TPwaa? ;wjf THE PITXSBTJEG DISPATCH, SUNDAY, JUNE 16. 1889.. ETO Hfje BiMfct ' ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8. 1S16. Vol. H 'o. 13. EntereC a: Pittsburg l'ostoffice, j'OTCinbcr H, 1SS7, as second-class matter. Business Offlce97 and 09 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 DiamondStreet Average uct circulation of the dally edi tion of The Dispatch for six month ending Juno 1. 1SS9. 27,824 Copies per Issue. Average net circulation of the Sunday edi tion of The Dispatch for May, 1SS9, 47,468 Copies per Issue TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. rOSTAGE FItEE IX THE EXITED STATES. DArLT DisrATCH. One Year. f 8 00 Dailt DisrATCH, Fcr Quarter 2 00 Daily DisrATCH, One Month 0 Daily DisrATCH, including Sunday, one year 10 00 Daily DisrATCH, Including Sunday, per quarter 250 Dailt DisrATCH, Including Sunday, one month 90 Euxdat Dispatch, oneyear 150 "Weekly DisrATCH, oneyear.- IS The Daily DisrATCH Is delivered by carriers at 35cents'per week, orlncludlngtheSundayedltlon, at a cents per veefc. This issne of THE DISPATCH contains SO pages, made up of THREE PARTS. Failure on the part of Carriers, Agents, Newsdealers or Newsboys to supply pa trons with a Completo Number should be promptly reported to this office. Voluntary contributors should keep copies of articles. If compensation is desired the price expected must be named. The courtesy of re luming rejected manuscripts will be extended trhen stamps for that purpose are enclosed, but the Editor of The DisrATCH trill under no circumstances be responsible for the care of un solicited manuscripts. POSTAGE Ail persons who malt the Sunday insue of The Dispatch to friends should bear in mind the fact that the posi tive thereon is Tiro (-) Cents. All double nnd triple number copies at The Dispatch require a S-cent stnmp to iosure prompt delivery. PITTSBURG. SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 1SS9. THE EEACII0N TO CRITICISM. The first week after the Johnstown catas trophe was one of work vigorous, prompt effort in all quarters to help the sufferers. Ilie second week, that which ended yester day, was one of criticism, fault-finding and hitter strictures on this, that and the other thing. Perhaps this was hut a reaction to he expected. Still the nuhlic will prefer the spirit that was first shown. Differences of opinion of course will exist as to the best way of conducting operations sndmpon many other points; yet once they are fully and clearly stated, there is no need to cumber an important work by petty dis putes, misunderstandings and aspersion of motives. There has been a good deal of this senseless stun in some of the papers of Chicago in respect to Pittsburg's relief com mittee, which would not hare been written if there was knowledge in those quarters of the work and of the personnel of the com mittee. There has also, outside ot the city, been a great deal of unfounded and reckless abuse of the South Fork club, that could not justly be imported into any fair or intelligent consideration of the question of responsibility, which ought alone, and canfonly be, accurately determined by a full official investigation under oath. There has also been a persistence in fault-finding as to the Governor, who, however he may have fallen short of expectations, should no at least be permitted to do the best he can, according to his lights and to his means, unhampered by further adverse agi tation. It is very likely that much of the irrita bility which has charged the air during the week past, is the reaction Irom the extreme nervous tension of the days preceding. This is a philosophical, as well as a charitable way to look at the peculiar developments. But the public will heartily join in saying there has been enough for the present. The critical faculty can, with great advantage to the temper, and no sort of loss, take a rest for at lest a few days. JOHNSTOWN'S RENAISSANCE. The movement for the consolidation of the different boroughs of Johnstown into one city, from Conemaugn down to Nineveh, Eeems to be one of the mitigating features of the floods. The tendency of that great disaster to draw together the suflerers and to teach them to unite their efforts may overcome the local jealonsies that have heretofore kept them apart. Of course, the good to be ob tained by consolidation would go beyond the union of a number of boroughs into a city of 20,000 to 25,000 people. The im provements which are to be made in rebuild ing the city, the laying out of new streets and grades, and possibly decided action in preventing the erection of any more threat ening obstruction to water-courses above the city, can all be done more thoroughly by a city government than by a cluster of bor oughs. Johnstown should show its inten tion of rising superior to the calamity by making itself a city. GUESSING AT TUESDAY'S VOTE. "Whatever advantage comes from tall -claims is not to be foregone by either the Prohibitionists or the Antis. Not the most experienced of the veteran party poli ticians, who know how a bold front intimi dates the weak and influences the wavering, could indulge with more seeming sincerity in predictions of victory than bpth the Pro hibitionists and their opponents are now doing as to the ballots on Tuesday. Yet the fact is that there was never an election with fewer ascertained antecedent factors to support even a guess at the actual Tote. It is idle to attempt to figure it out .hythe record of regular parties.- Neither Republicans nor Democrats, in any great number, will look at prohibition from a party light, but much rather according to their individual experience and personal environment. It is a case for the conscience and judgment of each voter, and it is very ranch on that basis that the ballots will be cast rather than following party leaders. If everybody who doubts whether prohi bition is the most desirable way of dealing with intemperance; every one who thinks high license rigidly administered, as by Judge "White, for instance, to be preferable; every one who believes that regulation and punishment vigorously applied could deal -with the abuse of liquor while leaving those to use it who may safely do so; if these several classes, including again such as be lieve that prohibition is liable to become a dead letter, were to be surely found among the Antis, then, indeed, there is little ques tion that party would have a large majority. But there is no certainty of all these turn ing up at the polls; and the past course of the liquor interests will have much to do with the absence of many of them. The prohibition idea Is the extreme swing of the pendulum. Por many years there was no attempt at even reasonable restriction of the liquor traffic. Such laws as existed for its regulation were disregarded; when their constant violation prompted more severely restrictive measures these were antagonized by certain sections of the liquor trade, where, in point of fact, the true interests of the latter should have dictated support for every measure looking to the abatement of intemperance and the better preservation of order. ' For these reasons it would be falla cious, and possibly misleading, to count upon all who are unconvinced about pro hibition voting against it, as to expect that the Eepublicans will be ranged exclusively upon one side or the other. Where such a division of sentiment is liable to exist, the confident predictions of either side really amount to little more than guess-work. The Dispatch does not favor prohibitory legislation, particularly when high license is being proved an effec tive and successful method of preventing the abuses which formerly attended the liquor traffic. It believes a majority of the voters take the same view; but, in estimat ing the result, it is impossible not to take into account that a considerable proportion of those who think so may not think so suf ficiently to go to the polls particularly on a special election. Much will even depend on the active personal canvassing of the opposing sides between now and Tuesday night WHERE THE WRONG IS. The interviews with certain leading oper ators who state that their company stores are beneficial to the miners, only empha sizes the fact that the institution which is a legitimate one kept within proper bounds, may be perverted to an instrument of ex tortion when the miners are forced to trade at them and to pay prices that amount to a virtual confiscation of part of their wages. On the statement of these operators, the miners are not forced to trade at their stores, except by the fact that they can get goods cheaper there than elsewhere. That being the case, it is plain that these oper ators are at a disadvantage in competing with others paying nominally the same wages but actually reducing wages by foro ing the miners to take pay in goods at double prices. The wrong lies in making a monopoly of the stores and fair-minded operators as well as miners should be united in the effort to put down that pnblic injustice. RATHER SHADOWY JURISDICTION. The conflict of authority which has arisen in California, between the United States and . the State Courts, in the celebrated Sharon case, is the latest of the peculiar features of that remarkable litigation. The State Court absolutely refuses to recognize the authority of the United States Court, and, having declared the marriage contract valid, disobeys the injunction of the United States Court against fixing a hearing for the motion to appoint a receiver of the Sharon estate. So far as the uninstructed public can see, the State Court is in the right The case is a decidedly unsavory one, and one of its unsavory aspects is the interfer ence of the United States Court with a prac tical claim of jurisdiction upon the subject of marriage laws. The Dispatch has heretofore claimed that, for the purpose of securing uniformity in marriage and divorce, the United States Court should have jurisdiction; but it has always been recognized that that jurisdic tion can only be obtained by an amend-. ment to the United States Constitution, and the passage of national legislation for uni form marriage and' divorce laws. That being the case, it evidently leaves a very insecure foundation forthe claim of juris diction for the United States Court in the Sharon-Hill case. Apart from the merits of the case, both parties to which seem to have been of an equally shady character, the interference of a Judge who has hitherto been serviceable to the millionares of Cali fornia upon such a shadowy claim of juris diction is not creditable either to himself or to the United States judiciary. STANDARDS OF SUCCESS. A recent remark of Mr. W. D. Howells on the subject of the treatment which the American magazines accord to new writers is as follows: "Perhaps the American magazine is a little despotic, a little arbi trary, but unquestionably its favor is essen tial to success and its conditions are not such narrow ones." This arouses the an tagonism of the esteemed Chicago Herald, which takes pains to specify eminent writers of the present day, whoje success has been entirely independent of the magazines. It instances Mr. James "Whitcomb Eiley, whose literary character is certainly a proof on that side of the argument; but its addi tion to the list of Mr. 'William Nye, as one who "never had an article accepted by a magazine," indicates a somewhat question able literary standard; and that indication is strengthened into a certainty by the fol lowing assertion: "The most successful novel of late years has been 'Mr. Barnes, of New York,' and the magazine editors and their ancillary book publishers would have none of it" The critics who attack the magazine pub lishers for rejecting "Mr. Barnes of New York," might have strengthened his case, indefinitely. If we are not mistaken, the works of Sylvanus Cobb have obtained a remarkable literary success, viewed by the returns of the book-stalls. Mrs. E. D. N. Southworth is another example of the lit erary producer in large volume, whose works have been entirely rejected by the maga zines. But if the total return of sales con stitutes the only literary standard, it is plain there is no knowing where we will bring up. Possibly the magazines might have in creased their sales indefinitely, if they had been willing to turn themselves into police gazettes. Nevertheless the standard of popular suc cess furnishes a tolerably clear argument on the other side. There are certain literary publications which have attained of late years a success folly overshadowing that of either ot "Mr. Barnes of .New York," or the "Gun Maker of Moscow," or "Capitola Black." Those publications are the lead ing magazines of the day. The publishers who sell from 75,000 to 150,000 copies of their issues each month certainly cannot be relegated to the list of failures; and it is a demontration of literary taste that they have attained that success by maintaining a standard of literary qualifications some what above the rank of the works which our esteemed cotemporary cites as an argument against them. Of course there is some foundation for the assertion that the magazines give a prefer ence to the writings of authors whose repu tation is, made, above those of unknown writers of perhaps equal ability. That is simple human nature, and it is not by any means confined to the magazines. Our es teemed cotemporaries, the newspapers, who are criticising the magazines, will pay a good deal more for an article signs:! by a man whose reputation is -world-wide than it would for one of exactly equal merit signed by an unknown man. A railroad corpora tion will pay a manager who has made a reputation $25,000 a year, while an unknown subordinate, whose ability may be equally great, but not equally famous, could not get over $5,000. This is commercial human nature, and while the magazines may have made some rather remarkable displays of it, they are hardly to be blamed for possessing this in common with the rest of the human race. THE JOHNSTOWN GORGE. What a remarkable exemplification of the terrible force of the flood at Johnstown is furnished by the summary of the strata of a single part of that gorge which was forced open by dynamite yesterdayl A railroad bridge at the bottom, on top of that a hotel, above that a section of the Gautier Steel Wsrks, and upon that foundation a super structure of houses and small buildings! This immense pile was hurled together in an almost impregnable mass, by that ter rible rush of waters. When stone, brick and iron are tossed about like chips and feathers the wonder is heightened that any flesh and blood has survived to tell of the terrible event The- weather prophets are now kicking themselves because they forgot to predict rain every day during the early months of the summer of 1889. The prophet that could have called a turn on this weather would have made his reputation beyond cavil. "One of the best horsemen in America" is quoted as saying that he who follows the advice of his jockey will be ruined because "those who ride horses as a profession have very poor judgment on anything outside the actual race." With this authority the as sertion is indisputable; but still it might be qualified, or perhaps improved, by saying that the poor judgment of those who ride horses is not equal to the execrable judg ment of those who bet on horse races. The annonncement that Barry's Broth erhood of United Labor has attained a mem bership of 7,000 sounds a good deal like stabbing it with insufficient statistics. If the item is intended to be favorable to the new organization, an additional cipher is needed. The indorsement which Hon. George A. Jenks gave to Attorney General Miller's ability does not seem to be fully carried out by the Attorney General's letter, which claims that it is the duty of the judiciary to carry out the policy of the administration. His letter to Judge Sanford, of Utah, seems to indicate either that the Hon. George A. Jenks committed himself prematurely or that the Attorney General is the victim of a forgery. The inthnations that one railroad to the lakes will offer inducements to coal, ship pers that another fails to, affords a hope that competition is to be restored as a factor in Pittsburg's transportation. The Western paper which talks about Pittsburg, as appropriating the stores sent to Johnstown, is not worthy the notice ot the Relief Committee. When a cur barks at you tinder the impression that you are a burglar, you may know that he is mistaken but it is not worth your while to stop and try to convince him of it . - w Seveeal very comfortable consulates were distributed by the President yesterday; and ten men to every consulate were con vinced that this administration is not living up to its pledges. Inasmuch as the sealskin generally causes harsh language on the part of the father of the family, and has now got En gland and the United States to entertaining hard feelings toward each other, would it not be wise to abolish the whole sealing business and its attendant drafts on public and private treasuries. Afteb all this wetness it would be no more than a movement in the direction of preserving a fair average to have the State go dry next Tuesday. Last Thursday, it will be remembered, was the day which was set by the gossip s of the press for the marriage of ex-Secretary Bayard to Miss Clymer; but the marriage did not come off. If Mr. Bayard keeps on neglecting the dates fixed for him, in this reckless manner, he will be likely to get himself unpopular. The official record in the matter of the Bed Pond causes sarcasms in ythe hill dis trict on the title of "Public Safety." Mayor Cbegiee, of Chicago, is the last person who declares that he never reads the newspapers. Concerning the notorious in ability of the organization over which this Mayor presides to prevent various fantastic and famous murders, this avowal takes the form of a vindication of the newspapers. PROMINENT PEOPLE PARAGRAPHED. Commodore Walkee wants to be placed in charge of the North Atlantic Squadron. The Rev. Dr. Temple. .Bishop of London, drinks enormous quantities of strong tea. Thet are building some beautiful sound boats this season. We hope they are sound, beautiful boats. The more Mahone, of Virginia, is jumped upon the stronger he grows. He's a small man, but a big politician. It is said that John Blight's papers will be treated as Lord Beaconsfleld's have been,tvith heldfrom publication daring the lifetime of the Queen. Mr. Tanhee, the Commissioner of Pensions, will take his wife and children to Georgetown to live daring the summer in a fine old man sion with spacious grounds. The "New York World says: William Thaw is one of the wealthiest citizens of Pittsburg, Pa. He is called "the George W, Chllds" of that city, which means, ot course, that Thaw Is a warm-hearted man. , Mks. Bptteqeon, the wife of the noted Bap tist preacher, is a confirmed invalid, and has been for many years. Yet she is the founder of two important charities in London the book fund and the pastor's aid fund. At the close of tbe banquet recently ten dered to him tn Paris, at which many appre ciative speeches were made, M. Jules Simon said: "It seems as though I had just been present, like the Emperor with whose story you are acquainted, at my own funeral, and X now know what my friends will say over my grave." One of tbe few female architects of the world is Miss Laura White, who is practicing her profession in Ashland, Ky. She was grad uated in architecture at Michigan Uni versity, and then studied in Paris. She was noted in Michigan as a mathematician, and was the first stndent at Ann Arbor to solve a problem that had been sent over by one of the great English universities. Indiana's Flogs. From the Cincinnati Commercial (laiette.V Switzerland county, Indiana, is luthe Cin cinnati market with a brand new style of hogs. These corn-eating quadrupeds are described as of Hungarian origin, oval in shape, sandy in complexion and as heavy as lead. Indiana has reason to be proud of her new product Good hogs in the meat market will brine tbe State more profit and credit than a horde ot hungry office seekers, squealing around the pnblic crib at Washington. THE TOPICAL TALKER. Tho Theatrical Mania A Colored .Lady's Experience With 'the Lnvf FcrsonnU. ties of tbe Stage. Evert now and then I am confronted with new evidence of tbe widespread existence ot what may be termed dramatic mania. More young people seem to be stage struck to-day than ever before. Where there was one young woman who'wanted to be Juliet ten years ago, there are now a dozen. Masculine maniacs of this sort are no less numerous. A few days ago tbe following letter was re ceived at this office, and the changes I have made is to strike out the names: Dear Sins You would afford great pleasure to many parties, also myself, if you will publish the following in your paper: Miss , accompanied by Mr. , of Alle gheny, will depart In about a fortnight for Bos ton, where great pleasuresawaitthein. Miss Is a beautiful young artist, while on their return her companion will appear before the footlights, to sect Ills fortune in the theatrical world. His friends all say be has great talent, and a bright and successful future Is laid out lor him. Mr. possesses such a wonderful, striking resem blance to N. S. Wood, that one would take him for his brother, while many have taken him for the young actor himself. It aflorrts Mr. great amusement, whlio strolling up 1 iith avenue, for some great swell to come up to him, grasp him by the hand, and ex claim, "Why, Mr. wood. I was not aware you were In the city," etc.; or, if visiting the theater. Tor people to gap or stare at him and murmur. That young man Is certainly H. S. Wood." Many, many times has our young friend been taken for the boy actor. Kcspectrully, etc., How painful it is to contemplate the probable fate of the young man who evidently bases his hopes of success on the stage upon his facial resemblance to Mr. N. S. Wood. . During onoot the delicious little showers that have punctuated tho regular service of rain recently a colored lady intimately ac quainted with washtubs, took refuge under our porch. She had no confidences for me, but a woman who employs her got tbe colored lady to read a few chapters from her life's history. The colored wasblady, it appeared, had been engaged in a lawsuit, and she gave us a full and graphic account of it It was wonderfully funny. To reproduce it entire is beyond me. In conclusion she said: "Dere ain't no law fur cullud pussons. Now that grand jury took my case, and my lawyer he says: 'Mrs. Smiff, you give me $10,' an' I guv him de las' 10 1 had, an' be says it'd be all right Dere was 12 men on de 'f endant's side an' 12 men on mine dey was de grand jury. But I had a white perliceman, I want yer ter 'member, and dey had nothln' but a wuthless lot o' niggabs. All de same, that grand jury gnawed de bill." "What did they do?" asked someone, "They gnawed do bill, I tole youi" V Ah Eastern correspondent of mine states that the alliance between RobertDowning.tbe actor ot superb physical development and his light ning manager and puffer extraordinary, J. H. Mack, is at an end. Every dramatic editor in tho country can testify to the fact that Mr. Mack kept him thoroughly well-posted aboni the movements, triumphs and monetary gains of Spartacus Downing. Of all tho actors on the road last season, and in fact for several seasons past,Mr. Downing has been the best advertised. Every Incident in his daily life was recorded by hook or by crook in the local papers and then mailed by Manager Mack to all the chief papers of the United States. Who will Mr. Mack convert Into a great tragedian next? Someone suggests Mr.Warde, but that is not likely, for Warde is an actor of genuine talent and good reputation. V Talking of manufacturing stars, It is announced that Manager J. M. Hill is going to spring a new Juliet upon the public next fall. Mr. Hill still has faith in women, notwith standing bis trying experience with Margaret Mather. His new protege, by the way, is prob ably intended to squeeze poor Margaret to the wall. This she will hardly be able to do, for though Miss Mather evidently suffered last season by reason ot bad management, she has not ceased to be an actress of great emotional ability who in certain parts stands near the top of her profession. Manager Hill's judgment is remarkably good, and whatever' young woman he presents to the public will be worth looking at. V W.J. Boanlah, the Irish character actor, has, it seems, had no difficulty in conquering all Ireland, HI enthusiastic agent, Mr. Au gustus Pitou, says that he received ovation after ovation nightly when be played in Dub lin, and adds: "When he sang 'Peek-a-Boo' it evoked a hurricane of applause.'' If W. J. Scanlan or any other man were to dare sing that abjectly silly song In tflis coun try to-day he would do Hat the peril of his life. Not on account of its silliness, but 'because of its age. There is nothing so abhorred here as a chestnut. Idiotic song are popular enough for a season or two. TKI-STATE TEIFLES. An amateur ventriloquist in Wheeling. W. "Va., threw cries of distress into a load of hay. At once the farmer owning it began to dump it in the street. Perceiving by a general burst of augbter that he was tbe victim of a joke, he spoke rebuklngly about its silliness. He couldn't see how anybody could have got under the hay, anyhow. The timber jam against the Lewisburg, Pa., bridges is squirming with different kinds of snakes. Not a pound of barbed wire can be bought in Hollidaysburg, Pa. The flood cleane'd out nearly all the fences along the river. A Clinton county paper tells glovemakers that thousands of drowned rat skins can bo had there. Reversible pants, to correct the "bag ging," are proposed by a beneficent tailor of Akron, O. A tramp called at an Oil City, Pa., black smith shop, frankly asked the price of a drink, was given 25 cents, returned shortly with 15 cents change, and disappeared without waiting for commendation oi his conduct. A Tyrone, Pa., tailor, who advertises, as erts that on tbe night the water was four feet deep in his store a man floated all the way down from Bell wood on a door, and came paddling into bis shop to get measured for a wedding suit A Meadville, Pa., paper urges its lady L readers to bake bread for the Johnstown camp, ana amis: .uanr; a iowei on me iront rioor knob and the loaf will be called for by the com mittee." At a concert in Wilkesbarre, Pa., while every one was applauding, a little child exclaimed: "Ob, mamma, see all the bigmenpattycaking." Jakes Buchaxnan, of Ashtabula county, Ohio, cuts his hair in a very peculiar manner. He shaves all his head short except a ridge from his forehead tothe back of his neck. A SOCIETY" lady of East Liverpool, O., puts her pet poodle dog's hair up in curl papers every night DEATHS OF A DAT, James Dnlzcll. James Dalzell died at his home on Center ave nue yesterday morning, having reached the age of 75 years, lie came to this country, when quite young, from County Down, Ireland, lie located in Pittsburg, after walking over the mountains to reach the city. After being In the grocery bus iness, on fifth avenue for a number of years, he retired and had lived quietly at homo with his family. His wife, three sons, Charles, Samuel and William, and daughter Mary, survive Mm. Mr. Dalzell was at the time of his death the oldest member of the Fifth W. P. Church, de was one of the trustees or tbe church and closed tho nego tiations for the lot upon which the Fifth church now stands. He was well and favorably known its a straightforward business man and a con sistent Christian. He was Joined in matrimony on June 18, years ago, and his Interment takes place to-day, June IS. Hot. Fcter C. Oakley. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. EONDOoT, June 15. Rev. Peter C. Oakley, familiarly known as the father of the Mew York Methodist Conference, died at his home, at Mil ton, on the Hudson, to-day. He was nearly 90 years old, and was born In New York City; He began preaching a couple of years before joining conference, with which he has been connected since 1824. A few years ago be preached his sixtieth anniversary sermon as a member of con ference. Tho deceased was looked upon as an oracle In canfereuce work. Ills sermons showed careful studv and deep thought. Mr. Oakley was one of that class of ministers that believed Chris tianity was making rapid progress each year. During his lifelong service In ministry he has, among otber charges, been stationed at f'itufldd, Mass. : Troy, Ithaca, Plattsburg.YorkvlllcKorest street. Brooklyn, and Wlllett street. Mew York Cltr, the latteMn 18-e-B. Ho had lcen on a de cline for past few years. PKOtfOUNOED A KDISAN0E. Tho Governor's Proclamation About the Drift In tho Concmnngb. Habrisbubq, June 15. The following proc lamation was issued by Governor Beaver to day: Whereas, The State Board of Health, through Its secretary and executive officer, has this day made to me a report In writing bearing date tho 7th day or June, 1889. in which, after reciting ac tion by said board In reference to the recent flood which has devastated the Conemaugli Val ley, and the work which has been done by the said hoard. In providing, as far as possible, for puri fying tho streams and maintaining the health of tbe people, the condition now existing along the Conemauph river at Johnstown and its vicinity Is fully setlorth: and Whereas, The said board, through its executive officer as aforesaid, has made call upon the Chief Executive of the Commonwealth to take action, in reference thereto, as follows: "I, therefore, altera careful personal inspection of the entire situation, by virtue of the.authorlty conferred upon the Male Board or Health by the act of June 3, 1885, and delegated to me as its executive ofllcer in regulation 1, declare the condition of things existing at Johnstown and neighboring boroughs, and especially or the drlrfc heaps above described, and of the waters or the Concmaugh and Klstl mlnctas rivers, to be a nulsanco dangerous to the pnblic health: and Inasmuch as the extent of this nuisance is so great that the local authorities can not abate It, I call upon Your Chief Executive or the Commonwealth, to at once em ploy such force as may be necessary to removeand abate the same:" Now, therefore, I, James A. Beaver, Governor of the said Commonwealth, In deference to tne said request of the State Board of Health, and in pursuance or its declaration, do hereby declare the said drift In the Couemaugh river at Johns town, and at other points in and about said lo cality, a public nuisance, and in accordance with the power granted to said board, and acting under the authority of the law which confers said power, I do hereby direct that saia nuisance be abated, and to this end I further direct that men and means necessary for said purpose be immediately employed and continued at work until the said nuuancc has been entirely abate!, and the danger to public health and safety removed, and in doing this, and in order to provide tbe funds necessary therefor, 1 ao hereby pledge the faith of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. , ' AND SO TO-DAX THEY WORSHIP. v Methodists in Front of Ruins, Episcopalians In a School. IFIIOJI A STAJP CORBESPOKDENT.l Johnstown', June 15. Crushed and bowed in the depths of despair, It is hardly a wonder that the stricken people of this devastated; city have thought of little else for the past few days than the immediate relief of their suffer ings, and given attention only to procuring proper food and shelter, of which they still stand in such urgent need. To-morrow, how. ever, they will turn their thoughts to the re ligious observances of the day, and several meetings will be held. Though many or thochnrchc3 in the city that stood in tbe path of the mad waters wcro swept away, and others ruined to such an ex tent as to bo unfit lor use, a few were left stand ing that are in proper condition for holding services. The Episcopal churches wero completely ru ined, and tbe members, numbering 400, some of whom were lost in the flood, will meet at the residence of Mrs.Higson in Morrellville Sun day evening. Thirty-seven out of 1,063 members of the Methodist denomination are lost and the chapel is not in proper condition for use, but services will bo conducted by Rev. Mr. Ma gutra on the pavement in front of the cbapel at the corner of Locust and Franklin streets. Bishop Whitehead will bo in Johnstown and conduct an Episcopal meeting in the morning at tbe Peelerville scboolbouse on tho hill above the Pennsylvania freight depot. But there have been other unusual prepara-. tlons for tho people who feel inclined to follow the dictates of the different creeds and religions. The Rev. George Purves will hold a Presby terian service. Rev. John Fox, of North Church, Allegheny, Rev. Chapman Maguire, Elder - John Fulton, the General Manager of the Cambria Iron Works, H. LT Chapman and J. Logan, C. Sample, of Black Hills, will be here. Rev. Father Troutwem will speak in Cambria City, and Rev. Father Tahanev, in Conemaugb. Bahiier. NATIONAL GUARD ENCAMPMENT. Orders, Issued by the Acting- Adjutant Gon- cral, Relative to tho Matter. Special Telegram to Tho Dispatch. Harrisburo, June 15. The customary or der relative to tho encampments of the Na tional Guard has been issued by Colonel Alex ander Krumbbaar, Assistant Adjutant Gener al, who has been keeping a record for the Gov ernor the past ten days of the contributions for the relief of the flood sufferers and making out the necessary drafts. The militia will camp by regiments. The place Is to be selected by the colonels, subject to the approval of headquar ters. , It is probable there 'will be a combined camp of the artillery and cavalry companies at Mt Gretna, where a battalion" of .United States troops will also be encamped for the purpose of Instructing the militia. Dates fixed for tbe encampment are as follows: First Brigade, August 3 to 10; Second Brigade, July 23 to 29: Third Brigade, July 13 to 2a THEY WILL BEGIN TO REFLECT. Tho First Opportunity Johnstown Folk Will Get to Think. IPHOM A STAFF CQBBESPONDEJfT.J JonNSTOWN', June 15. To-morrow work will be entirely suspended within Johnstown and the surrounding districts, or wherever the oountry has been devastated from the efforts of the terrible flood. The men who have been hard at work for the last several days will lay down their picks and 'shovels and sit down to swap stories.smoke the pipe of peace or goto church if they have a mind to. Even at the gorgo the men will not be at work to-morrow, but they will continue, with tbe aid of electric light to do all they can by 6 o'clock in the morning. The population of Johnstown, or what there is left of it, will, for the first time since the awful flood, have time to sit down and quietly think. - Heinkichs. THE -TICE PKESIDENT'S LITTLE GIRLS Make a Donation of a Box of Clothing; to Johnstown Suflerers. Johnstown, June 15. Adjutant General Hastings is in reeeipt of the following: ELLERSVILLEr ) EmNlCLrFP-ON-HUDSoif, June 10. J MT Dear Gevebal Onmvreturntomy coun try home I find that my little girls, from 8 to 14 years of age, have been hard at work since the terrible disaster at Johnstown in making articles of clothing lor the poor homeless children who have survived the recent floods In your State, i am forwarding tb-day by the American Express Company, free of charge, 127 articles of wearing apparel, as per list enclosed, made by their own hands, or purchased with their own money, with some or their dresses. My children will feel greatly obliged if you will cause tbe clothing to be distributed among tbe little sufferers by the recent calamity, for whom they feel the deepest lam, dear General, very faithfully yo'ors, Levi P. Morion. HE WASN'T BCRIED. An Undertaker's Aistnnt Who Drank, Then Slept In a Coffln. (TltOM OCE STAFF COMtESPONOENT.l Johnstown, June 15. A story is told of one of the undertakers' assistants at St Columbia's morcue. He secured a bottle of whisky and imbibed pretty freely of the red eye. Upon getting tired he lay down in one of thocofllns to no to sleep. Tho next morning one of the undertakers, seeing the body in the coffln uncovered, put the lid on the casket. He then ordered it re moved outside and placed along with the other unidentified bodies for burial. The man, who is an Allegbenlan, might havo smothered to death had not tbe clerk uncovered him for the purpose of taking a description ot the supposed corpse. MoSwjqam. STOPPING UP STONY CREEK. Tho Debris Dnmped Into Johnstown's Only Unimpeded Stream. FROM A STAFF COnRXRVOXDEXT.l Johnstown, June 15. A citizen called the attention of the authorities to-day to the fact that tbe refuse which is dumped into Stony Creek is narrowing the stream. It was teared this would result in serious consequences, if the practice was continued. According to views expressed by prominent men in regard to the matter, the best placo to transnort all the debris lrom the wrecked houses would be a short distance above tbe placo where tne iuuo uonemaugn nax a con fluence with Stony Creek. Bahiier, x """ " " The Growth of Volapnk. from the Chicago Inter-Ocean.l People laughed a good dealt when, ten years' Ago, "Volapuk" made its bow to the public. But, after all. it seems to have taken root. A club has recently been organized in Boston, and they assert that to-day throughout tbe world there are at least 2,000,000 students of the system. There are over 1,000 books and publi cations npon the subject In point, COO organized societies and SO periodicals regularly issued in its interest With tbe fact in view that tbe nations ot tbe earth are every day growing closer to each other by travel and commerce and their humanities, volapuk may become a world-wide rclorm by the time the nineteenth century closes up its account.- r CAPITAL CHARACTERS. Pecnllnr People Who Are a Fentnro 'of Washington Eloquent nnd Gentlemanly Old Timers Who Subsist on Their ' Friends The Patient Clnimant A Crank Who Thinks He Is President. ICORRESPONDEXCE OF THE nlSPATCH.1 Washington, June 14. One of the saddest features of the always varying lite in Washing ton is the gradual disappearance of the "old timers." I do not want to call them the "Colonels," "Majors" and "Judges," for that would include some who do not really belong to the charming and clever parasites whoare meant by the "old timers." They are broken down gentlemen, persons who have seen "bet ter days," who never did and who never would work, but who are yet persons of fine attain ments, charming conversationalists, agreeable in their manners, and yet always waiting near some genteel bar for the Invitation that will surely come to indulge in something genial and exchange a flash or two of brilliant wit or nar rate some thrilling story ot romantic personal experience in the days when they were rich in slaves and land and lived the lives of veritable sybarites. " Five years ago, when I first began an intimate acquaintance with the variegated life ot this political capital, there were perhaps a round dozen notable hangers-on of thi3 type. Hardly one of them but could quote the Latin and Greek classics by tbe ream in the original tongue; most of tbem were well read in elegant literature of all times and could discuss it in tbe most charming manner; all of them had been actors in real romances and tragedies of luxurious social life, and scarcely one had any parts so objectionable as to make him shunned by the best gentleman with whom be came into contact. Now they have dwindled away to two or three. That is, there Is only that,number in sight Several are dead. Setting a Bad Precedent. One has just come forth after several months in tbe hospital, and immediately began to strike his old friends for the generous entertainment which was the means of sending him into re tirement One has actually abandoned the hospitable precincts of the hotel bars and tbe appetizing -and Inexpensive free lunch, and Is making a threadbare living by copying and letter writing for this and that one of his friends who like to encourage the old boy in his novel attempt to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow. It was a departure that was frowned upon in an almost Savage manner by tbe others ottis crowd as being not only degrading but as a pernicious innovation upon a time-honored precedent which tended to bring them all into contempt It was a daring thing to do, and has resulted in the utter ostracism of the bold old boy, but be has stuck to it bravely in tbe face of many temptations and discouragements. 1 fear tbere will be a change soon, however. Evidently the luncheon that comes by purchase is not as liberal as that which comes without' money and without price. The poor man grows thinner and thinner, bis voice sounds as though there .were a vast vacuum in bis stomach, and if he does not find starvation preferable to re ceiving the cut direct from his old friends he will doubtless soon be seen at regular intervals hovering about tbe best layouts of free luncheons to get the freshest salads and flsh balls and pork and beans and cold meats when they first appear. Not one of them has a watch. That useful bit of gentlemen's wear long ago went tbe way of their "uncle" to ever lasting oblivion, but some mysterious intuition informs them to a second of the time when the free lunch will be SDread, and tho moment when this or that friend who will set up the drinks will present bis welcome face upon the scene. They have been a 'great study to every student ot human nature in this town of queer characters, but their race will soon be ended, and there is none to take their place. Their tribe will become extinct with the dropping out. of the two or three tottering forms which are yet to be seen in the favorite haunts, and what that means to Washington you who are not to tbe manner either born or educated will never know. It means the passing away of figures which more than all else suggest the life of tbe aristocratic South before the war, and in their indolence and inability to do tbo least thing for their own maintenance toll of tbe immeasurable effect of the curse ot human slavery. Somo Famous Clnlmants. The figures of famous claimants which have been familiar here for more than a quarter of a century are also fast disappearing, and their mantles are falling upon shoulders that are new and uninteresting. I think Billy McGarrabn will probably outlive all the others, for in spite of bis lopg years of disappointment, often with success almost within his grasp, apparently, ha remains fat and sleek and rosy, and is always in tbe best of humors, so modest and un obtrusive that no one to whom be urges his case can be offended. He lives on tbe contributions of those to whom he has disposed of an interest in bis claim, and seems to be pretty sure of an easy life to the end of his days whether he gains bis case or not Occa sionally one of these old claims goes through and tbat encourages all the claimants, and of ten forms a precedent which results in the success of a lot of others. One which went through the Court of Claims last fall and for which Congress appropriated the money at the last session, brought close to 8100,000 to a man who had almost abandoned his case. He had offered a big fee for the attorney who would get bis claim allowed, but when he found the money actually appropriated, turned piggish, and Is fighting in the courts the payment of the modest sum of 825,000, wbicb was all tbe attor neys charged for making good a claim that had been lying abont loose for nearly a quarter of a century, and which bad failed in the hands of half a dozen other firms of attorneys, I really think tbat in this case the lawyers earned their fee, for it required not onlv consummate legal cunning to worm tbe case through the Court of Claims, but a vast deal of influence and bard work to secure the appropriation by Congress. In the place of these fast disappearing feat ures of the curbstone landscape of Washing, ton we have the advent of any number of cranks with tbe coming of the new administra tion. Somehow the cranks, especially those who are after imaginative claims, are always more numerous undera Republican adminis tration. There are several here now almost as interesting and persistent as the late lamented Colonel Plncbover, who fancied that Colonel Thomas Scott, late President of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, owed him a round million of dollars. One of these visits tho White House frequently, and insists that tbe sum of 810,000 is deposited there for bis order. He does not seem to be dangerous, and is therefore merely driven away by the door keepers. One of these days an attempt to mur der some high official will teach the authorities tbat such imaginative gentlemen should be put where they can do no harm. An Interesting; Crank. The most interesting of the late comers is the man who Imagines be is tbe President, and who resembles the President so remarkably that 1 have several times mistaken ono for the other when they wore not close at hand. In close quarters one could detect tbat uncertain movement of the eye which is found in every crank, and I was curious V know what he was. "Can you direct me to tbe insane asylum?" I said to him one day as I met him in the street. "No, sir," he replied, "I am somewhat of a stranger in the city, and have not learned the location of that institution." "After an office. I suppose!" "No. sir," drawing himself up proudly. "I am not after an office; I am the real incumbent of tbe blghest office in tbe land." "Ah, what Is that?" "Hush," he said in a whisper, "you must not say a word about it nut I assure you I am the President of the United States." "But I thought Mr. Harison was elected President" I ventured. "HnshI I am Mr. Harrison Benjamin L. Harrison, sir, but you mast not tell anyone. I am simply biding my time. It will all come out after a little, the impostdro will be exposed without any effort of mine, but merely by the imbecility of the impostor; then I will come into my own and tbe country will have tbe real President." "What will bo your policy when you become President?" "Ah, that is my secret; but 1 may say to you, sir, tbat I will fight I will raise an army of 6,000,000 soldiers and drive every foreign power off from American soil, and then I will march against tbe monarchies of tbe Old World and assist the struggling Republicans thereto es tablish the rule of the people. Oh, I'll do it I'll do it." "But how long are you going to allow the impostor to usurp yonr placer "Ob, I'm very patient I'm in no hurry. It may be several years It may be 1,000, OuO jears, but I'll get there, never fear. I am the most patient man ever born, and peaceful, too; I wouldn't make any trouble about the matter. You see, tbe impostor looks so much like me that people will believe he is the rightful Pres ident and so I shall just wait for timn. to de velop tbe fact tbat be ts so unfit for the place that he cannot be the true mm." The old man utterly refused to divulge his real name, and he remains a mystery, arousing much comment as he appears rarely on the streets. ; E. M. I They've Learned Something. From tbe Chicago Tribune. If anyamind-reader dies in New York hereaf ter tbe probability is tbat bis friends will be compelled to take him outside of tbe State, if they desire an autopsy, in order to, obtain the necessary surgeons. '" NEW YORK NEWS NOTES. No Change for a Change. CKEW TOBK BUREAU SPECIALS. New York, Jnne 15. "You accused me ot making wrong change In the cash drawer," wrote young Mrs. Hansen to her husband. "I have tried to do the best I could. I -Trill never make change for you again. You can get somebody tbat will suit yoif better. 1 hope you and tbe children will enjoy tbe new house, be cause I will not live long enough to enjoy it myself. Be good to the children. I have kissed them goodbyfor the last time, and you will never see me again. From Little Wife." Mrs. Hansen's husband is the proprietor of a big restaurant in Brooklyn. 'She was 26 years of age, and had three children. She acted as cashier for her husband. Thursday last Mr. Hansen spoke some angry words to his wife about some alleged carelessness in handling tbe cash. A little later she left one of the waiter girls in charge, wyit home and kissed tbe children, wrote the foregoing note for her husband and then disappeared. She has not been seen since. The busDand Is almost crazed with grief, and has the police and all his friends searching f pr the missing woman. It is believed she has committed suicide. Too Wicked for Sbepard. Colonel Shepard, the religious millionaire editor of the Mail and Express, is still having a hard time of it in this wicked city. This evening's Commercial Advertiser says edlto Tially: "In one short week Elliott F. Shepard has been accused, first of stealing, by the World, which furnished proof; second, of lying, by the Times; third, of not being a Christian, by the Evening Post, and fourth, of being a 'boodle politician,' by tbe World of yesterday." To-day a big 'delegation of Colonel Shepard's wealthy neighbors made a formal protest against the erection of a big stable which the Colonel has begun building. Free Pnblic Baths. Fifteen free public baths will be opened In the city next week. Most of the baths are 100 feet by 50 and all of them are afloat adjacent to the docks around tbe island. The 12 baths that were open last year cost the city 833,000. Three million baths were taken. Opening of tho Annex. Arrangements are now completed for the opening of "Barnard College," this being the name given the new women's annex to Colum bia College. A big house has been leased for the girl students, and examinations for admis sion will begin September 30. The examina tions will be identical with those required for admission to Columbia College, and tbe course of study will be a repetition of class work at Columbia. A freshman class only will be re ceived the first year. A Chinaman's Estate In Chancery. WongSingB,ow,a Chinese laundryman who washes clothes in Newark, has an estate in chancery. It is not a very valuable property, but it gives him a great deal of trouble, as a doubt exists as to whether be or his wife is en titled to draw the income it yields, and he has asked the Court of Chancery to decide the question and to take charge of the property until it is settled. In his petition be says tbat a dozen years ago. wben be bad been but a short time in this country, be married Minnie Kiersted, an American girt He opened a laandry In Newark and his wife managed his financial affairs, and kept his accounts. He spoke no English, but he could wash and iron well, and he saved money which his wife in vested so securely tbat he found it hard to get any of it back. She purchased a tract of land in Passaic county for 81,000,telling him that the deed was drawn up and recorded in their joint names. Four years ago Mrs. Sing Bow ran away from her husband who has discovered that the deed for the property, which has increased in value, was made out in ber name only. Since sho left him she has been receiv ing an Income from it. and he now asks the Court of Chancery of Passaic county to put him in possession of bis own. HIGH BUILDINGS IN LONDON, A BUI Restricting; tho Erection of Them How It Will bo Done. From the Loudon Spectator. I Tbe bill for restricting the height of build ings in London which has just been introduced iqto the House of. Commons by Mr. Whitmore, is one which we trust that Parliament may find time to pass. At present there Is no power, except in the case of new streets, to regulate the altitude to which bouses may be raised. The owner of a piece ot land in an old thoroughfare only .80 feet wide, may erect a block of flats 100 f net high without any local authority or puhlicdepartmentbavingthe least right to stop him; while if the opposite pro prietor follows suit, the street may be con verted into a narrow, airless, sunless brick canon, where two-thirds of the windows havo no other outlook than the dingy wall that faees them. The ruleby which Mr. Whitmore desires to make it impossible in the future for the owner of the land to deal with his property in a way injurious to the health of the community is that no building except a church or chapel shall be erected In any street thoroughfare, or place of less width than 60 feet wbicb shall ex ceed 60 feet in height It. however, tbe street is more than 60 feet broad, then the breadth shall be tbe measure of the height to which It shall be allowable to raise the houses. The Stylo In Bathing Costumes. From the Chicago Tribune! The bathing costume for 1SS9, judging from illustrations in fashion papers, is reduced al most to a shiver. FDN AND PHILOSOPHY. I wish I bad a big mustache Like others who I know. Or could look older than I do. If or I would like to go , Into a licensed beer saloon, Where tbe barkeeper wouldn't rage, And ask. In accents very strong, "Say, kid, are you of age?" Mamma's Darling (to German governess) Barbara, are their eight days in a week? Barbara -Neln. A Telephone is not a speak easy. Rev. Detbone Mr. Boozy. I can't see any use In your coming to church. You go to sleep every time, and It is impossible forme to do you any good. Mr. liooiy-Uut you are doing me good. Rev Vnrbone; at least you are succeeding much better than Dr. Dosemup did. Bev D I don't understand you.. Mr B. Why, I'm troubled with insomnia. You can tell wben love comes, but you cannot tell how. And to Its mandate you might as well bow. For It Is bound to rule:' And when It onceselies your beating heart In your life it will play a principal part; So. when It attacks you, don't treat it rude. But don't try to live on It, for It's a mighty poor food. Shall Bot Say, pop, what is the differenco between live pennies and a nickel? Pop Hodlfference at all, 8. B. Is that so? Well. J as t you drop Ave pen nies in a slot and you'll And there is quite a differ- Mr. Funniman I see some New York genius has patented an electrical machine for drying clothes. Mrs. Funnlson Well. I can't see how he can make It cheap enough te do away with banging them out to dry. Mr. Funulman Buv my dear, cheap or not cheap, it must be done by electricity, as the law forbids banging. "A place for everything, and everything In Its place." go, small boys, remember that the place for a green apple Is right on the tree. Tire dog now pants his little pant .The cat now mews Its mew. The donk now brays Its loudest rtonk, And tbe mosquitoes, you bet they do. A BIT OF IRISH WIT. McGinis Mike has got his dlplomee. McCarty And phwat Is a dlplomee? . McQInls A thine you frame and hang on the wall. Judge You say yon didn't steal this dia mond pin from this gentleman? rrlsoner Yes, sir. Judge-But it w a found In your possession. Frlsoner-l know It was Judge, but you see It was this way. I wis examining the pin In the gen tleman's necktie, and when I touched It it stuck tight to me. I couldn't shake it off. Judge I can't understand that. Prljoaer WeU,.you see. Judge, the. thing's paste. EXE S. SEA. CURIOUS CONDENSATIONS. An irate citizen leveled the St. Joseph, Mo., dog pound to the ground. A gar fish two feet long was taken from the tank of a Missouri Pacific passenger en gine the other day. There has been an increase in the popu lation of Denver, Col. during the lastyear, the total population being estimated at 123,000. Look out for your rubber boots. A Yale sophomore is very seriously ill in New Haven, his blood having been poisoned by the anniltne dyes of the lining of his rubber boots. Down in North Carolina an 11-year-old son of the boss brick mason is earning his 82 SO a day. He is at work on the outside of the wail,where none but experts handle the trowel. At Crystal Falls, Mich., Mrs. Joseph Clark was found Monday with a 3-months-oId .babe and not a thing in the house to eat She has lived on a dozen eggs for a week. The good people provided for the starving woman's wants and wdl look after her In tbe luture. - There are some curious med on the legal bench in this country. A Connecticut court fines a man 85 for lying in wait to kill his wife and stabbing her, and an Ohio court calls it assault and battery wben four bullets are fired into a farmer and be is robbed of his wallet. An unknown desperado rodeinto Golden City, Barton county, Mo began firing "right and lett and made people dance nnder penalty of death. He terrorized everybody for 20 min utes and then rode away, but was pursued and captured after being wounded In three places. Anthony Burrows, of "Walker county, Ga., has a small pine stump that has been pet rified. It is as heavy as stone, cnts hard and resembles a rock, though the streaks of rosin and growth can be seen, and beyond a doubt has been a small pine stump, which shows the marks of an ax. A French chemist named Beaumetz ex hibited at a recent meeting of tbe Paris Acad emy of Medicine a new alimentary substance which he names fromentine. It is obtained from wheat by the aid of special millstones and Is really the embryo of the wheat reduced to flour. It contains three times more nitrogenous substance than meat, and a large proportion of sugar. It is thought that it may advantageously replace powdered meat as a concentrated food. It may be employed for making soups, and even for making biscuits. T. S. Robins, of Eatonton, Ga., says his father built a house in Greene county in 1834 and a hen laid two eggs in the boxing nnder the eaves of the house. The carpenter, not knowing the eggs were in the boxing, ceiled them up aud leu them inclosed. Recently the house was recovered, when the eggs w ere dis covered. As tbe boxing was tightly ceiled, no one could have placed them tbere since, hence it is believed they were deposited in tbe nest when the house was built, which makes the eggs 33 years old the oldest eggs, we suppose, on record. Logan county, Kan., comes to the front with a natural barometer in the way of a whist ling well, which warns people from six to 12 hours in advance of approaching storms. It is 13S feet deep, and sends out a strong current of air, which, as it escapes through the apertures about the pump stock, whistles in a loud, flute like tone that is distinctly audible to every citizen in the township and more penetrating than tbe noise of any log born. Whenever the people hear the well whistling they strikeout at once for tbe cyclone caves. A man by the name of Smith owns tbe well. The following story is told at Ypsilanti, Mich., concerning Miss Mollie Richards, one of the Johnstown victims: During tho past winter Miss Richards was troubled with frightful dreams. In every instance she imagined her self crushed to death. The trouble became so great tbat tbe young lady refused to go to sleep until overcome by exhaustion. It was then her friends determined to send her to Johnstown to visit her sister. Hers was one of tbe first bodies recovered, and it was taken .East by a young man who thought it was bis sister. The mistake was discovered and the body was reshipped to Johnstown. Merrill E. Shepard, of Haddam Neck, Conn., is tbe owner of a hen which made its nest in the woods near his home, and laid several eggf only to desert tbem finally. A partridge then appeared to usurp the claim, and, after laying a few eggs, settled down lor the usnal three weeks' stay. Five young chickens first appeared on tbe scene, but these were removed by Mr. Shepard, in hopes the bird would stay and present him with some young partridges. He was disappointed, how ever, nut on the principle tbat fair exchange Is no robbery, the partridge eggs were hatched by a hen. , About a year ago, a Baltimore exchange relates, some wag polished a nickel till it only resembled the coin of the realm iu size and color. After It had dropped into the bottom of a bobtail car box tbo driver eyed it suspiciously, and evidently thinking the other side of the coin might be all right he gave tbe decisive pull and let it pass. From tbat time to this tbs company has been endeavoring to get tbat nickel back on therascaliypublic Butstranga to say. every man who tears open tbe litti envelope containing it and its companion piece always puts the smooth nickel back into the box. Of course no driver can now complain, Because the coin always comes out of the com pany's package. During iu first yearof service it has taken about 2,190 trips, and as it is get ting thinner and smoother all the time, there is now little b6pe of its ever escaping street car service except through tbe charity of some kind deliverer, or through tbe final dissolution of the company's corporation. E. B, "Washburn, of Three Oaks, Mich., was until tbe other night the very dirtiest hu man being that could be imagined. His hair was long, snarled and unclean; bis whiskers shaggy, his clothes in rags bis boots were mads ot rubber, and bis general appearance such as to disgust any decent citizen. He is a widower, and has two children about 12 years of age, whom ho refuses to allow to attend school. The other evening tbe citizens of Three Oaks pro cured a large tnb, a quantity of soap, brushes, towels, etc., and after receiving the donations of a bat from one merchant, a shirt from an other, an overshirt from another, etc., repaired to the dingy hovel of tbo old scamp, in the rear of an old store building, and proceeded to give him a cleaning. He .protested vigorously and even showed nght but the crowd was too much for him, and when they got through, an hour later, he had bis hair clipped, his whiskers trimmed, and was positively clean for once, CLIPPED BITS OF WIT. A correspondent wants to know how to remove paint. Thebejt way Is to sit down on it and then get up and walk away. Rochester Post Xxprtss. It a man is dead sure of anything in this world he can gamble on it. Tbe trouble with the average man is that he lsot quite certain or what be knows. It all depends upon something else. Sew Orleans Picayune. "I say, doctor, yon who know medicine from A to Iziard, what do you do yourself when you have a bad cold?" Fhvslclan Cwho does not believe In giving ad- vice gratis) Cough. Judge. "Have yon any cash to-night, Ned? "Let me see. Yes, I've a dollar and soma cents." 'Ah! some sense? Well, that wHl keep you from spending tbe dollar ror whisky. "Judge. Poet I know now how Columbus must have felt when he discovered America. Editor-Bow is tbat? Poet (gayiy)-Why, I've Just found a dims In a pocaet of ray last summer's suit. .Veto xor Journal. Vidocq I think I have a sure thing on the late Mr. Tascott. I don't know where he is, hut I heard down-town what be Is doing. Hawkshaw-TeU me all about It VIdoeq He Is In the hlJe business. And an other lifelong friendship was severed. Terra itauta Express. Oily to Polly (reading,newspaper) When yon are so mad yon can't express yourself, send yourself through by mall. 1 don't see how you'd go to work to do that. Polly to Oily Easy enough. Wben you aremad you always stamp your feet don't you know. Detroit Journal. The widow who was monrning the loss of her husband exclaimed: "There Is nothing left for me now but to enter a convent, tor all is van- "Let ns hope not" remonstrated a friend. "You are still beautltul, and a widow of 30 years ' "Twenty nine, if you please, sir," Inter rupted the nneomoled. Boston Journal. "Now," said the bridegroom to the bride when they returned from their honeymoon trip, "let ns have a clear understanding before we settle down to married Hie. Are you the Presi dent or Vice-President or this society?" "1 want to he neither President nor Vice-President," sho answered; "Iwlllbeeontentwlth a subordinate position." "What Is that?" Treasurer." Boston Journal, The modern child is an analyst Tha small kid was playing with the scissors and his kindly old grandmother cblded him. "You mustn't play with tbe scissors, dear. I knew a little boy Just like you who was playing, with a pair of scissors Just like that pair and he put them in his eye, and he put his eye out nd' he never eonld see anything after." SJf Tha child listened patiently. ai.d said whenshs got through: ajt5 .VWhatt w the matter with his other eft" . Ban xrancMCO vnronicw. jm . ".- '.- . -...,. , xSSHSSSBlBSBKnis I