Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 08, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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He Does Hot Deny His Willingness to
Accept the Presidency of
The Sailers and Koll Turners' Scales Dis
cussed at lesterday's Session,
This year's contention of the Amalga
mated Association i making rapid progress,
Mr. Martin, the Secretary, stating last
night that by next Thursday probably all
the work would be finished. The rollers
and nailers' scales were discussed yesterday.
Apart from that, however, nothing of im
portance was accomplished.
Soon after the opening of the morning's
session the Secretary read a communication
from Nicholas Dale, of Sharpsburg, re
questing the permission to read a statistical
statement of outputs and otueritems referring
to iron workers. But the request of Nick Dale
was refused.
The roll turners' scale was next discussed,
and the whole moraine was taken up with that
work. At last it was decided to postpone Its
consideration for one year and the men were
given a -week's time to revise and readjust their
entire list. In the afternoon a special commit
tee of the
giving a complete revision of their scale, which
compared favorably with the scale of the Ohio
Valley nailers and it wasuntnimouslyaccepted
in aU its details. The nailers' scale is but very
little different from the last year's scale. The
wages are anout the same, but the basis of the
nail cutting has been readjusted from 18 cents
per ten-penny nails to M cents on a $2 card.
The Secretary's report showed a larger mem
bership list than the association ever had at
any convention, but Mr. Martin refused to
give any fljrures on the subject. He made also
a very glowing general statement about the
The subject of election did not come under
discussion at the session yesterday, bnt it is
becoming more and more interesting as the
convention advances. The candidate are pet
tine more numerous dav by dav. Mr.
Grundv, Pat Wilson, of the Southside, and
Billy Robinson, who have been quite promi
nent for year!, are spoken of as candidates, but
the fact developed yesterday that
to become Mr. Weihe's successor, and if ho
should be nominated there is but very little
show for anybody else.
He stated himself positively yesterday that
he would not accept the secretaryship again,
even if it were offered to him. But about the
Presidency he was not communicative.
"II I am nominated," hesaid, "I will run and
try to be elected."
Several of the delegates who were asked
what they thought about Martin as President,
were much in Ms favor, and one of them from
the Soutbside Bald:
"I do not know where we would find a better
man than Billy is. He is so thoroughly ac-
Snainted with the work of the association that
ie change of President Weihe would be felt
less than if anybody else were to get the
"Is it certain that Mr. Weihe does not want
to be re-elected T"
"Yes; there Is no doubt or It."
At S o'clock this morning the delegates to the
convention and several of the local assemblies
of the association will start for their picnic to
Bock Point.
The Children, nnd Some Adults Also, Will
SIlss the Jnbllco This Ycnr.
The children's jubilee in the Allegheny parks
at the close of the school year has become one
of the recognized festivals of these cities, and
bad it not been for the flood horror the neglect
to provide for it this year would have provoked
more comment than has yet been heard. Mr.
Thomas C. Wait calls attention to the fact that
the customary action was omitted this year by
the Board of Allegheny School Control, and be
says the neglect is provoking considerable ad
verse comment.
Some people suggest that the death of Cap
tain Dick Gray caused the lapse, but Mr. Wait
says that for several years past plenty of other
wealthy citizens have come forward to defray
the expense, and he says there would have been
no trouble on this score had action been sug
gested, but that at present there seems to be
no effort making for the event.
How the Connty W. C. T. IT. Is Trying to
Combine the Two.
The officers and members ot the Allegheny
County W. C. T. TJ. are having a busy week.
The President, Mrs.H. C. Campbell, and the
Secretaries, Mrs. Bryce and Miss Clarke, are
all engaged in the relief committees of their re
spective wards.
They are also preparing for the county meet
ing of the W. C. T. U.. which convenes in the
Third TJ. P. Church. Diamond street, on Tues
day, the 11th, at 1:30 1 M. The several commit
tees having in charge the arrangements for
taking care of the tickets and literature, serv
ing lunch, and conducting prayer meetings on
June 18 will bring in their reports.
This Is the date of the spring quarterly con
vention, but the ladies decided to lay aside the
regular convention exercises andhold a general
mass meeting.
' Special Prices To-Day.
For to-day only we positively guarantee
the price of every suit ot olotbes we sell to
be 30 per cent lower than the same quality
of goods can be bought elsewhere. All our
elegant $15 suits ore reduced to $7, our $18
to $10, our 520 suits to $12, and our $25 suits
to $15. If you need a suit, If your boy needs
a suit or a pair oi pants, aon-t oe nacKw&ra
about calling at our store to-day. Ask to
see the advertised bargains and yon will be
treated politely whether you buy or not.
P. C. O. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,
opp, the new Court House.
Flannel Shirts-All the Newest
Are here. Open till 9 o'clock this evening.
Come in and look at the new styles.
Penn Avenue Stores.
Summer Dress Goads.
French Batines marked down to 25o and
SOc, best goods; large line to select from;
best American satinea only Ho, choice pat
terns. Abthtjb, Schondelmtee & Co.,
irrhs 68 and 70 Ohio si, Allegheny.
Home industry deserves your patronage.
Therefore drink Frauenheim & Vilsack's
Pittsburg beer. ttssu
Jf--on i.r J
xl s
Lake" flour
makes delicious
Girl at Overlook," written by Willie Collins,
the great Engliih author, will be published
complete in to-morrow's Dispatch.
Stayed In Their Journey by the Floods Spend
n Day In This City.
A small party of Chinese Consular officials
arrived iu Pittsburg late on Thursday night
and put up at the Mononcahela House. They
had been delayed in their passage West from
New York over the Pennsylvania Railroad by
the floods, and had been kept in Altoona until
Thursday, when tbey resumed their journey by
the circuitous route now in use. The party
consists of Laiuc Ting Tsin, Chinese Consul
General; Chan Chong, of the Chinese Con
sulate, and Voung Wung Chnng, of the Chinese
Legation at Lima, Peru. Only the last named
can speak English.
They will resume their journey to-day. the
stop-over in Pittsburg being solely for the sake
rest airer a teainus journey. Air. William
Sneer, of Speer fc Sons, showed Yonng Wung
unung, toe veiesuai irom rera, some oi the
sights of the city yesterday.
One to be Erected nt a Window House
Ohio Daring the Summer.
The tank furnace system for window glass
manufacture is going to be adopted in Findlay,
0 next fall.
The managers of the Hirsch-Ely Window
Glass Works, one of the largest glass bouses in
'tie Ohio district, announced yesterday that at
tha close of the present fire they will tear down
theft old-fashioned clay pot furnaces and put
in aicanic luruacc, paiternea alter tne one used
at Jeannctte.
Tliev also intend donblimr the canacltv of
thjir works, and at the beginning of the next
sesfton expect to give employment to sot less
In S0O men.
iThe Findlay Bottle Works will treble their
present capacity during the summer, so as to
accommodate 250 workmen at the next fire.
Bnt They Will Take Action on Campbell's
Statement To-Night.
The statement made by President James
Campbell, of the Window Glass Workers'
Union, explaining why be does not want to
submit to an investigation from the Central
Trades Council, has caused a great deal of
comment among the members of that body.
Several of them were seen yesterday and
asked to make some kind of a reply to it, bnt
they were all as mam as oysters. It is very
likely, however, that the matter will receive
some attention to-night, when theTradesCoun
cil will meet again.
John Phillips, who was an important witness
at the investigation, has been suspended from
membership in the Glass Workers' Union,
and since then he was discharged from the
Jeaunette Glass Works.
The Floods Have Caused Several Ovens to
be Shot Down.
The coke trade is in a very bad shape just
now, owing to the general demoralization of
the railroads to the East. A number of the
smaller coke producers have shutdown their
works, and they will probably not start up
again until the dull season is over.
Mr. Schoonmakersaid yesterday that the dis
aster at Johnstown would, for some time, cause
a dullness in the coke trade, because all rail
road communication has been interrupted. As
soon as connection with the East will have
"been re-established he expects that all wiU be
right again. For the present all coke to the
East is shipped over tne Allegheny Valley and
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroads.
Some Call It a Job. '
The proposition to add a story to the Alle
gheny market house does not give unadulter
ated satisfaction. Some people denounce it as
a scheme to give some people a johand say it
will ruin the house for a market. The objec-
i iura propose, u mere do any neea 01 more
room, that the hay scale square on the west
side of Federal street be taken and let peanut,
melon and banana venders find some other
A Boy Drowned Off a Haft.
William Reese, 16 years of age, was drowned
at the foot of Twenty-ninth street yesterday
afternoon by falling in the river. He attempted
to jump on a raft, but missed his footing and
was swept away before aid could reach him.
The boy's parents live on Thirty-seventh street.
His bouy had not been recovered at midnight.
Sold a Friend's Watch.
Michael Barrey made an information before
Alderman Maneese yesterday charging Will
iam White with larceny. It alleged by Barrey
that he gave White his watch to pawn, and he
sold the watch for $10 and failed to return the
money. White was arrested and committed to
Bit With a Beer Keg.
George Wilson will have a hearing before
Alderman O'Donnell on Tuesday to answer a
charge of aggravated assault and battery pre
ferred by Mary Maloney. The prosecutrix
alleges that Wilson struck her on the head
with an empty beer keg because she refused to
take a drink.
Marriage Licenses Granted Yesterday.
Nam. -Beildenes.
t Andrew Montgomery Pittsburg
.iMarySteenson l'itttburjr
( Mi thins fclater. Jr McKeesport
Margaret Boyle McKeesport
J Wm. O. Marks Pittsburg
IMaryHlsker. Wllklniburg
( Adam Daerr. Mifflin township
1 Lizzie M. Smith Mifflin township
(Sebastian Wise Ohio township
Theresa Kubon Allegheny
t Patrick Lynch .....Pittsburg
I Agnes T.ettlfr ritUburg
HOLT, At his residence, 624 Penn ave., East
End, of pneumonia, William D. Holt, in the
43d year of his age.
Funeral services at Calvary Episcopal
Church, Sunday Aftersooit, at 4 o'clock.
Friends of the family respectfully invited to
4 nieces imitation mahoeanv. best mohair
lush, and all hair upholstery, rednced from
The Female College Commencement.
The baccalaureate exercises of the Pittsburg
Female College will be held to-morrow at 10:45
A. It, in Christ M. E. Church. The President,
Dr. A. H. Norcross, will deliver the discourse
to a class of 15 young ladies.
Bakers Complain of Marvin.
There is practically no change in the fight
between the union bakers oi LA. 7247 and 8.
8. Marvin . Co. Several of the bakers said
yesterday that they did not think it fair for
Marvin to take advantage of the calamity at
Johnstown and advertise for bakers to bake
for the flood sufferers.
Gave Ball on Three Charges.
Samnel Abernathy, charged before Alderman
McKenna with selling liquor without a license,
to minors and on Sunday, on oath of Inspector
McAleese, appeared for bearing yesterdav,
but waived It and gave bail in $1,500 for court
A Girl Charged With Larceny.
Mary Morison will have a hearing before Al
derman Burns, Monday, to answer a charge of
larceny, preferred by Jacob Gross. It is al
leged that the defendant stole 75 worth of
property from Gross' bouse.
A Charitable Fair Postponed.
The country fair, which was to have been
held at the residence of Mrs. Hailman, in the
East End. for the benefit of (the Fruit and
Flower Mission, has been posponed indefinitely.
ilt origin and observ
ance in this and other
countr.e s. it the subject of a limelu article bv
Jfrank Jlern in to-morrow's Dispatch.
A New Extension Will be Added at Once
Other School Kews.
The High School Committee met last night
and approved a number of bills, besides trans'
acting some other routine business. Major
Hartzell made a motion, which was carried.
that an extension be built to the High School
building, the work to be begun at once. This
was In view of the overcrowded condition of
the rooms.
..T?. for the flnal examinations for
the High school were set for Monday, Tues
day and ednesday, June 24. 25 and 26.
The Htland School Board organized on
Thursday evening and Elected officers asfol
Ji"S: ,PrtsIientVT- a McConnell: Secretary.
B. H. Peabody: Treasurer, James K. Rogers!
All the old teachers were re-elected, and Miss
Jlelzlo Proudnt was elected totake charge of
the Brilliant school. b
Will Flow Freely Now From Many Well
Known Fount.
The usual temperance meeting will be held
Monday evening at the Centenary Church,
Wylie avenue. Open temperance meetings
will be held Saturday evening on the grounds
adjoining the Thirteenth ward schoolhouse.
Center avenue, and on Sunday afternoon at
8.30 o'clock at the Herron Hill reservoir. W.
J. McConnell and Mr. McCowan will address
tun meeting.
"W. S. Fraaier, of Wisconsin, will address a
Constitutional amendment meeting to-morrow
afternoon at 3 o'clock lu the Moorheart build
ing. Colonel V, D. Moore and Mr. T. Edward
Murphy will address a meeting of voters In
Salisbury Hall, Southside, this evening.
Death Jby the Belt.
Phillip Kitchner, an employe in the Westing
house works, was working around the ma
chinery yesterday when his clothing caught in
a belt. The machinery was stopped as soon as
possible, nut too late to rescue tne unfortu
nate man. nis bodywas taken to his home, at
-m i-ona avenue, tie leaves a wua
J 8 a blood disease. Until tne poison la
expelled from the system, there can
be no cure for this loathsome and
dangerous malady. Therefore, the only
effective treatment is & thorough course
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla the best of all
blood purifiers. The sooner you begin
the better ; delay is dangerous.
"I was troubled with catarrh for over
two years. I tried various remedies,
and was treated by a number of physi
cians, but received no benefit until I
began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A
few bottles of this medicine cured me of
tnis troublesome complaint and com
pletely restored my health." Jesse M.
Boggs, Holman's Mills, N. C.
"When Ayer's Sarsaparilla was rec
ommended to me for catarrh, I was in
clined to doubt its efficacy. Having
tried so many remedies.vitn little ben
efit, I had no faith that anything would
cure me. I became emaciated from loss
of appetite and impaired digestion. X
had nearly lost the sense of smell, and
my system was badly deranged. I was
about discouraged, when a friend urged
me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and re
ferred me to persons whom It had cured
of catarrh. After taking half a dozen
bottles of this medicine, I am convinced
that the only sure way of treating this
obstinate disease is through the blood."
Charles H. Maloney, 113 Biver st,
Lowell, Massi .
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle.
KRETZSOHMAR-On Friday. June7.1SS9,
at 10 o'clock a. m., Felix A Kxetzschhae,
aged 44 years.
Funeral from his late residence, 2501 Penn
arenue, on StTND AT at 2 P. K. Friends of the
family are respectfully invited to attend.
LEANfiRD Thuisday, June 6, 18S9. Ltllie,
only daughter of Willard and Mary J. Leanord,
aged 4 years and a months,
Funeral from the parents' residence, Clark
street, pear Banks alley, on Baxueday, June
8, 1889, at 2 o'clock P.M. . - 2
MARTIN On Thursday, Juno 6. at 7:40 P.M.,
Michael Maktik, husband of Kate Martin,
formerly Robltzer. at Findlayville, Washing
ton county, Pa., aged 49 years.
Funeral on Satubday, June 8, atll A. ir at
Catholic Church, Hazelwood. Friends of the
family are respectfully invited to attend. 2
MAGOFFIN-On Thursday, June 6, 18S9. at
2 P. H., at her residence, Mercer, Pa-, Mrs.
MabiaM. Maqojtlk-, widow of the late Dr.
Benah Magoffin.
Funeral services from the residence of James
Patton.Jr., So. 60 Irwin avenue, Allegheny
City, this, Bathed ay afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Interment private. Please omit flowers.
McELVENNY On Thursday June 6, at 3:35
o'clock, Mrs. Annie Stahl, wife of linden
McElvenny, aged 24 years and 8 days.-
Funeralfrom her late residence, No. 77 Adams
street, Allegheny, on BtTMDAY, June 9, at 2
o'clock. Friends of the family are respect
fully invited to attend.
McQUILLEN-Friday morning, June 7. 1SS9.
at 8:55 o'clock, Teessie, daughter of P. J. and
Margaret McQuilleu, aged 5 months and 20
Funeral from parents' residence, 120 Fulton
street, on Saturday, June 8, 1889, at 3:30 p. x.
ISTEGGERT On Thursday, June 6. at 4J5
p. ?., O. Jeeojte Steooeet, oungest son of
John and Mary M Steggert, aged S years 8
Funeral from the residence of his parents
1906 Jane street, Southside, Saturday at 2.30
p.'m. Friends qf the family are respectfully
invited to attend. - 2
WYNKOOP-At the residence of his father,
L C. Wynkoop, Marshall avenue. Alleghenv,
at 10 P. M. Thursday, Jnne 6, Wilfohd H.
Wynkoop, in his 26th year.
Notice of funeral hereafter.
ZOLLINGER-On Thursday, June 6, 1889. at
12 o'clock noon, Emma A, wife of James Zol
linger and second daughter of A. J. Moon,
aged 38 years, 2 months and 3 days.
Funeralfrom the residence of her husband,
Lawrence street, between Forty-third and
Forty-fourth streets, on Satubday aftee
NOON, June 8, at 2 o'clock. Friends of the
family are respectfully invited to attend. 2
WYNKOOP-On Thursday evening, June 6.
1SS9. at 10 o'clock. WILFOBD H. Wvinrnnp In
his 26th year.
Funeral services at the residence of his
father, L C. Wynkoop, Marshall avenue, Tenth
ward. Allegheny City, on Sunday afteknoon
at 2 JO o'clock. Friends of the family are in
vited to attend.
WILSON At the residence of his mother,
Hazelwood, on June 7, at 9J0 p.m., Calvin
Notice of funeral in evening papers.
The balance
of our stock
of the 6-piece
Parlor Suite,
in crushed
plush or mar-
bleized silk
plush, which
was a great bargain earlier fin the
season at $48, is now reduced to
Bargain No. 2. 1
3 pieces imitation mahogany and embossed
plush, reduced from $47 SO to 35
Bargain No. 3.
3 pieces imitation mahogany and brocatelle,
reduced from J100 to $63.
Bargain No. 4.
plush, and
125 to $75.
Bargain No. 5.
large Parlor Arm Chairs, in every kind of
wood, and best plushes, reduced from $25 to
Bargain No. 6.
5 pieces heavily carved solid mahogany, best
silk plush and all hair upholstery, reduced
from 5175 to sia
Bargain No, 7.
S pieces large suite. In full upholstery and
aU hair, best silk plush, aU largo pieces, re
duced from 250 to 150.
Bargain No. 8.
5 pieces solid mahogany and best silk plush
all hair upholstery, reduced from $223 to $125.
Tags showing the former and the
new prices are attached to these
and many other pieces of furniture
to be pushed off.
The heavy reductions have made
heavy sales in
but many choice patterns and bar
gains in the marked down Lace and
Heavy Curtainsstill remain. The
same spirit rules in Carpets and
China Mattings, the latter as low as
3 perjroll of 40 yards.
. ,
ci r Ml
l! iu 1 1m Hi " J.w I
- V lFl ftf
& CO.,
We Wish io Call lour Atten
tion to Two Special Bar
gains This Week in Hosi
ery and Underwear.
26-Inch JJnibreUats
Gloria Cloth, gold and silver handles,nerv
designs, at SI 60.
Gloria Cloth, gold and silver handles, at
$2 00.
Gloria Cloth, silver turned handles, at
$2 50.
Gloria Cloth, gold handles, new designs,
at S3 60 and S3 75.
"Windsor Silk, silver handles.new designs,
at ii 25 and S3. .
"Windsor Silk, gold handles, new designs,
at U 25 and 15. .
"Windsor Silk, La Tosca handles, at S3
and S3 50.
"Windsor Silk, cherry wood handles, new
designs. $2 50, $3, S3 50, Si and H 50.
w inusor a us. acasia wood handles, at
S2 75 and S3 50.
Mourning Umbrellas at S2. 82 BO. 82 7B
and S3."
28-Inch "Umbrellas.
Gloria Cloth, silver handles, at 21 75, S3.
S2 60, S3 75, S3 and 53 50.
"Windsor Silk, gold and silver handles.
Parasols in plain colors at SI 25.
Parasols, fancy stripes and checks, at
S2 50, S3, S3 50, $4, $4 25, 84 50 and S5.
Parasols, beautiful designs, in black and
white, at $2 50, $3, $3 50. 84, ?4 50 and 5.
Parasols with detachable handles, in
macK. ana colors, new designs, at o DO.
"White Lace Parasols a special bargain
at $2.
75c, 85c and ?1.
Fleishman & Co's.
H7, 119 and 138 Third avenue, two doors below
Smithfield sL, next door to Central Hotel.
Carriages for funerals,. Carriages for operas,
parties, 4x, at the lowest rates. AU new car
riages. Telephone communication. myl-11-TTS
ASSETS . S9JJ71.69333.
Insurance Co. of North America.
Losses adjusted and paid by "WILLIAM
JONES, to Fourth avenue. iaas3-D
"We display this week the best 25-cent Onyx
Black Stainless Hose ever shown in this city,
much better than we sold last year at 40 cents a
pair. Call and see them.
Bargain number two is a lot ot Ladles' Real
French Balbriggan Y,ests.high ne ja nbbed
arm, which we have marked 40 cents each; this
erode has always sold for 75 cents.
We have more of those Ladies' SUk Ribbed
Vests, long sleeves, at 53 00 and 52 25. former
price S3 25 and S3 50.
Our Lines of Gentlemen's
from 50 cents to S3 00 a garment, are the best
values going in ail the grades between these
Light Natural "Wool .Underwear, the nicest
and softest made: also, Light Merino and
Gauze, in low, medium and finest grades.
Underwear and Hosiery.
Out own special handloom made Silk, Lambs'
"Wool, Merino, Balbriggan, Lisle Thread, etc
Dress, Promenade, Driving, etc Best
makers. First-class only.
No. 8 King Edward St.,
London, E.C. NewYor"
Na 4 Rue D'Ures, Paris office. my9-2tTfl
Madison Square,
ur ins Liquor Habit Positively
e leaves a wua and two
1'Securus judicat
orbis .terrarum."
"Tie annual consumption ef this fa
vourite beverage, -which, it is stated, now
txteeis tmeht vdUinn bottler, affords a
striking proof of the widespread demand
which exists for table water of absolute
purity, and it is satisfactory to knew that
wherever one travels, in either hemisphere,
it is to be met with; it is ubiquitous, and
should now be known as the cosmopolitan
table, water 'Quod ab omnibus, quod
vbifue.'" British Medical Jourxal.
4"g- 2$, 1888.
Of aS Grecert, prnjrutx, axd'Mintrai
rrtuer JJ court.
Assets JM8,501S7
JOHN B. JACKSON. Vice President
fe22-26-TTS "WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary.
in all weights, at Lowest prices. Boys' Under
wear is a specialty In onr underwear line The
boys like onr Knickerbocker or Knee Drawers,
In both the Jean and Balbriggan kinds. Ask to
see them ; a good many customers we find don't
know they are to be had in thie way.
O. D. LteVIS. KnTIMtnr nt Patent.
181 Fifth avenue, above Hmithneld, next Leader
office. (No delay.) Established 20 years.
by Administering Dr. Haines'
Golden Specific.
It can be elven in a enp or coffee or tea Wlthont
the knowledge or tbe person taking It: Is abso
lutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and
peeay cure, wnetner tne patient is a moderate
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Tlionsands of
Drunkards have been made temperate men who
Bare taken Uolden Specific In their coffee without
tlielr knowledge and to-day believe thev quit
drinking from their own free will. IT NEVEIS
FAILS. The system once Impregnated with the
specific, It becomes an utter impossibility for the
liquor appetite to exist, i'orsaleby A.J.Kankln.
Sixth anoTFenn are.. Pittsburg; E. Uolden & Co.,
63 E. federal St., Allegheny. Trade supplied by
eo. A. EeUv & Co.. Pittsburg, l'a. aefr-CS-TTB
B. & B
Ladier and Gentlemen: '
To-day is io be a memorable
one in the Hosiery trade qf
these cities.
1,000 pairs of Stockmgswill
be put on the counter this
morning and sold during the
day the earlier tlie better
at one-half and one-third the
original price. They are odds
and ends that must be cleared
Up. Not old and musty goods,
however. The biggest Hosiery
season we ever had has broken
many lines, made odd pair lots,
straggling lines, and these we
call "odds and ends."
What does a straggling lot
indicate? That the proods are
popular. No difficulty to sell
them regularly, but we want I
to see a genuine sensation to
day. They include Ladies',
Children's and Men's Hosiery.
Blacks, Colored and Stripes.
1,000 pairs at one-half to one
third regular price.
The foot-gear bargains of
the season.
This must not totally eclipse
the other Hosiery .bargains
genuttie bargains.
A large special lot (ioo
dozen) of Fine French Black
Lisle "Split-Feet" Stockings
a special bargain for the ladies
rat 40 cents; never sold for
less than 75 cents.
Three pairs for 50 cents
Gents' lisle thread half hose.
Full Regular French Bal
briggan half hose, jkc a
pair, or $1 50 a dozen pairs.
Summer-weight Shawknit
half hose at 25c
Hand-Gear The popular band-wear lor the
hot season is the Black Silk Mitt
"We have shades, but the Blacks are the pop
ular ones. We have nothing but Silk Mitts.
You can't afford to buy a cheaper mitt than onr
20-cent silk one The various grades to SI in
clude extra qualities, and all tbe qualities you
could want. The long and short ones in even
ing shades, 75c to Jl 23.
Black Lace Mitts, l&a to SOc
In Kid Gloves we offer some very choice
goods, the very best in fact; and at prices tbe
Two specials at 31: Four-button Kid and
Suede Monsqnetaire. They're "genuine bar
gains" and no mistake.
Gents' Street and Driving Gloves.
Now for Gents' Furnishings.
GENTLEMEN: Telling you that we have the
best lines of Furnishings and at the lowest
prices may not convince you that what we say
is Gospel truth. But there is one way you can
learn bow true it is, and we beg you to try it
Put us to the test by comparing tbe goods and
the prices.
For your own sakes and for ours give us an
opportunity to secure your trade If we don't
do the best for you then quit us. That's all we
ask. But here's a secret We don't crpect to
lose you, ones we get you.
Just for reminders:
"What's selling the most just nowf
Flannel Shirts and Underwear.
Those $1 25 Tourists' French Flannel Shirts
(worth every penny of $2) are nearly all gone;
but there's another 0 dozen lot on the way.
It's the biggest bargain you ever saw.
The backward season has kept heavy Under
wear on your backs. But the last few weeks
has brought out buyers for light weights. We
have them.
To-Day! To-Day!
WvjWWviMvW mmmml
-Regular aii
For $10
Men's splendid Suits in erery shape of Frocks and Sacks, every shade, mix-
ture and combination in light, dark and medium colors. You'll be surprised to
see how much value a $10 note ias in our Men's Suit Department to-day. A
$25 tailor-made Suit doesn't show more value on its face than these ?10 Suits do.
They come in nobby light colors, neat medium colors, dressy dark colors, in
Cashmeres, fancy Scotches, black and blue Corkscrews' plaids, stripes, checks
and fashionable mixtures. Not a solitary suit is worth under $16 many are
good value at ?18. You can come -right into our store and take your choice
For Ten Dollars Only.
'lis only at such an extraordinary sale as this that such incomparable values
can be found. "WE CAN, WILL, MUST save you money, for we're in s position
to name prices that're positively beyond any and all competition. Expect to buy
here, then, as good a suit of clothes for $10 as you can in any other store In Pitts
burg for 516, and even 518, and, our word for it, you'll not be disappointed.
p W aid J25 Sib
For $15
Now, gentlemen, here is your chance to buy a truly fine, well trimmed and
sort of made-for-you-like looking suit for but little more than half its real value.
Competition Is nowhere. Like a huge avalanche.this great sale w ill carry every
thing before it "We ask you to do what? "Why, come and take your choice of any
of these strictly fine, perfectly tailored and elegant fitting suits for the extremely
low, easily paid and popular price of 515. Aside from choice lines of Cheviots,
Cassimeres, Corkscrews, Worsteds, Stripes, Checks, Plaids, eta, etc., in every
style of cutaway, frock and sack, we are ofiering beautiful Mohairs, elegant
Wide Wales, fine Serges. Common sense will prompt you to put915 in your
purse and call and secure one of these gorgeous and magnificent suits. Our word
for it, you'll "shake" your tailor forever when you find out the extraordinary
values wn give at all times, and particularly so to-day. You can drop in$.
store and inside of a quarter of an hour have on as perfect a fitting suit as
would take a tailor two weeks to nuke. We guarantee in every case a perfect
fit; in fact, we wouldn't think of allowing a customer to go out of our store with
out being the happy possessor of a suit which we would ourselves be proud of
For $15 Only!
INS.Co.,7 Wood street, Pittsburg. Pa.
. tal , KO,O0O 00
Assets January 1,1889 363,715 80
Directors Chas. W. Batchelor. President;
John W. Cbaltant Vice President: A. E. W.
Painter. Robt Lea, M. W. Watson, John Wil
son, Joseph Walton, Wm. G. Park, A. M.
Byers, J as. J. Donnell, Goo. E. Painter, John
Thompson, Wm. T. Adair, Secretary; Jas.
Little, Assistant Secretary; August Ammon,
General Agent ja224S-TTa
115, 117. 121
Federal Street, Allegheny.
' tak J5 to
$6 Boys' Si
nN .
wm, smrwe,
m 1 19.
wm, empws,
Grand Money Saving Week!
I"0I the June trade we offer some extra pood hnrcains in order t nlwn- a mf mn !,,. ltv. ju- u-i i j. - v. -t j .
up to about 30 yards. See them soon. Body Brussels, special lines, 75o, 87Jfc and up. Tapestry Brussels, superior quality at 6u,60and75cT ThreaPlv
rngrams. Chean Incrains. Eair. Hemn. Cottage. Sail und Stnir Caroet, T,; ,,, r-t.L. J-a t M..f3: flr:. S.'.S r.;. ., . .T.V
..... .H& . w MM VS M I CI JklUUi
prices: lenctbs running
Ingrains, Extra Super 1
Oil Cloths, ail widths, at popular prices. With our superb carpet stock we offer special inducements iu Lace Curtains: the euormous quantities
sS ss TnS rKTr.LJ, fu ft Thw.i . '?" "P. fecial patterns i to iu a pair. Heavy Turcoman and Chenille Curtains and Portieres 53 50 a pair up. Grand values
55, 56, and 58 a pair. Silk, Oriental and Madras Curtains, made up shades, sprimr fixtures complete, 60c Shade Cloths, all colors. Curtain Poles and Xrimminra at Inw-niT
Curtain materials by the yard in great variety, in fact the upholstery stock is complete. ou wuuu,su cuna curtain jroi-s ana .mmmings at lowpnces.
TMr..tCii RSO BS5S?,S11JSh,I1tmII wU5h i , dePartent SPial cnt 4a Priepj ?f Beaded Capes and Wraps. Ladies and Misses' Jackets. A Nobby Cloth
W to!BWehH.Hn ,Jeriq,wW0 UP' eamr Bnd Colored. Braided, Smocked and Embroidered. Jeriey Waists and Blouses. Silk and Cashmere
WMi"SaSn1 WehTBawerbefi",wawhorttof Silk and Stuff Suitings. Warn and Satine Suits. Lad T and
colors and. widths: far bat an A W
charge for trimming when materials are
Er etv -Yoi riS Tand TombinntionT iSft ftlnfl iii. 'nK" Z?i,FZXL 'Jt?8 ? & . Onr 50o counter contain, French str pes and ?oveltIe, in great
is complete with bargain, in India Silks, Gros -QriiZ Suhs, MerVeilfeaux; rttndotte fScTwSvST' PWr "' 8Uk,tocfc
.fJS1! SPaDiSh' W andrientai End,MS """ ' SkirUngEmbroiderie, -nd
Velvel"7"1111111611 of-IJiderBear' HMiy ttnd Gl0Te. Men' Sornishing Goods, Umbrellas, Muslin Underwear, Parasols, Corsets, Bustles, Satiaes, Cfcallis, Plashes and
Mail Orders Promptly Filled at Lowest Prices.
M IfiS;
. . -?1! -.fff- u ."L"ausTT5.ats "". Bonne. everyshape and color worth carrying, trimmed and untrimmed. Ribbons, all
u-iiuuiiuKi uk, w.o.. Awtuui oi jb lowers in wreatns, roses ana cuds, sprays, etc. Xips, Plumes. Laces. Gauzes etc and no extra
bouehtof us. Missesand Bovs' Straws Hats and Children's Cat in orrat v.y.UtJ ,'t rlinrin.'. """ Jjaces, uanzes, etc., ana no extra
kareat number of ouetliont relative to the toilet
5Cma Uealth. ajul nnjalhje lOAljn MfflK tvrtmh7 I I '
& rf?
For $3 50 Only!
Short Pant Suits, with or without Tests, for boys 4 to 14 years. Strictly all
wool goods, mind you. They are in light, medium and dark Plaids, interwoven
and broken " lalds. Checks and Mixtures, .shades, solid colors, etc These ars
regular hummers for tbe money. Now, parents, heed our advice. "Leave too
chaff" which other concerns offer and come to our store to-day and "take th
wheat," the high-class goods which we offer at the above mentioned extraordinary
low price. Lest you should he under the impression that our bargains in onr
Boys' Department are limited to this one, we will tell you that we have
Iflsails of Sits for ie
Sailors, Sailor Kilts, one-piece Silts, two-piece Kilts, Jerseys, Short Pants, tie.,
at all prices from
49c UP TO 10,
And there isn't a suit in the whole of onr great stock bnt what is a genuine bar
gain at the price offered. Then, again, we have
And a saving of anywhere from 51 50 to 510 can be easily effected by simply
taring here. It's by the offerinr of bargains unobtainable elsewhere that people
llock io our store iu -their thousands. We take pleasure in laying the foundation
for the future .man's custom, and for a qnsrter-of a century have we been working
on ihis basi, and to-day Esthers who begaA here as children continue to, patronise
t tad bring their children with them.
Store Open This Evening Until 11 O'clock.
flora s o Sui
i IgJ
Bargain Store.
300 to 400 liUrrvitStrMt
l . .M
k . r m- - - vi'ja sjj t . -, 'j a