Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 10, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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years old, accompanied by 25 cents in cash,
saying: "Here is 25 cents 'which I want to
go to the sufferers at Johnstown, not to feed
the soldiers."
The Chicago Men's Opinion.
The members of the committee from Chi
cago who came to Pittsburg to investigate
the condition of the sufferers at Johnstown
returned to this city last night, and are
stopping at the Anderson. The committee
consists of City Controller W. J. Onohaw,
chairman, and Messrs. Ballard and Bend.
Colonel Bend, in speaking of the matter to
a Dispatch reporter last night, said: "We
found the condition of things at Johnstown
worse than we had pictured or imagined.
"We are convinced that words cannot de
scribe or imagination conceive the magni
tude of the calamity.
"We were particularlyimpressed with the
work done by the Pittsburg committee, and
believe thoroughly, as -we have telegraphed
to Chicago, that a better committee could
sot have been formed in any city in the
country. They are men of large hearts and
great intellects, and are doing all that can
possibly be donebyanycommitteeappointed
for such a humane and charitable purpose.
"Of necessity, of course, the work of the
distribution of the relief cannot assume the
sympathetic order will no doubt be inaug
urated in a few days when things will be in
a more tangible shape. The difficulties to
be overcome at Johnstown are almost iden
tical with those experienced by ns, after our
great fire in 1871. although this calamity
Is For More Frlshtful.
as regards loss of life. The feeling in
Chicago is one of the deepest sympathy
with the people of Johnstown. Perhaps
our people are moved more by the recol
lection of our own calamity, when wereceived
most generous aid from the people of this
State as well as the rest of the couniry.
Thus far our contributions have come
from the business men, but that
sum will be considerably augmented by
by popular subscriptions, as the masses of
our people are all anxious to contribute.
Terrible and deplorable as the disaster
is, the cloud has a silver lining, through
which we see such exhibitions of fraternal
feeling throughout the land. It is not only
sympathy that inspires the people on an oc
casion like this, but patriotism. Race, re
ligions and all other lines are obliterated,
and the people of the entire country become
united in one common sentiment ot gener
ous humanity. In a word, In cases like
this we see exhibited the best side of human
The committee will leave for Chicago to
day. Contrlbntions Received Yesterday.
Last night a committee from Logansport,
Ind., came in, bringing with them $500 in
cash and a carload of clothing and pro
visions. They will go up to Johnstown to
day. In addition to this $500, Treasurer
Thompson received $25 from Lake City
Xodge, L O. O. 3?., of Lake City, Iowa.
The Standard Oil Company has sent in 75
barrels of oil for use at Johnstown.
Last night Dr. J. B. Thompson, who has
charge ot the State Board ol Health, pre
pared 100 drums of carbolic acid, 100 cases
ot bromine, so barrels ot isuuen s disin
fectant and 2,550 barrels of chloride of lime.
Dr. Bullen will take these goods this morn
ing to Johnstown.
William Flinn telegraphed to R. G. Gil
lespie, of the Philadelphia Company, last
night for six or eight good foremen! The
Philadelphia Company will send them this
Harry S. Paul, of the Americus Republi
can Club, went up yesterday and relieved
A. J. Logan, who has had charge of affairs
in Morrellville, and who was called home
by pressing affairs.
A letter was received from J. D. Test, of
Sharon, Pa , last night, offering to take a
girl of 11 to 13 years to raise. He gave the
Bev. C E. Locke as a reference. The ap
plication will be turned over to the Chil
dren's Aid Societv.
The way Ohio worked for the Johnstown
sufferers is shown by a circular that came in
a bundle from Havmar, O., last night. The
circular was headed "Mayor's Proclama
tion," and one paragraph read:
, "An appeal for help comes to us from
Pennsylvania. The disaster that has over
whelmed her people in the calamity that
has befallen Johnstown and neighboring
villages, calls for help from all. Let ns do
what we can. Remember that in our time
of trouble Pennsylvania responded nobly."
Awnltlnc iho Conlerence.
At the Chamber ot Commerce little was
done yesterday. All was expectancy in re
gard to the conference at Johnstown, as
all future action depended on its result
Great progress in the work at Johnstown
was reported by Mr. George A. Kelly, who
had returned. He reported that a system
of ration tickets was being put in
force on the plan of meal
tickets, the man coming for rations
getting them and having his ticket punched
for the number of days they were for, mak
ing it impossible for a man to duplicate
rations for a certain day if he had once ob
tained them, as Lis ticket would telL
In the afternoon two representatives of
the American Mechanics of the Southside
visited the committee to come to
some satisfactory arrangement in re
card to their supplies. At tiresent thev
have representatives at Johnstown, but
have trouble working independently of the
Central Committee. The committeemen ad
vised them to put their supplies into the
General Committee's hands, but they re
insed to do so.
Headquarters of the Belief Society Kept
Open All Day Yesterday.
The work of the Ladies' Belief Committee
was carried on at the Second Presbyterian
Church as usual yesterday. The Sunday school
exercises wc e abandoned for the day and the
front doors leading to the schoolroom were
locked, and all who had business with the Be
lief Committee were admitted at the side en
trance. The church services were conducted
as usual.
In the committee room but little work was
done besides caring for the refugees who were
received on Saturday, inquiries were made
during the morning for three persons, sup
posed to have been lost. The committee
learned, however, that the ones in question
were in this city alive, and directed the inquir
ing friends where to find them. In the rush of
business, however, the committee forgot the
names of the people.
At 8 o'clock in the morning Frank Reynolds
and wife, of Harrisburg, asked for aid. They
were detained at Johnstown by the flood and
arcontlieirway to Chicago. Jessie Proctor,
also of Johnstown, was taken care of by friends
on the Southside. John J. Lewis and child,
Margaret, came in at 1:45 r. M. and wish to be
sent to Wilkesbarre. Donations still continue
to pour in, many boxes of clothing and other
articles being received yesterday which arrived
from distant points Saturday night.
The Valley of the Conemaugh Continues to
Yield Up Its Dead.
Searchers among the ruins in Johnstown suc
ceeded in recovering and identifying tho re
mains of Miss Bryan, ot Philadelphia, the
traveling companion of Miss Jennie Paulson
on tbe melancholy journey wbich ended in a
horrible death of both young ladies in the
flood. The body was brought to this city from
Johnstown last night by Mr. Frcyvogle, and
taken to the undertaking establishment if D.
J. Boyle, of Webster avenue, where it will be
held pending the arrival of relatives from
Home for Johnstown Sufferers.
Tbe Executive Committee of the Knights
and Ladles of Honor Relief Corps have made
arrangements and founded a temporary home
for Johnstown sufferers. Tho home is located
at 121 Webster avenue, where all persons or
organizations are requested to send the dis-
ressed they maybe able to supportjirrespectlve
of class or creed. Donations will be received
at tbe office of the Executive Committee in
the Eisner and Phillips building until further
President Roberts, of the
Pennsylvania Railroad,
at Johnstown.
The Damage to the Itond Appalled Superin
tendent Pitcalrn Ever? Contractor In
Ohio and Pennsylvania Who Can be Ob
tained Will bo Given Work-Millions of
Dollars Lost by Delay.
Although the Pennsylvania Railroad people
laid an embargo unon the passage of trains
over the main line eastward yesterday, an en
gine and a luxuriously-appointed palace car
managed to elude the general order, for the
very good reason that President Roberts him
self was on board. The special train slipped
into the Union depot yard over the Allegheny
Valley tracks at 8 o'clock yesterday morning,
and was switched on to the main line without a
minute's delay, and departed eastward as
quietly as it came, bound for Johnstown. The
Pennsy President was traveling incog, but a
Dispatch reporter succeeded in baffling the
mysterious trainmen and obtaining a clear
idea of the causes that prompted President
Roberts' sudden journey from Philadelphia.
It v as in response to an urgent telegram sent
on Saturday flight to Philadelphia by Superin
tendent Pitcalrn, which was so strongly worded
as to leave Mr. Roberts no alternative but to
come, and come at once. With him in the
special car were General Manager C. E. Pugh
and W. J. Latta. officials of the road. The spe
cial ram to New Florence, where it was side
tracked and a carriage was takenand the long
drive over the mountains to Woodvale, several
miles beyond Johnstown, was begun. These
tactics were adorned to nrerent anv of the
eople at or near Johnstown from having any
nowledce of the
Massing of Pennsylvania Officials
at the scene of devastation wrought by the
flood. The President and his companions were
met by Messrs. Pitcalrn and M'Crea, and a
very important consultation occupied the re
mainder of the day and lasted far into the
It is well known that Superintendent Pit
calrn has let no grass grow under his feet since
the stoppage of traffic beyond Johnstown. Fif
teen thousand men have been gathered at
Johnstown, and trainloads of timber and stone
have been forwarded with the utmost dispatch
to the scene. All the local officials have been
working unremittingly, and since the Alleghe
ny Light Companv succeeded in throwing light
on the scene last Thuisday night the laborers
nave oeen worKiug day ana night, xne Dig
bridge at Buttermilk Gap has been rebuilt and
trestled in parts, and a few miles of road re
laid. To his astonishment. Superintendent
Pitcalrn found, however, that he
had barely made a commencement. The
magnitude of the job appalled him. Presi
dent Roberts was Informed by telegraph
that the situation was such as to call for his
immediate presence, and he replied, saying he
would come without delay. At the same time
he directed Mr. Pitcalrn to summon all tho
contractors In Ohio and Indiana who could be
secured, and to telegraph right and left for
men and materials in addition to all heretofore
secured. It is likely that 5,000 more men will
be at work by to-morrow, and it is believed that
several weeks will elapse before the main line
is open, even with the herculean energies now
at work and the large additional force to be
put on.
It Is a Serious Question.
It is no wonder that Superintendent PItcairn
stood aghast at the prospect. The exigency Is
extraordinary, ana is rendered doubly serious
by the topography of the toad between Johns
town and Altoona. it is not like rebuilding
seven ruined bridges and laying track upon
level ground. The inaccessibility of the road
intensifies the difficulties, and the destruction
of the roadbed is the most serious blow of all.
Years have been expanded in rendering the
roadbed solid, and it reconstruction along
precipitous edges of the mountains will
take time. Every foot of the roadway
iiaa to ue pus in oraer so as to
enable materials to be transported to
the scene as fast as wanted. Even after the
temporary work has been completed a large
force of men will be at work for months before
the former "limited time" can be attained with
safety. In Johnstown itself there is an infinite
amount of work to be done. Although the
stouc viaduct that breasted the flood is appar
ently all right and is being used for construc
tion train transportation, a Pennsylvania road
engineer says tho bridge must be rebuilt event
ually, as it has been permanently weakened by
the tremendous strain it withstood.
Manufacturers Kicking.
The Cambria Iron Company, the Gautier
Steel Company, the Johnstown Steel Rail
Company, and the immense manufacturing in
terests in the vicinity of Conemaugh have noti
fied President Roberts that they look to the
Pennsylvania Railroad for immediate trans
portation of new machinery and a renewal at
the earliest moment possible of switch rela
tions with the main line, as contracts involving
not thousands but millions of dollars depend
absolutely upon the Pennsylvania Railroad for
luinument, both in shipment ot materials and
finished work. No time is being lost by the
manufacturers, and resumption of their work
must be antedated by the railroad. Some idea
of the gravity of the situation has dawned unon
the officials, and there is going to be the great
est hustlinir on record in the Conemaufrh val
ley within the next few days.
Substantial Work Advocated.
It has been Superintendent Pitcairn's advice
that permanent and substantial work be done
at once on all the switch connections by an
adequate forco of men, as it woum prove the
cheapest in the end. The switch yard at Cone
maugh was a marvel of engineering skill, and
other connections with manufacturing concerns
were almost equally complicated. So complete
has been the destruction that there is more
work off the main line than is comprised in
that necessary to operate passenger traffic It
is hinted that vigorous admonitions directed at
the Pennsylvania line have been expressed all
along tho line and especially in Pittsburg.
The call is for haste and lots of it, and
President Roberts has grasped the situation
after some hesitation and not a little
doubt as to the real extent of the disaster. It
is fairly presumable that his optimistic hopes
of an Immediate resumption have been dis
pelled by the actual idea he received of the
tremendous amount of damage. His precau
tions in the way ot concealment of his visit to
Johnstown, and tho causes therefor, seem to
indicate that the head of the "greatest cor
poration in the world" is considerably exercised
over the condition affairs.
Employes' Wages Delayed.
It looks as if the Pennsylvania Railroad em
ployes of the Pittsburg division, would have to
undergo bonie delay in the receipt of the
month's wages falling due on June 13th. It has
been semi-officially given out that delay would
ccriamiy arise in getting tne "cnecK-roIl"
through from Altoona to this citv. A large
amount of money will be involved in the delay
and several thousand employes win he some
what inconvenienced.
But Few Persons Applied for Pnssago to
Johnstown and All Were Refused.
The publication of tbe fact that positively no
trains would be run on either road to Johns
town all day yesterday, had the effect of keep
ing awav from the depots thousands of useless
sightseers who would otherwise have besieged
the ticket offices. Those who did put in an
appearance were informed that under no cir
cumstances could they get east of Bolivar, and
the-prospect of a walk of 20 miles each way was
eitber not very encouraging or their desire to
sec Johnstown had diminished nrcatly, as they
decided not to go. But very few people, how
ever, essayed to go out to the stricken city.
The efforts put forth by the railroad officials
and the persistent anneals of the newsnaners.
have norno good fruit; sightseers are daily be
coming less in number. Tbe people are begin
ning to recognize tbe fact that only goo! hard
workers are needed at Johnstown, and people
who have no business there are in tbe way, and
only succeed In hampering the work of those
who are trying to do good.
The only three trains that went to Johnstown
yesterday were relief trains laden with provis
ions, and were sent out over the Pennsylvania
Railroad. One left at 9 o'clock in the morning,
another early in the afternoon, and another at
9 o'clock last night.
No passengers will be taken east of Bolivar
during the week, except those who are provided
with the proper passes from tbe Citizens' Com
mittee. The crowds at the Baltimore and Ohio depot
were smaller yesterday than on any other day
since the flood. All day long the station wore
a deserted appearance, and tho only persons
visible most of the time were employes of the
Twenty-One of tho Pltlsburcera Who Side
With Mr. Flanncry Return to
Johnstown Statements
From Both Sides.
Twenty-one undertakers from Pittsburg and
surrounding towns reported for duty to James
J. Flannery yesterday morning, and were by
him sent to Johnstown. They were instructed
to establish a morgue at Kernville and report
tor further orders after that had been done to
Dictator Scott.
Of the entire 21 there was not a man who
sided with AV. H. Devore, and without excep
tion they denied every charge mado by the
Grant street funeral director.
"Even if there had been such drunkenness as
Mr. Devore alleged." said one of them, "I can't
imagine how he could have discovered it. He
wasn't with us one-third of the time, and while
we were working in the morgues he was calmly
sleeping on a feather bed up in a fine residence
on Prospect Hill. True, be embalmed a corpse
or two while we were embalming hundred&bnt
his labors were not arduous in the least. How
he got around Dr. Lee, of the State Board of
Health can easily be imagined. He probably
introduced himself to the Doctor as the Chair
man of the Pittsbnnr undertakers, and as such
he was shown all possible honor for the work
done by our people entitled them to no little
credit, and Dr. Lee doubtless knew It,"
Undertaker Devore's Side.
At Mr. Devore's establishment, where the
writer called to get that gentleman's side of
the unpleasant controversy now on, it was
learned that Mr. Devore had not been home
since last Sunday, and that it was not known
when he would return. Frank Calhoun, who
was in charge of the place, said that so far as
he could see petty jealousy was at the bottom
of all the troubles. Mr. Devore, he said, was
selected as Chairman of the Undertakers' Com
mittee on the road up to Johnstown, Mr. Flan
nery's brother making the motion which elected
him. "After that, however." saidMr. Calhoun,
"a lot of those shirt tail undertakers, I mean
by that the men who really never learned the
business, and who don't know whether to in
sert embalming fluid in an artery or not, be
came envious of his position and made a kick.
That's all there is in or of it."
"Do you mean to say that there were under
takers at Johnstown who didn't understand
how to dress a corpse?"
"Certainly I do. Why, the only body that
was shipped here at all, reports to the contrary
notwithstanding, was embalmed in the most
faulty manner imaginable, and we had no
little trouble in getting it in proper shape for
shipment to Ohio, as per instructions received
by us from friends of the deceased."
Mr. Flannery was called upon late In the
evening. He was exceedingly averse to talk
ing, and said that anything Mr. Devore might
have said was probably said in the heat ot
passion, and hence in a measure excusable.
He denied, however, that the work of the
undertakers had been anything Dut first class,
and in addition praised all who had volunteered
their services.
All Worked Manfully.
"Everybody worked manfully," said Mr.
Flannery. "and everybody will continue to
work manfully until the end has been reached."
"It is said Mr. Devore was elected Chairman
of the Undertakers' Committee on the road up
to Johnstown T" suggested the writer.
"isone was." came tne rcpiy, -out; re was as
temporary Chairman, for that day only. I had
been elected permanent Chairman long before
that, and the only reason that I did not go up
was a desire on my part to stay here and secure
carriages gratis for tho transportation of the
sufferers to and from the depots."
The Pittsburg Postoulce Clerks Overworked
The Enforced Rest of a Few Days
Being Atoned for With
a Vengeance.
The temporary holiday given the Pittsburg
postoffice employes for a few days last week on
account of the entire cessation of Eastern
mails was the precursor of the liveliest season
of work that ever fell to the lot of Uncle Sam's
industrious mailing contingent. At midnight
last night, after four days and nights of contin
uous hustling, the mailing department of the
postoffice got the decks clear of accumulation
and the force went home to enjoy a well-earned
rest. Double turn has been prevailing, and the
14 clerks looked as begrimed and wearied after
their Sunday job as do the members of the va
rious relief committees at Johnstown. While
the pious Postmaster General who doesn't
want any more working on Sunday in his de
partment was teaching his Sunday-school
class in the city of Brotherly Love, the
perspiration was rolling from the mail
clerks as they attacked a mountain of
mailsacks and sorted mail for all points East
and West. The air was filled with packages of
belated letters and newspapers which were
being shied into the open months of capacious
mailbags with an accuracy of aim which would
put a small boy and his ""pea-shooter to the
Early yesterday morning two trains on the
B. fc O., and one on the Valley Road came in
bringing an immense amountof mail. Wagon
loads were driven into the little blind conrt be
tween the postoffice proper and city hall, and
the sacks were stacked as high as the ceiling
but gradually melted away as the energetic
clerks worked with a will as they were assured
that the end was in sight. Among the mail of
yesterday was that contained in car 31 of the
postal service which was laid up in Altoona
over a week since.
One of the postoffice officials stated that the
magnitude of the work done at the Pittsburg
postoffice during the flooa crisis had not .been
appreciated by the public In tbe first place
the discontinuance or the regular postal car
service meant that all mall from the East was
pimply bundled into sacks, sent by roundabout
lines and marked "Pittsburg Dis." This meant
that every sack of mail so marked had to be
opened, sorted and resent from Pittsburg to
points West and northwest, the entire through
mail thus coming within tho Pittsburg juris
diction. Another thing that made the work
more difficult was that the newspaper mail had
been handled so roughly that addresses had be
come illegible. Letter mail was, of course, ah
right, as it was tied up in small packages. No
better work has ever been done in a crisis in
the history of the American mail service.
But Few Persons Wntcbed tho Flow of the
Waters Yesterday The Health
Boats Nat Re
turned Vet.
The scene along the banks of the Allegheny
river yesterday were in striktng contrast with
those of the same day one week ago. Then
thousands of people thronged the bridges and
wharves on both sides watching the floating
mass of debris passing by, eagerly scanning
every piece of a house or a log for the remains
of some poor victim who had gone down in the
flood of Friday. Yesterday the watchers num
bered only tens where they had num
bered thousands: the bridges were deserted
save for the usual throng of Sunday promen
aders,while;tho once pueturbed waters were al
most cruel in their calmness. There was
hardly a ripple of a wave to sup-gest the fury
of one short week ago, nor a block of wood to
snow tne wreck that naa been wrought.
The health boats sent out to patrol the Alle
gheny and Ohio rivers had not returned up to
a late hour last night and are not expected
back before this evening.
A Lesson Drawn From iho Calamity In the
Conemnngh Valley.
At the Union Park Chapel, Allegheny, the
Rev. J. H. Barnett gave a discourse to his au
dience last night upon the subject: "The Val
ley of Death. Impressions, Facts and Lessons
Gathered on the Spot."
The speaker gave his audience a very vivid
description of the scenes in tbe devastated
city, and at the close of his remarks he went
on to say:
'Does it not seem very remarkable to you,
that in this great age of electricity, railroads,
telegraph, telephono and even church bells the
people were not apprised of tho advancing
danger! Well, they were, but they did not
heed the warning. It was the old story of cry
ing wolf too often.
"It is the same in our Christian life. The
people say: 'Oh. we have heard that story about
Christ so often!'
"Mark you, my friends, that such will not be
the case with you. The question of eternal
life and salvation is always put to you, now
take heed on it and do not disregard it."
A Child Named In Commemoration of tho
Johnstown Disaster.
Evin Arthur James is the name of one of the
Johnstown refugees, who. with his wife and
family of fifre children, is stopping with Mr.
Davy Jones in North Braddock. Before the
deluge tbe James family consisted of seven
children, but two of them perished. The
youngest of those yet remaining is a little in
fant girl three weeks old, and at the time of
the flood had not yet been named.
On Saturday its parents gave tbe little crea
ture a name and called it May Wreck James,
which alone will tell the sad story, without
repetition, that the awful wreck to life and
property in the Conemaugh Valley occurred on
tho last of May,
The child was being dressed by its mother
when the flood came and was swept from ber
embrace. I( was rescued several miles down
the river the next morning, after having been
on tbe water tbe entire night with nothing
about it but a bandage,
Drawing Pulpit Lessons From
the Great Calamity.
Seven of the Local Cleriry Answer the Ques
tion for the Benefit of Their Hearers
Views of Rev. Messrs, Pnrvcs, Burnett,
Felton, Leak, Reld, McCrory and Boyd
Tho Last Named Censures tho Kail
road. "The Lord sitteth upon the flood. Tea, the
Lord sitteth king forever."
It was from this text that Rev. George T.
Purves, pastor of the First Presbyterian
Church, preached yesterday a sermon entitled,
"Lessons from the Flood."
The text was, in the speaker's opinion, the
earliest description of a thunderstorm. The
poet takes us to Mr. Lebanon, and describes
the sublimity and the devastation of a mount
ain storm. Moreover, he does not merely de
scribe nature, but regards nature as the servant
of God, and sees in its awful forces symbols of
of the power and authority of the deity.
The words of the text had been brought to
tbe speaker's mind by the Johnstown disaster.
It would be sad if such a calamity did not make
its impression upon all minds and hearts. He
did not pretend to understand it. God was his
own interpreter, but he did know that "God
sitteth upon the floods," and he felt that some
good might come from tbe catastrophe, if by
means of it we could get clearer ideas of life
and duty.
The first lesson that he would draw from the
flood was a commentary upon the weakness of
human life. We need to be aroused by great
events to realize how slender a hold we have on
life. What perils surround ns. We may build
great cities, but they are liable in a twinkling
to be swept away. Human life is like a candle
that is soon snuffed out.
The second lesson from the flood was in the
revelation it gave of what was best and noblest
in human life. Communities, like individuals,
get their best lessons from their sorrows. Class
barriers are broken down, and in the presence
of a great calamity rich and poor, high and
low, stand side by side and hand in hand.
Sympathy, fraternity and human love come
like lights in this darkness.
The third lesson was that God was the sov
ereign arbiter of men's lives and fortunes.
There is no alternative between recognizing
this and blank atheism. If we take atheism
and say there is no God, we take none of the
bitterness from the calamity, the wan faces of
the dead still stare at us, homes are still deso
late, and we have taken away all the conso
lation of religion. There remain no flowers
of hope to strew npon the nameless graves.
The fourth and last lesson was that there re
mained one possession indestructible to man.
Houses and railroads may go, fortunes be
swept away, but the inner character remains.
That he carries with him into eternity and the
inner life of the Christian is beyond the reach
of all storms and tempests.
Rev. Dr. Felton's Discourse at the Christ M.
E. Church Last Night.
A very methodical and systematically ar
ranged lecture was the discourse of the Rev.
Dr. Felton at the Christ M. E. Church on Penn
avenue last night on the theme: "The Philos
ophy and Lessons of the Johnstown Disaster."
The reverend speaker took his Scriptural
text from the tenth verse of the twenty-ninth
Psalm: "The Lord ridoth upon the floods and is
king for evermore."
"The events of the last few days," the
speaker commenced, "developed two thinra.
the wonderful destruction of human life and
property and the wonderful response of sym
pathy ana assistance oi men. in contemplat
ing this great catastrophe there are two classes
oi tninkers. i ne one Deueves that such a ca
lamity could not have transpired within the
province of a God. who is'all powerful and
good and hence he says: 'There is no God.'
The other thinker says that it is perfectly
reconcilable with the idea of God, goodness
and law."
The speaker then claimed that these events,
properly considered, prove the existence of
God and government by reference to facts,
and that such effects are in harmony with great
laws generally known. Then he eave illustra
tions from the effects of the laws of force and
gravity, the laws of decay and recuperation. ;
"God," he continued, "governs our relations
to all these laws and forces by tbe law of Intel
ligence, and when we put ourselves in harmony
with His laws and utilize them they produce
for our good, but when we put ourselves Into
antagonism to them we are destroyed."
This closed the philosophic treatment of the
subject, and the lessons the speaker drew from
bis text were that man must not disregard
God's natural laws in his relation to them and
his utilization of them. Man has made great
progress in the past in the control of forces of
nature to bis interest, which is proved by tho
decrease of human deaths.
Atuhe close of his discourse the Rev. Dr.
Felton said;
"In the face,of such calamities men become
brethern. Want is the request and Christian
Impulse is the supply."
Its Forces Brought About tho Great Disas
ter at Johnstown.
Tho Great Calamity" was the title which
the Rev. T. J. Leak, of the North Avenue M.E.
Church, Allegheny, had chosen for his sermon
last night. Applying to the text from Luke
xiii., t, he said:
"There are events in the history of our race
which startlers to the very depth of our na
tures. We have all read the story of Sodom
and Gomorrah. We have read of the outpour
ing of the lava from the mountain of Vesuvius
and the destruction of Herculaneum and Pom
peii. Wo have read of the great floods and
famines in China. But never has a disaster of
such magnitude been brought so close before
us as the one which occurred last week.
iu.How many questions crowd themselvesupon
our minds when we conceive such a thing as
the calamity at Johnstown? There is at first
the question of our relation to God and His
relation to the disaster. Some people say it is
tho fulfillment of a prophesy. Others say it is
the penalty for tbe sinfulness of tho people
But l do not look upon it in that light.
T do not think that moral sin will ever be
punished by great physical disasters. Neither
do I think it came upon us to teach us a great
lesson. Because, do we understand the lessonf
No! Well what good is a lesson to us which we
cannot grasp?
"I believe it is simply the Jesuit of the work
ings of the laws of nature. The Lord put those
laws into force at the beginning of the world
and he does not interfere with them unless in
verv extreme cases. In those cases ho has
made known to us the reason of his interfer
Blamed In Some Measure for tho Disaster
by a Braddock Frencber.
Rev. Dr. T. N. Boyle, of the Methodist Epis
copal Church in Braddock, preached last night
on the topic ''Some Lessons on the Johnstown
Disaster." He quoted the sayings of some
who were inclined to put the blame of the dis
aster on Providence, and asked the question,
"Did God build the dam?1'
His argument was that Providence had
nothing whatever to do with it. He said if It
had there would be no consistency in swearing
in a jury to make an effort to put the responsi
bility on some person else.
Rev. Boyle held that according to natural
laws and the extra work that had been pnt on
the dam, it could only stand so mnch pressure
and in consequenco of this being more than it
was prepared to bear had given way, causing
its volumes of water to pour out, sweeping
death and destruction before it.
He held that tbe Pennsylvania Company were
in a measure responsible, as they should have
let go its contents when they bad no further
use for it. He said that what tbe people wanted
Congress to do now was to establish a depart
ment of public satety for the National Govern
ment, that it could come to the rescue and
make provision for the people in cases of this
The Revi W. J. Reld, D. D Explains tbe
Time for the Dnly's Exercise.
At the First United Presbyterian Church the
Rev. W. J. Reld, D. D., took his subject for a
sermon npon the Johnstown disaster from the
text of Isaiah xxvi., 20:
Come my people enter thou into thy cham
bers and shut thy doors about thee. Hide thy
self as it were for a little moment until the in
dignation be overpast.
The theme of the discourse illustrated tbe
duty of the people of God in time of a calamity.
This duty the reverend orator stated consisted
in being separated from the world, coming into
communion with God and being earnest m de
votions, . The second point of the discourse dealt with
the time in which it becomes necessary for the
people of God to perform thetr duty, and the
speaker then said that everybody had to do his
duty at all times, but especially in times of
calamity. He then dwelt upon the event of a
public calamity where the duty of the people
toward God and fellow citizens should Do
even more free to exercise itself, and at last he
stated that a man owes a duty to himself in
personal affliction-when the church is cold.
Rev. J. T. McCrory Dwells on Warnings
and Consequences of Neglect.
Rev. J. T. McCrory, of the Third United
Presbyterlau Church, yesterday took for his
subject in the morning, "Genuine Christianity
and its Spirit as Brought Out Dy the Recent
Dreadful Calamity," and in the evening, "The
Voice of Warning Unheeded, and tbe Conse
quences." He took for a text in the evening, EaekieL
xxxiii, 7-9:
Ho thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watch
man unto the house or Israel; therefore thou shalt
hear the word at my mouth, and have them from
When I say nnto the wicked, O wicked man,
them shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to
warn tbe wicked from his way, that wicked man
shall die In his Islqnlty, but his blood will I re
quire at thine hand.
Nevertheless. If thon warn the wicked or his
way to turn from it; If he do not turn from his
way. he shall die in his Iniquity; but thou hast de
livered thy soul.
Rev. Mr. McCrory did not treat the question
in the style that would Indicate that those on
whom the Tower of Siloam fell were worse than
their neighbors, but seized tho occasion to stir
up his hearers to a sense of the all-presence of
death In all forms and in all places. He said
the Bible was full of warnings. Warnings to
those who make calculations that ignore the
infinite power of God; warnings against de-
penuence on mere numan agencies to protect
against damages: specific warning to parents,
to teachers and preachers and to Christians,
against the neglect of their vows, etc.; warn
ings to the young against forms of evil, gam
bling, dancing, theater-going, drinking and
bad literature, and finally, warning to all
against putting off preparation for meeting
In reference to the last clause, the speaker
asked how many people in Johnstown deliber
ately put off preparation for .meeting God
until it was too late. Death comes without
warning, not only on the street, in the street
cars as weii as- in tne imminent deadly breach,
bat in the household and under a clear sky.
The text seems to give the minister consider
able latitude In the character of watchman.
At the morning service about 3300 were
raised tor the relief of tho Johnstown suf
Benevolent Societies Very Anxious to Re
ceive Johnstown Orphans.
Johnstown, June0. "There Is great rivalry
among benevolent societies all over the coun
try to see how many Johnstown children they
can collect," said Miss Hancock, of the Child
ren's Aid Society of Pennsylvania to-night.
"Nine children were taken to Philadelphia to
day to the Northern Homo for the Friendless
by Miss Walk. I think it is a great mistake to
remove the little ones from Johnstown, unless
they have no friends. The various benevolent
societies are wild on the subject, and they will
take Johnstown children for the advertisement
when they would not accept others. Our work
here is not to remove the children, but to care
for them until tbe remnants of the families can
be gathered together. Wo havd been discuss
ing all day what to do with a boy who has an
uncle. I claiir it is a mistake to take him away
from his friends.
'The name of every child that is placed in
homes or in families is recorded on a slip that
is placed in a fireproof safe. We make out a
complete recprd so that the child and friends
in tbe future will know where it came from.
I regret that the benevolent societies are trying
to glorify themselves. We are constantly re
ceiving supplies of food dainties, clothing, etc,
end as fast as we get them wo, distribute the
articles wnere tney win ao tne most good, we
have plenty of applications for children all
over the country."
Kev. Mr. uornet ana Dr. w. F. sawyer win
receive children at the Red Cross headquarters
for Scranton. Mrs. Alston, Miss Lysle, Mrs.
Hutchins, Mr. Orr and Miss Wilcox, repre
senting tbe Children's Aid Society of Pitts
burg, have been in the city for two days looking
for children. They sent two orphans to Pitts
burg this afternoon. Isbael.
Another of Those Mooted Disagreements! at
a Terr Bad Time.
rnr associated press. 1
Johnstown, June 9. It leaked out to-day
that there had been a tremendous row among
city doctors. When tbe ball was first Issued it
seems that Doctors Dickson and J. Guy Mc
Candless took charge of all physicians who re
ported to the Chamber of Commerce. They, it
is claimed, got a number of young students
and inexperienced doctors and brought them
here. Experienced city physicians, who were
jiot of their school, were told, it is claimed,
that they were not needed.
Br. Bickson and his brother physicians came
here, It is said, under tbe expectation that
many operations would be performed. When
they arrived and found such was not the case
they returned to the city, remaining only two
hours in Johnstown. Others followed them,
until there were no physicians to attend pa
tients until Philadelphia doctors arrived. They
have now returned borne.
A Pittsburg physician said this afternoon
that if it were not for the doctors here from
other points in tbe State this city would be in
a bad way. Pittsburg experienced physicians
will not come, claiming that they have been
snubbed when their services were first offered.
A lively scene took place at the Union depot
last aunuay wnen tne volunteer pnysicians
were refused.
Bat It is Impossible to Punish Anyone Who
Opens His Bar.
Johnstown, June 9. Chief of Police Hart
arrested a hotel keeper named Myers last even
ing for selling liquor. He was taken to the
guardhouse and remained there for the night.
This morning he was released. Nothing was
done to him, as no law covers his case. He has
a hotel and a licensed bar. For this reason he
can sell within tbe camp. He was so badly
frightened that it is not likely be will attempt
to open his saloon. If he does, Chief Hart will
have nis license revoked ny tne uounty Judge.
Saloon Keeper Watkins was compelled to
close his saloon last night. He remained closed
to-day. The selling ot liquor is not done
openly, but is on the same plan as the numer
ous city "speak-easies." There is but little
drunkenness among the men, as liquor is not to
be had very easily. Express companies will
not ship it from the city to private individuals,
and it is a difficult matter to get it shipped to
parties in authority.
Three Weeks at Lenst Before tho Pennsyl
vania Road Is Restored.
Johnstown. June 9. Mr. W. M. Ferguson
walked down from South Fork to-day, follow
ing the line of the Pennsylvania road. He said
that all the Tailroad tracks from South Fork
to the viaduct were swept away. The old via
duct is gone. A part of the road known as the
Deep Cut is half filled with earth and sand, and
the tracks are lost. A mile and a half ot tracks
from Mineral Point to the cut is lost, A
trestlework is being built where tbe Deep Cat
bridge once stood. From the viaduct to the
South Fork, he said, was six miles.
It will be three weeks before the road will be
open for travel, and months before it will be
restored to its former stability.
Four Bleu Arrested Wlillo Bobbing tho
Wreck of n Store.
Johnstown, June 9. Four men were ar
rested this morning by Chief Hart for robbing.
They were found in the ruins acting as working
men. Chief Hart suspected them anddetaileda
man to watch them. Tbe detective caught them
in the act of robbing a store and instantly placed
them under arrest. They were placed under
guard and then driven out of town, with a
warning that if they returned tbey would be
severely dealt with.
One of the men was from Philadelphia, one
from Pittsburgand two from Johnstown. Their
names were not taken by Chief Hart
Secretory Burke Sick.
John J. Burke, the Secretary and stenograph
er of tho General Relief Committee of the
Chamber of Commerce, is quite ill, being
broken down as a result of the extremely
severe and protracted work of the past ten
days. Dr. Mayer, wbo is attending him, had
serious douDts at first regarding his condition,
but now thinks he will pull through.
A Wcll-Knowd Traveling Man.
Johnstown, June 9. The body of Slras
Schick, one of the best known traveling men
in tbe country, was found in tbe ruins of the
Hurlbert Hpnse. He was in tbe employ of
the Beading Stove Companv. Jesse Orr. Presi
dent of the company, was immediately notified.
Policemen and Firemen Who
Went to Johnstown.
Tho Speak Easle Did a Lively Business
Yesterday, Although Two Were Raided
and All Drunken People on the Streets
Were Arrested Heavy Forfeits Re
quired of the Visitors.
Speaking of the police of Pittsburg (and the
firemen, too, for that matter) who have been
on duty at Johnstown since tbe flood of Friday
week, the question has frequently been asked
whether they would be paid bythe Relief Com
mittee or the city for their services. An effort
was made last night to find J. O. Brown, Chief
of tbe Department of Public Safety, in order
to see about tbe matter, but that
gentleman was not at borne. Controller E. S.
Morrow was encountered, however, and when
spoken to said: "The city will pay all its em
ployes who have been on duty at Johnstown, to
be sure.
Would Not Hesitate.
"For my part, I shouldn't hesitate a moment
to pass a pay roll with their names npon it.
This calamity overrides all law, in that its ne
cessities must be met promptly and without
cavil. Chief Brown met me last Monday and
remarked that he should have consulted me
before sending the boys up, but I told him that
at such a time it was unncessary to consult any
body." The "Speak Easlcs" Were Banning.
The proprietor of a Pittsbure "speak easy"
resembled the fabled green bay tree yesterday,
inasmuch as ho flourished. Fear of Judge
White and the next year's License Court was
sufficient cause to keep the doors of the regu
lar saloons locked as tight as wax, but these
combined elements of terror had no effect
whatever on the genial gentlemen who, having
been refused tbe right to sell malt ana vinous
liquors, followed the example of the
private: who, upon being informed that
it was not within his power to place a General
in the guard house, immediately proceeded to
show his contempt for military discipline by
landlntr bis superior officer high and dry within
tbe military bastile.
The hot weather combined with tbe fact that
everybody was afraid to drink hydrant water
resulted in hundreds and bnndreds of thirsty
men skirmishing around in search of a friendly
side door. And in most cases they found it.
too. The officials of tbe law, when asked if
they had received any instructions not to pay
attention to tbe "speak easies" so long as
they were orderly and were made almost a
necessity bythe existing circumstances, replied
that they had not
Tbe Ofilcors Were Active.
But the officers were active in a measure,
nevertheless. At Central station yesterday
morning Captain Dan Silvus made a little
speech to the day relief just before they went
out lor duty. Said he: "X want Chief Brown's
order in regard to Sunday drunks carried out
to the letter to-day. It's not necessary for a
man to be so drunk that he lies in the gutter
before he is a subject for arrest, but if you see
a man staggering along the street or sleeping
in a hall or doorway run him in." This order
bad the desired effect, and by 4 o'clock 12
drunks had been taken in by Truby Shall,
having been picked up along Shingiss street,
Old and Second avenues and Water street,
showing that "speak easies" were open.
Inspector McKelvy, Special Officer Kelly and
several other officers on the Southside raided
two "speak easies" yesterday morning about 10
o'clock. Theyfirstwenttothe place of Bar
ney Scanlon. on Manor street, bntwaen Rnnth
Eighth and Ninth streets, whore the proprietor
and five men were arrested. A visit was then
made to the place of Patrick Labelle, at tbe
corner of Manor and South Ninth streets, where
Mr. Labelle and eight other men were arrested.
All were locked up in the Twenty-eighth ward
station house, where they gave fictitious
names. Later in the day some of the visitors
were released on forfeits of S30 apiece, but the
proprietors were both retained for a hearing
this morning.
The Slnsona Find Their LossesDIncnSmaMer
Thnn They nt First Supposed.
Johnstown, June 9. Mr. James McKean is
looking after the interests of the Masons.
They had an organization of 250 here, and at
first it was reported they had lost 100 men, but
Mr. McKean says there will not be half that
nnmber. The deputies are taking a census,
and they will not be able to report before to
day. The Masons are fortunate. Their brothers
have contributed stacks of money, and the
order will start them np in business and put
them in as good shape as they were before.
Mr. McKean felt sure that some of them would
be better oil than before the flood.
Building Inspector Frank was here to-day,
but not in an official capacity. He thinks
most of tbe buildings left are badly. wrecked
and will have to be torn down. Some of them,
he says, might be moved to new foundations.
West Virginia. Henltb Officers Firing- Ac
cumulations as They Find Them.
Wheeling, W. Va,, June 9. This morning
Dr. George I. Garrison, member of the State
Board of Healtb, accompanied by a committee
of Councilmen.went up tbe Ohio about 20 miles
above this city, on an inspection trip. On tbe
up trip a number of large drift piles were lo
cated, notably those at the bead of Wheeling
Island, at Burlington, Ohio, at the Sisters
Islands and at Beach Bottom, Brooke county,
W. Va.
Some of these masses of debris, all appar
ently from Johnstown and surrounding bor
oughs, were very large, and in two instances
there was a terrible odor of decomposing flesh.
On tbe down trip several of the accumulations
were fired and will be destroyed. Tbe expedi
tion was at the instance of tbe Obio and Penn
sylvania State Boards of Health.
Aids for Dr. Grofl".
Johnstown, June 9.-Dr. Carrington, of the
United States Marines, and Dr. C. 0. Probst,
Secretary of the Ohio State Board of Healtb,
arrived in Johnstown to-day and called upon
Dr. Groff. They then made a tour of inspec
tion with Governor Beaver. They propose to
help Dr. Groff in his sanitary labor.
Rakers' Shops to be Opened.
Johnstown, June 9. A force of 75 men
cleaned out three baker shops in the ruins this
afternoon. A nnmber of bakers will be sent
from Pittsburg, and as soon as tbe ovens are
cleaned tbey are to commence to bake bread.
Flour is plentiful, and the bread will bo sold.
Of Services Over tbe Dead, AIJ for tbe Liv
ing and Efforts nt Kestornlion.
Bbanch 21, of tbe Irish Land League, of
Manchester, at a meeting yesterday donated
320 to tbe flood sufferers.
The Bingham Street M. E. Church of the
Southside contributed $43 50 to the flood fund
at the morning service yesterday.
CfNClNNATl banks have sent $7,200 from
banks, $3,000from secret societies and $55,000 in
general contributions, making a total of 65,200
up to date.
The German-Austrian Association met yes
terday afternoon in tbelr ball, 925 Liberty
street. Tbesnrd of S75 was voted to the relief
fund for the Johnstown sufferers.
The representatives of the G. A. R. Post Re
lict Committee wbo went to Johnstown will
report on the situation at a meeting to be held
at 2 P. 31. to-morrow in Post 162 Half.
THE remains of Mrs. Brady, wife of 'Squire
Brady, of Johnstown, who died at Mercy Hos
pital, have been removed to the vault of St
Mary's Cemetery, pending interment at Wood
vale, near Johnstown.
Funekal services wero held yesterday
afternoon at tbe morgue by the Great West
ern Lodge of tbe Knights of Pythias over the
remains of Aleck Kecke, one of the flood
victims, who died at Mercy Hospital Saturday.
AiioNQtho saved at Johnstown, not included
in any published lists, were John W. English,
wife and child, formerly of Milroy, Mifflin
county. John Johnson. wife and seven children
were lost only one child, a boy 8 years oldr
oeing saveu.
Owing to the recent calamity which has
brought great sorrow to an honored member
of the faculty of the Pennsylvania College,
the invitations issued for the reception
Tuesday evening, Jane 11, are recalled.
By Obdeb'Of The Paculty.
Pennsylvania Railroad's Trains
"Will be run via A. V. K. E. to Driftwood
and Philadelphia and Erie R. B. to accom
odate passengers for Harrisburg. Fhiladel-phio,-2Jew
York, Baltimore, Washington
and eastern points.
Trains leave Union station at 8 A. ii. and
7:15 p. m.
Freight far the East.
The Allegheny Valley Railroad is pre
pared to lorward promptly shipments of
freight for New York, Boston and New
England points.
A Generoa Offer.
New Yobk, June 6, 1889.
Dr. Benjamin Lee. Secretary State Board of
Health, .Philadelphia, Pa.:
We should be glad to donate a quantity
of sodium hypochlorites for Johnstown.
This is the most powerful disinfectant in the
market. Please advise ns how to ship it
Reed & Caeneick.
Natural mineral Waters.
Apollinaris Water, quarts and pints.
Tauus Water, quarts.
Nieder Selser, quarts.
Congress Water, quarts and pints.1
-Ha thorn Waters, pints.
G. W. Schmxdt,
95 and 97 Fifth ave.
What tbe Bakers Bar.
There is an old saying that the proof of
the pudding lies in tbe eating. The best
proof of the excellence of the famous "Iron
City Brand" of flour, made by Whitmyre &
Co., the sterling millers, lies in the fact that
the bakers of Allegheny county are gradu
ally adopting its nse on account of its solid
qualities. Give it a trial.
If you have not smoked the La Perla del"
Pumar Key West Cigar you have lost a
treat. Sold 3 for 25c. G. W. Schmidt,
Nos. 95 and 97 Pifth Ave.
Pennsylvania Railroad's Trains
Will be run via A. V. E. R. to Driftwood
and Philadelphia and Erie R. R. to accom
odate passengers for Harrisburg, Philadel
phia, New York, Baltimore, Washington
and eastern points.
Trains leave Union station at 8 A. 31 and
7:15 p. si.
50c to 25c.
A large lot of summer dress goods; fine
goods; were 50c now 25c; this is a rare bar
MThs 68 and 70 Ohio St., Allegheny.
Ladles' Salt Pnrlor.
Have the best selection of hot weather suits
in city for street, house and seaside wear.
Latest styles and prices guaranteed.
Parcels & Jones,
mwp 29 Filth ave.
Six Colors, New Shades, In the Silk Warp
Cashmeres at 50 Cents.
A larger assortment in the 75 cent quality.
These are nnequaled dress goods values.
Penn Avenue Stores.
Oter 200 varieties of Imported Key
West and Domestic Cigars from 52 to 540
per 100. G. W. Schmidt,
Nos. 95 and 97 Kfth Ave.
This morning the most extraordinary dress
goods offer ever made. 15,000 yards 51 and
51 25 goods ait 50 cents.
Boggs & Buhl.
Paper Hangings.
We have a beautiful line of gold paper at
10c a bolt; new patterns.
Aethtte, Schoudelmyeb & Co.,
MThs 68 and 70 Ohio st., Allegheny.
Elegant cabinet photos, any style, 51 50
per doz. Panel picture with each doz. cabi
nets. Lies' Populab Gaxleet, 10 and 12
bixtn St. SUMWT
Smoke the best. La Perla del Fumar
clear Havana Ke v West .Clears. Sold 3 for
25c. by G. W. Sehmidt,Nos. 95 and 97Tifth
Ave. '
Kemnant Dat Attend our remnant
sales on Friday for a bargain.
Johnstown Photographs,
Taken Saturday, June 1, showing flood at
height. Jos. Eichbaum & Co ,
48 Filth avenue.
English Checks 42-in. wide all-wool
English suitings that have been selling at
51 now 50c a yd. HrjrjTJS & Hacke.
Ftnest black dollar milanese silk gloves
rednbed to 50c. Rosenbauji & Co.
of approaching disease.
Tickling throats develop into coughs.
Coughs lead to the great enemy consumption.
A stitch in time often saves life itself.
60c, 62c, 75c, $1, 81 25, $1 50 and 2.
T. T. T.
109 Federal Street,
June the great summer goods buying
To keep up our steadily increasing trade wo
call attention to some special pmrchases that
aro worth coming hero to buy. Read about
them they are In the Dress Goods Depart
ment. Tho 8llk for summer wear is just as
good value as you will find in the Dress Goods,
and everyone is delighted with our last large
purchases of Printed India Silks that we are
selling at 65c and 75o a yard. The quality tells,
and the patterns no old styles. The Colored
Surah Silks that we are selling at 50cand7So
are the delight of everyone that sees them.
More bargains in the Black Silk Department
this week that you want to see, especially in
the way of Black India Silks, Black Suran
Silks, Black Silk Grenadines and some remark
able Black Gros Grain Silks and Black Satin
Rhadames the quality at the prices make
them wonders.
Over in the Wash Dres3 Goods stock you
find new styles in Satines, fresh as newly
baked bread, and our display. of Scotch and
American Ginghams is four to one lareer than
any assortment you can find. Prices are low.
This is our closing up month. Come now.
Yon will never buy Skirting Embroideries
for as little as at this moment in our Embroid
ery Department new Roods, bought chiin.
'f -Si n T
Then the Lace counter has still got a big lot ot
special low price goods, in medium and flounce
widths, in cream, white and black Laces, while
the stock of BlackNets is vary large.
Muslfn Underwear 25c garments to finest.
New styles ..in Dressing Sacques. Merino,
Gauze, Balbriggan and Pure Silk Underwear,
ribbed and plain, for ladies and children
many bargains.
Our low prices on Dress Goods Include the
finer qualities. This great cleaning un sale in
this Dress Goods Department is full of extra
ordinary values the
Silk Warp Colored Cashmeres at EOc,
Mohair Mixtures at 35c and 40c,
The French Cballis at 25c and 40c
The French Dress Patterns at $i and 13,
The $25 French Dress Patterns at S12.
The SI 25 quality Colored Silk Warp Hea
ettas at 75c
The all-wool Debeiges at 30c, 40c and 60c.
The CO-lnch all-wool Suitings at 40c,
The S2 French Silk Jacquard Stripes at 80c
The Colored all-wool French Albatross at &&
This will be a busy month if you are wide
awake and will take time to see all thebarg&tsj .
tbat are here.
1 ,lKi