, or the better part of
it On the other hand, Prohibitionists are
only beginning again. They repudiate all
politicians after to-day. Then there are in
structive figures ard gossip. All will ba
found appended.
Now that the amendment campaign is
over, the public will watch with keen inter
est the movements of the still organized
forces on each side, to see whether they will
disband or again marshal their workers for
other campaigns; much the same as all
Europe watched the Union army at the
close of the fate war and for a time trembled '.,
lest it be used in conquering other
nations. The Prohibitionists have
already declared that they would commence 4
another campaign, and, from news gathered
last night, it is evident that the Antis will
not rest on their victory a single day; but,
encouraged by what has been done, will turn
the forces of all their organizations to gain
still greater victories that they had not
hoped to broach before.
In a conversation! last night with Mr. ""S'
Matt Weiss, a member of the Executive "
Committee of the Anti-Prohibition General
Campaign Committee, that gentleman told
a Dispatch reporter it waspretty well de
cided that all the organizations of the
-liquor men" throughout the -State: would bo"'wa
kept up, and would not only attend ''to
those politicians who had shown their ad
verse colors in the present campaign
As Their Actions Merited,
bnt were already figuring on amendments
to the Brooks law. First among these will
be the legalizing an Excise Commission to
replace the License Judges; a provision
making it possible to get bondsmen outside
the ward of the applicant, and several other
little thing3 that have bothered the liquor
men, and for which they have not yet found
a satisfactory remedy.
Continuing the information, Mr. "Weiss
said: "We are just waked-up now, and are
ready for business. The organizations are
all in working order, and it is our purpose
now for ail to work together In every way
to elevate the busines's and show the public
that it can be carried on in a way that will
be creditable, and that, in the hand3 of re
sponsible men, who know their busfness and
do not abuse or imperil the interests of
others, it can be carried on and respected as
any other line of trade; and, moreover, show
that it was a wrong idea to think of abolish
ing the sale of liquor.
Amendments Necessary.
"If any faction of the Antis will suggest
or further plans to amend the Brooks law,
we are only to ready to join in with them.
The Brooks law is all right in
some respects, but several amendments
are needed, which have been talked over in
our meetings. The main plan is to have an
excise Commission to replace the License
Judges. The number on the commission
would vary with the varying population ot
the counties. That has not yet been fixed.
In counties of large population,
like Allegheny and Philadelphia, the
number might be five, and less for smaller
counties. The members of the Commission
shonld be business men, men who know the
needs of the different districts, and can de
cide better than one man. As it is, of
course, I cannot complain; but many good
men have been knocked out, and others pnt
in, right the reverse in character.
"Again, many now have to pay big prices
as bonuses for their bonds and are put to
inconceivable trouble, because they are
obliged to get .their bondsmen from the
ward their saloon is in, whereas it should be
possible for a, man to get a bond from any
responsible man in his ownjjr any other
ward." y
Perfectlr Easy.
"Do you think your people wonld have
any trouble in obtaining such amendments to
the Brooks law?" asked the reporter.
No, sir. not one bit I thin t that would bo
handled all right."
"What will .you folks do with Quay and his
followers T" was asked- Bnt Matthias nould
not talk on this tack, but commenced to talk
about elevating the business. Said he: "X be
lieve, and so do all responsible saloon men.
that all laws must be obeyed to the letter. Tne
saloon has restrictions placed on it which are
fair, and they must be obeyed, and, above all
others, our organization will see that they are
obeyed, and that irresponsible men do not dis
grace the business.
"The License Judges, of course, will have an
other whack at us nextyefcr. as the Legisla
ture does not meet sooner; so that nothing can
be done until year after next r.
"We have considered in our meetings, and
may yet draft a set of resolutions which could
be sent to Jndge White, thanking him forth
good he has done us in thf campaign.
"Do you mean that?' asked the repom
rather nonplussed at the declaration.
"Certainly I do,' replied Hi. 'Wai"'