Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 18, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Herr's Island Live Stock Markets
Cattle a Sbade Lower.
Thomson Steel Works Hade
Great Eun Testerdaj.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch.
MONDAY. Juno 17, 1SS9. j
There were few encouraging features in
the markets. Supplies were heavy and de
mand was light. It was difficult to find an
optimistic drover at Herr's Island. All re
ported bard markets. The situation was entire
ly in buyers' favor In all departments.
Drovers report a difficulty gettinE their own
out of Chicago cattle. A small margin Is left
for such stock as is adapted to .our markets,
vir, smooth, light butcher cattle; hut for those
of other grades there has been a loss to the
dealer this w eck. The cattle dealer who comes
out even on this week's transactions has done
well. Some report losses.
Weather has been adverse to trade, and Chi
cago cattle dealers are too high In their ideas
for any profits in this market. There were
barely sufficient sales to establish last week's
range of prices.
A Diamond Market butcher reports pur
chases of a head.weighing 1.150 to 1,275, at J4 25,
for which S4 40 would have been the price a
week ago. Three of those bought were held
over from last week, and SI SO was then offered
and refused for them. Choice heavy beeves
weighing 1.500 to 1,600 pounds are quoted at
$4 80 to $1 90; medium weights. 1,200 to 1,400,
S4 55 to $170; prime light weights, 900 to 1,100.
S3 95 to $4 25; common to fair thin and rough
steers, S3 20 to $3 50. Fresh cows were in the
usual supply and demand: prices, 22 00 to
S3S 00 per head. The best milkers were held
at $15 00. Calves were slow at a range of 3c to
4c per pound. Bulls and dry cows, Sc to 3c
per pound. Receipts from Chicago Winter fc
Dellenback, 116 bead; L Zeigler, 128; L. Gcrson,
104: A. Fromm. 6S; Traneman Bros., 51: Roth
schild & Co., 74. From Ohio F. Cruikshank,
9 head: G. A. Frank, 17. From Pennsylvania
Barnes 4 Runger, 7 head; J. Keiber. 4; Pisor &
Thompson. 6; Bingham & Co., 14; William
Craig, a Total, C3S; last week, 660; previous
week, 633.
Sheep nnd Lambs
Supply was greatly in excess of demand and
markets were farfrom satisfactory. Following
was the range of prices, but these figures were
established by bona fide sales only as regards
yearlings and spring lambs: Best Ohio and
Pennsylvania wethers. S4 254 50; medium to
good, S3 754 00; common to fair, S3 003 50;
yearlings. S4 255 25; spring lambs, 4K6Ja
Receipts from Ohiaj-J. Langdon, 95 head; F.
Cruikshank, 12; R, A. Williamson, 97. From
Pennsylvania S. Lowenthal, 225 head; J. A.
Kernan,327;J. Reiber. 45: Pisor fc Thompson,
141: Bingham & Co, 112; J. Wright, 92; Will
iam Cr-ig. 52; E. D. Sergeant, 123: William Mo
Crcary, 90. Total. 1.417 head; last week, 1.327;
previous week, 1,140.
Light supply and demand. Butchers are buy
ing vcr lightly. Prices given were S4 504 75i
Receipts from Ohio J. Langdon, 5 bead: F.
Cruikshank, 5; Needy fc Smith, 1SS. From
PennsvlvanirL Reiber. 10 bead. Total, 206
head; last week, 163: previous week, 291.
Brnddock Booming.
The Edgar Thomson Steel Works turned
out their largest run of rails on Friday, the
14th. The total product of steel rails for that
day was L035 tons. This product was placed on
ilonongahela river barges ready for shipment
westward on Saturday. There is only one
plant in the world that has greater capacity for
steel rails than that at Braddock. At Barrow
in the North of England a single company has
14 furnaces. At Braddock are seven with two
new furnaces started, one of which will be in
ope -ation before the year is out. The seven in
op.-ration turn oat more product to thef urnace
than those in Barrow. When the Edgar
Thomson was built it was the aim of the com
pany to lay the foundations for a capacity not
g? -i ter than 50.000 tons annually. But the pre
caution was taken to have machinery more
thi equal to this output.
Hist year the output was not less than 90,000
toss, and It is plain that -when more than LO0U
tons of steel rails are turned out in a single day,
this year's record will go far beyond that of last
year. When the two new furnaces, with a ca
pacity of 235 tons daily, are completed tho
Edgar Thomson will come up very close to the
world's greatest plant In volume of output.
The present price of steel rails is S27 50. and
while these figures do not bring the owners the
handsome prohts of 1882, when the price was
SS0 or more, there is still a comfortable margin
left. A well posted operator in steel expresses
the opinion that steel rails can bemadeat Brad
dock for S20 per ton or less. There is little use
in small plants trying to compete with such a
mammoth institution as the Edgar Thomson
in this da? of narrow margins.
Condition of the Market nt tho East Liberty
Stock Tarda.
Office Pittsburg Dispatch.
East LniEnrr, June 17, 1SS9. (
Cattle Receipts, l,520head; shipments, 2S0
head; market very dull, 10 Jto 13c off from last
weeks prices; 2 cars of cattle shipped to New
York to-day.
Boas Receipts. 2,700 nead: shipments, 1,600
head; market fair: all grades S4 454 50;2 cars
of hogs shipped to New York to-dav.
Sheep Receipts. 4,600 bead; shipments, 2,800
head; market very dull, 20 cents off from last
week's prices.
By Teleeranh.
New Yoek Beeves Receipts, 4,500 head,
making 10.800 for the week; opened with a fair
demand at steady prices, but subsequently the
market reacted and closed rather weak. Com
mon to verv choice native steers Sold at S4 00 to
S4 70 per 100 pounds: a f ew tops at 84 804 90;
ordinary to best. $3 203 40: common to prime
bulls, S2 003 75, with one fancy bull at S4 00.
Calves Receipts. 3,400 head, making 9.000 for
the week; dull and weak, with a very slow trade
ai w iokji o per iuu pounas. sneep Receipts,
&.GO0 head, making 35,800 for the week; ex
tremely dull, and 15c to 25c per 100 pounds
lower for both sheep and lambs. Sheep sold at
53 604 i5 per luO pounds; lambs at S5 50G 75,
very few going aboie $0 50. Hogs Receipts,
S.700 head, making 25,300 lor the week; no sales
to report on tho live weight; nominal value.
54 404 90.
Kaksas Crrr Cattle Receipts. 3,427 head;
shipments, 1,722 head; Bulk of offerings Tex
as and Indian. Good quality strong to 5c high
er; stockers and feeding steers steady, good
to choice cornfed steers $3 904 14: common to
medium S3 203 SO; stockers and feeding
steers S23 40: cows SI 75& Hogs Receipts,
4.191; shipments 2,595; stronc and 57c
higher, closing weak with the advance lost.
Good to choice lights, SI 12K4 1 heavy
and mixed S4 004 10. Sheep Receipts. 1.548;
shipments 782; strong and active; good to
choice muttons, S3 754, common to medium,
S2 503 50.
Chicago Cattle Receipts, 10.500 head;
shipments, 4.000 head: market unchanged;
beeves. S4 404 65: steers. S3 C04 40: stock
ers and feeders, S2 403 50; cows, bulls and
mixed, S1652S0: Texas steers, S2 303 25.
Hogs Receipts. 25,000 head: shipments. 4,500
head: market active and 25c higher; mixed.
$4 204 40: ligbt. $4 254 55; hcavf. S4 15S4 4i
Sheen Receipts. 6.0U0 head: shipments. 1.500
head: market steady to lower: natives, S3 00
4 75: Western. $3 254 30: Texans, S3 003 75:
lambs. S2 503 50.
ST. Louis Cattle Receipts. 1.500 head; ship
ments, 1.400 head; market strong: choice hcavv
native steers. S3 9064 40: fair to good do, S3 10
f-I 00; stockers and feeders. S2 153 20; ranscrs,
corn-fed. $2 S063 4!l: grass-fed. SI 90Q3 00.
Hogs Receipts, 2,700 head; shipments, 2,200
bead: market strong; choice hcaw and
butchers'. S4 204 30: pacKing, S4 1004 25: light
grades, S4 2034-30. Sheep Receipts,3,4 00 head;
shipments, 1,400 head; market steady; fair to
choice. S3 C0&4 40.
Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 104 loads
sale and 206 loads through; market irregular:
extra export steers. $4 254 50: choice, 54 250
A site rood. S4?4 10: lieavv butchers. S3 9i4 25:
ligbt butchers. S3 603 85: coarse grades, S3 25
63 70. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 27 loads
through; 37 loads sale: market dull: good to
best sheep. S44 50; fair to good. S3 754;
lambs. S56. Hogs Receipts, 37 loads through;
SO loads sale: market active and all sold;
medium, S4 50; Yorkers, S4 60; pigs, S4 65.
CrxcriflCATl Hogs in light demand, weaker;
common and ligbt. S3 604 35: packing and
butchers. S4 1064 23; receipts, 2,800 head; ship
ments, 1.500 head.
Grain in Sight.
Chicago June 17. The visible supply of
Erain, as reported for the Board of Trade, is as
tollows: Wheat, 17,634,000 bushels: decrease.
L.259.000 bushels. Corn, 1L217,000 bushels; de
crease, 813.000 bushels. Oats, 5,614,000 bushels;
decrease, 620.000 bushels. Rye. LO26.OU0 bushels;
decrease, ,000 bushels. Barley, 334.000 bush
els: decrease. 51.000 bushels.
Wool market.
i Er p."18 Receipts 258,299 pounds. There
IS & COntlUUed ffmvl rwnA 1TA Am. Ml..v-
jfor bright wools. .Other Qualities are Quiet.
r . &
Wheat Nervous nml Lower All Round
Loucs Sell Freely on the Break
Corn nnd Oats Fcnturcless-
Moro Life In Hog
Chicago. A large speculative business
was again transacted In wheat to-day.
with higher prices and an unsettled, nervous
feeling. There was considerable realizing, and
the outside prices were not sustained; in fact,
the closing was considerably lower than Satur
day. The opening was very strong, and prices
showed an advance of lc for tho various
futures, but after some slight fluctuations be
came weak, and a decline of 2c was recorded
for July and IKc for other deliveries, closing
5c lower for July. 5c lower for August, :
lower for September, and c lower for Decem
ber than closing figures of Saturday.
The early advance was attributed to the same
causes which have affected the market the
past few days, namely, wet weather In the
winter wheat districts and dry in the North
west. Storms In Ohio and Indiana were re
ported as having done damage to wheat.
Shorts covered quite freely, and the demand
was principally from this source. The ad
vance, however, induced longs to sell freely,
and there was quite heavy realiiing. Some
large lines were closed out This created an
easier feeling. Then advices were received re
porting a break of 10c ih caslf at St. Louis.
Cables also were less favorable to holders.
The weather bulletin, too, showed light rain at
Bismarck. This assisted the tendency to lower
Corn ruled quiet and inactive the greater
part of tho session. The fluctuations were
within narrow limits and trading confined al
most exclusively to room operators. The feel
ing early was comparatively firm, due largely
to the stronger tone of wheat, but later ruled
easier, influenced by very fair estimates for to
morrow. Oats were fairly active and K&c higher.
Tho advance brought in liberal selling orders,
and a quieter and weaker feeling developed
and all the early advance was lost, the market
closing at slightly below the prices of Satur
day. A little more life was manifested in the mar
ket for mess pork, and the feeling was stronger.
Prices were advanced 1012c, but settled
back again 57c and closed steady.
The market for lard attracted very little at
tention. Prices exhibited very little change.
Trading was only moderately active in the'
market for short rib sides. The feeling was
firmer and prices favored sellers.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 2 July. bOKsOJ79K7Sc:
August, 76?i7bJi7i75ic; September. 7ti
7676i&75c; December, IBJSA&ii
Cork-No. 2 Inly. 34?34K634Kg31?!c:
August, 34?eS43lJj34Kc; September, 3oJi
OATb-No. 2 July. 22222222Xc; Au
gust, 22W22:2222j6c; September. 22
.fliES! roRK, per DDL jniy, ii rcytsu vs
11 6211 67K; August, $11 72K11 8511 70
11 75; September, til 82U 9011 S0
T.T,n .... tmikn Inl. d CTIIffe f1f9R RU?
6 57U; August, S6 62K6 706 6266 Co; Sep
tember, SO 72K6 72)S6 706 72.
SHORT Ribs, per W0 Iks. July, S5 77K5 80
QS 77K5 SO; August. SO 87K65 905 82k
5 b7X: beptember. t5 955 87K5 92Hffi5 9i
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
unchanged.No. 2 spring wheat. 8081c; No. 3
spring heat. 75c: No. 2 red, SOgSlc. No. 2
corn.34c No. 2oats,22'c. No. 2 rye.S9c.
No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed. SI o2.
Prime timothy seed, SI 26. Mess pork, per
barrel, Sll C511 7a Lard, per 100 pounds,
S6 55. Short ribs sides (loose), $5 ,o5 S3.
Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $5 12K5 25.
Short clear sides (boxed). S6 126 23. Sugars
unchanged. Receipts Flour, 14,000 barrels;
wheat, 9,000 bushels: corn. 1SS.000 bushels: oats.
174,000 bushels: rye. 2,000 bushels; barley, 4,000
bushels. Shipments Flonr. 19.000 barrels;
wheat. 44.000 busnels; corn. 321,000 bushels; oats,
402,000 bushels; rye, 5,000 bushels; barley, 3,000
On the Produce Exchange to-day the bntter
market was firm and unchanged. Eggs firm
at 12c
New York Flour 1015c higher, checking
business; moderate home and limited export de
mand. Spot unsettled, closing easier; Jc be
low Saturday; limited milling demand. Op
tions remarkably active: violent fluctuations;
auick buyinn early at Hf02?Sc advance: free
selling afterward and decline of 23Kc closing
ifg'Kc under Saturday; protesting contracts.
Rye auiet and steady. Barley malt auiet:
Canada 90cSl 05 for old and new. Corn Spot
fairly active; export and home steady. Options
moderately active and firm. Oats Spot un
changed and quiet: options firmer ana quiet.
Hay quiet, easy. Hops quiet firm. Coffee
Options opened barely steady. 30040 points
down, closed steady 3540-oints down; active:
sales, 161,250 bags. ' including June. 14.00
15.05c: July. 150015.15c: August.lS.10S15.30c:
September, 15.206115.40c: OctoDer, 16.SO15.40c;
November. 15.3515.40c; December and Janu
ary. Ii3515.50c: February and March, 15.40$
15.50c: April, 15.4515.50c; May, 15.45c: spot Rio
quiet and lower; lair cargoes, 17Jc Sugar
Raw firm and quiet; refined, active, firm.
Molasses Foreign firm: New Orleans dull:
Rice steady and quiet. Cottenseed oil dull.
Tallow weak; city, 4c. Rosin quiet and
steady. Turpentine dull and easy at 3Sc.
Eggs steady and in moderate demand; western,
13Ji0ll; receipts, 6.7S1 packages. Pork lower
and quiet: mess. S1313 25; extra prime, $11 60
shoulders, 5c; pickled hams. 12c: middles dull;
short clear. S6 45. Lard weak and quiet; sale
western steam, S6 856 87, closing at 56 85;
June, S6 85; July. S6 90. closing at S6 88 hid: Au
gust. Sti 95. closing at S6 95 bid; September, S7 03,
closing at S7 03 bid. Butter quiot ano less steady;
western dairy. 913Kc: do creamery. 1217c;
western factory, 7jl2fc-. Cheese firmer and
in better demand; estern, TJf 8Jc
Philadelphia Flour Arm and holders
asking highpr prices; Ohio and other Western
clear, S4 004 33: do. do. straight. S4 404 60;
winter patent, fair to choice, S4 655 10; Min
nesota clear. S3 254 00; straight, S4 155 00;
do., patent, $5 255 75. Wheat strong and
higher; No. 2 red. June, nominal; Julv. 82
83c; Jnly, S2KS3c; September. 82QS3Ka
Corn Steady, with moderate inquiry from
shippers, but speculation very tame: car lots
for local trade active and firm; No. 2 mixed, on
track, in grain depot and Twentieth street ele
vator, 414c: No. 2 high mixed, in Twentieth
street elevator, 42c; do. on track, 42c; No. 2
yellow in grain depot, 42c: No. 2 mixed, June.
4H41Kc: July, 4141?c; August, 41
42Vc; September, 42VJ42ic. Oats Car lots in
good demand and lie higher; No. 3 mixed, 28c.
No. 3 white. 3131Jic; No. 2 white 3233; do.
on track. 33c; futures firm, and new crop
months lc higher; No. 2 white. June, 32M
5NW" -Tnf,. mi?r&ns. a ,.., nifia-mH. csz
-i - i4v"-y4-i i,iioi. v72i(!j.A,, Sep
tember. 31X32. Provisions in good jobbing
demand and firm: pork, mess, new. S14 00; da
prime mess, S13 50; ao. family, $14 5015 50.
St. Louis Flour quiet and steady. Wheat
Cash very dull; options were influenced by the
depressed cash market, and the close wasjk
Jc below Saturday, though with buyers gen
erally at the decline; No. 2 red, cash, 88c
asKen: June, ec, cioseu at77c asKed; August!
74K0W4C closed at 72J73c bid; September
7375c, closed at 73c asked: December
7&K&77Jc, closed at "Mc bid. Corn firmer:
No. 2 mixed, cash, 3131Jc: July, 31J31Kc
closed at 31Jc; August, 32c; September
32Kc, closed at 32?c asked. Oats anil; No. 2
cash, 22JJc bid: June, 23c bid; July, 22e bid.
Rye No. 2, 40c asked. Flaxseed, SI 30; new
crop, for August delivery, $1 09 bid. Provisions
dull ana weak.
Ctkcikn ATI Flour in fair demand, firmer:
family S3 253 50; fancy S44 25. Wheat strong
No. 2 red. S7c; receipts, 2,500 bushels: ship
ments. 1.000 bushels. Corn scarce: higher; No. 2
mixed. S6Kc Oats weaker: No. 2 mixed,
25K26c Rye quiet; firm; No. 2, 45c Pork
quiet at 12. Lard easier at S6 30 S6 35.
Bnlkraeats quiet; shortribs S6. Bacon steady;
?;ulet; shortribs clear 12Kc Butter steady;
ancy creamery 1820c; choice dairy 910c.
Linseed oil in fair demand at 5961. Sugar
firm; hard refined 99Jc; New Orleans
7KsJ4c Eggs steady. Cheese dull.
Milwaukee Flour dull. Wheat easy; Jnly
and September, 74Jc Corn steady: No. 3, 34c
Oatsteady;No.2white,27c Ryefirm; No. 2,
42c Provisions unchanged.
Baltimore Provisions quiet and steady.
Butter steady; crcamerv; 46lSc Eggs steady
at 1413c Coffee unsettled ; Jlio fair. 17K18c
Toledo Cloverseed nominal; cash, S4 25
Dryffoods Market.
NEW York. June 17. General trade In dry
goods was moderate but steady. New fall
fabrics, as prints. ginghams,etc,wcre more act-
iru, iuiu piiurBiu dviuc luuuuueufc maKes were
made to-day by agents, as Steel river dark
fancy prints, etc; Harmony and Charter Oak,
5Vc, and Ramapo, 4c: Amoskeag Persian
dark gingham. SKc. and Normandie, Siic
Agents advanced liiackstoneAA 4-4 bleached
shirtings to TJc
Brnzlllnn Coffee.
Rio Dk Janeiro, June 17. Coffee Regular
first, 6,400 reis per 10 kilos; good second, 5,800
rcis. Receipts during tho week 40,000 bags;
purchases for United States, 17,000; clearances
for do, 25,000; stock, 204.000 bags.
Santos June 17. Coffee Good average, 6,100
reis per 10 kilos; receipts during the week, 43,
000 bags; purchases for the United States, none:
clearances for do, 9,000 bags: stock, 232,000 bags.
Sletal Marker.
New York Pig iron strong; American,
SH60g1650. Coppernominal;lake. Jnne,S12ia
Lead dull and firmrdomesttc t3973?.'Tin quiet
and steady; Straits, S20 25. --
Views of Representative Meu on
Many of the Leading "Interests.
The American Cliurn laid in the Shade
dj a South American Invention.
The day upon which general elections are
held are legal holidays in New York and
some other States, but not in Pennsylvania.
An attempt was made in the Legislature
last winter to enact such a law, but it failed.
The Exchange and banks will transact busi
ness as nsnal to-day.
Pittsburg is again below St. Louis and
San Francisco in the matter of bank clear
ings. I called the attention of a "Wood
street cashier to this circumstance yester
day. He said: "I am not surprised. The
calamity through which we are passing ac
counts for it. They have had nothing to
interrupt their prosperity. They will not
remain above us very long. We have been
gaining on them for several years, and the time
has about arrived when we will take prece
dence of them permanently. Wo would have
passed St. Louis long ago had it not been for
her large speculative interest."
Mr. Hampton Houghton, of the Pennsylvania
Railroad, told me of an incident that occurred
at Johnstown on Tuesday, which is worth re
peating. The big dynamite explosion there in
the afternoon of that day, forced open the door
of one of the wrecked houses, releasing a large
black dog, which bad been imprisoned for near
ly two weeks. He at once scampered off to the
hills, but was pursued and captured by two
boys. A lively compctiiton for his possession
as a relic of the flood immediately sprung up.
One man bid So, another S10 and another S25
all of which the youngsters refused. A Pitts
burg man named Bums then offered $50, which
was accepted and the dog was turned over to
him. He was very thin, as a result of his long
fast, bnt soon domonstratod his ability and
willingness to make up for lost.time.
1 saw awoman manipulating an old-fashioned
churn in one of the subnrbs a few days ago.
It was hard work, and she frequently stopped
to note the result of her labor and to ascertain
if the butter had "come." This reminded rao
of the statement of a traveler In South Amer
ica, to tne effect that the dairyman of that
country pours the milk, warm from the cow,
into an inflated pig or goat skin, hitches It to
his saddle by a long lasso and gallops five or
six miles into town with the milk sack pound
ing along on the road behind him. When he
reaches the city his churning is over, the butter
is made and be peddles it from door to door,
dipping out the quantity desired by each family
with a long wooden spoon. This is a labor
saving invention worthy of a Yankee.
In the absence of business at the Stock Ex
change yesterday, there was considerable talk
regarding the outcome of to-day's election.
Both sides were represented among the brokers
and each' faction seemed willing to back up
their opinions with hard cash. As a result of
the disputation several wagers were made,
the largest being $50 on 40,000 against the
amendment. 1 was told that a prominent Pro
hibitionist in the city had several hundred dol
lars that he was willing to risk on the same
I noticed yesterday that work on the four
new bank buildings those of the National
Bank of Commerce, the German National, the
Keystone and the Marine is progressing as
fast as possible, considering the heavy work
and the unfavorable state of the weather. The
foundations of the two first named are well un
der way. Each will be of stone, eight stories
high and highly finished inside and out. The
other two will be scarcely less imposing and
ornate. AJ1 of them will be creditable to the
city and add materially to its architectural
beauty in the eyes of citizens and strangers.
I see that Sheriff McCandless has made a con
tribution to the business literature of the day.
It is a plain statement of legal involvements,
of special interest only to the characters intro
duced, not likely to make much of an impres
sion upon the reading public. The rapid sub
sidence of the popularity of literary produc
tions of this kind is conclusive proof of an im
provement in the taste and circumstances of
the people. Explorer.
Stocks Begin tho Week Without a Chnnjro
for the Better.
Tho stock marcet yesterday was of the list
less sort with which the Pittsburg public has
become familiar within the past few
weeks. Three stocks were traded In to the
amount of 270 shares, Philadelphia Gas sold
in the morning at 36 and 36. In the after
noon it went in a small way at 36. The weak
ness was attributed to a tip that the next divi
dend wonld be at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum. Pittsburg Traction brought 52 and
Citizens' 69. Pleasant Valley Passenger Rail
way could have been bought for 200, and Pitts
burg, Allegheny and Manchester for 260. There
was a bid of 17 for People's Natural Gas and
Pipeage Company. Nothing was done in Elec
tric The best bid for it was 60; it was held
at 63J and 53J. La Noria was steady at 1.
which price was offered for 100 shares buyer 30.
It was thought that the proposed new deal of
Westinghouse .Electric Company, notice of
which has been sent to the stockholders, imply
ing, as supposed, a consolidation of all the
electrical interests ot the company, if carried
out, would result in giving the stock a boom.
The firmness with which it has been held under
conditions considered discouraging" by out
siders, may have come from a knowledge by
holders of Jarge blocKS of tho proposed con
solidation of interests and management, in
creasing the revenue and cutting down ex
penses. Bids, offers and sales follow: -
Bid. Asked. Hid. Asked.
German aaiionnuant jj
Consolidated Gas Co.
Chartiers Vl. Gas Co.
Nat. Gas Co. of W. Va.
People's SOsr Co..
Pennsylvania Gas Co..
Philadelphia Co
Pine Run Gas
Whcellnr Gas Co
Forest Oil
Central Traction
Citizens' Traction
Plttsburjr Traction....
Pleasant Valley U.K...
P. iConn'lsvllle B. K.
P., a St. It. K. K...
P. &W. K. K. Co
PiW. R. K. pref....
N.Y. 4 CGas Coal Co.
Pitts., Alle. Man....
La Koria Mining Co...
Wcstlncbonse Electric
Unions. AS. Co
36H 3S
Westlng'se Aim. uo.,
At the morning call 60 shares of Philadelphia
Gas sold at 36 and 40 shares at 36 In the
afternoon 160 shares of Pittsburg Traction sold
at S2, 10 Citizens' Traction at 69, and 10 Phila
delphia Gas at 3055.
Tho total sales of stocks at New York yes
terday were 253.997 shares, including: Atchison,
18,420; Delaware, Lackawanna & Western.
16,100;Lake Shore. fi,300f Missouri Pacific, 4.755;
Northwestern, 12.900; Northern Pacific pre
ferred, 9,897: Reading, 3,556; St. Panl, 34.810;
Union Pacific, 5,050; Western Union, 2,937.
A NcwPIan of Lots Near Shnrpsburjr Placed
on the Market.
J. R. Cooper & Co., 107 Fourth avenue, placed
on the market on Saturday a plan of 26 choice
building lots, laid out by W. H. Dawson at
Sumner station, and adjoining SlArpsburg
borough, and sold lot No. 24 to Mrs. .Nolia
Goetzlnger for $350; also lot 19 to James Kuhn
for $350 cash. The same firm sold the following
lots in the McNeil plan, corner Ridge avenne
and Craig street. Thirteenth ward: No. 14 to
John Will for $300, and No. 24 to P. J. Hoey for
Black 4 Baird; No. 95 Fourth avenue. Sold to
Thomas J. Carey a pretty frame dwelling on
Cato street, near Ward, Oakland, in the B. 8.
Fahnestock plan, with lot 45x142 feet to an
allev. for 44.600 cash.
Geo. S. Martin, 503 Liberty street, sold in the
Maplewood Park plan, Wilklnsburg. lot No. 6,
fronting 40 feet on James street, by 120 feet to
Grant lane, for S40Q, to Clemens Stein: also, lot
No. 62, in the same plan, fronting 40 feet on
Maplewood avenne, by 120 feet to Washington
lane, for $400, to F. H. Colbottr.
Alles.o: Bailey. 164 Fourth avenue, sold a.
mortgage for 111,000 for 6 per cent, on property J
31H 32f
69 70X
W .
18X ....
21 22
!.'!.' "sot
IK 1
23?J 24
117 11D
situated in the Eleventh ward, Pittsburg, for
three years.
W. A. Herron t Sons sold a lot on Center
avenue, east of Roup street, 100x200 feet, for
6,500. .
James W. Drape & Co. sold two lots on Boggs
avenue, Mount Washington, for S800: also, a
mortgage of 1,500 on two vacant lots at Mo
Keesport, at 6 per cent
Clearing Honse Figures Show a Gain Over
Same Day Last Week.
AU of the leading banks reported an improve
ment in discounting and checking yesterday
not very great, but sufficient to demonstrate
that business is recovering from the depression
of the past two weeks. Rates were reported
steady at5K6per cent, showing a hardening
tendency. Currency was said to be rather
scarce and supplies may have to be drawn
from New York. The exchanges were $2,662,
403 39 and the balances 315,81834, showing a
gain In exchanges over the same day last week
of 323,459 ML
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easy at 22 per cent; last loan, 2 per cent;
closed offered at 2K per cent. Prime mercantile
paper, S5K, Sterling exchange dull, but
steady, at 87 for 60-day bills, and $4 80 for
ClonInsBoml Quotations.
U. S. 4s.rc 128K M. K. AT. flen.Ss.. KIM
U. 8.44. coup iau Mutual Union 6s. ...lKH
U. 8.4s,reg lOfiS N.J. C. Int. Cert...lio
O. S. 4Ks. coup 1063 Nortiicrn 1'ac lsts..20
Pacific 6s of '85. m Northern Pac. 2ds..lH ,
IiOuislanastamncdJs. 90
Northw't'n consols. Mt4
Nnrthw'n debens..H1
Mlsiourl 6s loi
Tnn. neVset. 6s....l08)s
Oregon & Trans. 6S.104J4
St. L. &I.M. Uen.5s8G .
icnn. new set. os....iua
Tcnn. new set. 3s... . 70-
Canada So. Ids w
Ccn. Pacificists 116V
Den. .t K. G., lsts...H9
Den. A It. G. 4s S2
D.AK.G.West.lsts. 102
Krie.2ds .A. ...'.104
U.K. AT. Gen. 6s 64
St.L.S. F.Gcn. M119!
Si. Paul consols l'JS
ht. PI. CM & PC lstslM
Tr., Pc.L. G.Tr.Rs. 89jf
Tx..Pc.K.G.Tr.Kcts 3S
Union Pac. st 11PM
West shore l
New York Bank clearings, $77,107,322; bal
ances, $5,998,503.
Philadelphia Clearings, $1L0S0,714; bal
ances, $1,778,23L
Baltimore Clearings, $2,179,140: balances,
London Tho amount of bullion gone Into
the Bank of England on balance to-day is
14,000. Bar silver, 43 ll-16d per ounce.
Paris Three per cent rentes 85f 30o for
the account.
CniCAQO Money unchanged. Clearings, $11,
832,000. St. Louis Clearings, $3,497,216; balances,
Oil Market Continues Firm. With a
Moderate Business,
The oil market was firm yesterday, and trad
ing was of fair proportions, considering that it
was entirely professional. It opened at 83, K
under Saturday's closing. In a short time, un
der the Influence of free offers, it dropped to
83, at which price McKelvy bought 60,000 bar
rels. The market hung around these .figures
until late in the afternoon, when it advanced to
84, the highest point of the day. It then weak
ened and closed at 83 JJ better than the
opening with indications of about the same
range of prices to-day. Saturday's clearings
were 240,000 barrels.
Monday's OH Hange.
Corrected daily by John M. OaKiey & Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 83Lowest....
Ulgbcst S4 I Closed....
Average runs
Average shipments
Average charters
. 74,514
. 41,034
Refined, New York, 6.90c
Keflnerf, London, S 8-lCd.
Refined, Antwerp, 167jf.
Kenned. Liverpool, So-l&d.
Carrying, .New York flat: Oil City, flat: Brad
ford flat; Pittsburg, 25c premium.
A. B. McGrew & Co., brokers, quote: Puts,
83c to 83c; calls, 64c
Other Oil Markets.
On, Citt. June 17. National transit cer
tificates opened at 83c; highest, 84c; lowest,
83c; closed at 83c.
Bradford. June 17. National transit cer
tificates opened at 63c; highest, S3c; lowest,
83c: closed at 83c
Titcsvti.i.e, June 17. National transit cer
tificates opened atS3;c; highest, 84c; lowest,
83c; closed. S3c.
New York. Juno .17. Consolidated Ex
change: Opening, 831c; highest, 83Jc; low
est, 83c; closing. 83c. Stock Exchange:
Opening, SSVcr highest. 84c: lowest. 83c; clos
ing 84c. Total sales, 353,000 barrels.
Rumored Brenk In the Inter-Stnte Railway
Association Cansts a Slump In tho
Graneer Stocks Part of tho
Enrly Losses Recovered.
New York, Juno 17. The stock market was
fairly active to-day. with a still greater propor
tion of business done in the regular list than
has been seen for months, the trusts, with
the exception of National Lead, being quiet to
dull without feature. The heavy withdrawal
of gold for export to Europe on Saturday was
supplemented by the news late In the day of
the withdrawal of the Chicago and Alton from
the Inter-State Railway Association, and this
morning we were treated to the information
that the action would in all probability disrupt
the association, and other news of a discourag
ing tenor.
As a consequence tho Granger stocks were
mdde the subjects of great pressure to sell, es-
Eccially from the smaller class of traders, and
efore the end of the first half hour's business
the declines, especially in Rock Island and St.
Paul, were extended to nearly 2 per cent. The
effect upon the general list was very marked,
and every stock traded in opened off fraction
ally, though outside of the Grangers only Mis
souri Pacific showed any marked decline. The
buying, however, was of a good quality and the
Cliques supporieu ineir iavonics wniie Lonaon
was a buyer to a limited extent, and commis
sion people were purchasing cautiously. Chica
go sold the Grangers freely on the- situation,
and the stocks of that group dropped mate
rially. After the first hour, however, there
was a check to the decline in the general list
and the excitement died out and the market re
lapsed Into dullness except for the few leading
The signing of the bill giving -the New En
gland terminal facilities in New York started
that stock up rapidly, followed by St. Paul,
though the improvement m the last named was
smaller soon came to an end. Later, however,
Atchison joined in the upward movement, and
toward delivery hour there was a sudden spurt
in the coalers which infused strength in the en
tire list. Jersey Central and Delaware and
Hudson were most conspicuous for strength,
but Reading was not far behind, and the trad
ing m the last named stocks became very
heavy. The market finally closed quiet but de
cidedly strong at the best prices ot the day for
almost everything, except the Grangers. The
final changes aro somewhat irregular, but the
advances are most numerous, and whilo St.
Paul and Rock Island each closed per cent
lower than on Saturday, New England and
Jersey Central are each up 1, and Delaware
and Hudson 1 per cent.
Railroad bonds showed no change in their
temper from that of the past week, and the
market was fairly active, with a firm tone,
which, however, permitted considerable irreg
ularity in the movements which occurred. The
total sales for the day were 51,651,000, of which
only the Kansas and Texas general 6s showed
any special animation, furnishing $229,000. St.
Paul, Hamilton and Dayton 7s rose 2, to 129;
Kentucky Central 4s to 86; Minneapolis and
St. Louis lsts 8, to 10O.
The following table shows the prices or active
stocks on the New- York Stock Exchange.
Corrected dalli for The Dispatch, by Whit
ney & Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth a venue:
luff. .. 50
.. 43
est. Low
est. Am. Cotton Oil. ..
Atch.. Top. A s. F.
Canadian PaclHc...
Canada Southern. .
. HH
Central of .New jersey.H0
uentraiPaclnu .
CheeaneaVe A Ohio....
C Bur. A Ouli.ey..
C, Mil. &, St. Paul.
C Mil. A St. P.. Df.
C, KockL AP....1.
,: S3
C St. L. & Pitts
C, bt. I,. & Pitts, pf.
i. St. P..-M. AO
C. bt. P., JI. A O., PL 93
C. A Northwestern.... 1093
O. O. U. Al 72
Col. Coal A iron 23
Col. & Hocking Val .. IS
Del.. L. AW , Hi
Del. A Hudson :..I45
DenverAUloU - ....
Denver A Klo O.. or.
K.T.. Va. AOa 10X
E. T., Va. A Ga 1st pf .. 75
E. T.. Va. A Ga. 2d pf. 2S
Illinois central 115
Lake Erie A Western.. I8
Lake Erie A West. pr.. &
Lake Shore A St. S.....100JJ
Louisville A fl ahTilie. 70H
Michigan Central. ... ....
Mo., h.. ATexa .-.. V)H
Missouri Pacific 75
Mew York Central
h. Y.. L. E.&V...-j27J(
K.Y.. L. E. AVV"., pref .:..
a. v.. c. ASt-L
. x.. utstk pr.
N.Y.. C. ASUL-Zd Bf.....
K. Y..O. & W.. .1.:.. 17H
Norfolk s Wttlitn.,-.,V"-t
Norfolk&'vreitern.pf. UH
2S) 25
Wi K
Northern Pacific S3
aortnern Pacific nref. box
Ohio A Mississippi 2
Oregon Improvement. ....
Oregon Transcon 33M
aciflcaiall 34
'Peo. Dec. Kvans
Philadel. A Beading.. m
Pullman Palace Car.. .183
Richmonu a V. P. T .. 25
Kicbmond A W.P.T.pf 83
bt. I'aulADuiuth
t. Paul A Dulutb pf.
bt-p., iimn. AMan
gt.f. Agan Fran 2jH
St. L. a San ifranpr.
St. u. A San JT.lit pf.
Texas Pacific 21
UnlonPaclfle 62i
JVabash preferred 29i
western Union 8.V
Wheeling A L. K 70s
National Lead Trust.. 29X
Sugar Trust 110
66K WK
13H 2&
iik a"
25 2&
23 28
87 Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney Stephenson, brokers, No. 57
Fourth avenue Members New York Stock Ex
change. MM.
Pennsylvania Railroad , MJi
Reading HMlroad 24
Buflalo. Pittsburg and Western 10M
24 1-1U
pehigh Valley Hit
Lehigh Jiavigation 5UJ
' Mining Stocks.
New York. June 17. Amador. 100; Best &
Belcher, 255; Caledonia B. H.. 290; Consolldat
ed California and Virginia. 675: Commonwealth,
420;Deadwood T., 130; Eureka Consolidated,
100: EI Cristo, 115: Gould & Curry, 185; Hale
& Norcross, 310; Homestake. 800: Horn Silver,
IOC; Iron Silver, 150; Mexican, 230: Mono, 100;
Mutual, 140; North Belie Isle, ICO: Ontario,
3.400; Ophir, 410; Occidental. 125; Plymouth,
1)00; Savage, ISO; Sierra Nevada, ISO; Standard,
100; Union Consolidated, 285.
The following letter was found in a bottle
near Gananoque, Canada: "Captain of the Ba
varia, help, the ship is sinking; all have been
washed overboard but me, I expect my turn
will come next About 100 yards off Galoup
Island now."
The Catholic societies of Rome Intend ask
ing the municipality for permission to erect a
monument to the "Apostle of Rome, St. Philip
Neri, founder of the Society of the Oratorians,"
pf which Cardinal Newman is a member. This
is intended as a protest against the recent erec
tion of a monument in honor of the great Free
Thinker, Giordano Bruno.
It is learned that the New York broker,
Untermeycr, acting as the authorized agent of
of the English syndicate, was in Boston re
cently and made a proposition to all the great
Koxbury brewers, which, if accepted, wiliglvo
the Englishmen possession. The breweries
which it is proposed to purchase are Hough
ton's, Roessles', Burkhardt's and Pfaff s, the
aggregate valuation of which is estimated at
from S4.000.000 to $7,000,000.
Notwithstanding the flattering reports sent
out from Dakota relative to the anticipated
abundant yield of small grain, advices received
from a good portion of Western and South
Dakota state that small grain is an entire fail
ure, more so than any in other years. The
grain is all burned np. Fully half of the acre
age is sown to wheat and data. Corn does not
yet show the effects of the drouth. Among
the farming community this failure will be
sorely felt.
Policeman Hart went to the Mayor's office
at South Oklahoma Saturday afternoon and be
gan abusing the Mayor. He was locked up by
Marshal McKee and Policeman Howard after
a desperate resistance. When McKee and
Howard returned to the Mayor's office. Police
man Mattox, a friend of Hart, opened fire on
them with a Winchester. McKee was slightly
wounded in the abdomen and Howardseriously
in the hips. After he was shot, Howard shot
Mattox through the lungs, fatally wounding
v Thursday two children of Edward Bachus, a
farmer of Rosier, Mo., a small village 50 miles
South of Kansas City, on the Kansas line, went
to a creek about a mile from home totlsh.
Upon their failing to return at night searching
parties were organized, and last .Friday evening
their bones were fonnd near a ledge of rocks
that bad loner been known as Wolf's Den. A
band of timber wolves have used this section
for years, and it Is thought the children were
killed and eaten by the animals. The hoys
were aged 10 and 12 years.
In the northern part of Tuscaloosa county,
Ala., the citizens have undertaken to break
up a number of Illicit distilleries and capture
the men engaged in the business. For a year
or more that part of the State has been over
run with moonshiners who finally grew so bold
they carried on their business almost openly,
and became a terror, not only to revenue offi
cers, but to all law-abiding citizens. Finding
peaceable and lawful means unavailing, the
citizens met and organized themselVes into a
vigilance committee. They have notified the
nroonshiners that they may expect no quarter.
The latter are well armed and determined to
resist to the death, and a bloody local feud is
sure to result. Revenue officers have gone to
the scene of threatened trouble.
Their Commencement Week.
On Friday evening of this week the com
mencement exercises proper of Curry Uni
versity will take place at the Grand Opera
House, preceded on Tuesday evening by the
piano contest, on Wednesday by class night,
and on Thursday by the elocutionary con
test. Then, on Monday, the 24th, the an
nual excursion of students, faculty and
friends to Rook Point via Pittsburg, Port
Wayne and Chicago Railway will occur.
Elaborate programmes for commencement
week are already out.
A Hold-Over Democrat.
Charles "V. Lewis, the popular stereo
typer of this city, doesn't get the superin
tendency of the stereotyping and electro
typing department of the Government
printing office, as he was promised. Public
Printer Palmer, it seems, prefers to give the
place to a hold-over Democrat named King,
whom he has reappointed. Congressman
Bayne has notified Mr. Lewis to this effect.
The Turners to Go to Cincinnati.
Passenger Agent E. D. Smith, of the B.
& O., has made arrangements with the
Tnrners of Pittsburg and .vicinity to trans
port them to the Turnfest at Cincinnati. A
special train will leave on Friday at 10
r. 21., and it is expected that 500 Turners
and their friends will be on board.
Will Try It Onco More.
The picnic of the County Democracy,
which was postponed on account of rain
last Saturday, will 'take place at Boss
Grove on Friday, Jnly 5. The tickets
issued for Saturday will be good on that oc
casion. If you are seeking for a very fine im
ported Cigar, askjto see the La Matilde
Brand. G. W. Schmidt,
Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth Ave.
Geo. H. Bennett Ss Bro.,
135 .First ave?, second door below "Wood st.,
are the largest holders of Pennsylvania
pure rye whiskies in the city.
"Una," fancy spring patent flour, best
n the world. TT3
The diseases of the kidneys and urinary or
gans are much more common than are gener
ally supposed. Beginning by a weakness In the
back, accompanied by pain, which at first may
be so slight as to canse little or no inconven
ience to the persons afflicted, still as the dis
ease progresses there are presented a chain of
symptoms wbich eventually lead to
graver difficulties: there is an in
creased pain in tho small of the back
and In the region of tho groins, high colored
nrine with brickdnst sediment, scanty or
copious flow, with frequent desire and pain in
voiding it. Not only do the organs themselves
become organically diseased, terminating in
gravel or stone in the bladder, diabetes or
Brigbt's disease, often ending in that most
fatal condition, convulsive ureamia, but are
one of the most potent causes of rheumatism
and dropsy. , The physicians of the Folypathic
Institute also treat successfully all forms of
skin and blood diseases; also clubfoot, tumors,
rupture, ulcers, varicose veins, piles and de
formities. '
Please remember that the physicians of the
the Polypatbic Institute aro not traveling
doctors, but are permanently located. They
have been established In Pittsburg for nearly
one year) and hundreds testify to cures re
csived Office hours, 10 to 11:30 A. M.. 1 to 4 and 0 to
8 F. M. Sundays, 1 to 4 P. SI. Consultation free.
BURGICAL INSTITUE, 420 Penn ave- jelo-D
Itiht PUREST, BEST and CUantst
SOAP ,-.
..Of all Druggisli, but beware of Imitations.
Vegetables in Oyer Supply, Cabbage
a Drug, Berries Firm.
Cereals Slow, Corn Scarce, Hams Advanced,
Lard Seduced.
Office of PrrrsBUitG Dispatch,
Monday, June 17, 18S9.
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Tbe week is too young to furnish any new
developments in trade. Prices start much as
they closed on Saturday. All kinds of vegeta
bles are in over supply, and largo quantities
have been coming In the past few days in a
demoralized condition, owing to continuous
rains and delay of trains. New cabbage is a
Strawberries were firmer to-day owing to
light receipts, but abundant supply is expected
for the balance of the week.
A leading cheese jobber reports that his
sales for the first half of June were much
larger than for the corresponding period of
New potatoes are in good -demand at lower
prices. The old will finish their career this
Buttee Creamery, Elgin, 2021c; Ohio do,
1718c; fresh dairy packed, 1415c; country
rolls. 1314c; Chartiers Creamery Co., 2021c.
Beans Jl 751 90.
Beeswax 2830c W fi for choice; low crade,
CIDER Sand refined, SS S07 50; common,
53 504 00; crab cider, 8 00SSO barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c $1 gallon.
CHEESE New Ohio cheese, 9c; New York,
new, 10llc; Limburger, 69c; domestic
Sweitzer cheese, 912Ka
Califoenia Fbuits California peaches.
54 004 50 f) box; cherries, 53 00; apricots, $4 00
Hi im: pjums, ti wwi ou.
EGOS 15c 1 dozen for strictly fresh; goose
eges, 30c V dozen.
Fbuits Strawberries, 510c quart; pine
apples. $1 001 25 fl dozen; red raspberries, 18
20c 3 quart.
FEATHEBS-Extra live geese, 5060c;No.l
do. 4045c; mixed lots, S035c $ ft.
Potatoes Old,5055c 9 bushel; Early Rose,
S3 253 50; Peerless, J3 003 25.
PotTLTKY Live chickens, 6575c per pair;
undrawn chickens, 1012c ft lb; drawn, 14
15c ft ft.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 as to bushel. $0 60
p bushel; clover, large English; 62 fts, $6 00;
clover, Allske, 88 60; clover, white. S3 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 As, Jl 65; biue grass, extra
clean, 14 lbs, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 ft, SI 00;
orchard pass, lifts. SI 65; red top. 14 lbs. $1 25;
juiiicl, ov jus, x uu; uerinan miner, ou &S,
SI 50; Hungarian grass. 60 Its, SI 00; lawri
grass, mixture of fine grasses, S2 50 per bushel
of 14 lbs.
Tallow Country, 4K5c; city rendered. 5
Tbopical Fbutts Lemons, fancy, S4 50
5 00 box: Messina oranges, S4 605 50 fl
box; Valencia oranges, fancy, S7 509 CO 41
case; bananas, S3 CO. firsts: J2 00, eood seconds,
bunch; cocoanuts, S4 6U5 00 fl hundred;
new flgs, 669c fl pound; dates, 5k6Kc fl
Vegetables Tomatoes, fancy Floridas,
S3 003 50 a crate; Mississippis.one-third bushel
crates, SI 25JJ1 60: beans, round wax fancy,
S3 00 a crate; beans, round wax medium. 52 50
a crate: beans, round green, 82 252 50; new
beets, 3540c dozen; cucumbers, 40S0c fl
dozen, SI 752 CO a crate: radishes, large
white and gray, 30035c fl dozen; cabbase,
two-barrel crates, Louisville and Bt. Louls.$2 00
2 25; Eastern, single-barrel crates, 75cSl 00.
Package coffee is reduced He all along the
line. Sugars are so firm that another rise is
almost certain to-morrow. Other groceries are
Gbeen Coffee Fancy Bio, 2223c; choice
Rio, 2021c; prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18X19c;
old Government Java, 27c; Maracaibo, 22B23c:
Mocha, 3031Hc; Santos, 1922c; Caracas
coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La
guayra, 21(aj22c
ROASTED.(in papers) Standard brands,23c;
high grades, 25$ei27fc; old Government Java,
Dnlk. 32325c; Maracaibo. 27028c: Santos.
iiiWKHc; peaDerry. zsxc:
choice Rio, 25c; prime Rio, 22; good Rio, 22c;
ordinary, 21c.
Spicks (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 9c;
cassia, Syc; pepper, 19c; nutmeg. 7080c
Petboieum (Jobbers' prices) llu teat, 7c:
Ohio, 120. 8Kc; headlight, 15tf. oc; water
white, 10c: globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; carnadlne,
llc; royaline, Vc.
britups Corn syrups, 2620c; choice sugar
syrup, 3338c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
strictly prime. 3335c; new maple syrup, 90c.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c: mixed, 4012c.
SODA Bi-carb in kegs, 3K4c; bi-carb In Js,
6Jic; bl-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated. 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearlne.per
set. 8Kc; parafflne, ll12c.
RICE Head, Carolina, 77Jc: choice, 6Ji
7c; prime, 5(c; Louisiana, e6kc
Stabch Pearl, Sc; cornstarch, 5K7c; glos3
starch, 6J7c.
Foreign Fbotts Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon
don layers. 3 10: California London layers, S2 50;
Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels, SI 85;
Valencia,new, 67c;Ondara Valencia, 7K8c;
sultana, 8Ci currants, new, 4)5c; Turkey
g runes, new, 45c: French prunes, 813c;
alonica prunes.ln 2-E packages. 8c; cocoanuts.
per 100, SO 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do
Ivica, 19c; do shelled. 40c: walnuts, nap.. 12J
15c: Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12l8c:
new dates, 5Ji6c; Brazil, nuts, 10c; pecans,
ll15c; citron, per , 2122c; lemon peel, perB,
1314c: orange peel, 12Kc.
Dried Fbuits Apples, sliced, per B, 6c:
apples, evaporated, 6MT8jc; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 1518c: peaches, evaporated,
oared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated,
unpaired, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpitted, 66c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424kc; blackberries, 78c: huckle
berries. 1012c
StroABS Cubes,1010Jc;powdered,10101c;
granulated, 9)c; confectioners A, 9g9Jc;
aianuuru jlmc; soil wniies, oreac: yellow,
choice, 88Kc; yellow, good, 86Vc; yellow,
fair, SJc: yellow, dark, 7c
Pickles Medium, bbls (L200), S4 50; medi
ums, half bbls (BOO). $2 75.
SALT No. LW bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex. ?? bbl, Jl Oof
uairjr, ft uui, i m coarse crystal, w do J, $1 zu;
Higgins' Eureka. 4-bn sacks. $2 SO: Hlf irlns'
Eureka. 16-14 B pockets, $3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, SI 30
1 90; 2ds. SI 301 35; extra peaches. SI 601 90;
pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, Sll 60; Hfd. Co.
corn. 7000c: red cherries. 90cSl; Lima beans,
11 10; soaked do, 85c: string do do. 7585c; mar
rowfat peas, Jl 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c;
pineapples, SI 401 50: Bahama do, $2 75; dam
son plums, 95c; greengages, SI 25; egg plums,
82; California pears. 2 o0; do greengages, $2: do
egg plums, S2; extra, white cherries, $2 90; red
cherries, 2 Bs, 90c; raspberries, SI 4001 50:
strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries. $1 301 40;
tomatoes. 8292c: salmon, 1-ft, SI 752 10;
blackberriet, bOc; succotash. 2-ft cans, soaked.
09c; do green, 2 Bs, SI 251 50; corn beef, 2-ft
cans. SI 75: 14-B cans, $13 50; baked beans, SI 45
1 50; lobster, 1 B, SI 751 SO; mackerel, 1-B
cans, broiled. SI 50: sardines, domestics. V.s.
S4 154 50: sardines, domestic, Ks, S3 25S50:
sardines, imported, Us, Sll 50l2 50; sardines,
imported, Ks,S18; sardlnes,mustard, S4; sardines,
spiced, S4 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S3flf?
bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, S40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
36; No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole
nollock. 4Kc B: do medinm. Geonre'i rod.
uc; do large, 7c; boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 6J7c. Herring
Ronnd shore, 5 00 1 bbl: split, 87 00; lake.
52 60 100-B. half bbl. White lisb. J7 00 K lorf
,' half bbl. Lake trout, 35 60 half bbL
Finnan haddock; 10c f) B. Iceland halibut, 13c
W B. Pickerel. j$ barrel, S2 00; i barrel, SI 10;
Potomac herring, S5 00 f) barrel, S2 60 ??
Buckwheat FLoun 22c 31 b.
Oatmeal SS S0Q0 GO fl bbl.
Minebs' Oil No, 1 winter strained, 5S00c
fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Flour nnd Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at tbe Grain Ex
change, 20 cars. By Pittsburg, FL Wayne and
Chicago, 7 cars of hay, 3 of flour, 1 of straw, 2.
of oats, 1 of screenings. By Pittsburg, Cincin
nati and St. Louis, 1 car of oats.l of s. com,
1 of hay, 1 of wheat. By Pittsburg and Lake
Erie, 1 car of hay. There were no sales on call.
Corn is scarce and as a consequence is higher.
In general cereal markets are slow. Pros
pect for the incoming crop are too bright for
an v upward or activo movement.
Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, 8990c;
Copjt No. 2 yellow ear. 4041c; high mixed
ear, 3S39c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 393tKc;
high mixed, shelled, 3830c; mixed, shelled,
Oats No. 2 white, 3232Kc: extra. No. 3.
31Q31Kc: No. 3 white, 293Uc; No. 2 mixed
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 6152c;
No. 1 Western, 484&c.
Flouk JobDing prices Winter patents,
85 60Q5 75: spring patents, S5 756 00: winter
straight, S4 7535 00; clear winter, $4 504 75;
straight XXXX bakers', S4C04 25. Rye flour,
53 5003 75.
Millfeed Middlings, flne white, S15 00
15 60 ton: brown middlings, Sll 6012 60;
winter wheat bran, S12 2512 50: chop feed,
S15 00016 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice. $15 00; No. 1
a iq iraaii nn. v o a ii raavio hi. i....
from wagon, 516 0018 00; ko. 1 upland prairie,'
$10 5011 CO; No. 2. S7 508 00: packing do,50 15
6 SO. V
Straw Oats, 57 50; wheat and rye straw,
$7 007 50S 00.
Hams are higher andlardls lower. The drift
of the kog market Is downward. Prices are 5c
off at Chicago 'from Saturday's rates. Tbe
effect of floods is still felt in our provision
trade, as a large section has beea cut off from
Pittsburg markets.
Sugar-cured hams, largo, 1154c; sugar-cured
hams, medium. llc: sugar-cured bams, small,
1254c: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California bams,
8c; sugar-cured driod beef flats. 9e: sugar
cured dried beef sets. 10Kc; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds. lKc; bacon" shoulders, 7c; bacon
clear sides, SJc;"bacon clear bellies. 8&c; dry
silt shoulders. (c; drv salt clear sides. TJic.
Mess pork, heavy, S14 00; mess pork, family,
Sll 50. Lard Kenned in tierces, 6c; half
barrels. 7c: 60-B tubs. 7Jc: 20-ft pails, 7c;50
I tin cans, 6c: 3-3 tin pails, 7c; 5-ft tin pails,
7c; 10-ft tin pails. 7Jc. Smoked sausage.long,
5c: large,t5c. Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless
bam, 10c. Pigs feet, half barrel, S3 50; quarter
barrel, 52 CO.
Droned jlear.
Armour Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 lbs,
5c:550 to 650 its, 6Vc; 650 to 750 lbs, 6c Sheep.
8c f ft. Lamb?, 9c fl ft. Hogs,ec Fresh
pork loins, 9c.
Swift's Specific cured me of malignant
Blood Poison after I had been treated in vain
with old so-called) remedies of Mercury and
Potash. S. S. S. not only cured the Blood
Poison, but relieved the Rheumatism which
was caused by the poisonous minerals.
GEO. BOVELL. 2422 Third ave., N. Y.
Scrofula developed on my daughter swell
ing and lumps on her neck. Wo gave her
Swift's Specific, and the result was wonder
ful and the cure prompt.
S. A DeArmond, Cleveland. Tenn.
Swift's Specific is entirely a vegetable
remedy, and is the only medicine which per
manently cures Scrofula, Blood Humors, Can
cer and Contagions Blood Poison. Send for
hooks on Blood and Skin Diseases, mailed free.
The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta,
f eI-7 TTS
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week in
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us. "
lood Piirfa.
A Dureiv Vegetable
Compound that expels
all bad hnmors from tbe
system. Removes blotch
es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
With an Increased capacity and hydraulic
machinery we are prepared to furnish all work
in our line cheaper and better than by the old
methods. Repairing and general machine
work. Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Val
ley Railroad. i eo-55-TTS
A pure dry Soap In powdered form. The great
labor saver and quick cleanser, without rnjury to
hands or fabric. Economical, pure and good.
Beats' the world for cleaning glasses, windows,
houses, dishes, milk palls, milk cans, clothes, &c.
Keeps moths out of carpets, bureaus, &c. See
that you get BELL'S SOAPONA-Red Packages.
-R.W. BELL MFG. CO., Buffalo, N.Y.
Capital, 5100,000, with privilege of 5500,000.
Surplus and undivided profits, S23.G00.
Transacts a General Banking Business. Ac
counts Solicited. Collections a Specialty.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
JAS. CALLERV President
AV. J.BURNS Vice President
It can be made a substitute 'for nearly
every purpose for which wire is used,
and Is far more durable and cheaper.
It Is much superior to wire work In
everyway. It Is solid at all points of
Send for Illustrated
Circulars and
Central Expanded Metal Co.,
116 Water street, Pittsburg. Fa.
ure; fntenae Itching
mnd tlnjrtnrt niAttnt
nlehtl worie br
S lowed to continue
fc-om!n tcrr Mm' SWAVAtTS OLNT
JAEXT atop tho ltealng sod bleedln, heals
nlceratlan. and In mait caam nnoTM the tm
nor. SwArn'OiNTMi3rTbMttb7drazl3U,orm&Udto
urraddnuenrtctlptof priM.60eu.abox; $ bozm, fugV
MWil HUKh VA fl IfAidA BUJ CUUMkKlg Ul CO,
3&t a
11 bt :
Hl Mi
This disease seems to affect nearly the en
tire human family. It affects persons indif
ferent ways. Dyspepsia is simply indiges
tion, or want of power to convert food into
chyle, from which the blood is mainly de
rived. The process of digestion may he
more or less obstructed for years by'iin-"
proper food, want of exercise, overwork,
care, depression and other causes, before
the marked symptoms of the disease mani
fest themselves. At length follow the ir
regular appetite, discomfort before or after
eatin?, rising of food, eructations, gastric
irritability, costiveness or diarrhoea, pain'
in the chest, pains in tbe limbs, pains in
the head, restlessness, loss of flesh, de
bility, mental depression, palpitation,
dizziness, suffocation and nearly every
discomfort known to mortals. The
cause not being known or suspected, the
sufferer is doctored for symptoms by this,
that, and the other medicine, till, dying a
thousand miserable deaths by the disease
and drugs, he finally looks for "no relief and
give3 up to a miserable existence. Such,
being the nature of this disease and so per
sistent and serious in its effects upon both
body and mind, how essential that one
skilled in the treatment of it should be,
sought at once and have the disease thor
oughly eradicated and the system restored
to health, which can be done by the power
ful common sense treatment as practiced by
Dr. "Woods. Ho charge for advice.
Dr. R. A. Woods, Rupture and Chronie Dltesss
Specialist, Hotel Albemarle, Penn avenuo
and Sixth street, Pittsburg, Pa. Gffioa hours:
10 A. M. f 0 12 M.. 2-5 and 7-8 P. M. Jell
On mortgages on improved real estate In sums
of $1,000 and upward. Applv at
mh-34-r No. 121 Fourth avenue.
511-515 Hamilton Building;
Pittsbnrs. Pa.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel,
Morgan fc Co., New York. Passports procured.
Members Chicago Board of Trade and
Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange.
45 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg.
As old residents know ana back flies of Pitts
burg papers prove, is the oldest established
and most prominent physician in the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
MCDfil IQand mental diseases, physical
llCn V UUOaecay.nervons debility, lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self distrust,basbfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, ernntlons, im
poverished blood, failine; powers,organic weak-:
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business,society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, moutb.throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIRIMARV kidney and bladder aerange
U 11 1 IN ft n 1 1 ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whittler's life-long, extensive experi
ence. Insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carcftilly treated
as if here. Office hours 9 A. Jf. to 8 p. jr. San
dav, 10 A. It. to 1 r. IT. only. DR. WHITTIER,
814Penn avenue, Pittsburg: Pa.
ASdentificandStandardPopuIar Medical Treatisaoa
the Errors of Youth, Premature Decline.Nervons
and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood,
Resulting trom Folly, Vice, Ignorance. Excesses or
Overtaxation. Enervating and unfitting the victim
for Work, Business, the Jf arr.'ed or Social Relation.
Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this great
work. It contains S00 pages, roval 8vo. Beautiful
binding, embossed, fall gilt. Price, only $LC0 by
mail, postpaid, concealed In plain wrapper. Illus
trative Prospectus Free, If you apply now. The
distinguished author, Wm. H. Parker, M. D., re
from the National Medical Association,
for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and
PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps
of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, confi
dentially, by mall or in person, at the office oi
No.4 Bnlflnch St., Boston. Mas., to whom all
.orders for books or letters for advice should b
directed as above.
For menf Checks the worst cases In three
days, and cure in five day. Price Si 00. at
Ja5-29-TTSsn 412 Market street.
a poarrivis cuke
For LOST or Kalllnr
MAN HOOD. Nervous
ness. WeibnM of
Bodr & Mind. Lack of Strength. Vlror and De
velopment, caused br Errors, Excesses. ,tc. Hoofc.
Mods of Selk-Tiieatjient. sad 1'roofs mailed
(sealed) free. Address KT.I1S MEDICAL CO
ulTalo. N. Y.
SPECIALISTS in all cases re
quiring scientific and confiden
tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake.
M. R. C. P,8., is the oldest and
most experienced specialist in
tbe city. Consultation free and
strictlv confidential. Office
hours a to 4 and 7 to 8 P. 31.; Sundays. 2 to 4 P.
M.Cousnlt tbem personally, orwrite. Doctobs
Lake. 800 Penn ave Pittsburg, Pa.
errors of
Toilth- WKtfni
weakness lost vigor, etc., was restored to health
in such a remarkable manner after all else had
failed that he will send the mode of cure 1KEK to ,
U fellow. sufferers. Address L. O.MITCHELL,
juui nnyum, waa;
lll'lllilllHill'il 'JhlWiM "I ' . ' . '. I I'W'WWl
.t ,.JCie'jt...-Jfci.-