Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 09, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 10, Image 10

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conditions of the atmospheric trap would
be established, and as now a great deal of
beat from the sun would be for a time im
prisoned in and near the earth's crust, and
bo made to do the work which renders our
planet habitable.
All the movements which affect the
earth's atmosphere, which constantly mix
the good and the bad air, bringing refresh
ment to plant and animal alike, are due to
this peculiar fact just above noted, viz, that
the heat does not get out as easily as it
comes in, and therefore, warms the earth's
surface, which communicates that warmth
to the lower levels of the air. The method
in which this heated lower level of air cre
ates atmospheric currents is simple. The
operation is due to the fact that
The reader is familiar with the fact that
hot air rushes upward through a chimney,
and irthe chimney be tall the energy thus
developed is very great. He is probably al
eo familiar with the fact that a balloon
moves upward if it be filled with heated air.
"We can, therefore,imagine that this warm air,
next the earth's surface, seeks naturally to
: i c ,
Flo. 3 Showing the formation of cloud banners on the MatterSorn.
rise, but it is overlaid and held down by a
layer of cooler air of vastly greater thick
Bess than the warm stratum. The thickness
of the layer warmed by contact with the
earth may be accounted as a mile or less,
While the overlying layer (but slightly or
Jiot at all affected by this heating process) is
tome scores of miles thick. It is this in
ertia of the overlying air which causes the
heated atmosphere or the summer time to lie
next the earth's surface, while directly un
above at the height of two miles or so,
the vapor in the clpuds is in the frozen
There are several ways by which the hot
sir next the surface works upward, and in
lhe main the movements of the wind are de
termined by these modes of upward escape.
Under the tropics, where the sun acts with
most energy, where from year's end to
year's end the mean temperature does not
fall below 70 degrees of Fahrenheit, the
land and sea are alike greatly heated, and
there is a steadfast upstreaniing of air from
the earth's surface to a great height The
warm air tends to rise because of it
warmth; the cooler air, to the north and
Bonth ot the equatorial belt tends to flow in,
because, being cooler, it is heavier. The
result is that there is an upward movement,
Which, save where it is interrupted by local
Influences, exists beneath the equator'round
about the world. Attaining a given height,
this air of the equatorial belt flows off to
the north and south, and so the great circu
latory movement of the earth's atmosphere,
that of the trade winds, is originated.
I"ig. 1.
TEADE wixds.
Although these trade winds do not pro
duce what we term storms, but rather serve
Fig. 4 Plan or a village, showing the action
of a cyclone cone 1,000 feet in diameter. Tbe
arrows indicate the directions from which the
Etora attacks the buildings.
to prevent the occurrence of such temporary
disturbances of the atmosphere, they have a
great influence on the movement of violent
perturbations of the air over more than one
tali of the surface of the earth. It is, there
fore, necessary to note certain features of
their movement.
But for the rotation of the earth on its
axis, the air which flows down along the
surface of the earth to the equatorial belt
and that which flows away to the upper re
gion of the atmosphere toward the poles,
would move along the meridians straight
toward the south in the descent toward the
equator and directly toward the north in
the return current through the upper at
mosphere: but as the earth turns around
once in 24 hours, these currents are com
pelled to turn to the right in
their journeying, the current along the
surface blowing from the northeast in the
region north of the equator and from the
southeast in the part of the world south of
that line. The uppercurrent has a contrary
tlnotion. In the northern hemisphere it
moves from the southwest toward the north
cast, and in the southern hemisphere from
the northwest toward the southeast. Near
the tropics these movements are vigorous;
tut as we go awav from that belt, they be
come less and less energetic, until in about
-..;' m
Fig. 6 From an Instantaneous photograph,
periphery of the cyclone.
the parallels of 40 North and South lati
tude they die away, and are replaced by the
Yariable winds which mark all the higher
latitudes of the earth's surface.
The trade winds which flow along the sur
face or the earth, owing to their friction on
that surface, do not attain any great speed
rarely exceed 20 miles an hour. The upper
current which moves obliquely toward the
poles not being hindered by the friction of
tbe surface attains a far higher Telocity,
joften flowing with a speed of 40 miles or
more. As we shall see hereafter, this up-
current operates to propel local storms in J
BP.Co .
particular directions across the surface of
the continents or seas.
Meteorologists have recognized the fact
that the greater number of storms, if not
all, originate in essentially the same fash
ion as do the movements which create the
trade winds, that is they are due to the
greater heat of the air next the earth's sur
face and to the lact that this air occasion
ally escapes upward from the surface of the
earth into the higher realms. The reader
may readily make himself acquainted with
this process by observations which he can
make in the summer season at almost any
point on the earth's surface. "When the
summer sun pours its rays upon the earth's
surface in the longer days of the year,
that surface becomes greatly heated.
In a period of calm weather and
bright sunshine, we can often see
the air next the ground set a boiling by the
swift tide of heat which the earth pours off
into it. for the depth of a few hundred
feet, the temperature may -rise to 90 or
more, though at the height of 10,000 feet the
air may be as cold as zero. This lower lying
heated air seeks to get upward through the
overlying colder layer and now and then
bores a hole'tbrough it, forming a channel
of escape. Any little accident of the sur
face may determine the point at which this
heated air, tending upward like a balloon,
forces its way through the cold air which
presses down upon it. A tall tree or chim
ney may make an updraft and create a point
of escape. Fig. 2. As soon as the air begins
to move upward, we perceive that it takes
on a whirling motion, which at first in
volves a column only a few feet in diameter;
but under favorable circumstances it may
extend this diameter until the whirlwind
has a width of 50 feet or more, a great
amount of air then rushing from every side
to find its way upward through the new
won path of escape. In this manner the fa
miliar dust whirls of our open plains and
streets are formed. Thev continue until all
the patch of locally heated air, which occu
pies a given field, is drained away into the
upper levels ot the atmosphere, and so the
overlying cooler air is allowed to settle down
upon the surface. 'Waterspouts on the seas
are due essentially to the same cause as the
lhe air next the surface of the ocean, es
pecially in regions where the sea is warm,
as in the tropics or in higher latitudes over
the surface or the Gult Stream, is, on ac
count of its warmth, struggling to find a
way upward through the overlying cooler
air. When the wind is blowing as in the
district of the trades the atmosphere is con
stantly rolling over and over, and so the
heated air has a chance to escape from the
surface of the sea; but in calms this relief
is not afforded, and so we have exactly the
phenomena of the small, upward setting
streams which make our dust whirls, only
they are on a larger scale. The greater size
of the streams is due to the fact that the
ocean, being a great plain, a larger amount
of air is heated than on the irregular sur
face ot tbe land. -Sometimes the whirl
winds which -produce the waterspouts are
strong enough to lift the surface of the water
in the lorm of spray or upward-bounding
waves to theheight of a, scoreof feet above the
sea-level. The dark cloud of the waterspout
is not produced as is commonly supposed by
tbe drawing down of the clouds, or the up
ward making of the water, but in a totally
different manner", viz.: The warm air tha't
sets upward in the spiral column is very
moist As it rises above the sea leveLit ex
pands and becomes cooler by that process.
As soon as it is cooled the moisture enters
into the state of mist and so becomes the
dark column which is a conspicuous feat
ure in all waterspouts.
Those who are familiar with high mount
ains have often had a chance to observe how
the warm, translucent air of the valleys
driven against the steep mountain side, and
by its slope carried to a higher level, gener
ates a Bheet of cloud which sometimes hangs
like a banner about the peak. Figure 3
Passing the summit of the moisture-laden
air, being heavier than the atmosphere
about the height, quickly falls again to
ward the plain. As it descends it again be
comes warmer, and the mist returns to the
state of unseen vapor.
It is not only in high mountains that we
may observe this interesting phenomenon,
but even with hills not more than 500 feet in
height it may sometimes be seen, especially
after heavy rains, when the air is saturated
with moisture. Something of the same sort
may, in rainy seasons, be observed in our
forests where the warm air beneath the
boughs escapes through occasional gaps in
the loliage 'and moves upward on the prin
ciple of the dust whirl. This uprising air
is translucent as long as it remains in the
wood, but it quickly becomes a mist as it
escapes into the cooler region above.
The most peculiar feature in our ordinary
dust whirls consists in the rotary movement
of the column. At first sight this spinning
action appears very mysterious; but a little
observation convinces "us that the type, of
motion is one which is necessarily assumed
showing the overturning power exerted on the
in particles of a fluid or gaseous nature
which seek to make their escape through a
narrow orifice. Iftbereader will observe
the flow of water from any basin, such as a
bathtub, through tbe opening in the bottom,
he will perceive that the particles of waer
whirl about in their downward course in a
manner precisely comparable to the whirl
ing action of the air when it flies upward
through the rift it has formed in the
overlying colder part of tbe atmosphere.
In a less distinct way he will note that
the water escaping from the nozzle ot a fire
engine hose is apt to take on the whirling
,' w- "V .
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movement which causes the hose pipe to
twist about so that the strength of several
meu is required to hold it in proper posie
tion. "With these observations in mind, h
may then readily proceed to the explana
tion of the spiral lorm assumed by the as
cending air. Taking a bit ot paper, let him
draw a circle to show the space occupied by
the vent through which the fluid or gas es
capes; then let him draw a number of lines
radiating from the center of that circle
which will represent the paths along which
the particles tend to meve as they come in
towards the central path which
Now, if every particle of air or water could
travel on perfectly straight lines, the move
ment might take place without any twist
ing of the current; bnt if the wind is a little
stronger on one side of the column than the
other, or if in any other way a particle of
air is turned aside from its straight path, it
will then as it moves toward tbe center with
a constantly accelerating velocity -press a
little on one side of the center of the column.
A column of this sort, be it the descending
stream of water in a basin or the ascending
current of air in the atmosphere, is swayed
in its course with the utmost ease. A little
more pressure on one side than on the,other
will cause it to turn about toward the side
where the pressure is greatest. As soon as
it begins to turn, then all
the other particles of- air are di
verted in the same directionfrom the normal
conrse, applying their pressure to accelerate
the speed ot the column. The faster that
column whirls, the more energy every parti
cle applies to promote the spinning action.
Therefore the faster it spins the faster it is
made to spin. The process is an accumu
lating one which may lead the whirling to
almost inconceivably great velocities. Al
though in the little sand whirl the rotary
motion is of no great effect, forat most these
trifling storms lift small objects or push the
straws aside, the process in the great whirls
of tornadoes, which we are about to describe,
being carried out on a far larger scale comes
to have a great importance with reference to
Having studied the sand whirls the stu
dent may then proceed to consider the
methods of movement in the far greater
Fig. 6 From an instantaneous pnotograph of a cyclone 20 miles off, traveling away from the
spectator. Note thelrelative size of tbe buildings m the foreground and the cone 20 miles off.
spinnings which constitute the devastating
tornadoes which afflict a large part of the
United States. At certain seasons of the
year it often happens that the layer of
heated hair next the earth's surface, over a
large area, attains to a considerable thick
ness, two or three thousand feet or more,
and is immediately overlaid by a very cold
stratum. Under these circumstances, the
mass of air tending to move upward
through the overlying cold layer is vastly
greater in amount than in our summer dust
whirls In this case the phenomenon of the
dust whirl is repeated on a far larger scale.
To this heated air is generally, if not invar
iably, due the movements of the greater
storms, those movements which bring our
blizzards, and other autumnal and winter
storms, tbatsweep across the riorthern part of
North America. These great whirls, the ori
gin of whicn we have yet to consider,; press
before them on their south-eastern side a
mass of warm air, which slips along in ad
vance of the storm, entering like a wedge
between the surface of the earth and the
cold air of the upper atmosphere. When
this heated, mass is imposed on the surface
it is apt to strain upward and break through
the overlying layer of heavier air, and pro
duce a vaster type of whirl, in all respects
Fig. 7 The path of tbe cyclone, showing the
comparative immunity of some of the trees.
except size, like the dust whirls. In place
of the ascending column of a width of at
most of 10 or 20 feet as in the dust whirl, it
may have a diameter of from 1,000 to 10,000
feet. Fig. 4. In place of draining away
the air over a few acres of surface, it may
give upward passage to the heated atmos
phere from an area of ten square miles or
more. Owing to the greater diameter of the
column, and the greater distance to which
the air journeys toward the path of up;
ward escape the speed of the movement is
vastly enhanced, and its duration .made pro
portionately greater. In the first stages of
its movement
of the tornado commonly involves the air
at the height of some thousand feet above
the surface, but the ascending column speed
ily extends downward until it touches -the
surface of the ground. Toward the spout,
up which the air is streaming, the particles
of the atmosphere pour from a distance of
miles with a constantly accelerating veloc
ity. As they whirl in toward the center
their speed becomes so great as to tear away
all movable objects from the 'surface, of the
earth. Fig. 6. The swift spinning of the
air causes it to fly away from tbe centerof
the whirl; just as in the basin the descend
ing water by its motion forms a hollow cone
reaching downward into the orifice of the
vessel, so in the whirling of the air-spout is
a space almost empty of air extending up
ward irom the ground. into tms vacuity
any movable objects may be sucked and
lifted far above the surface of the earth,
until, by the irregular movement of the
columns, they are cast outward, and allowed
to fall upon tbe earth. '
Among the most conspicuous features of
our tornadoes is the vast mass of whirling
clond which forms high in tbe air abont the
top of the ascending column. This tumult
of the clouds is produced -in the main by
the rapid condensation of the vapor
in the. air, which has been sucked
upward. Owing to its heat the air
next the surface retains its moisture
in the form of invisible vapor, much as
in the steam boiler the steam remains
transparent on account of tbe high temper
ature to which it is exposed, so in the' lower
heated atmosphere the moisture does not af
fect the transparency of the air. 'When,
however, the air ascends, expands, and
thereby rapidly cools, its contained water
passes swiftly into the form of clouds, which
roll away in the tumultous winds formed
about the top of the spiral. Fig. 6.
Among the many curious features of these
tornadoes, we note their continuous move
ment in an easterly direction from the point
where they are first formed. This move
ment is to be explained by the action of
counter trades at' a few thousand feet above
the surface; in the countries where these
tornadoes are formed, the air is almost al
ways in rapid motion toward the east or
northeast. Thus the vent through the
colder upper air, into which the ascending
column escapes is constantly carried across
the surface in an easterly direction. "We
can readily imagineHhat if the opening in
a basin, for instance, in a bath tub, could
be drawn across tbe floor of the vessel, the
descending spout of water would follow it
in its movement In a similar manner the
passage which is followed by the ascending
air moving off to the eastward the depend
ent spout is dragged away in the same
direction, often curving backward in the
direction whence it came, like the string of
a kite. In this order it moves across the
surface at the rate of from 20 to 40 miles an
hour, carrying utter ruin in its path.
Fig. 7.
In the tropical regions, where for months
the sea is heated by a nearly vertical sun, a
great thickness of hot and moist air ac
cumulates over the surface, and, precisely
as in the tornado, breaks upward to the
upper atmosphere. Owing to the fact that
the thickness of the heated air is greater,
and the field it covers wider, these cyclones
of the sea are of vastly greater area, and of
longer continuance, than those ot the land.
They often march slowly over the ocean
surface, enduring, it may be for weeks, un
til their movement, dependent on the
motion of tbe upper air currents, carries
tbem beyond the field which affords the con
ditions of their maintenance.
The oceanic cyclone or hurricane has its
magnitude and violence increased by a curi
ous process. As can be well imagined, the
lower heated air over the sea is extremely
moist, though transparent. A vast amonnt
of energy has been employed to evaporate
this water contained in the air. As the air
goes upward through the -great ascending
r column ot the hurricane the moisture con
denses into the form of cloud, whence it
falls in rain. The energy which held the
moisture in the shape of vapor is thus set
free, and nets still more rapidly to elevate
the ascending column. In a certain limited
sense, we may say that the tropical cyclone
is a great steam engine, the sun being tbe
fire, the ocean the boiler and the atmosphere
the rest of the mechanism.
"We have next to consider a class of
whirlwinds which gives the swift marching
storms that pass so frequently across the
surface of our continent. These, in the
circumstances of their movements, are es
sentially like the oceanic cyclones, but
their'actions are less explicable than those
of the tornado or the hurricane. In fact,
the better understood storms, those of the
blizzard type, exhibit an ascending column,
wth a layer of air pouring in from every
direction towards it. In the center
of ' the storm, as is shown by the
signal-service maps, there is a low
barometer marking the upward 'set
of an atmospheric column, many scores
of miles in diameter. The difficulty with
the theory of these storms is found 'in the
narrowness of the path of this storm and the
fact that they occur in seasons when the
surface of the earth is not warmed to a high
temperature. Nevertheless, even when the
earth's surface has a temperature of zero, the
difference between the heat of the air next
tbe ground and that at the height of five
miles may well be as much as 100 F. Thus
it is likely that, even in winter, we have a
sufficient tendency of the superficial air to
rise, as it does in an ordinary chimney, and
so to prodnce the cyclonic movement. The
peculiar violence of these storms of the
blizzard type is probably due to the wide
differences in the temperature in diverse
parts of the continent in the winter season.
In the summer we rarely have a variation
in the average daily temperature in the dif
ferentparts of the United States amounting
to as much as 60, while in the winter the
range between the northwestern region and
the Atlantic coast not infrequently amounts
to twice as much. The reader has already
seen that all our air movements depend on
differences of temperature, and he may read
ily imagine that in the season when the
local differences are greatest, the energy ot
the movements will be most considerable.
Moreover, in the winter season the tempera
ture of the Atlantic coast is relatively
warmer than that of the land, so that the
air of that region tends upward, while that
of the interior of the continent being at a
lower temperature is not equally affected.
The swift march of the blizzard: across the
continent and to the eastwara over the ocean
is accounted for. as is the movement of the
tornado, by the eastward set of the upper
current of the counter trades.
The movements of the atmosphere are thus
in the main to be explained by the warmth
of the earth's surface, and the irregular dis
tribution of this heat in different regions,
together with the tendency of the ascending
air to assume the spiral motion. Although
the winds which are thus cause'd are fre
quently harmful to life, the effect of the cir
culation is, on the whole, most beneficent.
"Were the air destitute of motion all the
stratum next the surface of the earth would
soon be rendered unfit for life by the proc
esses of life itself. It is only by the con
stanlstirring which the storms bring about,
that the materials of the atmosphere are
constantly mingled together, and so kept in
a condition to maintain the operations of
animals and plants. '
How Whitsunday is Observed in En
gland and Other Conntries.
Morris Dancer Kemp's Eemarkable
and Adventures.
rwMTTZx roa Tint rnsrATcn.3
To-day, June 9, is "Whit Sunday, a festi
val of high importance in the Episcopal,
Roman Catholic and Lutheran churches,
and a day which, amng the peasantry of
Great Britain, Ireland and the Continent of
Europe, is as generally and joyously cele
brated and is as rich in quaint folk-lore, pe
culiar customs, sports, superstitions, legends
and traditions as anyotherday be it fast or
festival in the whole 12 months. In the
calendar of the churches above named it is
proclaimed the greatest of all the festivals,
except Christmas and Easter. Not only is
it a Christian festival, but it is a Hebrew one
as well, the event which it commemorates in
the Christian church having occurred on the
Hebrew day of Pentecost. That event was'
the descent of the Holy Ghost on the Apos
tles when "they were all with one accord in
one place," after the ascension of our Lord,
on which occasion they received the gift of
tongues or different languages that they
might impart the gospel to foreign nations.
Among the ancient, Hebrews the day of
Pentecost was a species of harvest home. It
was calculated trom the second day of the
Passover, the 16th of Nisan. The Hebrew
law prescribed that a reckoning should be
kept from the morrow after the Sabbath to
the morrow after the completion of the sev
enth week, which would, of course, be the
fiftieth day after the Passover. These fifty
days included the period of the Hebrew
grain harvest, which commenced with the
first sheaf of the barley harvest gathered at
he Passover and ended with the making,on
the day of Pentecost, of two loaves of leav
ened bread from the finest wheat flour of
the new crop. Thus we see in the "Whit
Sunday of the Christian church another in
stance of the substitution ot a Christain for
a Hebrew festival, as in the case of
replacing the Hebrew Passover with
Yet, as is the case with many of the holy
days of the Christian Church, it is gener
ally thought by antiquarians that our "Whit
suntide was also identified with one of tbe
great summer festivals of the Pagans of
"Western Europe.
Among the English peasantry from the
earliest Christian times down to the present
day, the most elaborate folk ceremonies of
the whole year have been performed on "Whit
Sunday. Among the most notable of these
is what is called the Whitsun-ale Ale was
so universal a drink among the early En
glish that by its association with various
testivities it has added more than fine ncv
word to our language notably "bridal," a
corruption of "bride-3fe," which was a term
applied to ale of a peculiar quality and
strength, specially brewed in honor of the
bride at a wedding. The ale used at "Whit
suntide, or the "Whitsun-ale, was remark
able for its strength, and was consumed at
an assemblage of the whole parish, usually
neia in some Darn near ine cnurcn. xne
ale was dispensed to those present by the
church wardens, and the profits arising from
its sale were devoted to a fund for the repair
of the church. Two persons, previously
chosen, were designated as lord and
a sort of throne was provided for them at one
end of the barn and they were attended by
their steward, sword-bearer and other offi
cials. The persons filling these offices were
frequently paid small sums for their ser
vices, and in the old Church "Wardens' ac
counts in the English parish churches there
frequently occurs such entries as "Payd to her
that was Lady of the Ale at "Whitsuntide,
by consent, 5s."
But of the old English sports of "Whitsun
tide the greatest favorite was the Mom's
dance. This is believed to have been de
rived from Spain through the Moors, and its
name is regarded as a corruption of the
Spanish Morisco, a Moor. Originally
danced by five performers, it at length be
came customary to have it performed either
by a single individual or as many as cared to
participate in it. There was finally grafted
on to it some features of an old English
country dance performed at certain periods
in honor of Bobin Hood and his outlaws,
and from this circumstance a female partici
pating in it was -called a "Maid Marian,"
alter one of -Bobin Hood's sweethearts.
One of tbe most distinctive features of the
Morris dance was a pair of garters hung
with bells and worn bv each ot the dancers.
In 1599 "William "Kemp, a celebrated
comedian.'of the reign of Queen Elizabeth,
danced tbe Morris all the way from London
to Norwich. This feat at the time of its
performance was considered one of the most
remarkable ever attempted. Kemp pub
lished a most interesting and curious
pamphlet, giving a full account of his ad
ventures en route, and his wonderful exploit
continued to be a theme of popular allusion
for many years afterward. All along the
way the country people turned out to greet
thedancer in such crowds that at times it
was with great difficulty he could make his
way through them. He was entertained by
the nobility and gentry during his progress,
and on his arrival at Norwich was publicly
received by the Mayor with great honor.
One of the most amusing passages in
Kemp's curious book one ot the rarest and
most valuable in my collection of folk lore
is where he tells how a sturdy butcher un
dertook to dance with him from Sudbury to
Bury, but gave out exhausted before they
had dancea half a mile. He then goes
on to say: "As he and I were parting, a
lusty country lasse being among the people,
cal'd him faint-hearted lout, saying: 'If I
had begun to daunce, I would have heldout
one myle, though it had cost mv life.' At
which words many laughed. 'Nay,' saith
she, 'if the dauncer will lend me a leash of
his belles I'll venter to treade one myle with
him myselfe. I lookt upon her, saw mirth
in her eies, heard boldness in her words and
beheld her ready to tucke up ber russat pe
tieoate: I fitted her with bels. which she.
merrily taking, garnisht her thicke, short
legs, and, with a smooth brow, bade tho
tabrer begin. The drum strncke, forward
marcht I with my merry mayde Marian,
who shooke her fat sides and footed it merri
ly to Melford, being alongmvle. There
parting with her (besides her skin full of
drinke), an English- crowne tobuy more
drinke; for, good wench, she was in a pite
ous heate; my kindness she requitedwith
dropping some dozen of short courtesies, and
bidding God blesse the danncer, I bade her
adiue, and, to give- her. her due, she had a
good eare, daunst truly, and we parted
Dancing of almost any kind is saidto be
among-the healthiest and most conducive to
longevity of all occupations, but Morris
dancing would seem entitled to the palm in
these respects if we are to believe a pam
phlet printed dnring the reign of James I.,
which states that the united ages of ten re
tired Morris dancers then living in Here
fordshire amounted to 1,200 years' -while of
eight others the youngest "was 79 and the
oldest 109 years, their united ages being 800
years. Morris dancing continued a favorite
Whitsuntide diversion in England down to
the early years of the present century, and
was publicly danced in Goswell street .road,
London, as late as 1826.
Down to the middle of the seventeenth
century the representation of "mysteries"
and "miraole plays" always took place at
"Whitsuntide throughout Great Britain and
in many countries of Continental Europe. J
They were dramatic spectacles aevisea dur
ing the dark ages when.the Bible was an
interdicted hook to instruct the people In
sacred story. The "mysteries" represented
the narratives of the Old and New Testa
ments, while the "miracle plays" delineated
the lives of the saints. Originally written
and acted by monks, they continued a favor
ite Whitsuntide diversion for nearly two
centuries after the reformation, for though
they were strongly condemned by some
churchmen among them "Wickliffe and his
followers as a profane treatment of sacred
subjects, yet Luther gave tbem his sanction,
saying that "such spectacles often do more
good and produce more impression than
These religious dramas were usually
fierformed in churches, though frequent
y in cemeteries, market places
and public Squares as well. Three
stages were usually erected, one above the
other. Upon the highest was a representa
tion of the Creator "and His angels,and upon
tne next lower oi tne Faints, while tne
action of the drama took place upon the
Upon one side of the last named there
was a representation of the mouth of hades.
whence came fire and smoke and the cries
of the lost Demons also issued from it,
their coarse jests and horseplay forming
the low comedy part of the entertainment,
and affording infinite amusement to the
It was my good fortune, while sojourning
in Naples some three vears ago, to partici
pate in the elaborate Festa di Monte Vir
ginie, which the Neapolitans annually
celebrate on "Whit Sunday and during the
two succeeding days. The principal feat
ures of the celebration takes place at a
church erected- upon a mountain, near
Avelino, a day's journey on foot from
Naples, and the prettiest and most inter
esting part of the ceremony is the long train
of carriages, wagons, carretas and all sorts
of nondescript vehicles, gaily decorated with
flowers, ribbons and garlands as are also
the horses, oxen and asses which draw them
which winds from the city along pictur
esque roads to the summit of the mountain,
attended by great crowds of merry-makers
on foot, singing and dancing untiringly,
and bearing sticks which support pictures
of the Madonna.
In St. Petersburg, in 1875, I witnessed
what was perhaps the last observance of a
"Whitsuntide custom, which, thought once
highly popular, had long been gradually
dying out It was a show of marriageable
women and girls desirous of obtaining hus
bands, and took place on "Whit Sunday
afternoon in the "Summer Garden," a place
of popular resort The young women were
attended by their parents or some other
elderly relative, through, whom, if a young
man were smitten with a maid, he con
ducted his negotiations for her hand.
It is, of course, heedless to say that this
usage was confined to the lower and middle
classes. FbankFebh. -
A Few Paragravha About Fashions Picked
Up' for tho Fair Sex.
"We hear a great deal about plain skirts
and the elaborate bodice, when in reality
the plain skirt is a myth and a delusion
unless used as a foundation for innumera
ble bows, loops and sash ends. Showers of
ribbons fall in all sorts of odd and gro
tesque ways upon it Twenty-five yards of
ribbon dangling in long streamers from my
lady's waist to the hem of the skirt is con
sidered by no means elaborate. Loops of
ribbon, otten in two and three shades to
match the tints of the gown, are started from
the right shoulder seam, carried across the
bodice to the left side and allowed to fall in
long ends to the feet These ribbons are also
arranged in a similar way at the back and
are then so placed that they fall in an oppo
site direction from those in front Sash ends
are permitted to wander at their own sweet
will across the gown, one end falling at the
front or side, and the other to be found
straying far away from its mate. These
have very much the appearance of a panel
when allowed to fall in straight lines to the
bottom of the skirt
Frnit is now nsed upon the frailest and
dainties't of chapeaux the reddest and
roundest of cherries., luscious bunches of
grapes, tempting ;looking currants, rosy
cheeked crab apples, dewy blackberries.and
tiny branches of gooseberries, their delicate
skins sonaturally veined that one's thoughts
rapidly travel back to that old-fashioned
garden in which was once experienced such
childish delight
Many cotton gowns have a broad edge of
lace fitted into the arm's eye so that it will
simulate a Zouave jacket. Deep caps of
lace are also arranged to fall over the top of
the sleeve. Loops of ribbon falling from the
wide frill of lace at the neck and reaching
to the waist band give a very jaunty finish
to the most matter of fact bodice.
Bonnet wires are also longer obtrusive.
The newest and prettiest capotes have their
framework well hidden beneath a dainty
cloud of tulle net or lace.
Girls who aspire to lift their Inexpensive
challie gown above the commonplace must
use with a prodigal hand the daintiest lace3
and ribbons. So treated the modest mater
ial will rise to the fascinations of the love
liest of lonely garden gowns.
Narrow ribbons have grown to be posi
tively tiresome, and we hail with delight
the broad bands that have taken their
places. They are not only used upon street
and house dresses, but are to be seen upon
some of the most charming ball room cos
tumes. Mull hats are no longer confined to the
small girl, bnt have bloomed out into most
expansive shape. " They are coquettish
enough to suit the most frivolous of girls or
sedate enough tor the most dignified of ma
trons, and come in colors so varied that to
match the oddest of costumes is by no means
a difficult task.
Silk mull is just the daintiest of dainty
materials for the best white gown. It is so
soft and fine that it can be drawn through a
finger ring.
Some of the net skirts are finished at the
bottom by a broadband of velvet or ribbon.
The net is then turned up over the trim
ming, forming a hem, and in this way pro
tecting the velvet from constant wear. This
is a French fashion which our modistes are
gradually adopting.
The pattern selected for braiding or em
broidery is now an artistic jumble, mathe
matical regularity being a thing of the past.
Satan's Diligence Teaches a Moral.
Texas SIftlnes.3
Mrs. M. was a remarkably charitable
old lady, w'ithagood word for everybody
and toleration for every fault.
"I do think mother could even find some
thing to say that was complimentary and
pleasant about the devil," her son re
marked one day to a number of young
friends. "Here she comes, let us question
her. Mother, by the way, what do you
think of his Satanic Majesty, at his best,
"Well," replied the old lady, mildly, "I
think we would all do well to copy his dili
gence." Agnaslz's Snnkcs.
Eecollectlons of Court and Society.
That famous naturalist missed one morn
ing three snakes he had brought home the.
night before. On searching high and low
he found 'two, but one was still missing.
Mrs. Agassiz(who was dressing) in putting
on her boots found it coiled inside her boot.
Her screams ot surprise brought Agassiz,
who exclaimed: "On, Lizzee, how terree
ble it might have been." "What," said
his wife, "are these poisonous?" "Oh, yes,
the most poisonous little serpents you can
think so rare and you might have crashed
the nioe little thing."
Pen Pictures of the English, German
and American Commissioners.
Said to be a Worthy Son of His Shrewd
and Autocratic Sire.
tconitEsrosDrxcE of the dispatch.:
BEBLnT, May 28. On the south side of
the "Wilhelmstrasse, the most aristocratic
street in Berlin, stands a plain old-fashioned
two-story building. It looks very shabby
from the outside, nor does it present a more
attractive appearance within. The only
beauty it possess lies in its vast garden con
taining 100 -year-old trees, a very park in the
center of Berlin. This garden extends
for several hundred yards back to the
Koniggratzerstrasse, and here Bismarck is
in the habit of taking his constitswonal
walks, screened from the eyes of the carious
pnblic. Here also Emperor JWilliam usu
ally halts for a quiet stroll before startingon
his long rides through the Grunewald.
But the long, low building lying in front
of this miniature paradise does not partake
of its beauty, nor does its homely, weather
stained exterior lead the stranger to suppose
that here center the wires which control the
destiny of Europe to-day. But so it is, for
this shabby house contains the German
Foreign Office. Here are the plans laid and
the intrigues initiated which keep Ger
many at the head of European diplomacy
and power.
Entering the rickety doorway, passing up
a few steps and through a gloomy ball, with
whitewashed walls and carpeted with cheap
matting, one ascends an old, worn stairway
to the second story. Old and worn every
thing appears in the building. But it has
none ot the romance which lingers about
somce anient houses. The impression one
receives from it is rather that of a shabby
genteel tenement house, like those seen in
the lower part of New York.
In the second story, facing the park, is
located the room in which the Samoan Con
ference holds its sessions. It is about 30
feet in length by about 20 feet in width. It
is fitted up with the same Spartan simplicity
not to use a stronger word as the rest of
the building. The floor is innocent of
carpets a bare pine floor the walls are
painted a dirty white, a picture of the
Kaiser is the only ornament. Around the
walls maps of the Samoan Islands are hung.
In the center stands a plain table covered
with green baize; on the table lie nine black
leather portfolios. Around it are grouped a
dozen cheap armchairs, upholstered with
tawdry red plush. At the head of the table
sits Count Herbert Bismarck, at the foot the
two secretaries, on either side are ranged the
Snch is the room in which the destinies of
Samoa will be decided and the questions at
issuo between America and Germany are
being discussed. It is not a very attractive
spot. Has it been chosen for its very dis
comfort in order to drive the commissioners
to a quicker decision, on the same principle
by which juries are locked up in dark,
dreary rooms? "Who knows? Bismarck is
shrewd and may make use of even trifles.
As for the men who compose the con
ference, do they present a more attractive
picture than their surroundings? Let us
Count Herbert Bismarck, who acts as
President of the conference, has been so
frequently described that it is not worth
while to reiterate the many things said
about him. In appearance he much resem
bles his father, when the latter was in his
prime. He has the manner and the tricks
of speech that distinguished the great uni
fier of Germany. As to his mental quali
ties opinions diner, widely. "While some
proclaim him. the .great statesman of the
future, a worthy successor of his distin
guished sire, others say that he possesses no
originality of thought or action, -that he
only repeats the lessons drilled into him by
the Chancellor. The truth probably lies
somewhere "between the two versions.
"While not as brilliant as his father, Count
Herbert certainly bears in his countenance
unmistakable traces of energy, resolute will
and intelligence.
Next in importance comes Privy Conn
cillorof Legation, Dr. A. Krauel. He has
the appearance of a bureaucrat and a schol
ar. He is simple in his language and pos
sesses but little rhetorical ability. The
press reporters in the 'Eeichstag scarcely
ever pay attention to his speeches, so unin
teresting 13 his delivery. It Is only when
he has finished and his opponent replies,
that they discover from the quality of the
latter'sspeech, that Dr. Krauel has said
something important Then they hurriedly
get copies of his speech from the official
Veports. He is of medium height, dark
complexioned, with his thoughtful face
framed by a full growth of black hair. No
body would take this meek, plain-looking
man to be tbeimportant factor that he really
is in the Foreign Office. But his thorough
knowledge of colonial affairs and interna
tional law are invaluable to the Chancellor.
Only whenone meets the sharp gleam of his
intelligent eyes does one fully realize the
mental power that lies behind. On his
shoulders rests much ot the real work on
the German side of the conference. But
whatever glory is to be earned will go of
course to Count Herbert Bismarck. Such is
the unvarying custom of the Foreign Office.
Woe to him who aspires to beknown beyond
its walls. His official head will fall forth
with. If Dr. Krauel is the brain, Privy Coun
cillor Baron Holstein is the tongue of the
German delegates, at least as far as Bis
marck permits. He is the beau ideal of a
man of the world and also a great sports
man. He had much rather talk of the hunt
than of diplomacy. Like Krauel, he is in
the prime of life, dresses well and has fine
manners. His voice is melodious and pleas
ing, but his1 delivery is monotonous and one
quickly tires of hearing him speak. His
eyes have a kindly, tender expression.
Krauel is a thinker; Holstein has the poetic
temperament. His knowledge is not pro
found, but he gets beforehand from Krauel
whatever facts are necessary. He is com
bative when he tells his little tale in tbe
Reichstac: and when RichterandBamburg.
the Liberal leaders, attack him his face fires
up with the desire lor battle, but he keeps a
discreet silence. Prince Bismarck has his
subordinates well in hand and will not al
low them to take his role in the debates.
Holstein says during the conference
only what has been carefully told him be
forehand bv his master.
Of the British delegates, Sir Edward
Malet, British Ambassador to the Court of
Berlin, is the most important. He is a
quiet, self-contained gentleman. At first
sight he appears rather stiff in his manners,
but on nearer acquaintance one finds him a
most charming gentleman. He is a shrewd
observer and a fine scholar. It is said that
his official reports resemble the writings of
Bacon in their brilliancy. He speaks Ger
man, fluently, having been educated at
Frankfort He has rather a thin voice, which,
in moments of excitement, however, becomes
strong and resonant. His step is elastic,
his eye bright and clear. A short, full
beard frames his handsome face. He and
Bismarck have not been friends since tbe
attacks in the German official press on the
late Emperor Frederick and his widow.
Sir Edward holds Bi-marck responsible for
these and for the decadence in political
morality lately shown in Germany.
Hon. Edward Scott, the second English
Commissioner, was for a long time First
Secretary of the British Legation, and is
well liked at court and in society. He is
now Minister to Switzerland. He has a
thorough knowledge of German diplomacy,
and knows a great deal about Samoa. He
is a young man, slightly above medium
height, -somewhat inclined to embonpoint,
and wears a short, fall beard. He has ex
quisite manners.
Mr. Grant, the other English Commis
sioner, is the commercial attache to the
British Legation at Paris. He was lor
many years English Consul at Leipsic and
distinguished himself so much, that he was
advanced to his present post He was also
delegate to the Congo Conference, held in
1885. He is persona gratissima in Berlin
and his popularity among the Germans is
increased by the fact that he has a German
wife. He married a Franlein von Holzen
Of the Commissioners who take care of
American interests at the Samoa Conference,
the Hon. "William "Walter Phelps is so
widely known as to call for little attention
here. His is certainly a striking figure.
Tall, gaunt, yet apparently full of physical
force and nervous energy, his keen face sur
mounted by a head of full, short-cut hair,
"banged" over the forehead, he would be a
remarkable person in any assemblage. That
"bang." by the way, of which bo much fun
has been made, covers a scar that Mr.
Phelps can be proud of it is the scar of a
wound received in his country's service. His
eyes have a shrewd, but withal kindly, look.
A short mustache covers his upper lip
while a short "goatee" adorns the cnin. Mr.
Phelps is a good talker, very pleasant and
affable in his manner. He is a keen poll
tician and a good diplomatist. He made a
good record as American Minister at
Vienna, and would no doubt prove very
acceptable to the German Court in the
same capacity. The knowing ones say
that after the- conference is over Mr. Phelps
will receive the appointment to the vacant
post of Minister here. He himself is silent
wben questioned on this subject, as, indeed,
on any subject connected with his mission
here. But he evades the quesiiops put to
him with so much tact and good nature that
he has become a general favorite with the
newspaper correspondents in this city.
Except the gray hairs sprinkled liberally
through his brown hair, mustache and
close-trimmed sidewhiskers, Hon. John A.
Kasson, of Iowa, shows no trace of his 57
years. He is a small, alert man, with a
rosy, smiling face and keen eyes. He is a
confirmed bachelor, though very popular
among the ladies. Always well dressed he
appears to good advantage in his perfectly
fitting frock coat, dark striped trousers and
well-ironed silk hat He was much liked
here while Minister during the short Gar
field administration, and his appointment
to the Samoa Conference was well received
by the German Government
George H. Bates, the gentleman whose
Century article-called forth so much com
ment from the press, is certainly the most
distinguished-looking of the American dele
gates. He has a tail, graceful figure, a
finely shaped head, and a handsome face.
A long, pointed mustache gives a look of
decision to his features, while a double eye
glass increases the aristocratio cast of his
countenance. He dresses well, is very polite
and agreeable in his manner, but has little
to say outside of the commission. His recent
experiences have probably taught him the
value of diplomatic silence. His wife and
son have accompanied him.
Next to the three Commissioners the most
interesting person is ex-Consul Sewall, of
Samoa, a native of the Hub. He is a small
dapper man, with a resolute, but refined
face. Owing to his warm defense of Ameri
can interests, the Germans have no great
liking for him, and he has, so far, not taken
any part in the conference, at least, not
publicly. He is a very cultured man, a
typical Bostonian, and has kept rather
quiet while here, being rarely seen in
Lieutenant Parker, of the U. S. navy, one
of the secretaries of tne American Commis
sioners, is a man of slight build, has a very
bright expression, and is the possessor of a
fine mustache, while Lieutenant Bucking
ham, also of the navy, the other secretary
attached to the commission, is a quiet, gen
tlemanly officer, who says little, but who
might say a great deal, for few are the
Americans who know as much as he of the
military condition of the leading European
It will be thus seen thai the American
commission is in no respect inferior to tag
commissions of the two other countries.- ja
fact, I have heard more than one shrew
and impartial observer remark: "ThostS
Yankees are a strong body and pull together
excellently. Look out for them I"
Theodoee Stastojt.
Their Impudence In Kanaacklsg IheLnggtif
of tadlen.
I saw a woman inspector this morning,
says Joe Howard in the Boston Globe, after
a passenger had opened her trunk, she hav
ing declared nnder oath that there was
nothing dutiable in it, and having told pre
viously what there was in it, turn the con
tents topsy-turvy, down-side-up, and leave
them in a condition of mixedness which was
simply outrageous. She asked questions
about this, and questions about that, and
questions about the other, which the passen
ger answered with marvelous patience.
There was an indefinable sneer on the in
spector's lip, a horrible suggestion of "I
don't believe you" in every look, in'every
gesture, in all she did, and when she had
ended her utterly unnecessary and fruitless
task she turned on her heel, leaving the
passenger, an elderly woman, fragile, dis
concerted, as upset as her, things were
physically, to rearrange as best she could
her little wardrobe, and fasten, lock and
strap the trunk, with her own hands.
That women smuggle is simply an asser
tion that human nature is the same in both
sexes. That smugglers ought to be de
tected, in the common weal, we all recog
nize. That women should be searched by
women, and not by men. common decency
exacts, but I am not talking about search
ing suspected smugglers, and I am talking
about women inspectors on the open piers
overhauling and needlessly disturbing the
luggage of ladies, who have made affidavits
as to the contents of their trunks, and who
should be known at once, and would be
known at once by a man inspector, to be
precisely as they appeared, and to be truth
ful in their statements. I would not put my
own observation forward as an argument
unindorsed, but as the frequent experience
of ladies who are travelers tallies with my
observation this morning, and as the record
of women inspectors is absolutely impeach
able, I think the sooner we do away with
that line of industry for our dearly beloved
sisters the better.
A Place Where Theft la Promptly ud Be
Terelr Pnnlihed.
From tne London Figaro. 1
A report from the Governor of Yunnan
shows the barbarism that still lingers in
some of the country districts of, that pro
vince. The villagers have a horrible cus
tom of burning to death any man caught
stealing corn or fruit in the fields. A man
named Peng Chao-sheng was going down
to watch his own field, and on theway he
plucked an ear of corn from a neighbor's
patch of maize. He was seized and brought
before' a village assembly, which decided
that he must be burnt to death, though his
mother tried to ransom him by the offer of
her whole property. The unfortunate man
was burnt alive, his own mother being com
pelled to set fire to the faggots, so as to pre
vent her lodging a complaint afterward,
which, however, turned out an unsuccessful
precaution. Of the two ringleaders of the
outrage one has died in prison and the other
has been decapitated. The incident shows
the excessive poverty in which the people
must live, tor it would be impossible that
such a custom should exist except in a coun
try where every ear of corn was as valuable
as a man's life.
More Practical Tban She.
Kew York Herald.
She (romantier-Oh, how beautifully sig
nificant those Indian names are I Alabaaa,
for instance, "Here let us rest" ' '
He (uuromantio, but determined to go h
one better) Yes, and there's r Mee-
gahela, "Here let us drinkl"
.A pause louows.
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