Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 12, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    - .,
THE'-HTTSBTOG MffiSa$fiflllSKfflsEBf Siffi&SW1 18gJEC
Officials of Exchange Give Account of
But is Advised to Do Better Things in Favor
? of Home Dealers.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch.
" Tuesday. June 11, 1SS9. J
At the annual meeting for the election of
officers held by the Grain Exchange to-day
some interesting statistical information was
presented by the retiring officials. President
McHenry presented an elaborate report of
the transactions for the year past, which, at
Its close, was indorsed by the hands and feet of
the members, who ere present in full force.
Amonft many interesting items in the Presi
dent's report vi e cull only a few. The report in
full is well worthy of publication. Its modest
author shows a command of English and
power of expression, which show that the Ex
chance made no mistake in their selection of a
presiding officer for the year just closed.
Following is an extract from President Mc
Hciry's report:
MilIe in toe past we hare been free to criticise
flie action of railroad officials charged -n itblbe
adjustment of 'freight rates, when the policy
adopted was against our Interests, we should at
the tame time be Just, and give due credit In all
cases when arbitrary rules are relaxed and any
relief Is afforded. In the arrangement now pre
valent or allowing grain to be lorwarded from
this to interior points at the through rate from
point of shipment, except a snitching charge
w hen brought Into the yards, there Is such are
lief; ami the continuance of this arrangement will
be or great benefit to the members of the ex
change. Praise for Railroad Officials.
For such concessions and consequent advantages
acknowledgments are dne to the officials of the
Pennsylvania Railroad system, and Me trust that
In the near future still more liberal things will be
devised for us by these officials, and also by those
In authority In the management or all transport
ing lines centering here."
Another point which President McHcnry's re
port urged with emphasis was that members or
the Exchange should concentrate their operations
In the open meetings ofthcjloard, instead or do
ing as they had been in ycarspast namelr. trad
ing outside, on the curbstones and in offices and
yards. Very little of the business done bv the
members apoears on the records, and the Presi
dent urged that all should use their best efforts ito
have Eales made in open meetings of the Ex
change. Thft fnllnwtncr statist! were cathered from
President McHenry's and Superintendent '
Alexanders annual reports:
Total receipts for the ear ending May 31,
1SS9. by cars, flour, 2,932: grain, 8,523; hay, 4,654;
millfeed. 1,231; total, 17.412 cars: last year's
total, 16,017 cars: increase, 1,395 cars. Total
number of bushels of grain received tho past
year 8,491,300, or a tonnage of 227,925.
Receipts for tbeyear as bulletined at the Ex
change were: 447,300 barrels of flour, 1,359,800
bushels ot wheat, 1,201.200 bushels of corn, 412,
750 bushels of rye, 2,806,000 bushels of oats,
600.000 bubels of barley.
The above receipts only include the grain,
flour and hay delivered in the railyards of the
Not on the Records,
Large amounts were handled by dealers here
which do not stop, and are therefore not re
ported in exchange transactions. Superinten
dent Alexander stated in bis report that from
one-third to one-half of the amount handled by
Pittsburg gram merchants did not appear on
the Exchange's records.
The average of prices for the year were:
"Wheat. 9Sc: ear corn, 47 E-6c; shell corn, 4Wic;
oats, 34c; So, 1 timothy hav. S15 25 a ton; No.
1 Drain e hay, $1173; bran, S14 61; middlings,
117 S3. The average of prices for last year were:
Wheat, 85c: ear corn, 56c; shell corn, 53c;
oats, 36?ic; No. 1 timothy hay, $13 73: No. 1
prairie. ilO 42; bran, $17 19: middlings. $18 87.
The treasurer and chaplain, B. McCracken,
reported that tbe Exchange was in the condi
tion commended by St. Paul, "owe no man any
thing," with $003 06 over and above what the
apostle required.
This work of supererogation would,however,
have strong demands upon it the coming year,
as snrnlns funds would all be needed and more.
The chSplain closed by saying that man's ex
tremity was God's opportunity, and that he
had no doubt the needed funds wonld be forth
coming in dne time. The expenses of the lie
change for the year closed were $2,205 13.
Condition of the Market at the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
,j Office Pittsburg Despatch, i
Y East LrcEn-nCJnno 11, lBSa.
Cattle Receipts. 601 head; shipments,
930 head; market dull; situation and prices un
changed from yesterday; no cattle shipped to
New York to-day.
Hogs Receipts. 1,000 head: shipments, 2,100
head; market dull: all grades $4 404 50; no bogs
shipped to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts. 3,200 head; shipments, 6,000
head; market steady at unchanged prices.
By Telecraph.
Kajtsas Crnr Cattle Receipts. 3,418 head;
Shipments, L23S head: good cornfed native beef
steers strong and 510c higher; cornfed Texans
and Indian weak to 510c lower: good cows
strong; stockers and feeding steers steady:
good to choice cornfed, $3 904 00; common
to medium, $3 203 60; cows, $1 75. Hogs
Receipts, 12,253 bead; no shipments; strong,
active and 512c higher; good to choice
lights. S3 304 85; beaw and mixed, $4 15
$4 25. Sheep Receipts, 172 head; shipments, 556
head; offenngsmostly common; market steady:
good to choice muttons; $3 754 00; common to
medium. $2 50Q3 50.
ST. Lours Cattle Receipts. 3,300 head: ship
ments, 1,500 head: market steady: choice beavy
native steers. $3 904 40: fair to good do, $3 00
4 40; stockers and feeders. $2 103 20; rangers,
corn-fed, $2 70ffi3 50; grass-fed. $2 002 90.
Hogs Receipts, 3,900 head; shipments, 1,900
head; market strong; choice beavy and
butchers', $4 254 45: packing, $4 254 40:
light grades, $4 3d4 5a Sheep Receipts, 300
head; shipments, none; market steady; fair to
choice; $3 0034 50.
CnrcDfifATi Hogs strong; common and
light, $3 754 50; packing and butchers', $4 25
4 50; receipts, 2,470 head; shipments, 1,300
Wool Market.
Philadelphia Woof firmer with an im
proved demand; prices unchanged.
New York Wool in fair demand; domestic
fleeces, 3238c; pulled, &JS9c: Texas, 142Sc.
8t. Louis Wool active and prices higher.
Unwashed, bright medium. 2O026c; coarse
braid, 1523c; low sandy, 1219c: fine light, 17
24c; fine heavy, 1220c; tub washed, choice, 37c;
Inferior, 3235a
,Bostox The demand for wool continues
'quite good and prices are well sustained. Old
wool is firm because of tbe limited stocks here,
and the new clip has not arrived in sufficient
quantities to cause an easier feeling. New wool
arriving sells readily, California in tho range of
lG(22c. Ohio and Michigan wools are in smaller
receipts and sell in the range of 2229c for
fine and medium combing and clothing. Fine
washed fleeces are dull at former prices. Comb
ing and delaine fleeces are in small supply and
are firm. In Territory wool there have been
sales of fine at 1718c, and cho ce new medium
at 2426c. Pulled wools have been very active
and sales have been reported of super at S2
37c and of extra at 222Sc. Australian wool
and all kinds of foreign clothing wools are very
arm. Carpet wools are strong, with a better
demand anticipated.
Drycoods Market.
New York. June 1L There was but a mod
erate demand for drygoods to-day, the well
sold-up condition of the market continuing to
be the leading feature. The market remains
unchanged, but the tone is strong.
Metal Blnrkcu
Net York Pig iron strongandmore active:
American, $14 5016 50. Copper dull: lake,
June, $12 OS. Lead easier; domestic, S3 85. Tin
quiet and fairly steady; Straits, $20 40.
The Mortuary Report and the Impnre
Water Scare.
Chief Brown, of the Department of Public
Safety, held a little consultation yesterday
afternoon with Dr. McCandless over the weekly
mortuary report just completed by the Health
Bureau. Dr. McCandless told him that, when
compared with the same week of a year ago, it
showed absolutely no increase in sickness or
death. Outside of the extra number of deaths
at hospitals among tbe Johnstown sufferers
brought to town, tho death rate was as low as
ever. This Indicates that the river water of
last week was no more injurious than usual.
The report shows that there were 87 deaths
In the week. Of the decedents, 20 were resi
dents of tno Old City. 65 of tbe .East End, 24 of
the Southside, and S died in hospitals.
If In every hcuse a little of Piatt's Chlorides
were used moth sickness would be prevented.
Uncle Snm Gives Wheat and Corn a Black
Eye More Life In Hoc- Products, bnt
Prices Unsettled OaU In the Rat.
Chicago Quite a large business was
transacted in wheat to-day and a lower
range of prices was established, especially for
the deferred futures. June closed about a
lower. July opened llKc lower, sold off Jc
more, rallied JgJJc, receded again and closed
about c lower than yesterday. December
closed about 1c lower. The break in the mar
ket was attributed to the bright and clearing
weather and the Government report.
The principal factor no doubt was the June re
port of the Agricultural Department, which,
although showing a falling off of three points
in condition, was rather better than many
operators had calculated on. The figures as
presented by the department Indicate a much
larger yield than last year. A .great deal of
long wheat, which had been bought inf xpecta
tion of realizing higher prices, was placed on
sale and the offerings were heavy. Shorts took
advantage of the weakness and bought in, one
prominent local dealer being credited with
covering freely, and the buying from this source
checked further decline.
A fair business was reported In com, the
feeling developed being rather unsettled, the
market ruling weak early and firmer later.
The weaker tone early was attributed to the
decline in wheat and more favorable weather,
and later the anticipated arrivals had a
strengthening influence The market opened
c below the closing prices of yesterday, was
stead) for a time, then advanced c reacted
some, closing a shade lower than yesterday.
Oats were traded in moderately, and a steady
feeling prevailed during most of the day.
Prices advanced ic Later, quietness pre
vailed, and the market closed steady at about
the same price as on yesterday.
A. little more life was manifested in tbe mar
ket for mess pork. Opening sales were made
at a 2K5c decline, and a further reduction ot
7$10c was submitted to later. Toward the
cloe the feeling was steadier, and prices rallied
7K10c and closed rather quiet.
Considerable interest was manifested in the
lard market. Prices . ruled 2$5c lower, and
the market closed tame at medium figures.
Trading was fairly active in the market for
short rib sides, and the feeling was easier.
Prices ruled 25c lower, and thn market
closed quiet at outside figures.
wheat jno. i Juiy, ojiBBiosso?sg('0sc:
Oats No. 2 July. 22225g22&22c; An
gust, 22K c; September. 22K.2222
Mess Pork, per bbL July, $11 7511 75
11 65ll 72K; August, Sll 75U 82K0U H
11 80; September. $11 95U 9011 ball S7&.
Lard, per 100 Bs. luly, $6 70S 706 65
6 67K: August, $6 756 756 72b 75;
September. SS S06 806 87Ji6 80.
-bHORT Ribs, per 100 as. July, $5 925 92K
J 855 90; August, S3 955 97&5 955 9
jseptemDer, to txxso ucxao wwo in.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
dull and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat,
79Kc; No. 3 spring wheat, 6971c: No. 2 red.
79Kc No. 2 corn. 34c fno. 2 oats, 22Ji
22c No. 2 rye. 38Kc No. 2 barley,
nominal.No.lflaxseed.Sl 54. Prime timothy seed,
$1 22. Mess pork, per barrel, $11 70U 75. Lard,
per 100 As, $6 62K- Short nbs sides (loose). $5 85
5 95. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $5 12
5 25. Short clear sides (boxed), $6 12K6 25.
Sugars Cut loaf. 9K10c: granulated, 9Jc;
Standard A. 9c. Receipts Flour, 9,000
barrels; wheat, 16,000 bnshels: corn, 255,000
bushels: oats, 180,000 buBhels: rye, 4.000 bushels;
barley, 4,000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 6,000
barrels: wheat. 21.000 busnels; com. 341,000 bush
els; oats.29S.000 bushels; rye, 11.000 busels; bar
ley. 7,000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was firm and unchanged. Eggs in fair
demand at 12c
New York Wheat Spot weaker: moderate
milling demand and light export; options active
on free selling on Government report: prices
lower, July closing strong, other months
weak. Rye more actiVe; Western, 46M46Mc
Barley malt quiet. Corn Spot moderately
active and irregular, closing steady; options
dull, c lower and weak. Oats Spot firm and
moderately active; options steady and dull.
Hay easy and quiet. Coffee Options opened
dull and unchanged to, 5 points up, and closed
steady 515 points up: sales. 18.200 bags, in
cluding June, 16.30C; July, 16.35c: August. 16.60
16.55c: September ,16. 65c: October. 16.7018.75c;
November. 16.75c; December. 16.75e January,
ia8016.85c; March, 16.90c; May, 16,95c; spot Rio
dull; fair cargoes, 18Jgc Sugar Raw excited
and higher; fair refining, 7c: sales, 100,000 bags
centrifugals, 96 test, fiKc; 600 hogs
heads Porto Rico, 90 test, 7c; 800
hogsheads Barbadoes, 89 test, 7c; refined
firm, active and higher on some grades; off
A, 8 3-16SJc: mold A, 9c Molasses Foreign
firm; sales, 785 hogsheads Trinidad. 272so;
1.490 hogsheads English Islands, 33034c: New
Orleans quiet; open kettle, good to fancy, 2S
46c Rice quiet and steady. Cottonseed oil
steady and unsettled; yellow, 4749c Tallow
quiet; city, 4c Rosin .steady and quiet.
Turpentine quiet at 3843c Eggs quiet
and easy: western, 13&14c; receipts. 4.585
.packages. Pork more active; mess, $13 25
13 50; extra pnme.?12 0012 25. Cutmeats firm:
sales, bellies, 12 Jbs, 66Jc; pickled hams, UK
llc; pickled shoulders, 5c Middles slow.
Lard weak and dull: western steam. SS 92K
6 95, closing at $6 95: June $6 95; July, $6 99;
August, $7 05; September, $7 10; October. $7 1L
Butter steady and quiet; western dairy, 913c;
do creamery, 12Lc; western factory, 7Kc
Cheese easier and moderately active; western.
St. Louis Flour Better grades very scarce,
strong and higher; medium and low grades
nominal; XXX $2 602 65: families, $2 75
2 85; choice, S3 153 25; fancy. $3 653 75: extra
fancy, $4 05415: patents, $1 b04 60. Wheat
Cash higher but quiet; options onened o
lower, but active buving brought about a rally
and the close wasc above yesterday: No. 2
red, cash. 85c bid; June 78c, closing 78c bid;
July 7172Kc closing at 72K72c; August,
715i72Vc, closing at T2Kc: September, 73
73Jc closing at 73Q73c; December, 7576c
closing at 76c asked; year, 71Jc Corn opened
weak but the close was firm; No. 2 mixed,
cash, 3154c: July. 3131c closing at 31Kc
asked; August. 31c, closing at 32c bid; Sep
tember, 3232Sc, closing at SPAc. OaU
steady: No. 2 cash, 22c bid: June, 22kc; July,
22c Rye No.23Sc Flaxseed Spot, $1 SO.
Cnf ctnhati Flour in demand. Wheat firm;
No. 2 mixed. 8485c; receipts, 4,000 bushels;
shipments, 2,500 bushels. Corn in good demand
and firm; No. 2 mixed, 35c Oats in light de
mand; No. 2 mixed, 25X26c Rye dull; No. 2.
4Sc Pork quiet at $12 12K. Lard heaw at
$6 42 Bulkmeats and bacon steady. Butter
dull. Sugar in good demand and higher; re
fined, 9H9Kc: New Orleans, 7KSJic Eggs
steady. Cheese easy.
Milwaukee Flonr steady and dull. Wheat
easy; cash, 735c; July, 74c; September, 74c
Corn steady: N o. 8, 34c Oats qnlet; No. 2 white
2727Mc Rye quiet; No. L 43c Barley dull
No. 2, 51c Provisions easy. Pork, $11 60.
Lard, $6 6a Cheese unchanged; Cheddars.
Philadelphia Flour demand light rand
prices favorable to bujers. Wheat dull. Corn
Options steady but quiet: car lots weak. Oats
Car lots dull and lower; futures quiet and un
steady. Eggs Lower and dull; Pennsylvania
firsts, 15c i
Toledo Cloverseed nominal; cash, $4 25
October, $1 0 bid. '
Yesterday's bond offerings aggregated
$115,650. as follows: Coupon 4X, $1,000 at I06K
registered 4s, $9,650 at 106; $100,000 at 107:
$5,000 at 100.
A horrible double murder was committed
near Menden, N. H early yesterday morning.
Lncian Freeman with anax killed his mother,
Mrs. Daniel Freeman, and also John Morgan.
The murderer took to the woods but was cap
tnred. The German Government has notified the
Swiss authorities that it cannot possibly agree
to the proposal they have made for the settle
ment of tbe questions arising from the ex
pulsion from Switzerland of Herr Wohlgemuth,
the German Police Inspector, who was charged
with bribing a Swiss. It has also informed
them that Germany reserves tbe right to take
The President will leave Washington the
latter part of this month forDeer Park. Md.,
where a cottage has been prepared for his re
ception. Tbe length of his visit has not been
settled. Mrs. Harrison and her grandchildren
will leave Washington the latter part of the
present week for Cape May, where thdy will re
main until tbe President is ready to go to Deer
Park. The President will make one or more
short visits to Cape May during Mrs. Harri
son's sojourn there.
The Illinois State Board of Agriculture has
secured a flock of African ostriches as a
novelty for the coming fair. The flock will con
sist of seven birds, full grown, and will be on
exhibition during the entire week of the State
lair. The expense of securing this attraction
was too great for one State Board to incur and
it could only be done by pooling the expense
and engaging the ostriches for the month of
September by the respective boards of agricul
ture of Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Illinois.
Cole Younger, who was notorious in West
ern Wyoming as a bad man, was drowned Sat
urday while attempting to ford a river on
horseback. The only witness to the accident
was Ernest Williams, who has been a partner
with Younger in several horse-stealing scrapes.
He told so many contradictory stories of the
manner In which Younger met his death that
he was arrested ahd lodged 4n jail at Evans
ton, and he will be held until the recovery of
l'ounger's body. The men became acquainted
while serving- a term in the Salt Lake Penitentiary.
Spans the Business Horizon, Presag
ing Good Times Coming.
A Local Capitalist Sumps a Cool Hundred
Thousand Into Keal Estate.
The hopeful feeling among business men
of jail classes throughout the country is
largely dne to the improved agricultural
prospects. The reports from the crop growing
districts are of the most flattering descrip
tion, and, to quote a prominent railroad
President, "should the promises which they
hold out-be only fair there is no doubt that
the common carriers will have ample stuff to
move at reasonably remunerative rates."
"With the improvement of the general situa
tion there is less talk of woe and disaster
than the conntrv has been accustomed to
during the past few months. The future, so
far as it can be discerned, has no discouraging
features. It Is gratifying to know that Pitts
burg is In ood shape to take Immediate advan
tage of the expected turn in the tide.
Referring to the proposed improvement of
Diamond street, a gentleman who has given
the subject much attention from every possible
point of view, remarked yesterday afternoon:
"The widening of the street would not cost the
city a dollar. The expensa would be paid by
the property holders. It would increase the
value of the property on the street at least
$2,000,000, and add not far from $100,000 per an
num to the revenue of the city. These, it seems
tome, are sufficient reasons why the work
should be undertaken. But, In addition, the
opening of the street would developl the
suburban and country trade, which wonld be a
source of revenue to the city. All of this is
outside and beyond tbe fact that the Improve
ment is needed for tho comfort and con
venience of the citizens. The way Councils is
dilly-dallying over the matter makes me tired."
The destruction of tho city of Seattle, Wash.
T., by tire promises to be a blessing in disguise,
as was the case with Chicago. President Har
per, of the Bank of Pittsburg, said to The
Dispatch representative yesterday: "Seattle
was built of wood, of which there are almost
inexhaustible supplies of the best kinds in the
world in the immediate vicinity. Pine and
redwood were the kinds generally used. The
latter is a hard wood and is unequaled for in
side work. Many of the buildings were mag
nificent in size, style of architecture and finish.
The new city which will rise from the rums of
the old will be of brick. This will involve no
great difficulty, as clay of the finest quality Is
abundant in that part of the Territory." Com
ing nearer home, Mr. Harperremarked: "Johns
town is one of our own children. That it will
be rebuilt there can be no doubt. The old town
had some disagreeable features which will no
doubt be remedied in the new. The recuper
ative energies of onr people are so great that
within five years, or probably less time, few
traces of the disaster will remain. The econom
ical and intelligent expenditure of the money
now pouring in, together with what will bo
done by the State, will soon transform the
hideous waste into a place of beauty, the abode
of a large population, teeming with manifold
forms of Industry,"
To show that real estate Is attracting tbe at
tention of capitalists to an extent scarcely ever
before conceived of, a Fourth avenue agent
said yesterday: "I have just returned from a
wild gooBe chase. I went to see a gentleman
who, to my knowledge, had $100,000 of idle
moneyless than a month ago. I wanted to
place some of it on mortgage. He said he had
none left, that it had all gone into real estate
in the city in amounts ranging from $4,000 to
$15,000, He added that he would have a fresh
supply of funds in a short time, and would then
accommodate me. If the mortgage business
keeps up I am afraid home money will become
scarce and we will be compelled to draw from
tbe East. This is an alternative which thosa
who have thus far held aloof from this interest
snould carefully ponder."
The season has been rather unfavorable to
some kinds of vegetables, and a scarcity with
higher prices next winter is not Improbable
Potatoes have suffered the most, a large per
centage having either rotted in the ground or
been dwarfed by the cool, wet weather. "I
have been looking into the prospects of the
potato crop," remarked a Liberty street com
mission merchant yesterday, "and find that it
is In bad condition. If the late planting turns
out no better than the first is doing, they will
be scarce and high in price next fall and win
ter. Tomatoes are doing badly also, and I
think consumers will have to pay more than 8
or 10 cents a can for tbem next season. Every
thing else in the vegetable line, so far as I have
observed, promises an average yield."
A Dnll Stock Market Resulting From n'n Ab
sence of Orders.
The speculative interest is one of the slowest
to rally from a depression, proof of which may
be seen daily at the local Stock Exchange.
Transactions yesterday were limited to three
issues, and the sales were only 145 shares.
Switch and Signal was weaker, but otherwise
the'list was practically unchanged. A broker
said: "There are very few orders on hand, and
no material change can occur so long as this
condition exists. I do not look for much of a
change before fall." Bids, offers and sales fol
low: MOrtNTNO. AT'TEB'TOOir.
Bid. Asked. Hid. Asked.
Pitts. Pet. 8. AM. Ex.. 47S 800
Third Nat. Bank. Ay... 130
Fifth Avcnne Bank .... 40 42
Freehold Bank , 62
Keystone Bank of P'g '. 63
People's JJ. G. Co 17K
Philadelphia Co ZUJi Z1H 36H 37)3
Wheellnr Gas Co 30)4 31 .... 31
Central Traction 32 S2K 31 32
Citizens' Traction 69 TOM 69 70J
Pittsburcr Traction.... 52 52J4 52 S3
Pleasant Vallev It. B 185 200
Pitts., Alle. & Man 240 230
Pitta. June K. B. Co.. 263f 27 26 ....
Pitts.. Cln.&St.U 17
P. &. W. B. R. pref. 22
La Noria Mlnlnjr Co... 1 m 1W 1
Westlixrnouse Electric E-1 SiU 53?, M
Unions. AS. Co 23H 233? 3 23
Westlng'seAlrB. C 119 .... 110
The sales at the morning call comprised 100
shares of Central Traction at 32. 20 PittBburg
Traction at 52 and 10 Switch and Signal at 23.
Tho afternoon sales were JO shares of Switch
and Signal at 23K and S at 23i-
Ontside the Exchange Whitney t Stephen
son bought 100 shares Philadelphia Company at
37. A. Caster 25 shares Allegheny County
Light at par IOC. There will be a 3 per cent
dividend on the stock in July.
Bproul& Lawrence sold GO shares Central
Traction at 32 W. F. Maxon sold 100 shares
Central Traction at 32. John T. Patterson
sold 50 shares Wheeling Gas at 3 Morris &
Co. sold 60 shares Union Snitch and Signal at
23, and 200 shares La Norla at 1. Spronl &
Lawrence sold 50 shares Peoples' Natural Gas
and Pipeage Company at 17J4. Andrew Caster
sold 20 shares Union Switch and Signal at 23,
and 600 shares Pittsburg, Youngstown and
Ashtabnla Railway at about SL
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 258.308 shares. Including: Atchison,
3,45; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
62,497: Lake Shore, 10.500; Louisville and Nash
ville. 3,000; Missouri Pacific, 5.435: Northwest
ernrB,255; New Jersey Central, 9,560; Oregon
Transcontinental, 4,210; Reading, 47,010; Rich
mond and West Point, 3.183; St. Paul, 13,590;
Union Pacific, S.635.
Terr Little Doing nt tho Banks Better
Times Coming".
The money market was quiet and featureless
yesterday. Applications for loans were few
and far between, and routine business was
hardly up to the average. The weather was of
the kind which induces people to keep off the
streets, and no doubt contributed materially
to the general lethargy. There was neither
news nor rumor of importance at any of tbe
banks visited. The clearings wera $1,884,819.88
and tne balances $457,151,72. The prospect re
mains good for a busy season when the exist
ing depressing Influences which environ the
business situation shall have been overcome.
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easyat22 percent, last loan 2 per cent;
dOMd offered at 2 per cent Prime mercantile
paper. B5K. Sterling exchange steady at
M STK for 60-day bills, and $4 89 for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations.
U. S. 4s,reg..... 123
It Aa nnnti . 19fl
ir IT JLH1 3n Rq.- SA
Mutual Unlon6s....l02
N. J.aint. Ccrt...lJ5W;
Northern Pac lsjs..lW(
Northern Pae.M..JM
U. 8. 4, reir.. ..:...VH
U. S. 4s. conp ,106)i
Pacific 6s of '95. IIS
Louisiana stamped 4s 904
Missouri 6s 102
'lenn. new set. 8s... .108
Tenn. new set. 5s... .103
Northw'n deben's.JH
Oreiron A Trans. os.iw
fc. U tfi llan . M121
Tenn. new set. as.... 7
Canada So. 2ds 99
Cen. Pacificists 116
Den. AK.G., lsts... 119
Den. &B. G. 4s 8154
D.AB.G,West,lsts. 102
Erie, 2d 104
M.lCAT.Gen. 6s.. 60
St. Paul consols. ....Wf
t. I'l. uni re. 5H"f
Tx., Pc.L. U.Tr. BsSO
Tx.:Pc.K.Ci.Tr.Kcts 3SW
Union Pac. lsts JW
West snore "
New York Clearings, $152,811,855; bal
ances, $71,675, 42&
Boston Clearings. $15,385,818; balances,
$1,328,674. Money 2 per cent. .
BAiriMOitE Clearings, $1,192,877; bal
ances, $23,174.
PHn.ABEi.pniA Clearings, $12,189,133 bal
ances, $1,489,725.
Chicago Money hardening; on calL4M5i
time loans, 58. Bank clearings, $10,761,000.
St. Lotus Bank clearings, $4,037,160; bal
ances, $612,217. '
London The amount of bullion gone into
tho Bank of England on balance to-day Is
202,000. Bar silver 42 ll-16d per ounce.
Pabis Three per cent rentes 86f for the ac
count. New Yotut. June Ik Consolidated Exchange
Opening. 83c; highest, 84c; lowest, 83Mc;
closing, 84c Stock Exchange Opening,
83c; highest, 84kc; lowest. S3&c; closlDg,
840. Total sales, 602,000 barrels.
" 4
The Oil Market Braces Up and Slakes a
The steady diminution of the working stock
naturally has a tendency to stiffen the oil mar
ket. This was noticeable yesterday, and Im
parted more vim to the trading than has been
seen for some time. The market opened at 83c,
in above Mqnday's close, sold upt o 84c, broke
to 833c, recovered later and sold-at'84Jic held
between that point and 8334c until late in tbe
afternoon, when it rallied a little and closed at
84c, showing a gain of. c for tbe day, New
York-and Pittsburg were moderate buyers.
A, broker said: "Whether the producers ac
cept tbe Standard's guarantee of 90c on July 1
or not, I look for a radical ohange in the mar
ket after that date. They may sell to the rad
nopoly or they may not that will depend upon
the price when the time for action arrives but
in either eveut a disturbing element will be re
moved and operators will know better what to
do. Judging from statistics, the market should
advance. On the other hand, tbe diminished
number of regular trains ind the absence of
outside interest may set all calculations at de
fiance. These considerations render the future
course of tbe market extremely doubtful. .All
that I am (confident of is a new deal of some
A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, 83c;
calls, 84Jc
Other Oil Markets.
On. Crrr. June 1L National transit cer
tificates opened atS3C highest, 84c; lowest,
83)c; closed at 84c
Bradford. June 11. National transit certi
ficates opened at 83c; closed at 84c; high
est. 84c; lowest, 83c
TmjsviLi.E, Jnne 11. National transit cer
tificates opened at 83c; highest, Rlcj lowest,
83c; closed.t84c
Continued Activity In Real Estate A Num
ber ot Important Denis.
Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue
held tbelr first anction sale, as advertised In
The Dispatch, in the S. L. Boggs plan of lots,
near the new Castle Shannon incline, on Sat
urday, and closed out eight lots at tbe follow
ing remarkably low prices: Nos. 54 and 55 on
Paul avenue, each lot 25 by about 93 feet, at
$1J5 oach to J. O. Smith; lots Nos. 52 and 53,
same avenue, each 25 by about 97, at $120 each',
to W. Altenberg; lots Nos. 44, 45 and 48 at
$122 50 each, and No. 49 at $127 60 to John G.
Brown. The low price and popular terms,
that Is, $10 down and $5 per month, are attract
ing buyers, especially as they do not pay any
interest on the deferred payments. The same
firm sold to W. H. Hewlett lot No. 18 (adjoin
ing lots already bought) in "West End place"
plan of lots, Thlrty-flfth ward, city, fronting
on Springfield avenue, being 20x95 to a 20-foot
alley, for 8125
James W. Drape & Co. placed a mortgage of
$1,500 on bouse and lot In Allegheny at 6 per
cent; also two mortgages of $7,000 at 6 per cent
on Rouses and grounds in McKeesport: also
mortgages of $2,000 and one of $1,509 on two
properties in East End at 6 per cent.
Black t Balrd. No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to
George Daschbaek a lot on Ward street, on tns
Mmur ftf ntitn 9HZTlftX fAflf frti- SQai ah A
They also placed a mortgage of $6,000, on a
property on Ridge avenue, Allegheny City, for
three years, at 5 3-10 per cent.
Kelly & Rogers. No. 6315 Station street, sold
for E. M. BIglow to J. C. Dick two lots, comer
Euclid and Margaretta streets. Nineteenth
ward, for $2,250 cash: also for S. Kelly, house
and lot on Lowell stfeet, -Twenty-first ward, for
$5,000 cash.
George S. Martin, 503 Llborty street, sold in
the Maplewood Park plan, Wilkinsburg, lot
145, fronting 40 feet on Fahnestock avenue, by
104 feet to Singer street, for $200, to William
Llntelman; also lot No. 95, in the same plan, to
William Lintelman, Jr., for $200.
W. W. McNeill fc Bro.. real estate brokers,
105 Fourth avenue, sold for C. A. Burgy. to
William McKelvey, of the Allegheny Police
Patrol, a lot 22x101, on south side of Morrison
avenue. Second ward, Allegheny, and extend
ing through to Lamont street, for $500.
Thos. Liggett, Fonrth avenue, sold a five
roomed frame house on Howe street, Twentieth
ward, with lot 30x120 feet, for $3,600; also
placed a mortgage for $4,000 on Oakland prop
erty for three years at 5 per cent.
W, A. Herron & Sons sold a $73,000 morteage
at 5 per cent net to home capital. The prop
erty was down town city business property,
and the Messrs. Herron say they could have
placed $350,000 of borne money at the same rate
of interest, if they had had a similar class of
security to offer.
Good News Saves Western Stocks Coalers
Bonsfat on a Large Scale No Encour-
ngement From London Somo
Notable Advances Scored.
New Yobk, June H. The stock market. tOj
day was quiet and firmer for most of the list,
but in spots it was decidedly active and very
strong, and among such shares marked ad
vances were scored as ithe result of the day's
operations. Tbe status of affairs in the West
showed no 'change; the interest in the granger
stocks was small, and they became compara
tively quiet, with small fluctuations. The news
of the day from the West was rather of an en
couraging tenor and there was no Inducement
to attack the Western stocks. Tbe bullish feel
ing upon tbe Vanderbilt stocks continued, and
those share, wbile not so prominent as yester
day, were more active than usual and strong
all the way, though their movements were on a
small scale.
The trusts were less active, bnt exhibited the
same buoyancy, and sugar reached the highest
point yet attained in the rise, tho rumors in re
gard to it taking tbe shape that there is a large
amount of undivided cash in the treasury of the
company. London prices this morning were
slightly lower than figures of last evening, and
this market got no encouragement dnring tbe
day from that center, showing that the specu
lators on the other side are not in sympathy
with the present movement. Notwithstanding
this fact, first prices here were generally from
to K per cent above onr last
evening's figures, and while the interest in'
the trading was confined to a few shares, such
as the Coalers. St. Paul. H ew England and tbe
trn&ts, further advances were scored in tbe
early dealings, which, however, outside of the
trusts were fractional only.
Toward noon the market drifted into dull
ness and some recessions from the prices of
the first hour were made, but after that time
there was renewed buying on a large scale in
the Coalers, and Jersey Central rapidly ad
vanced to 112, the highest price known in the
stock for years. Delaware and Hudson fol
lowed closelv, and at last crossed Lackawanna,
reaching 147, while Lackawanna was not
sluggish, especially toward tbe close. Even
New York, Susquehanna and Western be
came active and advanced materially. The
movement in Reading was smaller, but the
transactions in tho stock during the last
two hours were on a large scale There
were the usual reasons In the last
hour, but tbe strength of tho market
was renowed and the close- was active and
strongest at about the highest prices of the
day. Among tbe low priced shares there were
marked movements In Southern Pacific and
Colorado Coal. In, the unlisted department
there was little doing outside of the trusts, and
wbile the Phoenix was higher Brunswick was
dull and slightly lower. .Everything Is higher.
Delaware and Hudson rose 3Ur Jersey Central
3Ji, Lackawanna 2, Colorado Coal 1, Susdne
banna preferred 1)4,. Reading and New En
gland lyi each, and Big Four 1 per cent.
Outside of a few Issues anch as Reading if,
which contributed $141,000, and Richmond and
Wet Point trust 6s, which contributed $112,000
to the-day's total of 51,500,000. there was little
animation or feature to the dealings in railroad
bonds to-day, and though there was a firm tone
throughout the movements as a rule were
The following table snows the prices of active
stocks on tho New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected dally for The Dispatch by Whit
ney & Stephenson, members of ew York
Stock Exchange. 67 Fourth avenue:
ing. Am. Cotton Oil 58H
AUh.. lop. & B.F.... 45
Canadian Pacific
Canada Southern 55H
Central or New J ersey. 108
(T Mlt a 4- .i.i
c.. siu.tut. i., pr.
C., KockL JtP........'
C., St. L. & Pitts
c., at. l.& puts, pf.,
C.. St. P.. M. SO......
C St. P..M. jfcO.. nr.
C. & Northwcstern..niO
C. Northwestern, pf ....
C-C. C&I 72
Col. Coal ft iron 27
Col. ft Hocking Val .. 14
DC. L. ftW !4
Del. ft Hudson ...144
DenverftBloG ....
Denverft Bio u pr... .;..
E.T., Va. fto ,.., io
E.T.,Va.&GaItpf.. ..
Illinois Central.. .,
Lake Erie ft Western.. 19
Lake Erie ft Wet. pr.. 61
Lake 8h ore ft M. S 106S
Louisville ft NashvUle. 70
Michlitin Central.
J?., Ji. ftTexas 10
Mlssoart Pacific 76
ew York Central 109
V..UE. ft W 28
N.Y.. L.E.ftW.. pref ..
. .. C. ft St. L.:.... 17,H
.. C. ft St. L. pr.
N.Y.. O. 48t.L.2dpf 37j
g-YftN. E 47
5- Y.. O. ft VV lag
Norfolk Western
jorfolkft Western.pf. ...
Northern Pacific 29
Nortnern Pacific nrer. 67
Ohio ft Mississippi... . 23
Oregon Improvement. ....
oxon Transcoa 35
PaciflcMall SS
Peo. Dec. ft Evans
Phlladel. ft Kea'dlnir..
1 oilman falaee Car... 183
Blchmono ft V. P. f .. 25
Klchmond ft W.P.T.pf 84
St. Paul ft Daluth
St. Panl ft Dnlnth pr.
St. p., Minn, ft Man.. .103
St.! ftsan Fran 29
St. L. ft San Jfran pf.. 60V
St. L,. ft Ban Jf.lst pf..H2
Texas Paolflo 22M
UnlonPaclfie 63
Wabash 16M
Wabash preferred 3u
Western Union 8S
Wheeling ft L. E 70
National Lead Trust.. 30
SnBar Trust: 107
io i'ok
24 $4
nk "M
67 ).
103 1MJ(
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex
change. Bid. Asked.
Pennsylvania Kallroad 51 51
Readlnz Railroad 23 11-18
Buflalo. Pittsbure and Western 10
Lehigh Valley S3 54
Lehigh Navigation 52X
Northern Pacific 29 28
Northern Pacific preferred C7 67
Jnrigo Whlto Explnlns Them In Refusing
an Application Two Others Grant
ed A Will Contest General
' Court -News.
Judge White, yesterday, handed down an
opinion, refusing a divorce in the case of John
Jones against Mary Jones. The
divorce had been asked for on the
grounds of "fraud, duress, and coercion." The
duress and coercion, it was held by Judge
White, consisted in that he was arrested on a
charge brought by the girl, and nothaving bail,
rather than go to jail consented to marry her
The fraud and deceit consisted in alleged mis.
representations by tbe respondent. These it
was held were not grounds for a divorce.
Continuing Judge White said:
"Before parties enter Into the marriage con
tract they are bound to make inquiries as to
the character and previous life of each other,
and if they neglect to do so and are deceived it
is their own fault. Courts should not encour
age parties settling a case by a marriage cere
mony which is to nave no other effect than sav
ing the man from going to prison. To grant
divorces In such cases, because the parties do
dot live together as man and wife afterward, is
to make the law a fC5 and the marriage vow
a sham."
A divorce was granted in the case of Mrs
Efflo W. Brown against John R. T. Brown.
Mrs. Brown was the daughter of R. KRiggs,
McKeesport, and Brown was from Brooklyn,
N. Y. The couple were married in 1SS4. In
the testimony taken it was claimed that Brown
brought to bis home Miss Gertie Wheeler as a
boarder. He represented her as an orphan and
an heiress, but she proved to have been a ser
vant or "checker" in the dining room of a hotel
in New York. Afterward Brown registered in
tbe Home Hotel with Miss Wheeler as J. R. T.
Brown and sister. Their conduct was snch that
they were watched by the hotel management
and finally ordered to leave. It was also testi
fied to by Mr. Riggs. the father of Mrs. Brown,
that Brown, who had represented himself as a
banker, had forged bis name to a check for
$2,000, and committed numerous other rascali
ties. No defense was brought forward by
Brown, and the divorce was granted.
A divorce was also granted in the case of
Frank Fisher against Martha J. Fisher. It was
claimed that Mrs. Fisher deserted her husband,
and, a few years later, married a colored man
named Massey.
A Contested Will Case.
A hearing was bad, in the Orphans' Conrt
yesterday in tbe case of the contested will of
Mrs. Lucy Oswald. Mrs. Oswald was the widow
of Charles Oswald, of Etna. Oswald, about
two years ago, cut his child's throat and then
committed suicide by cutting his own throat.
As a result, when Mrs. Oswald died, her sole
heir nnder the inter-State laws was her mother,
Mrs. Jeremiah McCauley, aged 77 years. A will
was left, however, giving her estate, val
ued at about 3,000, to Mrs. Mary J.
Smith. The latter .had been a neigh
bor -of Mrs. Oswald, and had nursed
herdurlng her last illness. The will itas writ
ten by Mrs. Smith, andshe was tbe sole legatee,
with the exception of $100 bequeathed to the
Union Centenary Methodist Church. Mrs. Os
wald died on March 23, 1SSS, and It is claimed,
though the will is dated February 2.5. it was not
made until March 10 or 11, 1883. Undue influ
ence and testamentary incapacity were also al
leged. After the testimony bad been taken,
the Court decided to grant an issue, and ordered
the case to be certified to tbe Common Pleas
Court for a jury trial.
Trials In the Crlmlnnl Conrt.
In the Criminal Court yesterday Robert Cun
ningham pleaded guilty to entering the dwell
ing of C. C. Church and stealing a diamond
glass cutter, also entering the house of George
Pf ell and stealing 2 and a number of articles.
He will be sentenced Saturday. James Gray,
colored, was convicted of breaking into tbe cel
lar of John Mills. Fred Kone pleaded guilty
to malicions mischief for throwing stones at
cars on the Panhandle Railroad. Timothy
Daly pleaded guilty to and Wm. Cassidy was
convicted of entering the house of Thomas
Lowry in Braddock and stealing a number of
articles. Wm. Camerney is on trial for inde
cent assault on Papina Josef Rosa and for ag
gravated assault and battery on Louis Rosa,her
Indicted lor Murder.
The grand jury yesterday returned a true bill
against Andrew Hclser for tbe murder of
Charley Wilson. Last April Heiser and Wilson
got into an altercation on Wineblddle avenue,
resulting in Heiser stabbing Wilson. The
latter lingered and finally died in the West
Penn Hospital about a week ago. The other
true bills returned were: Thomas Carson, Bar
bara DIroll, larceny and receiving stolen goods;
C. F. Jacobs, embezzlement; Louis Beck, Max
Silberstein, John Scott, misdemeanor; Albert
C. Baker, John Flautz. John Thum, fornix et
cet; Mike Castle, Adam Garhard, aggravated
assault and battery; John Larimer, Patrick
O'Donnen, assault and battery; Charles Dun
can, Wm. Gleason, Fred Goldstrohm, keeping
a gambling house.
To-Dny's Trial Lists.
Common Pleas Nos. 1 and 2-Argument list.
Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Klchard
Lyle, Samuel Harvey, John McCarthy, Antonio
Arforlo, Walter P. West, Cyrus DunlapJfrank
Siawlcky, James McUIll et aL Louis Pfell, Howard
Williams. Daniel Davis, John Wittmcr (21, Thomas
Kelly, James A. lillleter, Jessie Harris, Harry
Ualllus, Charles Donahue. John Morosqnek (2),
John J. Davis, J. O. Schrlnrr. Lizzie Nolan, JIc
Uurg Donnally et al, Henry Uowells.
Lcsnl Brevities.
A charter was filed In the Recorder's
office, jesterday, for theNorthsido Gun Club,
of Allegheny. The directors of theclnbare
Dr. W. R. Hamilton. W. E. Littell and William
Thomas C. Fulton and wife and, Jane M.
Fulton, yesterday filed a bill in equity against
James S. Arnold and wife and others, asking
for the appointment of a master to partition
among tbe heirs the real estate of the late An
drew Fulton.
Charters were filed yesterday In the Re
corder's Office for tbe Bennett Water Company
and the Bennett Electric Light Company. The
directors of both companies are M. JC-Garrett.
Henry U. Fungall, John Stewart and Michael
A. Bollinger, ihe capital stock of each con
cern is 81,000, divided into ton shares at 5100
per share.
- ' ,
Delayed Trains Bring Much Dam
aged Stuff to Markets
A "Whiteirasli at Grain Exchange Cereal
Supplies Light.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, 1
Tuesdat, June U, 1S89. i
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
There is no let-up to firmness of egg market.
Ohio cheese is in active demand at quotations.
A leading jobber said to-day: "I have notbeen
able for a day or two past to procure enough
Ohio cheeses to meet demands. There Is not a
box left in my warehouse, and prices are firm
for this season of tbe year." Old potatoes are
still drifting upward. Home-raised strawber
ries are coming in freely and find ready sale.
Maryland berries being a few hours behind
time arriving, were slow and in buyers' favor.
There is general complaint among produce men
concerning delay of trains. All stuff coming
to markets tbe past week has been a day ortwo
behind time, and as a result that which Is per
ishable is more or less damaged. A day or two
more will, no doubt, remedy this difficulty.
Butteh Creamery, Elgin, 2021c; Ohio do,
1718c; fresh dairy packed, H15c; country
rolls, 13Hc; Chartiers Creamery Co., 19c
Beans Jl 751 90.
Beeswax 2830c 9) & for choice; lowgrade,
CiDEit Sand refined, $6 607 50; common,
S3 504 00; crab cider. S3 00S 50 $ barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c gallon. .
Cheese New Ohio cheese. 9c; New York,
new, 10llc: Limburger, 89c; domestic
Sweitzer cheese, 9K12c
California Fbuits California peaches.
U 004 50 t1 box; cherries, 3 00; apricots, U 00
1 50:.plums, fi 001 50.
Dried Peas 51 251 35 B bushel; split do,
Eoas I516c ft dozen' for strictly fresh;
goose eggs, S0c yl dozen.
FBTJTrs Evaporated raspberries, 25c ft;
cranberries, S45 barrel, 50cSl ft bushel;
strawberries, S15c $1 quart; pine apples, SI 25
1 75 f) dozen.
Feathers Extra live geese, '5060c; No. 1
do. 404oc; mixed lots, 3U3oc ft.
Honey New crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13
Hominy S2 65Q2 75 ft barrel.
Potatoes OOe $1 bushel; new Southern
potatoes, S3 504 00 $ barrel.
Poultry Live chickens, 6575c per pair:
undrawn chickens, 1012c ft ft; drawn, 14
15c ft ft; turkeys, 15c dressed fl ft; ducks,
live, 6070c ft pair; dressed, 1314c fl ft; geese,
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, 5 60
ft bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts. $6 00;
clover, Aliske, t8 50; clover, white, 3 00; timo
thy, choice, 15 fts, tl 65; bine grass, extra
clean, 14 fts, 90c; blue grass, lancy, 14 fts, $1 00;
orchard grass, 14 fts. JI 65; red top, 14 fts. SI 25;
millet, 60 fts. SI 00; German millet, 50 fts,
SI 50; Hungarian grass. 00 fts, SI 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, 72 SO per bushel
of 14 fts.
Tallow Country, 4Jf5c; city rendered, 5
Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancv. $5 50
6 00 fl box: Messina oranges, S4 605 50 ft
box; Valencia oranges, fancy, S7 509 00 ft
case; bananas, S3 00. firsts; S2 00, good seconds,
ft bnnch; cocoannts, $4 505 00 ft hundred;
new figs, 89c fl ponnd; dates, 56c ft
Vegetables Radishes, 2530c fl dozen;
marrowfat peas, $2 25 ft crate; new cabbage,
two-barrel crates, S2 503 00: Bermuda onions,
SI 15 1 25 ft bushel; string beans, S2 00; toma
toes, S3 003 50 ft bushel.
Green Coffee Fancy Kio, 2223c; choice
Bio. 2021c; prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18l9c;
old Government Java,' 27c; Maracaibo, 2228c;
Mocha, 30K3lKc; Santos, 1922Kc; Caracas
coffee', 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La
guayra, 21(s22c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c;
high grades, 2628c; old Government Java,
bulk. 32Kffi3c; Maracaibo, 2728c; Santos,
2224ctpeaberry, 27c; peaberry Santo, 2224c;
choice Rio, 25kc; prime Rio,23; good Rio, 22c;
ordinary, 21fc.
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c;
cassia, 842'Jc; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 7080c.
Petroleuk (jobbers' pricesj 110 test, 7c;
Ohio, 120. 8c; headlight, 150, 8c; water
white, 10c: globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadlne,
UKc; royaline, 14c
Syrups Corn syrups, 2629cr choice sugar
syrup, 8338c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;'
strictly prime. 8335c; new maple syrup, 90c
N. O. MokASSES Fancy, 48c; choice, 49c; me
dium, 13a: mixed, 4012c - '
Soda Bl-carbln kegs, 84c; btcarb In V
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal
soda In kegs, l⁣ do granulated, 2c.
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearincper
set, 8c; pararflne, 11012c.
Rice Head, Carolina, 77Kc: choice, 6
7c; prime, 6K6c; Louisiana, 66Uc
Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 67c; gloss
starch, 67c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, 2 65; Lon
don layers. $3 10; California London layers, $2 50;
Muscatels, S2 25; California Muscatels, SI 85;
Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 7K08c;
sultana, 8Kc; currants, new, 45c; Turkey
prunes, new, 45c: French prunes, 813c;
Salonica prunes,in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoannts,
per 100, SO 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do
Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c: walnuts, nap.j 12
15c: Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12lbc:
new dates, 56c; Brazil, nuts, 10c; pecans,
ll15c; citron, per ft, 2l22c; lemonpeel, per ft,
1314c; orange peel, 12ic.
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c;
apples, evaporated. 6i6c; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 15lsc: peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223ct peaches, California, evaporated,
unpaired, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cnerriesi nnpmea, ojoc; raspoerrieo, evapor
ated, 2424Kc; blacKberries, 7K8c: huckle
berries, 1012c.
bUGARS Cubes, 99c; powdered, 9V
9c; granulated, 9jc; confectioners' A, 99c;
standard Aj 9c: sott whites, 8i38ac: yellow,'
choice, 8i8Kc; yellow, good, 78c; yellow,
fair, 7e: yellow, dark, 7Jc
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), SI GO; medi
ums, half bbls (600), S2 75.
Salt No, 1, ft bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, ft bbl, SI 05;
dairy, ft bbl. SI 20: coarse crystal, ft bbl, SI 20:
Hlggins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, f2 80; Higgins'
Eureka, 16-14 Si pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, SI 300
1 90; 2ds. SI 303)1 35; extra peaches, SI 501 90;
pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, 511 50; Hfd. Co.
corn. 7090c; red cherries, 90c31; Lima beans,
81 10; soaked do, 85c: string do do, 75S5c; mar
rowfat peas, SI 101 15: soaked peas, 7075c;
pineapples, SI 401 50; Bahama do, S3 75; dam
son plums, 95c; greengages, SI 25; egg plums,
$2; California pears, S2 oO; do greengages, S2: do
egg plums, 52; extra white cherries, $2 SO; red
cherries, 2 fts, 90c; raspberries, SI 401 50;
strawberries, $1 10; gooseberries, $1 301 40;
tomatoes, 8292c; salmon, 1-ft, SI 752 10;
blackberries, 80c; snecotasb. 2-ft cans, soaked,
99c; do green, 2 fts, SI 251 50; corn beef. 2-ft
cahs, SI 75: 14-ft cans, S13 50; baked beans, SI 45
1 GO; lobster, 1 ft, SI 751 SO; mackerel, 1-ft
cans, broiled, SI 50; sardines, domestics, Mn,
S4 154 50: sardines, domestic. Ks, S3 25S 50:
sarumes, imponeo, .s, tii outgua ou: saraines,
imported,Ks,S18; sardines,mustard, SI; sardines,
spiced, S4 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S36f)
bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, S40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
S36; No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c ft ft; do medium, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 6J47Jc Herring
Round shore, 15 00 ft bbl; split, S7 00: lake.
Si 60 ft 100-ft. half bbl. White fish. $7 00 f! 100
ft, half bbl. Lake trout. So GO ft half bbL
Finnan haddock, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
f: ft. Pickerel. X barrel, S2 00: J barrel. SI 10;
otomac herring, 55 00 ft barrel, S2 60 f) K
Buckwheat Flour 2K2c ft ft.
Oatmeal $6. 806 00 f Dbl.
Miners' Oil No, 1 winter strained, G860c
ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c.
Grain, Flonr nnd Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Er
chan, 19 cars. By Pittsburg,' Ft. "Wayne and
Chicago, 6 cars ol hay, 4 of oats, 1 of bran, 1 of
flour. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and SL Louis,
O cars of hay, i of oats, 1 of com. There were
no sales on call. The annual meeting for the
election of officers and hearing of reports oc-
cupied the full time of the Exchange. Results
of tbe meeting Will be seen in other parts of
The Dispatch.
Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, 8990c;
No. 3 red, 8384c
4 Corn No. 2 yellow ear. 2939lei high mixed
ear, 37c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 3737Kc; high
mixed, shelled. 3637c; mixed, shelled, 35
Oats No. 2 white, 31K32c: extra. No. 3.
30ffl31c; No. 3 white, 23Q)J0c; No. 2 mixed, 27
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 5152c;
No. 1 Western, 4819c
Flour JobDing prices Winter patents,
S5 G05 75: spring patents. So 756 00: winter
straight, S4 75o 00; clear winter, f4 504 75;
straight XXXX. bakers', S4 C04 25. Rye flour,
S3 60J53 75.
Millfeed Middlings, fine white, S15 00
15 50 ft ton; brown middlings. Sll 6012 60;
winter wheat bran, SU 2512 60: chop feed,
S15 0016 00.
HAY-Baled timothy, choice, S15 00; No. 1
do, S13 50 14 00: No. 2 do, Sll 5012 60; loose,
from wagon, S16 0018 00; No. 1 npland prairie,
S10 G0U 00; No. $ 7 605 00; packing do, S3 60
8 60,
Stbaw Oats, 17 GO; wheat and rye straw,
17 007 50S8 00.
Sugar-cured hams, large, lie; sugar-cured
hams, medium, HKc;sugar-cuTedhams, small,
12c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 8c; sugar-cured California hams,
8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats. 9c; sugar
cured dried beef gets. 10c; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds, 12Jc; bacon shoulders, 7c: bacon
clear sides, 8cf bacon clear bellies, 8Kcr dry
in iierces. oymv. uau
barrels. 7c:60-ft tubs, 5Vc:20-S paUs,7Kc;50
B tin cans. 7c: 3-ft tin nails, nic: 6-ft tin nails.
7Kc; 10-ft tin pails. 7c. Smoked sausage.long,
5c; large,r5o Fresh pork links, 9a Boneless
bam, 10c. Pigs feet, half barrel, S3 60; quarter
barrel, S2 00.
Dressed Dlenr.
Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 lbs,
5Kc; 550 to 650 fts, Pc; 650 to 750 fts, 6Kc Sheep.
8c ft ft. Lambs, 9c ft ft. Hogs,ec. Fresh
pork loins, 9c
Atch. & Ton.. 1st 7i. 117H
Atch. 4 Top. . K... 45H
Boston ft Altnny...212
Uoston & Maine..... 91
C U. 40. 103X
Clnn. san. A Cleve. Wi
Eastern B. B 90
Flint FereM IS
Little K. & Ft. 8. 7s.l074
Mexican Cen. com.. IS
Mex.CIstmtg.ods. Wi
. Y. AKowKnr... 47
N. Y. Jt ". E. 7S....129
Old Colony.
Wis. Ventral, com...
Wis. Central pt..,
. 90
, m
Pewablo (new)
Qnlner ...
Bell Telephone
Boston uina. ........
Water Power
San Diego.....'......,
To Attend tbe Synod of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church.
Fifty or sixty clergymen of the Evangelical
Lutheran denomination reached the city last
night from various parts of the United States
to attend therTbirty-fonrth biennial session of
their synod. It convenes this evening in Trln
itv Church, Stockton avenue, Allegheny. Fully
200 will be on hand, and the meeting will last
until abont tbe 20th inst. Rev. J. G. Goett
man, pastor of the church at which the meet
ing is to ue neia, wm generally oversee matters
of hospitality.
Among the prominent delegates expected to
be present are: Rev. J. G. Morns. D. D., of
Baltimore; Dr. W.F.Conrad, D. D., editor of
tbe Lutheran Observer, published in Philadel
phia; Dr. H. W. McKnight. D. D , President of
the Pennsylvania College of Gettysburg: Rev.
J.G.Butler, D. D., Chaplain of tbe United
States Senate; Rev. E. J. Wolf, D. D. and Rev.
C. A. Hay. D. D., Professors of the Tbeologi
ral Seminary, Gettysburg; Rev. C. Heisler, D.
D., Los Angeles; Rev. G. N. Winner. D. D.,
New York: Rev. W. M. Baum. D. D.. Philadel
phia: Rev: P. Borq, D. D., President of the
Missionary Institute, Selins Grove, Pennsyl
vania. Among the prominent laymen will be
Messrs. H. S. Boner, Philadelphia; G. P. Ock
ershausen, of New York; Charles A. Shieren,
of Brooklyn, and A. Gebhart, of Dayton, O.
The P. & Bf. Passenger Railroad Will Not
Chance Its Motive Power.
The Pittsburg and Manchester Passenger
Railroad Company have decided not to change
the motive power of their road, at least not for
One of the directors of the company, who
was asked for the reason tbe corporation had
for retaining the horses, stated tbat-the invest
ment paid very well under the present condi
tions and a change was not necessary. It is
understood, however, that the season has too
far advanced already to build any other system,
and it is on that account deferred until next
There is'also a probability that there will be
some trouble About the new bridge the com
pany proposes to build across the Allegheny
near the Sixth street bridge. The City Coun
cils, who are about to grant the permission for
the buildintrof it, have amended the original
ordinance, by which they reoommend that tbe
company is to pat a six-foot board walk along
side and allow passengers to cross free of
charge. If that is done, the new bridge would
greatly decrease the revenue of the Sixth
street bridge.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
Wheu.she was a Child, she crledfor Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had ChIIdren,she gave them Castorla
Chartiers Creamery Co.
Warehouse and General Offices,
Telephone 1426.
Factories throughout Western
For prices see market quotations.
Wholesale exclusively.
Transact a General BanMng Business.
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits,
Available In all pat ts of the world. Also Issue
For use In this country, Canada, Mexico, West
Indies, South and Central America.
Circular Letters of Credit for Travelers
Good in all parts of the world.
Cor. Wood and Liberty St&i
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week in
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
This Is now conceded, to he the Best in tho
market, as witnessed by- the fact that we hare
at the Pure Food Exposition, now be
ing held in Philadelphia.
And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresh
ly roasted beet
in mortgages on improved real estate in tamt
of 51,000 and uprrard. AppW at
mh4-34-p No. 121 Fourth avenue.
Keal Estate and Insurance Brokers.
Hare Money to Loan in sums of $5,000 to $1CL
000 on East End property at low rates of In
terest. Jeia-95
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. DTezeL
Morgan &. Co., New York. Passports procured,
511-515 Hamilton Building;
Pittsburg, Pa.
PBESS service between New Yort, Soutlw
ampton and Hamburg by tbe new twin-screw
steamers of 10,000 tons and 11 500 borse power.
I'ast time to London and tbe Continent, steam
ers unexcelled for safety, speed and comfort,-.
Begular service: Every Thursday from New '
York to Plymouth (Iondon). Cberboure (Paris!
and Hambnrjr. Tbroaalx tickets to London and
Paris. Excellent fare. Bates extremely low.
Applv to the
General Office Hamburg I General Passage Office.
American Packet Co., C. B. RIUBARU& CO
37 Broadwav. N. Y. St Broadway, N Y.
JI AX SCHAM15ERCJ, 5Z7 hmlthfleld st Pittsburg,
and GALWAT .
Passenger Accommodations Unexcelled,
Prepaid Intermediate. $30 Steerage. S19.
Passengers by this route are saved the ex
pense and inconvenience attending transfer to
Liverpool or from New York.
Pittsburg. my27-57-JTWT,
Atlantic Express Service; '
Steamship "CITY OK HOME," from New York,
WEDNESDAY. May 29. JnneZS, July M. Aag.2 -baloon
passage, $80 to $100: second-class, f33.
Steamers every Saturday from New York to
Cabin passage to Glasgow, Londonderry, Liver
pool. (SO and SSO. second-cUss. (30.
Steerage passage, either service, S20,
baloon excursion tickets at reduced rates.
Travelers' circular letters of credit and drafts
for any amount issued at lowest current rates.
For books of tours, tickets or Information
J. J. MCCORMICK, fourth and SmltbSeld: A. D.
SCORER & SON, 415 Smlthfleld St., Pittsburg: "W.
SAMPLE, Jr., 165 Federal St., Allegheny.
Auranla, June 1. 7 AH
Bothnia. June 19. 10 A It
Gallia. JcneS, 9:30 am
ttUmurls, June a. In
KEtruna, Jane 22, 1 ,30ra
Anranla, June 29, A it
"Gallia. Jnlva. 8:30 AM
Servla. une 15, 7 A 31
lese steamers carry first-class passengers only.
Ill not carrv Intermediate.
YWU1 carry Intermedial, no steerare.
Cabin passage. S60, 30 and flOOtlntermedtate,
135. steerage tickets to and from all parts of
Europe at very low rates.
YXBNON H. BROWN 4 CO., General Agents,
4 Bowling Green, New York.
fourth aye. and Smlthfleld St., Pittsburg.
State Line I.
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabln passage (33 to 30. according to location
of stateroom. Excursion S65 to (90.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO.. General Agents,
61 Broadway, New York.
J. J. McCORMICK. Agent. Pitttburg. Pa.
As old residents know ana back: files of Pitts
burg capers prove, is the oldest established,
and most prominent physician in the City, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.-
M L D D 1 1 0 an(1 mental diseases, physical
I L. n V U U O decay.nervous debility, lack of.
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self distrnst,basbf nlness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, emotions, im
poverished blood, failing powers,organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for buslness.society and mar-'
riage. permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, hones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth.throat, .
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIDIMADV kidney and bladder aerange
U n 1 1 1 A II I i ments. weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whlttier's life-lore, extensive experi
ence. Insures scientific and Tellable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation .
free: Patients at a distance as carefully treated) ...
as if here. Office bonr3 9A. M. tot! p.m. Sun
day. 10 A. JI. to 1 P. M. only. DR. WHITTIER,
814 Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa.
Jell-90H-Muwk ,
HPPT!TAT.TSTS In all cascxro.-.
quiring scientific and confiden-'
tial treatment! Dr. S.K. 'Lake.
At T? n T ft. fatbA oldpflt anil
'most experienced specialist in
tbe city. Consultation free-and
hours VtoA and7to 8P.M.; Hundays.2to4P.
M.Cousnlrtbem personally, orwrite. DOCTORS
Lake. 806 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
Full particulars In pamphlet
sent free. The genuine- Ursya
Specific sold by druggists only ia
yellow wrapper. Price, JI per
package, or six for S5. or by mail,
on recelnt of nrlce. braddress-i
W.T,Wr,T 0.,l,.fW ' Unff.ln TU V
Sold in Pittsburg by 8. S. HOLLAND, corner
Smlthfleld and Liberty sts. ap!2-3S ,
am UKd vnMiau imaav,
Orlgful, t, tly fal ta4
rt Uu! pin fbrMl. JievwVaO.
Ak for CUcJUMUr't Si-dUlK
Diamond Brand, la red n-
uiuo poxe. lemAea wiw Dineno
Iwm. At Ttvnfffflita- Anf nt
no tiier. aupUUlB pute. V
board boxe. plok Trippers, art a - bmv
l B tV asconaterfelt. Brad 4e. (iur. n tx'
"- f utttr.tr irtnra mall. IIMMlft liaUi
SBO&!9UfraatA9Il'S1rD4&TuethcIB- Kimrar at.
Chichester Lhcmlcal CoHs4keaSj.lFU laFc,
weakness, lost vigor, etc.. was restored ., -to health
In such remarkable manner after air. else had...
failed that be will send the mode of cure TKEEto "
all fellow sufferers. Address L. G. MrTOHELL,'"
lltf .
XJ.U nauiuuo. vvuu. uijJU-.tf-DBuns, ,.