IQSBS bwvictW 3rf ssassgs- . ' 3 THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, TUESDAY, JTINE 18, 1889. fHE WATER TESTED. ?rof. Hugo Blanck Finds it is Not Verv Bad. IN OFFICIAL KEPORT MADE To the Department of Pntlic Safety Tinder Instrnctions of the Chief. SOME TEET IMEKLSTIXG FIGURES. Prof, Hugo Blanck. the chemist, -who has Seen mating an anaijsis 01 ub rittsuurg water supply for several days, concluded his sxpenmentu yesterday afternoon, and made the following report to the Department of PubUcWr r,,,,. tv the Hon O. Brown, chief or the Depart ment of PuMie ' of the city of Pittsburg. Dear Mii 1 hereby submit to Ton the analysis ofthewnKT of the Allegheny River ordered by , ou June 12, 1SS9, -with regard to the sanitary con dition River at Brilliant ater- works Hydrant near Hlland In section Avenue I'lttsb'g. of pump, Itcserv'r. Organic matter, fil tered 0551 .0438 .0033 Chlorine, filtered.. -CI4o 0I32 .!2o Sulphuric acid 1 .OttR) 0u38 Mtrlc acid Traces Traces Traces Mlrousacld Traces Traces Traces Free ammonia Less. 0001 .0001 Less. 0001 Albuminoid ammo- . ula Lcss.OOm .OWE Less .0005 Lime. O0T9 .0079 .0073 Magnesia 00J9 .00168 .0002 bolfd8.fllfred.Total .1092 .0916 .0724 The hardness of the water calculated upon 100.- 000 parts Is temporarily nearly one degree; per manently about half a degree less. The softness of the water Is remarkable, and Is doubtless due to the large rain masses which fell during the last month. The large quantities or total solids and organic matter in the Pittsburg hvdrants are dcrrted from the pressure the city water has to sustain. Comparing the present condition of the water based on the analysis pre viously made, it is rather better than before, ow ing. 1 think, to the purifying effect of the rain. The maximum lor health water is: sinograms, c ft 2 5 r- 5 r ?ff p g : : : a . ; ; loO 50 35.5 .... 63 112 I .... Hardness, 16-8. Thus we find our hj drant water only In regard to organic matter balancing sver the limit. Ihe presence or nitric acid ammonia and al buminoid ammonia are evils to which every rlTcr water In a civilized country Is liable. KespectfuUj, HUGO BLANCK. The report will be presented to Chief Brown to-day. It not being completed In time yester day afternoon to hand to him. Prof. Blanck disclaims the idea that be had found a constantly increasing amount of am monia in the water. His students made analy ses every day, but he says it was only experi mental work, in which he did not take much stock. A S0DTHS1DE SUICIDE. Louis S. C Krneger Kills Himself With n Revolver in Presence of His Son. An insurance agent and a well known man In the neighborhood named Louis S. C. Krneger. sbS himself last night in his own house, at JS12 Sarah street, Southside. The suicide was a German, and had been married for five years, but had not been on good terms with his wife for some time He went home at six o'clock last night, and called for his little boy to come downstairs. Shortly after the child cried for his mother. Ebe did not respond at once, as Krue ger had been drinking heavily for some time, and she thought be was drunk again. A few minutes later Mrs. Krue ger heard a pistol shot from below, and rushed downstairs. As she passed the window of bis bedroom she eawher busband lying on his bed with his hands clasping a revolver, and the blood flowing freely from a ghastly wound in his throat Mrs. Krneger started for a neighbor at once, and Officer Smith was notified. Coroner Mc Dowell arrived on the scene later, and held an inqnest over the body. Last Hallow'en tho Coroner had occasion to perform the sain j duty over the body of the de ceased brother-m-law. Louis Krueger, who had shot him-.11 in the same house. Krneger brooded or"" Ids rother-in-law's act for a long time, and once 10'd Lieutenant Risen that he was going to commit suicide. Krneger's de spondency ova.- his brother's tragic death is supposed to have led to his own rash act. He was a member of several societies, and leaves a widow and three children. IHAT HERE'S ISLAND DAM. Colonel W. E. Merrill Writes a Terr Sharp Letter to Allegheny's Blnyor. The proposed dam at Herr's island and the objections to it raised by Allegheny Councils have brought out a very sharp letter from Colonel W. E. Merrill to Mayor Pearson. The Colonel says the United States is desirous of improving the Allegheny river by the erection of a cam at Herr's island, which, when com pleted, will be of great benefit to the city, par ticularly in the water supply. It will also bo beneficial in the transfer of freight by water to the upper end of the city. Colonel Merrill says they desire to bnild an abntment on the Allegheny side and on Alle gheny City property. If the city refuses to grant the land necessary, it is likely that the Government will give np the matter and no dam will be built. He says that other commu nities are clamoring for improvements, and if Allegheny refuses to accept one when offered It will set a very bad example. THE EED P0XD. very thine Necessary Being Done to Empty the Annoying Reservoir There was an unusual amount of water in Bed Pond yesterday, owing to the destruction of an old well located below the month of tho sewer and the frequent rains. Superintendent Paisley has a force of 60 men at work day and night. A small dam has been constructed about 200 feet above the junction of Center and Reed streets to prevent any more water coming from that direction, and a large trench. 20 feet deep, is being dog through boho street. Two steam pumps were put in operation at 10 o'clock last night and it is expected that the entire contents will be pumped into the sewer in from iS to 72 hours. With the exception of the flooding of the old skating rink, which was built below the street level, no damage has been sustained. CASE OF MISCEGENATION. A White Man Procures n IHnrrlaEe License to Wed a Colored Girl. Captain Heiber, the marriage license clerk, yesterday issued the first marriage license in this connty for the marriage of a white man to a colored woman. There have been a large number of white women marry colored men. but this is the first instance of this kind. The parties were Emil Worth, a teamster living at No. 88 Webster avenue, and Lizzie Fenruson. Of Second avenue. Worth is a good looking young man about 25 years of age. He is a native of Switzerland. Miss Ferguson is 18 years of age. She Is a petite and good looking mulatto girl, and was born in Johnstown, Pa. HIS SKDLL fractured. AHnnsjnrinn at Homestead Hits a Fellow Countryman With a Brick. At Homestead yesterday shortly after noon -two Hungarians quarreled, and one of them, whose name is unknown, struck the other with a brick upon the head, inflicting injuries which are likely to prove fatal. The assailant was arrested and placed in the Homestead lockup, while the wounded man, Jan Tschaiskowalski, received medical treatment. His skull is frac tured and death is probable. PE0BABLI FATALLY SHOT. Result of Quarrel In n Poolroom Near Moorbead's Mill. Jacob Josephs shot John Shnltz yesterday in Sweeny's poolroom on Second avenue, near Moorbead's furnace. It is alleged that the men were quarreling. Josephs is still at large, while.his victim is lying in a critical condition at the Mercy Hospital. Found la the River. The remains of William Hanlson.wbo was drowned last Thursday in the A llegheny river at the foot of McCandless avenue, were recov ered yesterday from tne river and Interred in Allegheny Cemetery last evening. The Coroner Has been notified and will hold an inquest. PtATffl Piling.; rt!!nfft9n An odorless liquid, prompt, cheap and efficient. WANTS HER CHILD BACK. A Womnu Accnses Her Mother of Drinking Varlons Court Items Ycsterdny. Mrs. Mary IS. Harlan yesterday filed a peti tion asking that the decree be revoked in the matter of the adoption of her child, Carrie M. Harlan, by Mrs. Harlan's mother. Mrs. Marian McD. Sawders, Mrs. Harlan alleges that her mother drinks, and is not a proper custodian of the child. Mrs. Harlan has separated from her husband. Dodge fc Huncke, comprising the Brooklyn Embalming Fluid Company, yesterday entered suitagafust Herman & Ebbert,.No. 213 Ohio street, Allegheny, far J152 50, for embalming fluid and instruments furnished. The answer of the defendants was filed, yes terday, in the equity case of the Arnold Coal Company and William Metcalf against the Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company. The suit is to compel the salt company to dis continue work, the allegation having been made that'the smelting works throw off smoke and fumes heavily charged with lead, copper and sulphur, poisoning the atmosphere and injur, mg the health of persons and animals and kill ing off vegetation for a great distance around. The salt company deny that there is any such poisoning of the atmosphere and ask that the bill be dismissed. . A bill in equity was filed yesterday by Mary A. and Henrietta Qastner, Mariah E. Kimmel, Minnie McCain and Elizabeth Fass against Conrad and Ludwig Schmidt, Jr., and Julia Jacuby; administratrix of Ludwie Schmidt, Sr to compel the settlement of the estate. The grand jury yesterday returned the fol lowing true bills: Abe Cohen, George Findlay, John Frey. Robert Hunt, Joseph Hirsch,H. Jamicson. Fred Moreth, William Lowther, Alex. McGrew. Michael Toole. Mike Wild, Peter Walker, assault and battery; Daniel Jor dan, misdemeanor. Charters were filed yesterday in the Re corder's offlce for the Manufacturers' Water Company, 01 Patton township, and the People s Water Supply Company, of Wilkinf township. The capital stock of each company is $1,000, divided into 100 shares at $10 each. The direct ors of both concern are: E. E. Little, E. Mar tbens, Frank Wilcox, C. a Wolfe and W. D. Uptegraff. . To-day's trial list in the Criminal Court: Commonwealth vs. Daniel Davis, John Witt mer, Thomas Kelly, Harry Gallins, Charles Donahue, John Morosquek, J. S. Schriver, Mc ClurgDonally etal. ALLEN MDRDER TRIAL. Several Witnesses Testily to Premeditation In the Shooting;. Charles E. Allen, colored, was placed on trial in the Criminal Court yesterday for the murder of Steven, alias "Bud" Lee, on the 21st day of last Marcn, at 251 Second avenue. The entire morning was occupied In empaneling a jury, and it was afternoon when the case was finally opened. District Attorney Porter and John S. Robb appeared for the prosecution and Messrs. Brennon and Mitchell for the defense. The first witness examined was Walter Butler, who testified that Allen and Lee had quarreled about a woman and Allen had left the house and dared Lee to follow him, which the latter did. After a few hot words Allen drew a re volver and shot Lee. He started to run, but was captured by Officers Holmes, Pearsall and Butler. Robert Holmes, a police officer, testi fied that on the morning of the murder while talking to Officer Pearsall he. heard two men quarreling. Suddenly a shot was fired, and one man started down the street. The offi cer ran to the spot and found Lee lying on the ground. They then gave pursuit to Allen, whom they captured a short distance away. Officer Pearsall corroborated this statement. Dr. J. Guy McCandless testified to holding the post mortem examination on Lee, and that he died from ihe effect of the wound. Peter McGuire and John Connors saw the shot fired but did not recognize the man. George Wal lace testified that Allen told him the day be fore the shot was fired that he intended to kill a negro that night. Mary Smith testified that the same remark was made to her. Detective Coulson testified that he svw Allen at the Eleventh ward station, at which place the defendant said: "By , when I shot him he fell line a beef." William Deemus testified that he met Allen on Fifth avenue, where the latter said: "I am going to kill a idggah to-night." That night the witness heard a noise in front of his house. Two men were quarreling, and shortly after a shot was fired. The court here adjourned until this morning. HATE DOUBTS ABOUT IT. But Little Confidence In tho Story Abont a New Railroad East. A revival of the South Penn Railroad project, the report of which was sent in from Philadelphia to The Dispatch yesterday, is looked upon as a myth by many of the prom inent railroad men and shippers in this city. So much has been promised, and so much has failed materialization regarding the pro posed "only competing line" that the subject when broached to people of prominence was greeted with significant smiles which savored very strongly of "chestnuts." A few, however, thought that time would see a formidable railway competitor connecting Pittsburg and New York via Philadelphia, as against the Pennsylvania route. H. Clay Frlck said: "I don't give the story any credance whatever. These new railroad stories don't amount to much." E. Holbrook, Superintendent of the Lake Ene roads said: "Recently I looked over a portion of the South Penn, and my idea is that a fine road will be built upon the foundation of the proposed route. It is one of the finest roadbedsl ever saw. and I don't think it will go to waste." In fact, there is no question bnt that some road will be completed over the de funct institution. It's tocgosd to go to waste. H. P. Dilworth thought that it would be an inestimable benefit to Pittsburg shippers should it ever reach running shape. DINNERS IN AID OF DESTITUTE. The Ladies' Relief G. A. R. Committee Will Rnise Money for Flood sufferers. The Relief Committee of the ladies ot the G. A. R. held a meeting at the old University building, where they have established their headquarters, last night. Mrs. Carrie V. Sher rift President of the State Department, pre siding. The ladies decided to have a series of two dinners at their headquarters, to be given on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, the proceeds tor the benefit of G. A. R. men and their families who suffered by the late flood. The committee yesterday sent ont a box of clothing valued at $60 to Johnston n, and last night decided to send $50 in cash to a soldier's family at Huntingdon, who suffered by the flodu. The County Commissioners have given the ladies the use of the whole University building, and they have set aside one room for a sewing room, in which a committee opens and sorts all donations of clothing sent in, and. when need ed, repairs are made, buttons sewed on and clothing fixed up in good condition for wearing. RIOT ON A TRAIN. Stono Jugs, Filled Wlib Whisky, Caused Several Free Fights. A small-sized riot occurred on an excursion tram on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at Alien station, nine miles this' side of Wheeling. The train was delayed f or ji early three hours on account ot a weak bridge at Trladelphla. All this time small fights were taking place, which finally ended in a grand free slugging match. A number of the fighters got out of the car and continued the melee on the bank of the creek. Two were thrown in, and barely escaped drown ing. At least ten stone jugs of whisky were aboard the train. It is alleged that the con ductor and brakeman were intoxicated. No person was seriously injured, and no arrests were made. A CONSTABLE ARRESTED. Four Colored PeopleChnrseSdmnelBIorgan WithJSxtortlne Money From Them. Constable Samuel Morgan, of Baldwin town ship, was. arrested yesterday on charges brought against him bv Randolph Washington, Willie Walls, Ada Lawson and Hattie Clarke. They are all colored people, and allege that Monran served warrants on them forjdisorderly conduct at a picnic at which tbey attended. They say that Morgan agreed to settle the mat ter u lth them on payment of a 110 fine each, and they paid tbe money, .but afterward con sulted a lawyer, who advised them to bring suit. The defendant gave ball In $1,500 for a hearing next Friday. 1 Funeral ot the Lute Win. Semple. The late Wm. Semple, of Allegheny, was buried yesterday in the Uniondale Cemetery. The funeral services were held at his late res idence on Irwin avenue, Allegheny. Several beantiful floral designs were sent by friends of tbe deceased. The ballbearere were H. V. Oliver, Jr.. John Thompson, Joseph Mc Naugber, James MrCutcnen, James Patton, Edward Gregg, W. W. Martin, Joseph Walton, Alexander Leggate and A. M. Brown. A Stout Backbone Is as essential to physical health as to political consistency. For weakness of the back, rheu matism, and disorders of tbe kidneys, the tonic and dietetic action of Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters is the one thing needf uL The stomach is the mainstay of every other organ, and by in. vigorating the digestion with this preparation, the spinal column, and all Us dependencies, are sympathetically strengthened. The dyspeptic and bilious will find It a pure vegetable stimu ant and t.inic ICommnnlcated.i FACTS FOB Y0TEES. WHY THE AMENDMENT SHOULD BE SUCCESSFUL. Tbe Liquor Trade Responsible lor Poverty and Crime The Farmers Will Vote for the Amendment. The man who votes for tbe saloon votes for all the evil tor which the saloon is responsi ble. The liquor traffio is not only bad trade in itself, but it makes everything else bad. Millions of dollars in bad debts are upon the books of the business men of our State, because men pay cash for their drinks while their wives rnn'bills that are never paid. Eyebt argument nsed against the amendment is a stronger argument against license. ' A majt does not carry in his pocket the personal liberty of his wife and children. Society is bound to protect the whole family. The amendment confiscates no man's property, wrongs no man, takes nothing away from any man except the future privi lege of making money in a dishonorable way. But it will prevent the ruin of thou sands of men and the defrauding of thou sands of families. The motto of the friends of the amend ment: "For God and home and native land; for our religions institutions; for the purity of the ballot-box; for our children; for liberty and purity and independence." The motto of the enemies of the amend ment: "For our pocket-books." What would you think of a Judge on the bench who would say, "I will take no part in this case?" Every voter is a judge on the bench. You must say by your vote whether the saloon shall close or your own boys perish. If the $35,000,000 spent annually in our State for intoxicating liquors, were spent for useful articles instead, employment would be given to 35,669 persons. One of the Allegheny breweries has $1,000,000 in vested and employs 45 ment A coal mine near by has a capital of $60,000 and employs 350 men. Speaking of prohibition Abraham Lincoln said: "By it no orphans starving, no widows weeping, by it none wounded in feeling, none injured in interest, even the dram-maker and dram-seller will have glided into other occupations so gradually as never to have felt the change and will stand ready to join all others in the univer sal song of gladness." Prohibition. A wooden structure in the heart of the city may work injury to life and property. Hence we prohibit it"by law. The saloon does work injury always and in every place. Shall we not prohibit it by law? Meecee, Lawrence and Beaver counties are splendidly organized and give assurance of immense majorities for the amendment. The farmers will vote for the amend ment, because it will turn the money which now goes to the saloon, to the purchase of their crops. Fathebs! give a vote to-day foryour boys. More than 60 per cent of the Knights of Labor will vote for the amendment; 75 per cent ot our mechanics and half of our labor ers will vote lor the amendment. A steaw vote in one of our prominent business houses gave nine-tenths of its em ployes for the amendment. We have 18,000 drunkards in the State of Pennsylvania. Thi saloon made them. Nine thousand broken hearts in these 18,000 homes. The saloon broke these hearts. Vote the saloon down. WoBKnroMEir, let us by our votes to day say, "The saloon must go, and our wives and children must stay and be happy and honorable. High license leaves the trap still in the way of onr boys. Prohibition clears the track and gives them a fair chance. Look here! A father and seven sons, all voters and all for the amendment. One whole street in Allegheny with but two votes against it The tide is rising. The saloon is master of politics in our cities. Few respectable men can reach positions in the cities without patronizing the saloon. Vote the tyrant out. Good men who cannot see their way to vote for the amendment will not vote for the saloon. Business men who have been in fear of being boycotted by the saloon, are beginning to fear that good citizens will give their patronage to men who stand up for the right. Save $380,000 taxes annually in Alle gheny county, by voting out the saloon. Touno men, vote as your mothers pray. The last week has opened the eyes of thousands of our citizens to the real ques tion at issue, viz: "against the saloon or for the saloon," and they are going against it to a man. Think of it, citizens! Ihe amendment carried means 15,000 boys in our State saved to a noble manhood. In more than 40 counties in onr State pro hibitionJias been tried, and does prohibit, and it is a glorious success. Flue Whiskies. X. X X. 1855, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts $2 00 1860 McKim's Pure Bye Whisky, lull quarts , 3 00 Monogram, Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts 1 75 Extra Old Cabinet, Pure Eye Whisky, lull quarts 1 50 Gibson V1879. pe Bye Whisky, full quarts 2 00 Gibson's Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts 1 50 Guckenheimer Pnre Eye Whisky, full quarts 1 00 Guckenheimer Export,Pure Eye Whis ky, full quarts 1 50 Moss Export, Pure Eye Whisky, fnll quarts 1 25 1879 Export, Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts 1 25 1880 Export, Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts j... 1 00 For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Hos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Best Scotch Ginghams Best French Sat Ines. Best place to buv them right here. Jos. Hobke &T3o.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Get a sack of "Ivory" flour of your grocer, and see what fine bread you" will have. its Imported Fort. 1828 Imperial Oporto Port, full qnarts.$3 00 1869 Mackenzie Port, full quarts 2 50. Fine Old White Port, full quarts 2 00 London Dock Port, full quarts 2 00 Burgundy Tort, full quarts 160 Fine Old Spanish Port, full quarts.... 1 00 For sale by G. "YY. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Best Scotch Glnshnmi Best French Sat Ines. Beit place to buy them right here. Jos. Hobne & Co. '8 "Penn Avenue Stores. OVEB 200 varieties of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars Irom $2 to $40 per, 100. G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth Aye. Sr 40 Round Trip to Cincinnati 87 40 Tin Baltimore and Ohio Railroad On June 20 and 21. Trains leave Balti more and Ohio depot, cor. Smithfield and Water streets, at 6:45 a. m. and 8:30 P. M. Tickets good to return June 27, inclusive. On Friday, June 21, special train will leave at 10:00 p. M., conveying all the Turners of Pittsburg and vicinity. Sleeping car accommodations can be secured at Ticket Office, cor. Fifth avenue and Wood street. Turners wishing sleeping car accommo dations can secure them at Oscar Scheer's, No. 142 Fifth avenue. Prompt Action by the Singer Manufactur ing Company. This Company has been the first to re open their office and establish themselves for business at Johnstown since the treat disaster at that point. Their headquarters are opposite the old postoffice, Franklin street, Upstairs, where their manv "custom ers in Johnstown and vicinity will receive attention. They beg to announce that to all who have suffered bvthe.flood a very lib eral discount will Se given, and to those who had Singer machines a proper and lib eral allowance for past payments will he made in the purchase of new machines upon application to their office at Johnstown. Freight for the East. The Allegheny Valley Eailroad is pre pared to lorward promptly shipments of freight or Jfew York, Boston and New England points. California Wines. Old Sherry, full quarts 50c Extra Old Sherry, fnll quarts 75c Old Port, full quarts 60c Extra Old Port, lull quarts 75e Biesling, full quarts 40c Angelica, full quarts 50c Muscatel, full quarts 50c Tokay, full quarts 50c For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fiith ave. . Best Scotch Ginghams Best French Sat lues. Best place to buv them right here. "Jos. Hobke & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Fbatjenheim & Vilsack's beer is worthy your patronage, both for its good qualities anil because it is manufactured right here in Pittsburg. ttssu La Perla del Famar. These celebrated clear Havana Key "West Cigars are for sale at: v Hotel Duquesne, Hotel Anderson. St. Charles Hotel, Albemarle Hotel. Union Depot Bestaurant. John Lauler, 3799 Fifth ave. Peter A. Ganster, 35 and 37 Frankstown ave. John F. Ganster, 27 Frankstown ave. Peter Weber, 76 Wylie ave. John C. StroUD, 25 Union st E. W. Hagan," 609 Smithfield st. Neville Baylev,.405 Smithfield st. J. K. Derr, 400 Market st P. G, Duffy, 540 Grant st. E. F. Eusch, 3716 Forbes st. Linhart, Bald & Co., 411 Smithfield st, G. "W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Sntine and Glncham Salts Marked Way Down In our suit room. Also the special bar gains in ladies' white suits see them at $3 50 and $5. Jos. Hobke & Co.'s, Penn Avenue Stores. Imported Sherry. 1828, Imperial Amontillado Sherry, full quarts $3 00 1828, Imported Brown Sherry, full quarts... 3 00 Pemartin Sherry, full quarts 2 00 Choice Old Brown Sherry, full quarts. 2 00 Harmony Sherry, full quarts 1 50 Fine Old Topaz Sherry, lull quarts. ... 1 00 For sale by G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Hot Weather Underwear For men, women and children ladies' cot ton ribbed vests 12 cents ribbed silk 75 cents men's English balbriggan $1.00 a suit. Complete assortment of summer under wear for babies and small children in gauze and gossamer merino, and in ribbed wool, cotton and pure silk shirts. Jos. Hobke Ss Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Overboil Whisky. We have 2,000 barrels old Overholt whisky for sale to the trade. Geo. H. Bekkett & Bbo,. 135 First ave., second door below Wood st., city. Each Day Busier; In Lnxe Curtain Depart ment. That June curtain sale shatters all ordi nary price notions the $1 25 lace curtains for 75 cents a pair for example. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. iron City Beer Is the best in the market. It is a delicious drink, wholesome and nutritious. Brewed by Frauenheim & Vilsack. ttssu Best Scotch Ginghams Best French Snt lues. Best place to buy them right here. Jos. Hobke & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. "Silveb Lake" flour makes delicious bread. tts Avigof.otts crowth and the original color given to the hair by Parker's Hair Balsam. Parker's Ginger Tonic the best cough cure. , Ladies' Wlilte Lawn Wrappers. Ladies' chintz wrappers ladies' ging ham wrappers ladies' challis wrappers largest stock is to be found here in our euit department. Jos. Hobke & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. PROPOSALS.-. Wilkinsbubo, June 5. lSSl -VTOTICE TO CONTKACIOKS SEALED JLl proposals will bo received at the Borough Enpneer's office. Wood street, borough of Wilkinsburg. until i o'clock P. M., MONDAY, JUNE 21, for furnishing materia, macadamiz ing and curbing Penn avenue from city line to Pennsylvania railroad. Tlans and specifica tions can be seen at Engineer's office. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond pro Dated before the Burgess or Clerk. The right is reserved by the Street Committee to accept or reject any and all bids. THOMAS W. M'CUNE, ARTHUR STUART, JAMES WILSON, Street Committee. jel5-l-TTS PROPOSALS FOB FURNISHING STA TIONERY, fumituref fuel and other supplies. In compliance with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I hereby invite sealed proposals, at prices below maximum rates fixed In schedules, to furnish stationery, furniture, fuel, and other supplies lor the several departments of the State Gov ernment, and for making repairs in the several departments, and for the distribution of the public documents, for tbe year ending the first Monday of June, A. D. 1890. Separate proposals will be received and sepa rate contracts awarded as announced in said schedules. Each proposal mnst be accompa nied by a bond with approved sureties, condi tioned for the faithful performance of the con tract, and addressed and aelivered to me before 12 o'clock M. on Tuesday, the 9th day of July, A. D. 1889. at which time the proposals will be opened and contracts awarded, in tbe recep tion room of the Execntive Department, at Harrisburg. Blank bonds and schedules containing all necessary information can be obtained on ap plication at this department. UHARLES W. STONE. je2-69-D Secretary ot the Commonwealth. JLXNUST ORGANS. S. HAMILTON. . 91 AND 03 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg, Pa. ap30-74-D G A.BALPH, , BUILDING CONTRACTOR, ; 41 ueventn avenue, u- 1 Pittsburg. Pa. Telephone IStt. k se5-n60Jrrs t3Display advertisement one dollar par tquare for one interlion. Classified advertise ments ore tAfj page such as Wanted, For Bale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken or lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts wlthTaiDls- rATCU. PITTSBUBa. THOMAS MCCAFFBKY, 35o9 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, Mth street and l'enn are. E. G. STUCKEY 4 CO., Wylle ave. and Fultonst. N. BTOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. " EAST END. J- TV. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER & SHEIBLEIC, 5th av. & Atwood St. SOUTHSIDE. JACOB SPOHN, No. 2 Carson street , CHAS. SCHWAEM, 1707 Carson strest. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEECHEK. 59 Federal street. H. J. MCBKIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FRED H. EGGERS. 172 Ohio street. P. H. JSGGEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut st. 3. F. BTEVEKSOK. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G.W. HUGHES, 1'ennsvlvania and Beaver aves., PERRY M. GLE1M. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Male Heln. w ANTED-A-IFIRST-CLAS3 BARBER AT SIO GBAKT ST. JelS-81 WANTED-TINNER. INQUIRE ATGRAFF, HUUUS & CO.'S, 632 and 634 Liberty St. Jel8-56 WANTED-A GOOD BAHBER-APFLY AT JOSEPH KRAMER'S, No. 33 Diamond sq., Pittsburg. Get Jel7-M "TTfJANTED-BREAD AND CAKE BAKERS. VV Apply at WARD'S BAKERY, Lemlngton ave., East End. Jel7-5 WANTED-ON TUESDAY MORNING, FARM hands: also one butcher boy. KIRK. 67 East Diamond. Allegheny. JolS-72 "TTTANTED-EXPERIENCED DRUG CLERK. VV speaking German. Call or address No. 64 CHESTNUT ST., Allegheny. JeIS-33 WANTED BOY 17 OR 18-CHANCE 10 learn a business; must have recommenda tions. Address BUSINESS, Dispatch office. jel8-87 WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED MAN FOR laundry waeon; bond required. Apply to BARNES BROS., Thirtieth St. andPennave. JelS-30 TTTANTED-NO. 1 COATMAKER BEST v? wages and steady work during dull season for a rood man. BIEHL BROS., Tarentum, Pa. Jel8-37 "TTTANTED A GOOD YOUNG COLORED VV barber. For particulars call on or address J. H. WILL1AMB, St. Petersburg, Clarion co., Pa. Jel8-61 WANTED-A COACHMAN FOR LIVERY None nut sober and experienced need apply toT. B.MOHELAND, 6100 Penn ave., East End, Pittsburg. Jel6-91 WANTED-GENTL.EMAN S1ENOGRAPHER and typewriter, steady place for competent Eerson. Address, with references, etc.iC. H., ilspatch office. Jel8-45 WANTED-A NO. 1 BREAD AND CAKE baker; must be a sober and reliable man; best of wages to right man. RELLEVUE BAK ERY, Bellevue, P., Ft. W. & C. R. -R. JelS-77 WANTED -TWO GOOD STRAP-SADDLE makers, three lacers and two stitchers for flue work; none but first-class workmen need ap ply. GILLIAM M'F'G. CO., Canton, O. je8-74 WANTED-AN ERRAND BOY ABOUT 15 or 16 years old, one who can make himself generally useful In business: must come well rec ommended. Apply at KINGSBACHER BROS., 616 Wood st. Jel3-64 WANTED AGENTS TOSELL TEA. BAKING powder and pure spices: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners or millmcn can makemoney in their spare time. YAMASH1RO TEA CO., 83 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. la26-SS-TTS "VTrANTED-A YOUNG MAN ABOUT IS YV years of age, one who understands the notion business, to solicit orders in the cltr; must be able to furnish first-class reference and recommenda tions. Address NOTIONS, Dispatch office. JelS-M WANTED-BAD WB1TEBS AT SMART'S COLLEGE. 4 Sixth street. Pittsburg. Pen manship, bookkeeping, eclectic shorthand, type writing, arithmetic, etc., thoroughly taught for f5 per month; Instruction private for both sexes; open through summer, day and evening. Jel2-7-rrssu WANTED-GENTLEMEN TO ATTEND N. Y. Cutting Schoo', No. 514 Wood St.: Urllng's actual measurement system taught In all Its branches: the only true system fitting any and all shapes; Instructions 10 A. M. to 4 r. u. ; even lugs 7 to 9 P. M. ; call or write for circular. apr30.68 WANTED AGENTS "THE JOHNSTOWN Horror, or the Valley of Death." Tbe rush for canvassing books has already begun; graphic descriptions, authentic Information, thrilling tales bfhrrolsm; agents will have to come In quick. P.J.FLEMING & CO., 77 Diamond St., Pitts burg, Pa. Jel3-63 WANTED-SA1.ESMEN WE WISH A FEW men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; largest manufacturers in our Unci Inclose 2-cent stamp: wages S3 per day; permanent-posltlon: no postals answered: money advanced lor wages, advertising, etc. CENTEN NIAL MAN 'F'G CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. JelS-53-TTS trANTED-LIVE AGENTS ALL OVER CAM V V BRIA and surrounding counties to sell this memorial of the .greatest calamity of modern times, "The Johnstown Horror, or the Valley of Death:" 500 pages, tullr Illustrated: hundreds of this book are being sent to all parts of tbe world. For outfits, terms and territory apply to P. J. FLEMINGS CO., 77 Diamond St., Dispatch Build ing, Pittsburg, Pa. 1el5-78 Female Help. WANTED-A GIRL "WHO CAN DO COOKING and for general housework in a small family. 244 ALLEGHENY AVE., Allegheny. Jela-62 WANTED-GIEL FOR COOK IN A SMALL family, none but those of experience need apply, good wages paid. Apply at No. 5926 WAL NUT ST., nearSouth Hlland ave.. East End. JclS-44 Male nnd l'cin.-ile Heln. WANTED-GOOD COOK AND HOUSEMAN, or cook and housemaid for small family In East End. Address BOX 295, Pittsburg. JeUMl. WANTEU-AT ONCE-1GERMAN MAN FOB hotel kitchen, 10 farm hands, 1 dressmaker. (10 per week: hotel cookb and assistants, waitresses and dishwashers, 200 house girls, cooks and cham ber,nalds, 4 per week. MKEHAN 'S, 545 Grant St. 1U7-D WANTED -S25 WEEKLY-REPRESENTATIVE, male or female. In every community; goods staple: household necessity; sell at sight; no peddling; salary paid promptlv, and expenses ad vanced, lull particulars and valuable sample case tree; we mean Inst what we say. Addresat once STANDABD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. Jel4-70-D Partners. w- ANTED-A MANAGER OR PARTNER In t he frult-cannlng business: rare opportu nity to party acquainted with tbe business. B.. P. 0. Box 286. Jel8-34 Rooms. Houses. Etc. -rrVANTED-6 OR 8-ROOM HOUSE: LOW YV rent; outside Pittsburg. Address H., Dis patch offlce. jelS-33 Boarder nnd Lodgers. WANTED-TWO GENTLEMEN TO OCCUPY furnished front room, with board; three minutes' walk Irom Sewlckley station. Address, with references, S. Y., Dispatch office. JelS-38 Financial. WANTED MORTGAGES, LARGE AND small. ED W1IT1SH, 410 Grant St.. Pitts burg. JC13-32 -TTTANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN VV In sums to suit at 4j, 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES A BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apl9-14 -T7ANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PBOP VV ERTY. over $4,000; 44 ner cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., 92 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D WANTED-RLNTS COLLECTED PBOMIT LY: property managed wltn satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY. 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. la 19-31 WANTED-MORTGAGS-S1.000,C00TOLOAN In large and small amounts at 4H,5and6 per cent, free of State tax; no delay. REED B. COYLE & CO.,-131 Fourth ave. myll-60 WANTED TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS of f3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4J4 per cent, tree or tax: also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIBD, 95 1 ourth avenue. se3-d2S-D WANTED-MOKTG AGES-SI, 000, 0O0TO LOAN on city and suburban properties at AH, Sand 6 per cent, and on tarras In Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. M. PEN NOCK & SON, 10 Fourth avenue. ap7-Hl WANTED-TO LOAN (200.000 ON MORT GAGES; 100 and upward at 6 per cent; 1500,000 at 4)4 per cent an residences or business property; also in adjoining counties. S. H. FBENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-e84-r Mlsbellnneous. WANTED-YOU TO GETS A BAKER'S dozen (13) of Stewart A Co. 's fine cabinet photos for $1, at 80 and 92 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny. mV2S-60-TTSU WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 86 Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making fine cabinets at 11 50 por dozed; photos delivered when promised: instan taneous process.- mhi3-C3 WANTED. lUlscellnneons. WANTED-LADIES TO KNOW HAUGH Kecnanrepalr, reunish or upholster old furniture promptly and in the best possible man ner. 33 AND 34 WATER ST. 'Phone 1623. my9-83 WANTEO-600 EMPTY COLOGNE SPIRITS otfwhisky barrels, without charcoal: must be in good order. Address, givine price de livered at Pittsburg wharf. J. W. HUNTER. 1523 Main st., Wheeling. W. Va. JelS-132 WANTED-'ALLBAKEKSTO KNOW THAT the bakers at B. B. Ward's, Lemlngton ave.. East End. bakery; also at G. 8. Ward's, 254 and 256 Franklin st.. Allegheny, and Ward & NefTs, 33Resacast. Allegheny, are on strike for good cause. Bv order L. A. Tit;, K. of L. Jel8 FOR SALE-IMPROVED UEAL ESTATE. CItv Residences. FOK'SALE-ON MT. WASHINGTON-TYVp brick houses of 5 rooms each; price only 1,7$0 each. C. BER1NGER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. Jel5-17-TuS FOR SALE-CHEAP-DOWN TOWN PROP ERTY; corner Ross and First avenues. For full information see W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 fourth are. Jel3-50-18,21,2o,29 FOR SALE-NEAR MT. OLIVER INCLINE, an almost new frame dwelling of 3 rooms and finished attic: price only 81,450. C. BERINGER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. JelS-17-Tus FOR SALE-RENTAL 900 PER YEAR; PRICE S0.500, Wylle ave., near Jones st., 4 new brick dwellings; sewered; lot 40x112 to 20-foot alley. ALLES & BAILEY, 161 Fourth ave.: tele phone 167. Jel4-42 FOR SALE-58 MILLER bT.-FlNE NEW brick dwelling, 6 rooms, vestibule, hall, gas, etc.: 16t 20x127 to an alley; this property can be bought at a bargain. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. Jel6-35 FOR SALE-S04 WYLIE AVE., BRICK DWELL ING; mansard slate roof, 6 rooms, finished attic, hall, cellar, gas and water, etc. : lot lSftxlOO ft.; prices!, 750; terms easy. ALLES 4 BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave., Tel. 167. iel3-84 TTpRSALE-PENN AVE. PROPERTIES. PER JD SONS desiring a good Investment on Penn ave . between Third and Sixth sts.. should call for particulars, as we have a number of bargains on said ave. C. BEBINGER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. Jel5-17-TU8 FOR SALE-SHINGIbS ST., ONE SOUARE from the Court House, fine brick dwelling of 9 rooms, hall, vestibule, slate mantels, both gases, good cellar, side alley; price $5,000; lot 21x120: fronts two streets: big bargain. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth av Tel. 167. Jel6-S4-TTSu FOB SALE-WASHINGTON STREET, NEAR Fifth ave., a 2-story and attic brick dwell ing of 6 rooms, hall, vestibule, bathroom, lnlde w. c, h. and c. water, slate mantels, elegant chandelier, etc.; lot 19x107-to an alley; this fine city home a bargain. BLACK & BAIBD, 95 Fourth aye. Jel5-5-D OR SAbE-S3,600 WILL BUY A FORBES ave. nronertv. near Gist st. : lot 20x120. front ing on Forbes are. and Ann street; 6-roomed brick, hall, cellar, water, etc. ; on Forbes ave., and a 3-roomed frame on Ann st. : rents for $400 er year; large back yard. ALLES & BAILEY, 64 Fourth ave.: tel. 167. Jel5-73-Tussu FUR SALE-tl,150-TERM3 1-300 CASH. BAL ANCE monthly buys a nice, new frame house of 5 rooms, hall, cellar, water, stable, side alley: lot 20x90 to an alley: suitable for two fam ilies; possession at once: best bargain ever offered: act quick If. you want It; one square from Thirteenth ward schoolhouse, on Vera street. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 1671. Jel5-14 East End Residences. FOR SALE A VERT NICE FRAME HOUSE of 7 rooms, with a good sized lot, at Oakland and near cable line; price only S3, 700. C. BERIN GER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. Jel5-17-Tus FOR SALE-SOUTH HILAND AVE., E. E.. a rare opportunity: an elegant new brick house of 8 rooms; all conveniences: well worth 3.500; will sell for (7,500 on terms to suit. D. P. THOMAS & CO., 408 Grant St. Jel3-83 FOR SALE-K00 DOWN, BALANCE S15 PER month ana no Interest, for a 6 room frame dwelling In tbe East End, only 5 minutes from the station, with nice large lot; price SI, 800. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. JelS-27 FOB SALE-COUNTRY RESIDENCE IN THE city; about 10 minutes walk from Court House; splendid opportunity; house contains 10 rooms, bath room, natural gas. etc.; lot C0X132, beautifully laid out with trees, plants, shrubbery, etc.; no better chance for aquiet. retired home. J. V. REILLY, No. 77 Diamond st. Je7-95-E0D EOR SALE-LARIMER AVE.. E. E , 5 MIN UTES' walk rrom Liberty station, a hand le, modern style 2-story select brick dwelling, 8 rooms, finished attic, reception hall, bath. Inside shutters and w. c, slate and marble mantels, tile hearths, front and rear porches, natural gas, elec tric lights, etc. ; lot 24x120 to alley, or will sell ad ditional lot if desired; a bargain. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth ave. Jel5-89-TuFS FOR SALE-SHADE. ROOMINESS AND OUT LOOK are features to consider In buying residence property; these and many other ad vantages are possessed by the elegant and com modious new houses upon Oakland square, which Is one of the most attractive neighborhoods in the city; only fifteen minutes' from the heart of the city, yet with all the attractions ot the coun try; dwellings finished In the neatest and most durable manner; streets paved with asphalt and sewered: natural and artificial gas: fronting on handsome park planted with shade trees: new cable loop (for which ordinance is in Councils) to go within 100 feet of the square: price of houses, standing on lots 30x100, $t,500; terms, moderate, cash payment, remainder upon longtime: most beautiful district of the city and convenient to all parts. Apply to SAMUEL W. BLACK fc CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. my 12-71 Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE-I2.000IN SECOND WARD, NEAR Arch street, nice frame houseof 5 rooms: rents for 40 per annum. EWING & BYERS, No. 177 Federal street, JelS-4S-TT FOR SALE-4,0C0-NO? 236 WASHINGTON ave., Allegheny; lot 24x129; frame bouse six rooms and store; good value. A. LEGGATE SON. 31 Federal St., Allegheny. Jcl4-71 FOB SALE HANDSOME MODERN HOUSE all conveniences and large lot, choice loca tlon, Bldwell street, Allegheny; low price easy terms. JNO. H. M'CREERY, 95 Fifth ave. ap9-46-TTS T7IOR 8ALE-ON ESPLANADE ST.. ALLE X? GHENY. near tbe parks, a brick house 8 rooms; In first-class order: lot 20x120 ft. to James st. W. A. HEREOJS & bOKS, 80 Fourth avenue. lelS-49-18,20,22.26 FOR SALE-CHEAP-ON STOCKTON AVE NUE, near Areh street, Allegheny, lot26x 240 feet, to Park war, with a large and commo dious dwelling. Call on W. A. HERRON & SONS, SO i ourth avenue. Jell-54-rrs FOR SALE-S3,50Q,. NEAR ARCH ST.. SEC OND ward, will buy a two-story brick house of 6 rooms and attic, both gases and water: terms, SI. 000 cash and balance In 5 years; possession at once. EWING A BYERS, 107 Federal street. jei8-4S-TT FOR SALE-S3, 500 WILL BUY A FINEBRinK, house of 6 rooms, hall and attic, bath, ga?cs and water; located on a paved street In Second ward, near Monterey street; lot 20x80 to a paved alley. EWING & BYEES, 107 Federal st. Jel8-48-TT FOR SALE RESIDENCE, JAMES ST.. NEAR park, Allegheny City, two-story brick resi nencc containing eight rooms, finished attic, bath, hot and cold water, back stable, heater In cellar; lot 20X110 feet to 25 ft. alley. A. J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant st. Jel8-47 FOR SALE-FRONTING THE MOST DESIR ABLE part of the North Parks, cor. North ave. and Webster St. a good brick dwelling, 10 rooms, lot 20x107; at auction June 25, 18S", at i:V o'clock p. M . on the premises. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Jel3-83-13,15.18,22 FKOIt SALE-DESIBABLE BESIDENCE New, North Canal st, b ourth ward, Alleghe ny: two story pressed brlck; containing elitbt rooms; bath, hot and cold water: stationary wash stands. laundry, stationary wash tubs. Lot 25x168 ft. ; front and rear entrance. A. J.PEN TECOST, 411 Grant st. . Jel8-47 Snbnrbnn Residence. FOB SALE A COUNTRY HOME, ON LINE of railroad; 26 acres, with fine residence; natural gas, etc. ; large orchard of choice fruit, shrubbery, fine natural spring of pure water, out buildings, etc., etc.: would exchange for cltr Sroperty. Terms or JAS. W . DRAPE Jfc CO., 129 ourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jetf-9-D FOR SALE-ONLY $4350, AT WEST BELLE V UE, Pa,, for a fine two-story frame bouse or six rooms, nat. gas and water, slate mantels, nil newly pipercri, front and rear porches; lot37xl25; only a lew minutes' walk from station; possession at once; only small payment cash and balance same as rent. EWING UYEUS, 107 Federal street. JelS-48-TT FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN BESI DENCE, modern dwelling df 11 rooms, fin ished with taste; papered throughout: all the latest modern Improvements; handsome lot of over anacre of ground; large lawn; ornamental shade and fruit trees, shrubbery, etc., within 3 minutes' walk of stationtwlll be 60ld ata bargain. ALEXANDER & LEE. 3M Wood St. Jel5-96-TTS FOR fALE-LOTK. Allcclienv r.or. FOR SALE ON LY 81,800-LESS THAN COST for one of the finest building lots on l'crrys vllle are.. 47xl3u; easv terms; must be sold by July 1. ING & BYERS. No. 107 Federal street. Jel8-18-TT FOR SALE-LOTS ON MAl'LE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCN A Uti HER, 4JN. Diamond st. mb7-9S-D warmn. FOR SALE-A FARM OF 30 ACRES IN O'Hara township; good garden ground; has bouse and barn on It. and plenty of fruit and water. SEBASTIAN lUTTElt, Soarpsburg. Pa. Jel6-U FOR SALE-FARM 160 ACRES: RICH SOIL: fine springs; coal and Iron ore: excellent for stock, grain or fruit; largo stone dwelling: also brick dwelling and store bouse, bank barn and other out buildings: only one-half mile from K. R. station r ?l" per acre. ED. WIITISU. 410 Grant St., Pittsburg, Pa. JelO FOR SALE -SIXTY ACRES. FIVE-ROOM house and tenement house: rents for 60 00 a J ear; 4-foot vein coal, fcells at 5c a bushel at bank; miles from Beaver Falls: sell on easy payments, or will take cheap house iu part pay: price S3.50O: also so acres, 4-room bouse, barn, fruit: 6 miles from Beaver Falls: price $2,500; easy payments. N. F. HURST, Real Estate Agent. Rochester, Pa. Send for farm and exchange list. Jel4-44-EOD Miscellaneous. v FOE BALE ATLANTIC CITY.N.J.-HOTELS, boarding bouses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or for sale by I.G. ADAMS ft CO., real estate agents, R. Est, ft Law Bdg., Atlantic CItv. N. J. - my20-24-D I FOR SALE LOTS. East End Lots. FORSALE.-BUILDING LOTS 25X150 FT. ON Bonnet, near Forbes St., Oakland. W. A. HERRON ft SON ., 80 Fourth avenue. Jel8-51-TTS -ITIOR SALE-ON BOQUET ST., OAKLAND, X near cable line, cheap but desirable building lots of a good size. W. A, HERBON SONS. SO fourtnarc. jez-rcM.o,,o, .- FOR SALE r-A CHOICE LOT ON AMBER street "Baum Grove Plan," 40 feet wide, which can be sold for SO front foot; must be sold nuicKly. MELLON BROS.. E. E.. or JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smithfield street. jel6-58-TuP FOR SALE-ONLY 12,500 FOR A BEAUTIFUL bhadyslde building site 100x250, covered with large forest trees and commanding a splendid view; only 3 minutes from station; other city con veniences. BLACK ft BAIRD, 93 Fourth ave. J el5-4-15. IS, 20.22,24, 23, 27. 29 F ORSALE-SHADYSIDE LOTS. ATLANTIC ave.. near Llbertr. beautiful level lots, good location, convenient to station and cable cars: reasonable prices and terms to suit. Call or send to offlce for plan. BLACK ft BAIBD. 95 Fourth ave. Je7-4-,18,20,22 FOR SALE THINK OF THIS-BUY YOUR SELF a lot, 40X137, Bank of Commerce Addi tion, Brushton station, and haveyonr own home, no cltv taxes; broad streets and alleys; sidewalks: excellent neighborhood; only good house cxn be built. Callfor particulars. JOHN F. BAXTEB, Agent. 512 Smithfield street. Jel6-58-Tnr FOR BALE-FINE SPECULATION ON LINE of P. E. R.,SwlssTale station: 40 acres or land especially adapted for subdivision into choice building lots: natural gasand city water pipes ran through the property; 61 trains stop here dally; monthly tickets 9c per trip; the demand for houses at this place Is largely in excess of the supply, both for sale and rent; if not sold in a few days will be divided Into lots. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. Jel2-33-D FOR SALE-BUSINESS. Business Chnncei. FOR SALE-GROCERY STORE DOING A NO. 1 business in splendid location: will sell cheap; COR. LOCUST AND VAN BBAAMbT.. city. JC18-46 FOR SALE-ONE OF THE BEST GENERAL stores in Pennsylvania doing a splendid busi ness; loss of health reason for selling. Address F. A., Box 123, Pittsburg. JelS-38 FOR SALE-A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT on one of the best streets of the city, dojng a good business; satisfactory reason given for sell ing. Address A. B.. Dispatch office. Jel8-43 FOR SALE-RESTAURANT-ONE OF THE finest In Allegheny City: reason for selling, owner is engaged in other business; bargain for some person: rent low. EWING 4 BYERS, 107 Federal street. Jel9-48-TT FOR SALE. -BARBER SHOP, TWO CHAIRS fnrnlshed. first-class bath room connected, clearing from SlOutotllOa month. Good reasons for selling. Addres C. B. A., Dispatch office, or R. BLACK. No. 80 Diamond St., JelS-52 FOR SALE A VALUABLE BUSINESS PROP ERTY on Smlthflclctf street, city: a corner stand: excellent bunding, In which a prosperous business Is being carried on; rare chance for In vestment. Particulars to actual purchasers from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 13 Fourth avenue. Pitts burg. 1el6-l2 FOR SALE-FINE. EXTENSIVE AND PROF ITABLE bakery. Ice cream and confection ery business; nothing better and must be sold: also, grocery, drygoods. drug, cigar, china and notion stores; printing office, butcher shop, baker ies and other business chances. Free particulars. SHEPARD ft CO.. 54 Fifth ave. Jel6 Business Stands. FOR SALE-309 LARIMER AVE., EAST END, good business location and very cheap to a quick buTer. EWING ft BYERS, 107 Federal street, Allegheny. Jel8-48-rr FOR SALE-HOTEL-THREF-STORY BUILD ING, with 30 rooms, all furnished complete, 24 bedrooms, large dining room and offlce, and a good bar trade and 25 regular boarders; livery stable on the premises: inaclty of 60. 000 popula tion: nine railroads passing the door: half a square from tbe Union depot: natural gas In the city; price 812,000, or will exchange for some prop erty worth Jo, 000 and the balance In money; this Is a rare chance, and will bear Investigation: want to retire from the business the cause of selling. For Information eall on or address C.F.WEIHER. Proprietor City Hotel, Nos 31 and 33 West Sixth street. Davton. O. Jel8-71 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Livo Stock, ifcc F OR SALE-FINE FRAZIER ROAD CARTS. u. w Ear ft uo 3 Duquesne way. jeiz-4a FOR SALE-CHEAP-DOCTOR'S BUGGY IN good repair. Apply to DR. B. JENNINGS. 215 First aye., above Grant st. jeIS-78 FOR SALE-A FINE BROKE SHETLAND pony: sound and gentle; any child can drive him; at 3806 Forbes St., Oakland. "W. H. WOOD. JelS-59 T7IOR SALE-GOOD FAMILY HORSE, PEB J1 FECTLY quiet: anyone can drive her. In quire M. A. PRESTON, Lang ave., Homewood, E. E. Jel6-32 FOR BALE-FINE FAMILY HORSE. SUITA BLE tor barouche or buggy; fearless of steam and cable cars. Can be seen at ills PIKE ST. JelS-84 FOR SALE-HORSE, BUGGY AND HARNESS, all lu good condition: owner has good reasons for selling: can be seen at SKELTON'S STABLE, 123 Third ave. JeI7-3 FOB SALE HORSES JUST ARRIVED. DO you want a horse? If so. you will save money by going to Exposition track: coach, buggy, sad dle, business and draught horses arriving dally. JAS. McKEOWN. Jel3-86 FOR SALE-ONE EXPRESS WAGON; AL MOST newand In good order; also one set of wagon harness: will be sold cheap, as the owner is going to quit the business; can be seen at the stables of A. JACKMAN ft SUN, 530-536 Penn ave. Jel8-63 HIacbinrx nnn IHetnls. FOR SALE A LARGE LOT OF NEW AND second-hand engines and boilers; also second hand machinery, Jacket kettles, tar kettles, Siemen valves, castings, etc. VELTE ft MC DONALD, Thirty-second st. and Penn. ieH-ns rraisceluuieons. FOR SALE-MUST SELL, LEAVING CITY, one elegant organ and one sewing machine, nearly new. Call after 6, 292 FIFTH AVE., first flight front. . JelS-79 FOR SALE-A SECOND-HANDPOOL TABLE; also a combination pool and billiard table; both with cues, balls, etc. Apply at MBS. SWANS, corner Eleventh and Carson sts., Pltts bnrg. S.S. Jel8-70 PERSONAL. PERSONAL BOOKS WANTEO-IF YOD have one book worth 10 cents: or a library worth 11,000. let us know r we will buy one as quickly as tbe Other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel buUdinc. my3-23 PERSONAL WHY 1HOUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters In renalrin and clean ing your old clothes, when It can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, tbe Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood St.. second floor? Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed: suits madeto order; spring styles now ready. leleohonel553. in ha REWARDS. BEWARD-I100-A BOX ABOUT 3 OB 4 FEEI" long and 2 feet high, covered with canvas and marked "Consul General, San Francisco"; was swept by the flood from express train No. 8 at Conemaugh; this box contains papers valuable onlvtothe Con3ul General, and a reward or one hundred dollars will be paid for Its recovery and delivery at the Mayor's office, Altoona, Pa. EDMD. H. TURNER. Mayor.-"LIANG TING TSAU. Consnl General. Je9-125 AUCTION SALES. UCTION SALE OF CARPETS, FURNI A TUREand household trrrnds, TUESDAY Horning, junl lsyatio o'clock. Handsome oak, walnut, mahogany and cher ry chamber suits, cabinets, desks, bookcases, coeval glass, pier mirror, wardrobes, dressers, wasbstands. bedsteads, sideboards, hall racks, extension tables, chiffoniers, folding: beds, cen ter tables, pictures, clocks. lamps, rugs, cur tains, toilet ware, dinner sets, hair and husk mattresses, springs, feathers, chairs and rock ers, notions and fancy Roods. Fnll line of fine parlor suits in English rug satin damask, silk plushe. brocatelle reps, tapestries and hair cloth, fancy rockers, ele- fant Wilton velvet, moquet, body brussels, Inglish taps and ingrain carpets. Come and secure bargains. HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM.. JelB-S9 Auctioneers. OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. Pittsburg. PA., June 12. 1889. -VTOTICEla HEREBY 3IVLN THAT THE JA reports of Viewers on the opening of At lantic avenue, from Liberty avenue to Rosetta street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an uppeal is filed In the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, el2-56 f Chief of Dept. of Public Wors. 1riroTtmtr T a Tiih 1 licfi -VTOTICEIS HEREBY UIVE'N THAT THE Jx reports of viewers on tbe construction ot sewers on Melville alley, from Thirty seventh street to Thirty-sixth street; Mign onette street, from Whitfield street to con nection with sewer on Beatty street; Auburn street, from Lowell street to Larimer avenue, and Grazier street, from a point 289 feet west of Lang avenue to Lang avenue, have been ap proved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in tbe Court of Com mon Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. .!. BIGELOW, jel2-66 Chief of Dept of Public Works. BUSINESS TAX AND WATER RENTS. li9. Notice is hereby given tbat the du plicates for tbe business tax and water rents for the year 1889 have been placed in my hands lor collection by the Board of Assessors author ized to assess tbe same. Tbe time for paying said taxes and water rents at tbe Citv Treasurer's office is the month of June. No discounts allowed. Water rents and business tax remaining un paid after June 80, 1889, will be placed in the bands of the Collector of Delinquent Taxes for collection, with 5 per cant added. AH applicants for statements of water rents must give name of the owner of the prop erty they occupy or desire to pay water rent for. J. F. DENNISTON. Je5-9o-D . City Treasurer. TO LET. CItv Residences. TO LET-HOUSE OF 4 ROOMS AND FIN ISHED attic.No. 73 Roberts St.: rent 810. Inquire NO. 17 FOURTH AVENUE. Je81-40 East End Residences. riTO LET-FOB A LIMITED TIME A NEW I 10-roomed Queen Anne house: all conven iences: handy to cable and East Liberty stations; will rent low to careful tenant. MELLON ft BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E.. city. el4-70-D TO LET-TUE BESIDENCE OF THE LATE John Scott, deceased, cor. Shady lane and Forbes street: targe dwelllngof 13 rooms; late con veniences: stable; 8 acres of ground; rent low. W. A. HERBON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Jell-54-TTS Alleehenr Residences. TO LET-SMALL HOUSES IN ALLEGHENY. Call or send, printed list tree, . A. HER BON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. jel8-49-18,20.22,2S Suburban Residences. TO LET CBESSON COTrAGE PRIVATE cottaee. furnished complete ready for occu pancy, ror'rent for the present season. Address P. O. BOX 55. JelS-60 TO LET.-A FURNISHED HOUSE TO A small family, from about the tenth of July until the tenth of September. This honse Is In the suburbs of Pittsburg on the Pennsylvania Ball road three miles from the Union station. Address J. M. D., care of J. H. HARLOW, 4U Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa. Jel8-26-ws ADartmcnis. TO LET-CHOICE APARTMENTS. SUITABLE for light housekeeping with gasand water. Apply to J. G. MORROW, Shoe Store, 289 Ohio street, Allegheny. Jel3-58 Offices. Desk Room, tc. TO LET-PHYSICH-N'S OFFICES. BACH ELOR'S quarters and dweUlng, at 71 SIXTH. AVENUE. Jel4-43 O LET-OFFICE ROOM. ON "WOOD ST., near Fourth avenue: large front window: also desk room. ALEXANDER ft LEE. 313AVood street. JelS-97-Tns TO LET-UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SUITA BLE for offices or light manufactories; four store rooms with dwellings: good stands: rent low. Inquire at 44 FOURTH STREET. Jel3-57 Business Stands. TO LET-AT TURTLE CREEK-STOREROOM, shelving and 4-room dwelling: J240 a year; center Westlnghonse shops and improvements; chance for cash store. A. LEWIS, on premises. JelS-39-TTS 4 Miscellaneous. TO LET-PASTURE FOR COWS, HEIFERS and calves during the summer. Inquire of CONRAD SCHUBERT or MATTHEW HERBST, Stowe township. McKee's Bocks P. O. Jel8-55 EDUCATIONAL. SHADYSIDE ACADEMY EXAMINA TION of pupds for admission fall term, will be held at the Academy, Wednesday morn ing, June 19. at o'clock. For further infor mation apply to PROF. W. R. CRABBE, Prin cipal, Shadyside. jeNMS NEW YORK MILITARY ACADEMY, Gornwall-on-Hudson. Courses of study in , civil engineering, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful buildings, grounds, location. COL. C. J. WRIGHT, R S A. M., Supt.; BELDKN F. HYATT, Comd't of Cadets. jeM-D KEBLE SCHOOL. SYRACUSE, N. X. Boarding School for Girls. Under tbe su pervision of the Bt. Rev. F. D. Huntington, 8. T. D. The nineteenth school year begins Wednesday, September 11, 1889. References Rr. Rev. H.C. Potter. D.D..N.Y. Rev. Wm. R. Huntington. D. D., Grace Church, N. Y. City. Pres, E. N. Potter, D. D., Geneva, N. Y. Hon. Andrew D. White, Ithaca, N. Y. Apply to MISS MARY J. JACKSON, Principal. jell-72-TnF ARCHITECTS. REMOVAL. George Hodgdou, Architect, has removed to his handsome new rooms. Safe Deposit Build ing, S3 Fourth ave. Take elevator to fifth floor. mylT-lOO-D AMUSEMENTS. HARRIS' THEATER. Every afternoon and night this week. N. S. WOOD in tbe 1el&83-TTS BOY SCOUTS CHURCH HOME FESTIVAL On the grounds of the Home, Fortieth street and Penn avenue. THURSDAY AFTERNOON and EVENING, June 20. The usual variety of amusements pro vided. Penn ave. cable cars pass the gate. jelS-67 " PICNIC GROVE FREE! WINDSOR PARK. Only six miles from tbe city, situated on the bluff overlooking Davis Island dam. Easily reached ir rail or boat. Large grove of forest trees, cool, clear springs of water, flue dancing: platform, etc. v The use of tbe grove will be given free to Sunday schools, societies, lodges. G.A.R. posts, private fetes, etc., the only charge being fare on the steam elevator to and from the grounds. For dates and further particulars apply to J. H. DAWSON, Lacock stieet, near Fed eral street, Allegheny, or to A. CLANEY on the grounds. mvll-15-p LEGAL NOTICES. J. J. SIEBENECK. Att'y., No. l.Wylle avo ESTATE OF OTTO HKLMOLD, DE CEASED Executor's Notice. Notice i3 hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Otto Hdmold, late of the city of Pittsburg, in the county of Allegheny, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to theunderslgned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate, are re quested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to CHAR LOTTE HELMOLD, CONSTANTLNE W. HELMOLD, Executors of the last will of Otto Helmold. dec'iL. No. 612 Hmithfield st. Pittsburg. June 4. 1889. Je4-75Vrn CARD OF THANKS-LN THE NAMB of the mourning family I give the heart felt thanks to all friends and acquaintances who. in such great number, showed their sym pathy by attending the funeral of our deceased son and brother, Johann Basler. Our especial thanks are due to Rev. Herrmann, of the Thirty-sixth ward Protestant church, for his consoling and comforting words in the church, as well as at the grave: to the church choir of tba congregation and the West End Male Choir for their touching and beautiful songs; to the Duquesne Council. Jr. O. U. A. it., for its numerous attendance, and also lor the numer ous and beautiful flower gifts. The bereaved family. FREDERICK BASLER AND FAMILY. jel8-65 OAKLAND SQUARE, 0,500 each, moderate cash payment, balance) 1500 per annnm. elegant new two-story and mansard brick dwellings, 8 rooms, hall, bath, laundry, slate mantels, art fire places, tile hearths, sliding doors, wired for electric light, fine chandeliers, both gases, plate glass win dows, etc.; Oakland Square, five minutes from Fifth avenue cable line ana directly on line of new cable loop which is to be constructed this summer; a beautiful -park (on which are sev eral hundred beantif nl shade treesl.'tha whola surrounded by streets and sidewalks, sewered and paved with asphaltum;on each side of and facing the park are the above described dwell ings; most desirable houses yet offered; en hancement of values sure. SAMUEL W. BLACKft CO., 99 Fourth ave. myll-39-D DRY CLEANING Of all kinds of wearlngapparel, such as dresest, tea gowns and wrappers. Also Turkish, Mad ras and portier curtains, lambrequins, table covers, mantel scarfs, tidies and all other tez tile fabrics dry cleaned at the SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, M. MAY SONS& Co. S6 SIXTH AVE. Goods called for and delivered. Jell-rrs CHILD 2K YEARS OLD Ot George Kausler. of 1431 Penn ave., was re lieved of a large tape worm by Dr. Burgoon. Come and see testimonials in bis office of dozens of people in Pittsburg and Allegheny 1 similarly cured. All chronic blood, stomach, liver and kidnev diseases treated with success. No enre, no pay. Come, and bring your deli cate children to him. Consultation free. Offlce, 47 OHIO ST.. Al legheny City, Pa. jel7-I EOR SALE WHOLESALE PRODUCE commission bouse, doing a business second to none in the city; everythirg in first-class running order; this is an opportunity to step into an established paving business that (3 seldom offered: liberal terms, Address BUSI NESS, Dispatch office. my26-U8-rrssu A CARD OF THANKS MICHAEL Wagenhaeuser lately bereaved ot a be loved wile wishes to extend his heartfelt thanks to the friends and relatives who ex tended to him their kind" sympathy upon the melancholy occasion. jelg-63 WAIITEB J. OSBOTJTCIE. KICHABD BABSOwSV BARROWS ft O8BOURNE JOB PRINTERS, 90 Diamond street xeiepnone no. &u tteS-k m&am