WKSSSEKS 1111331 IkEtfR STJ "jusfTtrr- 7?'; -y. jr.v .'y PITTSBUEG DISPATCH, SUNDAY, 3TJNE "16, 1889. 11'- THE mrxs59SnViFm ONE ORDER'S LOSSES. Kemarkably Complete Detailed Statement for Odd Fellows, GIVING 653 JOHNSTOWN FAMILIES. How 90,000 Members of the Order In This State Will Feel It. THE IITS LOST FOOT UP TERY EW The followinj statistics of the loss of members of the Independent Order of Odd Fello v. i i the late Johnstown disaster haTe been collected by John E. McCrickart, of Pittsburg Lodge, No. 336, L O. O. I". Out of the total of 653 members in the lodges at Johnstown, all have been accounted for ex cept 18, and, while it is probable that a few moremaybeadded to the death, rolljitislikel that it will not exceed more than one or two.as some of the members unaccounted for have been out of town and others reside in the district that was not flooded. The list should be full of interest to the many local mem bers who help to make up the 90,000 Odd Fellows in the State: ALMA. LODGE. HO. 523 DIED. Edwards, Eoeer Leaves 1 married. S single chil dren. .Kate and Edward, now at Ebensburg. Thomas, Edward, also wife and 5 children (Mary Lenora saved) now on Bedford pike. McMeans William Leaves wife and 1 child at Armagh, Indiana county Davis, Thomas S.. wife and 4 children Leaves 3 single and 2 married children; also house and household goods. Williams, William J. Leaves wife and 3 chil dren: lost house and roods. Jones, James Leaves -wife (pone to Alliance, O.l. aIra linne and household roods. Howe, Thomas-Leaves 1 girl and S boys; also wile and 1 daughter. Kraut Tn K. Wife and 4 children. Morgan, Job Leaves wife and 8 single and 2 married children: also lost nouse ana uouseuuiu goods. Kobinson. Thomas Unmarried. Wllhaner, Mrs. Ed.-(Widow) and son: also lost household goods. (Mr Ed Wlinaner was ouneu by .No. 523 about one year ago.) LIST OF TAMILIES OF MEMBERS LOST Or SO. 523 Pirnn. Tt Aubrey Lost wife: has two children (at drugstore, MorrellvlUe); also lost household goods. Smith, J. L. Lost wife, several children and household goods. I,..- lrlr..l.n;t-wlreand household goods. Cadagan, William Lost wife, daughter and household goods. Werrv. John Lost one son and house and household roods. , Harris, 1111am T. Lost wife and children, Owens. .Moses Lost wire and six chlldren.house and household (roods , Phillips Kobert Lost wife and 3 children, 3 nouses ana nousenoiu goous. Jenkins. David-Lost 1 child, house and housc- hnM pnods. Lard, James Er. Lost 1 boy and household gooas. Jones, Lewis K. LostwlTe, houseandhou6ehold enori- Drew, Henry Lost 1 child and household goods. Jones, John D. Lost wife and 6 children, also household goods. Evans. JosUh F. Lost wife and 4 children, 6 honses and household goods. Harris, John T.- Lost wife and 5 children, house ana nousenoia gooas. Harris. Thomas T. Lost 5 children and house hold goods. MEMBERS INJURED. Hamilton, H. H., badly disabled; lost all bonse- noia gooas. LIST OF MEMBERS THATLOSTPBOPEETTOKLT. Thefol'owlng named members lost houses and household goods: Lewis, William; Fockler, Jacob M.. also millinery store: Parsons, Kobert; Reese, Mrs. Lewis (widow): Bergman, John G.; Davis. Richard D.: Day, Reuben A.; Stroup, Daniel: Moore, James: Lucas, David 1C; Davis, James R.: Jones, EvanB W.: Reese, Morgan, 15 houses and household goods (has a few left); Horrell, Irwin; Morgan, Thomas; Keese, John K. ; Kowlev. JohnT.; Lewis, John E.. Marks, Joseph; Lewis, William J. : Davis, Will iam J.; lteed. George W-; Griffith, John F.: Har ris, John W.: Edwards, Thomas J.; Thomas, Daniel J.: Jenkins. John T.; Davis, David M.; Jones. Richard W.: Jones; D. W.; Edwards, Da vid R.:SwanK. George T. Lavely, David: Brown, Morganza A.; Young. William: Williams, Hugh, honse, household goods and about (500; Caddy. T. H.: Reese, Wlnfleld; Bender, Thomas; Williams, James. LOST HOUSEHOLD GOODS OXLT. DavlsThomasP.;Patriken, Albert, also store: Decker, John L..: Andrews, Joseph; Jones. John O.rMaybury. Ed.; Horner, Curtis E.: smith, J. A., (M. E.); Rowland, Isaac U.1 -household gpods kept hotel now, at Prospect: Morgan, 'lhomas'.E.. Watklns, Thomas, (also machine shop); Klpp, Charles, (also about (250:) Carpenter, A. L.; Jones, Thomas J.; Davis, David J., (cloth ing); Zacuariah. Klchard; Hopkins, Mor gan, (clothing): Austin, Frad.; Keese, John G.: Bone. Kobert: James, John br.: Hornberger, L. B.: Barnett, William: Horner, bamuel w., also clothing; bpcicher. -.Abraham; bmlth, John A.; Lewis. John J.: Colllver, W. T.. D. D. G. M.t household goods and large library; Marcel, Joseph, store: Needy, Thomas 1.; Keese, W. P. (clothing), urown, bamuel J., clothing and about 8200 cash: Davis Klchard. clothing: Mc Glaughlln. V. F., also about SIM cash; Jones, John!; Kodgers, William: Grasset, John; Parker. J. K., clothing, Anthony Frank, clothing; Ensminger. v H., clothing: Nevils W. f: Dawson, Thomas; Williams. John J.: Fautlinger, Daniel, clothing; Keese. David 8.: btern, Frank t - Kpttjc John K.r Murton. Nicholas: Herron. Harvey: Owens. John W.. store goods and honse- nolu gOOUS: Dee, ua.iu, yjypj. (fiiuaui i., clothing; Miller, Kobert P., store and goods; Wender, Kobert. clothing: Slick, W. W-: Stewart. John, clothing; Kitto, Cyrus; James, Enoch; Thornbv. Robert, clothing: Bees, William; bam uels E6enezer: Roberts Kobert, clothing; Berg man, Charles ., clothing; Davis, Owen. COSIMAUGH LODGE HO. J91-DIED. Plsher, John H. and wife, 7 children Leave 1 son about 21 years; lost house and household goods. Lenhart,Samncl,wire and4cblldren Leave son about 35 years; also saddlery store, three-story building and household goods. Page, Samuel, wife and 3 children. btreum, John and 1 daughter Leave 1 child, Mrs. James bboemaler: lost liquor store. Wild, Jacob, wire and 2 children-Leave 1 child. FAMILIES OF MEMBERS. Humphrevs John J., lost one daughter; also household goods. King, James, lost wife and one girl (J. X. sick); also household goods. lUJUKED. Johnson. William B.. broken leg, now at hospi tal: wife at Mary Johnson's, Butler street, be tween Forty-second and Forty-third, Pittsburg; lost all household goods. VARIOCS REPORTS. . All houses or household goods, except where oth erwise designated :Arthurs.John:Bostart, August; Baumer, Herman, Postmaster: Burdick, Thomas E-; Berry, Alfred C. grocery: Bradmeyer, Au gust; Cannon . S.Dean ; Cohen, Alie, clothing store; Carpenter. Peter b., restaurant: Cover, William C-. livery stable: Davis, Alpbns H. ; Flanegan, J.; Fry. Jotn E lost house, resides at Wheeling: Fink. Kcv. K. A.: Fisher, Peter &., liquor store; Hcrdman, John C.; Humphreys, Klchard Jr.; Hav, Frank A., tinstore: Horner. Benjamin P.; Jotins William: Kennedy, Alexander, lostanew house, lust completed; KlmmeL Thompson R.; Kimniel, Harry A.: Ludwlg, John, liquor store; Linton. John P., two bouses: Miller. Jacob K.: McMlllcn. James; Page, William F.; Peterson, F. P.: Roc Wesley J., planing mill: Kelnamon, bolomon, clothing store; beigh, John W. : belgh. Theodore: Simons Charles: Tittle, John S.: Thomas Jam es:Thompson. Will lam H.:Tcsh, office: Charles S., clothing: Wehn. Louis, store: War den. William: Burgoon, Blalr grocery; Dodson, William M., several houses; Lehman, Charles, butcher shop and household goods. CAMBRIA LODGE NO. "85 DIED. Kabb, George and wife Leaves 3 children, now at Singer street, Conemaugh; also household goods. Hoffman. William F. and wife and 1 daughter Leaves children. 7 sent to Philadelphia, 2 to Charles HoUmau, Bedford pike. Heiser, George and wife Leaves lson. Hoffman, Godft-led, wife and 7 children. Klrapel. Chris and wife C K. had $3,100 in pocket when round. Young, Emll Leaves wire and 4 children. Frank. John, wile and 4 children Leaves 2 married children: also lost 500 to $800. Will, Casper Leaves wire and 4 children. Fox. Martin Leaves wire and 6 children. (Wife gone to Charles Hllderman, 29 Center street, Alle gheny City. Tro'S W llllam-Wlfe and 10 children. Shaffer. Jacob and wire Leave 2 married chil dren and 1 yonng child. Brownstown. Fisher, Moses No relatives. Nathan. Adnlph and wife and 2 children. bhubert, C T. Leaves wile and 11 children at JJorrelville. Hoffutan, Mrs. Conrad, widow, and 7 children Lost also house and household goods. MEMBERS FAMILIES. Frit i. John Lost 3 girls, honse and household rFrx. John. Jr. Lost wife and 1 child, honse and konsehold goods. Sherman, Michael Lost wife, drygoods store and furniture. ilanaval, Charles Lost 1 boy and furniture. LOST PROPERTIES. Each loses house and household goods, save as otherwise stated: bchaffcr, J. V., 6 houses; Ha berlein. William: Goebert Charles; Kaab Henry; Schultels,Pbtlllp: Mayer.Fred. 3 houses: Strauss,, David, store: Dlefenbach. Henry: also $5.000 cash and livery stable: Eckel. Peter: Hochstein, WU1 lam: Bl ch, Henry, grocery store: Mertz, Henry: bhaffer. Henry: Cohen, Isaac 12.000. Jewelry store (now on Adams street); Benler. Fried: Kuckser. John: Mattern, Henry; Goebert, Henrv.2 honses: Pittler, William; Henbach, Fred; Boecber.Chas.: Marchel. Phillip: Luenke, Robert, greenhouse: Haberleln. William, Jr.: Berlock, Joseph, UUor store; Strauss, William, grocery store. WIDOWS Or LODGE. Leltenberger, Mrs. L. F., house and household foods, hat 1 children (now corner or Main and Adam streets); Atnsler, Mrs.. 125 Sherman avenue. Household goods; Brlxner, Mrs., house and house hold goods; Fisher, Mrs. Charles, house and household goods, nocssnOLD goods ohlt. Scholz, Charles, clothing; Frank, Ang.;Benke, Henry: Switzer. H. K.: Range. Henry: Roth. W In.: HlnkeL Henry, house slightly damaged; Hoffman, C J.: Huebner. stable damaged: Van pel. Herman; clothing: Mayer. Dr. L. H.. furni ture, medicine and clothing; Opperman, Charles, clothing; Baltzerson. P. S., clothing. COROXA, SO. 999 DIED. Wilson. Dr. J. C, and wife-Leaves 1 son (Her man); also lost house and household goods. Wilson, James Left wife and 2 children (at Mineral Point). RELATIVES DIED. Duncan, J. C Lost wire, house and household goods. FInlcy, James Q, Lost wife, house and house hold goods. properties. Each lost house, household goods and other things designated: Harvey. E. G., drugstore and clothing ;Kclghard, Emmanuel: Paul, George 8.: Walters, D. W.; Wike, W. W.; Kaufman, J. K. nOUSEBOLD GOODS OXLT. Blckford, G..W.: Berkeblle. Alex.; Davis, Dr. M. H., also medicine and instruments; Griffin, J. W.: Humphrevs, Thos.; Hess. J. C.: Mitchell, Thos. : Miller, Martin: Leer. Henry: Mumaux, K. F.; Mchols, Luke: Kced, Oliver: Smith, P. M.; Blough. Chris.; StahL E. K.; Hlggins. John; Olanson. J. S.: Robinson, K. P.: Wyant. Mrs. Alex., (widow), has Ave children (at Conemaugh); Shearer, Mrs. William, (widow), has three chil dren. MOKEELV1LLE LODGE, NO. 59. ManevaL Charles-Lost 1 boy, house and house hold goods. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Master. S. H.: Bover Michael; McCnrdy. Emery; Snavely, W. E. (now at J. Thomas' store): Barron, Joseph; Masters, George H., clothing. MEMBERS OF OUT OF TOWS LODGES. Atkinson. John, of Star of Hope Lodge No. 199 (write to Samuel T. Day. Secretary, Coatsville, Pa.), leaves wire and 1 daughter, also lost house and household goods. r ,, Kennedy, n. D., of Emilngton Lodge p. 641, Emilngton. Pa., leaves wife andfive children; also lost household goods. ,...., Dobbins. J. IS., ol Altoona Lodge No. 4T3, Al toona. lost Ills wire, also hou5Chol goods. Uoldenberg. E,, of Fredericks Clty.Md.. Lodge, lost his father. KelU, John, or Western Star Lodge No. 24. nttsbarg, resides at Conemaugh, lost general storehouse and household goods. Holllster, E., or Duquesne Lodge No. 32, Pitts burg, lost household goods. James. E A., Sr., of Alpine Lodge No. 479. Brady's Bend, Pa., lost block ot houses, house hold goods and stock of fixtures in hotel. Morris. Richard, or Williams Valley Lodge N.O. 675. 4SS Railroad street, lost household goods. Moore, Robert, ofHoutzdale Lodge No. 919, lost household goods. M Jones John J.. ofBellevue Lodge No. ft. Belle- tii 1rihn'lrrlt.nrv. lost household COOdS. Clark. Henry, of Jtoss Rose Lodge No. 350. or Mt. Pleasant, lost honse and household goods. Jones. Enoch, of Mechanics' Lodge No. 9, Pitts burg, saloon and household goods. Costlll, George, ot Evergreen Lodge No. 205, Duncannon. Pa., lost household goods; removed to Braddock. o --c oatpoTJO-OK 5 SgS5iJ - - S Z? 3 : :: iT : : : : : ceoet"? - CMWOO ? ' "u -""o - otoo,SS sisqmsK r 3 : g S o - o o oaatSS s.ptu. pun saatAV p, 5 o o o o moSSS uwpn'na g - .C.82S sqiwpTOoi - r- : : p 3 j : e - ow83 uajpnuo 8 j : o.S2 rcjoi : w omSooi SSJOJS n" o " 3 S : t55 spooH 3, -ri a 5 5 : a . P003 pioqssnoH S- " S 8 : o m-wo.5 Surqjoio p. gj: S oHSSSJ lox Cnafa, The great magnet that can do wonders at Jacksons'. Extraordinary reductions. Hark down in every department. Suits of fine all-wool cheviot, cassimere, worsteds, now marked down to 58, 510, $12j worth double the amount. See these bargains; it will pay you; odd pants for ordinary wear, warranted not to rip, at $1 60, worth" double. Men's fine dress pants at $2, $2 SO and $3. only equaled by custom tailors. Visit our hat department for nobby styles. Stiff and soft hats marked down to the lowest notch. We don't intend to make reductions at the end of the season. Now is the time to give buy ers the benefit. Jacksons', Clothiers, Tailors, Hatters and Furnishers, 954 and 956 Liberty street, Star Corner. THE GREAT WOMAN ORATOR To Speak Against the Amendment. DON'T PAiL TO HEAR WHAT MISS KATS FIELD, OF NEW YORK, SATS ON PROHIBITION At Old City Hall, Monday evening, June 17. Admission free. Seats reserved for ladies. Music by the Great "Western Band. Fanct Flannels For blouse waists, tennis, onting suits, shirting, etc., all the latest coloring and designs; prices range from 30o to ?L Hugds & Hacke. MWFSU Fall Train Service Restored. On all Pennsylvania Bailroad lines east of Pittsburg and Erie fnll train service has been restored, except ".New York and Chi cago Limited." War. J. Friday's Marie cigars are verv fine; 3 for 25c. 633 Smithfield st. wrsu ' Fare Rye Wlilsklca For sale by Geo. H. Bennett & Bro., 135 First ave., second door below "Wood st. G UyWYJ THE I2T' All genuine Banner Baking Powder cans look like the above cut. except that the labels on the cans are red, white and blue, representing our national emblem. Don't use any imitation; get the old, familiar and original Banner Powder, established almost a quarter of a century ago in Pittsburg. Amateur bakers and even quite small chil dren bake delightful cakes with it. STRAWBERRY CAKE. To the yolks of three eggs well beaten, add one cup white sugar, one-half cup butter, one-half cup sweet milk, two cups flour, having in it one measure "Banner" Baking Powder, the whites of three eggs, beaten stiff; bake in jell y-cake pans: when cold, and just before eating, place in layers, covering cacu uuc niiu OLranuerncs wiucu uave pre viously been sugared. This cake is delicious with any kind of fresh fruit. Now is the season to keep on hand a supply of HOUSE "SCO LTBENE" to do all CLEANING your spring cleaning. "WITH There is no known articla SCOUEENE for 5 cents that will so help through house clean ing and do it as trail. i Communicated. Hints ior-Tacador. The rage of theorists to malu constitutions a vehicle for the conveyance of their own crude and visionary aphorisms of government, requires to be guarded against with the most increasing vigilance. Chief Jxullce Slorey. Prohibitionists having no definite no tion based on facts ot observation and expe rience, of what a human society or a nation is, and no adequate knowledgeof the nature and operation of social forces, pile device upon device, and failure upon failure. When one device fails of its intended pur pose and produces an unforeseen evil they invent a new device to prevent the new evil. The Prohibitionist's conception of govern ment and its functions is grotesque and false. Like every other product brought by working on a priori assumption, it is a satire on human foresight and what we call common sense. Constitution tinkeringleading to vio lations of liberty and property must finally end in anarchy and the rule of tyrants. No pulpit thunder will make the peo ple in their hearts believe that to drink or sell a glass of beer is really criminal or sup port the execution of the laws if they did believe it The loss of liberty, bold as the statement may seem, is a greater calamity than the prevalence of vice. "While freedom is main tained, evil may be kept in check by at least outward homage to virtue; but when it is lost there is nothing to arrest the de scent to a lawless anarchy. Pkohibitionism, exasperated by its in evitable failure, has heaped up penal en actments, and at last invaded the most sa cred liberties of the citizen and the sanctu ary of his home. The Prohibitionists themselves hardly show confidence in their own moral code. They never propose to- punish a man for drinking a glass of ale, though the drink ing and selling, being of the same transac tion, both must be criminal or neither. The Prohibitionist thinks that by doing a little injustice he can do a great deal of good, and so, probably, have thought all tyrants. Political power is a trust held for defi nite purposes which do not Include inter ference with your neighbor's diet or any of his personal habits any more than they in clude limitation of his industry or the 'con fiscation of his property. In Kansas, the State of Governor St. John, the chief of prohibitionism, where the most stringent prohibition has been enacted, the result, according to Br. Gardner, was that the drug stores were little more than rum shops, and that their number was as tonishing. In one town of 4,000 people, 15 of them were counted on one street. It is the tendency of all tyranny, whether it be that of a Sultan, a crowd, a sect or a party of Prohibitionists, when it finds itself baffled, to pile on fresh severities instead of reconsidering the wisdom of its own policy. Temperance is one thing, total absti nence is another, and coercion, at which Prohibitionists aim, is a third. As temper ance implies self-restraint, there can be no intemperance, in the proper sense of the term, where there is coercion. Stay with us. Liberty! Let us not stag nate! Despairing with fools, or believing with knaves, That men must be either the one or the other . Victors or victims, oppressors or slaves! Stay with us, cling to us, while there is life in us! Tyrants are dumb when thy flag is un furled. Be in the sonde what thou wert in the sun shine Source of prosperity! Light of the world! The tyrannies of the world have all rested on the plea that it "was necessary for the public -welfare to violate the liberty of the individual. Besides contempt of the aw and perjury prohibition fills the country with ill blood. Nothing is more odious or poisons the heart of the community more than the employ ment of spies and informers, to which it has been necessary and will always be necessary for prohibitionism to resort. Sickens hold's up the mirror to nature in his description of the Claypoles and their trade. Before the British Parliament consents to extreme legislation, let it, at all events, appoint a commission of inquiry to report to it on the results of prohibitory legislation in Canada and the United States. The com missioners, if I mistake not, will find that impartial opinion on this continent pro nounces prohibition a failure, and inclines dccidedlv in iavor of the plan of hich li censes with stringent regulation. Beport of Goldwin Smith. Prompt Action by the Singer Mnnufactur inc Company. This Company has been the first to re open their office and establish themselves for business at Johnstown since the creat disaster at that point. Their headquarters are opposite the old postofnee, Franklin street, upstairs, where their many custom ers in Johnstown and vicinity will receive attention. They beg to announce that to all who have suffered by the flood a very lib eral discount will be given, and to those who had Singer machines a proper and lib eral allowance for past payments will be made in the purchase of new machinesupon apDhcaiion to their office at Johnstown. FOE a finely cut, neat-fitting suit leave your order with "Walter Anderson, 700 Smithfield street, whose stock of English suitings and Scotch tweeds is the finest in the market; imported exclusively for his trade. su Grnnd Hotel. This pleasant hotel, located at Point Chautauqua, N. Y., opposite Mayville, near the head of Lake Chautauqua, has now 400 rooms and every modern equipment for the comfort of its guests. Its beautiful croquet lawns, play grounds, charming views, are unequaled elsewhere. It has reading rooms, bowling alley, skating rink and eood music. Table service unexcelled. "The kitchen is supplied with pure soring water. For terms address Horace Fox, who is well-known as manager of the Hotel Coop er, Dayton, O., at Grand Hotel, Point Chautauqua, N. Y. su Excursion to Johnstown. To accommodate those who desire to view the ruins of Johnstown, the B. & O. K. B. Co. will run a special train on Tuesday, June 18, leaving Pittsburg at 7 A. m., stop ping at Hazelwood, Gleuwood, Braddock, McKeesport, West Newton and Cnunells vilie, arriving at Johnstown at 1250 noon, and leave Johnstown on return trip at 5 P. M. The rate from Pittsburg and all points named above will be ?2 35 for the round trip. Those -who desire to go on this excursion should provide themselves with lunch bas kets, as provisions cannot be procured at Johnstown. Turners' Excursion to Cincinnati via B. 6s O. R. R. Tickets will be sold on June 20 and 21 at extremely low rate for the round trip, good to return until June 27, inclusive. Trains leave Pittsburg at 6:45 A. m. and 850 p. si. On Friday, June 21, special train will leave Baltimore and Ohio Bailrodd depot 10 p. M., conveying all the Turners of Pitts burg and vicinity. . Fine cabinet photographs only $1 a doz. Peop. Hendricks & Co., 68 Federal at, Allegheny. Black Cashmeres Our grades of 46 inch wide black cashmeres at COc, 65c, 75c, 85o and (1 a yard are acknowledged the best values offered in the city. mwfsu v Huotjs & Hacke. S3-Display actvertUemerUs one dollar psr tquare far one Intertion. Clcasifled advertise, merits on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc., ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH, OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following- places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where- advertlsers already nave accounts witn uu "- PATCH. prrrsBURQ. THOSIA3 MCCAFPKEY, S&a Bntler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, S4th street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY A CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton St. H.STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. f I. W. WALLACE, 6i:iPcnn avenue. OAKLAITD. MCALLISTEB&SHElKI,ER5thaT. AAtwoodlt. EOUTnSIDE. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Carson street, CHAS. SCHWAKM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAERCHElt, 59 Federal street. H. 3. MCKRIUE, Federal and Ohio streets. FKEDH. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY. Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Bwiveraves. PERKY M. GLE1M. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Dlnle Beln. -rjrjANTED-A REGISTERED DRUG CLERK VV for good city store. Address GLYCER INE, Dispatch office. JelS-122 -TTTANTED-TWO EXPERIENCED DRUG YV clerks speaklnjr German. Address PFR MANEMT, Dispatch office. Jel6-37 WANTED THREE BRICKLAYERS- ON Cliff and Casaett streets Monday morning, HEKR1NUTON 4 BOOTH. Jel6-94 w ANTED-KELIABLE BOOKKEEPER BY notion house: references required. Address UNS. DisDatch office. Iel6-121 NOTIONS, Dispatch office. -VTT ANTED-A BLACKSMITH-ONE THAT IS v V accustomed to farm work, and a farm hand. Apply at ENTERPRISE HOTK1,, Chartlers, Pa. 16-19 WANTED-CAKRIAGE TRIMMER AND wood worker. Call at St. Charles Hotel Monday morning between 10 and 12. N. GAMER. JelS-36 WANTED-SINGLE MAN TO TAKE CARE of horse, milk cow and attend to lann: German prelerred. ADply BOOM 213, Lewis block, city. Jel3-?2 WASTED-TWO GOOD MEN FOR CAN VASSING and collecting. Apply Monday at 9 A.M., BOOM 12. Kensliaw block, Ninth and Liberty sts. Jel6-53 w ANTED-A COACHMAN FOR LIVERY None nnt sober and exnerlenced need annly toT. I!. MORELAND, 6100 Penn ave., East End, Pittsburir. Jel6-9l TTTANTED-TWO EXPERIENCED LATHE VV hinds: steady work. Apply at DUQUESNE FORGE COMPANY Kankm station, or NO. Ill WATER ST.. city. Jel5-92 WANTED-TINNERS TO KNOW THAT ON and alter July 1 the initiation fee In local Union No. 12 shall be So. Place of meeting 212 SMITHFIELD ST. , JeH-92 W ANTED-A GENTLEMAN OF LARGE experience as an accountant and first-class references desires work during evenings. Please address P. O. BOX 817. jelS-51 WANTED-GOOD BOY FROM 18 TO 20 YEARS old to take care or two horses and can milk; reference required. Come to 97 NORTH AVE., Allegheny on Monday. Jel6-3S TTTANTEn-TRAVELER WHO WANTS TO TT add Imported pocket cutlery for Western Pennsylvania. Aduress POCKET CUTLERY, care P. O. Box 672, New York. jeiiKTi WANTED TWO GOOD STRAP-SADDLE makers, three lacers and two stitchers for fine work; none but first-class workmen need ap ply. GILLIAM M'JF'G. CO., Canton, O. JeS-74 WANTED-AN HONEbT. STEADY BOY TO learn the drug business: or -one with lor 2 years' experience; good place for the right boy; one who speaks Herman preferred. Address DRUGS, Dispatch office. Jel6-118 -TTT ANTED-A FIRST-CLASS CAKE BAKER: an experienced man: one thoroughly ae- qnainiea wuu ail orancues oi cake oaHiuir; nunc other need a pplv: good wages. Address HAKBI ZONA, Dispatch office. el6-117 TTTANTED FOR THE UNITED STATES VV army, able-bodied, unmarried men between the ages of 21 and 35 years: good pay, rations, clothing and medical attendance Apply at No. 815 PENN AVEN UE, Pittsburg, Pa. Je5-6-wsu WANTED-AGENTS FOR CHAMPION FLUE scraper everywhere; recommends ltselt; large profits and liberal terms to active men: send for circulars and nrice list. CHAMPION FLUE SCRAPERCO., 170Eacest., Cincinnati, O. JC15-S0 -VTJANTED-A YOUNG MAN ABOUT 18 T V years of age,onewbo understands the notion business to solicit orders In the cltv; must be able to furnish first-class reference and recommenda tions. Address NOTIONS, Dispatch office, Jel6-; XTr-ANTED-REAL ESTATE SALESMAN; VV none but experienced man need apply; will give the right man an interest In the busi ness; rare chance; all communications strictly confidential. Address REAL ESTATE, Dispatch office. JelS-S -TTJANTED-GENTLEMKN TO ATTEND N. VV Y Cutting School, No. 514 Wood St.: Urling's actual measurement system taught In all Its branches; the only true system fitting any and all shapes; Instructions 10 A. M. to 4 P.M.; even ings 7 to 9 P. M. ; call or write for circular. apr30-6S -VTTANTED-BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S VV COLLEGE. 4 Sixth street. Pittsburg. Pen manship, bookkeeping, eclectic shorthand, type writing, arithmetic, etc., thoroughly tanght for Si per month; instruction private for both sexes; open through summer, day and evening." jel2-7-TTSSU WANTED AGENTS "THE JOHNSTOWN Horror, or the Valley of Death." The rash for canvassing books has alreadv begun: graphic descriptions authentic Information, thrilling tales of herolm: agents will have to come In quick. P. J. FLEMING 4 CO., 77 Diamond St., Pitts burg, Pa. jel3-6S TJANTED-LIVE AGENTS ALL OVERCAM V V -BRIA and sur'oundingrountles to sell this memorial of the greatest calamity of modern times, "The Johnstown Horror, or the Valley of Death;" 500 p'ges, lully Illustrated: hundreds of this book are being sent to all parts of the world. For ontflls terms and territory apply to P. J. FLEMING CO., 77 Dlamondst., Dispatch Unild lng, Pittsburg, Pa. 1el5-7S T7ANTED-10,000 AGENTS AT ONCE TO VV sell the only authentic, complete and fTsphlc history of the Johnstown flood; profusely llustrated with views of all sorts connected with the terrible scenes of the mighty Inundation; 12 mo., 400 pp. : price SI 50; liberal terms: thousands want It; demand Is immense, bend quickly 30c for outfit to J. V. K.EELEK&CO., 523 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. . jel6-79 WANTED -PROFESSIONAL AND CLER ICAL situations obtained by reglst ring with the Commercial Accounting Agency, 163 Firth avenue. Businessmen and others requiring the services of bookkeepers and office clerks of every character, salesmen for stores of all kinds, both wholesale and retail, should come to us and save the expense of advertising, as we have a long list to select from, and you will be saved the an noyance of interviewing applicants. Special advertising done free when necessary; business confidential. Jel6-65 Female Help. WANTED 50 EXPERIENCED SEVERS ON cloaks. SAMPL1NEB & RICH, 819 Lib erty si. jeitwiH TITANTED SEWING GIRL MUST HE VV speedy. Inquire corner CKA1G AND CEN TER AVE., Bellefield, E. E. Jel6-93 WANTED-GOODGIRL OR MIDDLE AGED woman to do washing and other housework; German preferred. Inquire at No. 330 LIBERTY ST., city. Jel6-l'j2 WANTED A GOOD STRONG NUKSE girl; Protestant: one who can take care of an Infant at night: Inclose reference. Address J. F. C, Dispatch office. Jel6-96 -TTANTED-A SALESLADY IN A FANCY VV goods store; one who Is trustworthy and has had experience: good home in the house, and a permanent place to the right party: reference required. Apply at 265 BEAVER AVENUE. Alle gheny City. JC16-75 VITA NTED-AGENTS LADIES, THE IN VEN VV TOR ofthe Estpr tailor system will remalu In your city lor 30 dars with the best of lady teachers ror the purpose of instructing ladles In the art of dress cutting by the most perfect sys tem ever Invented; it is no chart.lt is a pe-iect tailor system of inch measure made of wood u oue plecc:lt Is light and eay to handle, has ail the curves necessary for any pattern, and can be learned bv a child; do not we teach all the latest deMgns, French, bias, dart and miny other cuts entirely new: do not miss this change. W. H. ESTER, Inventor,rooms602 Penn aye., Pittsburg. Jel6-22. Boarding. TTTANTED A CHRISTIAN PROTESTANT V V lady to take care orand board a 5-year-old boy where there are no other children. Address A. M., Dispatch office. jel6-60 -TTT-ANTED-BY A FAMILY OF FOUK (TWO V V adults, two children) and nurse board In the country on line or P. V. & C, P. & W., P., C. &SL L., Penna., orB. & O. (Wheeling dlv.) railroads, not less than 10 nor more than SO miles from the city: good water, plenty of mile and home comforts required; also stabllngand care for horse: would preter a farmhouse near station, but would not object to country hotel or private fam ily In small Tillage where surroundings are pleas ant. Address SUMMEB BOARDERS, Dispatch office. Jel6-48 Booms. Bonsea, Etc. w ANTED -COUNTRY HOUSE-TO BZNT during Augusta large furnished house on P. R. K. nearBlalrsvllle, or board for'to people; no children. Address A. T., Box 152, Pltfa itsonrg, lel6-3r x-a. WANTED. Male and Female fTelo. WANTED-MALE AND FEMALE CAN VASSERS to make 115 and 120 a week. Room 2, second floor, 6 FEDERAL ST., Alle gheny. Pa. lelS-112 WANTED-PAKM HANDS, AN EMIGRANT boy, a hostler, cooks,, chambermaids, dress maker and 4 sewing girls, waitress and chamber maid for small family, S3 SO per week. MKE HAN'B AGENCY, 645 Grantst. )e!2 XjrTANTED-AGENTS. MEN OR WOMEN, TO VV sell Missouri Steam Washer to'famllies: ar guments in Its favor numerous and convincing: sales made without difficulty; profits large; sent on two weeks' trial, to be returned at my expense If not satisfactory; write for illustrated circular and terms. J. 1 ORTH, U Beekman, N. Y. no25-wS0-su -TXT-ANTE1--EVERY ART CANVASSER AND JrV others In this country to know that E. W. Walker & Co., publishers, 101 Chauncy St.. Bos ton, with branches at 331 Westminster st.. Provi dence: 8 Union sq., New York: 1217 Filbert St., Philadelphia; 629 Seventh st. N. W.. Washington; 53 NINTH ST., PITTSBURG, and 195 La fealfe St.. Chicago, have jnst Issued in sections the finest American art collection ever published in the country; full commission paid on collection or SI by our carrier. Don't rail to call and see the work. 3el4-66 Situations. VTT-ANTED-POSrTION AS NURSE IN HOS- i PETAL or In a grocery store: good refer ences. Address H. P., Dispatch office. JclS-1 WANTED DRUGS - GRADUATE OF Phlla. Col. of Phar. would like relief or steady position. Address A, B. 0., Dispatch office. . Jel6-56 Bonrders and Lodgers WANTED-TWO GENTLEMEN FOR WELL furnished front room, with board, t5 per week. 145 SECOND AVE. jelS-fe W ANTED COUNTRY BOARDERS THE hotel at Tarcntum Camp Ground la now open; water excellent: termsreasonable. Address E. J. PUGHf Tareutum. Pa. JelS-iS WANTED-ANY WISHING BOARDING IN the conntry; good healthy place: VA miles south of Ohio Pyle. Apply to J. H. SCH AEFER, Ohio Pyle Falls, Pa. ; Box 23. Je8-46-su WANTED FOUR SUMMER BOARDERS; airy rooms, verandas, well water; 3 min utes' walk from station; 12 trains each way dally; terms moderate and references required. Address 110X87, Homestead, Pa. Jel6-61 WANTED-BOARDERS PARTIES WANT IN G board for the summer can be accommo dated at farm house 8 mllre from city, not far from station: good water, plenty of bbade, etc. Ad dress HOWARD, Dispatch office. Jel-17 -rrTANTED-BOAKDEKS IN THE EAST END; TV house and rooms large and pleasant, with all the conveniences: porticos, lawns, etc: near P. R. R. and cable lines: terms 120 per month. Ad dress J. H. G., East Liberty P. O..E. E. J 1 15-23 Financial. "TTTANTED-TO LOAN MONEY AT K. SAND VV epercenttreeoftax. W. C. STEWART; 114 Fourth ave. Ja20-2-SU WANTED-MOKTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN in sums to suit at m, 6 and S per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 1M Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apl9-14 -rrTANTED-KENTS COLLECTED PROMPT- tt LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY. 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. Ial9-31 VTTANTED-MORTGAGS-1.000,000TOLOAN VV in large and small amounts at 4H. Sand 6 per cent, tree or state tax; no aciay. it. COYLE & CO., 131 Fourth Jive. n TTT ANTED MOKTGAGES-S1, 000,000 TO LOAN TV on city and suburban properties at 4, Sand 6 per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and aqja cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. M. PEN NOCK 4 hON, 105 Fonrth avenue. ap7-FU WANTED-CORRESPONDENCE--BY B. B. MCCONNAUGHY, Real Estate Broker, Johnstown, .Pa., who respectfully solicits corres pondence from any person desiring to invest in real estate or mortgages; best of relerences given. myl7-9S-su WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY-WE HAVE over one million dollars to loan on city and suburban property at A per cent; no tax: we will also loan money on improved farms In Alle gheny, Beaver, Fayette. Washington and West moreland counties; any marketable security taken for loans of any amount. BLACK & BAIKD. 95 Fourth ave. Je3-a9-su miscellaneous. TT-AI''rED-TO BUY A GOOD BAR FIXTURE; VV state price, etc. Address M. C, Dispatch office. Jel6-29 -TTTANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S VV dozen (13) or Stewart Co. 'a fine cabinet photos for II, at 90 and 92 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny. mv28-60-TTSa -TTTANTED TO SELL FIRST-CLASS 5 AND VV 10-cent store located in best city outside Plttsbnrg. For particulars address E. K. BUS1 NESS, 24 Sixth St., city. Jel6-H ANTED-CUSTOMEKS FOR DIASIONDS. gold and silver watches, marble clocks sil verware, etc., at SI per week.upward, at 140 Fed eral st., Allegheny. J. 51ITSCH. JelS-irwrsu WANTED-LADIES TO KNOW HAUGH & Kecnan repair, reflnlsh or upholster old furniture promptly and In the best possible man ncr. 33 AND 34 WATER ST. 'Phone 1626. myP-82 WANTED-LADIES TO LEAVE THEIB OR DERS ror summer suits at GAKMER'S EMPORIUM, 802 Penn ave.; special inducements to ladles who enter our school next week. JelS-lU -TTTANTED BOOKKEEPERS INTERESTED VV In quickly and systematically making up their trial nilances should send their address to W. WOOI.SEY. 163 Fifth avenue, and receive a copy of bis new circular treating on that subject. J c 16-69 v , WANTED-TO SELL FIRST-CLASS PHOTO GRAPH gallery, located In a good town, do ing a good business: only two other galleries: sickness the only reason for selling. Address PHOrouKAPHEK, 31 Fifth aye., city. Jel5-87 WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER. 96 Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making fine cabinets at $1 50 per dozen: photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous process. mhl3-63 WANTED PAINTERS!: AND PAPER HANGERS to send 2c for copy of House Painting and Decorating Magazine, containing colored plate and practical reading matter. Ad dress EDITOR H. P. & U., 1130 S. Thirty-filth St., Philadelphia. Jel6-2 WANTED-ANY PARTY NOT HA V1NGTHE ready cash, wanting to furnish a house or room with furniture or carpets orhonsehold goods of any kind, or wants to dress genteel, or wants a gold watch, address care P. O. BOX NO. 501, city, and you can have the means furnished von at a low rate of Interest. Jell-62 FOB SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. City Residence. FOR SALE-MILLER ST., NEAR CENTER ave., a good brick house, 6 rooms, hall, etc.; side entrance: lot 20x120: nice location: at a bar gain. J. It. COOPER & CO., .107 Fourth ave. JeI6-99 FOR 8ALE-WYLIE AVE.-t2,800 ALMOST new two-story brick house, 7 rooms and fin ished attic. Inside shutters, good cellar, etc.: easy terms. J. E. COOPER &, CO., 107 Fourth ave. JClO-99 1TIOR S ALE -KENTAL 900 PEK YEAR; PRICE ? 86. 500, Wylle ave., near Jones st., 4 new brick dwellings: sewered; lot 40x112 to 20-foot alley. ALLES & BAILEY, 161 Fourth ave. : tele phone 167. JeI4-42 FOll SALE-THE BEST BARGAIN IN A 2 story brick dwelling on a good street in Sev enteenth ward (Lawrenceville) for the money. S3. 600, lr applied for soon. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. Jel6-8S FOR SALE-56 MILLER ST.-FINE NEW brick dwelling, 6 rooms, vestibule, hall, gas, etc.: lot 20x127 to an alley ; this property can he bonght at a bargiin. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. JelS-35 FORSALE-S04WYLIE AVE., BRICK DWELL ING: mansard slate roof, 6 rooms, finished attic hall, cellar, eas and water, etc.; lot 18x100 ft.; price 82,750; termscasy. ALLES & BAILEY, 161 Fourth ave., Tel. 167. lel3-8 FOR 8ALE-3 LOTS. 20x100 EACH, ON KEY STONE ave., with 2 frame houses, 5 rooms and attic each, hall, good cellar, double porches, etc.; will sell separate or as a whole; 84,600. D. BEHEN &bON, 41121'ennavc. te!6-49 F OR SALE 82,700 TWO-STORY BRICK dwelling on Deeatur St.. containing six rooms: now rented for sis per month; taxes about 847 per year. STRAUB& MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Jel6-52 FOR SALE-FINE PRESSED BRICK DWELL ING of 6 rooms hall and vestibule, slate mantels, both gases good cellar, good sewers: Pride streeth. Sixth ward: 84,500: bargain. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. JelS-34-TTSu 1710R SALE-86.500-TWO-STORY BRICK 1 bouse, eintalnlng 8 rooms bathroom, attic, etc., on Chatham street;everythlnglngood order; this is cheap property. STKAUB & MORKW, corner Wood street and Third a-venue, Pittsburg. JelS-52 FOR SALE-SHINGlbS ST., ONE SQUARE from the Court House, fine brick dwelling or 9 rooms hall, vestibule, slate mantels both gases, good cellar, side alley; price f6,0u0;lot 2txl20: fronts two streets: big bargain. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth aye. Tel. 167. Jel6-34-TTSu FOR SALE-CONGRESS ST.. NEAR WYLIE avenue, brick house 7 rooms hall, etc.: also in rear and fronting on Elm st,, brick house ore rooms ball, inside shutters, bath, etc.: both houses are in first-class repair: A No. I Invest ment. J. B. COOPER ft CO.. 107 Fourth ave. Jel6-99 FOR SALE S6.600-THREE-STORY PRESSED brick dwelling on Townsend street, contain ing 10 rooms, bathroom, stable, good yard, shade trees etc; high ceilings and gas all over bouse; lot27HxlOO, more or less. STKAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. Jel6-52 JD aye. property, near Gist St. ; lot 20x120, front ing, on Forbes ave. and Ann street; 6-roomed brick, halL cellar, water, etc. ; on Forbes ave., and a 3-roomed ,frame on Ann st. : rents for 8400 per year; large back yard. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave.; tel. 167. Jel5-79-TUE3a T7I0B SALE 8M50-TEKM8 8300 GASH. BAL JC ANCE monthly buys a nice, new frame honse of 6 rooms halt cellar; water, stable, side alley; lot 20x90 to an alley: suitable for two fam ilies; possession at once: best bargain ever offeredi act quick, lr you want it; one square from Thirteenth ward schoolhouse, on Vera street. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 1671. FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE Cltv Residences. FOBSALE-FKAME HOUSE, 5ROOMS.HALL and attic; lot 20x137 reet; on Taylor st.; grape arbor, fruit, etc.: 82,000. D. BEHEN &SON. 4III Penn ave. Jel6-49 FOR SALE FRANKLIN ST.-A BARGAIN: 3-story brick house of 11 rooms, bath, hot and cold water, marble mantels: good repair. J.' It. COOPER A CO , 107 Fourth ave. Jel6-99 FOR SALE-S10.00O-THKEE-STORY BKICK dwelling on Chatham street: well located and In excellent order. Sl'ltAUU& MORRIS, corner T ood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. Jel6-52 East End Residences. FOR SALE-8S. SCO-MODERN BRICK DWELL ING on Larimer avenue, convenient to sta tion. STRAUB 4 SIOKR1S, corner W ood St. and Third avenue, Pittsburg. Jel6-52 FOB SALE-I,200-TEKMS 8500 CASH, BAL ANCE 100 the first year and $200 a year there after will buy a 4 room house with 2 acres of ground on Leamington avenue. W.C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. ap21-19-Sn FOR SALE-SOUTH HIDAND AVE., E. E.. a rare opportunity; an elegant new brick house of 8 rooms; all conveniences: well worth 8S.5O0: will sell for t7,sm on terms to suit. D. P. THOMAS 4 CO., 408 Grant St. Jel3-83 TTIOK SALE-NEW QUEEN ANNE FRAME, 6 X? rooms hall, atticlot 42x50 feet. No. 513 Eu clid ave., E. E. ; Inside shutters, stained glass windows, slate mantel, etc.: a bargain: 83.200. D. BEHEN & SON, 4112 Penn ave. Jel8 49 FOB SALE-816.000-SUBSTANTIAL NEW and attractive brick residence of 12rooms.wlth large lot; nothing better lor the money in the East End: is desirably located on one of the main avennes. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. ap2l-l9-sn FOB SALE-HASTINGS ST., rOINT BREEZE; new 6-roomed house and large lot; five min utes rrom Torrens. sta., P. B. R. or Fifth aye. cable; price 82,800. and terms about equal to rent. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., E. E. Jel6-108 FOR SALE 85,500 WILL BUY THAT HAND SOME 7-roomed frame residence, with hath, pantry, furnace, etc.: lot 50x123: in excellent neighborhood, with extended view: Beattv St.. near Hiland ave. MELLON BROTHER!). 6349 Station st., E. E. Jel6-10S FOR SALE A SUBSTANTIAL BRICK HOUSE with bathroom and allconven!ences:7room; handy to cable cars and Penna. R. R.; lot 45X120 on Margaretta st., one square irom Nineteenth ward school; price, 85,600. MELLON BROTHERS,' 6349 Station St., E. E. JelC-lW FOR Sale ON MAKIPOE AVE.,- BEN VENUE, Just a few minutes from station: lot 50x1.4); beautifully laid out, with new frame dwelling of hall, 10 rooms bath, porches, both gases etc., newfy papered throughout: only 8S.CO0; easy payments. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Hat er st. my!6-59-wsa FOR SALE-ON BRUSHTON AVE., 3 MIN-UTES'-walk from Brushton station : lot 50x110 ft., with new 2-storv frame dwelling or 6 rooms and halls, stone cellar and shingle roof, front and rear porches, all modern conveniences: price S.6O0-. one-third cash, balance to suit. THOMAS CCAFFREY, 3309 Butler st. Jel6-lC7-wssu FOR SALE-810,500 4 ACRES OF GROUND, with 6-room house, located in Shadyslde. In a neighborhood that will nndoubtedly be strictly first-class: has a frontage on a 60-foot avenue of 430 feet, and a frontage or 430 reet on a 50-foot street: is within 10 minutes' walk of Fifth avenue cable cars. W. O. STEWART, ill Fourth ave. le9-4-sa FOR S A L E 82,700 A BARGAIN-NEW frame house 6 rooms and attic, vestibule and hall, front and back porches a beautiful lot with full grown shade trees, situated on good street; terms, 8500 down and balance to suit purchaser; this is a good property, and sbonld be seen. Call on KELLY & ROGERS, No. 6315 Station street. East End. Jel5-80 FOB SALE-A. NEW BKICK HOUSE OF 9 rooms, reception ball, bath, I. w. c, laundry in basement, all rooms nicely papered, slate man tels; everything first class: a fine lot. on good street; near station and cable cars; only 8x800: terms f2, 000 down, balance two years without In terest: this is something worth looking at. Call on KELLY & ROGERS, No. 6315 Station street, East End. Jel5-80 FOR SALE-810.000-TERMS TO SUIT PUB CHASER: new Qneen Anne brick residence, having large porches, vestibule: 4 rooms on first floor, 4 rooms and bath on second and 3 attlo rooms; well finished, nicely papered and has fine gas fixtures; good stable on premises; large lot; located on a paved avenue. In a well-iiu- roved and desirable neighborhood. W. C. TEWAR1. 114 Fourth ave. ap21-19-su FOR SALE SHADE. ROOMINESS AND OUT LOOK are features to consider in buying residence property; these and many other ad vantages are possessed by the elegant and com modious new houses upon Oakland square, which is one of the most attractive neighborhoods in the city; only fifteen minutes' from the heart of the city, yet with all the attractions ot the coun try; dwellings finished In the neatest and most durable manner; streets paved with asphalt and sewered; natural and artificial gas: frontlrg on handsome park planted with shade trees: new cable loop (for which ordinance Is in Councils) to go within lOu feet or the square: price or houses standing on lots 30x100. 83,500: terms moderate, CASh payment, remainder upon long time; most beautiful district or the city and convenient to all parts. Apply to BAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fonrth avenue. my!2-71 Allegheny Residences. T7H)R SALE 84,000-NO. 23S WASHINGTON JJ ave., Allegheny; lot 24x129; frame house six rooms and store; good value. A. LEGGATE & SON. a Federal St.. Allegheny. Jel4-71 IflOB SALE-KSOOO-FBAME ROW OF SEVEN 1 houses now renting for 8720 per year; situ ated tn Second ward, Allegheny. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. JelS-52 FOR SALE -88. 000 THAT ELEGANT NEW and substantial press brick dwelling (never occupied), containing 9 rooms bath, stationary washstands lanndry. cement cellar and all Im provements located on Acklcy st., head ot Monterey st. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth aye. ap21-19-SU TjWK SALE-SECOND WARD. ALLEGHENY. JU new 2-storv brick residence or 6 rooms fin ished attic, vestibule, slate mantels, flue chande liers. Inside shutters bath, not and cold water; newly papered: natnral and artificial gas: Inside w. c. ; pantry, laundry with sta. tnbs. good cellar; only two squares rrom parks; good lot; only (6,000, on easy terms. BEED U, COYLE & CO.. 131 Fourth ave. Jel5-22 Suburban Reaidences. FOB SALE-AT CORAOVOLIS. P. L. E. B. R., houses, large and small, with large lots etc.. at reasonable prices. LASHELL & KANKIN.67 Fourth ave. Jcl6-13 FOR SALE-WILKINSBURG: 82.800; NORTH st., neat 2-story frame house, 6 rooms hall, finished attic, slate mantels bay windows, porcbes etc : lot 44x124 to alley: terms S5M) cash; balance as rent.. J. ii. COOPER & CO., 107 Fonrth are. Jel6 99 FORSALE-WEHAVE8EVEBALVEBY DE SIRABLE residences for sale at Ingram, Crafton. Idlewood. Believue, etc., at prices rang ing from 83,000 to 81ZO0O; give us a call before buy ing, bTRAUBfi MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third ave., Plttsbnrg. JelS-52 FOB 8ALE-$20,000-SUBSTANTIAL BRICK residence, containing 12 rooms and all con veniences: lot 192x264; this property Is desirably located In Wilklnsburgr faces two good avenues and the ground alone iflaldoffln lots will sell for the money: owner refused several years ago 825, 0(0 cash. W. C: STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. ap21-19-SU FOR SALE WILKINSBURG 8500 CASH, balance In 10 years: new and neat frame dwelling. 7 rooms, reception ball, finished attic good cellar, water in kitchen, nat. gas good sew erage, etc. : lot 52x120; choice location, and only 6 minutes from station: streets 50 feet wide, with shade trees planted on each side: this Is without doubt the most deslrableresldence property In the borough: an exceptional bargain. J. K. COOPER A Co.. 107 Fonrth ave. I le!6-93 FOR SALE LOTS. Allegheny Lots. FOB SALE-LOTS IN THE HENDERSON plan overlooking Allegheny City: city witer and gas;. uo Jot less than IS-feet front: only !0 minutes walk rrom postouice; prices from 8300 to St. 500. one-third cash; these lots are selling fast: come early and select a good one. STKAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood St. and Third ave., Pittsburg. - Jel5-52 rjnzelwood Lota. FOB SACE-AT GLEN WOOD, FRONTING Second ave., 10 acres of the choicest land tn Twenty-third ward: can be sub-divided to ad vantage. For plans and particulars call and sco J. B. COOPER A CO., 107 Fourth ave. Jel6-99 FOR SALE-LOTS AT HAZELWOOD AND Glcnwood. near the station! only 15mlnnts from new B. & O. station. Smithfield St.: graded streets, fcldewalks city water, gas: 8300 to (l,ore: houses for sale, small payment down, balance In monthly pamcnts lr desired: railroad fare, monthly tickets. SJ4j cents per trip. GF.ORGE C. BURUWIN, 150 Fourth ave el6-71-siwrssu " Bllscellnneona. FOR SALE-EAST END L'OTS FOR SALE BY CHAS. bCHWAN, opposite East Liberty sta tion. 8300 Lots 25x123, near Lincoln ave. Look at thise lots If you want to speculate. 8450 Lot 33x110. Rosetta St., Nineteenth ward. 880O-Lot 5JX110, Rosetta St., Nineteenth ward. (850 Lpt 58x100. Korettast.. Nineteenth ward. S'iOO Lot.Wr.30, Brushton ave., near station. (900 Lot 50x130, cor. Brushton and Bennett st. (900-Lot 50x120, Lincoln aye., beyond the bridge. 81. fin Lot 42x120. Shetland ave., near Larimer. (1,200 Lot 50x110, cor. Klncaldand Wlnsblddle ave.. Nineteenth ward, near cable line. (1,600 -Lot 60x120, Bond St.. Nineteenth ward. (2,400 Lot 45x120, cor. Larimer ave. and May flower St., paved and sewered. Lots In all parts or the East End from (250 to 810,000. Call and see me berore yon buy. CHAS. SCHWAN. opposite East Liberty station, tele phone 5195. Jel6-8 FOR SALE -ILOOO-FBAMEHOUBE, 3 BOOMS and attic; lot 23x110; Rosetta street, Nine teenth ward. (1,350 Frame house, 3 rooms and cellar; good water; lot 50x110; near-cable line. (2, 900 Frame houssSrooms; city water, porches, pantry; one square from Hiland avenue: lot 43x50 feet. (3,000 Frame house, & rooms finished attic good cellar, city water, porches pantryi fine loca tion and near Hiland avenue; lot 25x126; look at this property. Honses In all parts of the East End from (1, 000 to (25,000. Parties wanting to bny East End prop erty thosld call and see me before buying. I will cheerfully drive parties wanting to look at prop erty any time from 8 A. it. to r. ir. CI1AS. SCHWAN. opposite East Liberty station. Telephone 5195, Jel6-S FOR SALE LOTS. Enat End Lou. FOK3ALE--?3.75o-50xl65 FEET. LOCATED IN one of the choicest neighborhoods in Shady side. W. C. S1E WART, 114 Fourth aye. myl2-65-su FOB SALE-COB. SHADY AND HOMEWOOD aves.: 5 acres beautifully situated; cheap and easy terms. J.B. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth avenue. Jel6-99 FOR SALE A FEW DESIRABLE LOTS LEFT at Home wood; handy to station and nicely located: will sell on easy terms at f550. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station street, E. E. Jel6-lP8 FOR SALE-CHOICELOTON ELYSIAN AVE., handy to Firth ave., East End, and an ele gant location forborne; will sell ror 8350, 11 taken soon. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. Jell-83-WFSU FOR SALE HANDSOS1E CORNER LOT 60 ft. fronton Rippeyst.; paved; no more de sirable location In cltv fot fine residence: price 83,800. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., E. E. Jel6-HiS FOB SALE ELEGANT BUILDING SITE, corner Jackson and St. Clair sts., haudyto Hiland ave., and finely situated: price, fTOO; termstosnlt. MELLON BROTHERS. 6349 Station 'St., E. E. Jel6-108 F lOB SALE-EUCLID AVE. LOTS, 40H41 feet, ntafilv elevated, close tn Penn ave. cable cars: street sewered: these lots will be sold atabargaln. MELLON BROS.. E,E.. or JOHN F. BAXTER. Agent, 512 Smithfield street. JeI6-ll-wsa PORSALE-82,7uO-A LARGE LOT 24x145 FEET, with front on Broad, also on Klrkwood sta. ; this property has a neat.4-roomed honse. fronting on Broad St.. with good site for building on Klrk wood St. MELLUN BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., . E. jel6-108 FOB SALE-870 PER FOOT, IF SOLD AT once: the finest lot on Negley ave.: cor. of Margaretta St.; 111x170 feet: Margaretta st. paved and sewered at present owner's expense: terms to suit. CHAS. SCHWAN, opposite East Liberty station. Jel6-3 FOR SALE-8M PER FOOr; ONLY 2 MORE lots left In Clearvlew place: street paved and sewered, and sold nnder building restrictions: these are the cheapest lots or the kind in the East End. CHAS. SCHWAN, opposite East Liberty station. Telephone 5195. JelS-S FOR- SALE-LOTS IN THE FAIRMOUNT Plan, one block rrom Penn avenuo and cable cars: no lot less than 40 feet front, prices from 11, 42) to 82.300: we believe these lots will double In value within two years. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. Jel6-&! F OR SALE-CHOICE BUILDING LOTS AT Brushton station : a uayment of 850 down and balance at rate ot 82 per week will enable pur chasers to buy a lot 40 feet bv 137 to 20-foot alley in Bank of Commerce addition plan. Act promptly and secure plan from JOHN F. BAXTER. Agent, 512 Smithfield st. jei6-39-wssu FOR SALE-87, 500 THAT ELEGANT BUILD ING site, 116x173 reet (as a whole or will sell half). located on Rebecca St., Shadyslde, between Centr ave. ana Penn ave., facing Baum Grove, Is well elevated, level, has eastern exposure, fine residence on either side and In a neighborhood that will undoubtedly tie strictly first-class. W. C bTKWART, 114 Fourth ave. my!2-65-Su FOR SALE-HITS IN- THE FRIENDSHIP Grove and Park iGross estate) plan sltnate In the Twentieth ward, between Penn and Liberty avenues, on the following streets: Penn avenue. Liberty avenue. Friendship avenue, Wlnebiddle avenne, Atlantic avenue, Rebecca street. Gross street- Conrad street. Matilda st., etc. We can offer special Inducements to the first few buyers who will aeree to build good houses this summer. STKAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood St. and Third avenue, Pittsburg. Jel6-52 Snbnrbnn Lota. FOR SALE ONE OF THE HANDSOMEST lots at Craftou. STRAUB & MOEUlS.corner Wood st. and Third ave., Pittsburg. JelS-52 FOB SALE-AT IDLEWOOD-6 MINUTES from station, 12 acres beautifully situated, atabargaln. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fonrth ave. Jel6-99 -TTIORSALE ATCORAOPOLI3, P. L.E. R.IR., a laige number of choice building lots on wide streets and alleys: will be sold on reasonable terms. LASHELL k BANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. JelG-13 FOB BALE WE OFFER, TOR SALE ON 10 years' time all the lots in the McKee plan, at Ingram, on I'anhandle Railroad; Mr. Mc&f e will build a limited number ot honses on same plan for desirable parties. STRAUU MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenne, Plttsbnrg. Jel6-52 FOB SALE A FARM OF 30 ACRES IN O'Hara township: good garden ground; has honse and barn on It. and plenty of fruit and water. SEBASTIAN BITTER, Sharpshurg. Pa. Jel6-ll FOR SALE FARM THE PATTERSON FARM, three miles southeast or Parnassus inUpperBurrelltownshlp.Westmorelandcounty. will be sold at public outcry on Thursday, June 20. 1839. at 2 o'clock F. M. Said farm contains 106 acres mostly cleared, with all necessary build Inirs and Improvements. For nartlnulara Innulre 1 of K. S. DINSMOKE, Parnassus, Pa. jeo-w-ca, jo, lb, rj iiR SALE -SIXTY ACRES. FIVE-ROOM house and tenement house: rents for (60 CO a year; 4-fuot vein oal. sells at 5c a bushel at bank; 3 miles from Beaver Falls; sell on easy payments or will take cheap house in part pay: price 83.500; also 80 acres 4-room house, barn, fruit: 6 miles from Beaver Falls: price 82.500; easy payments. N. F. HURST, Real Estate Agent. Rochester, Pa. Send for farm and exchange list. Jel4-44-IOP FOR SALE BUSINESS. Bnalnesn Cnnnees. FOB SALE FIRST-CLASS BAKERY ON Grant St.; a bargain. D. BEHEN & SON, 4112 Penn ave. JB16-49 FOR SALE NEWSPAPER BOUTE PITTS BURG DISPATCH; cheap. Address ROUTE, Dispatch office. Jel6-105. I7OR SALE-DKUG STOKE: WILL INVEN- TORY 11,500; one of the best locations lu East Liberty. W. C. STEWABT, 114 Fourth aye. Jel6-7 FOB S A L E-A GOOD CORNER SALOON: established business: stock, lease and fixtures cheap. Write or call on F. B. BUNKER. 174 Prospect street, Cleveland, O. lel6-3 F OB SALE-GENEKAL STOKE IN CITY; established trade: will sell for Invoice, about 82,700; good horse and wagon. Call on or address A. A. ALLES, 162 Fourth avenue. Jel6-9-Thsu FOR SALE-LEASE, GOOD WILL AND FUR NISHM ENT of an established livery and un dertaking business: centrally located and doing a ilrstst., Allegheny: Jel2-94 FOR SALE-GEO. HARRIS' CONFECTION ERY, notion, tobacco and cigar store, with stock and fixtures cor. Thlrty-foorthand Penn ave.: wlllsell at Invoice: best stand in Lawrence ville: satisfactory reasons given for selling. See OWNER, on premises or THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3507 Butler st. tel3-30-WTssu FOR SALE-FINE, EXTENSIVE AND PROF ITABLE bakery, lee cream and confection ery business: nothing better and must be sold: also, grocery, drygoods drug, cigar, china and notion stores; printing office, butcher shop, baker ies and other business chances. Free particulars. SHEPAKD & CO.. 54 Finn ave. Jel6 FOB SALE SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE Being obliged to leave Cincinnati to take charge of foreign lnterestsl offer my business for sale very cheap; a light manufacturing, artUtlc business paying well, owing no debts and plenty of orders from all parts of the United States: any young man having (8.000 can secure a chance seldom to be met with; no attention will be given to letters unless signed by real name: best of rel erences given and required: 1 will remain with purchaser long enough to thoroughly teach him the business Addrtss MANUFACTURER, care S. H. Parvin's Sons Cincinnati, O. je 15-31 Huslnesa Stands. FOE SALE-BEN VENUE STATION, P. B. B., business site; large lot 250 feet along P.R.R.; could be divided; price (3.000. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station street. E. E. Jel6-K8 FOR SALE-jaXOCO -LARGE BRICK BUILD ING, situated corner of Federal street and North avenue. For particulars call on STKAUB & MOI1K1S, corner VV ood street and Third avenue, Plttsbnrg, Pa. Jel6-52 FOR SALE-SEVERAL PIECES OF PROP ERTY on Fourth ave.: also a number or pieces on Penn ave.. Smithfield st. and other good streets; will take pleasure In slvlng full par ticulars and showing survevs to parties desiring to purchase. VV. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth ave. ap2l-19-su FOR SALE-(15.000-DESIRABLE BUSINESS and dwelling property in East End: corner lots; pays a good return on Investment and In creasing in value; mortgage of ( now on property, which can remain: special reasons for selling. STKAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood street aud Third avenue, Plttsbnrg. e!6-52 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Hone. Vehicles. Live Mock, etc F lOR SALE-FINE FBAZIEK ROAD CARTS, C. v tor s. uu.. w uuquesne way. jeu-H T7IOR SALE-GOOD FAMILY HORSE, PEtt J1 FECTLY quiet: anyone can drive her In quire M. A. PBESTON, Lang ave., Homewood, B. E. el6-32 FOR SALE BAROUCHE AND HARNESS and English buggy and harness: sold cheap for want or use. Address DRIVER, Dispatch office. Jel6-33 TTOR SALE YOUNG MOCKING BIRDS X; Guaranteed fine singers: also talking par rots and pet anlmau, atESPICH'S Bird Store. 640 Smithfield street. Jel6-63-wsu T7OK SALE-HORSES JUST ARRIVED. DO 1? you want a horse? irso, yon will save money by going to Exposition track: coach, buggy, sad dle, business and draught horses arriving dally. JAS. MCKEOWN. Jel3-8 Machinery and Metals. TTOK SALE LATHE 14-INCH BWING, 41 X; Inches between centers back gear. 9-lnch chuck: can be arranged ror root power; good condition; (50. Address LATHE. Dispatch office. Jel6-W FOR SALE-SMALLENGINE3ANDBOILKK3 ror confectioners printers butchers etc., etc ; we have them in many styles and sires and suited to every purpose, at very low prices HARME'S MACHINE IUCPOT, 7 First ave,. Pittsburg. myS6-su Mlscellaneona. TJ40B BALE-10 TO 40 FONTS JOB TYPJE JD (cheap), almost new. with eases: splendid working foot-power press cheap for cash. Add ress BUN, Dispatch office. JelS-87 TO LET. Allegheny Residences. TO LET-NEW HOUSES OF 4 ROOMS EACH; all modern l.nprovements: Second ward, Al legheny: last finished. U. ANDERSON, 83 Buens Vista st. jel6-23 TO LET-ALLEGHENY-NEW TWO-STORY mansard, pressed brick dwelling. S rooms: allmodern conveniences; street cars pass thedonr; cheap; (400 a year. Inquire 178 WASHINGTON AVE.. Allegheny City. Jelg-21 ADanmenM. TO LET-FURNISHED ROOM VERY DE SIRABLE and suitable for one or two gen tlemen; everything new and flrst-class. 428 PENN AVE. Jel6-115 TO LET FURNISHED BOO SIS WITH kitchen, separate ice boxes: folding beds: everything new; choice or rour large buildings. 41 LOGAN ST. Jel6-101 TO LET-SOME FINE UNFURNISHED rooms suitable ror housekeeping; three store rooms: good stands: low rent. For particulars Inquire 44 FOURTH STEKEr. jeU-74-rsa TOLET-FIVEOBSIXBOOMS IN SUBURB AN residence. 5 minutes from Penn ave. cable line: shade and spring water: rent low. Inquire 19 MA1ILDA ST., north side of Penn aye. Jel5-93 Offices. Devk Room. tc rTIO LET-PHYSICLAN'S OFFICES. BACH J ELOR'S quarters and dwelling, at 71 SIXTH. AVENUE. jel4-43 Business Stands. TO LET-LARGE STOREROOM AND D WELL INU'on Smithfield st. STKAUB & MORRIS. 106 Third ave. Jel6-52 PERSONAL. E B S O N A L-BOOK3 WANTED IF YOU have one book worth 10 cents or a library worth (1,000, let us know: we will bny one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, beventn Ave. Hotel bulldlnir. my3-28 PERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUB WIFE, mother or daughters In repairing and clean lug your old clothes when it can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st., second floor Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed: suits made to order; spring styles now ready, 'telephone 155a. mh8 STRAYED. STBAYED-A FAWN-COLORED MASTIFJ bitch abont IK vears old, answers to the name of Lady. A reward will be paid by return ofthe same to HEEBEN BROS. & CO., 52a Wood st. Jel6-74 REWARDS. TJEWAKD-810O-A BOX ABOUT 3 OR4FEET AX long and 2 feet high, covered with canvas and marked "Consul General. San Francisco"; waa swept by the flood from express train No. 8 at Conemaugh; this box contains papers valuable only to the Consul General, and a reward of one hnndred dollars will be paid for its recovery ana delivery at the Mayor's office, Altoona. Pa. EDMD. H. TURN Eft. Mayor. LIANG TING TSAU. Consul General. Je9-125 MEETINGS. MASONIC NOTICE-THE MEMBERS OP McCandless Lodge No. 390. F. dsA-It. are hereby notified to attend a special meeting; of the lodge on MONDAY, 17th INST., at 12.30 o'clock, to attend the funeral of Bro. James Kirkpatrick. Train with funeral arrives at Forty-third street station, A.V.K.R., at 2 o'clorfcp.jf. By order, W.H. jel6-24 -VTOTICE THE MEMBERS OFIRON CITT J.1 Lodge 187, 1. O. O. F., are requested to meet at their hall. No. SI Fourth ave MON DAY, JUNE 17, 1889. at IP. M.. to attend tho funeral of onr late brother, Morgan Waters. Members of sister lodges are cordially invited to attend. By order R. L. MARSHALL, jel6-90 N. G. MEETING THERE WILL BE A SPE CIAL meeting of the members of Law rence Council No. 61, Jr. O. U. A. M., To-DAT, at 2 p. at., to take action on the death at our late brother, J. P. Steigerwald. By order of C. "W. BIETHMJXLER, WIN STERN, Councilor. Rec Sec jel6-70 JR. O. V. A. M. The members of Dnquesne Conncil No. 110, are requested to assemble at their hall. No. 81 Fourth avenue, on SUNDAY. June 18, at 9 A. 31. sharp, to attend the funeral of oar late brother, John H. Basler. Members or si3ter councils are cordially in vi ted to attend. j'elo-39 DANIEL G. EVANS. R. S. AMUSEMENTS. "PVERY THURSDAY NIGHT Grand Summer Nipht Receptions given by the) Imperial Club, at Imperial Hall, corner Sev enth avenue and Grant street. Music by the Mozart and Royal Italian Orchestras. Ad mission SPc. "These receptions are well attended and are much pleasanter and less expensive than picnics.'' ielS-43 p ALSTON SCHOOL HALL. Thursday evening. June 20, I8S9. THE BOOTH & BRIGHT DRAMATIC COMPANY, In the Great Bonier Drama entitled, "BURIED ALIVE," In three acts, for the boneflt of THE JOHNSTOWN SURVIVORS. Admission. 25 cents. Jelfr3 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF CARPETS, FURNI TURE and household camels, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 18. at 10 o'clock. Handsome oak. walnnt, mahogany and cher ry chamber suits, cabinets, desks, bookcases, cheval glass, pier mirror, wardrobes, dressers, washstands bedsteads, sideboards, hall racks, extension tables, chiffoniers, folding beds, cen ter tables pictures, clocks. lamps, rugs, cur tains, toilet ware, dinner sets, bair and huslc mattresses, springs, leathers, chairs and rock ers, notions and fancy goods. Full line of fine parlor suits in English rag satin damask, silk plushes brocatelle reps, tapestries and hair ciotb, fancy rockers, ele gant Wilton velvet, moquet, body brussali, English taps and ingrain carpets. ..Come and secure bargains HENRY AUCTION CO.. LTM.. -jelf-S9 Auctioneers. ASSIGNEES SALE OF A COAL MINE OK line of C. V. R. R. Pursuant to order oi the Court of Common Pleas No. Lat No. 4St December term, 1SS8, the undersigned assignees of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of E. B. will offer lor sale on the premises on THURS DAY, June 20, at 1030 A. 3f. all their right, title, interest and claim in and to a piece or tract of coal described as follows: Being all the coal underlying a certain tract or piece of land situated in Scott township, Allegheny county, pear Leasdale station, on the line of tho Chartlers Valley Railroad, and known as Old Glass Honse Farm and Coal works, containing thirteen (13) acres more or less and being; what remains of a larger tract of coal conveyed by Thos Hnnter, High Sheriff of Allegheny Connty, by bis deeds dated the 18th day o December, 1880, and recorded in the Recorder's office of said connty in deed book; voL 410, pages 622 and 530, to the said Farmers and Mechanics Bank: also all T iron pumps, boiler and pipe, tipple and fixtures, sidings and rail road iron thereto belonging; Terms of sale ten per centum of the purchase money on dayot sale and balance when deed is delivered J. H. SORG, ) Assignees H. J. BERG, Jr., I of L. S.CUNNINGHAM, )F. andM. Bfc Je5-20 THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD. A terrible contagion of diseases, such ag Scarlet Fever, Diphtheria. Smallpox. Cholera, and probably Yellow Fever, will be the resuli If we do not use a preventative. The above can, only beprevanted by using DR-BURGOON'S System Renovator ana I do assure any one that uses the renovator they are using the medical properties of dandelion. Mayapple, bnchu, quassia, cinchona, cascara sagrada, gentian, sassafras, boneset, kidney wart,stillingia, Peru vian hark, rhubarb and burdock. It acts thoroughly on the digestive organs, the liver and the kidneys Under its operation the lose appetite returns, the bowels become open and regular. It invigorates the stomach, it makes theweakstrong.it builds up the nerves and cleanses the blond of every imparity. While and after nslni, it no disease will infect the system. Lwill guarantee the health of all who use it. For sale at all drng stores or by DR. BURGOON. jel3-5 No. 47 Ohio street, Allegheny, Pa. FR SALE WHOLESALE PRODUCT commission house, doing a business second to none in the city; everythirg in flrst-class rnnnlng order; this is an opportunity to step into an established paying business that i seldom offered: liberal terms, Address BUSI NESS, Dispatch office. my2S-118-TTSSa Walter J. osboitrns. kichabs uassows. BARRQWB fc OSBOURNE JOB PRINTERS, 80 Diamond street. Telephone No.(Sl ie2-k5ft-TTSSa TO EUROPE ALL THE POPULAR steamers sailing this and aext month are rapidly filling op. Apply for berths without delay. Tickets, drafts and letters of credit at N. Y. rates MAX SCHAMBERG 4 CO.. 6s7 Smithfield st myUursa 1