- . Vyvp?, IHE PITTSBURG DISPATOHf SUNDAY,;- JUNE 16, 1889 r"', '. ' - -. 16 - .', :&" Tjr ACROSS THEBOEDEE. Experiences of Americans it the Ancient City of Mexico. A KEW STILE OP TELEPHONE. Palaces Which Do Not Coma Up to the , Traveler's Ideals. SEARCH FOE 1HE DELflSIFE TIGA IWBITTEX rOB THI DISrATCH.3 AT a station on the confines of the beautiful valley mentioned in my last letter, and while Etill in the mount ains, the native ven dors pnt in an np pearance bearing trays of barbarian dainties. Tne Dea con .had no stomach for these, but con cluded to sample the pulque, as the nroduct of the vi- '"" rinltv Tnss0ssfd a reputation. He purchased a pint pitcher full from an Indian damsel of 10 summers, perhaps, faithfully paying the price, a half real therefor, in good Mexican coin. He was to drink the potion from the little brown jug and then return the vessel. "Would I like to taste it? I would, and se cured a tumbler from the car, which he filled And we drank a glass of lresh yeast, sweet ened a little, would have afforded the same satisfaction. But what did this little maiden do? She demanded of me also compensation. I pointed to the deacon, and by signs and plain English endeavored to satisfy her that she had received the equivalent demanded for her liquor. She could not so understand it; I had drunk and must pay. I feigned to pay the deacon, but no, I must pay her; tnv mercantile ethics did not accord with there was not a carriage in sight. The crowd had thinned; no one in fact seemed visible but those burdenbearers, each with a short piece of rope, and they stood at a little distance staring at as helpless a bevy of foreigners as ever graced Mexican soil. An inquiry in fair English made to one and then another of this gentry elicited a shake of the head. A policeman standing by, be ing appealed to, smiled and acknowledged iris incapacity by a shrug of the shoulders. Street cars were'here, also duly labeled, but where would they take one? The policeman smiled again at this inquiry and we were just as firmly convinced as he that he was lying. The ladies grew impatient and be came tired standing, so they sat on their baggage like any other company of emi grants. I became interested in a man im bibing pulque through the leg of a very .filthy-looking hog skin ; he evidently enjoyed the draught and took a second one, then wallowed the receptacle to a safe place on his wagon, mounted and drove off, while the Deacon drew the line at pnlque from that moment The frees were attractive and afforded as much sympathy as the swarthy rascals staring at us. "If we knew which way to go we could walk," said the lady from New England. But there were some who could not under take the risk of walking an uncertain dis tance, and each felt, though we might never meet again, that it was his duty to see every other one started, at least, for his destination- .. , . , ""Would the hacks ever come?" inquired another. . , "Perhaps on the arrival of the next train." A MEXICAN TELEPHONE. "We had whiled away nearly an hour when a brisk young man was noticed comiDg from the lower end of the depot. One or the oth er of us had questioned a dozen men not dressed in cotton, but they each and all shook their heads and passed on. No Mex ican, however, could take the gait of the young man approaching, and we collared him, as it were. "Hacks! hacks!" exclaimed the young man. "Well, I'm " but seeing a lady near by he choked off the adjective as if he were making a sacrifice and clapped his hands. ""There ought to be a hundred here; I'll telephone for some," His oriental summons attracted to him the whole gang of porters; he said some thing to the fiit one that reached him, and the lellow was off like a shot out of a mor tar. "We all wanted to fall on the young man's neck, but as he did not start for the transmitter we inquired if he would not oblige us a once. "Yonder he goes," pointing to the peon xS?l&J0WanfiMj Jjp. f " TJ2J32'3 X'jpP VHC or m e x 1 co TIIE IOWEE VAIXEY OF MEXICO. hers. She talked vociferously in Spanish, I suppose, and I in emphatic American, quite three minutes, to the amusement of the pas sengers and the deep interest of the natives, . who listened seriously to me. AN AVABICIOCS MAIDEN. The train started, so did the maiden; the speed of the engine was accelerated, the Jyoung lady adhered to her purpose. I be came apprehensive lest sbe should stumble m mw r Floating Garden on the Vigo. md fall under the cars, and in sheer ner vousness for her physical well-being, possi bly tne repose of her young sonl, I tossed my last nickel toward ber; she halted when she saw it coming and her lips parted with a smile. She picked up the coin, the smile was gone, and the last I saw was her tiny brown fist cleaving the air impotently and her unsandaled, still darker little feet, playing an energetic tattoo upon the rock covered roadside. The child was, I began to think, honestly convinced that she had been swindled. I wondered whether there xnight be a tenet in their civilization for bidding the sharing one's purchases with one's neighbor, at least in the presence of the vendor. Possibly onr American habit carried to the merchant the impression that she had Jnade a mistake and had given too much for the purchase money, and the vendor, in stead of honestly returning the surplus, had taken the liberty of bestowing it upon his neighbor. Xet this child had her price from the deacon and understood the capac ity of her little brown jug. Possibly she wils mad at not demanding more, and like xnsny another under a different Christian civilization, while she bewailed her lact of foresight, she cursed the man for her failure to impose upon his generosity. Let the Bolution be what it may, certainly the demon of avarice, or the disposition to get something for nothing, was at the bottom and quite as dignified in tatters under a Hexican sky with copper in sight, as under purple and linen further north with gold as the inspiration. APPBOACHINO THE CITY OF MEXICO. , Bn,t we are nearing the ancient city, through a garden like country gladdening one with a higher state of cultivation, if possible, than any we have yet seen. The distant domes, rising ghostlike in the gray mist, put on fantastic shapes, to be resolved finally into time stained cupolas of monoto nous design. We skim along past hedges of cactus, or stuccoed walls, past grand trees end banks of flowers; the verdure grows less and the walls more abundant, and finally We halt, in the middle of a bright forenoon, on the edce of the strange citv. from the crowd and amidst the bustle the sounds are all unfamiliar. Profanity, of course, is not to be commended, but pro fanity is an unknown language, inspires neither admiration nor disgust An Amer ican sentence in italics from this babel would appeal at once, to one's gratitude. "We were beset at once by an army of car dadors, habited in cotton end duly labeled with brass plates; failing to recognize us as patrons, they stood around and stared at us and our grips. If we carried those satchels our social standing would be gauged imme diately at a low level. No doubt a Mexican porter would consider it beneath his dignity to carry his own bundle; he would engage another duly licensed and labeled aristocrat. We were placed below par by even waiting through the depot, beanug "our luggage, in search of a hack. A HACKLESS DEPOT. Beaching the other side of the building still on the dead run and about to disappear at the corner of the plaza. "Oh, you call that a telephone?" "The Mexican instrument you'll have hacks enough shortly." "We burdened this young man with thanks until he blushed and backed away without giving anyone an opportunity to inquire about his birthplace and ancestors whether he were married, how it came about that he was here, and bis business. The hacks began to arrive, much after the manner of the return from a well-attended Irish funeral. They came singly, in pairs and by the dozen, until the plaza was quite full, each with a little tin flag displayed, either red, white or blue, an occasional green one, and with one or more ragged at tendants on the driver. A PALACE, BUT NOT AN IDEAL ONE. Across the street is a palace 250 years old, with a history,and it appears quite as young as the hotel. A new-looking house is an impossibility in Mexico. I saw a house in course of erection and I mistook it tor a ruin. Palaces have always been associated in my mind with marble, with a foreground of grass, plots, flowers, fountains and trees, statuary and broad stone steps. But palaces here must make up in interiors what is lacking in attractiveness outside. Now this palace over the way stands flush to the nar row sidewalk of a narrow street, it is three stories in height with perfectly plain walls, an iron balcony at each upper window, where one may stand only. Whatever the rooms on the street were originally used for is past finding out; at present they are oc cupied as unsavory stores. The water vents that relieve the roof in damp weather are stone cannon, projecting far enough to conveniently empty themselves on the pauper pedestrians below. The entrance to the palace is through an arched portal flanked by fluted stone col umns. Intruders are barred by immense doors elaborately carved. Inside the portal one finds himself in a paved court, and around the hollow square, at the secoud and third stories, runs a gallery, access to which may be gained by stairs at the rear of the court. Perhaps this gallery may be re lieved by pots of flowers, perhaps not The rooms having egress to the court may have .served as servants' offices, the upper floors as the abode of royalty. The place would f Bigh, Bridge at Callejo. make an excellent haven of refuge -in case of Tiot; the inmates could barricade the large doors, retreat to the roof and hnrl anathemas and other missiles over the para pet upon the heads of the plebeians, or douche them with hot water through the stone cannon. As for its being a home for anyone even in perpetual fear"of assault, is beyond my comprehension; still this is the type of the home in the City of Mexico. Babies are born, no doubt, grown to maturity here in happiness or tears, and drift out to hide in some similar place, or die within the pre cincts as sacred to them, unquestionably, as though they had been reared in hourly sight of grass plots and uuder the shadows of ancient trees. Not having been sent into this world of trouble in this environment, I fail to appreciate its attractions. Xvtry breath in it comes cold to the lips and thills one under the ribs, every thought of it is suggestive of strife, violence in the achieve ment and turmoil in its maintenance. To an American It Is a dead failure, either as a home or a stately mansion. A VISIT TO THE VIOA. Our affable landlord advised us to dispose of the afternoon by visiting thB Yiga. We took a street car with a legend upon it made of x's and l's and moved off exultantly. "We rode and continued to ride, past palaces and one-slory buildings until the driver stopped and hitched bis mules to the other end of the car. We inquired of him for the Viga; we would have done as well had we asked to be directed to Washington. The conductor smiled pleasantly when he collected his fare for the return trip, and attempted to in struct us on the way to the mystery we were in search of and returned with us M the plaza. We were determined to accomplish tne Viga if we subsidised every car line in the city and started on our mission. This time we passed the portal of the hotel and in about ten minutes the driver halted and hitched his mules to the other end of the car as his brother had done on the other road. We exchanged some inquiries and, I pre sume, the same answers as before, and re turned through different streets to the plaza. We took another car going in an opposite direction to our former journey, went out into the country about lour miles and en joyed tne ride, returning by different streets as before. We tarried a short time in this Mecca of the 6treet car system and pre vailed on a calico covered damsel in an ad jacent booth to concoct us a lemonade. She concocted something, not a lemonade, and having refreshed ourselves by wonder ing what it would taste like, we donated her a real, and sought another car. After we had paid our fare we discovered that we were going over the same road that wit nessed our second experiment. NOT UP TO THE STANDARD. "This is a rank swindle," insisted the Deacon to me. "This is the road to that villainously smelling ditch." We persisted, however, to the end of the track and were delighted to discover an American and his wife going back. We in quired of them if they could put us on the road to the Viga. "That is the Viga," and our American brother pointed to the ditch. We were to take boats at the Viga, be poled out to the Floating Gardens and wit ness scenes rivaling anything in Venice. The odor of the Viga in a quiescent state was of a density that left a disagreeable taste in the mouth; disturbed it would produce malignant typhoid within five minutes, pre ceded by nausea. Onr enthusiastic country men, some of them, had revelled in this Mexican attraction, while at home they would have complained of something much less offensive and procured its abatement as a common nuisance. We returned to the hotel to suffer under the charge of eccentricity and the daily re proach of having missed a marvel. L. B. FeANCE. Imported and Donratio Mineral waters, Apollinaris, Taunus, Vic toria, Geyser, Saratoga, Vichy, Congress, Hathorn, Buffalo, Litnia water. Pints, quarts, case or dozen. ..... Wm. J. Eeidat, 633 Smithfield street- ffTSu KKW ADTKRTISEMKNT8. IBS Mil FIELD Will Speak AGAINST PROHIBITION -AT- OLD CITY HALL -ON- MOHDAY EVEHIHG, JUNE ! '.'J At 8 O'Clock. Admission Free. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. jelWl HABRIS' THEATER. Week Commencing Monday, June 17. Every afternoon and Evening. Second Week of tbe Young Favorite, N. S.W00D. By special request and positively for the last time, the romantlo and sue- cesslul drama, the BOY SCOUT - -or THB- SIERRAS. ' Superb Dramatic Company. Entirely New Scenery. Picturesque Costumes. Powerful Calcini Light Effects. NEXT WEEK, JUNE 24, third and last week ot N. 8. Wood, who will produce, for the first time in Pittsburg, tne sensational comedy drama, founded on facts, ADRIFT IN NEW YORK. JelS-15 pears' Soap Fair white hands. BrigM clear complexion Soft healthful skin. "PEARS' The Great English" Complexion SOMoldEverytfMB." OUR GREAT MID-SUMMER SALE! Commencing on Monday, June 17, and Continuing All the Week Remarkable Attractions in Every Department of Our Big Stores Read and Note the Prices Everything Exactly as Represented. Silk Department Special ralues in Black Silk Surahs. Ask to see the D. fc S. double-twill, worth Jl 50, down to SI 10. 38 shades in Colored Surahs, t nil width. Can match any color. Sold everywhere at 65c. down All the new shadings In Colored Satins; usual price 45c, down to 25c , , 100 pieces faille Francaise. the popular Silk for street and evening wear; Bold everywhere at tl 60, down to 88c. Colored Dress Goods Immense Bargains. Our Colored Henriettas, comprlslnc all the new shades, worth double what we ask, down to 25c. 200 pieces Bannockburn Suitings, new styles, double width, a very desirable line to make a selection from, worth double, down to 39c 150 pieces Black Henriettas, 48 Inches wide, worth 85c, do wn to 63c 150 pieces choice Challls how much did you say? 5c French Sateens. Beautiful patterns, new designs. New Ginghams, 200 different styles. New Percales, 100 assorted patterns. New Chambrays, all the pood colors. New Cambrics for Boys' Shirt Waists. Millinery Parlors. (Second floor.) Startling reductions in Hats, Bonnets, Rib bons and Flowers. The newest, tho latest, the richest. Come and see our bargain prices. You will be surprised. All the new effects in Birds, Parrots and Wings. Telling Hosiery Eeduotiona 100 dozen Men's Half-Hose, regular made, former price 19c now 12c 850 dozen Men's Fancy Stripes and Balbris can, full regular made, former price 25c, now down to 19c 210 dozen Men's Lisle Hose, former price 59c, now down to 25c 98 dozen Men's Lisle Hose. In all the new shades, former price 50c, now S9c ow dozen Laaies naio, .tunes ana x ancy Btripes. former price 19c, now 12fc 110 dozen Ladies' Fast Blade Hose, former price 25c, now down to 19c 86 dozen Ladies' solid-colored Hose, full reg ular made, former price 25c now 19c Over 100 styles of SAMPLE HOSE your pick at 25c A full line of Onyx and Electric Fast Black Hose, all marked away down for this special Hose Sale. 158 dozen Ladies' Black and Colored Lisle Hose, former price 50c, now down to 39c . 60 dozen pure Silk Hose, now dowu to 74c a P& .. sou uozen vnnuren s oeauuess uose, lormer price 19c now 12Kc One lot of Children's fine sample Hoso ont on barcain counter at 25c a pair. You should see them. They are very cheap at that price. Corset Bargaina S3 dozen English Sateen Corsets, in all col ors, former price 75c, now down to 49c 60 dozen French Woven Corsets, former price 96c, now 69c 83 dozen of our grand 91 Corset for this week, 75c 112 dozen of our SI 25 P. N. Strengthening Corset for this week. S9c 46 dozen of tbe R. and G. Corset for this week, at 75c. 90 dozen of the F. N. Grand Summer Corset, now 75c A Few Speoial Bargains lnHem- stitohed Flouncing and Skirtinga 59 pieces Hemstitched Flouncing-, former price 75c, down to 69c a yard. 30 pieces Hemstitched Flouncing, former price II, down to 75e a yard. 27 pieces Irish Point Hemstitched Flouncing, former price $1, now 75c a yard. 20 pieces Irish Point Hemstitched Flouncing, former price SI 75, now SI 25 a yard. 19 pieces 45-inch Hemstitched Skirtings former price 80c, nowGScayard. 23 pieces 45-inch Hemstitched Skirtings, former price SI, new 88c a yard. 18 pieces 45-lnch Hemstitched Skirtings, former price SI 75, down to SI 25 a yard. 60 pieces Irish Point Flouncing, .special value, down to 69c a yard. Ladies' and Children's Underwear. 100 dozen Children's Ribbed Vests, former price 20c down to 13c 80 dozen Children's Bibbed Lisle Vests, form price 25c, now 17c 100 dozen Children's pure Lisle Thread Bibbed Vests, former price 35c, now 19c 75 dozen Children's Bibbed Lislo Vests, former price 35c now 22c 100 dozen Ladies' Bibbed Lisle Vests, former price 25c, nowloc 100 dozen Ladies' Bibbed Lisle Thread Vests, former pries 30c, now 19c 150 dozen Ladles' Ribbed Vests, pure Lisle ThrA&d. farmer nrlce S5c. now 22c 600 dozen Ladies' pure Lisle Thread Bibbed vests at zoo, 83c, ue ana ou; just aDout one-nau oi lormer prices. Ladies' Balbriggan Vests, 15c, 39c 49c; prices cut In two. Great Beduotion in Gloves and Mitts. 850 dozen Silk Taffeta Qloves, "black and col ors, former price 39c down to 13c 200 dozen Ladies' Colored Silk Mitts, former price 39c, down to IBc " 150 dozen Ladies' Colored Silk Mitts, former price 59c, now 89c. 250 dozen Children's pure Lisle Thread Glores, former price 19c, down to 10c, and 500 dozen Ladies' and Misses' Lisle Thread Olores at 5c a pair. Our Grand Unlaundried Shirt Bar gains for This Week. Men's Unlaundried Shirts, former price 65c, down to 48c Men's Unlaundried Shirts. Wamsutta Muslin, standard quality, 69c or 3 for 2. Men's Unlaundried Shirts, special value, 79c, or 3 for S3 25. Men's Laundried Shirts, former price SI, now 74c Men's Laundried Shirts, former price SI 25, down to 93c Men's Laundried Shirts, former price SI 75, down to SI 24. Gentlemen's Underwear. Gents' Gauze Shirts and Drawers, 19c, 21c, 29c; prices lust bait. Gents' FEncy Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, 39c, Sc anfl 74c; worth double. Gents' Bercale and P. K.,Teck Scarfs, 6c each, or 6 for 25c and 1,000 Satlne Ties, former price 8c, now6o eacb. Boys' Waists, Indigo Blue, reduced to 25c each. Boys' Cheviot Waists, plaited front ana Dacit, down to sc eacn. Boys' Seersucker Waists, plaited front and back, down to 89c eacb. Boys' Laundried French Percale Waists, former prices SI 25 and SI, down to 75c each. . Sponges. L00O extra quality Sponges, former price 25c, your pick 10c each, Speoial Soap Bargaina 1,000 cakes best quality Toilet Soap, former price 8c, for this sale 4c each. Housekeeping Goods. Too many of all these, therefore this cut In prices. Plaid and Striped Nainsooks and Lawns, 6c 10cl2Kc.l5e,19c25c ' Latest Imported Lace Stripes, 17c, 19c, SOc, 35c 60c Too many of all these, therefore this cut in prices. 58-inch All-Linen Cream Damask, special value, 45o a yard. 53-icch All-Linen Bleached Damask, special value, 60c a yard. 68-incb Turkey Bed Table Damask, special value, 35c, 60o a yard. Too many of all these, therefore this cut in pricos. Ail-Chenille Portiers, large sizes, S8 60 a pair. Too many of all these, therefore this cut in prices. Tapestry Table Covers, 4-4, 60c; 6-4, SI; 8-4. SI 0 eacb. Too many of all these therefore this cut in prices. All-Chenille Table Covers, 4-4, 99c; 64, SI 99. Special Bargains in Crochet Quilts, summer weights, 59c, 69c 85c c, SI 25 each. Startling Lace Curtain Bargains. Now is your time to buy, 300 pairs showy Lace Curtains, former price 99c now 69c 244 pairs pretty new designs in Lace Curtains, former price SI 50, now 99c. 810 pairs handsome Lace Curtains, former price S2 50, now down to SI 50. 195 pairs very pretty Lace Curtains, former price S2 75, now down to SI 69. 189 pairs elegant Lace Curtains, former price S3 25, now they co at SI 75. 186 pairs entirely new designs Lace Curtains, former price S3 99; now down to $2 25. 2S9 pairs rich Lace Curtains, former price H25, now at S? 60. 667 pairs rich and elesant new designs, our own importation. All these came in too late for spring trade, and will be sold at a big loss. See bat elegant Curtains you can bur no w at 82 99, S3, $3 60, S4, J4 60. J4 99. S5, S5 CO. Attend Our Grand Jewelry Sale. See what 25c will buy yon in pretty Bracelets, Hair Pins, Lace Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Ear Kings, Queen Chains. Stuck Pins, etc Muslin Underwear. Ladies, take elevator to second floor and se e tbe unheard of bargains in Muslin Under wear. The best values ever offered. It's to your interest to see and judge for yourselves. Special Out in Ladies' Jerseys. Ladies' All-Wool Jerseys, former price SI 25, down to 99c. Ladies' All-Wool Jerseys (Ih brown only), former price SI 75, now $1 24. Ladies' All-Wool Jerseys, handsomely trimmed, ribboned, former price S2 50, now SI 99. Ladies' All-Wool Jerseys, new shadings, frocked and finished in suit form, former price S3 60, down to $2 49. . Infants' Department. Children's Embroidered and Corded Oaps, former price 39c, now 21c Infants' Tucked Caps, former prloo 89c, now 25c Children's Corded Tam-O'Shanters, former price 75c i10 "'9c Children's White Corded Hats, former nrlca SOc, now He, Cbildren's White P. K. Hun Bonnets, former price 39c now 24c All the new shapes in May Queen, Puritan, Fauntleroys and Alpine Caps at reduced prices. BfUUlAU 100 dozen Infants' fine Zeuhvr Sacaues down to 25c each. A Cut in Handkerchiefs. Ladles' Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, white and colored borders, former price 9c now So eacn. Children's cars Linen Handkerchiefs, nrettv borders, former price 8c now 6c each. Ladies' AH Linen Handkerchiefs, white and colored borders, all. nqw patterns, former price lie now 3 for 2oc, Speoial and Tremendous Out in ' Parasols and Umbrellas. 90S pretty Parasols, former prices, $1 SO, $2 50 S3 and $3 60, your pick for just SL Early callers can have first choice. So come at once. We inaugurate also the greatest Fan Sale on record in this or any other city. 1,000 Fans, former prices S2 to So, your pick of tbe entire lot at 8L The Specials for This Week in Our Glassware Department Are ahead of anything we have heard of be fore. Justread them: 6,000 Crystal Table Tumblers, former price 4c sow 2c 1,000 Crystal Finger Bowls, former price, 9e, now 7c. 600 Crystal Table Sets, 6 pieces, former price 2Sc, now 19c 2,000 Crystal Individual Salts, former price 5c, now 2c 750 Crystal Fancy Sugar Shakers, former price 22c now 15c 4 1,000 Crystal Fancy Mustard Cups, former price lite, now 9c 1,600 Crystal Fancy Fruit Saucers, former price 10c, now 6c 950 Crystal Fancy Cream Pitchers, former price 10c, now 7c 200 Crystal Vinegar or Oil Cruets, former price 25c, now 20c 300 Crystal Molasses Jugs,' former price, 12c now 9c 100 Crystal Lemonade Sets, with tray, former pries 75c, now 61c. 72 Crystal Ice Cream Sets, former price 64c now 47c 72 Crystal Berry Sets, former price 72o, now 60c Hi Crystal Berry Dishes (large), former price 14c uow 10c y 100 Crystal Half-Gallon Jugs, former price 4Sc now 3ic 150 Crystal Fancy Water Bottles, former price 72e, now 60c Also ask to jee onr special French China Berry Sets, for S3 69 per set, 13 pieces. DANZIGER & SHOENBERG, Successors to MORRIS H. DANZIGER, SIXTH STBEET AETX) IFEIOTSr lVE35TUE. NEW ADVEItTISEJIENTS. I 1 I 1 $1,250,000 (OffE AND A QUARTER MILLI0X DOLLARS) WAS THE AMOUNT OF BUSINESS DONE BY GUSKY'S THE PAST YEAJR, (A Statement Verified by the Assessor's List.) i.260.000 5 5 (0SE miJJOJ, TWO HUiYDBED MD SIXTY. TH0USAKD DOLLARS) WAS THE AMOUNT OF BUSINESS DONE BY THE NEXT FOUR LARGEST CLOTHING DEALERS OF THIS CITY. (A Statement Verified by the Assessor's List.) - MURDER .". WILL .". OUT. We have, in our announcements to the public, times and oft made the assertion that the amount of husinesss done by us was as much almost as that of any other four Clothiers of this city, while on the contrary, at least three of these merchants have, times almost out of number, claimed in the most bare-faced manner possible that they, and tJiey alone commanded the leading clothing trade. Is it not time that a, halt should be called on these fictitious, false and misleading claims, made by these would-be champions of commercial circles with the evident object of misleading Hhe public, and that they be brought to a sense of the absurd position in which they place themselves in the estimation of every reflective and penetrative mind? There is unfortunately no law in this great Commonwealth to prevent any person or class of persons from assuming the roll of consummate pre varicators, but the laxvs of propriety and business rectitude certainly demand that some little regard be paid to the principles of truth and honesty. THERE IS EVIDENTLY A LIE OUT SOMEWHERE and we, in the interests of the people of this community, herewith disclose in plain figures the peculiar and exact location of the "Nig ger in the woodpile." Now which is it. Have these dealers lied to the Assessor in their s worn statements or to the public, for lof these many months past? One great and striking peculiarity about these dealers is the fact that they every now and again get hold of the brilliant (?) idea of "selling at 50 per cent below cost," and at other times they announce ''great slaughter," "$40 suits for $10," "one-third beloiv the cost of manufacture," and other equally outrageous, inane and plainly to be seen false sales. Do these dealers really imagine that such stuff is believed in? Well, hardly. Good Clothing has just as firm and es tablished a value as wJieat, sugar, wool, or any other leading com modity and it is never necessary to "sacrifice" it in order to realize. In other word, the bill-poster announcements of tho "bankrupt," "sacrificing" tribe are simon-pure lies of the most palpable kind, and the strange thing is, that the enlightened nineteenth century public can be hoodwinked and razzle-dazzled by such open, barefaced swindles. Now and Again One Firm Bolder Than the Rest comes along and announces to hold a sale of a " Qaarter Million Dollars worth of clothing," and swears by all that is holy that it must be disposed of within TEN" DAYS then at another time they ac tually announce "A M1LZIOK DOLLARS SALE!" Great Scott! They offer tailor-made suits for $8 and if they sell a suit for $G it is "tailor-made." Everything is "tailor-made." The overalls they offer are "tailor-mdde" and if it were not for the absurdity of the thing we verily believe they would swear that their hats were "tailor made." In fact tliey're crazy on the "tailor-made" nonsense. These fellows are teetotally bad, they pocket a cool fifty to one hundred per cent profit. Traces of fly-paper and glucose on them can be plainly seen despite their gall and impudence. The Prevailing Diet of Fulsome Adjectives of those dealers who are forever doing such noble, (?) self-tacriflcing (?) deeds as "rescuing despairing manufacturers from the brink of ruin" by means of purchasing all the goods they have in stock, etc., is calculated to produce mental dyspepsia. These dealers boast loud ly of their being able to accomplish this by reason of having spot cash to pay. Spot Cash! Spot Cash indeed! Hoio about ever buying goods on four month's time with several months extra dating, then when the account falls due pay 25 per cent of the bill in cash and give a note at about sixmonths for the balance? This is how some of them buy for cash and make such gigantic capture (?) purchases. We could fill this entire paper ,in writing these tricksters up and wlM go further into the matter if necessary. We will now, however, close with the remark that the most unjust class of dealers that afflict a business community is the one who, while angling for business with stale baits, fleece their customers to balance the losses of their ill managed business. WE ARE, IS WE SAID BEFORE, LEADERS OF THE BUSINESS, and customers will find that with us bargains are dally bread and not an occasional bait; that quality and cheapness go hand in hand every business day in the year. If they didn't people would soon find it out and we should not now be doing $417,400 Worth of Business More Than Our Next Highest Competitors! One Million, Seventy-Eight Thousand One Hundred Dollars More Than the Dealers Who Have Occasional "Quarter Million Dollar Sales," and Within . $10,000 of the Four Would-be Largest Clothiers Combined. :)-( Gr-TTSIELr'S, THE PEERS OF ALL CLOTHIERS OF THE COUNTRY, 300 to 400 Market Street. i - 4 y $'- i " . t.4 .f i i-4 i i i i i i i j f , if , m t si r 'if 4 (J 1 A "z&-. IH?'5. a v.