i tv 8' Mi sBHffi5B& otpatoh;;-'-dnicsda: jtjotd ,1, m$. Tl, I f I Hv. SUfiYIYED THE SHOCK One Maa Who Does Not Belieie in Electricity for Executions. A PERIOD OP FEARFUL AGONY. fifteen Hundred Volts of Electricity Passed Thnragh Him. HIS BECOTEBY ALMOST MIEACDLOUS. An Apparently Strong, Flu la the Cause of Murderer Eemmler. H. SI. SteTens, of Boston, does not believe In using electricity for executing criminals, fie tried it once himself, and the results R-ere not entirely satisfactory. He is sot dead, bat he suffered awful agony for a number of boars, and still feels the results of his experience. He thinks Eemmler had fetter be hanged. Boston, Jane 11. The terrible uncer tainty of electricity in its effect upon the human body was never better illustrated thi in the case of H. M. Stevens, of this city, -who four years ago received a shock equivalent to 1,500 volts the greatest on record, so far as known. The fact that he recovered, after awful agony, and is to-day a healthy and robust man, argues strongly against the claim of electrical experts that electricity affords a simple and efficacious method of producing death. In view of Murderer Kemmler's efforts in Kew Tork State to escape the execution of his death sentence by electricity, the testi mony of Mr. Stevens is very interesting at this time. He is Assistant Superintendent of the Boston Electric Light Company, and to-day gave tbe correspondent a full ac count of his remarkable contact with the mysterious electric fluid. He was Superin tendent, four years ago this summer, of the Middlesex Electric Lighting Company, in Lowell. In making a tour of inspection of 'the machines he came in contact with the brushes of a 35-light dynamo. He slipped upon an oily spot on the floor, fell forward, instinctively put out both hands to save himself and unwittingly grabbed with either hand the positive and negative brushes of the machine. SOMETHING OF A SHOCK. A circuit was completed, with his body as the medium, and a force of electricity equal to 50,000 candle power, or about 1,600 Volts, shot instantaneously through him and prostrated him violently in the field of the machine. There he lay for a few seconds, the current all the time entering his body, until finally, from his own weight, be dropped off to the floor. To all appearances be was dead. All this happened in less time than it takes to describe it. The shock was sufficient to kill an ordi nary man. According to the best electrical opinion, Murderer Kemmler, in New York, will receive no greater charge. Stevens, however, was not dead, and his recovery is the most remarkable part of his strange ex perience. They picked him up and carried him awav. Dr. Brissel, of Lowell, was summoned. The pulse and the heart showed so signs of life. The eyes were set, the limbs were rigid and the arms were drawn close to the body. The flesh was cold and the bloody gashes between the fingers were apparent, showing where the flesh had been burned. The doc tors went to work earnestly enough, but the case was one in which the symptoms were altogether unknown to medical science. They pried open the mouth and poured a big glass of whisky into the stomach. It had no effect. ALMOST A MIEACLE. Kelt the medical men pounled and rubbed for an hour, but the body never moved a muscle. The miraculous now oc curred. This man had all the while been insulated with enough electricity in his system to charge another machine. He had "been lying all the while on the floor. An attendant at the station suggested placing tbe body on the ground where it was damp. This was done and the man began to revive. After an hoar the patient became conscious, but it was the consciousness of agony. The .electricity -was slowly passing out of the Jr body into the ground. f Stevens suffered terribly for four hours after consciousness. He kept gasping for breath, and tried to articulate but could not They gave him more whisky, and continued the rubbing and pounding proc essed finally he was able to be removed to bis room in the St. Charles Hotel. Every faculty and function had been paralyzed, but one by one they regained something like their normal condition. The legs felt 'alternately as if they had been amputated at the knee, or again as if they had been lengthened oat until they were a. block long and tapered to a point On one leg, above the knee, were two light blue spots. YEBr SENSITIVE. After doctoring him for a couple of weeks the physicians brought him around, but from that day to this Mr. Stevens has car ried the reminders of that terrible charge of 1,500 volts in his body. He is a sort of dynamo all in himself. He is very sensi tive to the approach or presence of a thun der storm, and always feels depressed dur ing its continuance. "Do I believe in killing a man by elec tricity?" be exclaimed, when asked what he thoughtTof executing a man in that way. "If o, I do not I don't believe the profes sion knows enough about electricity yet to warrant them attempting to kill a man with it All electricians know. that different men are differently affected by electricity. Some can stand a little, others more and some can take an enormous charge without fatal result This mast be borne in mind in cmng a man a charge, and it is especially important in the" case of executing a mur derer. Snppose they don't give him enough and he recovers, as I did, what torture most be suffer! And why shouldn't he recover and fool the physicians? If he's a natu rally strong man, has no heart trouhle and is well preserved, the chances are that he Trill pull through if they give him the op portunity. SOME POSSIBILITIES. "Or again, if be has been a laborer, ac customed to manual labor or exposure to the cun for a long time, his flesh must neces sarily have become more or less hardened, that is insulated, and the electricity would lave less effect upon him. There are ever so many fine points to be considered; snd from what I know from personal vobserva tlon as a practical investigator of the work ings of electricity, I think it's a very risky thing to try to execute this Kemmler by electricity. The science is not far enough removed from the experimental stage as yet. I am inJavor of the old-fashioned hang man's rope, and if lean help Kemmler to escape his death sentence by electricity, I am willing to do so by any means in my power." Another remarkable thing about Mr. Steven's experience is that after recovery he began to gain flesh rapidly. At the time he weighed 135, and in six months he tipped ti'ie beam at 165, and to-day weighs close to lSf). He says it is due to the electricity, but ju.st why be cannot say. "Weak stomacb,Beecbam'sPills act like magic .Khars' Soap secures a ceautlinl complexion. California Wines. Old Sherry, full quarts 50c Extnt Old Sherry, full quarts 75c Old Sort fall quarts 50c Extra Old Port, lull quarts. 75c Eiesl tag, full quarts 40c Angelica, full quarts.. - 50c Muscattel, full quarts. 50c Tokay, Jull quarts.... 50c For sale by G. W. ScnMIDT, 10. 95 and 9" Filth ave. A 820 OS Xlfe Mze Crayon for Only SG 00 At Autre cat's Elite Gallery, 516 Market st. Pittsburg. This month only, Jiwrsu J EE1DI FOR TUESDAY. The W. C T. TJ. Prepared for an Attack on the rolling Places. At the special meeting of the County W. a T. TJ., yesterday, there was a large attend ance, and all of the arrangements for the work at tbe poUs next Tuesday were completed. The report of the Committee on the Distribution of Literature showed, that every home In the country had been supplied. At the polls on Tuesday the children of the Bands of Hope will assemble and sing temper ance song's; refreshments will be served free; mottoes will be posted up, and nothing will be left undone to influence the voters. A resoln- Stion sanctioning the plan of going to the polls was adopted, and it will be carried out APPEOACHING THE OHIO. Some People Think the Trade Center Going Back to tbe Monongahela. Northwest the star of business empire in Pittsburg seems to be taking its way. It Is not long since C. H. Love sold $50,000 worth of prop erty on Liberty street below Sixth street and within a week $SO,000 have been refused for SO feet on the same thoroughfare, between Fourth and Fifth streets, which is an offer of $1,000 a foot. There are three three and one two-story houses on the property, but they are not con sidered in point of value, as the intention of the would-be buyers is to tear down the build ings and build business houses. Some say that within the next decade all the heavy traffic business of the city will approach the Point. 'Royal Arcanum Officers. rSTKCXM. TIXIGRAM TO TUB DISPATCH. Atlantic City; June 1L The Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum, which has been in session at the Hotel Traymore, in Atlantic City, the past week, to-day installed officers for the eosuing year, as follows: Supreme Regent L. R. Watts, of Portsmouth. Va.; Supreme Vice Recent Charles F. Lorlntr, Bo'ton; Supreme Orator. H. H. C. Miller, of Chicago; Past Supreme Regent, A. C. Tnppe, of Baltimore; Supremo Secretary, W. O. Robson, of Boston; Supreme Treasurer, E. A. Skinner, Westfleld, N. Y. Be Was Faint From Ilnnjrer. Perry Walker, a wealthy Somerset county farmer, was taken from the Allegheny General Hospital to Dlxmont Insane Asylum yesterday. He had paid much attention to the details of the late murder trial in that county, and finally was possessed with the delusion that he himself was the murderer. He had been in the insane department of the Somerset County Poorhouse and was so weak from starvation that he could scarcely walk, but at the Allegheny hospital he was given milk, beef tea and tonics and Miss Tiloesley succeeded In getting him on his feet. Has Blade Bat Ono Change. Mr. S. D. Warmcastle, the new Internal Rev enue Collector, has been ten days in office and has made but one change so far, and that was the appointment of a man named Rudolph to take the place of Deputy Hawthorne, who re signed. There are plenty of applicants, but Mr. Warmcastle is going slowly and familiar izing himself with the duties of the office. He says each man appointed must be thoroughly competent Non-Alcoholic Summer Drinks. Apollinaris water, "Wilhelm's Quelle water, Cantrell & Cochrane imported gin ger ale and club soda. SCHTJETZ, RENZIEHATJSEN & CO., 100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave. Telephone 677. Imported Sherry Wine. Imperial Amorosa, 1810 $3 50 Imperial Amontillado, 1828 3 00 Pemartin Reserve. 1840. 2 00 Solera Cabinet, 1860 1 50 Yino de Pasto 1 00 Full quarts, case or gallon. William j. Fbidat, WTSTj 633 Smithfield street Crank Photographers Can't make a pleasant photo of your chil dren. Bring them to Aufrecht's Elite Gal lery, 516 Market st, where yon will get 12 pleasing pictures for $1 00. Elevator. New Express Trnln to New Tork. The B. & O. R. R. has added in addition to their two express trains a daily train leav ing Pittsburg at b P. M., arriving in Phil adelphia at 7:45 and Hew York 10:45 A. jr., with Pullman palace sleeping cars at tached. Flannels A very attractive assort ment of French, Scotch and fine American flannels in stripes, checks and figures for gowns, tennis, blouse waists, skirting, etc, all prices from 25c to $1 per yd. mwfsu Htjgtjs & Hacke. 40-Cent Scotch Ginghams for25 Cents A yard. See these, thev are the real Scotch (not Anderson's), 32 inches wide; best value you can find. JOS. HOBNB & CO.'S, Penn Avenue Stores. "Woekingmen, don't buy tickets from agents entitling you to a dozen cab. photos and a frame, but go to Pearson, who will give you the same thing for less money. Imported Wine. I have a complete line of clarets, Rhine, Burgundy, Sauterne, Hungarian and Ma deira wines from S5 to 541 per case. "William J. Feidat, -vytsu 633 Smithfield st Summer Furnishings. It is now, during the hot spell, that we think of furnishing onr homes to be cool and inviting. Chairs, rockers and settees made especially for the summer trade now on exhibition. P. C. ScnOENECK, Saw 711 Liberty street 81 00 Until September 1 SI 00. Children's cabinet photos, $1 00 per doz. at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market st, Pittsburg. Elevator. Babies always wel- Here Only Real Scotch Zephyr Ginghams, 25 Cents A yard 32 inches wide (not Anderson's); finest goods ever sold for this monev. JOS. HOKNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Flood Photographs. Best made, largest variety, lowest price. Jos. Eichbauji & Co., 48 Fifth avenue. 'Don't buy tickets, but go to Pearson for your cab. photos, where you are sure to get the value of your money. Geo. H. Bennett it Bro., 135 First ave., second door below Wood st, are the largest holders of Pennsylvania pure rye whiskies In the city. Ginghams Anderson's regular 40o goods now 25c, and best French ginghams, were 45c and 50c, now 30o a yd, mwfsu Hughs & Hacke. Absolutely Pure This powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity, strength and wholesomeness. More eco nomical than the ordinary kin ds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of off est, short weight, alum or phosphate pow ders. Sold only in cant. ROYAL MAKING pmimv.R i.n intwniiRt v. v. oc5-m4a-jrwTStt I CR0YALISKM J K POWDER HE WIS A STBANGEfi And Scalawags Took Hlra in In the Usual War to the Tone of 8100. Pierre Transon, one of a party of French tourists, from Orleans, France, was victimized by a strancer at tbe Seventh avenue hotel yes terday morning. If his discretion in fnture be equal to his affability he is not likely to be done up again. The party were en route to Chi cago, but had stopped with intent to visit the ruins at Johnstown. The swindle was of antique pattern and a native of any experience would not have been caught M. Transon was standing In front of the hotel and was accosted by a business-like Individual who seemed to be in a great hurry and who exhibited a 81,000 bond Which he want ed to borrow S100 on, saying he had a freight bill of that amount to pay immediately and the banks not being yet opened be was greatly perturbed and said that a loan of that amount would be a great accommodation. M. Tran son without premeditation handed him the monev and the rascal in return gave his card to tbe lender. Indorsed "C. Morgan, City." At this stage the confederate came along and Mor gan gave him tbe money, with instructions to pay the freight bill and get the goods. The first swindler remained in conversation for a time, but finally told the victim to come with him to the banlc and get the money, taking him to the office of the Philadelphia Gas Company, on Penn avenue. "Morgan" seated M. Transon in the main office and went into the interior for the cash. After waiting an hour M. Transon ot weary and started to look for Morgan, but e wasn't about He had wandered away and at last accounts was still wandering. Tbe police can get little satisfaction out of M. Transon's description, and he will in all probability never get anything for his money except the experience. He didn't show much worry No New Station J at Yet. The old story about a new Union station was revived yesterday, but it was stated that the recent losses the Pennsylvania Railroad has sustained would effectually prevent any out lays for new depots. Fare Rye Whisky. XXX 1852, private stock 52 00 XXX 1870, choice old cabinet 1 50 Choice old Gibson 2 00 1879 Gibson 1 50 Guckenheimer IiUbling 1 75 Guckenheimcr pure rye 1 00 Large's old rye 1 50 Superior Y, Overholt 1 25 XXXX old Monongahela 1 00 Full quarts, case or gallon. "WM. J. Fbidat, 633 Smithfield st WFSU PIMPLES T0JSCR0FULA. A Positiro Cure for every Skin, Scalp and Blood Disease Except Ich thyosis. Psoriasis Eight Years. Head, Arms and Breast a Solid Scab. Back Covered with Sores. Best Doctors and Medicine Fall. Cured by Cuticurt Remedies at a Cost of $3.75. I have used the CcnctmA Remedies witn the best results. I used two bottles of the CtmcTBA Resolvent, three boxes of Cuti--CTBA, and one cake of Cuticuba Soap, and am cured of a terrible skin and scalp disease known as psoriasis. I had it for eight years. It would get better and worse at tim es. Some times my head would be a solid scab, and was at the time I began the nse of the CirncuRA Remedies. My arms were covered with scabs from my elbows to shoulders, my breast was almost one solid scab, and my back covered with sores varying in size from a penny to a dollar. I had doctored with all tbe best doctors with no relief, and used many different medi cines without effect My case was hereditary, and I began to think incurable, but It began to heal from the first application of Cuticuba. ARCHER RUSSELL, Besnler, Ohio, Skin Disease Six Years Cured. I am thankful to say that I have used the Cuticuba Remedies for about eight months with great snecess, and consider myself entire ly cured of salt rheum, from which I have suf fered for six years. 1 tried a number of medi cines and two of the best doctors in the coun try, but found nothing that would effect a cure until I used your remedies. MBS. A. McULAFLIN, Morette, Mo. The Worst Case of Scrofula Cared. We have been selling your Cuticuba Reme dies for years and have the first complaint yet to receive from a purchaser. One of the worst cases of Scrofula I ever saw was cured by the nse of five bottles of Cuticuba Resolvent, Cuticura and Cuticuba Soap. TAYLOR & TAYLOR. Druggists, Frankfort, Kan. Cutieura Remedies Cure every species of agonizing, humiliating, itching, burning, scaly and pimply diseases of tbe skin, scalp and blood, with lots of hair, from pimples to scrofula, except possiby ich thyosis. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticuba, EOci Soap,25c; Resolvent, it Prepared by the PCTTEB DBDG AND CHEMICAL CORPORATION, Boston. .03-Send for "How to Cure Sldn Diseases," 64 pages, 50 illustrations and 100 testimonials. P1M PLES, black-heads, chapped and oily son prevented oy uuticuka boat. Weak. Painful Backs, Kidney and Uterine Pains and Weaknesses relieved in one minute by the Cuiicvra Anti-Pain Plaster, the first and only pain-killine plas ter. New, instantaneous, infallible. 25 cents. Jell'ws Cured of Catarrhal Asthma, Mrs. Alice Brownhill, an English lady, but who has lived in this country for nearly two years, has for the past ten years been badly afflicted with asthma. It was produced by a catarrhal poison in her system that was slowly but surely doing its deadly work. A part of the secretion that formed in her head was dis charged through her nose, and a part dropped down the back part of her throat and which, setting up an irritated condition In her lungs, produced asthma. 8he coached, and her breath at times was very short She had pains under her shoulder blades, and also over her eyes. Her appetite was very poor, and the little food she was able to eat gave her stomach much dis tress and belching of eas, and every morning she wonld vomit up her food. As has been stated, her breath was very short and every time she caught a cold she would have to be bolstered up In bed during the night in order to breathe. When she applied, last April, to tbe physicians of tbe Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute for treatment, the wheezing in her lungs could be heard all over the bouse. On May 24 she says "that my catarrh and asthma have been entirely cured by the physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute. I hereby sign my name. MRS. ALICE BROWNHILL. Bellsover, Pa. Mrs. Dr. Crossley, one of the Consulting Physicians at the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, No. 823 Penn avenue, will advise with any ladies suffering nith diseases peculiar to their sex. Remember, consultation and advice is free to alt Office hours, 10 A. M. to 4 P. it, and 8 to 8 P. M. Sundays, 12 to -4 p. k. jell-D JOHN FLOOKBR & CO., MAHUFACTDBHKS OP Rocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing FOR RAILROAD USE. Italian and American Hemp Packing, Clothes Lines. Twines, Bell Cord, Fish Lines, Chalk Lines, Night Lines, Sisal Bale and Hide Rope, Tarred Lath Yarn, Spun Yarn, etc WORKS East street, Allegheny City, Pa. OFFICE AND SALE8ROOM-& Water st, tttburg. Telephone No. 1370. my3-irws livrk mm "WEAK WOMEN. Why Are Thev Weak and Can They Become ns Healthy and Vigorous ai Men? Valu able Suiig-citlons on tbe Subject At the Madison Square Garden, New York, recently, five women, for six days in succession, rode over 100 miles each day upon bicycles, and at the end of that time were well and strong. This proves conclusively that wpmen have strength and endurance often, equal to men. Why, then, are they called a weak race? Be cause they make little effort to secure strength or retain it after it has been secured. Women are pale, sallow, troubled with many weak nesses, and why? Because they do'not observe the laws of health and keep their bodies as they should. Their blood becomes thin and beats slowly. It should be stimulated to strong and healthy action. Cosmetics will not do this, nos trums cannot but pure whiskey, taken as a medicine, will. If the lady of society returning from a reception or shopping expedition will use a little pure whiskey, Nature will be assist ed so that instead of breaking down it will be tided over until it can recuperate. If the weary woman who is beset by work and cares will do the same thing, she, too, will be helped. Anything that assists nature helps faring health. The importance of using only pure whiskey cannot be too strongly urged, but there is little good and pure whiskey to be had. The only safe one to take Is Duffy's. It is a Pure Malt Whiskey, free from all impurities, and has been used by the most prominent men and women in America for yean. It is recommend ed by the leading physicians, chemists, clergy men, and it merits the great popularity it has. A. of.R R. K P. Association of Regular Registered Resident Physicians, No. 720 Penn avenue. Dr. Orr invites tbe friends of tbe hundreds of patients he has cured of catarrh and dys pepsia during the last year to call and allow him and bis associate physicians to prove that they are what they claim to be, regular regis tered resident physicians, wno are competent to do all they claim, and that they are Pot trav elers who stop in our city for a few weeks or months. This association is founded for the protection of those who are being deceived by spurious institutes and high-sounding, but hollow titles, all of which is no proof of ability or legality. We invite all persons suffering trom chronlo diseases, medical or surgical, to call for con sultation, free, no matter if you have been pro nounced incurable by some traveling doctor. We do not turn away all persons not easily cured. Office hours 10 to 1130 A. it, 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P.M. A.ofR.R.R.P. JDlt. ORR, my31-D 720 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa. ERNST AXTHELM, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL BELL HANGER. Repairing a specialty. 103 THIRD AVE., near Wood st. Telephone 851. PITTSBURG, PA. au25-e76-wa Tjrmn Apollinaris. Bedford, Poland, Sain rUlUJ tans. Strontia, Saratoga, Sorudel, uiysmic, isetnesaa, vicny, Duuaio, T.ithla Knroka.. GEO. K STEVENSON & CO., SIXTH AVENUE. jal2-69.MWT CURTAINS! CURTAINS! CURTAINS! A Scotch Manufacturer's Stock Less Than Half Rice. DOUGLAS MACKIE, Always on the alert for the interest of their patrons, have secured a Glasgow manufacturer's stock of odd pairs Lace Curtains at their own figures. The term odd pairs means from 2 to 19 would advise you TO COMB And buy beautiful Nottingham Lace Ourtains, from 50o to $9 a pair that are worth from $1 to 818 of anybody's money. ' Dress Goods, Silks, and in fact every department, teeming with A No. 1 Bargains, both inter esting and profitable to you. 151 and 153 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. jelO-Mwy TO AVOID INFECTIOUS DISEASES TJSE THE GERM DESTROYER and DISINFECTANT, SODIUM HYPOCHLORITES. It possesses from three to fifty times the germ destroying1 power of any disinfectant preparation in the market, and is not poisonous. ASK YOUR PHYSICIAN ABOUT IT. Put up in quart bottles at 50c per bottle. Sold by all dealers. Manufactured by REED & CARNRICK, NEW TORK. Je9-1M-Mwr CLOSING D. TAYLOR & LAMPS, GLASSWARE, VASES, BISQUE, TOILET, TEA AND DINNER 'SETS, - AT - R. P. WALLACE & CO.'S, 211 Wood Street, 102 and 104 Third Avenue, Between Second and Third Aves.' ap21-wran Pears' Soap Fair white hands. Brightclear complexion Soft healthful skin. "PEARS' "Die Gmt Engisli Cfflipleiion SHlP,-aUEmiien." USE THE MADE0NLYBy IN THE fYUflLlJ G eo.A.Macbeth&Cq. Pittsburgh. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. SHOES FOR YOUTHS, SHOES FOR BOYS, SHOES FOR MISSES, SHOES FOR CHILDREN These are what most parents are in need of, and to find good, reliable solid leather shoes, that wear and look welt They can find at 78 Ohio street to suit-the most particular, at lowest prices: Children's Kid Button, 8 to io, $t oo Children's Pebble Goat, 8 to iof $x co Misses' Pebble Goat, nt0 2, $i 25 Misses' Kid Button, 11 to 2, $1 35 Misses' Grain Button, $1 00 Youths Tip Button, it to a, $1 00 Youths' Fine Sewed Button, $t 25 Boys' Veal Tip Bals, 1 to 5, $1 00 Boys' Veal Tip Button, $r 35 Boys' Fine Sewed Button, $1 50 -AT- G.D.SIMEN'S, 78 OHIO ST,, ALLEGHENY. jel3-uw DINNER SETS In ordinary, medium and finest grades, com prising Plain White, Granite, Vienna and French China. Harilland's decorated China, as well as Royal Worcester Bets. We have an assortment of open stock patterns of Dinner Ware, enabling purchasers to select any num ber of plecerdeslred for Dinner Sets. THE J. P. SMITH Lamp, Glass & China Co., 935 Penn Avenue. Bet. Ninth and Tenth Streets, P. S. 'TIs an oft told tale that we are head quarters for Wedding Gifts. We are main taining our reputation, jefl-wjsu AT ONCE X.. GXiESENKAMI & SON, NOS. 318 AND 320 PENN AVE. Elegant Carriages of the highest grade. Landaus, Broughams, T. Carts, Coupe KocVa ways, Extentlon Coupes, Pony Carts. 6-Passenger Bockaways, Market Wagons, Village Carts, Bnckwagons, CabrioIetsJLadies' Phaetons,8urrey Wagons, Top Wagons, Eoad Carts, Jump Seats, Phaeton Buggies, Open Wagons. Don't purchase a Carriage until you pay us a visit. (No connection with any other Carriage House.) myl7-VF8n OUT C0.'S STOCK LAMP $l$l MNEYS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. This has been a most unfavorable season for the sale of STRAW HATS AND LIGHT COLORED DERBYS. RUBEN Is bound to convert his mammoth stock into cash, and has made the following reductions: 75c Straw Hats now down to 39c SI 00 Straw Hats now down to 48c SI 2n Straw Hats now down to 63c. SI GO Straw Hats now down to 73c $2 00 Straw Hats now down to 93c $2 60 Straw Hats now down to SI 20. Light Colored Derbys. S3 00 light colored Derbys now down to $1 50. $2 0 light colored Derbys now down to $1 9a S3 00 light colored Derbys now down to 2 20. S3 0 light colored Derbys now down to S2 40. $4 00 light colored Derbys now down to $2 90. S5 00 light colored Derbys now down to S3 40. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 AND 423 SMITHFIELD ST. Mail Orders Promptly Filled. je9-wrsu DISOEDEES OF THE STOMACH. DYSPEPSIA. This disease seems to affect nearly the en tire human family. It affects persons in dif ferent ways. Dyspepsia is simply indiges tion, or want of power to convert food into chyle, from which the blood is mainly de rived. The process of digestion may be more or less obstructed for years by im proper food, want of exercise, overwork, care, depression and other causes, before the marked symptoms of the disease mani fest themselves. At length follow the ir regular appetite, discomfort before or after eating, rising of food, eructations, gastric irritability, costiveness or diarrhoea, pains in the chest, pains in the limbs, pains in the head, restlessness, loss of flesh, de bility, mental depression, palpitation, dizziness, suffocation and nearly every discomfort known to mortals. The cause not being known or suspected, the sufferer is doctored for symptoms by this, that, and the other medicine, till, dying a thousand miserable deaths by the disease and drdgs, he finally looks for no relief and gives up to a miserable existence. Such being the naturo of this disease and so per sistent and serious in its effects upon both body and mind, how essential that one skilled in the treatment of it should be sought at once and have the disease thor oughly eradicated and the system restored Jo health, which can be done by tbe power ful common sense treatment as practiced by Dr. "Woods. No charge for advice. Dr. R. A. Woods, Rupture ind Chronic Dliesse Specialist, Hotel Albemarle, Penn ivenne and Sixth street, Pittsburg, Pa. Office hours: 10 A. M. to 12 M., 2-5 ind 7-8 P. M. jell ANCHOR REMEDY COMP'NY, 329 LD3ERTY STREET, PITTSBURG, PA. 3. B. Golden. 6102 Butler street city, says: "I was able to throw away my crutches after usine; one- half a bottle of tbe Anchor Rheu matic Remedy. I consider my cure marvelous and heartily indorse the remedy." Price 50c We would be elad to have von give the Anchor Sarsaparilla J trial. 'TIs the ideal blood purifier, and is especially adapted enriching the blood and invigorating the sys tem. Our Beef. TVIne and Iron Is also meeting the wants of the public 'Tisthe best tonic in tbe market, and we confidently recommend It as such. Our price of each 76 cents; six bottles S4. V.WF RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA KAILUOAD-ON AND after May 12, 1889, trains leave Union Station, Pittshorc as lollowf. Eastern Standard Time: MAIN LINE EASTWABD. New Tork sod Chicago Limited or Pullman Ves tibule daily at 7:16 a. m. Atlantic Express dally for tho East, 3:20 a.m. Mau train, dally, except Sunday, 5:30 s. m. Sun. day, mall, 1:40 a. m. Day express dally at 8:00 a. m. JUll express dairy at 1:00 p. m. Philadelphia express daily at 4:30 p. m, Eastern express dally at 715 p. m. Fast Line dally at S:10 p. m. GreensOurjf express 4:10 p. m. weekdays. Derry express 11:00 a. m. weekdays, Alltbrosrh trains connect at Jersey City with boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn, N. Vn avoldlngdouble ferriage and Journey through N. Y.City. Trains arrive at Union Station as follows: Mall Train, dally, ; 8:10 p. m. Western Express, dally... 7:43a. m. Pacific Express, dally .. 12:45 p. nu Chicago Limited Express, dally 8:30 p.m. Fast Line, dally ll:55p. nu SOUTmYESr WSNtf BAILTVAX. Fcr Unlonlown, 8:30 ana 8:3Sa. Jn. and 4:13 p. m wltbout change of cars: 12.60 p. ra., connect ing at Qrcensburg. Trains arrive from Union town at 8:45 a. m.. 13:20, 6:35 and 8:10 p, m. WIST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. From FEDERAL ST. STATION, Allegheny City. Hall train, connecting for Blalrsrllle... 6:43 a. m. Exnresj, for Blalrsrille, connecting for Bntler 8:13 p.m. Butler Accom.... 8:20a. m 2:25 and 5:45 p. m. BprlngUaleAccomJO, 110 a,m.3:30and 6:3) p.m. Freeport Accom l:15w 8:30 and 11:40 p. m. OnSnnday 12:50 and 9:30 p. m. North Apollo Accom 11:00 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. Allegheny Junction Accommodation connecting for Butler 8:20 a.m. Blilrsvllle Accommodation 10:40 p. m. Trains arrive at FEDERAL BTKKET STATION Express, connecting from Bntler 10:35 a. m. Mall Train. 1:45 p.m. Butler Accom 9:10 a. m., 4:40 and 7:20 p. m. Blalrsrllle Accommodation 9:52 p. m. Freenort Aecom.7i40 a. m.. 1:25, 7:20 and 11:10 p. m. On Sunday 10:10 a. m. and 7:0) p. ra. Sprlngdale Aecom.... 6:37,11:43a.m., 3:25,6:30 p. ra. North Apollo Accom 8:40 a. m. and 5:40 p. nu MONONOAUELA DIVISION. Trains leave Union station, Plttsnarg, as rollowsi For Monongahela City, West Brownsville and Unlontown, 11 a. m. For Monongahela City and "West Brownsville, 75 and It a. m. and 4:40 p, m. OnSnnday, 1:01 p. m. For Monongahela City, 5:40 p. in., week days. Dravosburg Ac, weekdays, 8:20 p. m. West Elizabeth Accommodation, 8:20s. a., 2:00, 6:2U and 11:35 p. m, Sunday, 9:40 p. m. , Ticket oBlces-Corner Fourth avenue and Try street and Union station. CHAB. E.PUQH, J. K. WOOD, General Manajrer. Uen'l l'ass'r Aren t. JITTSBUKO AND WESTEBN KAlLWAf Trains (CetUStan'dtlme)l Leave. Arrive. Butler Accommodation 6:00 am 7:20 am 920 am 7:10 am 7:3 pm 4.-00 Dm Day Ex. Ak'n,Tol., Cl'n, Kane Butler Accommodation Chicago Express (dally) Newcastle and Greenville Ex 12:30 pm 1:90 urn 11:03 am 9:33 am 6:30 am 2:10 pm Zellenople andFoxtrargAc. 4:40 pm 5:40 pm Klrotclm firn tn f.hlpirn. 410 50. second class. 9 50. Thronan coach and Pullman Buffet sleep ng ear to Chicago dally. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD- Trains leave Union Station (Eastern Standard time): Ktttannlng Ac. 6:55 a. m.t Niagara Ex., daily. 8i45 a. n:., llulton Ac. 10:10 a. m. : Valley Camp Ac, H:C5 p. in.: Oil City and UnBols Ex press, 2:00 p.m. i nnltt n Ac, 3:0) p.m. : Klttannlng Ac, 4:00p.m.; Braebnrn Ex.,5W)p.m,: Kittvsn lng Ae.,5.3un. in.; Braeburn Ac, 6:3) p. m.: llul ton AC, 7 So p. m.; Buffalo Ex., dally. 8:50 p. m.; Unlton Ac. 9:45 p. m.: Braennrn Ac, UOf p. m. Church trains Braebnrn, 12:40 p. m. and 9:35 p. m. Pullman Sleeping Car between Pittsburg and Buffalo. J AS. P. ANDEBsON, U.T. AgU DAVID MCOABOO, Geo. Eupt. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTIMETOSTOR CONSIDER LOSSES NOW, But Pushing the Great Work On, Until Every Garment Will' Be In the Hands of the Consumer. This is the plan we have mapped out the policy we will pursue in conducting the anti-backward season sale inaugurated by us last week. We waited patiently for old sol to assert himself, but in vain. Where was gentle spring? Flowery May? Rosy June? It is a common re mark now that never has there been so raw, cold, wet and disagreeable spring as the present It's no matter of surprise, under these circum stances, that people didn't feel like buying thin, light summer garments. But these must be sold as well as the rest Profits are out of the ques tion, of course. The whole thing resolves itself in: What'll the loss be? But, as the head line of this "ad." reads, we have "no time to stop to consider losses now." Our united energies are now bent on selling our Men's and Boys' fine summer Suits. This done, it'll then be. plenty timo to figure up our losses. Men's Fine Suits $14, Worth from $22 to $25. These Suits are cut in the latest shapes of Sack and Frock styles and made from such celebrated materials as English Wide and Narrow Wales, Genuine Scotch Cheviots, Celebrated West of England Cloths, Simone's famed Woolens, French bird-eye Worsteds, Bradford Cassimeres, etc BEAUTIFUL MEDIUM AND LIGHT PATTERNS in abundance. If winter hadn't lingered as long in "the lap of spring," these goods would now be in the hands of our customers. As it is, we must solely rely on our prices. SUMMER COATS FOR THE HOT SEASON Thousand of 'em, with Vests to match, or without; every kind and description. Prices range from 29c to $6 for single coats, and from 69c up to 18 for coats'and vests. White and Fancy Vests (single and double breasted) a specialty. Boys' a Suits $6, Worth from $9 to $11. You have several large lines to choose from, including scores of entirely new "and very handsome light plaids, checks and mixtures the very thing that'll strike the fancy of young men, from 12 to 18 years old. PBPC j Genuine League Ball and Bat Pre- CDCC rllCC sented With Every Boys' Suit. F ft E. C DON'T FOR ONE MOMENT THINE that, because this "ad." is entirely devoted to Clothing, you'll fail this week to find the usual bargains in Hats, Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Satchels, Hammocks, etc Indeed, we can assure of the very opposite, viz: We've never given better values in these goods than right now this very week. O Q fl" ' w KAUFMANNQ ' 3 Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street. RAILROADS. J ITCH BURG AND IiAKE EltllS RA1LKOAD COMPAMY-Schedult In effec: Jane 2, 188 ntraltlme: , 1". A L. K. K. 'R.-m.TXBTroT aereUad. 1:00, S:COA. M.. 1:35, 4:1(V 9:30p. M. Kor Cincinnati, Chicago ana St. Louis, ttiOx. x.. li3S, -9:F. x. KorBaffala, 8t00 A. M.. 4:10, 9:F. M. KorSlla jnancs, '8.10 a. m., l:35 r. K. For Beaver i'alls, 5:00, 3:C0, 8:30, 10:15 A.M.. '1:3.1. 1:30, 4:10, 5:15, 9:30 r. U. JTor Cnartlers, 5:Ca 15:30, 8:33. 6:20, 8:53, 7:15, , 813 1:23, M:1J A. M.. 11:05, '12:43, l!4U. 3:36714:304:50, '5:06, :1S, '8:05, 10:30 r. M. Abbot Jrrom Cleveland, 8:jo a. m.. 11:3a, SO "7:55 9:40 r. v. From Cincinnati, Chlcaro and Be Lonls, '12:3a 7:55 r. is. From Buffalo. "8:30 a. M., '13:30, 8:40 P. M. From Salamanca, 12:30, "7:53P.M. From Tonngstown. '8130,9:20 A. M.. '12:30. 3:30. "7:55, 9:40 P. Jf. From Bearer Falls, 5:23, 8:30, 7:2), 0:20 A. .. '11:30, 1:10, OS: "7:55, 9:40 P.M. From Cnartlers, '5:12, Sili'S.SO 6:45. 7.-08.'7:47, 90, 9.57, 11:59 A. St., 1:10. '1:32. 3-17. 4:00, 4:J, 4:52, 5:35, "9:12, 8:40, '11:12, VM A V 1512 P lf P.,"0. y.'tralns forMsnsfleld. 8:30 A. x.. ZOO, 4:50 p. M. For Essen and Beeclimont, 8:30, A. H., 3:20 p. u. 1., C. T. trains from ilansfleld, Essen and Beacnmont, 7:03, 11:59A. 31. I., McK. AY. B. B.-DEPAitT-ForNs-wHaTen, l'jaOA.H.,'J:MP. M. For We.t Newton, 11:30 10:03 A.M.. 3:30. 3:1S P.M. ABBOT-From New Haven. t"7tf0 A. X"Mr. M. FromWestNewton.:lS.l'7:S0A.M..li23,3:00 For McKeesport and HUabetn, "3:30, 10 A. M., 3:30, 5:15 P.M. From Elliabetb. and McKeesport, 7i30 A. u., 1:25, '5:00 P.M. . , Uallr. Sundays onlr. JWI11 run one hoar late on Sundav. I Will ran two hours late on Bnnday. Cltr ticket offlee, 401 Smithfield street. BALTIMOBE AND OHIO BAILROAD Schedule In effect May 12, 18S9. For Washing ton. D. C, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, t-M a. m.. 8:C0 and 9S0 p. m. ForCam berland, '8:00 a. m., tnco, 9S0p. m. For Con nellsvllle, $8:40 and 3:00 a. m.. 3s0P. J1.0O and "8:20 p. m. For Unlontown, 16:40. '8:0O a.m., ;i:0Oand4.0Op. m. for Mount Fleasant, $3:40 and titf) a. m., and tl:00 and 41:00 p. m. For VVaihtnrton, Pa., 6:45. 29:40 a. m 'Ziii, 43:30 and 8:p. ra. For Wheeling, '8:43, 49:40 a. m., 3:35, '8:30 p.m. For Cincinnati and St. Lonls. 6:44a.m., 8:30p.m. ForCoIumnns. $: and 9:40 a. m.. t-M p. ra. For Newark. f.U, 49:40 a. m., 3:35, 8:30 p.m. For Chlcaro, 6:45, 49:40 a. m 3:35 and 9:30 p. m. Trains arrive from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, 8:20 a. ra. and '9:50 p. m. From Columbns, Cin cinnati and Chlcaro. 7:45 a. m. and9:00p. ra. From Wheeling. 7:4V '10:50 a. m.. tSM, 9:0O p. ra. Throurh sleeplnr, cars to Baltimore, Wash ington nnd Cincinnati. hce'itng accommodation, 8:30 a. m.. Sunday onlr. Cunnellsvllle accommodation at 59:&.-u m. liallv. t Dally except Sunday. SSundayonlr. The Pittsburg Tranaier Company will call for and check barrage Irons hotels and residences npon order left at B. O. Ticket Office, corner Finn avenue and Wood street. CUAd. O. SCULL, aen.fass.Agt. J.T.ODKLL, Qen.Mgr. TO. Men's Fine Pants $3, Worth from $4 50 to $5 50. The make, fit and finish of these Pantaloons are equal to custom work in every particular, and they come in Narrow and Wide Stripes, Small and Big Checks, Pronounced Plaids, Interwoven Plaids, Broken Plaids, Mixtures, all kinds. Boys' K' Suits $3, Worth from $4 75 to $6, Mothers, it tak"s a wonderful stretch of imagination on your part to picture to yourselves the elegant qualities and lovely patterns represented by these S3 Suits. See them, by all means. It'll save you money. Q w jelO-n RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY'S L1NE3 ilaylX issa. Central Standard Tims. TUAINS UJCPABT As foUows from Union Station: For Chicago, d 7t a. m., d 12:20, dl.-OO, d7:45. except Saturday. 11:20 S. m. : Toledo, 7:23 a. m.. d 12:31 d 1:00 and except atnrday. 11:20 p. m.t Crestline, 5:43 a. ra.: Cleve land, 8:10 a. m., 12:43 and d 11:05 p. m. and 73 a. m.. via P.? F. W. & C By.: New Castle and Yonngstown. 7:03 a. ra.. BOO, 3:43 p. m. Youngstown and N lies, d 12:20 p. m.t Meadvllle, Kris and Ashtabula. 7:03a. ra., 12:20 p. m.: Nile and Jamestown, 3:43 p. m.t Maiilllon. 4:10p. m.: WheeUna and Bellalre. (:10a. m.. 12:43. 1:30 p. m.: Beaver Falls. 4:00. 3-03 p. m.. Bock Point. 38t a. u.t Leetsdale. 3:30 a.m. ALLEGHENY-Bochester. 1:30 a. ra. i Beaver Falls, 8:13, 11:00 a. m.: Enen, IrOD p. m.t Leeta. dale, 10:00. 11:43 a. ra., 2.-00, 4:30, 4:43. 3:30, 7(00, ,JM p.ni; Conway. 10:30 p.m.; Fair Oaks, B 1U40 a. m.: Leetsdale. B8:30p. m. . TRAINS ABB1VE Union station from Chicago, except Monday Ida, dS:00. dSS a.m., d e-M p. m. : Toledo, except Monday 1:50, d 8:35 a. m., ( jo S, m., Crestline, 2:10 p. ra.; Youngstown and ew Castle. 9:10a.m., 1:25, 8:50, 10:13 p. m.;NllM and Younrstown. d 8:50 p. ra.; Cleveland, d 5:50 a. re.. Ids, 7:C0 p. m.: Wheeling and Bellalre, 9:09 a. ra.. 2:23, 7:0b p. ra.: Erie and Ashtabula, lrtfi. 10:13 p. ra.: Masslllon, 10:00 a. Hi.; NUes and Jamestown. 9:10 a. m. ; Beaver Falls. 7:30 a. m., 1:10 p. m Bock Point, 8 8:23 p. m.; Leetsdale, 10:10" p. m. ABKIVK ALLEGHZKT-From Znon, 80 a. m.: Conway, 8:50; Rochester, 9:40 a. m.t Beaver Fails, 7:10 a. m, 5:43 p. m.: Leetsdale, 3:50, 6:13, 7i45 a. m 12:00, 1:43, 40, 6:30. 9 .-00 p. m.; Fair Oaks, B 3:33 a. m.; Leetsdale, S 65 p. m.; Bock Point. S 8:13 p.m. 8, Sunday only; d, dally; other trains, escept Sunday. J3 PANHANDLE BOUTE-MAY12. 1889. UNIO station, Central Standard Tlrr. Leave tot Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 7:30 a.m dSjOp and d 11:15 p. m. Denntson, 1:43 p. m. Chicago, 12:05, d 11:15 p.m. Wheeling, 7 a. m., 12:03, 8:10 p.m. Stenbenville, 8:55 a. ra. Washington. BJB, 8:33 a. m., 1:55, 3:30, 4:53 p. m. Bulger, 10:14 a-m. Bnrgettstown.SU:33a.m 5:25p.m. Mans field, 7:15, UrtOa. m., 8 JO. d8:35; 10:35, P.B. Mc Donalds, d 4:1A dlOrUp. m. . . , From the West, d2:10, da, a. m 3&, d!:M p.m. DennlsoL, 9:30a.m. StenbenvUIe. 5:05 p.m. Wheeling, 2il0, 8:43 a.m.. 3KB. StS5 p.m. Bnrgetts town, 7:a. m., 89:03 a.m. Washington 6.U. I'M. 9:35 al m 1:35, 6:20 p. m. Mansfield. d5. 9:00 a.m 12:45 d 67a and 10:00 p. m. Bulger, 1:40p.m. MeUonaldk d 8:35 a. m d 9:00 p. m. d daUy; B Sunday only; other trains, except 8undar. SITTSBUBG AND CASTLE SHANNON B.B. Summer Time Table. On and after May j, unUl further noUce. trains will rnnasfoltawi on every day, except Sunday. EaMra s?ljarlf time: Living Pltuburg-ra) a. m.. 7jl0a.m.ni SSX) a.m.. 9:X a. m.. 11:30a. m.. 1:40 p. JK, :40 p. m.. 3:10 p. m 5:30 p. m.. 6:30 p. m.. 9.30 p. rn.,'K HdOp. m. Arllngton-3:40 a. m., 6:20 a. m., TllM a. in., 8:00a. m., 10:20a. m.. 1:00 p. m, 2:40 p. ras 4:20 p'.m., 6:10 p'. m., 5:50 p. m.. 7:10 p.m.. 10 r, m Mnn,l..tr.1nl lvlll? 1'lttSbUrZ 10 a.Tl m.. s:iun. m.. o:ou v. ". '' .., p. in. Sundav trains, i il-Jo p.m.. 2:30 p.m.. 6:10 p. m., 7:10 p. m., 9:M p. m. Arlington 9:10 a. m., 12 m., 1:30 p. m, 4 JO p.m. 6Up. m., 8rt0p. m. JOIUI JAHN, SbsV