emsa es-xgwgi & - t-".sww " 12 THE PITTSBUEG DISPATCH, SATUPJDAT, JUNE 15, 1889. I NO GENERAL CHARGE. The Condition of Trade is More Fa Torable, but Still Quiet, IROK IS A SHADE MORE STEADY. The Southern Product Continues to be an Element of Anxiety. EESULTS OP THE FLOOD DISASTERS rsracux. txlzobax to thx Dispatch.! New Tokk, June 14. Special telegrams to Bradstreet's continue to report only a moderately favorable condition of trade. The increased activity at Philadelphia, not ably in lumber and iron and in general lines, is due to the reopening of rail com munication, -which -was interrupted by floods in Pennsylvania. There is also some improvement in demand for and shipment of staples at St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, Galveston, Des Homes and Memphis, and at Louisville and Cincinnati business is reported fair. Our low preliminary esti mate of 545,000,000 loss of property by the floods in four States is more likely to be re duced than otherwise. The wheat crop propects have not improved since June 1, but the outlook for cotton is rather better since the Louisiana drouth has been broken. At Baltimore, New York and Boston trade is quiet with country produce, naval stores and furniture relatively most active. Numerous inquiries have induced Brad street's to examine the "Anti-Trust" legis lation of Missouri, Kansas and Texas, and it is found that such legislation is not, as has been widely and erroneously published, directed against mercantile contracts gen erally, but is aimed against contracts or combinations designed to limit or control production or prices. Under the influence of renewed specu lative interest the Kevr York stock market is active and tends higher, attention Liiug rapidly transferred from one stock to an other. Bonds are very strong under in creasing investment demands. Money at New York continues easv in spite of large gold shipments, the amount of specie en gaged to-day aggregating 53,975,000. Call loans 22 "per cent. Foreign exchange to continental Europe is very firm, though sterling is easier, demand sterling being quoted 488489. THE IBON SITUATION. Pig iron is generally stronger, particularly in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Sonthem irons are not being pushed. There is a growing confidence in both the iron and steel trades. About 40,000 tons ot steel rails have been placed in Western and Eastern markets. The additional allotment, 200,000 tons, will cover requirements for the next six weeks. The over-sold condition of British rail mills may shift some Canadian and Mexican orders to American markets on a basis of ,$27 or $27 50 at mill. While sugar prices continue to advance, having gained J7-16c this week on smaller visible stocks, unfavorable crop re ports, firmer cables and pronounced activity lor refined, interest now centers on what we are to receive and where it is to come from. Refinere' stocks are greatly depleted, and the outlook is for a demand for unusually large supplies, with a dearth of them ro sight Sugar Trust certificates have ad vanced from 585 50 in March to $110, with higher figures in prospect. Large coffee crop reports and light distributive and speculative demand agtfin depressed the staple, the decline being about lc The Government cereafxrop report tended to depress prices, being interpreted as very favorable, but later weather and crop re ports, backed by speculative influence?, served to advance wheat on the week 1? 2c. Indian corn has been lower after an advance pn light deliveries, but shows a gain of s. Eye is up c on bet ter export demand. All Australian wheat exports have ceased, supplies on hand being needed at home. SHIPPING WHEAT. San Francisco wires that inquiries for wheat are received from Montevideo, that 60,000 bushels have been shipped to Bio Ja neiro, and that the total of wheat stocks in California June 1 was only 3,487,383 bush els, indicating that only 600,000 bushels will be carried over July L Australia has been drawing wheat from New Zealand and India as well as California. Hog products are depressed on extraordinarily heavy re ceipts of hogs at prominent interior markets. Drygoods are very quiet, but generally strong in price at New York Aid Boston.. Cotton goods stocks are well under control, and holders are confident. Several grades of bleached goods have been advanced. Print cloths are in moderate sale, firm at New York, bnt rather easier at Boston. Woolen good; in moderate demand, but in fairly liberal movement, notably underwear and hosiery, prices well held. Flannel manufacturers ask advance on present values, and these goods are in satisfactory movement Foreign goods are rather duller than usual. Baw wool is firm in price, but active only in the country. Manufacturers' stocks are light. An up ward tendency in prices is noted. Baw cotton is good, domestic and export demand at l-16c decline. Speculation is excessively dull. Crop prospects have improved. K i Business failures reported to Bradstreet's number 195 in the United States this week against 201 last week and 212 this week last year. Canada bad 20 this week against 25 last week. The total of failures in the United States, January 1 to date, 5,440 against 4,871 in 18S8. DUJf'S WEEKLT BEVIEW. B, G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of trade says: The better feeling which was observed a week ago in the iron and steel and woolen industries still continues, and improvement is now felt in prices as well as in magnitude of transactions. Mean while exports of merchandise increase, and nevertheless gold goes abroad in large amounts, about $3,500,000 having been or dered to-day. The news as to railroad properties is more favorable. A proposition to settle the Northwestern controversy on the basis of an allowance of 60 per cent of through freight to the Lake lines is expected to be accepted. Other difficulties are in more satislactory shape, and earnings continue in excess of last year's. The general average of prices has again advanced a little. Reports from other cities indicate im provement in trade at Cleveland ami Pitts burg, and in the wool and groceries trades at Philadelphia, but are otherwise but little changed. Collections show no improve ment on the whole. Especial activity in leather has resulted from the floods in regions where many tanneries are located, Hud crop leather has advanced fully 2 cents since June 1. The glass trade of Pittsburg is fair. For anthracite coal there is a better demand, with reduced output. SOrrXHEKN IEON BALES. The sales ' of Southern iron continue large, and prices of pi; at Pittsburg are rather lower, bnt the Thomas Iron Company has advanced its quotations to 517 for No. 1. Better prices are realized for structural and plate iron, and at a tenth ot a cent better for bar iron, wnue me larger demand ipr steel rails has so stiffened the prices that 528 is now quoted. Part of the demand re salting irom the necessity of rebuilding works, bridges and roads destroyed by the flood is but temporary, and yet the con sumption otherwise must be on a scale hardly ever surpassed, since prices stiffen with raw iron coming into market at the rate of more than 7,000,000 tons yearly. Breadstuff's are stronger. Less favorable crop reports are the pretext; probably ex cessive speculative sales are the cause. Coffee has receded a quarter. Porkpro . dncts and hogs are lower, but oil has ad vanced li cents. The rise in new sugar continues, 41 cents per 100 pounds for the week, and refined has been marked up to 9yi cents for granulated. No disturbance results in the money market here lrom the heavy exports of gold, in part because dur ing the past week the Treasury has paid out 23.600.000 more than it has taken in. Business" failures number 250, u com-J pared with a total of 225 last week and 215 the week previous. For the corresponding week ol last year the figures were 232. MUST HATE METERS. The Philadelphia Company Will Not Furnish Gni by Contract Any Longer. The Philadelphia Company has determined to put meters In the houses of every private consumer, and there Is a'great deal of indigna tion in consequence. Some of the consumers made contracts which they thought would ran for a year, bnt after a caret ul perusal of it dis covered that it could be annulled by either partv by curing 30 days' notice. With a view to abolishing the present system and forcing consumers to use meters the fol lowing announcement has been made by the Philadelphia Company and 30 days' notice is given: The Philadelphia Company tales pleasure in an nouncing to lta patrons that, after a long series of costly experiments. It is now prepared to furnish natural ins to domestic consumers by meter: ac knowledged to;be the fairest, safest and most economical method of buying and selling this product. Owing to the many kinds and sizes of honses supplied, and to the constantlT changing condi tion! under which the gas Is used, and of which it Is impossible to take account, it has long been evident that no plan other than the exact meas urement of the gas actually consumed could be devised which would be entirely equitable and satisfactory. Several crave difficulties, how ever, stood In the way or its earlier adoption The higher presiure at which natural as 1" used, ai compared with illuminating gas, and the greater volume required per minute for fuel pur poses, as well as the different nature of the gas It self, demanded a meter not only unquestionable in point of accuracy, but also of very substantial construction and, consequently, oi greater cost than any heretofore In use. The meter now belnc manufactured expressly for the Philadelphia Company, Is the result of extended experiment, and successfully solves all the problems presented. It Is constructed of the best material, for a press ure far beyond what It can possibly be called upon to resist, and each meter will be tested by and oer the official stamp of the City .Meter Inspector. An official of the company, in speaking of the matter yesterday, said: "We do not intend to compel any person to use a meter, but will not fnrnish gas to consumers who will not allow us to put one In. It will be cheaper for the consumer and will save us about 50 per cent in gas, but our revenue will be considerably less, as we are compelled to pay $25 or $30 for each meter put in. One man who has bad a meter put in his bouse came to us to-day and said he had saved 4 40 during the past month in his gas bill by nslng a meter. When the people understand this thoroughly I do not believe there -n ill beany objection to the meter sys tem." ' Workmen Arrested for Trespass. Four men who were building an abutment for abridge for the Pittsburg and Western Railroad at Millvale, were arrested by 'Bqnlre Young's constable on a charge of trespass pre ferred by Mr. Reed, who claimed they were utilizing his property. The men had a partial bearing before 'Squire Young yesterday. Noth ing was settled and the hearing will be con tinued to-day MARY Jt HOLMES, D"sPATcnTde scribes the life, appearance anfl habits of the women of Egypt. ISDIM RAIIR0ADS, their accommodations and the wages paid em ployes, forms the theme QfJtranfcG. Carpenter's illustrated letter tn to-morrow's Dispatch. A Tablespoonfiil f Pearline A -rt I ! TflMM w 111 a Ud.ll UL WctLCl, win tun- yy vince a woman against her will c that it washes everything; best and quickest injures nothing ; coarse or fine just the reverse by doing away with the rubbing it saves the very thing which ruins the most clothing especially fine things. It takes the drudg ery out rvomari's hardest work Wash day and cleaning time are no longer " bugbears " in the homes where Pearline is used, and these homes number millions. TT" Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers are oSer- 1-10T7'0 fP ingimitationswhichtheyclaimtobePearline.or'the JLJ' V V V CXiX. sa6 as Pearline." IT'S FALSE they are not, and besides are dangerous. 49 Soapona HANDS UNINJURED. CLOTHES PURE AND SWEET. DISHES WASHED CLEAN. THE GREAT WASHING POWDER. BELL'S BUFFALO I"OH. S VTi33 BY BILE P0ISQNED BLOOD. Nearly every one is occasionally troubled with bilious attacks, more especially in the spring months, after tbe svstem has been sur feited with hearty food during the winter. The action of the Liver is interfered with, causing an overflow of bile into the blood. The blood carries this bile Into every part of the system, causing yellow skin, yellow eyes, liver spots, etc., and often serious cases of bilious fever originate from this bile poisoned blood. A few doses of Burdock Blood Bitters, taken on appearance of bilious symptoms, will remove them and protect the system from a probable serious attack. Run Down In the Spring, lam using Burdock Blood Bit ters for Sick Headache and Bil iousness. It is the best medicine I ever took. I was so run down this spring from overwork that my husband urged me to see a doctor. I was scarcely able to stand and concluded to try B. B. Bitters first; the first bottle is not yet finished, but I can go about my work with pleasure already. I shall take an other bottle. SIRS. JOHN IJOICirxiXT, care of Ebwakd Doolet, 15 Lyman Street, Springfield, Mass. I tell van for the benefit of oth. en what Burdock Blood Bitters rannt 1 BOTTLE Will Kelieve a Clogged Liver arid Cleanse Bile Poisoned Blood. lias done for me. I nave been a sufferer for years from Liver Com lilaint and weak stomach. At times I was so bad that I would apply to our family physician for relief, which would be but tempor ary.Las t falll bad an unusually bad speu. My mother bought a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and it gave me great relief. It helped me mora than anything I have ever taken. It is also excellent for constipation. Mrs. Lizzie GKUB8,Ickesbnrg. Perry Co., Pa. LASTSPBINQ, Last spring my health became very poor. I bad no appetite and my liver troubled me. I used several medicines, bnt obtained no relief until I was finally persuaded to try Burdock Blood Sitter,, Tttia medicine cured me. M A TTTl ITTBtlvi) nackriUcvHTV. "When the system is run down, and gen eral debility with want of appetite prevails. Dr. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge is well adapted to meet the patient's wants, whether child or adult. It overcomes acidity- of the stomach, and relieves dyspepsia, aiding the digestive fnnctlonsrof the body, and restor ing the normal strength. It isth,ebestof worm medicines also, and, rids the body of these distressing parasites. Get the large sized bottles when you want a tonic Fine) Whiskies. XXX. 1855, Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts ...$2 00 I860, McKim's Pure Bye "Whisky, full quarts v 3 00 Monogram, Pure Bye "Whisky, full quarts. 1 75 Extra Old Cabinet, Pure Bye "Whisky, full quarts v 1 50 Gibson's, 1879, Pure Bye "Whisky, full quarts 2 00. Gibson's Pure Eye "Whisky, full quarts .. 1 SO Guckenheimer Pure Bye "Whisky, full quarts 100 Guckenheimer Export.Pure Bye "Whis ky, full quarts 1 60 Moss Export, Pare Eye "Whisky, fall quarts 1 25 1879 Export, Pure Bye "Whisky, full quarts 1'25 1880 Export, Pure Eye" Whisky, fall quarts 1 00 For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Hnlf-Price etale. Counters upon counters of fine suits must be cleared at once. We must sell these goods at any loss, and onr half-price sale is a sure way to do it. Here, gentlemen, is the chance of a season. A bonanza for von all and a sure way to buy and take a selec tion from fine cheviots, cassimeres, woolens, Scotch plaids, pinchecks, tricots and diag onals at one-half the regular price. The news has gone the rounds of the town, and anyone can see we mean business right from the word go. See samples in our corner showw;adow, with tickets attached show ing pritre. P. C. C. 0., Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. For Medicinal Purposes. Old Cognac brandies, pure blackberry wine, gennine imported Gilka Hummel, genuine imported Boonekamp of Maag bit ters, imported Holland gin. Schuetz, Benziehauseit & Co., 100 and 102 Market st.,eor. First aye. Telephone 677. Wall Paper. Spring patterns of wall paper only 5c; best whites only 10c; cheapest wall paper in the country. Arthur, Schondelmyeb & Co., MThs 68 and 70 Ohio st, Allegheny. Oub river water, if used at all, is much better when a stimulant is added. Klein's "Silver Age" would be excellent, iiwrs I I AM Manufactured only by JAMES PYLE, N. T. jel5-25 SOAP BEST SOAP MADE ATiIi GOECOOEXUS. If you6nffer from Headache, Nausea. Diziz ness, Faintncss, Alternate Costiveness and Diarrhoea, Yellow ComplexionWeakness, Ach ing Shoulders or any other symptom of bilious ness or Liver Complaint, procure a bottle of B. B. B., which will correct the clogged condi tion of the Liver, cleanse the blood of all im purities and tone up tbe entire system. It Is an acknowledged fact by all who have used BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS THAT ONE BOTTLE CONTAINS MORE CURATIVE PROPERTIES THAN GALLONS OF ANY OTHER MEDICINE KNOWN. A Horrible Condition. I was in a horrible condition from dyspepsia and a combination of other complaints. In the morning when I got out of bed It seemed as if I could not stand np on account of dizziness. Hearing Burdock Blood Bitters high ly recommended, I am now using the first bottle, and, although not having used quite a full bottle, the dizziness has entirely disappeared and I am much better of my other complaints. I have tried many other medicines, with no relief. Mrs. Maby Chauncet, E2S E. Ransom St., Kalamazoo, Mich. I had been tronhled with T.Irpr Complaint, Indigestion and Palpita tion ui mo .neari lor uve or six years and could get nothing to do me any tood until I tried B.B.B. I used IS pottles and now I am a sound man. I reel tetter than I ever did In my life. My digestion became all richt and 1 have no more tronbla with nrhmrt II feel very grateful toward B. B. B. and feel like recommendinir it arm. where. Yours respectfully, Frank Hickman, New Straitsvllie. Perry 00 Ohio. THIS SPRING. Ibave been taking Burdock Blood Bitters and nslng it in my family this spring. For three years I have bad tbe dyspepsia. I got a bottle or two of your Bitters and they have cured me, and I never felt better In my life. It is a sure cure tor dyspepsia; and best medicine I know of. H. Bcuulbth, Covert, Mich. X W-'J 1 1 XV yi, j k uj NEW ADVERTISEMENT. A FINE PIECE OP Chewing . Tobacco IS INDEED A LUXURY. FINZER'S Old Honesty Comes as near being a fine piece of PLUG TOBACCO as It is possible to make it, and is known as a STANDARD BRAND AMONG DEALERS. We are sure that ONE TRIAL -wii convince you of its merite. WLook for the red H tin tag on each plug. JTNO. FINZER & BROS., LOUISVILLE, KY. mh&35-ssu OFFICIAL-PITTSBURG. yUWERS' RBFORT- On the opening of Charles street, from Center avenue to Ruch street To the Select and Common Councils of the city of Pittsburg: The undersigned, Viewarx of Street Improve ments in the city nl Pittsburg, appointed by tbe Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, and authorized by an ordinance passed on the 28th day of November, A. J). 1888, a copy of which is hereto attached, to appraise the damages sustained jnthe opening of Charles street, from Center avenue to Hucnstieet, in the city of Pittsburg, and make an assessment therefor under the provisions of and in accord ance with an act of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled. "An act au thorizing and directing Councils bf cities of the second class to provide for the improvement of streets, lanes, alleys and public highways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans oi streets! providing for the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements, prescribing their duties, granting appeals to Councils ana Court, providing for the assessment and collec tion of damages and benefits, authoring the use of private property and providing for filing liens and regulating proceedings thereon, and prohibiting the use of public streets, without authority of Councils," approved the 11th day June, A. D. 1887, respectfully report: That, having been first duly sworn and qual ified according to law, they proceeded in the manner and according to the directions of said act, to discbarge tbe duties of their appoint ment; and having given the notice required by said act, they.viewed the premises and heard all the allegations and evidence of the several parties claiming damages, and after full con sideration thereof, find that no owner of prop erty has sustained any damage by reason of said improvement, that, after ascertaining the whole amount of costs they made an assess ment of the same upon the properties bene fited by said improvement, and caused a plan to be made, and prepared a statement, as re quired by said act, and having given to the owner ot each lot ten days' notice of the time and place of meeting, they met on the 8th day of June, A. D., 1SS9, at tbe office of the Board of Viewers, in tbe City of Pittsburg, heard all complaints and evidence presented, and, after full consideration thereof, present tbe follow ing report, showing the amount each property holder is entitled to pay as the proper propor tion of said cost: EXPENSES. Printing ordinance and notices $ 40 00 Printing viewers' report 20 00 Making plan and serving notices 10 00 Viewers' time '. UW $112 00 ASSESSES. Charles street, east side, from Center ave nue to Ruch street Mrs. Susannah 'Weber (53), 106feet...$ 4 53 Mrs. Kate Morgan (52), 103 feet i U C. Leech (61), 102 feet 4 86 Roselrwin (bl), I28feet 6 21 A. M. Derkheim (61). 128 feet 5 21 Yost Ruch heirs (50), 10U feet 4" 27 Yost Ruch heirs (263) 807.53feet 22 47 West side J. L. Felrst (53). 106 feet 4 63 Mary B. McMillan (52). 103 feet 4 41 R. Tfautfelter (61), MKfeet 4 38 Martha Deitricb, or James D. Glover (611,128feet 6 21 HillBurgwin (61). 123 feet 5 21 Yost Ruch heirs (50). 100 feet 4 27 Yost Ruch heirs (392), 352.27 feet 33 49 5112 00 Respectfully submitted. EDWARD JAY ALLEN, ) DANIEL WENKE. Viewers. TIMOTHY O'LEARY, JR., J Pittsbubq. June 8, 1889, jel5 -TTIEWEKS' REPORT On the opening of Kirkpatrick street, from Center avenue to Reed street. To the Select and Common Councils of the City of Pittsburg: The undersigned. Viewers of Street Improve ments in the city of Pittsburg, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, and authorized by an ordinance passed on tbe 28th day of November; A. D. 18S7, a copy of which Is hereto attached, to appraise the damages sustained in the opening of Kirkpat rick street, from Center avenue to Reed street, in the city of Pittsburg, and make an assess-, ment theiefor under the provisions of and in accordance with an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of the second class to provide for the improve meets of streets, lanes, alleys and public high ways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements, pre scribing their duties, granting apnealsto Coon, cils and Court, providing lor the assessment and collection of damages and benefits, author izing tbe use of private property and providing for filing liens and regulating proceedings thereon, and prohibiting the use of public streets without authority of Councils," ap proved the 11th day of Jane, A. D. 16S7, respect fully report: That, having been first duly sworn and quali fied according to law, they proceeded lu the manner and according to the directions ot said act. to discharge the duties of their appoint ment, and, having given the notices required by said act, they viewed the premises and beard all tbe allegations and evidence of the several parties claiming damages, and after full consideration thereof, fitid tbat no owner of property bas sustained any damage by reason of said improvement; thut, after ascertaining tbe whole amount of costs, they made an as--sessment of the same upon the properties bene fited by said improvement, and caused a plan to be made and prepared a statement, as re quired by said act, and. having given to tbe owner of each lot ten days' notice of the time and place of meeting, tliey met on the 8th day of June, A. D. 1889. at tbe office of the Board of Viewers, in the City ot Pittsburg, heard all complaints and evidence, and, after full con sideration thereof, present the following re port, showing the amount each property holder is entitled to pay as the prorer proportion of said cost: EXPENSES. Printing ordinances and notices 4000 Printing viewers' report, 21 25 Making plan and serving notices. 5 00 Viewers' time 21 00 8725 ASSESSED. Kirkpatrick street, east side, from Center av enue to Reed street Philip Scbotts (65), 127.6 feet 8 73 Andrew Wengler (76), 95.6 feet 10 20 Wm. Byerly heirs (27), 24 feet s 62 M. Hornnaffer (27), 24 feet 3 gj A. Helnler (27). 24 feet 3 02 Martin Laoni (54), 48 feet 7 25 W. B. Hazlett (27), 24 feet.. 3 62 Gath. Carr 2S),.7a.2 feet 3 38 Mrs. S. Garrison (16), 20.43 feet 2 15 G. Bchettler (24), 45.88 feet ;, 3 22 West side John Darragh (63), 103 feet 712 John Darragh (25), 56.2 feet 3 3a J. R. Voskamp (16), 20 feet 2 15 J. N. Ludwig (16), 20 feet .... 2 15 T. H. C. Freeman (16), 20feet 2 15 H. Schanascbak (16). 20 feet ..: 2 15 Agnes McCoy (18), 22 feet 2 42 B, Wolfren (61), lfflieet g i8 F. Delanoy (61), 12Sfeet 8 18 t. 87 25 Respectfully submitted, EDWARD JaYALLEN, ) DANIEL WENKE, (viewers. TIMOTHY O'LEARY, J. J PrrrsBtnto. June 8, 1SS. ' jets OFFICIAL-PITT8DURG. TTIEWERS' REPORT On the construction of a public sewer on Neg ley avenue and Roup street, from Hampton street to Two-Mile Run sewer, near the P. R.R. To the Select and Common Councils of the city of Pittsburg: The undersigned, Viewers of Street Improve ments in tbe city of Pittsburg, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county and authorized by an ordinance, passed on tbe 2d day of July, A. D. 1838, a copy of which is hereto attached, to make an assess ment of the cost and expense of constructing a public sewer on Negley avenue and Roup street, from Hampton street to Two-Mile Run sewer, in said city, upon the property benefited thereby under the provisions of and in accord ance with an act 01 Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of the Becond class to provide for the improve ment of streets, lanes, alleys and public high ways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvement, pre scribing tholr duties, granting appeals to Coun cils and "Court, providing for tbe assessment and collection of damages and benefits, author izing the use of private property, and provid ing lor filing liens and regulating proceedings thereon, and prohiDitlng the use of public streets without authority of Councils," ap proved the 14th day of June, A. D. 1887; re spectfully report; That, having been first dnly sworn and qualified according to law, they proceeded in the manner and according to the directions of said act, to'discharge the duties of their ap pointments; tbat havmirviewed the premises, thpy made an assessment of said cost and ex pense upon the pronerty benefited, and caused a plot and statement to be made. asTequired by said act, and having given to tbe owner of each lot ten days' notice of the time and place of meeting, thev met on the 9th day of May, A. D. 18S9, at the office of tbe Board of Viewers, in the city of Pittsburg, beard all complaints and evidence offered, and having made all modifications and corrections which they deem proper, assessed the cost and expense of con structing said sewer upon the following prop erty, upon each for the amount set opposite the name of the owner thereof, viz: Chief of Department of Public Works.state meut of cost: " v 4,266 lineal feet Wnchpipe sewer. 95c..$ 1,052 70 2,270 lineal feet 15-inch pipe sewer.Sl 74 3,960 24 76 lineal feet 18-Inch pipe sewer, S2 10. 159 CO 67 lineal feet 20-inch pipe sewer, $2 60. 167 50 5.000 lineal feet 24-inch pipe sewer.$3 49 17,450 00 465 lineal feat 30-inch pipe sewer, SI 89 2,273 85 41 drops, J65. 2,665 00 26manholes, 130 780 00 Extra work on Hampton street, vouch ers 229 SO Extra work on Roup street, vouchers. 303 64 84,796 pounds castings (Fisher F. & M. Co.) 1 68 1,421 67 Superintending, engineering, adver tising, etc 1,250 00 Printing ordinance and notices 40 00 Printing viewers' report 86 41 Making nlan and serving notices 50 00 Viewers'" time 81 00 S34.98181 ASSESSES. Negley avenue and Roup street, east side, from Hampton street to Thirty-third street A. Lanahan (209), 299 feet S 38S23 J.JM. Guffy (82), 175.80 feet 152 32 A. P. Burchfleld (60). 168.75 feet........ 12260 Jas. R. Mellon (376), 431.03 feet 698 44 K.T. Friend, 50 feet 7 9288 R.B. Petty, 50feet 9288 Jas. R. Mellon, 50 feet 9288 Mary E. Stewart, 60 feet 9288 Nancy Duncan, 60 feet 9288 Jas. R. Mellon, 100 feet 18576 W. A. Cost. 68 feet . 9288 Jas. R. Mellon, 50 feet 92 S3 R. B. Townsend, 60 feet 9283 Jas. R. Mellon, 60 feet 9288 Samuel Galey, 60 feet 9288 James R. Mellon (299), 291.35 feet 65541 Levi Harris (60). 124 feet 9288 MaryRealand (43),85 feet 7988 George Bock (43), 85 feet 79 88 W. B. Negley trustee (149), 202 feet.... 27678 H. P. Sloterbeck (41), 146 feet 7616 Samuel Galey (42), l45feet 7802 J. B. Matthews (39), 120 feet 72 45 Wm. Graham (SO). 67 feet , 55 73 John P. Ober (47), 187 feet 87 31 Bertha Straub, 98 feet 182 05 B.W. Galey, 96 feet..' 178 33 W. W. Stevenson, 106 feet.. 308 38 James R. Mellon, 201.08 feet 373 87 Thomas Mellon, 101.08 feet. 187 62 H. B. Nease, 100 feet 185 76 W. R. Heckert (42). 70 f eet 78 02 Scott & Runnette, 174 feet 323 23 George V. Milliken, 60 feet 92 S3 V. Mackey.65feet 102 17 Mrs. Cath. Negley. 340 feet 631 57 H. S. A. Stewart. 62LS8 feet 1,153 55 H. S. A. Stewart (208), 244.38 feet 386 37 Mrs. Ann Sutton (48), 51 feet 89 16 J. L. Moore (24). 25.5 feet. 44 53 C. L. Barrett (120), 121.5 feet. 222 91 Mrs. Jennie Addj. 28 feet 52 01 Mrs S. J. Sargeant (10), 130 feet. 18 68 J.H.McKelvey (148). 330 feet. 274 92 William Frew. 190 feet. 352 94 John Logan, 194 feet 860 36 Negley avenue and Roup street, west side C. Zug (223), 323 feet Kittv Roun. estate (75). 15021 feet ... 414 23 U 32 Kitty Roup, estate (71), 169.76 feet .... 131 89 Kitty Roup, estate, 903.06 feet 1,677 38 Kittv Rohd. estate. 459.21 feet 852 62 PaulHugus,30S feet 672 13 Paul Hugus, 200 feet 37151 James Caldwell. 328 feet 6C9 27 Mary Miller. 10L41 feet 1S7 61 Mrs. S. J. Sargeant, 325.72 feet 603 71 H. H. Negley, 104.91 feet 193 19 Eliza Evans. 100 feet 185 76 Thomas A. Mellon, 204.94 feet 378 94 Thomas Mellon, 316 feet 686 96 Hart man & Schwan, 108.43 feet 200 62 Hartman ASchwan, 111.43 leet 206 19 Charles Lnckhart, 195 feet 362 22 H. a A. Stewart, 337.51 feet 626 00 H. S. A. Stewart, 286.69 feet 631 26 H. S. A. Stewart, 284 39 feet 527 55 Mrs. S. J. Sargeant, 646.69 feet. 1,109 98 John H. McKelvey, 828 feet .. 601) 28 John H. McKelvey, 302 feet 660 98 Mrs. Catherine Negley, 133 feet 247 06 Center avenue, north side, from Roup to College J. M. Guffey (183). 417.54 feet 45 75 James R. Mellon (123), 100 feet 30 75 W. H. Stevenson (62).60feet 15 50 James B. Stevenson (62), 60, feet 15 60 W.C. Lyne (123), 100 feet SO 75 James R. Mellon (185), 150 feet 46 25 George W. Fishering (62), 50 feet.... 15 50 John P. McCrea (62), 50 leet 15 50 . Wells (123). 100 feet 30 75 Mary E. Stewart (62), 60 feet 15 60 J. R. Mellon (62), 60 feet 15 60 S. H. Lloyd (62), 50 feet 15 50 Jo&S. Adams (62), 60 feet 15 50 James R. Mellon (185), 150 feet 46 25 Baum street, south side, from Vista to Crown, east of Amber Kitty Roup est. (787), 716.89 feet 196 75 A. P. Burchfleld (46), 42.20 feet 11 60 James R. Mellon (712), 775 feet 185 50 Amber, east side, from Baum to Friendship James R. Mellon (474), 623.20 feet 118 50 West side James R-Mellon (80), 25.34feet 20 00 John C. Schafer (42), 40 feet 10 50 Mary E. Marshall (42), 40 feet 1F50 F. C. Sauer (84), 80 feet 21 00 John P. Schafer (42), 40 feet 10 60 Peter Weber (42). 40 feet 10 60 FrankBlytho (42).40feet 10 50 Mary J. Stockdale (42), 40 feet 10 50 Jas. R. Mellon (42), 40 feet 10 50 A. C. Hurst (81), 80 feet '... 21 00 B. G. Follansbee (42), 40 feet 10 60 G, C. Hartman (42), 40 feet 10 60 A. C. Hurst (42), 40 feet 10 60 Onyx street, east side, from Baum to Coral Kitty Roup estate, 9ai3Q feet 238 60 Kitty Roup estate. 420.86 leet 106 60 West side Kitty Roup estate (1,153). 919.92 feet.. 288 25 Kitty Roup estate (560), 42L33 feet. ... 140 00 Villa street, east side, from Baum to Coral Kitty Roup estate (493), 411.75 f eet. . . . 123 25 Kitty Roup estate (693), 700 feet. 173 25 Kitty Roup estate (511), S5U57feet.... 127 75 West side Kitty Roup estate (843), 627.51 f eet. . . , 210 75 Kitty Roup estate ( 1281), 801.28 f eet. . . 320 25 Kitty Roup estate (696). 347.60 f eet. . . 149 00 Rebecca street, east side, from Har riet to Coral Kitty Rotrp estate (L281), 801.46 feet. . 820 K Kitty Roup estate (644), 404.60 feet. ... 1B1 00 Rebecca, east side, from Coral to Crown, East Penn Steele H. Kennedy (171), 165 feet 42 75 A. Hoevellcr heirs (26). 24 feet 6 60 Sarah Connelly (45), 41feet. II 2$ G. Weyman (26), 24 feet 6 50 Charles Allshonse (221, 20 feet. 5 60 W. J. Smith (67), 62.75 feet 14 25 D. Cl3Uand (22), 20 feet ' 5 60 .Times A. Hoeveller (711. 31.33 feet 17 75 Henry Toborg (83), 110 feet 22 00 wear A. Hoeveller heirs. 243 feet 60 75 Rudolph EbBert (92). 96 feet 23 00 "Michael Conlm (112), 107 feet 28 00 Richard Daie u.w), i.iziw leet 130 75 Richard Dale (688). 408 feet 172 00 West side Wm. Ducknam (234), 201.96 feet 58 60 Peter Winters (376), 201.79 feet 94 00 Little Sisters of tbe POor (578). 450 feet 144 60 Saran C. Miller (427), 805.83 feet JOB 75 Moses Phillips' heirs (173), J03 feet.. . . 43 25 Moses Phillips' heirs (173), 103 feet. .. . 43 25 Moses Phillips' heirs (372), 248 feet.... 93 00 Moses Phillips' heirs (173), 103feet.... 43 25 Mary Ann Uenald or Mrs. C. A. Warracastle, 118 feet 29 50 J. W. Hay (875), 523.20 feet 218 75 BreedsbiU street Moses Phillips heirs (629). 870 feet 157 25 Atlantic, east side from BreedsbiU to BJnohld and Coral Susanna Murdoch, 100 feet 2500 Susanni Murdoch. 100 feet 25 00 SusannaVMurdocn, 248 feet 62 00 HiUndsfb-districtscbool,159.42feet.. 89 75 Susanna (Murdoch (150). 182.08 feet 37 60 .Mary Buckley (841), 279.99 feet. 83 25 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. West side Diniel Wallace nstnw tRn. 103.88 feet 14 25 Miss a W.Brown (290). 284 35 feet.... 72 50 jreier winters 1431), 303 leet aui j Penn avenue, north side, from Neg ley to crown. West Atlantic James Caldwell (192),S20feet.., 48 00 A. J. Davis (438), 27S feet 109 00 A. J. Davis (158). 70 feet f. 39 60 M. Graff (192), 145.45 feet 48 00- Jane A. Graff (171), 101 feet 42 75 Anna M. Graff (171), 101 feet 42 75 James Caldwell (460), 271.91 feet 115 00 Daniel Wallace (232), 160 feet... 58 00 P. B. MoWilliams (100). 80 feet. 25 00 R. Paul and'G.B, Dubarry (116), 80 feet 29 09 South side Paul Hugus (660). 495 feet 165 00 W. W. Young (663), 393 feet 167 00 Robt Fleming (368), 217.48 feet 92 00 Sarah Conn elly (438). 258.25 feet 10950 John K. Musgrave (123), 143 feet 30 75 Frank Ortman, 42 feet 10 60 Fairmount, east side, from Broad to Crown J. and A. Thompson (281), 20148 feet.. 7100 M. Weiss (640), 476 fee?. 160 00 Thos. A. Mellon (319). 188.25 fast. 7S 70 15 60 Catb. J. Dunn, Broad street (62). 65.32 feet West side- Samuel Galey 315), 202,feet 78 75 M. Weiss (392). 266.97 feet 98 00 John Graff (510), 303.05 feet 127 50 Black street, north side, from Neg ley to Rebecca H. S. A. Stewart (703),674.58 feet 17$ 75 H. S. A. Stewart (842), 435 feet 210 60 H. S. A. Stewart (167), 275 feet 116 75 South side Chas. Lockhart (1,465), L227 feet 368 25" Unnamed street, south side, from Negley to Fairmount Hartman and Schwan (413). 513 feet.. 103 25 Chas. Schwan (210). 222.10 feet 54 00 Sarah J. Mellon (645), 461.12 feet 161 25 Margareita, south side Hartman and Schwan (411), 6U.37 feet 102 75 Fairmount, east side Barah J. Mellon (319), 188.26 feet 79 75 West side Sarah J. Mellon (251), 148.80 feet 62 75 H. H. Negley (312). 184.64 feet 78 00 W. B. Grimage 29 25 S. J. Mellon (205), 152.74 feet 13 50 D. Crawford 8 50 E.G. Nuremberg (117), 94.60 feet 29 25 Mrs. S. J. Sargeant (280), 160.25 feet. . . 70 00 Hays street, north side H. S. A. Stewart (897), 780.05 feet 224 25 South side H.S. A. Stewart (816). 753.23 feet 2M 00 Mellon street, east side R. B. Mellon, 210 leet b2 60 Mrs. Cath. Negley (474), 839 feet 118 60 W. B. Negley (140), 100 feet 35 00 W. B. Negley, trustee, 312.62 feet 78 00 W. a Negley, trustee (225), 165.58 feet. 66 25 Mrs. Cath. Negley (120), 626 feet 105 00 Westslde- R. B. Mellon (110). 105 feet 27 50 James Pollock (52). 50 feet 13 00 James Rathborn (68). 65feet. 14 50 Mrs. Cath. Negley. 339 feet 84 75 W. B. Negley (trustee), 100 feet 25 00 W.B. Negley (358). 312.62 feet E9 60 W. B. Negley (198). 165.68 feet 49 60 Mrs. a J. Sargeant (205). 155 feet 51 25 R. McAdams(43), 41.76feet 10 75 O. BehrenberaOio), 24 feet .;... 6 25 W. Woflwr (50), 48 feet 12 50 James Johnson (60). 48 feet 1260 Thomas Maxwell (25). 24 feet 6 25 James Howard (25), 24 feet 6 25 F. F. Stewart (25), 24 feet 6 25 M. Gittenboth (25), 24 feet 6 25 George Brehm (25), 24 feet 6 25 E. E. H.L. Trust Ca (25): 24 feet 6 25 J. Penrose (25). 24 feet 6 25 Wm. Frew (266). 190 feet 66 60 John Logan (271), 191 feet 67 75 Portland, east side, from Jackson to McCully- John Klein (153), 146.36 feet 38 25 Annie McTiernan (25). 24 feet... 6 25 Thomas Little (25J, 24 feet 6 25 W.J. Gilmore (25), 24 feet 6 25 L. Mcintosh (25). 24 feet ft 25 Pittsburg Bapk f or Savings (25), 21 feet 6 25 Mrs. J. M. Coffin (75). 72 leet 18 75 S. H. Taggert (42), 40,25 feet 10 60 West side Mrs. Jennie Addy, 129.05 feet 82 25 J. C. Newmeyer, 28.17 feet 7 00 R. a Petty, 24 feet 6 00 S. B. Mercer, 48 feet 12 00 John Herron, 24 feet 6 00 H. Metz, 24 f eet 6 00 W. J. Gilmore, 24 feet 6 00 R. E. Stewart, 48 feet 12 CO B. Brehm, 24 feet 6 00 G. Brehm, 24 feet 6 00 D. A. Attick, 62.63 feet 15 60 St. Clair, east side from Black street- Mrs. Catharine Negley (534), 339 feet.. W.L. Mellon (130), 1C0 feet.. W. B. Negley (trustee) (828). 31Z62 feet W. B. Negley (trustee) (181), 165.58 feet 133 60 32 50 WOO 45 25 west siue W. B. Negley (trustec),'312,62 feet. . . . 78 00 Euclid street, east side from Hays to Stanton Mrs. Catharine Negley (598), C39 feet. 149 60 Charles Nail (55), 50 feet IS 75 M. Huber (55), 50 f eet 13 75 Mrs. S. J. Sargeant (151), 138.4 feet.... 37 75 West side J. Ellsessor, (83). 92.62 feet 20 75 J. Goelzelenchter (23). 21.5 feet 5 75 A. E. Ellsessor (23), 24.6 feet 5 75 Mrs. S. J. Sargeant 171.5 feet 42 75 Joseph Anderson (181), 165.63 feet 45 25 Beatty street, west side, from Hays to Stanton Jessie Sharp (27), 25 feet .'. 6 75 Mrs. J. C. Brown (51). 60 feet 13 60 Mary E. Wilie (27),25feet 6 75 Mrs. S. J. Sargeant (244), 222.9 f eet. . . . 61 00 Hays street, north side, f romttieatty to St Clair J. Alnseny, 24.71 feet 6 00 S. B. Linbart 48 66 feet 12 00 C. Thomas, S8.49 feet 9 00 J. R. Mellon or Mary E. Laird, 86.49 feet 9 CO W. H. Glynn, 50 feet 12 50 W. E. Barrett, 25 feet 6 25 C. J. King. 60 feet 12 60 John Craig. 36 feet 9 00 R. Grounds. 35 feet 8 75 Hiland avenne, west side, ' from Hampton to Callow Hill Mrs. Cath, Negley. 400 feet 100 00 S. Crawford (27). 28 feet- 6 75 J. L. McShane (107). 112feet. 28 75 S. R. Baldwin (27), 28 feet. 6 75 J. N. Simpson (51), 56 feet 13 60 Bryant street, north side, from Hi land to Mollon S. R. Baldwin (27), 25 feet. 6 75 P. D. Perchment (27). 25 feet 6 75 M. E. Ralston (51).Wfeet 13 50 J. B. Hyndman (51), 60 feet 13 60 Wm. Weistrod (64), 50 feet 13 60 Walter Bntler (81). 105 feet 20 25 Charles H. Davis (27), 60 feet 6 75 J. P. Cameron (81). 75 feet. 20 25 John Hucbes (ol). 60 feet 13 60 A. C. Pentz (54). 60 feet 1J601 M. E. Cozad (27). 60 feet 6 75 Mrs. M. A. Taylor (20), 60 feet 6 00 M. Scanlon (54). 60 feet 13 60 Wm. Johnston (54), 60 feet 13 60 Charles Ramsden (511,60 feet 13 60 Catharine Negley (38), 34 feet 9 60 Ann McConville (J7), 25feet 6 75 South side a a Liggett (27). 25 feet , M. Stevenson (27). 25 feet Maria L. Rose (27). 25 feet , George Fugh (81). 72 feet , Hugh Morrison (27), 25 feet RoseMcGeagh (64), 60 feet , J. Stevenson, estate (27). 25 leet, M. E. Ralston (27), 25 left Henry Harper (60), 75 feet , John Harper (54), 60 feet 6 75 6 75 6 75 20 25 6 75 13 60 6 75 6 75 15 00 13 60 6 75 20 25 6 76 13 60 20 25 20 25 Casper Himon CJ7), zaieec Mary J. Reed (81). 75 feet.., iiosejucuoaga iz;,ouieet W. A. Gildenf enny (51). 60 f eet. . J.-K. Becker (81), 75 feet AlexM. King (81). 75 feet Stewart street, noria siae T, M.Magee, 325 feet 81 25 T. M. Magee (291), 265 feet 72 75 South side Sarah W. Hart (652J. S25 feet 163 00 Grace W. Warmoastle (310), 2C3.36 feet 85 CO Grafton, north side AlexKing. (578), S40 feet 144 60 Alex King (476), 280 feet 119 00 South side John B. Matthews (381). 240 feet 96 00 Real Estate Savings Bank (334). 240 feet 96 00 John W. Tim (591). 525.51 147 75 Hiland, east side, from Grafton to Crown- Thomas O'Neil (305), 180 feet 78 50 P. Hk Laufman (476), 380 feet 119 00 j. u. weiam (uu), iuu leet 40 00 $34,981 81 Respectfully submitted. EDWARD JAY ALLEN. 1 DANIEL WENKE. Viewers. TIMOTHY O'LEARY, Jb. ) PJTTSBUKG, May 25. 1889. jel5 TTIEWERS' REPORT- On the construction of a public sewer on Meadow street from Lincoln avenue to Larl-a mer avenue. To tbe Select and Common Councils of tbe city of Pittsburg: Tbe undersigned, Viewers of Street Improve ments in the city of Plttsbnrg, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, and authorized by on ordinance pased on the 30th day of July, A. D. 1889, a copy of which is hereto attached, to make an assess ment of the cost and expense of constructing a public sewer on Meadow street from Lincoln avenne to Larimer avenne, in said city, upon the property benefited thereby, under tbe pro visions of and in accordance with an act of As sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of the second class to provide for the improvements of streets, lanes, alleys and public highways, sewers and sidewalks! re quiring plans of streets, providing for the ap pointment or a Board of Viewers of tre Im provements, prescribing their duties, granting appeals to Councils and Court providing for the assessment and collection of damages and benefits, authorizing tbe us of private prop erty, and providing for filing liens and regu lating proceedings thereon, and prohibiting tbe use of publlestreets without authority of Conn- OFFICIAL PrrrSBURG. cils," approved the 14th day of June, A. D. 1887; respectfully reporr. That, having been first duly sworn ana quali fied according to law, tbey proceeded in the manner and according to the directions of said act, to discharge tbe dnties of their appoint ment; that, having viewed the premises, they made an assessment of said cost and expense upon the property benefited, and caused a plot and statement to be made, as required by said act and, having given to tbe owner of each lot ten days' notice of the time and place of meet ing, they met on the 24th day of May, A. D. 1889, at the office of the Board of Viewers, in the city of Pittsburg; beard all complaints and evidence offered, and, having made all modifi cations and corrections which they deem proper, assessed tbe cost and expense of con structing said sewer upon the following prop erty, upon each for the amount set opposite the name of the owner thereof, viz.: , Chief of Department of public Works, state ment of cost DS4 lineal feet 18-lnch pipe sewer, H 63 $ 1.603 92 963 lineal feet 15-Inch pipe sewer. 30 1,257 10 7drops,$60 j 420 20 11 manholes, $30 830 00 19,770 pounds castings (to Fliber F. & M. Co.), SI 65......... 332 13 Superintending, engineering, adver tising, etc 235 00 Printing ordinance and notices 40 00 Printing viewers report 27 60 Making plans and serving notices 15 00 Viewers' time 42 00 S 4,302 65 ASSESSED. Meadow street north side, from Lincoln to Larimer Henry Mosey (77), 67.98 feet S 105 72 Amos O. Cavln (50). 43.98 feet .' 66 90 Josiah Holmes, 2 feet ' 2 S3 Rv. G. W. Chaliant (83), ?i50 feet... 109 35 H. Rea (6tf). 60 feet. 94 22 J. W. Doak (154), 134.60 feet 201 45 E. T. Cassiday (51). 44.83 feet 6S 34 John F. Hunter (51). 44.83 feet 68 34 John C. Knipp (38), 33.83 feet 49 61 Cath McKinney (38). 33.32 feet 49 64 John C. Knipp'O), 20 feet 28 07 George R. West (102). 89.78 feet 136 67 Samuel and Daniel Shaffer (34), 129.50 I66t...... , . 43tSy Jacob Kellar CW). HO feet 61 15 Eliza Graham (138), 120 feet .".... 183 44 Thomas Brown (140), 221 feet 186 S3 Thomas Brown (66). 157 feet 84 91 Walter T.Brown (127), 115 feet 167 63 D. W. Llewellyn (181), 235.41 feet 239 58 Meadow street, south side, from Lincoln to Larimer Andrew Reimer, 23.60 feet 33 94 W. Woolslayer, 23.60 feet S3 94 Charlotte Blum heirs, 93 feet 133 73 Jennie and Lucinda Mcttride, 47.24 feet 67 93 J. A. Patterson, 23.62 feet 33 97 W. C. Llvengood. 23.62 feet: 33 97 WalterCaskey, 25.40 feet 36 52 Margt Kable, 25.10 feet 36 52 Moses Laird, 25.40 feet 36 52 George WUson. 44 feet 63 27 John Kaiser, 72 feet 103 53 AnnaM. Aland, 135 feet 192 69 Margt Layman, 22 feet 31 63 John W. Reimer, 46 feet 6615 Ida C. Thompson, 46 feet 66 15 R. O. Henderson, 23 feet 33 07 J. B. Kennedy. 23 teet 83 07 MaryEwing. 11L29 feet.'. 160 03 Samuel Lusk, 44 feet 63 27 David Fleming. 19L44 feet 275 28 Mrs. A. Moll, 67.25 feet 82 32 Anna Hillihan, 29 feet 4170 Thomas Thompson (105), 165 feet. 150 98 E.P. Ebberts(24),20feet 24 51 Frank P. Kessner (48), 40 feet 49 02 Jacob Elcheldlnger (72), 60 feet 83 53 James M. White (72), 60 feet 93 53 Julius Voetter, 83.86 feet 120 59 W. C. Stewart, 60.42 feet 72 50 James Hartman (70), 126 feet 100 66 $4,302 65 Respectfully submitted, EDWARD JAY ALLEN, I vlaa TIMOTHY O'LEARY, Jb., VIewen- Pittsbueo, May 24, 18S9. jel5 TTIEWERS' REPORT- ' On the construction of a pnblic sewer on Bond and Sheridan streets, from Hiland avenue to Hoeveller street To the Select and Common Councils of the city of Pittsburg: The undersigned Viewers of Street Improve ments In the city of Pittsburg, appointed by tbe Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, and authorized by an ordinance passed on the 29th day of October, A. D. 1883. a copy of which is hereto attached, to make an assessment of the cost and expense ot constructing a publlo sewer on Bond and Sheridan streets, from Hiland avenue to Hoeveller street, in said city, upon the property benefited thereby, under the provisions of, and in accordanco with, an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of tbe second class' to provide for tbe Improvement of streets, lanes, alleys and public highways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, provid ing for the appointment of a Board ot Viewers of Street Improvements, prescribing their duties, granting appeals to Councils and Conn, providing for tbe assessment and collection of damages and benefits, authorizing the use of private property and providing for filing liens and regulating proceedings thereon, and pro hibiting the nse of public streets without au thority of Councils,'' approved tbe 14th day of June, A. D. 1687, respectfully report: ' Tbat, having been first dnly sworn and quali fied according to law, they proceeded in the manner and according to tbe direction of said act to discharge the duties of their appoint ment; that having viewed the premises, tbey made an assessment of said cost and expense upon the property benefited, and caused a plot and statement to bo made, as required by said act, and having given to the owner of each lot ten days' notice of t,he time and place of meet ing, they met on the 31st day of May. A.D. 1889, at the office of the Board of Viewers, in the city of Pittsburg, heard all complaints and evidence offered, and having made all modifi cations and corrections which they deem proper, assessed the cost and expense of con structing said' sewer upon tbe following prop erty, upon each for tbe amount set opposite the name of the owner thereof, viz: Chief of Department of Public Works, state ment of cost 572 lineal feet 15 Inch pipe sewer. $1 29 8 737 88 1,235 lineal feet 20-Inch pipe sewer,$2 19 2,704 65 8 drops, $65 890 00 8,manholes, $35 280 00 Extra work connecting stone culvert 13 35 15,920 lbs. eastings (to Fisher F. & M. Co.), $1 68 267 45 Superintending, engineering, adver tising, etc 310 CO Printing ordinance and notices 40 00 Printingviewers'report 21 25 Making plan and serving notices 1500 Viewers' tlcie 21 CO t 4,800 69 ASSESSED. Bond and Sheridan streets, north land avenue to Hoeveller street W. a Negley (143), 200 feet E. P. Ebbert, (30.86 feet Samuel Garrison, 30 feet. , Marion M. Curry. 60 feet Emma E. Darragh, 35 feet F. Disque. 35 feet Viola 8. Cuthbert 80 fFet W. H. Eritz (R9). 65 feet y.H. Fritz (30), 86 feet John F. Bramard, 211 feet J. M. Cas8ell, 418 feet Sarah Cassell, 132 feet A.E. Watktns,28feet W.B. Loveless, 28 feet M. B.,Klnkaid, 66 feet W. A. Watkins, 28 feet A.C.Warkins.28feet. Frank M. Glockler, 2S feet South side Agnes C. Graff (188), 200 feet Mary J. McCallam, 190.77 feet W. 51. Stevenson, 40 feet John H. Hnghes, 80 feet George Hubbard. 80 feet Sheridan, west side Elizabeth Rhine, 4035 feet Mrs. M. M. Hpahr. 49 feet. Llllie M. Jones. 40 feet .Mrs. M. M. Spahr, 40 feet Ira P. Brainard (2), 24.44 feet Charles Lockhart 354.38 feet J. A. Hoeveller, 35.97 feet Cecilia Hoeveller, 34 feet Mrs. A. a Matthews, 84 feet Rose C. Schmidt, 34 feet MaryD. Hoeveller. 34 feet Clemmie a Hoeveller. 34 feet.. ....... J. CvDick (97),.217.7 feet side, Hi- 24163 102 82 60 70 84 50 69 15 69 15 135 20 150.40 60 70 856 68 757 09 223 07 47 32 47 32 84 61 47 32 47 32 47 82 303 71 294 39 00 60 121 20 12120 6319 (12 GO 62 60 62 60 339 673 88 48 49 M45 64 45 64 45 44 95 64 45 157 93 $4,800 69 Tr ABnAttfttllis aTiVimlttAff EDWARIfJAY ALLEN, EN, '.JB.J Viewers, jel5 TIMOl'HY O'LEARY, Pittsbubo, May u, isw. -VTIEWERS' REPORT On the construction of a pnblic sewer on Lang street from Penn avenue to Kclley street. To tbe Select and Common Councils of the city of Pittsburg: The undersigned Viewers of Street Improve ments in the city of Pittsburg, appointed by the Court of Common Pleat ot Allegheny county, andauthonzed by an ordinance passed on tbe 12th day of Marcb, A. D. 1S8S, a copy of which is hereto attached, to make an as-ess-ment of tbe cost and expense of constructing a public sewer on Lang street from Penn avenue to Kelley street in said city, upon tne property Benefited thereby under the provisions ot and in accordance with an act ot Assembly of the Commonwealth dt Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of the second class to provide for the improve ments of streets, lanes, alleys and public high ways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for tbe appointment of 3 Board of Viewers of Street improvements, prescribing their 'duties, granting appeals to Councils and Court providing for the assess ment and collection of damages and benefits, authorizing the use ot private property and providing lor filing liens and regulating pro- OFFICTAL-PnTSBIJRG. ceedings thereon, and prohibiting the use oi public streets withouf authority of Councils." approved the 14tb day of June, A. D. 1887, resoectf oily report: That having been first duly sworn and qual ified according to law, tbey proceeded In the manner and according to the directions of said act, to discbarge the duties of their appoint ment: ,that having viewed he premises, they made an assessment of said cost and expense upon the property benefited, and caused a plot and statement to be made, as required by said act, and having given to the owner of each lot ten days' notice of the time and place ot meet ing, they met on the 17th day of May, A. D. 1889, at the office of the Board of Viewers, in the city of Pittsburg, heard all complaints and evidence offered, and having made all modi fications and corrections which they deem proper, assessed the cost and expense of con structing said sewer upon the following prop erty, upon each for the amount set opposite tbe name of the owner thereof, viz: Chief of Department of Public Works, state ment of cost: 1,733 lineal feet 20-inch pipe sewer, $3 75 6.498 75 653 lineal feet 18-inch pipe sewer. $3 60 ... 2,285 50 11 drops. $65 715 CO 7manholes,$30 210 00 Extra work on drops and manholes.... 140 93 22,510 pounds castings (Fisher F. fc M. Co.) $1.68 878 17 Superintending, engineering, adver- Using, etc 'STO 00 Printing ordinance and notices 40 CG Printing Viewers' report 23 50 Making plan and serving notices 15 00 Viewers' time t ' 63 CO $10,744 90 ASSESSED. Long street, east side, from Penn avenue to Kelly street City of PittsDurg (50), 9L69 feet S 113 44 W.L. Jones (110). 100 feet 219 57 James Mackey (110). 100 feet 249 57 W.L. Jones (IS), 16 8 feet 40 84 E.E. Phelps (53). 56.7 feet 120 25 D. C. Thompson (71), 65 feet 16109 Thomas C.Lindsay (44), 10 feet 99 83 J. West (441. 10 feet 99 83 F.McCann (44). 40 feet 99 83 George F. Schwartz (44). 40 feet 99 83 George Westinghotise (19). 27.2 feet. 43 11 W. L. Jones (310), 236 feet 703 33 John Daub (139), 128 leet 315 37 George Westinghouse (193), 175 feet 437 88 P. R. R. (11). 10 feet 21 93 Moses DePuy (235), 214 feet 63317 Elizabeth Vankirk (215), 195.55 feet 487 SO Homewood Sub-school District (2151 195.00 feet 487 80 Philadelphia Gas Co-135 feet 303 29 Freehold Bank (123). 135 feet 279 07 Lang avenue, west side Josepfi D. "Weeks (338), 307.65 feet.... 766 86 Joseph D. Weeks (125). 11128 feet.... 233 60 James a Duff (89). 81.48 feet 201 93 Lizzie Williams and Ada BisseU (101), 112.85 feet 229 15 George Westinghouse, Jr. (3U), 283.40 feet 705 60 George Wfctinghouse. Jr. (361), 330 ft 823 68 Christian Hess (395), 359 feet 893 18 Christian Hess (139), 189 feet 315 37 Thomas A. Mellon (5). 12X60 feet...... 11 35 Thomas A. Mellon (1J), 63.36 feet 27 23 J. M. Muttland (91), 8L66 feet 145 20 Meade street, north, side, from Murtland to Lang Mrs. E.L. Bailey (175). 143.62 feet,.... 43 73 Joseph H. Cass (205), 16S.89 feet 51 25 Joseph D. Weeks (187), 273 feet 46 75 South side , Mrs. E. L. Bailey (175). 143.62 feet 43 75 Joseph H. Cass (200). 168.89 feet 60 00 Joseph D. Weeks (170), 273 feet 42 50 James a Duff (971. 81.48 feet 24 25 Thomas street north side, from crown east to crown west George Westinghouse, Jr. (520), 467.53 feet 130 CO Thomas Mellon (36). 48.50 feet 9 00 S. W, Duncan (21). 21 feet 5 25 Thomas Mellon (82), 96 feet 20 60 South side James H. Hopkins (206), 172 feet 5150 Williams &Bissell (1701,291 feet 42 50 Fred Fisher (261), 52U6 feet 65 25 Penn avenue, south side, from Lang street to crown east Thomas Kerr (136), 85 feet J. M. Schoonmaker (128), 263.71 feet.. North side James Crothers (87), 98.3 feet McPberson, north side, from Murt land to crown George Westinghouse, Jr. (633). 627 feet John Daub (311), 42191 feet 34 00 32 00 2172 153 25 77 75 South siae John Daub (486). 398 feet 121 60 Penna. R. It, north side, from Lang east P. R. a (1U), 383.7 feet M036S DePuy (267), 2S3.7 feet , South side P. R. R, 10O feet George Westinghouse (122), 155 feet., Grazier street, south side J. M. Murtland estate (253). 253 feet., J. P. Bnrgaman (53), 100 feet North side J. M. Murtland. (315). 375 feet Respectfully submitted. EDWARD JAY ALLEN, 1 DANIEL WENKE, Viewers. TIMOTHY O'LEARY, Jb ) PlTTSBUBO, May 31. 1889. jel5 XTIEWERS REPORT On the opening of John street, from Mahoa street to Soho street To tbe Select and Common Councils of the city of Pittsburg: The undersigned. Viewers of Street Improve ments in tbe city of Pittsburg, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, and authorized by an ordinance passed on the 8th, day of October, A. D. 1SS8, a copy of which is hereto attached, to appraise the damages sustained in tbe opening of Jobn street, from Mahon street to Soho street in the city-of Pittsburg, and make an assessment therefor under the provisions of and m accord ance with an act of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act au thorizing and directing Councils of cities of the second class to provide for tho improvement of streets, lanes, alleys ana public highways, sewers and sidewalks, re qnlrlngplansof streets, providing for the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements, prescribing their duties, granting appeals to Councils and Court providing for the assessment and col lection of damages and benefits, authorizing the use of private property and providing for filing liens and regulating proceedings thereon, and prohibiting tho use of public streets with out authority of Councils," approved tbe 14th day of June. A. D. 1837, respectfully report: That having been first duly sworn and quali fied according to law, -tbey proceeded in the manner and according to the directions of said act to discharge the dnties of their appoint ment; and, having given the notices required by said act tbey viewed the premises and beard all the allegations and evidenco by the several parties claiming damages, and after full consideration thereof, find that no owner of property baa sustained any damage by reason of said improvement; that after ascer taining the whole amount of costs, they made an assessment of the same upon the properties benefited by said Improvement, and caused a plan to be made, and prepared a statement a requireu ujoamatfc, tuu uavuik Kiveu to mo owner of each lot ten days' notice of tbe tima and place of meeting, they met on the 8th day of June. A. D. 1SS9, at tbe office of the Board of Viewers, in tbe city of Plttsbnrg. heard all complaints and evidence, and, after full con sideration thereof, present the following re Sort, showing tbe amount each property holder 1 entitled to pay as the proper proportion of said cost: KXFE2TSESL Printing ordinances and notices $ 40 00, 20 00) Printing viewers report. Making nlans and serving notices.... 5 00 Viewers' time -. 21 00 S 8300 ASSESSED. John street north side, from Mahon to Soho Eckert (40). 72 feet 7 63 George Benker (20). 24 feet 8 S3 Frank Lsnz (21). 24 feet 4 01 Cnas. Scbnck (22), 21 feet...,, 4 21 It Kirkpatrick (o5), 64.98 teet 10 61 South side Wm. Bader.24 feet 4 59 Jesse 8. Foster, 48 feet 9 17 C. J. Elliott, 48 feet 9 17 Philip Westenhagen, 24 feet 4 59 R. Glover, 24 feet 4 59 H. Roberts.-48 feet 9 17 Sophia A. Gray. 48 feet 9 17 Henry Bmlth, 28.70 feet 5 35 8800 Respectfully submitted, EDWARD JAY ALLEN, 1 DANIEL WENKE, ) Viewers. TIMOTHY O'LEARY, Jb,, ) PmSBUBO, June 8. 1889. jel5 N ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE opening of Kirkwood street, from Hiland avenue to Collins avenue. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city 01 nttsourg in select ana common coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the anthority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Pnblic Works be, and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be surveyed and opened wltbin 60 days from the date of the passage of this ordinance, Kirk wood street from Hiland avenueto Collins ave nue, at a width of 40 feet in accordance with an ordinance locating tbe same, approved Jnne 28, 18SS. The damages caused thereby ana the bene fits to pay the same to be assessed andcollectedln accordance with the provisions of an act of As sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class" approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1SS9. Section 2 Tbat any ordinance or part of ordinance confll-tlng with the provislous of this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as tha same affects this ordinance. Jel5 A CUBAN CAMITAL? !M trntei article by LiUian Bptnetr tn to-irrw'f jJiarAiUia. . J. ,.' .