; ft NEW WAR SCARE AH Europe Greatly Excited by the Prospect of a Bloody Conflict. A MINE ALREADY PRIMED. Only the Match is Seeded to Embroil the Whole Continent kussia's rosmoN in the matter. Tlio Utile Balkan State Are the Main Cause of the Trouble The Cznr U Con stantly Endeavoring to Add to Ills Im mense Territories England Watching for nn Opportunity Gladstone's Great Work for the Causo of Home Rnle In Ireland Various Royal Follies The Minli's Visit. The periodical war scare is again affecting Europe This time, however, the situation seems more than usually belligerent. Only a little break is needed to send all of the nations flying at each others' throats. Rus sia seems to be back of the present disturb ance. Gladstone has been making a large number of speeches, and has aroused great enthusiasm for the Liberal cause. Great preparations are being made for the visit ol the Shah of Persia. PIT CABLE TO TOE DISrATCH.J Los-DOS', June 15 Copyright. A new war scare has been born this week, and just now it appears to be a remarkably fine healthy infant of its kind, but to me, despite its present vigor, the chances seem in favor of its dying youDg, like its predecessors. But at this mome it Europe is taking it very seriously indeed, and the war scare is the only talk. The Standard, which makes a specialty of alarmist news, is quite hysteri cal with worry, and the Daily Xevos and other papers follow suit, all in a very dole ful pessimistic tone. Russia has shown an unusually pro nounced desire to gobble up the little Balkan States which act as a buffer between Aus tria, Turkey and Russia, and hence the row. The Servian repents, instead of looking after the interests of their nominal master, King Alexander, Milan's little son, have been openly coquetting with their real mas ter, the Bussian bear, and listening favor ably to Bussian proposals for a military convention. A military convention in this case would mean military annexation of Servia by Bussia, the control of Servian troops by the Czir, the elevation to the Ser vian throne of Karageorgevich or the Prince of Montenegro, the deposition of the Abene vitch dynasty and a very uncomfortable state of things for others whose interests de mand Servia's independence. CAUSE OF THE TBOUBLE. Austria is the chief of these, and the alarmists are predicting that she will have to pick a row with Bussia directly, or march into Servia and thrash that little nation until she shall promise to remain neutral aud independent. It is, of course, no trick at all to prove how a little scrimmage down in the Balkan peninsula mustsetall Europe blazing. The demonstration has been made so often that it is now as simple as the rule of three. Austria alone can't stand her ground agt.inst Bussia, so Italy and Germany, as members of the triple alliance, must turn in and help Austria. Prance seeing Germany in trouble would vigorously remember 1870 and her missing territory, and we should eee bi? and little continental powers at it, hammer and tongs. The British Hon is meanwhile borrowing a leaf from the back of his friend, the jackal, and prowling about waiting to pick the bones of the vanquished. Beside this Balkan trouble there are others. Germany is bullying little Switzerland because she won't give up Socialists and other trouble some characters to be put away where they can't worry Bismarck, Bussia, fora wonder, agrees with Germany, and abuses Switzer land also because of her protection to the Xihilists, and the poor little hilly republic is so worried one would think it would feel inolined to retire to the top of Mont Blanc and pull up the ladder. THE SHAH'S WAENING. Tfio Shah, too, has had his lesson. After being fed and pampered in Russia he was dismissed with a stern warning to be care ful about showing too great friendliness to England, which seems to have made him thoughtful. That other semi-civilized high mightiness, the poor, sublime Turk, always comes in for his share of anything unpleasant. Row he is being worried and bullied, too, because he has not discharged his obligations toward Armenia, aud the fact that he is bankrupt and in trouble with his wives has stirred np so pity in the re lentless Bussian. "With all these complications on, and big armies everywhere waiting to fight, it seems as though the explosion ought to come some where soon, but somehow or other these things calm down, and perhaps this one will too. The most serious feature is the tre mendous effect which this scare has on European bourses,, an effect such as has not been produced by any of the many recent scares. All the markets of Europe are affected. Stocks are freely sold, and prices are rapidly shrinking. This proves that the money men of Europe, who possess a large per centage of Europe's brains, believe trouble is coming, and that after all the false cries of "wolt," the animal is here at last. BOYAL HOLIDAYS. As opposed to war rumors it may be said Herbert'Bismarck has gone for his holiday as usual, Emperor William is going to rest and fish on the Xorwcgian coast and the Danish King is making his usual yearly preparation to receive nis son-in-law, the Czar, with all his family. An individual made most decidedly uncomfortable by it oil is King Milan, who, tired of his divorce trouble, etc., resigned his job asking to escape public notice and be quiet Uow the opposition of the Regent is so potent that he dare not go back to Belgrade as he was about doing lrom a fear, which appears well founded, of imprisonment or assassination. The circulation of disquiet ing rumors is most industriously carried on, and even the official Berlin paper prints such rubbish as the tale about Russia having ordered 4,000,000 pairs ol boots to be ready in two months, an order, by the way, which all the boot factories in Europe could not fill. LIBERAL COKFIDEXCE. The Grand Old Man Aronscs a Great Deal of Enthnnlnsm. BT CABLE TO THE DISFATCn.1 London, June 15. Copyright, Mr. Gladstone has finished a week of traveling, speech making and general hard work, which, for a man who is 80 years old, about beats the record. The programme provided for only three or four speeches, and the Grand did Man made a round dozen. If they have not convinced Tories and Liberal Unionists, they have roused the Cornishmen to such a pitch of enthusiasm that the Gladstonians express confidence that at the next general election there will not be a single Torry or Mugwunip.seat left in the whole county. The Grand Old Man will now take a rest, and put in his appear ance at the House of Commons only when his presence is considered absolutely necessary qMjMMMWMaMMM,aJtMJfcag -sliMsMlsMsslssWsisttWsMHsTsis lixtrrii sffff rW ViJi ' a I tn&T''- -'Ai,a- A CHAMPION CBIMINALY His Career Will Uto In History as n Most Phenomenal One The Greatest Vil lains of Fiction Fnr surpassed Ills Fate Now Settled. ' CUT CABLE TO TUB DISrATClLT London, June 15. Copyright A Belgian murderer named Hoybs, now un dergoing trial at Chantilly, will .live in the annals of crime. Fourteen years ago he insured his wife for $12,000. A few weeks after she was killed by a horse's kick, Hoyos, said, but it was proved he had just previously bought a horseshoe and fastened it to the end of a mallet. He was a man of enormous physical strength, and there is little reason to doubt that he killed the woman with the strange weapon, but Hoyos was acquitted in the absence of actual proof. 2The following year he killed a Belgian judge, but again escaped punishment, owing to imperfect evidence. After a term of im prisonment for forgery he went to Prance, where for years he lived a mysterious life, constantly changing his name. In 18S5 he returned" to Belgium, was convicted of swindling and sent to prison for two years. At the expiration of this sentence he returned to Paris with a young lady whom he had persuaded to elope with him. He finally deserted the girl, became a land steward and was dismissed for at tempting to strangle a gamekeeper. Then he advertised himself as a childless widower, strong, handsome, amiable, well connected, having 150,000 Jrancs and seek ing youth, beauty and good means. Failing .to obtain a well-dowered brjde Hoyos resolved upon the crime for which he will jjrobably lose his head. He insured his life in various offices for a quarter of a million dollars, found a man naraedIouis Barron physically resembling himself, killed him and placed his body on a rail way line, where it was found mutilated beyond recognition. Jn the murdered man's pockets were various documents belonging to Hoyos and a will drawn up by the mur derer, "leaving everything to Louis Barron. The victim Mas buried as Hoyos, and then Hoyos, under the name of Barron, at tempted to collect the insurance money. Fortunately he did not prove as effectivean actor as a murderer, and suspicions having been aroused, Hoyos was arrested. PERSIA'S CUBIOSITY. Social Prepnrnlions Being Klado for the Visit of the Shah to London Ills Ab solute Power When at Homo A Chance for an Enter- . prising Burglar. IBY CHILE TO TUB DIPPATCn.1 London, June, 15. Copyright. The Shah of Persia is about to arrive here, being due July 1. Society women have already begun their innocent little intriguing with a view to securing him as a curiosity at their social functions, and the Government and private individuals are preparing amusements for him of every kind. The two stories told about him Are sufficiently remarkable to keep tbe papers busy for a long time. He is probably the best living type of the absolute boss, as we have been accustomed to him in the Arabian Nights. When he is at home he can cut off any body's head, change a prince into a beggar or a beggar into a prince, and his idea of luxury and disregard of expense may be gathered from the fact that the throne on which he sits is nearly altogether composed of precious stones, which are imbeded in it, to the value of about 530,000,000, a wonder ful opportunity, br the way, tor some tal ented American burglar to make himself rich at one blow and retire from business. Among the Shah's hosts while in Eng land, of whom I have mentioned several, must be included Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild, who will receive him at his country seat and at his house in Piccadilly. A GKAXD DUKE'S WEDDING. The Festivities Attending the Marc-lace of n Nephew of the Czar. ;BY CABLE TO TUB DISPATCH. London, June 15. The EmperorofRus sia's nephew, Grand Duke Paul, is to be married in St. Petersburg to Princess Alex andra, of Greece. In honor of the event there will be goings on here In London and all over Europe. Last night tbe young man entertained all the unmarried officers of his Hussar Regiment of Life Guards at a fare well bachelors' party which Russians call malchisni. The heir to the throne was there, and 70 gipsy men and women sang in the park, which was lighted w'ith electrici ty, and the affair seems to have been very successlul, especially as regards the amount drank by the loyal and enthusiastic officers. The Maharajah Holkar, who was here ior the jubilee, and as I informed you at the time, fell in love with a red-cheeked Brook lyn girl, giving her mauy costly shawls and jewels, is coming back to Europe again to see the Paris exhibition, and other Brooklyn girls will have a chance, hut it is to be hoped they won't be as ungrateful as the first wbo unkindly described her royal admirer as "such a nice man that it was a pity he should be colored." THE GREAT TDEP CASE. Lord Durham Will Not be Able to Make Ills Folnt Against Sir George Chetwrnd. BY CABLE TO THE DISFATCn.1 LONDON, June 15 The great turf case has been going on a whole week, and is likely to last a fortnight longer. The question to be settled, as you know, is whether or no Lord Durham was right in accusing Sir George Chetwynd of having his horse pulled and cheating on the tnrf in various ways. Thus far Chetwynd appears to be coming out ahead. He has proved a good witness in the box, and came up each day prepared with an apparently sound answer for all the questions put to him. He produced his betting and bankbooks in court, admitted that he made money out of the turf, actually got a fine income out of it, but thought that was no body's business. Sherrard, the trainer, had said that no one could teach Sir George anything about horses, and he appears to beright. There is very little doubt that Lord Durham has got right on his side, but there is very little doubt as to his being able to prove it. MRS. HATBRICK'S CASE. A Tarn In tho Trial That Is Favorable to the A censed rBV CABLE TO THE DIS'lICS,! London, June 15. Copyright The in vestigations in relation to the poisoning case in Liverpool, in which 'Mrs. Maybrick, an American, is charged with killing her hus band with small doses of arsenic, are this week favorable to. the accused woman. It is shown quite clearly that Mr. Maybrick at one time poisoned with arsenic several troublesome dogs in the neighborhood, which would show that he had arsenic about with him. A Liverpool druggist has admitted that he had made up doses of arsenic for Mr. Maybrick, sometimes 40 grains at a time. Mrs. Maybricfc's mother, the Baroness Boque, is working with wonderful energy on her daughter's behalf, and has aroused universal sympathy in her efforts to prove the accused woman's innocence. Trying to Recover Her Voice. IBY CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London, June 15. Copyright, Mad ame Estclle Gerster still cherishes a hope,' in which she is encouraged by experts, that she will recover the full use ot her voice, and she worksand practices as methodically as in the stirring days when she used to star in the United States. The famous baby has grown into a chubby little girl, who has already shown signs of possessing a voice worth training. The whole family are living a quiet, happy life in a villa near Bologna. THE LEPEESIN LONDON. An Attempt to Establish ay.MemorIaI to Father Damlca Meets With Decided Opposition The Need of Science A Distrusting Exhibition. rBY CABLE TO TUE DISrATCH.l LONDON, June 15. The latest scheme for honoring the memory of Father Damien is the establishment of a ward for leprous patients attached to one of the Lon don hospitals and named after the heroic priest. The scheme has aroused much opposition, especially among physi cians, who are busy proving in the newspa pers that its only e'ffect would be to attract a swarm of lepers to London. At present there "are only 20 known lepers in England, and these are isolated and will be cared for. Foreign lepers are told they had much better remain each in his own country, and the argument that the proposed ward would enable doctors to study the disease, is declared worthless, inasmuch as there are books from which students can learn all they can possibly require to know. A lot of learned men met the other night in the rooms of the Epidemiological Society here and gloated over a couple of lepers who had been induced to make an exhibition of themselves in the interest of science. One was a lady, whom the awful disease had made quite blind, and the other was an old man, who, to a casual observer, looked like any other old man, but he has already lost several fingers and is in a palsied con dition generally. The poor creatures were pulled about, their spittle examined under the microscope, while the learned ones talked in their hearing of the hopelessness of curing the disease. Altogether the ex hibition was not a pleasant one, and an at tempt to repeat it will evoke a decided pro test FINE SAMPLE HATS, Price SI 50, At J. G. Bennett & Co.'s, Corner Wood st. and Fifth avc. On Monday, the 17th, On Tuesday, the 18th, On "Wednesday, the 19th, On Thursday, the 20th, of this week, we will have exhibited in our windows a lot of fine sample derby hats in all the new shades, which we will sell at 51 50 each, worth from $3 to 55. Don't miss these bargains. Only four days. J. G. Bennett & Co. Cash, The great magnet that can do wonders at Jacksons'. Extraordinaryreductions. Mark down in every department. Suits of fine all-wool cheviot, cassimere, worsteds, now marked down to 58, 510, 512, worth double the amount. See these bargains; it will pav you; odd pants for ordinary wear, war ranted not to rip, at 51 50, worth double. Men's fine dress pants at 52, 52 50 and 53, only equaled by custom tailors. Visit our hat department for nobby styles. Stiff and soft hats marked down to the lowest notch. We don't intend to make reductions at the end of the season. Now is the time to give buyers the benefit. JACKSONS', Clothiers. Tailors, Hatters and Furnishers, 954 and 956 Liberty street. Star Corner. A Serious Mistake. Having made a serious mistake in filling my establishment with fine goods exclu sively and seeing the necessity of carrying a more popular line, I have decided to close out my entire stock of ladies' fine furnish ing goods at about half price. This places them within the reach of all and gives bar gain seekers an opportunity of securing much finer goods at lower prices of inferior goods. All our 75c muslin underwear reduced to 50c. All our 51 muslin underwear reduced to 75c. All our 51.25 muslin underwear reduced to 51. Silk hosiery, silk underwear and all high, novelties at half price. We still have some of those dollar kid gloves and dollar corsets that we are selling at CO cts. Store open Saturday night F. SchoenxhaIj, 612 Penn ave. The Horror of tbe Keystone State. The most correct and finest finished photo graphs of the principal views of the great Johnstown flood are contained in the set presented with every purchase of not less than 55 at Kaufmanns' this week. FINE SAMPLE HATS. Price SI 50, At J. G. Bennett & Co.'s, Corner Wood st, and Fifth ave. On Monday, the 17th, On Tuesday, the 18th, On Wednesday, the 19th, On Thursday, the 20th, of this week, we will have exhibited in our windows a lot of fine sample derby hats in all the new shades, whjch we will sell at 51 50 each, worth from 53 to $5. Don't miss these bargains. Only lour days. J. G. Bennett & Co. America's greatest calamity the Johns town flood. A complete set of large and excellent photographic views of the disaster given free of charge with every purohase of 55 worth (or more) at Kaufmanns' this week. Turners' Excursion to Cincinnati Tin B. & O. R. R. Tickets will be sold on June 20 and 21 at extremely low rate for the round trip, good to return until June 27, inclusive. Trains leave Pittsburg at 6:45 A. M. and 8:30 P. 11. On Friday, June 21, special train will leave Baltimore and Ohio Railroad depot 10 p. M., conveying all the Turners of Pitts burg and vicinity. Ameeica's greatest calamity the Johns town flood. A complete set of large and excellent photographic views of the disaster given free of charge with every purchase of $5 wortn (or more; at iLautnianns this week. Excursion to Johnstown. To accommodate those who desire to view the ruins at Johnstown, the B. & O. R. R. Co. will run a special train on Tuesday, June 18, leaving Pittsburg at 7 A. M., stop ping at Hazelwood, Glenwood, Braddock, McKeesport, West Newton and Connelis ville, arriving at Johnstown at 1220 noon and leave Johnstown on return trip at 5 r, M. The rate from Pittsburg and all points named above will be 52.35 for the round trip. Those who desire to go on this excursion should provide themselves with lunch baskets, as provisions cannot be procured at Johnstown. The Horror of the Keystone State. The most correct and finest finished photo graphs ot the principal views of the great Johnstown flood are contained in the set presented with every purchase of not less than 55 at Kaufmanns' this week. French Robes The remaining stock of our handsome French robes again reduced in prices to close quickly. MWFSU HlGTJS & HACKE. Asiekica's greatest calamity the Johns town flood. A complete set of large and excellent photographic views of the disaster given free of charge with.every purchase of 55 worth (or more) at Kaufmanns' this week. Mother, Keep Thia Great Fact In Mind- No house can, by any possibility, under sell Gnsky's on boys' clothing unless they sell at far below cost, and this is not likely except in the newspaper advertisements. Our great sale now on should be visited by every parent in town. The Horror of ibe Keystone Slate. Tbe most correct and finest finished photo graphs of the principal views of the great Johnstown flood are contained in the set presented with every purchase of not leu than 55 at Kaufmanns' this week. PITTSBTJBG. .DISPATCH, HOWTHEYWILLYOTE Ten Thousand Philadelphia Working Men Declare Their Sentiments ON THE PROHIBITION QUESTION. Sixty Per Cent of the Entire Number Posi- tively Affirm That THET WILL OPPOSE THE AMENDMENT. Sewspaper Estimates That Indicate a Big Majority for the L'quor lien. A systematic canvass, made among 10,144 workingmen ot Philadelphia, illustrates in a striking manner the popular sentiment on the amendment question. Sixty per cent of the voters polled are against prohibition, 20 per cent favor it, 6 per cent are donbtful, and 5 per cent will not vote at all. Basing its calculations on reports received from all parts of the State, the Record estimates 91,325 majority against the amendment. rFKOM A STAFF CORBEBrONDEOT. 3 Philadelphia, June 15. During the past week the Record has made a careful poll of the voters in many of the large in dustrial establishments of the city on tbe prohibition amendment, and to-day it gives the result of its work to its readers. Ten thousand one hundred and forty-four voters were polled by the Record reporters. OI that number 2,034 declared in favor of the amendment, 6,966 said they would vote against it, 619 are doubtful and 544 will not vote. The poll has been conducted will great care, and only those who are entitled to vote are included in the tables which follow. Another excellent feature of the poll is that it covers a very wide range. It takes in steel workers, iron workers, carpet weavers, cigar makers, car drivers and conductors, rope makers, boot and shoe makers, sugar refiners, clerks and salesmen in wholesale houses, and the workers in many other industries and branches of trade. It is without doubt the best indication of the sentiment existing among the people upon the prohibition question. HOW WOBKERS WILL VOTE. Here is a table which workers in the different upon the amendment: For. Iron and steel workers.... 493 bhlp builders 235 Cljrannakers 87 Passenger railway em ployes 126 Employes of wholesale houses on Market street. 15S Carpet manufacturers..... 147 Kopemafccrs 244 Hat and cap makers 215 Morocco wurkers and tan ners 30 Sugar refiners 13 Paint and chemical work ers 31 Hoot and shoemakers 97 a ex tile workers 50 Dyers 9 "Window sash and door makers 34 Car builders 10 Cordmakcrs IS Wagonmakers 20 Typefounders IS shows how the industries stand Doubt- "Won't Agn'st. ful. Vote. ! 1,43 174 142 811 82 273 7S7 41 25 ! 711 29 8. I 608 2 0 605 72 23 373 13 23 245 40 0 I 225 15 0 203 0 0 213 10 6 382 35 20 134 19 0 99 10 0 63 20 6 I 75 27 8 I 51 19 0 55 U 0 13 8 0 Whole number polled. ..2,034 6,6 819 544 This shows that 60 per cent of the work ingmen polled are against prohibition, 20 per cent are for the amendment, 6 per cent are doubtful, and 5 per cent will not vote at all. If this ratio were to hold good on elec tion day, and 100,000 votes are polled in this city, the majority against the amendment would be 49,000." Giving the Prohibition ists the benefit of all the doubtful voters and those who sav they will stay at home, the majority would still be 33,000 out of 100,000 votes. There were SOME STRIKING FEATURES in connectionwith the canvass. Perhaps the most striking of all was the remarkable unanimity with which foreign-born citizens announced their opposition to prohibition. It was the exception to find a man who had come from a foreign country favor the amendment Perhaps 2,000 of the 10,000 men polled are naturalized citizens, and not more than 40 of the 2,000 said they would vote for prohibition. Another singular fea ture was the great number of temperance men, or rather teetotalers, who asserted that they did not believe in prohibition and would not, therefore, vote for the amend ment. "I don't drink a drop myself never did; yet I don't believe in prohibition," is an expression that the reporters who made the canvass heard very often during the week. These men say they do not think prohibi tion will prohibit, and if the amendment were adopted they THINK MATTEBS WOULD BE WORSE than at present. They also hold that it would be interfering with the liberties of their fellow-men to deprive them of their drink. That is how the teetotalers in the mills and factories look at the question. On the other hand, there were a great many men who make a practice of drink ing' some who neglect their work on account of drink, who asserted that they in tended to vote for prohibition as the easiest way of putting temptation out of their way. The great majority of those for and of those against the amendment are, however, men who are sincerely for prohibition and men who like to take a drink when they feel like it. In going through the rolling mills and dye works it was a noticeable fact that the men who worked close to fires and over steaming vats are solidly against prohibi tion. ''Any man who works as we do needs a little stimulant now and then," was a common expression. The men who favored prohibition about these places, as a rnle, were macninisps or carpenters. estimates carefully made. In order to make this poll as valuable as possible the leading business places in the city were selected. The proprietors of sev eral large establishments said their rules woiild not permit a poll of the employes during working hours. They said a stranger going through the works was sure to create confusion, and they had a cast-iron ruie mat no one should do this for any purpose. Among the firms who have this rule ere Thomas Dolau & Co., Allison Manufacturing Company, Baldwin Locomotive Works, William Sellers Com pany, James & George Bromley, Harrison, Frazier & Co., Powers & Weightman, Quaker City Dye Works, Isaac Sheppard & Son and James Kitchenman. Several of 'the proprietors made their own canvasses, and in one or two instances estimates were made by the superintendent. The poll of John T. Bayley & Co.'s works was made by the superintendent of the works, while John B. Stetson's superintend ent made the estimate for his works. Simpson. AS TO THE STATE. An Estimate Based on Reports From Nearly Every .County Shows a Probable Majority of 91,333 Acalast Prohibition The Phila delphia Record's Figures. trEOM A STAFF COBBESPONDEST. Philadelphia, June 15. The Record to-morrow morning will print the estimates of a large number of correspondents -and newspaper editors in all parts of the Stale' as to the probable outcome of the prohibition election in their respective counties. Several strong prohibition coun ties, such as, Warren, McKean, Susque hanna and Tioga, failed to respond but their majorities would have no effect toward overcoming the State's majority against the amendment. Cameron, Center, Clarion, -Clearfield, Clinton, Montour. Potter and Sullivan have not been heard SUNDAY,' JUNE 16, from. Some of these will vote against pro hibition, and thereby nearly counterbalance the prohibition counties not heard from. It will be noticed that prohibition is strongest in the western counties, and in the northern tier, east of the Susquehanna, and in the southern counties, the sentiment against prohibition is strong. In the center of the State there is much diversity of opin ion, and the result will be nearly a draw. In the table that follows every effort has been made to have the estimate correct, so far as it goes: . .County. v For. Against. Adams Allegheny. 10,000 Armstrong 300 Heaver 2,000 Bedford 200 Berks 15.000 Blair 1,800 Bradford 2,400 Bncks Butler 2,000 Cambria 1,000 Carbon , 1,500 Chester 2,000 Columbia 5,500 Crawford 1,500 Cumberland 200 Dauphin 1,500 Delaware 800 Elk 600 Erie..... 1,000 Fayette Forest 200 Franklin 600 Fnlton 300 Greene 500 Huntingdon 200 Indiana 2,000 Jefferson 1,200 Juniata 100 Lackawanna 1,200 Lancaster 7,500 Lawrence 2,000 Lebanon 3,125 Lehigh 3,500 Luzerne 4,000 ivcomlng BT0 Mercer 2.000 Mifflin 500 Monroe 800 Montgomery Northampton .... Northumberland Perry Philadelphia Pike..... Schuylkill Snyder bomcrset Union Venango Washington Wayne , Westmoreland ... Wyoming York....?. 3,000 4,500 500 "60'666 400 3,000 600 150 300 800 2,000 COO 400 250 300 Totals 28,600 117,925' Majority against prohibition, 91,325. Simpson.. BLAINE'S YICT.0EY. The Successful Conclusion of tho Samoan Treaty Was Dao to His Bold Stand . The Status of America and Samoa Under tho New Agreement. (SPECIAL TELZQBAM TO TUX DISFATCB.I Washington, June 15. Altbongh the text of the Berlin compact, now on its way to Washington in the custody of Mr. Phelps, is not yet published, its basis has evidently been allowed to become known as if to ascertain the popnlar opinion upon it. Alike in Germany, England and the United States, this opinion shows that our country has achieved a great success. This result is more due to the firm and inexorable attitude of Mr. Blaine than to, any political leanings 'of England toward tbe power which it is her highest aim to conciliate. The Germans, accustomed to the Chancellor's autocratic control of their foreign policy already console themselves with the assumption that a settlement of the diplomatic controversy, even at a loss, will yet leave them free to further augment the commercial preponderance which they un questionably now have at Samoa. The main feature secured by our com missioners in the new plan for governing Samoa is a recognition of the, independence of the Samoan nation. This recognition Mr. Bayard, had unsuccessfully sought to ob tain in the Washington conference of 1887, as his letter of January 17 followinz to Minis ter Pendleton shows. Hisprececessorsin'the State Department had always insisted upon Samoan autonomy, and Mr. Cleveland's administration had received that policy by inheriteuce. But the German representa tion in the conference insisted that Germany should have sole control of Samoa on ac count of -the weakness of the native Gov ernment. N The" present, recognition of' the right of the natives to antonomy with the free choice of their King and Vice King, must therefore be considered the main fruit of the Berlin conference. The report of the Ger man special commission Mr. Travers made to Prince Bismarck December 8, 1886, had insisted that the govern ment of the country must be placed in the hands of but one of tbe treaty powers, by the consent of the others, and that Germany must be that power. America and Ger many will now stand on a level, while'JEn gland will act as arbitrator in case of dis agreement or give the casting vote. QUAY COULDN'T GET AWATt. The Bnsy Chnlrman Kept In Washington Until tho President Returns. ISFECIAI. TE1EORAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Washington, June 15. Senator Quay did not succeed in getting ready for his de parture this evening, as was expected. The exodus of President and Cabinet officers prevented him from attending to many matters which he had left unfinished. .The President and Secretaries Blaine and Win dom started early for their sail down the river to salt water in Editor Singerly's steam yacht , Restless, and will not return till Monday. Mr. Wanamaker left last evening for New York and will return Mon day. As Mr. Quay desires to see all of these gentlemen before leaving, he is forced to re main until Monday evening, when he will go direct to Beaver. Chairman Andrews, of the Republican State Committee, spent a considerable por tion of the day in company with Senator Quay, and toeether they visited a number of minor officials of the departments, but nothing more was accomplished than a further discussion of a number of applica tions for office. Chairman Andrews left for home this evening,and the Senator indulged in a drive. STEIKEES.BEIKG SUIT Against a Railroad for Alleged Violation of Contracts. SPECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH. Phillipsbttrg, June 15. Sixly-three suits will be entered against the Beech Creek Bailroad, Monday, for work done on the flooded parts of the line between " Phil lipsburg and Snowshoe. The men claim they were 'promised 15 cents an hour, and to-day, discovering that they were being allowed only 12 cents, demanded their state ments in accordance with the contract. The demand being refused counsel was engaged to prosecute their claims. It is possible the trouble will extend to other portions of the road. CHARGED WITH ARSON. Joseph Bane, of Clmrtlers Borough, Placed In Jail for n Hcnrlog. Joseph Bane was sent to jail in default of $2,000 bail, by Alderman McMasters yester day, on a charge of arson, County Detective Langhorst being the prosecutor. The charge is based on information received. The indictment alleges that Bane insured in the Germania Fire Insurance Company, of New York, a two-story frame dwelling for 51,000 in policy 26,411. The house was located on Main street, Chartiers borough. The policy was to run for three years, from June 13, 1888. Fourth Death From tbe Bcflnery Fire. James Kirkpatrick, manager of the Bear Creek oil refinery, died at his residence at Oakmont Station yesterday morning from injures received in the explosion on Thurs day. This is the fourth death resulting from the accident Fine Suitings and Trouserings. The largest assortment of fashionable goods at Pitcairn's, 434 Wood street. L889. NEARLY CLEANED UP. One of Johnstown's Boroughs Assum ing Its Normal Appearance. THE WORK' DONE IN KERNVILLE. In a Few Weeks Everything There Will be in Excellent Shape. ETEET PLACE K0W EASIflT ACCESSIBLE The Wants cf the People Well looked After by the Belief Committee. One thousand men under the State con tractors have succeeded in making Kernville look quite presentable.- Nearly all traces of the overflow have been removed in a great portion of the plate. Three thousand three bundred people are fed every day by tbe Belief Committee, but there is always enough on hand to go around. (FROM A STAFF COBBESPOXPEXT.l Kebnville, June 15. This borough of Johnstown is rising up out of the debris as fast as the united efforts of 1,000 men under the State contractors can clear away the wreck. Clean streets and repaired houses here and there show the rapid progress made in the past week, bnt it will take some time before the town will look anything like it did before the flood. Prom the upper part, called Grubbtown, to South street, nearly all traces of the overflowhave been removed, and every place is easily accessible, but below that section the streets are impass able. The heavy rains of the past two days have played sad havoc with some of the thoroughfares, and turned the huge piles of dirt, bricks and stones into pools of slush knee deep. A Few Weeks More to Work, Colonel Douglass, chief engineer, speak ing to-day of the work going on in Kern ville under his direction, said: "All ave nues of communication willbe opened about Wednesday, and in a few weeks everything will "be in good shape for the residents to get about with ease and comfort. The probable cost, in my estimation, will be in the neighborhood of $2,000. The dynamite discharges at the stone bridge are shaking up things, and caused one house which had been condemned to crash to the ground. Minor wrecks from similar causes are reported, but none are of a serious nature. Corpses are hauled out ot the mass oi fallen buildings every day, and up to date 124 bodies have been taken to the morgne at the corner of South and Napoleon streets. Some were claimed by relatives and friends, while the unknown are in terred at Prospect Hill. William Park and tamily ot five were all found in the ruins of Swank. Son & Co.'s large brick hardware building, which was carried by the flood from the corner of Main and Bed ford streets, in Johnstown, to Kernville, a distance of three-quarters of a mile.' Wants of the People Relieved. The wants of the people are well looked after by the Belief Committee at the com missary on Napoleon street. The attendants are kept busy supplying 3,300 people daily WILll pruvimuus, uuii Lucy nave tt uucrtii stock to draw from, and there is no dearth of any goods. The department will close on Sunday, and no distributions will be made until Monday. Admirable care has been taken oi the sick, and the Bed Cross Society is doing noble work in its tents, pitched at the top of the hill. Patients are brought on the pleasant heights to prevent the spread of the con tagious diseases treated by the Bed Cross physicians. The number of cases is happily decreasing, and the past week only three diphtheria and one measles patient havebeen treated, and they are-all reported to be on the fair road to recovery. There is no dan ger of an epidemic and the fears of the peo ple are set at rest. This morning Drs. Bacon, W. C. Lott, James Mitchell and two nurses, all of Philadelphia, arrived in Kern ville to relieve the other Philadelphia corps. BAHMEE. THE PRESIDENT'S CONTRIBUTION. Ho Tarns Over His 9300 to the Washing-ton City Committee. Washington, Jnne 15. The total of contributions for the flood sufferers by the citizens of Washington reaches $52,000. Mr. E. Knrtz Johnson, Treasurer of the Citizens' Belief Committee has received the following communication: ExEOUTrvn Mansion, ) . June 14, 1889. J My Dear Mr. Johnson : The President directs me to Inclose you his check for SSOO, payable to your order, for the relief ot the Johnstown sufferers. Yon will re member that on Saturday morning following the announcement of the terrible calamity, lie telegraphed Governor Heaver author izing the Mayor of Johnstown to draw on him for this amount, thinking thereby to expeaite the immediate re lief which would be necessary. Up to the pres ent time no draft has been made, and there fore he takes the liberty of making tbe contri bution through you to the Washington fund. If any draft should he made upon him from Pennsylvania he will advise you of it Very truly yours, F. w. Hal-ford. Private Secretary. This contribution from the President has been credited on the books of tbe Belief Committee to "President Harrison, Chair man of the Belief Committee." A cablegram from Dnblin says that tbe Lord Mayor to-day remitted to America an other 1,000 for the benefit of the Johnstown sufferers. WATER RUNNING TO WASTE. Street Mains That Wero Broken Now Being; Hapldly Repaired. 1FBOM A STAFF COBBESPOSDEKT. 1 Johnstown, June 15. Street mains and pipes were terribly torn and twisted by the terrific force of the flood and the water has been escaping in torrents from the openings every day. Superintendent of Water Works Williams djrected his attention to the matter to-day and made a personal in spection of the condition of the pipes. A force of over 300 men was employed to repair all the breaks and stop the wasteful flow of water. By plugging the openings the water will be forced back, the pressure causing a greater flow from the mountain mains. Bahmee. EECOVEEED AND IDENTIFIED. Five Bodies Received at One Johnstown Morsne Yesterday. IFBOU A STAFF COItliESrOXDENT. J Johnstow'n, June 15. More and more bloated and decomposed bodies are recov ered from the wreck of fallen buildings in Johnstown. To-day five corpses were taken to the Pourth ward schoolhouse morgue. Despite the fact that they were in an ad vanced state of decomposition, some were recognized by friends and relatives, while others were identified by articles on their persons. This is the list of the dead: 292, Georee Bapp, 2 years; 233, Charles B. De wald. of Philadelphia; 291, Mrs. Anna Dia mond; 295, Mrs. Henry Vierlng, who was er roneonsly reported to havo been found at Nineveh: 206. Herman Vierlng, 1 year; 297, Henry Ylering, It years. Bahjiek. Doing a Koble Work. Johnstown, June 15. Sadie C. Lad- ington, of Rochester, N. Y., arrived this evening in behalf of the Bed Cross Society. That organization.!? doing noble work here. TueNnmber of Bodies Becovcred. Johnstown, June 15. Prom the most authentic records obtainable, the number of bodies recovered so far is 1,533. ITonrteen bodies were taken out to-day, MBsDEVOBE'SSIDE. Whnt noSnys About tbe Reports of Trouble Among the Undertakers nt Johnstown Some Allegations Denied. In answer to the stories published about the trouble between undertakers in Johns tomn, Mr. William H. Devore tells an un varnished tale as follows: "When we started to Johnstown there were between 20 and 30 of us. We had a car to ourselves in order to consult. I was made chairman, and we decided to form our forces into squads. Before we reached Nineveh we intended to leave some of our force, but vre got a telegram stating that there were enough undertakers there, and so we all went to Johnstown. . "When we got there we found men at work doing as well as they knew how. They relinqnished the work, glad to get rid of it. They had some bodies lying on a platform, and two loads had been hauled away. I suggested to the man in charge that his men had better let the matter alone, as they were not working on system. He said 'AH right,' We went to work, and after some time the inquiry was made as to wbo was in charge. I told the questioner there was no one in particular, but all doing the best they could. He asked me my name and wrote it down, and then went to General Hastings and asked how it would do to put Devore in charge. General Hastings replied that it would be all right and then Dr. Lee gave me a certificate of authority and requested that there beno profanityinthe undertakers' .department. Dictator Scott indorsed It and gave me full charge of the morgue at the Pennsylvania Bailroad depot. "I then appointed assistants, Mr. Kittle, burg, of Altoona, and William M. Daily of Philadelphia. Passenger Agent Watt furnished safes in which all the valuables found on the bodies were placed. As soon as the bodies were prepared they were sent to Prospect Schoolhouse for identification. "Everything seemed serene until some men came from Pittsburg and said that they were sent as assistants. Two-thirds of them were under the influence of liquor. When they asked for quarters I referred them to a freight car, as our own men were short of accommodations. I went to see General Hastings, and when I returned I found the new men .where mine sbonld have been. "I asked them, to go; but it required the Johnstown Chief of. Police and Pittsburg officers to expel them. The first trouble was just before Mr. Plannery went away on Friday evening. A man came to the morgue and said that Mr. Plannery was taking some ofthetaen home with him. I asked Mr. Plannery about it and he asked me for my authority. I looked for the man, but could not find him. I met the man soon after, and he gave me a paper signed J. L. Green, Kittanning. which said that Mr.' Flannery had ordered some undertakers to quit. Dr. Jessup and others signed the notice. "The conduct of some of the men who claimed to be embalmers was simply hor rible, some being drunk and using pro fanity. I got $245 from a corpse. The money was turned over to Mr. Scott, ana I have his receipt for it. When I found men had been passing whisky bottles over corpses I was enraged and put a stop to it. "The statement in The Sundat Dis patch that leading undertakers of Pitts burg were drunk was wrong. Though Mr. Plannery used some harsh words he did not offer to take off his coat or to fight. As to the condition of the morgne I had charge of, I refer to Bevs. Hicks and Beale, Mr. Thomas Watt, agent for P. B. B. at Johns town, Mr. Moore, assistant agent, the chief of police and all good citizens of Johnstown who visited it. I left here last Sunday morning a week ago; wa sick in the hospital on Sunday; came down on Monday; went back and stayed until last Friday night, and when I left there put a good man in my place, who will remain in charge until I return." STILL THE MONEY COMES. The Fond for tbe Sufferers Increased by 820.000 Yesterday The People Have Given a Total of 8575,454 57. The Johnstown relief fund was increased yesterday by over $20,000, making the total amount received 575,451 57.', The following are tnecontributions received yesterday: Transcript Publishing Joslah .Reynolds, Cam- Co..Holyoke,Mass.,81. brUfte Clty.sii Citizens' Scale, Mound, T. H. B. McLalu, Craw Ill.. 12). fordsTllIc. lnd., S29. ElBht little girls. In gram O. C. Dickey, Sip. school. 59 cents. Y. W. C.T.U., ebster, 1. O. Frcund. S103 83. Fa., tlO. T. H. LoveL $18. Collected by Pittsburg First Congregational Press. 29 57. Church, Morence,Mich. Cltliens ofMcLcansbor- Kl 31. ough. ill., 1136 09. Medical and Surgical San-Cltlzens or Ritchie. Itarlura. liattle Creek, Charleston, W. Va., Mich.. $300. SIOO 5U. Assembly 7533, K. ofL., Keller Committee. Dun Warsaw, lnd., 815. kirk. N. Y.. K5C. Citizens of Facatonlia, Rose family, Hannibal, 111.. f. Mo., f 15. Westmoreland Castle, K. George Singer, J10. G. E.. 810. Advent Chipter 88. High Hill Presbyterian Urotherhood of St. Church. ?16 12. Andrew, Cincinnati, Citizens of Coesse, lnd., O., si. 13. A friend, Missaukee, John A. Wilson, J25. Mich. M. Hellefletd Presbyterian Tamey Bros.. $2. Church. addltlonaL$3. B.K. Dance. 2. J. K. iienton, Lexington, A. lijndsell, Baltimore, Mo.. 110. Md.. S2. Stephen B. Clements. H o 1 1 y Manufacturing gj i so. Company, additional, Business men and citl- 8. zens of Fort Wayne, Citizens of Pans, ill., lnd..S1.778 27. f73 30. Citizens of Dunkirk, N. Citizens of Clifton Forge, Y., S3 10. Va.. 132 50. Slary Gould, Seneca Citizens of Lodns Center ir.1i. i v.. n. sis. ' Employes Pbamlx Glass North Lawrence, Stark Co , 113 50. County, ., 17. John L. Hahn, fo. Cash, 50 cents. Mrs. C. W. Roberts, 5. J. J. Fetzer & Bro., JS. Cash. 50 cents. Thomas Jenny. So. P. Uostello. S3. P. M. Cain. S3. Houston Bros.. (10. Forbes & Silver, 5. c.ish. n 80. Cash. $1. Brand Bros., ?o. John biebert. fS. Cash. $1. Sirs. J. M. Gusky, tl.MO. Merchants' Exchange, Citizens of Edlnhnrg, Buffalo, N. Y.. II.0CO. lnd., $274. John A. Harper (add!- George A. Lvon, $S0. tional), F. Mrs. Marls F.Loyd. (50. Citizens of Franklin, Citizens of Pueblo. Col., lnd.. S10P. (additional), 409. Leader Publishing Com- Clinton, 8. C., W 05. panv $7:8 29. Helena, Mon., 2 33. Zltterbart Orchestra, B. K. List No. 6i. West S411. Elizabeth. 15. Buffalo. N. Y., per Ex-Town Council. Florence, press, additional. $100. S. C . f5. Motive power depart- Mt. Zlon Congregation, ment C. 4 P. K. K., Spratt, O., 1S 20. 8444 10. Second German Lnther- Watercure, Castile, N. an Church, Pittsburg, Y...8Z5. $5. Citizens of Tulon, III., Citizens of Sault Marie, 192 25. Mich:, sua 03. Second Presby t e r 1 a n Cltlzhns of Indianapolis Church, Lafayette, lnd per Journal (addition- $410 35. al).$194 36. Employes Hecla Coke Protestant Post Chapel, Company, $16. Ft. Leavenworth, Kan ., A. D.'Wllson, Lincoln, $W. Me., F. Jonesborongh, Me., $6 50. Citizens Wvandotte, South Bend. lnd., per Mich. (additional), Tribune, $173 39. ssia 81. Citizens Palmer. HI., First Presbyterian $1160. Church, Morrfstown, Ingclslde Society. Mc- O.. o. Donald. Pa., $1 90. M. E. Church. Trenton, Citizens Dycrsbnrg, N.Y., $14 95. Tenn. (additional). 33. Kev. A. S. Billlngsley, Ltgonler, Pa.. S3. fetatesvllle, N. C.. $4. Churches Falrview. Pa., Citizens Osage City, $2 45. Kan., $50. Scandanavlan Aid Asso- Cltlzens. Hambolt, elation. Osage City, Tenn.,'!50. Kan., $10. C. H. Wilcox, Mont- Citizens Sheridan, 111., gomery. Ala., $2 50. $53. St. Louis, per Sepub- Zlon Lutheran Chnrcb, ttean, $221 Mt. Washington, $12325. SENT TO GERMANTOWtf. The Body of alias Pnnlaou's Companion Shipped to Her Former name. FBOU A BTATr COBKXSFOJTOEjrr.l Johnstown, June 15. Mr. William Freyvogle, of Pittsburg, who has been here for the past two weeks, doing efficient serv ice in the morgues, will leave for Philadel phia in the morning with "the body of Miss Elizabeth Bryan, who' will be buried at Wilmington, Del., nest week. Mis3 Bryan was in the company of Miss Paulson, of Pittsbure, when the latter went down with the flood-on the ill-fated express. Her body was embalmed and placed in a handsome casket for shipment to the family residence at Germantown. McSwigan. The Belief Fond Nrnrly 8700,000. tSrzXIAT. TELEGRAM TO TUX DISIMTCIT.J HAKBlSBUBGr Jnne 15. About $34,000 was received to-day by the Governor for the relief of the sufferers by the flood. One thousand pounds was sent from Dublin, Ireland. The entire amount of the relief lnnd is nearly ?700,000. Free! Photos of the Johnstown Flood. . A complete set of the principal views given free with every purchase of not less than f5 at Kaufmanns' this week. WEATHER TO QKDEE. A Man Who Euns a Signal Service Bureau for His Own Benefit. THE BLUB HILL OBSERVATORY. Predictions .Which Are More Accnrata Thaa Those of Greely. A BICE TODSG MAK'S LITTLE SCHEME. He Derotes His Entire Time to Studying the Course ef the Elements. The Blue Hill Observatory, near Boston, is furnishing weather predictions of its own. They are said to be more accurate than those furnished by the Government bureau. The manager ot the concern is a rich young student who runs the affair for his own amusement. The observatory is provided with the finest machinery that caa be secured. rSFZCIAX.TXXXOBAJC TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Boston, June 15. There are 40 odd persons in Southeastern Massachusetts who pay little attention to the reports sent out by the Government Weather Bureau. Blue Hill is the Mecca of the weather faith, and each day they turn their eyes toward the tower on the summit to ascertain what nature has prepared for them in the way of rai n, sunshine, wind orcalm. Their confidence in the prophesies fluttering from the signal pole on the top of this mountain is rarely misplaced. They have found that the men... who live on that elevated tower are on' more friendly terms with the fickle goddess of the wind and storm than are Govern ment weather prophets, and it is the pre vailing belief that sucn favoritism will bring forth more accurate statements in re gard to the weather. This observatory on the top of Great Bine Hill, as it is sometimes called, is quite an interesting institution. It is perfect in all its details and is supplied with all the ap paratus necessary to spy out the secret plans of tbe elements. The good work accom plished in that tower which notifies thou sands of persons of impending storm or bright promises of sunshine and which is superior in point of accuracy to the, vast Government servicers the result of a young man's hobby. A TOTTNG AND WEALTHY PKOPHBT. That man is Abbott Lawrence Botch. His home is in Boston, on Commonwealth avenue, and his wealth and social standing place his family among the first in tbe city. He has for an assistant a young man, H. Helm Clayton, who is equally enthusiastic in the work. All the expense of building and fitting out the observatory and it ag gregated many thousand dollars was borne by Mr. Botch, and the current expenses, which amorfnt to $3,200 each year, are also paid by him. This enterprise was the first of its kind in the United States. Mr. Botch, ever since his boyhood days, has been deeply interested in meteorology. In the Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology he was looked upon by his class mates as a mild sort of weather crank. He made many interesting discoveries that were given to the public through the columns of the scientific journals. He graduated in 18S4, and then devoted his entire time to the study of his favorite science. Great Blue hill is the highest point of land on the Atlantic coast from Maine to Plorida, and was selected as the best place for making the investigations determined upon. Mr. Botch sought the co-operation of the Government Signal Service Bureau, bnt the chief signal officer wanted to take the en tire charge of the place, and that scheme was dropped. Such an arrangement would have conflicted with the policy outlined by Mr. tfotcn. A BTJKEATI OP HIMSELF. Then he determined to take charge of the!r """ work himself, and make all the observa-' tions with such aid as an assistant conld render. He built the observatory on the top ot a hill that had once been given over to rattlesnakes, and in less than three' years he had become such a dan gerous rival that the Govern- v ment was forced to recognize his work. In the building, which was strongly built to withstand the high winds that sweep over the summit of tbe hill, all the instruments known to scientists by which sunshine, wind and rain can be nfeasured and analyzed are collected, and then Mr. Botch and his assistant kept their weather eyes open for anything unusual in the atmosphere. It was not their intention o run a rival establishment to the Government Weather Bureau. Theirs was based upon entirely different principles. The Government weather prophet merely took the weather as it came, asking no questions, and dispensed it with more or less accuracy throughout the country. Mr. Botch went further than that. He first accepted what dame nature sent him, and then songht to know the why and wherefore of such weather. It was bis de sire to become so familiar with all the smaller details that go to make up a storm or a cold or warm wave that in the future greater accuracy could be secured in weather predictions. A DELICATE MACHINE. They have a wind gauge that marks upon a chart the direction and the velocity and the character of the wind. Each moment in the 21 hours is marked accurately. Another instrument is nicely adjusted that not only is the total rainfall recorded, but the quan tity ot rain that falls at any one moment is shown. A barometer is also provided, with pen and ink, and every change in the atmospheric pressure is recorded with greater accuracy than human fingers could secure. The changes in the temperature are faithfully announced by a series of ther mometers. In order to see what relation sunshine bears to showers, a sunglass is so arranged as to record every moment of sunshine dur ing'the day. The observer at the close of each day is able to tell just the moments when the sun was obscured by clouds, and when its rays again reached the earth. The clouds are not neglected. By means of a minor, properly adjusted, the speed of the clouds of tbe several strata is ascertained, and any changes in the direction of the wind at the several atmospheric levels are takes into account. The predictions thus made are the result of local observations as above described, combined with the observations sent out from the signal station in this city. The weather map, which is issued dailv by the Boston office, is sent to the Blue Hill Observatory, and the predictions made from there are largely based upon its record. A I0EES00N 8EEY1CE, And Then the Imthernn General SynotTDele cntes Went Down tho Hirer. At yesterday morning'ssession of the Gen eral Synod of the Lutheran Church, which is being held in Trinity Church, Allegheny, Bev. Mr. Schune, of India, wanted to read a paper on the "Church Service," bnt ha was not allowed. It is said that "he has re belled against the Church," and for this rea son he was not heard. Bev. Mr. Owen, of Hagcrstown, said it was not the time to criticise the Common Service. A report was made by Eev. L. A. Got--wold, from the committee to investigate the Common Service. Bev. Mr. Wenner, of New York, one of the, committee who. com- vtllaft il,o Hnmrnnn Service, thnnirht trmrfw port infamous, Others agreed with him. . never assailed before. The meeting was then adjourned to meet on Monday morning. At the Tuesday evening service a largo choir will sing. In the afternoon nearly all the visiting delegates went to Davis Island dam on the steamer Mayflower, notwithstanding tbs heavy rains. They returned about & o'clock, having enjoyed the trip hogely. 4 S -sl