M3t lW pgw THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. r: wl SECOND PART. " PAGES 9 TO 16. ' 1 HOMES OEALL AGES. A Fantastic but Interesting Feature of the Taris Exposition. THE DWELLINGS OF MANKIND. Eepresentations of Unman Habitations of All Ages. PB0SH0D5TA1H CATEENS 10 PALACES nrriTTKK rou the DisrATCH.! N" the midst of the Paris Exposition, and forming a promi nent feature of it, is a strip of ground covered with a gro tesque pile of build ings representing the dwellings of mankind from the earliest known periods to the prcitui time 2 e er did a happy family present a more striking diversity a more fantastic unity. The solid masonry of the Bgvptians shadows the thatched and matted huts ot the lake dwellers, the graceful architecture 'of the Greek goes hand in hand with the practical lives of its old Boman conqueror, stately Aztec piles, flimsy Japanese, Hindoo palaces and Chero kee wigwams, all stand on common ground nnd on equal footing. Here is every build irg material that man's ingenuity ever PEHSIA sought out or contrived; granite, sandstone, limestone, marble, sun and kilned bricks, tiles, adobe, plaster, mud, thatch, wattles, and straw, and wondrous combinations. It is an object lesson within the grasp oi all, appealing alike to the wondering country man and the skilful architect These his tono dwellings have been designed one and all by Mr. Cbarlcs Gautier, the designer of the Grand Opera, and the leading architect of France, and the masterly w?y in wWh Cliff Dwelling. he has performed his work entitles him to a high place among the heroes of the Exhibi tion. THE CAVE DWELLEES. Everybody is interested in the history of man how he lived in the earlv d.ivs. when the advantages had no chance with" the dis advantages, and every man was self-made. Prehistoric man had a hard time with nature and her creatures. In those days each struck out for himself, and man found that the first requisite of lire was to keep out of harm's way. He must have a hiding place where he could be secure when off his guard. He had often Jaken shelter from the tempest and storms in hollow trees or under the lee of rocks and cliffs, but these were unfit for dwellings, as they offered no protection from wild beasts and men. Caves, however, fitted JAPANESE his wants exactly. A few hours' labor with rocks and stone, and he had a defensible fortress within which he conldcook his din ner with comfort and security. When he went fishing he would block up the entrance to his cave just as we would lock tb front door, and feel tolerably sure of finding things as he left them. The cave dweller, or troglodyte, did not wander abroad, but hunted and fished in the country around his dwelling place. In Colorado and the South west we find many of these clefts and caves, with very distinct Much more secure were the homes of the cliff dwellers- As sate as the goat on' the roof, they had little need to block up their doorways. But their immunity was bought at the expense of a steep, hard climb. The cliff dwellers were not content, however, with natural caves, but in many instances built houses and towers of mud and stone on the narrow shelves of the cliffs, some of two stones, but the majority of about six feet in height Arizona was the great land ot the cliffdwellers. Here 1,000 feet above the valley of Jtio Mancos THE CLIFFS ABE HONEYCOMBED with these prehistoric habitations. Some that look like little specks from the valley ,v I ii in .hi i below are utterly beyond reach. The traces of winding trails can be seen in the face of the cliffs, but time has so changed the struc ture of the ground that it would be madness to attempt the climb. Some of the dwellings are isolated, some in groups of two or three, others clustering into little villages. At intervals along.tbe higher ridges are the re mains of round stone signal towers. The houses within reach have been most thor oughly investigated, and evidences of con siderable civilization have been found. Many of the houses have plastered walls, the plaster evidently being spread ith the hands, as the imprints of human fingers are often traced out The walls thus stuccoed are in many cases adorned with highly colored designs and hieroglyphics. Re mains of pottery and stone implements have been found in considerable quantity, but no trace whatever of the cliff bnilders them selvesnot even a bone. Without donbt these ancient people were fire worshipers, and burnt their dead. At their dizzy height the cliff builders had a broader horizon than their valley fellow-men, and an earlier chance at their sun god. The cave and cliff dwellers are supposed to be the ancestors of the Aztecs. The relics of grand monuments in Pimeria and Zaca tecas have often been ascribed to the Aztecs, but evidence goes to show that the early Aztecs in their wanderings southward came upon these buildings that they were the work of much more ancient people. The Aztec built crudely at first, modeling his hut out of reeds and mud. As the race grew more prosperous through fishing and commerce they commanded better building material, and bamboo and sun dried bricks came into vogue. The roofs were formed of long reeds, closely matted, or azave leaves, each projecting over the other after the fash ion ot tiles. These rnde habitations had a single room that served the purpose of an entire suit, including the stable. Gradu ally as wealth increased the hut builders contrived strong masonry underpinning, in- DWELLING creased the number of rooms, added store houses and cranaries. Stones took the place of brick, while plain pillars cut from a single stone and devoid of base and capital broke the monotony, of the walls. The roof, too, took on A MOEE SUBSTANTIAL AIE, being formed of stout timbers, making a level terrace for an evening's siesta. There were commonly two entrances to each dwell ing, but no doors, curtains being used to screen the interior from the street But like all early civilized nations the Aztecs succumbed to barbarous but more powerful races, and their architecture suffered a like degeneracy. The Pueblos, Zunis and Moguls are the degenerate relics of the Aztecs. Like the ancient cliff builders, the Mognis have their ., habitations in the high rocks. Again, they follow the ancestral style in that their huts are built of mud and stone and -entered by ladders. The Zunis build on the slightly raised ground on the plains. Their houses are strongly built ot adobe, but what is curious is that they are entered by ladder at the second story. Once in a while you find a ground door. The windows are mere holes, though in some in stances isinglass is fastened in. The Incas built their dwellings low and solid. There was nothing pretentious in the uuisiue wans, wnicn were, tor themost part, of rough hewn porpherv and grauitc, fitted at the jointures with exquisite nicety. The roof was commonly bell-shaped in form, and built of tood and rnshes. Few buildings ever reached a second 6tory, for the immense area of ground built upon gave ample ac commodation. The rooms, which opened upon a square court, were lighted by means of the doors above, and the latter were curious as resembling close r the Egyptian With dflnflnn cMn- .3 .!!..!: L l J i. . . "--" --. "ua "uu uiiuiuisnea lintel. he plain outer walls gave no idea of the splendor within. Gold was abundant in the mountains about, and most generously was it lavished throughout the rooms, from top to bottom. Niches about the walls held pots and flowers of gold and silver, chairs and tables, dishes, even parterres in the gardens all glittering with these precious metils! .No wonder the Spaniards brought home wondrous tales of this El Dorado this golden kingdom across the sea. One of the most interesting models at the DWELLING. Exposition is a reed like structure resting on poles in a miniature lake. This repre sents the home of the lake dweller, whose prototype existed in prehistoric times in Switzerland and Ireland. Evidence goes to show that these lake dwellers were descended from a very ancient race that covered the shores of the Baltic a rude race who did not have the building instinct, who protected themselves from wild beasts by means of fires along the beach. Tney buried their dead in stone chests, as did onr lake build ers after them. As they grew more civilized they ventured farther and farther into the interior, and came finally to settle on the Swiss lakes. While the first race left noth ing but stone relics, we find implements of bronze among the latter. The traces of this ancient race of the bronze age have been discovered very recently, and since the first investigations thousands and thousands of relics have come to light From the preser vation of the piles and stakes at the bottom of the lakes and the numerous relics,-wecan construct a Lacustrine dwelling with toler able accuracy. The lake dwellers sought the lake for safety, building their houses on platforms fastened upon piles. The frames of the louses were circular in form, 10 or 12 feet in diameter, and covered with a mixture of clay and wattles. Prom the remains of parallel rows ef states from the plattorm pues to tne snore we Know that the dwell ings were connected with the mainland by narrow bridges easily defensible in time of danger. Herodotus gives us a sketch of the Paro nian dwellers on Lake Prasias, who must have lived in somewhat the same way. The Irish lake dwellers were of late origin. Their huts were built in the midst of swampo, shallow water being chosen in preference to deep, as the former could be filled up. Thus the Irish holder made an artificial island for himself stockaded it and dwelt like a baron in a castle with a moat The modern race that most resemble the ancient lake dwellers are the inhabitants of New Guinea and Central Africa, where the huts on the river are built both on piles or on earth spread on the long grass. There is a great gap between the prehis toric and the historic periods, and we have not as yet collected enough materials to bridge it over. The Egyptians are the earli est race of which we have anything like definite knowledge, but sadly enough, the records of the dwelling houses of this race, as well as of the Assyrian, the Persian and the Greek, are very deficient -The Egyp tians were pre-eminently a building race, and we know them from their buildings alone. "We know, however, that the Egyp tians bestowed as much nains on the houses as they did on their rock-cut tombs, pyra mids and obelisks. There was the same ex actness in measurement the same nicety of jointure. The earliest Egyptian houses were built of sandstone, but later limestone and suu-burnt brick came into rogue. A common type of Egyptian dwelling was a three-story structure, or more correctlv, two stories, with an open gallery.flankedwith miniature columns. The better class of nouses were generally built about a court on which rooms opened on three, and sometimes four, sides. The open courtyard held a reservoir for water or often times a fountain. The visitor entered the house through a massive porch, and could pass by means of the staircase, which ran through the center of the house, to the open terrace above. Some times the houses con tained two courts, one for visitors, the other for the exclusive use of the women. The grounds round about were worked over into conventional gardens with artificial ponds, trees in pots, etc., very much after the fashion of the Japanese to-day. The modern Egyptians have dwellings resem bling, in a small way, those of their ances tors. Here you find the two courts, the flat roofs and the "open galleries, but the struc tures are far less substantial and imposing. Assyria has grand ruins, but ruinsthey were early destined to be from the perisha ble quality of the material. Sunburnt bricks were universally used, and to secure solidity the walls were BUILT OP TEEMEXDOUS THICKNESS. The Assvrian dwelling, as erected at Paris, shows the type of the early private houses. They were many stories in height, had no windows on the lower story, the only opening being at the entrance. As a rule the roofs of the Assyrian houses were flat, though early reliefs show us structures capped with hemispherical and oval cupo las the light being admitted through open ings at the top. Within the walls, spread with a layer of plaster and painted, were set off by friezes and borders of glazed tiles. The Chaldean clay was most admirably suited for tile making, and from the relics of the glazing that have come down to us we tnOW IBannBClirijttaivuniu "" u-wi. been roasters of the art The palaces of the Assyrians were almost universally built of Baton Pwgnyiruiis g "SV. , -Ty. LAKE DVVi.L,LlG. sun-burnt brick, with revetements or cov erings of hewn stone, and from the preser vation of the latter we learn considerable about their architecture. The private dwellings, however, were without this sub stantial veneer, and nothing but rubbish heaps mark their site. Theie is little temp tation for the antiquarian to poke around these mounds, when, by working at the old palace sites, he can possibly unearth a bit of sculptured revetement, rich with suggestions of past centuries. Modern Assyria, then, is a land of ruins and rub bish. From the brick heaps scattered gen erously about near and far the Assyrians of to-day have gathered the materials for their houses. The rounded and bruised corners of yellowish-red bricks attest their age, and the walls thus reconstructed are very picturesque in their roughness. Like the ancient piles, the houses rise to good height; there is the same lack of windows, and the entrance is very insignificent It is not an uncommon sight in the Assyria of to-day to see a projecting window over the highway after the fashion of our American bow win dows. Here the well-to-do Assyrian,with his curling hookah, reclines at his ease, and looks far up and down the 'street, or talks with the passing neighbors. Often houses are connected across the way. Again do we find the custom of building the house about a square interior court. The supper and the sleeping rooms are all open to the air, for in that climate there is little fear of cold, chilly winds. So hot does it olten get that many of the houses have subterranean rooms. BUILT ESPFCIALLTTO KEEP COOL IN. The furniture of an Assyrian house is simple. If a man is very well off he usually affords the luxury of a bed raised on four legs. The women are not regarded with much deference. The children generallv , sleep on a mattress together, while the ser vants have to be content with a simple mat. Comparatively nothing is known of the architecture of the early Persian dwelling. They were without doubt built of very per ishable material were simple and unosten tatious in design. Of the roval dwellings r we get some information. These were built upon a grand scaie. J. no pian was common ly oblong, with a square hall, the ceilings of which were upheld by columns. The back and sides of the hall led into apartments, and in this respect the dwellings were very similar to the better known Soman houses, A modern Persian village is a very cheerless place. The outside walls of the houses are grim and uninvit ing, they having no windows on the street side. They are mostly structures of unburnt brick, color of mud. The Per sian proprietor, however, is satisfied with decorating the inside walls, preferring to make himself at home rather than cater to the passer-by. He covers his sitting, or living room, with soft felting, dots the floor with great jars, big enough to play hide-and-seek in, filled with grain and peas. In one corner the silk quilts and the bedding are neatly tied, up In bundles ready for the night, while down from the ceiling hang herbs and spices and fruits. Here and there in the walls little alcoves are cut for the re ception ot preserves and dishes. At one end ot the room is a fireplace, but the most common heating apparatus is what is known luakorsee. XMsua shallow dish filled HETTSBIERG-, STJITDAT, JUNE 16, , 1889. with charcoal, over which is placed a wooden frame hood, two feet high, open at the sides. A quilt is then thrown over the whole, and the family get together in a cir cle and tuck their feet beneath the coverlid. Sometimes an unlucky individual rolls about in his sleep and gets his head under the quilt, and is pulled out dead in the morning. OBIEXTAIi ABCnlTECTTJBE. Let us turn now to the architecture of the far East One of the most striking of the exposition models is a tall, double-cupolaed Hindoo dwelling, whose lower story strongly utssyrian Dwelling, resembles the Egyptian. The approach is much more pretentious than the Assyrian, but there is the same piling up of stories. The distinctive feature, however, is the bal cony tiers and the curvilinear pitch roof. The modern Hindoo houses feel the in fluence'of this early style, for to-day we see the pillared verandas running up to the heightof three stories. The modern houses are built of brick, coated with cement, and in manycases are connected by long stretches of terraces, bounded by railings. Similar railings border the flat roofs, a favorite re sort in the warm evenings. The rooms are generally very nigh studded and supplied with a generous quantity of doors, many of the rooms having a door pierced in each wall. The Hindoos have a curious method of cooling their, rooms. Down from the ceiling and about seven feet from the floor hangs a broad belt of Dainted canvas called a pnnkah, with a rope aft tached to swing it by, A few nulls at this with the aid of the cross drafts from the four doors, sends a delightful breeze through the room. What paradise it would be lor the lazy Hindoo to lie on his divan and refresh himself with the cooling air from one of our wooden revolving fans. Hindoo furniture is heavy and richly carved, but what strikes the traveler as queer is that each piece is set perhaps a foot, from the wall. This is done to protect the lipids and necks of the family and their visitors from the attacks of in sects that drop from the pictures and the walls. In Benar s, one meets with verv high stone structures, sometimes built to the height of seven stories. A r ere is a very pretty model oftt Japanese j dwelling at "the Exposition. Everything connected with this unique race is interest ing. The houses are not of a substantial build, earthquakes and consequently fires are too common. Wood and a combination of clay and chopped straw with cement nmsh are the most common materials, very house is encircled by a balustraded veranda on to which all the rooms open, and in the better class of buildings a pretentious portico shades the doorway. The gardens that adorn every house are laid out witn Painful exactness. Mountains and rills, forests and fish ponds abound in miniature on? aoscaPe f extraordinary diversity. o ". are utlea UD scantilv within. Stnfied straw matting cover the floors, and here the Japanese squat and paint queer pictures or eat their rice. The vjilnnhi" "f Hindoo Dwelling the household, instead of adorning the house are stowed away in a separate fire proof building on the "grounds. This store room is covered with a coating of mud on the outside one foot thick, while the win dows are closed with metal shutters. To further provide against fire the Japanese keep a vessel full of liquid mud with which to plaster their treasure-house at any given moment The collection of models at the Exposition is very complete. Space does not allow to describe the Greek and the Boman, the Gothic and the Romanesque and thework of the renaissance. But with these the reader are familiar, for the continent is cov ered with their monuments, and every manual of architecture is -rich with their history. "I want 2,000 girls to pick straw berries," was an advertisement in a Cincinnati paper which sent about TOO girls on a wild-goose chase to the country. Someone had done it for a job on an old farmer. IBS Jsibnir-Cf wSBpMKbII H WPtflHiffltriiFf HClWaMM iMKWW EOF lTBfiliriii ' ' ' ''' - -IF G.W.CHILDS OMEANT Some Pleasant Recollections of the Great Commander. HE DID NOT WANT A THIRD TERM. AdTocatins the Appointment of the Electoral Commission. HE KETEE SAID OK DID A MEAN THING- Goorge W. Childs, in next month's Lip pincott's, will state his personal recollec tions of General Grant Among other ' things Mr. Childs says: General Grant was qot an ardent student. Early in life he was somewhat of a novel reader, but latterly he read history, biogra phy and travels. ' He was a careful reader, and remembered everything he read, but he had nothing which could be distinctly called cultivated literary taste. He was a great reader of newspapers. I remember once his coming to Long Branch when Gen eral Sherman's work had just been pub lished, and I asked him if he had read it He said: No, he had not had time io read it; and one of the persons present observed: "Why, General, you won't find much in it about yourself. He doesn't seem to think you were in the war." The General said: "I don't know; I have read some adverse criti cisms, but I am going to read it and judge for.mysell." After he had read over the book carefully and attentively, I asked him what he thought of it. "Well," he said, "it has done me full justice. It has given me more credit than I deserved. Any criticism I might make would be that I think he has not done justice to Logan, Blair and other volunteer generals. These men did their duty faithfully, and I never believe in im puting motives to people." While living in Long Branch there was hardly a Confederate officer that came to the place without visiting the General. He was always glad to see them, and with those men he invariably talked over the war. The General had a very high opinion of General Joe Johnston, and always spoke of him as being one of the very best of Southern Gen erals, and at one of my dinners I had the pleasure of getting Johnston, Grant and Sherman together. THE ELECTOEAL COMMISSION. General Grant was staying with me in Philadelphia during the canvass oi the election between Tilden and Hayes, and on the morning of the momentous day after the election, when the returns gave "Tilden a majority of all the electors, he accompanied me to my office. In a few moments an emi nent Bepublican Senator and one or two other leading Bepublicans walked in, and they went over the returns. These leaders, notwithstanding the returns, said. "Hayes is elected," an opinion in which the others coincided. General Grant listened to them, j du( said nothing. Alter they had settled the matter in their own minds, he said, "Gentlemen, it looks to me as if Mr. Tilden was elected." He afterward sent for me in Washington, and said, "This matter is very complicated, and the people will not be satisfied unless something is done in regard to it which will look like justice. Now," he continued, "I have spoken of an Electoral Commission, and the leaders of the party are opposed to it, which I am sorry to see. They say if an Electoral Commission is ap pointed jou might as well punt in Mr. TflaeaV r w5uTd sooner ffave Mr. Tilden than that the Bepublicans should have a President who could be stigmatized as a Iraud. If I were Mr. Hayes I would not have it unless it were settled in some way outside the Senate. This matter is opposed by the leading Bepublicans in the House and Senate and throughout the country." President Grant Invited the leading Be publican Senators to dine with him to meet me and to get their views. He said to me : "You see the feeling here. I find them almost universally opposed to anything like an Xiieciorai commission. J. named a leading Bemocrat in the House (Samuel J. Bandall), who was perhaps one of the most prominent men in the country, a man of great influence and of great integrity of character, whom it would be well for Gen eralGrant to see in the matter, and the sug gestion was acted on. I sent for Mr. Ban dall to come to the White House, and put the dilemma to him in President Grant's name as follows : "It is very hard for the President and. very embarrassine to men on his own side that this matter does not seem to find favor with them, besides having Democratic opposition. Bepublicans think you might as well count Tilden in, but, as the feeling throughout the country demands as honest a count of the vote as possible, this Electoral Commission ought to be ap pointed." PIGHTING FOE HIS PAETY. The answer at once was that the Demo crats would favor it, and it was through that gentleman and General Grant that the plan was carried through. There is another point of politics not generally known. During General Garfield's canvass Garfield became very much demoralized. Then fol lows a record of the part taken by Conkling, Bandall, General Patterson, etc., in the matter of the Electoral Commission, after which Mr. Childs remarks: He said that he thought that the Bepublicans would not carry Indiana, and he was doubtful if they would carry Ohio. During that emergency strong appeals t ere made to General Grant, and he at once threw himself into the beach. He saw his strong personal friends and told them they must help. There was one very strong man, a Senator, whom Gen eral'Grant sent for and told him that he must turn in, and, though he first declined, at General Grant's, urgent solicitation he entered the field and contributed handsome ly to the victory. General Grant went into the canvass with might and main. The tide was turned, and it was through General Grant's personal efforts, seconded by his strong personal friends, who did not feel any particular interest in Garfield's elec tion, that he was elected. As to General Grant's third term, he never by word or by letter ever suggested to anyone that he would like to be nominated for a third term. Neither Mr. Conkline nor General Logan nor Senator Cameron had any assurance from him in any way that he wished the nomination, and they proceeded in that fight without any author ity from him whatever. His heart was not on a third term at all. He had had enough of politics. After his second term he told me. "I feel like a boy out of school." At first General Grant intended to decline. In his conversation with me he said, "It is very difficult to decline a thing which has never been offered," and before he left this country for the West Indies, I said, "Gen eral, yon leave this matter in the hands of your friends." He knew I was opposed to a third term, and his political friends were in favor of it, not merely as friends, but be cause they thought he was the only man who could be elected. There is not a line of his in existence in which he expressed any desire to have that nomination. Toward the last, when the canvass became very hot, I suppose his natural feeling was that he should like to win. That was nat ural. But be never laid any plans. He never encouraged or abetted anything toward a third term movement He was very magnanimous to those who differed With him, and when I asked him what distressed him most in his political life, he said, "To be deceived by those I trusted." He had a gooda many distresses. TUB FATAL CANCEB. When attention was first directed to his disease he told me ho had a dryness in his throat and it seemed to trouble him and whenever he ate a peach, of which he was very fond, he always suffered pain. I said Dr. Da Costa, one-of the most eminent phy sicians in the couptry, was coming down to Long Branch to spend a few days with me. He was an old friend and would be glad to look into the matter. Dr. Da Costa, on ar riving, went over to the General's house, examined his throat carefully, gave a pre scription ana asKca tne uenerai woo nu lamiiy pnysician was. uenerai uram saia Dr. Eordyce Barker, and he was advised to see him at once. I could see that the Gen eral was suffering a good deal, though he was uncomplaining, and durinr the summer several times he asked me if I had seen Dr. Da Costa, and seemed to want to know ex actly what was the matter with him. Gen eral Grant, after he got worse, said to me: "I want to come to Philadelphia and stay a few days with you and have a talk with Dr. Da Costa." He was not afraid of the dis ease after he knew all about it, and the last time I saw him, just before he went to Mount McGregor, he said: "Now, Mr. Childs, I have been twice within half a minute of death, -I realize it fully, and my life was only preserved by the skill and at tention of mv Dhvsicians. I have told them the next time to let me go." The uenerai had great will power, ana the determination to finish his book kept him up. He quickly made up his mind that his disease would prove fatal, but he was resolute to live until his work was done. He said: "If I had been an ordinary man I would have been dead long ago." In good health General Grant would smoke a dozen very large, strong cigars a day; but he could stop smoking at any time. He told me' that toward the latter part of the summer of 1831 he was smoking fewer and milder cigars, perhaps two or three a day. In February of 1885 he ex pected to pay me a visit. He wrote saying: "The doctor Will not allow me to leave until the weather gets warmer. I am now quite well in every way, except a swelling of the tongue above the root, and the same thing in the tonsils just over it. It is very difficult for me to swallow enough to main tain my strength, and nothing gives me so much pain as to swallow water." I asked him about that and he said: "If you could .imagine what molten lead wonld be going down your throat, that is what I ieel when I am swallowing." In that letter he farther said: "I have not smoked a cigar since about the 20th of November; tor a day or two I felt as though I would like to smoke, bnt after that I never thought of It" HIS CLOSEST TBIEND. The man who was perhaps nearer to him than anyone in his Cabinet was Mr. Hamil ton Fish. He had the greatest regard lor the latter's judgment It was more than friendship: it was genuine affection be tween them, and General Grant always ap preciated Mr. Fish's staying in his Cabinet, as Mr. Fish, if he had been governed by his own feelings, would not have done so. I know it was General Grant's desire to have Mr. Fish as his successor to the Presidency. Apropos of the Indian matter, he told me that, as a young Lieutenant, he had been thrown among the Indians and had seen the unjust treatment they had received at the hands of the white men. He then made up his mind if he ever had any influence or power it should be exercised to try to ameliorate their condition, and the Indian Commission was his own idea. He wished to appoint the very best men in the United States. He selected William Welsh, Will iam E. Dodge, Felix Brunot, of Pittsburg; Colonel Bobert Campbell, of St. Louis, and George H. Stuart, ot Philadelphia. They were of the Indian Commission which he bad endeavored to establish, and they always could count upon him in. aiding them in every possible way. He took the greatest interest always in the commission, and never lost that interest. Even to his last moments he watched the progress of the matter, but it was a very difficult affair to handle at anytime, and then especially, as there was a great Indian ring to break up. He was of a very kindly nature, generous to a fault, I would often remonstrate with him, and say, "General, yon can't afford to do this," and I would try to keep people away from him. In the case of one sud scription, when they wanted him to con tribute to a certain matter which I did not think he was able to do, I wonld not let them go near him. Some injudicious per son went, and he subscribed $1,000. General Grant's home life, his veneration for his mother and family, his unjust treat ment by General Halleck, his lite at Long Branch, etc., are then related, and Mr. Childs, resuming, says: Once he had two cases of petition. He said, "I did a thing to-day that gave me a great pleasure. There was a poor Irish woman who had a boy in the army, and she came down from New York and spent all her money. She had lost several boys in the army, and this one she wished to get out of the service to help support her. I gave her an order and was very glad to do it," but he did not add that he gave her also some money. "In contrast to that there was a lady of a very distin- fuished family of New York, who came ere and wanted me to remove her son from Texas. He was an officer in the army, and I told her I could not do that. My rich petitioner then said, 'Well, could yon not remove his regiment?' This would have in volved a cost of 8100,000." General Grant didn't hesitate a moment to refuse a rich woman's unreasonable request, bnt it gave him pleasure to grant the petition of a poor Irish woman. KIND TO THE POOB. He was very kind to the poor, and in fact to everybody, especially to widows and children of army officers. I gave him the names of quite a number of army officers' sons for appointment in the navy or army. He said: "I am glad to have these. I like to appoint army and navy men's chil dren, because they have no political in fluence." One-tenth of his appointments were the children of deceased army or na val officers, yonng men without influence to get into West Point. There was hardly an army man, Confederate or Union, who was not a friend of General Grant. For Gen eral Sheridan he had an affectionate regard, and I have often heard him say that he thought Sheridan the greatest fighter that ever lived, and if there was another war he wonld be the leader. As to General Fijz-John Porter's case, I spoke to him during the early stages of it, at a time when his mind had been preju diced by some around bim, and when he was very busy. Afterward, when he looked into the matter, he said that he was only sorry that he had so long delayed making the examination he ought to have done. He felt that it ever a man had been treated badly Porter was. He had examined the case most carefully, gone over every detail, and he was perfectly well satisfied that Por ter was right He wanted to do everything in his power to have him righted, and his only regret was that he should have neg lected it so long and allowed Porter to rest under Injustice. There are few men who would take a back track, as General Grant did, so pub licly, so determinedly and so consistently right through I had several talks with him in regard to General Porter, and he was continually reiterating his regrets that he had not done justice to him when he had the opportunity. He ran counter to a great many of his political friends in this matter, hut his mind was absolutely clear. Not one man in a thousand would go back ou his record in such an affair, especially when he was not in accord with the Grand Armv or his strong political friends. Gen eral Grant went into the question most care fully, and his publications show how thoroughly he examined the subject, but he never wavered after his mind was set tled. Then he set to work to repair the in jury done -forter. It General Grant had had time to examine it while he was Presi dent he would have carried it through. That was his great regret. He felt that while he had power he could have passed it, and ought to have done it When General Grant took pains and time to look into the subject no amount of personal feeling or. menosnif ior others would feepumirom -'i.C doing the right thing. He could not be swerved from the right in any case. A PUES MAN. Another marked trait of his character was his purity in every way. I never heard him express an impure thought or make an in delicate illusion. There is nothing I ever heard him say that could not be repeated in the presence of women. He never used pro fane language. He was very temperate in eating and drinking. In his own family, unless guests were present, he seldom drank wine. If a man were brought np for an ap pointment, and it was shown that he was an Immoral man, he would not appoint him, no matter how great the '"pressure brought to bear by friends. General Grant wonld sit in my library with four or five others chatting freely, and doing perhaps two-thirds of the talking. Let a stranger enter whom he did not know, and he would say nothing more during that evening. That was one peculiarity ot his. He wouldn't talk to people unless he under stood them. At a dinner party among inti mate friends he would lead in the conversa tion, but any alien element would seal his tongue. This great shyness or reticence sometimes, pethaps, made him misunder stood. I never heard him say, nor did I ever know him to do, a mean thing. His entire truthfulness, his perfect honesty, were be yond question. I think of.him, now that he is dead, with ever-increasing admiration: I I can recall no instance of vanity, of bombast or self-laudatlon. He was one ot the great est, one of the most modest, of men. DIPOfiTANT PAPEES LOST. Some of the Cartons Legal SeaaoU to the Flood. There are other losses, difficulties and em barrassments beyond all yet Jndicatsd that may come in the wake of this deluge, says the Philadelphia Ledger. Great numbers of Important papers and documentary evi dence have been washed away and in part or wholly destroyed evidences of debts due or of credits claimed notes, bills, bonds, agreements, contracts, book accounts memoranda of work and labor done--and papers relating to all of the great variety of relations between debtor and creditor and employer and employed. It will require the highest exercise of honesty, eqnity and forbearance to bring justice and right out of the coil that might come from the loss of such a mass of papers. Fortunately, Johns town is not a county seat, or there might have to be added the destruction of court X MODEiar dockets, the records of deeds, wills, leases and other documents relating to the titles of real- property which would have caused enormous trouble. But the greatest ot all the embarrass ments yet to be mentioned that relating to the inheritance of real property growing out of the impossibility of proving the precise'moment of the death of any property owner, husband, wile, father, son, sister, brother, who was overwhelmed, and who perished in this cataclysm; the kin dred impossibility of proving which of sev eral direct or possible heirs, grantees, or de visees perished beiore the other: and the still further impossibility, in the instances of unrecovered or unrecognized dead, of prov ing even the fact of death itself. These un provable facts touch and affect the descent of property the inheritance of property and there must be a large number of in stances wherein such questions must arise, seeing that the major part of whole com munities, as well as whole families, have been destroyed hundreds, perhaps thou sands, at the same instant, so far as we can tell and other hundreds, and perhaps thousands, have gone out of human sight nobody can tell where. Only lawyers can fully understand what dlthcumes, whit long-continuea litigation and losses may arise from the uncertainty as to whether the father perished first or the child; whether the wife was the first to die or the husband; whether a brother or sister lived a moment longer than the father or mother; for upon such survivorship depends, in many instances, the direction that prop erty must take under our inter-State laws or in the execution of wills; for here all of a family, or all of, them, at least, who did Iierisb, went at one fell swoop, without eaving sign or trace as to the moment of the decease of anyone of them. And what an opportunity there is for pretenders and false claimants of kinship. THE C0C0ANUT CEAB. A Thief Whose Depredatlona Are Carried on In the Acalaliland Groves. Scientific American.! On the Agala Islands, in the Indian ocean, there is a very strange crab. He is known to science as the birgus Intro, or thief crab, and his depredations are carried on in the cocoanut groves, which abound on these islands. This crab grows to be 22 inches long, measuring from the tip of his tall to the end of the long claw, and resem bles in general appearance the hermit crab. The abdomen is fleshy and not cov ered with a shell, and in order to protect this it is the habit of the thief crab to take forcible possession of a shell of the Trochial family, in which it lives. It is nocturnal in its operations, and has the faculty of selecting the trees having the finest cocoanuts upon them. Climbing up the trunks, frequently for 25 feet, it reaches the limbs and severs the stems which attach the nuts to the branches. These are fre quently as thick as your three fingers and would reauire a strong knife. Havine .brought down the cocoanut, the crab now descends to the ground, digs a hole and rolls I the cocoanut into it. lie then commences to tear off the husks, fiber by fiber, until the nut is completely exposed, and then breaking in what is known as the eye be eats the meat completely out The fibers stripped off the cocoanut "by the crab will frequently fill a bushel basket, and they are gathered for making mattresses, and are also twisted into ropes. Cocoanut groves are cultivated by those who make a business of extracting the oil from the nuts, to be used for illuminating purposes, and the depredations ot the crab are of a very serious character, in many cases the efforts of the natives to extermin ate them proving fruitless. Out Hnntlna. Judge.! ' "My dear fellow, you can't imagine how I felt the first time I caughtsight of a squirrel area, live squirrel! My heart jumped into my throat WhatjoyI What emotion! I raised my gun to my shoulder, took aim and fired. The gun went off-all right" - 'Tesjlhopeyon didn't mus" .o-uu so uiu us squirrel. HOW DOTH THE BEE? Some Interesting Facts About the Bnsy Gatherer of Honey. A BATTLE BETWEEN TWO QUEENS. Winged Brigands Bobbing Each. Other'; Stores of Golden Dew. THE APIAEI'3 LIMITED 3I05ABCIT Lwsrrrzx job tub dispatch.! DID you ever stop to think when yon are tickling your palate with a morsel of honey, of the enormous amount of labor expended in fill ing thetiny cells that go to make up a comb of honey, of tho trips over hill and valley, clambering into blossoms and out again, toiling; with a persist ence and energy 1 1 fmtbat has through H a proverb? I spent a day not Ion; since on a bee farm or apiary in Lawrence county and there learned a great deal of these interesting creatures. While seated upon a bench under an apple tree I listened for hours to my friend the bee farmer telling of the wonderfnl ways of his pets. I observed quite a commotion among a number of the bees at the entrance to a hive, and in answer to my question, "What seems to be the trouble there?" my informant said: "Oh, they have got hold of a stranger there, and.as he is not loaded np they will not let him in, as they conclude he is a suspicious character. I tell yon bees APIABT. know more than men, at least than some men I know." At this little burst of enthusiasm I said nothing, and he continued: "If he was loaded they would let him in and deposit ' his load, and if he stayed all night he would be accepted as one of them. It is a young one and he has struck the wropghlve, a thing they seldom do, but if he stays all night he knows better than to go back home, as his own family would then have nothing to do with him." A ITKKVE TESTES. At this juncture one of them came buzzing nervously near, at which I became uneasy, but was told to keep quiet and not get scared, and it would not bother me. Then, as if for the express purpose of testing my nerves, the little fiend came buzzing right up to within six inches of my nose, where he poised himself on wing. Sum moning up my couraze I looked him steadily in the eye without flinching. "It is" just coming over to investigate. Keep cool and it will not sting yon," said the farmer. - My nerves were by this time at a pretty high tension, as I was expecting every mo ment to get it on the end of the nose, when it suddenly started off, much to my relief. "I have to be very careful when taking off honey," continued the farmer, "for, if I should let any drip on the grass, they would soon detect it, and quickly come to the con clusion that there were robbers in camp, and the only way to get even would be by re- IHetureaque Old-TasMoned Hive. taliation. Then comes a desperate attack on some weak hive, which, if they can over power, they will break open the comb and rob of its last drop. Sometimes, when a hive is weak and not able to protect itself, I take a quart or so of bees from some strong hive and put them in about dask. After staying in all night, they will fight lika fury for the very hive they Were trying to rob the day before. I tried SHTJTTEIO THE BOBBERS IIT Ktr Tmftint ft hiapa nf Tiri net flr tllft en. trance, but the rascals immediately began to hand the honey through the bars to their companions on the outside, so I had to double the net, putting it about an inch, apart, and then 1 outwittea tnem. J. nave to be very careful not to get robbing started, as it is "so contagious I can hardly get-it stopped." "When do they commence to swarm?" I asked. "Well, that denends on the weather. Bees like warm weather, and June and July are ,.1 the months when the most swarms come on; hut I have taken off swarms in April, which is not a common occurrence in this lati tude." "Is it not a .dangerous business to hive a swarm?" "Oh, no; not if yon understand working with bees. Ot course I use this veil. Ton see His fastened to the brim of my hat and I just tuck the ends under my coat collar and then they cannot get near my face or neck, although tbey sometimes strike against it in such numbers and with such force that it feels as though some one was throwing hahdfulsof gravel at me. I al ways wear this hat in case ot an emergency. The other day I was out here mowing clover hmmiMY4 miiraii HliVll7 Jlltn -Vivntl' illlll 'r'JIML'sdt witSZ3L swot x M - .