Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 09, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 13, Image 13

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Where Sir Waller Raleigh Once Lived
1 and Ruled and V here
A'LoTely Spot in Ireland Hallowed bj the
Memories of
lCORKESrOTECE or Tint sisrxTCH.)
Maxlow, Ikelasd, May 27. About a
pood day's tramp east of Cork along the sea
is the sleepiest old city in all Ireland. This
is Youghal. Eochaill, or "the wood of the
yews," is its true Irish name; for some
where bJtween 20 and SO centuries
aCo, when the Milesians were prowjing
about here in their leather-bottom curraghs,
the surpassing loyeliness of the harbor-
scene was crowned by a noble forest of
yews, and these swept from the western
heights in billowy corves down to the very
edge of the romantio Blackwater, which
here reposeful finds its estuary and the sea.
The little old city winds alone the Black
water shore in practically a single street
with moldy warehouses and idle wharves at
the one side and with cavernous shops at
the other, behind which, like brown gipsy
tents in a mountain jungle of fragrance,cen
tury old cabins,mansions and villas are hid
den in a mass of foliage and bloom. No one
can tell why Youghal is here. Your eye may
sweep the wide, sunny harbor to the seahor
ixon in vain for glimpse of a single saiL
Even the great round sun looks in from
above the ocean over the rippleless bay as if
with passing, pressing demand for recogni
tion in reiponsive life. The white walls of
the shops.pierced with diminutive windows,
are glaring and dulL There is no sound of
footfall upon the stone of pave or street
Wooden blinds are drawn and barred. If
there be life within the shadowy silences
behind window and door, it must only be
perturbed that the stillness may never end.
There is not even at old Youghal life leftin
tephvr or breeze to shake the odors and
scents from the buds and blossoms of spring.
But there is a transcendent smile upon the
face of Youghal dead, or in trance. Only
in tropic land are such skies, such palpable
throbbmgs of nature's lavish life that will
pulse and thrill despite the sleep of human
activities, such miracle in foliage, marvel
in plant and shrub, and such delicious
languor in breath of myriad perfumed
flower. And it was an old, old mansion so
banked with myrtle, so bhaded by yews, and
so matted and massed by ivy that it could
hardly be found by a tip-toeing stranger in
the voiceless city that I had tramped all
the way from hospitable Cork to see.
Bnt there it stood, this old home of Sir
"Walter Baleigh, as lovely a picture as one
would wish to see; lovelier to-day, no doubt,
with its ivy-rounded gables than in the wild
and austere time in which it was built,
when the vengeance oi the Desmonds red
dened the fair valleys oi the Bride and
Blackwater with the crimson wine of war.
This fine old house, although it has under
gone many changes and "restorations," is
more than 400 years old; for the structure is
the identical one originally founded as a
collegiate establishment by the Earl of
Desmond in 1461, and was attached to the
Church of St. Mary, which dates back to
the thirteenth century. At the foundation
of the house the establishment consisted of
"a warden, eight fellows, eightsingingmen,
and the endowment was 600 per year."
Raleigh's first visit to Ireland, like those
of a long and illustrious line ot English
men before and since, was as a soldier of
fortune. He first came as captain in a body
of trooDS sent from Eneland in 1579 to as
sist Deputy Lord Gray do "Wilton in quell
ine the dangerous Desmond rebellion. His
intrepidity, remorselessness and still were
qualities which were in demand at Eliza
beth's court, and Baleigh's fortunate favor
there, under the brilliant and profligate
Dudley, shortly gave him 12,000 acres of
land about Youghal, in one patent, and un
der another, in 1586, under the Queen's
privy seal, an additional three seigniories
and a half were granted in the counties of
Cork andWaterford. This was Baleigh's
splendid porlion of the most heartless con
fiscation and plunder which ever occurred
in any land. Ear the vanquished Earl of
Desmond was the greatest, noblest and
richest subject of that time in all Europe.
Exclusive of his own subject vassals he had
over 500 gentlemen of his kindred and sur
name; no equal portion of Europe was so
dotted with noble castles and armed and
provisioned fortresses, and so rich in the
fruits of cultivation; while the confiscation
of his estates, at bis attainder, comprised
nearly 600,000 English 3cres, all of which
were parceled out "to Elizabeth's victorious
"With whatever admiration we may con
template Baleigh's splendid genius and his
daring and eventful career, or with however
much commiseration deplore his melancholy
and cruel taking off, it cannot be gainsaid
that through his share of this colossal Irish
Jriunder was first provided the means which
argely aided, if not actually made possible,
the impressive exercise of his tremendous
and intrepid energies; a fortune so out of
proportion to all just deserts that he was en
abled at one time to encase his feet in diamond-studded
shoes whose cost exceeded
It is difficult to determine just how many
years Baleigh occupied this fine old man
sion at YoughaL But it is certain it was
always more or less his loved retreat between
1586 and 1602, when by deed to the crafty
Bichard Boyle, afterward Earl of Cork, for
an ignoble sum, he disposed of his entire
vast Irish estates; and it is also certain that
Sir Walter retired to this spot after his
quarrel with the Earl of Essex, in 1597, at
the taking of Eayal, in the Azores, which
afterward contributed to the downfall of
Essex, until Rale'gh becime the English
Ambassador to the Netherlands in 1600. To
these visits and this residence the world un
doubtedly owes its knowledge of the
gentle poet, Edmund Spenser. The
latter, like Baleigh, was a court
follower in a small way, and his
real or imaginary services to the adherents
of Queen Bess, bad secured for him a pat
ent of dreary old Kilcolman Castle and
manor of about 3,000 acres, some 25 miles
to the north of Baleigh's home, in the val
ley of the Blackwater; but, unlike Baleigh,
no fortune or power, and little else' in mate
rial sense save loss, tragedy and final pov
erty and distress, came from Spenser's little
portion of the Desmond confiscation. But
Baleigh, genius and poet that he himself
was, generously recognized the greater
poet's true greatness, wanned bis heart with
sunny hospitalities, sustained his doubtful
dreamings with a strong and heartsome
friendship, and, in 1589, bodily took the
timorous Spenser to London, personally in
troduced him to the Queen, and that very
year saw the publication ot the first three
books of "Eaerie Qneene."
The old house at Youghal is still occu
pied. It is owned by, and is the residence
nf. the widow and family of the late Colonel
Eaunt, who purchased it from the Duke of
Devonshire. As it stands to-day, it is a
singularly apt Illustration of the now scarce
Elizabethan manor houses; and at first
glance one instinctively recalls Hawthorne's
"House of "the Seven Gables," or rather
identifies this mossy old structure in the
mind with Hawthorne's idealized house at
Salem; tfor the Baleigh house has just seven
gables, almost wholly bidden by ivy, which
has completely enfolded the quaint old
J'lace in such embrace that, in many places,
t would almost seem that its guarded
branches-would in time twist and crnsh the
walls into a ruined mass. Three gables are
on each side, and one forms a Queer old
peak in front Immense chimneys rise be- I
twees the side fables, and one in .front, J
above and behind the bay window of
Baleigh's study, pushes up to a great
height, the ivv winding about it in swirls of
foliage, until it bears a startling resem
blance to a diminutive, ivy-clad round
tower set up on the peak of some gray old
There is no doubt that below this fairy
tower Baleigh composed a number of those
works which would have given his name
the greatest luster with posterity as a writer
had not his close association with the
material activities of his time remorselessly
linked his name with those of the great sol
diers, discoverers and court diplomats of the
Elizabethan era. For here Spenser knew
and loved his "priceless friend" and brother
poet, whom he named "the summer night
ingale," and set the seal of his own fine
judgment upon Baleigh's poetical power, in
the line admitting no doubt of his genius,
"Himself e as skillful in that art as any"
I feel sure that anyone after loitering
about the lovely, leafy, silent old city of
Youghal, and then enjoying the glories of
the Blackwater with those of its sweet and
murmurous tributary, the Awbeg, andafter
a tramp from old Doneraile town set like a
squalid cipsy,encampment amid gorgeous
natural environs, to the level tract where
stand the ruins of Kilcolman castle would
agree with me in pronouncing the place one
of the loneliest spots in all Ireland. A vast
vale surrounds it; but as far as the eye can
reach there is scarcely a sign of human hab
itation. The once noble forests have disap
peared; only one little lake to the south can
be seen; and searching in vain for sight or
sound of human activity or nearness, only
the gray of a far horizon-edge settles leaden
ly down upon the Waterford Mountains to
the east, the heights of Kerry to the west,
the Nagle Mountains to the south, and the
Ballyhowra hills to the north. It is said
from the top of the castle a view of above
half the breadth of Ireland was once com
manded. If there was compensation in that
in Spenser's time, it could hardly be found
Kilcolman, or Cill-Colman in Irish, means
Colman's Church. There were above 60
saints Colman, and any of these, to one's
liking, may be taken as the patron saint of
this particular townland locality. The
castle, as the ruins indicate, however remote
its date of construction, must have been one
of strength and importance. The lower por
tion of the great quadrangular keep is in a
good state of preservation for about 30 feet
lrom the ground; one of its side walls,
showing a noble window, rises solidly and
firmly for perhaps 25 feet above this; and a
massive square flanking tower still lifts its
rough old walls to a probable height of 70
feet It must have been a weird and dreary
place for one of Spenser's fine nature.
a poet's love.
But two things of the gravest importance
to poet, prince or peasant came to this man
in nis 11 years of practical banishment here,
between 1587 and 1599. The first of these
was the chastening and exalting influence
of absolute self-denial.. The second was in
his wooing and marrying a woman "of mean
birth," who was so loyal, sweet and good
that Spenser never knew an unhappy hour
on her account during his life, more power
to women "of mean birth" for it .These
two good fortunes, despite bitter financial
straits on the one hand, and on the other
Irish "rebellions" of such startling fre
quency that every far Jine of trees, like
trembling siiouttes against the horizon,
undoubtedly took on the form of Desmond
and Tyrone avengers, made him sing as
no English poet before or since ever
sung. And in these true things of his
life lay the compensations for the later
days of poverty in London, where, as the
sequel proved, English indifference was
more fatal than Irish savagery, brought him
nothing save the loyalty of his companion
"of mean birth;" and he was allowed to die
in want in the land he had more infinitely
honored than any other who ever lived in it,
save Shakespeare.
There is but little here to remind of
Spenser now. So desolate is old Kilcolman
and devoid of suggestive association the
region roundabout, that the pilgrim hither
must perforce bring Spenser along in his
heart, and build the entire fabric of life,
home and haunts from his own loving fancy.
Only one real and sweet thingremains which
will always remain as if revealing the radi
ance of the poet's gentle presence. That is
the little river, Awbeg, the "Mulla" of his
joyous verse; more joyous and melodious
ever as it sings of him who sung on its
sunny, beauteous way to the Blackwater
and the sea. Edgab L. Watct-.tstax.
A Bartender of Genius Flashes a New Drink
Upon the World.
From the Milwaukee News. J
A genius burst upon the world last week.
He is a bartender and he makes a new
drink. This new drink has been called a
"Business Brace." Of course there are
hundreds of imitations of it already in the
market in the East, and it is one of the
humiliating things in our country that we
cannot patent a mixed drink. Some imitator
has published what purports to be the
recipe of this drink, and fraudulent
"Braces" are being served ont now at the
most popular bars. I have taken the trouble
to ascertain what the original and only
"Brace" Is composed of, and here are the in
gredients: Half a pint of champagne, a
pony of brandy, two lumps of sugar, six
drops of Angostura bitters, a thimbleful of
gin, six drops of citric acid and a bit of
lemon peek
An Active Member, However.
A small boy not more than 8 years old
was relating to his mamma the scheme of a
new society at his boarding school.
"It's the Amaranth," said he, "and you
get fined 1 cent for slang and 2 cents for
swearing. I owe 2 cents. I said 'damn.'
Will you pay it?"
"Yes," replied bis mamma; "tell me more
about it."
"Well, we've got a President and a Vice
President, and an editor editors are awful
sharp and a treasurer."
"And you, Cnarlie, what are you?"
"Me?" with much surprise; "oh, I'm only
a swearer; I pay in."
Fine WhlakTes.
Ill 1855, Pure Eye Whisky, full
quarts $2 00
18b0. McKim's Pnre Eye Whisky,
full quarts 3 00
Monogram, Pure Bye Whisky, full
quarts 1 75
Extra Old Cabinet, Pure Bye Whisky,
lull quarts. 1 50
Gibson's, 1879, Pure Bye Whisky, full
quarts 2 00
Gibson's Pure Bye Whisky, full
quarts 1 50
Guckenheimer Pure Bye Whisky, full
quarts 1 00
Guckenheimer Export,Pure Bye Whis
ky, full quarts 1 50
Moss Export, Pure Bye Whisky, full
quarts......... 1 25
1879 Export, Pure Bye Whisky, full
quarts 1 25
1880 Export, Pure Bye Whisky, full
quarts 1 00
Eor sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and
Pure Kto Whisky.
1852 XXX, full quart (2 00
1870 XXX, choice old cabinet 1 60
Choice old Gibson..: 2 00
Guckenheimer pure rye 1 00
XXXX old Monongahela l 00
. Wm. J. Eeidat, 633 Smithfield st
Golden pheasant awnings at Mamaux&
Son's, 537 and 539 Penn ave.
When bauy was sick, we gave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, she ciicd for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children,she gave them Castoria
Easiness Scotched but Not Killed by
the Conemangh Calamity.
New Homes Projected and a Word About
Diamond Street Improvement.
Thi business history of last week has al
ready been written. The Johnstown calam
ity knocked the life out of it Yesterday it
showed signs of recovery, but it will he some
time before it gets fairly on its feet again.
Stocks were dull and weak all through. The
total sales amounting to Wy 2,403 shares of
which Pittsburg Traction furnished nearly
one-half, followed by Philadelphia Gas with
550. Oil was in the same condition as stocks.
Bealty was fairly active, a number of im
portant deals being made. The number of
deeds recorded was 208, representing $502,
102. There was a fair movement in mort
gages, one being placed at i per cent, the
lowest rate on record for home money. The
number placed during theweekwasl88,of the
value of 5850,897. Thelargestwere:$S5iO00,fl5,O00,
$14,625, $10,375, J10,000, and nine from $5,000 to
A tip was given yesterday of a 510,000 deal on
Penn avenue, but neither the nature nor the
location of the property could be ascertained.
The renewal of interest on this great thorough
fare, after an almost total collapse, is one of
the signs ot the times, and should impress property-holders
with the fact that fancy prices un
der ordinary circumstances are about the same
as killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Next to Penn avenue Squirrel Hill and Oak
land have been the chief centers of interest in
the real estate market. But this should not be
taken to mean that other districts have been
neglected. Whllemoney fsabundantand cheap,
there need be no fear that lands and houses
will go a-begging for purchasers.
The new buildings at the corner ot Wood
and Diamond streets will soon be under root
They wiU cost probably 550,000. Other costly
improvements 'on Diamond street are in con
templation. Every day adds to the cost of the
proposed improvement What are its friends
dofngT It is a good rule never to put off tin to
morrow what can be done to-day. The way to
improve Diamond street is to improve it Talk
Is good, but action is better. A public neces
sity like this should not be suffered to lapse
into Innocuous desuetude.
"Economy" has written to THE DISPATCH as
follows: 4,I think the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company would save money and increase its
dividends by instructing its engineers and fire
men on the local accommodation trains, and
perhaps others, to use less coal They seem to
think that the maximum, pressure of steam all
the time is necessary to make schedule time.
The result is that a great deal more steam is
generated than is needed. A train never stops
at a station without "blowing off,' and it is
nearly always 'blowing off on the run. This
excess ot motive power involves a great waste
fuel. I have estimated that it amounts to
fully 5 per cent Of course enough steam is
needed to pull the trains on time, but there is
no reason why it should be wasted. In my
judgment and I have had considerable expe
rience a mean between maximum and mini
mum pressure would be about the right thing.
As econdmy of fuel is an important matter,
both to the road and Its patrons, as the cheaper
trams can be run the lower the fares, I trust the
officials of the company will give the above sug
gestions some thought"
The life insurance interest is reviving since
the Johnstown disaster. The uncertainty of
life, as exemplified in that awful calamity, has
caused many to think seriously and take steps
for the protection of their families. An agent
said yesterday: "I havodone more business
the past week than during the rest of the
year. Heretofore I have been compelled to go
to people; now they come to me. Whenever a
man gets Into a serious frame ot mind, he at
once thinks about life insurance. I have filled
out five policies to-day for amounts ranging
from 15,000 to $10,000. The latter is our limit
Young married men just starting in business,
and clerks take the lead. By this fore-thought
in case they should suddenly be cut off, they
put their families beyond the reach of want
If every man would do this there would be far
less misery in the world. There comes a cus
tomer now. Good day."
Building operations showed very little falling
off last week, notwithstanding the depression in
business caused by the flood. Legal authority
was given for the construction of 41 houses at
an estimated cost of $143,603. The largest per
mit taken out was by the Chautauqua Lake Ice
Company for three additional stories to their ice
depot in the Ninth ward, to cost 842.000. The
next largest was by the St Nicholas Catholic
Church for a three-story brick building in the
Twenty-seventh ward, the cost of which is esti
mated at 20,000. The large majority of the
permits were forsmallandmedium sized dwell
ings. The record is very good for an off week.
A long-needed Improvement in traveling fa
cilities has just been effected in the shape ot
an omnibus line, running from Hazelwond sta
tion up the avenue to the cemetery on the top
of the hill. This supplies a want that has long
been felt by the citizens of that section, and
will no doubt be the means of Increasing busi
ness and enhancing the value of property along
Hazelwood avenue. Apropos of this, it may be
stated that wherever Improved transit rapid
or otherwise, has been introduced in any of the
districts around Pittsburg it has been almost
immediately followed by a large increase of
population and better prices for land. This
fact should encourage the traction companies
to extend their lines as fast as posslbln.
The Stock Market Wind Up the Week
Dull and featureless.
The stock market was in the dumps worse
than ever yesterday, especially for Saturday.
It was all figures and no business. The only
sale being that of 17 shares of Switch and
Signal at 23, a decline. The tractions were a
trifle firmer and the gatsersa shade weaker.
The rest of the list was practically unchanged.
A better market is looked for this week, as a
large number of orders are expected. It would
require but a slight buyiwr movement to give
stocks a boost On the other hand nothing les
than a general bear raid would pull them down,
as prices are about as near bottom as they can
well get There was the usual demand for
bank and insurance stocks, but figures were
too wide apart to effect sales. Bids and offers
Bid. Asked.
Arsenal ? :-. a
Commercial National Bank 100
Illamona .national iuqk im x..
lluquesne National Bank. 140 ....
Xxcnanite National Bank so ....
Farmers' Deposit National Bank 400 ....
FifthATenne 40Jf
Freehold Bank 2 63
Masonic Bank SS 60K
Metropolitan National Bank 93
Flttsburc National Bank Commerce.. .IKJj ....
l'eople's National Bank -150
Union National Bank 300 ....
Keal Estate Loan and Trust Co, Al'gy SO
Third National Bank, Allegheny. 133 ....
... 40
IjltV..... -.
Hamboldt.. . t 40
Vennsylrania . 23
Teuton! GO
Union 48
"Western Insurance Co 0
Bid. Asked,
Ohio Valley .... 35
1'bUadelpMa Co. Z6H 37
"Wneelln U&iCo 30jj z
x - . iSld. Aaked.
Citizen1 Traction t 69tf 70
......... HVairflnn Rl K4L7
Central Traction Kjf
Pleasant Valley 185
I'lttsburg, Allegheny and ilncbester.2
Bid. Asked.
Allegheny Valley
Ashtabula and Pittsburg 30
Ashtabula and Pittsburg pref. CO
Pitts., McK. ft Yougb. B. B. Co EStf
P1tt I In. JfcSt- Irfrall 17
JkHttt.A.n'eiterBB.&iOo.ircf. i.
, Bid. Asked.
K.T.C. Gal Coal do 33
... M
Ewalt (43d street
Suspension Bridge Co. (6th street) 70 ..
Union "
Bid. Asked.
Westlnghouse Electric X "X
juscrxiJLNrons stocks.
Bid. Asked.
La Noria Itlnlng Co 1H
Monongahela "Water (Jo "
Union Switch and Signal Co 23 M
Wertlwrtiouee Air Brake Co 117 WH
The total sales of stocks at New york yes
terday were 85,901 tharos, including: Atchison,
8.341; Delaware. Lackawanna and western,
1.400: Lake Shore. 2,610; Missouri Pacific 2,600;
Northwestern. L3S0; Northern Pacific pre
ferred, 6,907; Reading. 3,400; St Paul. 12,000;
Union Pacific, 8,800; Western Union, 1.210.
Clearing House Business Cut Dowu by tbe
Johnstown Disaster.
Business at the banks was very quiet yester
day, scarcely anything being done except in
a routine way. Rates on loans showed no
change, and exchange and currency were even.
The week's clearings, as compared with those
of the same week last year, snow a falling off
of 1276,036 65. The depression caused by the
flood easily accounts for this deficit The
Clearing House report for the day. week and
year presents some interesting fapts. It is as
Exchanges t l,e83,4SS f
Balances " 1,S79,21J 67
Kxchinsei for the week 10,699,1o2 if
Balances for the week 1,92Z,C6 64
Exchanges, dally average 1.T6G 653 C9
Exchanges week of 1683 10,879,403 84
Balances week or 18SS 1,790,658 52
Exchanges last week. 12,743,673 31
Balances last week 1,732,166 68
Exchanges to date, 1889 280,665,4-641
Exchanges to date, 1883 al.SH40O68
Ualn 1889 over 18SS 29,131,(05 75
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easy with no loans; closed offered at 2 per cent
Fnme mercantile paper, 85J. Sterling ex
change dull but steady at ti STJiCfor 60-day
bills, and $4 89 for demand.
The weekly statement of the New York
banks, issued to-day, shows the following
changes: Reserve, decrease, $3,519,475, loans,
increase, 2,071,200; specie, decrease. 3,993,400;
legal tenders, decrease. $170,400; deposits, de
crease, 2,457.300; circulation, increase, 513,400.
The banks now hold 11,058,175 in excess of tbe
25 per cent rule.
Closing Bond Quotation.
IT. S. 4s,rec 128
V. S. 4s, coup 129
U. S. 4s, reg 106J4
U. S. 4s, coup. .....106S
Paclfioesof'M. Wh
Loulsianattamped4s o
Missouri ss 102)
lenn. new set 6s. ...107
Tenn. new set. 5s....l02!4
lenn. new set. 3s.... 75V
Canada bo. 2ds 99M
Cen. Pacific, Ists U6H
Den. & K, G., Ists...ll9
Den. ft R. O. 4s 82S4
D.R.G.Wesr,lsts. 102
Frle, 2ds 104
U.K. 4T. Geo. 63..C0H
M.K.ftT.Gen.5s.. S5W
Mutual Union 6s... .W-H
N. J. O. Int Cert...H5H
Northern rac. lsts..H9X
Northern Bac. 2ds..ll5
Northw't'n consols.l46J
Northw'n deben's..H3tf
Oregon Trans. 6s VH!i
St. L. 41. JL Gen. 6s 85
St. U& 8. V. Gen. A1121
Si. Paul consols 1&K
St. JP1, Chl&Pc.lstslW
Tx., PcL. G.Tr. Bs 87K
Tx..BcK.G.Tr.Kcts 38
Union fac. lsu u
West bhor. 109X
NEW York Clearings to-day, 150.875,974;
balances. 85.951,432. For the week Clearings,
$736,524,576; balances, t3S,77H,451.
Boston Clearings. $15,880,161; balances,
1,626.743. For tho week-Clearings, 91,154,953;
balances, 11,228, 120.
Baltimore Clearings, 11,809,807; bal
ances, 5305,143.
PHiLA.DKi.pnrA Clearings, to-day, 111.403,.
453, balances, S1,912,78L For the week Clear
ings 72,787,405. balances, 10,944,079.
London The amount of bullion gone Into
tho Bank of England on balance to-day Is
St. Louts Clearings to-day, 3,076,295; bal
ances. fo.i5.946. For this week Clearings, $20,
427,334; balances, $4,401,712; for same week last
year, clearings. 16,357,666; balances, $2,116,149.
OH Broken Amnio Themselves With Domi
noes While Waiting and Wntchlne.
The oil market was firm at tbe opening yes
terday, but weakened toward the close, with
indications of lower figures this week. The
first sale was at 82, the highest point of tbe
day. The market then dropped to 82, around
which it hung the rest of the day, and at which
it closed. Trading was light and scalping un
profitable, owing to the narrow range of fluc
tuations. While waiting for something to turn
up some of tbe boys killed time by playing
dominoes. The top nrice reached during the
week was 83 and the" bottom 81. The week's
clearings were 2,996,000 barrels.
Fcntnrca ot the Market.
Corrected dally by John M. Oauey & Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange,
Opened 82541 Lowest giH
Highest... 82hUlosed 82H
Average runs 48,549
Average shipments 69,578
Average charters 49,616
Eeflned, New York, 6.90c.
KeHnei, London, 5 U-16d.
BeSned, Antwerp, 17f.
Keflned. Liverpool, 6 516d.
Carrying, NewTforti flat; Oil City, flat: Bradford,
flat; Pittsburg, 25c premium.
Other Oil Markets.
On. Crrr,
June 8. National
transit cer-
HUMwauuvu . 0.741;, Aiiucsb, oxic: lowest,
82c; closed at 82Kb. Sales. 29,000 barrels;
clearances, 432,000 barrels; charters, 51,666 bar
rels; shipments, 130,507 barrels; runs, 58,121 bar
rels. PrrrSBtnto, June 8. Petroleum quiet;
national transit certificates opened at e2&c;
dosed. 82?c; highest 82Kc; lowest 82Ja
Bbadi-ord, June 8. National transit certi
ficates opened at 82c; closed at SAia; high
est 83Kc; lowest, 82c. Clearances, 168,000
A. a McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, 81S13c;
calls, $;,
Some of the Biggest Keal Estate Transac
tion! of the Season.
Kelly & Rogers, the well-known real estate
brokers of 6315 Station street, East End, closed
one of tbe most important real estate deals
made lately. In the sale of the W. W. Young
property, situated on Penn avenue, East End,
to J. R. Bush and others. This property con
sists of six acres of the finest and best located
land in the East Liberty Valley. The purchas
ers intend sub-dividing this beautiful property
Into lots, on the villa plan, and making it one of
the most desirable residence locations in the
East End.
W.W. McNeill 4 Bro. 105 Fourth avenue,
sold to James Nesbet the property No. 4661
Oanwisch street Sixteenth ward, city, being lot
25x130 to a 25-foot alley, and having thereon two
frame houses, for $1,850. They also sold two
small mortgages of $800, five years at 6 per
cent on property in the Second ward, Alle
gheny; also one of 1,300 on city property, three
years, at 0 per cent
John F. Baxter, 512 Smithfield street, sold lot
No. 109 Baum Qrove plan, triangular shaped,
situate on the north side of Baum street and
near Hiland avenue, to W. F. Meyers, who will
immediately commence tbe erection of a stone
Reed B. Coyle & Co . 131 Fourth avenue, sold
lot 180 in tho Marion Place plan for $250, size 25
X165. Tbey also placed a mortgage of $1,800 on
a property at Homestead for three years at 6
per cent.
Black & Balrd, No. 05 Fourth avenue, sold to
Louisa Sarner for Lowrle & Fllnn a two-story
brick house in Cable Place, Oakland, with a
triangular-shaped lot 42 feet front, for $3,000.
They also placed a mortgage of $0,500 for five
years at 5 per cent and no State tax on a prop
erty on Penn avenue.
UU Love sold for the Shrolev estate 80x160
feet, facing tbe railroad, opposite the stock
yard?. East End, to Julius Voetter and J. M.
Denholm for $3,500. This was an Orphans'
Court sale. He also sold a lot 22x100 leet in
John A. Eckert's plan on West Market street
Allegheny, to Mrs. M. J. Morton for 000.
L. O. Frailer, corner Forty-flfth and Butler
streets, sold for the dross estate a largo lot of ir
regular shape, situate on tho west side of Wine
biddle avenue, near Penn avenue. Twentieth
ward, and extendlng-through to Gross street
to George Wright, Jr., for 6,434.
The Number of Permit Issued Last Week
Make n Good Showing.
Permits were taken out last week for 41
buildings, at an estimated cost of $143,903. The
following Is the list:
John Flood, one frame two-story, 16x32 feet,
on Hancock street between Thirty-third and
Dickson streets, Thirteenth ward. x
M. Bulk, one frame, one-story, 16x16 feet on
corner of Beelsn and Boston streets. Fourteenth
S. and M. Gilmore. three frame two story,
45x30 feet, on Elm alley near Knox avenue.
Thirteenth ward.
William Gtasscr. one frame two-story, 20x32
feet "n Edmond street near Liberty avenno,
Sixteenth ward. ,
James Lyons, one frame two-story, 21x14 feet
on Elvslan street between Hastings andTlfth
Jvenue,.Xwenty - seconl,ward. j
Owen.Bmith, one frame two-story, 18x32 feet,
on Hastings street between Linden and Rey
nolds street Twenty second ward.
Charles Dressing, one frame two-story, 18x44
feet, on Keystone street, between Fifty-first
and Fifty-second streets. Eighteenth ward.
George Preston, one brick two-story, 83x40
feet on Penn avenne, between Homewood and
Lang avenues. Twenty-second ward.
Otto Plaultzer. one brick three-story, 24x71
feet, on 2518 Sarah afreet Twenty-fifth ward.
St Martin's congregation, one frame one
Story addition, 14x2f feet on 165 Steuben street,
Thirty-sixth ward.
A-0 Jarre tt, oqe frame IJfstory. 16x32 feet
on Berg street near Clover, Twenty-Beventh
W. G. Conard, two frame two-story dwellings,
16x82 feet onBergstreet Twenty-seventh ward.
Ii J. Beam, one brick two-story dwelling, 30.8
J37 feet on Howe street, near Shady avenue,
Twentieth ward.
Bingham M. E. Church, one brick two-story
dwelling, 22x50 feet, on. Thirteenth street be
tween Carson and Bingham streets. Twenty
eighth ward.
P. Jacobs, one frame two-story dwelling, 17x44
feet on Edmond street between Penn street
and Liberty avenue, Tventieth ward.
Soho Building Company, two frame four
ftory,x2l feet on Forbes avenue, between
Boston and Brady streets. Fourteenth ward.
Ceclla Harper, two frame two-story, 80x32
feet, on McCandl ta street near Wickleff street
Eighteenth ward.
Edward Wettengel, one frame two-story,
20x32 feet, on 25VJ Steubet street, Thirty-sixth
John McGaw, two brick two-story. 42x48 feet
on Independence street Thirty-sixth ward.
J. J. Blank, one frame two story, 20x43 feet
on Larimer avenne, between Meadow and
Carver streets, Twentv-flrst ward.
Chautauqua Ice Company, three additional
stories on ice depot 100x225 feet on Pike street
between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, Ninth
P. Molden, one frame one-story, 30x40 feet,
on Greenfield street Twenty-third ward.
Q. G. Jones, one frame two-story dwelling,
12x25 feet on Watt's lane. Thirteenth ward.
Eliza Hindmarch. one frame one-story addi
tion, 12x16 feet on 105 Eureka street. Thirty
first ward.
E. H. Dreuner, one frame two-story, 20x32
feet on Greenbusb street near Boggs avenue,
Thirty-second ward.
John V. McGlffln, one frame one-story, 10x12
feet on Virginia avenue, near Shiloh, Thirty
second ward.
John Flood, one frame two-story, 16x32 feet
on Hancock street, near Dickson street,
Thirteenth ward.
M. Bulk, one frame one-story, 16x13 feet on
corner of Beelin street and Boston, Fourteenth
Charles Mitch el, one frame two-story, 18x30
feet on Alley alley. Thirty-first ward.
Fred Kohles, one frame one-story, 18x20
feet, on Oak street Thirteenth ward.
J. a Shaffer, oue brick two-story, 14x34 feet
on Dinwiddle street corner of Reed, Eleventh
Joseph Weber, two frame two-story, 34x34
feetcorner of Harcum's alley and Thirty-third
street Twenty-fourth ward.
Joseph Keetlng, one brick two-story, 50x18
feet, on rear of Josephine, between Twentieth
and Twentv-flrst streets. Twenty-seventh ward.
Martin Harwood, one frame two-story, 16x19
feet on Gilmore,near Ward street Fourteenth
Fred Tewfel, one brick three-story, 80x48
feet, on No. 1004 Carson street. Twenty-ninth,
Michael End, one brick two-story, 24x33 feet
on Carey alley, between Twenty-eighth and
Twenty-nintn streets, Twenty-fourth ward.
St Michael's R.C. Church, one brick three
story, 40x80 feet on corner of Fifteenth and
Pals, Twenty-seventh ward.
Shannon estate, one brick four-story, on 108
Fourth avenue. Second ward.
A. Weidman, one brick two-story, 20x60 feet,
on No. 1300 Carson street Twenty-eighth ward.
Adam Manus, one brick two-story, 82x22 feet
on 611 Carson street. Twenty-ninth ward.
James Magee, one brick three story, 25x123
feet on Fifth avenue, between Chestnut and
Mageo streets, Sixth ward.
Bearish Influences Depress the Market nnd
Almost the Entire List Closes Lower
Gold Exports and Bank State
ment Wet Blankets.
New York, June 8. The stock market was
'dull to-day, and, while showing some strength
at first became weak In all its departments,
and the result of the trading was to leave al
most everything on the list fractionally lower
than lasteveninc. The reports of new troubles
in rates in the West and Northwest had the
effect of making a very ragged opening, and,
while the changes from last evening's figures
were fairly divided between gains and losses,
the important differences were in the direction
of lower figures and Jersey Central was down
and New England and Northern Pacific
per cent each. There was an active manipula
tion of the Gould stocks, andWabash preferred
became one of the leaders in point of activity,
and, with Missouri Pacific, showed the way in
the limited upward movement which followed
the first sales. The rest of the list sympathized
to a limited extent, though Jersey Central and
the Vanderbilts displayed positive strength.
In the Vanderbilts there were rumors of a
probable capitalization of the betterments on
the New York Central and a probable extra
dividend this year. The upward movement
however, did not extend much beyond the first
hour, and the influence of the exports of gold
began to bo felt and when the bank statement
was issued, showing a loss of over 1,500,000 in
reserve, the downward tendency became more
pronounced and the early gains were soon
wiped out most of the list going below tbe
opening figures, Tbe trusts were not so active,
and little strength was shown in them, their
fluctuations being on par with those of the regu
lar list The market finally closed with a fair
degree of animation, but weak at the lowest
prices. The Chesapeake and Ohio stocks were
specially weak, and the common recorded a
decline of 1 per cent but while tbe rest of the
list is almost invariably lower to-night, the
losses are for small fractions only.
The dealings in railroad bonds were also
small and unimportant and the movements
without special significance. Tbe sales of all
issues reached only 511,000, and the final prices,
while generally in the direction of higher fig
ures, snow few Important changes.
The following table snows the prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected aallj for The Dispatch by Whit
ney & Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue:
ing. Am. Cotton Oil... S9K
A ten.. Top. ft a. v.... 45)2
Canadian Pacific
Canada Southern. 6434
Central ofNewjersey.l05)i
Central Pacini.
CbesaDeakeft Ohio.... 21
C. Bur. A OulbcT. ....W3
est 5M. 44
C Mil. St. Paul.... 73X
c, mii ft tit. p., pr.
C, MockL ftP 9834
C St. L. ft Pitts
C, St. L. ft Pitts, pf.
C St. P.. it ft U
c, st. P..M. o., pr. ....
C. ft 'ortnwe3tern....li34
G.& Northwestern, pt ....
U.C. O. &1 71X
Col. Coal ft Iron 3
Col. ft Hocking Val .. U
Del.. L.41V. 144
Del. ft Hudson U3U
DenverftKloO - 17M
Denver ft Elo G.. nr.
E. T Va. &Ua lOtf
K. T.. Va. ft Oa. 2d pf. 24X
Illinois Central
Lake Erie ft Western
Lake irle ft West. pr.. S1H
Lake Shore ft M. S. . 10S
Louisville ft NashvUle. 70M
Michigan Central 1,4
Mobiles Ohio
Mo., h.. ftTexas
Missouri Pacific 7554
. V.. L. K. ft W 23
X.Y., L. E. 4.W., pref . .
. V.. C. ft St. L 175
i. x., c. ft st. L. or.
N.Y.. O. ft8t.L. 2d nf 3)i
H.YftN. E 47
a. Y.. o. w is
Jorfolk Western
ti orfol k ft Western, Dt.
Northern Pacific 23J4"
Nortnern Pacific nref. esK
Ohio ft Mississippi 22
Oregon Improvement 53)4
Oregon Tranicon S3J4
PacincMall 35
Peo. Dec. ft Kvans .
Phlladel. ft Heading.. $
Pullman PMare Car
Blchmona ft W. V. C. 2534"
Klchmond ft W.P.T.pr ....
St. Paul .i-Dum til
St. Paul ft Dnlutlipf.
St. P., .Minn. ftMan
ai.li. ftSan Fran 2SI4
St. L, ft San Pran pr.. 6Q)i
St. L. ft San P.lst pf.
Texas Pacific 23
Union Pacific 63H
Wabash 16
Wabash preferred 28X
Western Union 88
Wheeling ft L. K 70J
National Lead Trust.. 29J
Sugar Trust 105
93 KH
UiH 113X
Btstoo blocks.
A.ftT. andGr't7s.IC8KI
Atch. 4 Top. It K... 4-IJ,
Wis. Central, com... 19
Wis. Oiitral pX,... 46tf
AllonnzilgCo(ncw). So
franklin. ...- S
Huron............ 1
Osceola. ......... .... s
Pewable (new) 2
qnlncr..... m S3
Bell Telephone... ..5W
Boston Land H
UiurPmer .... 611
jioaioaA Aiuany...zis
Boston ft Maine..... 90
a. ii. ftQ. 103M
Unn. Ban. ft Caere. 2H
Eastern B. K 81
Fllntft rere.ll 2S
flint ft Pen M. pro. KH
K.CSt J.ft C.B. 7s. 122
Mexican Cen. com., HH
Mex.C lstmtg.bds. G4H
.N. Y. new tine... 46
Old Colony. 174,H
Tamarack.... 106
San Diego.. ..... 25
Pbllndrlpbln Stock.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, tot
nlslied br Whitney ft Stephenson, broken. No. ST
Fourtu avenue. Member Xtw York iatecfc ex
change. Bid. Jksted.
Pennsylvania JiallroAd, -..SIX j. W.
lflH is
S3 fn.
71) 70
Readlnc Railroad..- Wi
Buflalo. Pltubure and Western..... 11
Lehlch Valley 53M
Lehigh .Navigation 61
U. Co. "iKiv Jersey JSIH
Northern Pacific 29
Northern Paclflo preferred..; KJi
Condition of the Market at the East liberty
Stock Yards.
East hmxwrr, June 8, 1889.
CAttxi Receipts, SS0 head; shipment,
none; market nothing doing; all through
consignments; no cattle shipped to New York
Hoos Receipts. 300 head: shipments, 200
bead; matket Arm; all grades $4 5004 65; no hogs
shipped to New York to-day.
Bhizp Receipts. 000 head; shipments, 2,000
bead; market slow at unchanged prices.
Jndse Ewlns? Cornea to the Belief f GrnC,
Bennett Ss Co. Other Court News Yes
terday. Judge Ewlng yesterday made a decree re
ducing the city assessment on the property of
Graff, Bennett & Co., In the Thirty-third ward.
The property now belongs to a syndicate com
posed of James W. Friend, James M. Bailey
and James Piccands. It was assessed at $430.
738. Of this 140,000 was for Improvements and
machinery and $290,736 for houses and lands.
An appeal was taken, and Jndge Ewine yester
day rednced the assessment to 225,000 on the
land and houses and (50,000 on tbe (mprove
mtens and machinery, a total of 275.000.
Crlmlnnl Conrt Proceedings.
In the Criminal Court, yesterday, George
Roberts was sentenced six months to the-work-house
for larceny. Mike Dickson; for larceny,
received three months in the workhouse. John
Krnsa, on two charges of larceny, was sent 16
months to the workhouse. Thomas Sailor, for
larceny, received three months In the work
house. George Shields was sentenced two
years in the penltentlarv for entering a build
ing with intent to commit a felony. James Frew,
on two charges of larceny was sentenced three
years to the penitentiary.
The Divorce Conrt.
Jacob A. Armstrong yesterday sued for a di
vorce from bis wife. Rose A. Armstrong. In
fidelity was alleged. J. II. Rourk, Esq , was
appointed commissioner in the divorce case of
Mrs. Maggie Thomas against Fred Thomas.
Alexander McFarland, Esq., was appointed
commissioner in the divorce case of Mary J.
Anderson against William Anderson.
- Brief Court News.
Tee commissioners in the matter of the di
vision of Penn township yesterday filed their
report They recommended that it b;divided
Into two townships, and suggested a linn of di
vision. John Nish, C. A. VVilbelm and J. Manke
dick, commissioners, yesterday filed their re
port recommending the division of Fayette
township into four election districts, and sug
gesting tbe boundaries.
Jomr Haetz, William Berklng and W. K.
Shaw, the commissioners appointed to divide
Indiana township into more than two election
districts, yesterday filed their report They
recommended that three districts be made, and
suggested the boundary lines.
Latest Fad in Washington Squeezlom That
Lead to Other Squeezing.
It seems as if the poor little lemon had ar
rived at tbe beighth of its usefulness when
made to do duty, with the adjunct of 10
cents' worth of citric acid, for a barrel of
lemonade; but now the "Progressive Lemon
Party" is brought to the front, and here it
plays a part unassisted by any chemical
compounds of itself, says the Philadelphia
Record. A prominent Washington lady
issued invitations last week which read:
At home Tuesday, 7r.lt,
Please bring a lemon.
Of course, everyone who received one of
these mysterious summonses was consumed
bv curiosity. It reminded one of the inci
dent of a Southern Senator who received a
card with the cabalistic letters signifying
that the owner had "called in person." Not
understanding the etiquette of Washington,
he sent his card in return, with the letters
"S. B. N." in one corner. What could it
mean? No one seemed to know, so the re
cipient determined to ascertain if possible.
The next time he saw his friend he re
marked: "Say, Senator, what do theletters
'S. B. N.'mean on your card?" "Why,
sent by a'nigger, of course."
After greeting each guest the hostess asked
her to "take her lemon to the dining room
and register." Tbe dining room was a blaze
of golden light from the tiny fairy lamps
with yellow shades. The dining table had
lemon-colored silk napery, which was re
lieved by flat center piece of delicate ferns
and Catharine Hermet roses. At a side
table sat a lady and gentleman, who, all
were informed, composed tbe "Squeezing
Committee." This committee took the
name on a register, and tied a ribbon,
marked in such a way as to be distinguish
able, on each lemon. After the arrival of
all the guests and the marking of all the
lemons, they were invited to again as
semble in the dining room while tbe
"Squeezing Committee countedtthe seeds."
Each lemon was cut in half, the seeds ex
tracted, and, alter being counted and duly
accredited to the owner on the register, they
were placed in a beautiful transparent glass
The lemon was taken by the "Squeezing
Committee" and "squoze" into an immense
punch-bowl. The guests were then invited
to a repast of strictly lemon made edibles
lemon ice, lemon ice cream, lemon cake,
lemon jelly, sardines and lemon, lemon
cream pie, and every concelvcsble sort of
lemon flavored food. Placed beside each
plate was a bunch of yellow ros.es tied with
a satin bow of the same shade.
After partaking of this unique repast, the
glass bowleontaining the seeds was placed on
the table and a prize offered to her who
should guess the number of seeds therein,
and a "booby prize" to him who should
hazard the least accurate guess. After
numerous methods, both fair and foul, had
been resorted to, and each "guess" had been
duly registered, tbe seeds were counted and
the prizes awarded. The winner ot the
grand prize, coming within three of the cor
rect snmber, received an exquisite lemon
colored class lemonade bowl, while the
"booby" was made happy with a wooden
lemon-squeezer. A prize was then awarded
toiler whose lemon contained the most seeds,
and other to her who had the fewest Mean
while, skillful hands bad prepared a punch
in the large bowl into which tbe lemons
were squeezed. ,
A Cat Lover's Pet Goats A Countess ia a
The Countess dela Torre, who used to
make herself somewhat obnoxious with her
tribe of cats in Kensington, is now sojourn
ing at a small inn at Gerard's Cross with a
flock of goats. The noble lady, clad posi
, tively after the fashion of a herdswoman, in
a full cotton skirt and blouse bodice, roams
the country with her four-footed triends,
sometimes, it is said, even sleeping among
them at night, in truly pastoral fashion,
says the Philadelphia Record. She has not
deserted her penchant for cats, of which, she
still keeps a large number.
The Countess Crosy, of the 0I4 nobility of
Austria, has gone on the road with her cir
cus troupe. She will take it to Paris before
the Exposition closes.
BrrrEBS of .men's or youths' suits to the
amount of $10 or upward at Gusky's great
.annual fine suit sale are presented with a
ticket good for admittance to any champion
ship baseball game played this season at
Recreation Park. Now, you baseball en
thusiasts, we show you tbe wav to get better
values in suits than was ever known before,
and at the same time show you the way to
sec your lavorite game played free of
Black Silks We are showing unpre
cedented bargains ia black gros grains,
failles, arm lire t, Peau da Soie, iiervielieux
And Bhadam.es, from Z5o to $2 a yard.
Postmaster General Wanamaker yesterday
inspected the postofflce fn New York City.
Bitting Ball, who has been seriously ill of
pneumonia, is much better and is considered
out of danger.
The convention of the Women's Home
and Foreign Missionary Society, In session at
Baltimore, adjourned yesterday, after fixing
the next convention at Canton, O. The officers
elected for the next two years are as follows:
Mrs. J. T. Detwiler, of Omaha. Neb- President:
Mrs. A. V. Hunter, of Columbia City. Jiut, and
Mrs. M. F. Stewart of Peabody, Kan Vice
Presidents; Mrs. Seitna Belmer. Cincinnati,
There is a lively stir and excitement among
the inhabitants of the Delaware Blver Valley,
near Lordvllle and iSquinunk stations, on the
Erie Railroad, over the actions of a peculiar
religious body there, who call themselves
"Holiness People," and who practice the faith
cure. A large sect has been established, bnt
the general community is decidedly against the
scheme, and threats of summary chastisement
of the leaders have been made.
The disposition of the wrecks of the Van
dalla and Trenton, which were destroyed at
Apia, Samoa, has been under consideration by
tbe Navy -Department Admiral Kimberly
recommended that the ships be abandoned, and
it is likely they will be. By using the divtag
apparatus of the British sbip Calliope many
valuables of both ships were saved, and with
tbe assistance of the natives, who are natural
divers, all the guns of both ships were secured.
Captain George A. Annos, tho retired army
officer who assaulted Governor Beaver in
Washington last March, is a lucky man. The
eourt martial which tried him for the assault
on the Governor, and for various offenses com
mitted on March 4, sentenced bim to dismissal,
but the President commuted tbe sentence to
deprivation of the right to wear his uniform
for five years and he confined for the same
period within limits prescribed by tbe Secre
tary f War.
A law suit resulting from .a "business trans
action with the former Napoleon of Wall Street
Henry 8. Ives, and his partners, was com
menced in tbe Common Pleas Court at Cleve
land yesterday by Messrs. Charles H. Potter fc
Co. The defendants are Henry S. Ives, George
II. Stayner. C. A. H. BartlettIehlon C. Marsh,
Henry A. Taylor and James Deshler, executors
for the State of New Jersey and temporary ad
mmistratora for the State of New Yorkfor the
estate of Christonher Meyer, and also William
N. Cromwell, assignee in insolvency of the firm
of Henry S. Ives fc Co.
Secretary Blaine was too busy yesterday to
say anything about the report that Patrick
Egan .bad been recalled lrom Chili, tmt his pri
vate se'cretary vouchsafed the information that
Mr. Blame lad made up his mind neither to
deny nor affirm newspaper statements ot this
kind. Mr. Walker Blaine, lowever, made a
positive Gonial that tbe cablegram bad been
sent- "Tlierejis no trnxn in tne story.-- ne saia.
"No charges have Do8n made to the depart
ment again st Mr. Egan, and until they are tbe
Secretary will-take no action. Beside, it would
be very foolish to send-a cablegram to a man
who Is on tho water, only half way to his des
tination." Asensatlcn was caused at San Francisco
yesterday by the .disclosure that .Morns C.
Baum. a prominent Republican politician and
Secretary of th 1 "Republican Connty Commit
tee, was a fugitit'e in Europe.havniglert behind
110,000 in notes hearingaorged indorsements.
Baum cut a wide -swath in tbe last campaign in
tbe State, and w as chief among those who
charged frauds att tbe ballot box against the
local Democratic leaders. He was a .sharp
young lawyer and "bad -a. large business, but
gambling and women ruined him. To pay
poker losses he drew notes and Indorsed them
with tbe name of j'lis brother-in-law, Simon
Anspacher. Beside ..the forged notes Baum
left fully 10,000 in email debts to -scores of
In recognition of tb e valuable services ren
dered by King Mataa.Xa m saving life and
property on the occasion'' the .recent hurri
cane in Samoa, the Navy department to show
its appreciation of the K-Uirs conduct has de
cided upon sending bim a whaleboat -ot the
latest improved bailor. It-will be clinker built
of tbe finest material to be- obtained, and the
fittings wm be in keeping -with the rest of the
boat It will be built in tho navy yard at Mare
Island, California. When ctunpleted the boat
will be sent to King Mataafa.. accompanied iy
an autograph letter from Priiaident Harrison
testifying. In the highest posslWe .manner, to
the bravery exhibited by King M ataafa and his
men, on March 15 and 15, in reiieuing so many
of tbe American sailors. Tbe b oat will lie ac
companied to Apia by a committee of tbe aur
viving officers, and it is expected Ibe party will
leave italifornla about the middle' of August
A New York Congressman's OiiinIn.
Hon. Timothy Campbell, the trell-known
New York Congressman, was in the city
yesterday, a guest of T. Q'Eeary, Esq. Mr
Campbell came on business to Pittsburg,
but was detained for a number of days by
the accident He thinka Pittsburg . great
city, surpassed by none in energy and
What else Is tabs
expected of the
old fashioned way
-of bladdsg the
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and tho dixty task
becomes a cleanly
Sheds Water or Snovr. Shoes can be washed
dean, requiring dressing only one a Week
for men, once a Month for women.
It is also an Elegant Harness Dressing.
Stock fn the city.
We also manufacture this,
wonderful combination
Easy Chair.
Isue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexet
Morgan & Co , New York. Passports procured.
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Bailroad Mining I fill f
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Han Francisco, Philadelphia or Boston Ex
changes. Loans made at low rates of interest
Established 1S78. -93" Weekly Circular FREE.
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IfemH - Chicago Board of Trade and
Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange.
45 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg.
- tfljlSZwTISl 1
M ri
7 I
BETsaMi n J252
Interview "With Mr. J. G. Frazier, of
the East End.
Por many reasons it was a actable inter
view that the writer had wittf "Hr. John Q.
Frazier, the architect In the first placs
Mr. Frazier is well known in Pittsburg and
Allegheny. He was for many years a resi
dent of Allegheny, and is now and has bees
for some time living at 6710 Kirkwood
street, Pittsburg;. Mr. Frazier is the archi
tect in charge of that mammoth building
enterprise of Messrs. Tlynn, McGee and
Stewart, in; erecting a hundred brick house
at thecornerof Stanton andNayloravennes.
So, as stated, he is well known at the Eas
End, where he now lives, as well as in Al
legheny, his former homef The interview U
notable in the second place for the remark
able experience it describes. Mr. Frazier!
fast-failing health had convinced him and
his friends that he would have to give op
entirely the dnties which engaged him.
"You see," he explained, "I was steadily
and constantly losing in flesh and strength.
In a few months I had fallen nway over 25
pounds. My appetite failed me. I could
get so sleep. I was unfit for work, unfit for
everything. In the morning I would get up
feeling more tired and miserable than whea
I went to bed at night. I dreaded the
slightest exertion; didn't feel like seeing or
talking to anybody. I was nervous, weak,
irritable and despondent just managed t
Mr. John G. frazier, STN Kirhcood Street.
drag myself through my work that wa
alL It seemed as if I did not have strength
or ambition enough to live.
"How did it come on? Well, that is a
long story. It is four or five years since it
begun. It seemed to commence with a cold,
or rather a succession of colds. My head
got to be continually affected. My eyes be
gan to tronble me. At last I realized that I
was getting deaf. For over three months I
eonldhardly hear any thing at all. Mj eyes
became dim and watery. They grew so weak
that I could hardly see to read and had to
wear glasses.
"For two years or more I realized that
this catarrhal trouble was extending; and it
has been within the last two years that I
begun to experience its constitutional effect
and could see, -as my friends could, that I
was fast going down. For eighteen months
at least I suffered from continual pains in
the head sometimes they were dull pains
over tbe eyes, sometimes sharp pains in the
back part of my head. .
"My ppetite and sleep rwere gone. Z
lost flesh, as I have said. There was diffi
culty in breathing, and a sense of weight
and oppression on my chest What little I
did eat did not seem to agree with me. My
stomach would feel as if it was overloaded
as if there was a weight on it The sense
of taste and smell seemed to be gone. I was
so weak I could hardly get around. 31 j muscles
ielt as if tbey had wasted away, --
"Try to get help? I tried everything and
everybody, but all to no purpose. X kept
steadily getting weaker and worse. I had read
fn the papers of the work that was being done
toy Drs. opeland & Blair. I went to see them.
Their charges seemed to me to be merely nom
inal, tbey were so low. I placed myself under
their care.
"Welt in the first three weeks I gained six
itounds In flesh. I improved steadily. Afyap.
petite returned. I gotsound, refreshing nights
ol .sleep, and woke up in the morning feeling
res-ted and strong. My hearing was entirely
restored, Myyes became strong again and I
have laid away my glasses, having no further
use iter them. I feel now strong and welt like
anotfter man, and am very grateful to the doc
tors 1 or my restoration. I make this statement
becan.se I think I ought to make it fori firmly
believe they are doing good."
Publishing Names.
A word of remark may not be out of place
regarding the publishing ot the names
of patients treated and cured. While
such publication is made each week
in the daily papers, and the name and ad
dress of the)atient given, so that the state
ment can be easily verified and substanti
ated by an von e, it should be said that sH
.such statements are entirely voluntary.
"I should like to be treated," a lady re
marked the other day, "but I would not
like to have' my .name jn tbe paper." Let
it be stated that Drs. Copeland Ss Blair
never publish a name or statement without
the full and free c-nnsent of the patient, nor
do they publish one hundredth part of
the testimonials, Ie&ers nnd statements re
ceived by them from crateXol patients. As ob
served, the statement 1 given are entirely volun
tary, and are given by tbe patients for publica
tion. Drs. Copeland & Blair would never pub
lish the most emphatic testimonial nnless tho
patient giving it understood that it was to be
printed, and gave willin,; consent
When & person with a delicate constitu
tion has a tendency to catarrh or consump
tion whether this tendency is inherited or
results from taking cold aisily it is notice
able that that person invariably loses flesh,
and loses strength, showing that the nutri
tion is interfered -with. In such a case the
sufferer should at once be placed under in
fluences that will restore the defective
nutrition and tend to invigorate the const!
tution. It is to be remembered that in every
case the presence of catarrh is an evidence of
predisposition to consumption, and no matter
how alight the attack may be. it should be
treated with the greatest care and the treat
ment should be continued until all traces of the
catarrh have disappeared. If tho catarrh la
aLowed to reach the smallest tabes In the
lun"S which condition Is Indicated by the .
spitting up ot a yellow material then im
mediate attention to the malady is demanded,
or serious lung trouble will result
Are located permanently at
totum y v tTMt with success an curable c
OfflcehoursS tollA.M.: 2 to fir. X.; 7 tot
p. K. (Sunday Included).
Specialties CATARRH, and ALL DIS
Consultation, th Address all mall to
69 Sixth are., Pittsburg; Pa.
Notable Local ijrDOjtsrorotT. Tfiv
practice here ot Drs. Copeland A Blair is with
the expressed sanction and approval of the ,
Western Pennsylvania Medical College of
Pittsburg, and the dlplemaa of both pbyjictoaa
bear tbe formal written Indorsement of the
Den and faculty d that tay$mUom, 17
4BWPPtr' S3 "J TllBsMsLirMBeMiLiss-MgggjglMiiMMsii