ES -i- -. p T&WWi jWfJWi V'TO . ..V " ' 4 wa: -: t i- - ' -s - -- .' "- " " SOW FIHST The Pennycomequicks -Written for THE DISPATCH by S. BARING GOULD, Anthorof ,MEUAtAHI""COUETEOTAI,,,,"JOHN Heebino," "The Ga.vebocks,"Etc ALL SIGHTS CHAPTER XXXIX Two Womex. "Yon will excuse me, I know you will,'' said Yeo, looking from one to another, but especial ly at the American, "but I have just been in formed that there are chamois visible on a mountain shoulder, high, high, high up and as there is an excellent telescope a telescope outside, I thought I would make so bold as to interrupt an animated conversation to bring to jour notice this interesting fact." "Thank you I do not -wish to see chamois," said Salome, slowly and coldly. "or I I do not care to expose myself to the sun," said Janet. "Oh, anntl oh, anntl But they are so shy, so rarer' from the three Labarte girls. "Really, for my part," said Miss Durham, "I am curious to see them. Though I have been before in the Alps, I have never had the good fortune " "Then allow me to conduct your' exclaimed Colonel Yeo. gallantly. Thank you, sir, I can find the telescope my self," answered the American lady. Then, to her companions: "You will excuse my running off. I really am desirous of seeing chamois." She sailed through the salle-a-manger, with Beaple Yeo prancing after her. hat in hand and puggary waving. The Lebartes looked at their aunt pleadingly. "Very well, girls, if you wish, go after Miss Durham," and away scampered the three. "Oh. Salome!" sighed Janet, "I cannot bear him! He promised not to interfere with us." Salome sighed also. We must bear with him a little longer. He will find this place dull and take himself oft." "But, Salome, what does he mean about be ing Earl of Schofield? About the pearl and strawberry leaves!" "Money of course 1 ways money." "I wish I had not let the girls go after him to the telescape." "It is a pity but Miss Durham is there." "Yes, and with her they are safe. You like her:" 'I admire her. I think I like her. If I were a man I should fall madly in love with her, but " "But what, Salome?" 'My dear, I don't know." In the meantime Beaple Yeo was adjusting the telescope, peering through it, and pressing on Miss Durham to look just at one point. "Ah! quick before they tnovj." Then asking if the sight were right, peering again, wiping the lens with his silk handkerchief, and finally when cither the chamois had disappeared or the focus could not be got right, abandoning the telescope altogether to the three girls. "One, two, three churches here," said Mr. Yeo. "And one a pilgrimage chapel. You have perhaps seen some friars in snuff-colored habits prowling about. Shocking, is it not? Signor Caprili you have heard of the extraor dinary efforts he is making to spread the truth, the naked truth I mean. I beg pardon, the unvarnished truth. Are you interested in missionary enterprise?" "Hot in the least. Superstition is charmingly picturesque. How gracefully those towers and spires stand out against the mountains! And that chapel perched on a rock. I would not have it abolished for the world. We have not such things in America we come to the Old "World to see them." "Then, perhaps dogs," said Yeo. "You are interested in Mount Saint Bernard dogs, and would, no doubt, like to introduce one across the ocean to your fellow countrywomen. Mag nificent creatures, and so noble m character! How their heroism, their self-sacrifice, their genoroslty, stand out in contrast with our petty linman vices! Verilr. I think wo intent with advantage study the dog. I do not mind con- I tiding to you. Madam, that a colossal scheme is I DOMESTIC MARKETS. Ko Discoverable Signs of Improve ment in Grain Trade. FLOUR MOVING OUT MORE FREELY. Continuous Eains Prove a Damper to Produce Markets. HOME STEAWBEEEIES AEE ABDKDAST Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, t Saturday, June 15, 1889. J Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Heayy rains were somewhat of a damper on trade. Home-raised strawberries are in bounti ful supply. Raspberries from Maryland, both black and red, begin to appear, and a heavy run is expected next week. Cherries are coming in freely, but are not in tbe best shape, owing to wet weather. The stuff in all fruit and vegeta ble lines coming to markets of late has been Fathered, shipped and sold in the wet, and is depreciated in value at all points. Eggs are in good demand. New potatoes and cabbage are rifting downward. Old potatoes are better preserved than is common at this time of the year, and are active at our quotations. Last year s sfpples are done. The first of thiB year's crop arc due next week. Butteb Creamery, Elgin, 2021c: Ohio do, I7I8c: fresh dairy packed, 1415c; country rolls. 1314c; Chartiers Creamery Co., 2021a Beams Jl 751 9a Beeswax 2S30c fi for choice; lowgrade, lS20a Citjeb Sand refined, 0 ."507 SO; common, $3 50&4 00; crab cider, SS 00&S 50 barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c ga'lon. CHEESE ew Ohio cheese. 9c; New York, new, 10llc: Limburger, g9c; domestic Sweitzer cheese, 9K612c. California Fruits California peaches. $4 004 50 ?f box; cherries, $3 00; apricots, El 00 4 50: plums, 004 50 EGGS 15c dozen for strictly fresh; goose eges, 30c 13 dozen. Fruits Strawberries, 510c $ quart; pine apples, tl O0l 25 ?3 dozen; red raspberries, IS 620c rt quart Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c;No.l do. 4045c; mixed lots, 303oc V ft. Potatoes 01 d,5060c fl bushel; Early Rose. 3 au8 .a; irceness, sa os ou. Poultry Live chickens, 6575c per pair; undrawn chickens, 1012c ft; drawn, 14 15c lb. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel. 5 CO 1 bushel; clover, large English, 02 Us. $6 00; clover. AUske, $8 50; clover, white. S9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 JK tl 65; bine grass, extra clean, 14 lbs, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, $1 00; orchard crass, 14 lbs. SI 65; red ton. U lit. 51 25; millet SO lis. a 00: German millet lbs, Jl 50; Hungarian grass, 60 lbs, SI 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, $2 50 per bushel of lifts. Tallow Country, 4K5e; city rendered, 6 5c. Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancv. $4 50 6 00 p box: Messina oranges, S4 505 50 M box; Valencia oranges, fancy, S7 509 00 w case; bananas, S3 00. firsts: J2 Ob, good seconds, $3 bunch; cocoanuts, M 605 00 Vt hundred: new figs, 8K9c fl pound; dates, 5K66Jc p pound. Vegetables Tomatoes, fancy Floridas, $3 003 50a crate; Mlssissippis,one-third busbel crates, Jl S5l 0: beanb, round wax fancv. $3 00 a crate; beans, round wax medium, J2 50 a crate: beans, round green, J2 252 50; new beets, 3510c f dozen; cucumbers, 40o0c f( dozen, SI 752 00 a crate: radishes large white and gray, 30335c 33 dozen; cabbaze, two-barrel cratesLouisville and St Louie. S2 SO 2 75; Eastern, single-barrel crates, fl 351 50. Groceries. Gbees Coffee Fancy Rio, 2223c; choice Bio, 2021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18J19c; old Government Java, 27c; Maracaibo, 2223c; Mocha, 30K31Xc; Santos, 1922&c; Caracas coffee, 2022c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La cnayra. 21b22c Boasted (in papers) Standard brands. 24c; nigh grades. 2028c; old Government Java, bulfcKs&c;Maracall)0'Z2i(c; Santos. 2224c;peaberry. 27c; peaberry santu-, 2221c; choice Rio, 25Kc; prime Kio.23: good Rio, 22)c; ordinary. 21c. Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 9c; cassia, :; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 7080c -tetroleum uoonere- prices 1 iiu-test c; Ohio. 120. 8Mc; headlight 150, Sc; water JiVl". JV76C: giooe, izc; eiaine. 19c cirnaaine, llKc: rot-inn. ur syrups Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar ii V ac; prime sugar syrup, 3U&3SC: ""; jinme, axg,axi new mapie syrup, wc. . sn. .. . -a . . .r .v r . ... .( . '. . . .-,.'. -r ;HH9... i. kJJk,. . - u.7 - r - .. iM-,,;, . TO-t.jfc4i4,rsif.j. mjvvism. -3 - nwii linv. . - - . , ? . ' PUBLISHED. RESERVED. on foot for the establishment of an emporium of these noble creatures, and that money only is needed to float it" "I assure you," said Miss Durham, "I am not in the least interested in dogs." "Not as a speculation?" "Not even as a speculation." Beaple Yoe was silenced. "Excuse me," said Mrs. Durham, "you were saying something about strawberry leaves the wild Alpine strawberry is delicious." "Oh! you misunderstand me," said Yeo, ele vating himself to his full height, removing his hat, shaking the puggary and putting on his hat again, "I was alluding to the coronet of an Earl to which I lay claim." "Then, you are not an Earl yet?" "I am not one, and yet I am one. The Earl dom of Schofield was attaindcred attaindcred at tbo Jacobite rebellion. My great grand father took the wrong side and suffered accord ingly ac cor ding ly. The attainder was but for a while. Preston Pans was 1745; Cullo den, 1716, April 16, and mygreatgrandfather's attainder next year, attainder for 123 years which laoses this year, 1S72. The Earldom Is secure I have but to take it up to take it up; in other words resume it, and Beaple Yeo is Earl Schofield." Salome and Janet appeared to call the three girls to them, and were a little surprised to find the Colonel and the American young lady al ready on intimate terms. They were seated on a bench, iide by side, and Colonel Yeo was ges ticulating with his hand and whisking his png gary in explanation of the Schofield peerage claim, was following the genealogical tree on the palm of one hand with the finger of the other; was waiving away objections with his hat, and clenching arguments by clapping both hands on his knees. He was a man so richly endowed by nature with imagination that he could not speak the truth. There are such men auduomen in the world to whom romance rhodnmontade is a necessity,even when no ob ject is to be gained by saying what is not true. Some people emoroider on a substratum of fact, but Beaple Yeo, and others of the like kidney, spin the threads and then weave their own canvas ont of their own fancies, and finally embroider thereon as imagination prompts. Darkness set In. that night as on every other, and most of the tourists had retired to bed, wearied with their walks and climbs, and those tarrying at Andermatt had also gone Into the uncomfortable Swiss-German beds, tired with having nothing to do. Only two were awake, in separate wings of the hotel. One was Sa lome, the other the American stranger. Salome had two candles lighted on the table, and had been writing to Philip. She sat now, looking through the open window at the starry sky, with pen in hand, uncertain bow to con tinue her letter. She wrote to her husband every few days, and expected from him, what she received without fail, letters informing her of the health and progress of the baby. His letters were formal and brief. When about to write he visited the nursery, inquired whether there were particulars to be sent to Mrs. Penny comequick, and wrote verbatim the report of the nurse. Salome had, indeed, only received two letters, and the last had surprised and overwhelmed her. It contained news of the reappearance of Mr. Jeremiah. Her delight had been exceeding; its excess was now passed, and she sat wondering what would be the result of this return on the fortunes of Philip, and on their relations to each other. Philip's letter bad been silent on both these points. He merely stated that his uncle had returned, was in robust health, and added a brief account of the circumstances of his escape and recovery. Not a word in his letter about his desire to see her again, not a hint that he was ready to forgive the wrong un N. O. Molasses Fancy, 45c; choice, 46c; me dium, 43c: mixed, 4042c Soda Bi-carb in kegs, SKc; bi-carb in Ks. 5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 5Gc; sal soda in kegs, ljic; do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight 9c; stearincper set 8c; paraffine, ll12c. Rice Head, Carolina, 77Jc; choice, 6 7c; prime, 52iGVc; Louisiana, 66c. Starch Pearl. 3c; cornstatch, 5)Tc; gloss starch, 5Ji7c. Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon don layers, $3 10: California London layers, 2 50; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels, $1 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 7KSc; sultana, SJc; currants, new, 45c: Turkey prunes, new, 4Ji5c: French prunes, 813c: Salonica prunes,in 2-ft packages. 8c; cocoanuts, per 100, 6 00; almonds, Lan., per lb, 20c: do Ivica, 19c; do shelled. 40c: walnuts, nap.. 12 lie: Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12lbc: new dates, 56c; Brazil, nuts, 10c; pecans. U15c; citron, per ft, 2122c; lemon peel, per lb, 13S14c: orange peel, 12Kc Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per a. 6c: apples, evaporated, 6&6c; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 1518c: peaches, evaporated. Dared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated, unpaired, 1012Xc; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, nnpittcd, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424&c; blackberries, 7K8c: huckle berries, 1012c Sugars Cnbes,1010Jc; powderea,1010Wc; granulated, 9Kc; confectioners' A, 9V69kc; standard A, 9Kc: soft whites, 869c: jellow. urns, half bbls (600). S2 75. Salt No. 1. fl bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex. bbl, $1 05; dairy, bbl, Jl 20: coarse crystal, il bbl, II 20; Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 2 80; Higgms' Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, $3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches. $1 30 1 90; 2ds. $1 SOffil 35; extra peaches. $1 501 90; pie peaches, 90c: finest corn, Ill 50; Hf d. Co corn. 7U90c; red cherries, 90cil: Lima beans, SI 10; soaked do, 85c: string do do. 7585c; mar rowfat peas, il 10Q1 15; soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, 1 401 50: Bahama do, S2 75; dam son plums, 95c; greengages, $1 25; egg plums, S2; California pears, $2 oO; do greengages, $2: do egg plums, E2; extra white cherries, S2 90; red cherries. 2 lbs, 90c; raspberries, SI 401 50: strawberries, $1 10; gooseberries, SI 301 40; tomatoes. 82K92c; salmon, Mb, SI 752 10; blr.ckberrief.Ji0c; succotash. 2-B cans, soaked 09c; do green, 2 lbs. SI 251 50; corn beef. 2-lk cans, $1 75: 14-lb cans, S13 60; baked beans. SI 45 1 50; lobster, 1 lb, II 751 80; mackerel, 1-lb cans, broiled, SI SO: sardines, domestics, Ue. $1 154 50: sardines, domestic Us, S8 25S 50 sardines, imported, Us, $11 50I2 50: sardines, imported,is,SlS; sardines,mustard, 54; sardines spiced, $4 23. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $36 M bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, $40: extra No 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed. $36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole pollock, 4c Jb; do medlnm, George's cod, tic; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 67c Herring Round shore, S5 00 i) bbl: split $7 00; lake 12 50 1? 100-lb. half bbl. White fish. $7 00 3? lOol Jb, half bbl. Lake trout $5 50 half bbl. Finnan haddock, 10c ft. Iceland halibut 13e 3? lb. Pickerel. barrel, $2 00; H barrel SI 10 Potomac herring, $5 00 ?t barrel, $2 60 9 i barrel. Buckwheat Flour 22?c lb. Oatmeal $6 S06 60 p obi. Miners' Oil No, 1 winter strained, 5S60c fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c Grain, Flonr nnd Feed. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex- change, S7 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft Wayne and Chicago, 6 cars of hay, 2 of flonr, 1 of middlings. 1 of corn, 3 of oats, 1 of malt, 1 of rye By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St Louis, 3 cars of nats, 4of hay, 1 of wheat 1 of s. corn, 3 of flour. By Pittsburg and Western, 2 cars of oats, 1 of hay. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie 3 cars of hay, 2 of oats, 2 of flour. The only sa'le on call was a car of sample oats at 310, spot Flour is moving out more freely than lor sev eral weeks,but prices remain unchanged Re. ceints for the week were 163 cars, against 135 last week and 179 for the previous week Cereal markets are slow all along the line. No signs of improvement are discoverable Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red. cmv. No. 3 red, 8384c ' Corn No. 2-yellow ear. 3939Ke; highmixed ear, 37c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, &383c; high mixed, shelled, 37J38c; mixed, shelled, 35 36c OATS-No. 2 white. 31i632c: extra. No. 3. 30J46"31c; No. 3 white, 29i30c; No. 2 mixed 27 2cc. ' Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio. 5152e No. 1 Western, 4S49c B ' Flour Jobbing prices Winter patents. $5 505 75: spring patents, $5 756 00: winter straight S4 755 00; clear winter, $4 504 75: straight XXXX. bakers', I4C0SM 25. Rye flour S3 50ffi3 75. ' Millff.ed Middlings, fine white, $15 00 15 60 f ton: brown middlings, 15012 60; winter wheat bran, $12 2512 50: chop feed. S15 00Q16 00. v u. Hay Baled timothy, choice. $15 00; No. 1 An Cl.t KA3TI11 fYV Vn An III HVK1Q Eri. ,..- from wagon, J16 00818 00; No. 1 upland prairie, 1 THE intentionally done him. Both letters were stiff and colorless as if they had been business epistles, and many tears had they called from Salome's eyes. Very different were her letters to him. With out giving utterance to her love, every line showed that her heart yearned for her bus band, her baby, and for home. She wrote long letters, hoping to interest him in what she and her sister were about; she described the scenery, the novel sights, the flowers she even inclosed two forget-me-nots, with a wish that he would lay one on her baby's lips. She mado no allusion to tne past, and she did not tell him of her present trouble with Beaple ieo. her father. She shrank from informing him that the man he bated was at Andermatt, the terror and distress of her sister and herself. She had written a letter to Uncle Jeremiah, to inclose In that to her husband, and in that was not an expression which could lead him to imagine that ber husband was estranged frdm her. She left this note open, that Philip might look at if he pleased, before delivering it She had broken off in the midst of her letter to Philip to write this, and now she resumed the writing to her husband. She was describing the hotel guests, and had come to an account of the Chicago heiress. She had written about ber beauty, her eyes, her car riage, her reputed wealth, only her dresses she did not describe, she knew they would not in terest a man. Then she proceeded to give some account of her qualities pf mind and heart, ana thereat her pen was stayed. She knew nothing of either. She had imagined a good deal but positively bad no acquaint ance with the lady on which to form an opin ion. What was there in the lady that so fascinat ed her? She was attracted to her, she felt the profoundest admiration for her and yet she was unable to explain the reason of the at traction. It was the consciousness that in this stranger were faculties, experiences, knowl edge she had not it was an admiration bred of wonder. She had no ambition to be like her, and she was not envious of her but she al most worshipped her, but she was strong in everything that she, Salome, was weak. That she was, or might be, weak in everything where in Salome was strong never occurred to ber humble mind. Then, still holding her pen, and looking dreamily into the night sky, Salome passed in thought to ber own situation, ren dered doubly difficult by her father having at tached himself to her sister. She could not de sert Janet under the circumstances. She must be at her side to protect her from his rapacity and insolence. And yet she yearned with all the hunger of a mother's heart for her baby, that she might clasp it to her and cover its in nocent face and hands and feet with kisses. And Philip . She loved him also, with the calm unlmpassioned love that springs out of duty. She bad liked him since first she saw him, and the liking had developed into love a quiet, homely love, without hot fire in it and yet a true, steady, honest love. She could not believe that her husband mistrusted her assur ance that she bad not knowingly deceived him. She did not know which was the most potent force acting on bis mind hatred of the man who was ber father and anger at being unwittingly brought into relationship with him, or dread of the scandal that might come of the knowledge of the relation ship. She had no confidence that her father would not become again involved in some dis graceful fraud which would bring his name before the public; and this dread, of course, must weigh on Philip as well. Beaple Yeo had already attempted to express money out of her. She was the wife of a rich Yorkshire manufact urer, and Janet was the widow of a rich Nor mandy manufacturer. He looked upon both as squeezable persons, only at first his efforts to squeeze bad been directed upon Janet who had not a husband to oppose him. Salome, bow ever, saw that he would not be at rest till he had extorted money from Philip through her, and the dread of this kept ber in constant un rest How she now asked herself, or the stars at which she was looking how would the re turn of Jeremiah affect Philip's position andre lievo her of this fear? If Jeremiah resumed the factory then Philip would be no longer wealthy, and a prey for her father to fall upon. As she sat thus, thinking and looking at the stars, so in the furthest wing of the same house was Artemisia Durham, also thinking and look ing at the stars. She had extinguished her lights, and stood at the window. She was partly undressed, her dark hair flowed about her I $10 50il 00; No. 2, S7 508 00; packing do,50 $5 6 50. s5wPats- S7 S": wheat and rye Btraw. $7 007 508 00. Provisions. Sugar-cured hams, large, lie; sugar-cured bams, medium. llc: sugar-cured hams, small, 12c: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats. 9Kc; sugar cured dried beef sets. 10Kc; sugar-cured dried beef rounds. 12c; bacon shoulders, 7c; bacon clear sides, bc; bacon clear bellies, 8fc; dry salt shoulders. 6c; dry salt clear sides. 7?ic Mess pork, heavy, $14 00; mess pork, family, $14 50. Lard Refined m tierces, 6c; half barrels. 7jc: 60-lb tubs, Tijc: 20-lb palls, c; 50 1b tin cans, 7c; 3-lb tin pails, 7Mc; 5-B tin palls, 7c: 10-lb tin pads. TJc. Smoked sansage,long, 5c; large,15c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless ham, 10c. Pigs feet half barrel, $3 50; quarter barrel, $2 00. Dressed Meat. Armour 4 Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 lbs, 5c; 650 to 650 lbs, 6Vc; 650 to 750 lbs, 6Kc Sheep. 8c fl lb. Lambs, 9c ft 3b. Hogs, CJic Fresh pork loins, 9c I1YE STOCK MAEKETS. Condition of the Market at the -East Liberty Stock Ynrds. Office Pittsburg Dispatch. 1 East Liberty, June 15, 18S9. ( Cattle Receipts, 260 head; shipments, 20 head; market nothing doing all through con signments; no cattle shipped to New York to day. Hogs Receipts. 300 head: shipments, 400 head; market slow; all grades $4 404 50; no hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts. 800 head; shipments, L600 bead; market steady; prices unchanged. By Telegraph. Chicago Cattle Receipts, 2,000 head; shipments blank; market slow and weak; beeves, $1 004 40; steers, $3 604 20: stockersand feeders, S2 203 60; cows, bulls and mixed, $1 b03 10: Texas cittle, $1 603 4a Hogs Receipts, 10,000 head; shipments, blank: market steady to strong: mixed. $4 204 35; heavy, $4 104 30; light S4 204 60; skips, S3 50 4 Id. Sheen Receipts, 2,500 head; shipments, blank: market steady; natives, $3 604 70; Western. $3 604 00: Texans, $3 004 05; lambs, $250350. St. Louis Cattle Kecelptsl.000 head; ship ments, 1,100 bead; market steady: choice heavv native steers, $3 804 40: fair to good do, $3 10 $1 00; stackers and feeders. $2 103 30; rangers, corn-fed, S2 75ffi3 40; grass-fed. $2 203 40. Hogs Receipts, 600 head; shipments. 1,800 head; market steady; choice heavy and butchers', S4 304 40: packing, $4 154 25; light grades, M 2534 35. Sheep Receipts, 200 bead; shipments, 200 head; market steady; fair to choice. S3 004 6a Buffalo Cattle Receipts,- 192 loads through; 8 loads for sale; market slow and 1015c lower at S3 804 Cu, Sheep and lambs Receipts, 13 loads through; 10 loads for sale; market slow and lower; good to best sheep, S4 254 50; fair to good, $4 004 25; no lambs for sale. Hogs ReceiDts, 34 loads through; 20 loads for sale: market dull and lower; medi ums sold at J4 40: Yorkers, $4,55; pigs, $4 60. Cincinnati Hogs lower; common and light $3 504 40: packing and butchers'. $4 io4 35; receipts, l.vm ueau; snipmenis, L.WJ neao. Indianapolis Cattle dull at; $2 504 50. Hogs quiet at S4 254 45. Sheep quiet at S3 00 4 10; spring lambs, $4 O05 50. Drycoods Market. NewYobk, June 15. Business In drygoods was light to-day, tbe houses closing early, but the market was unchanged as regards tbe char acter of demand and tone. Theleadingfeature was strength on tbe basis of supply and de mand. There were no new developments. Wool Blarket. St. Louis Receipts 160,073 pounds. Tbe market was firmer and slightly higher; bright medium. 2026Kc; coarse braid, 1523c; low sandy, 1214c; fine light 18024c: fine heavy, 1420: tub-washed, choice, 37c: inferior, 3235c When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she ciied for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When e.hehadChildren,she gave them Castoria apS-TT-HrwTsu. PITTSBURG DISPATCH, shoulders, and'her arms were bare. She had her elbow resting on the window sill, and her chin was was nestled into her palm, her fingers clenched on her lips. Her brows were con tracted into a scowl. The face was no longer set, haughty In its beauty, and,yet with a con descending smile; it was now evenhaggard, and over it contending emotions played in the star light altering its expression, unresisted, un disguised. She thought of the admiration she had ex cited in the schoolgirls, and in their elders, the two ladies in deep mourning. A flicker of con tempt passed over ber countenance. What was the admiration of three half-grown girls to her? Salome had attracted her notice more than Janet She bad observed Salome, while unseen by her, andthoughtsbe had made out her character ordinary, duty-loving, con scientious, narrow. A character of all others most distasteful to Artemisia. She put her hands to her brow and pressed them about it "So, so," she muttered. "To have always an iron crown screwed tight around the brain. Insufferable." Then she shivered. The night air was cold in the Alps at that elevation. She fetched a light shawl of Berege wool and wrapped it round her bare arms, and leaned both elbows of the folded arms on the window. Her thoughts again recurred to Salome, and she tried to scheme out the sort of life that would com mend itself to such as she a snug English home, with a few quiet respectable servants, and a quiet respectablo gardener; a respecta ble and quiet husband, and a pony trap, in the shaft? of which trotted a quiet and respectable cob; improving magazines and sober books read in the bouse;occaslonal dull parties given, at which the clergy would predominate, and sing feeble songs and talk about their parishes and then one or two quiet, respectable children would arrive who would learn their lessons ex actly, and strum on the piano at their scales. Artemisia's lips curled with disgust Her hands clenched under the shawl, and she uttered an exclamation of anger and loathing. And what she considered, had she herself to look to? She gazed dreamily at the stars, and tears rose in her eyes and trickled down her cheeks. Then, ashamed ot her weakness, she left the window and paced her room up and down, up and down and it was as though through the open window, out of the night streamed in dark forms, ugly recollections, un comfortable thoughts, that crowded the room, filled every corner, occupied every nook came in thicker and darker and more horrible, and she went to the window with a gasp of fear and shut out the night wind and the gleam of the stars, hoping at the same time to stop the entry of those haunting memories and hideous shapes. The street window would not shut them out: the room was full ot them, and tneir presence oppressed her. She could endure them no more. She struck a light and kindled the can dles in the room. What was that on her dressing table? Only a little glass full of wild strawberry leaves and fruit one of the admiring Labarte girls had picked and given to her and insisted on her taking to her room. Artemisia laughed. She took the straw berries out of the water. She unclasped a necklet that was about her throat on which wereKomau pearls. She put it around her head, and thrust the strawberry leaves in be tween the pearls, then looked at herself in the glass and laughed, and as she laughed all the shadow figures and ghostly recollections went tumbling one over the other out of the room by the keyhole, leaving her alone laughing, part ironically, part triumphantly, before the glass, looking at herself in her extemporized coronet CHAPTER XL.-TWO Meit, If Jeremiah Fennycomequick supposed that he could slip back into the old routine of work without attracting much attention, and with out impediment he was quickly undeceived. His reappearance in Mergatroyd created a pro found sensation. Everyone wanted to see him, and everyone had a hearty word of welcome. He was surprised at the amount of feeling that was manifested. He had lived to himself, seen little society, nevertheless he suddenly discov ered that he had been popular. Everyone with whom be had been connected in however small away respected him, and showed real pleasure at his return. The men at the mill factory hands would shake hands again and yet again, A SURYEY OF TEADE. Rainy Weather Unfavorably Affects tho Produce Trade Butter, Cheese and Efigs Are Active Packers Get Better Prices at Chicago Than .rittsbure. Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, Saturday, June 15, 1889. J Daily rains have had a depressing influence on produce in a variety ot ways. First tbe gardener has had his difficulties ingathering stuff. Next, the floods have delayed trains, so that products come to market more or less de preciated in quality. And last the buyer and consumer have been kept at home by tbe unfa vorable condition of weather, and the total outcome has been a slow market in produce lines for the week. It is doubtful if a finer quality of home-raised strawberries ever showed up in Pittsburg markets than for the past few days. Maryland strawberries are close to their end, and between delayed trains and rainy weather have been coming in in rather poor shape. The choice home-raised berry has found readier sale at 10 and 12c than tbe Maryland frnit at one-half these figures. The first raspberries of the sea son have appeared within a day or two. An other week will retire the strawberry 'and put the raspberry on top. New potatoes and cab bage have been steadily drifting toward a lower level. In the line of butter, eggs and cheese we have no changes to report in prices. At Elgin there was a drop of c on creamery, but tbe only effect here has been that markets aro a shade easier. Country butter is still in supply above wants of trade, and holders aie compelled to make concessions in order to un load. A leading jobber of butter, eggs and cheese said to-day: "I have had a much better trade this week than last, and, in fact better than any w eek this spring. My books show larger sales than for the corresponding week of last year. "My chief trouble has been to procure enough stock to meet demands. Everything goes out as fast as it comes in. My cheese sales for tbe week will reach 1,600 boxes and there have been a number of days when more could have been sold if they had been on hand." The same dealer reports an active demand for butter and eggs, but no advanee in prices. Somehow active movement of goods falls every time this season to lift prices. Cereals. Supplies have been larger this week than last Offerings are more than ample for wants of trade. The result is that only the highest grades find ready sale. As the new crop ap proaches there is a drift toward higher prices. Rejected oats and bay are very poor stock and can only be sold at liberal concessions. In fact it has been a marked feature of our markets all this season of abundance that only good goods have much of a show. A low grade article goes begging, and more and more as the time for tbe new crop approaches. Groceries. Tbe marked feature of the trade for the week past has been tbe advances in sugar. Three times during tbe week prices have been raised c At the week's windup sugars are as firm as at the beginning, notwithstanding the ad vances. Coffees are practically unchanged, thongh options are a shade easier than they were a wee ago. Flour stands as last Saturday in the quota tions of wholesale grocers. Jobbers, however, are doing some cutting if not belied, and The Dispatch commercial editor is of the opinion that flour can be sold below our quotations and still leave a reason able profit Carload lots ot the best spring patents can be laid down in Pittsburg a shade below $5 50. Provisions. Pork packers are not all jubilant over the sitnation. Tbe suspension of traffic 011 the Pennsylvania road for tbe past two weeks has shut out one of the most important sections for this traffic One ot our leading packers said to-day: "I can see few bright features in J our trade ror the week past Orders and col lections are far from being as good as they should be at this time of the year. We look for greatest activity when hot weather comes. Weather has not been propitlons to our trade this season so far. Onr firm sold 250 tierces of sweet pickled 16-pound hams in Chicago last Tuesday, which netted us o a pound more than they would have brought us In Pittsburg." The range for mixed packing hogs at Chi caeo to-day being $4 25 to $4 50. Select light packers sell there at $4 50. PlATT's Chlorides Is an odorless llanid dlsin- j f ectent especially prepared for household uses. MONDAY, JUKE 17, their honest and somewhat dirty faces shining with good will; the factory girls came about him with dancing eyes and ".Eh! but ah'm reet fain to see thee back agin!" The little trades people In Mergatroyd the chemist, the baker, the grocer, ran out ot their shops when he passed, to give a word of congratulation. The brother manufacturers those who had been rivals even called to see him and express their pleasure. ' The wives also dropped in they could not await the chance of seeing him, they must come to his house and both see the man returned from the dead, and learn from his own lips why he bad made them all believe he had perished. To all he gave the same account no had been ill, and when he recovered found that he was already adjudged dead, and he ro solved not to undeceive his relatives till he had seen how his nephew "framed" that is the word he used an expressive Yorkshire word that means the fitting and shaping of a man for a place new to him. Near Mergatroyd was a spring of water called "California." It had its origin thus. The owner of a field fancied there was coal beneath the surface, and he hired borers, who perforated tho several strata that underlay his turf till they were stopped by the uprush of water, that played HKe a fountain for many months, and remained as a permanent spring. The owner bad made great boast of tho fortune he was go ing to make out of the coal mine, and when he came to nothing 1ut water ,the people nick named the spring California. But it was no ordinary spring; the water was so charged with gas that when a lighted match was held to it flames flashed and flickered about it The water was so soft as to be in great request for teamaking. "Eh," said an old woman, "Call f orney water be seah (so) good, tha wants nowt but an owd kettle and t'water to mak' th' best o' tea." It seemed to Jeremiah as if he had tapped a California, a fountain of sweet, flashing abounding affection. He was moved, flattered by it and greatly surprised, for it was wholly unanticipated. He was ignorant what he had doncto occasion it. But indeed, a great deal of genuine regard and attachment grows Imperceptibly about a man who has lived for a long time in a place without making any demands on his neighbors, has been just, reliable and blameless in life. AH this latent regard now manifested itself, Philip was still in the house of his uncle a week after the reappearance of the latter. Jeremiah had not been able to go through the accounts and examine the condition of the bus iness as thoroughly as he had intended. Ho had been distracted by visitors, and his mind unsettled by absence and by astonishment and gratification at the manifestation of good-will provoked by bis return. He had said nothing more to Philip abont leaving; Philip, however, had been in the little town inquiring for lodg ings, but could find nothing that would suit In that small place it was not usual for furnished lodgings to bo let. There was indeed a set ot rooms over the baker's, but they were overrun by cockroaches; at the chemist's were two vacant rooms, but no ac commodations for the nurse and baby. Then he had to face another difficulty: the nurse was young and good looking, and there was no say ing what scandal might be aroused by his mi grating to lodgings with this nurse, if his wife did not return to him. At tho draper's there were rooms, but they had a north aspect and looked cold and damp. There was a cottage, unfurnished, he might take, but that adjoined a shoddy mill, and the atmosphere was clouded with "devil's dust," injurious to the lungs. Moreover, bow could he purchase furniture when he had no money? His condition was un certain, his prospects undefined and be shrank from speaking to his uncle about them till Jeremiah had made his thorough investigation of the state of the business and had matured his opinion on Philip's management of it Per haps, also, Jeremiah had not as yet decided on what was to be done with regard to his nephew and it would bo injudicious to press him to a decision. In the meantime the uncertainty was distressing to Philip. He read his wife's letters with mingled feel ings. He could decide nothing with respect to her till his own future was made clear to him. He still harbored his resentment against the imposition, and, though be now no longer thought that Salome had been privy to it, he could not surmount the repugnance evoked by the fact of being related to that unprincipled rogue, Schofield. He was alive to the danger of such an alliance. Schofield was not the man WHS PEOPLE SMILE. Encouraging Facts and Gossip Aboat the Business Sitnation. Manager Chaplin, of the Pittsburg Clear ing House, is an optimist from head to heel. He can see rainbows where less hopeful eyes discern only clouds. He has no love ior growlers, and occasionally takes pains to let them know it. "When I interrogated him yesterday as to the condition of business, he smiled blandly and said: "It's all right. Some people say it's dead, but if so, the corpse is remarkably well preserved. The clearings this week are al most $2,000,000 greater than for the correspond ing time last year. This tells the whole story." But this was not the only evidence gathered showing that business is on the road to recov ery. The week was neither one of the bestnor one of the worst: it was abont betwixt and be tween, which was as much as could be expected under the ciroumstances. In nearly every de partment of trade the improvement over the previous week was patent to even the most careless observer. Stocks were generally firm, with sales ot 6,773 shares. Petroleum was steady and dull. A large business was done in mort gages, the number recorded being 161, for $373, 251. Real estate was ratberquiet, but tbe busi ness transacted was quite respectable in vol nme. Some of the deals were for large amounts. Jobbers rcporteda liberal movement of season able goods. The week closed with a good feel ing all round. From the unfavorable condition of the weather and other causes not necessary to mention, it was feared that tbe number of building permits would make a sorry showing. This was not the case, however, as 43 woro issued for an aggregate amount of S71.2S0. The 'number issued for the month of May was 361, ana tne estimated cost was ;m.4ii so iar tnis year the gam over 188S is 65 permits and $290,000. 1 asked a contractor if ho thought the estimate, made early in tbe season, of 4.000 bouses for the year, would be made good. He said: "I begin to think we will have to come down a peg or two. The flood has had a bad effect Lum ber is higher. This will discourage many who had thought of building. The weather is also against us. I think if tbe end of tbe year sees 3,000 wo should be satisfied." No large business concern can be success fully carried on without strict discipline among the employes. This has contributed in no small degree to tbe success and popularity of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Just before the heavy rain set in Friday night I saw a passen ger tram roll up to tbe Union depot hut it did not stop under the shed. Tbe rear brakeman took his station and stood there until the storm was over. He had neither overcoat nor um brella. When bis duty had been discharged, he walked into the station looking as if he had just been fished from the river. "Why didn't you seek shelter!" he was asked. "Because my place was at the train, storm or no storm," was his reply. Devotion to duty, such as this, 13 a conspicu ous trait of the American character, and heroes are not so scarce as they seem. La Norla monopolized nearly all tbe business' at the stock call Saturday, contributing 300 of the 315 shares sold. It was a trifle stronger. A broker remarked that be believed this stock was being held up to enable certain gentlemen to.unload. Another broker said it had not yet reached tbe top, and if tho mill panned out as expected there would be a bom in it before long. These antagonistic views were not calcu lated to throw much light on the situation. Tbe following .iblo snows tbe prices of active stocks on the Kt York Stock Exchange. Corrected dailj for The Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of New York stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue: Clos ing Bids. 59 4riJs 55 54 l2 20 102 73!4 Open ing. . 69 . High est. Low est Am. Cotton Oil. .. Atch., Top. & s. " Canaaian Faclfic... 40 45M Canada Southern 54M Central of New Jersey.UOK Centrall'aeittt. Ml) S4H HOii Chesapeake & Ohio... C, ltur. & Ouliicy.... C, Mil. jt St. faul... C, JUU.&St. P., pr... C, Jioccl. &r C bt. L. ft Pitts ..102K ..72 .113 103H 73 102 7Z 83 98 15 88 JS 110 28 15 lJf 145 IGlf 101. 75 25 115 19 eov- 106 70 C, St L. A'PItts. pf. a. st. p., ai. &o a, st. F..M. a o pr. .... C & Northwestern.... 110 C.& Northwestern, pr. ... u. a a ii 73 Col. Coat A Iron 29 Col. & Hoctlnr Val .. 15 110 109 73 29!, 15 149 MS 73 va 15 145 146 Del.. L. &V. Del. & Hudson Denver A KloU ,.UiK .148 Denver ft Bio U.. or. E. T.. Va. Alia ... iom 10H is" E. T.. Va. ft a 1st nf.. E.T.. Va.ftOa. 2dpf. 25 Illinois Oenvrnl Lake Erie ft Western Lake Erie ft West pr.. COM LakeBhoreftM. H 106)4 LoulsvUle ft Nashville, 70 Michigan Central .- 2i" 60 .106 70 60 106 70 aanx. fti. ., -1 ..-m m. 1 . limn. . awpgynrgr. . &xtMm&mlKtJl 'JiBWa 1889. to neglect the advantages to be gained by having a son-in-law a man of character, posi tion and substance. If Philip sank to being a mere clerk the fellow would be an annnoyance no more, but as he prospered, and in proportion ashe made his way, gained the respect of bis fellow men, and enlarged his means, so would bis difficulties with Schofield increase. The fellow would be a nuisance to him continually. If Schofield made himself amenable to the law, then his own connection with the daughter of a man in prison or a convict, would be a re proach and a scandal. If the scoundrel were at large, he wonldbe an annoyance from which he never could hope to shake himself free. The letters from his wife did not please him. Clearly Janet was not so ill as had been repre sented to him; no so ill as to require her sister there, especially as she had three nieces with her. He was uncomfortable without his wife he was uncomfortable because bis future was vague, and he associated the annoyance this caused him with her absence, ugconsciously, to her account He did not considff what his own conduct had been, and how he bad almost driven her from the bouse and from her child, and he found fault with her for deserting him and the babe so readily on a frivolous cause. No doubt Salome was enjoying herself ; she was so full of admiration over the scenery, the flowers, so struck with the variety of life she met with. What did she think of his situation without certain prospects? A nice party they formed at Andermatt five ladies and Janet was well enough to enjoy excursions. The ef forts Salome made to interest him annoyed him. He did not want to be interested; he re sented her taking Interest in what she saw. And then, what about this stranger, this American lady, traveling by herself, with her pretty becoming dresses, who had attached her self to the party? Who was she? What were her belongings? What her character? Salome had no right to form a friendship, hardly an acquaintance, without first consulting him. It was very doubtful whether a lady, young and beautiful, who traveled alone, was a desir able person to know; it was by no means un likely that Salome would find it out when too late that she had associated herself, and drawn the three Labarte girls into acquaint anceship with a woman who ought to be kept at a distance. Ladies traveling alone should in variably bo regarded with suspicion. Ladles never onght be alone unmarried ones, he added hastily, remembering that he had allowed his own wife to make the journey to Andermatt unprotected. Unmarried ladies belong to fam ilies, and travel with their mothers or aunts, or some female relation; if quite youngMhey go about In flocks with their governess. Single ladies! He shook his bead. Salome really was inconsiderate. She acted on impulse, without thought If she had been forced into conver sation with this person she should have main tained her distance, and next day have con tented herself with a bow, and the day after have been short-sighted and not observed ber at all. That was how he had behaved to male acquaintances whom be did not think worth cultivating as friends. Acquaintances can always be dropped. The hand can be rigid when grasped lor a shake, or can be twisting an umbrella, or be behind the back, or in a pocket Salome should have considered in making friends that there were others to be thought of besides herself and that he radically disap proved of association with persons unattached. In the last of the three letters he had re ceived from his wife a whole side had been taken up with description of the single lady; it was obvious that this person, whoever she was, had set herself to gain influence over Salome, while Salome, inexperienced, was unable to re sist, and the purpose of the stranger she did not divine. He became irritated at the ex pressions used by his wife concerning this fas cinating stranger. He entertained a growing aversion for her. He was quite sure that she was not a proper person for Salomo to associ ate with. He took up the letter, and, putting bis hands behind bis back, paced the room. He was thoroughly out of humor with himself and with his wife, and as it never occurred to him that he should vent his dissatisfaction on himself he poure l it out on Salome. A tap at the door, and following the tap in came Jeremiah. "Look here!" exclaimed the old man, as he entered, "Here is a pretty kettle of fish. When is Salome returning?" "I do not know." answered Philip, stiffly. "Have you heard from her?" "I have." "And she says nothing about returning?" ''Not a word. She seems to be enjovmgthe Alpine air and scenery and making friends." There was a tone of bitterness in these last words. "But she must return." said Jeremiah. "There is an upset of the whole bag of tricks. What do you suppose has happened?" "I have not the least idea." Mobile ft Ohio Mo., K. JtTeias Missouri I'aclflc 75 76K Mew York Central A. Y.. L. E. &W 27 28 N.Y.. L. E. &V., pref JO Wi H. Y.. C. &St. L 1SJ4 18H N. Y4N. E SO 51 it. Y., O. & V 17) 17H Ji or folk s Western Norfolk 4 Western. cf. Szjf SL)i Northern Pacific .' Mortnern aclac nrefi 66K KH Ohio A Mississippi OreKon Improvement ,. Oregon Transcon 33 33)4 Faciflcilall Peo. Dec. A Evans. Phlladel. & Keadlnc. l Pullman I'aiace Oar Richmond & W. P. X.. 2SH Z5 St. Paul Duluth S3 S3 at. Paul & Duluth pf. StL. &8an Fran. St. L. & San JTran pr.. 61H S1H St. L. & Han JT.lst pf. Texas Pacific 21K Sli UnlonPaclUc S2H S3 Wabasti Wabash preferred 29M 29 Western Union WJi S3 ' Wheeling & L. E 70 National Lead Trust. 29V .... Sugar Trust lCSJi 1ZX 10K 75 76)2 1M'4 27 23 70 C9 SO 60X na r,x 16 SVi S2H 28H 66)4 MH 23X 6-5 32 32 33 24 tl 47S .... 187)3 2 25 S3 34 85 28 61M 60 .... 112K 31.4 21$ 62 62), YaH 29 23 87 88 69 K .... USX MAEKETS BY WIEE. The Upward movement In Wheat Continued All the Early Options Higher Crop Advices From tbe West Conflict ing, bat Generally Favorable. Chicago Wheat was quite active again to day, and a nervous, unsettled feeling existed, with a further improvement in prices estab lished, hut tbe full advance not unstained. June advanced l!4c and closed c higher than yesterday. July opened a higher, further ad vanced o after numerous ifluctuations, and closed c higher than yesterday. Deferred futures advanced Hc and closed from the samo to V,a under yesterday. Local speculative operations had about as mucb to do with the changes in the market as any) other influences brought to bear on tbe market. Tbe leading futures ranged as follows: AVHEAT No. 2 July. 7sk79787gc: August, oaloS(gio2iisioc; oepieuiDer. vomm 7GJ757oc; December, 87877ke 77kc roRN No. 2 July. ZMUWA.3V. August, S4K3434&34&f ! September, Oats No. 2 July, 2222K22K22Jc: Au gust, 22Kc: September. 22WS22K22&22c. Mess Poek. per bbl. July, $11 60U (KJ 11 50U 625; August, $11 7011 751160 11 75; September, 811 77J$ll80ll 70SJ11 80. LAKD, per lOOBs. Julv, $8 00Q6 606 65J 6 67: August, ?6 6j6 856 62K66 60; Septem ber, 6 756 75g6 7l)6 72K. Short Bibs, per 100 Bi.J-July, S5 805 80 5 755 bO; August. $3 87K5 87K5 82K 5 87: September, t5 055 935 90(85 95. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm; spring wheat patents, ii 50; winters, H 25 1 SO; bakers'. 3 003 50. No. 2 spring wheat, 81c: No. 3 spring wheat, 7473c: No. 2 red, 81c No. 2 corn. 34c bid. No. 2 oats, 22c No. 2 rye. 39W39c. No. 2 barley1, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed. Jl M. Prime timothy seed, Jl 25. Mess pork, per barrel, Jll 6011 Co. Lard, per 100 pounds, J6 52. Short ribs sides (loose, $5 705 SO. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), ?5 125 21 Short clear sides (boxed), SS 12 6 25. Sugars unchanged. Receipts Flour, 8,000 barrels; wheat, 6,000 bunbels: corn. 222 000 bushels: oats, 140,000 bushels; rye, 1,000 bushels; barley, 2,000 bushels. Shipments Flonr. 12,000 barrels; wheat, 22,000 bushels; corn. 165,000 bush els: oats. 4JO,000 bushels; rye. 1,000 bushels; bar ley. 0,000 bushels. On the Produce exchange to-day the butter market was firm; fancy creamery, 1516c; fine, 1515c: finest dairies, I213c;flue, 10 12c Eggs firm at 12c New Yore: Flonr moro active and 5010c higher on certain desirable lots: least known brands irregular. Cornmeal quiet. Wheat Spot dull and strong: options active and irregu lar, closing firm and c up on. early; un changed on late months; good buying by for eigners and shorts. Barley malt-dull; Canada, 05 for old and new. Corn Spot fairly active and steadier: options more active and firmer. Oats Spot moderately active; options firm and quiet. Hay easy and quiet; shipping. COc; good to choice, 7590c Hops firm and quiet. CoSee Options opened steady, 1530 points down, rallied on buying order, closed unchanged to 5 points down; sales, 96.290 bags, including June, 15.0015.30cj July. lM513.3oc: September, 15.65c: October, 15.5015.70c; Nov ember. 15.C0.gi5.G0c; do. 155015.80c; January, 15C015.S0c; February, 156515.80c; March, 15.70J15.90c: April, 15.7015.75c; spot Rio easy: fair cargoes, lTJic Sugar Raw sparingly offered and strong; fair refining, 7 1-I60; centrifugals, 96 test, 8c; refined, firm and active. Molasses Foreign strong, 60 test, 81c: New Orleans quiet; open kettle; good to fancy, 2846c Rice quiet and steady; domestic, 4JJ6c; Japan, 4?i5lc, Cotton seed oil Quiet: crude. 40c; velfov. 471349c. Tallow dull and easy; city, i1646c. Uosin "The cook had fits yesterday; that was why the dimar was spoiled. She has fits again to day, and there will be no dinner at all. She has turned the servants out of tbe kitchen; they are sitting on the kitchen stairs, and she is storming within and I am convinced that tbe fits are occasioned by brandy. I sent ber some yesterday when I was told she was in con vulsions, and that was adding fuel to fire. It is a case of D. T., I fear. There is a black cat in the kitchen or she thinks so, and is hunting it throwing kettles and pots and pans at it has smashed the windows and most of the crock ery. The maids are frightened. I have sent for the police; come with me. We must break ooen the kitchen door, and seize and bind the mad creature." "It will put us in a somewhat ridiculous posi tion," said Philip. "Had we not better wait till the constable arrives, and hand ber over formally to him." "And in tho meantime allow her to smash everything the kitchen contains. Come on." The old man led the way, and Philip, first plucking at his shirt collars to make sure tbey were right, followed. They found, as Jeremiah had said, (he servants on the steps that de scended to the kitchen. The nurse was also there. "How came you here?" asked Philip "and baby, too! is this a place for him? Go back to the nursery." There was Indeed, an uproar In the kitchen. The cook was as one mad, howling, cursing, dashing about and destroying everything she conld lay hand on like the German Polter geist Jeremiah burst the door open, and the two men entered. Fortunately for Philip's dignity, the con stable arrived at tbe same time, and tbe crazy woman was without difficulty and disarrange ment of Philip's collars, controlled and con veyed to her bedroom. As the party of men with their redfaced cap tive ascended the steps from tho kitchen, Philip caught sight of the nurse and baby again. The former had disobeyed his orders; it was perhaps too much to expect of ber to re tire beyond sight of the drama enacted in the kitchen. Philip gave her notice to leave. "This would never have happened had Sa lome been here." said Jeremiah. "And this is not all: that woman has f onnd means of getting to my cellar, and she has drunk herself into this condition on my best whisky and brandy. I have only just discovered the ravages she has made." "I gave you up the cellar key." "Yes: but she had another that fitted the lock. I have had Mrs. Halgh bere, she has opened my eyes to a thing or two. Are you aware that the parlor maid and my traveler Tomkins have been carrying on pretty fast? She asked leave to go to a funeral on Sunday, and went instead with Tomkins to Hollingworth Lake. They were seen there together in a boar." "There is something WTong," said Philip, "something I do not understand, about the washing. I do not know whether any account is kept of what goes to the wash, but I am quite sure that tbe wash consumes as much as it restores. I am reduced this Week to ono pocket handkerchief. I cannot understand it If I had had an influenza cold during the last fortnight I could see some reason for my being short this week, but conceive tbe awkwardness of having only one. And then my socks. They come back full of holes. I used not to wear them into great chasms at least not since I have been here; now they return a3 of old when I was in furnished lodgings only fit to be em ployed as floor cloths." "I'll tell you what Philip. Salome must re turn. 1 have been told by Mrs. Haigh that she saw your nursemaid take tbe baby only yester day to Browne's Buildings, and there is scarlet fever in several of the cottages there." "I have dismissed her." "Who? Salome?" "No. the nurse." "But tbe mischief is done. She was there yesterday. I do not know how many days It takes for scarlet fever to incubate, but that tbe child will have it I have very little doubt. Why, she went into Rhodes' cottage where they have had five down in it, and two of tnem died. The rest are just in that condition of healing when infection is most to be feared. I beard this from Mrs Halgb." "Good heavens!" Philip was frightened, "Then," continued Jeremiah, "1 uo not sup pose you are aware that Essie, the nursemaid, has been wearing your wife's jewelry. She bad the audacity to appear in church on Sun day with a pretty Florentine mosaic brooch that I gave Salome many years ago. Mrs. Haigh saw it and recognized it FbiliD fidceted in his chair. "I see." said he. "I was wrong in not speaking or coughing the other night or I might have sneezed, but I lacked tbe moral courage. I felt unwell and had a sick headache, and without saying any thing to anyone 1 went to bed immediately aft er dinner. I may have been in bed half an hour and had dozed off when I was roused by seeing a light I opened my eyes and observed Essie at the dressing table. She bad come into the room, not dreaming I was there, and sho was trying on Salome's bonnets, I suppose the best, putting her head on this side, then on that and studying the effect at the glass. I did not cough or sneeze, as I ought. I allowed her to leave the room in ignorance that she had quiet and steady; strained, common to good, SI 101 12. Turpentine easy at 323SJic. Eggs firm and quiet; western, 13K14c: receipts. 3,060 packages. Pork quiet; pickled bellies. 1 lbs, uc. Untmoats quiet; pickled shoulders, 5c; pickled hams, l-'c: middles quier. Lard easier and dull; western steam. $6 S-'6 90, close, S6 87; city, S6 30; July, $6 91: Aueu3t, S6 9s. closing at $6 98: September, 87047 05. Batter in moderate demand and steady; west ern dairy, 913c: do creamery, 1217c; west ern factory, 7K12c.. Cheese strong and quiet; western, 7Ji8c St. Louis Flonr quiet and unchanged. Wheat unsettled and dull; the close was quiet at KJ4o below yesterday; No. 2 red, cash, 91c bid; July closed at 73Jc bid: Angust, 73c bid; September, 74c, nominal; December. 77c asked. Corn Trading extremely light; No. 2 mixed, cash, 31c; July closed at3131c bid; Augusi, oty.v. irais sieauy: nu. a casu, 2dc bid: June, 22Jic bid; July, 2222a Rye No. 2, 39c bid. Flaxseed, $1 30; new crop, for Au gust delivery, $1 09 bid. Provisions dull, weak ana scarcely any trading. Pn11.ADEi.pnrA Flour demand sluggish and prices ruled in buyers' favor. Wheat firm. Corn Options a shade stronger under fair ex port inquiry bat speculation dull: car lots quiet. Oats Car lots steady; futures quiet but Bteady. Lard Pure city refined, 7c; West ern steam, J6 877 00. Butter dull and weak; Pennsylvania creamery extra, 1717c; Penn sylvania print, extra, 19c. Eggs, steady; Penn sylvania firsts, 15c Cincinnati Flour active. Wheat quiet; No. 2 red, 8&9S7c; receipts, 1,200 bnsbeis; ship ments. 200 bushels. Corn firm; No. 2 mixed, 3536c Oats in moderate demand and steady: No. 2mixed, 2528c Rye dull; No. 2, Uic Pork quiet at S12. Lard steady at J6 25. Buikmeats and bacon steady and unchanged. Butter steady. Sugar firm. Eggs in fair de mand. Cheese unchanged. Milwaukee Flour steady. Wheat firm; July,75c; September, 75c Corn fair; No. 3, 34c Oats firm; No. 2 white. 27c. Rye steady; NaL41c Barley nominal; ho. 2, 51c Pro visions firmer. Fork, Jll 52. Lard, JG 55. Cheese steady: Cheddars, 78c Baltimore Provisions quiet and steady. Butter steady; Western packed, 1012c; creamery, 1618c Eggs about steady at 14c Coffee unsettled; Rio fair, 1718c Toledo Cloverseed firm, dull; cash, fl 25; October, H 55. Boston Stocks. Atch. ft Toe. 1st 7s. 1175 A. .IT. Land Ur't7s. 108 Atob. ft Top. K. K... 46 Boston & Altiany...212 Boston ft Maine.. ...154 C. IS. ftU 103 Clnn. San. ft Cleve. 25 Eastern R. ft 92 Eastern It. It. 6s ....lis Flint ft fereM 23 Flint ft PereM. nnl. S3 E.CSt.J.ftC.B.7s.l22 AlexlcanCen. com.. !5? aiex.C.lstmtg. bds. 65 N. Y. ANewEni... N.Y.ftN.E.7s., uid colour Wis. Central, com... Wis. Central pC... Allouez5lKCo(new). trans: tin Huron , . 50 .129 .174 21 52 . SO 9K . 1M . 2 50 244 6 . 6 f'ewablc (new) uuinev Hell Telephone Boston Land........ Water .rower Closlnir Bond Quotations. U. S. 4s,rcsr 128 U. S. 4s. coup l'Ji.S M.K. AT. Gen. 5s .57K Mutual Union 6s... .103 u. a. i;?s, ca.........uv, U. S. 4s. conn lOCJl Pacific 6s of 'So. lis Loulslanastamped4s 90 Missouri 6s 102 'lenn. new set. 63. ...108 Tenn. new set. 5s.. ..105) Tenn. new set. 3s.... 76 Canada So. 2ds WH Cen. Pacific, lsts 117M Den. ftK. O., Ist3...119tj Den. ft K. G. 4s 82 D.K.G.West,lsU. 103 Erie. 2d 1031. U.K.. XT. Gen. 63.. 62 N.J.O. Int. Cert...ll5" Nortnern Pac. ists..l20 Northern Pac. 2ds..H5 Northw't'n consols.148 Northw'n debens..ll33 Ort-zon ft Trans. 6S.I05U St. L. ftLM. Gen. 5s SO at. 1..S. s. . Gen. A1121 St. Paul consols 11 St. PI. Chi ft Pc. 1SU120 Tx., Pc.L.G.Tr.Ks.StfS rx..l' 38 Union i'ac. sts HOW West Shore 109 Saturday's Oil Range. Corrected daily by John M. Oasiey fc Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened s.lLowest 83 Highest &itciosea..., 83 Barrels. 50,050 74. SS 42,17a Average runs .J...... Average snipments Average charters. .. Refined, New York, 6.90c. Kennei, London, 5 -16d. Refined, Antwerp, 17f. Kenned. LlvernooL 6Xd. ::: Carryinir.MSew York flat: Oil City.' atorase; Bradford Hat; Pittsburg. 25a premium) Mining- Stocks. NewYohk. June 15 Amador. 100; Belcher, 260: Best & Belcher, 250: Bodle, 120: Caledbnia B. H, 275: Crown Point, 250; Consolidated Cali fornia and Virginia. 675; Colorado Central, 150: Eureka Consolidated, 100: El Cristo, 125; Gould & Curry, 190; Hale & Norcross, 315; Hone stake. 800: Horn Silver. 11C: Iron Silver. 1ft: Mexican, 290: Mutual, 140: Mono, 100; Nort.t Belle Isle. 105; Ontario. 3.400; Opbir, 410; Ply' month. 960: Savaee. 190: Sierra Nevada. 195 iu. u.iuv. uuiiiii iiu: i- Standard); Union Consolidated, 250; Yellow Jacket, 266. been seen. I cannot remember now whether, she went off with the bonnet on her head,'or . whether she replaced it I did npt announce) A my presence because I was In bed, and I 1 thought that my situation was even less digni fied than hers. But I see, now, I ought to have, coughed or sneezed." "Philip, we shall get Into an awful muddle . unless Salome returns." Philip said nothing. "Now, look here," continued Jeremiah. I have beard that you have been looking out for lodgings. If you are going to live by yourself that is tolerable; but if you choose to have yonr wife with you you can live here and man age tbe factory and tbe house for me. I am . iJ tired of the drudgery of business, and I cannot and will not be worried to death by servants. I must have someone who will look after the factory for me and someone who will attsnd to the house." "It would be best for Salome to return, but I am not sure that she Is willing. She seems to be enjoying herself vastly." "Go after her: surprise her. Take tbe baby. Spend a month there and then return. Bring Janet back as well, if she cares to come." "Perhaps that will be best," mused Philip. "Things have become very uncomfortable) wlthont her only ono pocket handkerchief, and my socks only get to be taken as floor cloths' 'Of course it is best. As soon as possible go, and don't return without her." To be continued next Monday.) FOR NERVOUS EXHAUSTIOX Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. H. C. McCoy. Algona, la., says: "I have used it in cases of dyspepsia, nervous exhaus tion and wakefulness, with pleasant results. Also think it of great service in depressed con dition ot tbe system resulting from biliary de rangement." WHOLESALE H0USL JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of s Special offerings this week in SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and OHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-rST-D BUTTER, BUTTER, BUTTER. EVERY POUND WARRANTED PURB Chartiers Creamery Co. Warehouse and General Offlce3, 616 LIBERTY STREET, Telephone 1120, PITTSBURG, PA. Factories throughout Western Pennsylvania. For prices see market quotations. Wholesale exclusively. mhlS-nwy FidelityTitle & Trust Company, CAPITAL, - - - $500,000 121 AND 123 FOURTH AVK. Insures titles to real estate, and acts in all fiduciary capacities. Temporary offices. No. 100 DIAMOND STREET. fe3-S6oi M' ONEY TO LOAIf - On mortgages on improved real estate in sums of SLOOO and upward. Applv at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. mhf-jH-P No. 12 Fourth avenue. UKOKERS FINANCIAL. ELLY &. ROGERS. ' NO. 6315 STATION STREET. E. E., Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Have Jloney to Loan in sums of $5,000 toSlO, 000 on East End property at low rates of In terest. Jel2-95 XTTHITNEY &. STEPHENSON, a FOURTH AVENUE. Issue travelers' credit through Jlessrs-Drexel, Morgan fc Co., New York. Passports procured. ap28-l MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER S14 I'ENN AVENUE, PITTsBURG, PA.. As old residents know ana back flies of Pitts burg napers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician In the city, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases. sMb?eersPonns'NOFEEUNTILCURED MCDfil 10 and mental diseases, physical IN tn V UUo decay.nervous debility. lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self distrust.basbf ulness, dizziness sleeplessness, pimples, eruntions, im poverished blood, failing powers,organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business.society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKINstrgeirerutioni1 blotches, failing hair, bones pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, moutb.throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. IIPIMARV kidney and bladder derange U n 1 1 1 rt II 1 1 tnents, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and other paint nl symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittier's llfc-lorg, extensive experi ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation, free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 P. it. Sun day, 10 A. M. to 1 p. jr. only. DR. WHITTIER, 8111'enn avenue, Pittsburg, Ta. joll-90K-DSuwk . .1 1 ...I.. -i. " GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. ' CURES NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOST VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY. 1'nll particulars In pamphlet : sent iree. in, genuine urar s bneclnc sold by drnrzlsts only In yellow wrapper. Price, si per SwSyVT on receipt of price, bv address- nacaaEe. orsuciorn. or dv mail ng TBE OKAT JIEUIC1.NE CO., Buffalo. JJ. X Sold Inl'Ittsbarg byS.S. HULLANU. corner Smlthfleld and Liberty sta. apl2-&3 DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all cases re quiring scientific and confiden tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake. M. R. C. P. a. Is the oldest and most experienced specialist la the city. Consultation free and stvictlr confidential. Offica hours!! to i ana 7 to sp.m.; Sundays, 2 to 4 p., 3f.i;on3uit tnem personalty, orwrite. uoatOB LASi, we f enn ave., nttsnurg, ra. jel2-45-DWk A SXJFFEREK SS&. m4i weakness, lost -rigor, etc., waa restored to health: J in suca a remarKaoie manner alter ail else na43 Niu iwiow .uffe- ddrST L O. MltufttLW EajtHaddam, 5 mya-a-nsuwiTV imucu inneipiKna inemoae or cure, iho;i HIS m 4 :l Si r Y;