-aS - 1 THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, "WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1889. FLOODS AND TRADE. Effects of a Calamity Upon General Prodnce Business. A YEEI POOR PROVISION MARKET. Chicago a Good Place Both to Bay and Sell Hog Prodncts. AN OPTIMISTIC TIEW OP THE FUTURE Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, 1 TUESDAY, June 18, 18S9. J While the wash-outs along the Pennsyl vania Kailroad have shut out some sections very valuable to Pittsburg's jobbing trade, a very extensive trade has been developed in some lines in the way of relief for sufferers. A representative of the canned meat industry reports unprecedented sales in hislmetothe Johnstown Belief Committee. The total sold by our firm." said he, "was 1,500 cases of corned beet and besides this, two carloads of dressed beef." The Relief Committee cleaned us out of our stock, and we hare not been as bare for years at this season as we are now." A leading cheese jobber talked in the same strain. Said he: "We shipped 200 boxes of cheese yesterday to Johnstown by order of the Relief Committee, and this is but little more than one-fourth the total amount we have sold to that committee. On the Sunday following the flood we sent out a lot, and the aggregate is now little below 600 boxes which went from our warehouse to the Conemangh Valley in response to orders from the committee which bandies the benevolent offerings of Pittsburg." Provision Markets. An illustration of the fact recently noted in this column that Pittsburg has been a poor provision market of late, as compared with Chicago, was given to-day by one of our job bers. Said he: "A short time ago I ordered 500 tierces of hams in pickle from Chicago tor July delivery. The cost there was lOJc, and to bring them here and smoke them would have brought their native cost up to llJic All that 1 can get for these hams here at present prices Is HKc. As this would entail a loss of lie on top of time and trouble, I made an effort to sell the goods in Chicago, and succeeded in dispos ing of them to the firm with which I had made the contract. The firm was entirely willing, and I managed to come out better than even, which I could not have done if I had brought my pickled hams to this city." One of our leading pork packers reported that he had sold recently in Chicago 230 tierces of sweet pickled hams at a rate which netted mm ic more man ne couia nave realized lor the same in this city. Tlio same packer said: "I have been able to do better by buying hogs in Chicago than at East Liberty all the past season with the exception of a very few days when markets here were overstocked, and now it seems 1 can sell there at better figures than here In certain lines of onr products." An Optimistic Tien-. The Boston Congrcgalionaltst, in Its current cumber, contains an article on the business situation of the country of a very optimistic cast, and furnishes facts and figures which give, apparently, good reasons for the writer's faith and hope. The article states that for the first five months of the year 1SS9, the exchanges of 40 leading cities in the country show an in crease of 14 per cent over the corresponding period of 1888, and a slight increase over 1887, which was a year of extraordinary activity. The transactions this year are claimed to be on a more substantial basis than for a number of years past, as there has been much less (peculation in stocks, oil and grain. Another fact upon which the Congregation alUt bases its faith in the optimistic view o" trade is, that while there is a 14 per cent in crease over last j ear and 15 per cent over 18S6, transactions this year have been at lower aver age prices, showing that the percentage of in crease is in fact much greater than the figures actually show. The croaker who can see nothing bright in the trade situation can hardly fail to have bis backbone stiffened by a perusal of the article referred to above. LITE STOCK HAKKETS. Condition of the Market nt the East Liberty Stock Yards. Office Pittsburg Dispatch. I East Ltbekty, June IS, ISS9. ( Cattie Receipts, ISO, head; shipments, 100 bead; market slow, 10 to iSc lower than yester day's prices; no cattle shipped to Hew York to-day. Hoos Receipts. 300 nead: shipments, TOO bead; market slow: all grades $4 40450; no hogs shipped to New York to-dav. Sheep Receipts. 5,200 head; shipments, L800 head: slow at yesterday's prices. By Telegraph. New Yoek Beeves Receipts, 820 head, all for exporters and slaughterers direct, except 1 carload; no trading in beef cattle: dressed beef had a lair demand at 6c for native sides and at 4J65c for Texas do. Exports to-day Included 300 beeves and 1,000 quarters of beef. Calves Receipts. 300 head, and 1,200 were car ried over yesterday: dull market and c per pound lower, with at least 500 to sell after the closing hour; veals sold at 3K4Jc per pound: bnttermilk calres at 22c: mixed lotsat23i 3c. Sheep Receipts, 3,830 head ; about steady at 3K5c for poor to prime sheep, and at 5Ji6?c for common to prime lambs. Hogs Receipts. 4,900 head: quiet; the few sales on the live weight were at $4 404 50. CHICAGO Cattle Kecelnts, 8,500 head; shipments 4,000 head; market flow and weak: beeves. $4 254 50: steers, $3 404 30: stack ers and feeders, S2 403 60; cows, hulls and mixed, S150S3 00: Texas cattle, $1 753 00. Hogs Receipts, 3,000 head; shipments. 2,500 head: market steady; mixed. $1 154 40: heavy, S4 104 30; light. S4 2o4 60; bulk, S4 40 4 5a Sheen Receipts, 4,000 head; ship ments, 600 bead: market steady to weak: natives, 2 754 75; Western. $3 304 10; Texans, J2 754 10; lambs, 52 253 6a St. Lours Cattle Receipts. 1,400 bead: ship ments, 300 head; majket steady: choice heavy native stee -s. S3 S04 40; fair to good do, S3 10 H 00; stockers and feeders. S2 203 25; rancen, corn-fed, S2 753 50; grass-fed. J2 003 00. Hogs Receipts, 3,900 head; shipments, 100 head: market strong; choice heavy and butchers'. S4 254 35; packing, 84 154 25: light grades ordinary to best, 54 254 35. Sheep Receipts,Z100 head; shipments, 700 head; mar ket firm; fair to choice, 3 0034 5a Buffalo Cattle Receipts, none through; 20 loads sale; dull, holders anxious to realize. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 8 loads through; no sale: no demand. Hogs Receipts, 3 loads through: 2 loads sale: market strongfYorkers, 4 654 70: medium, $4 50; pigs, 54 6a Cincinnati Hogs in fair demand: stronger: common and rough, $3 504 40: packing and butchers', $4 154 30; receipts, 1,590 head; ship ments, 240 head. AEISTOCEATIC DEALEES. They Are Forming a Liquor Dealers' Trust In Jersey City. rSFECIAL TELIGSAU TO TUX PISPATCB.l New TOBK,"June 18. The Hudson County Liquor Dealers' Association will, it is said, use the Jersey City Board of Alder men to compel dealers who are not mem bers of the association to join at once or else get out of the business. Only about one-third of the dealers iu Jersey City are members of the association, and many of the non-members refuse to conform with the schedule of prices fixed by the association for growler beer and ale and solt drinks. The association decided to ask the Excise Committee of the Board of Aldermen not to grant a license to any dealer not in the as sociation, and it was reported -to-day on ex cellent authority, that the committee had practically agreed to do it. The association has agreed that no one shall be admitted to the association or per mitted to apply for a license who is not of good moral character, and it also agrees that every member of the association shall keep the front door of his saloon closed and locked on Sunday. It does not sav any thing about side doors. Some of the non-member- have decided to get into the asso ciation at once, and they will apply for membership at the next meeting. More, however, hare decided to fight ltont Beectjam's Pills cure sick headache. Peabs' Soap, the purest and best ever made. Fine Old Port Wines. Imperial S. O. P., Cabinet, 1810 S3 50 Imperial Oporto, 1828 3 00 Makenzie Oporto, 1832 2 50 Old London Dock... 2 00 Burgundy..... 1 CO Cockburn's. ...... 1 00 Pull quarts, case or gallon. "VVji. J. Fbiday, 633 Bmithfield street. "rTTSU, sWttftslsW ' jjssifrft f-'issri jflajBLSsaAiikVUBta-wi' ?... . , a 3..-i u. j &M&kn--.JU-.AiJU8& m-rtmmmmamKmmmmKmmimmaMnmtmmwmmih ii in in m iaiififi.w .gin m 1 1 m i mi MMMiniBMrimBkiM' m. llWgSWJWiSSSSi,StX,S5S;iSSSWBSf'5S;l SJSkiSSlSSSSSSSSSSSStlSSSSSJB. 'Willi SSSJffSSSJSa.SSSgjSSSSSSSSSSSSSSa-jaMg;jSSSfjg MABKETSBY WIRE. riavlns Makes Another Drive at Wheat All the Options Lower Corn and Oats Fcatnreless-Hog Prod ncts Active nt In side FIsrnres. Chicago A good speculative business was again transacted in wheat, and the course of prices somewhat irregular. The opening was rather steady, and prices were later advanced KKc above yesterday's closing, then broke off lljc recovered again, advancing Jic, eased off and closed about c lower than yes terday. August closed He lower, September He lower, and December Jc lower. The early strength was attributed to wet weather In the South and Southwest, heavy storms and floods doing damage to wheat in Kansas, and harvest ing interfered with. The quantity of wheat on ocean passage showed a decrease of 752,000 bushels, and was also taken as a strengthening feature. Later the market became weak, and the decline established under liberal speculative offerings, some long wheat bought at the top prices of yesterday coming in the market. Rain in the Northwest, with some rain In the Red river country, where moisture was badly needed, as sisted the weakness some. Recovered some again, but the feeling was unsettled to the close. That there are sections suffering from too much rain at the present there is no doubt, and the variable character of the Influences created an irregular market. But little interest was manifested in corn during the early part of the day, but as the ses sion advanced trading became more active. The feeling developed was relatively firmer, and transactions were at slightly higher prices. Initial trades were a shade higher than the closing prices of yesterday, was steady and in active sometimes, when a better demand sprang up. one house taking 250.000 bushels of July, which started shorts and the market advanced Kc offerings at the time being limited. The market then eased off a little and closing prices were full Kc higher than yesterday. Trading was lighter.in oats, and the market quiet and easy during the early part of the ses sion. Toward the close a firmer feeling devel oped, especially for July, due to the reports of heavy rains In oat fields in sections were it was not needed. Offerings were light, and the de mand from a few nervous shorts helped to ad vance prices lAc, and the close was steady at about outside figures. Trading was fairly active In mess pork early in the day. but ruled quiet during the latter part of the session. Opening sales were made at 2c advance and a further appreciation of 5c was gained. Later the market ruled easier, and prices receded 1012c, but rallied again sligbtlv and closed steady at Inside figures. A comparatively light business was transacted in the lard market A little demand early caused a steadier feeling and prices ruled a trifle higher, but a weaker feeling was devel oped later and the market closed rather tame at inside figures. Trading was moderately active in the market for short rib sides. Demand was fairly active e.irlv nnd urines were advanced 2CSlbc Later an easier feeling prevailed and prices declined 57c. Toward the close the feeling was steady and the market closed quiet at inside figures. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat No. 2 July. 7Se)7b778c: August. 75Ji75?i75Ji75e; September, 75U 7i715i&75Kc; December, 77763$ ' COBS No. 2 July. 34K343434c; August. 3535K3435e; September, 3 Jse33ii3a?sC UATh riC gust, 22K: Mess Pobk, per bbL July. Sll 7011 75 11 62K11 62K; August, til 8011 82H11 72X ?1172; September, $11 87J$11 'j6ll SO 118a Lakd, per 100 fts.-july, 6 606 606 55 6 55: August, J6 700 706 62K6 C2K; Sep tember, J6 756 756 70ti 70. SnoKT Ribs, per 100 fts. July. 55 S2K5 82 5 805 80; August. S3 90&5 905 S7U& 5 87K: September, 5 97K5 97KQ5 92405 9 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. SOJc: No. 3 spring wheat, nominal: No. 2 red, SOwc. No. 2 corn. 34ic o. 2 oats. 22o- No. 2 rye. 39e. No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed. ?1 524J1 c& Prime timothy seed .$1 271 28. Mess pork, per barrel, 811 6011 65. Lard, per 1U0 pounds. So 60 6 52. Short ribs sides (loose), 85 755 85. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $5 12K5 25. Short clear sides (boxed). $6 12ii6 25. Sugars cut loaf, 9Ji10c; graulated, 9c. standard "A," 9c. Receipts Flour, 16,000 barrels; wheat, 0,000 bushels: corn, 344,000 bushels: oats, 199,000 bushels: rye. 1.000 bushels; barley, 3,000 bushels. Shipments Flonr. 7,000 barrels: wheat, 14,000 busnels; com. 161,000 bushels: oats, 164.000 bushels; rye, 1,000 bushels;, barley, none. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was firm and unchanged. Eggs firm at 12c New York Flour fairly active and gener ally unchanged, closing irregular. Wheat Spot unsettled, iKc lower and dull: options fluctuated within Jic closing XKC under yesterday, but steady. Barley malt dull. Corn Spot active, demand'-efciefly for .export, clos ing firm; options firmer "and quiet. Oats Spot steady and more active; options firmer and quiet. II a v easy and quiet: shipping, 60c; good to choice, 7590c. Hops firm and quiet. Coffee Options opened barely steady, -10060 points down, cloed firm, 1025 points down; active: sales, 142,750 bags, including June, 14.50 14.60c: July, 14.5014.75c: August, 14.706S14.90c; September, 14.S015.10c: Octolier. 14.8515.10c: November. 14.9014 95c; December. 14.9515.20c; January, 15.0015.20c; February, 15 0015.25c: March, 14.D515.20c: April, 15 0015.05c; spot Rio dull: lair cargoes, ITJjJe. Sugar Raw quiet: sales, 4,697 bags; Demar ara centrifugals, 96 test, 8c; 56 hogsheads Muscovado, 87c: test, 6a Molasses Foreign strong; 50 -test, 31c; New Orleans quiet. Rice quiet and steady. Cottonseed oil quiet. Tal low dull. Rosin steady and quiet. Turpentine dull and weak at 373Sc Egesm better demand: higher; western, 1414; receipts, 4.303 packages. Pork more active; mess, S1313 25; extra prime, $11 50011 75. Cut meats quiet; pickled bellies, 67c; pickled hams. 12c; pickled shoulders, 5c; middles Sniet; short clear. $6 45. Lard opened stronger; osed weak and quiet; sales, western steam part, ?6 S2, closing at $6 82K; city $6 30; July, 6 88, August. $6 966 97. closing at $6 95 bid; September, S7 037 04, closing at S7 02 bid. Oc tober, $7 02 asked. Butter, extras steady, fairly active; others quiet and easy; western dairy, 9 13c; do creamery, 1018c; western factory, 812kc Cheese rather easy and quiet: west ern, 7Ji8Kc St. Louis Flour quiet and dull but un changed. Wheat Cash lower, completely de moralized and no demand: options higher; reports of too much rain throughout the win ter wheat belt, and other unfavorable reports, tended to check selling; with no pressure to buy, however, the market swung within nar. row limits, and the close was firm at Jc above yesterday; No. 2 red, cash," SSe asked; July closed at 73573Xc bid; Augnst, 73Jic bid; September, 73c: December, 76c bid; year. 73isC asked. Corn weak and lower; No. 2 mixed, cash, 3030c: July closed at 31?i;c: August. 32ysc bid: September. 32Jfc bid; May 34c. Oats steady but aull; No. 2 cash. 22Jc bid: June, 23?ic bid; July, 22c bid, none offered. Rye No. 2, 3Sc bid. Flaxseed Spot quotable at SI 30; new crop for August ?1 091 la Pro visions quiet. Philadelphia Flour firm. Wheat Spot lots strong; futures beyond this .mouth dull.and closed llKc lower; No. 2 red. June, nominal; July. 8181&c: August, 8181Kc; September, 81J82c Corn steady, but speculation very tame and demand for both local consumption and export very moderate; No. 3 mixed, in Twentieth street elevator. 42c; No. 2 mixed June, 41Ji415ic; July.41K41J.Jc: August, 41M 42Jic: September, 4242Jic Oats Car lots quiet, but prices a shade firmer; No. 2 mixed. 29K: No. 3 white, 31Kc; No. 2 white, in Twentieth street elevator. 33Jic; do in grain depot, 33J34c: futures auiet but firm; No. 2 white. June, 32)33e; July. S2332Jc; August. 31K32c: September. 8132. Provisions firm and in good jobbing den-and. Eggs firm; Penn sylvania firsts, 15c- Cincinnati Flour weaker. Wheat dull; No. 2 red, S7c; receipts, 1,700 bushels; ship ments. 200 bushels. Corn scarce; No. 2 mixed, 3036Xc Oats weaker: No. 2mrxed, 2727c Kje dull; nominal: No. 2, 45c Provisions quiet; unchanged. Butter easier. Sugar firm. Eggs firmer. Cheese steady. Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat easy; cash and July, 74c; September, 74c Corn steadv; No. 3, SiUa. Oats dull; No. 2 white. 2727Mc Rye qufet: 'No. L 42c Barley dull; No. 2, o51c "Provisions steady; pork, $11 60: lard, 6.55c Cheese unchanged, Ched dars, 7c Baltimore Provisions quiet ''and steadv. 5Iess pork, $1375. Butter steadv; creamer, 16 18c Eggs steady at 14c Coffee nominal. Toledo Cloverseed nominally higher; cash 4 40 asked. Wool Tllnrkcts. Philadelphia The wool market was firm at unchanged quotations. St. Louis Receipts 3SO,000 pounds; prices unchanged. There continues a good demand and steady market. Boston There continues to be a steady movement in new wool, and receipts sell quite readily on arrival. The supplies of old wool are so small that manufacturers find it difficult to supply their wants, and in consequence the movement In fleeces is very light. Ohio X is 3 noted at 32c; XX' at 3334c; Michigan X ceces would sell at 30c Small sales of new Utah and Wyoming wool have been made at 6162c, clean or for fine, and at 5S60 for fine medium. Tex? spring wool meets with good demand at 2224c Spring California has been selling at. 102Ic, as to qnallty. Pulled wools continue in steady demand, with sales of super at 2837c and extra at2530c Foreign wools continue firm, both for clothing ana carpet grades. SALES ON THE SLY. Important Deals in Eealty That Fail to Meet the Public Eye. SOMETHING DONE IN ALLEGHENY. Apartment Houses and the Condition of the rublic Park Question. BEOKEES HDKGEI FOE ELECTION NEWS Ex-Mayor Henry A. Weaver, who handles large properties exclusively, told me yester day that he knew of several important transactions of recent date that had been withheld from publication at the request of the principals. He added: "I have made three or four deals about which I was requested to keep quiet. One was for $35,000 and another for a trifle less, but as the pledge of secrecy has not been re voked I am not at liberty to go into details. This goes to show that there is a large move ment In real estate that does not appear upon the surface, and perhaps never will." " Another real estate .dealer whose office is within pistol shot of .that of Mr. Weaver, said he had just heard from a reliable source of two transactions in Allegheny, both residence prop erties, one belnglocated on North avenue and the other on Lincoln avenue Both locations being gilt-edged the prices realized were pretty steep. There was another rumor, but less definite than the above, of the sale of a fine residence on Ridge avenue. While rumors, in most cases, are to be ac cepted with caution, they serve a good purpose in business as in politics by showing which way the wind blows. The Johnson and the Blair estates constitute a large slice of the Twenty-third ward. A part of the latter has been subdivided and put on the market by Samuel W. Black & Co. The first sale took place on Monday. Four lots were sold at good prices. This district is fast coming into public favor. It possesses both city and country advantages, and will have an electric railroad before the end of the year. I am told that the rest of the estate will be laid out in lots as soon as those now on the market are disposed of. The Twenty-third ward is one of the particu larly bright spots of the city, and is fast filling up with a good class of people. "How is Oakland coming up 7" I asked a gentleman who has property interests in that district. He looked at me as if he thought I ought to know all about it, and replied: "We are in the swim not the soup and there are no flies on us. Property is going off like hot cakes. Sales are made almost every day. The certainty of rapid transit has given us such a boom as but few other sections of the city have experienced. If you Know of any person who wants a glimpse of Paradise, send him out to Oaklsnd." The last remark should be accepted in a modified sense, but it is a recognized fact, test tlmony to the truth of which has been borne by many distinguished foreigners, that the suburbs of Pittsburg are among the most beautiful in the world, and of these Oakland is one of the filieSt. -b-r; A representative of the firm of Black t Baird returned yesterday from a trip to Cleve land, where he inspected several of the apart ment houses for which that city is becoming noted. I asked him what the people thought of them, and he replied: ' v "They are so popular that there is nofaVa cant room in any of them. Besides, they are a first-class investment, paying abont 9 per cent net. This being the case there, where land suitable for building sites is almost' limitless in quantity and cheap in price, they ought to do better here, where land is scarce and dear. They are a luxury iu Cleveland. Here they are a necessity. I think the present effort to introduce such houses in Pittsburg will prove a great success." it At the stock call yesterday afternoon I noticed that the interest of the brokers was about equally divided between the business be fore them and the election. Captain Barbour was quiet and meditative. He had done his work and awaited the response of the people. The break in Electric which really was no break at all attracted less attention than a telegram from Butler borough to the effect that the amendment had been carried there by more than three to one. Every scrap of news bearing on tho result was sought for and eagerly perused. No bets were made, but every man was confident that his side would win and the other fellows be snowed under. When the gong sounded the "boys" hurried away as if hungry for news of the great event. I asked a gentleman yesterday: "What shape is tho public park question in?" In reply he said that nothing had been done in tbe matter so far as he knew. Recent occurrences had driven the subject from people's minds, and it was not likely that anything definite would bo done this season. He believed, however, that the agitation in faVor of parks would not be suffered to die out until the wishes of the people shall have been complied with. Their necessity had been established, and nothing remained but to de vise ways and means for their establishment. ELECTRIC LETS GO. The Stock Goes Down Coder a Smnli Bear Raid. A break in Electric was the only notable feature or the stock market yesterday. It de clined at the first call from 53 asked to 51 on the offer of a small lot by a bear on the stock. In the afternoon it was offered at 4 with 49 bid. There was no change in the situation of the company, and the decline was the result solely of the absence of buying orders and indiffer ence of the brokers, who are waiting for tho ad justment of the legal complications before taking hold of it in earnest. The small amount offered is proof that holders are not alarmed. A moderate buying demand is all that Is necessary to send it up again. All the gassers were weaker, except Philadel phia, which was fractionally better in the after noon. The tractions showed no improvement. Citizens' selling at 69, and Central at 31. The remainder of the list was practically unchanged and featureless. Bids, offers and sales wore: MORNING. APTKBNOOJf. Bid. Asked. Kid. Asked. Pitts. Pet. S.4M. Ex.. 4iS S0O 430 500 Iron City National B'k 85 Keystone Bank or P"g .... 60Jf Boatman's Insurance. .... 33 Allegheny Ga Co 37 t Consolidated Gas Co. .. 33 41 33 41 Chartlers VaU Gas Co. 49 .... 49 65 M1t.GasC0.0rW.Va. 66 .... 66 70 Ohio Valley Gas 33 People's N. G. Co SO People's M G ft P Co.. 1 17 FennsvlvaniaGas Co.. 10 .... 14 u 15 Philadelphia Co, 36X 36 36jJ 37 Pine Run Gas so Wheeling Gas Co 30 30X 29 30 CentralTraution 31& 3lJ 3IM ZVA Citizens' Traction 69 70 Pittsburg Traction.... 5I 52J S2 S2 Pleasant Valley K.B 200 .... zuo Pitts., Alle. ft Man 160 ti.. A CGas Coal Co. 35 33 La Norla Mtnlnir Co... 1 1 1 y& Westlncbonse Klectrlc 45 SI 49 49V UnlonS. iB. Co 23 !3!f 23K 23 The only sale at themorning call was 10 shares of Citizens' Traction at 69. In the afternoon 20 shares of Wheeling Gas sold at 30, 40 Philadel phia Gas at 86Ji, and 75 Central Traction at SL The total sales of stocks at New York yes terday wero 245,626 shares. Including: Atchison, 47,155; Delaware, Lackawanna & Western, 23,610; Lake Shore, 3,020: Northwestern. 7,6T)0; New Jersey Central, 4,820; Northern Pacific referred. 14.050: Oregon. Transcontinental. 5.950; Reading. 24,950; St. Paul, 14.300; Union Pacific, 10,750; .Western Union, 3,320. C0EREHCI SCARCE. Interest In the Election Depresses Business at tbe Banks. . Leading bankers interviewed yesterday re ported a very quiet day in their line of business. Nothing of moment was done except routine work, and not a great amount of that. A large share of tbe dullness was attributed to tbe general Interest taken in tbe election. Currency was said to be rather more strin gent, anu talk was renewed of shipments from tbe East. The Clearing House report showed a good volume of general trade, the exchanges agp-egatlng 51,774,523 05 and the balances Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 22J per cent; last loan, 1 per cent; closed offered atzi per cent. Prime mercantile paper, SJfQoM. Sterling, exchange dull, but steady, at H Si for 604ay Mis, and tt S for demand. Closlnar Bond Quotations. U.S. 4s,reg 129 M.K.&T.Gen.5i..60M Mutual Union 6S....102K N. J. C. Int. Cert...ll8tf Northern Pac. UU..120H Nnffhern Pan. 2ds..lI4 U. S. 45, COUp la; U. B.4f5,reg 10s: U. S. 4HS, COUP 106; Pacific 6s of '95... 118 Lonlslanaitamned4s 90 Northw't'n consols.H8 Missouri s 101X Tenn. new set. 6s. ...110 Tenn. new set. 5s. ...106 Tenn. new set. 3s.... 75 Canada So. 2ds 99j Cen. Pacificists 116Jf Den. &K.G., lsts.120 Den. 4K.O. 4s SIX D.&K.G.West,lsts. 102 Erie, Zds 104 ll.K. &T. Gen. 63..64M WnrtliwTn rfetiPtl B..113! tliwrnn Trans. 6S.105 St,L. 4I.M. Gen.MM St.L.S. i'.Gen. illM Su Paul consols lg St. PI. f!hl PC. lStllM Tx., Pc.Ii.U.Tr.Ks.89J TX..Pc.K.a.lT.HctS-3S Dnlon rac. sis West Shore New TORK-Bank clearings, $U6,016,4H; bal ances, 8,643,323. Boston Clearings. $25,534,605; balances, $2,471,308. Money 2 per cent. Baltimobe Clearings, (L76a,049; balances, $320,658. fJP Hii adelphxi Clearings, $15,417,673; bal ances, $2,027,107. Paris Three per cent rentes 85f 50c for the account. Berlin The statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows an increase In specie of 3,640.000 marks. Chicago Money strong: on call 5 per cent; time loans, 5 to 7 per cent. Bank clearings, til, 528,000. St. Louis Clearings, $3,850,755; balances, $798,390, UPS AKD D0WKS OP OIL. Narrow Fluctuations nnd Business Below -the Avornee A Big Strike. Yesterday's oil market was one of the quiet est seen for a long time. The fluctuations were very narrow and the sales below tho average. The only important news was in relation to a well struck about four miles from Mount Morris, which was said to be showing at the rate of 300 to 500 barrels a day. It bad no ap preciable affect. Outside orders were few and far between, and the professionals had It out among themselves. The market opened at 83, around which figure it held until about noon, when it ad vanced to 84. It then broke back to 83, where it lingered until near the close, when it de clined to 83 This was followed by another attack of weakness, which carried It down to 83, which was the final figure. The fluctua tion for the day was of a cent. Monday's clearings were 750.000 barrels. The pointer for to-day was that the-market would show very little change a trifle weaker, possibly. Yesterday's Oil Range. Corrected daily by John M. Oaiuey b Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened SIX I Lowest 83 Highest 1 84 loosed 83 Barrels. Average runs 43,342 Average shipments 70.106 Average charters 37,809 Refined, New York, 6.90c. Keflne.1, London, 5 li-16d. Refined, Antwerp, 17f. Refined. Liverpool, 0 5-lSd. A H. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, 83H83Jc; calls, 84c. N. " "" Other Oil markets. OH. Orrr: June 18. National transit cer tificates opened at S3Jc; highest, 84Hc; lowest, 83c; closed at 83c; sales. 129,000 barrels; clearances, 572,000 barrels; charters, 94,682 bar rels; shipments, 75,891 barrels; runs, 63,958 bar rels. London. Juno 18. Refined petroleum, 5 ll-10d 6 3-16d per gallon. Turpentine spirits, 33s 6d per cwt. New York, June 18. Petroleum opened steady at 83Jic, and after the first sales moved up to Siic: the tone then became heavy and 8 rices satrged off. Consolidated Exchange: pening, 83c; highest, 84Kc; lowest, 83JJc; closing. 8374c. Stock Exchange : Opening, 83Jc; bigheit. 8ic: lowest, 83Jic; closing 83?c Total sales, 106,000 barrels. STILL THE! GO. Tho Latest Deals In Realty Leaseholds nnd Mortgages Sold. Reed B. Coyle & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold for Mr. Austin A. Jack to Mrs. George W. Fishering a house and loton'EUa street, Wil kinsburg. for $3,500. George S. Martfn, 503 Liberty street, sold in the Maplewood Park" plan, Wilkinsburg, lots 104x113, each having having a frontage of 40 feet on Maplewood avenue by 120 feet to Fabnestock lane, for $400 each, to C. M. Rodgers and A W. Lenonard. Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold through F. R. Liggett for B. G. Follausbeeto. Mrs. Catherine Brown a lot the south side of Wallingf ord street, near Neville: being 60x180 feet, for $2,600. Alles & Bailev, 164 Fourth avenue, placed a mortgage for $2,000 for-lhree years at 6 per cent on property iu Bellevue. C.H.Love sold three (leaseholds on Cedar avenue, for the Denny estate, to T. Huckestein, for $1,600. Three dwellings are to be immedi ately erected. " Business Kotcs. The report that the Rush House had changed hands was denied yesterday by the proprietor. The Pittsburg Plate Glass Company has just Iiaid a monthly dividend of 3 per cent, making 7 per cent distributed to stockholders thus far this year. Mr. Joiin W. Hebron, of W. A. Herrou & Sons, left yesterday for a brief vacation. He will visit Cleveland, Buffalo, Niagara and other places of interest. The successor of the late William Semple in the directory of the Pittsburg and Western Railroad has not been determined UDOn, but it is thought a Pittsburg man will be selected. The Board of Directors of the Masonic Bank has filled the vacancy in the Presidency caused by the death of Mr. Geter C. Shidle by electing to that place Mr. Charles B. McLean, lately tbe cashier, and promoted Mr. W. R. Christian from assistant cashier to cashier. STOCKS STE0NG. A Reaction Which Carries Everything to a Level Northern Pacific and Ore son Lend tho Upward Move mentRailroad Bonds Active. New Yobk, June 18. The stock market was somewhat less active to-day, but it made up in interest what it lacked in animation, and dur ing the entire day, with the exception of the first and last half hours there was a decidedly strong tone to the dealings, tbe consequence being that many stocks to-night are materially higber, while the few declines from last evening's figures are small and unimportant. The absence of a large number of brokers of sporting proclivities at the yacht and horse races accounted for the di minished activity this moraine- bnt the with drawal of the Alton from the Inter-State Asso-, elation ana ine resignation 01 Commissioner Fink bad seemingly spent their force upon the market and there was a most pronounced dispo sition to take tho more cheerful view of the railroad situation. There was a considerable pounding of the Grangers still by the West erners, and the effects of this pleasure was most apparent in the first hour of the sessions, but completely disappeared in the afternoon. New England and Atchison were the sustaining elements in the forenoon, but while they were thought unusually active, neither moved over a range of more than 1 per cent during the day, and neither was able to hold its advance. The great feature of thedaywas the strength of the Northern Pacific and the Oregon stocks because of tbe final settlement of tbe Oregon complications, although Union Pacific in whose interest tbe provisions of the settlement were made, failed to respond to the news at all. The Coal stocks also again came to the front late in the day, and Jersey Central, Dela ware and Hudson and Lackawanna all reached higher figures than before attained and scored handsome final gains. Realizations in tho last hour caused a limited reaction and the final figures are in most cases" something off from tbe best price-. Tho close was quiet and firm at slighUy below the best figures of the day. The final changes are almost invariably in the direction of higher prices. Delaware and Hudson rose 2& Lackawanna and Oregon Navigation 2 ner cent each. Jersey Central and Oregon Transcontinental lii each. Northern Pacific preferred 1 and the common 1 per 1 ront Thn tntnl fi.lll9' tt ltatl.il Btnnlr. w.a 245.6'26 shares, of which Atchison furnished 47,155, New England 89,250, Reading 24,950, Lackawanna 23.610, St. Paul 14,300, and North ern Pacific preferred 14,050. Railroad bonds were fairly active, the sales of all Issues aggregating" $1,755,000. but there was none of the interest manifested in the transactions, and the movements in tbe list were comparatively small and unimportant. The Atlantic and Pacific 4s contributed 3181, 000. the Reading 4s $157,000 and the Kansas and Texas general 6i $141,000 to tbe grand total, but neither of these bonds show any special feature beyond their animation. The most marked movement was the further advance of the St. Louis and Chicago consols to 43, but they re acted at the close to 42, a net gain of 1 per cent from the last previous sale. The weak-spot in the market was the Hocking Valley issues, and tbe os dropped 3 to 66 and the 6s 2 to 68. Denver and Rio Grande Western Assented firsts rose 2V to 92, Tbe following table shows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected dally for The .Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue: cios inc. Bids 69 Open- Hlgn- low Ins. est. est. Am, Cotton Oil V))i .... .. .' yjL,LiiA.-:viwv 1 Atch., Top. A s. I... 40X Canadian Pacific Canada Southern 54 Central or .New jeney.mH CentraiPaelflu 2S Chesapeake 4 Ohio.... 20U C., Bur. ft Qultiy.....l03 C Mil. ft St. Paul.... 1Vi C..MIl.ftSt.F..pr. ?. C., Bock l ftF 87K e., st. l. & pi C., St. L. ft Pltti. pf. C.. St. P., M. ft O... C.. St. FM. ft O., pr. .... C. 4 Northwestern.... 109J5 L.4 -Northwestern, pf. ... Col. Coal ft iron Col. 4 Booking Val .. 15K Del.. L. 4W usA Del. ft Hudson 147 DenverftRioG .... Denver 4 Bio U nr... 49X f.T..Va.40a H$ B.TVa.4Galitpf.. ..?. S Va.4Ga.2dpf. a Illinois central Lske Erie ft Western.. 18V LakKrlB4West.pr. Lake Shore &M. S 106 Louisville 4 Nashville. TOM Michigan Central 61 Mobile 4 Ohio sip., k, ftTexas Missouri Pacific 75M ew York Central 103S J.. L.E.4W S3 X.. C. 4St.L J.. U ft St. L. pf. . 4N. E 52 . y.,o. 4 W 17K Jiorrolka Western Norfolk 4 Western, pf orthera Pacific ssji Sortnern pacific nrer. 66K OM04 Mississippi sag Oregon Improvement. .... Orejon Transeon 33 PacifioMall 7. Peo. Deo. 4 Evan Phlladel. 4 Reading.. 43U Pullman Palace Car.. .133 Rlohmona 4 W. P. T.. 25f Hlchmond 4 W.P.T.pf 84 St.Panl4Duluth St. Paul 4 Duluth pr. St. P., Minn. 4 Man St.L. 4 8an Fran 29 St. L. 4 San'ran pf. St. L. 4 ban'?, is; pi Texas Paclflo 21 UnlonPaoIflo 63 wabasn Wabash preferred 29 western Union tlV Wheeling 4 L. K National Lead Trust.. 30M Chicago Gas Trust 69M Sugar Trust no 47 48 46 5S M MK MH 11 JH 112K 113t 3-, UK 35M 20H 20)4 20 10JH 102 103 73K 72 72S4 113)4 S7 97K VlA is ass 15n M 53? W 110 1U9X 110H 1 72 nn jsS 23?S 15H 15 15 143 USH ltlH 149)4 147 ... ....1 1M 49 49k 4SH 10$ m W 75 25 25 25 114 J 106X IOC" 10X 71)4 70H TOM 91J 91 W 13 10X 76 75 6i 108 VSH 10831 28X 27 S3 18 71 33 33)f 33 I2K 51T 52 17X 17), J7H 16 55W V)H 23H 29M 63 66 67K iifi 23 23 KH 36J4 33 S5M MM MK 48K 47 43 J33 137K 133 2SJf ISS 25 84 83M 83X 84 85 102 29- 29; 28 60 113 2tf 21 21 63)4 62 62 15 29 29 29 88 87X 87 .... .. . 69 30 69 5S 63 IU. Boston Stocks. Atch. 4 Toe. 1st 7s. 117 Atch.4Top.R.R... 47 Boston 4 Albany.. .212 Boston 4 Maine... m B. Q 103 KasternR.R 92 Eastern H. B. 6s ....115 Flint perest 29 Flint ft PereM. nro. 98 K.CSt.J.4C.B.7S.HS LltUeK.4Ft.S. 7S.106 Mexican Cen. com.. 15 I. Y. ftHewlCnir... 52 Ogd.4L.Cham,com. 7 . Old Colony. 174 Wis. Central, com... 21 Wis. Central pf.... 52 AllouezMgCo(new). 90 Calumet 4 Reels... ,207 Cataloa 12 rranKiio. Huron Pewablo (new) Unlncr 9 1)4 2 50 Bell Telephone 214 Boston Land 6 Water Power 6K Tamarack 104 LATE NEWS IS BRIEF. The troops sent to the scene of the reported Indian outbreak at Mille Lacs broke camp at Mora and returned to Ft, Snelling last night. The latest courier from the reset ration brought news to Mora at noon that the Indians had so bered up and were not inclined to make further trouble. The appearance of the troops had a wholesome effect In intimidating them. The Attorney General has received the resignations of George S. Peters. United States Attorney for the District of Utah: Peter 8. Knight, United States Attorney for the South ern District of Florida, and E. M. Boykln, United States Marshal for Soutb Carolina. They have all been accepted, to take effect upon the appointment and classification of their successors. The New Hampshire Senate yesterday took a ballot for United States Senator which re sulted as follows: Harry Bingham, 6; William E. Chandler, 18. Mr. Chandler was declared tho choice of the Senate. In the House, a viva voce vote for United States Senator resulted: D. Knowles. 1; J. H. Gallinger, 1; Luther F. McKay, 3; Harry Bingham, 137; William E. Chandler, 165. Mr. Chandler was declared the choice of the House. Reports received from San Francisco indi cate that tbe cruiser Charleston will be ready for another trial in about three weeks. New cross-head guides have been made and are being fitted, and it is probable that new blades will bo attached to the propeller, the con tractors being impressed with the belief that the present scrow is of a pitch so sharp that it does not permit the engines to work off all of the steam developed by the boilers. Sunday night Mrs. John Maples and her two boys, one aged 5 and the other 3 years, were drowned in a small creek near Wabash, Ind. Mr. Maples, with his family, was on his way home from North Manchester, and at tempted to ford the creek, which had been swollen by heavy rains. The spring wagon was overturned by the strong current and all were thrown into the water. Maples and one child were saved, but Mrs. Maples and two children were carried on down the creek and arownea. A deed was recorded yesterday at Balti more between tbe Baltimore and Ohio Tele graph Company and the Western Union Tele graph Company, whereby tbe Baltimore and Ohio company conveys to the Western Union all its right, title and interest in and to all its telegraph lines and property of every nature and description. The consideration is $1 and the entire discharge of tbe Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Company from the obligation to issue the $6,000,000 of bonds provided for in its contract with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company. The Pres dent made the following appoint ments yesterday: Knyal A. Johnson, of Ari zona, to be Surveyor General of Arizona: James F. Stokes, of Dakota, to be Receiver of Public Moneys at Grand Forks, Dale: Thomas J. But ler, of Arizona, to bo Receiver of Public Mon- A 1-0 n . P.a.nnt, A .l.iin I ' 1... T .!! . William McKusick, of Dakota, at the Sisse ton agency in Dakota, Stanton G. Fisher, of Idaho, at the Fort Hall agency in Idaho; Will iam R. Bishop, of Oregon, at the Klamath agency in Oregon; Samuel L. Patrick, of Kan sas, at the Sac and Fox agency in the Indian Territory; Horatio N. Rnst, of California, at the Mission Tule river (consolidated) agency In California, embracing Hoopa Valley. British Breadstuff's. London, June 18. The Mark Lane Express, in Its weekly review of the British grain trade, says: The rainfall has been abundant. Cereals look well, except in the midland counties, where the soil is saturated to a great ex tent. The sales of English wheat during the past week wero 41,765 quarters, at 28s 4d against 39,667 quarters at 31s 7d during the corresponding week last year. The off-coast trade has been slow Binro Whitsuntide. A sale of California wheat at 33s ia indicates steadi ness. Mnch English wheat is offering under 30s. Russian is Is, Indian 6d and American red 3d dearer. Flour 13 dnlL Malting barley is firm. The May arrivals of Chilian and Cali fornia have gone to consumers. Grinding bar ley has advanced 6d during tbe past fortnight. Light oats are firm. Heavy oats are flat. Corn is 3d lower. Drycoods Mnrkeu New Yobk, June 18. Trade in drygoods was quiet on tbe spot, but good returns were made by salesmen on tbe road, of numerous articles in both cotton and woolen goods. Southern fine cottons met with good sales, as do new Erints and ginghams. Prices of cotton flannels ave been made about the same as last year. The market was without change to-day or new developments. A firm tone is the general characteristic, with print cloths firm. Sletnl Market. New Yoek Pig Iron firm and active. Copper stagnant; lake, June, $12 00. Lead quiet and stronger; domestic, $1 00. Tin weak and dull; Straits, $20 10. When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When Bhe hadChildren.she gave them Castorl a ap9-77-MwTSu 512 AND 514 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURG, PA. Transact a General BanMng Business. Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer cial Credits, IN STERLING, Available In all paits of the world. Also Issue Credits IN DOLLARS For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West. 'Indies, South and Central America. ao7-Bl.uwr THE PEOPLE'S NATIONAL BANK HAVE OS ILUtD AND ISSUE BROWN BROS. & CO.'S Circular Letters of Credit for Travelers 1 Good in all parts of the world. ap27-83-wa T MfllinWJ&MWDIlM 1. lUliLLUlUfci)U110 Mim, DOMESTIC IAEIETS. The Home-;Raised Strawberry's Day Approaching Its End. POTATOES DRIFTING DOWNWARD. Corn the Firm Factor of Cereals, by Season of Scarcity. SLOW MARKETS IN GRAIN AND HAT Office or Pittsuubo Dispatch, TUESDAY, June 18, 1883. Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Home-raised strawberries are in bountiful supply. Continuous rains have resulted in large quantities of berries coming to markets in poor condition. Raspberries begin to come in freely, and will supplant the strawberry in a few days, to be in its turn supplanted by black berries. Every dog and every berry has Its day. The strawberry's day for this season will soon come to an end. and the housewife who has not yet done her preserving in this line is advised to attend to it this week. The firmness of old potatoes last week has brought forward bountiful supplies, and the upward drift has been checked. Butter, eggs and cheese remain practically unchanged. Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2021c; Ohio do, 1718c; fresh dairy packed, 1415c; country rolls. 1314c: Chartlers Creamery Co., 2021c Beaus-$I 751 90. Beeswax 2830c fi for choice; lowgrade, 1820c Cider Sand refined, $6 507 50; common, $3 S04 00; crab cider, $8 00S SO f) barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c 1 gallon. Cheese New Ohio cheese, 9c; New York, new, 10llc; Limburger, 89c; domestic Sweitrer cheese, 9K12c. California Fruits California peaches. $4 004 60 f! box; cherries, $3 00; apricots, $4 00 44 oo; pi urns, $ wt-i ou. Eggs 15o $1 dozen for strictly fresh; goose eggs, 30c Ifi dozen. Fruits Strawberries, 68c p quart; pine apples, $1 001 25 $ dozen; red raspberries, $6 00 7 00. 2-busheI stand. Feathers Extra live geese, S060c; No. 1 do. 4045c; mixed lots, SOfgSoc V lb. Potatoes Old, 50c $ bushel; "Early Rose, $3 253 60; Peerless, $3 003 23. Poultry Live chickens, 6575c per pair; undrawn chickens, 1012c ft lb; drawn, 14 15c fl lb. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 Sts to bushel. $5 GO ) bushel; clover, large English, 62 lbs, $S 00; clover, Allske, $8 50; clover, white, $9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 lbs, $1 65; blue grass, extra clean, 14 lbs, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 As, $1 00; orchard grass, 14 lbs. $165; red top, 14 lbs, $125; millet, 60 lbs, $1 00: German millet, 50 lbs, $1 60; Hungarian grass, 60 lbs. $1 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, $2 60 per bushel of 14 lbs. tallow Country, 4K5c; city rendered, 6 5Kc TRC y2c 'ropical Fruits Lemons, fancv. 84 5021 5 00 ?! box: Messina oranges, $4 605 60 ft dox; Valencia oranges, rancy, 7 oui&'J uu -ft case; bananas, $2 00. firsts; $1 60, good seconds, ft bunch; cocoanuts, $4 605 00 ft hundred: new figs, &9c ft pound; dates, 5g6Xc ft pound. Vegetables Tomatoes, fancy Floridas. $3 003 60a crate; Misslssippis,one-third bushel crates, $1 251 60; beans, round wax fancy. $3 00 a crate; beans, round wax medium. $2 60 a crate: beans, round green, $2 252 60; new beets, 3540c ft dozen; cucumbers, 40o0o ft dozen, $1 752 00 a crate: radishes, large white and gray, 30035c ft dozen; cabbage, two-barrel crates, Louisville and St. Louis,$2 00 62 25; Eastern, single-barrel crates, 75cJl 00. Groceries. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2223e; choice Rio, 2021c; prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 1819c; old Government Java, 27c; ilaracaibo, 2223c; Mocha, 3031c; Santos, 1922c; Caracas coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La guayra, 21022c. Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,23Kc; high grades, 2527c; old Government Java, Dulk. 3232c; Maracalbo. 2728c; Santos, 223Kc; peaberry, 28Kc; peaberry, choice Rio, 25c; prime Rio, 22K; good Rio, 22c; ordinary, 21c Spices (whole) Cloves, 21025c: allspice, 9c; cassia, 8Q9c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 7080c Pktroleuk (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio. 120. 8Kc; headlight, 160, 8Kc; water white, 10c: globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; carnadlne, Uc; royaline, 14c SYRUPS Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrup. 3338c; prime sugar syrup, S033c; strictly prime. 33035c: new maple syrup, 90c N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me dium, 43c: mixed, 4042c Soda Bi-carb in kegs,-3K4c; bi-carb in K&, &Kc; bi-carb, assorted packages, 66c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c Candles Star, f nil weight, 9c; stearine,per set. 8c; parafflne, ll12c Rice Head, Carolina, 77Kc: choice, 6i 7c; prime, 56Kc; Louisiana, 66c Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 5j7c; gloss starch, 6Ji7c. Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon don layers, $3 10: California London layers,$2 60; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels, Jl 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 7KQ8c; sultana, 8Jc; currants, new, 45c; Turkey Drunes. new. 4Moc: f'rencn nrnnes. s4i)13c: Salonica prunes.in 2-B packages. 8c; cocoanuts, Jer 100, to 00; almonds, Lan., per lb, 20c: do rica, 19c; do shelled. 40c: walnuts, nap.. 12 15c: Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12loc: new dates, 56c; Brazil, nuts, 10c; pecans, U15c; citron, per lb, 21022c; lemon peel, per &, 1314c: orange peel, 12Kc Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per B, 6c; apples, evaporated, 6M6jc; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 15lsc: peaches, evaporated, nared. 22023c: oeaches. California. eTanorated. unpaired, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unfitted, 66c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424c; blackberries, 7K8c: huckle berries. 10 12c SUOARS Cubes,I010c;powderea,1010Hc; granulated, 9Kc; confectisners' A, i9Jc; sianuaru a, u;4c; sok wniies, otpivci yellow, choice, 8K8c; yellow, good, 88c; yellow, fair, 8Jc; yellow, dark, 7c Pickles Medium, bbls I (1,200), $4 50; xnedl- urns, half bbls (BOO). $2 75. MA. . u. -l, . uu, euvi xi v. x c. fiuui,.! uu; dairy, ft bh, $1 20: coarse crystal, ft bbl, $1 20; Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 80; Hlggins' Eureka: 16-14 lb pockets, $3 0U Canned Goods Standard peaches, $1 300 1 90; 2ds. $1 30iffil 35; extra peaches. $1 501 90; pie peaches, 90c: finest corn, $11 50; Hf d. Co. corn. 7090c; red cherries, 90c$l: Lima beans, $1 10; soaked do, 85c: string do do. 7585c; mar rowfat peas, $1 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, $1 401 50: Bahama do. $2 75; dam son plums, 95c; greengages, $1 25; egg plums, $2; California pears. $2 oO; do greengages, $2; do egg plums, $2; extra white cherries, $2 90: red cherries, 2 lbs, ."90c; raspberries, $1 40S1 50; strawberries. $1 10; gooseberries, $1 S01 40; tomatoes, 82K92c; salmon, 1-ft, $1 752 10; blackberries, 80c; succotash. 2-ft cans, soaked. 99c; do green, 2 lbs, $1 251 60; corn beef. 2-lb cans, $1 75: 14-lb cans, $13 50; baked beans, $1 45 1 50; lobster, 1 lb, $1 751 80; mackerel, 1-B cans, broiled, $1 60; sardines, domestics, lis, $1 154 60: sardines, domestic Ks. $8 258 60; sardines, imported, Vs, $11 60012 50; sardines, imported,Ks,$18; sardines,mustard, $4; sardines, spiced, $4 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $38 ft bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess, $40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed, $36: No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole pollock, 4c ft lb; do medlnm, George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c: boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do Georgo's cod in blocks, 67Kc Herring Round shore, $5 00 ft bbl: split, $7 00; lake, $2 60 ft 100-ft. half bbl. White fish, $7 00 ft 100l lb, half bbl. Lake trout, $5 50 ft half bbL Finnan haddock, 10c ft B. Iceland halibut, 13c ft lb. Pickerel, K barrel, $2 00; H barrel.ll 10; Potomao herring, $5 00 ft barrel, $2 60 ft barrel. Buckwheat Flour 2J2c ft B. a i n. V. 1 la Vkl AC -kt A 1 .. ,M Wl , . UATJUtAlr-JO uUWO 00 W DDL Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained. ESUBBa ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c Grain, Flour and Feed. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 38 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. "Wayne and Chicago, 6 cars of flour, 2 of bay, 1 of middlings, 3 of oats. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of oats. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 2 cars of r.TB.3 of bay. 2 of malt, 2 of oats, 1 of flour, 4 of wheat. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 5 cars of hay, 2 of bran, 1 of corn. 1 of flour, 1 of wheat, 1 of oats. Sales on call, 1 car y. c. corn, 40c, track P. t L. E.; 1 car h. m. s. corn, 39c, 10 days, P. B. It.; 1 car sample oats, 31c, track. The firm factor of cereal markets Is corn. Its strength is due to its scarcity. Tbe general drift is toward a lower level, and this appears more and more as the harvest time draws near. Prospects for incoming crops are too bright for anv general upward movement. wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, 8990c; No.3red,8384c- Corn NO. 2 yellow ear. 4041c; high mixed ear, 3839c: No. 2 yellow, shelled, 3939Kc; high mixed, shelled, 3S39c; mixed, shelled, 37K38c Oats No. 2 white, 3232Uc: extra, No. 3. 3U231Kc: No. 3 white, 2930c; No. 2 mixed oats, 2S2Sc Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 51652c; No. 1 Western, 4849c Flour JobDiDg prices Winter patents, $5 &05 75: spring patents, $5 7508 00; winter straight. $4 75)5 00; clear winter, $4 5004 75; straight XXXX bakers', $4 C04 25. Rye flour, $3 6003 75. Millfeed Middlings, fine white, $15 000 15 50 ft ton; brown middlings, $11 6012 60; winter wheat bran, $12 2512 50: chop feed, $15 00016 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice, $15 00; No. 1 do, $13 00313 60: No. 2 do, $U 6012 50; loose, from wagon, $16 0018 00; No. 1 upland prairie, $10 60lf 00; No. it, 17 C08 00; packing do, $5 60 66 60, JB&4j&j2 BTRAw-Oats, 17 50; wheat and rye straw 7 007 6008 00. Frorislons. Sngar-cured hams, large. VHc; sugar-cured hams, medium. 11:: sugar-cured bams, small, 12Kc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats. 9c; sugar cured dried beef sets. 10c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, 12Kc; bacon shoulders, 7c: bacon clear sides, oefbacon clear bellies, 8c; dry salt shoulders. &c; dry salt clear sides. VAc Mess pork, heavy, $14 00; mesa pork, family, $14 SO. Lard Refined in tierces, 6c; balf barrels. 7c: 60-lb tubs, 7Hc: Z0-B pails, 7Kc: 50 & tin cans, 6c; 3-B tin palls, 7c; 5-lb tin palls, 7c; 10-fi tin pails. 7c Smoked sausage,long, 5c; large,5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless ham, 10c. Pigs feet, half barrel, $3 60; quarter barrel, $2 00. ' Dressed Bleat. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 lbs, Sc; 550 to 650 Bs, 6Vc; 650 to 750 tts, 6Kc Sheep, 8c ft &. Lambs, 9c ft B. Hogs,Cc Fresh pork loins, 9c A STARTLING FACT. The diseases of tbe kidneys and urinary or gans are much more common than are gener ally supposed. Beginning by a weakness in the back, accompanied by pain, which at first may be so slight as to cause little or no inconven ience to the persons afflicted, still as tbe dis ease progresses there are presented a chain of symptoms which eventually lead to graver difficulties: there is an in creased pain in tho small of the back and In the region of the groins, high colored urine with brickdust sediment, scanty or copious flow, with frequent desire and pain in voiding it Not only do the organs themselves become organically diseased, terminating in gravel or stone in the bladder, diabetes or Bright's disease, often ending in that most fatal condition, convulsive ureamla, hut are one of the most potent causes of rheumatism and dropsy. The physicians of the Folypathlc Institute also treat successfully all forms of skin and blood diseases; also clubfoot, tumors, rupture, ulcers, varicose veins, piles and de formities. Please remember that the physicians of the tho Polypatbic Institute are not traveling doctors, but are permanently located. They have been established in Pittsburg for nearly one year, and hundreds testify to cures re ceived. Office hours, 10 to 11:30 A. jr., 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 P. M. Sundays, 1 to 4 p. M. Consultation free. THE . POLYP ATHIC MEDICAL AND SURGICAL IN8TITUE, 420 Penn avc jelS-D BUTTER, :: BUTTER, BUTTER. EVERY POUND WARRANTED FURS Chartiers Creamery Co. Warehouse and General Offices, 616 LIBERTY STREET, Telephone 1423. nTTSBTJEG, PA. Factories throughout Western Pennsylvania. For prices see market quotations. Wholesale exclusively. mhlS-irwr WHOLESALE HOUSE. JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this weckin BILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and OHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-r8S-D Tiyi ONEY TO LOAN - On mortgages on improved real estate in sums of $1,000 and upward. Appl at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. mh4-34-D No. 124 Fourth avenue. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY'S MNE3 Alarll is$. Central standard Time. TBA1NS DEPAKT "As follows from Union Station: Kor Chicago, d 7rB a. m., d 12:3), d 1:00, d,7:. except Saturday, lids S. m.: Toledo, 7:25s. m.. d 12:10. d 1:00 and except aturdar. 11:20 p. m.; Crestline, 5:43 a. m.: Clere land, 6:10 a. m., 12:15 and d 11.-03 p. m. and 7:15 a. m.. via 1, F. W. & a Ky.: New Castle and Youngstown. 7:03 s. m.. 12:2 3:43 p. m.: YoungstownandNUcs, dtt:20 p. m.; SleadrUle, Krleand Ashtabula. 7:05 a. m., 12:3) p. m.: Mies and Jamestown, 3:43 p. m.: JUsssllIon. 4:10 p. m.: Wheeling and Bellalre. 6:10. m., 12:45, J:30p. m.: Beaver Falls. 4KKJ. 5:05 p. m., Kock Volnt. SS30 a. ui.: Leetidsle. 5:30 a.m. ALLEGHENY Kochester, : s. m.; Dearer Falls, S:15, 11:00 a. m.: Enon, 3:00 p. m.: Leets dale, 10:00, 11:45 s. m., 2.-C0, 4:30, 4:45,1:30. 7:00, 9:00 p.m.; Conway, 10:30p.m.; Fair Uaks, a 11:40 a, m. : Leetsdale, S 8:30 p. m. TItAINS AKltlVE Union station from Chicago, except Monday 1:50, d 6:00. d 6:33 a. m., d 6:30 p. m. ; Toledo, except Monday 1:50, d 8:15 a.m., 6:JO p. m. . Crestline, 2:10 p. m.: l'onngitown and Newcastle. 9:10 a. m., 1:25, 6:50, 10:13 p. ni.;Nlles and Yonnsstown. d 6:50 p. m.;CleTeland, d 5:30a. rc 2:25, 7:ro p. m.: Wheeling and Bellalre, 90 a. m., 2:25, 7:00 p. m.; Erie and Ashtabula, WS, 10:15 p. m.: MassUlon. 10:03 a. m.; Nlles and Jamestown. 9:10 a.m.; Bearer Falls. 7:30 a. m.. 1:10 p. m.. Kock Point, b 8:25 p. m.; Leetsdale, 10:4o p. m. m.; Conwsj, 6:50; Rochester, 9:40 a. m.; Bearer Fills, 7:10 a. m 5:43 p. m.: Leetsdale, 5:30, 6:13, 7:43 a. m.. 12:00, 1:43, 4:00, 6:30, 9:00 p. m.; Fair Uaks. S 8:55 a. m. ; Leetsdale, S 6:05 p. m.: Bock Point, a 3:15 p. m. 8, Sandar only; d, dallr; other trains, except Sunday. Je5 PANHANDLE KOUTE MAYli 1889. UNION station. Central Standard Tin . Leave for Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 7:30 a.m., d 8:00 and d 11:13 p. m. Dennison, 2:43 p. m. Chicago, 12:05, d 11:15 p. m. Wheeling, 7 JO a. m 12:05, 6:10 p. m. Stenbennlle, 5:53 a. m. Washington. 5:55, 8:33 a. in., 1:55, J:30. 4:55 p. m. Bulger, 10:10 a, m. Bnrgettstown. 311:35 a.m.. 3:25 p. m. Mans Held, 7:15, 11:00 a. m., 6:30. d 8:33; 10:55, p.m. Mc Donalds, d 4:15. d 10:25 p. m. From tbe West, (12:10, d 8.-09, a. m 1:03, d5:53 p.m. UennlsoL, 9:30a.m. Stenbenrllle, 5:05 p. m. Wheeling-, 2:10, 8:45 a.m., 3:05, 5:55 p.m. Burgetts toirn, 7:i5a. m.,s 9:05 a.m. Washington 8:55. 7:50, 9:55 a. m.. 2:35, 6:20 p. m. Mansfield, d5:3S, 9:00 a. m.. 12:45 d 6: JJ and 10:00 p. m. Bulger, 1:40p.m. McDonalds, d 6:35a. m., d 9:00 p. m. d dallr; 8 Sunday only; other trains, except Bandar. . PITTSBUKG AND CASTLE SHAN NONK.R. Slimmer Time Tabic. On and alter May 1, 1889. until further notice, trains will rnnasfolloirs on ererr day, except Snndsr. Eastern standard time: Leaving l'lttsbnrg-:20 s. m 7:10 a.m., SaO a.m.. 9:3b a. m., 11:30 s..m.. 1:40 p. m.. 3:40 p. m., 5:10 p. m.. 6:50 p. m., 6:30 p. lb., 9:30 p. m., 11:30 p.m. Arlington 5:40 a. m., 6:20 a. m., 7:10 a. m., 8:00 a.m., 10:20 a. m.. 1.-00 p. m.. 2:40 p.m., 4:20p. m., 8:10p. m., 5:50 p. m., 7:10p.m.. 10:30 p.m. Sunday trains, tearing Pittsburg 10 a.m., 12:50 p. m.. 2:30 p. m.. 5:10 p. m., 7:10 p. m., 9:30 p. m Arlington 9:10 a. m., 12 m., 1:50 p. m., 420 p.m. 6:30 p. m., 8:00 p. m. JOHN JAHN, Supt. ALIEdHENY VALLET RAILROAD Trains leave Union Station (Eastern Standard tune): Klttannlng Ac. 6:55 a. m. : Niagara Ex., dally. 3:43 a. m., Hulton Ac, 10:19 a. m.; Valley Camp Ac, 12.-05 P. m.; OU Cltrand DuBols Ex- 5reu,2:00p.m.;Hultn Ac, J:00 p.m. : Klttannlng c, 4:00p.m.; Braeburn Ex., 6:00 p.m.; Kltuan lng Ao.,5.30p. nu; Braeburn Ac, 6:20p.m.: Hal ton Ac, 730 p. m.; Buffalo Ex.. daUy. 80 p. m. ; Hnlton Ac. 9:45 r. m. : Braeburn Ac, 11:30 p.m. Church trains Braeburn, 12:40 p. m. and 9:33 p. m. Pullman Bleeping Cars between Pittsburg. and Buffalo. J AS. P. ANDERSON, o,x. Ait, i uAYiu.iicoAsao, aw. suvu 11 GOODS d MIS. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA KAIXKOAD ON AND after May 12, 1889. trains leare Union Station. Pittsburg, as follows. Eastern Standard; Time: . MAIN LINE EASTWARD. New York and Chicago Limited of Pullman Ves tibule daily at 7:15 a.m. mmm Atlantic Express dally for the East, 3:20 a.m. Mau train, dally, except Sunday, 6:30 a, m. Sua day, mall, 8:40 a. m. Day express dally st 8:00 a. m. Mall express dally at 1:00 p. m. Philadelphia express dally at 4:30 p. m, Eastern express dally at 7:15 p. m. Fast Line dally st 8:10 p. m. GreensDurg express 3:10 p. m. week days, Derry express 11:00 a. m. week days. All through trains connect at Jersey CltrwltS boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn, N. Y aroldlngdouble ferriage and Jcramey through Mi Y. City. Trains arrive at Union Station as follows: Mali Train, dally 8:10 p. m. Western Express, dally 7:43 a. ra. Pacific Express, dally 12:45 p. m. Chicago Limited Express, dally 8:30 p. nu Fast Cine, dally 11:55 p.m. SOUTHWESr PENN RAILWAX. For Unlontown, 5:30 ana 8:33 s. m, and 4:23 p. m., without change of cars: 12.50 p. m., connect lng at Greensburg. Trains arrive from Union town at 9:45 a. m.. 12:20. 53 and 8:10 p. m. WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. From FEDERAL ST. STATION. Allegheny City. Mall train, connecting for Blalrsrllle... 6:43 a. m. Exoress. for Blalrsrllle, connecting for Butler J:Up. ra. Butler Accom 8:20 a. m 2:23 and 5:43 p. ra. Sprlngdale Accom9:00.110a.m.3:30and 60 p.m. Freeport Accom 4:15. 8:30 and 11:40 p. m. On Sunday 12:50 and 9'JOp. m. North Apollo Accom..... 11:00 a.m. and SKlOp. m. Allegheny Junction Accommodation connecting for Butler tD a. m. Blalrsrllle Accommodation 10:40p. ra. Trains arnvest FEDEKALSTREETSTATIONl Express, connecting from Butler 10:35 a. nu Mall Train 1:43 p. m. Butler Accom 9:10 s. m., 4:40and7:20p. m. Blalrsrllle Accommodation ..952 p. m. FreenortAccom.7:40 a.m.. 15, 7S0 and 11:10 jt nu On Sunday 10:10a. m. and 7:03 p.m. Sprlngdale Accom. ...657,11:48 a. ffi.,3:lC:30 p. nu North Apollo Accom 8:40 a. m. and 5:40 p. ra, MON ON G AMELA DIVISION. Trains leare Union station. Pltuourg. as roUows: For Monongahela City, West Brownsrllle and Unlontown. lis. m. For Monongahela City and West Brownsrllle, 7:03 and 11a. m. and 4:40 p. m. On Sunday, 1:01 p. m. For Monongahela City, 5:49 p. m., week dars. Drarosburg Ac, week days, 3:20 p. m. West Elizabeth Accommodation, 8:20a. m., too, 6:20and :i:35p. m. Sunday. 9:40 p. m. Ticket offices Corner Fourth avenue and Try street and Union station. CHAS. E. PUUH, J. B. WOOD. General Manager. Gen'l Pass'r AgenU PITTSBURG ANU LAKE ER1JC RAILROAD COMPANY-buhedule In effect June 2, 1839, Central time: P. & L. E. R. E. DIPART For Cleveland. 5:00, 8:00 A. M., 1:35, 4:ll S-.Xr. M. For Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis, 5:00 A. M., '1:35, "9:30 r. X. For Buffalo, 8:00 A. M.. 4:10, 9:30 P. M. For Bala manca, 3:CO .t. M., -1:35 F. If. For Beaver Falls, 5:00, COO, 8:30. 10:15 A. M.. "1:35. 3J0. 4:10. 5:15, 9:30 P. M. ror CUartlers. 5:00, 13:3a 5:35. 60, 6tf5, 7:13, "Saie, 8:30, 9:25, 10:15 A. M., KrfS, '12:43, 1:40, 3:30, 14:30. 4:30, "5:03, 5:15, "8.-03, 10:30P. M. ABWVX From Cleveland, "60 A. M.. "12:30. S-Ji, ItH 9:40 P. M. From Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis. '12-.X, 7:33 p. x. From Buffalo. 8:30 a. M., "12:30, 9:40 p. . From Salamanca. 12:30, 7:55P. M. From Youngstown. 6:30. 9:20a. u.. 12:30, 5:35. "7:55, 9:40 P. M. From Bearer Falls, 5:25. SO, 7:20, 9:20 A. M.. 'ri: 1:10. 5:35; 7:55. 9:40 P. M. From Chartlers. "5:12, 5:25, "8:30 6:45, 7:03. "7:47, 9;20. 9:57, 119 A. X 1:10. "1:32, 3:17. 4:00, 4:40, 4:52, 5:35, "9:12, 9:10, 11:12, 18.-0I P.'d i Y.'tralns for Mansfield, 8:30 A. M- JdO, 4:50 p. x. For Essen and Beechmont. 8:30, A. X., 30P. x. P., C. & Y. trains from Mansfield. Eisea ana Beacnmont, 7:08, 11:50 a. x. P., McK, 4 Y. R. K. DIPART ForNewHaren. 15:30 A. .."3:30 p. x. For West Newton. "3:30 10:O5A. X.. 3:30. 5:15 P. X. Arrivi From NewHaren, t"7ao A. x., '5:oop. X, From WestNewton,6:15. i":50A. x.,15, "SXO p.x. For McKeesport and Elizabeth, 3J0,10KSA. X., 3:3( 5:15 P.x. From Ellzatieth and McKeesport, 7:50 A. x 1:2a, "3:00 P. X. Dally. ISundsys only. iWIU run one hour late on Sunday. WU1 run two hours late on Sunday. City ticket office 401Smlthfleld street. ALT1MORE AND OHIO RAILROAD Schedule In effect May 12. 1SS9. For Washing ton. D. C. Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. '8:00 a. m.. 6:00 andJ9:20p. m. For Cum berland, "8:00a.m., tl:CQ,"8:0, "9:20p.m. For Con nellsrllle, t6:40 and "8:C0 a. m.. J1.-O0. 54:00. 8:CO and "9:20 p. m. For Unlontown, 36:40, "8:00 a. m.. tl 0 and 4:00 p. m. For Mount Pleasant,$S:40and ?8rOO a. m., and tlrt and 4:00 p. m. For Washington. Pa., "8:4.5. t9:40 a. m., "3:33, J0 and "S: p. m. For Wheeling. "6:43, $9:40 a. rs.. "3:35, "8:30 p.m. For Cincinnati and St. Louis. 6:43a.m., "8:30p.m. ForColumbus. B:43and9:40 a. m "8:30 p. m. For Newark. "8:45, t9:40 a. m., 3:35, 6:J0 p. m. For Cblcaao, 6:45. 49:40 a. m.. S:3S and 8:30 p. m. Trains arrire from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, "8:20 a. m. and "3:50 p. m. From Colnmbus, Cn rlnnattand Chicago. "7:45 a. m. and9Xp. nu From Wheeling, 7:1S, 'lOSOa. m.. 5:00, 9:00 p. m. Throneh sleeping cars to Baltimore. Wash ington, Philadelphia, New York and Cincinnati. Wheeling accommodation. 6:30 a. m., Sunday only. ConnellsrUle accommodation at 8:25 sv m. Dally. tDallr except Sunday. JSunday onlr. Tbe Pittsburg Transler Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences upon orders left at B. & O. Ticket Office, corner . Firth avenue and Wood street. CHAs. O." SCULL, Gen. Pass. Agt. J.T.ODELL. Oen.Mgr. jrrrsBURG and western railwai Trains (Cet1lStan'dtlme) Leare I Arrire. Bntler Accommodation. 6:00 am 7 SB am 7:10 am 7:23 pra 4:00 nm. Day Ex.Ak'n.Tol.,Cl'n. Kane Buuer Accommoaation Chicago Express (dally) New Castle and Ureenrllle Ex Zellenople andFoxburg Ac. Butler Accommodation 90 am 12:30 pm 1:50 pm 4:40 pm 11.-05 am 9:3s am so sni 2:10 pm a-j pm KlHtrlass fre to Chlcaro. S10 50. Second class. 9 50, Througn coach and Pullman Buffet sleen ngcar to Chicago dally. DKOKEKS FINANCIAL. GEORGE T. CARTER, INVESTMENT BONDS. 511-515 Hamilton Building; ravlO-TO-D Pittsburc Fa. TTTHITNEY fc STEPHENSON", CT FOURTH AVENUE. Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel, .Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured. ap28-l MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE, PITTSBURG, PA As old residents know ana back files of Pitts, burg capers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases. SffSKSNOFEEUNTILCURED MCDni IC and mental diseases, physical IN L. II V U U O decay.nervous debility. lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem- ory, disordered sight, self distmst.bashf ulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, emotions, im poverished blood, failing powers,organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business.society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKINSsr5oS blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, moutb.tbroat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. II DIM A PV kidney and bladder aerange UnilsAn 1 1 ments. weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whlttier's life-long, extensive experi ence, insures scientific ana reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated . as if here. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. ar. Sun day. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. DR. WHITTIER, 814 Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. jelI-90X-TJSuwle DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all cases re quiring scientific and confiden tial treatmentl Dr. 8; K. Lake. M. R. C'P. S is the oldest and most experienced specialist in tbe city. Consultation free and strictly confidential. Offlcs hours 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. ST.; Sundays. 2 to 4 P. jLCousult tbem personally, orwrlte. Doctors Lake. 908 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa. jcl2-45-DWk . CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS SZ3 C23S3 SIU10S3 IZiXZ. Ortjt.il, St, Ir pamlw sad reUbl pul tot tale, ft erer Tail. ask nir catcaMHr-s ahrum Tta,A W.ni4. la red n- ulliaboxe.Kaicdw!Ul bin rib bon. At Dragglsta. Accept ma a.h. i n nllli In eute. fcasrd bozpa. Disk VTarMTS. STS S AsmeT oo. counterfeit. Sjnd 4e. (Mmp r Iianleolara antl SeUef for Ladlea," M w. hr wtna mail. 10.000 tealt- i,IBHirSrlioliaTiuedtIiem. SuarMr. ChlchesttxChemlcalCoXadisonSqlilBbjPaw de2S-21--rrj,suWlc . GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOST VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY. Full particulars In pamphlet sent free. The genuine Gray's Specific sold by druggists only la yellow wrapper. Price, SI per package, or six for $5, or by mall on recelnt of nrlce. br address ng THE GKAY MEUIUIXE W., llnffalo, J(. r Sold In Pittsburg byS. 3. HULL AND. corner Smlthfleld and Liberty sts. apl2-5S AQ I I li" li la LT?'T? ftom errors of OUCP XiXV HlJtL youth, wasting; weakness, lost rigor, etc.. was restored to health in such a remarkable manner after all else had failed that he will send the mode or cure FKEE ta all fellow sufferers. Address L. O. MITCHELL East Haddam, Conn.. ' mj31-2l-psuwk , fc&J BjKRTJssv x wkS A0 m 1 t. ? ?n