CTBSH s?33w;; V i . h 8 ONE RADICAL BREAK. The Amalgamated Workers Cut Loose From Exclusive Skill TO TAKE IB ALL MILL WORKMEN. Eonghers' and Catchers' Wages and the Eight-Hour Turns. EEPOET OK E1BTEEK BOILEES' SCALE Yesterday's session of the Amalgamated Association Convention was the most import tint one since the opening day. It was decided to admit everybody who works in or around a mill into the organization. Heretofore only skilled workers were admitted, and the classes cot provided for were taken Into the Knights of Labor. The nut-makers and other workers were made eligible, and the common laborers can also come in; but there is a proviso in this. The men must be accepted by the lodges that control the mill. There will not likely be any objection to any of the men who apply for ad mission, and this will undoubtedly result in the disruption of N. T. A. 217. K. of It, which is composed of iron and steel workers who were not eligible to membership in tne A. A. of L&S.W. t BOUHD TO MAKE IT BOOM. By this new arrangement it is expected that the Amalcamated Association will soon begin to Doom In membership. Some persons claim that the admission of outside workers, as they are called, is an acknowledgment of weakness on the part of the Association, but this is de nied by the officials. They have kept all iron workers who were not skilled men out of the organization since it was formed, bnt now be- liere that more good can be accomplished by working together. The membership of the Association will be doubled if all of these workers are admitted. The demands of the ronghers and catchers, which have been mentioned in this paper dur ing the past few weeks, caused considerable discussion. The puddler delegates stood by them, and the question raised proved to be a very knotty one. From the testimony given in evidence before the committee by those di rectly interested in the matter the following was submitted: First Your comnlttee recommend that on larjce sheet and Jobbing mills the wages for roueh Inp and catching shall be advanced from S3 25 to 2 60 per turn, each, of seven heats, and when eight beats per day are made the rougher and catcher thalleach be paid 3 per turn. becond On single and double Iron sheet mills, wprnlne three turns, we recommend that they be allowed to make eight heats for a turn's work, the rougher and catcher to be paid In proportion, viz., p IS each for seven heats and fi 57 each for eight heats. The classification to be based on meets Deiow an.l Including S3 Inches wide and 84 Inches long. This classification to apply to mills that make unlformally large amounts of narrow width and short length sheets, such as In Leech ourg, Demmler, Canonsbnrg and .Mansfield. Fa.: Xrondale, o., and fcu Louis, Ho. AJfOTHEK INNOVATION. The following, which may be considered as an innovation to the scale, was inserted: feheet mills working three turns, mating tin and black plate, shall be permitted to make three eight-hour turns of seven heats each turn.' A question was now raised as to what was the Troper construction or classification of a Jobbing mill. A motion prevailed that all mills working No. S and lighter shall be classified as Jobbing mills. The constitution was then taken up and 32 changes were proposed. This matter was under consideration all day and no definite action was taken. The Eastern delegation that has never before lad a Scale Committee reported that they had decided upon a scale of H for boiling on the Philadelphia Manufacturers' 2-cent card rate. It is likely that the convention will get through with the work this week. The new scale will be out to-day and will be forwarded to the different manufacturers for their signa tures as soon as possible. MUST 2I0T THE WOEKS. Trie Allegheny Water Department Likely to be Damaged by the TJ. S. Dam. City Engineer Ehlers. of Allegheny, in speak ing of the letter of Colonel "W. E. Slerritt on the Here's Island dam, said that Allegheny does not want the dam. If It is built the city -ll be compelled to move the water works, lie says that the water in the pool that will be caused by the dam will be impure, and that the city will have to extend Its water pipes xorther up the stream. Make Saturday a Holiday 'And spend the day in a ride down the Ohio on the steamer Mayflower to a charming, heathful and convenient place, Groveland. "Whatever you may have bought elsewhere or may contemplate buying, look at this plan of 300 large, level lots, to be sold at auction Saturday, June 22. Photographic views and sketch of surroundings now at my office. Low prices; easy terms; no interest on deferred payments; no taxes. Free ex cursion on steamer Mayflower, leaving Monongahela wharf at 8:30 Saturday morn ing, June 22; returning, arrive at fi o'clock S. M. Tickets at the oflice of Mayflower, "Wilson, Bailey & Co., 118 Water st; at Bomers Bros. & Co., 639 Liberty st; at my office, 313 "Wood st Charles Somees. Pure Rre Whisky. SULX. 18S2,Private Stock f2 00 XXX 1870, Choice Old Cabinet 1 50 Choice Old Gibson 2 00 1879 Gibson x. 1 50 Guckenheimer Sublime 1 75 Guckenheimer Pure Bye 1 00 Large'sOld Bye 150 Superior Y, Overholt 1 25 XXXX Old Monongahela 1 00 Full quarts, case or gallon. WM. J. Pbidat, 633 Smithfield st. WFSU Beware. Everybody wants the best for their money. Then why not go where you can get abso lutely all colored fireworks as cheap aB plain goods are sold elsewhere. "We nave them. James W. Geote, Fifth avenue. Elegant cabinet photos, any style, 1 50 per doz. Panel picture with each doz. cabi nets. Lies' Popular Galleey, 10 and 12 Sixth st. euuwp Must be Closed Out, (The building to be taken down. Come for bargains in carpets, curtains, rugs, oil- ciouiE, iinoieums. li. w. &NA5IAN, arwrs 136 Federal street, Allegheny. We Are Sole Agents for the Tuxedo Suits la Western Pennsylvania. Jos. Hoeite & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Imported nud Domestic Mineral waters, Apollinaris, Taunus, Vic toria, Geyser, Saratoga, Vichy, Congress, Hathorn, Buffalo, Lithia water. Pints, quarts, case or dozen. "Wm. J. Fbiday, 633 Smithfield street WTSU Fanct Flajtkels For blouse waists, tennis, outing suits, shirting, etc., all the latest coloring and designs; prices range from 30c to $L Hugos & Tr-nyy,. MWTSU . B. & B. See those lace stripe white goods at 10 tents a yard a surplus case, made to sell at a quarter 10c Boggs & Buhl. We Are Bole Agents for the Tuxedo Salts in Western Pennsylvania. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Geo. H. Bennett & Bro., 135 First ave., second door below "Wood st, are the largest holders of Pennsylvania pure rye whiskies in the city. OuB river water, if used at all, is much tetter when a stimulant is added. Klein's '0Urer Age" would be excellent, srwrs We Are Sole Agents for the Tuxedo Snlts In "Western Pennsylvania. Jos. Horn e & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Spmmek drink, with hot or cold water 3? red. Brown's Ginger, the genuine. ALMOST $600,000. The Local Fund Increased Xeitcrdoy by fllnnr Contributions Who the Givers Are and Where They Hail From. The Johnstown relief money received by Treasurer Thompson up to 6 o'clock last even ing amounts to I3M.267 95. The list of con tributors since the last report is appended: Clttiena or Princeton, Citizens of Shsrpsburg. UL, fm Pa. (add.), S338. Ballroad list No.2), Pitts- Citizens of Albany, N. burg, S30. Y. (add.), fLOOO. Cltlzensof Atlantic City, Citizens or Ueaver, Fa. J. J. (add.), SUO00. (add.), fSfl 35. Citizens or Marietta, O., Citizens of Urban, O., M12 87. fSL Citizens of Whitehall, N. Presbyterian Church, V S80O. Princeton, Ind., 7. Y. M. C. A., West Troy, Citizens of Warsaw, . Y., 117987. Ind., 157 25. Citizens of Icndleton,Cltlzens of ilonticcllo, Ore., fSO. Ind., S90. Charles Lockhart, 11,000. Citizens of East Tawas, Citizens of Ogalalla, Mich., fX 15. Itcb., (16 75. - unstnam, a. l., per '. M. C. A., Chicago, Courier, f 58. $355 OS. Citizens of Champaign, Citizen or Duke's Cen- 111. (add.), fSS .aniens or uune's xn- 111. isua.i, jb -. ter. Fa. radd.l. Wo. Citizens of Toulon, O. Mt. Mori ah Baptist (add.), S2 25. Church,3mlthncla, Fa., Noname, Bolivar, O., 13). 2 52. . Citizens of Courtney, Citizens of Monongahela Fa., SM 25. City (add.), S29 SO. Employes bcdalla sec- Little clrts of Younrs- tlon, .Missouri Faclfic vllle,l'a.,3160. Hallway, f 137 50. Citizens of Msysvllle, Centennial Lodge No. KT.(additlonal), $113 80 !. A. O. TJ. W.. Tono Burfslo, N, Y. Mer- wands, iJ. T.. SI0. chants' Ei chance (ad- Employes Geneva Optic dltlonal), f30. Company, Geneva, M. Cltlzensof Coffeysvllle, Y., Sis. Kan.. S1S3 15. Altln, 8. C proceeds Aurora. lil.(addltlonal), of baseball g-snie,ajO 10. asu 3. Midiletown. aid., per Koiomo, Ind, (addition- Rtgitttr, HO 55. al). 112 40. Munden & Addy, SS. Citizens or Allegan, Citizens of Jonesvllle, Mich., S466 75. Mich., S90. Glens Falls, U. Y., per Geneva, N. Y. (addl- Star. MS. tlonal), tlOO 85. NatlonalBank,Buritetts-MlciIon boclety, Bethel town. I'a.. flOO. Church, Bethel town- Muddv Creek Baptist ship, K5. Chureh, Butler county, W. 0. T. U., KewCum- 18 so. berlano, W. Va., I5 80. Citizens of Winshoro, S. Citizens of HawklnsvUle, C. S1 S. Ga S35. Frospect, Fa., and vl- Umire, Iowa, 12S. clnlty. 3 35. First Consregationsl Eleventh ward school. Church, Sauk Center, Allegheny, SO. Minn., 113 19. Chautauqua Lake Clti-Employes Carnegie, .... Or Phlnna IVl TllVrtv. Citizens and school chll- third street mill. (144. dren or bummlt City, Daniel McWilltams, Mich., (8. 18 75. B. Garrett, S5. James MeCabe, 85. John rattcron, $5. H. Griffith. S3. Jerry Bingham, i Men's Aid and Beneficial Mark Twain Literary So- Association of Kev. clety, or Bennett, Fa., Lorch'a cburcb,'t25. HO. Cash, f5. W.K. Veatch and others. Citizens of Manchester, $2. HI., S72. Citizens of band Patch, Clinton street school. Fa.. M6. Lockport. N. T. . S3 5. Y'.L.Mlsslon Band, SS 69. Citizens or Warsaw, H. Citizens of Guernsey, Y., 85. la., ?10 S3. Union Foundry and Ma- Flttshurg Times (add), chine Co., 4U 29. S2.733 65. Citizens or Mercer, Fa. Lutheran Church, Mt. (add). (11020. Hope and Faradlse, Citizens of Liberty, Mo., Ohio, t34 30. JI2! 60. J. Fleming Crooks, New Willis ton Freston, New York city, (100. York, J 15. Fnbllc School, Brilliant, w. i;. i. u., .uepni, unio, sd vi. Ind., S. Ladles' Baptist Choir, ClUzenscf SephL Ind., Delphi, Ind., tl8 85. (196. Faculty and students of Citizens of CarmL 111., Illinois .Normal Unl- (160 SO. verslty, Carbondale, Officers and employes of 111., 844 36. Citizens or loloma, 111., Citizens of HUlsboro, JI60 45. 111., 121 7. Employes of F. A L. E. Indianapolis per Jour it. K. (additional), (7. not, (164 19. Citizens of Lagrange Citizens of Mahonlng- county, Ina fa 50. town. Fa., 833 50. Central Fresbrler Ian Employes of smith Bros. Church, Allegheny, A Co. (additional), (IS. (additional), 139 50. Voghelty's Ladles' Aid Voghelty's Church, 82. Society, (50. W. A. Kramer, (10 St. Mary's school chll- Employesof James Hay, dren, 50c (31 50. Proceeds of Palace Thea- Elkhardt, Ind. (addi- ter, Towanda, N. Y., tlonal), (7- 842 75. Alliance, O. (addition- Eing's Daughters, Onel- al),837 50. da, N. Y. (addltlon- T. F. Hand, Oneida, al), (2. N. Y.. 85. Dunlap Creek Presby- Superintendent and em- terlan Church, (25 52. ployes Alleghenv Wat national Bank and cltl- er Department. J 133 47. zens of Cedar Rapids, Jerusalam and fat. John's Iowa, 451 23. congregation, Mercer Tenlce U. P. Church, county, (27. (70 40. Cecil school district No. Employes Stewart Iron 2, $33 16. Company,faharon,Pa., Citizens of St. Jo,, Bucks 817 25. county, (47 75. Ben Franklin Insurance Citizens of Klchmond, Company, of .Allegue- O., (146 65. ny, (loo. Employes or A French Mercer, Pa. (additional), bprlngCompany,(e625. (2L Presbyterian Church, H. S. Cate, Mlllerstown, Bulf Creek, Pa., (43. Pa., fi. Soldiers' Ornnans'Home, Normal, UL, (31 75. FOR NERVOUS EXHAUSTION Use Horaford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. H. C McCoy. Algona, la., says: "I hav. nsed it in cases ot dyspepsia, nervous exhaus tion and wakefulness, with pleasant results. Also think it of great service in depressed con dition ot the system resulting from biliary de rangement," Do Ton Want Fireworks For July 4? Our line is complete, com prising Roman candles, meteor candles, rockets, reporting rockets, parachute rockets, union rockets, tourbullions, ver tical wheels, triangle wheels rosets, flower pots, mines, volcanoes, saucissions, floral bomb shells, golden fountains, colored bat teries, dragon nests, crackers, torpedoes, balloons, etc., etc Prices the lowest, at James "W. Grove's. Oar Great Mark-Donx Curtain Sale Going On Now. See the 75 cents a pair curtains. See the $2 ones. See the 5 ones. 2,500 pairs at half price. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Ginghams The best assortment of French and Scotch zephyr ginghams we have shown this season. Anderson's 40c goods at 25c, and best French zephyrs, nov elty styles, were 45c and 50e, now 30c a yard. mwfsu Hugos & Hacke, Stylish French Salt Patterns At bargain prices our summer bargain sale of fine dress goods. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penu Avenue Stores. Come To-day To the removal sale of rugs, carpets, oilcloths, curtains, portiers all reduced in price. Geo. "W. Snaman, HWFS 136 Federal street, Allegheny. $1 00 Until September. SI 00. Children's cabinets, $1 00 per doz., at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market st., Pittsburg. Elevator. mwp Blackbeket brandy, pure and distilled (not flavored) is an excellent stimulant about the house at this season of the vear. siwfs Max Klein. B. & it. Fine French challis at 25 cents. Boggs & Buhl. See the New Scotch Ginghams at 25c Thousands of yards selling This lot just in time. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Dbess Goods 42-inch wide French all wool dress goods in plaids, stripes and checks at 50c, actual worth $1 a yard. mwfsu Hugus & Hacks. "Wm. J. Fbidat's Marie clears are very fine; 3 for 25c. 633 Smithfield street WTSu POWDER Absolutely Pure Till powder never varies. A marvel of pnr lty, strength and wbolcsomcness. More eco nomical than the ordinary kin ds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of ow est, short weight, alum of phosphate pow ders. Sold only in cant. ROYAL JJAKINQ POWDER CO, 106 WHlSt, S. Y. oc5-m5-ifWTSu - CnOYAlSii'Ml sl THE A SENSATIONAL ABDOCTI0N, Br Personating- a Sheriff a Girl Is Taken From Ber Friends. rErZCIAIi TH.XORAM TO TUX DIsrATCH.1 New Haven, June 18. The village of "Woodinont is excited over a strange abduc tion. A 14-year-old orphan girl by the name of Sadie Blng had from March last made the house of Andrew Gilbert her home. Mr. Gilbert found her one night on the railroad track. The child said she bad run away from Norwalkfrom the home of Lawyer J. A. Gray, by whom she had been shamefully treated. On Tuesday Lawyer Gray and a man whom he in troduced asaBberlif called at the Gilberthonse. He demanded the child. The supposed sheriff frightened Mr. Gilbert and he told Sadie that she would have to go. With this the child seized a razor and raised it to her throat, saying that she would kill her self before she would go. The child was driven off. Mr. Gilbert has learned that the sheriff was a fraud. SHOT TAB WB0NG MAN. A Party r.uy Ip Walt for a Lover, bnt Makoi a Mistake. ISFZCUI. TELEOBAM TO TBS DIBFATCn.l Muscatine, Iowa, June 18. Edward "Wise, the 17-year-old son of Photographer Wise, of "Wilton, was shot last night on leaving the home of Miss Carrie "Warren, whom he had been visiting. The shooting is thought to have resulted from mistaken identity. "William Pulver, who waits on an elde'r Miss "Warren, had a quarrel during the dav with a nartv of intoxicated em ployes of the Bock Island road at Moscow, four miles from "Wilton. It is supposed these men fired on "Wise thinking him to be Pulver. Pulver was in the house at the time. Letter From a Clergyman. Grateful Acknowledgment of Cures by the Cuticura Eemedies. A minister and his little boy cured of obstinste skin diseases by the Cuticura Remedies. Praises them everywhere in the pulpit, home and In the street. For about 13 years I have been troubled with eczema or some other cutaneous disease, which all remedies failed to cure. Hearing of the Cu ticura Remedies, I resolved to give them a trial, and purchased one bottle of Cuticuba Resolvent, one box of Cuticuba and one cake of Cuticuba Soap. I followed tne di rections carefully, and it affords me much pleasure to say that before using two boxes of the Cuticuba, four cakes of the Cuticuba Soap and one bottle of Cuticuba Resolvent I was entirely cured. In addition to my own case my baby boy, then abont 5 months old, was suffering with what I supposed to be the same disease as mine, to such an extent that his head was coated over with a solid scab, lrom which there was a con stant flow ot pus. which was sickening to look upon, besides two large tumor-like kernels on the back of his head. Thanks to you and yonr wonderful Cuticuba Remedies, his scalp is perfectly well, and the kernels have been scat tered so that there is only one little place by his left ear. and that is healing nicely. Instead of a coating of scabs be has a fine coat of hair, much better than that which was destroyed by the disease. I would that the whole world of sufferers from skin and blood diseases knew the valne of yonrCuncUBA REMEDIES as I do. The Cuticura Soap and Cuticuba Resol vext are each worth ten times the price at which they are sold. I have never used any other toilet soap iu my house since I bought the first cake of your Cuticuba Soap. 1 would be inhuman, as well as ungrateful, should I fail to Bpeak well of and recommend your Cuticu ba Remedies to every sufferer who came in my reach. I have spoken of it, and shall con tinue to speak ot it from the pulpit, in the homes, and in the streets. Praying that you may live long and do others the same amonnt of cood you have done me and my child, I re main, yours gratefully. ) C. M. MANNING, xox zs, Acwonn, ua. Cuticura Remedies Are sold everywhere. Price: Cuticura, 50 cents; Soap, 25 cents; Resolvent, SL Prepared by the Potter Dbuq and Chemical Cobpoba tion. Boston. J9-Sendfor "How to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages. GO illustrations, and 100 testimonials. piUPLKS, black-beads, chapped and oily rim skin prevented by Cuticuba Medi cated Soap. Old Folks' Pains. Full of comfort for all nains. in flammation and weakness of the aged is the Cuticura Anti-Fain Plaster, the first and onlv naln - killin? Strengtnening Plaster. New, instantaneous and infallible. jelO-ws Cured of Catarrhal Asthma. Mrs. Alice Brownhill, an English lady, but who has lived in this country for nearly two years, has for the past ten years been badly afflicted with asthma. It was produced by a catarrhal poison in her system that was slowly but snrely doing its deadly work. A part of the secretion that formed in her head was dis charged through her nose, and a part dropped down the back part of her throat, and which, setting up an irritated condition in her lungs, produced asthma. She coughed, and her breath at times was very short. She had pains under her shoulder blades, and also over her eyes. Her appetite was very poor, and the little food she was able to eat gave her stomach much dis tress and belching of eras, and every morning she would vomit up her food. As has been stated, her breath was very short, and every time she caught a cold she would have to be bolstered up In bed daring the night in order to breathe. When she applied, last April, to the physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute for treatment, the wheezing in ber lungs could be beard all over the bouse. On May zt sue says "that my catarrh and asthma have been entirely cured by the physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute. I hereby sign my name. MRS. ALICE BROWNHILL, Bellsover, Pa. Mrs. Dr. Crossley, one of the Consulting Physicians at the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, No. 323 Penn avenue, will advise with any ladies suffering with diseases peculiar to their sex, Romember, consultation and advice is free to all. Office hours, 10 A. M., to 4 p. M., and 6 to 8 p. M. Sundays 12 to 4 P. M. jcl2-D THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT A to vhere you should buy your FURNITURE, ' CARPETS and HOUSEFURNISHING- GOODS, if economy is the object you have in view. KEECH'S BrAMltlOTJJ Cash and Credit House, 923 and 925 Penn Ave., is THE house for you to pat ronize, if you want to save money, and get dependable and stylish merchandise. tjel7-rwT PITTSBURG DISPATCH, DKAWN IN. How Suffering, Misery und the Seeds of Death Are Taken Into the Body Unknown to the Unconscious Victim. "It is a wonder people live as long as they do," said one of the leading physicians of New York while conversing with some newspaper friends recently. Every breath that is taken contains poison. Millions of germsso small they cannot be seen by the naked eye, are drawn into, the lungs, the throat, the stomach, and while many of them die, thousands of them live and feed upon the body and cause what is called disease. Germs are the source of all dis ease; kill the germs and you cure the disease." So interested were hislistenerswlththeabove remarks that the doctor continued; "You naturally ask what will kill these germs? I am sorry to say, only a few things. The surest safe guard against all germs is pure whiskey pure, mind you. Germs do not thrive were It is used judiciously. Unfortunately there is but little pure whiskey to bo had and I know of bnt one which I can absolutely recommend and that is Duffy's. I have analyzed it carefully and found no fusel oil, no impurities, and nothing that could harm even a child. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is also recommended by such high medical authorities as Dr. Henry A. Mott, Prof. Wm, T. Cotter, Dr. Carnwell and others. Understand me, I advocate the use of whiskey only as a medicine and not as a beverage. As a medicine it is strengthening, restoring and beneficial, and is endorsed ny priests and clergymen. Under no circumstances, even as medicine, use any but the pure, and do not allow any druggists to persuade you to take any other." $6 DOWN, $1 Per Week for Balance. See our $15 00 Chamber Suit See our $28 00 Parlor Suit. See our $4 per Roll Matting. See our $7 50 Baby Carriage. See our $7 50 Refrigerator. See our $10 00 Wardrobe. CASH OR CREDIT. J 405 "Wood.. AcinowleSged (Mods of Low Prices, jeie-H-wsu jiPpeBMkrsJ 1 I0DSEH0LD Might in the Heart of the Busy Season, and it has Been a Busy one, too, at DOUGLAS $t MACKIE'S, We'll offer you first-class goods at prices that'll both astonish and please you. Just look at the following list and mind you, they're only samples of what you'll find all over the bouse: THEY'RE BEAUTIES. An clepnt lot ot 40-inch all-wool suitings with various colored silk stripes that would bo cheap at 60c, now only S7Kc a yard. And those pretty all-wool invisible check suitings that were 60c are all to be sold at 83c a yard now. Then we've got a very handsome assortment of 42-inch Mohair Lustreen which we propose selling at S5c a yard now; they were 50c. Oar suDerior line of Summer Silks that sold at 60 and 62Kc, all to be closed out at the uniform price of 25c a yard. And tha uniquely prettv India Silks that were 02c now S9c a yard. """ """ We'll offer ladles' Chemises, Drawers and Corset Covers from 52c up. For beauty of fashion excellence of trimming and general superiority, these cannot be equaled. A delightfully hand, some display of Children's Lace Caps from 25c ujj. All good goods and latest styles!. Come and See JJs, You'll Find it Both Interesting and Profitable. 151 and 153 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. . jel7-MWT TO AVOID INFECTIOUS DISEASES TJSE THE GERM DESTROYER and DISINFECTANT, SODIUM HYPOCHLORITES. It possesses frJm ,three to fifty times the germ destroying power of any disinfeotant-preparation in the market, and is not poisonous. ASK YOUR PHYSICIAN ABOUT IT. Put up in quart bottles at 60o per bottle. Sold by all dealers. Manufactured by REED & CARNMCE, NEW TORE. jeD-104-KWF V- -- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SHOES FOR YOUTHS, SHOES FOR BOYS, SHOES FOR MISSES, SHOES FOR CHILDREN These are what most parents ire in need of, and to find good, reliable solid leather shoes, that wear and look well. They can find at 78 Ohio street to suit the most particular, at lowest prices: Children's Kid Button, 8 to 10, $1 00 Children's Pebble Goat, 8 to io, ?t 00 Misses' Pebble Goat, n to 3, $1 35 Misses' Kid Button, n to 2, $1 35 Misses' Grain Button, $1 00 Youths' Tip Button, n to 3, ?i 00 Youths' Fine Sewed Button, $1 35 Boys' Veal Tip Bals, 1 to 5, $1 00 Boys' Veal Tip Button, $1 35 Boys' Fine Sewed Button, $1 50 -AT- G. D.SIM EN'S, 78 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY. jel3-srw FREE EXGHRSM TO BEAVER r I On Elegant Steamer Mayflower to Great Sale of Lots In ' groyelaSd . Will leave Monongahela Wharf, foot of Wood St, on Saturday Morning, June 22, AT830SHABP, Returning will arrive at 5 p. it. Come with ns and enjoy a day on the beautiful Ohio and amid the groves and orchards at UROVE LAND. Bring yonr wives and children. Company will be select and the day one of pleasure and profit to all who participate. SCO large, handsome, shaded lots overlooking the Ohio river, extending to the principal street of Beaver, on line of three railroadsand elec tric street railway, in view of the magnificent high bridge spanning the Ohio at the outlet of the Beaver river; surrounded by handsome, growing and populous towns. These lots are, par excellence, the choicesf ever within the reach of home seekers and investors. They are surrounded by residents, variously em ployed in Pittsburg and Allegheny, who, from the heated, crowded cities can reach their homes as quickly and more comfortably than can the majority of the population of the near by suburbs. Lunch served free on the ground, and every arrangement perfected for the comfort and pleasure of excursionists. CALL FOR FREE PASSES at the office of the Mayflower, WILSON. BAILEY fc CO., 118 Market street, or at my office, 313 Wood St., CHARLES SOMERS. el8-41-D PHOTOGRAPHER, 16 SIXTH STREET. A fine, large crayon portrait & 50; see them before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, S3 and 50 per dozen. PROMPT DELIVERY. aplJ-16-MWFSu ERNST AXTHELM. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL BELL HANGER. Renairin? a snecialtv. 103 THIRD AVE., near Wood st Telephone 851. au25-e76-W3 PITTSBURG, PA, Xj. GLE8ENKAMP fc SON, NOS. 818 AND 820 PENN AVE. Elegant Carriages of the highest grade. Landaus, Broughams, T. Carts, Coupe Kocta ways, Extentlon Coupes, Pony Carts, 6-Passeneer Rockaways, Market Wagons, Village Carts, Bnckwagons, Cabriolets-Ladlcs' Phaetons,Surrey Wagons, Top Wagons, Road Carts, Jump Seats, Phaeton Baggies, Open Wagons. Don't purchase a Carriage until you pay us a fl8"- . . (No connection with any other Carriage House.) 4 ayl7-'WTSu wftc77zZ, 1889. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RUBEN'S UNPARALLELED OFFER. STRAW HATS At less than the cost of manufacture. 150 cases of Jl STRAW HATS will go this week 90 cases of 75c Straw Hats will go this week A-b 25o. All Other Goods in Proportion. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 AND 423 SMITHFIELD ST. jelO-WTSu A. of B. K R. P. Association of Regular Registered Resident Physicians, No. 720 Penn avenue. Dr. Orr invites the friends of the hundreds of patients he has cured of catarrh and dys pepsia during the last year to call and allow him and his associate physicians to prove that they are what they claim to be, regular regis tered resident physicians, wno are competent to do all they claim, and that they are not trav elers who stop in our city for a few weeks or months. This association is founded for the protection of those who are being deceived by spurious institutes and high-sounding, bnt hollow titles, all of which is nd proof of ability or legality. We invite all persons suffering lrom chronic diseases, medical or surgical, to call for con sultation, free, no matter if you have been pro nounced incurable by some traveling doctor. We do not turn away all persons not easily cured. " Office hours 10 to 11:30 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P.M. A.ofR.R.R.P. xn. ORR, iny31-n 720 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa. All American and European Patented Eye Glass and Spectacle frames, with Glasses of superior quality, perfectly adjusted to the sight. A complete stock of Optical and Mathematic al Instruments, Medical Batteries, Photo graphic Cameras. The largest and best assort ment of Artificial Eyes at KQItNBLUM'S OPTICAL, ESTABLISHMENT NO. 50 FIFTH" AVENUE, ' NEAR-WOOD STREET. Telephone No. 188a. jelS-81 RESORTS. ON THE BEACH. Atlantic "City, N. J., HADDON HALL J65-91 EDWIN LIPPINCOTT. T HE WINDSOR, CAPE MAY, N. J. Directly on the beach. Now open. W. W. GREEN. jeM-D THE CHALFON1 E. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt water baths in the house. Elevator. apl6-81-D E. ROBERTS & SONS. T HE TREMONT, SEA GIRT, N. J. S. W. LEEDa jel-2-D Winter address, Cmnaminson, N. J. UNITED STATES HOTEL Atlantic City, N. J. The largest and leading hotel. H. B. WARDEN, Manager. jel5-31 a H. BROWN, Proprietor. THE ISLESWORTH, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. On tha beach, sea end of Virginia avenue. je7-19-E0D BUCK & McCLELLAN. 3flHE NEW COLUMBIA. I CAPE MAY. N. J. pens June 15, 18S9. James Mooney, "Owner." FRANK H. HILDRETH, (Late of the Hotel Lafayette.) jeH-73-siWT - Proprietor. ASBURY PARK-HOTEL BRUNSWICK A leading hotel in every respect. Beauti fully situated near the beach. All rooms com mand an unobstructed view of the ocean. Ap pointments unsurpassed. Drainage and Sani tary arrangements perfect. For information address MORGAN & PARSONa jel6-35 CTOTEL NORMANDIE, ATLANTIC CITY, JtL N.J. -NOW OPEN. Under new management T. C. GILLETTE, Prop'r. my22 Late of Colonnade Hotel, Philada. THE ELDREDGE. NO. 18 SOUTH CARO LINA avenue, within three minutes' walk of depot or beach. Large, cheerful rooms, ex cellent table. Terms moderate. MRS. E, J, ELDREDGE. Proprietress. mvl6-01-P Thomson House, Kane, mokean co., pennsylvania. 2,000 feot above ocean level. Open all the year. Now prepared for the reception of sum mer visitors. Rates, $3 CO per day and from $7 00 to 514 00 per week. Write for circular. jel3-2-D C. H. KEMP, Prop. RENOVO HOTEL, RENOVO, Clinton Co., Pennsylvania. 1,200 feet above ocean level. Open all the year. Now prepared for the reception of summer visitors. Rates, 2 00 per day and from 7 00 to $14 00 per week. Write tor circular. jel3-3-D C. H. KEMP, Prop. CRESSON bPRINGS. PENNA, MAIN line Pennsylvania Railroad, on top of ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINa THE MOUNTAIN HOUSE Will open June 25. All trains stop at Cresson. For circulars, etc., address WM. R. DUNHAM, Supt, my7-2-ssu Cresson, Cambria Co., Pa, HOTEL ALBION. ATLANTIC CITY.N. J Will open for the season June 29,1889. The ALBION will be kept first-class in every par. ticular. Engaeements can be made at the office of CRAWFORD MILLER, 339 Walnut St., Philada., until 26th insl jel9-27 R.W.FARR. SEA ISLE CITY, N. J., By the ocean: hotels open: Continental, Tivoli, Burf House, Sea Vie'w, Philadelphia, Mansion and others; cottage boarding houses: Floral, magnificent beach, bathing and sea views; rates Kosedaie. ucean view, European ana oiners; moderate, imormation u. ii- ijjlli.li.io, jel2-46 402 Locust st, Philadelphia. iS' xJaSMJJy STOCKTON HOTEL, OAPE MAY, N. J. OPENS JUNE 15. RATES. $3 and Si, PER DAY.' Special rates by the week, month orseason. Nowly painted, remodeled and improved! (60,000 expended. New Ball and Amusement Room; Children's new Dining, Ball and Play Rooms. Cnisineand service first-class. Elegant suites with parlor, bath and clout, Orchestra of 11 pieces. Dogs not taken. V. IHEO. WALTON, jel&So Proprietor. .. NEW ADTTRTTSEaiENTS. )k ' KAUFMANNS' where you will find a complete assortment of extra sizes, especially manufactured for the merry 300 pounders, and at prices that are within the reach of alL . EXTRA SIZES IN THIN COATS. . We have them in Alpaca, Mohair, Lustre, Cashmere, Pongee, Serge, Fl annel, Drap d'Ete, with Vests to match, or without, up to size 50 b reast measure. The prices will most agreeably surprise you, to say the least Wear one of these Coats and you'll feel as cool as a big refriger ator. .-. EXTRA SIZES IN THIN TESTS. . You can take your choice from a large assortment of Linen, Duck, Alpaca, Mohair, Flannel, etc., made stylish, too, and at a price that's but a trifle compared with the big amount of comfort you'll get out of one of these Vests. Extra Sizes in complete Suits and Odd Pants We make a specialty of these goods and show them up to size 50. They are made from various thin woolen materials, that look genteel and dressy and, at the same time, keep you cool and comfortable in the Warmest days. Extra Sizes in Flannel Top Shirts. . Ours is the only house in Pittsburg where you can get these goods up to size 20 neck measure. It is hardly necessary to say that there is nothing more conducive to the fat man's comfort than the wearing of just these Flannel Shirts. We have them in a great variety of hand some and stylish patterns. . Extra Sizes in Summer Underwear. .. You'll have no trouble getting them here. Hundreds of dozen of Undershirts and Drawers, in Gauze, Balbriggan, Lisle Thread, etc., up to size 54. You'll save both time and money by coming to Kaufmanns for these goods. OUR FORCED should be attended by every man in need of clothing. This week the bargains are greater than ever. The backward spring has left too many fine suits on our counters, and, in order to force their sale, we have re sorted to a thorough and general cutting down of prices : Men's fine Dress Suits, 12. Men's handsome Business Suits, Sio. Men's genteel Evening Suits, $7 50. Men's good every day Suits at $4 50. These prices are less than the cost of making the suits. Come in and be convinced. FREE PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD. What an excitement their free distribution creates. Everybody wants them. We will continue this week to present a complete set, representing all the principal views, with every purchase of not less than $5. . KAUFMANNQ Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street jelT-p Pears' Soap Fair white hands. Brightclearcomplexioii Soft healthful skin. "PEARS-HiB Gnat English Completion SDAP,--yoId EveryirtterB.0 CLOSING OUT D. TAYL0R&j:0.'S STOCK LAMPS, GLASSWARE, VASES, BISQUE, TOILET, TEA AND DINNER SETS, R. P. WALLACES CO.'S, 211 Wood Street, 102 and 104 Third Avenue, Between Second and Third Aves,' USE Wl KL1 Geo;A.Macbeth&Go.Pitisburgh)Pa FAT .:. MEN, KEEP COOL! Don't go about fretting and ges ticulating about the hot weather, for it'll only make matters worse. Take it as easy as possible, and above all, cast aside your heavy garments and wear LIGHT, THEN", COOL, AIRY apparel. There can be no excuse why you should not do so immedi ately, since all you have to do i3 to go to SEASON SALE FREE I AMP ui-r