sT KEW AbYgRTISBMEKTS, bare, First djstriot, to meet at the Injubb of EWerick Pastre, No. S3 Federal street. Second district to meet at the pnblio school louse. Third district to meet at the public techoolhouse, Franklin street Fourth dis trict to meet at P. J. Foley's, corner of Elm Street and "Wylie aTenne. The electors of the Eighth -ward, Pitts burg. First district, to meet at the People's Skating Kink, on Bedford avenue, near Fulton street. Second district to meet at Al derman John "W. Bell's office, "Wylie ave aue. Third district to meet at Club House, Center aTenne. Fourth district to meet at 2fo. 35 Colwell street Fifth district to meet at O'Beilly & Son's livery stable, No. 71 Fulton street " The electors of the Ninth -ward, Pitts burg, First district, to meet at Alderman O'Donnell's office, Penn avenue. Second district to meet at Hemphill's foundry, Thirteenth and Pike streets. Third district to meet at P. Mogee's, Penn avenue. The electors or the Tenth ward, Pitts burg, First district, to meet at M. Holler's, corner Sixteenth street and Penn avenue. Second district to meet at Gallagher's, cor ner Nineteenth ureet and Penn avenue. The electors of the Eleventh irard, Pitts hurt;, First district, to meet at the house of G. Beisterer & Son, No. 621 Fifth avenue. Second district to meet at public school house corner Granville and Enoch streets. Third district to meet at the house of Daniel Jackson, No. 245 Bedford avenue. Fourth district to meet at the house of J. B. "Vos kamp, 386 Wylie avenue. Fifth district to meet at Station house, Center avenue. Sixth district to meet at Eureka Hall, on Arthur street The electors of the Twelfth ward, Pitts bur?, First district, to meet at the house of Sirs. Julius Garber, corner of Twenty-first street and renn avenue, second district to meet at Beed & Son's office, corner Twenty fourth street and Penn avenue. Third dis trict to meet at paint shop of James Acor, 2602 Penn avenue. Fourth district to meet at house of John Moessner, Penn avenue and Twenty-eighth street Fifth district to meet at the house of Sirs. HcKenzie, corner Twenty-ninth and Smallman streets. Sixth district to meet at house of John Eisrich, corner of Twenty-eighth street and Penn avenue. The electors of the Thirteenth ward, Pitts burg, First district, to meet at livery stable of George G. Jeremy, corner Center avenue and Concord allev. " Second district to meet at the Thirteenth Ward B.&L. Association's office, Somers street Third district to meet at the public schoolhouse, Thirty-third street Fourth district to meet at public schoolhouse, Center avenue. Fifth district to meet at Alderman Patterson's office, KirkpatricK street near "Wylie avenue. The electors of the Fourteenth ward, Pittsburc, First district, to meet at Market House, Fifth avenue. Second district to meet t Mrs. Hague's, Fifth avenue. Third district to meet at No. 14 Engine house, Neville street Fourth district to meet at the Bell efield public schoolhouse. Filth district to meet at Soho schoolhouse. Sixth district to meet at Soho schoolhouse. Sev enth district to meet at frame building on property of Mrs. It. Boyd, corner "Ward street and Craft avenue. The electors of the Fifteenth ward, Pitts burg, First district, to meet at the meat shop, corner Thirty-third street and Penn avenue. Second district to meet at Law rence schoolhouse. Third district to meet at the house of John Allen, corner Thirty seventh and Butler streets. Fourth district to meet at schoolhouse, corner Thirty seventh and Charlotte streets. The electors of the Sixteenth ward, Pitts burg, First district to meet at the Howard school house. Second district to meet at Franenholt's,, corner Thirty-ninth street and Penn avenue. Third district to meet at barber shop of John Myers, No. 4518 Penn avenue. Fourth district to meet at public schoolhouse, Bloomfield. Fifth district to meet at C. H. Blame's house, corner Liberty and Elm streets. The electors of the Seventeenth ward, Pittsburg, First district to meet at "Wash ington schoolhouse, Fortieth street Second district to meet at the liverv stable of II. F. Leslie & Bro., Forty-third street near J . A-f-. .V.JT- E??Wr1gr&$&S. USED EVERY WEEK DAY-BRINGS . -V-'-a-v - I' T." r5 131&&;. "u teS-&3GFJ ": -V, : -. '.; K &- 1L . ' To Glean Tombstones. To Polish Knives. To Brighten Metals. To Scour Bath Tubs. .-. !& Dentists to Glean False Teeth. Surgeons to PeHsh Their Instruments, Confectioners to Scour Their Pans. Mechanics to Brighten Their Tools. Housemaids to Scrub Marble Floors. Chemists to Remove Some Stains. Carvers to Sharpen Their Knives. Shrewd Ones to Scour Old Straw Hats. ui- .- P-fLis' . tt.' ,-... f EVERY m ' K-- BOUSECLEANING A PLEASURE I M - A .- : - -. " -J- "--i ' . ' " - i. SmUWm s- . ' J' '-t .. ' V ' .- - .-- y .: -y-, -' -,,; .r- .; vf ; ... asfta ffi3?y ., w:;- KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Butler. Third district to meet at Gang wich's, corner of Forty-seventh and Butler streets. Fourth district to meet at Bay ard's schoolhouse, Hatfield street Fifth district to meet at office of S. J. Cox, corner Forty-fourth and Lawrence streets. Sixth district, to meet at Mrs. Dougherty's store, corner of Forty-fourth and Grant streets. Seventh district, to meet at A, M. Cronon ninni's store, corner of Forty-second street and Penn avenue. The electors of the Eighteenth ward, Pittsburg, First district to meet at the liv ery stable of Alex. Kingan. Butler street. Seoond district to meet at Kauffield house, Butler street and bridge. Third district, to meet at the office of B. B. Mclnerney, on Butler street The electors of the Nineteenth ward, Pittsburg, First district to meet at the pub lic schoolhouse. Second district, to meet at carpenter shop of John Getty, on Broad street between Collins and Sheridan ave nues. Third district, to meet at kitchen of Tracer's hotel. Fourth district, to meet at the house of A. J. Satchelor, Hiland avenue. Fifth district to meet at the publio school house. The electors of the Twentieth ward. Pitts burg, First district, to meet at the office of J. B. Hyndman. Second district, to meet at the public schoolhouse, Ellsworth ave nue. Third district, to meet at Shakes peare hotel. Fourth district to meet at Shadyside station. Fifth district, to meet at public schoolhouse. Sixth district to meet at James Searight's carpenter shop on Hiland avenue. The electors of the. Twenty-first ward, Pittsburg, First district, to meet at public schoolhouse. Second district to meet at house of N. Brundenstein on Lincoln ave nue. Third district, to meet in Boom No. 2, public schoolhouse. Fourth district to meet at tne nouse or jonn .noenigsmen. Fifth district, to meet at the office of James P. Dahlem. Sixth district to meet at the barber shop of Andrew Kessler, No. 119 Larimer avenue. Seventh district, to meet in Boom No. 1, pnblio schoolhouse. Eighth district to meet at Schade's store, Brilliant station. The electors of the Twenty-second ward, Pittsburg, First district to meet at Colfax schoolhouse. Second district, to meet at Sterrett schoolhouse. Third district, to meet at Bowers', Fifth avenue. Fourth dis trict to meet at public schoolhouse. The electors of the Twenty-third ward, Pittsburg, First district to meet at public schoolhouse, Glenfield avenue. Second district, to meet at Peebles schoolhouse, Second avenue. Third district to meet at new schoolhouse on Second avenue. The electors of the Twenty-fourth ward, Pittsburg, First district, to meet at the office of Alderman "W. J. Brennan, 2722 Carson street Second district to meet at public schoolhouse, on Carson street between Thirtieth and Thirty-first streets. Third district to meet at public schoolhouse, corner of Jane and Twenty-seventh streets. The electors of the Twenty-fifth ward, Pittsburg, First district to meet at Alder man A Flach's office, Carson street Sec ond district to meet at the house of B. J. Speelman, 2318 Sarah street Third district to meet at the house of Jacob Nehron, cor ner of Carson and Twenty-sixth streets. Fourth district to meet at corner of Sarah and Twenty-fifth streets. The electors of the Twenty-sixth ward, Pittsburg, First district, to meet at John Hughes' tin shop, Sidney street, near Eighteenth street Second district to meet at house of Jacob Aulenbacher, Jr., corner of Eighteenth and Sarah streets. Third dis trict to meet at Odd Fellows' Hall, Eight eenth street Fourth district to meet at the house of John Mannsmann, corner of Twentieth and Jane streets. Fifth district to meet at public schoolhouse, Sarah street The electors of the Twenty-seventh ward, Pittsburg, First district to meet at dwelling honse of John Lavell, on "Welsh "way, Manor street Second district to meet at Alderman B. A." Hartman's office, Pius street Third district to meet at public schoolhouse. The electors of the Twenty-eighth ward, Pittsburg, First district, to meet at store of Mrs. Ann J. McGurre, No. 54 Thirteenth fjONQAV TUESDAY PfiES fHUBSDY f"DAY SATURDAY SUMDAY SOME NOVEL USES FOR SAPOLIO. To Renew Oil-Cloth, To Scrub Floors. To Whiten Marble. To Glean Dishes, To To To To EVERYBODY USES IT. Engineers to Clean Parts of Machines. .; Ministers to Renovate Old Chapels. Sextons to Clean the Tombstones. Hostlers on Brasses and White Horse's. Painters to Clean off Surfaces. Soldiers to Brighten their Anns. Artists to Clean Their Palettes. Cooks to Glean the Kitchen Sink. QUE FINDS A THE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. street between Carson and Bingham. Sec ond district to meet at 1311 Washington street Third district to meet at Birming ham schoolhouse, Fourteenth street Fourth district to meet at 1417 Carson street, being back ot-Bashdorf 's cigar store. The electors of the Twenty-ninth ward, Pittsburg, First district, to" meet at Bedford schoolhouse, Bingham street Second dis trict to meet at Alderman J. M. Shaffer's office, Twelfth street Third district to meet at house of John -Hichsmah, corner of South Twelfth and Bradford streets. The electors of the Thirtieth ward, Pitts burg, First district to meet at tbe house of J. "W. Bovd, No. 103 Carson street Second district to'meet at house of John Fitzsim mons. corner Fifth and Bingham -streets. Third district to meet at Knox schoolhouse, Manor street The electorsof theThirly-first ward, Pitts burg, First district, to meet at storerooms of Ellas "Wagner, No. 85 Washington avenue. Second district to meet at the premises of H. Heinricb, corner of Washington avenue and Allen avenue. The electors of the Thirty-second ward, Pittsburg, First district to meet at the house of Christopher "WHbert Second dis trict to meet at the store of William Slater, corner of Virginia avenue and Kearsage street Third district to meet- at small bouse of Philip Hoffmon, corner of Boggs avenue and Wyoming street Fourth dis trict to meet at the public schoolhouse. The electors of the Thirty-third ward, Pittsburg,to meet at the publio schoolhouse. The electors ot the Thirty-fourth ward, -Pittsburg, First district to meet at the house ot Mrs. Creighton, Carson street, near Point bridge. Second district to meet at the public schoolhouse. The electors of the Thirty-fifth ward, Pittsburg, First district, to meet at the pub lic schoolhouse, Sarah street Second dis trict to meet at the old stone tavern, Wash ington pike. The electors of the Thirty-sixth ward, Pittsburg, Tirst district, to meet at Thirty sixth ward station house. Second district to meet at public schoolhouse. Main street Third district to meet at Odd Fellows' Hall, Steubeuville pike. . The electors of the First district of the First ward, Allegheny City, to meet at Al derman's office, No. 40 West Diamond street The electors of the Second district to meet at No. 114 Bobinson street The electors ot the Third district to meet at the public schoolhouse. The electors of the Fourth district to meet at publio school house. The electors of the Fifth distriot to meet at the publio schoolhouse. The elec tors of the Sixth district to meet at'Pioneer Paint Works, corner Grant and Western avenues. The electors of the Second ward, City of Allegheny, First district, to meet at office of John P. McHenry.No. 59 West Diamond street The electors of the Second district to meet at the drugstore, corner Western and Irwin avenues. The electors of the Third district to meet at No. 8 Taylor ave nue. The electors of the Fourth district to meet at the public schoolhouse, North ave nue. The electors of the Fifth district to meet at office of B. F. Bynd.No. 200 'North avenue. The electors of the Sixth district to meet at marble shop, No. 253 Arch street The electors of the Seventh district to meet at the shoe shop, corner Ledlie and Monte rey streets. The electors of the Eighth dis trict to meet at feed store, No. 84 Jackson street The electors of the Ninth district to meet at paint shop, No. 15 Taggart street The electors of tbe Tenth district to meet at Irwin avenue schoolhouse. The electors of the Eleventh district to meet at No. 97 Per rysville avenue. The electors oUhe Third ward, Allegheny City, First district, to meet at alderman s office, 99 Ohio street Second district to meet at "house of J. H. Jones, 218 Federal street Third district to meet at house on northeast corner of Federal and Hemlock streets. Fourth district to meet at corner of San dusky and Hemlock streets. Fifth and Sixth districts to meet at schoolhouse, North avenue. Seventh district to meet at dwell ing house. No. 84 James street Eighth dis trict to meet at schoolhouse, North avenue. Ninth district to meet at house No. Ill Sec- "-.- Renovate Paint. Wash Out Sinks. Scour Kettles. Remove Rust. HEW USE. .XaKSS&SKKSKSS3RS3v mwM HOTSBIJBG DISEATOH, KBW -ADVEKTISEMBNTlC ond street Tenth district to meet at school house, Chestnut street Eleventh district to meet at house bf Franz Stabb, No. 127 Chestnut street The electors of the Fourth ward, Alle gheny City, First distrjdt to meet at the hotel, corner of Isabella and Federal streets. Second district to meet at the store of E. Thresher, corner of Anderson and Isabella streets. Third district to meet at No. 77 Park way. Fourth district to meet at car riage shop, of John Togler, corner of Bobin son street and Gray alley. Fifth district to meet at dwelling house, No. '28 Voeghtly street Sixth and Seventh districts to meet at schoolhouse, First district Eighth dis trict to meet at schoolhouse, Second dis trict Ninth district to meet at house of Joseph. Weber, No. 35 Chestnut street Tenth district to meet at No. 2 Chestnut The electors of the Fifth ward, Allegheny City, First district, to meet at 132 Bebecca street ;Second district to meet at the stable of David Hostetter, aon Bidwell street Third district to meet at the publio school house. Fourth district to meetatAIder- . man's office, No. 78 Beaver avenue. Fifth district, to meet at storeroom, No. 108 Fay- Cite SUCCU kJUkkU Uiofciit.) I uiBit a UUUSB No. 141 Pennsylvania avenue. Seventh dis trict to meet at shop, No. 110 Pennsylvania avenue. The electors of the Sixth ward, Allegheny City, First district, to meet in rear of Ben nett & Bcacom's store, northeast corner Franklin and Sedgwick 'streets. Second and Third' districts, to meet at the school house, corner Juniata and Chartiers streets. Fourth district, to meet at shoestore, corner Allegheny avenue' and Sedgwick street. Fifth and Sixth districts, to meet nt school house, corner Chartiers street and, Washing ton avenue. Seventh district, to meet at dwelling house, No. 10 High street Eighth district, to meet at wagon shop, corner Beaver avenue and "Bayard street The electors of the Seventh ward, Alle gheny City, First district, to meet at the ofSoe of D. Lutz & Son, No. 1 Spring Gar den avenue. Second district to meet at the public schoolhouse. Third district to meet at office, corner Spring Garden avenue and Pverhill street The electors 6f the Eighth ward, Alle gheny City, First district, to meet at rear of house, No. 256 Biver avenue. Second dis trict, to meet at house of Andrew Wei linger, No. 665 East street The electors of the Ninth ward, Alle ehenv City. First district, to meet at south east Toom- (first floor) of hotel at Allegheny, stocsrards. second aisirioi to meet at puo lio schoolhouse. The electors of the Tenth ward, Alle gheny City, First district, to meet at publio schoolhouse, Charles street Second district to meet at publio schoolhouse, Milroy ave- nue. Third district to meet at house of Henry Newhart, on Woods' Bun avenue. The electors of the Eleventh ward, Alle gheny City, First district, to meet at publio schoolhouse, Shady avenue. Seeond dis trict, to meet at office of Leonard Brucker, Esq. Third district, to meet at office, cor ner of Woods' Bun and McClure avenues. The electors of the Twelfth ward, Alle gheny City, First district, to meet at the new public schoolhouse, East street Second district, to meet at the public schoolhouse, Willis street The electors ot the Thirteenth ward, Alle gheny City, First district, to meet at dwell ing house, No. 141 Betnrn street Second district to meet at publio schoolhouse, Clark street The electors of the Kronen of Braddock, First ward, to meet at tmblic schoolhouse. Second ward, at Town Hall. Third ward, at the public schoolhouse. The electors of the borough of Bellevue to meet at the public schoolhonse. The electors of the borough of Chartiers to meet at the office of McCready & Fife, near county bridge. 'The electors of the borough of Etna, First district, to meet at old public hall on Locust street Second district to meet at fishing club hall, on cherry street Third district to meet at house of John Seibert, oh Butler plank road. The electors of the borough of Elizabeth to Ira servants in twd . W j 4 tiBiDiuJonno nouses But differBilily fliek ;nMDi! fi Jaded and v e 1 4.F iif net i ire w& iNV WiPM WMHUH -fc IfniUKLaaPyblMn XX vMIHp ii mh ii irimwr WMMlMil il LVMH v I'lHnHI m4IO!a wr Ml 5? SATSffiDAY; iTUHE -' 8, KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. meetat the public. sehoolbouse. The electors of the borough of West Elisa beth to meet at the publio schoolhouse. The electors of the borough of Xnoxville to meet at the borough schoolhouse, corner Knox and Bochelle streets. The electors of the borough of Mansfield to meet at the Council chamber. The electors of the borough of Millyille to meet at the publio schoolhouse. The electors of the First, ward, McKees port to'meet at' the office of James H. Berry. , The electors of the Second ward, McKees-" port, to xnttt at the office of Louis Haney (no 'Squire Fields) on Walnnttreet The electors of the Third ward, McKees port, to meet at the office of J. K. Spongier, J. P., No. 674 Fifth avenue (now Jacob Everett J. P.t office.) Tbe electors of the borough of Glenfield to meet at the public schoolhouse. The electors of the borough of Sewickley to meet at the new brick schoolhouse. The electors of tbe borough of Sharps burg, First district, to meet at the house of Jerome Baum. Second district to meet at Summer & Son's store, corner Eleventh and Clay streets. Third district to meet at Town Hall, on Main street. Tbe electors ot the borough of Tarentum, First ward, to meet at public school. Sec ond ward to meet at borough pnblio build ing, xnira ward to meet at scnooinouse. The electors of the borough of Verona, First ward, to meet- at the office of B. L. Kent, Esq. The electors of the Second ward to meet at the schoolhouse of said ward. The electors of the borough of Oakmont to meet at the public schoolhouse on E street The electors of the borough of West Belle vue to meet at the public schoolhouse. The electors of the borough of Beltzhoover to meet at the public Schoolhouse. The electors of the borough of Homestead, First ward, to meet at publio schoolhouse. Second ward to meet at public .lockup. Third ward to meet at carpenter shop of B. B. Culbertson. The eleotors, of the borough of Spring Garden to meet at publio schoolhouse. The electors of the borough of Osborne to meet at the Osborne public schoolhouse. The electors of the borough of West Lib erty, to meet at the public schoolhouse on West Liberty -avenue. The electors of the borough of Green Tree, to meet at the public schoolhouse. The electors of the borough of Coraopo lis, to meet at the new publio school build ing. The electors of Wilkins township, to meet at the house of John Jeaker, in the village of Turtle Creek. Second district, at Lime Hill publio schoolhouse. The eleotors of Braddock township. First district, to meet at the publio schoolhouse near Swissvale. The electors of the Secdnd district, to meet at the public school in North Braddock. The electors of the Third district, to meet at Bessemer schoolhouse. The electors of Sterrett township, First district, to meet at the house of John Liv ingston, corner of Maple and Waterstreets. The electors of the Second district to meet at the store of John Newell, on Swissvale road, near Edgewood station. Third dis trict to meet at house erected for that pur pose on ZoolingerBros. property, fronting on Amanda street. The electors of Penn, township, First pre cinct, to meet at the house of Matthew Lloyd. The electors of the Second precinct to meet at the Washington schoolhouse. The electors of the Third precinct to meet at the Monroe schoolhouse. The electors of Plum township, First dis trict, to meet at the schoolhouse, , New Texas. Tbe electors of the Second district to meetat M. Math's schoolhouse. The electors of Patton township, precinct No. 1, to meet at publio schoolhouse, in the village of Turtle Creek. PracincfNo.,2 to meet at the house of Mrs. Jane Taylor, in. the village of Monroeville. The electors of North Versailles township. First district to meet at Pleasant Hill schoolhouse. The electors of the' Second district to meet at publio schoolhouse at Port Perry. The eleotors of the Third dis-J i am 0 1 getTwas never don our mpiy wim tierbeaaiH5ufc( hsisheAmdi OTwOuSqtiB&w p i j"""y ;,ir nU I Ft it ii ffgpfe SgJttiMft Mrn I iW fPr"S5?r 1 f3iygiw,-m ihd& GHsSMfinwr2 iPMiiill PliviwNhS Wl 11 nOT '(?'' Ill II 1 1 31 UHRPZusSW AMSri Cl ffnu mm nmvt' (111 TiJBWfcsssyL wwwwwv .x- .-1 ;fl889. - SEW ABVERTTSEMENTri. trlcttomeet at Spring Hill sehoolhoose. The electors of the Fourth district to meet at office of W. H. Brown & Sons. The electors of Versailles township to meet at the Town Hall. The electors .of South Versailles township to meet at schoolhouse No. 1. The electors of Lincoln township, First district to meet at Perrvsville schoolhouse. Second district to 'meet at the Jenny LindJ The electors of the township of Elizabeth, in the Greenoak district, to meet at the public schoolhouse. In the Baenn Vista, district to meet at the publio schoolhouse. In the Mount Vernon district to meet at the Vough Valley schoolhouse, nnd the remaih derof the township not embraced in the above districts to meet at Harmony school house. The electors of Forward township, First district to meet at Brown's schoolhouse. Second district to meet at" the William Penn schoolhouse. The electors of Jefferson township. First district, to meet at Lowrie's schoolhouse. The electors of the second district to meet at Tepe schoolhouse. The electors of the Third district to meet at Wilson's schoolhouse. The electors of the Fourth district to meet at Jones' schoolhouse. The electors of the First district of Mifflin township to meet at the Lebanon school house. The electors of the Second district to meetat Dravosburg schoolhouse. The electors of the Third district to meet at Franklin schoolhouse. The electors of the Fourth district to meetat Blackburn school house. The electors of the Fifth district to meet at the Germantown schoolhouse. The electors of the Sixth district to meet at the Alliquippa schoolhouse. The electors of the Seventh district to meet at the office of Munhall Bros., near Munhall station, P., W. & C. E. B. The electors of Snowden township to meet at the house of Herman Handel. The electors of the township of Baldwin, First precinct, to meet at the house of Wm. Franey. Second district, to meet at the public schoolhouse of John Gearing. Third district to meet at the old storehouse of John Bedphens, Fair Haven. Fourth dis trict, to meet at Concord schoolhouse. The electors of Upper St Clair township, First district, to meet at Foster's store, Bridgeville. The electors of the Second, to meet at the house of the heirs of Amos Hoi land,, in the village of Sodom. The electors of Scott township, First pre cinct, to meet at the office of Bobert Lea & Bros.' (now Joseph Campbell & Sons') flouring mill. The electors of the Seoond precinct to meet at schoolhouse No. 4. The eleotors of Union township. First ells trie, to meet at the Green Tree schoolhouse, Second district to meet at the Banksville schoolhouse. Ths electors of South Fayette township, First district, to meet at Collins mills. The electors of the Second district to meet at the Oakdale schoolhonse. The electors of North Fayette township, First district, to meet at Oakdale school house. The electors of the Second district to meet at the McKee schoolhouse. The electors of the Third district to meet at Shlrland schoolhouse. The electors of the Fourth district to meet at the Half Crown schoolhouse. The electors of the Fifth dis trict to meet at the Noblestown school house. ' The electors of Findley township, First district, to meet at the publio scnoolhouse in the village of Clinton. Second district to meet at Imperial Hotel. The electors of Chartiers township, pre cinct No. 1, to meet at the brick school house, near Steubenville pike. The electors of precinct No. 2 to meet at Sheridan schoolhouse. The electors of the Third district to meet at the house of Philip Wentz, Jr. The electors of the Fourth district to meet at the office of George Davis. The electors of Stowe township, First dis trict, to meet at office of Miles Bryan, Jus tice of the Peace. Second district to meet at No. 2 schoolhouse. The electors of Crescent township to meet at the schoolhouse in Shousetown. The electors of Moon township, First du- REST OH SUNDAY WHAT IS SAPOLIO? It is a solid, handsome cake of scouring soap which has no equal for all cleaning purposes except the ' laundry. To use it is to value it. What will Sapoiio do ? Why, it will clean paint, make oil-cloths bright and give the floors, tables and shelves a new appearance. It. will take the grease off the dishes and off the pots and pans. You can scour the knives and forks with it, and maKe the tin things shine brightly. The wash basin, the bath tub, even the greasy kitchen sink, will be as clean as a new pin if you use SAPOLIO. One cake will prove all we say. Be a clever little nouseKeeper ana i.: THERE IS BUT ONE " " k 3ffi SAPOLIO. ? "m v -ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO" :M KEW ABVERTISEMEKTS. trict, to meet at sehoolbouse No. 6. Second district to meet at the house of Bichord Deemer. The electors of Bobinson township, pre cinct No. 1, to meet at the house of Mrs. Hester Brannon. . The electors of precinct No. 2 to meet at the house of Samuel Phil lips. The electors of the Third district to meet at new schoolhouse No. 5, The electors of Kllbuck township to meet at the new brick schoolhouse. The electors of Aleppo township to meet at schoolhouse' No. 3. The electors of Leet township to meetat schoolhouse No. 6. The electors of Sewickley township tomeet at schoolhouse.No. 3. The electors ot Neville .township to meet at the carpenter shop of Thomas B. Pittock. The electors of Ohio township, First dis trict, to meet at public schoolhouse No. 5. The electors of the Second district to meetat public schoolhouse No. 1. The electorsof Franslin township to meet at No- 5 schoolhouse. The electorsof Fawn township to meet at .schoolhouse No. 2. The electors of Harrison township. First district, to meet at the public schoolhouse in Natrona. Second district to meet at pub lio schoolhonse, avenue. The electorsof Hampton township to meet at tne nouse or wimam reters. The electors of Indiana township, First precinct, to meetat Miller's Hotel. The electors of the Second precinct to meet at schoolhouse No. 7. The electors of Marshall township to meet at the summer residence oi 'Mrs. Bachel Boner. The electorsof Pine township to meetat schoolhouse No. 4. The electors of Beserve township, precinct No. 1, to meet at schoolhouse No. 1. The electorsof precinct No. 2 to meet at school house No. 2. The electors of McCandlets township to meet at the wagonmaking shop of Frederick GanglofC Second district to meet at the house of John H. Cole. The electors of Shaler township, precinct No. 1, to meet at the office ot C. Bauerlein, Bro. & Co. Precinct No. 2 to meet at the honse of Adam Boehrig, in the village of Bowerstown. The electors of the Third dis trict of Shaler township to meet at the house of Wm. Campbell, now occupied by John Clinton. Precinct No. 4 to meet at publio schoolhouse at Glenshaw. The electors of West Deer township, First district to meet at schoolhouse No. 1. The electors of the Second district to meet at schoolhouse. No. 3. The electors of the Third district to meet at schoolhonse No. 4. The electors of the Fourth district to meet at sohoolhouse No. 5. The electors of East Deer township, First district , to meet at the new schoolhouse. in said township. The electors of Springdale township to meet at the brick schoolhouse In the town ship of Springdale. -The electors of Bichland township to meet at the pnblio schoolhouse at Bakerstown. The eleotors of Boss township, precinct No. 1, to meet at the store of J. Seybold. Precinct No. 2 to meet at the publio house of James Gorby. The electors of O'Hara township, First district, to meet at Hoboken schoolhouse. The electors of the Second district to meet at Bobinson's schoolhonse. The electors of the Third district to meet at Seitz school house. The electors of the township of Harmer to meet at the Deer Creek Hotel. The electors of Collier township, First district, to meet at Mrs. Carnahan's house. Second district to meet at Walker's school house No. 2. Third district to meet at schoolhouse No. 3. Fourth district to meet at the Brechmont public schoolhouse. The electors of the township oi Lower St Clair, First district to meet at the Mt Oli ver schoolhonse. Second district to meet at public schoolhouse on Beck's run. The electors of Bethel township to meet at Bethel Academy. The electors of the borough of Beynoldton to meet at publio school. The electors of the borough of Wilkins, to meet at schoolhouse in sain borough. iry it. u&iakli iSf I1p ipfgpL W f BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, KEW ABVERT1SEMENTS. The electors of the Second district of Wit; tins township to meet at Lime Hill publioj schooinouse. a As directed by said thirteenth section of the act of July, 1839, 1 hereby give notice that every person (excepting the Justice of the Peace) who shall hold any office or ap pointment of profit or trust under the Gov eminent of the United States, or this State, or of any city or incorporated district whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent who is or shall be employed nndef the legislative, execu tive or judicial departments of this State, or the United States, or of anv city- or incor porated district, and also that every member ot Congress and State Legislature, and of the Select or Common Council of a city, or Commissioner of any incorporated district is by law incapable of holding" or exercising . at the same time the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election of thh Commonwealth, and that- no Inspec tor, Judge or other officer of any such elec tion shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for. And further. The first section of tbe act of March 8, 1889, aforesaid, provides as fol lbws: And it shall be the duty of the judges, inspectors and clerks of each of saicUtown ships, boroughs, wards, precincts ancVrdi tricts to receive at the said election separate . tickets, either written or printed, or partly written and partly printed, from each of the Sualified voters of this State who may offer le same, and to deposit therein in a boxior boxes to be for the purpose provided by the proper officers. Which tickets shall be printed separately, one labeled on the out side "Amendment to tbe Constitution," and . on the inside "For the Prohibitory Amend- ment" or "Against the Prohibitory Amend ment;" the other labelled on the outside "Amendment to the Constitution," and on inside "For the Suffrage Amendment" or "Against the Suffrage Amendment" Section 2 That the election on said amendments shall in all respects be con ducted in the same manner as the general elections in this Commonwealth are required by law to be conducted, and the returns thereof shall be made, certified and re turned by the election officers of respective districts in! the same manner and at the same time as the returns of a general elec tion. And whereas, by virtue of the Constitu tion of the State of Pennsylvania, adopted December 16, 1873. Every male citizen 21 years of age, pos sessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections: First He shall have been a citizen of the United States at least one month. Second He shall have resided in the State one year (or if having previously been a qualified elector, or native born citizen of the State, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) immediately preceding the elec tion. Third He shall nave resided in the election district where he shall offer to vote at least two months immediately preceding the election. Fourth If 22 years or up ward, he shall have paid within two years a State or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months and paid at least one month before the election. Section 5 The electors shall, in all cases, except treason and breach of security oi the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance on elections, and in going and returning therefrom. Given under my hand at my office, at Pitts burg, this 25th day of May, A. D. 1889, in the 114th year of the independence of the United States. ALEXANDER I M'CAILESS, my29-36-ju8,15 SHEBIFF. THE CREAT ENCLI8H REMEDY. Beecharci's Pills For Billons anl Nerroi s Disorders. "Worth a. Guinea a Box "bat sold for 25 cents, BT ALL BRUGGISTS. S '.' A