'i 't fn-y-mFwm, THE PITTSBTTRG- DISPATCH, SUNDAY. JUNE 16, 188& "v THE NEW DIRECTOKY. It Shows an Increase of 16,653 in the Population. A VARIETY OP QUEER NAMES. Troubles the Compiler Has With the Can Tassers and They With People. THE BOOES W BEIXG DELIVERED The compilation of the Pittsburg and Al legheny Directory for 1889 is accomplished, and about the middle of last week the de livery to subscribers was commenced. The fulfillment of such a task, thus disposed of in a single sentence, over which the reader's eye ma travel without fully appreciating lis significance, is no longer regarded as anything out of the common, and few people outside Mr. J. F. Diffenbacher's headquar ters on Fourth avenne understand the labor and anxiety and attention which must char acterize the work, if it is to be complete, of compiling the names, residences and occu pations of the inhabitants of the two cities. Mr. Diffenbacher, who has published this Directory since 1874, has brought the svs tem of canvassing down to the finest point, but nevertheless each recurring Directory year, which begins on the first of April, brings with it its trials with canvassers who won't canvass, and the corresponding re sponsibility attached to the production of such a necessary work. The system of obtaining the names is pretty well understood. Auy time prior to the 1st of April men to undertake the work of canvassing are advertised for. These are quickly examined as to their probable fit ness, and a selection made, out of which the 75 men requisite for the work are drawn. Schools are formed in which the men arc in structed in the system of canvassing, and finally they are sent oift into their respect ive districts to take down, on a slip of pa per (or each, the name, address and business of every person over age in his walk. This seems a very simple business, and it is, in the more intelligent quarters of the city, bnt in others it is next to impossible to ob tain accurate information regarding names, their spelling and the business of their owners. In every city there is a class which is chronically in tear of the taxgatherer or Mliich for other reasons desires to preserve nn incognito, and among such people the Directory canvasser's life, like that of Sul livan's policeman, is "not a happy one." He has to throw OIL OS TBOUBLED WATERS of family dissension and neighborly feud to obtain the desired information respecting each; if he be a young man, with anything approaching a matrimonial appearance, he must be cautious in asking for widows, and should he at all look like a limb of the law he will find his work all before him. If he can speak several languages, all the better for his peace of mind, and before starting out on his route he must bear in his company an illimitable stock of pa tience. His occupation will last abont two weeks, and during that time he will have worked pretty well as hard as he ever did in his life. Canvassing for this year's Directory be gan on the 5th of April, and by the 20th the whole of the two cities had been covered by Mr. Diffenbacher's emissaries. Three days later A "copy" began to go down to the press, that ot Stephenson & Foster, of "Wood street, who, with their customary dispatch, soon had the matter in the hands of the binder";, Eichbanm & Co., of Fifth avenue, and, as noted above, the delivery of the book to subscribers was begun about the middle of the past week. Quick work this, when compared with similar work in other cities, and such as the undertakers may rea sonably be proud of. This year s volume shows an increase of 67 pages over that of last year, containing 1,343 pages, and is nearly twice as large as the issue of '79, which contained but 775 pages. Very significant tacts are brought to light by the annual Directory. Among them is the computation, which it is possi ble to make, of the increase in population. Compared with last year's, there is an in crease of 4,750 names on which Mr. Diffen bacher calculates an addition to the popu lation of both cities of 16,653 persons, a fact very satisfactory in itself, and which brings up the joint population to 373,653. The most noticeable increase in the names ot business men is found among real estate agents, who increase and multiply in the land in every succeeding year. The fall ing off in the names of those engaged in the liquor business is due, of course, to the ac tion of Judge "White at the license sessions. This increase in the ranks ot real estate men is indicative of two things, namely, that the value of real estate property is.in creasing in proportion to the growth of pop ulation, and that it yields, per se, sufficient emolument out of Its handling to induce men to engage in It. Another fact ascer tained through the instrumentality of the canvassers is that there are nearly twice as many vacant houses in Allegheny this year as there were last, and in this regard it must be remembered that the census was taken after the annual house-moving, whilst in Pittsburg the number has dimin ished. The figures for last year are, respectively, 149 and 618, whilst the num ber of tenantless houses tor the present vear are, in Allegheny 323, and in this city 522. SOME CUEIOCS ITASIES. A glance through the pages reveals- some curious names, and suggests a variety oi con junctions in which it is possible to place them. For instance, if you Doubt that Apples and Pears are Good, try Peaches, but no Berrys they Itune to Seed Orr a Plate of Jelly, which is Cool and Best. Then there are Ashs and Beechs and Birchs and Piues; Beer and Porter, Sherry and "Wines. Several pages are occupied with such undertakings as Schwartzmeiller, Schlichenmaier, Schler nitz.iuer, and so on, while there are a Sharp Bishop and a Dull King. There are Grey Badgers. Black Beavers and "White Bears, while the Grim "Wolf looks Blue at John Babtist's Bigge Pige. But Pen and Ink fail to describe the variety of names in the Book, and it might Gladden the Hart to knowtbat it contains Angels and Saints, were it not that it also gives refuge to a Blank Divel. Perhaps, however, the most i reuarrapie oi its many "features' is in that it has, under a Frank Brow, five Eis, one 2fotz, with five Chinns supporting three Xipps, the whole of which are dependent for support on one Legge and a Foot "With reference to the getting up of the Directory Mr. Diffenbacher said: "I have been at high pressure up to last Tuesday and on that day I felt thoroughly done up; but now the work is through and I have only to see to the delivery. The hardest part ot the work is in getting the canvassers down to business. I put off 20 men the first day as utterly incapable of understanding what was required of them. 2TAMKS BT SOUMD. "I had most trouble with those men who seemed to think it sufficient to write names bv their mere sound. It's funny how I got on to them, for I can't explain it to myself. I seemed to know intuitively when a man Had made guess-work of a name. The more positive bis assertions that the namehad been spelled to him, the more convinced was I tiiat he was telling a lie, and he was promptly bounced. A great deal of work has to be done over again. For example a man calls at a house and gets his information from the hired 'girl or, mavhap, a child, which on examination in the'office proves to be all wrong. Then we have the deadbeat class to antagonize us. Such people are in constant dread of the taxgatherer, and it is Tery hard tb get to see them, and when seen they give false names. Owing to this cause a large num ber of namea are necessarily omitted, but we try to mrke as complete a directory as rstea will do, "We compare onr new lists with last year's, and when we find any prominent name omitted we dispatch run ners to inquire into the cause. There be hind you is a list of the canvassers 75 of them, the number opposite each. That is to enable us to distinguish them. The can vasser, after taking name, address and busi ness, each on a separate slip, adds his num ber, so that we can alwajs trace home auy mistake. IT IS HUMAN XATUKB. "It is a curious thing," continued Mr. ' Diffenbacher, "that the man ft ho seems the smartest at setting ont makes the worst can vasser. These gentlemen know enough to bring them from this to heaven, and they conclude, in their sublime opiuion of their great ability, that directory canvassing is so simple asbardly to warrant them in at tending to their 'instructions. "One of these high and mighty gentle men," he continued, reaching Jor a bundle of slips, "a man, too. who once held a $3,000 a year clerkship fh. Philadelphia, went down to canvass a well-known attorney right here in the city. He saw him and got his name, and, here, look at this slip; see what he has down as his business, 'Turnerl' Oh, some of them are daisies. See this slip here is 'saddle merchant' for 'sand mer chant.' And here's another a dressmaker returned as S. A. Millinery.' Here is an instance of how the sound spellers guess at the names. Spell out this name and pro nounce it, 'Sthnorr.' " The reporter de sired to be excused. "It is 'Schnoerr," and here, again, is 'Savours' for 'Sawyers." One very curious "thing happened, and which we at first thought was a mistake, but it turned nut to be merely a coinci dence. A man brought in a duplicate ot names, both Greens, with the same bap tismal name and both were owned by widows of John, one living at 4914 in one street and the other at 4914 in a neighboring thorough fare. It is very hard to prevent duplication of names, and about 40 per cent of all brought in are thrown out in this way. "We . are now delivering just as fast as we get our books from the bindery, serving our old subscribers first, as is only proper, and then attending to our new subscribers and the public who want to buv. We mace a can vass for the Directory early in the year, and anyone who omitted to order then must wait until our subscribers have been at tended to. We will have it in the hands of our customers just as soon as we possibly can." Cash, The great magne tthat can do wonders at Jacksons'. Extraordinary reductions. Marie down in every department. Suits of fine all-wool, cheviot, cassimere, worsteds, now marked down to 58, ?10, 512; worth double the amount. See these bargains; it will pay you; odd pants for ordinary wear, war ranted not to rip, at $1 50; worth double. Men's fine dress pants at 2, $2 50 and 53, only equaled by custom tailors. Visit our hat department for nobby styles. Stiff and soft hats marked aWn to the lowest notch. "We don't intend to make reductions at the end of the season. Now is the time to give buyers the benefit. Jacksons', Clothiers. Tailors, Hatters and Furnishers, 954 and 956 Liberty street, Star Corner. Our Advice I This! Visit Gusky's to-morrow, if possible, to be among those prudent buyers who will visit the great annnal June suit sale. Every intelligent person will see at a glance that it is impossible for any other dealers to offer such quality goods at 'the price. New Expresa Train to New York. The B. & O. E, R. has added in addition to their two exnress trains a daily train leaving Pittsburg at 6 P. SI., arriving in Philadelphia at 7:45 and New York 10:45 a. M., with Pullman palace sleeping cars attached. Continuation this week of Gusky's great and highly successful annual June suit sale. Every bargain seeker will be more than delighted with the purchases made at this phenomenal sale. Foil Train Service Restored. On all Pennsylvania Railroad lines east of Pittsburg and Erie full train service has been restored, except "New- York and Chi cago Limited." CABINETS SI PEa DOZ. UNTIL SEPT. Crank Photographers Cannot make a pleasing picture of vour children. Bring them to Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market street, Pittsburg. Use elevator. Cabinets 51 per dozen. Fashionable nnd Stylish Dresscri Should remember that the very handsome and extremely elegant electric blue suits, now so much worn by dressv gentlemen, can be obtained at Gusky's. These suits torm one ot the features of Gusky's great annual June suit sale. Tic Got There Jnt the Same. A conductor on the Citizen Traction Koad in jumping from the car made a great rent in his new uniform, bnt Dickson, the Tailor, of 65 Fifth ave., 2d floor, came to his rescue, repaired it so that to all appear ance it is as good as new. Dickson's specialty is cleaning and repairing, and his charges are moderate. Give him a trial. Fine cabinet photographs onlySl a doz. Pkof. Hendricks & Co., oa a eaeral st., Allegheny. Iron City Beer Is the best in the market. It is a delicious drink, wholesome and nutritious. Brewed byFrauenheim &Vilsack. TTSSu A Bnsebnll Ticket Given Away Free by Gusky's with the purchase of every suit for man or youth to the amount of 510 or upward. This ticket is good for any championship game played this season at Recreation Park. AGAINST THE AMENDMENT. Be Snre and Ucnr the Discourse on Prohi bition. BY MISS KATE FIELD, OF NEW" TOEK, On Monday evening, June 17, at Old City Hall. Admission free. Reserved seats lor ladies. Music by the Great "Western Band. MAONlFlCENTdress suits, finely made of elegant material, in the latest styles of the tailoring art at prices from one-third to one half what a merchant tailor would charge, can be obtained this Meek at Gusky's great annual June suit sale. Natural Mineral Waters. Apollinaris "Water, quarts and pints. Tanus "Water, quarts. Niedcr Selser, quarts. Congress "Water, quarts and pints. Hathorn "Waters, pints. G. "W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Best 51 50 per doz. cabinet photos in the city. Panel picture with each doz. cabinets. Lies' ForoxAB Gailebt, 10 and 12 Sixth st. sumwf Ton Men Sbonld Remember That Gusky's great annual June suit sale enables you to secure business, serai-dress and dress suits at prices which will suit 'almost every pocket. Each suit represents a saving of from 55 to 510 to the pur chaser. Baeueblein Brewing Co., Bennett. Pa., brewers and bottlers of "Werner, Stand ard and Cnlmbacber lager beer. Guaran teed pure and nutritious. Try it. Tele phone 1018. ' "WTSU AfulHine of California wines, 50c, full quart, and by cane or gallon. "Wm. J. Fkidat, 633 Smilhfield street. "WFSU Elegant blue serge suits, suitable in every way for summer wear, can be obtained at Gusky's great June suit sale at prices which will fairly smother all competition. SS5 dulls 86 Pants To order at Pitcairn's, 434 "Wood itntt. CAERIER AND BAM. That Most Noted Bankruptcy Case Taken Ont and Aired Again. MANY MILLIONS INVOLVED. The Eegister Dead and the Sixth Assignee Still Struggling. PERTINENT PECULIARITIES NOTED Who hasn't heard of Carrier & Baum ? In some respects Jarndyce vs. Jarndyco wasn't a patch on one side of the bank ruptcy experience by Carrier & Baum. Theirs is in many respects radically dif ferent from any other legal entanglement known in the annals of bankruptcy pro ceedings in the United States. Dur ing the week interest in the famous suit was revived by a hearing before Judge Acheson on exceptions filed to a report filed by the late Register Harper, on exceptions filed to the accounts ot a former assignee, Richard Arthurs, of Brook ville, in which Arthurs was overcharged several thousand dollars. The case was argued by L. B. Duff, Esq., present as signee, and "W. S. Purviance, Esq., tar the exceptions and George A. Jenks for Arthurs. Bankruptcy proceedings against Car rier & Baum began June 11, 1874, and had scarcely grown cold enough to handle with safety when the bankruptcy law was repealed. The suit has outlived the register who had it in charge, and he stated two or three years ago that he didn't suppose it ever would be concluded, but that in the course of ages it would be cov ered with legal alluvium and ultimately forgotten. HE WTAS BUILT THAT "WAT. Mr. Andrew F. Baum was a born specu lator and his capital was tact and shrewd ness. He started in the lumber regions of Jefferson and Clearfield counties to work for other people, but soon, saved enough on the starvation wages of those ear,; times to become his own employer. At that time ideas of meum et teum were somewhat loose in the lumber regions of Pennsvlvania and a man was supposed to own pretty much what he could take and hold. This fact contributed somewhat to Mr. Baum's start, but his energy was the most conspicuous factor. As evidence of this, he had his eye on some timber land in Jefferson county which, the Government wanted to buy. There were two other men after it also, but the owner wanted more money than any offered. About this time Mr. Baum got married and started "West on a wedding tour. On his way he got a telegram from one of his agents that the Government agents were at the Monongahela House in this city. Mr. Baum jumped the train, put his wife in safe quarters, telegraphed the owner of the land that he would take it at his price and the same dav sold it to the Governmeat at a net profit of 543,000. Subsequently Mr. Baum came to Pitts burg and took John Carrier into the lumber business in partnership. They made some money, Mr. Baum's share thereof being estimated at 58.500,000. He owned lands in this State, in Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio, and it is slid he scarce knew where all his possessions lay. But in time Baum got tired of Carrier, and it has been hinted that he was not overly scrupulous in the choice of means to get him out of the partnership. In order to do so, it was alleged that Baum gave John Heath and others notes on Carrier & Baum, which they (Heath et al.) were to get discounted, aWd give the proceeds to nim, and on the maturity of the notes either Heath or the banks should petition for an adjudication in bankruptcy. Baum contended that Heath never carried out part of the alleged contract that of turning over the proceeds of the notes, but whether he did or not, he begau the bank ruptcy proceedings on the date above men tioned, AND THE FUN BEGAN. The Court appointed assignees, Mr. Braden, subsequently Judge Braaen, of .Butler; Giles McGregor, ot "Wellsville, O.; Mr. "Wilcoxson, who was at that time in the office ot "W. S. Purviance, Esq., of this city. "When Mr. Braden was elected Judge, and "Wilcoxon went to Cali fornia. Mr. McGregor was left as sole as signee. Mr. Baum didn't like McGregor, and refused to surreuder papers to him. So he too went out, and John II. Bailey, Esq., of this city, and subsequently Judge in Common Pleas, No. 1, was appointed. After some months' examination of the papers in the case Judge Bailey became disgusted with their complexity, and threw up the position in disgust. The Court didn't have recourse to a Philadelphia lawyer, about whom so much has been said, but, at Mr. Baum's request, appointed Richard Ar thurs, Eq., a young Brookville lawyer, as signee. Mr. Arthurs held the position until the 20th of April, 1880, when he was removed and Levi Bird Duff, Esq., of "this city, was appointed by the Court, and still colds it. At the time Judge Bailey pulled out the papers in the case filled a Saratoga trunk up to full scriptural measure. Baum at one time offered a composition with his creditors, and Register Harper, satisfied that the affair could never be unraveled, ad vised them to accept, but negotiations fell through. Up to 1880 but two creditors attempted to prove their claims and'Baum insisted that they owed him. The lnnd in Jefferson and Clearfield counties had been sold, and Mr. Duff insisted there was something crooked about the sale, and insisted on having it set aside. It was thought that the lands in other States had been lost through tax sales and other causes, and the matter had be come so mixed that it was less understood than that of 8CHLESWIQ-1IOLSEIN for there were said to be two men in Europe who understood that Whereas no one has professed to understand this, and the at tempted explanations made at the hearing last week would fill columns. Register Harper, who might be supposed to be almost as familiar with the case as any one else could possibly be,stated some months ago that he didn't think it would ever be set tled. After the death of everyone connected with it, and their heirs and assigns also, it wilt probably become a tradition or occa sionally have its history raked up and pub lished by some hungry reporter, as the will of the celebrated Mr. Tannehill is from time to time. Mr. Carrier is living quietly somewhere in Michigan. Mr, Baum is actively en gaged in business in.Kentucky, and he has listened to so much law in his own case that the lawyers say he h&s come to consider himself a lawyer. His natural force docs not seem to have been abated by years of struggle, and he is as sanguine as ever of getting there some day. Nearly all the old-time lawyers of this city have at some time or other had a whack at the case of Carrier and Baum. For years it was considered the especial property of J. S Ferguson, Esq., and why his name does not appear in the late proceedings has not been explained. One remarkable feature in the case noted in The Dispatch eight years aeo was that through all the trouble no creditor had ever interfered. An application had been made at one time for an injunction against a sale, but it was withdrawn, and Mr. Baum's as sertions that be would eventually pay in full seem to have been implicitly believed. In Holy Writ we read sometimes to the effect that he who diggeth a pit for his tel low is apt to full into it himself. Is this a case of the kind meant? The celebrated Crandall typewriter. The Caligraph "typewriter. Typewriter sup plies. Send tor circular. G. K. Flowee, 101 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Wm. J. Fbidat's Marie cigars are very fine; 3 for 25c. 633 Smithfield st. IVTSa (Communicated.: r!ransby,lbe Prohibitionist. From London Punch. To hedge people round with petty restric tion instead ot teaching them nobility of conduct nnd a worthy use of liberty is the perennial resource of shallow and incompe tent reformers. A depraved and servile hu man nature, cribbed, cabined and confined by an infinity of minute regulations en forced bv the policeman, is their reading of the social problem. It follows from their miserable ideal that they are entirely care less of the fetters they may place on rational freedom. A small minority occasionally injure themselves with liquor, and these re formers can think of nothing better' than to forbid the entire community to drink at all. The Times on Mr. Stevenson's Closing Bill. Out on our paltering pedants, petty fry Of ants who'd eat the core of Liberty 1 Oh, for a Milton's virile voice to wake The cant-dragged manhood in our midst and shake High Prigdom's dull, despotio Dagon downl And with one breath of freedom bless the townl Smugby's a great reformerl Smugby's soul Pftnttt with irinnial pfll tawflrd one. PO&l "As I am,-" Smugby shouts, "should all men be: . "Where slavery's bliss 'tis folly to be free: And I, am I not blissful? Rapture fills My swelling breast, shines in my rosy gills, Irradiates my calm, complacent face. Let me but set my yoke upon the race. Marshal its manhood meekly in my train, And badge it to my taste how great the gainl Freedom's a bnare and liberty's a lure, Complex compulsion is your only cure. Restraint's far reaching regimen alone, Straightness of garb, rigidity of zone, The ordered movement and the measured pace "Will bring emancipation to the race! And what is Smugby? A fanatic fool, Enthusiast of fad, and slave of rule, "Whose spindly Ego, drawn to Bickly growth By mental darkness, is exceeding loth To let in light or trnst to the fresh air Of manly freedom lest they should impair His spurious ideal I "Who but he Shines as the full-blown modern Pharisee? Anise, and mint, and cumin, these indeed He measures with the most punctilious heed, The broad phylactery suits his narrow soul. The ordering of the platter and the bowl For all mankind he deems his function fit; To lasso life's leviathan, and bit The social behemoth would be his pride. Humanity as his hobby-horse he'd ride, To whither? Smugby, howso'er he giose, Knows not; he never sees beyond his nose. He, petty, special providence of man, wouia mase us u reathe, eat, drink upon his plan. Some men are sots, shrink Shall cocksure Smugby From despot logic? Not No man shall drink! That Smngby's ultimatum, and his cure For drunkenness and freedom. Drink's a lure , To the enfeebled few; to enslave the strong And spare the slave's temptation, can't be wrong, According to mechanic morals. No! Because some things called men have sunk so low That opportunity breeds base excess In their base nature, place restriction's stress On stnrdier manhood; the fanatic craves One blessed boon; that all men shall be slaves. Those to their lusts, and these to tyrant law; So freedom's slain; and by an ass's jaw 1 Smugby sees only grossly, in the gross; The myriad forms of hardship and of loss, Which only thoughtful sympathy mav feel, The maimed rites of the simple mid-day meal; -' Smugby is blind, too,callous to all claims That seem to cross his own fanatic aims. Rather than his preposterous schemes should fail,. He'd banish liberty with cakes and ale. And on slaves, sober but emasculate, Build up his fleeting figment of a State. The sickly, servile, small Ideal, haunts Smugby's fanatic soul; he loudly vaunts Provisional advance, or snatched success, But will his senseless schemes abide the stress Of the world's virile conflict the old fight For manlv freedom blent with willing right? Nay; the invertebrate vain egotists "Will never conquer in life's open lists. Shut up liberty? No, if you please, Punch will "shut up" the modern Phar isees. A Bnsebnll Ticket Given Ann; Free by Gusky's with the purchase of every suit for man or youth to the amount of $10 or upward. This ticket is good for any championship frame played this season at Recreation Park. Ovcrholt Whisky. We have 2,000 barrels old Overholt whisky for sale to the trade. Geo. H. Bennett & Beo., 133 First ave., second door htlow Wood st, city. A Bnsebnll Ticket Given Airai Free by Gusky's with the purchase of every suit for man or youth to the amount of $10 or upward. This ticket is good Jor any championship game played this season at Recreation Park. COMBINATION Dress Pattehns An elegant assortment and prices all re duced. See window display. SIWFSU HUGUS & HACKE. CHANGE IN MAKE-UP. CLASSIFIED ::: ::: ADVERTISEMENTS That heretofore appeared on this page of THE DISPATCH will be found on the Eleventh Page, in the Second Part of this issue. The Wants, For Sales, To Lets, Business Chances, Auc tion Sales, eta, are placed under their usual headings on the Eleventh Page. Adver tisements handed in too late for Classification will be found on the Sixth Page. ? ?77d, PHOTOGRAPHER, 18 SIXTH 8TREET. A fine, large crayon portrait & 60; see them before ordnrlne elsewhere. Cabinets, $3 and $2 60 per dozen. PROMPT DELIVER!. apu-itt-xwrsa trflJ jjtO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EISNER ,', & :. PHILLIPS. $"l pZ DW Buys for all the rest of next -LJ week choice of many, $25 and $22 Suits. Under no conditions will we permit the business to lag. We've got the Suits here to sell, and we' propose to sell them.'. If you won't buy a suit unless you absolutely need one, why, you'll buy these great bargains as an investment. They cost more to make them, and you'll note $11 DST Buys number of and $20 $15 and $11 are familiar figures to you, but the values they'll get here now are not, and possibly may never be seen again. It'll cost you nothing to examine for yourself, and we'll take pleasure in showing .them to you BOYS' LONG AND SHORT PANT , Our grand and overshadowing sale of Boys' fine Clothing will go on till Saturday evening next. Until then you can take your pick of the best and costliest Short Pant Suits in our entire stock tor $6, reduced from $10 and $12. $5, reduced from $6, $7 and $8. $4, reduced from $5 50 and $5. $3, reduced from $4 50, $4, $8 50. . $2, reduced from $3. $1 75, reduced from $2 and $2 50. $1, reduced from $1 5.O. 75c, reduced from $1 25. Mothers, you never saw such styles and quali ties at the prices! "Tis the most fearful and appall ing reduction of BOYS' L0NG AND H0RT that ever took place in this or any other city. And you can have choice,of all the nobbiest and finest Large Boys' (14 to 18) or Young Men's Suits in our large and elegant stock for $12, reduced from $18 and $20- $ 8, reduced from $10 and $12. ' $ 6, reduced from $8 and $9. $ 5, reduced from $6and.$7. $ 4, reduced from $5. $ 3, reduced from $4. The reductions may seem startlingly large, but they're as deep and exact as given. There never be fore was such a scathing reduction. FBBE. FBEE. With each Suit sold in our Boys' and Children's Depart ment goes a genuine Spalding Baseball and Bat, EISNER E&E PHILLIPS Clothiers, Tailors and Furnishers, CORNER FIFTH AVE. AND WOOD ST. MT.. DE CHANTAL, Near Wheeling, Vy. Va., (SISTERS OF THE VISITATION.) A school of more than national reputation, offers exceptional advantages for thorough ed ucation of young ladies in all departments. Li brary of 6,000 volumes. Fine philosophical, chemical and astronomical apparatus. Musical department specially noted. Corps of piano teachers trained bya leading professor from Conservatory of Stutgart. Vocal culture according to the method of the old Italian mas ters. Location unsurpassed for beauty and health. Ten acres of pleasure grounds. Board excel lent For catalogues and references to patrons in all the principal cities, address se9-q76-su THE DIRECTRESS. DESKS A SPECIALTY. The Most CorptETE STOCK in the city. BED ROCK PRICES. Wo also manufacture this wonderful combination Easy Clinlr. STEVENS CHAIR CO. No. 8 S1XTH,ST 'ml2-S&SU PITTSBTJRG.PA OPIUM se!4-u29-su HorphUe ana Wllky HibiU ptln lessly cared. Treatment sent on trial free. Oonfldentl&Uy address H. L. "", See RxSaiurti, lis. JBL II I rrfTF m B flflg-""""":T J i -Hit ii Mmr"v4&T it when you see them. choice out of a large Suits worth $15, $18 SUITS. SUITS X.. GIEgiI31VICAMX &. HON, NOS. 318 AND 320 PENN AVE. Elegant Carriages of the hiehest grade, landiup, Bronghanu, T. Cart, Coupe Kocka ways, Extcntlon coupes. Pony Carts. 6-Passenger Rockaways, Market Wagons. Villago Carts, Buckwacons. CabrioletsLadics' Phaetons,Surrey Yagons, Top Vagon, Road Carts, Jump Seats, Phaeton Boggles, Open Wagons. Don't purchase a Carriage until you pay us a visit. (No connection with any other Carriage House.) myl'-Tyrsn CHAMBER SETS Our stock of tbeso goods is large, VERY LARGE, comprising ordinary, medium and finest gTades. In Order to reduce same, we will offer them for a FEWTjAYS ONLY, at specially cut prices: Nine-pleco Decorated Chamber Sets at 2 20. Twelve-piece Decorated Chamber Sets, with Jar, at $3 la. Onr Jo 75 Set is a regular seller at 17 60, and Is excellent value. THE J. P. SMITH lamp, Glass & China Co,, 935 Penn Avenue. Bet. Winth and Tenth Streets. P. S. Our reputation as being headquar ters for Wedding Gifts Is admitted by all. We are maintaining the standard. jel6-wrsu HAMBURG AMERICAN l'ACKET CO.- FX I'EESS serrtce between New York, South ampton ami Ilntnburc bv tlio new twin-screw steamers of ,10. OH) tons ami iitW) horse power, fait time to London and the Continent. Steam ers unexcelled for surety, speed and comfort, Jteitular service: Every Thursday from New York to Plvmoutn fLnnrinnt. rliprhmirir rtnrll and Hamtiurjr. Thronxh tickets to London and .Paris. Excellent fare. Bates extremely low. Appir ro tne General Office Hamburg American Packet' Co., General Passage Office, C B. RICH ABU CO.. Ai nroaaway. a, Xi av. N. Y. SI Hrnirfwiv. N Y. MAXschKAlbebg. ragmltnfleldst.,flttsburx. Jeil-wreu NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS. ZEIZZE Convincing Thinking People WHO MAY Keech's straightforward manner of doing business can not but be productive of good results, .and nowhere is the evidence of this more visible than in his Furniture business. Big as is his trade, it is getting bigger every day. It is a pos itive fact, there is not another house in both cities that shows one-half the elegant styles in rarlor buits, Bedroom buits, Dining Room Suits, etc, that you find at Keech's. Your special attention, however, is directed to the handsome variety of Folding Beds and Sideboards now exhibited at this popular establishment. A saving of not less than 25 per cent is'guaranteed to every purchaser of these goods. If you have never patron ized Keech do so now. You need only make a small trial purchase to convince you of his ability to serve you better than any other dealer. f t i FMTIM LADIS, take notice! We shall during this week close out allremnants that have accumulated in our Dry Goods De partment during the spring season, and, if you appreciate the saving of money, it will behoove you to be "on deck" as early as possible. First come, first choice. EEECH'S Timely Offerings For the Heated Term. REFRIGERATORS The very large trade which Keech has enjoyed this sea son in Refrigferators would long ago have depleted the stock of any other house in the city, but in Jtveecns as sortment the effect is barely noticeable. This tremendous trade can only be accounted for bv first-class goods and low prices. Buy a Refrigera tor at Keech's and vou will not only get one supplied with all the latest improvements, but at a saving of from 20 to 30 per cent. If this is an in ducement for you, you are in vited to call and avail your self of it Goods Sold for Cash, or on Easy Payments. "Kf EP TP Cash and ."Credit House, - 923 and 925 Penn 'ave., USTeax 3"STi -rfbli. Si3i?eeb. tarOpen Saturday Nights till 10 ECS S Arguments -FOR- BE IN NEED OF Has the idea ever occurred to Vou that the best time for you to buy is when we want to sell? This time is now here. Our lively Carpet trade this spring nas leit on our nanas many odd pieces and remnants of Body and Tapestry Bras"- sels, Wiltons, Velvets, Mo quettes, Ingrains, etc, which we are most anxious to get rid of without delay. To in duce you to buy them we have greatly reduced the prices. We shall also oner big bar gains from now until July 4 in Chinese and Japanese Mat tings, Oil Cloths and imported and domestic Rugs. Neither is our popular Up holstery department exempt from the bier price cutting; The fact is, we have many odd pairs and single Curtains which must go at once. If you are fond of bargains, here is a chance for you, then, to get them. i t Ice Cream Freezers. At the low price which Keech sells them no family should do without one. And how are you off as regards other articles of kitchen uten sils and House Furnishing"' 1 Goods? Keech keeps the ' banner stock of these goods in the city, and sells them at prices no other dealer can be gin to approacn. iinware, W oodenware, Queensware, , Crockery, Lamps, Water Coolers and Filters, Wringers, etc., etc. You will consult your own interest by looking at these goods and finding out their prices before buying elsewhere. P"H o'clock. j CARPETS. s ,A. "frS8MB"MHsfta iltaHEHHsHHl