Jf 10 THE PETTSBUEG-" DISPATCH, SUNDAY, JUNE - 16, 1889. k I m when a .swarm came off and came so near that I became alarmed and started away, but they followed me, and when I took off my hat to arrange my veil lor protection I spied THE CAUSE OP' THE MISCHIEF. "The queen had lit on my hat I quickly laid my hat on the top of a hive and they immediately settled upon it and I hived them at once. Certainlv there are some risks to run, but I Mould rather hive a swarm of bees than set a clucking hen any time. Xou have probably read time and again of a swarm settling upon a horse while being driven along a country road. I tell you when bees -get on a horse there are lively times. You noticed that rope stretched across the drive down there. I put that there to keep people from driving up this way to the barn. Having some experience with bees on animals, I use this precaution." "What about this sngar-ied honey?" "Well, that is certainly a great fraud, as that kind is not nearly so good in flavor as the blossom-gathered "article. It soon turns to sugar again, and is very poor eatintr. Of course the pure article will crystallize to some extent, but never dry up like the sugar-fed stuff. Talk abont your barome ters and signal service, if a storm is brew ing yon will see those bees coming in so thick they fairly darken the air. "The sight of bees is very acute, as they recognize their hives from long distances and fly straight toward them with great rapidity. They will sometimes work three or four miles from home, and can make the trip in a remarkably short space of time. A friend of mine took a number of marked Gathering a Swarm. bees six miles from borne and liberated them along with some carrier pigeons, and was surprised when informed that the bees were the first to arrive, making the r tje miles rr six aiurrjxES. "A bee has six legs, and in the hind pair of the workers the middle portion is hol lowed into a triangle cavitv or basket, sur rounded with thickly se't hairs. In this pouch are carried the pollen and other hive materials. At the end of the feet are little hooks, by which they adhere to the hive and to each other during the wax secreting process. The other pairs of feet have a brush of hairs, by means of which they collect and brush off the pollen from their bodies when thev arrive at the hive. The bee has two stomachs. The first is a large membranous bag for the reception of the honey. Its walls are muscular and able to throw the honey back into the mouth for filling the cells. I often wondered how much honey a bee could carryat a load, and by observing one taking updew from a large leaf I think some estimate can be made. This one took up six drops of dew in suc cession, and as there are sometimes 40000 bees to a hive, it is not surprising that they have been known to add 34 pounds to the hive in a single day. 'Of course, this would include pollen and other hive materials. Digestion is performed in the second stom ach. It in ol cylinder sbape.ccmmunicating with the first stomach and with theintestines by a projecting valvular apparatus with a very small opening, which prevents the re gurgitation of the food. BEE GOVEBXMEXT. "A hive of bees consists ot three kinds females, males and workers. The lemalcs are called queens, not more than one of which can reign in the same hive, one being all that is necessarv to establish and teen up the hire. The males are called drones and may exist by hundreds or even thou sands, but the workers are the most numer ous. Their sexual organs are not fully de veloped and it, therefore, devolves upon the queen to lar the eggs, which feat she accom plishes at the rate of 200 a day. The males do not work and are of no use except to im pregnate the queen, after which they die or are killed off, they having no sting to pro tect themselves; but the queen and workers are armed with a very formidable weapon, which consists of an exten sile sheath enclosing two needle-shaped darts placed side by side. Toward the end they have teeth like a saw, owing to which fact they are sometimes unable to withdraw tbeir sting, the loss of which canses their own death. An acrid poison is squeezed into the wound lrom a bag near the base, and is so deadly that a single sting almost instantly kills a bee, and animals, and even men have been known to succumb to the combined attack of a swarm of these little furies. "There used to be considerable mystery about the rearing of the queen, as the eggs and larva of the royal family do not differ in appearance from the workers, but the young are more carefully nursed and fed with a more stimulating kind of food, which causes them to grow rapidly and develops .the sexual organs, so that in the short space of 16 days they become a A PERFECT QUEEN. "But as only one queen can reign at a time in a hive, the young ones are kept close prisoners and carefully guarded against the attacks of tne queen mother, but if a swarm is not to be sent off, the queen is allowed to approach the royal babes and sting them to death while they are yet prisoners in the cells. Should the old queen depart with a swarm, a young one is liberated, who immediatelv seeks the de struction of her sisters, but is prevented by the guards. If she runs off with a swarm another one is liberated, and so on until further swarming is impossible. Then this reigning queen is allowed to kill all her re maining sisters; bnt if two queens should happen to be liberated at the same time they immediately begin a mor tal combat, and to the victor belongs the spoils. The other bees form a ring and excite and urge their tavorite to their utmost, no doubt staking their piles of golden jewels on the result. When the queen is finally impregnated then the work ers commence a murderous assault upon the males and tbey are massacred without mer cy and their bodies ejected from the hive. If the hive is without a queen they are allowed to survive the winter, although the loss of the queen throws the hive into the utmost consternation. They rush from the hive and seek the queen in all directions, and should their be no eggs nor brood in the hive they become insane, mope about doing no work and finally all perish, but if there be brood in tbe comb thev select a grub not more than three days old, sacrifice the sur rounding cells that the cell of the grub may be made into a royal apartment, supply it with the peculiar stimulating jelly reserved for the queens, and at the end of 16 days the larva: of a worker is changed into a prolific queen." "In conclusion," said the bee farmer, "the ablest chemists have been baffled in their endeavors to manufacture this wonderful golden food." J. W. A. Unkind Remark. Texas Sittings. 3 Poet It is very difficult 'nowadays for all of ns poets to get our works widely circu lated among the people. Critic Yes, the grocers and butchers who sell cheese and sausage prefer paper that has not been printed. ElrctrJc Tricycle. . Mr. M. Slattery, of Fort Wayn e, Ind., is riding a tricycle piopelled by a storage bat , tery of insignificant dimensions. LONDON'S OUTCASTS. The Work of Kich and Educated louns Men in the Slums of ENGLAND'S GREAT METROPOLIS. Story of the Heroic Life and Death of Herbert Boss Weube. INNOCENT ATTRACTIONS FOE THE POOE tCOEKESrOKDEKCE OP THE DISPATCH. London, June 1. One ot the most re markable associations in the world is down in the dirty, foul, ill-smelling aud revolting Whitcchapel district Seven years ago London society was startled out of its customary complacent propriety by the publication of a series of newspaper and magazine articles under the title of "The Bitter Cry of Outcast Lon don." The awful conditions under which thousands upon thousands ot the very poor est of the great metropolis lived and moved, the foulness of their lodgings, the moral and physical rottenness of their surround ings were all set forth in language which, if sometimes over-colored and occasionally hysterical, attracted the pnblic ear and caused a great wave of pity and indignation to pass over the whole country. Kich men subscribed their money and a few gave per sonal help in seeking cut and relieving the misery of the masses. "Slumming" be came fashionable, and for a time the police men stationed in the east end of London reaped a rich harvest of fees from the well-to-do visitors from the far west who flocked to London's plague spot, but feared to ex amine it without guides and protection. Bnt the great wave soon spent itself; the money, although freely given, was badly administered, men and women gradually tired of the boul-searing and disheartening work of battling with the great evil and dropped out of the ranks. Only a very few worked sturdily on, content if by their personal enorts tbey could lighten the lot or the least of those among whom they tem porarily dwelt A PHILA1TTHK0PIC COLLEGIA!. Foremost among these were a number of young graduates of Oxford TJniversty, who, deeply moved by the "bitter cry," formed themselves into the Oxford University Mis sion, took a house in the very poorest part of Bcthnal Green, and moved into it, re solved to live among the people. One of the most enthusiastic of the little band was a tall, handsome young fellow named Her bert Boss Webbe, a member of a well-to-do lamily and himself a distinguished scholar and a famous athlete, whose intellectual and physical prowess won glory for him at Win chester College, where he was educated, and at Oxford University, where he took his de gree. Young Webbe from the first devoted him self to the welfare of the poor working boys ot the Bast End of London, and he soon es tablished an influence almost magnetic over the most of them. Hundreds were soon at tracted to the humble rooms in which the young enthusiast had set out his desk and books, and after a time well-attended even ing classes were in full swing. Gymnasium, football and cricket clubs, musical societies ana other social and recreation agencies were in due course established. The work went steadilv forward, widening its sphere ot action and influence, and giving daily promises of incalculable results when it was suddenly ana tragically arrested by the death of the founder. Herbert Webbe died on duty. One Sunday afternoon last year he had'been sitting in the midst of his boys reading the Bible to them. He had not felt well for a day or two previously, but he would not quit his work, and that last Scripture lesson was as lovingly and care fully given as any of the many that had preceded it. The lesson ended, the vonng teacher commenced to read the Lord's ,prayer, but had only reached the words "Tny kingdom come" wherhe fell forward and died in the presence of his class. THE TVEBBE MEJIOKIAL. The good that Herbert Boss Webbe did during the brief period of his sojourn on this earth lives after him, thanks to the gold of his rich admirers and the copper of his humble proteges. Tablets recording his brief life's work have been placed within the stately walls of Winchester school and New College, Oxford; but, much more fit tingly, his virtues and his labors have been commemorated in an Institute for Working Lads, situated within a few hundred yards of Oxford House, in the midst of the dwell ings of the humblest of London's industrial poor, and not more than a stone's throw from some of the most dreadful slums, the miseries and depravities of which first moved him to noble actions. "The Webbe Memorial for Working Lads," Hare street, Bethnal Green, is not an imposing edifice. It is not even new, its architect's brains being confined to the task of making the most of some buildings erected many years ago as merchants' stores. Already there are 300 working lad members, and the number is increasing every week. The house was opened last January, but its formal inauguration was postponed until a few days ago when young Trince Al bert Victor ol Wales, who will one day be king ol England, went In state to the east end of London, the most forlorn spot in the vast empire over which he is destined to rule, and performed the simple inaugural ceremony. A royal visit is something unique and to be cherished in Bethnal Green. The whole of the grimy populace, men, women and children, crowded into the narrow streets to see the stranger prince. I was there, and I cannot truthfully say that there was any enthusiasm except among the boys. It is creditable to Prince Albert Victor that his face did not bear tbe bored expres sion which it usuallydoes when he performs a pnblic function. He showed a hearty in terest in the work of the Oxford men, and the little speech which he delivered was spoken with real feeling. A. BOYAL TBIBTJTE. "I have much pleasure," said His Boyal Highness, "in declaring this institute open to the young lads of this district You have heard the details of its ioundation and the story of the man whose name it bears, who devoted his life to the benefit of his fellow men, especially those moving in a lowly sphere. No better memorial to a man who devoted himself to self-denying efforts to make the lives of others better and brighter could have been constructed. I trust that its futurewill be a successful one, and that it will in many ways tend to the advantage of the young people around." Then Prince Albert Victor and his aris tocratic suite returned to the more con genial west end, and Bethnal Green relapsed into its normal state. The work, of which Herbert Boss Webbe was one ot the philanthropic pioneers, is still earned on under the direction ot a com mittee at Oxford, of which Sir W. Anson, Warden ot All Soul's College, is the Presi- aeni. Oxford House is a humble building situ ated in Viaduct street Bethnal Green. xears ago, before steam power and im proved machinery worked a revolution, the streets around were inhabited by silk weav ers, of whom there Are still left a few ven erable specimens. Outside Oxford House looks almost as grimv as its squalid neigh bors, but inside is all brjght and cheer! ul. The house was once a school, and it has been cunningly fitted for its present purpose by means of wooden partitions which divide what were once large apartments into a number of cozy little rooms. The domestic arrangements are upon a collegiate plan. Bach associate has a bedroom, severely plain, with painted brick or wooden walls, a btrip of carpet and an iron bedstead. The head of the honse, at present the Beverend Winnington Ingram, has the luxury of a private sitting room in addition to a bed room; but for the others there is a common sitting room, library, etc A DIMINUTIVE CHAPEL. In a yard adjoining the house is a small - '""", 7 v T. . . f door with a common lift latch, which the I average visitor will almost certainly think leads to the coal store or tool house. It is really the entrance to the chapel in which the members of Oxford House worship every morning. Lift the latch and jou are within what is surely the smallest house of worship in the world. Its dimensions certainly do not exceed 20 feet by 10, and there is room only for a dozen chairs. At the farther end is a tiny altar bright with brass fittings, and to the left is a diminutive desk where tbe master of the house reads the lessons. On tbe wall is fastened a very small brass tablet which serves to emphasize the les son learned from the life's history of Her bert Boss Webbe, that missionary martyr dom can be purchased in London as well as in the wilds of Africa. The tablet is to the memory of Philip Moor, a member of the House, who died in 1887 at the age of 24. The familiar story of a strong, brave foul air and premature death. As you read you instinctively turn to the pale, frail look ing handsome young associate whg.is doing the honors of the humble place With qniet dignity and courtesy. He came to the house last September, he tells you, and can re main only until next June, because he will then take holy orders. He hopes to obtain a curacy somewhere in the slums, an aspira tion the oddity of which may be gauged by the fact that the young fellow was born to wealth and a high position. The associates of Oxford House, after morning prayers, devote the earlier hours of the day to "study. In the afternoon they visit the hospitals and infirmaries and the sick poof in their homes. Far. from taking any fee or reward for their labors, they give freely from their private purses, ana even pay a fixed weekly sum (about $7) for their board and lodging at the House. There are no narrow ordinances to which their philan thropy must conform each is tree to do good in his own way, thus giving the fullest play to individual energy. Their hardest work is in the evening. From 7 until 11 o'clock, and on Saturdays from 4 until 11:30 their hands are full witn'the various classes, educational and recreative, connected with the house. There are two large rooms at tached to Oxford House in which plenty such work is carried on every evening, but the operations of the mission are now cen tralized in the Oxford University Club, a capacious block of buildings pleasantly sit uated off the main road hard by the Beth nel Green Museum, half a mile away. WHAT IS BEING DONE. As I left the house en route to the club I passed a clamorous crowd of ragged boys and girls, each armed with pot or basin, who were waiting to be served with a penny ' dinner. The meal, which is given out daily at 1 o'clock, usually consists of nutritious soup and pudding, and it is often the only meal worthy of the name that the little ones or their parents ever have the chance of eat ing in the course of 24 hoars. The Oxford University Clnb is the center of intellectual and social activity in the Bethnal Green district of the east end of London. It has manifold attractions, most of which may be enjoyed for tbe weekly sub scription of l.penny. There are at present 800 members, and there is cause for won der that there are not 8,000. Most of them are artisans and mechanics; the very poorest will not join the club they have to be reached by tbe pergonal efforts Of the asso ciates and the depraved and dissolute are not wanted. Classes for drawing, bookkeep ing, singing, writing, etc., are held regular ly and there are no tees. There are also ath letic clubs. Concerts are given in the large hall, and lectures and religious services occur on Sunday. The club has also a well appointed gymnasium, and to crown all, no lewer tnau hve billiard and ten bagatelle boards. Add to these attractions a co-operative store at which members may purchase everything required for their households at wholesale prices, and one would think no workingman could resist the temptation of joining the Oxford University Club. As a matter of fact the public house is still more attractive to the masses, and the Oxford house associations with all their personal zeal and unselfish devotion and with all the material benefits they are able to provide, have not yet succeeded in mak ing more than a superficial impression upon the mass of misery, degradation and vice which surges around them. The work is terribly depressing, and few are able to endure it for more than a few months at a time. But the ranks are always kept fairly filled by enthusiastic recruits fresh from classic Oxford content to sow the seed, even it they are not destined to reap the harvest. Blabxly Hall. Where Work It Plcaiaac New York "Weekly. J Neglected Wife Why don't you go to work? Husband (a ne'er do well) I ain't got no tools. Neglected Wife Deacon Smith offered you $5 to fix his fence, and you have a saw, and a plane, and a hammer and nails. What more do you want? Husband The saw ain't no good, and I ain't got no file to sharpen it. Ole Smith km hx his fence himself, Same Husband (ten years later) Hist! Say, wife, I've escaped from the peniten tiary. Gimme some other clothes, so I kin light out agin. Wife Myl my! How did you get ont? Husband I dug 40 feet underground with a two-tined fork, and then cut my way through two feet of stone wall and ten inches of boiler iron with a saw made out of a tin dinner plate. The Considerate Mother. Texas Sittings. Husband (punishing Tommy) I'll teach yon to be impudent. (Whack! Whack!) Take that. (Whack! Whack.) Oh, you needn't bawl. I'm not half done with you yet, (Whack.) Wile Don't beat the poor little fellow so unmercifully. He's got 'his Sunday pants on. U.ELIGI0TJS SD3IMARY. The Methodist Episcopal Church, Sontb, appropriates $17,000 from book concern profits for her conference claimants. It was announced at the late General As sembly that tbe Presbyterians hae raised 616,100 toward tbeir fund for Disabled ministers. Theke are at present C7 American students studying for tbe priesthood in the American Catholic College. Borne. Some of them will he ordained this month. Tn,EKE are 1,273 Young Men's Christian As sociations on this side of the water, owniner property valued at $8,451,012, and the current expenses of the last year aggregated $1,449,669. The past year 15S students have been in structed in the Congregational Theological Seminary at Chicago. A large dormitory is under construction for the use of this largely increased patronage. TnE Baptists in Chicago are earnestly at work raising the $350,000 requisite to secure the gift of $1,500,000 from Mrs. Bockafeller for the founding of a denominational university in that city. The trustees of the Hartford, Conn, Theo logical Seminary have voted to open all courses of the institution to women on the same terms as to men. This is tbe first Institution of the kind to grant to women equal advantages with men in obtaining a theological education. The Manner (Presbyterian). Missionaries throughout the world are finding that one of tbe most effective ways of reaching tbe people for whom tbey labor is to sees ine conversion 01 me cnuuren. men ana women who have grown old in paganism are not easily moved from tbeir superstitions. The young form the most hopeful class. The Missionary Herald. Fifty years ago seven shoemakers in a shoo in Hamburg said: "By tbe grace of God we will help to send tbe Gospel to our destitnte fellow-men." In 25 Tears they had established 50 self-supporting churches, had gathered out 10,000 converts, had distributed -400.000 Bibles and 800,000 tracts, and had earned the Gospel to 50.000,000 of the race. It wonld take only 160 sneb men to carry tbe Gospel to tbe whole world in 25 years. The Standard (Christian). Trmrecelpts of the Congregational Union lor the year ending June 1 were$116,SS8 08, or 531, 963 46 more than lor the year before. Tbe re ceipts for the first five months ot 1SS9 were $68, 000, or $13,000 more than for tbe corresponding months of 1S83. There were completed in the vear 99 houses of worship and 62 parsonages, or 19 more buildings than in 1888. There are out standing pledges to e ennrcbes for aid in Duuaing nouses 01 worsnip or parsonages, ana money 11 In the treasury to meet these. I THE WOMEN W EGYPT Mary J. Holmes Describes Their Life, Appearance and Habits. THE DAUGHTERS OP THE KHEDIVE. Interesting Glimpses of Life in the land of the Pharaohs. THE PfiETTX DANCING GIELS OP LTJX0B tCOBRESPOSDEXCE OP THE DlSrATCH.3 Cairo, Egypt, May 4. To write about the handsome women of Egypt would be much like the schoolboy's composition on "Snakes in Ireland," "There are no snakes in Ireland," was the beginning and end of bis essay, and, emulating his example, I might almost say, "There are no handsome women in Egypt," except the English and Americans, or, it there are, their charms are hidden by the disfiguring veil which is al ways worn in the street, and only laid aside in the privacy of homey where there are no masculine eyes except those of husband, father or brother. The little girls are free to breathe the air of heaven, without the ob struction across the nose and mouth, and some of then fresh young faces are very pretty and as fair as the faces of onr Ameri can girls, whose dress and style they imi tate. The daughters of the Khedive, with their bright color and Blue eyes, would pass for English anywhere. I saw them driving one afternoon with their governess, while before the carriage, keeping even step with each other and the fast-trotting horses, were the royal runners in their short white skirts and gorgeous sashes and vests of gold and silver. These always precede carriages of the Khedive's household, and are marvels of hardihood and endurance. No matter hpw hot the day, or dusty tbe road, or long the drive, they never flag, but with their bodies bent a little forward, run swiftly on, and with their quick, sharp crv of warning clear the street ot any obstacle in the way. The donkey boys back their donkeys on to the narrow sidewalks, the camel drivers tnrn their camels round a corner, the beggar. who looks more like a moving rag-bag than a man, mutters a prayer to Allah and steps aside, while the dirty children asking for backsheesh scamper in all directions, roll ing sometimes in the mud and sometimes in the gutters, anywhere to get out of the way, while the great people go by. Then tlie ranks close up again, and the street traffic flows on as before. THE KHEDIVE'S WIFE. The Khedive's wife is very fine-looking and very devoted to her husband, who is extremely popular with the people. He does not seem to have inherited any of his father's vices! or taste for expenditure, for he has only 40 servants and one wife, while the dissolute and dethroned Ismael kept sou servants, ana naa, 1 was told, between 200 and 300 ladies in his harem. What bitter jealousies and quarrels there must have been when these all met together, if they ever did, which is doubtful, for the old man had many palaces, with endless suites of rooms, the furniture in one of which cost $25,000. They are shut up now, most of them, and only kept as show places, fre quented alike by tourists and natives. In the gardens of the Ghizeh palace we came suddenly upon a group of young Egyptian girls out for a holiday, unveiled, and attended only by an eunuch, who counts for little more than an old nurse of the family. But the momentwe approached a cry of alarm was raised both by our drago- uiuu auu 111c cuuuuu, ujeu were coming, ana, like frightened birds, the girls drew their veils around them and plunged into the shrubbery; all but one, who, bolder or more curious than the others, stopped a .moment and tnrned her laughing face toward us as if challenging our admiration. She was very pretty, with blue eyes and light brown hair, and evidently belonged to the higher class of Egyptians. The sister of the Khedive's wife is hand some, with a brilliant complexion, some of which she owes to art rather than to nature. She wears her hair banged, and only a thin white veil conceals the lower portion of her face when driving in her carriage. She occupies one of the Khedive's palaces, and has recently been separated from her hus band, a dashing, di&sipated fellow, whose habits do not please her. Separations and divorces are quite as common in Egypt as in America. Nor is this surprising when we remember how little the parties know of each other before marriage; nothing, in fact, in most instances, except from hear say, while the girl has no choice whatever in the matter. 1 OBTAINING A WIFE. A young man wishes to marry, and his mother begins to search for a suitable wile among the families of her own caste, and frequently among her own" relations, as they believe in marrying cousins. Mothers of daughters are also on the lookout, and persons employed as hairdressers and seam stresses are sometimes hired to advertise the good qualities of the young girls, who have nothing to do but to accept the husband provided for them. After the girl is chosen the dot is next considered, txo-thirds of which are" paid to the father of the bride and the other third retained for the wife in case she docs not prove satisfactory, and is sent away. The marriage ceremony, I was told, takes place between the father and his pros pective son-in-law, while the bride is either washing dishes in the kitchen or listening at the door; but, once married, she becomes lor the time being a person of importance, and is conducted to her new home with a good deal of ceremony. The wedding recep tion takes place in the evening, and after it is over the bridegroom sees his bride's face for the first time in his We. It was our good fortune to attend one of these recep ions, a description of which may not be uninteresting. The honse, which stood in a courv, was decorated with lanterns and wedding flags, while the street in front was filled with donkey boys and other curious spectators. The gentlemen of our party were ushered by a tall Arab into a room on the ground floor, where the male guests were seated in solemn silence, smok ing cigarettes, drinking Turkish coffee, and looking like anything but participants in a festive occasion, as they listened to tbe dole ful music of an Egyptian band. Mean while I waB conducted upstairs and pre sented to the ladies, who were in iulL evening dress, with flowers and powder and rouge. None of them spoke English, and only one a little French, so that we were not a verv social nartv. Mani r.e them had their sfippers off, though why I do not know, unless they were too small and hurt their feet. , Some sat upon the floor on cushions, and others on the divans range'd around the salon, at one end ot which were latticed windows looking down into the room where the men were assembled. Through this lattice the ladies were con stantly peering, keeping always at a safe distance, for, as they were unveiled, it would have been a mortal sin to be seen from below. But as 1 was a shamefaced woman no harm could come to me, and a portion of the lattice was raised for mv benefit, while the others crowded around and behind me to get a better view, laugh ing as school girls laugh when enjoying some'sobbidden pleasure. 'Coffee and cigarettes were passed, and much surprise expressed when I declined the latter. A woman who did not smoke was a strange phenomenon, and I was stared at and commented upon more curiously than ever. Tbe bride I did not see, for as it was late when we arrived she had retired to her room, but I lelt a profound pity for tbe young gin wnose Driaegroora might or might not have been her choice, had she been free to choose, and whose chance for happiness seemed so small and depended quite as much upon the mother-in-law, with whom she must live, as the husband who could send her from him at his pleasure. At her marriage, which frequently takes place at the age of 13, the girl's freedom ends, and her little world is henceforth cir cumscribed by the four walls of her home, which is sometimes pleasant and sometimes otherwise. And yet the men think their system infinitely preferable to' ours. "Asa rule, our women don't work as yours do; they only sit at home and do nothing," our dragoman said to us; while another drago man, who had lived in England, and was quite English in his language and appear ance, told us that he had heard that in America the women ruled the men, and when assured that this was so, he very gravely remarked, "I think that is very narsty;" a sentiment warmly applauded by the male portion of our party! This dragoman was very proud and very fond of his wife, for whom hehad given 60? and whom he liked at first sight She was fair-baired and bine-eyed, and, with the ex ception of her veil, dressed much like Amer icans. She has a pretty home, with a Nubian slave to wait upon her, and no troublesome mother-in-law to worry and annoy her, so that her lot is cast in pleasant places. But where there is one like her there are many more whose lives are in the shadow where no sunlight falls, and where, year by year, the burden presses more and more heavily, until at 30," and even before, they are so old and haggish in appearance that wearing a veil to hide their faces seems but a mockery, for surely no man could care to look upon it Indeed, the story is told of a saucy American that he gave a woman a franc to uncover her face, and then instantlv offered her two to cover it again I FAMOUS DANCING GIELS. The dancing girls ot Luxor are ro famous that when at Luxor we had an' opportunity to see them, onr party at once availed them selves of it and started for the show en masse, the ladies a little doubtful as to the propriety of the thing, and the gentlemen with their opera glasses as if expecting a ballet. But it was nothing of the sort, and conld hardly be called a dance at all. There were only four girls, and with an old woman who attended them they were sit ting on the floor when we entered the room. Their dresses were long and loose like Mother Hubbards, and their steps slow and measured like the dismal music of the string band and castanets to which they kept time. The strange part of it was the violent contortions of their bodies, so won derful as to excite our suspicions of some electrical machine under their gowns. But we were convinced to the contrary and told that the weird, serpent-like motions were the result of long and patient train ing, as was the skill to balance lighted can. dies in bottles on their heads while bowing to each other and rolling over and over on the floor from one end of the room to the other. The wealthy Egyptians frequently hire these girls to entertain their guests when giving a series of entertainments, and some times keep them for days. But the dance is rather monotonous, and I should' not care to see it repeated. The costumes of the girls were simple and plaib, although, as a rule, Egyptian women are fond of dress and jew elry, and one handsome, dark-eyed slave girl whom I saw in Assouan was gorgeous in velvet and lace, with heavy gold brace lets and earrings and chains, and silver bands around her ankles, as a badge of her condition These anklets a New York lady bought of the woman's master, who seemed very proud of his beautiful chattel. WELL DEESSED WOMEN. Silk is much worn by even the middle classes and it is not uncommon in Cairo to meet women riding upon donkeys just as the men ride, with their black silk mantle3 drawn over their heads, their short silk skirts entirelv covering the donkpv. nnd both filled with wind and reminding one of a small inflated balloon. They are always attended by one or two boys or men, and are very different from the poor, ragged, slip shod woman carrying her baby with one hand, and with the other holding a basket on her head and still managing to keep her dirty cotton veil, with its fastening, which I can only liken to a corkscrew, across her nose, while her sad eyes look drearily at you as if asking why she is so fettered and you so free. But there is hope in the fnture'for the poor Mohammedan women. The influx of English and Americans into Egypt is doing much to enlighten and educate, while the schools in Cairo and on the .Nile are- doing more, and long before those bright-eyed, little girls, who, with their water jars, fol lowed us so many weary miles across the burning sands, shall have grown into wretched old womanhood, I trnst the year of jubilee will have come and the Egyptian women stand as free as their fairer, happier sisters. Maby J. Holmes. A Hint lor Electric Light Users. The simplest way to moderate the glare of incandescent lamps without lessening the light power is to give the globe a thin coat ing ot collodion. SCIENTIFIC SCRAPS. About 1HL, colors are now obtained from coal tar, which have almost entirely supplanted vegetable and animal dyes. It has been found in experiments at Leipslc that skin grafted from a wbite to a colored person becomes gradually black, ani that black skin grafted upon a white person in time turns wbite. It Is proposed by M. Leon Roquet to get up a universal telegraphic language, in which often reenrring words shall be designated sym bolically by letters or figures which shall be the same for all languages. It is easy to see that sucn a pian 11 carried out would greatly lacill tate international communication, yet it would be a task so difficult that few wonld care to undertake it. Electrical Review, Jacksonville, Fla., Sanitary' Association reports that $355,660 were received daring the epidemic last ear, most of which was distri buted in and around Jacksonville. New York's contribution was $127,787 and Pennsylvania's 23,680. Massachusetts' $18,5il, Georgia's $14,828, Illinois' $11,556. and Missouri's $12,564. Thus affliction shows the oneness of tbe people. Indianapolis News. It Is announced from Naples that the small emptive cone of Vesuvius has "fallen Into its very depths," and that the stream of outflow ing lava has arrived at the foot of the great cone. The seismic apparatus at the observa tory indicates that the disturbance is decreas ing in force. It was noticed that at very nearly tbe time when volcanic action commenced at Vesuvius the volcanic mountain of Llpari made an unusual display. From the crater arose smoKe mixed witn nne ashes, which fell in line rain all over the area of the .Eolian Islands. Attention has lately been called by Dr. Lindsey to the therapeutic value of regions below the sea level f or asthmatical or consump tive patients, who there have continuously higher atmospheric pressure than at the sea level. Excellent effects have been thus ob tained in the valley of Conchiila, near Los An geles, in California, about 273 feet under the sea (baroini-tric pressure only abont 7mm. higher). Tbe most noteworthy place of tbe kind on tbe earth's surface is probably tbe Bead Sea district, 1,S9 feet; and the following are some otln-n: IyikH Asal, in East Africa, &J9 leet: tne oasis 01 Aral, in tne aesert ot LyDia. 270 feet; the Ami o del Muerto, iu California, 230 feet; tbe oasis of Siwli. in Lybla, 123 feet; tbe borders of the Caspian, 83 feet. Those people who assert that tbe era zing for salt is a purely acquired taste, and that this mineral as an article of food i3 neither nutritive nor otherwise beneficial, may point to the Eskimo race as evidence of the value of their theory. The natives met by our explorers on the rivers of Northern Alaska live almost ex clusively on fish. They do not eat taltwith tbeir fish, and decline to eat salt bacon and ham, firmly beUevme that white folks spoil good meat by thnlr absnrd practice of salting it. On the other hand there are. probably very lew African tribes who do not regard salt as one of man's greatest blessings. Many natives procure it along the seacoast by evaporation, and tribes who have salt mines, as on the east coast of Albert Nyanza, are always able to sell their product far and wide. New York Sun. Tbe circular Issued by the Superintendent of the Census to members of the medical pro fession, directing their attention to tbe impor tance of keeping a careful record of every thing of Interest to vital statistics which may ariso In their practice rlnring the vear from June 1, 1SS9. to June 1, 1590 (tbe census period), is an important matter. One of tbe most diffi cult features to cairy out in anything like per fection has been the mortality statistics. These have never been quite as thorough either as the different superintendents would have liked, or as accuracy would demand. Mr. Por ter has started out In good time with the Inten tion of making this f eatnre as perfect as possi ble. He asks tbe co-operation of the medical profession, and he ought to have it in the very best and most intelligent manner. New York Saturday Globe. Iff lUSHAHIAH HOLE A Decaying Settlement in the South east Corner of China. PORTUGUESE IN THE PAR EAST. Playing, Fan-Tan With Chinese GaEjhlers at Macao. THE GE0TT0 OP THE POET CAHOEXS rrnoii OUE TBAVTLEJO COMJHSSIOHIB.1 Macao, May 22. "Where the carcass is, there also will the eagles be gathered to gether." China is the great carcass of Asia and round her the eagles of Europe and America press and jostle one another. England is entrenched at Hong Kong and many a fat slice has she carried away. And now she is stretching out another claw through Thibet. America has half of Shanghai, and to and from San Francisco the bird of prey passes regularly in his flight. France is trying hard to carry off her share of the carcass through TongKing, aud Port Arthnr in the north is a big piece fallen to the lot of a French syndicate. Herr Krupp represents Germany's chief plunder, and the'Yamen of Li Hung Chang at Tientsin is a nest of commercial intrigue on behalf of the Fatherland. And Bussia is laying a heavy paw upon China from the north. All this is natnral enough, and so far as England and America are concerned it is the inevitable flow of trade in the channels of least resistance. But among the birds around this Asiatic carcass there is a beetle; among the birds of prey there is a parasite. The extreme southeast corner of China is the scene of the dying struggles of a mon grel fragment of a once intrepid and famous race, a fragment drawing its meager sus tenance with more difficulty every day. The hand of Vasco di Gama would have wavered upon the helm as he rounded the Cape of Good Hope, of all the men in En- rope, "the first that ever burst into the silent seas" of the East, if he could have foreseen to what a wretched pass and laughing stock his countrymen there wonld come after less than 400 years. The daughter ol the King of Portugal was at Hong Kong a few days ago. She came of course, to visit her own people and stand under her own flag at Macao. But a glimpse was too much for her and she left within 12 hours. A. BEAUTIFUL SITE. Tet Macao is not such a bad place, at first sight. Its bay is a perfect crescent. Around this rnns a broad boulevard, called the Praya Grande, shadowed with fine old arch ing banyan trees. At each horn the Portu guese flag waves over a little fort. Behind the town green wooded hills rise like an amphitheater, and among the houses a pic turesque old building sticks up here and there the Cathedral, the barracks, the mili tary hospital, the older Fort Monte. The whitewashed nouses with their green blinds and wide shady porticos and verandas, from which dark eyes look idly down upon you as you pass, recall many a little Italian and Spanish town. A couple of yacht-likePortu-guese gunboats lie at anchor in the river beyond the bay. On Sundays and Thurs days tne Dana plays in tne public gardens, and snrely nowhere in the world do the buglers linger so long over the reveille and retreat as they do here every day. To the busy broker or merchant ol Hongkong, who runs over here in the summer from Satur day to Monday, after a week of hard work and perspiration, coining dollars in a Turkish bath, Macao is a tiny haven of rest, where the street is free from the detestable ceaseless chatter of Chinamen, where the air is fresh and the hills green, and where a little "flutter" at fan-tan is a miniature and airiusing substitute for the daily struggle with exchanges and settlements and short sales. ' And Macao had its' glorious past, too. After they had rounded the Cape tbe Portu guese occupied a great part 'of the coast of India, sent an embassy to the Emperor of China, and occupied Ningpo. There one night 1,200 of them were murdered. So thev resettled a place called Chinchew, where the same fate overtook them. Nothing daunted, they came lurther south and after helping the Chinese to destroy hordes of pirates were permitted to settle'm peace on a small peninsula near the mouth of one .f the two river approaches to Canton. Here Macao was founded in 1557, and up to 1818 the Portuguese paid a yearly rental.of ?500 in presents or money. it followed the ckoww. In 1582 when the crown of Portugal passed to Spain, Macao followed snit. When it went back again in 1640 in tbe person of John IV, of Portugal, Macao again changed its flag and made "a great donation" to the new King. At this time it was described as "a melhor e mas prospero columna que of Portugueyes tern em todo o Oriento," the best and most prosperous colony that the Portuguese possess in all the East. Then its population was 19,500. By 1830 it had dwindled to 4,628, of so mixed a blood that only 90 persons were registered as of pure Portuguese descent. To-day it holds 63,500 Chinese, 4,476 so-called Portuguese, and 78 others in all 68,086. What is the explana tion of this sudden enormous multiplication ot its population? Like Satan, Macao was "by merit raised to that bad eminence." It won back its ancient prosperity by offering its houses and its traders as the last refuge in the East to that hell upon earth, the legalized coolie traffic. When Hongkong stopped this forever nnder the British flag by the Chinese passengers act of 1854, Macao opened eager and unscrupulous arms to the "labor agents," and tor nearly 20 years, when public opinion became too strong for even this mongrel and far-away community, the little city flourished, its inhabitants made fortunes, the Praya Grande was crowded every evening by a gay and gaudy throng, the streets were beautified, thecathedral was rebuilt, and tbe Portuguese colony became famous throughout the East for its elaborate religious processions and its eloquent priests. And during these 20 years uncounted thou sands of coolies were decoyed, entrapDed, stolen and pirated to Macao, kept prisoners in the gloomy "barracoons," whose grated windows are still everywhere visible, theo retically certified as voluntary contract laborers by an infamous profit-sharing "pro curador," and then shipped to toil, and starve, and rot, and die in mines and fields and plantations everywhere, literally "from China to Peru." As a single specimen of the traffic it is commonly affirmed that of 4,000 coolies sent to the tonl guano pits of the Cbincha Islands, not a single soul re turned. slaveby's cubse. But a retribntion has fallen upon Macao it seems as though the curses of the mur dered coolies have come hack to it. Not a soul walks the beautiful Praya; the harbor is silting up so fast that in five years there will not be as many ieet of water in it; even the Chinese are leaving it the last of rats to quit a sinking ship; its miserable inhabi tants, interbred from Chinese, Portuguese, Malay, Indian and unknown human jetsam to such fin extent that the few Portuguese troops here regard the Chinaman as socially superior to the "Mesticos," have fallen into utter apathy; they hardly show themselves out of doors, they subsist on moneys fur nished to them bv their plnckier relatives in foreign employ in Hongkong aud else- wnere, anu me military uanu in tne puonc garden plays to a score of loafers. There is no manufacture, no social life, and almost no trade since the smuggling of opium has been stopped by Sir Bonert Hart's treaty of last year, giving Macao in perpetuity to the Portuguese on the condition that its cus toms should be controlled by nis staff. Portugaldoles it out a yearly pittance and its other chief source of revenue is the $150, 000 it draws annually irom its gaming tables. For when one wickedness was stopped in Macao it was quick to find an other, and to-day it is the only place in the Far East where von can play fan-tan nnder a foreign flag, fint its- history is almost closed, the lays of its disappearing trade and its decomposing population are num bered, and unless a Cement Companv which has just been started here on a small island leased from the Bishop, should bring "back a semblance of prosperity, this "gem of the orient earth and open sea," aslam ashamed to say an English poet (who had certainly never seen it) preposterously described it, will have disappeared like other places and peoples which were, sinned too much, and are not. a poet's obotto. One classic memory, however, will save Macao from" oblivion. It was here that the exiled Camoens composed tbe greater part of his "Lnsiad." On one of the hillsides overlooking the bay is an extensive shrub bery, where narrow paths twist in and out among gnarled and ancient trees, and where half a dozen enormous bowlders heaped to gether form a natnral archway or grotto. Here Camoens is supposed to have come every day to work at his great task. The place, which is now known as "Camoens Garden," belongs to a family named Mar ques, and by them a remarkably fine bronze bnst ot the half blind poet, inscribed "Luiz de Camoes, Nasceo, 1524, Morreo, 1580," was placed in the arch in 1840, npon a pedestal bearing six cantos of the "Lusiad," while tributes to him in half a dozen languages are engraved np"n sfone tablets placed aronnd. There is a fine sonnet of Tasso's and various verses in Portuguese and Spanish, while Sir John ""6 a luuuuu is uuiurmuaieiy tuu spicuous: "Gem of the orient, earth and open sea. Macau, that in thy lap and on thy breast Hast gathered beauties all the loveliest On which the sun smiles in his majesty;" and so on. One degree worse in style, though a thousand times truer are some wondertnl Latin verses perpetrated by a Mr. David wno laments "Sed jam vestnstas aut manus impla Prostravit, ehon! Triste silentium Regnare,nunc solum videtur Perscopulos.viridese.umbrasl" Among all, however, tbe sincerest seems to me to be some quaint lines in French, said fo have been written by the Commander of a French man-of-war, which visited Macao in 1827, and ingeniously dedicated as follows: "Au Grand Luis de Camoens, Portngals d'orig ine Castillane. Soldat religieux, voyageur et poete exile, L'humble Louis de Rienzi, Francais d'origine ttomaine, VoyageurreIigieux,soldat et poete expatrie." This poet, too, was doleful, for, apostro phizing Camoens, he says: "Agite plus que tol, je fuyai dans les champs, Et le monde, et mon ccaur, l'envie et les tyrans." What the Macanese of to-day think of Camoens may be judged from the lact that I tried in vain to borrow or buy in Macao a copy of the Lusiad, to see what are the stanzas engraved on the pedestal, the chisel ing having become illegible. Camoens himself was shipwrecked off Malacca on his way home when pardoned, and swam ashore with the mannscript oi the Lusiad, losing everything else. a mabijtek's geave. Curiously enough, by the way, on leaving the grotto and tnrning into the old half-deserted cemetery I came across the tomb of an uncle, I suppose, of Lord Bandolph Churchill. It is an old-fashioned granite monument, with the inscription, "Sacred to the Memory of the Bight Hon Me. Lord Henry John Spencer Churchill, 4th son of George 5th Duke of Marlborugh, Captain of Hra. M. B. Druid and Senior Officer in the China Seas. Departed this life in Macao roads,2nd June, 1840. This monument is erected by His Officers in testimony of their Esteem and Affection." Finally, Macao, as I have said, is the Monaco of the East, and from its gaming tables its impecunious government reaps 5150,000 a year, the price said to be paid by the syndicate of Chinese proprietors for the monopoly. The game is a peculiarly Chinese one, well fitted to afford lull scope, to the multitude of refinements and hypo-' thetical elaborations with which the China man, the greatest gambler on earth, loves to surround his favorite vice. It is played on a mat-covered table, with a small square of sheet lead and a heap of artificial gilded "cash." On one side stands the croupier, on the adjoining side sits the dealer, and between.them, a little to the rear, is the desk and treasury of the cashier. The sides of the leaden eauare are called one, two, three and four. The dealer takes up from the heap as many "cash" as he can grasp with both bands and places them apart upon the table. Then the play ers, who sit and stand round the other two sides of the table, make their bets, that is they place at either side of the square any sum, from 50 cents to $500, or at either corner any sum np to 51,500. When all have done the dealer slowly counts the heap out in fonrs and the last remaining fonr or three or two or one, as tne case may be, is the winning number. Those who have placed their money at the corresponding side of the square, which is called playing fan, are paid three to one; those who have staked at the corner, covering two numbers, or playing tan, are paid even money if either number wins. From all winnings the bank deducts 8 per cent. A COMPLICATED GAME. Besides tbe above ways, there are many others of infinite complication, scored with bnttons and cards and ivory counters, which no fellow except a Celestial can possibly un derstand. But they play with the greatest eagerness, the coolie who work3 a week to save his dollar, the shopkeeper who calmly stakes his watch and chain if he is short of ready money, and the well-to-do merchant, who watches the game for half an hour to judge of the chances and then lays down his hundred dollar bill and walks lmpertur bably away whatever the result may oe. Of course everybody asas, cannot the dealer after years of practice take up a fixed num ber ot "cash" according to the sums staked upon the table? It seems probable, but I have watched bim for a long time and I am convinced that if he conld it would in nearlr all cases be impracticable, for many sufficient reasons, And many people, loo, ask themselves it there is not a "martin gale" or "system" by which the individ ual player can so enormously in crease the odds in his own favor agaiust the bank as to make winning almost a certainty? There is, namely, to bet as much each'timeas will if it winrecoup you for atl revious losses and leave a margin of profit. Thus yon can play and win if one nnmber out of four turns up once in 25 throws, when your stake will have reached the limit of $500 and yon must per.'orce stop. To do this, however, a capital of over $1,000 must be subjected to a small risk, and few of the ordinary players at lantan are prepared to do this. On the other hand, it is common enough to see 51,000 on the table for a single deal on Saturday nights, when the rich Hongkong brokers come over. Most gambling systems are pitfalls, but I am convinced that if 20 men with large capi tals were to come and play at one table at one time on this system properly calcu lated, the bank 'would inevitably be broken. Therefore fantan would not work in the West. Henkt Noemait. KUUGEB AND NUbGEE. How a xonng Lady Dlade a Fresh Xoansr Olan Feel Clienp. A young woman writes to a cotemporary to complain of men who nudge ladies in a car, surface and elevators, says Joe Howard in the New York Press, if the nndgee would, with babv stare of ingenuous inno cence, move deliberately but noticeably away from the man who nudges her, she would be spared a repetition of the insult not only, but give him such a punishment, placing him in the pillory of observation as he would not be likely soon to forget. In a Broadway stage, some time ago, a yonng lady was very much annoyed by a man who put his foot on hers. The 'bus was crowded. On a repetition of the offense she deliberately and quickly pulled her skirts one side, revealing to the passengers the man's foot on hers, and then said to him: "Are my feet in your way, sir?" Obviously that settled tbe man. The women have the better of the situation alwavs. if ther have brains enough' to utilize it, LAST OF THE KINGS. An Interesting Sketch of Arthur MacMnrrogh KaTanagb, the BRAIHIEST OP IRISH LANDLORDS. Starting Out in Life Without Arms, legs or fortune, He WINS DISTLXCTJOS IS MAS! SPHERES IWniTTI FOB TOE DISPATCH.! One of the principal leaders of the Land lord party in Ireland is the Bight Hon. Arthnr MacMnrrogh Kavanagh. Mr. Kavanagh is admitted by friends and foes to be a man of great genins, and still greater moral stamina. Over 50 years ago he came into this irorld, sadly and strangely de formedwithout either arms or legs ap parently destined only for a life of darkness and seclusion. Everything was against him. Being the youngest of four brothers h4,wa debarred by the law of entail from succeed ing to the vast estates of his father, Mr. Kavanagh, of Bonis, and wonld be Ief to strugglethroughapainfullifeon the wretch ed pittance of a youngerson. In Ireland he could hope for 110 popularity, for the name of Kavanagh was in conspicuous ill favor, for both political and sectarian reasons. Moreover, the Kavanaghs, of Borris, repre sent iu direct line that false monarch, Der mot MacMnrrogh, whose very name is a by word in Ireland, as that of one who too plunged a whole province into war, and brought the English into Leinster. All these and manv other disadvantage! barred or seem to be bar the on ward progress of Arthnr MacMnrrogh Kav anagh. But some men are not to be de terred by any obstacle. Before he was 16 Kavanagh had surmounted all those little inconveniences which resulted from his lack of limbs. With the assistance of knife and fork screwed into the short stumps which did duty for arms, he could eat and enjoy his meals. After dinner the knife was un screwed, and a hook substituted. SOME AMAZING FEATS. The feats he performed with that honk were truly amazing. I have seen him take np a wine decanter and fill himself a glass ot sherry with as much ease as though he owned a complete arm and hand. He writes legibly. The pen is held between the ends of hisstumps the paper fixed to the desk; and with this arrangement he is able to dis pense with 3 secretary, and reply to all his ietters. A private tutor taught Kavanagh ali he wanted to know; and five minutes' conversation will show anyone that his edu cation has been neither a light nor a cir cumscribed one. As if to reward the perseverance ot young Kavanagh, a series of events put him in possession 01 tnose very estates, wnicn every one had deemed beyond his reach. The country folk, who incline to a liberal belief in such things, declare that there is a curse npon the house of old King MacMnr rogh. The deaths of many children of the house have fostered this notion. The three hale, hearty brothers who stood between poor, deformed Arthur and his 40,000 acres died, one after the other, by sudden or vio lent deaths. One was killed in the hunting field, another went down beneath the waves to rise no more. The third had the most horrible end of all. He was found one morning in his bed, burned to a cinder. A KIND LANDLORD. Then Arthnr succeeded to the great estates and the hereditary want of popular ity which accompanied the MacMnrrogh chieftaincy since the times of Dermot-of-the-Saxons. Immediately his influence began to be felt. He lowered his rents; he im proved his estates; he contested the County Carlow and was elected M. P. for that con stituency, with his cousin Henry Brnen, of Oak Park. For full 20 years he represented the county in Parliament, and in 1880 ha was created a Bight Hon., and given the ant of Privy Councilor. He has twjoa,, refused a peerage deeming the name of MacMurrough far greater than any title a queen can bestow. In 1880 Mr. E. Dwyer Gray defeated him in Carlow, and so morti fied was he that he has never since contested any seat. However, he is not idle. Al though universally declared to be a good landlord one of the best in Ireland he is still the guiding spirit of the Landlord party. He says that he merely ght3 for nis rights. "Give ns a fair price for onr properties and we will sell them to you" that is his constant cry. It is surprising what weight his words carry in the counsels of the religious and political factionists, and what an amount ot secret influence he possesses. The Union is tbe name of their great organ in Dublin, and of this paper Mr. Bagenal is nominal editor. Bnt Bagenal is Kavanagh's nephew, and it is well-known that the real "dens ex machina" is the great spider who spins amid the gloom of his Southern mansion. Half the nnti-Parnellite pamphlets which annually flood the English markets, are from the facile pen of Kavanagh; and those who know state positively that two at least of the late larger magazine articles on Irish affairs are in reality his. Kavanagh has always opposed the eviction policy of the exterminators, and it was his influence that brought Captain Yandelenr to a settlement with his tenants. He is now striving to set tle between Lord Lansdowne and the evicted of Lugacnrran, but so stealthily does he work that few beyond his intimate friends know of his good endeavors. AJT honest EKEirr. It is a comfort, when the Irish have so much brntality and dishonesty to contend with, to think that they can point ont at least one honest opponent one honorable enemy. Such is Arthur Kavanagh, ot Borris. Though he does good in secret, ha has never been known to strike a secret blow. His convictions are opposed to the convic tions ot his countrymen; bnt in such a man tbe Irish know how to make allowance for mistaken opinions. Yon will find scores of politicians who prophesy that "Kavanagh will one day be a big man in the Home Bale Parliament. He is only hanging out till he settles the land question fairly' for all parties." However it may be, the creator of the land corporation the man who has risen superior to ridi cule and deformity will be a de cided acquisition 'to any legislative assemblv. Parnell has said of him: "As to Mr. Kavanagh we all know that he is a man of genins perhaps the only man of genius among the Irish Landlord party. But it is wrong to call Mr. Kavanagh a Unionist. He labors for the settlement ot the lana question, but he is not a Unionist. He is well known as a good landlord. Some day the Mac Mnrrogh Kavanagh may be our honored Home Secretarv." , Mr. Kavanagh owns two fine residences Borris House in County Carlow and Sally raget Castle in County Kilkenny. De spite his deformity he has captured the heart of one of the fair sex, and he has a large family. In his youth he was a fox hunter, and he still trots along tbe country roads in a qnaint sort of saddle he has invented for his peculiar convenience. He goes from room to room on the back ot his faithful valet; and in the dusk I have often seen people startled by grotesque appearance of the pair. As they enter a doorway, looking like some great two-headed monster, one can hardly sup press an involuntary shudder. Bnt when the broad Irame "of Her Majesty's Lord Lieutenant in the County Palatine of Car low is flopped down beside you, and you listen a while to his pleasant voice and graceful sayings, yon feel admiration rather that repulsion, and experience an acnte re gret that such a man should be even for ft' time his country's enemy. PEBEGBEffE QOILL. A Wetffbty Burden. New York World.! Little Daisy (gravely examining a sword?'' fish's weapon) Myl He must have beea awful tired carrying that on his nose."i.j "? - "V-J-' IML-