Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 13, 1889, Image 1

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A charming novelette by Louise Stock
ton, trill be published in complete form in
next Sunday's DISPATCH. Bead it
Bfl ID.
Some of Johnstown's Citizens
Displeased Because They
Are Once More
They Think They're Fallen
From the Frying Pan
Into the Fire.
And Prevent an Onlburst of Popular
Indignation at a Pub
lic Meeting.
And Eesolutions Passed Urging the Got-
ernorto Hasten Arrange-
jnents so That
The change of administration at Johns
town "was not accomplished without some
little friction. Many there were who ob
jected as seriously to the State running the
afia irs of the place as they did to the first
regime since the flood. A resolution was
unanimously passed at an indignation
meeting that funds for sufferers should be
gotten into some available shape and hands
as soon as possible.
. rraoM a staff coBEEsroxrjEXT.:
Johnstown, June 12. There was a
very large meeting of the citizens of Johns
town held in "Waters' plumbing store this
afternoon, which might have turned out a
regular indignation meeting had it not
solely depended on Mr. Lenten, the Chair
man of the assembly. It was about 2 o'clock
when over 100 Johnstown people entered
the large room, and no sooner had they all
entered than one of the men shouted: "I
nominate Mr. Lenten as Chairman of this
meeting. All in favor of that will give
their consent by saying aye."
A Unanimous Anrmatlve"
was the response, and after a large box bad
been arranged as the temporary chair, Mr.
Lenten declared the meeting open as follows-"Gentlemen
and Fellow Citizens:
"I have come here because I was informed
the citizens of Johnstown were to meet here,
and inasmuch as I am anxious to lend my
aid and assistance to all my friends and fel
low townsmen, to the best of my ability, I
have come. But nobody seems to know the
exact purpose for which the meeting has
been arranged, and I shall be very glad if
somebody will inform me as to the object of
this congregation. I have been elected the
Chairman of this gathering, and if there is
any responsibility attached to that position
of honor, I am
WUUng to Take That Responsibility.
"If yon have come here to lay ont a plan
for the purpose of taking the government of
our city into our own hands, all right- I
am willing to help you. I can assure you
the Booth & Plinn regime which has been
holding forth over our heads daring the last
week has not been at all satisfactory to me.
A man did not know where to go, no matter
how many passes he had. JL had during that
time made up my mind to call a meeting for
the purpose of ruing in indignation against
such treatment. I for one am exceedingly
glad that the Booth & PI inn administration
has come to an end. Let us manage onr
own affairs. I do .not see why we should
not. We have had people here for so long
who were strangers to us, who did not un
derstand our ways and wants like we do
ourselves. They handled hundreds and
thousands of dollars for the individual help
of the sufferers, but instead of that the
money was largely used for the payment of
getting our streets cleaned from the debris
and rubbish. "We did not want to
Have Onr Money Wasted
in that way. "When the workmen of Booth
& Plinn came here I thought the Pittsburg
Chamber of Commerce meant to pay them
for the work being done, and I never an
ticipated that such an expense was to be de
frayed from the contributions to the suffer
ers. However, I do not know that yon have
ome here for the purpore of discussing that
matter, and I am waiting to have somebody
explain to me what we have come here for."
Mr. Cyras Elder almost spoke before the
Chairman had concluded. He said: "I
think that the people of Pittsburg have
acted nobly and disinterestedly. The
Chamber of Commerce has sent men to us
who have done us an inestimable amount of
good, and these men's time was very valu
able to them, not only in their business but
also in their homes. I say that through the
efforts of the Pittsburgers a large number of
people were saved from death, and I say we
can never be too grateful to the people of
Pittsburg for what has been done by them
for us."
An Act of Pnre Madness.
Mr. Moxham was the next speaker. Said
he: "Kyou attempt to run the affairs of
this city yourselves, my fellow townsmen,
let me tell you you are simply committing
an act of madness. Look around here in
this hall. Are there sufficient men here to
come forward and devote themselves to the
task of doing here what is to be done? No.
Most of us are still in such a condition that
a strain of that kind would produce no ac
tions of any benefit to us. Anyhow, we
would be a great deal too slow. Governor
Beaver has now taken charge of the town,
and we have no reason to think that he will
not do everything in his power to alleviate
our sufferings. J have sufficient confidence
In the Governor to believe that he will do
AWUatiS right As rppards thn admlnictra.
tion which has just stepped out, I must in
dorse the statement of Mr. Elder, and say
that those men have done everything they
could to help us in a disinterested, noble
hearted manner. Of course some mistakes
have been made, but they were unavoida
ble, and inasmuch as the State did not do
anything for some time, something had to
be done."
A Citizen Follce Force Wnntcd.
Mr. Storey, another gentleman from the
crowd, now spoke: "As far as the origin of
this meeting is concerned, I believe it was
called for the purpose of having General
Hastings make us acquainted with what he
intends to do. I was at the headquarters of
General Hastings when the matter of a citi
zens' meeting was broached, and I there
heard the Adjutant General make the re
mark himself that he would be here this
afternoon. However, as I do not see him
present, I think that I may take the liberty
of speaking upon his authority when I state
that the General intends to take charge of
clearing away the debris and cleaning the
streets. The expenses incurred for that the
State will pay. All he wants the citizens
to do is appoint a police force from among
themselves, such as they think they will
require. That, I believe, is all he had to
The Task Before AIL
Mr. T. L. Johnson, a partner of Mr. Mox
ham, who lives in Cleveland, was the next
orator, and after he bad spoken ot the great
fatality in general and of the spontaneous
sympathy their misfortune had aroused
within the hearts of the people from all over
the land, he continued: ' ".Now the task
which lies before us, gentlemen, is simply
this: You must find a proper method of
distributing the contributions so liberally
offered by the country in general. To do
this it is necessary to ascertain the wants
and losses of every individual in the devas
tated district This will give a basis of dis
tribution, and when you have established
that you must give the poor man all, and
the rich man who has only suffered a trifle
should not have anything. Of course I am
a stranger among you, but still I take a
great interest in you, and therefore make
this suggestion."
Mr. Johnson's Scheme In Detail.
Mr. Johnson was greatly applauded at
the close of his remarks, and a resolution
was offered and adopted that he be appoint
ed the Chairman of a committee of five men
to do the work he proposed to be done. In
speaking of his scheihe, Mr. Johnson in
formed your correspondent that the com
mittee will go into every ward of Johns
town, Conemaugh and the other borougbs,
consecutively, and call a meeting of the cit
izens for the purpose of ascertaining the
loss of each sufferer. "The committee," he
said, "will be composed of disinterested
parties entirely, and when we have the list
completed we will submit it to a commis
sion hereafter to be appointed by the Gov
ernor of the State, and that commission is
to distribute the funds,"
Before the meeting closed Mr. Moxham
offered the following resolution, which was
also unanimously adopted:
Help WnnteJ In a Harry.
Whkbeas, It is proposed by Governor
Beaver and many large committees from all
over tbe country that such means be taken as
will dnvote the subscriptions of the country to
the Suffering poor of the valley, and
Whereas. Greatuncertalnty, exists as to a
speedy accomplishment of this purpose, -
We, the citizens of Johnstown and vicinity,
appeal on 'behalf of the thousands who are
now suffering; and su&erjng beyond words, to
the Governor and to every committee which
has collected money for this purpose, to come
to some quick decision which will enable the
funds to be devoted, by the immediate appoint
ment of a commission, to whom all moneys
shall be promptly transferred and by them
promptly disbursed.
Resolved, That we urge that such commis
sion shall consist of one representative of the
Chamber of Commerce of Pittsburg, and one
representative of each committee that has col
lected over 10,000; and one representative of
tbe citizens of Johnstown.
This resolution was intended as a supple
mentary measure to Mr. Johnson's sugges
tion, and the main object is to get some of
the money into the hands of the people who
have lost their all and who have not a cent
to bless themselves with. A meeting ot
Councils was also called by the Burgess of
Johnstown, but it did not take place be
cause the members could not be gotten to
gether. Heineichs.
Lends New Yorkers to Send Him to Find
Ont Where Thrlr Money Goes.
Kew Yobk, June 12. At the meeting of
tbe finance committee of the relief fund ot
the Conemaugh Valley to-day, the following
resolution was adopted:
In Tiew of the large amount of money in the
bands of tbe committee unappropriated, and
tbe committee feeling the importance of the
most judicious and careful use of the same:
Resolved, That the Chairman of the Execu
tive Committee, General W. T. Sherman, who
is also a member of this committee, be invited
to go to Harrisburg and confer with Governor
Beaver as to the situation of affairs, not only at
Johnstown, bat in other parts of the State
where loss of life and property has been the
greatest, and where the most aid is required.
This committee and the whole community
having the fullest confidence in General Sher
man, his report would give confidence to all.
Resolved, That the Mayor be requested to
send a copy of these resolutions to General
Money is still coming into the Mayor's
office for the flood sufferers. The largest
single contribution to-day was 54,450 from
the New York Board of Pire Underwriters.
Chief Evans Arrives, Bringing a Relief
Corps oi Firemen.
rritOM A 6TATT connEsroNDEirr.j
Johnstown, June 12. This morning
the members of the Allegheny police force
who have been doing parole duty for over
a week left for home. Chief Evans, of the
Pittsburg Pire Department, arrived on the
early train .this morning with a relief corps
of men to take the places of the over-
workedfiremen, who have had a run
night bnt one since thev came.
The chief took home with him about one
half of the men he had here, as there seemed
to be no use for so many of them. There are
still three companies here ready for any
emergency that may arise.
A Sedalln Doctor Challenges n Lawyer Over
n Benefit Bnll Game.
Sedalia, Mo., June 12. At a game of
baseball this afternoon, between the doctors
and lawyers of this city, for the benefit of
the Johnstown sufferers, E. J. Smith and
Dr. E. B. Huntock, two players, had a
quarrel and almost a fight
This morning Dr. Huntock sent his two
friends, Henry Lamm and Captain Bridges,
with a note to Smith, asking him to name
his two friends who would name the time
and place for securing the satisfaction dne
from one gentleman to another. The doctor
is la dead earnest.
The Coroner nt KerovIIle Talks Plainly of
the Cause of tho Disaster The
South Fork Fishing; Club
Not to bo Entirely
rrnou a staff cobbesfoitoett.'!
Johnstown, Jane 12. At a Coroner's
inqnest in Kernville, this afternoon, a
number of witnesses were examined.
"While I was not at the meeting personally,
Dr. Evans, of KernvHle, the Coroner,
gave me the facts of what had transpired,
and he plainly stated that the cause of death
was the South Pork Lake dam.
"It is impossible," said the .Coroner, "to
hold an inquest on all the dead bodies
found, because it would take too long. But
on the other hand, I do not consider it nec
essary to hold an inquest on every dead body
that was found in the water, because it is
too evident that one died from the same
cause as the other. Prom all the bodies
found so far I selected the corpse of Mrs.
Ellen Hyatt, because she was easily identi
fied, and also because I found it easier to
get a sufficient number of witnesses to give
testimony as to the manner of her death.
The Burden of tbe Testimony
so far obtained proves beyond a doubt that
the woman would not have been drowned
had it not been for the breaking of the dam."
"What was the verdict rendered by the
jury in her case?"
"The verdict has not been rendered yet.
"We adjourned this afternoon for three
weeks, and the verdict will not be rendered
until the inquest is closed."
"Do you think that there will be a resolu
tion passed censuring the members of the
South Pork Pishing Club for maintaining
a lake dangerous to human lives?"
"Yes, I think so. There seems to be a
unanimous opinion as to the fact that the
dam was the death trap for the people, and
inasmuch as the fishing club owned the
dam, they are held responsible. Whither
Suits for Damages
will be entered against them by anybody is
very hard to tell at this early stage of the
proceedings. The people are not in a con
dition to take any decided steps in regard to
that at present. It is for this reason that I
adjourned the inquest until, everything is
more settled. Everybody is busy at hi
home, if he has still got one, and those peo
ple who have lost all are too dazed and un
fit to act as witnesses. I cannot get them
together, in fact But as soon as matters
are a little more settled, I will proceed with
the inquest and a verdict will be rendered."
"Have you any idea what the verdict
will be?"
"I have, but of course I am not in a posi
tion to tell you. that. Of one thin yon
may be certain, however, and that is, the
South Pork Pishing,Club will not be ex
onerated from all blame in the disaster of
the Conemaugh valley." Heineichs.
Anthony Comstock Makes a Rnld With
Many Fruitful Results.
New Yobk, June 12. Anthony Com
stock made a very successful raid to-day.
He arrested Olin D. Chase, manager of the
Gast Lithographing and Engraving Com
pany, at 9 and 11 Desbrosses street, and
seize! 1,000,000 lottery tickets, 15 litho
graph stones, about half a ton 'in -weight,
five numbering machine! and sheets of pa
per for printing 500,000 tickets. The tickets
were printed for lotterj companies whi ch
Comstock says have no existence.
They are "the Original Little Louisiana
Lottery Company, of San Diego. Cal., sup
plement to the Louisiana State Lottery,
Kansas City and New York," "Original
Little Louisiana Lottery Company of San
Francisco," and the "Original Little
Louisiana Lottery Company of Oakland,
Cal." The tickets were wholes and halves,
the former selling for CO cents. Chase was
held for trial at the Tombs Police Court
Comstock believes that his raid will put a
stop to swindling numerous people through
out the country.
One of the Principal Streets Drops Down
Into a Coal flline.
"Wilkesbakke, June 12. The most
disastrous cave-in that ever occurred in the
coal regions took place here late this after
noon. The Hollenback & Hellman vein
mines are situated under a thickly settled
portion of the city. They are a thousand
feet deep and for years past no coal was sup
posed to be mined in that portion of it un
derlying the city for lear the earth would
sink. To-day at i o'clock the crash came.
Madison street, one of the principal
thoroughfares of the city, is filled with large
crevices from which the gas escapes in huge
Owners of houses are greatly alarmed.
The men in the mines had all they could do
to escape with their lives. Some of the
mules were caught in the workings and
killed. Eight hundred men and boys are
thrown out of work. The loss to the mine
owners will be over $100,000, and the loss to
property owners on the surface will be
double that amount.
He Brutally Attacks His Keepers at Every
Possible Opportunity.
Atjbtjbn, N. Y., June 12. John Thomas,
alias John "Welch, "a New York convict, as
saulted Captain Hanlon with an iron bed
post, inflicting almost fatal injuries. Tho
convict was confined in a screen cell for in
fraction of the prison rules. He has threat
ened several times of late to murder the first
person who provoked his ill will. Captain
Hanlon ordered "Welch to hand out his bed
to be cleaned. "Welch refused, and attacked
the officer like a tiger when he entered the
There was intense excitement for over
half an hour. Captain Hanlon was danger
ouslv injured. "Welch is a desperate brute,
havfng committed several assaults on keep
ers during the winter. He says he, means
to commit mnrder and will do so at the first
opportunity if he can get out
A Strike That Keeps the Ocean Monnreus at
Their Docks.
LrvEBPOOl., June 12. The Inman Line
steamer City of New York, which was to
have left here for New York this afternoon,
was unable to proceed owing to the refusal
of her crew to sail with her. The company
had succeeded in engaging a crew yesterday
upon agreeing to pay tbe wages demanded
by the Seamen's Union. To-day the crew
asked the company to give them a written
guarantee that the increased rate would be
continued for six months.
This the company refused to do, and the
crew therefore, in compliance with the order
of tbe union, came ashore, leaving the
steamer in the stream. The Anchor line
steamer City of Borne, which was to have
sailed to-day, also failed to obtain a full
complement of men, and is .still detained
pft$wt Wimttf).
That is. the Question on Which Beaver
Hesitates Just at Present.
And the Treasurer Lack Confidence to Turn
Oyer Keys and Funds.
He Karnes Them, And Will Be in Philadelphia To-day
For a Conference-
Governor Beaver has appointed himself
Belief Commissioner for Johnstown and
"Williamsport Incidentally he has named
ten other commissioners. He halts again
between two opinions: "Whether it is better
to take the money from the State Treasury
or to borrow it that's his dilemma. The
State Treasurer and Attorney General don't
seem to have concurred with him on the
former part of the question as yet
Harbisbubg, June 12. Governor
Beaver has appointed the following named
gentlemen to act in conjunction with him
self in the distribution of the $1,000,000
which he thinks he will' cause to be appro
priated by the State, and the fund which he
has received by contribution for the relief
of the Johnstown sufferers: Mayor Edwin
H. Pitler, Thomas Dolan, John Y. Hnber,
Robert C. Ogden and Prances B. Beeves,
all of Philadelphia; James B. Scott, Keu
ben Miller and S. S. Marvin, of Pittsburg;
John Pulton, Johnstown, and H. H. Cum
min, "Williamsport.
The Governor has not decided how the
51,000,000 shall be raised. The Attorney
General has not yet decided whether au in
demnifying bond, as was originally pr o
posed, conld bo enforced or not, and the
State Treasurer refuses to payout the money
until his opinion has been received.
The Governor will go to Philadelphia to
morrow and hold a conference with those
interested in the case, to decide what plan
to adopt
To Raise the Money.
He has received many assurances from
citizens of the State that they would ad
vance a part of the money withont interest
until the Legislature meets again, when,
they think, the appropriation will be made.
If the Attorney General decides that it
would be illegal to draw money from the
State treasury before the appropriation has
been made, it is probable that the Governor
will accept these offers, and raise the money
in that way.
Copies of the bond proposed by the Gov
ernor have been printed for distribution for
signers. The modification of the bond, so
as to make the sureties responsible for the
payment of moneys that may be taken from
the treasury for the clearing of streams and
the abatement other nuisances caused by
the flood in the event of the next State
Treasurer refusing to accept the settlement
of the incumbent of the offlce.is said to have
partially removed the fears of the latter that
Line extraordinary means suggested to pro
cure funds for the enforcement of sanitary
measures might get him into difficulty.
The Treasurer May Weaken.
It was said in the Executive Department
to-night that there would be no trouble in
obtaining the necessary funds from the
Treasury. The requisite number of indors
ers of the bond could easily be secured, and
the State Treasurer, it was thought, would
hone the demands made on him by the
Butjthe plan is recognized as extraordi
nary by even the Governor, and be is in
clined to hesitate before putting it into
operation. He admits that it would not
establish a salutary precedent Its enforce
ment will depend largely ou contingencies.
He thinks a fewhundred thousand dollars,
at the most, will suffice to remove all
nuisances caused by the flood, and seems to
indulge the hope that patriotic and liberal
minded citizens will make up this amount
The Governor secured a number of sign
ers to his modified bond to-day.. But Mavor
Pitler has not yet furnished the Philadel
phia list of sureties.
Governor Beaver has sent $1,000 of the
$5,000 forwarded by "William Potter, of
Philadelphia, who is on the Governor's
bond, for use at Johnstown. Thn fund in
the hands of His Excellency for the relief'
at flA1 s?it miTaMs a ah rlto . I- Y s? 112.
dollars, $42,000 having been added to it to
The Governor Has a Good Starr on Those
Backers for His Bond.
Philadelphia, June 12. Mayor Pitler
to-day received B0 copies of the guarantee
for the 'indemnity bond drawn up at
Governor Beaver's instance, to secure
the State Treasurer, in the sum of
$1,000,000 that is to be expended in
clearing the Conemaugh. After the
copies had been received by the Mayor, he
was called on by E. Y. Townsend, President
of the Cambria Iron Company, and H.
Lowber "Welsh, who are to be among the
signers of the bond. They said that they
would be pleased at an opportunity to sub
mit the guarantee to the examination of
counsel, so that the extent of the liability of
the guarantors might be clearly understood.
The Mayor gave them copies, and, pend
ing the result of the examination he with
held the copies from the public. Messrs.
"Welsh and Townsend submitted the docu
ment to the inspection of John C. Bullitt
and John.G. Johnson. Mr. Bullitt said to
night to a reporter:
"I examined the paper submitted to me.
It is practically the. same as that already
printed in the papers. The only question
raised was one looking to the limit of
responsibility. I made onlv a rTmmre nr
two, clearly limiting the responsibility of
eacn signer to $o,vw, ana sent tbe paper to
the printer. lam promised that it will be
ready to-morrow to send to the Mayor and
the other gentlemen interested."
In reply to another question by the re
porter, Mr. Bullitt added: "The question
of the abstract right to draw this money
from the treasury has been raised, bat not
by the gentlemen who submitted the mat
ter to me, and with that I have nothing to
Mayor Pitler said to-night that he had
the names of about 70 gentlemen "who had
volunteered to sign the guarantee, but he
added that, until the form of the document
bad been determined on and accepted, he
did not feel warranted in giving out the
Another Cronln Suspect.
New Yobk, June 12. Another un
known prisoner was locked up at police'
headquarters this evening. He went in at
the rear entrance handcuffed to a detective
sergeant The man was low-sized and had
a heavy black mustache. "Whether the ar
rest was in connection witirthe Cronln case-
could not be learned to-night
He Attempts to Kill and Barn His Sweet
heart Because She Refused to Marry
Him Foiled, In Both of His
Efforts Her Story
New Yobk, June 12. "When the firemen
extinguished a fire this" afternoon, in Mrs.
Sophie Paffe's candy and notion store, 152
Java street, Green Point Mrs.
Bafle said the place had been
set on fire by' "William P. Hayes, of
l&3,Huron street "He tried to kill me,"
she said, "and then set fire to a lot of fire
works in a closet in the rear of the store."
The police arrested Hayes and Mrs. Paffe
made this additional statement:
"I am a widow 41 years old. I have a
child 43 years old. About a year ago I be
came acquainted with Hayes. He
wanted to marry me. I re
fused, saying that I did not wish to
have to support him. I knew he was out of
work. He is a painter. To please him,
however, I went out with him to Bowery
Bay a couple of times. After that he be
came more importunate and demanded
I should marry him. I then began to fear
him, as he threatened to kill me. This
afternoon he came to tbe store and said he
'had got work.' I said I was glad, and he
said: 'Are you glad enough to marry me? I
have come for your final answer.'
"He then grabbed me by the arm; and,
taking a jacknife. from his pocket, he
tried to open it with his teeth.
I struggled and got away from him.
Then he ran to the closet and struck a match
to ignite the fireworks. I put out the first
and second match. Then throwing me
to the floor he lighted a match
and set the fireworks off. As they
exploded, filling the store with smoke and
flame, he ran to the yard and escaped over
the fence. The store is in a three-story
frame building, crowded with tenants. His
parents advised me not to marry him."
A Wealthy Xoung Actress Forsakes Home
and Friends.
NewYobk, June 12. "The Brigands,"
now playing at the Casino, lost one of the
Italian peasants of . the piece on
Tuesday in the person of Miss Edgeworth
Starritt, who played the part of Cicinella.
Itisl&ld Miss Starritt has-gone away to
South America with Signor Paulo Bellochio.
a swarthy-faced refugee from Italy, who had
been teaching Miss Starritt how to use the
foils. "Miss Starritt is 19 years old, 16
year) younger than Bellochio. She is a
tall brunette who had gone on the stage
through fondness for the work and not from
necessity, for she is reputed to have a for
tune in her own right Her home is in
Brooklyn, where she lived with an aunt,
and was well known as a member of the
Amaranth Dramatic Club.
Her professional life on the stage began
les than a year ago. She played Captain
Delaunay in "Ermine" and Dame Caruth
ert in the "Yeoman of the Guard." "When
Miss Starritt was on the road
Bellochio is said to have followed
her. On Monday afternoon while
she was at the Casino Bellochio called and
had a long talk with her. Shortly after his
departure Miss Starritt disappeared. She
has not since been seen, although she is
still billed for the part of Cicinella. On
Tuesday Miss Starritt's aunt called at the
Casino and said that she feared that her
niece had eloped with Bellochio.
He Makes Some Statements That Do Not
Seem Easily Confirmed.
New Yobk, June 12. Lord Lonsdale,
Arctic explorer and Violet Cameron's
whilom admirer and manager, was inter
viewed on arrival of the Celtic in Liverpool
by a representative of the Liverpool Courier,
to whom he gave an inkling of his marvel
ous discoveries up around the North Pole.
He incidentally remarked that "during his
stay in New York he was cordially
received," and as proof that his Arctic
explorations had commanded recognition
lie declared that "he was elected an honor
ary member of several of the leading
clubs." This little boast of the Earl
does not -appear to be borne out by
the facts. At the Union League his name
does not appear cm the list, although he
was on the visitor's book for two weeks dur
ing his stay in New York.
This was the nearest he ever came to
membership in the Bepublican stronghold.
Lord Lonsdale was unknown to the officials
of the New York Club, and he is not re
membered to have been inside its doors. His
Lordship has not been taken into the fold
of the Union Club, either, although his
having the freedom of the house for three
days might have led him to imagine that he
was an honorary member. At the Lotos
Club they say the Earl has never even been
to visit them.
A Lnrgo Number of Workmen Crushed by a
Falling ScnObld.
Chicago, June. 12. A large scaffold
that had been carelessly erected at the new
power house which President Yerkes, of the
Westside Cable Street Eailway, is building
at the corner of Bockwell and Madison
streets, iell with a crash this afternoon and
buried nine workmen in the ruins. No one
was killed outright, but some will' probably
The scaffold was about 30 feet high, and a
large quantity of material was on the top.
"Without any warning the affair came down,
carrying four bricklayers with it and bury
ing five bod carriers beneath the ruins. The
dozen other workmen who were at work on
the structure went frantically to work re
moving the ruins, and after half an hour's
hard work succeeded in removing the rub
bish and getting the injured out
Three Boys Sue n Chief of Police for
81,000 In Cash.
Elizabeth, N. J., June 12. Two years
ago three Elizabeth boys, while playing with
a ball of rags they found lying on the Cen
tral Bailroad track, happened to break it
open and found in the center a wad of bills
amounting to over $1,000. They took the
money to Chief Keren, who put it in a bank
and advertised extensively for its owner.
None appeared.
The bovs, growing impatient at being de
prived of their find, engaged Assemblvman
Marsh to bring suit to-day in the Union
County Court against Keron for the re
covery of the treasure' trove. Keron claims
tne.money belongs to the state.
Chosen as Chief Officer of the Clgur Maker
and Packers' Association.
New Yoek, June 12. The National As
sociation of Cigar Makers and Packers at
its session to-day decided to have labels of
the organization registered in every State in
order to secure State protection. The fol
lowing officers were elected for the year:
N. 1 M. "W., Anthony Leninger, of Pitts
burg; N. T. WVP., Henry Gruber, of Jer
sey City; N. T. B. and P. S., Albert Hoff
man, of Covington, Ky.; Treasurer, Joseph
Richardson, df HamilteB. Oat -
Alexander Sullivan Very Anxious
to Get Out of Jail.
And Judge Tnley Will Render a Decision
on Friday Mornin?.
A Strong Case Against the Two Prisoners Arrested la
Hew Tort
Alexander Sullivaa yesterday presented
a habeas corpus petition to Judge Tuley for
his release. The case was heard, but the
Court will consider the evidence taken at
the Coroner's inquest before rendering a
decision. Tbe special grand jury was
charged and commenced its work of investi
gation. One of the New York prisoners has
been identified as one of the men who was
prominent in the arrangements, for the
Chicago, June 12. Prom surface indi
cations it would seem that Alexander Sulli
van is not entirely contented with his quar
ters in the murderers' row of the Chicago jail.
At least he and his friends are making a
vigorous effort to effect a change. At 1
o'clock Mr. Sullivan's attorneys finished
their consultation, and at 1:15 Mr. Trude
appeared in Judge Tuley's court with a
petition made out in the regular form asking,
for a writ of habeas corpus.
The petitioner was Alexander Sullivan
himself. The petition sets forth that the
verdict of the coroner's jury, on the
strength of which he was committed, is insuf
ficient to hold him and deprive him of the
benefit of bail. The evidence produced be
fore the coroner's jury on which the verdict
was rendered was insufficient to justify the
commitment on any charge.
Some Rather Strong Assertions.
There was no competent evidence direct
or circumstantial, offered or admitted
against the petitioner tending to prove that
he was guilty of Dr. Cronin's murder or
accessory thereto, or had guilty knowledge
thereof, or knowledge of any plot or con
spiracy to accomplish the same. The
Coroner also permitted a large number of
witnesses to testify to statements alleged to
have been made by Cronin in his lifetime
as to what Cronin suspected in relation to
Snllivan. and that the Coroner permitted'a
large amount of incompetent and wholly
irrelevant testimony to be introduced before
the jury calculated to prejudice the jury
against him without Bhedding any light on
the question being investigated.
The verdict, so far as it reflected on the
conduct of Sullivan, was the result of pas
sion and prejudice, created by the incom
petent and irrelevant testimony admitted by
the Coroner. The testimony heard was so
voluminous that it is impracticable to set
it out. Sullivan says he is not guilty of the
crime with which he is charged, and that
he has had no connection whatever with the
murder of Dr Cronin. He asks that he be
brought into court at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
Sullivan In Court.
There was a big crowd in court at 4 P. m.
There was a! -wait -of SO minutes "before' big
Sheriff Matson appeared, accompanying
Alexander Sullivan. The two had walked
from the jail, nearly amile distant, through
the public streets. Sullivan had asked that
a carriage be telephoned for, but when told
that it would take some time, he said:
""Well, let's walk. I can stretch my legs."
"Is this petition for Mr. Sullivan's re
lease or his admission to bail?" asked Judge
"Por either," said Mr. Trude. "We ask
for his release if no indictment has been re
turned against him. If there is an indict
ment, then we ask to have him admitted to
bail. "We base onr petition upon the state
ment that there is no evidence against Alex
ander Sullivan, except idle gossip and that
the evidence is insufficient to hold him on
the charge of murder. "We ask the State's
Attorney to produce one witness befoie the
bar of this court, to submit one piece of
legal CT1UCJJLC attiuak tut; avi.uaUi
,Tho State's Attorney's Point.
The State's Attorney demurred to Mr.
Trude's .remarks, and made tbe point that
Sullivan's petition did not set up the testi
mony taken before the Coroner's jury.
Jndge Gilbert said it would be a practical
denial of justice to require the" relator to set
up the testimony of 100 witnesses consuming
nine days. He also made the point that the
verdict of the Coroner's jury was not suffi
cient warrant for Mr. Sullivan's arrest
It was impossible to tell from the verdict
what Alexander Sullivan was charged with.
It did not show whether he was charged
with being accessory before or after the
fact, or whether he had a guilty knowledge
of the murder before or after it. He might
have bad a knowledge that the murder was
to be committed without being an accessory,
because an accessory must aid or abet in
the crime. There was nothing charged in
the verdict directly unless it was that Sulli
van had a knowledge of the plot or con
spiracy, and the accused should at least be
admitted to bail.
Judge Tuley said: "I am relieved of
some difficulty by the statement of counsel
that the implication is to admit the accused
to bail. It appears to me it would be a
hardship to require a prisoner to obtain a
copy of the testimony before a Coroner's jury
betore he can sue to regain his liberty. L
don't know whether the Coroner has the
power to give a certified copy of evidence.
The verdict of the Coroner's jury is
Exceedingly Indefinite nnd Informal.
"It finds that these prisoners were either
guilty of murder or had guilty knowledge
of it. The only question I have to de
termine is whether there is sufficient evi
dence to hold Alexander Sullivan without
It was finally agreed that the Court
should take the evidence heard by the Cor
oner's jury and have the testimony of those
witnesses touching on the alleged connec
tion of Alexander Sullivan pointed out lo
him. It was some time before Mr. Trude
would consent to this. He said that neither
he nor his client knew what the evidence
was, except by newspaper reports. Then
the Court suggested that if Mr. Sullivan
were not satisfied to leave the matter en
tirely with him, be could cross-examine
certain witnesses on the stand, but the
State's Attorney would be allowed to also
put in evidence. Thereupon Mr. Trude
consulted with his client.
Mr. Sullivan promptly agreed to leave
the evidence-with the Court to decide if it
were sufficient to hold him. The Court said
he would consider it lezallv without preju
dice, but could not promise to get through
with the matter- betore Friday morning.
Mr. Sullivan was remanded, therefore, un
til 10 o'clock -Friday morning, at which
time the Court thinks he will have finished
reading the evidence.
If the 'evidence is not sufficient In the
Court's opinion, Jndge Tulev can discharge
Sullivan; if no Indictment is returned By
the Grand Jury, and admit him to ball if
there is an indictment.
TWMurderers Will be Convicted and the
Clan-Nn-Gael Reorganized.
Chicago, June 12. Luke Dillon left for
Philadelphia this " afternoon. "My busi
ness has been ' neglected." he said, "bnt I
shall be back in a few days and expect to
work harder than ever in bringing tbe mur
derers to justice. I now have not a particle
of doubt that they will all be convicted."
He savs that the censure of the Coroner's
jury wifl hurt the Clan-na-Gael, but that
that body will be reorganized, and its effect
neutralized bv eliminating some of the at
present objectionable features.
The Empbntlo Charge Given to the New
Grand Jury The BInrderers of Dr.
Cronin Must be Searched Out
and Punished Work la
Now Commenced.
Chicago, June 12. The grand jury which
is to bear the evidence in the Cronin case
assembled to-day. Judge Shepherd charged
the jury as follows:
The appalling mnrder of Dr. Cronin lately
committed demands a most vigorous investiga
tion. An American citizen has been struck
down and killed under circumstances so horri
bly indicative of conspiracy, premeditated de
sign and malice as to warrant the most search
ing inquiry. Fortunately the power of the
grand fury is folly equal to the emergency.
Men who can tell ot facts and circumstances
that will lead you to the discovery of tbe
guilty parties can be made to tell. It is as
much perjury to falsely deny knowledge of the
fact as to falsely affirm its existence. ".Nothinc
short of a refusal to testify before you on the
ground that his testimony will tend to crimi
nate himself will excuse any witness, and he
cannot falsely employ that personal prlvilego
as a protection for another without subjecting
himself to the pains and penalties of perjury.
It is not the policy of the law that it is better
that one or any number of guilty men should
escape rather that one innocent person should
suffer. The law has no policy in such matters,
except that every guilty man shall be pun
ished. "With all the information already in
the possession of the law officers of the county
at hand it will be a blot upon this Common
wealth, a severe blow to the administration of
justice and a frightful menace to tbe safety of
the individual citizens, if any man engaged in
this shocking crime, or having guilty
knowledge of it, shall not be . discovered.
The whole power of the county
is at your disposal. Employ your resources, uso
tbe power vested in you discreetly and ad
visedly, but courageously, without fear or
favor, and the result cannot be uncertain."
The greatest precautions were taken to
keep the proceedings secret, although tbe
jury went over old ground and heard the
witnesses who had already told what they
knew at the Coroner's inquest Bailifht
were stationed at the foot of the stairway
leading from the second floor to the third,
where the jury room is located, and kept all
reporters from going upstairs. After the
jury had organized they listened to the story
of Lieutenant Scbeuttler, who told what be
knew of the Carlson cottage.
Latersubpcenas were served on Dr.Cronin's
friends, the saloon keeper, Conklin, and
wife; the two Carlsons, father and Bon;
James Mullen, manager of Bevelle & Co.;
E. C. Throckmorton, clerk for Knight &
Marshall, real estate agents; Salesman "W.
P. Hatfield, of Bevelle & Co.: M. E. Hale,
carpet layer for Bevelle & Co.; Joseph
Cronin, brother of Dr. Cronin. and Justice
Mahouey, of Lakeview. Mr. Throckmor
ton told of the meeting at tbe flat at 117
Clark street, by "J. B. Simmons." It took
him ten minutes. Mr. Hatfield related all
about tbe purchase of the furniture at
Bevelle & Co.'s. He came down in 15
minutes. Justice Mahoney then entered
the room and stayed for two hours, all the
other witnesses being presently sent home.
The magistrate was pressed very hard about
the contract P. O. Sullivan had made with
Dr. Cronin.
Almost a Conclusive Case Agnlnst.One of
the Men Arrested In New York for
the Mnrder of Cronin His
Photograph Identified
by a Number of
Chicago, June 12. Before" 10 o'clock
to-night John Maroney and Charles Mc
Donald, of New York City, will be in the
hands of Chicago officials. At 8 o'clock
last night requisition papers were secretly
issued by the Governor to Thomas J. Par
rel, a representative of State's Attorney
Longenecker, for the arrest of Maroney and
McDonald for complicity in the Cronin
murder. The matter wal a zealously guarded
secret until this afternoon, when officials in
the Governor's office admitted that the
requisitions had really been granted and
that Parrell had left for the East last
As the officers took the "Wabash limited,
they should arrive in New York to-night,
and it is likely Inspector Byrnes will have
formally delivered tbe prisoners to Illinois
officials before midnight. A very strong
chain of circumstantial evidence has been
wound about John J. Maroney, one of the
men now under arrest in New York on sus
picion of being connected with the murder
of Dr. Cronin.
The story as given by the authorities is as
follows: Photographs were procured of
Maroney and McDonald, the other man ar
rested at the same time in New York.
These were mixed with a number of others
and shown, first to Salesman Hatfield, of
Bevell & Co., who sold the furniture sub
sequently found in the Carlson cottage, in
Lakeview, in which Dr. Cronin was mur
dered. Mr. Hatfield without "hesitation
picked out Maroney's portrait as that of the
man to whom he sold the furniture.
The pictures were then mixed up and
shown to Mr. Throckmorton, the real estate
agent who rented the rooms on Clark street,
opposite Dr. Cronin's office, to which the
furniture was first carted from Bevell's. Mr.
Throckmorton picked out the picture of
Maroney as the man to whom he rented the
rooms. Once more the pictures were shuf
fled and this time they were shown to ex
pressman Martensen, who carted the furni
ture from the Clark street rooms to the
Carlson cottage, where Dr. Cronin was
murdered. The result was the same, Ma
roney's picture was again selected, this time
as the man who hired the furniture moved.
Neither of these persons knew what had
been done by the other. In each of these
coses the man gave his name as J. B. Sim
mons. It now remains to be seen whether
or not the Carlsons will recognize him as
one of the alleged brothers named "Williams
who rented the cottage.
A Suggestion That They be Hung Around
the Pension Building.
"Washington, Junel2. General Meigs,
the architect of the Pension building, has
addressed-a letter to the Commissioner of
Pensions, suggesting that the flags
borne in battle by the soldiers of
the United States and those captured
by them in war be hung around the walls
of tbe Pension Office building. He says
also that the intent of all the acts of Con
gress regarding tbe captured flags is that
they shall be displayed in some proper
public place.
The Commissioner has replied to General
Meigs that he will readily assist him in this
project if the pension building be made
waterproof. The roof of the building leaks
badly in several places.
A Kcwnrd for the Man Who Rescued Secre
tary Halford's Wife.
Washington, June 12. The Secretary
of the Treasury to-day appointed John
Huhson a skilled laborer in the Treasury
Department at a compensation of $720 per
annum. Huhson was porter of one of the
Pullman cars caught in the flood at Johns
town, and it was mainly through his efforts
that Mrs. E. "W. Halford and her daughter
were enabled to reach a place of safety in
the mountains. His appointment is due to
the recommendation of the President's' Pri
vate Secretary.
If it is anjthMRsNson yon can obtain it
cheaply and JAjfi advertising la The
Dispatch columtJ5jiC
-P b
XipsE cents
'n i
Tlie Ohio Co!$?ll Guide
Destiny of the Democracy.
To Fill the Place Made Vacant by the Death,
of Senator Barnum.
Will Aram be the Rallying Cry of the Party in the
Contest ef 1E92.
Colonel Calvin S. Brice, of Ohio, was yes
terday chosen Chairman of the National
Democratic Committee. His selection was
unanimous. Senator Gorman made a eulo
gistic speech recounting the virtues of
"William H. Barnum, the late Chairman.
The delegates did not talk freely concerning
1892, but those who did were for Cleveland
and the old platform.
New Yoek, June 12. The members of
the Democratic National Committee, who
gathered for the purpose of electing a Chair
man to fill the place made vacant by the
death of William H. Barnum and to pass
suitable resolutions concerning the deaths of
Mr. Barnum and P. "W. Dawson, the repre
sentative of South Carolina, met in the par
lors in the Fifth Avenue Hotel at 12 o'clock
to-day. The meeting was private. S. P.
Sheerin, the Secretary of the committee,
called the meeting to order.
Henry D.McHenry, who has served stead
ily on the committee since 1858, and is the
oldest member, nominated Calvin S. Brica
for Chairman. The nomination was sec
onded by A. P. Gorman, who said that the)
committee honored itself in choosing Mr- ,
Brice for chairman. The vote was tat en by
States and Mr. Brice. was unanimously
elected. In accepting the office Mr. Brice
said that he would be less than human if he
failed to appreciate the great honor which,
had been conferred upon him. He said that
he considered it not only as a personal
honor, but as an indorsement of his work as
Chairman of the last National Campaign
committee. He pledged himself to serve
the Democratic party with unswerving
One oPthe Incidents.
Assemblyman John Martin acted aa
sergeant at arms, but he remained invisible
and left the unpleasant part of his work to
be borne by a delicate porter, whose ac
quaintance with great men was not suf
ficiently broad to enable him to reeognize
the figure of Pennsylvania's representative.
The porter had been strictly ordered to per
mit no one to enter the room unless he first
got his name and submitted it to the com
mittee. "When Mr. Scott came up the long x
corridor the porter barred the passage.
Mr. Scott roughly pushed him out of the
way and banged into the room, leaving the
porter in a badly rumpled condition.
Delegate McHenry, who said that hs
came here by the way of "Washington, said
to a reporter of The Dispatch: "I was
amused to see the crowd oi Kentuckians
who were patiently waiting in the Capital
for the plotter to come their way. Many of
them have been there since March .and
President Harrison has done nothinjfioj-
them yet. The only appointments he has
made nave been a lot of postmasters. There
is. a great deal of dissatisfaction among the
representatives in Kentucky, but the Dem
ocrats have had nothing to complain of so
far. '
A Good Location.
I think Cleveland did a good thing in
settling down in this city, for it will bring
him into contact with the strong men of tho
None of the committee cared to looked so
far ahead as 1892, and were loath to indulge
in prognostications. Colonel J. G. Prother,
of Missouri, declared himself in favor of
figbting the next big battle on the same
platform as that on which the last was
"So far as I can see," he said, "the Ee
publicans arc not making much headway
in the favor of the people, while our last
defeat is apt to be of benefit to us. The
feeling in my State is largely in favor of
having Mr.1 Cleveland renominated.4'
Mr. "William Steinway said that ha
thought the chances of Democratic success
in 1892 were very good. Mr. J. H. Bice,
of Indiana, said that he was with the Demo
cratic party independent of its platform. He
said that the convention which will repre
sent the party will not be likely to make
any mistakes. Dan Lockwood, of Buffalo,
said: "The party will grow on the blow it
got last fall. Its defeat then will not affect
it in the least It is bound to come to the
front again. One thing is certain, however,
and that is that this State must have a
united Democratic party. "With this end
achieved success will be assured."
f Tbe New Chairman.
Calvin Stewart Brice was born in Den
mark, O., September 17, 1845. He was a
son of "William Kilpatrick Brice, qf an
old Maryland and Pennsylvania family, a
graduate of Hanover College and Princeton
Theological Seminary and a Presbyterian
clergyman of distinction. He entered Miami
University at Oxford, O., when he was 13
years of age. In April, 1861, at IS years of
age he volunteered in Captain Dodd's uni
versity company. "While still in the field
he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel for
meritorous service, but was not mustered in
owing to the cessation of hostilities.
"When Colonel Brice returned from the
army to the practice of law at his home in
Lima in 1SG6 he at once took an active part
in politics and he has always attended the
Democratic County, State and National
Conventions. He has also through all this
time been one of the most liberal contribu
tors to the campaign f u nds, but has stead fasti v
refused to be a candidate for any office, al
though often urged to accept nominations.
His Congressional district usually gave 6,000
to 10,000 Democratic majority, and he was
frequently solicited to be a candidate, but
always positively declined.
Perhaps the greatest elements of success
in Colonel Brice are his fidelity to party in
terests and his absolute loyalty to his
Begrets for Barnum.
In speaking of the late Senator Barnum
at the committee meeting, Mr. Gorman said
he was a leader of men, and that he was a
strong man morally and mentally. He con
tinued: Intellectually, his rivals underestimated him,
his friends never fully appreciated him, his ad
mirers never overvalued him. He was an
American who loved our institutions with a
heartfelt devotion, and believed tbey were
destined to exercise a commanding influence
on the destiny of mankind, lie believed that
they could only be maintained by the agency
of the Democratic party. Mr. Barnum was,
therefore, a Democrat of the Jeftersontan
school, who hail faith in tbe enduring princi
ples that have carried that party through many
trials, only to confirm their strength and their
Residing in a section ot the union where his
party for many years was In a hopeless minor
ity, he never wavered in bis faith, or active
support of Democracy. In the words of an
other I can say ot him 'He had a triple courage
which Imparted to him Immense strength. His
E by steal bravery knew no fear. His moral
eroism was sublime.' But above these was the
courage ot bis intellect. Some men have bravo
souls in cowardly bodies. Tbe cheek of others
is never blanched by physical danger. But few
rise to the highest form ot courage. Barnum
never committed treason against his intellect.
He thought for himself and spoke what hs
thought. Friendship could riot deter bias.
.Enemies coum not maze nun airaiu.