Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 13, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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i '
Col. Spangler Will Establish
His Headquarters Here.
Twenty Thousand Kations Are Is
sued Daily at Johnstown.
Local Belief Committee Will
Through the Colonel.
Colonel J. L. Spangler, Chief of the Commis
sary Department on the Governor'!) staff, ar
rived in Pittsburg at a late hour last night.
Colonel Spangler came here for the purpose of
holding a conference with the members of the
Citizens' Relief Committee.
lie was accompanied by Colonel Hill and one
or two other military men.
In speaking of his visit to a Dispatch repor
ter. Colonel Spangler said that he came here
solely for the purpose of having a conference
with the members of the Citizens' Committee
as to the provisions that should lie sent them.
Colonel 'Spangler is known throughout the
State asone of the foremost men in military
circles, and being a veteran among the mem
bers of the citizens' militia, his opinion is gen
erally highly prized. He said in answer to
Has Done All He Could.
"I have seen a good deal, but never in my
life hare I seen anything like Johnstown, I can
not describe it to yon, such a thing would be
impossible. I went there after General Hast
ings, and we have done all we could to get
order out of chaos, as yon might say. It has
been an effort that most men would not under
take, but my men have worked faithfully
and have done well. You tan readily see where
our greatest trouble arose. It camo from the
people who were supposed to be friends." "I
have done all I could." continued Colonel
Spangler, "to get the thing straightened. I
have divided my work ur into 11 commissary
districts, and have 11 men hard at work as com
missary agents. We have taken a census of
every one in the valley, and we
Are Now Supplying
about 0,000 rations daily. The way I have had
fixed is really good, and will without doubt
come out all right. What I want is to have all
my rations sent to Johnstown five days ahead.
I really need it. If anything shonld happen by
"which I should slip up on the food for a day I
would be placed in an awfully bad predicament.
I have everything fairly well arranged. Im
postors can't get in. There are none. Every
body is witnout iooa. ana money is not oi tne
slightest object. You cannot spend it. There
is no place to spend. Everyone who comes to
me for a day's rations must present a ticket
showing who they are and all about them. By
this means I have prevented considerable
fraud. I shall have an understanding to-night,
and shall leave on the first train back to Johns
town to-morrow.
The conference between Colonel Spangler
and the committee will not take place until to
day, as he arrived too late last night to meet
the gentlemen at the Chamber ot Commerce.
Dull at the Headquarters.
The Citizens' Relief Committee at the Cham
ber of Commerce were yesterday in a state of
innocuous desuetude. But little business was
transacted outside of granting passes to proper
ly vouched for applicants. During the day
Chairman McCreery received a letter from
Thos. R. Munn & Co., the principal manufact
urers of Mill HalL The letter is as fallows-
Mill Hall, June 7, 1SS9.
To Citizens Belief Committee;
Outside of the Johnstown district our little town
has snficred a jrrenter proportionate loss than any
other we have vet beard from Fiftx-seven fami
lies who have to work hard for a llvlnc have lost
'fiont all by the late floods. They are all now -well
ared for as far as provisions and clothing are
-oncerned, but thev arc unable to nlace their
iomes, or what is left of them, in a fit condition
o live In. All their outbuildings have been swept
tway, frardens destrojed, furniture ruined and
nuch of their stock: lost. The town is filled with
lebrls from the valleys above.
Many dead animals are in our streets and alleys.
Our bridges are all gone, and, as we havo no
moneyed men here, It is simply Impossible to get
xnese lamuics in gooa snape ana our town in a
healthy condition without outside help. If you
can send us some money our people t ill be very
grateful, and we will see that It is properly dis
tributed. Our loss Is the heaviest of any in this
section, and we are so badly off that it e can't help
our poor to anr extent.
1 ours respectfully.
The letter was referred to a committee and
the petition will be properly inquired into.
The Pittibumers Coining Home.
The majority of the Relief Committee are
expected home to-day. Governor Beaver will
take charge and General Hastings will really
be at the head of Johnstown's municipal gov
ernment for a while. The Citizens Committee
do not expect or anticipate any clash between
the committee and the Governor, yet
they bold themselves in readiness to
meet any such disagreeable state of affairs.
A member of the committee said yesterday,
that they were working for the Johnstown
people, and not for the Governor, and the
latter in taking charge of affairs, did not
interfere with them any, they would simply re
linquish any hold they might have bad on
Johnstown, and come back to this city, leaving
the Governor in supreme control. The mem
bers of the committee, however, will continue
as they have been doing, and will take charge
of all funds or donations that may be sent to
them for the relief of the sufferers.
At the Dnquesne Depot,
The ladies' branch of Relief Committee are
doing a noble work. Yesterday about 20 young
women were at the Duquesne station, working
like beavers (not the Governor), sorting out
clothing and shoes for men, women and chil
dren. Several large cases were filled and sent
away, and they expect to have a carload of
stnn ready for Johnstown this morning.
During the day Assistant Commissary Gen
eral Spangler sent the following telegram to
the Relief Committee:
"Please ship st once 100, 000 pounds fresh bread,
2X000 pounds to be shipped earn day for five days,
of which 10,000 pounds by 1'ennsvlrar.la Kallroad
and 10.000 by Baltimore and Ohio Kallroad. Also
send 8.000quart-cans tomatoes, half via B. io,
and half via 1. it. It.: 4,000 quart-cans of com, 10
barrels of vinegar, 200 boxes of pepper, ep bushels
of onions, 100 cheeses. The emergency Is very
great, and unless shipments begin to-day there
will be a famine In this entire valley."
This order was at once attended to, and the
first shipment was made at 1 P. Jr.
Mr. J. B. Scott also sent a telegram saying
that after the men at Johnstown had been paid
the embargo would be raised, and then the
railroads could take into Johnstown all the
people who wanted to go.
Friends of James B. Scott Think He Shonld
Leave Johnstown, and Not Flay
Second Fiddle.
James B. Scott's lengthened stay at Johns
town is not regarded with favor by his Pitts
burg friends. Telegrams urging him to leave
General Hastings and the State control of the
work and retire while his administration of af
fairs shines brightly, In contrast to the reign-
ing confusion, have been sent to him from all
sources, and a strong pressure Is being brought
upon him to forego his promised intention of
remaining for a few days and giving General
Hastings the benefit of his advice and experi
ence. One prominent gentleman said yesterday:
"While Mr. Scott is good-naturedly remaining
under General Hastings' command, and is cer
tainly actuated by the highest motives, his
Pittsburg friends do not like to see him playing
second fiddle to the remarkable methods that
seem to comprise Governor Beaver's policy.
As matters stand now, Mr. Scott cannot fail to
receive the very highest praise for bis conduct
of affairs during the entire time he was in sole
charge of the situation.
"The general impression seems to be among
Pittsburg business circles that General Hast
ings and Ge vendor Beaver will make a mess of
affairs: and that the present is the time tor Mr.
Scott and his coadjutors, Sir. George A. Kelly
and others, to retire becauso tbey can do
so with credit to themselves and their city.
"I wish The Dispatch would call for a pub
lic reception to Mr. Scott, and it could be made
tbe occasion of hearing from that gentleman
himself; a narrative of his experiences and a
statement of affairs In the ruined city. I think,
for one, that if ever a man earned a hearty
commendation of his fellow citizens, James B.
Scott is that one. Heedless of self he has
worked like a Trojan for overa week and Pitts
burg would enjoy an opportunity to honor a
citizen who has honored himself so signally by
his exercise of unlooked for abilities In a most
frying situation."
No Abatement of ihe Work of the Ladies'
Relief Society Many Persons
Cared for Yesterday.
The good work of succoring the refugees
from the ill-fated mountain city is still being
continued at their headquarters by the mem
bers of the Ladies' Relief Society. Twenty
seven women, SO children and 2 men were yes
terday given their selection of the piles of
clothing of all sizes and descriptions, which is
being sent in in large Quantities. A double
outfit was given -to each person, and In this
way over 1.5S0 pieces of clothing found new
owners, being an average of 20 pieces each.
Donatons of clothing were received from
about 50 private individuals and institutions,
some being from New York, and the gift of
$100 from the N. S. Council, No. 8, Sovereigns
of Industry, Federal Street, Allegheny, was re
ceived. Mr. A. Kornblum, the Fifth Avenue
optician, will give glasses to all persons who
bring with them an order from the committee.
The following postal, comment on which is un
necessary, was iorwaraeo. to uia outicij .
Johnstown (on hill side). Pa., June 10, 1SS9.
Ed. Banner LlTes or self and family saved,
bnt lost everything. Homeless and destitute.
M'e depend on charity for everything. My con
gregation at Oonemangh is nearly destroyed by
Yours fa baste, D. M. MILLER.
The following is an additional list of surviv
ors from the flood who arrived yesterday and
were assisted to new outfits, entertained and
sent on to their several destinations by the
Ladies' Committee. None of them were stinted
in their praise of the manner in which they
have been cared for since their arrival, and
they spoke in feeling terms of the efforts of
the ladies to alleviate their distress and inspire
them with hope for a new beginning:
. F. M. Brown, for Union Cltv, Tenn.: Daniel M.
Lohr, S3 Dlbert street, Johnstown, wife and two
children, were entertained at Emanuel Church,
Allegheny, and are on their way to Union City.
Tenn.: Miss Mary and Win. D. Evans, Maple
street. J alms town, were sent to limington. ueu :
Wm. Engle, lliSngar allev, Johnstown; Mr. and
Mrs. Chester V. Uavls, Woodvale, ror Chicago:
Annie Murray, Johnstown, Is going Into service
here. Mrs. Morlitt remains herewith friends: Mrs.
Elizabeth Vaughan and daughter Edith were sent
on to Beaver Falls; Llewelyn Evans, Maple
avenue, Woodvale, is for Chicago: James Brown,
Gandier street. Conemaugh, was sent to Chicago;
George Gilllnger, Maple street. Woodvale, same.
Mrs. XucvHy6lncand four children remain here
with friends: James Donald, Water street. Cone
maugh, was sent to"bewlctley. Pa.; Mrs. Martin
Pox and four daughters and two sons. Portage
street, Oonemangh. remain in this city: Mrs.
Mary Blackford and child, Mrs. Emma Miller,
Mrs. Lldle Blackford are staying at 1!C4 bldney
street, 8. S : Mrs. Sadie Deans, Locust street,
J ohnstown. lost everything and every one belong
ing to her; Lizzie and Minnie Daniels 14 'Walnut
street, are at bnperlor street, Allegheny; W illiam
McGeeand his wife, sent to Mahoning, Armstrong
county; Eugenie buort and two children are
taken care of by friends at 223 Fourth street,
Two Distinguished Visitors.
During the day John A. Logan, Jr., son of the
late Senator, and wife, of Youngstown. O.,
were visitors at tbe church. Tbey remained
for several hours and took a great interest in
the work of benevolence. Rev. W. T. Malloy,
D. D., of Chicago, who passed through the city
on his way to Washington, Pa., also called.
The following were reported missing to tho
Bureau of Information:
Ward Smith, a boy 3 years of age. a son or H. K..
Smith, of osbourne, O. He was with his mother
on the Ill-fated day express. The mother was lost
and her body afterward louud ; bnt the boy has
not been beard of. He Is described as having
aark hair and dressed in a bine plaid dress. He
also lisps some. Mrs. MUllgan and her mother,
Mrs. Stewart, of Forty-third street, are both
missing. Tbe others missing are Mrs. Thclss,
Kalph Smith, aged 9 years, of Woodvale: John
Conrad, aged 20 years; five children of Mrs. Charles
Murr. one 3 months old. a girl of 6. bov of 10 and
two girls of 12 and 16 respectively. Ihe father was
drowned, the mother and two children being
The following cash donations are acknowledged
bv the committee as having been received since
tfielr work began: The Young Men's Tariff Club,
S300; Bishop hltehead, S300; Allegheny City re
lief fund, f200: a friend, $40; a mother of a boy
saved from the flood, 10; Oakland M. E. lndus-
lected by elite Boyer. $: Sarah Aman, to: sales
ladies, S3 40; Mrs. William Miller, f 10; Miss Hay,
of Cincinnati, 3. two little girls, 60 cents; bun
dav school class of the Third Presbyterian Church,
11 So; total, fl.013.
The Work In the Dining Room.
Probably one part of the ladies' work that
has not received the credit due it is that per
taining to the dining room. Much meritorious
woik has been done there under tbe efficient
care of the committee, Mrs. A. E. Graff, Mrs.
W. H. Burt and Mrs. J. G. Bennett. The
Kitchen Committee consists of Mrs. J.B. Her
ron, Mrs. A. Long and Miss Orr.
Mrs. 8.E. Gardner, of the Hiland oil fields,
has arrived in the cityand will work two weeks
at the church at her own expense. Mrs. Zug
has had a number of ladies at work at her
house, and they have already sent out a quan
tity of clothing.
The ladies' committee is in need of hairpins
and hat plus for many of their refugees. A
large donation of hats and bonnets was re
ceived from Misses Pence and Erwin.
Nothing has been beard ot little Ralph
Smith, aged 10 years. His father is looking for
him in Johnstown; his mother was lost in the
Mrs. Charles Murr, of Johnstown, is staying
with her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. J. Speck, of
Hazelwood. She is all bruised from the debris
in the flood. Two of her children are alive and
with her, while her husband and five children
were lost. They were a baby girl 3 months old,
girl 6 years, boy 10 years, girl 12 years, and Miss
Tho State Board of Hcnlth Shipping Large
Quantities of Disinfectants Fatrol
Boats Are Still Ont.
"Is the sanitary condition really forious?"
said a well-known physician yesterday, "I
should say that it is. Nobody knows how se
rious it is. I don't know an; more than other
physicians, but I believe that from all the sur
roundings sickness of all kinds will be epi
demic. Indeed, you have only to take the
records of the State Board of Health to know
that such is tbe case. Look at the amount of
disinfectant matter that has been sent along
tho valley. It is all right and only just to pro
claim that there is not the slightest fear of an
epidemic, but does the standing of things bear
ont that statement? The State Board of Health
has to-day sent fully 3,000 pounds cf chloride of
lime to the Conemaugh Valley, and if'an epi
demic was not imminent, why should they send
A Dispatch reporter asked several mem
bers of the Relief Committee if tbey feared an
epidemic of sickness. They all said that they
did not, but were not as positive as they might
Distribution of Disinfectants.
The reporter next went to Dr. J.R.Thomp
son, who has charge of the department of the
State Board of Health at the Chamber of Com
merce. Dr. Thompson did not think that there
was any danger of a pestilence, but he was free
enough to admit that there was a considerable
need of caution and for all disinfectants. He
said that during tbe day four orders of 100
pounds each of chloride of lime had been sent
to Nineveh for the use of the commissioners of
Indiana county, 100 had been sent to the same
city for the use of the commissioners of West
moreland county, 100 pounds were sent to New
Florenco for the same commissioners, and 100
pounds were sent to Bolivar for the same
What tho Pntrol Boats Are Doing.
The patrol boats, which are controlled by the
State Board of Health, are doing a good work.
Boat No. I is at present down the river within
ten miles of the State line. The boats patrol
tbe river day and bight looking for the bodies
of the lost. In addition toHbis the crews set
tire to all drift and dead animals and burn
them up, thereby getting rid of one of the
worst features of the flood.
The State Board yesterday posted a circular
to tbe effect that.
upon application, all medl-
cine, medical attendance
and disinfectants
wonld be furnished free.
Two Bodies In tho River.
About II o'clock last night the body of a lit
tle boy about 3 years of age was found floating
in the Allegheny river below Sixth street. The
body is bnt slightly decomposed and those who
saw it think it is not that of a Johns
town flood victim. The child had light hair,
fair complexion and a pretty face. It was
dressed in a black and white dress, red and
black flannel skirt, black stockings and shoes.
The body is at the morgue awaiting identifi
cation. The body of a child about 18 months
old was found In the Ohio river at Emsworth
yesterday. The coroner was notified and
James Lowrie, an Allegheny undertaker, was
instructed to take charge of the corpse which
is badly decomposed.
She Wants to Adopt the Bnbr.
Yesterday afternoon Postmaster Larkin re
ceived the folioring letter :
SUXDiXE, June 11, 1889.
Mr. J. B. Larkin :
Kind SinI am a little girl 9 years old, and
would like to have that baby that wat found In tbe
water. Will you give It tome? My name is Lou
E. Moorhead and I live at Sunaalo, and if yon
doubt my ability to care for it Just address the
postmaster here. I wonld like very much to have
it, as 1 think It will be another Moses.
The letter is supposed to refer to the babe
said to have been, taken from the Johnstown
wreck in the debris several days ago.
First Gathering in This City of That
Rational Conference.
Programme of the Sessions, 'Which Are to
Continue for Eight Says.
The thirty-fourth biennial convention of the
General Synod of the Lutheran Church com
menced its sessions in the Trinity Lutheran
Church on Stockton avenue, Allegheny, last
nightl It was largely attended. The exercises
consisted of regular services and the preaching
of the synodical sermon by tbe Rev. Dr, S. A.
O., president of the
Synod. This is the
first meeting of tbe
GeneralSynod ever
held in this city.
There is a large at
tendance of dele
from all parts of
this United States,
fully 200 being
? resent The foi
owing Synods are
Synod of Mary
land, Synod of
West Pennsyl
vanla, Hartwick
Synod, Hew York
JUv.I.J.A.Clutz,D.D. and New Jer
sey, East Ohio Synod. Allegheny Synod,
Synod of Central Illinois, Wittenberg
synod. East Pennsylvania Synod. Miami
Synod, Olive Branch Synod, Northern Illinois
Synod, Pittsburg Synod, Synod of "Central
Pennsylvania, Synod of Northern Indiana, lowa
Synod, Southern Illinois Synod, Frankean
Synod, Susquehanna Synod. Kansas Synod,
Nebraska Synod, Wartburg Synod and Middle
Tennessee Synod.
The church, last night, was tastefully deco
rated with plants and flowers, and presented a
pleasing appoarance. A selected choir rend
ered excellent music.
Dr. Ort's sermon was an exposition of tbe
fundamental principles of Lutheranism. Ho
spoke at length, and presented a clear and
compact statement of tho principles of the
Evangelical Church.
He referred to the
doctrinal forms of the
different churches,
and defined the true
faith as that of
Lutheranism. The
exigencies of the
times were presented
and the great amount
of labor before tbo
Synod necessary to
push forward tbe
work of Christ. In
conclusion, he said
that what was neces
sary for the proper
performance of this
work was a thorough
understanding of the
fundamental prln-
nlnln nf thft Flvan-
Rev. J. S. Goett-
man, D. D.
e-olical Church. At the conclusion of the ser
mon the different delegates were assigned to
the care of the committees to be procured
quarters during the session of the Synod.
Some Prominent Delegntes.
Among the most prominent present are Dr.
J. G. Morns, pastor of the Lutherville (Md.)
Church. Mr. Morris is the oldest member of
the Synod, being Si years of age. For 60 years
be has been a pastor in the Lutheran Church
of that place.
Rev. J. G. Goettman. D. D., pastor of the
church in which the services are being held, is
one of the busiest as well as one of the braini
est men in tbo Synod. Upon him devolves most
of the care of visiting delegates.
Rev. J. A. Clutz, D. D., whose portrait is also
given above, has just recently been elected
President of tne Midland College in Atchinson,
Kan. He is one of the profonndest members
of the Lutheran clergy, and all .Synods honor
him as a visitor.
Rev. S. A. Ort. D. D., is President of the
Springfield College in Ohio. He is about 42
years of age, and is a fine looking gentleman.
Mr. Ort nas a preacher in a church in Louis
ville, Ky., for eight years.
Dr. H. V. McKnight, D. D., is now and has
been President of tbe Gettysburg College for
tbe past five years. He is about Sti years of age
and was formerly of Easton, Pa.
Rev. J, D. Butler is pastor of tho Memorial
Church, ot Washington, D. C, and Chaplain
of the United States Senate.
Rev. H. L. Baugber, D. D., Professor of
Greek in the Pennsylvania College, and editor
of the Augsburg series of Sunday School
Help, is a distinguished looking man of about
43 years of age.
Lost His Home nnd Church.
R. A. Fink, D. D., is expected to be present
to-day. Mr. Fink has suffered the loss of his
churcb, home, and, in fact, all of his personal
possessions by the Johnstown flood, bat will
nevertheless attend the Synod.
Among the prominent laymen present may
be mentioned L. A. Gwald, D. D., of York, Pa.
He is president of a college at Springfield, Pa,;
W. M. Baum, D. D., President of Board of
Publication. Neither of the above gentlemen
are delegates.
S. E. Schmuker, Esq., of Baltimore. Ma.,
was also in attendance. He is an attorney of
well-known reputation in that city, and Is a
member of the Foreign Missionary Society.
Jeremiah Carl is a banker of York, Pa., and
the President of the board ot a seminary in
that town.
W. G. Miller is a merchant of Philadelphia
and Chairman of the Hymn Book Publication
Prohibition Come Up Early.
The question of prohibition will be taken up
the first thing this morning. Mr. H. S. Bones,
Superintendent of the House of Publication,
said all the delegates wonld be for prohibition.
In his opinion there would be no opposition to
the question at all.
The General Synod meets every two years at
the places decided upon. This is the first time
it has ever met in this city. Separate Synods
meet every year in their own district. The
Lutheran Synod of the entire United States is
mado up of L2C0 ministers and about 300,000
members of its churches.
The following is the order of lintlnoco o it-
will be held in the eight days of its session:
This morning at 9 o'clock they will meet for or
ganization, after which there will be tbe re
ception of the credentials of delegates and the
election of officers. The foreign mission work
will then be taken up. In the evening the An
niversary Board of Foreign Missions will meet
To-morrow will be devoted to Home Miss
Ions, the Women's Home and Foreign Mission
Society and the Orphans Home. In the even
ing the Anniversary Board of Home Missions
will meet.
Saturday morning will be given to the Hymn
Book Publishing Committee and tho Pastors
Fond. In the alternoon and evening no meet
ings will be held.
On Sunday services including the Lord's
Eupper will be held, to be arranged for by the
Devotional Committee.
Monday, Church Extension and the Treas
urer's report will be taken np. In the evening
the Anniversary Board of Cbnrch Extension
will meet.
The publication business, reports of delegates
to corresponding bodies and reception of dele
gates from other bodies Will take up Tuesday
The Anniversary Publishing Society will meet
in the evening. ,
Devoted to Educational Matter.
Wednesday, all day, will be devoted to edu
cational matters and the literary and theo
logical institutions;
Thursday, June 20, will be taken np by -the
Historical Society, Sunday schools, election of
delegates to correspondingbodles, appointment
of standing committees, selection ot the next
place of meeting, and the meeting of the Anni
versary Historical Society. .
In case the business of the Synod requires it
tbe sessions will be continued after this. The
report on the state of the church will be pre
sented at the last session, and will be followed
by a fraternal conference of tho state of reli
gion in the churches, the discussion of ques-
.j . . ..-.uv.uuou iu lue regular
order and a session of prayer. The Holy Com
munion will probably be celebrated on Sunday
evening, June 1G. '
The local committee have arranged for a
boat excursion to-morrow afternoon. They
havo secured one of the largest and finest
steamers on the river. The boat will leave
about I o'clock and return at 6 P. M.
How tbe Grand Army Committee Provided
for Adam Weaver nnd Family.
Adam Weaver was a workman -in & Johns
town carriage factory when the city was over
taken, and although he and his family, con
sisting of his wife and 10 children, were saved
with the exception of the eldest daughter.aged
19, they were badly battered up. They were
brought to the city and cared for, and yester
day weaver, who is a Grand Army man. ap
peared before Major Dennlston ana the G. A.
R, Relief Committee and asked for assistance.
He was procured a situation in Moore & Co.'s
carriage works,glven an order on the Duquesne
depot supplies, and had a bouse rented for
hits. Thus the old soldier was again started
np in this woiud by his comrades.
The Responses In the Way of Contributions
Were Numerous Yesterday Money
Coming From All Parts ot
tbe Country.
Treasurer Thompson received the following
donations yesterday, swelling the fund to over
Mrs. Martha Euwer, Al-The miners of Jumbo,
legheny, I10O. 51,M- , .
William Dodds, 25. Employes Pennsylvania
Citizens of Elizabeth bor- Bait Manufacturing
ongb, 1735 32. Company. WB.
Coffee Exchange, NewEmployes Langnlln and
York, additional, f). Junction Steel Cora
Employes Junction Iron pany, Mingo, 0 1242 73.
Company, SM. Other citizens of Mingo,
Citizens of. Brookvllle, 1101.
Pa (5. Citizens Auburn, lad.,
Klagara Falls. .Y.,per rgtso.
Gazette, SS2. J. W. Arrott, ia.
Citizens or Bloomvule, Ahavath Scholom Con.
O.. 1128 89. Llgouler, Ind.. fUi.
Buffalo. N. V., per Ex- Buffalo, H. Y per Ex-
prctt. 350. prtti. J100.
Citizens of Clarksburg, John Q. Packard, Salt
W. Va., M24 19. . Lake City. 250.
Aspen Timet, Aspen, S. Dllllnger & Sons,
Col., 163. Ruffsdale, Pa., 100.
Citizens of Jamestown, Citizens of Port Alle-
N. Y., 200. ml,? l?i0'
The Misses Shields, 100. Troy. S. .. ,1.000.
Presbyterian Church, Citizens of South Bend,
North Jackson, O., fa. per Tribune, .550.
Employes Pen n a. Freight Citizens of Jamestowji,
Station, (113 50. Dak.. 262 50.
First Baptist Church, Citizens of Sheldon,
Cincinnati. O., 6S8 85. Mo., 12.
Glenn's Falls, N. X". . per Citizens of Canfleld, 0
Star, 259 10. 123 23.
Presbyterian Chnrch, Citizens of Tlonesta.
Porfersvllle. Pa., 21 60. Pa.. f76 50.
Mt. Leigh PresnyterlanBoonvlllo Turner and
Church, Leman, O., hinging Society. Boon-
12 7a vine. Mo.. S50.
Beni. Lake, Concordla,Butler St. M.E. Church,
Kan., to. 130 21.
U. P. Church. Bnrgetts-U. P. Church.Mt. Hope,
town. Pa , SO. Pa., (30.
St. John's K. C. Church,Mrs. Margaret W.
Scottdale. Pa., 72 50. Holmes. 100.
Ladles' Aid Society Pres-D. H. Roberts, Tfew
byterlan Church, Dun- York, 25.
bar, SIM. Employes Park Bros. &
Baptist Church. Sewlck- Co., (1.005 50.
ley. 50. Collected by PlTTSBtrao
McOill& Co.. MO. DISPATCH. (3,744 84.
Employes PittsbnrgMan-George Gndewlll, Hew
ufacturlng Co., 100. York. 500.
Arthur Martin, 5. M. P. Church. West Llb-
Cltizensof Colnmblana, erty. Iowa, (II 08.
O., (5 50. Citizens of Mansfleld.O.,
Citizens of Koseberg. 119.
Oregon lerrltory, Citizens of Butte .City,
(ICO. Montana, (1,800.
Troy, N. Y., (1,000. Joseph Home, (1.000.
Dayton, O., (1,500. Detroit. Mich., (4,000.
Galesburg, UL. S2.000. Wheeling, W.Va.,3,000.
Wavnesburg, 502 15. Stoneboro, 8115.
B. P. O E.. Indlanapo-Cltlzens wllllamstown,
lis, Ind., (294 25. Mass., (143.
Lanslngburg, N. Y., (104.Buffalo, K. Y., per Ex
M. E. Church, Sandwich, Dress. (500.
Mass.. (9. Business men of Lock-
Board of Trade, Toledo, port, M. Y., (509 75.
O., (1,085 71. O. L. Adams. (10.
Parkesburg, Ta.. (1,750. Johanna M. Aieh', Bock
Dlnsmore & Kastcndlke, ford, lowa. (1.
Baltimore, Md., (10. Employes Dlnsmore &
Trinity Memorial Church, Kaste ndlkc. B a 1 1 1-
Warren. Pa., (33.89. more, Md., (II.
Cltizensof Castile, X. Y., Colleoted by Mayor Pear-
(86.25. son, (824 10.
Employes Shocnberger Dr. . F. Ingalls, Chl-
Co., 129. cago, HI., SoO.
E. E. Osborne. (10, Niagara Falls per Go-
L'Anse, Mich., (100. zttte. (25 75.
Indianapolis, Ind., perCltlzens of Brldgewater,
Journal. S575. (161 05.
Citizens of New Cumber-Citizens of Frankfort,
land, (400. Ind., (99 15.
Citizens of Cincinnati, Citizens of Beaver, Pa.,
U.. (5,000. 125.
Walker, Dunlevy & Co., Jos. P. Hanna & Co.,
(100. (100.
E. II. Meyers & Co., (100.Bochester, N. Y.. per
Citizens of Virginia, 111., herald, SG00.
(12. Citizens of Divine, Fa.,
Grand Council I.S. of I., (14.
(500. Employes of Jhntown
Employes of Wilson, Sny- and Sterling mines,
der & Co., (174 24. (120 30.
KIrkpatrick Stevenson, Standard Mannfactnr-
(25- ing Company, 250.
Citizens of Durkham, N.Cltlzens of Davis, 111.,
C, (267. (35. "
Citizens of Knox, Pa., Citizens of Waverl,lll.,
361 75. 2.
Citizens of Colcralne, Citizens of Bridgeport,
O.. (49. (., (285 50.
Officers and employes Officers and employes
. tna Steel Company, Standard Iron Company,
331 50. (257 75.
Riverside Lodge, Good Erie, Pa., per Timet,
Te molars, (10 10. (39 10
Citizens 01 Albany, Ga., Cltl'.ens of Greenville,
SO. , Pa., (30.
C. P. Chnrch, Dyers-Nashville, Tenn., per
burg, Tenn., 12 55. American, 238 70.
Presbvterlan Church, Citizens of Geneva, N.
HopklnsvilIe.Ky..450. Y., (400.
Congregational Chnrch, Baclne, Wis., per Timet,
Oswego Falls. N. Y., 000.
(36 25. Thomas Haley. (3.
Citizens of Homer, Hi., Knox Church, Gait,
(42 25. Ont., 151.
Board of Trade, Indian- Pupils Riverside school,
a rolls, 1,000. (S20.
E. E. Hope. (2 Kate Raub.50c.
Thomas Depp, (1 Mm. Calegan, (1.
Presbyterian Churcb, Cadiz. O., (42 20.
Callensberg,Pa.,(23 60. J. T.Moore,(25.
Union Fire Company, Stanton, 111., (SI.
Mlllstadt,IIl..(15. Employes Brownsville
Union Switch and Signal window Glass Compa-
Beneficial Association, ny, (50.
50. Tcutonla Insurance Co.,
Tldloute, PaIIS SO. tlOO. ' .
D. S. Cook, Wrlghtsville, Collected by N. Y.
100. Herald, (1,000.
UnlversallstSo'ety,CIlnCarbondale, Pa., per
ton,N. Y.. (22 55. Zeader, (150.
Prospect.Pa.,S33 81. First Presbyterian Ch'h
Eighth Street R. B. and Sunday School,
Church,(51. Chicago, 111.. 39 68.
Eighth Street B. R. Eighth Street R. R.
Church, Sunday school. Ch'ch; Chinese school,
34. (8 J9.
Commercial Travelers' Association, Peoria,
ill.. (104.
Suggestions ns to How tho Flood Money
Should bo Disposed Of Nucleus for
nn Orphan Asylum.
Miss M. A. Hnnter, of tho Bellefleld school,
yesterday handed Secretary Reisfar, of the
Central Board rooms, J322 71 for the public
school f nnd. The proceeds of the school enter
tainment, contemplated for some time, netted
$192 and were generously given to aid the suf
ferers. The success of the Bellefleld school
entertainments has long been established, but
this last one seemed to take the fancy of the
public as the finest of the season. The school
fund is now completed and amounts to 82,682 63.
To havo the money disposed of in a manner
to satisfy all concerned is a puzzle now agitat
ing those who have charge of it. The majority
of the educators want the money to co to the
needy teachers at Johnstown: as a part of the
public objects to tbe fund being used for the
teachers alone, the teachers think that $682 63,
the amount contributed by the teachers,should
go to the relief of the Johnstown teachers, and
no one but themselves should have a say about
It The remaining $2,000 could be given to the
General Relief Committee, but with the stipu
lation that none of the money be nsed to clear
away the debris. They are all settled on the
last point.
Miss M. A. Hunter, of the Bellefleld School,
would like to see tbe most of the money go
toward endowing a home for the children left
orphans by the disaster. She thinks many
would give liberally toward such a project, and
later tbe State should be asked for an appro
priation to help it along.
Farther Collections for the Flood Sufferers
Recoivcd Yesterday.
Following is the report of the condition of
The Dispatch flood fund:
Amount previously handed William R.
Thompson, Treasurer of the Johnstown
Belief Fund (4,705 26
Amount acknowledged by William R,
Thompson, Esqp. , June 11 3,744 84
In accordance with a resolution offered at a
meeting of Typographical Union No. 7, held
Sunday. Jnne 2, the following amounts have
been subscribed for the benefit of Johnstown
sufferers and paid over to President Ed Hope
by the compositors in the offices named. Mho
has in turn handed in this sum to swell The
Dispatch fund: '
Pittsburg DisrATCH .'....24
Pittsburg Press 23
Pittsburg Leader 19
Commoner and Glass Worker. 5
Christian Advocate 5
American Manufacturer 4 10
East End Bulletin 4
Total .8450
Typographical Union No. 7 .(34 50
Citizens or Foxburg, 8295; King's Daugh
ters' Club of Foxburg, (136 43, both per
F. L. Harvey 1... 431 43
Employes Enterprise Paving Brick Works,
Empire. o per Parker, Mlnori Co.... 25
Branch 62, Irish National League of Man
chester 20
Citizens of Mayville. N.jY., per N. Y. El
liott, P. M. 3SO
Total to 7 r. if.. Jnne 12 vm n
Grand total (9,047 43
The Report That tbe Remainder of the Chi.
coco Relief Fand Will Go to Johnstown.
A story set afloat yesterday that thaSU,000
left of tfie Chicago relief fund after the great
fire of 1871 when the Garden City said it had
enough was proposed to be turned over to the
Johnstown relief fund seems to be unfounded.
Mr. Charles J. Clarke last night stated "that it
was in such shape that it could not well be di
verted to that purpose even though that might
be the disposition of tbe trustees.
The late Hon. James P. Barr, wbohad charge
of the fund, got an order from court to place
the money in the hands of five trustees, who
were directed to nay the Interest on it to vari
ous charities of the twin cities.
Mr. Clarke states that the payment has be
come a part and parcel of tbe resources of these
Institutions, and in the case of some Its failure
would embarrass their operations, as It Is in
cluded In their estimates of revenue. He did
not think there was any serious Intention to
have the fnnd diverted. The Interest disbursed
biennially is smw.
Mr. wm. R. Thompson fills-the vacancy
caused by Mr. Barrt death, .,.,, J
Pilgrims Gathering at St Anthony's
Shrine Seeking ior Miracles.
Father Hollinger Will To-day Have to
Bless Many Thousand Persons.
This will be the big day at Rev. Father Moll
Inger"s chnrch. on Troy Hill, Allegheny It is
Bt Anthony's Day. Hundreds of invalids from
all sections of the United States are arriving
hourly to put themselves In the hands of God
and tbe great faith cure priest. Thousands
from Pittsburg and Allegheny will be there
also. The believers in the legen d of St
Anthony and faith cure will have a chance of
testing both to their entire satisfaction at the
services in the chapel of St. Anthony to-day.
A reporter made a visit yesterday to what
will to-day be a scene of activity.
Clustered in a spot on Troy Hill, overlooking
a large part of Allegheny and Pittsburg, Is
Father Mollinger's kingdom. It consists of a
large chnrch, a home for the sisters, a school
house, a chapel, having a large dome to beau
tify it, and the residence of the millionaire
Kven yesterday the scene was one of bustle
and excitement, something unusual for the
Sulet spot, althongh it Is visited yearly by hun
reds of people who believe In the power of
prayer to heal tbe sick and tbe halt. At the
boarding houses of Hoiks, Buck, Miller and
Bomick hundreds of invalids are stopping, and
hundreds more are expected.
At the boarding house of Mrs.V. Buck about
CO guests had arrived up to 4 o'clock yesterday
afternoon. Of this number about 60 were In-
valids, their Ills consisting of about all tbe
known maladies. At the other three boarding
houses about the same number of invalid
guests had arrived.
From AH Distant Points.
There were also many visitors stopping with
private families. These faith curists came
from as far "West as Kansas, as far South as
Georgia, from New York and Rhode Island,
and a dozen other States. The eastern part of
this State furnished its hundreds, although a
prominent member of the church said the
East would not send so many believers In faith
oure as heretofore, on account of the Johns
town flood. Altoona and vicinity, he said, had
sent many in years past, but few would come
on this St. Anthony's Day on that account.
Faith cures have already been performed this
month. Tbe principal one was that of Mrs.
Katie Stinger, of Danville, Pa. She has been
entirely deaf and dumb for seven years. Yes
terday morning sbe went to the 6 o'clock mass,
after which she went to the chapel, where the
reverend father prayed for and blessed her. She
Immediately regained her voice and hearing.
She commenced a conversation at once, and
could talk very fluently. Mrs. Stinger Is the
mother of seven children. Sbe was here in the
charge of a daughter-in-law. The visitors and
residents of the neighborhood are considerably
worked up about the cure, vowingit is great, as
she was blessed but once by the priest.
A Child Helped.
Another case is that of the little 4-year-old
daughter of Mrs. C. L. Langhtner, who was
suffering from paralysis. Mrs. Langhtner,
who is also from Danville, Pa., stated to the
reporter that her daughter was unable to hold
up her head on tbe way to this city, and was
almost as stiff as one dead. After having been
prayed over by the reverend father she at
once commenced to show signs of regaining
some of her lost power. Sbe has been improv
ing ever since, but will be taken to the church
again to-day.
The programme for to-day is as follows : Six
o'clock a. M., only mass to go to communion.
At 10 o'clock there will be high mass. At this
mass there will bo three priests on the altar,
also ten altar boys, whose names are as fol
lows : John Schroeff el, Frank Andrews, T. W.
Miller, L. Kluminger, Frank Height, F.
Harsh, Joseph Marks. Joseph and John Elkler
and John Schlarte. All the morning
services will be held in the church.
In tbe afternoon the benediction will be
held in the chapel, and also a service
in the Home of the Good Shepherd. The even
ing will be taken up by an entertainment in the
school ball by the Troy Hill Literary Associa
tion. The subject of the entertainment is
"Old Ireland as It Is." The committee on the
entertainment are Joseph G. Tremmel, Will
lam Terhevden, L. Wolf, Frank, Beuerle and
William Bucrkle. About 20 priests are ex
pected to be in attendance, among the number
are Keys. Simon Qdeen and Links. The latter
is of the Holy Ghost order. .
The church has been decorated In a fine style
with evergreens.
Every Transverse street car arriving at the
foot of the hill was overrun yesterday with
boys, drumming up guests for the boarding
houses. For every guest secured they received
6 cents. All the bouses spoken of in the fore
going are filled with beds and cots.
About 5,000 to 6,000 people are expected to at
tend the services to-dav. It is estimated that
about 8,000 attended last St. Anthony's Day.
The Transverse street car line will put on six
extra cars to-day for tho accommodation of
persons going to the church.
The Chinese Embassy Seeking a Package
Lost In the Flood.
From an advertisement inserted in The
Dispatch by Edmund H. Turner, the Mayor
of Altoona, It appears that the members of the
Chinese Embassy have reason to mourn the
Johnstown flood. A box covered with canvas,
i feet by 2 in dimensions, and marked "Consul
General, San Francisco," was swept from the
baggage car of express train No. 8 at Cone
maugh and presumably carried down the river
by the raging torrent. "Laing Ting Tsau,"
Consul General at 'Frisco, wants the contents
of tbe box, and advertises that he will nay 100
to whoever finds tbesame anddeposlts it at the
Mayor's office in Altoona.
Mr. w. w. rspeer, ot Allegheny, who enter
tained tbe flood-detained Celestials who were
travelers upon No. 8 and who were rescued and
brought back to Pittsburg, was asked yesterday
whether be had been able to derive any Idea
from bis guests as to the nature of tbe contents
of the box, and stated that he had heard re
marks about the high valne of the baggage in
general, but had heard nothing specific as to
the contents of the missing box.
What the Odd Fellows Found at the Scene
of the Flood.
Messrs. A. J. Potior and C. E. Means, repre
senting Pittsburg Lodge L 0. 0. F returned
yesterday from Johnstown. Tney report that
after investigating they found that the order of
Odd Fellows lost 176 persons in the .flood. Of
these 33 were members, 34 were wives and 109
were children. These were divided as follows:
Conemaugh Lodge Mo. 191 lost 5 members, 4
wives, 19 children. Total, 28. Alma Lodge No.
S23 lost 10 members, 15 wives. 54 children.
Total, 79. Cambria Lodge No, 785 lost 14 mem
bers, 12 wives, 35 children. Total, 61. Corona
Lodge No. 999 lost 2 members, 8 wives. Total,
6. Morrellville Lodge No. 5 lost 1 child.
Three hundred members lost their household
goods and 225 owned houses and stores which
were also lost.
South Fork's Appeal.
An appeal for aid, in tho form of a circular
letter from the Burgess of South Fork, reached
tho city yesterday. It tells of the destruction
of the town, and asks that money be sent so
that shelter can be provided until the works
are started. Any contributions may be sent to
Burgess J. O. Young, or to J. P. Wilson, D. W.
Luke, G. B. Stlneman or J. C. Luke, M. D.
v. .
Their Whole Carload.
A carload of provisions, consisting of 2,000
loaves of bread, butter, cheese, canned goods
of all kinds, hams and dried meats, left Strnth
ers, O., Tuesday evening, consigned to Johns
town, for tbe relief of afflicted citizens. It was
tbe joint contribution of Poland, Struthers and
tbe surrounding community.
Little Particles Which Show Cp Among
the Extensive Deposit!.
H.B. Nease wrote on Tuesday to H.B.
Nease. Son & Co., that to-day there will be 32
cars of lumber and shingles go to J. B. Scott at
Johnstown. The lumber comes from dealers
at Saginaw, Mich.
Hugh Murphy and Jerry Lyons were ar
rested yesterday.for representing themselves
as having been authorized by the General Re
lief Committee to collect funds for tho flood
sufferers. They had succeeded in collectingtl2.
Chief Ceow, ot Allegheny, was asked last
nlgbt whether or not he would allow the fire
engine loaned to Johnstown by him to", remain
there while needed. He said he was willing to
do so, but thought the State, havlng-taken con
trol, should furnish its own Are protection.
The following is a statement of the subscrip
tions to the Conemaugh Valley Soldiers' Be
lief Fund in the hands of City Treasurer
Dennlston: Amount previously reported,
1.466 21: received from Custer Post; No. 88.
Etna. $204: McPherson Post. S117. Pittsburg.
100; W. H. Dennlston. No. 117, S20; Mrs. Clara
.Garrison, Moundsrille, W. Va 11; total, )
tUTilSL ' -U'-1 - .Jj,)
Ex-SIayor Dick, of Johnstown, Think the
Health Bulletins Disguise tbe Troth
Great Need ot Caution to
Prevent Epidemics.
JoiLNSTOWir, June 12. Your correspondent
this morning had a talk with ex-Mayor Dick, of
Johnstown. He does not like to be called a
desperado, for the reason that he is over six
feet high and can hit the bull's eye every time
with a revolver. Mr. Dick took exceptions to
the reports sent out by the sanitary corps here,
and says they are trying to blind people to the
fact that there is sickness in tbe valley. He
says he knows of cases of diphtheria and
typhoid fever, notwithstanding the fact that
the daily bulletins sent out by the corps say
that there is no disease whatever in the bor
oughs. In the interview Mr. Dick tried to
show that Cambria City Is a nursery of disease,
and the people shonld be warned to take extra
precautions to guard against it. The ex-Mayor
"During the time of the yellow fever in the
South there were more deaths from diphtheria
in Cambria City in the same time, in proportion
to the population, than there were In the worse
fever-infestedTeglon of the South. 'At that
time there was a Bconrge here, and it has como
oS and on since then. On account of tbe
country being so low, the nights cold and the
days hot, this valley seems to have had more
than her share of diphtheria and typhoid
fever. If either of them get a foothold here,
with all this filth under our noses, there will
be as many deaths from disease as there were
from the flood.
"At the time I speak of there was a conven
tion of physicians of the surrounding country
called to consider the most effectual moans of
stamping out the disease. The files of the
Johnstown Tribune will show tbe large mortal
ity here at tbat time. There were about 1,500
people in the borough at that time, and strange
to say not one of them voted the Republican
ticket lam disinclined to believe, however,
that the large number of deaths had anything
to do with this.
"Unless the people take measures to snp-
Sress tbe disease germs we will have an epi
emic, instead of a probable epidemic I can
yet see the long list of dead, and the large
number of funeral corteges winding their way
to sandy cemetery, wbere peonie were men
buried." McSwiQAir.
A Comparatively Small Number, Nono
WhIcb Were Identified.
JonHSTOWH, Juno 12. At the new bureau of
information, established this morning by
Adjutant General Hastings, there were only
five bodies reported recovered to-day. Tbey
are lying at the First ward (Milville) school
house awaiting identification. All of them were
females, and the descriptions taken of them
are as follows:
No. H7. color, white; brown hair, weight about
100 pounds, heights feet 6 Inches; bad on dark
blue dress, bine and gray striped skirt, white
woolen underclothes; wart on left shoulder; pair
of scissors and piece of tape In pocket, a Docket
book containing S7 35. lead pencil and a penknife.
No. 228, age S or S years, white: light hair,
weight aoout 30 pounds, height 4 feet, had on pur
ple coat, with small black stripes in;red and black,
checkered skirt, bine dress, with small stars in It,
buttoned shoes and brown stockings.
No. OS, white, weight abont 140 pounds, height
S feet IU inches, purple skirt with red border, red.
underwear, two pairs of stockings, one pair
white cotton, other pair black woolen, plain gold
ring on first linger of left hand, dr.ss black and
red, with black flounces, eardroos with black
sets, cloth gaiters, bine calico waist.
No. "SO, 25 years of age. black hair, weight abont
160 pounds, height 5 leet 9 inches, color white,
check apron, red dress, red striped stockings; bad
on a blue Mother Hubbard, with white spots, red
and black striped skirt, thimble In pocket.
No. 231, female, 65 to 60 years of age, weight
140 pounds, height about G leet 7 inches, had on
bine calico waist, light calico dress, with dark
diamond spots In brown and white, gingham
apron, gray skirt with white stripes.
As yet there has been nothing ascertained re
garding the body of Miss Paulson. In all, ten
bodies were reported found to-day. This small
list is accounted for by the fact that but few
men were working. McSwioan.
Business Portion of nn Iowa Town
Wiped Ont of Existence.
Maeshalltowit, Iowa, June 1Z A fire
started in Grinnell and aid was telegraphed for
from here. It was 3:40 this afternoon before
the fire, with assistance from Marshalltown
and Brooklyn, was under control. It started In
Treat & Co.'s elevator at 1:15 p. M., and was
carried by wind to the principal business block
of the town, which was swept nearly clean.
Forty-one buildings, mostly frame, were
burned, including Treat & Co.'s elevator, A. A.
Faytor & Co., agricultural implements; Miles
Chaffee, office: tbe City Hall; the White Ele
phant Restaurant: Mack's Restaurant; Herald
office; Morrison, Mcintosh & Co.'s glove fac
tory; Chamberlain's meat market; Wbeelock's
insurance office; Seaman's restaurant: the
Merchants' National Bank; postofflce; Harry
Mitchell's barber shop; A. Mcintosh & Co.'s
general store; H. P. erector's jewelry store:
tbe telephone office; S. "W. Bartlett's meat
market; J. C. Johnson & Co., drugs; the Metro
politan bakery; Williams & Schroop, tailors;
Palmer & Bartlett, grocers; Mrs. Igon, mil
linery; Buck & Thomas, hardware; w. P.
Hingdon, shoes; Romer Bros,, hardware; A. H.
Heald, flour; N. D. Soper. clothing; Jenkins,
Harness; Eastman, harness; Nelson & Powell,
grocers. It is probable ihe losses will be from
$150,000 to $200,000. Most of the buildings are
partially insured.
Female Physicians to Organize for Sanitary
Work-A Misslne Child.
Johnstown, June 1Z A call was issued to
day by the visiting women physicians, in co
operation with the State Board of Health, re
questing all the women of tbe town to meet at
the residence of Jadge Flannigan, corner of
Main and Jackson streets, to-morrow at 10.30
o'clock, for the purpose of patting all houses
in a thorough sanitary condition. The commit
tee wish It understood that they do not desire
the residents to do any of the hard work. They
are perfectly willing to do all that themselves,
but desire the facts of tbe different cases,
which it Is believed can be better obtained by
people who are known.
The Children's Aid Society desires informa
tion concerning Maud Conley Berkebile, who
has not been seen since the flood. A boarder at
tbe home of her parents carried her up the
hills, and it is known that she was in a posftion
of safety. The man was somewhat under the
influence of liquor, and can give no informa
tion as to where he left her. Tbe child was
about i years old, short light balr, blue eyes,
and wore a brown and blue dress and brown
cloth sack. Any information will be received
by the authorities, or sent direct to A. Spangler,
Bedford street, Johnstown.
Thomas J. Stewart, Secretary of Internal
Affairs, find Commander of tbe G. A. It, now
stationed at Johnstown, received a contribution
of $200 from his clerks atHarrisburg, to-day, to
be used f or the roliet of sufferers.
The Number Soon to be Employed on tho
Knins) of Johnstown.
JonusioVir, June 12. William Flinn said
good-bye to Adjutant General Hastings, and
left with' tbe promise of returning Sunday, or
sooner If needed. He paid off 4,000 men to-day,
all but 625 of whom left the city at once. He
thinks General Hastings will soon have 5,000
men at work on the ruins, and that the first
system in vogue since the flood has just been
entered upon.
Contractor James McKnight said to-night:
"I will have 1,000 men at work to-morrow, and
2,000 by Saturday. A thousand Hungarians are
now en route from New York. Above the
bridge there is a space of 300 yards cleared, and
there is 1,000 feet more in horrible condition,
which wo must soon get out of the way. I have
my doubts whethermore than700men can work
to advantage about the bridge. We will use
axmen and steam engines In prosecuting the
work. Wo expect to hive 600 yards of tbe
wreckage cleosed away by to-morrow night."
Contractor McLean reports 800 men on duty
in the morning, and promises 700 by Saturday.
Patrick Ridge has 00 men, and will double
that number by tbe end of the week.
The City Directory to be Used as Means of
Securing Accuracy.
JomrsTO'WN, Jnne 12. Colonel Rogers, who
has charge of tbe work of getting up lists of
the dead and the survivors, now has a record
of 1,300 who have been found up to the pres
ent time and he stated to-night that he felt
tolerably certain that altogether tbe number of
victims wonld not exceed 3.00O, He has made
arrangements with Mr. Clark, the compiler of
the Johnstown directory, to work with him and
on Friday the two will start to get at the basis
of calculation. The list of registered survivors
and tbe list of deaa bodies found and identified
will be checked off according to the directory;
By this means he hopes to bo able to get as
close to the number of dead as possible. Of
course, strangers In the town will never all be
Identified, and the statement still bolds good
'that the exact numbi
termlned. . , .
numner 01 iok win never do oe-
General Hastings Works Hard nnd Adopts
a Syatemntlc Plan of Operations.
Johnstottn, June 12. General Hastings was
to-day the busiest man in Johnstown. At his
headquarters he received contractor after con
tractor, colonel after colonel and deputation
after deputation. He was wanted everywhere,
and when ho at last ushered forth last night,
bis great task completed, his countenance
beamed with as much satisfaction as If he had
been the victor Iu a great battle. Regarding
the system of future management his plans
have apparently been laid out very methodical
ly. The entire district has been divided into five
different sections Cambria City, the debris
above tbe railroad bridge, Johnstown proper,
the part of the town above Franklin street and
Kernville. Each of these districts will be in
charge of an experienced engineer, and the
work has been let to a different contractor for
each district. The entire work, however. Is
under the supervision of Colonel Douglass,
Chief Engineer of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad. Tbe sections are divided Into gangs
of 40 men. who will be superintended by a fore
man. There will be two timekeepers for each
gang. One will be appointed by the contractors
and the other bythe engineer. Reports will be
made every evening to the General by each
section boss and also by each engineer.
Tbe wages have been determined by the con
tractors at II 50 per day. General Hastings
disclaims to cave had anything to do with the
matter. Skilled laborers will get $2 per day.
To-morrow morning about 700 men, under
Mr. Coburn, will commence to clean np the
debris at tbe head of tbe bridge. As soon as the
electric lights have been put up the men will
start to work double turn. .
"So far," said General Hastings, "we have all
the men we can do with and when we want
more we shall get them." The General very
cautiously plead Ignorance when he was asked
to state bow long he thought the work would
take to bo, completed.
"We will work as fast as we can and get fin
ished as soon as possible," he said. "An ar
rangement has also been made for six men to
be stationed at each section with a stretcher to
carry away the dead bodies found and trans
port them to the different morgues. A citizen
of Johnstown will also accompany the stretcher
to take charge of any valuables lound on the
dead body."
Tbe deputy sheriffs, who have been so long
lounging around town with their tin badges,
were all discharged by the General, and he
proposes to let each municipal government
take care of itself, except in unusual cases,
where he will place his soldiers as a guard.
The Number of Patients Treated.
Johxstown, June 12. The total number of
cases treated by the Bedford street hospital
staff, either at the hospital or at their homes,
has been 9ft. Of these 5 have been injuries of
various kinds, generally not of a serious nature.
32 of disturbances of digestion, 2 pneumonia. 7
nervous prostration, 13 measles and the re
mainder slight colds.
Those Bis; Red Signs.
The attention of every one passing corner
Grant and Diamond sts., is attracted toward
the big red signs in the corner windows of
the Pittsburg Combination Clothing Com
pany (P. C. C. C), where samples ofmen's
and'boys' suits at half price are displayed.
Each suit is ticketed with the reduced price,
and anyone knowing the least thing about
clothing value, can, at a glance, see how the
prices have been slashed. The entire stock
of suits, both men's and boys', must be sold
at once, and there isjtst half the price to
be saved on a suit of clothes. It'sa genu
ine treat to look at the -window display and
see the bargains. P. C. C. C,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. new
Court House.
California Wines.
Old Sherry, fall quarts 50c
Extra Old Sherry, full quarts 75c
Old Port, full quarts 50c
Extra Old Port, lull quarts 75c
Riesling, full quarts 40c
Angelica, full quarts 50c
Mnscatol, full quarts. 50c
Tokay", full quarts 50c
For sale by G. "W. Schmidt,
Kos. 95 and 97 Filth ave.
Fnnev Sailors. Fancy Straws.
J. G. Bennett & Co.'s new straw hats for
rrontlomen ripstt the world. Have von i
seen them?
Non-Alcoholic Snmmer Drinks. .
Apollinaris water, Wilhelnf's Quelle
water, Cantrell & Cqhrane imported gin
ger ale and club soda.
Schuetz, Benziehatjsex & Co.,
100 and 102 Market St., cor. First are.
Telephone 677.
Summer Dress Goods.
French Satines marked down to 25c and
30c, best goods; large line to select from;
best American satines only lie, choice pat
terns. Aethtjb, Schondelmteb & Co.,
MThs 63 and 70 Ohio st.( Allegheny.
Imported Wines.
All the leading brands of port, sherry,
madeira, claret, Khein wines and cham
pagnes. Telephone 677.
SCHUETk, Kenziehatsen & Co.,
100 and 102 Market st., cor. First ave.
Pittsburg Beer.
Patronize Frauenheim & Vilsack. You
will get a delicious beverage, and at the
same time encomage home industry. lbs
Smoke the best. La Perla del Fumar
clear Havana Key West Cigars. Sold 3 for
25c. by G. "W. Schmidt,Nos. ?5 and 97 Fifth
Ladies 'never have any dyspepsia after a
wineglass of Angostura Bitters. Sold every
where. Get a sack of "Ivory" flour of your
grocer, and see what fine bread you will
have. xrs
Pnro Rye Whiskies
For sale by Geo. H. Bennett & Bro., 133
First ave., second door below Wood st.
A full line of shades imported to sell for 75c
on sale at 40c a yard.
Fancy printed India Silks only 40c a yard.
A line of French Wool Challls at 23c a yard.
French Satines in 'neat and bold designs at
20c a yard.
The season's most choice effects m
At sacrifice prices.
The lines at 12Kc unsurpassed. .
Fine and finer grades, 20c to 40c.
$2 40, $3 50, So 00. 57 00 and $9 00.
Above prices have been made on several lots
of Handsome Bead Mantalets.
Our Embroidered Fichus Lace Silk and
Wool Wraps on the same low scale of price.
One lot of Children's and Misses' Jersey
Blouses: assorted colors, stylishly trimmed: S
to 14 years. S3 goods for Si
Ladles' Soutache Braided Dlrectoire Jerseys;
Manufacturer's price, 69 a dozen; to be closed
at $2 50.
8 HITS Choice styles in Wash Fabrics. Silk
and Wool Costumes. Misses' and Children's
Suits; latest designs.
V your family keep the VICTORIA NAT
URAL MINERAL WATER, imported direct
to this city from near Ems, Germany, Jy Major
C. W. Krausv' Send orders by mall or messen
ger to C. W. KRAUS, 1889 Liberty ave.
tL,strJ3ik&i . .- . - a !
K '
June the great summer goods buying
To keep up our steadily increasing trade we
call attention to some special purchases that
are worth coming here to buy. Bead about
them they are in the Dress Goods Depart
ment. The Silk for snmmer wear Is just as
good value as you will find In the Dress Goods,
and everyone Is delighted with our last large
purchases of Printed India Silks thatweara
selling at 65o and 75c a yard. The quality tellj,
and the patterns no old styles. The Colored
Surah Silks that we are selling at 60c and 75a
are the delight of everyone that sees them.
More bargains In the Black Silk Department
this week that you want to see, especially In
the way of Black India Silks, Black Surah
Silks, Black Silk Grenadines and some remark
able Black Gros Grain Silks and Black Satin
Bhadames the quality at the prices make
them wonders.
Oyer In the Wash Dress Goods stock you
find new styles in Satines, fresh as newly
baked bread, and our display of Scotch and
American Ginghams is four to one larger than
any assortment you can find. Prices are low.
This Is our closing np month. Come now.
Ton will never buy Skirting Embroideries
for as little as at this moment in our Embrold
orr- 1
ery Department new goods; bought cheap.
Then the Lace counter has still got a big lot of
special low price goods, in medium and flounce
widths, in cream, white and black Laces, while
the stock of Black Nets is v ery large.
Muslin Underwear 25c garments to finest.
New styles in Dressing Sacques. Merino,
Gauze, Balbriggan and Pure Silk Underwear,
ribbed and plain, for ladies and children
many bargains.
Our low prices on Dress Goods Include the
finer qualities. This great cleaning up sale in
this Dress Goods Department Is full of extra
ordinary values the
Silk Warp Colored Cashmeres at 50c.
Mohair Mixtures at 33c and 40c,
The French Chillis at 2Sc and 40c
The French Dress Patterns at H and $5,
The J23 French Dress Patterns at $12.
The $125 quality Colored Silk Warp Henri,
ettas at 75c
The all-wool Debeiges at SOc, 40o and 60c.
The EO-Inch all-wool S ui tings at 40c.
The $2 French Silk Jacquard Stripes at 80a.
The Colored all-wool French Albatross at 45c.
This will be a busy month If you are wide
awake and will take time to see all the bargain
tbat are here.
I Jfr-1&
, iV