Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 11, 1889, Image 1

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i 3, t
ptpmtM M$Wtt
A charming novelette by Louise Stock
ton, (rill be published in complete form.'ia'
next Sunday's Dispatch. Bead it.
kind can best be ;
jd by adrertlsmsr. in .
p s imns of The Diss-
ffltUIUM. ig
Their Gifts Are for the
Immediate Wants
of the Living,
The Committee Takes Back
$22,000 of That City's
That the State Will . Clear Up
the Highway It
Contracts Tiiat Were Already
Made Will be Con
scientiously Met.
Treasurer Thompson 'Will Use Enough of
the Funds co Sleet Present Obligations
and Will Then A wait Governor Beaver's
Action Booth fc Flinn Will Withdraw
- AH Their Workmen This Evening Mr.
Flinn is Glad to Turn Over the GIgnntic
Task to Genernl Hastings Wonders
How Ho is Ever Going to Gel Through
With It Two Method! of Cleaning Up.
The Chicago Belief Committee yesterday
carried back to Chicago with them the 22,
000 they had brought to Pittsburg for the
relief of the Johnstown sufferers. They say
they will keep it there until they are as
sured that Governor Beaver will take
definite charge of clearing up the debris, as
the money shall go to alleviate suffering,
iiir which it was subscribed, and for nothing
else. Mr. Onahan, one of the committee,
! received the following telegram from Mayor
Cregier, of Chicago, early yesterday morn
ing, and it evidently decided them in their
Should not the State look after clearing of
debris? Our funds are for the immediate
wants of the living. Consider this.
"D. C Cregier, Mayor."
- On receipt of the above telegram Mr.
-Onahan immediately visited Treasurer
Thompson early yesterday morning, and
told him that they
Were Not Satisfied
with the Governor's action, and would take
their money back with them and hold it
''until they found out just what he was going
to do. They said that they could swell the
amount $10,000 more, but they proposed
that it be expended for nothing but alleviat
, iug suffering, and not for cleaning np a
State highway.
Treasurer Thompson expostulated with
them and told them he would put the
. amount in the vault nnder seal to await
their orders. They said they trusted him
all right, but they thought it best to take
it back with them arid wait to see just what
would be the outcome of the Governor's
plan, and whether he would assume all
charge of clearing away the debris.
Will Publish Their Reasons.
t The committee could do nothing and the
men left for Chicago. "When they return
with the money, the actions of Governor
Beaver must give the word. They stated
that they wonld give reasons for their ac
tion to the press when they arrived in
A meeting of the Executive Committee of
the Belief fund was held last evening, and
they decided that they were powerless and
would have to wait patiently until the next
few days settled the question. They were
not sure about the Governor raising the
funds by his plan, but are waiting the
& result.
'.f The committee find that the Governor is
" obtaining all the Eastern subscriptions and
,- cutting them off their means of carrying on
. the work. This makes a clash of arms as to
tbe.mode of procedure. The Governor has
sow taken charge of clearing away the
debris, leaving the General Belief Commit
tee free to turn their attention to the allevia
tion of suffering, for which the subscrip
tions were given. If they take fyll charge
of this work, what is to be done with the
' funds sent the Governor; are they not to go
to the same cause? If so, through what
channel, and how can the committee work
to advantage without all the funds and with
other forces working in opposition to their
plans? j Jt
Bather Perplexing Problems.
These were some of the questions that en
Egcd their attention. They debated long
but settled nothing, and decided to wait for
, further developments.
The committee also discussed the means
of best caring for and alleviating the suffer
ings of the people, and just how far they
f Jjnuld co on with their aid. A man wishes
uto start again in business and wishes help.
It is a serious question how much aid
should be tendered liim. Temporary
shelter must be built for the unfortunates.
It is not a question of alleviating the present
wants, but the people will not be able to
take care of themselves for possibly a year
and must be started.
Again, will the city be rebuilt, and will
the Cambria Iron Company do it, and give
employment to the men?
Booth & Flinn have not handed in their
payroll yet, and will not for a few days, so
it was dismissed trom the minds of the com
mittee until another meeting, but Treasurer
Thompson was told to stand ready to pay it,
should it be presented.
All these were grave questions, and only
time and other meetings will settle them.
One thing weighed down the mind of each
on the committee, and that wa3 that the
work before them was
A Monstrous Job,
and they finally adjourned by deciding to
meet the emergencies as they came, and
"burn no bridges until they had passed
One question was decided on, and that
was that wherever a man was found who
wanted to help himself he would be
helped to do so. Many of the citizens are
anxious to again start up trade in various
channels. If a big work is going to be done
there the committee do not see why bake
ovens should not be established,, stores
opened np and trade again given an im
petus. It was proposed to sell flour, gro
ceries, etc, to merchants at cost or below if
necessary to re-establish trade. Many or
ders have already been placed in Pittsburg
by residents of the wrecked city who still
have funds which they are willing to use in
trading. All these orders were promptly
looked alter by the committee and the goods
sent on theirway without delay.
Mr. Flinn Is Worn Out.
"I am not sorry to be relieved of that
truly tremendous task," remarked "William
Flinn last night referring to General
Beaver's assumption of charge of affairs at
Johnstown. "My personal feelings are pe
culiar. I was sick for the first half day,
and part of my sickness was due to the mag
nitude of the job. 'But I braced up and felt
first rate for the balance of the time I was
there. But half an hour after I boarded
the train this morning I felt as if I had
been beaten with baseball bats."
"Yes, we will withdraw our own men on
"Wednesday night, and General Hastings
takes charge. He is averse to taking hold
of such a leviathan task, but the Governor
Is not able to get hold of any other State
official. My relations with General Hast
ings are of the pleasantest, and I made him
a number of suggestions, and have prom
ised to give him at least a day every week.
Now, there are two ways for Governor
Beaver to do that work. One is to clean
off the debris and let property holders do
their own excavating, and let the city
restore its streets, sewers and water and
gas mains. The other is to remove every
vestige of the flood, dig out cellars and I
think there are corpses in every cellar and
bury all the dead. In other words do every
thing but rebuild the
Stores nnd Houses.
"The cost would, I judge, be $1,000,
000 for the easiest way and double that sum
for the more thorough course. "Which way
will be adopted I cannot say, and I don't
think the Governor himself knows. I am
of the opinion that it should be made known
just what will -r will not be done.
"As regards our men, we have a few
over 1,000 who will be brought home in a
body. Their time has beeu kept as sys
tematically as if they were at work in Pitts
burg by our timekeepers, and we have had
GO foremen in charge. You must under
stand, however, that all paid labor at
Johnstown has been nnder our direction, and
we have audited all the laborers' time be
cause no one else conld. The arrangement
in regard to payment has been agreed upon.
The payrolls will be made out Tuesday
night, and at the end of the working day of
"Wednesday, Colonel J. M. Schoonmaker,
acting forthe Belief Committee, will pay
all the laborers off. By this means the firm
of Booth & Flinn will not handle a dollar
of contributed money.
Will Rcqnire S1OO.O0O.
"I told the committee to-day that 100,000
would be needed to pay off. There have
been between 3,000 and 4,000 men at work,
exclusive of volunteers. I estimate that in
Johnstown proper 70,000 will be needed to
pay off. The other 30,000 will go to the men
employed in Kernville by 'Johnson & Mc-
-ilillan, the Johnstown contractors, with
whom our operations have had nothing to
"Will not the withdrawal of your forces
disorganize matters for a fewdays?" queried
TnE Dispatch representative.
"It should not. Contractor McKnight, of
Pittsburg, will step in as the chief contractor
employed by General Hastings. He will
get the benefit of our organization, or com
missary department, our stables and camn.
and will also have as a nucleus for the 5,000
men he expects to work a large number of
workmen who have been at work under us,
although not our regular forces. Several
other contractors will be asked to
come in under the same arrangement, which
is, I believe, 1 50 per diem and found for
the laborer, and 10 per cent of the sum paid
for labor to go to the contractor. But it is
an immense job before them, and General
Hastings has assumed an immense responsi
bility. He is standing between the people
and Governor Beaver's bondsmen, and the
contractors, and must see that no work is
thrown away andjhat no imposition is at
tempted. It is a big job," said Mr. FUnn.
meditatively, as he fillipped the ashes of a
portly cigar across his boot heel.
Ulacli Hni Been Done.
"In general terms," continued tne big
contractor, "it must be said that much has
been accomplished, although the work will
probably lag for a few days after "Wednes
day until things are organized again. Or
ganization must be strict, and if General
Hastings follows thatrulehe will be as great
a success as Mr. James B. Scott has been.
The public will never know how hard that
man has worked. He has brushed aside
petty annoyances, quelled disturbances,
smoothed over conflicts in authority
and made everybody work with a
tact which shows a. born genius for
generalship. He was emphatically the man
for.the place. I tell yen that Johnstown
was mighty fortunate in the choice of such
hustling citizens as those who composed the
Pittsbure Belief Committee and the men
representing it in Johnstown. Had there
been delay or red-tapeism in their actions
the citizens would have been in a terrible
condition. I verily believe that Johnstown
would have starved if it had not been for
Superintendent Patton, of the Balti
more and Ohio. That man is a
wonder to me. The way he cleared
up his road and got provisions
into the city was marvelous. He telegraphed
all along the Baltimore and Ohio BailrcadJ
lines and down into West Virginia, and got
trainload after trainload into the city. At
every station along the road where a car
was being loaded for Johnstown orders to
hurry were telegraphed, and relief freight
trains were given right of way oyer passen
ger trains. "Why, I saw a train of 56 cars
heavily loaded come into Johnstown, only
10 of which were from Pittsburg. The way
Mr. Patton ran the bread supply was mas
terly. As I said, if it hadn't been for his
energy the citizens
Wonld llnve Starved
and the workmen could not have been
hustled along the way ther were. Men
must eat in" order to work. J. V. Patton is
a dandy for an emergency..
"Among the annoyances we were sub
jected to was one very unnecessary. I re
fer to the "tomato can ndlicemen." The
Sheriff of Cambria 'county swore in 800 of
these fellows as deputy sheriffs and ther
sported tin stars and tried to exert author
ity at every turn. ,They annoyed our men
tremendously and their orders were laughed
at, of course, but there were innumerable
fights and discussions. Sheriff Beineman
bobbed up in committee meeting yesterday
and wanted to know who was going to
pay his 800 "cops" for getting in the
way at 5 per diem. There will be some
fun when it comes to paying the bills. An-t
other thing that was excessively ahnoyingi
was tne ocean oi telegrams our men rev
ceived from Pittsburg relatives who had!:
goueu me liupresaiuu luui iiuuuswwu wua a
plague spot and urged our men to leave .on
the first train. So far as money matters are
concerned, x am airaia we snail lose some'
money because of the cessation of work on
ti-ue contracts, but we did not take hold of
the job to make money, and it's all right no
matter how it turns out. But Pittsburg
comes out with colors flying."
Raised by the Refnsnl of Amoskeag People
to Allow Contributions to be Made.
Manchester, N. H., June 10. There
is a feeling of intense indignation among the
operatives and citizens generally over the
action of the Amoskeag Corporation in the
matter of relief for the Conemaugbsufferers.
In the Jefferson Mill subscription papers
had been passed around among the help
and good sums realized, in one room up
ward of 100 having been collected. "When
the agent of the corporation heard of the
matter he ordered that all the money col
lected be paid back to the subscribers, and
the passing' of subscription papers discon
tinued. This order has provoked a storm of indig
nant protests from the operatives, who claim
that they are entitled to dispose of their
hard earnings as they see fit- The agent
states that it is a rule of the corporation not
to permit the circulation of subscription pa
pers of any description in any of the rooms,
and he cannot make an exception in this
case. Agent Bourne headed a subscription
paper, and in a single day nearly 600 was
contributed by the operatives.
'People Can Yet be Found Who Speak a
Good Word tor the Governor.
Johnstown, June 10. Since Governor
Beaver has visited Johnstown his stock has
gone up again, in the estimation of the peo
ple, but previous to that his chances for the
United States Senate were very slim. Colo
nel Schoonmaker said to-night:
"The people should remember that the
Governor is a cripple, and it is a difficult
matter for him to move around. In addi
tion to that, travel was interrupted, and it
was almost impossible for him to get here.
The Governor was interested, because at the
Chamber of ' Commerce in Pittsburg we
would hear messages going backhand forth
between General Hastings and himself.
Another thing, the wreck and loss of lum
ber was no small afiair at Williomsport and
Lock Haven.The bay was so filled with boards
at the mouth of the Susquehanna that the
schooners and steamboats had to stop run
ning. These other places had to be taken
into consideration as well as Johnstown."
For all that the people here think the
Governor was too slow in his movements.
Bodies Buried Too Near the Surface In the
Johnstown, June 10. The hurried
burial of the dead in the Prospect Hill Cem
etery is causing the residents of that beauti
ful suburb of Johnstown a great deal of an
noyance, and may cause much sickness.
The bodies were placed in cheap coffins and
none were secure, the odor from the decom
posed bodies arising to the surface and
attracting a number of dogs, who make
night hideous by howling and pawing over
the graves. The coffins were put only three
feet nnder ground, as there was no time to
dig the graves deeper. It was found neces
sary to place guards in the little cemetery
containing 200 graves to drive the dogs
: To-day Dr. Miller, of the Tolunteer Sfaff
of the Cambria Hospital, instructed the
Americus Club members who are in camp
near the cemetery, caring for some of the
refugees, to secure disinfectants at once and
place them on the graves, thus killing the
Thousands of Laborers Stake Little Prog
ress In Disposing; ot the Debris.
Johnstown. Jnne 10. One day is very like
another in Johnstown. Ten thousand laborers
swarm over a square mile of ruins. The air is
heavy with the smoke of a hundred bonfires,
upon which they heap the debris. The white
camps of the soldiers are scattered about, as
though they were taking possession of a town
abandoned and burned at the enemy's ap
proach, s
The railroad tracks are crowded with con-
structiojKTtnd supply trains, which are beiJn
snutea'aoout uj "" locomguTes. jjynamiie
bombs arc frequently exploded down by the
bridge. With It all there Is no -apparent
progress. The town is as desolate as ever. The
stranger would almost swear that no hand had
touched it since that uf the flood crushed it
together like alot of egg shells. JThe task of
making Us site again habitable is'one that the
most confident might eas lly consider hopeless,
and that undoubtedly would be practically im
possible haa not the State stepped in and under
taken the work.
It Is pretty well settled by this time that the
State will confine its work to the clearing up of
the ruins and the restoration of the streams to
a safe and pure condition. The need for private
charity for the support of the people until they
can support themselves is therefore as urgent
as over. The only dependence of the survivors
is for the present upon the relief that they re
ceive from day to day from other parts of the
country. Twenty-four hours' Stoppage of sup
plies would mean hunger for three-quarters of
the surviving inhabitants. It is probable that
the expenses incurred in the recovery of bodies
and the clearing away of debris up to to-morrow
night will be paid out of the funds contributed
for the relief of the sufferers. After that all
contributed money on hand and to come in will
be for the peoplo themselves. Important
changes in the order of things here will then
go Into effect; The town win be even more
completely than at present under martial law.
i I 111,
Made by the Burning
of Huge Piles of
A Scarcity of Beds Compels
Some Feeble
Johnstotot, June 10. A huge bonfire
burns to-night just below the line of the
workmen's tents. As seen from Camp Has
tings it is a beautiful sight The rubbish
taken out on Main street and the streets ad
joining is being -burned there. A big pile
of broken timber, interlaced with rubbish
of all kinds, rests on Main street, near the
Merchants' Hotel and on the street back of
it. The smell from those streets is very
bad, but the doctors say it is all right
Nevertheless, few believe it good for the
health. At the rate of progress now being
made these streets will soon be cleared and
any danger, real or imaginary, will soon be
at an end.
Kernville is a troublesome point just
now. There are several acres of wreckage
in the lower part of this section, and it
looks like an endless job to get rid of it,
but if General Hastings gets ajong as rap
idly as he expects withliis steam bolsters
fit the stone bridge, it may not take him a
great while to clean up Kernville with their
aid. General Hastings is busy now, famil
iarizing the Quartermasters of the National
Guard with the
Dnties Tbov Will Have to Perform
beginning with "Wcdnpsday. The brigade
and regimental Quartermasters of the three
brigades are here and were busy all day.
They went around from point to point
and observed the work in progress, that they
may know what will be expected from them
hereafter. More tents were erected for the
proper accommodation of the staff, and all
are getting ready for the work that is be
fore them. General Hastings says the
Fourteenth Begiment will be kept on duty
as long as it can stand the work, though a
proposition was at one time favored to have
the regiments, instead of going into summer
camps, go on duty here during the same
period of time.- It would give them some
valuable experience, though -there would
be no opportunity for regimental drill.
Colonel Stewart and Major Greenland
were out to-day looking for a location for a
camp. Xhey selected tne oia circus ground,
above the present Baltimore and Ohio sta
tion. Major Greenland expects ere long a
consignment of wall tents. It is proposed
when they arrive to form at the circus
ground a canvas village for the use of flood
sufferers, thus relieving some of the houses
of tne crowds they now contain. The vil
lage will be fitted with camp kitchens, and
life might be much more unpleasant that it
will be found to be here during the .sum
mer months.
Beds nre Badly Needed.
In many places just nowpeople are badly
in need of beds. "Women in an extremely
delicate condition are compelled to sleep on
the floor, and often in houses that have not
been thoroughly cleaned. An especial ap
peal is made to the Pittsburg Chamber of
Commerce for these sufferers by those famil
iar with the circumstances.
"W. B. Ford and a cerps of assistants,
representing the Pittsburg Chamber of
Commerce, were busy to-day making up the
time for the workmen who will be with
drawn to-morrow and "Wednesday. Not
more than 500 of the thousands are expected
to be left There was some difficulty about
the time of the special officers, of whom 800
have been on duty, and the" men may have
to look to the sheriff for their pay. They
were sworn in by him as special deputies.
"When General Hastings takes charge of
Johnstown and vicinity he will issue a
proclamation warning all persons who have
no business here to 'keep out of the town.
The order will be strictly enforced.
Laborers Rejoice Over the Prospect of
Getting Itloney on Wednesday
$100,000 to be Given Oat
No Trouble Likely to
Arise Among the
rpEOM A staff comuisrojrnEHT.j
Johnstown, June 10. There has been
some talk that there may be trouble with
the workmen here when it is announced to
them that General Hastings will pay them
but ?1 60 a day and rations, instead of the
$2 and rations they have been receiving.
There is little likelihood of this, though, as
the men are being quietly withdrawn. One
hundred and thirty-five from leechburg
left to-day, and workmen here from Beaver
Falls and other points will be taken away
to-morrow. Booth & Flinn's men will be
taken away on "Wednesday, unless General
Hastings makes a contract with Mr. Flinn
to retain them.
The object in view, however, seems to be
to leave the town bare of workmen, so as
not to embarrass any arrangement General
Hastings may desire to make. In that case
there will not be enough workmen left in
the town to make trouble, even were they so
disposed, which is very doubtful. Dictator
Scott, in his proclamation concerning the
payment qt the wages of the men, says they
must take what the books show they are
entitled to ornothing. This sounds like a
challenge, and may act on some like the
proverbial red rag on the bull.
The following order was issued from the
accountants' headquarters to-day:
.Notice to Foeemen.
Paying laborers will begin on Wednesday
morning at 9 o'clock at the Baltimore and Ohio
station. Ton will have your men there at 9
o'clock and not earlier. Men must be formed
in line in the order their names appear on the
time books. No corrections will bo made at
the pay windows, and the men must take the
amount of pay shown on time books or nothing.
All wheelbarrows. Topes, tools, etc., must be
brought in from the.work by the men and de-
posited In places to be designated before they
are paid. Trains will be ready oh tracks of
both roads to take men away as soon as paid,
free of charge, if they wish to go . Those wish
ing employment hereafter may apply.to Gen
eral Hastings on Thursday. This notice must
be read to your men.
Signed J. B. Scott, Director.
There are about 10,000 workmen to be
paid, and it will require 100,000. Colonel
o. ju, schoonmaker made, the rounds among
the men this evening. Everywhere he went
the news that money was coming was re
ceived with joy. Colonel Schoonmaker will
have the funds brought from Pittsburg.
There will be plenty of cars to transport
those who wish to go home. General
Hastings'plan is to hire as many Johnstown-people
as he can get, but there won't
be many. The Cambria Iron Company can
scarcely secure men enough to clear up their
plant. Iseael.
Tho Bodies Taken From the Water In tbe
Best Condition.
Johnstown, Jnne 10. There were 33
bodies recovered to-day, 11 of them at the
stone bridge! Those takehout of the water
were in a much better condition than those
found among the debris. The latter were
not only horribly bloated and distorted in
feature, but decomposition had set in, and
thej3tench arising therefrom was so unbear
able that the men at the various morgues
found it a disagreeable duty to wash them.
Tbe bodies now are almost beyond, recog
nition. Many are as black as negroes, and
where they are bruised the faces are sunken
.into a jellied mass.
The Best Day's Woik Vet Done at tho
Stone Bridge.
Johnstown, June 10. The progress of the
work at the stone bridge to-day ba3 been more
satisfactory than any day so far. More work
has been done in removing the debris at this
point to-day than any three other days. The
stationary engine on the bridge has done more
work than 50 men. Huge masses of broken
and bent iron and immense timbers that the
men have been trying to .move for days, were
lifted from their places and moved with ease.
Fourteen more of these great helpers have
been sent for, and will be here to-morrow.
This will make 24 doing excellent work. The
large force of men heretofore employed at this
point has been taken to other points, and a
small force of men with the aid of the engine
is doing more effective work. A heavy charge
of dynamite was put off to-day and did a great
deal of good, more than any three charges here
tofore fired. It demonstrated that heavy
charges must be used in order to do any good.
Three bodies were fonnd lylne close together
to-day, near the stone bridge, and 10 or 12 were
found in that vicinity.
All tho commissary stations are kept busy as
usual. At the Cambria one a vast amount of
provisions and clothes have been distributed.
Long lines of sufferers stood in the heat and
rain, waiting their turn. No one is furnished
without an order, and every department is
under the strictest discipline. Most excellent
work is being done here. The same good work
is being done at the Americus Club commis
sary and others, and the same discipline and
regularity is observed by all.
Contributions to Benefit Johnstown Sufferers
'Still Ponrlng In.
Atejegram last evening1 stated that 513,030
wasleceWed yesterday; at City Hall in New
York for the benefit of the flood sufferers.
The work of collection still goes on, and half a
dozen big theatrical benefits are to be given in
the metropolis to swell the fund.
Philadelphia reported that tbe amount re
ceived yesterday was about $50,000, making a
total of nearly SbOO.OOO for Philadelphia and vi
cinity. The City Council of Toronto, Ont, vot-
ed $3,000 and private subscriptions are being
raked there. Various small amounts were
raised in other cities.
Stricter Rules to Be Enforced In the Ball
way Slail Depnrtment Collnslon to
Destroy the Effects of tho Check
ing System Will Be Punished.
"Washington, June 10. The following
general order was issued this evening:
Post Office Department,
Office of General supt. R. M. S.
Washington, June la
In connection of future management of the
railway mail service, tbe General Superintendent-wishes
to convey to those engaged in this
determination to advance its efficiency and
usefulness, tbe accomplishment of which can
only bo attained by the earnest and intelli
gent co-operation of superintendents and
postal clerks. Every one attached to tbe or
ganization will be expected to perform his full
duty: closely observing and obeying the postal
laws and regulations, as well as tbejorders and
instructions tbat from time to time are issued
for bisjnformation and guidance.
A partial enforcement of tbe discipline of the
service will not be satisfactory; neither can ex
cuses be accepted for neglect of duty, for ir
regularities resulting from carelessness or in
attention, nor for misdemeanors of any kind.
Clerks are required to keep themselves posted
upon the distribution assigned to them; to be
familiar with the schedule of connections and
with the book of Instructions: to study the
weeklr bulletin of general orders prepared in
each division, and to closely examine and note
tbe special orders issued bythoso who have
authority over them.
It is a prevalent- belief that instructions re
lating to the checking of errors aro not strictly
followed, and it is supposed in many instances
that clerks have agreed among themselves not
to check each other, thus defeating tho pur
pose of one of tbe most essential methods
which have been instituted for tbe betterment
of tbe general service. It should be under
stood that measures will be taken to ascer
tain who disregard these orders and to replace
them with those who are more diligent and
To those who perform their full duty and by
their capability and interest merit advance
ment, every consiueraiion win do given in tne
filling of advanced positions. Particular at
tention In selecting for promotion will be paid
to the records for efficiency in distribution,
obedience to orders and good moral character.
J. Lowrie Bell, General Superintendent.
A Break In the Massachusetts Republican
Ranks on the Prohibition Question.
Boston, June 10. The first evidence of
the threatened disruption of the Bepnbli
can party in Massachusetts because oi the
defeat of the prohibitory amendment to the
Constitution last April, was seen to-day.
Several weeks ago a movement was set
on foot by a number of gentlemen inter
ested in the temperance qnestion, haying for
its object the placing of an entirely separ
ate ticket in the field should the Bepubli
cans nominate anybody objectionable to
them this fall. The movement has now as
sumed a more decided shape, a circular
having been sent to-day calling a conference
of temperance Republicans for the purpose
of organizing for moral and political work
in favor of prohibition.,
The circular is signed by several men who
have hitherto been prominent in Bepubli
can ranks. Two of them were elected as
Bepnblicans to the last Senate. Already
has tbe consent of at least two prominent
temperance Bepublicahs been obtained to
run for Governor in case the nominee of tho
Bepnblicans is not acceptable, and lively
times may be looked for in the near future.
Henry George Now in Pnrls.
PAEfs, Jnne 10, The Agrarian Congress
opened here to-day. Mr. Saunders was
elected AWrican Secretary. Henry George
made an address id which. he referred to
land relbna'asjhc starting point of social
reform. Mr. Georgeswasf Unanimously
eieciea nonorary-rrefiiaeat.
Discovered in the Heart
of the. Ohio Oil
Goes Into the DeDths and Makes
a Number of Strange
Findlat, June 10. A rival to the great
Mammoth Cave has at list been discovered.
Henry Griendle, living on Limestone
Bidge, over the 'line in "Wyandot county,
was ploughing when one of his
horses broke through the earth
into a deep hole. It was rescued from
its position with great difficulty. Upon ex
amining the spot Griendle found a large
r hole leading perpendicularly down into the
eartb. He dropped in a stone and heard it
rumbld,and rattle ip its downward course
till the sound died away in the distance.
Sensational reports of this discovery
reached this city, and an exploring party
was made up and drove over to the ridge to
ascertain what was at the1 bottom of
tho story and the hole. The party
consisted of half a dozen well
known gentlemen, who were provided with
ropes, lights, fireworks, etc., to make a
thorough exploration. Having fixed every
thing in readiness for the descent, the
question arose as to who should first
go down. The men looked into
the dark, mysterious hole, mentally made a
calculation as to the probability offinding
a nest of rattlesnakes at the bottom, and
each one was perfectly satisfied to let sev
eral of the others go first.
,3Finally one of the party summoned np
sufficient courage, and volunteered to make
the descent alone. As he was lowered
down, down, down, tbe light of his lantern
could be seen growing fainter and
smaller until a tiny speck was visible.
After letting out the rope about 100 feet, a
faint, muffled whisper annonnced that he
had found (olid bottom. The reporter went
down next, and finally the whole party
found itself at the bottom of the shaft.
The hole descends through limestone
rock all the way down, and varies in diame
ter from 3 to 30 feet. The bottom is dry
pacious cavern. The place where the
landing was made was estimated to be
60 feet in width, and while the ceilintr at
tbat point was low, it gradually rose like a
dome to the height of fully 50 feet. The
floor was very uneven. The party had not
gone a quarter of a mile when they were
suddenly confronted by a yawning chasm,
ten feet in width and of an nnknown depth.
Beyond this impassable cleft they could see
the roof glittering in the light of their lan
terns. Several roman candles were fired into the
space, but the side walls could not be seen,
so that there is no telling how far the cave
extends in that direction. The fireworks
revealed numerous stalactites and stalag
mites of beautiful formation whose marble
like whiteness glistened and shone re
splendent in the vari-colored lights. The
roof sparkled with a frost-like incrustation,
which reflected the light from a myriad of
shining points as though the whole dome
were set in diamonds.
Betracing their steps for some distance,
the party found to the right a small open
ing at the top of the steep ascent, and en-
terintr it were obliged to crawl on hands
and knees for a distance of perhaps ten
vards. Then the cavern suddenly opened
into another mammoth chamber, ap
parently much larger than the first one,
and possessing more stalactite foimations.
At a great distance from the entrance they
came upon a. lake of pure, cold water, as
clear as crystal ana oi nniatnomaoie depth.
Holding the light to the water, a shining
penny was dropped in and its gradual de
scent watched nntil it had fallen apparently
60 feet, when all trace of it was lost.
The water oj tne ias:e was periectly still
and dead, there beinj? no current, and no
signs of fish or animal life were visible. A
few shells were picked up on the shore of
the lake and, being again shut off from
further advance, the partjr retraced" their
steps. Openings were seen in other direc
tions, as though the cavern extended its
wings still further, but the fear of losing
their way and of the oil in the lanterns
giving ont prevented further explorations
at present. It is proposed at some time in
the near future to make further examina
tion, going provided with boats, ladders,
planks, etc., that the lakes and chasms may
not stop the way.
A Snccessfnl Experiment With the Slmf
Edlson Electric Torpedo.
New Yoek, June 10. A trial test of the
newly improved Sims-Edison electric tor
pedo was made at "Willets Points on the
Long Island Sound this afternoon.. Captain
Boessler and a number of regular army offi
cers were present. This torpedo is similar
in construction to the Sims-Edison torpedo
adopted by the Government some years ago.
It is 31 feet long and 21 inches in diameter.
It weighs 3,000 pounds. The electric current
is carried through a small insulated cable,
and is directed from the shore. Anew
1,200-volt dynamo furnished the power.
G. "W. Sims, the inventor, conducted the
experiment. A speed of ten miles an hour
is obtained from the torpedo now in use. In
a run of more than 800 feet to-day the speed
made was a fraction more than 21 miles
per hour. The trial was intended to
have been over a half-mile course, but the
belting of the dynamo broke and stopped
tbe trial. The 30-inch screw on the torpedo
made about 900 revolutions a minute. The
trial satisfactorily demonstrated that the
desired increase of speed could be safely
made without interfering with the steering
of the vessel.
Tho Physicians Who Carved Bishop Will be
Called to Account.
NewYobk, June 10. The grand jury
has fonnd indictments against Drs. Irwin,
Ferguson and Hance, the physicians who
performed the autopsy on the body of
Washington Irving Bishop, tbe. mind
reader, for. violation: of the sanitary'' law.
They will be called on to plead to-morrow in
the General Sessions Court.
The Senatorial Committee Parsncs Its In
vestigation at St. rani A General
Feeling In Favor of Reciprocity
A Few Objections.
Sr.PAirL, June 10. The Senate Com
mittee on Belations with Canada, consist
ing of Senators Allison, Hemp, Haln and
Fngh, met with representatives of this city
to-day. They especially asked for testimony
as to the transportation of merchandise. Un
restricted reciprocity for the profit of both
of the twin cities and Northwestern Canada
was favored by numerous witnesses. J. M.
Egan explained the Manitoba railroad system
which extends from this city throughout the
Northwestern United States and Canada,
statins tbat its business consisted largely in
carrying from the United States to Canada
those manufactured articles which must .be
had. ,
Captain W.B.Bowen, a lumber manufac
turer, said he represented several lumber com
panies, which cut about 40,000,000 feet a year.
He was not in favor of free lumber. The Can
adian lumbermen paid for what lumber they
cut, when they cut it. It only cost them on
this basis from 75 cents to $1 2j per 1.000 on pine.
They pay no tax; they only pay for what they
cut and are free froth loss. In Wisconsin and
Northern Minnesota the lumber bad to be
bought right out. Their labor was cheaper, as
many lumbermen come from the Eastern prov
inces of Canada to work for from 2 to J25 a
month who said they had worked for from 912
to SIS the previous year. Tbe majority of the
lumbermen here were Scandinavians who lived
in the State.
General E. F. Drake said that Canada could
not make arrangements with us consistent with
the interests of England, for the tariff of this
continent must then be the same against En
gland. This country could not manufact
ure for Canada against England. He favored
political rather than agricultural union. The
general tendency of the testimony was in
favor of reciprocity, and the members of the
committee say that this has been the case
wherever they have gone. They will have a
heanng in Minneapolis to-morrow.
Gladstone Denies That tho English Govern
ment Recognized tho Confederacy.
New York, June 10. Henry Clews sent
a copy of his "Thirty Years in "Wall Street"
to Mr."W.E. Gladstone and received to-day
a letter of acknowledgment ana a second
letter, which is as follows:
No. 20 James St., May 30, 1889.
To H, Clews, Esq. :
Dear Sir: Having expressed my interest in
the portions of your work which I read on the.
day of Its arrival, I think it would be less than
ingenuous if I did not, after reading what re
lates to the Cabinet of Lord Palmerston, in page
fifty-six and in tbe following chapter
make some reference to it. Allow me to as
sure you that so far as that Cabinet is con
cerned you have been entirely misled in re
gard to matters of fact. As a nrember of it
and now nearly its sole surviving member,
1 can state that it never, at any
time, dealt with the subject of recognizing the
Southern States in your great Civil War ex
cepting when it learned the proposition of the
Emperor Napoleon HI., and declined to enter
tain tbat proposition without qualification,
hesitation, delay or dissent. In the debate
which took place on Mr. Roebuck's proposal
for the negotiation. Lord Russell took no part,
and could take none, as he was a member of
the House of Lords. I spoke for the Cabinet.
ion will, l am sure, be glad to learn that
there is no foundation for a charge which, had
it been true, might have aided in keeping
alive angry sentiments happily gone by. You
are of course at liberty to publish this letter.
To your reference in page 70 as a record of im
pressions, which I am not entitled to use. I can
make no objection, tbough you are probably
aware thatf theywere many years ago the sub-
Ject of a detailed explanation from me to theljirepared by tha twosentlemeu7Visff8n""for H
American GOvernment.aod'Ol e, most-hand
some 'reply from Hamilton Fisb. I remain,
dear sir, your very faithful servant.
W. E. Gladstone.
The Divorce Salt of Ex. Senator SablnAVas
Commenced Some Weeks Ago.
St. Patji,, Minn., June 10. The report
that ex-Senator Sabin, of this State, had ap
plied for a divorce from his wife on the
ground of habitual drunkenness from the
use of liquor and morphine, is true in that
such application was made some weeks ago
and has since ;been privately granted, the
whole affair being kept from the public and
being known only to a few intimate friends
of the ex-Senator. Mrs. Sabin's special
mania is said to have become the extrava
gantly unnecessary purchase of costly
clothing for herself and adopted children
when there was no demand for such pur
chases, this mania having gone to tbe point
of seriously crippling Senator Sabin in his
The divorce was then resorted to as a
means of defense against this tendency to
extravagant purchases. Mrs. Sabin is said
to be now located in an asylum for persons
addicted to tne opium paoit at t lushing,
L. I., the ex-Senator paying all of her ex
penses there. It is asserted that she had
been an invalid for some time before her
marriage, and from its use as a medicine
she became confirmed in the opium habit.
"When Mr. Sabin left the Senate his wife
requested that she be placed in this retreat.
Mrs. Sabin did not contest the suit.
A Little Mistake In Making a Poitofflce Ap
pointment In Indiana.
"Washington, June 10. A reporter to
day asked Mr. Clarkson, First Assistant
Postmaster General, as to the facts in re-
f gard to the appointment of a postmaster at
the town of Cannellton, Ind., concerning
which the President has been much criti
cised, many papers having quoted a speech
made by him in the United States Senate in
regard to the removal of Mrs. De La Hunt
from the office by President Cleveland in
1885, in which Mr. Harrison strongly pro
tested against her removal. Criticism has
been made of the appointment of Mr. Zim
merman recently when Mrs. De. La Hdnt
was an applicant. Mr. Clarkson said:
The Paesident Is not responsible for the ap
pointment. .Ho thought the office was Presi
dental and bad made a memorandum tbat the
aDpointment should be given to Mrs. Co La
Hunt. Instead of that the office was fourth
class and I made tbe appointment on tbe
recommendation of Congressman Posey, whose
recommendations are generally taken for ap
pointments in that district. It is only due to
tho President to say that be knew nothing; ot
it. It is very probable tbat a change will be
made there in some way, as Mrs. De La Hnnt
is the widow of a Union soldier, very deserving
and undoubtedly competent. If I had known
tbe tacts I should have appointed her, and I
think yet she ought to be annointed. It is only
fair that tbe public sbonfd Enow that tbe
President was not responsible for the appoint
ment. His intention was to have appointed
the widow of a Union Soldier at Cannellton.
A Man Who Wants Damages for Submitting
to the Operation.
Newbueo, K. Y., Jupe 10. Thomas
Sheridan, of this city, is plaintiff in a suit
against the Inman Line for $25,000. Sher
idan was a passenger on the City of New
Yore;, from Liverpool to New Xork, in.
April this year, and while on board was
compelled to submit to vaccination. He
protested and claimed that he had been vac
cinated. Notwithstanding this the steamer's
officers compelled him to have it
done then and there. It was done and he
claims the virus was impure and that it has.
impregnated his system and cadsed, abscesses
all over his body, rendering him helpless
and in fact it is possible that he may die.
Physicians say that if he shouldrecover he
will never again be a healthy man. The
suit wilV probably bring- the Inman Line
into the" Supreme Court of Orange county.
They are likely to secure a change of venue if
possible.so that it cau be tried ia New York
or in the United States Cgart? '
Why the Governor
Likes His Plan of
Borrowing Money.
And He Was Backed Up In it
by the Mayor of
Philadelphia, JuuelOl At the con
ference between Governor Beaver and Mayor
Fitler, at the latter's office on Saturday af
ternoon, the qnestion'of placing Johnstown"
and vicinity in a good sanitary condition
was thoroughly discussed. The Governor
contended that the Conemaugh river and
Stony creek should be thoroughly cleansed
and the debris removed from the now fa-
rmous railroad bridge. The Mayor sug--
gested that an extra session of the Legisla
ture be called for the purpose of making an
appropriation of 1,000,000 for the prosecu
tion of this work. He claimed that the
money subscribed by the people of this city
and other places was subscribed for a spe
cific purpose, that of feeding and clothing
the sufferers, and that it was the duty of tha
State to place the towns in good sanitary
An Unnecessary Expense.
Governor Beaver coincided in these views,
but thought it was an unnecessary waste of
money to call an extra session of the Legis
lature, as it would cost at least $250,000 to
do so, and suggested tb.it some plan ba
adopted whereby the State Treasurer could
use the amount required and be guaranteed
by citizens of the State, in the event of tha
next Legislature failing to make an appro
priation of money expended in the work.
The Mayor thought that this was an excellent
idea, and announced that he was -prepared to
go on a bond as one of 200 for $5,000. A rough
draft of a bond was drawn up and taken by tha
Governor to Johnstown yesterday. Governor
Beaver returned to this city from Johnstdwa
this afternoon, and held another conferenao
with Mayor Fitler. At tha close of tbe confer-
ence the following codv of a bond of Indemnity-. i
publication: J
Copy of the Indemnity Bond.
"Wheheas, James A. Beaver has this day 3
given his bond to William B. Hart. Stata, ' .'
Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- ' "J
vania, in the penal sum of $1,000,000, conditioned. fj
for the payment of whatever moneys may ba
advanced by the said William B. Hart for tha gj
purpose of clearing the streams and abating 4S
public nuisances which threaten the health '' &
and safety of the people of this Common- 4a
wealth, caused by tbe late floods which have mm
destroyed so much of life and property in tha jH
Conemaugh and West Branch valleys; and. r
"Whereas. There is not sufficient time to as
semble the Legislature in order to secure a
regular appropriation for the work which is -
absolutely necessary to be done for the preser- $2
vation of the health and safety of the people: j)
now. tnereiore,
"We, the undersigned, citizens atid corpora
tions of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
each for himself, and no one for any other,
hereby guarantee tbe payment of the said
bond to the extent of S3. 000, and no more, upon
the following conditions:
"First This guarantee not to ba binding
until signed by ZOO individuals or corporations.
"second ix more than 200 persons sign this
guarantee, then the liability of each signer
under the same De proportionately reduced.
Liabilities Under the Bond. "
'Third The liability of each to be-fbr a pro
rata share of whatever amount may ba ex
pended by the said James A. Beaver for tha
purposes aforesaid, not exceeding the penalty
of the bond.
"Fourth This guarantee to be binding only
in case the Legislature should fail to make an
appropriation for the work undertaken to ba .
carried out by the Governor through the Stata
Board of Health, under the police powers of
tbe State.
"Witness our hands and seals, this 10th day
of June, A. D. I8S9."
"When I first thought of this scheme," said
Governor Beaver, at the conclusion of the con
ference, "I came to Philadelphia to sea Mayor
Fitter, and was so thoroughly backed up by him
that I went ahead to carry it out. While in
Johnstown yesterday I consulted with the Pitts
burg authorities, and found them heartilin
accord with It, and on my way back I arranged
with a contractor named O'Donnell to go ahead
with the work on general business principles,
and, with one or two thousand men, remove all
the debris in tne Conemaugh at Johnstown and
purify the water in the stream. I don't think
we will have any trouble in getting 200 citizens.
to go on that guarantee."
Enongb Already Secured.
"I have that many Philadelpblans already,"
Interrupted the Mayor, "and expect to have
SCO before it stops."
"That's good," rejoined the Governor. "Al
most every Pittsburg man I met who had any
money was willing to go on the bond. I think
myself that the amount necessary forthe work
is greatly exaggerated, but so much Is to be
done that it will coJt anywhere from SlOO.OOu to
5500,000 to complete It. The bond is simply one
of indemnity, and I regard the thing only in tha
light of a sanitary precaution. In other words,
I operate under the police powers of tbe State,
declare the Conemaugh river a public nui
sadce, and direct tbat the nuisance shall ba
abated as quickly as possible. It U my opinion
that tbe amount of money which would be re
quired for an extra session of the Legislature"
will pay for all the work that is to be done: but
I think that the Legislature will make an ap
propriation at the next session to pay for all
that ss necessary." -
Tho Spirited Contest on the Qnestion of'
Snnday Opening.
Cincxnnati, June 10. The Police
Court was filled with saloon keepers to-day
who were arrested yesterday. AH but two
asked to have their cases postponed anditwas
done. One of the two ready for trial was
dismissed for want of prosecution and the
other was postponed until to-morrow at the
request of the prosecuting attorney. There
is much feeling oyer the acquittal of "Wet
zel last week. One juror declares that he
haa suffered untold anguish for agreeing to
that verdict because be was ill and wanted
to go out of the jury room.
The prosecuting attorney says that he,hai
information tnat jurors went Into the trial '
determined to acquit no matter what was
the evidence, and ne will cause warrants" to'
be issued for their arrest .on Lthe, charge 'of
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