wkf? ' . rA THE-- PITTSBimG- DISPATCH, SATUKDAY, JUNE - 8, 1889. wmpi i B 'Art one, sot copperas or mercury, as it would poison the water. It will be something harmless. The solution will be stored in tanks. If all works well we will commence operations with the engine in the morning." A fire engine left Pittsburg for Johnstown last night to perform this work. "Ihe most I fear," continued Dr. Lee, "is that disease may break ont among the weakened survivors in the infected district, but so far the absence of mortality is won derful tor the exposure endured." A telegram from Johnstown last evening said that several cases of malignant diph theria had developed, bnt so far the dreaded disease had not spread. Wants tbe Surgeon General. Continuing the doctor said: "I telegraphed for Surgeon General Hamilton, of the United States Marine Hospital Service, who bad charge of the quarantine and supervis ion of the yellow fever district of Florida, to come on, as I want to confer with him. I have also telegraphed to Dr. Probst. Secre tary and executive officer of the State Board of Health of Ohio, to meet me here as soon as possible with a view of conferring with him in regard to such sanitary precautions as may be necessary along the Ohio, as the people at Cincinnati and other points along the river fear that the pollution from the upper streams is going down to them, but they should be assured to the contrary. State Appropriation InshfQcient. 'The State appropriation for the work is sot sufficient, unfortunately. In fact the appropriation is very meager, but we rely upon a full indorsement of the expenses that may be necessary to incur in this great emergency. I expected to be allowed a cer tain amount of money to prosecute the work proposed out of the funds in the bands of tbe General Belief Committee here, but I lave been disappointed. I met the mem bers of the Executive Belief Committee while in executive session a few minutes ago. They say that inasmuch as the money in their hands was given for the immediate relief of sufferers, they do not feel like al lowing any of it to be expended for any other purpose. They considered they had strained a point to send the boats up the river to pull away the lodged wreckage and dead bodies, as I requested. I have, how ever, telegraphed to Governor Beaver to B - place money in my hands." THE PASSJSYSTEM. The Ladies Find They Have to Adopt it at Tbeir Church Headquarters Befa- trees Cared For. The work of the Ladies' Relief Committee at the Second Presbyterian Church is still eolnir on and snfferers and ref agrees are being cared -lot and fed as fast as they arrive. The number of people taken care of, however, is far below ."what had been expected, and the ladles are to come extent quite disappointed. There is any quantity of food and clothing at tbe church awaiting the coming of the sufferers. The committee are still pestered considera bly by the vast hordes of sichtseers. who crowd Into the vestibule of tbe church for no other 'reason than to witness the scenes of misery that are depicted in the very appearance of the refugees as they arrive. These people resort to all sorts of excuses in order to gain admission to the edifice, and then stand around in open mouthed and well-affected horror, and succeed most admirably in hampering the good work of The committee. Adopted the Pass System. Yesterday the ladles hit upon a very happy plan of keeplnc such people away. They have adopted the pass system and have issued passes to all people whose business brings them to tbe church, and those not holding such passes are sot admitted. Two policemen stand guard at the gate and make every strancer tell his busi Sess before he is allowed to enter. Quite a number of people were received and led yesterday, after which they were either provided with shelter or forwarded to their destinations. Among tbe refugees received during the morning were Walter and Gilbert "Wright, two brothers aged respectively 18 and 8 years. The elder of the two Is quite an invalid and suffers considerably from lnng trouble. In speaking of the escape of his entire family he told quite x graphic story. Ho said that the water had been rising about their home all day on Friday, andthatwbenitliadcot to a height of four feet they commenced to move up stairs, and were finally compelled to take to the attic "When the break came they could see the houses being sweDt past them, and soon after their own house becan to rock. Then his lathepmother, and four others eot out of the ucmDuQwaau ww iciuj;e uu aniij oof. He and a rirl named Grace then tried to tret out. but something floated against the window and thev found themselves prison ers. The room soon began to fill with water and be and, tbe Rirl were about giving up all hope when something tore away the entire Elde of the house, and thev got out on another roof that floated down. Finally they came up with the roof on which were his parents, whom he joined, and later the entire party were taken off in skiffs, and all are safe. Kcfnffees Cared For. The following refugees were cared for yes terday: Charley Bracken, Conemaugh borough; James Crossan, Conemaugh borough; Grace and Pearl Slater; these two children have been tent to J. P. Dlebl, Shaler township; William, "Walter and Chester Homer, from Homers town; William Beese, George Klongeandhis mother, Mrs. Klonge,B. B. Shaw, Walter C. and Gilbert Wright, Emma and Sarah Jenkins, the Langhorn family, consist incpf Mrs. Lang torn and four children; W. B. Cooper; this man lost his whole family; Minnie and Blanche Glass, Albert Smith, a boy 9 years old; John Lingle, Annie and Walter Boss, Mrs. Tillie Porgner; this woman has two sick children, aged 6 and 2 years; Mrs. Bessie Winters and family, William, Elsie and Kettle; they have left for Wheeling. A thank offering was received by the Ladies' Committee yesterday. It read: "My boy has been saved. Give tbis to some poor mother." It was signed "A Mother." Inclosed in tbe note was a 10 gold piece. A family of Germans arrived yesterday who could not speak any English. Mr. Oswald Werner, of Penn avenue, took charge of them and placed them in the Hotel Albemarle at his own expense and will Care for them until such time as they are ready to leave for Oregon, where they are going. Arrivals Last Klcht. Last evening at 6 o'clock the following per sons arrived at tne Second Presbyterian Church from Johnstown, and were fed and given clothing: Mrs. Carrie Bean, of Johnstown, taken home by one of the ladies of the committee; Harriett Penrod, Johnstown, taken care of in the city; Peter TJtzberger, Johnstown, bound for Antie tam,Va,; John Metzgar.wif e and son, B. "V., and daugbter.M. J.,sll of Johnstown, taken to Beatty Hall, on Ridge avenue; Mrs. Ella M. Shaffer and tbree daughters, of Johnstown, en route to Antietam, Va. At 10 o'clock another train arrived from Johnstown and brought William Emerich, wife and son August, all of Johnstown, en route to friends in Fort Wayne, Ind.; Thomas Batzen, of Johnstown, en route to friends in Tiffin. O.; Joseph Device, James Car ney and Redmond, three young men and all of Jonnstown, sent to Beatty Hall; J. M. Darnell, of Memphis, Tenn., and his two daughters en route to tbeir home. There was also on the train the daughter of Superintendent Fronheiser, of the Cambria Iron Works. The young lady was conveyed to this city on a stretcher, She having sustained a fracture of the hip. She looked very cheerful, although her face was pale and bore evidence of intense suffering. Her mother is numbered among tbe vast army of the lost, but the rest of her family were saved. Another interesting passenger was little Johnnie Kane, a boy of apparently about 5 years of age.He and an older brother are all that is left of a large family. The child was accom- eanied by his uncle, who is taking him to his ome in Canada. 21UEPHT SPEAKS OP J0HKST0WN. The Worthy Worker for Temperance Has Conflicting Emotions. Francis Murphy, the temperance apostle, was In the city yesterday on a short visit from Chi cago. He just dropped into The Dispatch office to make a subscription of 125 to the Johnstown sufferers. Tears stood in Mr. Mur phy's eyes as he mentioned the name Johns town, and there were very few words that he was able to speak about it. Mr. Murphy's son Yv- 11 ...r ., x ir.. .,. ... .1... nt.i V cago pacers, Robert's name and tbe names of V sis family were given as among the dead. "I don't want to say how I feel about it," staid Francis Murphy, telling the story yester day, "but I couldn't believe Robert dead, and yet you can think how I thanked God when I came home and found nun and his family eaveo." Mr. Mnrohv was ereatlv affected bv t.hn calamity at Johnstown, as anvone who knows I lis sympathetic nature can readily believe. I Sis son lost all his property by tbe flood. 'S CHOICE OrMightyNearitastoWhat You'll Drink. BEER BEGINS TO PALL Ob the Stomach and Tea and Coffee Aro Not Much Better But Little Mod tu the Late Solution No Reservoir Cleaning Con templatedDeath la the Old Onkea Bucket. Complaint having been made that the depth of water in tbe Hiland avenue reservoir has been allowed to decrease, Mr. L. T. Denniston. chief clerk, explains that some repairs have been making at the engines, but that there will be maintained a sufficient supply. Superintendent Brown states that it will not be necessary to clean tho basins as tho flood deposited less sediment than is ordinarily the case. The probable cause of this is that local rains were not heavy and did not wash much earth into the river and the immense rush following the break of tbe South Fork dam carried out its sediment with more than usual rapidity. Although there is still a considerable stage of water, the rivers are quite clear. Onlvin Coffee. But little water, comparatively, is being used for drinking except when made into coffee and tea. Many people are buying an extra supply of ice and melting it for drinking, while others drink from abandoned wells that ordinarily Are Considered Poisonous. Some sources of supply that are considered comparatively pure are extensively patron ized. Among them are tbe spring at Darling ton's brewery on Rebecca street, Allegheny, and one on the Chambers cstate,near Amersham avenue, Sbadyside; one on the McKee prop perty, near Forbes street and Coltart square; one on M. K. Moorehead's place, Ellsworth avenue, and tbe artesian well water near East Park, Allegheny, slakes the thirst of many. There is considerable grumbling by some who have endeavored to tide over tbe water famine by drinking beer. Beer is a mighty pleasant drink to educated Dalates. but if you are forced to drink it for a great length of time, it has a tendency to make you feel as though you'd as leave see tho amendment pass on the ISth instant as not. It is said the drink habit can bo cured by flavoring every the victim eats with ardent spirts and giving him tarn for his exclusive beverage for a con siderable length of time. It is a remedy which some topers would enjoy in its inception. Safe ns Well Water. The people of the Southside, who draw their supply from the Monongahela, are in pretty good shape, and it is probably as safe to drink Allegheny river water as that of the wells in thickly inhabited districts. If a census were kept of typhoid fever in tbe large cities where river water is used and in the Wages where well water is drank, it would be Proven Beyond Controversy that tbe proportion of cases of fever is consid erably greater in tbe latter than in the former. Cesspools are usually less than one-third as deep as wells, and the water in the latter can not in most instances be anything else than poisonous. They are abominations and sewer age in cities is but little better. it is difficult to tell just how long it will be before Allegheny river water can be used without suspicion. Much will depend on tbe progress made in cleaning away the drift be tween Johnstown and Freeport. M'KEESPORT'S WOBK. Contributions, Provisions and Clothing Be ing Sent to Johnstown Dally More Working Men to be Sent. The people of McKcesport are still actively at work raising f nnds and general relief for the afflicted mountain city. The National Tube Works and tbe W. Dewees Wood Company are j arranging to send about 150 additional men to assist the large force of workers already sent out from there. The contributions ot these two concerns, when fully considered, will, it is said, go up into tbe thousands of dollars. Yesterday Relief Committee No. lief t for the city ot destruction. The car was filled to Its utmost capacity with provisions and men's clothing. Over 1,000 loaves of bread and a large quantity of -cooked meats were included in the load. The tube works have arranged to provision all their own men,and are paying them a regular salary for working at Johnstown. The em ployes ot the United States Iron and Tin Plate Company have contributed 5535, and the Ver sailles Council, Royal Arcanum, raised 1130. Both amounts were turned over to the Belief Committee yesterday. AT TBE DISPATCH. Contributions Kecelved Yesterday nnd Cred ited to the Relief Fund. Following is the result of The Dispatch collections for the flood sufferers: Amonnt handed William R. Thompson, Treasurer of the Johnstown Relief Fund 84,705 26 Acknowledged, June 4 385 41 Acknowledged, June 5 1,333 85 Acknowledged. June 6 274 60 Received up to 6 p. jr., June 7, as follows: Employes Brace Bros.' Citizens of Perrvsrllle. launary. Park Place, Pa.. II SO. 5 25. mnlovrs O.W.Stpvpn- Slarle McKelvy. S3, son A Bro.. M7. Cornelte McKelvy. J5. F. X. Patterson. Chlco- H.tF.,!i pee Falls. Mass., S5. 11. E. Church, Scott Ha- Price Baling Powder Ten. Pa.. S5. Co.. Chicago, and Us F. O'N., 850. employes, ?M2 50. Citizens of MayvlIIe, J. J. Hooney, Xew N. Y.. per. N. Y. El York Cltv. - liot. (14 SO. J. F. Carter. S3). Cash, iU A widow, f 1. Barbers' Protective and Beneficial Association, S100. TotaL 1770 75. A Southern yellow pine lumber firm, per fcehuette & Co., 1100. A doctor. 10. Jas. Beaver, f 1. Total to date $7,459 77 IN THE MOTHER'S ARMS. A Child Sleeps Peacefully While the Flood Races All Around. Mr. M. P. Garrigan returned from Johnstown yesterday, and in a talk with a Dispatch re porter described his visit to the devastated region. About eight miles above Bolivar tbe tram he was on was stopped In tbe woods, the conductor putting off all that were without passes through the lines. He found his rela tives, and his cousin, Mr. John Hogan, related the terrible experience through which he and bis wife and child passed. They had already fled into the second story when tbe waters from the dam came down upon them. They saw one house after another whirled down past them. Then the livery stable across the street was hurled upon the house they were in. Their friends were drowned before their eyes. They were thrown into the water, but .Mr. Hogan managed to get wife and child to the eave of the roof of the bouse tbey had been thrown from. The wife held the child while the father, with desperate strength, kept pushing off the great logs crushing down upon them. In tbis way, clinging to the eave, they floated down for several squares. At last the roof struck a house and lodged there. Remaining thus for several hours, crying and beggingpit eously for help, tbey were at last rescued. But all through the hours of tbeir great peril, after tbe roof bad lodged, tbe child sleptin its moth er's arms as tranquilly as if it had been in a cradle, instead of in the midst of a flood. Mrs. Hogan was badly bruised. She has lost 15 of her relatives, and this, together with the injur ies she received, will keep her prostrated for some time to come. THE SOUTHSIDFS QUOTA. Additional Contributions for the Flood Suf ferers by tbe Residents Over the River. Supplies valued at $3,000 and more than $1,000 in cash have been sent to Johnstown from tbe Southside. The committee that is doing the work is composed of delegates from tbe vari ous councils of tbe American Mechanics, and tbe aid is secured, so far as possible, for the members of the order and their families in Johnstown. Among the contributions reported last night were Concordia Lodge, Knights and Ladies of Honor. $50; Unity Council, Daughters of Lib erty, $50; Star of the Valley Council, $200. EXTENDING THE LIGHTS. The. Allegheny County Company Golns; on Toward Altoonu. IFROM A STATT COBBXSrOWDKWT.I JoHXSTOWw, Jnne 7. The Allegheny County Electric Light Company, which has been erect ing lights along the line so tar, in order that work may be facilitated, has concluded to ex tend the lines between here and Altoona. This promises great results toward the early com pletion of the Pennsylvania Railroad line be- tween these points and subsequent' general travel. Kaht. HOBSDN BY SYSTEM $()W. Tho Labor of the General Belief Commit tee Going on Like Clock Work Re ports From Above Cars ot Goods. Business at the Belief Committee rooms has settled down to regular routine and is now transacted as methodically as though tho insti tution were a bank. People come and state their wants and if credentials are all right tber are provided for at once, and the procession is kept moving. A dispatch was received from Mr. .Flinn stat ing that he had just enough food for his men to last during the day. He was anxious that food be sent promptly for his men and for 400 horses. He also asked for E.000 pairs of shoes, a veterinary surgeon, with a large lot of tobac co, both smoking and chewing, horse medicine and a car of lime. The requests were honored. James B. Scott telegraphed that work would o on on Sunday, and goods would no delivered v tbe railways. He also stated that General Hastings bad no knowledge of advice to send men, and it was requested that no more be sent unless asEed tor. , Superintendent J. V. Patton, of the B. & O., telegraphed that be would furnish tbo commit tee a car each day to be loaded with provisions, and that it would be hitched to a fast passen ger train. ' Lumber nnd Carpenter Tools. East Saginaw (Mich.) lumbermen send ten cars of lumber and a car loaded with carpen ter tools. Fifteen tons of ground coffee will be sent to-day. Chicago furniture manufacturers send six carloads ot furniture, valued at SS.0O0. John D. Bailey's lottery will yield between 5500 and $600 for that piano which was with drawn from sale on Thursday. The drawing will be done to-morrow. The National Tube Works' employes sent 60 more skilled workmen, making in all 117. In addition to this the company sent 55,000 in cash and the National Tube Works of Boston sent 52.000. J. A. Monroe, general freight agent of the Union Pacific Railway, gave free transporta tion for a car of provisions from each of the following named places: Walla Walla, Wash. T.: Salt Lake City and Milwaukee. It has been decided to bum a lot of drift at Osbourne station, Baltimore and Ohio Railway, andfire engines have been asked for to prevent the spread to surrounding property. The Columbia Engine Company, of Allegheny City, went up, accompanied bv Chief Crow, as all tho engines that could be spared from Pittsburg were up at Johnstown and vicinity. Stoves Sent Also. Among the contributions received and for warded were a carload of stoves from the stove manufacturers of the city; a car of provisions from North Bend, O.: a car of milk from the Chartiers Creamery Company; two cars of pro visions from the American Express Company; Sailer & Co.,flvo cases of clothing; Singer Manu facturing Company, 500 pounds coffee. - The Relief Committee fnrnished transporta tion for Mrs. George R. Slick, whose husband died in Mercy Hospital yesterday. She will take his remains to Johnstown for burial. Mr. Slick was the father-in-law of District Attorney Rose, of Cambria county, who was drowned in tbe flood. Controller Morrow, who is in the Relation Pass Department of the Belief Committee Bureau, will put a sub on to-day, as he is needed in the Controller's office. This departmentwill be closed on Sunday. Mr. Morrow has issued about 200 passes a day to those who want to search for relatives, and those only, if he knows it. The pass takes them as far as Bolivar, where they get another. THE CLOUDS OF CALAMITY. Broken Here nnd There by the Light of Generous Deeds. Supplies are being received at Nineveh from Indiana, Pa. Sous M. anbrk'ws and James P. Stewart, reported lost, are safe. The proprietors and faculty of the Morrell Institute were all rescued. Fifty-five more men from tbe Carnegie furnaces at Rankin station, were sent to Johns town yesterday. The body found at Blairsvllle and identified as Miss Kimmell. of Elderton, is not hers, as she is safe with friends near Johnstown., TJp to last Wednesday the Knights of Labor bad already $3,600 subscribed for the flood sufferers from their different shops. There will be a county meetmgonnext Sun day. June 9, of the A. O. H. B. of EL to raise funds for tho relief of the Johnstown sufferers. J. B. JonKSTOif, ot the Wells-Fargo Express Company, yesterday sent to Johnstown $900 contributed by the people of San Antonla, Tex. AlexReckt, one of the refugees at Mercy Hospital who had his leg amputated, is in a serious condition, bnt with the chances in his iavor. Carl Better and the numerous friends of E. C. Heffley will be relieved to learn that the latter young musician is among the survivors of tbe flood. The tracklayers on tbe Pennsylvania road are pushing their work up the mountain be yond Conemaugh. There several ugly gorges will retard their progress somewhat. The first production of "Tbe General's Ward," by Marie Baldwin, at the Bijou Theater this evening, is for tbe bene fit of floodsuffercrs, and there will be a large attendance. E. J. Weltun, -of the Black Lick Manu facturing Company, reported lost, is all right. Report stated that his body had been found at Nineveh, but he has turned up at home. There will be a meeting of the General Be lief Committee of the Jr. O. U. A M. at Moor head Hall this evening, at 8 o'clock. Repre sentatives from all councils are requested to be present. The Young lien's Republican Tariff Club last night sent $300 to the Ladies Relief Com mittee, to be used for relieving tho immediate necessities of the Johnstown sufferers brought to this city. The remainder of the Pittsburg police force who have been on duty at Johnstown since last Sunday returned home last night, their places being filled by the militia, and no more men will be sent up. Chairman McCreert denies most emphat ically that there is any trouble between him and Governor Beaver regarding the best means of relieving the wants of sufferers, or tbe chan nels of distribution. Mr. H. B. Nease received word from his Saginaw office yesterday that the lumber dealers of East Saginaw are making up a train load of dressed lumber, lath and shingles for the work, of rebuilding. Commissioner J. M. MABSHAix,of Indiana, arrived in Blalrsville last evening from Johns town, with a carload of supplies for the men at Blairsvllle. Sheriff Mack and Commissioners Marshall and Shields are there in charge. Me. W. H. Slice, resident agent at Johns town, has been appointed by the employes of the Singer Manufacturing Company in Penn sylvania, Ohio and West Virginia, to dispense their relief fund now being collected under the auspices of tbe Pittsburg agency. The remains of the little 4-year-old boy which were taken from the Allegheny river at Forty-first street on Tuesday were interred at Bellevuc Cemetery yesterday without being identified. Coroner McDowell had the child photographed and a minute description taken. The New York Jewelers' Board of Trade has collected 1,400 already for jewelers in need. Herbert M. Condlt, Secretary of the Board, was in Pittsburg yesterday to ascertain if further assistance was needed. He would like to know whether Jacob H. Young and Louis Luckhart escaped. Messrs. Raymond and Washburn, ap pointed by the Chicago Board of Trade, will go to Johnstown this morning and Inspect the flooded district from South Fork to Nineveh. They have no fear of Lake Michigan bursting, bnt tbey want to know how it is from a per sonal Inspection. THE first red tape used at Old City Hall was put up yesterday. The brunette policeman on guard refused to let a reporter pass, although he had previously admitted him without qneiu tiou and had talked with him frequently. Tbe officer had gotten his dorsal fin up and he couldn't get it down again. The young lady companion of Miss Jennie Paulson on the day express Friday last was not Miss Bryant, as has been published, but Miss Elizabeth M. Bryan, a daughter of Mahon Bryan, of Germantown, Pa. She had met Miss Paulson at the wedding of her cousin, Miss Annie Greer, of Allegheny, on Thursday. Among tbe contributions received in last night's mail for The Dispatch fund was a letter from John Lembke, of Topeka, Kan. He said he was unable to send money, but offered 80 acres in Walworth county. Dakota, worth 20 an acre. There was also $15 from the em ployes of tbe Solar Carbon and Manufacturing Company, of Dee, Pa.,and$10fromHenry Eas ton and Mrs. Stable, of Brownsville. , albert Bows, formerly engineer in a Brad dock mill, was found wandering abont the streets of Pittsburgyesterday in an Insane con dition. At times he wanted to throw himself in tbe river to end his agony. He had lost his wife and two children and tbe accumulated savings ot a life time. He was taken to tbe Chamber ot Commerce, where a physician pro nounced him insane, and will be cared for at Mercy Hospital. EFFECT IHJE CITY, Many Open Trenches for - Cable and Gas Lines. NO FOREMEN AVAILABLE. Plenty of Laborers Who Want Work, but None of Them Competent to Act as Gang Bosses Loss to Contractors and Dan cer to the Public Is tbo Result. The Johnstown disaster has crippled all the building interests in this city. Nearly all the work, particularly on the streets, has come to a -standstill, and throughout tbe entire city ditches and excavations have been left open, and are a constant menace to belated pedestri ans. This is mainly due to tbe fact that 'the vast majority of laborers have been called off and have been sent to Johnstown, and while there are still hundreds of laborers in the city, there are no foremen here competent to take charge oT big gangs of men, and the work must necessarily lie at a standstill. Particularly is tbis true with the parties having in charge the building of the various cable roads. Will Cost Many Dollars. The work is simply lying dormant 'and Is costing its eontractors hundreds of dollars, and will continue to do so as long as the thing lasts. In addition to this there is a ditch al most two miles in length, which has been made for tbe laying of the SO-inch main of tbe Equi table Gas Company. It is all open, and while there are watchmen and red lanterns in abund ance, still it is a source of constant terrdr to the contractors and others, who fear that some one may yet he seriously injured by falling in A Dispatch reporter yesterday met James Booth, of the firm of Booth & Flinn. They are doubtless the largest contractors in the oity, and consequently tbe heaviest losers. Mr. Booth said: 'It has placed us in a very disa greeable position and is of a great deal of ex pense to us. It has taken all the qualified loremen we had, fully 25 or SO of them. This includes the Superintendent of the trac tion force, and with but one exception all tbe foremen who are at all familiar" with that class of work. Our greatest trouble is to get men who are capable ot acting as gang bosses. We can get any number of men, but can get none to take charge of them. Now, h,ere is our .bquitaoie gas main wor& lying iaie, anu iv a In a Danserons Condition, mainly on account of the immense length of the ditch lying open. All our men have stopped work on the ditch and the men we had on the Central Traction job; and besides these there were three o four gangs of men on other things. We had two gangs at work onWylle avenue, one on High street and one on the crusher on Sixth avenue. I hope to have a gang of men at work on High street to-morrow, and get that street in a sbape that will make it passable. As to the Equitable ditch, we have both gas and water mains on either side of us there, and while we keep watchmen there all tbe time, still we are fearful that somebody will get hurt. Huntlnar for Foremen. "lam trying hard to get suitable men to act as foremen, and as soon as I do I will send them to Johnstown and bring the other men back here. I won't move them, however, until I know that they can be spared. We are pestered to death every day by the crowds of men who want work, but we cannot use them. There is any number of them who are willing to volunteer for tbe $2 a day and grub, but they seem to lose sight of the fact that tbey must work when they get there. "I learned to-day that one of our men was injured very severely up there to-day. His name is William O'Brien. He is a stranger here, and has a wife and two children, whom be wants to go to him. He is hurt severely, but the firm are unable to locate his family, and he has not sent the address." THEY 1TOSTIGATE. Conflicting Telegrams Bring Down a Cora mlttee From the Chicago Board of Trade All is Now Harmony. A committee of two gentlemen from the Chicago Board of Trade arrived in Pittsburg yesterday. Tbeir errand was to find out to whom to turn over the money Taised in Chicago for. the benefit of the Johns town sufferers. It seems that conflicting tele grams have been sent from here to Chicago as to who is authorized to receive tbo contributions. Chicago people became uneasy, and it is feared that the work of raising money received a temporary check. AboutS18,000had been raised in Chicago, and this is beiug held until the two gentlemen referred to make their report. Before sending the committco the Chi cago people had wired to Pittsburg, asking if there was a conflict of Interests here. Tbey had received a reply signed by William McCreery and Mayor McCallin saying that there was no conflict and that the money should be sent to Treasurer Thompson. Not withstanding this, they thought; it best to send a committee. So the committee has been on tbe ground, investigated the matter thoroughly, found that there is no conflict, and will return to Chicago to-day and make a report, advising just what the telegram of Messrs. McCreerv and McCallin advised. There has been in the Belief Committee all the time entire harmony and the greatest con fidence in tbe men in the field. Moreover, an Interchange of telegrams yesterday between GovernorBeaver and the committee resulted in a satisfactory understanding. Governor Beaver expressed his entire confidence in the committee, his unqualified approval of their work, and stated that hereafter he would work through them. IT GOT HERE AT 1AST. There Must be a Rip Tan Winkle Some where Between Here and New York. Thepostofflceemployesstrucksomethingyes terday as puzzling as a "nixie." It was a stained newspaper, or had been a newspaper once, and looked as though it had been struck by the late flood somewhere. It was addressed to "Robert Marshall, 8 Hazel street." It was sent out as usual, but in the afternoon tbe car rier brought it back with the report that Rob ert Marshall had moved from Hazel street in 1879. Superintendent Larkiu, of the Carriers' Division, examined the paper, and found it to be a copy of the New York JSzpress, now Mail and Exprcti, dated June, 28, 1879. The princi pal news in it was the account of the death of tbe French Prince Imperial in Zululand, where he was serving in the British army. Where tbe paper has been for the last ten years is a mystery. The Eastern mails are coming in so irregularly and over so many lines that it is impossible to find what pouch the paper was taken from. Mr. Marshall was traced to Lowry street, in the Twenty-third ward, and to-day the postofilce employes will endeavor to bunt up bis- location after he re moved from that street. GENEROUS KBIGHTS Of Pythias Want to Care for the Widows and Orphans of Johnstown. Last night Great Western Lodge No. 345, Knights of Pythias, met and sent J50'to the Grand Lodge for the Johnstown sufferers. The lodge determined to take care of all members, their widows and orphans who may come to Pittsburg. Brother Knights Heber McDowell, B. F. Harris, John Kellend, Joseph Rodgers and William H. Harris were appointed a com mittee to visit the hospitals and the Second Presbyterian Church to hunt for persons need ing assistance. They request all destitute Knights or mem bers of a Knight's family in Pittsburg to com municate with Heber McDowell, Chairman of tbe committee, at the Coroner's office; B. F. Harris,Secretary of tbe commlttee.at tbe Phila delphia Company's office, or with Joseph Mc Aleer. scribe of the lodge, care of James McKibben & Co.. Fountain street. Plenty of Military Tents at Harrlsburg. Captain E. Y, Breck is moved to remark in view of the call of Mr. S. S. Marvin, for all per sons and clubs having tents to report to him at theCbamberof Commerce, that there are A,, wall and hospital tents, tent flies and stable tents for horses in abundance at Harrlsburg, and asks why they cannot be sent to Johnstown. Captain Breck also states that there is an abundance of stores at Harrlsburg for the use of tbe N. G, P., and that tbey might as well be utilized. These tents might be erected on the hills near the work, ana by the addition of some straw, an army of workmen might be comfortably-accommodated, and their cooking could be done on the stoves which are intended for that purpose at well as for warmth. - f ITTSBUE6 AIDS Returnlns From Johnstown Fall of Strange Experiences Flour of Little Use, It Is Said. A good many Plttsburgers who went to Johnstown immediately after the catastrophe to aid the survivors have returned. Among these is Mr, Joseph Home, Jr. He shotted1 signs of having endured a good many hardships in the desolated town, and he told not a few stories of the misery there. He laid particular stress upon the present needs of Johnstown. He said; "I do not think they need any more laboring men in Johnstown, but they do need men of businessabllltyand experience in finan cial matters. Such men are needed to superin- rtend the work ot cleaning tbe town and of dis- mouiing supplies. Anoiaer uung wnicu im pressed itseii upon, me was tne necessity ior shaping tbe supplies to the real needs of Johns town. It is utterly useless to ship flour there, and yet there is a great deal of flour on its way. There is enough clothing already on the scene at Johnstown to fit out all Cambria county. A good deal of the clothing, however, is not fit to be distributed. Tramps would refuse to wear it." Oliver S. Richardson, Esq.. of the Pittsburg bar, reappeared in Pittsburg yesterday. He went up to Johnstown on Saturday and worked there on tbe relief department until Thursday. Edward Carpenter, Esq., another lawyer, also carried barrels of bread and other eatables from tbe relief. trains Into Johnstown, and re turned to Pittsburg early in the week. WEEE NOT HTOGABIAM Captain Jones Found Two Americans Pilfer Inc and Prevented a Lynching Work of Cleaning Up. "The Hungarians of Johnstown.are tbe most abused people on the face of the earth," says Captain W. B. Jones, superintendent of Car negie's works at Braddock. "The only cases of pilfering that came under my notice were two in which native Americans were the offenders. One of them had picked up a few articles of trifling value from a ruined house, and I had the greatest difficulty In preventing his being lynched by an infuriated mob. Tbe Hungari ans who formed a large part of my relief corps worked faithfully and intelligently. Joseph Wolf, a Hungarian citizen of Braddock, gave 1,000 ont of his own pocket." Captain Jones was a pioneer in the work of cleaning up the wreck of the ruined city, with a force of 160 men, paid by tbe firm' be repre sents, he began himself tbe work which Booth and Flinn are now conducting. He states that the contributions ,of the Carnegie firm, in money, wages of employes and private gifts of members of the concern amount to over $30,000. He believes that it will take until July 1 to even roughly clean up the devastated city, and that it is best at once to saturate tbe jam at tbe viaduct with petroleum and burn it. The danger of future floods, in his opinion, should be averted by widening and deepening tho channel of the river. A Flood Refugee Mysteriously Disappears. A young woman named Maggie Kelly, one of tbe Johnstown sufferers, came to Pittsburg on Monday, and through the efforts of one ot the relief committees, was secured a position as domestic in a highly respectable family. She bad a trunk with her and after being installed in her new home the trunk was placed in her room. On Tuesday night the young lady left the house and has not been heard of by the family since. AT THE HOSPITALS. Another Demented Victim All the Others Doing Well. Mrs. Annlo Daily, one of tbe Johnstown ref ugees brought to the Mercy Hospital early yes terday morning, has become demented from tbe loss of her only son, making four now in tbe hospital in the same condition. Tbe other patients in tbe different hospitals are all doing well, and no more were received until the train arrived at about 2 o'clock this morning. Mary and Jessie's Sacrifice. Some people believe the recording angel has made a note of the appended communication: Oil. Crrr, IA., Jnne 5, 1839. JIatou McUaixin This is the saving or two years taken out bank by my little sister and myself. . Please bny a dress or a suit of clothes for a motherless or a fatherless little boy or girl, for sweet charity's sake. MART ASS JESSIE HASEON. GREAT DAI FOR GROCERS. ..The Allegheny Protective Association Pre- r x paring for a Monster Picnlc.- The Allegheny Grocers' Protective Associa tion met last evening and decided to hold their annual picnic at Boss' Grove, July 24. A com mittee of management has been selected as follows: A. Rlefer, President and Treasurer; Thomas Ornndy, Secretary: U. Faas, S3. -Edgar. James Asdale, O. Oollmar, Danltl J. Wagoner, F. Slndlnger, J. E. B,iy. T. M. Spragne; TV. J. Beck f eld and U. Waldsmith. Committee on Programme and Beceptlon G. Faas, Chairman; T. Urnndy and W- J. Beckfeld. AmuBements S. Edgar, Chairman; A. Wlcht, T. M, Bprague and E. F. Dlndlnger. urounas ana luiiiroaa u. &. Day, i;nairman; a, Beilsteln and A. Klefer. Finance-James Asdale, Chairman; J. E. Bay and J. Hoyat. Kcfreshments G. Gollmar, assisted by Daniel J. Wagoner. Chairman; w. J. Galbreath, G. Hackle, C. F. Fire, J. P. Bamm, W. Good. It. Stratus, John Behm, W. Roll, F. B. Smith, A. Baldlnger, W. Scbrove, SI. Morrison, John Moon, Jonn Ueckman, H. HBIcker. P. i.enty, Jr., Kudolph Smith, C. C. Taylor, J. G. Gllecb, H. Beilsteln. John Schweninger, B. G. Bealor, X. K. McClelland and A. J. Fadine. It was resolved to charge only 25 cents admis sion, and make the dancing platform tree to all. THE ANTI-PE0HIBS OUT. A Meeting nt Salisbury Hall Where the W. C. T. V. Ladles Attended. The Southside organization of the Anti Prohibition Society held their third meeting last night in Salisbury Hall. The place was filled to its utmost capacity, and several very good speeches were made in the interest of the anti-prohibition cause. Mr. Jacob Kline presided and he introduced Frank Gesner as the first speaker, who enter tained his audience for over an hour. Mr. Gesner spoke of the fact that wine had even been used at tbe Lord's Supper, and an excitement was caused when someone asked whether anybody got drunk, but order was restored. Lieutenant C. W. Wilhelm. a German jour nalist, also addressed the meeting. A delegation of eight members of the South side W. C. T. U. occupied front seats in the hall and listened attentively to the proceed ings, but offered no interruptions. They were the only women In tbe audience. PR0WNED HELPING A WOMAN. The Fate of Albert Green, a Well-Known River Fireman. Tbe body of Albert Green, a colored man, was found by a toll keeper at the base of one of the piers of the Smithfleld street bridge yes terday morning. He was 40 years of age, and has been a fireman on various steamers on the river for many years. Last Sunday morning he went to assist an old colored lady to move from a towboat in the Mqnongahela river to the shore. Tbe water was rising and tbe boat was leaking, and the old lady was ' in danger of drowning. Green helped her until nearly all her goods had been transferred to tbe wharf, and then, as he stepped aboard tho boat for another load, ho missed his footing and fell into the river. He immediately disappeared under a mass ot drift and was drowned. He was a Catholic, and bad no relatives nearer than Washington, D. C. Tbe Coroner will hold an inquest on the remains this morning. Dn. B. M. Hanka. Eve, ear, nose and throat diseases exclusively. Office, 718 Penn street, Pittsburg, Pa. s&su See the 81 00 Neckwear at 50 Cents In our furnishing goods department open till 0 o'clock this evening. Come in. JOS. HOENE & Co. '8 Penn Avenue Stores. PIANO AND ORGAN BARGAINS. Upright Piano 8200 Square Piano 8175. An excellent upright piano, ty3 octaves! splendid tone and handsome rosewood case, will be sold, fully warranted, for ?200, with cover and stool. A fine square grand piano, worth when new $550, for 5175, and a beau tiful 9-stop parlor organ, In perfect order, for $10. For a rare bargain call at the music store of J. H. Hofimann & Co., 537 Smithfleld street. Special Notice. B. & O. B. B. Only line open to Washington, . Baltimore. Philadelphia - and New York, And all points East; Through sleeping oar to New York on 930 pfcM.' train. MORE MONEY CAME, Thd Relief Fund Goes Growing Rapidly. on A HACK DRIVER'S MITE. Nearly One Hundred Thousand Dollars In a Dar From Far and Near Contribu tions Arrive Half a million May be Reached by Next Monday at This Rate. The contributions Vor the Johnstown suf ferers continue to pour Into Treasurer W. R. .Thompson. Yesterday 87,715 33 was received, making the total cash so far received $357, 484 37. Among the subscriptions was one of S24 95, together with a poster containing, the following: "Bide in Billy Caswell's hacks, Tuesday and Wednesday, Jnne 4 and 5, proceeds to go to the Johnstown Sufferers." The following Is a list of the subscriptions: 'BlIly"CaswelI,t24 95. Employes Pittsburg P. Confluence, Pa.. f(S5. O., fS 60. East Aurora,N.Y.,p52. Samuel Hamilton. 1100. James Morton, 1100. Employes of Graff, Ru C. Von Chorea, New gua & Co.. S73 SO. York and London. ca-Toledo Produce Ez- bIefromI,ondon.Sia 15. change. SSS. Citizens OoloradoCltlzens Greenville. Pa., Springs, tlOu, ..? Citizens Mercer,l'a..0O.Citlzens Scranton. $1,800. Citizens Albany. M. Y., 11,300. JP.000. Citizens Greenup, Ky., Citizens Litchfield, HI.. Jiw. 3. Citizens Virginia, 111., Citizens Atlantic City, N. SSS. J., fl.ooo. Citizens New Bruns- Mornlng herald.Ttoches- wick. N. J., 11,000. , ter.K.Tr.,1400. P. B. M. Co., Cal 600. Maria Drlttanla Co., S. a. Jtayton. Supreme Merlden, Conn., fl.000. Rx., Port Huron, S10OL B. i'. Gleason, ltockport, Citizens Parkersburg, N. Y K5. Pa., S680. Citizens Plqna. O.,tl,052. CltlzensDayton.O., , Citizens Tacoma, O., SI,- 000. 000. T. B. Bell & Co., P0. William Scott, 20. Beal Kitzpatrlcfc, 110. H. T. Watson, fS. E. p. Hamilton, SU. &?& !?. . Klrt Q- Blgbam, S5. W. P. Blair, 25. W 1111am McGlU, fA John E. Keener, SM. Slontooth Uroa., S3. Buffalo. N. Y.,tlironghSaegertown. Pa., Ke- tbe Expreat, (725. formed Church and Joslah Kern. Saegers- Sunday school, 10. town. Pa.. 5. J. W. Chanln. Grand Employes P. L. Klmber- Tower, lit, (10. ly&CO;, Sharon, SXO. Kanawha Lodge No. 25, Ladles' Hebrew Benevo- 1. O. O. IT., Charles lent Association, town, W. Va., 825. Chariestown, W.V.Sa."A hackdrlver. War-EinployesStonehamTan- ren. Pa., tU 85. nery Co., S50. Buffalo, N. Y.. through Citizens Cochran ton, 1180. the Courier, S328 85. -" U. P. Church, Cochran-Buffalo, N. Y., through ton, 10 94. Commercial AdvcrtUcr, CltizensSpringworth, N. TOO- Y., 150. . Citizens of Kantoul, 111., Officers and others 1111- Sol. llnols penitentiary. City Council, Spartans , Menard. Ill , Z75 burg, S. C, 50. Linden Steel Co., 400. Monongahela Navlgs AVm Laird, 150. Hon Co.. (500. Coraopolls borough, 25. Conductors and drivers Stablemen Birmingham Birmingham Street Car Street Car Line. Sis. l.lni t& .w Cartenders and others PlttaburgTuyere Works. Birmingham streetcar (3. Line, 35 75. James W. Honey ft Co., Treasurer's ofllco Penn- SB. sylvanlaCo., 843. R. B. Brown, 100. Pittsburg PetroleumEx- Ballev, 835. change, 885. c. W. llrakcISuperin- Chanlajn, p. tendent. (1, Casfi.10. D. H. Manlfold,J2. - Cash left at 81 Lincoln S. B. Clement, Treasur-xraT!- AUescheny. p. er jj, so. Nelson Roberts. 85. S. W. Dickey, JlOr H. Lloyd. Son ft Co.. MCO. Unlontown, Pa., addl TVasblngton Camp No. ttonaL p.000. 372.P.O.S.A. Xanc,S40L J. W. HID, East Brady, Toledo, O., additional, Pa.. 85. (2.672 10. Citizens' Tldloute. (350. Evangelical Church, Point Prldge Preaby- Warren, Pa., (17. bvterlan Church, Employes Singer, Nlm- Pittsburg, (700. let ft Co., 642. K. J. stoney.JlO. Wm. Thaw. 3.000. Wharton McKnlght.(100 Wm. M. Hirsch, (100. The Fairbanks Sale Co., Citizens' Jamestown, St. Johnsbury. Vt.. N.Y., (Wo. (500 F. L. Bobbins, (100. Bobbins ft ttamford,5. Citizens Insurance Co., Employes Tbos.-YY lght- poo. man ft Co., &. Frckla Olsen, (1. Cash Philadelphia, (100. O. V. Holmes, (25. G. S. Hamm. (10. P. 1. Bjannon, 810v Lotus Club, 23. Sons of Wlnkelrled, 825. Samuel Hewlett. (2S. Georges. Iennison,p0. First Cumberland Pres Bev. AM. Lyden. 22. byteran Church. S3). James whltham. SI. CUlzpTisnr ltnl,rrt Managers and Employes CItlzensofVerona.837550. , or westlnsbouse EIcc- Sheridan Sunday Scb ol. trio Company. (401. (12. Armenia Insurance K. afL-StHSprtnedale. Iron dtj WU.VWUJ , T.w. a ., ajtf. trNationainanE. a.zi. live onalBank, A, M. Byers ft Co., L 000. ?W0. --.--. . . - "xr- jueaus. n.yie s. co Hang- IV est ji.nu oiaemiercuor ing itocs:, u, zioo. "i .. .. . rz v. " rr Tr ." a SlnEinr Society. SOS. Drelfus ft Bro.. (25. Georire Warnhoff ft Co., Brrce Bros. S200. 850. Hogan,Evans4Co..(100. George Duncan ft Sons, Adams ft Co., (100. 100: . . O'Hara Glass Company, Excelsior Glass Com 8100. E any, (WO. King Glass Company, iltbridge ft Co.. (100. poo. G. A. Macbeth ft Co., Doyle ft Co., P00. 100. Jones, Cavl't ft Co., KlplerftCo..820o. Llm., poo. ' First Reformed Presby-Tbaw ft Thomas. New Uiian Church, pio. York.Jloo. U. Balrd Machine Co., Thomas Eransi Co,, $100. P00. Employes of Thomas Pittsburg Timet (addl- Evans ft Co., 8101 55. tlonal). (3. 464 65. Exchange National Bank Third National Bank, (uooo. 8300. Second U. P. Church. Second U. P. Sunday (71 C3. School, 825. Demmler ft Schenck. 1100. Chaddock ft Owens, (100. Board of Trade Belief TJIrlcbvllle. Ohio, per Committee. Indlanano- Mayor Wilson, 8440. Us, Ind., 8500. Allegheny Council, No. Employes Oliver Roberts 3, a. ofL, (25. Wire Co.. P6735. City of Chicago, (addl- Gift of Mrs. Kacbael tlonal), (5,000. Hamilton, deceased, of Hanging Bock. O.. In compliance with her last will, through her trustee. J. G. Peebles, 8250. Little Helen Bunnette, First H. P. Chnrcb.AlIe- p. gheny (additional). Employes Dnquesne (5 50. freight station, P. B. Twenty-two employes B., (159 50. Sterling Steel Co.. (70. Stone Maions' Interna- Trinity Lutheran Bible tlonal Union No. 9, Class, Allegheny, 807 56. (200. Grnston Mission Band, Treasurer Oacmont bor- Trinity Lutheran ough, J314 85. Church, (10. "Do What We Can 511ss Dixon's school, P0. Band," Providence D. E. Jones, (276. zZ Presbyterian Church, L.P. Yeager, Treasurer, Allegheny. (750. poo. Samuel W. Black, (100. Cecilia Sewing Society, uar cQQuiuuuuu, x, wt. .Aiieguenv, kw, W. E. Littell, (20. Goddard. Hill Co.. KO. tlius. Citizens of Portsmouth, L. Candel ft Co., New u., through John G. Haven. Conn., tloo. Peebles, (1,429 2a ,4Z9 ZU. Bcrea, Citizens of Shenandoah. Citizens of Bcrea, O., Iowa, (136 50. 8287 50. Citizens of West Llb- St. John's Benc&clal So- erty. Pa., (123. cletv, Allegheny. 150. Citizens of Wheeling Keesc. Lindsay ft Co., (100 (additional), (1,000. Master Barbers, 822. Loudonvllle, O., 824 25. London vlllcO., (117 25. Orrvllle. O., (addition Stonecutters' Assocla- al), (40. tlonorWestrn Penn- Hermann Baer, (20. sylvanla, (3W. Letter Carriers, Mem phis, Tenn., 816. J. C. Bee, P. . , E. G Heck, 83 33. Employes FlrstNatlonal IS. Phelan, 8300. Bank, Pittsburg, (107. Employes Lower Union Wholesale Grocers' Ex- Mill, 8761, change, (1,200. Chantauqua Lake Ice W.jStevena, Zanesvllle, Co., poo. O., (100. Samuel Grove, 850. W. J . Walker, 825. 31nrphy ft Dlebold, (30. Henry Auction and J. M. Kimball, New Cas- Storaee Co.. 850. tie, (100. Employes Fuel, Gas EmployesAnsbutz,Brad- and Electric Company, berry ft Co., 850. (lil. I. E. Isaacs. (150. Irwin Avenue School. Kennedy Crossan, Phiia- Allegheny, 832. delpbla, 850. G. W. Briggs ft Co., 25. James McKee, 85. C. Uanch. (3. Cash, (2. Klngsbacber Bros., (10. Collected by W. W. Wat German Male Beneficial ties, (23 75. Society, (10. J. W. Marsh. (10. Mrs. Henrietta BInser, Star Encaustic Tile Com- (50. pany, 825. Mrs. William Carr, (ICO. Birmingham Turner As English Speaking Jour- soclatlon,l450. neyman Tailors of L. Seventh WardSchool,(S6. A. 1620. 857 HC Cash, (4. Cash, (50. Druid Sanger Bund, (50. St. John's B. a Church, Employes Jas. McNeil (260. ' ft Bro,, 894. TbroughPlttsburgTImesIron city Tool Works, (additional), 8S51 29. poo. James M. Sweeny, 85. Providence Presbyterian Mary Paxon and others, Church, Allc, So. (U. Slatt Mawhlnney. (100. Frauenbelm ft-Vllsack, EbcrbardtftOber. 850O. (500. Bauerleln Brewing Co., Keystone Brewing Co., (300. 3X0. Caroline Wllkelln, 50. P. L. Ober Brewing Co., Pier ft Dannals, (150. (100. Josepb Bruenlng poO. .Herman oukuu ea vw., xiippiy A. son, sou. tioo. ii. nu: Susscr, SO. M: Winter ft Bro, (150. Atterbury ft Co., 200 Alex W. MattIon,.New York, 825. Pittsburg Timet (addi tional;. p.905 31. Lvons Club, Lyons, N. i. (U550. , Citizens Hudson, O., 51. Geo. E. Chester, 10. W m. Llvsey, (op. Iron Molders' Union, (30, Nellie Boyer, PH. Employes Dltberldge ft Co., SSflCO. A. ft J. Groetzlnger,82C0. Italian Brotherhood So ciety. Pittsburg, (200. Citizens ot Union City, Ind.. (206. Passlcl ft Reese, (100. E Frey. 825. Fireman's Relief Asso ciation, Tolccio.O.. 875. Joslah Cohen (Law Com- Servants of Wm. Met- mlttee). sis. calf. 85. NoName.CoI.Spr'gs,5. Eighth U. P. Church, E. L. Devore, 632. (21 20. A. J. Kaercber. (10 75. Elite Gallery, 834 40. W. E. LltteL M 41. Citizens or Wyandotte. Citizens of Wheeling. Mich., (1,000. W. Va., additional. .JUZC1IUL utcuii ruiB, fl, uuu. N. x., additional, citizens or Detroit, additional, through Star Publish- Mich lnar Co.. 8131 75. S4.0H). R. Marcus. Chicago, 83. John A. Sutton, (50. The A. french Spring Women's Belief Corps, Co., (500. Brookvllle. through . vuu nutgu ftaou, low. A. urstl' C. B. Fisher. 847 04. Emploves' The Marr Construction Co.. to. . Bradv. 8193. bloyes Bovard, Bose Co.( poo. c Bnben. (SB. Elter i Conley, 609. ltz Bozentnal, (6. D. L. Ehmaa, Koch ester, Enping, Carpenter ft Co. I09, 1, Miss Louisa Beard. pOO. Employes Epprar, Car Citizens of Unadllla, N. penter ft Co , (24. Y., through North ftCltlzens of Greenville, JCO., t83 66. Pa., (115 10. Sent to Their Destination. The Chamber of Commerce Belief Commit tee yesterday supplied transportation to the following named snfferers to their homes or friends : E. J. Bole, to Johnstown (two of his familv are in tbe hospital); L. Sanbreska, John N. Sharer and August Heine are In hospital: John S. Benight wire and child, to Butler: Frank H. Bauer, wire andchltd. to New Bethlehem: Mrs. lOla bbaflcr and tbree children, to Antietam; Fred Kebble, Nebelena, Ore.: Fanule Harmon andone.Shlr leysburg. Pa.: Waller Wright and brother, Tld loute, Pa.: Mr. Holt nnd rrtc,jt Philadelphia, are in the hospital here: A. Bellra. Mrs. J. Goeek ley and Henry Goeekley. to Ccllalre, O.: Mrs. Klug, to Philadelphia: George King, to Johns town : Mrs. Winters and three children, to Wheel ing; Eliza Wilson, to Baltimore, Md. S. HAMILTON, 01 and 93 Fifth Ave., Has a very large assortment of very fine second hand square pianos that are very considerably above the usual run of such instruments in quality. They embrace nearly all the leading first-class makes, and we will let them go at most any reasonable price and on the easiest possible payments. Aso, our assortment of tbe new styles of organs is large and prfces were never so low as now, and there is really no reason at all why every home should not contain an Estey. You can get them at such prices and on such easy terms that the paving for them will not be felt, and the enjoyment tbey aftord is everlasting. Come ana see our bargains. S. Hamxltox. (Hamilton building.) Philadelphia Dental Rooms. We ofttinies hear a person expressing bis or her dread of something in the compara tive terms, I wonld as soon go to a dentist office. The time has come when snch a re mark is out of fashion. To go to a good dentist does not-imply now that you are to suffer ezcrnciating pain while your teeth are being filled. At T.tft's PhiladeiphiaDental Booms, 39 Fifth avenue, dentistry is per formed with such skill that pain is almost out of the question. The immense practice he has acquired is a well-deserved compli ment, worthily bestowed. Best sets of teeth only 58. TH3 FIVE PER CENT Goes to Johnstown Snfferers On all sales of furniture, bedding, carpets, etc, etc., beginning "Wednesday, June 5, continuing for one week. Special induce ments dnring this period. Cash or credit. Call early. "W. B. Moyle & Co., Thssu No. 60 Federal St., Allegheny. The Fast Freight Route. For Buffalo and Bochester, N. Y.; and Eastern points consign vour freight via A. V. B. B., care of the Buffalo, Bochester and Pittsburg By. Always in the field ior business. For farther information and rate apply to Vm, A. SprouII, Cont'g. Agent, 708 Penn ave., room 605. Tele phone 1074. Freight for the East. The Allegheny Valley Kailroad is pre pared to lorward promptly shipments of freight for New York, Boston and New England points. Special Prices To-Day. For to-day only we positively guarantee the price of every suit of clothes we sell to be 30 per cent lower than the same quality ot goods can be bqnght elsewhere. All our elegant $15 suits are reduced to $7, our 518 to $10, our $20suita to $12, and our $25 suits to $15. Ifyouneedasnit, if your boy needs a suit or a pair of pants, don't be backward about calling at our store to-day. Ask to see the advertised bargains and you will be treated politely whether you bny or not. P. C. C.C.t cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Lace Curtains. Spring patterns only $1 a pair; at $2 and $2 50 an elegant line fall Zy, yards long; window shades on spring rollers ready to hang, only 45c. Abthtjk, Schondelhxeb & Co., 'itxbs 68 and 70 Ohio si, Allegheny. What the Bakers Star. There is an old saying that the proof of the pudding lies in the eating. The best proof of the excellence of the famous "Iron City Brand" of floury made by "Whitmyre) & Co., the sterling millers, lies in the fact that the bakers of Allegheny county are gradu ally adopting its use on account of its solid qualities. Give it a trial. Dabbs, the well-known photographer, has 36 different views of the Johnstown dis aster and they are likely the most compre hensive of any that'have been taken. Nine different views wore taken on Sunday. SANrrABnrai and "Water Cure. The only Eastern institution in which mud baths are given. Steam-heating and electric lights. Baths, massage and electricity bv trained manipulators. Address John S. Marshall, M. D., Green Spring, O. See the 81 00 Neckwear at SO Cents In our furnishing goods department open till 9 o'clock this evening. Come in. Jos. Hobne & Co. '3 Penn Avenue Stores. All danger of drinking impure water is avoided by adding 20 drops- of Angostura Bitters. Fbauenheim & Vilsack's Iron City beer is pure, wholesome and nutritious, and is the best in the market. xxssa Get a sack of "Ivory" flour of your grocer, and, see what fine bread you will have. tts JUNE DELIVERIES. SOLID COLORED INDIA PONGEE SILKS. A full line of shades imported to sell for Too on sale at 40c a yard. Fancy printed India Silks only 10c a yard. A line of French Wool Challls at 25c a yard. French Satines in neat and bold designs at 20c a yard. The season's most choice effects m WASH FABRICS At sacrifice prices. The lines at 12o unsurpassed. Fine and finer grades, 20c to 40c. $2 40, $30, So 00. 57 00 and JO 00. Above prices have been made on several lots of Handsome Bead Jlantalets. Our Embroidered Fichus Lace Silk and "Wool Wraps on the same low scale of price. One lot of Children's and Misses' Jersey Blouses: assorted colors, stylishly trimmed: 8 to i years. S3 goods for S2. Ladies' Soutache Braided Directoire Jerseys; Manufacturer's price, $G9 a dozen; to be closed at $2 50. SCITS Choice styles in Wash Fabrics. Silk and Wool Costumes. Misses' and Children's Suits; latest designs. BIBER 1JABTDN, ' Hfi AND 507 MARKET ST. jel-TTSSU BEDFORD WATER-THEWATEB OFTHE celebrated Bedford Springs is now put un' only in Quart and half-gallon bottles and sold in cases of 2 doz. and i dos. in any quantity b JNO. A RENSHAW 4 CO., aplS-W3 Corner Liberty and Ninth sts. UNFERMENTED' WINE - WARRANTED 'strictly pure i grape juice, in pints and quarts for family uso and church purposes. For sale by the ease- or single bottle bv JNO. A,EESSHAW A. CO. Family Grocers, ' aplS-ws -."- Liberty and N lath sts. "?&- JDS. HDRN&'i CQ.'S PENN AVENUE STORES.5 June the great summer goods buying time. To keep up our steadily increasing trade ws call attention to some special purchases that are worth coming here to buy. Bead about them they are in. tbe Dress Goods Depart ment. The Silk for summer wear is just as good value as yon will find in the Dress Goods, and everyone is delighted with our last large purchases of Printed India Silks that wears selling at 5c and 75c a yard. The quality tefli, and the patterns no old styles. The Colored Surah Silks that we are selling at 60c and 75o are the delight of everyone that sees them. More bargains in the Black Silk Department this week that yon want to see, especially in the way ot Black India Silks, Black Surah Silks, Black Silk Grenadines and some remark-' able Black Gros Grain. Silks and Black Satin Bhadames tho quality at the prices make them wonders. Over in tho Wash Dress Goods stock yon find new styles in Satines, fresh as newly baked bread, and our display of Scotch and American Ginghams is four to one Iarzer than any assortment you can find. Prices are low. This is our closing up month. Come now. i You will never buy Skirting Embroideries "SJM-- 1W I '-4E for as little as at this moment in our EmbroidvJI. ery Department-ner goods, bought cheap. Then the Lace counter has still got a big lot of' special low price goods, in medium and flounce widths, in cream, white and black Laces, while tho stock of BlackNets is v ery large. Muslin Underwear 25c garments to finest. New styles in Dressing Sacques. Merino, Gauze, Balbriggan and Pure Silk Underwear, ribbed and plain, for ladles and children many bargains. Our low prices on Dress Goods include tha finer qualities. This great cleaning up sale in this Dress Goods Department is full of extra- ' ordinary values the Silk Warp Colored Cashmeres at 60c. Mohair Mixtures at 35c and 40c The French Challls at 25c and 40c ' The French Dress Patterns at M and J5. The S25 French Dress Patterns at HZ The H 25 quality Colored Silk Warp Henri ettas at 75c The all-wool Debelges at 30c, 40c and 60c. The 50-inch all-wool Suitings at 40c. Tbe 12 French Silk JacquariStripes atSOa. The Colored all-wool French Albatross at 45s. This will ho a busy month if you are wU' awake and will take time to see all the bargain1 ' that are here. ' i JQS. HDRNE i CD. '5 PENN AYENUE STORES - -&. Xi -. . . . 'Jl t.kfoi UjW&nt-,