Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 09, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    3. '".
Big Fishermen's Capital
.Stock is $35,000.
Name, of tlie First Incorporator! ThePrci-
hs &, eBt ODlceri Some of the Stockholder
bA-c" SAl.l.iluc the State Board of Health
.''' Tinmrrr. Will be Increased When the
r5T. "
BlVer Fall.
There having 'been considerable gossip
' about the financial strength .of the South
Pork Fishing Club, a reporter of The Dis
patch yesterday investigated the matter.
Burners had fixed the capital stock of the
clnb at'anrwhere from 100,000 to 200,000.
These figures were found to be absurdly
high. The writer first examined one of the
certificates of stocfc which each or the lake
owners In Pittsburg holds. It reads as fol
lows:, ' v
Smith Fork'Xiihing and Hunting Club,
Incorporated March 19, 187$.
'.Be It known that is entltled'to
- (No.) of shares of the capital stock
of the South Fork Fishing .and Hunting Club,
subject to the terms of the articles of Incorpor
ation and the by-laws of the club.
-Hereunto are affixed the seal of said club and
. sirnatures of the president and Treasurer, this
day of December, 1S57.
LocislR-mx, J. J. LA.WBESCE,
. ., . Treasurer, President.
The Charter Itself.
... ttThere was nothing on the above to indi
cate the amount of capital stock. But in
the office oi County Becorder Graham iu the
Court House was found a copy of the charter
of the club. The application was made to
Judge Stowe. He granted it, and Pro
thonotary B. F. Kennedy drew up the pa
pert for the court at the December term in
1879. The lorm of the charter is as follows:
Hon- the Charter Heads.
. Fin t The name and title of this organisation
shall be the South ForK Fishing and Bunting
Club of Pittsburg, incorporated under and in
pursuance of the provisions of an act of General
Assembly of Pennsylvania, approved April 9,
lS74,.crititled "An Act, etc."
'Second This association shall hare for its
object the protection and propagation of game
and game fish, and the enforcement of ail laws
ot this State against the unlawful killing or
wounding of the same.
Third This association shall have Its place of
business In the city of Pittsburg, county of
Allegheny. State of Pennsylvania.
Fourth This association shall as such exist
peruetually from the date of its incorporation.
Fifth The capital stock of this association
shall be $10,000, divided into 100 shares of the
value of $100 each. The names of the subscrib
ers are as follows:
KKRuff, T. H. Sweat, Charles J. Clark,
Thomas Clark, W. F. Fundenberg, Howard
Hartley, H. C. Teaser, J. B. White. H.CFrick,
9x- a. oieyers, u. vi ijussey. JL. It. i.wer, . A.
Carpenter. W. L. Dun, W. L. McClintocfc,A.V.
The Liability Limited.
Not long after the charter was granted,
the capital stock of the club was increased
from $10,000 to 55,000. There was no need
td make it more. That figure amply cov
ered the cost of improvements and the pri
vate cottages along the lake were, oi course,
erected with private funds. Since then
there has not been much activity in stocks
of the club. The present officers of the
club are Colonel E. J. linger. President;
Colonel J. J. Lawrence, Vice President:
Louis Irwin, Treasurer; E. A. Meyers. Sec
retary. For several years Colonel Buff was
President, and John A. .Harper, cashier of
the Bank of Pittsburg, was Secretary and
Treasurer. Colonel ,Buff and some others
arc now dead.
fif course the club is only liable finan
cially to the limit of its capital stock. Its
prjoperty at South .Fork is. valuable even in
rittiresent drained .-condition. -The dam
will never be rebuilt.- The officers of the
club are all so deeply shocked by the catas
trophe, and so earnest in their efforts to
help the sufferers that they have not had
the heart to think of their club's future.
.Some of the members of the club are
demonstrating their usefulness io humanity
(in spite of some unfair newspaper reports)
byjaiding the State Board of Health to pre
ventlhe rise and -spread of sickness from
polluted waters. This aid is substantial in
its-way. One of the club stockholders told
the reporter yesterday that there was actu
ally not so much danger now from an epi
demic along the Allegheny river and in
Pittsburg as there will be" later on. He
. said the danger will come when the river
falls to a low stage.
Bad Water Tet.
George' H. Clapp, the well-known chemist,
was asked his opinion of the latter state
ment. "It is true," he said." "There is
practically no danger from drinking the
Allegheny liver water now, because the
driver is still high, and very swift. The
mud is the dirtiest thing about the water
sow. After a while we will have
very warm weather. That will
cause the carcasses and corpses up
-stream to .putrefy very fast. By that time
the river will have iallen to a low stage,
and will have a sluggish currenti Its water
will fairly teem with organic matter, and it
being warm weather, more of the water will
be drank than now.
'"The Allegheny river is not the kind of a
river which purifies itself everv 12 miles.
Streams that do that are supposed to be
shallow, full of rapids and constantly
tnmbling over rocks. This makes
it,, violent and swift of current,
and the agitation of the water aids in the
purifying process. Now. while the Alle
.ghenyis a swiftly-flowing stream, it is deep
and without rapids. The Monongahela is
a.very sluggish stream and would carry im
purities even farther than the Allegheny."
A Lawyer -Expended i 83 "Hours Going to
HarrUbnrg nnd KeiBrnlngv
A lawyer who is too much exhausted to
.give his name, but one who has charge of
suits of some liquor dealers, who are after
the -authorities for not granting licenses,
had- an experience in getting to
Harrisburg which he thicks will
last him a life-time. He started
at 1020 o'clock last Sunday, night, on the
Baltimore and Ohio Bajlway, on informa
tion that Harrisburg might be reached, by
rail, by carriage, on horseback and on,foot
in a couple of days. After riding a few
hours this varied programme was jound
impossible or performance, except by a pro
fessional pedestrian. So he came back.
He then laid in a supply of guide books,
timetables, etc, and took a fresh start via
Buffalo on the Pittsburg and Lake Erie
Bailroad and any other railroads that might
be found communicating either directly or
remotely with Harrisburg. He got there on
Thursday, lust in time to save his distance
in the last hour of the afternoon session and
presented the case as well as possible in the
limited time allowed, and started back as
soon as possible, this time by the Cumber
land Valley and other routes, and got to
Cumberland. Here. he found trains all run
ning wild, and was again delayed, but after
vexations unparalleled he succeedtd in get
ting back to his office at 11:30 A. M. yester
day, after spending 132 hours exclusive of
the time of argument in going ttjand coming
from Harrisburg.
It is said that some people will hear some
thing drop in this connection on the 27th
icst, when the Court will declare its de
cision in Philadelphia. ' "What it will be
cannot, of course, be stated at present.
The lawyer who had 'such a tedious ex
perience refused to give his name, but it
may be stated that the initials are Morton
But Wounded Honor Can be Plncatcd in No
Other Known Way.
St. Paul called attention to the great
matter kindled by a little fire, but he
doesn't seem' to have had any knowledge of
the legal combustion possible to be devel
oped by a clothes line controversy, or he
wonld have used a different metaphor. As
soap was unknown in lanndrys in St.
Paul's days perhaps clothes lines were also
and the gift of prophecy may not have un
veiled the future in this direction, when
lawn was spread upon the blushing rose to
dry. i
Two ladies named Mrs. Tomer and Mrs.
Bnshenberg have lately been engaged in
putting fat on Alderman Kolan's ribs. Mrs.
Bushenberg has a contract to do laundry
work for some theatrical companies. She
alleged that Mrs. Tomer had swept dust
against this clothing and had her arreted
on a charge.of malicious mischief. Subse
quently Mrs. Tomer bad occasion to do
some washing, and in drying the wash she
hung her line on a hook which Mrs. Bush
enberg claims as, her property;. The latter
detached the line and let, as alleged. Mrs.
Tomer's wash fall into the mud. Thisgave
Mrs. Tomer an opportunity to strike back,
and the result was another suit, with pros
pect tnat oeiore all this linen is washed in
public several weeks laundry profits will
have gone glimmering.
The Brilliant Wedding and Its
'; Terrible Sequel.
Joyful Wedding Party, tbo Eve of the Flood
and the Same Party Honselcss, Half
Clothed and Desperate the Day After
Fonr Harbor of Refuge la Kernvllle A.
memorable Picture, - -
They Decide to Bay a Hoase Tor the Family
of the Late John A. Little.
A well. attended meeting of the Pittsburg
Traveling Salesmen was held yesterday
aiternoon in the Stevenson building, Sixth
avenue, for the purpose of adopting measures
to benefit the family of the .late John A.
Little, a fellow salesman who was drowned
in the flood at Johnstown.
C. H. Kelly presided.' C. L McKee
stated that Mr. Little had a family living
in Sewickley, consisting of eight members,
the youngest of whom was 3 years old and
the eldest 19. Mr. McKce sntrfested the
best plan lor providing for the family of
the deceased was to establish a fund and
buy a house for Mrs. Little and .get her
oldest son in business.
The committee appointed for the" purpose
was C. L ilcKee, treasurer; D. C. Shaw,
K.3. Harrison, and "W. A. Dnmbrell,
trustees. A"subscription was started and
$517 in cash immediately raised and $749
promised, making $1,260 the result of the
Resolutions of respect to the memory of
Mr. Little were adopted and a eopy was
ordered sent to his Jamily.
Gone to Europe.
A party of well-known gentlemen in
Pittsburg left for New York last night, en
route for Europe. Their names are James
F. Moore, J. P. Thompson, Evans Hoyt, of
the "Parlor Match " L. Johnson, Chris
Grover and Pred Hallen of "Later On:"
They will embark on the City of Paris.
Mr. N.J?. "Sloan, ot lhe Oil Exchange,
has been entertaining for the past few days
at his home, at 212 Center avenue, his sister,
in-law, Mrs. Charles Griffith. Mrs. Grif
fith will be best known in Pittsburg as Miss
.Mollie Jennings, daughter of Bichard Jen
nings, the oil operator, and for a number of
years a student of thePennsylvania Col
lege, at the East End. Her husband owned
one of the principal'drugstores In Johns
town; located at the corner of Main and
Franklin streets, though pretty thoroughly
flooded, it seems to have been supported. by
buildings around it, and was not carried
away. A large proportion of the drugs
were saved. These Mr. Griffith turned over
to the Belief Committee for use in their
hospital work, and"placed himself at their
service in dispensing drugs. In this work
he is still engaged.
When the dam broke there was no one in
Mr. Griffith's store except a small bov,
John Walker by name. Mr. Griffith him
self, at the first rising of the water, had left
the' store in charge of his clerk and gone
over across Stony creek to his home on the
south side, or what is known a; Kernville,
to look after his family. Soon after the
clerk, alarmed for the safety of his own
relatives, as the water was still rising, left
the store, instructing young Walker to
close up.
Saved by tbo Elevator.
So the boy was left alone when the crash
from the dam came down upon the city.
He heard the engine whistles shrieking the
alarm and the roar of the flood approach
ing. Hurrying to the elevator he started
the machinery and raised himself to the
third story. It seemed toliim an age that
the elevator took in slowly making its way
to the top of the building. Below him he
could see with horror the rushing of the
water, its ascent seeming to be as rapid as
his own. A dread lest the machinery should
give way almost paralyzed him. At last
the elevator reached the top story, the
water scarcely two feet below. Hurriedly
scrambling to the roof the boy remained
there all that night and the next day until
rescue came.
Meanwhile, the experience of the Griffith
lamuy at tneir nome across btony creeK,
was crowded with dramatic incidents. As
Mrs. Griffith related it to The DISPATCH
reporter, who called upon her at Mr.
' Sloan's last evening, her eyes filled with
tears and her lorm trembled witn excite
ment of the recollection. The interest
of her story centers about the four
houses iu Kernville, which, if his observa
tion is correct, are the, only- ones of the
many hundred homes in the low land of the
prosperous and. beautiful south side now
standing. These four houses, Mr. Griffith's
and Mr, George Schryock's (a double house),
Mr. Dean Cannon s, Mr. B. F. Horner's
and Sheriff Baumer'i withstood the flood
and became the salvationof many whose
homes had been swept away. All through
that dreadful night men, women and chil
dren floating down fa roots and timbers
round lodgement andj&rety on the roofs and
in the attics of thesfour houses.
Font- Harbors of Refuse.
In Mr. Dean Cannon's house between 40
and 60 people taken from floating wreck
and timber remained crowded together in
one room all tight On SETeriff Baumer's
roof there were a still larger number. On
Mr. Horner's roof and in his attic there!
were between 30 and 40 people. The, Grif
fith hoUsa was but a stone's throw from the
Horner, on Morris street. The scenes of
the nigUt there are best described in Mrs.
Griffithrs own words.
."Mjrnusband and I,"shesaid,"werestand
ing or? the front porch when we heard the
engine whistle. Immediately a great black
masseemed to be advancing right upon us.
I shrieked that the judgment day had come.
Indeed I thought that that was what it was.
eway, I can't tell how, my husband had
tbe presence of mind to shut off the natural
picking our-way overdrifted roofs and tfia-
D6T,-I0iieaca iqb lauu. ..nurryiug wuS
we made our way as best we could uB.the
high ground' towardithe cemetery. Alaost
the first people that I met were my e8h
bors,.the Homers and their guests. Their
daughter had been married Thursday night,
the night before the flood. I was one of
the guests. It was one of tha- brightest,
gayest weddings there had ever bderi'in
,- .
A Wedding Party in the Flood.
"I could not but mark tie contrast Here
were the bride and groom, father and
mother and guests, in tatters, disconsolate,
seeking- for refuge .and food. Hardly 24
hour? before I had been among them, at the
wedding. And-such a wedding. Thire
was dancing and music without end. And
such a pretty, couple, the bridal pair. Miss
Daisy Horner and Mr. Will Kuhn, of
Pittsburg. There were over 120 guests.
Hagan.of Pittsburg, spread the 'banquet,
Kev. Dr. Pink performed the ceremony.
The bride wore white silk and carried
white' roses; the bridemaid. Miss Susie
Luther, wore pink silk and had a bouauet
of pink roses: It was all beautiful,
and then to see this desolate remnant of tbe
party on the hillside near the cemetery,
wrecks and dead bodies are about them;
the poor bride with no clothing except a
ragged skirt and draggled white shawl,
pale nntl trembling, crying- as if her heart
wonld break; the .bridegroom half insane
about the fate.of his mother and sister, sap-'
posed to be lost in the wreck of the club
house; Other guests trembling about more
like ghosts than like living people. Ob, it
was a pitiful contrast a terrible ending to
that wedding party. .
"Out of the 120 guests I will not attempt
to say how many 3re now living. Those I
met on the-hillside had remained at the
house all night, afterthe ceremony, as many
were invited to do, and were saved. Among
them was Mr. Charles Linton, of the Union
depot ticket office at Pittsburg, who was
groomsman, Mr. Harry Kuhn and his sis
ter, the two Misses Luther and Miss Grace
Horner, sisterof the bride. But Mr. Linr
TnB ciinfA Mi IfmHi TIbI.b JnAlinnn
iuu Domrcj, juias iuiumc ximiuu, ucvuucu
the invitation to stay all night and went
home with a Miss Ogle. Both were drowned.
Dr. Harry- Phillips, of Pittsburg,
who lost mother, niece, brother-in-law
and sister in the flood,
was also one oT the guests at that wedding.
If you accept what I believe to be true, that
there are not nine whole families in Johns
town that is, not nine lamilies who have
not lost some of their members bthis dis
asteryou can imagine how I feel when I
think of that wedding party of 120 guests
that lattended the night before the flood at
our neighbor's house."
Mrs. Griffith left the city last night to go
to the house- o7 her father, Mr. Richard.
Jenning, at Brady's Bend, where she will
remain sometime.
What the Public Like.
Whitmyre & Co. are meeting with ar
amount or success that daily increases i
their efiorts to legitimately introduce at
advertise the "Iron City Brand" of flei
The large amount now sold shows, beyocfi a
doubt, that the best-selling brands carry
meir auTertisemeni wun meir use.
City Brand"'has come to stay and the
ir.i.i i-!ji i it... -i .
iiv LaKcs KinuiT u mat Class oi gooa!
shows for itself what it is made of a:
a trial-brings out its excellencies.
Field and Tonrlsts' Glasses.
S'Just received direct from Lamere and
Bardonx, of Paris, a large and fine assort
ment of field and tourists' glasses, binocular
telescopes and spyglasses. An extra power
ful -achromatic field class. $10. at Korn-
'blnm's Optician Store, No. CO .Fifth are., 1
(.-near wooa su
Artificial Eyes.
The largest and best stock of artificial
eyes; also made to order if required, at
Kirnblum's Optical Establishment, 2fo. SO
Fifth avenue, near Wood st.
' Five Dollars.
Solid gold spectacles, $5. Elegant
eve glasses, $5. Lenses ot superior qnalitT,
ithelrames and glasses Derfectlv aniritf.H
with tbe latest improved apparatus, at
j'-Kornblum's Optician Store, 2o. CO .Fifth
.s?-ive., near Wood st.
The great magnet that can do wonders at
Jacksons'. Extraordinary reductions. Mark
down' in every department. Suits of fine all
wool cheviot, cassimere, worsteds, now
marked down to S8, $10. S12: worth wouble
the amount. See these bargains, it will pay I
you.- uaa pants lor ordinary wear, warrant
ed not to rip, at $1 SO, worth double. Men's
fine dress pants at $2, $2 50 and $3, only
equaled' by custom tailors. Tisitour hat
department for nobby styles. Stiff and soft
hats marked down to the lowest notch. We
don't Intend to makereductions at the end
of the season. Now is the time to give buy
ers the benefit. JAcksoks',
Clothiers; Tailors, Hatters and Furnishers,
vol and voo iioeny street, ocar vomer.
"Economy leads to wealth." It justoc-
curi'toinethatlo exercise proper economy
'Tailor, of 65 .Fifth ave., cor. Wood
2jjt, second floor, put their -worn .clothes
.-. in good Shane for tha summer, and thn tin
gitbe expense of buying . a new suit. Tele--mhoneX558.
Give Jtisa a trial, and you
California Wines.
Old Sherry, full quarts y. ... .50c
Jixtra Uld bherry. lull quarts.... J 75c
Old Port, full ouarts. no,.
Extra Old Portlull quarts I. 75c
Biesling, full quarts .. 40c
Angelica, full quarts J. 50c
Muscatel, full quarts.. ...T...Z 50c
Tokay, full quarts , 50c
For sale by G. W. Schmidt,
Nos. 95 and 97 .Filth ave.
The Atleglienr Baseball Tenm
Will be home again shortly and of course
you'll want to go and see a game or so
played by them. Well, now, by simply
purcnashing the suit you'jve thought of for
so long at Gusky'syott can see a game
played for nothing. Ghsky's are giving
away with every man's for youth's suit to
the amount of $10 or upward, a ticket good
for admission to any championship ball
game played atBecreatyon Park this season.
Take Warning.
Don't pay agents 2J5 cts. for a ticket enti
tling you to a dozen ,cab. photographs for a
certain price, Dut gw direct to Pearson, the
reliable photographer, and you can get a
dozen cab. photo.'s faf better quality and for
less money. Bemember, don't buy any
Dabbs. the well-known photographer.
has 36 different vyews of the Johnstown dis.
aster, and they are likely the most compre
hensive of any that have been taken. Nine
different views yere taken on Sunday.
Best $1 50 per aoz. cabinet photos in the
city. Panel pidfure with each doz. cabinets.
Sixth st. f sustwp
les and Porter,
Bass' ale And Guinness' stonL hottled
either by McJIullen (white label), Bead
Bros, or Bnrke, in pints by the dozen.
Wm. J. Fbtdat, 633 Smithfield st.
JJTeveMjade awnings at.Mamaux &
eon's, bsi sind KJa J?enn.ave.
dren. SI
Ketejb-pade awnings at, Mamaux &
son's, oOT-snd penn ave,
Harrlea Hubbard Ayer Snjsj'
To efrery infant born June 4, 1889. I will
ry, tii
September 1. liS cabinets of ehil.
fer dozen, at Aufrecht's Elite Gal-
larcet st, Pittsburg. Elevator.
ithout charge a- cake .of Beeamier
ted Soap,- the' beat soap for the nurse-
jettet and shaving in the "World.
Be-by lottor to Keeamier Mnnnfifx.
turinJp.i4JfetParkjdaee, New.York
I wiiy.
i that was burning and hurry me to the
tttic. Our hired girl followed us, and we
re there none too soon, for in a moment
we heard the water crashing into the house
below us.
"Well; there we were, peering out of the
little attic window and upon such a scene.
I won't attempt to describe it. The hotel
across tbe way was hurled by the flood di
rectly upon us, and, swinging around, lay in
the water almost within reach. The water
was almost up to the level of our window.
Houses and roofs with their freight of cling
ing, shrieking, wailing human beings floated
down past us, some lodging against our
house. When they lodged, the poor wretches
on them, half crazed, half naked, would
crawl up upon our roof and down into the
attic and fall, weeping and wailing and
shivering with fear and cold upon the
"A red flame flashing up from near the
chhrch revealed the whole horrible scene to
us. We could see the faces of those we
knew-turned toward us as they floated down
past. In this way we saw the Bandolph
family, the Hamilton family and the Bals
inger'family as they floated past us. By
this light we could recognize the faces of
those who floated up to "our house and
found lodgment there.
Bobert Slnrpfay at Griffith's.
"The first that we could see for many
had come before the fire hadlit up the scene
ana we coma not see tneir laces aitnocgb
we could hear tb,elr voices was Mr.- Bobert
Murphy, the lawyer, son of Francis Murphy
with bis little family, chilled, soaked
scantily dressed and half fainting, they had
floated down the street upon the roof of their
house. They made their way into our
attic, and we gave them such welcome as we
could. It was not much of a welcome,
though, .for- everyone was paralyzed with
fear, and little was said, and that little we
hardly knew what we were saying. My
own voice sounded to me strange and far
away. It was like the voice of one talking
in another room. You must remember that
many of us expected every moment that the
house. we were in would be carried down
with the flood. I asked Mrs. Shryock, who
had come over from her part of the bouse to
our attic, if she thought we were safe, and
she replied "in a whisper that we would
surely be drowned. I heard some about me
talking to themselves and saying that it
was, the judgment day and praying for
mercy. '
"Every little while we conld hear the
timbers of some floating house strike ours
and lodge there, and people almost naked
and half crazed would join our dismal com
pany. In ,this way came Mr. John F.
Davis, a man 74 years old, and his wife and
daughter. Soon after we recognized Mr.
Simmons, tbe shoe dealer, and his. family;
then Mr. Williams, the grocer, and his wife.
Prof.- Marsden, the teacher, and his family
came in the same "way, and all alone and
nearly dead with cold, a few scantyrags
clinging about her, Miss, Potter, of 'Hew
Castle, teacher in the Morrell Institute.
"Many came I did not know, and many I
afterward found were there, whom 1 had not
recognized.- Their clothing' torn from them,
drenched and. trembling, it is no wonder.tbat
1 did not recognize .them. . v
. "Huddled together there, crying and
moaaing and praying and trembling, how
weiJassed tbat night I do. sot know.' It.
M if SMraittg .womM .Meyer oasae.
The great magnet that can" do wonders'at
Jacksons' Extraordinary reductions. Mark
down in every department. Suits of fine
all-wool cheviot, cassimere, worsteds, now
marked down to 58, $10, 812; worth double
the amount. See these bargains; it will
pay you; odd pants for ordinary wear, war
ranted not to rip, at 51 50; worth double.
Men's fine dress pants rt 52, $3- 50 and (3,
only equaled by custom tailors. Visit our
hat department for nobby styles. Stiff and
soft hats marked down to the lowest notch.
We don't intend to make reductions at the
end of the season. Now is the time to give
buyers the benefit. , Jacksons',
Clothiers. Tailors, Hatters and Furnishers,
954 and 950 Liberty "street, Star Corner.
Btjtees of men's or youths' suits to the
amount of ?I0 or upward at Gusky's great
annual fine suit sale are presented with a
ticket good for admittance to any champion
ship baseball game played this season at
Becreation Bark. Now. you baseball en--thusiasts,
we show you the'way to get better
values in suits than was ever known before,
and at the same time show you the wav to
see your favorite game played free of
Imported Fort. '
1828 Imperial Oporto 'Port, full quarts.$3'00'
1869 Mackenzie Port, fullauarts 2'50'
Fine Old White Port, full ouarts 2 00 ;'
London Dock Port; full quarts 2"00
Burgundy Port, full quarts . 160
Fine.Old Spanish Port, full quarts.... 1 00
The magnificent steamer Hudson is billed.
tor aspecial excursion to Cincinnati, leaving
Pittsburg We'dnesday, June 32, at. 5 P. M.
Fare for round trip only $10, meals and
stateroom included. For all information
call on Jas. A. Henderson, Superintendent,
94 Water street.
We're actually Jprfced to sacrifice our goods ! We -have
more. Fine Suits thaa we want, and would rather -have-the
dollars, even though at a loss! We were in hopes to have
sold these Elegant Suits at their real worth, and would, if
"flowery May" hadn't been so wmterish! But now, instead
of obtaining-$ 1 8, $20 and $22 for them and many of rem
were made to sell for higher prices we shut our eyes to all
profit and loss,' in some instances and ask you to come in
at the very flcjodrtide of tne( season, and, take, your choice"' of
all these, strictly fine, perfectly tailored and- good-fitting. Suits
for the extremely low, easily-paid and popular price- of "$ 15.
Better Suits for the money were never offered by any house
in the world. ' . ' .
.--$15, $15, $15,
MAIM TO SELL AT $18, $20 and $22..
S15,: $15, $15, . ,
MADE TO SELL AT $18, $20 and $22..
. . K E EC H ,
to call at his Model House Furmsffi
ing Concern and convince them
selves of the overtowering
. fact that no house in the
two cities can even
begin to match
Kebch'.s stock: or meet his prices
PilUbam Beer.
.Patronize. Frauenheim & Vilsack. Tou
will get a delicious beyerage, and at the
same time encourage home industry.
New B. fc O. R. R. Depot,
Corner of Smithfield and Water streets, -will
De open to-morrow, June 10, from which all
trains will arrive and depart on and after
this date.
Slimmer Furnishing.
It is now, during the hot spell, that we
think of furnishing our homes to be cool
and inviting. Chairs, rockers and settees
made especially for the summer trade now
on exhibition. N P. C. Bchoeneck.
sutv 711 Liberty street.
Brandlei, Gin, Etc.
A full assortment of brandies, nun, gin,
liqueurs, cordials, fruit liquors, bitters and
kuramel can be had from Wm. J. Friday,
633 Smithfield st. - -. wESn
Just the textures for the coming warm spell. Roy Serges,
Clay Serges, Indigo Blue Serges, Fadeless Black Serges.
Our popular Serge Suits, $10 and $12, a famous and unri
valed specialty. Einer Serges, $15, $18, $20.
We're haberdashers that's an English word, doncher
naw. We are iri the current of novelty; catch everything;
Neckties,, whare .the red, white, pink, blue, yellow every
color hangs on and embellishes bits of silk, satin and other
neck-stuffs. 25c, 35'c, 50c pins a good one. How're you fixed
in "Outing" Shirts? Seen ours? "French Flannels, fine Silks,
English Zephyr Cloths; mysterious and attractive stripes' and
combinations; 75c to $6. t "
A white collar and a colored shirt are suggestive of an
unpaid laundry bill. Buy that combination here, and we're
responsible. Long descriptions wouldn't hint at the stock of
novelties in Shirts. P. K. French Penang, etc. White
Linen always here. Socks,. 3 pairs for 50c, fancy and good
"servicers." 'Kerchiefs, 20c, 25c, 35c, 3 for $1;. finest of
Linen. ' " , '
Showery weather last week. Big .black, clouds busted
ihere,- and 'prices in Balbrigah, Lisle'Thread, Silk and "Drill-.
ing" Underwear fell. . 25c to $2 50 .a piece fprDrawers or
anirr, - "
Mothers, if you haven't seen our Boys' department, don't
delay it's your loss. For new styles and pretty, odd and
exclusive colors, we've .got the only one stock in Pittsburg.
$3 is the minimum price and $10 the maximum figures don't
talk, the goods do; so come and hear 'em. Near closing time,
and we'll, cease trade-writing. Believe this: We've got the
best articles for the lowest prices.
. . Business ia our Carpet Room never is stagnant Why? Simplw
because' there's no dull trade where good goods in coniunc
with low prices are the ruling features. Your attention is directed , ton
our s.tock of Body and Tapestry Brussels'in the most fashionable de
fMfr. trT mZtr tvA pitmma. TniiAitan Wilfrtne. Talfate. nnA Tnrt.ine"'
aigua iui syiiug aul suuiuibif iuuuv.bLL3j uuiuiuj iwn.u auu 1U5K11UJ
from the cheapest to the very finest, our gigantic variety of Chinese anc
Japanese Mattings, Oil Cloths, Art Squares, Linoleums, and our imn
and beautiful arrav of Oriental and Smvrna Rues. And. owiner tottt
lateness" of the season, we now are quite willing to part with these goods,
at greatly reduced prices.
In Curtains (Lace, Plush, Silk and Chenille) we have a marvelousljv
elegant assortment The same may be truthfully said about our stoc
of Portieres and Window Shades. Our entire Upholstery department?:
indeed, abounds with unequaled attractions for economical and pardcUjL??
lar people.
: i
- -.
dJ? . fi
- i -
., w.... . ...... , -m
Always iciy uu xcecu iur iuc ucsi guuwrai iuc least uiuney. Ls'j
t i ;..- .c ti j r 1 t? !m i -.. ': -.ii
nave now uu saie a variety ui xanur uuu -uamuer furniture mat iu'. :
point of excellence, freshness, beauty , and reliability stands p"eerles,,1
and unrivaled. All the latest kinks and newest ideas in furniture archi
tecture find vivid expression in these goods. In Parlor Furniture, for. j
instance, we show a truly marvelous assortment of plain, crushed and.
brocade French Silk Plush Sofas, Settees, Chairs, eta, lovely Center
Tables and charming Cabinets. Now, cast your optics over our stock?
of Bed Room Furniture and you will see everything in the line of ?ed
tsteads worth haVing;--some plain, others carved out in bold relief j some;
in nolr ntliAfe in moTirtrrfinv ttr fr "Rrt rwnv rrn rin? 'I'h mnef flTohi.1
orate description would fail to do justice- to' this banner ,stock of. Finale jf
T vita j-nf1ief onoa oil rTYifr?f inn ". l
NyKK-PADB awnings at llamani &
Son'8r37 and 539 Penn ave.
TJxtii. September i, 12 cabinets of chil
dred.Jl per dozen, at Aufrecht's Elite Gal
lery, 616 .Market st, Pittsburg. Elevator.
Plobektine awnings at' Mamaux &
Son's, 537 arid 539 Penn ave.
For; jsale by
"W S- S.elZL &o Go.
ItMMrl7MM before irt , bri JW " i-
That heretofore appeared on
this page of THE DISPATCH
will be found on the Eleventh
Page, in the Second Part of
this issue.
The Wants, For Sales To
Lets, Business Chances, Auc
tion Sales, eta, are placed
under their usual headings on
the Eleventh Page. Adver
tisements handed in too late
for Classification will be
found on tha Sixth Page.
Clothiers, Tailors and Furnishers,
Take Time li tie fore
Save lie?
These lines of goods are quite an item with every family. If your1 4
dining room needs replenishing, you can come right to Keech's Mam' t
moth Housefurnishing Concern and there select anything you wish or"'
desire from a large variety and at lower prices than you can find atony'
other furniture house in the twin cities. But, for a few details. Sider:
boards make an interesting subject. We have them in scores o5 new;.
novel and artistic designs, in various kinds of woods, and each one
guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. As to Center Tables and Dining,
prices leave nothing to be desired. And all that has- been said abo'titV '
aau uuiaxjr ruuuiiut;. -'::
- 305 Wood S-bx-ee-b,
For the least monev. They have all kinds of Chamber Furniture, Parlor Pnrniture,
Carpets.Mattinj, Bedding, Lace Curtains, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Bedsteads, Bureaus,
Washstands, Bookcases' Sideboards, Hat Backs, Clock.", Extension Tables, Fancy Ta
bles, Fancy -Eockers and Chairs, Befrigerators, Ice Chests, Baby Carriages, Lounges,'
Couches, etc. Anything and everything to furnish your house.
t t
i i
W, ft THOMPSON & 00,
305 "Wood- Stoee-b.
Store open until 10 o'clock Saturday evening.
tLOOD r,10T(tl?
Elegant Carriages oi the highest graae.
Landaus, Broughams, T. Carta, Uoupa Otoeia-
ways, Extention coupes. Pony Carts. e-Passenger
Bockaways, Market Wagons, Village Carts,
Surttiragons. Cabrioletf-Ladies Phaetons,Snrrey
Wagons, Top Wagons. Boad Carts, Jump Seats,
Phaeton Buggies, Open Wagons.
Don't purchase a Carriage until- you pay us a
Tlsit. " '?
(No. connection -with any other Carriage House.)
-The most sought for article in our House Furnishing Goods Deparf-J
meht at present are Refrigerators, and, it goes without saying, that - burl
supply is equal to the largest demand. We show none but the best andj
most approved of makes. Two advantages gained by those who.
them:. First Big money saved in purchasing. Second Big money;''.,
saved Xm your ice-bills (these refrigerators being guaranteed to.consume
less ice than any others in the market). How about Ice Cream'Freezers
IVnfa. pAtla.A t v A 17il f a.P f A le .nv.1 Aff T AS?.. 11,. . va .ll.r . a .! ...3 '-' A
now, in" consequence of the impurity of the Allegheny river water), '
Queensware, Kitchen Utensils?' All of thesa goods are here, and theyk
wilKplease you? -
A few words about Baby Carriages: Ours (as most mothers
testify) are the best, most substantial and handsomest to be seen ;
where, while our prices are surprisingly low. ,
"en En
T r
t. j
bmtsSv -"-vr- -' .'--. . -,- -y- -
Cash and Credit House, .
.923.. and 925 Penn ave?,
-Neao? jCsTxi.ijiL Sijreo-b:
HTOpi rtrday Wm MU KJ o'otock.
S Mil;!
:- T-Q
ff . ." l
"iL. 4ft K 'Ld tt-tfAMfteA' fSPZmXP ' - " "- "-" --' ' - - " '-Bb&