Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 14, 1889, Image 1

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Me PBMa Mgmtfli
If it is anything in reason yon can obtain It
.cheaply and quickly by advertising in The
Dispatch columns.
A charming novelette by LOUISB Stockton-,
will be published in complete form in
next Sunday's DisrATCH. Read it.
mm wram
Sufficient Security for a IViere
Trifle of a
Dollars or So,
Hie Governor Adopts a New.
Plan to Baise a
Fund Tor
Philadelphia Bankers to Advance
the Money, and Get It Again,
Without -Interest,
The Governor Doesn't Admit His Former
Scheme vu Unconstitu
tional, Eat Says
Governor Beaver has adopted a new plan
to raise the necessary million or more dol
lars to clear Johnstown's ruins away. He
will not ask 200 citizens to sign a bond for
the money and then borrow State funds on
that bond. He has given his own word to
Eeveral Philadelphia banks that they will
be reimbursed if they advance the money.
The next Legislature is to make the Gov
ernor's word good.
irsoM a etajt coKEisrosDEjrr.
Philadelphia, June 13. Governor
Beaver arrived from Harrisbnrg this after
noon, and met Mayor Fitler and the other
Philadelphia members of the commission
for the relief of the flood sufferers in Par
lor B, of the Lafayette Hotel. The confer
ence was over by 5 o'clock, and after a hur
ried dinner the Governor left for Harris-burg-
at 5:35.
State Treasurer Hart was present, but
was not needed, as a plan has been de
cided on to raise funds for sanitary work
without touching a cent of the money in
the State Treasury.
The Finn In Brief
is 'that two or more Philadelphia banks
shall lend the money for the work and they
will take their chances of the Legislature,
at its next regular session, returning the
sum to them without interest.
In speaking of the matter, Governor
Beaver said it seemed necessary to draw a
line between the two branches of work
necessary the eanitary work, which the
State must do, and the work of relief, which
it cannot lawfully do. The latter work will
be in the bands of the commission, and the
former will be taken in charge by General
Hastings, who is now actually in charge of
the sanitary work and the work of caring
for the victims of the flood.
The Governor to Mayor Filler.
After the conference to-day, Governor
Beaver wrote out and handed to Mayor
Fitler the following letter:
His Honor, Edwin H. Fitler, Philadelphia!
1IT Deab Sib Impressed with the sadness
of the trust which has been intrusted to me in
part by generous donors in this country and
abroad for the relief of the sufferers by the late
disastrous floods in Pennsylvania, and espe
cially in the Conemaugh and "West Branch
Valleys, I have called to my aid the experience,
ability and well-known character of a number
of prominent gentlemen of Pennsylvania to
assist me in making the distribution of the
funds in my bands, and such other monies as
may be intrusted to them.
Tho Commission Appointed.
After carefnl consideration and consultation
J have appointed as a commission to aid me
In this work, Edwin IT. Fitler, Thomas Dolan,
'Robert C. Ogden, John V. Huber and Francis
B. Reeves, of Philadelphia; James B. Scott,
Reuben Miller and 8. S. Marvin, of Pittsburg;
John Fulton, of Johnstown, and it- H. Cum
min, of Willlauisport.
I respectfully suggest that these gentlemen
should visit the stricken district at once, so as
to determine the direction in which the funds
intrusted to thorn should go beyond food,
clothing, bedding, etc., which is regularly and
systematically going on. Will you please con
sult the Philadelphia members of the commis
sion and let me know their views as to the pro
posed visit and when it can be made, and I will
communicate with the other members on the
subject? "With grateful thanks for your cor
dial and earnest support and counsel in this
emergency, I am.
Very cordially yours,
James a. Beaver.
A Gubrrnatorla! Explanation.
The letter was read to the reporters after
they were admitted to the parlor, at the
close of the meeting, and General Beaver
then made a statement. He said:
The State cannot give charity. It can only
abate a nuisance, and it is only to abate a
nnisance in the devastated region that the
Etate can take hold of the workin the Cone
maugh Valley. This labor will be under tho
supervision of the State Board of Health, and
It has been represented to me that 2,000 men
are necessary to do the work. The board's
active agont will be Adjutant General Hast
ings. General Hastings will have as his as
sistant. Colonel Douglas, a competent and re
liable civil engineer. To carry the work on it
was first proposed to Indemnify the State
Treasurer," who has a legal right under the act
of lS74,to place money on deposit with indi
viduals as well as with banks. It was feared,
however that
A Harmful Precedent
would rb established, and another plan has
been adopted. Tho money will be borrowed
from certain Philadelphia banks, without in
terest, they taking the risk that the next
Legislature will refund the sum to them. This
supersedes the necessity of getting names on a
guarantee to the State Treasurer. It ought to
be said, though, that over 200 gentlemen have
already offered to go on this guarantee, more
than 100 of them residents of the city of Phila
delphia. Why, since 1 have been seated in
this room I havo received a telegram from
General Cameron offering to be one to co on
the guarantee; and while I was on my way
here, gontlemen tapped on my car window at
various stations and shouted to me similar
"I believe," Interrupted Mayor Filler, "it
"would be an easy, matter to getT,000 names.
You could get the 200, and more, in this city,
Governor." '
This," said another of the gentlemen pres
ent, "is useful as showing the complete back
ing the Executive has in this great emergency."
Governor Beaver smiled pleasantly and con
tinued: What the Commission Will Do.
The commission that was appointed last
evening will deal with the matter of relief tho
distribution of charity of the people. This
commission is requested, as you see, to visit
stricken districts as soon as possible, to deter
mine what may be done to pot the people in a
position to support themselves. It is well
known by everyone who has had anythlngto do
with the donors that their principal objoct Is to
make thn people self-supporting. Make it as
emphatic as you can, that the proper dis
tribution of relief by tho commission will be
with the ena in view of, as I might say, putting
tne people on their feet again. At the confer
ence that has just been held, this point was so
thoroughly understood by all of us that It was
thought hardly necessary to discuss it in tho
abstract. It is for the commission to apply
the. principle. It is agreed that it will be
Necessary to Go Farther
than the mere supply of food and clothing. If
a mechanic needs tools, supply them; if a
laborer needs implements, supply them; if a
family needs a cooking stove, let it be given.
Just how far the commission shall go in this
is a question for them to solve."
The State will abate the nuisances. The
commission will furnish the relief. It will
bring the donors and the beneficiaries together,
"W. H. Kemble's bank is one of those
that offers to furnish the necessary money,
is it not, Governor?"
"Yes, it is," unguardedly replied His
"What other banks?"
"Two. or perhaps four, but it would per
haps be unfair to mention any without men
tioning all, and tha arrangements are not
yet fully completed."
Where tho Money Will Go.
"Is the money now in your hands for re
lief purposes for general distribution?"
"Most of the fnnds given only are to be
expended in my discretion for the relief of
sufferer from the floods in Pennsylvania
Money contributed especially for Johnstown
will be given to it."
"The work goes on quickly," said Mayor
Fitler. "During the meeting I got a tele
gram that a carload of shoes was needed.
Mr. Ogden went out, gave an order for the
goods, and they will leave here to-night.
Everything the people want will be sent
right along to them. I paid out 12,000 for
such things this afternoon."
No One Need Go Huncry.
"All who are hungry and suffering should
have all they need to eat, and all the cloth
ing they require," said the Governor. "I
have learned since I arrived here of carloads
of relief sent to two towns in my own
county Aaronsburg and Wtlheim."
"We have expended here for clothing and
provisions for flood sufferers about $W,000,"
said Mayor Fitler. "This is in addition to
innumerable carloads of supplies contributed
directly. At the meeting of the Relief
Committee to-day 575,000 was the sum con
tributed for relief. The banks offered the
money the State will nee lor its sanitary
work simply on the pledge of the Governor
that the next Legislature would reimburse
them. The Governor has not told me the
banks, but I can guess the ones they are. I
don't think it would be fair for me to name
the ones I think. The banks-consider
The Governor's Word Sufficient
security. The object of this meeting was to
arrange for the relief of the sufferers. The
commission will take in hand the distribu
tion of the relief fund now in the hands of
the Governor, and snch other money as he
receives for the same purpose."
President Townsend, of the Cambria Iron
company, was present at the meeting, mere
ly as an interested spectator.- The Governor,
who is at the head of the commission, Mayor
Fitler, who is named second, and J. B.
Scott and the other Pittsburgers are well
known to the Pittsburg public. It may be
well to introduce the other Philadelphians.
Robert C. Ogden has been identified with
the Citizens' Relief Committee of Philadel
phia from the beginning, and is one of its
most active workers. He is
A Partner of John Wannmaker,
and during the latter's absence in Wash
ington, in the discharge of his official
duties, he, with the other member of the
firm, Thomas B. Wanamaker, mainly con
ducts the firm's enormous business. He is
well known in business, social and religious
circles, and is a leading spirit in many of
the most important philanthropic and edu
cational movements.
Francis B. Reeves is one of thebest known
members of the old Committee of One Hun
dred. He was Chairman of its Executive
Committee, the real working body of the
Reform Committee during the entire period
of its existence. He was also one of the
prominent participants in the famous Con
tinental Hotel Conference in 1882, at which
it was sought unsuccessfully by the stalwart
To Prevent the Independent Bolt
on Governor Beaver's nomination Mr.
Reeves, Wharton Barker and others, repre
senting the independents. At the present
time Mr. Reeves is a memberof the Citizens'
Municipal Association, the successor of tHe
Committee of One Hundred. He is the
senior member of the firm of Reeves, Parvin
& Co., wholesale grocers.
Thomas Dolan is the head of the well
known manufacturing firm of Thomas
Dolan & Co. In the last Presidental cam
paign he attained a national reputation by
his activity and success in raising campaign
funds for the Republican National Com
mittee, having been
Indnced to Undertake the Work
in common with John Wanamaker by Sena
tor Quay, the National Chairman. He is
President of the Manufacturers' Club, of
this city, also of the Philadelphia Brush
Electric Light Company, and is engaged in
many other business enterprises outside his
manufacturing interests.
John T. Huber is a flour merchant. He
was one of the active participants in sundry
conferences held by independent .Repub
licans and Democrats, including Postmaster
Harrity, General G. R. Saowden, S. Davis
Page and John Huzzard, in January, 1886,
for the purpose of trying to unite on a can
didate in opposition to the then Republican
nominee, Edwin H. Fitler.
The Father of Prohibition.
Mr. Fulton, of Johnstown, is the General
Manager of the Cambria Works and Presi
dent of the Pennsylvania Constitutional
Amendment Association. He will ably'
represent the needs of the Johnstown suffer
ers, as Mr. Cummin will the needs of those
of Williamsport and elsewhere. The latter
is ex-presiding Judge of his county and a
lawyer of fine reputation.
State Treasurer Hart remained here after
the departure of the Governor, and will com
plete the arrangement with the banks that
are to advance the money. Simpson.
Dr. Lee Leave for BarrUbnrtt Bat Nobody
Cnn Tell Why.
rrnoM a BTArr cobresposdext.
JOHNSTOWN, June 13. "Dr. Benjamin
Lee, the Secretary of the State Board of
Health, left for Harrisbnrg this morning at
the request of Governor Beaver." Such
was the reply your correspondent received
to-day when he asked Dr. Goff about the
absent gentleman.
"Dr. Lee has been at the head of the
work done here by the State Board of
Health ever since the Sanitary Department
has been organized. All the work of disin
fection, sanitation, and in fact all that has
been done to keep the people posted as to
what should be done to keep themselves
free from contagious diseases. Dr. Lee did,
and his services have been invaluable to
everybody in the whole valley of the Cone
maugh as well as to the people along the
rivers below here"
For that reason it is hardly probable
that the doctor could be easily spared, al
though Dr. Goff and the rest of the repre
sentatives of the- State Board of Health are
very competent men.
"I have no idea whatever," said Dr. Goff,
"what the Governor wants with Dr. Lee.
All I am aware of is that he got a telegram
requesting his presence at Harrisbnrg."
"Do you think it likely that the Gover
nor has sent for the doctor in order to get a
direct report as to the state of the public
health he"re?"
"I do not think that is the reason, because
the Governor telegraphs up every day for
the report I have beentbinking, however,
that the Governor 'wants Dr. Lee to direct
his attention to the Susquehanna valley in
the future, because the same or perhaps
greater danger is hanging over that district
than there is here. Of course I am only
conjecturing as to the object of Dr. Lee's
departure. Maybe he went on some other
mission which none of us know any
thing about. Why not ask General Has
tings? It Is very likely that he may be
able to lift the mantle of mystery." I went
to see'General Hastings who said:
"I only know that Dr. Lee went to Har
risbnrg at the request of the Governor, but
why he went I cannot tell."
' Heinbichs.
Names nnd Description of the Dead From
Official Sources.
Johnstown, June 13. The following is
an official list of the dead bodies brought to
the different morgues to-day:
At the First ward schoolhouse nine
bodies were delivered Mrs. Alice Jones,
Mrs. William Layton. Mrs. D. A. McHugh; tho
others which are still unidentified, are thns
described: A female, aged 16, height 4 feet 6
Inches, dark blue dress, with light blue sleeves,
rnbber boots, black stockings and an Agnus
Dei around her neck; woman, aged 17, hair red,
130 pounds. 6 feet, clothes green, blue and whito
check, red apron, and white apron under
neath; white lace waist and gold
ring; woman, age E&, halr light brown,
4 feet 6 inches, 160 pounds, two gold rings on
left band, amethyst and plain ring, marked M.
J. II.; woman, aged 40, brown eves, 150 pounds,
height S feet 10 inches, striped dress, plain cold
rine, black heavy cloth jacket; woman, aged 45,
dark eyes and hair, 5 feet 4 inches, dark dress
and coat, gold open-faced watch, chain, DIank
Fourth ward schoolhouse Andrew Guard,
clerk of the Pennsylvania Railroad depot;
Frank Young, of Johnstown; Aurelia Alexan
der. Unknown people found: Man, medium
height weight 140, dark brown hair, rosary and
scapular; man, aged 60, weight 150, dark hair,
turning Cray, medium height, bunch of keys
and spectacles, with case, in his pocket.
Presbyterian Church morgue Mrs. Elizabeth
Meyers and her daughter. Miss Frances Meyers;
Miss Delia Davis, and Frank E. Statler.
The body of Statler was found in the
vestibule of the church where the morgue
is situated, in a singular manner. The
vestibule is covered about a foot deep with
mud, and a board had been laid across the
passage in order to assure safe walking over
the mud. To-day a young man accident
ally slipped while stepping over the board
and fell into the mud. After his fall he
grabbed hold of something to get up again,
and he soon discovered he was holding the
arm of a dead body. The young man was
horrified for the moment, but he soon recov
ered from the shock. Heineichs.
An Efficient PoIIco Service Fast Driving
Rogues Out of Town.
JOHNSTOWN, June 13. Messrs. John H.
Mason and J. B. Shelly, of Trann's Detec
tive Agency, Philadelphia, who were sent
here on a request of General Hastings by
Mayor Fitler, are accomplishing wonders
in the way of reorganizing the police
service. A station house has been estab
lished and many imposters arrested, taken
before the Burgess and sent out of town.
The officers have been following up several
clews, and to-day warrants have been issued
and placed in their hands authorizing them
to search the houses of many citizens for
property suspected to have been taken from
the wreck.
The officers claim that the amount of
stealing done by formerly respectable citi
zens is enormous. At the camp of Booth &
Flinn many valuable watches, jewelry and
other articles were recovered last Saturday.
It is to be regretted that such valuable aid
was not sooner requested. Moeton.
Turbnlcnt Italian nnd Hungarians, Armed
With Clubs, Threaten Trouble.
Johnsto-wn, June 13. The nearest ap
proach to a riot that has threatened Johns
town since the first days of the flood occurred
this morning, when a large number of Hun
garians and Italians, who had agreed yes
terday to remain and work, for $1 50 and
board themselves, made a demand for higher
wages or to have board included. On the
refusal of the contractor to entertain their
proposition hot words ensued, and the for
eigners were driven from the camp.
In a short time, however, they returned
with an augmented force, armed with re
volvers and clnbs, and for a time it looked
as though a serious difficulty would take
place, but word was dispatched to military
headquarters," and the arrival of two com
panies of the regiment sent by General
Wiley soon put an end to the trouble. The
foreign clement seem to have a wholesome
fear of the military. Mobton.
The Prince of Wnles Attends nnd $2,000 Is
Raised for Johnstown.
Pabis, June 13. A performance was
given by Buffalo Bill's show to-day for the
benefit of the sufferers by the Conemaugh
Valley catastrophe. Notwithstanding the
cab drivers' strike, which prevented many
persons from attending, the affair was a
great success. Among those present were
the Prince and Princess of Wales and their
children, Prince Albert Victor and Prin
cesses Maud, Louise and Victoria; Mr.
Whitelaw Reid, the United States Minis
ter; Mrs. L. P. Morton, wife of' Vice
President Morton, and most of the promi
nent members of the American colony in
As a result of the performance the sum of
f,e00 was added to the relief fund.
They May Interfere With a Legisla
tive Flood Appropriation.
A Special Session at Once .Would Give the
Money Without Complications,
Borne Queries That Will be likely to Eeaolre Answers
in the Future.
Well-known legislators are dubious about
it. They think the banks that loan $1,000,
000 on Governor Beaver's "guess so" are
taking great chances. They point to past
problematical Legislatures. Not only this;
but there is the constant menace of .pre
cedent. "If such an unauthorized loan is
to be paid," they say, "why not others?
How about the war or border raid claims,
and those based on the riots, that have come
up so often, and will come again? Facing
such a menace, will the Legislature ever
keep the Governor's word good?" Thus
query the legislators, in effect.
Dr. McCullougb, of Tarentum, one of
Allegheny county's representatives in the
late Legislature, sounds a note of alarm for
Governor Beaver's benefit. "While in the
city yesterday morning he told a reporter of
The Dispatch that in hjs opinion the
scheme to borrow a million dollars for
Johnstown relief, and trust to the next reg
ular Legislature to pay it back, was sur
rounded with greater risks than any of the
anxiously-awaited 200 signers of Gover
nor Beaver's bond may probably
dream of. The Doctor believed that if
these people go on the Gubernatorial bond
with the expectation of not having to pay
anything they will find themselves badly
mistaken. Each may have to hand $5,000
over to the State Treasurer or to the banks
loaning the money, two years hence. To
avoid this danger Dr. McCullough recom
mends an extra session of the Legislature.
"If Governor Beaver succeeds in borrow
ing this money," said he, "and he leaves
it to the Legislature of 1890-1 to pay back,
he may not get it. and he certainly will stir
up the finest kind of a row in any event.
Here is the trouble :
Those Wnr Claim
from the southern border of the State have
arisen every year that the Legislature has
met. The bill to have the State pay Alle
gheny county's riot losses wag killed through
the border raid claims. After that they
both went hand-in-hand in endeavora to get
at the State treasury. They usually come
up in the shape of a bill to permit suits to
be entered against the Commonwealth by
claimants. That would get the claims into
the courts where they cannot go now. This
year the southern counties made a desperate
effort to get the bill passed, and while they
failed, of course, much enthusiasm resulted.
S"te?;T&. !?T&K
1,000,000 to reimburse the lender to Johns
town, go before the next regular session, and
vou will see a deadlock. The members
backing the border raid claims, and indi
rectly the Allegheny riot claims, will say to
the Governor's friends, 'vote for our bill or
we will kill yours.' They are sharp men,
and they will realize that in the con
sideration of financial matters like
this they will have a call on the public
sense of fairness. They will say that loyal
Pennsylvanians have as much right to be
paid for the burning of their homes at
Chambersburg and the ruin of their farms
in the Southern tier as Johnstown sufferers
have; while the old bitterness about the riot
losses will lead men to argue that tho State
had as much right to clean up the debris in
Allegheny county after the riot as she has
to give 1,000,000 now to clearing Johnstown
streets of wreckage.
How to Elude Raids.
"But let an extra session of the Legis
lature be called at once," concluded Dr.
McCullough, "and then only one subject
can come up for discussion. That is the
subject named in the call an appropriation
for Johnstown sufferers. This would ef
fectually cut off the other claimants, and
Johnstown would get the money easily and
readily unencumbered by 'log-rolling.'
This is the only safe way of getting the re
lief. I am in favor of an extra session.
Public sympathy so sincere now will actuate
the Legislature as well as .other public
bodies if assembled at once. A year and a
half from now it will be hard to warm up
the sympathies and enthusiasm of so cold a
body as a State Legislature."
A. O. Robertson, whose former experience
in the Legislature gave him considerable
knowledge of the border raid claims, was
asked what he thought of Dr. McCullough's
fears. "Those are very reasonable fears,"
said Mr. Robertson. "There are men in
fluential in
Both Political Parties
who back the old border raid claims. They
are sharp and shrewd parliamentarians.
They will see their chance in this matter to
get Votes from western and eastern counties
for their pet scheme. But they may be
eluded by simply calling an extra session of
the Legislature. The cost of holding an
extra session would be trivial com
pared with the vast sum that would
be taken from the Treasury if
those war and riot claims would be declared
legal by the courts. An extra session would
surely secure tne reliei money tor Johns
town. But it is doubtful of the result if-it
is left over for a Tegular; session."
Senator John C. Newmyer. when spoken
to about the point, replied, "Well, let the
border raiders raise the fight if they want
to. We may be able to get away with them.
They bring in the claims every year, any
way, and I have no doubt they will do it
next eession as usual."
"Do you think, they would have votes
enough to prevent the Johnstown appro
priation receiving a two-thirds majority?"
"I cannot say. T think, however, the
constitutionality of the 'present procedure
would be a more important matter to be
considered by the Legislature. It is ques
tioned by many and no doubt would be a
year and a half hence by the regular Legis
lature if held over for them.",
Graham's Outspoken Views.
Hon James L. Graham, the well-known
Allegheny Legislator and ex-Speaker of the
House of Representatives, when questioned
about the possibility of such, a deadlock, re
plied to TheJJISEAtch reporter as follows:
"Speakine for myself alone, I may say
that I have little doubt that, upon the as
sembling of the next Legislature, strong op
position to the passiug of a bill of indem
nity would be brought forward by not a few
on account of the unconstitutionality of
borrowing in such a manner. Of course,
still further opposition would be made to
the passing of such an act bythose inter
ested in the border raid claims. The proper
wring to do is the proper thing, and the
proper thing isV convene the members in
extra session at once for the purpose of a
sanitary act for the cleansing of the road
ways and cellars of Johnstown. It is
all popicock talking about it taking
weeks, to assemble a House. The
members would convene just as fast as the
mails would reach them. In four days the
relief measure would pass both Houses, so
that assuming the House wept into session
on Monday, by the following Monday the
money would be at the disposal of those who
would have the disbursing of It. I think
and recollect that I speak for myself alone
-that most of the members, if not all, would
donate their extra salaries of $500 each to
the relief of the sufferers, but not to the
State not to the State. The State has no
right to call on our services without remuner
ation, not any more than it would the At
torney General, Treasurer or any other State
official. You"may remember that in 1885,
Governor Pattison convened a special ses
sion of the Legislature immediately after
the adjournment of the ordinary assemblage,
wliint, T .1.11- T -.... Va .. 1..!. 11
- u.u, jl miUfc JL JiittJ UU JUU 1H3KU AW
Lor 12 days. On that occasion most of the
members (nearly all, I believe) made a re
fund It the treasury of the extra remuner
ation of $10 a day, which at that time they
were entitled to."
Canvassing tho Members.
All the Allegheny county members of the
House of Representatives and Senate yes
terday 'received circular letters from the
Hamsburg Morning Call, requesting their
reply to two questions which were printed
ou postal cards inclosed in the envelopes.
These questions were:
"Are you in favor of holding an extra
session to appropriate the Johnstown relief
"Would you consent to serve at this extra
session without pay?"
The Call is evidently canvassing the State
on this question. Dr. McCullough replied
to their inquiry in favor of the extra ses
sion. He said if the session did not last all
summer he would serve without pay. Sen
ator Newmyer did not reply at all, because
the Governor seems determined to call no
extra session. Mr. Graham replied in ac
cordance with his views given above. Other
members have not been heard from yet.
And a Iliad Italian Create a Panic In a
Chicago Hospital Three Men Wounded
by Him In His Wild Career
He Is Finally Subdued.
CnicAGO, June 13. Zampanello Gro
jello, an Italian madman at the detention
hospital, ran amuck this afternoon. With
a yell he bounded through his ward,
driving the attendants out of the
door. Then he strode up and
down the room shaking his fists at im
aginary enemies. When Attendant Harry
Ferguson attempted to capture the madman,
the latter turned upon him and stabbed him
several times in the head. With blood
itrcaming from his wounds, Ferguson was
trying to get away when Superintendent
Todd came to his assistance. The. Italian
compelled them both to flee, and the men
jumped back into a little room which the
County Physician uses as a private office.
As Todd went through the door he re
ceived a blow on the head which stunned
hinu Ferguson barred the door against the
maniac, who was now in complete control
of the Warden. Seizing two hickory mop
handles, one in each hand, he rushed about
yelling defiantly. Then he attacked the
Hoot at the sonth end of the hos
pital, opening on Dearborn avenue.
It was protected on the inside
bars, but the door itself was
,ss. He made short work of the
glass and then began to work on the iron
bars, which he -would undoubtedly have
wrested off, had he been given time. Four
policemen, with Patrolman Henry Bell in
command, then assaulted the Italian's
When Bell came face to face with
the madman the latter was standing
with his treacherous scissors uplifted. The
officer Jbravely closed in on him, and re
ceived the blades of the scissors just back of
the left ear. Although painfully wounded
and covered with blood, Officer Bell bore
the maniac to the floor, where he was
quickly bound hand and foot. Tho wounded
men will probably recover. The noise drew
a large crowd in front of the hospital.
An Employment Agent Who Enticed Men to
Go to Mexico Once There They
Wero Worked to Death Wlih-
ont Pay Six Commit
ted Suicide.
New Yokk, June 13, John Fitzpatrick,
otherwise called "Liverpool Jack,"who was
arrested yesterday for abducting John J.
Moran, was committed to the Tombs to-day
by Recorder Smythe in default of $1,000
bail. Later in the day David Kennedy and
Harry Toole, who were shipped to Progreso,
Hex., on May 9, upon the steamship City of
Washington, together with 75 other laborers,
by "Liverpool Jack," went before the grand
"Liverpool Jack," they said, promised
them a good job at Progreso at $35 a month,
American money. They became suspicious
just -before the steamship sailed and at
tempted to come ashore, but "Liverpool
Jack," who stood at the gangway, ordered
them below, saying: "If you don't get back,
I'll smash your heads." At Progreso they
found that they were bound as slaves to a
railroad constructing contractor. They were
worked almost to death and got wretched
food and shelter. When they attempted to
quit work they were arrested by the Mexi
can soldiers and police and locked up in
filhty cells, with threats of even worse treat
ment, untii they agreed to return to work.
Out of the party that sailed with them
Kennedy and Toole testified many sickened
with fever. Kennedy and Toole contrived
to conceal themselves aboard an American
ship and reached New York yesterday. In
stead of $35 a month in American money,
they received only an occasional depreciated
Mexican dollar.
The grand jury found two indictments
against "Liverpool Jack" for abducting
jeaneay ana xooie. in tne aiternoon two
women called upon District Attorney Fel
lows and showed him letters from their hus
bands, who were in the same party with
Kennedy and Toole. These men write that
they are dying of fever in Progreso,' as
Moran is said to be, and that six of the party
had already committed suicide in despera
He Is Charged With Robbing; the Slnlls and
Homing the Office.
Saratoga, Jnne 13. Alexander C.
Lawton,ex-Postmaster at Greenfield Center,
in this county, was arrested here to-day
charged with robbing the mails while in
office. The arrest was caused by Poswffice
Inspector John Reilly, who has been work
ing on the case for some time. Said In
spector Reilly: "We have evidence that
Lawton carried registered letters in his
pockets when he should have forwarded
them. The postoffice was burned, down
about a year aeo, under suspicious circum
stances when Lawton was postmaster. A
letter containing 220 was mailed at.Green-
field'and never received. There is consid
erable other evidence against him.
Lawton was 'taken before the United
States Commissioner and save bail for a
further hearing.
Assert That Ho Will Soon he Freed
From His Prison Cell.
.The Grand Jury Continues Its Work of
Secret Investigation.
Hs Refuses to Surrender tha Tw Prisoners Arrested
at New Tore,
Alexander Sullivan's friends are sticking
by him, and assert their belief in his
entire innocence of the charges preferred
against him. Rev. Father Dorney charac
terizes his arrest as a persecution. The
grand jury continued its investigation yes
terday. The attempt to extradite Maroney
and McDonald from New York is meeting
with resistance.
Chicago, June 13. "What do I think
of the present status of the case against
Alexander Sullivan ?" said the Rev.
Father Dorney to-day. "I don't see that
there has been any case made out against
Alexander Sullivan. I have been for years
a warm friend of Sullivan. I am bis
friend to-day, and I now have implicit
faith in his innocence of any knowledge or
participation in such a brutal crime. I
don't and can't believe such a thing possi
ble of that man whom I have known closely
and under various and trying circum
stances. All along the course of the Coro
ner's investigation prejudice' has been
aimed at Sullivan. Every -witness was put
on the rack to ascertain if he could not pos
sibly say or be made to say something that
would incriminate Sullivan.
It seems to me that in its earliest stage
the investigation ceased to be an inquiry
into the murder of Dr. Cronin and became
an inquiry asvtowh.ether thefonldeed could
not be fastened, upon Alexiraa'efSullivan,
It was not, "who are the murderers of Dr.
Cronin?" so much as "can this charge .be
laid at the door of Alexander Sullivan?"
Looking for a Reaction.
Father Dorney denounced the murder at
length. He believed that there would soon
be a reaction in the public mind as to Sul
livan. Regarding Irish society divisions
and quarrels Father Dorney said: "From
what I haveseen of the testimony alleged to
have been given at the inquest, there has
been as much' malignity shown against
Alexander Sullivan as could possibly be
found toward oppressing -factions among'
his friends.
"I also feel certain that much of the news
paper case against him, created and pub
lished in son-e of the papers, has been
originated and kept up by personal enmity.
Before Sullivan's arrest numbers of his
friends did not care to express an opinion in
his favor for fear of their utterances being
misconstrued as an attempt to divert the
course of public justice, yet no sooner was
the arrest made than his friends felt free to
give utterances to their sentiments, and now
you will find thathere are hundreds of the
friends'of Alexander Sullivan who have the
samo faith and confidence in his innocence
as Ihave myself."
Father Dorney is pastor of St. Gabriel's
Roman Catholic Church, one of the hand
somest sacred edifices in Cnicago. He is ex
tremely popular with his, congregation,
nearly every person in which is of Irish
biTth or parentage. '
They Will be Weeded Oar.
When the interview with W. A. Pinker
ton, in New York City, was shown to Chief
of Police Hubbard ' to-day, Mr. Hnbbard
read and re-read it for several minutes be
fore saying a word. The main point of the
dispatch was that in Mr. Pinkerton's opin
ion there were too many members ot the
uian-na-uaei on tne cnicago ponce torce.
"Well, Billy can. talk," said Hubbard,
at length, "anal can agree with him on
some points. Regarding the Clan-na-Gael,
I am satisfied that Pinkerton is all right."
A reported hinted that it would be inter
esting to know what Mr. Hubbard proposed
to do. There was a pause of half a minute,
during which the Chief toyed with some
letters on bis desk. He then said deliber
ately: "I don't care to answer that ques
tion now, in words," and with a grim smile
added that acts would tell. The emphasis
placed upon "words" had no ambignousness
to his hearers as to the Chief's intention to
make a clean sweep.
The Work of the Grand Jnry.
The principal interest in the Cronin case
was centered in the grand jury that met at
10 a. m. in Judge Shepard's Court. The
strict orders of secrecy which were instituted
yesterday were in nowise deDarted from. A
bailiff stood guard at the foot of the stairs
below the jury room, and no one but wit
nesses and officers of the Court were even al
lowed to ascend to the floor above.
In accordance with the general summons
issued various witnesses arrived early on the
scene. Mrs. Co'nklin and John J. Cronin
were the first to make an appearance, the
former leaning upon the arm of the mur
dered man's brother. The Carlsons, father
and son, came next, and were followed by
Captain Schuettler and Pat Dinan, the liv
eryman. Luke Dillon and F. W.Dunn spent a few
minutes in the jury room. Martinson, the,
expressman who hauled the furniture to the
Carlson cottege, and Thlel, the bartender,
who found the bloody trunk after it had
been abandoned by Woodruff and his ac
complices, were .both escorted to the jury
room by an accommodating bailiff.
Sirs. Conklln on tho Stand.
-Mrs.Conklin was the first witness who tes
tified, and she occupied the chair about 20
minutes. Her testimony was only a repe
tition of that which has been many times
published, except that she attempted a
minute description of the man who, by
means of the iceman's card, decoyed Dr.
Cronin to his death on May 4. This de
scription, so. far. as Mrs. .Conklin's memory
extended, tallied perfectly with the pub
lished description of McDonald, the black
smith, .now under, arrest in New York.
The remainder of the jury's investiga
Alexander Sullivan.
tions during the forenoon were sineu'mT K TnT T?T ATT TJTPTTT
devoid of interest. Pat Dinan, the lirtylQIUX If Llhli ALL Ulljlll
man took the stand, repeated his ofttidJj$j4 I
story, and was excused. His evidenfa-QjL
mrieu in nowise irom ms testimony ue-uno. mvely new UUinuSllire DUUiUUX
tll rV.nnir.'. in TtK.T?y
...u wu.uua a Jul v.
Old man Carlson, the owner of the death
cottage, detailed the particular? of the rent
ing of the property and was required to tax
his memory to its utmost for a faithful de
scription of the parties who took-possession
of the house and whose Identity is now so
eagerly desired by the Chicago police. He
became slightly confused in his story, how
ever, and shea but little light upon the
Another Bit atDIaraney.
His son was next called to the stand, and
did some better. His description of Will
iams tallied in many respects with that of
John J. Maroney, the dapper cockney Irish
man, whom the New York police now have
in custody, and Chief Hubbard feels hope
ful that these two will turn out to be one
and the same.
Captain Schuettler was on hand all the
forenoon, and was. called in once or twice to
enlighten the jury as to the scope and result
of his investigation in certain particulars.
Chief HubbarJJ made his appearance in
citizen's dress, and was alive to all new
developments of interest
All the witnesses examined during the
afternoon had previously testified at the
Coroner's inquest. They were Detective
Palmer, Dinan's hostler, Moreland; M. F.
McHale, Revells' carpet layer; Henry
Roesch, who found the body, and Officer
Lorch, who found the trunk key in the
cottage. It was understood that they simply
repeated the statements they made at the in
quest. The jury adjourned at 4 P. it. until
They Want Them Real Bad.
The refusal of Governor Hill, of New
York, to grant the application for the sur
render of John J Maroney and Charles
McDonald to Illinois officers, for complicity
in the Cronin murder, has created quite a
sensation in official circles here. Governor
Hill's chief reason for refusal being that
theapplication was not accompanied by an
indictment, the State's Attorney will to
morrow urge the prand jury to at once ren
der a partial report findm an indictment
against Maroney and McDonald.
As'Luke Dillon, Mrs. Conklin and Ex
pressman Martinson all testified to-day, the
grand jury is already in possession of ail
information at hand which tends to show
Maroney and McDonald's complicity in
the murder, and there is nothing which pre
vents a report against those two persons be
ing found at once.
Maroney and McDonald Do Not Want to Go
to Chicago Governor III1I Denies tho
First Application for Their
Surrender Other Ar
rests Expected.
New Yoek, Jnne 13. Maroney and Mc
Donald passed a quiet day in the Tombs.
Rudolph Fitzpatrick, Edward J. Rowe and
Lawyer Nenberger visited' Maroney, and
Henry J. Bradley called upon McDonald.
The prisoners did not encour
age callers, particularly reporters, and did
not avail themselves of the privilege of the
corridor when the cell door was unclosed.
Ed J. Rowe is the man who made the peti
tion upon which Judge Andrews granted a
writ of habeas corpus for the production of
Maroney in court to-day, and Thomas J.
Mennehy performed a similar service for
McDonald. The petitioners 'describe them
selves as near friends, and declare that the
committment of the prisoner was not legal,
and that there was an entire absence of
Lawyer Nenberger chided .Maroney to
day for expressing so much willingness to
go to Chicago. The lawyer will fight hard
to keep Maroney here by endeavoring to
prove an alibi, which he says he can easily
do. He telegraphed to Governor Hill a
protest against the signing of extradition
papers and received from Albany a notifica
tion that the Governor would hear him this
morning. Mr. Nenberger went to Albany
at once, and the court proceedings for to
morrow before Judee Andrews will doubt
less be postponed till his return.
Governor Hill's Idea.
When the requisition was presented to
Governor Hill to-day from Governor Fifer,
of Illinois, for the surrender of John J.
Maroney and Charles McDonald, charged
with the murder of Dr. Cronin, the Gov
ernor denied the application without preju
dice, to a renewal of the same, simply upon
the grounds:
First That the application was not accom
panied oy an indictment.
Second That uo proof, whatever, was pre
sented showing that the accused are guilty of
the crime charged against them, as "required by
the laws ot this and all other States. The ap
plication was based solely upon an affidavit
made upon "Information and belief."
It was said to-day by anti-Sullivan Clan-na-Gael
men that the Execntive Committee
of the Clan-na-Gael, or part of it, met in
Philadelphia on Wednesday to take meas
ures to prevent Maroney and McDonald
from being taken to Ghicago.
The air to-day was full of rumors of new
arrests. It was said that a considerable
number of persons were under surveillance
and would soon be gathered in.
More Arrests Expected.
A reporter learned that there was some
ground for the rumors. It is true that cer
tain persons are being watched, to the ex
tent that if they left the city they would be
followed and located. These persons are not
suspected of being directly accessory to the
murder,and if arrestea wouia not De charged
with the murder.
The men who believe that Alexander Sul
livan inspired Dr. Cronin's death, believe
that the murder was the result of a con
spiracy the ramifications of which involve a
good many men in a number of places. If
the investigations at Chicago bring out
proof of this it is not unlikely that a num
ber of men will be arrested and charged
with conspiracy.
Several Prominent Persons Are Being;
Quietly but Persistently Shadowed.
Chicago, June 13. Chief of PoliceHub
bard says that Thomas Desmond, an Irish
Nationalist of San Francisco, who is sus
pected of complicity in the Cronin murder
and who is said to have given New York
detectives the slip a few days ago, has been
located in San Francisco and that hands
can be laid on him whenever he is wanted.
It is alleged that Desmond registered at
McCoy's Hotel in this city on April 16 and
that between that date and April 21, when
he left the hotel, he held numerous confer
ences with the man who registered as "Mel
ville" but who is believed to be Maroney,
now under arrest in New York.
Chief of Police Hubbard admitted to-day
that he had two men in Kansas City watch
ing Michael Boland, the present recorder of
police of that city and former member of the
notorious triangle.
"Are you going to arrest Boland?" the
Chief was asked.
"That will depend up the action of the
grand jury," replied the Chief, evasively,
"but my men are not in Kansas City for the
purpose of arresting Mr. Boland, just now."
The facts in the case are said to be that
the State's Attorney expects an'indictment
against Boland, and the Chiefs officers are'
in Kansas City ready to take Mr. Boland
when the.indietmentis returned.
A Kick In Place of a Shine.
A warrant was Issued yesterday at the suit of
a little bootblack named Joseph tfeweU on a
charge of assault and battery against A. L
Murphy, of the Albion Hotel. The prosecutor
says that Murphy kicked him In the ribs as the
result of his asking the defendant If he wanted
a shine. Complaint was made before Alder,
man O'Donneli.
vis -
fjsAL. Secures a Kenomination.
CreatJreat Excitement, but Have 5t
Effect on the Ballot.
Hr. Chandler Gives His Fledje fb Break the Solid
South Into Pieces.
William E. Chandler has secured the Re
publican nomination as Senator from New
Hampshire. The caucus was a very lively
one. Charges of the purchase of votes were
made, names and amounts being given. The
members refused to make the nomination
unanimous. Mr. Chandler made a speech
outlining his future course.
Concoed, N. H., June 13. William E.
Chandler ha3 secured the Republican nom
ination for the United States Senate, and he
will undoubtedly be elected; but
he did not secure the coveted prize
without a struggle. Some ugly charges
were made at the caucus to-night by his op
nonents, but they were expected and conse
quently did not change a vote. Only one
ballot was taken, and Mr. Chandler was
declared the nominee.
An attempt to make the vote unanimous
failed. , There was much suppressed excite
ment when the names of the candidates were
presented, and it was evident that some
thing of a sensational nature was coming.
Cyrus Halloway, of Manchester, arose and
said he was not there to support a
candidate who mixed with Democratic pol
iticians. He added: "William E. Chandler
has been solicitor of the National Treasury
and he has made a fortune. He has been
using that fortune to influence votes in this
caucus. Cheers and hisses.
Some Rather Strong Charges.
I understand that men have been goin?
up and down the streets of Concord offering
gSOO for one vote or $1,200 for two votes for
William E. Chandler. The legislature
should be called upon to investigate such
This bombshell threw the caucus in an
uproar. Cheers and hisses drowned all at
tempts to speak, although several gentle
men were yelling and waving their arms in
a vain attempt to be heard. Hon. Charles
Corning was first to secure recognition and
he emphatically denied, on Mr. Chandler's
authority, that any money had been offered
for a vote in his favor.
Then George E. Varney, of Dover, named
the man who had been offered themoneyto
vote for Chandler. The Chairman with
difficulty secured order, and the caucus pro
ceeded to ballot, the result being as fol
lows: Whole number of votes 1S7
Necessarv to a choice 9t
William E. Chandler. 125
Jacob H. Gallinger. 50
Eilman Marston 12
It Was Not Unanimous.
After an attempt to make the vote unani
mous, which failed, Mr. Chandler was
escorted into the hall. After the customary
response to the cheers that greeted him, and;
promises for a faithful performance
of the duties of the office should
he be elected, Mrv Chandler
said: "Two years ago, in a similar caucus,
I was nominated as a candidate to filli ont
the unexpired term of the lamented Austin
F.Pike. On arriving at mv post of duty
in Washington I found the National Gov
ernment in Democratichands. Grover Cleve
land was President and was sneering at you
Union soldiers. "Our veterans were forced,
to ask for pensions through Confederate
brigadiers. At that time few Republicans
had much hope of being able to oust tha
democracy from the national government.
For some reason President Cleveland saw
fit to make war upon the protective tariff.
The end of the war was death to the Cleve
land administration."
Mr. Chandler spoke at length upon the
tariff issue, and then he made an attack
upon the solid Sonth, promising to do all in
his power to reclaim the Republican party
the 38 electrical votes which the Democrats
hold by fraud. He denied that he directly
or indirectly used any money to secure his
A Murderer Who Boaelit His Revolver
Jnst to Shoot Rabbits.
Chicago, June 13. James Meyers, who,
is on trial in Judge Shepard's court, along!
with Ronald and Andrew Tesley, for th3
murder of Alex Gabrielson, offered a rei
markable defense to-day. Gabrielson wa3
killed in a saloon row, in which the three
defendants took part. The evidence for the
prosecution showed that somebody in the
party fired a pistol and inflicted the fatal
wound, but it did not fix the guilt upon any
particular one. Then the defense put
Meyers on the stand, and he surprised
everybody by admitting that he killed the
man. He said he took the revolver out of
his pocket to strike Gabrielson with, and it
was accidentally discharged.
"What were you doing with the revolv
ver?" asked State's Attorney Neeley.
"Well," said Meyers, "I was ont of a job
and was going out into the country to see if
I could find work. I am too proud to ask a
farmer to give me something to eat, so I got
the revolver to shoot rabbits with. I knew,
rabbits were plenty and I could easily
shoot enough of them to keep me from,
"You bought a 33-caliber bulldog re
volver to shoot rabbits with?"
"Yes, sir; and if -you don't believe it lean
prove that I had salt in my pocket to eat
the rabbits with."
The ingenious Meyers and Andrew Tesley
are both deserters from the United States
A Prominent Citizen. ot Indianapolis' Be
comes Tired of Existence.
Indianapolis, June 13. Patrick A.
Ward, 62 years old, and the most promi
nent Irishman in the city, committed sui
cide to-night. He had been a resident of
this city about 25 years, and for the larger
portion of that time was engaged in busi
ness, in' which he was fairly successful
until recent years, when he suffered losses,
but they were not of such a character as to
cripple him beyond hope. Those losses,
coupled witha political disappointments,
preyed upon his mind to such an extent as
to be noticeable to his family and friends.
He was moody at times and had occasion
ally threatened to take his life.
To-night he came, to the supper table in a
despondent mood. During the progress of
the meal he drew from a pocket a bottle of
cyanide of potassium, and, before anyone
could interpose, swallowed a large portion
of the contents, causing almost instant
death. His daughter sprang to his assist
ance and snatched the bottle from his hand,
but she was too late to save her father's life.
Presbyterian Headquarters Established.
JoHitSTOWir, June 12. The Presbyterian
Church has established headquarters on Mala
street, below the postoffice. Rev. Dr. David J.
Beale is in charge. Dr. O'Neill, of Philadel
phia, his left the hospital named after him and
returned home, considerably fatigued. Dr.
Wharton, of Philadelphia, succeeds him.