jSB28iS! w WWzmmTT i&&r7T!FWP2WFr. -&& 'K THE PITTSBURG ' DISPATCH, 8UND AY, JUNE 16, 1889." 13 COULDN'T BE KILLED. Two lieu Who Survived the Full Force of an Electric Shock. THEY DOS'! FEEL WELL, HOWEVER One of the living Curiosities Was a Eesi dent of fittsbnrg. OPPOSED TO ELECTEIO EXECUTION'S KrECXlLTELEOBAM TO THX DlBrjLTCB.J Kew Tokk, June 15. Those who are actively opposed to the use of electricity in capital punishment have discovered two survivors of the alternating current, such as it is proposed to use in the death punish ment of William ETemmler. One of them is unable, however, to answer a summons to testify, and the other has been secreted for reasons best known to the competitors inter ested in the controversy. The most important questions raised in the natter are whether the method will be in hnnianly cruel, and will it disfigure the subject? It has been the good fortune of your correspondent to meet W. J. Bell, one of the men mentioned.and get from him facts more important than all the theories that in terested persons may offer. Bell is 26 years old, and is from St Paul, where he was for nine years telegraph lineman. He is a strongly-built man, rather under-sized, with a broad, open face and honest features. He looks as though accustomed to hardships and of tough constitution. In 18S8 Bell was in the employ of the St Paul District Telegraph Company. On June 22 a wire was cut at Sixth and Wa basha streets. He was sent to repair the damage. The wire was connected with miles of lines throughout the city. One end lay on the ground. Bell picked it up with his left hand and climbed the pole. SOMETHING OF A SHOCK. "The wire I held," he says, "was very leavy. I noticed that there was a guy wire fastened to my pole which communicated with the electric light wires used for incan descent lights. I did not think of the cur rents being on, and I climbed right up my pole until my right hand struck the guy wire. In a moment I was struck. My le!t hand being on the telegraph wire grounded me connected him with the ground and, , in consequence, the full current in the elec tric light wires passed through my body. "Electricity will alwajsrun to the ground first, if it gets the opportunity, and so it lelt the wires to pass through me. It is hard to define my feelings. First of all, I think. my mind was filled with horror. There had been two men killed that year and I felt, like a flash, that my time had come. That was only a meutal feeling. The physical sensation was different First came a curious feeling in my legs, as though I was about to have a chill. "Then it seemed as if I was swelling up like a balloon, and was going to burst There was no pain merely that sense of coming dissolution. Of course I was unable to let go of either wire until I became un conscious. Then I suppose the weight of the telegraph wire broke my hold on the other wire, and I fell to the ground. I have since fixed the time that I sustained the shock at 20 seconds. I base my computation on the statement of Miss Swetland, a lady who lived in the corner house, and to whom I OWE MY LIFE. "She was looking out of the window when she saw my predicament She rushed as fast as she could through two rooms, down stairs and around the corner of the building in time to see me fall. She has done it since then in 20 seconds. I fell just 15 feet, but some men wno had gathered grabbed me and broke my fall. I lay like dead, and the men summoned an ambulance. My heart pulsation ceased entirely, and so did my circulation. Everybody but Miss Swet land insisted that I was dead. "She refused to let them carry me away, but took pails of water from a passing sprinkling cart and poured them oyer me. At the end of 30 minutes signs of life re turned and I got up dazed. I did not know what I was doing, but ran for three blocks, and then fell down again insensible. ras removed to the hospital this time and there I remained insensible two days. "After I regained consciousness I was unable to see anything, and could only recognize friends who visited me by their Toices. As I hare said, I felt no actual pain during the shock, although where the electric light wire struck my right hand it burned a hole to the bone; but the after effects were terrible. My left side having been grounded, the worst results were noticeable -there. PAETS LIKE ITEEDLE. DABTS ran all over me for weekend I felt as cold as ice from the hips down for six months. Apparently there was no circulation of the blood and I was awfully lame and my head ached. I could not tree, and the light was painful to my eyes, so that I had to wear blue glasses. I could not think consecu tively;, nor was I capableof any work. Even now, if I did not take medicine, I should be in much the same plight" Bell has two small white scars as evidence of his experience. One is on the right fore finger just below the second joint on the under side. It is very small and looks as though it marked some small cut The other scar is on the thumb of his left hand and is even less noticeable. Bell has been living in a little house in Varick street, and his expenses have been paid by the people who have held him in seclusion until the time should come when his testimony would be of service to them. It will be no ticed that he savs that he suffered nn rutin during the shock, which would seem to set tle the question as to the cruelty of elec trical executions. While in this city he has been under the care of Dr. J. T. O'Connor, expert in nerv ous diseases. Dr. O'Conorsaid to your cor respondent that Bell's case was the most re markable he had ever had. Why he was cot killed outright was a mystery. "I imagined before I came across this man," he said, "that such a shock as he re ceived would kill any man. Of conrse, if he survived another man might, but I would not want to venture an opinion as to that" THE OTHEB SUEVITOE. Bell says that the current that passed through him is identical with that which has been adopted by 2Tew York State for electrical executions, the same dynamos controlling the currents. Charles Young, the only other survivor of a shock of this nature, is a son of Prof. xoung, oi .rrinceton. He was in the em ploy of the Westinghouse Company, at Pittsburg, and received his shock while handling a live wire. The result has been a nervous prostration, which prevents his moving at all. He was removed to his Princeton home, where he now lies in a critical condition, and it has been beyond the ability of any physician to aid him. The doctors know, of course, what his condition is due to, and what the actual effects are, but why those effects should ex ist, they say they are unable to understand. WEAKstomach.Beecbam'sPllls actlike magic PeaiiS' Soap secures a beautiful complexion. Imported Mjcrry Wine. Imperial Amorosa, 1810 $3 50 Imperial Amontillado, 1828 3 00 Pemartin Eeserve. 1840. 2 00 Solera Cabinet, 1860 l 60 Vinode Pasto 100 Jfnll quarts, case or gallon. William J. Friday, n-FSTj 633 Smithfield street TJeess Goods 12-inch wide French all wool dress goods in plaids, stripes and checks at 50c, actual worth SI a yard. Mtvrsu Hdgus &HACEX. Ovee 200 varieties of Imnorted Key West and Domestic Cigars from 52 to 540 per 100. G. W. Schmidt. Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth Ave. JOHN SCOTT'S SUCCESSOR. The Case Argued In the Conns A Number of Sentence. An argument was heard in the United States Circuit Court yesterday in the mat ter of appointing a successor to the late John Scott as one of the receivers oi the Allegheny Valley Railroad. Mr. George Shiras appeared for the motion. He argued that heretofore the receivership had been conducted by two receivers appointed at the suggestion of the Pennsylvania Bailroad Company. Mr. W. H. Barnes, the sur viving receiver, while he might not now be connected with the Pennsylvania Eail road Company, yet he had been associated with them for many years, and it is desired that ha have a co-receiver not so closely identified with the Pennsylvania Bailroad Company. John "H. Hampton, Esq., appeared for the Alleirhenv Valley Railroad and opposed the motion. He contended that Mr. Barnes was fully capable to handle the business; that he had done so satisfac torily in the past He had been appointed on account of the ill health of President Scott, which accounted for two receivers. The Court took the papers and reserved the decision. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company's counsel will be heard in the case if it is desired. The following sentences were imposed yesterday in the Criminal Court: Lewis Pfeil, assault and battery, $10 and costs: Frank Stowickey, aggravated assault and battery, six months to the workhouse; Henry Bills, illegal liquor selling, $550 fine and six months to the workhouse; Howard Will iams, assault and battery, 6 cents fine and costs; Thomas Maekeviak, aggravated as sault and battery and indecent assault, $20 fine and costs. In the case of Lizzie Nolan, who had pleaded guilty to abandoning an infant, sentence was suspended. A young man naa agreea to marry ner, ana mis met produced leniency. William Barum, of the Thirty-fifth ward, the father of Clara Barum, a 13-year-old girl, yesterday entered suiton behalf of his daughter, against James WGittings for $5,000 damages. It is claimed that Gittings, without warrant or authority, went to the house and arrested the girl and had her taken in the patrol wagon to the station house on some charge. Damages are asked for false arrest Tbe steamboat Seven Sons was sold by the "United States Marshal yesterday at public sale. It was purchased by James G. .Fairfield for $1,550. A surety of the peace case between Amos Sonrbrine and Grant Miller alias White. Both oi the men are sprinters and some trouble arose about a match which had been declared off. Two-thirds of the cost were put on Miller and one-third on Sourbrine. L. Franz Becker yesterday sued for a divorce from his wife, Katherinc M. E. Becker, alleging desertion. In Common Pleas Court No. 2 yesterday, overseers of elections were appointed for 48 oi the districts in the county for the contest on Tuesday. In the garnishee proceedings of the Mc Neal Pipe and Foundry Company against Albert C. Weaver, judgment was entered yesterday against the garnishees, George L. Drum, $1,795 25. In default, and Henry Peachman, $1,795 25. for want of an ap pearance. James M. Caldwell, 'Esq., yesterday was appointed commissioner in the divorce case of James P. Lenahan against Ellen Lena ban. Following is the trial list for the Crim inal Court Monday : Commonwealth vs. Charles E. Alien, Daniel Davis, John Witt mer (2), Thomas Kelly, Jessie Havis, Harry Gallino, Charles Donahue, John Morosquek (2), J. G. Schriner, McClurg Donally et al. The andit list for Monday is as follows: Estate of Accountant Elizabeth Kemaley W. W. Alsbach. Andrew Finney. Joseph Fayne. Mary J. femtth, A. A. Itinimo. Mark Collins , Annie C Cooper Elizabeth Mmon JlarrL,. Cruinpton... Charles W. Harris... Dr. Joseph Conrtnev, Charles A. Fllson.... ..Safe Deposit Co. ..F. C Miller. ..John Jonrdan. ..H. II. Crumpton. ..William Ulakely. ..J. M. Courtney. , .James V. AlcMasters. DIED WITH DETERMINATION. XV. U. Conies, of SienbenWIIe. Took Sev eral Kinds of Poison nnd Died. William H. Coates, who kept a saloon on North Fourth street, Steubenville, O., com mitted suicide yesterday morning by taking a dose of rough on rats and other poisons. He suffered untold agony for nearly six hours before he died. ,. The cause assigned for the deed was the relusal of his wife to have anything further to do with him. He had been to Pittsburg to sea her Friday, and had returned in a state of intoxication. After taking the poison a doctor was called, but Coates re sisted assistance, stretched himself out on his billiard table, bid his friends, a number of whom stood around him, good-by, and died. A message was sent to his wife at 128 Third avenue at once. Mrs. Coates started for Steubenville yesterday. She did not have the appearance ot a sorrowing widow, being attired in a pink dress and light hat. She says that Coates was not the only one of his family who had committed suicide, his own mother and several of his relatives having died by their own hands. ODD CURTAINS CHEAP. Small tots of One-Hair Pair to Three Pairs of a Pattern. Our large sales of the past few months have left a few pairs of a kind in many patterns of both lace and turcoman cur tains. They will go at the same low prices as characterize our carpet remnant sale. That is sufficient to inform you they are very, very cheap. Edwabd Gboexzingeb, 627 and C29 Penn avenue. Cash, The great magnet that can do wonders at Jackson's, extraordinary reductions. Hark down in every department. Suits of fine all-wool cheviot, cassimere', worsteds, now marked down to $8, $10, $12; worth double the amount. See these bargains; it will pay you; odd pants lor ordinary wear, warranted not to rip, at 51 50; worth double. Hen's fine dress pants at $2, 82 50 and 53, only equaled by custom tailors. Visit our ha't department for nobby styles. Stiff and soft hats marked down to the lowest notch. We don't intend to make reductions at the end of tbe season. Now is the time to give buyers the benefit Jacksoxs', Clothiers, Tailors, Hatters and Furnishers, 951 and 956 Liberty street, Star Corner. Pure Kye Wbisky. XXX 1852, Private Stock 52 00 XXX 1870, Choice Old Cabinet 1 so Choice Old Gibson 2 00 1879 Gibson 150 Guckenheimer Lubling 175 Guckenheimer Pure Eye 1 00 Large' Old Rye 150 Superior Y, Overholt 1 25 XXXX Old Honongahela 100 Full quarts, case or gallon. Wm. J. Friday, 633 Smithfield street "WTSU Imported Sherry. 1828, Imperial Amontillado Sherry, full quarts $3 00 1828, Imported Brown Sherry, full quarts'. 3 00 Pemartin Sherry, full quarts 2 00 Choice Old Brown Sherry, full quarts. 2 00 HatmonV Sherry, full quarts 1 50 Fine Old Topaz Sherry, full quarts.... 1 00 For sale by G. "W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave. I Did it Because BIy Mother Told Me So. Commence at once and save your money in your dress, and in no better way can you succeed than by having Dickson, the Tailor, of 65 Fifth ave., cor. V00d st, 2d floor, clean, repair and put your last summer clothes in good -shape at a trifle. Telephone 1558. Give him a trial. Lace Ctjktaiks Many lots of which we have from to 3 pairs, each style only, will be sold at very ranch under value to close. Htjgus & Hacke. WF.VSU WHT PEOPLE SMILE. Encouraging Facts and Gossip About the Business Situation. HOPEFUL MEN IN THE MAJORITY. Tips on Beal Estate Deals, One of Which Concerns Seville Island. LEAVING LAST.IEAE FAR IN THE EEAE Manager Chaplin, of the Pittsburg Clear ing House, is ail optimist from head to heel. He can see rainbows where less hopeful eyes discern only clouds. He has no love for growlers, and occasionally takes pains to let them know it When I interrogated him yesterday as to the condition of business, he smiled blandly and said: "It's all right Some people say it's dead, but if so, the corpse is remarkably well preserved. The clearings this week are al most $2,000,000 greater than for the correspond ing time last year. This tells the whole story." But this was not the only evidence gathered showing that business is on the road to recov ery. Tbe week was neither one of tbe bestnor one of tbe worst; It was about betwixt and be tween, wbich was as much as could be expected under the circumstances. In nearly every de partment of trade the improvement over the previous week was patent to even the most careless observer. Stocks were generally firm, with sales ot 6,773 shares. Petroleum was steady and dull. A large business was done In mort gages, the number recorded being 161, for $373,- 251. Beal estate was rather quiet but the busi ness transacted was quite respectable in vol ume. Some of the deals were for large amounts. Jobbers reported a liberal movement of season Able goods. The week closed with a good feel ing all round. From the unfavorable condition of tbe leather and other causes not necessary to mention, it was feared that the number of building permits would make a sorry showing. This was not the case, however, as 43 were issued for an aggregate amount of 71,230. The number issued for the month of May was S61, and the estimated cost was $771,474. Bo far this year the gain over 1SS3 is 05 permits and $290,000. 1 asked a contractor if he thought the estimate, made early in tbe season, of 4,000 houses for the year, woald be made good. He said: "I begin to think we will have to come down a pec or two. The flood has had a bad effect Lum ber is higher. This will discourage many who had thonght of building. The weather is also against us. I think it the end of tbe year sees 8,000 wo should be satisfied." No large business concern can be success fully carried on without strict discipline among the employes. This has contributed m no small degree to the success and popularity of the Pennsylvania Bailroad. Just before the heavy rain set in Friday night I saw a passen ger tram roll up to the Union depot but It did not stop under the shed. The rear brakeman took his station and stood there until tbe storm was over. He had neither overcoat nor um brella. When bis duty had been discharged, be walked into the station looking as if be had just been fished from tbe river. 'Why didn't you seek shelter!" he was asked. "Because my place was at the train, storm or no storm," was bis reply. Devotion to duty, such as this, is a conspicu ous trait of the American character, and heroes are no: so scarce as they seem. The reference to hopeful men in a previous paragraph, leads me to remark that the city is full of them. They generally wear a smile and move along as if they had something to do and had very little time to do it In. They talk rap idly and to the point I overtook one of them yesterday scurrying across the street as If run ning a blopkade. He is a hardware dealer, and said he had Just received an order from Johns town for stoves and their equipments to enable tbe people there to cook their food, they hav ing become tired of swallowing it raw. "It is wonderful," he took time to observe, "how quickly our people recover from disaster. Johnstown will be on its feet again in a few months. They have the will and the way will be provided." Leaving this gentleman, in a few minutes I caught a glimpse of a real estate dealer and another man as they dashed through the street in a buggy, going in tbe direction of the East End; 1 afterward learned that tbey drove to tbe Union station and took a train for Edge- wood, where they made a careful examination of the McKelvy farm, with what object I could not learn, but it is likely their visit had some connection with the report that the farm is to be sold and sub-divided. Several other real estate pointers were ob tained during the day, but they were so vague that it was impossible to make much out of them. One gentleman told me that there was a 50,000 deal in progress for something on Neville Island, but he didn't know what A transaction on Penn avenue was mentioned, as was also one on Smithfield street, between Fourth avenue and the river, but everything save tbe bare rumor was studiously withheld. It is a fact known to many, however, that there Is a good deal going on in real estate that does not appear upon the surface. The promise to the people of Wilklnsbnrg of a supply of Allegheny river water by tbe last of July or beginning of August seems to have been made without due consideration. From Inquiry and observation I think it is safe to put the date a month later. The pipes have been laid, but the pumping station and tbe reservoir are far from completion. It is about settled, as I understand, that the company will supply water to all the towns between Wllkinsburg and North Braddock. I was Informed yesterday that good water had been fonnd at a depth of 25 feet in the dis trict that is being opened in the upper part of Edgewood. This will be good news to those who have recently purchased lots there, some of whom contemplate building this summer. Explokek. A BAD W1ND-UP. La Norla tbe Only Bright Spot in the Stock Market. La Noria monopolized nearly all the business at the stock call yesterday, contributing 300 of tbe 315 shares sold. It was a trifle stronger. A broker remarked that he believed this stock was being held up to enable certain gentlemen to unload. Another broker said it had not yet reached the top, and if the mill panned out as expected there would be a boom in it before long. These antagonistic views were not calcu lated to throw much light on the situation. The other stocks traded in were Chartlers Gas . and "Westinghouse Airbrake, neither showing any change in figures. Electric was slightly weaker. The tractions and the gassers were barely steady. Everything else was about where it stood all week. There was the usual Saturday demand for bank, insurance and bridge stocks, but they were held above the views of buyers. Bids, offers ana sales were: BANK STOCKS. Bid. Asked Arsenal 65 .... Diamond National Bank .....160 .... Duquesne National Hank M0 .... KTrhanre National Bank 81 Fourth National Bank 125 130 Fifth Avenue 40 .... Freehold Uauk 53 .... Farmers and Mechanics' 220 325 Iron City Jsalional Bank 92 .... Mechanics" .National bank 105 .... Metropolitan National Bank 94 .... Odd Fellows' Savings Bank 65 70 Pittsburg National Bank Commerce... 232),' .... Pittsburg Bant forSavlngs 210 .... People's National Bank 150 .... Third National Bank 160 .. Tradesmen's National Bank 22s .... Union National Bank 300 .... Real Estate Loan and Trust Co., Al'gy 80 .... Second National Bank, Allegheny 180 Monongahela 105 INSDKJLXCE STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Allegheny Insurance.Co 50 56 Allemannia 40 .... Boatman's 27 .... Ben Franklin 45 .... Birmingham 40 45 Central. '.'.. 49 German American 61 .... Humboldt ..? 40 45 Monongahela S3 .... Icutonla 50 .... Union 40 i. 1 "Western Insurance Co .... & GAS STOCKS. Did. Asked. Allegheny Gas Co. (lllnm.), 37 Consolidated Oas Co. (Ilium,) 33 mtaburgUas Co. (Ilium.) 63 .... Soutbslde Gas Co. (Ilium.) M NATUIUi GAS STOCKS. Bid, Asked, Chartlers ValleyGas Co M . Manufacturers Gas Co atural Gas Co. of W.Va fo 70 Peoples Nat, Gas andtfpeageCo 17 Pennsylvania Gas Co 10 .-.. Philadelphia Co S6X 37 PineKnn 13 Union GasCo 54 0 "Wheeling Gas Co 30)4 31 OIL COMPACT STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Forest Oil Co 06 rASSEXGEE IUII.WAY STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Central Traction 3l 32 Citizens' Traction 69M Pittsburg Traction S2 Pittsburg, Allegheny and AIanchester.240 63 260 BAtLBOAD STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Allegheny Valley 2 10 Chartlers Railway 40 .,. P'gh, Youngt'n & Ashtabula. 30 .... Pittsburg and Connellsvllle. .... 25 rittsDurg junction it. it. uo -u Pitts., McK. & Yough. K. It. Co . M nits., uin. &ai. iioms Pitts. & Western K. R. Co , Pitts. & "Western B. B. Co. pref. COAL STOCKS. . 18 . 12 . 21X 22 Z2 Bid. Asked. 37 N. Y. &C. Gas Coal Co 33 BETOOK STOCKS. Bid. Asked. tforthslde Bridge Co.. SO Monongahela 20 .... Union.! 13 15)4 MINING STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Charlotte Mining Co . La JJoria Mining Co IK Uf Bilverton Mining Co 1 XLXCTBIO LIGHT, STOCKS. Bid, Asked. Allegheny County 99 102 Westinghouse S3 S3X MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Union Switch and Signal Co 23K 21,. "Westinghouse Air Brake Co v U7)i W The sales were 10 shares of Chartlers Gas at 60. 100 La Norla at 1. b. 0. SO, 200 regular at 1, ando Airbrake at 117. Tbe total sales of stocks at New York yes terday were 108.500 shares, including: Atchison, 7,250; Erie. 8,530; Louisville and Nashville. 1.925; Missouri Pacific, 2.205; Northwestern, 5,700; Northern Pacific preferred, 1,612: Reading,4, 100; St. Paul, 19.200; Union Pacific, 7,711; Western Union, 1,889. ' OUT OP TUB DEAG. Financial Affairs Bracing Up Continued Gains Over Last Tear. The money market yesterday was in good shape, showing steady improvement in all lines, especially discounts. There was no change in rates, but tbey were firm. Checking was a feature, and depositing was larger than for some time. Clearings were nearly $2,000, 000 larger than for the corresponding week last year, when there was no disaster or other ab normal conditions to depress trade. The report for the day, week and year is. worth studying. It is as follows: Exchanges , t 2,0M,OB 10 Balance S7S.GU2 S3 Exchanges for the week 11,978,537 18 Balances for tbe week 2,463,120 00 Exchanges, dally average - 3,906, 42 86 Exchanges week of 1888 10,105.630 42 Balances week of 1889 1,730,93) 60 Exchanges last week.. 10,(99,3,72 19 Balances last week 1,922,576 66 Total exchanges, 1889 292,6U9tl 59 Total exchanges, 1888 281,680,031 08 Gain. 1889 over 1838 to date 30,901933 51 Money on call at New York yesterday was easy, with no loans; closed offered at 2 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, SJiffioK- Ster ling exchange dull, but steady, at SI W for CO day bills, and $4 SSJi for demand. The weekly statement of the New York banks, Issued yesterday, shows the following changes: Reserve, decrease, $452,950, loans, increase, $2,384,400; specie, decrease, $1,834,900; leeal tenders, increase. Sl.466.900: deposits in crease, $2,339,800; circulation, decrease, $27,900. Tbe banks now hold $10,603,225 in excess of tbe 25 per cent rule. The exports of specie from the port of New York last week amounted to $4,675,493,; of wbich $4,530,343 was in gold and $145,150 silver. All the silver and $4,661,922 in gold went to Eu rope, and $18,671 gold went to couth America. Of the gold shipped to Europe, $4,513,272 went to France, $4,007,015 of it being consigned di rect to Paris. The imports of specie for the week amounted to $34,855, of which $25,294 was gold and $9,661 silver. Closing Bond Quotations. U. S. 43,reg 12S! M.K. &T. Gen.Ss.. 57J4 Mutual Union 6s.. ..103 . J. C. Int. Cert...lloJ$ Northern l'ae. UU..12I u. s. 4s. conp j:2$ U.8.44s(reg 106 U. S. 4s, coup 10G& raciuessoi '... . us Loul6lanastamped4s 90 Missouri 6s.. 103K 'lenn. new set, 6s....l08)j Tenn. new set. 5s... .105 h Tenn. new set. its.... 78 Canada So. "is 99& Cen. racialists WV4 lien. It, K. G., lsts..,119X Den, & R. G. 4s Sin D.&K.G.West.lsts. 102 Erie. 2ds ..I03)s 11. K.&T. Geo. 6s.. 62X Northern l'ac. 2ds..ll5 Northw't'n consols. H6 Northw'n deben's..ll3 Oregon & Trans. Cs.lOoJi St. L. 4 1. SI. Gen. 5s 86 St.L.&S. X. den. M121 Si. 1'aul consols 129 St. I'l. Chi A Pc. lsU120 Tx., Pc.L. U.Tr.Ks. 89a Tx..l!.K.G.Tr.llcts 38) union l'ac. sts lieil West bhore I0jj New Yohk Clearings, $126,607,279; bal ances. $6,233,718. For the week Clearings, $712,196,(i59: balances, $36,428,636. BOSTON Clearings, $16,457,739; balances, $1,502,514. Mpney 2 per cent Baltimobe Clearings, $1,909,830; balances, $363,905. Philadelphia Clearings, $11,901,789; bal. ances 11,749,158. For tbe week Clearings, $63,562,671; balances, 9,609,694. Chicago Money on call, 4J5 per cent; time loans, 56. Bank clearings, $10,190,000, ST.LOTjis-Clearings, $3,071,319; balances, HELD D0WK. An Advance In Oil Prevented by the Stand ard Monopoly. Tbe temper of the oil market was bullish at fhe opening yesterday, and it continued strong all day. But while strong, It was very dull, trad ing being very light at all of the exchanges, and no outsido support. The opening, 83c was the highest, and the closing, S3Jc, the lowest. These were tbe only fluctuations, and there were no sales above or below them, Finkerton was the heaviest buyer. Tbe clearings were 376,000 barrels. There were no rumors of Im portance, and no change in the general condi tions. A-broker remarked: "I believe the Standard will defeat every attempt to advance prices. They want cheap oil for refining, and will work the ropes so as to get it." Sproul Lawrence posted the following field news: Brush Creek The Hite A Brennan No. 2well is flowing at the rate of 7o barrels per day. Tbe United Oil and Gas Company's No. 2 well is flowing at the rate of 10J barrels per day. Turkey Foot Given No. 4 well is fluwincr at Llie rate of 100 barrels per day. Asauersiown .Montgomery No. Z well is through tbe sand and dry. Thn Ueggs well has filled up and is In the 100-foot sand. A. B. McGrew & iCo. quote: Pats, 83c; calls, S3Hc ' Features ot the Market. Corrected daily by John M. Oaxiey t Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened MILowcst 8SH Highest NH Closed 81H Barrels. Average runs , to, 050 Average shipments 74.839 Average charters 42,176 Refined, New York, 6.90c HrflnC' ljondon, 5 8-16(1. Refined, Antwerp, 17f. Refined. Liverpool, 6Kd. Carrying, Now York natt Oil Cltv, SSc storage; Bradford fiat; Pittsburg, 25c premium. Other Oil Markets. On. Crr?, June 15. National transit cer tificates opened atS3Wc; highest, S3c; lowest, 3c;cIosed.at83c. n Bbasforo. June 15. National transit cer tificates opened at S3Mc; lowest, 83Kc: highest, 83c; closed, SSJ$c TrxusviUE, June 15. National transit cer tificates opened at 83c; highest, 83c; lowest, 83c; closed. E3c. New Yobk, June 16L Petroleum was In tensely dull, and the movement of prices was tho narrowest possible, only one fluctuation of iio being recorded in each Exchange. Con solidated Exchange: Opening, 83e; highest, 83c; Ion est, &Xc; closing. S3jc. Stock Ki-changc: Opening, 83Jc; highest, 83Uc: low est. 83JBc; closing 83J6& Total sales, 410,000 barrels. PACTS-ARE STUBBORN THINGS. They Shovr That ibe Interest la Healty Is . Gaining Headtvay. Allcs & Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, sold for George H. Kuhn the property situated No. 42 Center avenue, a brick dwelling of five rooms and improvements, for $2,700. . D. Behen & Son sold for John W. Wiley to Micbacl and Mary Gannon, for $1,650, lot 21x136, on Penn avenue, near Winebiddle street. BeedB. Coyle&Co. sold for J. A. Graver to B. F. Miller a frame dwelling of five rooms and attic, with lot 29x132 feet, on Elliott street, Brcshtdn station, Pennsylvania Railroad, for $2,400 easy payments and no interest. Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to John D.DaviS, Esq., lota Nos. 15 and 18 in the Lloyd Circle plan of lots, fronting 100 feet on Dltbridge street by 172 feet in depth, for $7,600, They also placed a mortgage of $7,000 for three years at 5 per cent on two properties on Hlland and Ellsworth avenues respectively. W. W. McNeill & Bra, 105 Fourth avenue, sold the property at No. 171 Devllliers street Eleventh ward, to Mrs. AmaliaL. Newlln, for 3600, and placed a mortgage of $000 on Four teenth ward property. Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue, sold two more of those fine lots in tbe S. L. Boggs plan at $137 each to John G. Brown, who intends erecting two fine 6-room awellings on .them at once. The auction sale that was to take place yes terday was postponed until next Saturday. The same firm sold to Ed and J. Poland three lots In "West End place plan of lots. Thirty fifth ward, Nos. 321, 822 and 323, situate on Sa vannah avenue, being 22x121 feet each, to a 20 foot alley, for $300, John F.Baxter, 512 Smithfield street sold lot No. 114, Bank of Commerce addition, frontage "' w ieet on Dennett street Dyiisu to a zu-ioot alley, for $800, to 8. A. Laubhoim. George S. Martin, 503 Liberty street sold, in the Maplewood Park plan. Wllkinsburg, lot No. 82, fronting 40 feet on Coal street by 120 feet to Washington lane, for $100, to William Roll: also lot No. 75 in the same plan, to Miss H. Boebe, fronting 40 feet on Maplewood avenue by 120 feet to Washington lane, for $100. Mellon Brothers sold to J. J. Aland, 5 lots. 25x175 feet each, in B. A. Negley's hill plan, for $1,600: also to James & Hamilton lot No. 116. A. F. Klckerd, No. 117, and W. M. Edwards Nos. 118 and 119, In Mellon'splan of Turtle creek lots, 25x152 feet each, for $125 each; also to Pittsburg and Southwest Land Company, 1 acres on Falrmonnt avenue. In B. A. Negley's hill plan, for $5,000. ENLAEtiING THE CITI. No Paralysis In the Building Industry -Last Week's Record. Notwithstanding the general depression last week, building operations went forward on a liberal scale; tho number of permits Usued be ing 43, and the total cost $72,622. The list is as follows: B. Beinger. three frame two-story houses,40x34 feet, on corner of Pearl street and Laurel ave nue. Sixteenth ward. Q. Wals, one brick two-story dwelling, 17x32 feet, on Smallman street, Fifteenth ward. William Bogouhal, one frame two-story, 20x 24 feet, on Soho street. Thirteenth ward. Felix Hlgway, one brick two-story, 20x46 feet, on Webster avenue. Thirteenth ward. W. E. Hughs, one frame two-story. 20x34 feet, on Eleanor street. Twenty-seventh ward. T. Sankev. four brick two-storv. 13x43 feet. r on McClurg street, Twenty-fourth ward. a. aiauK, one trame one-story, 10x21 leet, on Thompson street. Twenty-first ward. P. Bower, one frame three-story, 47x66 feet, on Park street, Twenty-first ward. Jos. Little, two brick two-story, 84x31 feet, on Perry street. Eleventh ward. Mrs. Brumm, one frame two-story, 22x44 feet, on Edwin street, Twentieth ward. Henry Walling, one frame one-story, 22x16 feet, on Benball street, Twentv-seventh ward. Mary King, one frame two-story, 16x30 feet, on Harding street, between Thirty-third and Bidge streets, Thirteenth ward. Charles Busbton, one frame one story, 17x34 feet, on Syracuse street, Eighteenth ward. John W. Brand, one frame two-story, 17x16 feet, on Linoleum alley, Thirteenth uard. Herman Helin, one frame two-story, 16xS2 iccl, vu jMisworm aveuue. xweuiietn wara. Jacob Yost, one brick two-story building, 17x 32 feet, on Keystone street, near Fifty-second, Eighteenth ward. , Mrs. O. Duncan, one frame, two-story, 21x43 feet 0 inches, on Second avenue, Twenty-third ward. P. M. Cashing, two brick two-story, 20x52 feet, on Main street. Seventeenth ward. 'Wm. Cette, five frame two-story, 18x48 feet eacb, on Gross street, near Liberty avenue. Twentieth wd. G. M. Folsom, one brick two-story, 21x62 feet, 241 Main street, Seventeenth ward. James Hardy, one brick two-story, 24x64 feet, on Ward street. Fourteenth ward. Wm. Turton, one frame one-story, 15x21 feet, on Mohawk street. Fourteenth ward. John Leech, one lrame one-story, 16x25 feet, on Lemmiugton avenue, Twenty-first ward. " Albert Geschefski, one frame two-story. 20x 32 feet, Boup street, near Conrad, Twentieth waru. B. Ebert, one frame two-story, 16x28 feet, on Rebecca street, Twentieth ward. A, Steib, one frame one-story addition, 9 feet 6 inches by 18 feet, on rear of 4703 Penn avenue, Twentieth ward. Mrs. E. L. Board, one brick two-story, 21x52 feec, on Fish street, between Davison and Ge nera streets, Seventeenth ward. Chas. P. Naser, one brick two-story and mausaru, 21x00 leet, on riss; street, near ue neva street, Seventeenth ward. Myles McMifZ, one frame two-story, 18x32 feet, on Kusset street, Twentv-third tfard. Frank Sbmnowskl, one "brick two-story building, 22x33 feet, on .Brereton street. Thir teenth ward. Henry Brandan, one frame two-story addi tion, 20x16 feet, on .Republic street; Thirty fifth ward. M. Diebold, one frame two-story, 16x28 feet, on Oak street, near Huron avenue, Thirteenth ward. John Barry, one frame one-story, 20x35 feet, on Plummer street, between Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth streets. Seventeenth ward. George Hess, one brick one-story, 21x37 feet, on Walnut street, near Copeland street, Twen tieth ward. Henry Stolte, one frame two-story, 17x23 feet, on Mcrrlman's alley, between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets. Twenty-sixth ward. P. Henne, one frame two-story, 20x30 feet, on Sweetbriar street, Thirty-fifth ward. Robert N. Porter, one frame two-story, 16x23 feet, on Belonda street, Thirty-second ward. Charles Bailey, one ironclad foundry, 125x50 feet, on corner of Thirty-sixth street and A. V. R. B., Fif :eenth ward. S. Fleitz, one frame one-story addition, 10x14 feer, 4107 Peun avenue, Seventeenth-Hard. M. Wiepost, one frame one-story, 16x30 feet, on Berg avenue, comer of Coal street, Twenty seveutn ward. L. Schodouski, one frame two-story dwelling; 18x80 feet, on Preble avenue, Thirteenth ward. John Rynerwosky, one frame two-story, 18x32 feet, on Preble avenue. Thirteenth word. Jacob Nurbacb, one frame tn o-story, 18x82 feet, on Lincoln avenue, Twenty-first ward. LOSSES EECOYEEED. Improvement In the Temper of the Stock Market A Itenctlonary Movement Seta la and Elevates Prices Bamored Settlement of Kate Troubles. New Yore, June 15. The stock market was very quiet to-day, but there was a material im provement In the tono of the dealings over that of yesterday, and while the final changes are small and irregnlar, there was a general ad vance during the session, with somcf special movements among a few shares. The opening of the market was rather tame, but the temper of the room traders was reactionary, and first prices were generally to i per cent lower than the closing figures of last evening. A moderate amount ot buying orders was met, however, and the selling was done mostly by the bolters, and after some little hesitation prices began to move upward. The news received pointea to a satisfactory adjustment ortho Western rate troubles, and the Western stocks were the; only ones show ing any animation, while the advances were 1 Set cent in the first half hour, Atchison and urlington leading with . followed by New England, St, Paul, Northwestern. Missouri Pacific and Lake Shore. Oregon Short Line -alterwatd moved up 2 per cent, to 51, and To- leao.Ann Amor anajMortn jtucnigan aisomaoe a sharp upward movement. Later, However, New England developed marked weakness and not only lost all of its early advantages, but scored a material decline, as well as Chicago Oas, and the rest of tbe list then re tired somewhat from tbe best figures. A better tone was shown just before the close of busi ness, and some covering of shorts was indulged in, which rallied the entire list. The market closed quiet and firm at the rally. The final changes are irregnlar and for small fractions generally, bnt Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Is up and Oregon Short Line . Railroad bonds were quiet, the sales of all issues aggregating only J652,000. There was a firm tone generally, but the movements in tbe list were confined to the smallest fractions and changes aro lew In number. Hocking Valley 6s lost 2K. The sales of bonds for tbe week were $9,877,000, against $8,308,000 for. last week. The following table snows the prices of active stocks on tbe New York Stock Exchange. Corrected dallj for The Dispatch by Whit ney it Stephenson, members of bew York stock Exchange, 07 irourtn 1 venue: Clos ing Bids. 59 ssh MM ,10 20)4 102 Open Ins. Am. Cotton Oil 59)4 Atch.. lop. &.F.... M Cauaatan Pacific .... Canada Southern. 5434 Central orNew jerscy.UOi CentraiPaelflt. Chesapeake & Ohio U., Bur. A Ouli.er Vf- C Mil. ft St. Paul.... 72 c, am. at. p pr....ii5 V., RocaL AP 98)4 C St. L. A Pitts a, St. L. A Pitts, pf. C St. P., 11. AO C Bt. pm.ao., pr. .... O. A Northwestern.... 110 CAM orthwestern, pf . ... U.UU.AL 73, Col. Coal A Iron 29)4 Col. A Hocking Val .. 15 . Del.. L. & W UiJi Del. A Hudson 148 Denver A RloG .... Denver & Rio U., pf. E. T Va. AUa - 10l E. T., Va. A Oa 1st pf.. .. E. T.. Va A Oa. 2d pf. 25 Illinois Ceuiral Lake Erie ft Western Lake Erie A West. pr,. C0K Lake Shore AiU 8 loak High- Low. est. 4Stt HH M'4 1I0M 103H 73 102K Wi B8M UH 85 93 110)4 3P 23 15 5?f 145 ie 48H J0U 75 25 115 19 60V ICC 110K lCSX 73 73 29i 29K u is 148 nn 140 148 c: :::: 10 103C 25" 25" 60H 60H 100)4 1WK Louisville ft Nashville. 70X" Mlchfcan Central; Mobile Ohio Mo., K. ATexai Missouri Pacific. 76 New York Central h. Y..JJ.E.AW 27 M.Y., L.E.&W., pref 70 X. Y.. C. &St.L.:.... Wi M.Y4N. E k4 a. y..o. & w i7 Norfolk Western Norfolk A Western, nf. H Northern Pacific Nortnern pacific oref. 66X Ohio & Mississippi Oregon Improvement. .... Oregon Transcon Kid Pacifleaiall...., . Peo. Dec. & Evans PhiiadeL & Reading.. 47 Pullman palace Car 4 Richmond & Vf. p. -j 25JJ bt. Paul & Dninth a St. Paul & Uulpth pf. tit. .US Ban Fran... St. L. ft Ban Fran pf.. 61M ht. ii. 4 an F.lit pi.. .... Texas Pacific 21 Union Pacific &H Wabasb Wabash preferred 29f Western Onion &S Wheeling & u. E 7014 National Lead Trust.. 29X Sugar Trust ..109X TOTS 70)4 to 12 10!i ? iSj, 23 273f 2 18H IStf 18)1 61 K W COJj 17,3 17tf 17i ivi wi m .... .... s?l as 66M m 23)4 n 3354 S2K KX 5 24 47 flX 47)4 ..?. ..?. 1S7M 25X 25 2932 U 8.1 S4 85 28 6i)4 61-4 m 112 21 21M 21S S3 C2H S2S m 29f 29 2H 83 SIX "63 33 2S 103 Boatoo Stock. Atch. 4 Top.. 1st 7s. 117)4 A.4T. Land Gr't7s. 108 Atch.&Top.lt.R... it ikutonA Albany,. .212)4 Roston & Maine 1J4 C.yB. i 103,4 Clun. Ban. Clove. 23K Eastern R. R 92 Eastern K. E. 8s ....125 Flint A Pereal 29 Flint PereM. nM. 98 K.CSt.J.JtC.B.7s.m Mexican Cen. com.. 13V Mex.C.lstmtg.bds. 65 Ji . Y.&,KfrrEnx...WH N. Y. & N. E. 7S....129X. Did Coionr 1.174H Wls.central.com... 21& Wis. Central pf.... 53 AUouezMgCO(new). 90 rranmn. 9 Huron 1)4 Pewablc (new) 2 Quincy 50 Bell Telephone 214 Boston Land 6H Water Power Oft MARKETS BY WIEE. Tho Upward movement In Wheat Continued All tbe Unrly Options Higher Crop Advices From the West Conflict' log, bnt Generally Favorable. Chicago Wheat was quite active again to day, and a nervous, unsettled feeling existed, with a further improvement in prices estab lished, but the full advance not unstained. June advanced ifi and closed c higher than yesterday. July opened c higher, further ad' yanced c after numerous fluctuations, and closed o higher than yesterday. Deferred futures advanced c and closed from tbe samo to He nnder yesterday. Local speculative operations had about as mnch to do with the changes in the market as any other influences brought to bear on the market. Crop advices were so conflicting that opera tors could place but little reliance on them. From some sections in tbe Northwest, refer ring to Dakota, telegrams were received stat ing that while the growing wheat looked fine. showed no damage, but rain would be bene ficial, others claimed the crop looking very badly; again other advices noted rain, and others no rain at all. From the West crop ad vices continue favorable, and harvesting pro gressing rapidly. Foreign markets were stronger, A moderato business was transacted in corn early In the session, after which the market be- uamo quiet ana inactive, xneieeiingoeveiopea was comparatively firm, and early trades were at higher prices, influenced largely by the strength in wheat. There was but little doing on outside account, and transactions were con fined principally to local operators. July and September received the most attention. Tho market opened at yesterday's closing prices and advanced HQlic, reacted to Inside prices and closed about tne same as yesterday. Oats were stronger and a shade higher. Trading was fair and chiefly In the way of changing contracts from July to September. Rather more life was manifested in the mar ket for mess pork. The feeling, however, was somewhat unsettled and prices ruled irrregnlar. Early a decline of 10a was submitted to, but toward the close tbe market was steadier and the decline was recovered. The lard market was dnll and decidedly weak during the greater portion of tbe day. prices declined 25c, bat rallied slightly and the market closeu quiet. a lair trade was reportedin short no sides, and there was little change to note in prices. Early crises declined 2&25c later the mar- ket ruled steadier and a portion of the reduc tion was recovered. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat No. 2 July. 78K793Q78? August. WXJ68n5SiW6c: September. 76757ofe December, n&!Sii&7 o. CORif No. 3 Jnlv. August, S4K34i4ji: ai35iie!35Xc. Oats No. 2 July. WAW2Z, gust. 22Kc: September. 22KW22Jj22);ftf22Mc. Mess Pork, per bbh July, Sll 6uU feV 11 60ail 62K; August, Sll 7011 75Q11 60 11 75; September, Jlf 774U 8011 7011 80. LARD, per 100 As. July, 6 ttg6 606 65V 6 67X: August, S6 fi56 65S 62G 60; Septem ber. 6 758 756 706 TAi. SHORT Ems, per 100 As. July, $5 805 80 5 755i!0; August, $5 87K5 87K5 82K 6 87: September. t5 955 95o 90o 55. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm; spnng.wbeat patents, $4 50; winters, $4 25 4 50; bakers'. $3 003 50. No. 2 spring wheat. 81c; No. 3 spring wheat, 74Q75c; No. 2 red, 81c No. 2 corn. 34o bid. No. 2 oata,22c No. 2 rye. 8Mj39Xc No. 2 barley; nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, 1 54. Prime timothy seed, SI 25. Mess pork, per barrel, Sll 60011 65. Lard, per 100 pounds, $6 52. Short ribs sides (loose). $5 705 80. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $5 125 25. Short clear sides (boxed), 8 12 6 25. Sugars unchanged. Beceipts Flour, 8,000 barrels; wheat, 6,000 bushels: corn. 222 000 bushels: oats, 140,000 bushels: rye. 1,000 bushels; barley, 2,000 bushels. Shipments Flonr, 12,000 barrels; wheat, 22.000 bttsuels; com. 165,000 bush els; oats. 420,000 bushels; rye, 1,000 bushels; bar ley. 6,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was firm; fancy creamery, 15$16c; fine, 1515Mc; finest dairies, 1213Kc; fine, 10 12c. Eggs Arm at 12c. L1YE ST0CE MARKETS. Condition of the Market at the East Liberty Stock Yards. Opfice Pittsburg) Dispatch. J Bast Liberty, Jane 15, 1889. CATTUE Receipts, 260 head; shipments; 20 head; market, nothing doing all through con signments; no cattle shipped to New York to day. - Hoos Receipts. 300 head: shipments, 400 bead; market slow; all grades S4 404 50; no hogs shipped to New York to-day. SnEEp Receipts. 800 head; shipments, 1,600 bead; market steady; prices unchanged. SECRET SOCIETIES. Heptnaopba. The Allegheny county district conventions will meet JulyS. Pittsburg Conclave will have 300 members by July L This will give it a sufficient number for a district. The Supreme Arcbon Is now. considering several applications for a supremo organizer In chief. A selection will soon be made. The Supreme Archon and the Execntlvo Committee of the Belief Corps did timely and excellent service at Johnstown In relieving their distressed brethren. The Supreme Archon says tbe conclaves all over the jurisdiction re sponded promptly to bis appeal lor aid. The Secretary of Johnstown Conrlave says In a letter to tho Supreme Archon! "The Heps have by their kind treatment to their members here gained the praise of the whole commu nity, and if our disaster does not result in much good to the order. It will be a great sur prise to me." The Twenty-third Supreme Representative District Delegate Convention met at Youngs town, O., on tbe 14th Inst. James S. Beans, of Acme Conclave No. 87, Steubenville, was elected District Supreme Representative, and Charles A. Parsons, of Royal Conclave No. 179. Cleveland, as alternate. The convention passed some important resolutions and laid out a systematic plan of work for tbe conclaves tn the Jurisdiction. Supreme Provost I. A. Jus tice, Esq. addressed tho convention. Youngs town Conclave No. 183 tendered a reception to tbe delegates present at the Tod House. C. ST. B. A. . Election of officers for the new branch in All en town will take place next Friday evening. On Tuesday Chancellor Doare will visit' Connollsville, and on Wednesday McKoesport, The Advisory Conncil meets this evening at 7.30. The question of having a reunion will be decided upon. Supreme Chancellor H. W. Dearc, of De troit, will address a special meeting of Branch 49 at St. Michael's schoolhouse, Southside, at ISO p. m. to-day. Branch 2 held an open meeting in the base ment of the Cathedral last Tuesday evening. Addresses were delivered by the Rev. Messrs. Wall and James Keenoy, and also by James A. Burns, H. W. Deare and G. W. Gardner, Jr. When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child she ciied for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Ghildren,she gave them Castorla , pO-77-irwTSu 345ic; September, 3oj2 82ZJa2254e:Au- LATE NEWS IN BEIEP. James B. Dean has been appointed ganger at Cincinnati, O. Tbe Journal de St. Petenburg makes an emphatic denial of the alarmist reports circu lated by foreign newspaners attributing war like intentions to Russia. ' -J. T. Yutzy, of Nebraska, has been ap pointed a special agent of the General Land Of fice, and Robert E. Johnston, of Ohio, a swamp land agent in the same office, Several provisions of the Samoan treaty will be enforced before the treaty is formally ratified. Tbe consuls at Apia will forthwith invite oamoa's aanesion to tne treaty. At the War Department it is said that there is no fear of a general outbreak of the Indians, and that the present difficulty appears to be ot a personal nature and that whisky is at the bottom of the trouble. Yesterday's bond offerings aggregated $81, 150 as follows: Registered 4s. $650 at 129; I LOCO at 129, ex-interest: registered 4 Vs. $75,600 at 116. All the offers were accepted except the $1,000 4 per cent registered, 129, ex-interest. The roof of the Mercod Market at the City of Mexico fell in yesterday, bnrytng nearly 40 persons. Eight dead and 11 wounded have already been taken out. Soldiers are removing tbe rubbish and searching for bodies. The Controller of the Currency has re ceived a telegram from the cashier of the Puget Sonnd National Bank, Seattle, W. T., saying: Loss to baqks by fire nominal. All vaults stood the test well. AH banks now do ing business in temporary quarters. While the British steamer Kansas was pro ceeding np tbe Mersey to Liverpool yesterday morning to take on passengers for Boston, she came in collision with the Dutch steamer Les tris, outward bound. Both vessels were badly damaged and had to be docked. Severalplates of tbe collision compartment of the Kansas were started and the compartment filled with water. A courier arrived from the mllitarypost at Santa Maria, Tex., bringing the account of a murder and suicide which occurred there Thursday night. Corporal Adler Hatchings and Private Panl Marquant, of I troop. Third Cavalry, while on their way back from a ball, had a quarrel, which resulted in Hutcbings shooting Marquant fatally, after which he blew bis own brains out. The Lehigh Valloy's cut in rates on corn from Buffalo to New York has as yet resulted In no retaliatory move by tbe other lines, nor Is it certain that the 6-cent rate from Chicago to New York given on the 1,000.000 bubels 19 xnursaays aeai win De continued, xne wnoie affair seems to be the result of a sudden deter mination to take tbe big lump more than to make a deliberate and permanent cut In rates. Tbe June floods bare worked disaster to the farmers of Southern Indiana wno have crops in tbe bottom lands. The Wabash river is over 16 feet in the channel and still rising. The White river has created a great deal of damage to the bottom farms and has washed out thousands of acres of corn and wheat, and farmers have been compelled to move their families and live stock to high ground. Tbe damage to all of Southern Indiana and Illinois connties along the White and Wabash rivers will amount to many thousands of dollars, and it is feared worse trouble may e jsue. The Organization Committee of the new labor organization known as the Brotherhood of United Labor met in Chicago with T. B. Barry as President. It was reported that labor organizations representing about 7,000 mem bers bad signified their intention of uniting with the new order. Mr. Barry presented his plan ot government for the new order, which is a radical departure from the methods used by the Knights of Labor. AH power is to rest in the local organizations and tbe annual con vention and executive officii can only advise measures, having no power to formulate a policy of their own. At Armagh, yesterday, four employes of the Sunday school excursion train, which was wrecked near Armagh, on Wednesday, with snch fatal results, were arraigned In court and charged with felonious killing. The prisoners are McOratb, the engineer; Parkinson, tbe fire man: Moorehead. tbe guard, and Elliot, the traffic manager's clerk. Tbe magistrate dis charged Parkinson. A passenger of the train testified that when the train was stopped on the grade, Moorehead placed a stone nnder a wheel of the last carriage and uncoupled a number of the carriages. The detached por tion of the train immediately descended the grade at a rapid rate. The doors of all the cars were locked. Tne court adjourned. Mc Grath and Mooreheaa were released on balL A sensational seqnel to the supposed attempted suicide of J. A. Newcome in the Clearwater. Kan., bank May 29, promises to be forthcoming In the near future. Eybt since the shooting Newcome has been more or less un conscious until Thursday night, when he made rapid strides toward recovery, and jesterday his brain was quite clear. Sending for his attorneys, be imparted to them the startling information that be did not attempt suicide, bat that someone who was in the bank at tbe time had shot him. He said he had transferred to a Mr. Tlllinghast by trust deed some $30,000 worth of property, and that though be bad frequently asked for restitution it had never been made. Finally, he alleges, Tlllinghast In duced him to meet him in his office In Clear water, and there he was shot. A New Baptist Church. The members of the old Messiah Baptist Church met last night at their hall, corner of Forty-third and Butler streets, and re organized into a regular Baptist Church. Tt will be called the Seventh Baptist Church of Pittsburg. There was a large number present and the prospects of the new church are extremely flattering. The following officers were elected: Church Clerk, A. L. Hannah; Treasurer, J. T. Lavely; Trustees, Harrison Griffith, D. Boois, W. T. "White, William Gregg. W. W. Vinson. The election of deacons was postponed for another meeting. Wha:taComiortI NcDirt! NoFuss! No Back Ache! LASTS LONGER, LOOKS BRIGHTER, and makes the Shoes WEAR BETTER. Don'tlet the women hare all the best things, but use Blacking ONCE A WEEK FOR MEN. ONCE "A MONTH FOR WOMEN.; I find it a tip top Harness Dressing. WOLFF& RANDOLPH.PhiladelphU snvrsn BROKERS FINANCIAL. KELLY & ROGERS, NO. 6315 STATION STREET. E. E,, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Have Money to Loan In sums of 3,000 to $10, 000 on East End property at low rates of In terest. jel2-95 XXTH1TNEY 4 STEPHENSON, - 7 FOURTH AVENUE. Issne travelers' credits through Messrs. DrezeL Morgan it Co , New York. Passports procured ap2S-l COMMISSION, Bailroad I Mining mil II dZZ Stocks. Stoclcs. UIM I O BOUGHT AP SOLD S?he?srN0e1wm?orS: San Francisco, Philadelphia or Boston Ex changes. Loans made at low rates of interest Established 1878. OS" Weekly Circular FREE. A. R. CHISHOLM & CO., 61 Broadway, N. Y. mhl3-97-8u JOHN H. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. Members Chicago Board of Trado and Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange. 45 SIXTH ST,., Pittsburg. RIALTO BUILDING, Chicago. woiff'sAOME j BUlg6TMU j GLAD TO BE A TOKESS? Why Mr. Hpffman is Willing to Talk for Publication. HE STATES WHAT HE E5DDBEK "Just put it down and describe It as I give it to yon," said Mr. Huffman. "Though it's passed now, there is not any thing I have forgotten about it. Men don't forget snch things." Mr. Eobert "W. Huffman resides at 163 Jackson street, Allegheny. The descrip tion which be furnishes is worthy of special note, oi those who read the following through to the end will agree: "Ii was my bead that first began to trouble me," he said. "My nostrils would clog up, first on one side and .then on the other. Sometimes they would be sore and sensitive ' on the inside. At times there wonld be a discharge. I could feel the mucus drop back into my throat. Across my forehead and over my eyes there was -a dull, heavy feeling. This continued all the time, never leaving me a moment. It was not exactly a headache. It was jnst a dull, dreary pain. A miserable feeling that came from my nose and head being all stuffed up, I can't de scribe it any other way. "My throat would become filled up with mucus. Something seemed to stick there that could not get up nor down, though I would hack and cough in trying to dislodge it. I would keep swallowing, though there would something always remain that X could not seem to swallow. My throat was sore and raw. In later years I had great difficulty in breathing. Seemed as if there was not room to get the air into my lungs. When I drew my breath it was accompanied by a wheezing sound. At night I bad ft choked up and smothered sensation. ttJ & -. X Mr. Mobert W. Huffmann. 163 Jackson Street, Allegheny. "I would catch cold without any apparent cause. A continual hacking cough set in which, try as I wonld, I could not get rid of. "Alter a time sharp pains sticking like a knife would take me in the region of the heart, sometimes so severe as to almost take away my breath. The slightest exertion put me ont of breath. Frequently without apparent cause I would have palpitation of the heart. My heart wonld beat very fast. This would be followed by a slow, irregnlar beating, sometimes accompanied by dizzi ness. "I would "sleep well at night, but when I got up would reel tired and unrefreshed as if I had not had any sleep. I had no ap petite for breakfast. There would be a bad taste in my mouth. I wonld feel hungry but could not eat, the sight and smell of food seemed to sicken me. My stomach was out of order. After eating there would be a dnll, heavy feeling in my stomach. I lost steadily In strength and weight. I tried almost everything but without getting any re- lief. "My condition when I went to Drsl Copeland and Blair was as I have described it. Under their treatment I improved steadily from the start. My head and throat became clear. The pains m my chest, palpitation of tbe heart and the tired feeling in the morning; all passed away. My cough has disappeared I sleep well and eat well. I have no more headache, and feel quite like another person. My friends noticed my improvement every day. lam glad to witness in this what Drs. Copeland and Blair have done for mf." Mr. Huffman lives, as stated at 163 Jackson street, Allegheny. He is engaged in the Alle gheny Market, at McBrtde's Restaurant. His statement can easily be verified. VERY PLAIN TALK, Containing Truth With Which Evsryois Should Become Familiar. "When catarrh has existed in the bead and upper parts of the throat for any length of time,, tbe patient living in a district where people are subject to catarrhal affection, and the disease has been left nncured, the ca tarrh invariably, sometimes slowly, extends down the windpipe and into tbe bronchial tubes, which tubes convey the air into the different parts of the lungs. The tubes be come affected from the swelling and the muens arising from catarrh, and in some instances become plngged up so that the air cannot get in as freely as it should Shortness of breath follows and the patient breathes with labor and difficulty. In other cases there is a sonnd of crack ing and wheezing inside the chest. At this stage of the disease the breathing la usually more rapid than when in health. The patient has also hot flashes oyer bis body. Tne pain which accompanies this condi tion is ot a dnll character, felt in the chest, behind the breast bone or under the shoul der blade. Tbe pain may come and go last a few days and then be absent for sev eral others. The cough that occurs in the first stigesof bronchial catarrh is dry, comes at intervals, is hacking in character, and usually most troublesome in the morning on arising or on going to bed at night, and it may be the first evidence of the disease ex tending in the lungs. At first there may be nothing brought up oy tne cougn; men mere is a nine tougn, tenacious mucus, which the patient find great difficulty in bringing up. Sometimes there are fits of coughing in duced by the tough mucus so violent as to cause vomiting. Later on the mucus that is raised Is found to contain some particles of yellow matter, which indicates that the small tubes in the lungs are now affected. With this there are often streaks of bloodmlxed with the mucus. In some cases the patient becomes very pale, has fever and expectorates before any cough appears. In some cases small masses of cheesey sub stance are spit up, which, when pressed be tween the fingers, emit a bad odor; in other cases, particles of a hard chalky nature are spit op. The raising of cheesey or chalky lumps indicates serious mlchief at work In the lungs. In some cases catarrah will extend into the lungs in a few weeks; In other cases it may be mouths, and even years, before the disease at tacks the lungs sufficiently to cause serious in terference with the general health. When the disease has developed to such a point the pa tientis said to have catarrhal consumption. With bronchial catarrah there is more or less fever, which differs with tho different parts of the day slight In the morning, higher in the afternoon and evening. Are located permanently at 66 SIXTH AVENUE, Where they treat with success all curable eases. -? Office hours 9 to 11 A. it; 2 to S P. K.; 7 to 9 p. it. (Sunday inclnded.) Specialties CATARRH, and ALL DIS EASES of the EYE, EAR, THROAT ana LUNGS. Consultation. II CO. Address all mall. to DBS. COPELAND & BLAIR. w sixth ave., pitasorg. Pa, DOCTORS WLIiflUIH 1 1 - , . t - t tT-t '" "' k&4?3?ZrL&K4t ii4afci.:-'rraAL