.t,'$r PITTSBURG DESPATCH, SUNDAY, JUNE 16,' 1889. 8 'jra3r I I H fe C THEYWILL CONTINUE. The Company Stores "Will Eemain in the EiTer Mines. THE WOEKMEN ASK FOE THEM. t)ne Establishment Which is Offered for Sale Very Cheap. THI! EOUj TUBNEES' scale settled There will not be much of a fight against company stores at the leading Hononga hela river coal works for the reason that the operators claim they are an advantage to the miners. Representatives of the two oldest coal firms in the city were seen yes terday by a DISPATCH representative. Cap tain L N. Bunton, of Joseph Walton & Co., in speaking on the subject, said: "Our stores are not 'pluck-me'.' They are a bless ing to the men. If we should abandon the stores at our works the other dealers would be able to 'pluck, as they wonld not then have any competition. As it is we buy for cash and sell at a close margin, thus compelling outside companies to charge reasonable rates for their goods. We do not compel our men to deal with us, but they prefer our goods and prices, and we conse quently have their trade. We do not issue any store orders. Our firm do not need any coal at present, bat we do need slack to fill our orders. The contracts for slack could be put off very easily, but we do not want to see our men starve, especially those who have families. They have the run of the stores, and on pay days THE DEBTS IKCUEEED by our employes are deducted from their pay. We started one of our mines two weeks ago, and, Jo show that the men were not 'plucked,' we paid out $2,000 in cash to 150 men to-day, alter deducting their store bills and rent for their bouses. Oar men are not objecting to our store; in fact, it is an accommodation to them. I do not mean to say there is no profit in the store, for there is, but it is not as large as it would be if we made it a 'pluck-me. "We informed our men to-day that we could not continue the 3-cent rete any longer as the mines in the Fourth pooiire running at 2 cents. When the apportionment was made several years ago it was arranged that the price for mining in the Fourth pool should be one-half cent less thau in the first three pools. We cannot compete with the operators up the riyer unless we pay 1 cerits for discing. The miners held a meet ing to-day and 1 understand they decided to accept our terms and one of the works will continue in operation." Everybody that has ever been engaced in the coal business or run on the river Knows Captain Simpson Horner, the oldest coal operator iu the Mononganela Valley. He engaged in business away back in the 40'& His opinion on company stores is therefore Worth something. He "said: ''For the first 0 or 30 years of our career in the coal busi ness we did not hare a store, and our miners came to us and said they must hare a store or secure employment elsewhere. Ave built a store that cost us $10,000 without the ground or stock, and if anybody wants it as it now stands, ground, stock and all, they can hare it for $10,000. We have made no profit of any con sequence out of the store. One of our last two-weeks' payB amounted to $10,000, and of this amount only $2,000 came out of the store, or 20 per cent of the pay roll. The profit on these goods was not more than 10 per cent. I do not see how our store can be called a 'pluck-me.' Another point, to show that our men ABE NOT COMrEIXED to deal at our store.is the iact that one man, during the last two weeks when our mine Vas running, only purchased a pipe at the store at a cost of 1 cent, and another ft plug of tobacco costing 5 cents." Several other river operators who were seen voiced the views bf those quoted above, but they admitted that some of the opera tors compelled their employes to deal at their stores, and charged them exorbitant prices for an inferior quality of goods. President Conway, of the Pittsburg dis trict of the National Progressive Union, said yesterday that fully one-half of the coal operators would assist the miners in their fight against the obnoxious store sys tem. To-morrow all miners will refuse to deal at the company stores, and if they are discharged a strike will be the result, and all the mines in the district will be closed. THE E0LL TURNERS' SCALE. It ! Finally Disposed of by the Amalitn mated Convention. The Amalgamated Association conven tion only held one session yesterday and ad journed until Monday. Most ot the time was occupied in discussing the roll turners' scale, and it was finally knocked out. The journeymen roll turners' scale of prices was adopted and will go into the (general scale. An invitation to attend the picnic for the benefit of the Glendon Lodge No. 62, com posed of Dilworth, Porter & Co. strikers, at Aliqnippa Grove yesterday, was ac cepted and many of the delegates went down in tne afternoon. The Iron Wage Committee held a confer ence at Amalgamated headquarters, which continued all afternoon and late in the evening. They were considering the re classification of sheet mill work. Will Ship Coke Enif. The opening of the railroads to the East will .let out all orders of coke for Eastern shipments that have been accumulating since the flood. Not a single orders ill be lost, as all the furnaces are running as usual. Some of the coke plants will be run full this week. Fine Oid Port Wines. Imperial S. O. P., Cabinet, 1810 $3 50 Imperial Oporto, 1828 3 00 Makenzie Oporto, 1832 2 SO Old London Dock 2 00 Burgundy 1 50 Cockburn's ., 100 Full quarts, ease or gallon. Wsi. J. Fbidat, 633 Smithfield street. TVTSu If you are seeking for a very fine im ported Cigar, ask to see the La Hatilde Brand. G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and D7 Fifth Ave. . THE BEST AIX.WOOr, JNQRAIN'S, Lowell and Hartford Make at 50 Cent Per Yard. We have a lot of iprine patterns of these goods in lengths of 15 to 25 yards, and will dispose of them at 50 cents per yard. They are worth 75 cents everywhere, and are really cheap at that figure. Fifty cents is our prioe. Come and look at them and you will be a purchaser. Edwabd Gboetzinoeb, 627 and 629 Penn avenue. California Wines. Old Sherry, full quarts .'. ,B0c Extra Old Sherry, full quarts 75c Old Port, fnll quarts, ,'.... .,.,.,..50a Extra Old Port, lull quarts.., 75c Riesling, full quarts 40c Angelica, full quarts 50c Muscatel, full quarts. , 50c Tokay, full quarts 50c For sale by G. W, Schmidt, Nos. 05 and 97 Fifth aye. WM.GEABOWSKY Straw Hat Bleacher. Over 200 styles of the latest and most at tractive designs in Ladies' Headgear can be made' in onr factory. The desljros are all new, and ire suited to all ae, from the pretty Firefly, Effie. Sadie and Neva, for children, the new English Flat Turbans and High Tapering Crown Hats for young ladies, to the comfortable Full Bonnets for older ladies. WKW ADTXRTISEMENTS, OUE SPECIALTY. Grabowsky's own make of Sailor Hats. Ele gant and inimitable. Ladies can have old fashioned Hats remodeled to look as good as new. AH our work is done in the best and most skillful manner. Onr patrons are always well satisfied. WM, GRABOWSKY, 707 Penn avenue, opp. Penn Building. je!6 Su Wirt1 POWDER Absolutely Pure This powder never vanes. A marvel of pur lty, strength and wholesomeness. More eco nomical than the ordinary kin ds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of ow est, short weight, alum or phosphate row ders. Sold only in cant. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO, 106 Wall St, N. Y. oc5-m46-HWTSU All American and European Patented Eye Glass and Spectacle frames, with Glasses of superior quality, perfectly adjusted to the sight. A complete stock of Optical and Mathematic al Instruments, Medical Batteries, Photo graphic Cameras. The largest and best assort ment of Artificial Eyes at KORNBLUM'S OPTICAL ESTABLISHMENT NO. 50 FIFTH AVENUE, NEABWOOD STREET. Telephone No. 1638. jelU-81 Finzer's Old Honesty. The Chewers of OLD HONESTY TOBACCO Will soon find that it lasts longer, tastes sweeter than other tobacco?, and will please you. Ask your dealer for it and insist on getting it Genuine has a red H tin tag on every plug. JJEW ADVERTISEMENTS, RUBEN'S UNPARALLELED OFFER, STRAW ' HATS At less than the cost of manufacture. $$e.-$ mh2-35-S3a 'jjjJBi ence Invited DO YOU INTEND TO BUILD? The Fittsburp Building Plan Co., Architects, 90 Fourth avenue, prepare plans and specifications and superintend erection of dwellings at lowest rates ' consistent with good service, Estimates guaranteed. Correspond-jel2-93-TTSu Irjsr 159 cases of l STRAW HATS will go this week -A.13 44o- ' 90 cases of 75c Straw Hats will go this week -A.tj 25c All Other Goods in Proportion, RUBEN, Tne Hatter and Eurnisner, 421 AND 423 SMITHFIELD ST. jelS-WFSa NEW ADVERTISEMENT fsftllfcST.t- -A..2KSMv - f PATENTS. X O. D. LEVIS, Solicitor of Patents, 1S1 Fifth avenne, above Smithfield, nextLeader office. (No delay,) Established 20 years, 602J-&W J. DIAMOND, Optician, 22 Sfcctli Street, Ittslurfir. Bpeotacles and Eyeglasses correctly adjusted to every defect of sight. Field and Opera Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Barometers, Thermometers, etc TIFICIAL eyes made to order fcTlfi warrant Art Alitrnva oti hnnrt a. large and complete stock. jaC-TTS3u xneh&y 'yziuv" HERBERT WALK. ER ARTIFICIAL EYE MAKER, 65 NINTH ST. ap21-SU fWESS SCOTT &KENMEG Manufacturers of Ornamental Iron Fencing, Railing and Creating. 84 SAMPSON 8T., ALLEGHENY, TA. SDecially Adapted for Cemetery Lots. Jel3Thsn EFFfP.TIMI &Z1?U MI W ' V F' B&TEHBriI LflLrf iEfi, bmpihg me jm m Mprfv ouiw BOv For Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Fain In the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness, and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costlveness, Scurvr. Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c THE FIRST DOSE WLLI. GIVE BELIEF TN TWENTY !S. Thislsnoncuoa. Every sufferer is earnestly invwea to try one will be acknowledged to be r Wonderful Medicine. "Worth a MINUTES. and the Scurry, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and aUNervous 'ax UK llhev wlllbeaeknowledaed to be a- Wonderful Medicine. "Yotw a euini BEECfTAM'S PILLS, taken as directed, will quickly restore female to complete health. For a WEAK STOMACH ; IMPAIRED DIGESTION; DISORDERED LIVER; one Box of these Fills. tea aDox. thev ACT LIKE MAGIC: enfng the muscular System; restoring ; few dotes will wort wonders ucon the Vital Orsrans. Strentrth- itorinsr Ions-lost Complexion! bringing back the keen edge of appetite, and arousing with the BOSEBUD OF HEALTH the whole physical energy of tha human frame. These are " facts " admitted by thousands. In all classes of society, and one of tha best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is that BEICHAH'S PILL3 HAVE IHK LA23I3I SALS W AST PiTEJIT IfSSICUrS IS THE WOELJ. Full directions with each Box. Prepared only by THOS. BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. Bold by Druggists generally. B. F. ALLEN & CO., 305 and 307 Canal St., New York. Sole Agents for the United States, tcfto (In quire first), if your druggist does not keep them, WILL MAIL BEECHAM'S PILLS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE, 25 CENTS A BOX. CLIPPINGS FROM HOUSEKEEPERS' GUI, JUNE NUMBER SUMMER LUNOHEg. Chipped-hecf,...., ,,..12 and 20c per can Corned peef..., ,12 amU8a per can Potted meats 1 comprising chlckeD, turkey, Deviled meats J-duck, ham.Iobster, tongue at Sandwich meats) 2a 2a, 80, and 35c per can Roast turkey and chicken SOuper can Boneless turkey and chick?q...,..,.0c per can launch tongue ,...,...30 and 35c per can Pickled Iambs tongue ...45c per jar Pickled lobster..., , 50c per jar Boneless pigsfeet , 30o per can Truffledliyer sausage,, ..,,..,..,,, ..65c per ean CMcken sausage..,,.,..,,..., 33c per can Viepna sausages , 15 and 23c per cap Imported Frankfort sausages ,7oopercan Fresh clams 10andl8opercan Imported sardines -. 14 and 20c per can Imported boneless sardines. large can 34c can Eresh salmon ,.,.17, 2Q, 2a. and 45 per can ouiceu saimon, large cans., ...oucpercan Pickled oysters..,.., 40 and 75c per jar COQJi DRINKS. Lemon juice.., 60c per bottle Frm syrupa (all kinds,... .25 and 60c per bottle Raspberry vinegar 25, 45 and 75 per bottle Ginger ale, imported,..,,...,, ..$1 00 per dozen Ginger ale, domestic 90c per dozen Silurian mineral spring ginger ale, qts. 52 75 per dozen Root beer extract,,,.,, ,... 25c per bottle Birch beer. ,..,..,.,.,.,,... ,?1 50 per dozen Grape sherbet.., 50c per bottle NEW ADVTKTISEMESTS, STJPEE3TITION8 BEGABDIHO BABIES. It is believed by many that if a child cries at its birth and lifts up only one hand, it is born to command. It is thought very unlucky not to weigh the baby before it is dressed, when first dressed the clothes should not be put oyer the head, but drawn on over the feet for luck, When first taken from the room in which it was born it-must be carried upstairs before going down, so that it will rise in the world. In any; case it must be carried upstairs or up the street, the first time it is taken out. It is also considered in England and Scotland un lucky to cut the baby's nails or hair before it is 12 months old. The saying: Born on Monday, fair in the face: Born on Tuesday, full of God's grace; Born on Wednesday, the best to be bad; Born on Thursday, merry and glad. Born on Friday, worthily given. Born on Saturday, work hard for a living. Born on Sunday, shall never know want, is known with various changes all over the Chris tian world; one deviation from the original makes Friday's child "free in giving." Thurs day has one very lucky hour just befoie tun r.se The child that is born on the Sabbath day Is bonpy and good and gay, While He who is born on New Sear's morn Will have his own way as sure as you're torn And He who is born on Easter morn Shall never know care, or want, or harm. For other notes of Interest send, for onr Housekeepers' Guide; mailed free to any address. mm I ) SELECT FAMILY GROCERS, 18 DIAMOND,' Market Square, PITTSBURG. JcD WHY THEY SUCCEED! When a mercantile louse succeeds n securing an enormous volume of busi ness In a comparatively few years, and. that in spite of a strong competition, it is proof positive that it is not tha result of accident or slipshod carelessness, but rather of careful planning and longheaded business policy. Such has been, in brief, the history ot PITTSBURG'S LEADING CREDIT FIRM,' HOPPEK BEOS. & CO. Many methods have been employed to secure the present position IjprSy us, and only a tew of them need be mentioned. To do so large a businsjjj Ve"mnst in tha first place have immense storerooms, which is the case at pr'e&ii occupy ing ten immense floors. The members of the firm all being practical mechanics, know good goods when they see them, and you may depend on it, that none other than the very best are purchased by us. Look over the line of inducements we are still offering Jane buyers. You cannot help but save money by dealing with us. Atrip ticket on such line of street cars as passes your home, and if sutsb a ticket cannot be secured by us why we give you a discount in proportion to it. Remember this is on all sales of $25 or over, whether on time or for cash, and to buyers within six miles of the city a monthly commutation ticket on the railroad yon patronize. Then on all sales uader $25 we give yon a discount of 10 per cent , pn time or 20 per cent for cash. Carpet buyers would do as well to purchase dur ing this month, as we make and lay all Carpets, FBEE OF CHARGE, Within six miles of the city; a monthly commutation ticket on the railroad you patronize. Then on all sales under $25 we give yon a discount of 10 per cent on time, aqd if yon pay cash, 20 per cent Carpet buyers would 'do well to purchase during this month, as we make and lay all carpets FREE OF CHARGE. Read oyer our immense line of goods, then come in and see the goods your self. We are sure to please you in BEDROOM -:- FURNITURE I We surely show a line that is unexcelled by any honse in the city. Newest styles and designs, best of workmanship and the lowest possible prices. In our Carpet Department We take especial pride in showing a stock that is complete in every detail. Mo quettes, Velvets, Body and Tapestry Brussels, in the greatest variety of patterns. Turcoman and Lace Curtains from 1 per pair and upward. On PARLOR -:- FURNITURE f We haye had au immense run this sprinsr, and have kept up with it nobly. On account of manufacturing all Parlor Goods OURSELVES, we possess facilities that no other house in the city can boast of, consequently, instead of having a cus tomer wait until the goods are shipped (sometimes three and four weeks), we can turn them out complete in a few days. BABY CARRIAGES! ICE CHESTS! REFRIGERATORS! A'n unlimited supply of these summer conveniences at prices lower than ever. Kemember our goods are thoroughly first class, our prices the lowest, and we will sell you either for CASH OR CBBDITI HOPPER BROS. & CO., PIONEERS OF LOW PRICES, 307 WOOD STREET. 307 PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO EVERY FLOOR, jelG-Sa BOW 'OW 'OW! SAYS THE BIO IDOGL .AJSTID O W 'OW sO W ! SAY ALL THE , LITTLE LOOS. w 4 1 t n v it A If 4 KAUF MANNS' FORCED SEASON SALE drew big crowds last week, buf it'll be nothing compared with the jams that'll be attracted To-morrow and Tuesday, when the lowest prices yet will be named. Head on: SPECIAL FOR TO-MORROW ch -j n M r A This is the price at which you can take choice To-morrow and Tuesday from the Men's fine Dress Suits, of which we sold plies last week at 14, and which have been reduced from $18, 20 and S22. But, don't stop here. There are plenty of other bargains. Mi's Fit Ms at 110 They are made from all-wool Cassimeres and Cheviots, in dark, medium and light patterns, and really worth 17. (HCA Cut Down iPl.JV, from $2.25 Just for two days (To-morrow and Tuesday) we will offer 600 pairs Ladies' fine Dongola Kid Shoes, in opera and com mon sense lasts, worked button holes, B, C, .D and E widths, and in sizes 2J& to 7, at $1 50. Truly, this price is less than the cost of making. $9 EH Cut Down PL.iIVi Wom$3.75 K Fine , $7.50 These are the qualities economical people dote upon. They wear well and are stylish. Other clothiers' price for them is $12. Men's M,$(50 They're no shoddy, but reliable materials, the regular price.of which is $. These Shoes come in extra fine" Curacoa) French and Don gola Kid, with plain or patent leather tips, all lengths and widths, and are positively guar anteed to be hand-turned. The Lady who wants a fine pair of Shoes should not neglect this sale. TiSiifir Coats, fests The season for their sale is very short this year, so we've put prices on them that'll move ' them out quickly. KXUFHANNS' are not only the Leading Clothiers of Pittsburg, but of America. Their methods are copied throughout the United States. No matter what they do; it is'taken up as the latest fad, and considered the correct thing everywhere. KAUFM ANNS' ! There is not a clothier in Pittsburg but who imitates theml They imitate their f advertising, their window dressing, and their original methods generally. KAUFMANNS' ! How rapid has been the growth of this great house! What a marvelous record! What a tremendous business they do! No wonder they're imitated everywhere. KAUFMANNS' ! Their advertising, handsome windows and other good methods have helped them, to be sure, but the great secret of their unique success is their vast variety, honest quality, and above all, their low prices. Their short-sighted imitators entirely overlook quality and price, and then wonder why they're left so far behind. After looking at the above picture to your heart's content, cast your eyes over the right and left hand columns. Note the bargains, and don't fail to be on hand early in the morning. This Forced Season Sale, owing to the remarkable varieties, qualities and prices, will undoubtedly prove the greatest and most successful that ever took place in Pittsburg. - , ' - "CPTP b Li' PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE" "TJTTZ) L, I U I JD. -XX Pi Pi JOHNSTOW.N FLOOD. -T? JrC Pi Pi What an excitement their free distribution created yesterday! Everybody wanted them. We will continue this week to present a complete" set, representing all the principal views, with every purchase of not less than 5. KAUFMANNS' FORGED SEASON SALE is a big success, because it is founded on truth and facts aot on fuss and feathers, which form the basis of similar sales that are now facing sprung forward by jealous imitators. 4 SPECIAL FOR TO-MORROW $4 NOW Last week we sold hundreds of our Boys' fine Short-Pant Suits at $$, and every purchaser ad mitted them to be the best bargains ever offered in the city. To-morrow and Tuesday you can take your choice at only $4. It isn't the slight est exaggeration to say that these suits are worth fro m $7 to $g. Our bargains in lower priced S uits also are worth coming for. We shall offer Boys' Short-Pant Suits $3 50, worth $5. Boys' Short-Pant Suits 83, worth U 25. Boys' Short-Pant Suits $2 50, worth $3 50. Boys' Short-Pant Suits $1 98, worth $3. Boys' Short-Pant Suits 1 39, worth $2 50. Boys' Short-Tant Suits 98c, worth $1 50, BOYS' FINES SUITS Q NOW Were Sold Last 00 11 UW, Week for $10. Other clothiers in this city ask from $12 to $15 for them. They're made of first-class materials, in light and medium patterns, and will just suit the stylish young inen, 14 to 19 years old. LOWER PRICED I0XG-PA5T SUITS at $7, worth $11; at $6, worth 10; at 5, worth $8; at $4, worth $j. LEAGUE BALLS AND BATS FREE. $1 WELL WORTH J $2 50. If you come to-morrow or Tuesday, you have your pick of over 2,000 light-colored Derbys for $1. They come in blacks, browns and fancy col ors; full shapes for elderly and middle aged men, and nobby turns for young men and fash ionable dressers. In fact they are choice and beautiful goods and are a royal bargain. But we will not sell one of them to dealers, as they'll be too tempt ing a feast for our regular pat rons. Now, don't wait till Wednesday, and say we didn't have them, and all that come to-morrow or Tuesday, and you're sure to get one. i KAUFMANNS 3 KAUFMANNS 5 FIFTH JL-VJEnSTJIl ' . -AND- ,