&wnjri$ .: !! I P- f JY 18 counterpart, and critically admired the like ness. "It was an unwarranted liberty," she said to herself, "but he ma it very well.' The delicate fiber of the wood had favored to the carver's purpose. The imitation land bore a shade of flattery in the barely tinted birchen white, and in the fine grained satin smoothness that the keen blade had wrought, but this was not too much for more than a reasonable compli ment. As to the modeling that was sincere ly accurate, and the fingers rested on the key, precisely as Mary had seen them dur ing many hours of many days. It is an ex cessively vain girl who admires herself as actually as she does a portrait, and the telegrapher really saw more beauty in the birchen hand than she Irad ever observed in the live one. As she contemplated it, Bavelli returned noiselessly behind-her. "I a-wish to say some-thing, Mees Warriner." The Italian accent of Bavelli grated with unnatural harshness on Mary's ears, and if he had been an intruder upon her privacy, instead of a man in a really public place, she would not have been surprised into a deep flush. She snatched her hand away irom its wooden counterpart, and clasped it with its mate behind her, as she leaned her -within five minutes of time to shut ofE" She started to go behind the desk. He .stopped her with a touch upon her shoulder, and she shrank away reprovingly, although it was solely the man's earnestness that had made him do it "Ko, no, it ees not words for-a ze wire zat I have-a for you," he said. "I wish-a to tell to yourself something. "Will you lees ten?" "Yes if it is something that I ought to iear." "Ihees cez it. I am a-more than I seem lere deef-e-rent so deef-e-rcnt you would hardly knev-a me. In zis place I am on-ly a contractor for ze laborer. I am-a as com mon as my gang in-a clothes in-a manner, too, eh? I3ut etn one hour een one minute I could-a con-veence you zatl am-a some ting finer." Mary did not show in her perectly re Hjained composure that she was so much as puzzled by the man's enigmatic talk. She said: T don't see how it could be worth while, Mr. Bavelli." "Oh, yes I beg-a pardon for ze contra-3ic-tion yes, it ees worth-a while. Away .from-a here, Mary, I would-a be so deer-e-rent zat you a-love me." ,. "Stop, Mr. Bavelli stop." The command was positive, but it was not obeyed. "I love-a you " .. He caught her by one wrist as he began. She was utterly unresistant If she had struggled, or cried out, he would have gone on with his voluble, excited declaration; but her placidity was incomprehensible to him. "Mr. Bavelli," she began after a moment, "you understand English?" "Perfectly, Mees Warriner." "Well, here is plain English for you. I would use Italian if I could, so that you mightn't mistake me. Tou are to let go of my hand." He did it "You are to go away instantly, and never come here again, except on business. Go at once." That he did not do. Tor what-a did you come here, into one camp oof men, eef " "If I didn't expect to be unsafe? I'll tell you. It was a mistake. Operator ifo. 9 -was ordered to this post. Ko. 9 had been a man who had within a week been discharged, and his number given to me. By an over sight no alteration was made in the record- to show the sex of the new .No. a. J. couidn t afford to lose the work. Besides " 'Well, a-besides " "Besides, I reasoned that every man at Overlook would protect me against all the other men, if " "Yes, eef " "Yes, it I cared absolutely nothing for any single one of them. Therefore, I Am sot afraid. But you must not annoy me." Fury flashed into the man's eyes, into his reddened face, into the sudden tension of lis gripped hands. The girl's contemptu ous indifference maddened him. She saw this, and was at once alarmed, as she real ized that here was a reckless lover one who heated dangerously where another would have chilled under disdain; but she maintained an unshaken voice, as she said: '"You may as well know, however, that I am amply protected. The night watchman ' is ordered to include this combined office and residence of mine in every round he makes. So I sleep quite unconcernedly. In the daytime, too, I shall have a defense, it it becomes necessary." "0, have-a no alarm, Mees "Warriner," and the man's facial expression softened singularly as he gazed wistfully at the girl, "I haf said I love-a you." Then, with a startling quick transition he giared menac ingly off in the direction that Gerald Heath had gone. It seemed curious to Mary, too, that in his rage his English was-: clearer than usual, as he growled: "It is your lover that should be afraid of me." He- flung out one fist in a fierce menace, and added in Italian: "JKel vindicarvi bisogna ch'egli mi rende la sua vita." CHAPTER IL THE SIGHT AND MABY TTAEEDTEE. The full moon looked for Mary Warrin er's little house that night, as soou as a clearance of the sky permitted, and then beamed down on her abode effulgently. But it was 11 o'clock before the gusty wind blew the thick clouds aside and let the orb illumine Overlook. Back of the shed in which the telegrapher worked by day was a structure in which she slept at night It was built of slabs, with big growing trees to form its irregular corners, and their lowest limbs contributed the rafters, while stripped bark and evergreen boughs made the roof. The foliage swayed above in the fitful wind and covered the cabin and grass around it wiih commingling, separating, capering shadows of leaves as though a multitude of little black demons were trying to get to the slumbeter within. Their antics looked spiteful and angry at first, but as the wind lessened to a breeze and as the moon seemed to mollify them, they became frolicsome without malice; and at length, when the merest zephyrs impelled their motions, they gamboled lazily, good-humoredly above and around the couch of Mary Mite. It was midnight when a man shot into the open space around the cabin like a mis sile. He ran first to the frontof the struct ure, where a tarpaulin curtained the shed for the night and gazed for a moment blankly at this indication that the hour was not one of business. Tremendous haste was denoted in his every step and gesture. He plucked twice at the canvas, as though to pull it down. Then he skurried around to the single window of Mary's apartment, "whose only door opened into the shed, and pounded with his knuckles on the ill-fitted sash, making it clatter londly. Silence within followed this noise without "Hello! "Wake up!" he cried. "Don't fool for a minute; wake up!" There was so response, and he skipped to and fro in his impatience. He was an ordi nary sboreler and pounder, with nothing to distinguish him from the mass of manual laborers at Overlook, but unlike the usual man with an errand at the telegraphic sta tion, flourished a scrap of paper. "I want to telegraph, he shouted, and struck the window again. "Get up quick! It'slife and death!" " Mary "Warriner was convinced that her services wer.e urgently and properly re quired. She peeped warily out to inspect the man, estimated him to be merely a mes senger, and then opened wide the sash which swung laterally on hinges. Her del icate face bore the same sort of calm that characterized it in business hours, but the moon shone on it now, the hair had got 'loose from the bondage of knot and pin, and for an outer garment she was carelessly en wrapped in a white.fleecy blanket The man did not give her time to inqnire what was wanted. "You're the telegraph girl, ain't you?" he exclaimed. "Well, here's something to tel egraph. It's in a hurry, hurry, hurry. Don't lose a minute." "I couldn't send it to-night," Mary said. "You must" "It'ltn't possible. There it nobody t the shoulder against the carving to hide it. "It you have a messace to send, she said. ''I can't get it on the wire too soon. It's other end of the line to receive it The wire is private belongs to the railroad company isn't operated except in the day time. You'll have to wait until to-mor-row. "To-morrow I'll be 100 years old or else dead," the man almost wailed in despair. "What?" "I was only 10 years old yesterday. To night I'm GO. To-morrow'll be too late. Here here send it to-night, Miss. Please send it to-night" The mystified girl mechanically took the piece of paper which he thrust into her hands, but her eyes did not drop before they discovered the insanity in his face, and when they did rest on the paper they saw a scrawl of'hieroglyphics. It was plain that this midnight visitor was a maniac. Against Overlook's-civil and sane menMary had entrenched herself confidently behind her apathy, ibut within the round of the clock she had been beset by agreeable senti ment, by violent passion, and now by irra tional delusion. She screamed for help. A watchman responded almost instantly to her call. He was a stalwart fellow, em ployed to guard the company's tools and machinery against mischief at sight, and his patrol, since Mary inhabited the cabin, had brought him very frequently past the place. He chanced" to have come almost there when he heard the outcry. Upon seeing the cause of the girl's fright, he dropped all perturbation of his own, and treated the incident as a matter of course. The lunatic wobbled like a drunken man, about to collapse, as he mumbled his 're quest over and over again. "Here, now, Eph," the watchman said, with as much cajolery as command, "you mustn't bother the.young lady. Ain't you ashamed to scare her this way? Get right out of this." The watchman took the other by the arm, and, as they started off one insisting and one objecting the official looked back to say: "He won't hurt nobody, Miss "War riner he's just a little cranky, that's all." Mary watched them out of sight and while she was doing so Gerald Heath ap proached from the contrary direction. He had heard the girl's scream. Why he was within ear-shot lie might sot have been able to explain satisfactorily, for it was not bis habit to take midnight walks, even when the air was so brightly moonlit and so tem porarily fine; but if cross-questioned he would doubtless have maintained that he had sought only to escape from the darkness and closeness of his shanty quarters. Be sides, where would he so likely wander, in quest of good sight and breath, as to the spot whence he could view the scenery which he in vain asked the railway company to exhibit to their passengers? As he turned the corner of the cabin, he saw Eph and the watchman departing, and comprehended the disturbance.' "Eph has been frightening you, Miss "Warriner," he said. Mary screamed again, but this time it was a low, musical little outcry of modesty. She had not observed Gerald's approach. She clutched the blanket closely around her white throat, which had been almost as much exposed as by an ordinary cut of frock, and drew under cover the gleaming wrists which had all day been bared to a greater extent by sleeves of handy working length. Then she reached out one taper arm, and swung the sash around on its hinges, so its inner cover of muslin made a screen between her and the visitor. He did not apologize for his intrusion, and she pouted a little, on her safe side of the sash, at his failure to do so. "I see it was Eph that alarmed you," he said. "What did he do?" She told him, and ihen asked: ""Who is he, and what ails him?" "He is a common laborer with an uncom mon affliction," was the reply. "One day an excavation caved in, and for an hour he was buried. Some timbers made a' little space around his head, but the rest of him was packed in earth. He had breathed the enclosed air two or three times over, and was almost suffocated. "When we got him out he was insensible. He never came back to his senses. He believes he is living at the rate of more than a year every hour. That is why he was in such a hurry with his imaginary message." "Poor fellow' came from the obverse side of the sash. "Yes, poor fellow," the narrator assented. "I understood his hallucination at once. "When a man'is suddenly placed in mortal peril his past life dashes before him. Half drowned men afterward tell of reviewing in a minute the events of years. It is a curious mental phenomenon. Well, this poor chap had that familiar experience, but -with a singular sequence. The impression that all his lifetime before the accident happened in a brief time has remained in his disordered mind. He believes that his whole earthly existence is condensed that future years as well' as his past ones are compressed into days, and his days into minutes. Nothing can disabuse him of this idea. Everything is to him ephemeral. That's why I nicknamed him Eph short for Ephemeral, you see. He doesh t remem ber his real name, and on the roll he had only a number. He has done his work well enough, until within a few days, but now his malady seems to have turned to' the worst He has talked wildly of getting some physicians to check the speed of time with him, and it may have been that he wished to telegraph to this fancied expert" "It is singular," Mary said, "and very sad." The midnight incident seemed to have come to a conclusion. It was a proper time for Gerald to say good night and go away. He still stood on the opposite side of the half open sash, around the edge of which appeared a small set of finger tips which pulled the screen a little closer, showing that the girl was minded to shut herself in. But a hand twice as big opposed hers, gently yet strongly and in doing so it touched 'her, upon which she, let go and the window flew open. "O, you mustn't see me," Mary exclaimed, as Gerald got a vanishing glimpse of the white draped figure. "Good night" "You will be afraid if left alone," Gerald protested; "you can't go to sleep, iervous as you must be." "I surely can't eo to sleep talking," was her rejoinder, with the first touch of co quetry she had indulged in at Overlook. "I won't talk then, I'll only keep gnard out here until daylight. Eph may return." "But there's 'the watchman. It is his duty." "It would be my delight" That silenced the invisible inmate of the cabin. The moon shone into the square opening, but Mary was ensconced somewhere in the darkness that bordered the income of light. 'Should I apologize?" Gerald at length began again. "It is like this, Miss War riner. ,X used to know how to behave politely to a lady. But for six years I've lived in wildernesses in railroad camps from Canada to Mexico. "We've had no ladies in these rough places no women, ex cept once in a while some mannish "washer woman or cook. That's what makes you so rare so unexpected that is why it would be a delight to be a patrolman ontside your Quarters that is why I don't wish to go away." "Oh oh! I am interesting because I am the only specimen of my sex at Overlook. That isn't a doubtful compliment; it is no compliment at all. Good night. m "You "misconstrue me altogether. I mean " "I am sure you do not mean," and now. thetone was pleadingly serious, "to remain here at my window alter I request you to go away. I am, as you have said, the only girl at Overlook.5' "If there were a thbusand girls at Over look " "Not one of them, I trust, would prolong a dialogue with a young gentleman at night through the open window of her bedroom." Half in respectful deference to Mary's unassailable statement of the rule of pro priety applicable to the sitnation, and half in inconsiderate petulance at being dis missed, Gerald let go of the sash with an impulse that almost closed it This time two miniature hands came out under the swinging frame. "Would more than one hand have been naturally used? "Was it not an awkward method of shutting a win dow? And Mary "Warriner was not a clumsy creature. But there were the hands, and Gerald grasped them. They flattered for freedom, like birds held captive in broad palms by completely caging fingers. Then he uncovered them, bat for an instant THE kept them prisoners by encircling the wrists long enough to impetuously kiss them. Another second and they were gone, the window was closed, and the offender was alone. , He walked slowly away, accusing himself of folly and uhgentlemanliness, and he felt better upon getting out of the clear, search ing moonshine into the dim, obscuring shade of rocks and trees, among which the path wound crookedly. There rapid foot steps startled him, as though he were a skulking evil doer, and the swift approach of a man, aTong an intersecting pathway, made him feel like taking to cowardly flight But he recognized the monomaniac, Epb, who was in a breathless tremor. "Mr. Heath, could a man walk to Dim mersville before the telegraph station there opens in the morning?" Eph asked, with several catches of breath, and a reeling movement of physical weakness. "You go to bed.' Eph," was the reply, meant to be soothing, "and I'll see that your telegram goes from here the earliest thine in the morning. That won't be more Whan six or seven hours from now." "Six or seven hours, the poor fellow de ploringly moaned; "I'll be a good many years older by that time. Oh, it's awful to have your life go whizzipg away like mine does," and he clutched at Gerald with his fidgety hands, with a vague idea of slowing himself by holding to a normal human being. Then he darted away, swaying from side to side with faintness and disappeared in the foliage which lined the path he was fol lowing. Gerald watched him out of sight, and was about to resume his own different way, when the voice of Tonio Bavelli was heard, with its Italian extra A to the short words, and a heavy emphasis on the final syllable of the long ones. "Mistair Heath," he said, "Isaw-a your affectionate par-ting weez Mees "Warriner." Gerald had jnst then the mind or a cul prit, and he began to explain apologetically: "It was cowardly in me to insult a defense less girl. She didn't invite it I am ashamed of myself. He hardly realized to whom he was speak ing. The two men were now walking rap idly, Bavelli taking two strides to one of the bigger Gerald, in order to keep along side. "You-a should be ashamed you-a scoun drel." As mnch of jealous fury and venomous malice as could be vocalized in six words was in Bavelli's sudden outbreak. Gerald was astonished. He turned upon his com panion, caught him by both lapels of the coat and shook him eo vigorously that .his boot soles pounded the ground. Bavelli staggered back upon being loosed, and threw one arm around a tree to steady him self. "I didn't mean to hurt you," said Gerald, "you shouldn't be reckless with your lan guage. Perhaps you don't know what a sconndrel means in English." "I saw you-a kiss her hand." "Did you? "Well, do you know what I'd do to you, Bavelli, if I saw you kiss her hands as I did without her consent? I'd .wring your miserable neck. Now what are you going to do to me?" "I am-a going to keel you!" The blade of a knife flashed in Bavelli's right hand, as he made a furious onslaught; but the stronger and quicker man gripped both of his assailant's wrists, threw him violently to the ground, and tortured him with wrenches and doublings until he had to drop the'weapon. In the enconnter the clothes of both men were torn, and when Bavelli regained his feet blood was dripping from his hand. The blade had-cut it "You meant to kill me," Gerald ex claimed. "I said-a so," was the sullen, menacing response. "And with my own knife," and Gerald, picking up the knife, recognized it "Your-a own knif e ze one zat you carve-a Marv'a hand with so lovingly." Bavelli had retained it since the previous afternoon, when he had picked it up frdm Mary "Warriner's desk. It's blade was now red with blood, as Gerald shut and pocket ed it. "You cowardly murderer!" "Murderer? Not-ayef. But I meant to be." Bavelli turned ofi by the cross path, and Gerald passed on. CHAPTER in. A STBOKE OP LIGHTNING. The first man to go to work at Oyerlook in the morning was Jim Wilson, because he had to rouse the fire under a boiler early enough to provide steam for a score of rock drills. The nightwatchman awakened him at daybreak, according to custom, and then got into a bunk as the other got out of one. "Everything all right?" Jim ask'ed. "I guess so," the other replied. "But I haint seen ypur boiler sence afore midnight. Eph was disturbin Mary Mite, and so I hung 'round her cabin pretty much the last half of the night" Jim went to his post at the boiler, and at an unaccustomed pace, from the point where he first saw and heard steam hissing upward from the safety valve. On auittincr the. night previous he had banked the fire as 1 usual, and this morning ne snouid nave found it burning so slowly that an honr of raking, replenishing and open draughts would no more than start the machinery at 7 o'clock. Going nearer he found that open dampers and a fresh supply of coal had set the furnace raging. What was that which protruded from the open door'and so nearly filled the aperture that the draught was not impaired? A glance gave the answer. It was the legs ana half the bodr of a man, whose head and shoulders were thoroughly charred, as Jim was horrified to see when he pulled the re mains out upon the ground. Jim ran to tell the superintendent, and within a few minutes a knot of excited men surrounded the body. The gathering grew in numbers rapidly. By means of the clothing,the dead and partially burned man was identified at once as Tonio Bavelli. That he had been murdered was an equally easy conclusion. The murderer had ap parently sought to cremate the corpse. Whether he had found it physically impos sible, or had been frightened away, could only be conjectured. "Who can have done it!" was the ques tion asked by Superintendent Brainerd, the autocrat of Overlook. There was a minute of silence, with all staring intently at the body, as though half expecting it to somehow disclose the truth. The night watchman was first to speak. "Eph might have done it" he said. Then he told of the monomaniac's visit to the telegraphic station, and of the acute stage which his malady bad reached. No body else present had seen him since the previous evening. Superintendent Brain 'erd ordered a search of the lodgings. Ten minutes were sufficient for a round of the different quarters. Eph was in none of them. The searchers returned to the furn ace, and with them came Gerald Heath. "I met Eph yonder where the path crosses, not a hundred yards from here, a little past midnight," Gerald said, "He was terribly excited. That was after he had tried in vain to telegraph a crazy message. Evi dently his delusion, that his whole life was condensed into a brief space, had driven him to a frenzy. He spoke of walking to Dim mersville, but I tried to quiet him, and he disappeared." Dimmersville was a town about ten miles Distant, in a direction opposite to that from which the railroad had worked its way through the mountains. Ko wire connected it with Overlook, and there was no public road for the nearest third of the way, al-, though a faint trail showed the course that a few persons had taken on foot or horse back. "Very likely Eph has gone toward Dim mersville," Brainerd argued, "and we must try to catch him." Before the order could be specifically given, a horse and a rider arose over the edge of the level ground, and came into the midst of the assemblage. The man in the saddle had a professional aspect, imparted chiefly by- his smoothly shaven face. In this era of mustaches, a hairless visage is apt to be assigned to a clergyman, who shaves thus from a motive of propriety, Tin actor, who does it' from necessity, or sowe- bedy-who aims at facial- dttkuctien i PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, out the features snitable to that purpose. A countenance of which it. pan only be said that it has one nose, one mouth and two eyes, all placed in inexpressive nonentity, and which is dominated utterly byhairon and around it, may be less lost to individ uality if entirely shaven. Of snch seemed the visage of the dark man who calmly rode into the excitement at Overlook. "Which way have you come?" Brainerd asked. "From' Dimmersville," was the reply. "Did you see anybody on the way?" "I started very early. Folks were not out of their beds in the houses as long as there were any houses and that is'only for five or six miles you know. After that yes I did see one man. A curiously excited chap. He looked tired ?ut He asked the distance to Dimmersville, and whether the telegraph office would be open by the time he got there. Then he slurried on, before I had half answered him." All that was known of the murder was told to the stranger by half a dozen glib tongues, and it was explained to him that he had encountered the maniacal fugitive. "I knew there was something wrong about him," said the stranger. "Itis mybusiness to be observant" He dismounted and hitched his horse to a tree. The dead body was shown to him. He examined it very thoroughly. All the par ticulars were related to him over and over. Then he drew Superintendent Brainerd aside. "My name is Terrence O'Beagan," he said, and in his voice was faintly distin guishable the brogue of the land whence the O'Beagans came. "I am a Government de tective. I have been sent to work up evi dence in the case of some Italian counter feiters. We had a clew pointing to a sub contractor here the very man who lies there dead. Our information was that he used some ot the bdgus bills in paying off his gang. Now.it isn't going outside my mission to investigate his death if you don't object" "I would be glad to have you take hold of it" Brainerd replied. "We can't bring the authorities here before noon, at the earliest, and in the meantime you can perhaps clear it nil up." The eagerly curious men had crowded close to this brief dialogue, and had heard the latter part of it O'Jieagan became in stantly an important personagej upon whose smallest word or movement they hung ex pectantly; and nobody showed a teener in terest than Gerald Heath. The detective first examined the body. The pockets of Bavelli's clothes contained a wallet, with its money untouched, besides a gold watch. "So robbery was not the object" said O'Beagan to Brainerd. "The motive is the first thing to look for in a case of murder." Next lie found blood on the waistcoat, a freat deal of it, bnt dried by the fire that ad burned the shoulders and head; and in the baked cloth were three "cuts, under which he exposed three stab wounds. Strokes of a knife had, it seemed, killed the victim before he "was thrust partially into the furnace. A storm was coming to Overlook unper ceived, for the men were too much engrossed in what lay there on the ground, ghastly and horrible, to pay any attention to the clouding sky. Gloom was so fit for the scene, too, that nobody gave a thought to whence it came. To Gerald Heath the eo- .ingoutof sunlight, and the settling down of dusky shadows, seemed a mental experi ence of his own. Ho stood bewildered, transfixed, vaguely conscious of peril, and yet too numb to speak or stir. Detective O'Beagan, straightening up from over the body, looked piercingly at Gerald, and then glanced around at the rest. "Is there anybody here who saw Tonio Bavelli last night?" he asked. "I did," Gerald replied. "Where and wheri?" "At the same place where I met Eph, and immediately afterward." "Ah! now we are locating Eph and Bav elli together. That looks like the lunatio being undoubtedly the stabber." "And we must catch him," Brainerd in terposed. "I'll send riders toward Dim mersville immediately." "No great hurry about that," the detect ive remarked; "he is too crazy to have any clear motive, or any idea of escape. It will be easr enough to cantnre him." Then he turned to Gerald anfl questioned with the J air of a cross-examiner: "Did the two men have any words together?" "No, was the ready answer; "I don't know that they even saw each other at that time. Eph went away an instant before Bavelli came." "Did you talk with Bavelli?" "Yes. "About what?" "Not about Eph at all." "About what, then?" , Now the reply came reluctantly: "A personal matter something that had oc curred between us an incident at the tele graph station." "The station where Eph had awakened the girl operator? Was it a quarrel about her?" "That is no concern of yours. Yon are impertinent" "Well, "sir, the question is pertinent as the lawyers say and the answer concerns you, whether it does me or not. Yon and Bavelli quarreled about the girl?" "The young lady shall not be dragged into this. She wasn't responsible for what happened between Bavelli and me." "What did hapoen between yon and Bavelli?" The two men stood "close to and facin? each other. The eyes of the detective glared J gioauugiy uw me upnuiu uiigm into tnepaie but still firm face of the taller Gerald, and then dropped slowly, until they became fixed on a red stain on the sleeve of the oth er's coat Did he possess the animal scent of a bloodhound? "What is that?" he sharply asked. He seized the arm, and smelt'of the spotted fab ric "It is blood! Let me see your knife." Quite mechanically Gerald thrust one hand into his trousers pocket, and brought ont the knife which he had taken back from Bavelli, whose blood was on it yet The storm was overhead. A' first peal of thunder broke loudly. It came at the in stant oi the assemblage's intensest interest at the instant when Gerald Heath was aghast with the revelation of his awful jeopardy at the instant of his exposure as a murderer. It impressed them and him with a shock of something supernatural. The reverberation rumbled into silence, which was broken bv O'Beagan: "There'll b'e no need to catch Eph," he said, in a tone of professional glee. "This man is the murderer." Again thunder rolled and rumbled angrily above Overlook, and the party stood aghast in the presence of the man deadand the man condemned. "Bring him to the telegraph station," O'Beagan commanded. Nobody disputed the detective's'methoas now not even Gerald; and, a prisoner as completely as though manacled, although not touched by anyone, he went with the rest Mary Warriner had taken down the tar paulin in front of her shed when the men approached. In the ordinary course of her early morning doings she" would wait an hour to'dispatch and receive the first tele grams of the day, and then go to breakfast alone at the table where the engineers and overseers would by that time have had their meal. She was astonished to see nearly the whole population of Overlook crowd around her quarters, while a few entered. Bat she went qnickly-behind the desk, and took her place on the stool. The soberness of the faces impressed her, but nothing indicated that Gerald was in custody, and her auick thought was that some disaster made it J necessary to use the wire importantly. "I wish to send a message," said O'Bea gan. stepping forward. The eyes of the girl rested on him inquir ingly, and he palpably flinched, bnt as ob viously nerved himself to prooeed, and when he spoke again the Irish accent became more pronounced to hear, although not suf ficiently to be shown in the printed words: "I will dictate it slowly, so that you can transmit it as I speak. Are you ready?' ' Mary's fingers were on the key, and Jier bright, alert face was an answer to the query. "To Henry Deckennan, President," the detective slowly said, waiting for the clicks of the instrument to put his language on the wire; "Tonio Bavelli, a subcontractor here, was BirdWBd iMt HJfcfll". i , .':.? .. i " . . r . .. frr ... .. .7.: SUISTDAY, JUNE 9, Mary's hand slid away from the key after sending that, and the always faint tint in her cheeks faded Qut, and her eyes flickered up in a scared way to the stern faces in front of it. The shock of the news that a man had been slain, and that he was a man who, only the previous day, had proffered his love to her, jvas for a moment disabling. But the habit of her employment controlled her, and she awaited the farther dictation. "His body was found this morning in the furnace of the steam boiler," O'Beagan re sumed deliberately, "where it had evidently been placed in a vain attempt to destroy it" A shudder went through Mary, and she convulsively wrung her small hands to gether, as though to limber them from a cramp. Bnt her fingers went back to the key. "The-mnrderer has been discovered," the detective slowly continued, and the operator kept along with his utterance, word by word. "He killed Bavelli for revenge. It was a love affair." Here the girl grew whiter still, and the clicks became very slow, but tbey did not cease. 0'Be3gan's voice was.cold and ruthless: "The motive of the murderer was revenge. His name was Gerald Heath." All bnt the name flashed off on the wire. Mary Warriner's power to stir the key stopped at that She did not faint She did not make any outcry. For a moment she looked as though the soul had gone ont of her body, leaving a corpse sitting there. A grievous wail of wind came through the trees and a streak ot lightning zig-zagged down the blue-clouded sky. "Go on," said O'Beagan. "I will not," was the determined re sponse. "Why not?" "Because it is not so. Gerald Heath never murdered Bavelli." Gerald had stood motionless and silent. Now hejjave way to an impulse as remarka ble as his previous composure had been sin gular. If there had been stagnation in his mind, it was now displaced by turbulence. He grasped Mary's hands in a fervid grip; then dropped them, and faced the others. "I did not kill the Italian," he said. "He attacked me with my knife, which he had stolen. In the struggle his hand was cut, but I took the weapon away from him. He quitted me alive and unhurt I never saw him again. You don't believe it? Mary does, and that is more than all else." "The circumstances don't favor yon," the detective retorted; "they convict you. Yon killed Bavelli because you and he were both in love with this yonng lady." "Isn't it the rejected suitor who kills the other for spite?" This was in Mary Warri ner's voice, weak -but still steady. "Bavelli loved me, I know, and I drove him away. Mr. Heath loved me, I believed, and I had not repulsed him. If I were, the cause of a murder between them, it should be Bavelli who killed Gerald." . "You detested Bavelli?" O'Beagan asked, with a strange bitterness. "Yes." "And yon love Heath?" The answer was no more hesitant than be fore: "Yes." "Send the rest of my message," and the detective was boisterous. "Send the name. Gerald Heath is the murderer." He roughly seized her hand and clapped it on the key! She drew it away, leaving his there. A blinding flash of lightning il lumined the place, and what looked like a missile of fire flew down the wire to the in strument, where it exploded. O'Beagan fell insensible from the powerful electrical shock. The rest did not altogether escape, and for a minute all were dazed. The first thing that they fully comprehended was that O'Beagan was getting unsteadily to his feet He was bewildered. Staggering and reeling, he began to talk. Mary was the first to perceive the import ot his utterance. He was merely going on with what he had been saying, but the man ner, not the matter, was astounding. He spoke with.an Italian accent and made Italian gestures. "You-a send zemes-sage,"hesaidj "Heath eez ze murder-are. Send-a zee mes-sage, I say." Tonio Bavelli had unwittingly resumed his Italian style of English. His plentitude ot hair and whiskers -was gone, and in the face thereby uncovered no body could have recognized him in Detec tive O'Beagan, but for his lapse into the for eign accent; and he said so much before dis covering his blunder that his identification as indeed Bavelli was complete. Who, then, was thodead man? Why, he was Eph. ' Nothing but the fear of being himself condemned as a murderer of the maniac, as a part of the scheme of revenge against Gerald, induced Bavelli to explain. He had found Eph lying dead in the path, after both had parted from Gerald. , The plot to exchange clothes with the corpse, drag it to the furnace, burn away all possibility of recognition, and thus make it seem to be his murdered self, was carried out with all the hot haste of a jealous vengeance. Bavelli was not an Italian, although very familiar with the language of Italy, and able by a natural gift of mimicry to hide himself from pursuit for a previous crime. Over look had been a refuge, until his passion for Mary Warriner led him to abandon his dis guise. Thereupon, he had turned himself intoTerrence O'Beagan, a detective, whose malicious work wrought happiness for Gerald Heath and Mary Warriner. Copyright 18S9. All rights reserved. WIGS FOR THE PAIS. A Boston Girl Who Wears Several Colors Bering a Car?. There is a very pretty young married woman in society here, writes a Boston cor respondent of the Albany Argus, who lost all her beautiful dark locks a year ago through the use of patent bleaching preparations. So now she has to wear a wig until they shall grow out again in theiroriginal blackness. Batahe makes the best of the misfortune, and, having a(small number of artificial coiffures, varying in shade all the way from straw color to ebony hue, she is accustomed" to ask, the gentlemen of her acquaintance jocularly what hair she shall wear this day or that As long as the opportunity last, she says, she means to make the best of it by varying her com plexion at least three times a week. Her eccentricity reminds the writer of an old man he used to know, who always wore an ordinary brown wig on week days and ablack wig forbest on Sundays. Such a thing as wearing differentsortsof bangs on various oc casions is common enongh among girls, the correspondent is led to believe. And this reminds him of a yonng woman he knows who affects a good deal of the lack of senti ment and excessively common-sense ways characteristic of the Boston girL One even ing not long ago, a young man whom she cordially disliked had been making her a visit, gushing over, as usual in his conver sations, with idiotic compliments. At length, with an air and accent designed to be quite irresistible and heart-crushing, he said: "My dear Miss P., your hair is so beau tiful! Should I be venturing too gross a liberty if I begged you to give me one little lock of it?" "Not at all, Mr. K" replied the lady, in a perfect matter-of-fact tone. "You are quite welcome." ' And with that she deliberately detached a small curl from above her pint little ear on the left side, and gravely presented it, hair pin and all, to the importunate dude. Of course he took it He could not perceive that there was anything else to do. But he has not been to call on that particular young woman since, and she indulges great hopes that he will never come back any more. i To Reduce a Swelled Head. AtUnta Journal. 3 He had been out all night he told the tourist so but this morning he looked as fresh as a daisy. "B ," the tourist said, "how is it'tbatyou 4haven't a 'head' 'this morning?" "I have, sir, beastly head." "You don't look like it" "Well, sir, I'll tell you why. I never look sleepy in the morning. 1 wet the end of my finger in cologne and rub my eyelids gently with if, being careful not to get any in my eye. In'two. minutes all the sleepy feeling is cone and I look as if I'd had a full night's rest Thai's the whel seeret, sir, the waole HKK." ,-2&$&hjMi 1889. LIKE JAMES AND JOM Key. Bodges Compares the Actions of Many Christians to the APPEAL OP THE TWO APOSTLES. ThoHghtlessnes3 is the Point Where We Are Most Lacking. THE DEEAD CALAMITY AT JOHXSTOWN Upon a day in the week befoTe the cruci fixion, Christ and His Apostles are going up to Jerusalem. He has just been telling them the reason for their going. He has been trying to prepare their minds and to give them some idea of what they are going to. He has been trying to make them see the dark vision of the future, which he sees. "Behold," He says, "We go up to Jerusa lem." And this is what will happen there: "The Son of Man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn Hinvto deathand shall deliver Him to the Gentiles to mock and to scourge and to crucify Him." It is hard to see how the words could have been made plainer. Immediately, however, after the utterance of these sad and foreboding, sentences we read that a contention arose among these apostles as to which of them was the greatest, and as to which of them should have the best place in the kingdom of heaven. And when we read that we begin to get a dim conception of Christ's inexpressible loneli ness. To be alone, in the physical meaning of the phrase, is not altogether unpleasant sometimes. There are those who when most alone are least alone. Out ot their own thoughts they get sweet and satisfying com panionship. But mental and spiritual lone liness is one of the hardest of all trials, the sense of being misunderstood, the impossi bility of appreciation, the lack of sympathy, give bitterness to loneliness. This bitter loneliness Christ felt to the uttermost PBACTICAM,Y -4XONE. Behold Him here, the self-sacrificing, sur rounded by the self-seekingl James and John are the worst of these self-seekers, or at least the most outspoken. Even they have not the face to go to Him who walks alone and sad before them, and interrupt Him, urging their request. They get their mother to go. With some dim understanding -of the fla grant unworthiness and unseemliness of their request, they get behind her. They put her forward in their place. She comes and asks Him to grant her something. The words break in upon His musinz as He walks, and He stops and asks her what it is. "What wilt thou?" "Grant thatmy two sons may sit one on Thy right hand and the other on Thy left in Thy kingdom! " There was something worse here than the utter untimeliness of the request, worse even than the narrow, petty, office seeking temper which it showed; jt revealed an utter misconception concerning the Lord's whole life. Here was the petty, ambitious, un spiritual Jewish notion ot an earthly king dom. Again and again, had He tried to teach them different from that They would not be taught They would insist against His own repeated utterances, that somehow and somewhere the Lord was going to put on a splendid purple robe, and take a golden scepter in His hand, and put a jeweled crown upon His head, and gather about Him the armies of Judea, and drive out the Bomans, and make Jerusalem His capitol, and be a greater King than David with a wider kingdom than that of Alexander or Augustus. They insisted that there were to be actual thrones setup somewhere, made of gold studded with gems, and enriched with elab orate carvings 13 handsome thrones, Christ on the most magnificent one in the middle, and on the six at either side, these Gallilean peasants, no longer poor men, tax-gatherers, day laborers, fishing folk, no longer despised and insulted, but great, stately, rich, power ful, judging the .twelve tribes of Israel. James and John are very anxious about get ting the best seats of all. They will sit, one on the right hand and the other on the left of that great central throne." QUITE A CONTEAST. "I go," said Christ, "to be betrayed, mocked, spit upon, to be despised, to be re jected, to be crucified." "0, Master," broke in the ambitious mother, "give James and John the best thrones in Thy kingdom I" We can imagine with what sadness in His face, with what weariness and pain in His voice, the Master turns and answers, "Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the enp that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptisms that I am baptized with ?" "Are ye able to endure the tribulations and the trials which await me?" There is not amoment's hesitation. James and John have 'their eyes upon those two great, golden thrones. They see a way of getting above their fellows and seizing the most profitable and honorable offices. The path is open to the best seats. They under stand dimly that some condition or other lies between. The Lord has asked them if they are able to do something. What is there which they will not promise to do if they may Hut get this prize! And so they answer, "We are able." Oh, yes, able to do anything if you will only pledge us those best thrones. "We are able." Now you hear in these words the voice of utter thoughtlessness. And I beg to remind you that James and John are very common names. I am afraid that their words are very common words. I am afraid that I have said them, and so have you, a good J many times. EnilLAB MEANINGS. For here are words that mean nothing. They mean quite as much, however, as some of our own religious promises. We say our prayers at njght, looking back over the day. There is the old sin again the besetting sin of thought or word or deed. We ask God to forgive us and to help us. We promise to fight harder against that sin. And then the next night it is the same thing over again the same confession, the same prayer, the same promise. We are thoughtless. We are thinking aboni something else. We are saying words with our lips of whose real -meaning our hearts take but small notice. We do not really intend to make a great self-sacrifice, to give up a cherished sin, to fight any real battle. It is only James and John over again. I am alraid that there is still more of this distance between the lips and the will in the exercises ot our public worship. How many of our services, are, for a good many of us, little more than guild meetings of the great confraternity of James and John? The spirit of these foolish brothers descends upon us. We miss our prayer and praise entirely. -The service is as much a blank as the sermon is to the sleeper. The demon of thoughtlessness has stolen our opportunity. Some word in the prayer, some note in the voice of a singer, some sight or sound in the church takes our attention. "We go on list ening with our ears and pronouncing sen tences of praise or petition with our lips, and we might as weU be whirling a prayer wheel, so fa? as the spirit of devotion is con cerned in the matter- Will anybody deny this? Who will cast the first stone at James and John? A FEW QUESTIONS. I wonder how onr services sound to the earofGoU?, I wonder how mucj of them get up to him? Is there a full harmony of responding voices, or is there only a dim murmur; here and there, perhaps, a voice sounding clear, and that only at times? Do the prayers and promises go up clear and entire before the throne of grace, or are they broken and discordant? Sir Arthur Helps has suggested that it would be an immense advantage to use a peculiar kind of ink for printing history,, such that after a certain time all the untrue and mistaken portion wonld fade out and become illegible. What curious reading; some histories would be after that time had. pawed I How BiaByaajgiwveg would dis- I apMM. MTJWTKMMMiM-aTi tmme-w ,-AH.as., how many pages, chapters, and even vol umes, would become blank paper ! And if the same ink could be employed by pub lishers of writings upon themes theological, what an inestimable, what an unspeakable gain 1 But suppose now that some spell were upon us at all prayer times, so that only the real and true words, the words which we really meant, should getutterauoe at all 1 .Suppose that every syllable uttered alter the James and John fashion should be silent ! How wonld the service sound ? It would be queerer than a Quaker meeting. That is how it does sound in tbefear of God. MAYERS THAT ABE NOT SUCH. A good many prayers have no more pray-. Inn ... .T.A.M .linn f .I.A. tiinn ntltn "ATIO two, three, four, five," and ended with "forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty." They have just as much religious value as the rule of three. They are not prayer at all. "Golden vials, full of odors, which1 are the1 prayers of saints." That is what this same John wrote afterward, when he had grown a good deal in the grace of God that is what he wrote about religious utterance which means something. Golden vials, full not empty. I suppose that every company which comes to take the vows of Christian'disciple ship has some among the number who are like James and John, and do not know what they are doing. And presently when trial comes as it did come to James and John, when the promises need translation into performance, when the soul meets temptation, when the new-armed soldier has to fight some real devil, then it happens, as with James and John, that the pledged dis ciple finds out for the first time what the words meant which he took upon his lips. Pray then, oh Christian brethren, lor James and John. Sorely do they need it James and John spoke thoughtlessly, be cause they listened thoughtlessly. .They listened to the words of the Master, as peo ple listen to them to-day, in the Bible, or in sermons. They were strong, stern words. They asked a great deal. They spoke of suffering and sacrifice, of following Him even unto death. They promised a draught otthe chalice of woe, and a bath in the bap tism of pain. But James and John did not stop to ask what the words meant. Indeed, if they had stopped, and asked, and been answered, perhaps' they woujd still have said, "We are able," jnst as thoughtlessly, because thev would have mimicized the meaning of the demand. They wonld have said within themselves; "It cannot come to that; it cannot possibly mean all that. Yes, we are able. Only give us the thrones and the rulerships." THOUGHT HECESSABT. We are forever hearing without thinking, and reading without thinking. And so the hearing and the reading do not impress us, do not carry their meaning into our hearts. For thinking is the propulsion which drives ideas into onr minds and lives. It is like talking into a phonograph. It is the dis tinctness with which ,you speak which makes an impression on the wax of the cylinder which can be reproduced in accu rate sound. Distinctness is announced back distinctly. So thoughtful hearing makes thoughtful promising and thoughtful performing afterward. Even strong impressions pass away. Here are the dreadtul tidings of desolation and death in the valley of the Conemaugh. Our hearts are full of it We see in imagi nation that great and fatal wave hurrying down upon defenseless villages and towns. We hear the roaring of the flood and the cries of the dying. We see the gleam of the remorseless fire. We behold a waste of water where stood a busy city full of people. We wonder about the number of the dead. We picture the distress, the agony of the homeless, starved, grief-smitten survivors. We take all the dreadful things which have happened in this city the flood at Butchers' Bun. the disaster at Twenty-eighth street, he ruin of Weldin's store; we take them all and mul-tiply-them by a hundred' and then try to think of the state of things to-day in Johns town. And then, by and bye, we forget Some thing else takes .our attention. The misery of our friends and neighbors passes ont of our minds. A blessed thing that forgetful ness is possible. There is no doubt ot that. But, in the same way, only more easily and more speedily, impressions pass away which, if they stayed, would change onr lives. God sp'eaks to us and we forget it; we for get it because we do not thoughtfully enongh give heed when God speaks. A NEEDED -WAKTING. lam sure that we all need warningagainst this kind of thoughtlessness. Christ does mean jnst what He says. When He de clares that he who takes not a cross and fol lows after Him is . not worthy of Him. He means just what fie says. When He calls us to live clean, honorable, helpful lives in God's sight, He means that. God speaks in that word straight to every man's heart "Without holiness no man shall see the Lord." That is meant to be taken jnst as it stands. The sermon on the mount is meant to be.one rule of daily living. The Bible means just what it says. Not a letter less. Christianity means the imitation of Christ, carried into every act, every place, every thought and evenr minute of every day nothing Jess. But we fail to realize this. We hear it with the inattentive ears of James and John. And out of such inattentive hearing comes conventional Christianity. . Con ventional Christians are like conventional floweis. And you know that conventional flowers are stiff, angular and mathematically uniform suggestions of real flowers. They run along the frieze of a ceiling, one the very image of the other. If you have a strong imagination, or if you have been told beforehand, you may know what they are intended to represent, but the grace, the color, the roundness, the life of the natural flower are all lacking. The silliest fly would not take them for flowers. And we have conventional Christians, cast in ecclesiastical patterns, yielding to Christian faith and custom an outward conformity, a little like real .Christians, yet not real. There are Christians Christians in name who have no more conception of what it means to he a genuine Christian that James and John had of what they were saying when they said so confidently, "We ,are able." From this superficial and unnsual Christianity, fronf any presence of it in our wn hearts, good Lord, deliver us. Geoege Hodges. TICT1MS OP JtfEYES. They Are, aa a Rule, Extremely Selnsli People. '"Nervous" people, experience shows ns, are, as a rule, extremely selfish, says the Boston Herald. La femme nervense is the moat inconsiderate specimen of her sex. Her nerves have become a species of fetish which must be propitiated by the sacrifice of everybody's comfort except her own. She considers every action, both of herself and the world at large, primarily from the point of view of the effect which it will have on her nerves. ,If she happened to be omni potent, she wonld, no doubt, at once stop the movement of the earth, for fear of its giving her a "turn." Her sentiment of pity for the misfortunes of others is entirely blunted by her horror of the sight of pain and the sound ot woe. She exacts the utmost forbearance and sacrifice from others not for herself, but for her nerves and exempts herself from gratitude on the Same grounds. She tends, in fact, to become completely soulless, ac cepting all devotion as her due, bitterly re senting any resistance to her claims, 'and substituting for all higher spiritual life an egotistical form of pessimism, which is as delusive as it is difficult to combat. That she is not actively cruel is an accident; pas sively cruel r be is continually, without re morse or thought, and it is probable that when provocation and opportunity offered themselves simultaneously she would not stay her hand from directcruelty. AD In the Fnrally. Burlington Free Press. Little Boy Mamma, are you really going to marry an Italian count? , -PrettyWidow Tea, rav pet " xntueoy MeugMetuy; ua,wa j, BftggJBlia jwJg.nn THE MKE5IDE SPHIIX A Collection of EnipaM Ms for Home CracMng, Addras communications or tMs department to E.K. Chadboubit. LewUton, Maine. 617 X MTSTEET. s O, there are eyes that choose to weep Their bitter tears with me alone, But hopelessly from them I seek A friendly glance when I make moan. And there are lips that murmur low Their jojs and griefs Into my ears, Bnt it were rain from them, I know. To seek the friendly kiss that cheers. Thoso eyes and lips may sweetly smile, Their power I never, never feel; They never my this heart beguile, It is to tbem'as-heart of steeL. Ye readers of the human mind. Explain for me this mystery- Why lips and eyes to others kind Will not bestow a smile on me. S. 618 TBANSPOSITIOXS. Give us still the thoughts that jangle In the tantalizing tangle. Seeming sense and nonsense mingling With good rhyme and reason jingling. fjet ns hear the "Lezzup't" singing And tho merry "Iddlrr't" rmgine; With the "aemina's" to rhythmic With "o rap man" pantomimic. These may till an honr of leisure With a restful, harmless pleasure. C. 613 MAGIC SQUAEES TS MAGIC SQUARES. Arrange the numbers from 1 to 81 so that ths whole will make a magic squaro having thn sum of its lines, files and diagonals the same. Then, if the margiifal numbers are dropped, a magic sqnare will still be left, and the process maybe repeated until bnt one number remains, which will be the greatest common divisor of the sums of the several squares. B.K.KUS 620 AKCIENT BOOKS OF SAGES. To an old heroic time Wanders back my babbling rhyme, When the race great troths were taught, Clothed in enigmatic thought. . Wholesome lessons In disguise, Ambushed for a fall surprise: To the teachings that concealed All unconsciously we yield. A story told in fabled guise Once caused a monarch's ire to rise; His judgment on the wretch pronounced Unwittingly himself denounced. A woman wise, in widow's weeds. For this king's own son impleads Banished and his father mourns, Till his exiled son returns. "With her allegory caught, Captnred in the kindly plot The sad king may call his own. With a welcome from the throne. In what ancient books of lore Are these tales, and many more; Knowing that in all the ages Fables have been used by sages. S. 621 CUETAIL2IEST. Girls walk funny nowadays; Some like ropers, who are "high," Wiggle, snake like, 'long the ways; Can a body tell us why? All intoxicated! prime: Maybe mad, from fashion's craze; Tight shoes, is it? makes 'em go. Funny, moving 'long the ways. Tieht shoes twos instead of f oars, , Cause them to go so strange; Maybe, ere a year i3 o'er. Fashion and the walk will change. ASFXBO. 623 HOUR GIiASS. Across L Certain boards to game on. 1 Re lating lo the navel. 3. An altar screen, i. An inhabitant of Germany. 5. An Insect 6. A letter. 7. An Insect. 8. Firing of a building. 9. To send forth anew. 10. Hoofed quadrupeds. 11. A certain kind of grass. Diagonals Down and up, left to right ths same. Possibility of being remedied. Centrals Down. Without censure. A. C23 CHARADE. Blind must he bo indeed .") 1 Who takes no loving heed Of spring's sweet dawn. 'Twere right To soundly Jr j t the wight. Fold tired hands, sweet friend, Let care and worry end. Second, indeed earth's guest Who. can't afford to rest. Blindfold the weary eyes To vexing shapes that rise. The bnrden will fit the day: The third brings ever the way. Sing songs that thrnsh-like, clear, Bring to the heart good cheer. Not grief and misery's dole. Like him the dreary whole. JosErncra. 624 VERBAL OCTOPOD. Mv open month, by eight strong limbs, In only troubled water swims. Two members cut from either side. An ancient monster will abide. Both sides of me, again bereft, Still Fomewhat of old times is left .Cut off agajn from both, my beak In many an olden tongue can speak, As Saxon, Latin, Hebrew, Greek. XT. Cher. 625 EEVEESAIi. Bead forward I mean give ont or send: Bead backward something without end. Nelsostax ASSWEE3. 608 Moreover. Lnko xvl. 2LJ 609 (6) 3; 64. 610 Caprice, a pnee. price, rice, tee, C.E. E. 611 100 yards long; 7,833.98 sqnare yards in area. 612 Tastefulness. 613- S H B H ARISE BHRIVEL TRANSIENT EVAPORATIVE REDINTEGRATES C14 1. Bon-net. 2. Cyg-net 3. Gar-net. 4. Cor-net. 5. Son-net 6. Hornet 7. Sig-net. 8. SDijr-net. 9. Lin-net. 10. Spi-net. It Gan- net." 12. Jen-net. 615 Manes, names, means, unean, mane, amen, men, me, m. 616 Ass-ass-i-natlon. GREAT TBOOBLES AND SHALL. Bleetlns a Calamity With a Smile and Small Annoyance With Rages. The Tenth's Companion.? "Man is a bundle of contradictions." Ho breasts a calamity with a smile, and flies into a rage at some annoyance. When the foolish conduct of Landor, the scholar, had made it necessary for him to sell his per sonal property, transfer his real estate to his eldest son, and hurry off to the continent, he arrived suddenly at Mr. Forster's house in London while Dickens and other guests were at dinner. Dickens hastened to greet his friend, ex pecting to find him cast down; but the old man illustrated one of his notable sayings, "Most things are real to me except reali ties." He sat upon his bed, and talked in his most genial vein about Latin poetry. He went to Florence, and lived in rooms above those occupied by his friends, the Brownings, who used to send his dinner up to him every day. Dinner was to him an important event He wonld stand watch in hand as the bonr drew nigh, and if the dinner was a moment late, he would seize the dish and throw its contents out of the window. Mr. Brown ing's son says that when young he remem bers seeing a leg of mutton pass the win dow of his father's room, when it had been sent to the irritable old man a minute behind time. . A Remarkable Motor Plant. ' " A novel application of electrical trans-. )' mission is being made at the Nevada Mill of the Comstock. mines. A head of water of the height of 1,630 feet after leaTing the water wheel, k carried down the main shift l of the Chollar mine, and delivered ripe six wheels which operate dyBMMs'laTa chamber excavated at the botteaoftim baft. Tire dyasHBOs. in turn operate ete-r. mi mmw aw women miwy. miwmjBu m