wri 1. M; THE ' -PITTSBURG-" DISPATCH, 3A.TtJRD.AX ' JTTNV8,t"il889 :a vfiTJp, fZytAkyA 'WWWWWiMBty' m THEJOMET BASKET. A Quiet Week's Trade at the Fruit and Ycgetable Stalls, v PEAS LOWBE TOMATOES HIGHER. Poultry Scarce and Firm, Fist Supply is Short of Demand. PLOEISTS EEPOKT QUIET TEADE Office of Pitisbtjeq Dispatch. Fktday. Juno 7. ISSa. ( Reports from fruit and vegetable stalls in dicated an unexpectedly quiet trade for the week. Horae-gro vrn strawberries are scarce, having been kept back by beavy rains and cool weather. Maryland berries were de tained beyond the floods, and those which finally did come were in rather bad shape. Tomatoes are scarce and higher. Home grown icas are In good supply ;at lower figures than ruled a week ago. Large quantities of Eastern and Southern fruit and vegetables that bare been due at this market since Friday last were ordered by shippers to other markets, and the expected glut here has not material ized, bald a leading Liberty street produce commission merciiaut: "We w ere nodded that trains loaded with stuff were on the way detained by washouts, but so far receipts have been very light, iu fact, not sufficient for wants of trade." Reports from dealers in fish show supply below demand for the w eek. Rains and floods have been so general over the coun try that the full fish supply has been impossi ble to obtain. Said one of our leading dealers in this line: "We have been able to satisfy our customers, but some kinds of fish we have not offered on the stalls, reserving them for fancy restaurants which must have them." The market for butter, egcs and poultry has improved since last week. Poultry has been in short supply, llorysts report unusual quiet ness for the season, and attribute it to the gen eral disposition to ignore parties and fetes in the presence of the appallinc calamity which has fallen on the Conemaugh Valley. Magna Charta roses, lilies of thev valley, De Watulles and daffodils have been dropped out from the flower list, aad moss roses and forget-me-nots have made their first appearance this week. Following are the latest retail prices of Sat urday's market basket materials as furnished by leading dealers: Meats. The prices called for at the Diamon d Markets remain unchanged. The best cuts of tenderloin Eteak range from 20 to 25c, with the last figure for very fancy, which are very often no bet ter than the 20c article; sirloin, best cuts. ' from 18 to 20c; standing rib roast, 15 to 20c; chuck roast, 10 to 12c; best round steaks, 15c; boiling beef, S to 8c; sweetbreads, 20 to 60c per pain beef kidneys, 10c apiece; beef liver, 6c a pound: calf livers. 25c apiece; corned beef from 5 to 10c per pound. Veal for stewing commands 10c; roast, 12 to 15c: cutlets. 20c per pound; spring lambs, fere quarter, 15 to 20c: hind quarters, 20 to 25c A leg of mut ton, bind quarter, of prune quality, brings 12Kc; fore quarter, Sc; loin of mutton, 15c; giblets, 5c per pound. Vegetables and Frnlt. Potatoes, 15c a half peck; new Bermuda pota toes, 25c per J peck; new white potatoes, 20c per ii peck; egg plants, 15 to 25c: new Bermuda onions, 15c per quart: tomatoes, 50o per quart i box; new cabbage, 6 to 25c; apples, lac to 20c per half peck; bananas, 20 to 35c a dozen; lemons. 20 to 25c per dozen: oranges, 60c; spinach, 13c per naif peck: lettuce, 5c per bunch, 6 tor 25c; radishes, 5 to 10c per bunch; cucumbers, 3 for 25c; asparagus, 6 bunches for 25c; new beets. 10c, 3 lor 25c; straw berries, 10c to 15c; cauliflowers, 15 toSSc a bead; golden wax beans, 20c a quarter peck; green beans, 20c a quarter peck: peas, 20c a quarter peck; home-grown peas, 40c per j peck: sweet cherries, 20c per quart; sour cherries, 15c per quart , Butter, 'Egg and Poultry. Choice creamery butter, 25c Good country butter. 20c Fancy pound rolls, 30c The ruling retail price for eggs Is 16c The range for- dressed chickens is 80c to $1 25 per pair. Turkeys, 15c per pound. Spring chickens, $1 to SI 25 pVpair; ducks, 51 to Jl 25 per pair; geese, 50 to 75c each. Fish in Season. Following are the articles in this line on thcstalls, with prices: Lake salmon, 12c; Cali fornia salmon, 40c pound; white fish, 12c; her linp , 4 pounds for 25c; Spanish mackerel, 45c tojbOc a pound; shad, 60c apiece; sea salmon, 40A a pound: blue fish, 20c; perch. 10c; bjjibnt, 2ac; rock bass, 30c: black bass, 20c: lake .otit,12c: lobsters, 25c; green sea turtle, 28c; nkckerel, 40c apiece. Oysters: N. Y. counts, a yo per gallon; clams, SI 25 per gallon; scol lops, 50c a quart; Crops, $1 50 to $2 50 per dozen. Flowers. La France roses, $1 O0Q1 50 per dozen; Bride roses, tl 00 per dozen; Perles, Jl 00 per dozen; Niphetos, 1 00 per dozen; Bennetts, 1 00 er dozen: American Beauty, 2650e apiece; Iermets.$l 00 perdozen; carnations,35c a dozen; Maiden Hair fern. 50c per doz. fronds. Bermuda Easter lilies. 3 00 per dozen: mignonette, 75c nr dozen: pansies. 25c a dozen: Jacanemlnot roses, 75c to $1 50 a dozen; peonies, 1 00a dozen; moss roses, 1 00 a dozen; forgetmenots, 25c a dozen. BRITISH IE0N. The Blarket Reported Moderately Active, With Prices Somewhat Irregnlar. Special Keport by Cable for the American Manu facturer. LONDOK, Jane 6. Scotch Pig Irregular market but trade ac tive. NalColtness 54s. Cd. f. o. b, Glasgow No. 1 Summerlee 53s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Gartsheme 51s. 9d. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Langloan. 53s. 6d. f-o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Carobroe -46s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Shorts -52s. 6a. to. b. Glasgow No. lGlengarnock.....51s. 6d. atArdrossan. No. 1 DalmelUngton ...45s. Od. atArdrossan. No. lKghnton 43s. Od. atArdrossan. Bessemer Pig Market active, with prices somewhat irregular but strong. West Coast brands quoted at 49s 6d. for Noa. X, 2, 3, f. o. b. shipping point. Middlesbrough Pig This market continues irregular but trade is active. Good brands quoted at SSs. Od. for No. 3. f. o. b. Spiegeleisen Firm market and demand good. English 20 per cent quoted at 62s. 6d. f. o. b. at works. Steel Wire Rods Market active and prices strong. Mild steel. Jno. 6, quoted at 6108. Od. f. o. b. shipping port. Steel Rails Market firm, demand good. Standard sections quoted at 4 15s. Od. f. o. b. Bhippingpoint. Steel Blooms A fair demand holds the market firm. Bessemer 7x7 quoted 4 5s. Od. f. o. b. sliippmgpoint. Steel Billets Tnis market is Irregular with trade active. Bessemer (size 2x2) quoted at 4 5s. f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Slabs Demand moderate and market steadr. Ordinary sizes quoted at 4 2s. 6d. f. o. b. shipping point. Crop Ends This market is steadier with more doing. Run of the null quoted at 2 15s. Od. f. o. b. shipping point. Old Rails Firm market and the demand bet ter. Tees quoted at 3 5s. and double heads at 3 12s. 6d. c. i. f. New York. Scrap Iron Steady market, and trade fair. Heavy wrought quoted at 2 6s. f. o. b. ship ping points. Manufactured Iron This market is firm, with fair demand. Stafford, ore. marked bars(f.o.b.L,pool)8 5s Od " common bars 0 0s0d517s6d " blk. sheet singles 0 Os 0d 715s Od Welsh bars. o.b. Wales... 5 5s 0d 0 OsOd Steamer Freights Glasgow to New York, 2s. 6d. Liverpool to New York. 8s. Od. Metnl Markets. NEW YOEK Pig iron quiet; American, 14 50018 50. Copper quiet: slight advance; lake, June, 12. Lead firm and more active; domestic,?! 02. Tin dull and steady; Straits, 120 4U, Lou DOS Pig tin Barely steady market but business fair; Straits, 91 0s for spot; futures (3 months). 91 15s Od. Copper This market continues firm with good business rChili bars are now quoted at 41 10s Od for spoL41 OsOd for fu ture delivery; best selected English, 47 0s. Lead Steady market but demand moderate; Spanish quoted at 11 7s Cd. Spelter Market steady and trade fair in volume; ordinary Siles ian quoted at 18 0s Od. Tin plate Increas ing trade Has maae wis market steamer. Continental Iron Blarket. The course of business In the continental iron markets has been greatly changed bv the col liers' strike in Germany. The German market is wholly disorganized. The apprehension of a strike extending through all the industries of the country weighs heavily upon trade Buy ers now hold aloof, while sellers show extreme reluctance to enter into fresh engagements. For want of coal a considerable number 'of blast furnaces bave been damped down, and most of the large finished iron and steel works are on short time The certainty of a great advance in the cost of fuel, rendering neces sary another considerable advance in the prices of iron. Is contemplated nith dismay. The foreign trade mult now continue to dwindle away till some similar convulsion takes place in England and Belgium to restore the balance. MABKETS BY TOE. Wheat Strengthened by Fears of an Adverse Government Report Corn and Oats Quiet Hoe Products Steady nd Lifeless. Chicago The wheat market to-day pre sented more animation, and the feeling was rather strong with a steady appreciation in prices most of the session. July opened X lie higher, and advanced with slight changes IKc more, ruled strong and closed lc higher than yesterday. The strength was attributed to advices which would indicate that the next Government report will make a less-favorable showing than last month. This, together with the rather larger export clearances and re ported export buying at the seaboard to-day, with Indications that the visible supply will show a liberal decrease again, caused prices to advance. The weather bulletin showed ram in the Wen and Northwest Clear and bright weather would be more favorable. Shorts took alarm at the action of the market and boucht unite freelr. and there was also some investment buying. Around 76c for July a' local trader sold rather freely and neiatne market for awhile, but the demand was active, and all offerings being absorbed, the market passed and heldabove that figure. Com ruled quiet and inactive with the ex ception of a short time after the opening, trading being limited. The market opened at vesterday's closing prices, fluctuated within kSc, and closed Kc higher than esterday. Oats were quiet and a shade easier, but later became steady. While there was not much life in the market for hog products the feeling was rather firm, and prices averaged higher for the leading speculative articles. There was no pressure to sell and the demand was only fair, with short rib sides attracting most attention, and closed steady. The leading futures raneea as follows wheat tto. z July. 7oj4e77H8B7oJsarc: August, 74Jf75V7475Kc; September, "5?.7473J6c; December, 7677K75& Corn-No. 2 July. 34S4J34KSflc; Au gust. 34V;34S434c: September. Mi& S34js35c. OATS-No. 2 July.2Z622J2Ze22ic: Au gust, 22ig22J2K22c; September, 22J 22K22fe&22Kc. Mess Pokk, perbbL-July, 11 8011 87K 11 S011 82; August, 11 90U 9511 SftiQ 11 S7)s; September, 12 0012 0011 97K12 00. Labd, per 100 Bs. July, 6 726 7o6 72 0 72: August, 6 066 80; September, 6 8o SO 876 bom S5. hllOKT Ruts, per 100 Us. July, ,$5 S7K5 85 5 S75 90: August. 85 82k6 005 97Ki Sep tember, 6 0O6 07K6 00 02. Uasn quotations were as xollows: Flour firm and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 7Sc; No. 3 spring wheat, 65c; No. 2 red, 78c No. 2 corn. 33Ko bid. No. 2 oats, 21 J2c No. 2r)e.383Sc No. 2 barley, nom inal. No. 1 flaxseed. II 541 55. Prime timothy seed, 120. Mess pork, per barrel, 11 80U 85. Lard, per 100 Rs. C 656 67. Short ribs sides (loose). 5 S75 95. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), 5 125 25. Short clear sides (boxed), 6 126 25. Sugars-Cut loaf, 9V10c; granulated, 9J& Receipts Flour, 11,000 barrels; wheat, 10,000 bushels: corn. 29SO00 bushels: oats. 155,000 bushels; rye, 3,000 bushels: barley, 2,000 bushels. Ship mentsFlour. 15.000 barrels; wheat, 20.000 busn els; com. 413,000 bushels; oats, 379,000 bush els; rye. 6,000 busels: barley. 1,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the bntter markot was weak but unchanged. Eggs steady at 10c New Yoke Flour less active and heavy. Coramcal quiet and steady. "Wheat Spot un settled, moderate export, light milling; options less active. le higher and firm, short cov ering. Rve quiet and steadier; Western quoted at 474Sc Barley malt quiet; Canada, 90c 1 05 for old aud new. Corn Spot steady and active; options dnll, J6Kc higher and firm. Oats Spot quiet and steady; options firm aud quiet. Hay quiet and easy. Coffee Options opened' steady and unchanged to 10 points up, closed stead v agio points up; sales 12.750 bags, including July, 16.4516.60; August; 16.60 16.65: September, 16.75: October. 16.85; Decem ber. 16.9517.00: January, 17.00; February, 17.05 17.10, September Rio very dull; fair cargoes, lSJfc Sugar Raw quiet and strong: sales, 650 hogsheads; refined firm, partlv m,c nigner ana m gooaaemana; onABi-iB 8lfc; cubes, 9c Molasses Foreign quiet; New Orleans ouiet. Cottonseed oil dnlL Rosin quiet and steady. Turpentine dull at 353Sc 1 Eggs fair demand and steady; western, li i&c; receipts, 0,444 packages, rone nrm; mess, 13 2513 50: extra prime, 12 0012 25. Cutmeats firm; sales of pickled bellies, 10 pounds, 7c; 12 ponnds at (c: pickled shoul ders, 55Kc .Middles slow and firm. Lard Spot and June easier: other options firm and quiet; western steam, $7; city. 6 50; June, 6 99 6 99, closing at 6 87; July closing at 7 04 bid: August closing at 7 08 bid; September, 7 13 bid. Cheese easy and moderate demand; west em, TJigSJic Philadelphia Flonr in fair demand. Wheat very dull and prices of late futures a shade lower; -car lots in fair milling demand and rnled firm under light offerings; No. 2 red, June, 8090c; July. 80c; August, 7960c; beptember, UOesOJJc Core Options dull and steady, but speculation very dull and ex porters not operating; car lots quiet but firm: No. 3 white. In grain depot. 40e; No. 2 yellow In da, 43c: No. 2 mixed, June. 40?iKc;July. 41H4iaic; August, 41Ji42c; September. 42$42c Oats Car lots firm, but demand very moderate; No. 3 white, short storage. 33c; Nc. 2 white, 34c; do choice. 35s; futures quiet but steady; No. 2 white. June. 3233c: July, 8i32c: August. 31USlJic; September, 81i632c Butter firm for fancy goods; Pennsylvania creamery, extra, 18c: do prints, extra, 18c Eggs dull; Pennsylvania firsts, 16c St. Louis Flour Btrong for the better grades but trading was light. Wheat higher; the market was strong nearly all aay, thouch there was no really unfavorable news; the close was lWJlc above yesterday; No. 2 red. cash, 800 80jc; July closed 73Jc bid; August, 73c askea; September, 74c bid. Com firm though very quiet; No. 2 mixed, cash, 313lCc: June closca at 31"ic; Ju!y,31Jc: August, SIKc; Sep tember, 32c Oats weak: No. 2 cash, 23c and nominal; June, 2Mc bid; July, 22c; August. 21c Rye No.2,40cbid. Flaxseed quiet at 1 30 bid; new crop nominal at 1 10 for August delivery. Provisions quiet CrsciNiTATl Flour quiet Wheat In fair de mand; No. 2 red, 8182c; receipts, 5,400 bushels; shipments. 3,000 bushels. Com in fair demand ana firm: No. 2 mixed. 35c Oats quiet: No 2 mixed, 25c Rye dull; No. 2, 4516c Pro visions quiet and firm. Butter quiet. Sugar firm. Eggs heavy. Cheese easier. Milwaukee Flour steady and dulL Wheat firm; cash, 74c; July. 75ic; August, 74JJc Com dull; No. 8, 33c Oats dull; No. 2 white 26c Rje firm; No. I, 42c Barley nominal: No! 2, 51c Provisions steaay. Pork 11 75. Lard. 6 67. Cheese unchanged; Cheddars, 7bc Balttmobe Provisions auiet and stparW juess port, 513 70. cutter steady; western packed, ll12c; creamery. 17I8c Eggs firm at 16c CoSee firm; Rio fair at lSc Indiakapolis Wheat dull at 77c and nom inal. Com strong at S3c bid. Oats quiet at 24cbid. u Toledo Cloverseed dull: cash, 4 25. Wool Mnrkets. NEW Yohk Wool firm and in fair demand domestic fleeces, 323Sc; pulled, 2339c; Texas 1428c PnrxADELPHiA Wool Prices are firm with an improved demand. Ohio, Pennstlva nia and West Virginia XX and above. 3234; X, 3233c; medium, S638c; coarse. 86437c lnew York. Michigan, Indiana and AVestem fine or X and XX, 293lc: medium S637Kc; coarse, 3537c: fine washed de laine X and XX, 3437c; medium washed combing and delaine, 37K40c; coarse do. 37J9c; Canada washed combine 346rS6c; tub washed, 3442c; medium unwashed combing and delaine, 2830c; coarse do, 27 28e: Eastern Oregon, 1722c; Valley Oregon, 2227c; New Mexican and Colorado, 1322c Boston rhere is a good Inquiry for domes tic wool from the manufacturers, who are In need of stock. New wool on arriving sells freely, and there are no accumulations in any grades. In fine washed fleeces there is moder ate business, owing to the small stocks On hand, and supplies of new Ohio and Michigan will not be along tor a week or two. Choice Michi gan and Wisconsin sold at 31c. and Ohio at 33c, but these are extreme prices, the crenerai av! ing figures beiug about 1 cent under. Prices of all kinds of wool are very firm but it is hard to get any advance! In new California there have been sales of 343,600 pounds in the range of 1622c. nne,large sale of 175,000 pounds being at 1618c In new Texas wool tnere has also been consid erable doing, the sales being 135,000 pounds and Including 100,000 pounds at 25c, and 5.000 pounds very choice at 26c Fat sheep wool is well sold up, and the small sales this week nave oeen at zosusc, as to quality. In terri tory there have been sales of newu tah at 22(2 27, but mostly at 2223. and of Wyoming at 19 20 Pulled wool has been active, with sales of 416.000 pounds, mostly A and B supers at 32g) 37c Foreign wool is unchanged. Australian is In demand and firm. The sale of Montevide o is noticed. Carpet wools are firm. Snipbor In Canadian Ore. Advance sheets of the annual report of Mr. E. Costa, In I charge of the itinera! Statistics Division of the Geological Survey of Canada give the following statement regarding the iron and steel production of the Dominion for 18SS: Ton. (Z,0OUlt.) 4410 18.101 40.9S2 Valne. 139.303 22MU 1.4CK4 47U.8I9 Iron ore. .............. ...... Pig iron , Kolledand forged iron a.. Steel...... . s,ooa The production of iron orehas fallen ntr nf . cent Tears, It is sald.on account of the presence of sulphur in the ore, rendering It, in a meas ure, unmarketable. MEN OF MONEY TALK. Four-and-a-Half Per Cent on Mort gages Makes Them Look Around. A PROSPECTIVE LUMBER BOOM. Houston, Texas, Proves to be an 1 Dorado to a Sontliside Iron Worker. CLOSE MARGINS ON CITI REALT1. The item which appeared in this depart ment of The Dispatch yesterday, stating in cflect that a mortgage for a large amount of home money had been placed on Penn avenue property at 4 per cent, attracted the attention of capitalists to an unusual degree, and greatly increased their respect for real estate as a safe and profitable invest ment. The signs are good for a boom in the lumber trade. Said a local dealer yesterday: "The lumber business has been dull for sometime, with prices tending downward, but I look for a chango within the next 20 or 3Q days. The loss of lnmberbythe flood in the Susquehanna Valley was immense. 1 have seen it computed at 10,000,000. This is unparalleled. Besides, thousands of houses were destroyed and must be rebuilt. This great loss cannot fail to make a buoyant market and advance prices. This will check, to some extent, building operations in and about Pittsburg, as many will prefer to wait another year rather than go above their estimates." A Southslde heater named Gardner who got out of a job almost six months ago, went to Houston. Tex., and worked in the only iron mill there He returned to this city a few days ago in consequence of the mill closing for repairs. He will return to Houston as soon as he can make the necessary arrangements, and will take his family with him. During his six months' stay there bis wages amounted to 1,300, which was a great deal more than he could have made here in the same time. He is delighted with the conntry, and thinks, be will locate there permanently. Illinois is fast becoming one of the principal competitors of Pennsylvania in the coal trade. It is reported from Danville, that State, that the Consolidated Coal Company of St. Louis has just opened up the most extensive strip bank west of the anthracite regions, in what is known as the Missionary tract. The field is near the junction of the Salt Fork and Middle Fork of the Vermilion river, and contains 600 acres of land. A horizontal six-foot vein of coal, covered with only 14 feet of ligbtsoils, ex tends throughout the entire track. Wallace & Wright, of Lafayette, Ind., have taken the con tract of removing this dirt, and have placed three steam shovels at work. The capacity of the plant will be 1,000 tons a dav, and with this output, counting 300 working days in a year, it will take 16 years to exhaust the field, it being estimated that there is at least 8,000 tons ot coal in an acre of ground. Real estate has suffered less from the busi ness depression caused by the flood than any other local interest. Reports show there is very little abatement of interest in lands and houses. A number of deals were consummated yesterday which are noted elsewhere in this department of The Dispatch. Twenty-nine mortgages were placed on record aggregating nearly 75,000. The largest was for 10,000, the next largest for 8,000 and the next lor 7.000. This was all borne money. Black A Baird placed one of 15,000 on Penn avenue at 5 per cent for three years, being about 85 per cent ot the assessed value of the property. This Is a close margin and shows great confidence In the stability of values. Kelly fc Rogers placed a mortgage on East End property at 6 per cent The dispensing of soda water Is carried on to a large extent in Plttsbure. In fact, it is one of the principal industries incident to the sum mer season. The outlay is small and the profits large. Two or three of the most popular es tablishments average about 500 glasses a day. Snrceon General Hammond, however, would wipe it otft of existence. Be says neither soda nor ice water should lie drank at all, as the con sequences are almost invariably bad. No liquid with a temperature below 60 Farenheit, he in sists, ought to be taken intothemouth. As the thirsty season Is here these words of caution should be borne in mind, coming as they do from one of the most eminent physicians in the world. But however wise and timely this advice may be, it is not likely that it will lessen either the supply or the demand. Allegheny river water la a permanent obstacle to reform in this direction. The wire nail seems to be slowly winning its way to popularity. Wheeling builders whose business requires the use of large quantities of nails, said: "We have not begun using the wire nail yet, but it is certainly preferable to the cut nail, and is the coming nail. All the doors and sash we get are made with wire nails, and they are becoming immensely popular. Take a wire nail and throw it down there and it will lie in the rain for a week and it won't rust. An iron nail will rust if out In the rain one night. Wire nails do not split the wood like iron nails,and they are surely better. They appear to be nsed more in the West than here This nail is the cause ot the depression in the cut-nail industry, and our mills will have to turn their attention to them sooner or later." , A LITTLE BETTEE. Stock Trading Gives Evidence of Revival, bat Siriklne Features Scarce. There was a little more animation in local stocks yesterday. At the morning call Phila delphia Gas sold at S7. For Westmoreland and Cambria Gas, a Johnstown corporation, 15 was hid, but holders were not willing to let it go at that figure. They thought it would soon be as good as ever, but would hare sold at 35. Pitts burg, Allegheny and Manchester Railway 'was offered at 260, with 240 bid. Electric t was stronger, 64 being asked. The rest ef the list was practically unchanged and otherwise feat ureless. In the afternoon there were trades in Pitts burg and Central Traction and Westinehouse Airorake, the tractions going at 52 and 32 re spectively, and airbrake at 117, a slight de cline. Electric was weaker, lie gassers were unchanged, asr were the tractions. The demand was light, and the market closed at the lowest point of the day. Bids, offers and sales follow: JIOBVIVO. AFTBRKOO. diu. Aeu. jua. Asked. Rridrewater Gs. SO Chartlers Vsk las Co. Dat. Gas Co. of W. Va. f 61 'isjf 37 is n Ohio Valley Gas 33 17 37J 33 Peopl He's 1 &rco.. Philadelphia Oo . SBH IS 31 100 32K 6$ S7K '32 AVestm'd k Cambria.. Wheellnr GasOo..., Forest uu. Central Traction B2V Citizens' Traction 63 Pittsburg Traction.... 51H rieasant Vallcr lt.lt. .. 180 ritts., Alle. & Man. ... 240 Plttx-.Cln. AHt U 17 70 6: X 2U 60 P. ft W. K.K. Co n P. ft W. B. K. pref.... 21 N.Y. UGas Coal Co 22 37 3 24 Union lirldce.... l. Nnris Mining Co... Ill IS Allegheny Co. Elec ... ..... V estlngbonse Klectrlc S3H Unions. 4 S. Co ZVi 08 63f 54X 3S . 24X nC!UDI'KAirS.UO.. 117 V0. 111 JiJ Sales In the morning comprised 134 shares nf Philadelphia Gas at 87. In the afternoon 210 shares of Pittsburg Traction sold at 52, 25 Air brake at 117. ana 100 Central Traction at 32. The total sales of stocks at New Tork yes terday were 291,201 shares, including: -Atchison, 12.050; Delaware. Lackawanna and Western, 11,315: Erie. 5,750; Lake Shore. 17,633; Missouri Pacific, 6,500; Northwestern. 14,320; Northern Pacific, 4,525; Northern Pacificpreferred. 14,255: Reading. 10,100; St. Paul. 40.990; Texas Pacific 17 070; Union Pacific 43,035; Western Union, 6,235. PICKING UP. Local Money Matters Recovering, Bat Im provement Will be Slow. Local financiers who were spoken to yester day reported that business was picking up a little but was still below the average. The mall service was better and a big batch of checks arrived from the East. Improvement will be slow, as hundreds who lost relatives or friends at Johnstown will not soon be In condi tion to engage with alacrity in ordinary pur suits. Under all the circumstances, the Clear ing House report was a good one, the ex changes footing up $1,550,71)6 S3 and the bal ances $330,094 14, showing that there is consid erable going on. Money on call at New Tork yesterday was esyat22 per cent, last loan 2; closed offered at 2 Prime mercantile paper, 865. Sterling exchange dull bnt steady at (1 S for CO-day bills, and 4 88 for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. TJ. S. 4s,reg.., U. S. 4s. coup. 13 M.K. AT. Gen. Bs.. KM Mutual Union 6S....10JM N. J. C. Int. Cert...ll5M Nortnem Pae. lts..JJJJ Northern Pac.2ds.JJW Northw't'n consols.H-Vi 129 U. B. Vis, reg 10SK O, , S. 45, conn. iwS Pacifies of '95 IIS IiOulslanastamped4s 90' Missouri 6s 102 Nnrthw'n deben's 113 Oregon ft Trans. 6s 105J4 u t. T M llpn. 59 86 lenn. new set. SS....107 Tenn. new set. 5S....102H Tenn. new set. 33.... 7SM Canada bo. Ids 99H Cen. Pacificists 116V Uen.ftlCO., lsts..,119 Men. ft B. a. ta.... si l.&l.H.West.lsLq. M2 St. Lift 8.' P. Gen. M121 Si, Paul consols if St. PI. ChlftPc.lsUH?.. Tx..Pc.K.G.Tr.Kcts 3S Union l"ac. ists jw-s Erie, ids 106S Jl. K. ftT. Gen. 6s.. 60H West Bhors w New York Cleannes 117.157.924 bal- ances, 5,861,663. Boston Clearings. 14.538,472; balances, L933,022. Money 2 per cent. Prm, vdelphia Clearings, 510,288,711s bal ances, 1,452,058. BAITimobh Clearings, 1,628,343; bal ances, 3Z7,98a London The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England on balance to-day is 7,000. Bar silver 42d per ounce. Paeis Three per cent rentes, 86fe for the account. Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, 10,669,000. St. Lours Clearings, 3,051,486; balances, 709,578. ' MOVEMENTS IH OIL Something Must be Done to Stimulate Basi nets Call for a Conference. The oil market yesterday was the best of the week in point of activity, if not of strength. It opened at 82, at which 1,000 "barrels were sold. Liberal trading soon put the price up to 82. A weaker feeling then set in, and the price hung between 82 and 83 the rest of tho day, closing at 82JJ. The ticker service was in good order. Trading was spasmodic and lim ited, the most of it being done in the afternoon. "The market will change one way or the other in the next few weeks,'' remarked an experi enced broker. "Trade is so dull that we must have a new deal of some kind or quit the busi ness. I look for lower prices. The clearings were 786.000 barrels. The conferences of oil exchanges will meet I at Bradford on Wednesday, June 12, to adopt measures loosing to a reorganization oi uio conference upon the basis of actual business done by each exchange as shown by its daily clearings, to receive and act upon suggestions looking to a broadening of the trade in oil, and to consider and act upon tbe revision of the rules. The animus of this movement, it was suggested, was probably to get the scheme for trading in futurei again before the exchanges in some shape as to remove objections and in sure its passage. Features ot the Mnrket. Corrected daily by John M. Oasuey & Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum .Cixcnange. Opened...., 8MLowest... Highest 82ftuiosed..., s:h 82J, Barrels. 48,747 71.29IS 6o,730 Average runs , Average shipments Average charters. , Refined, New York, 6.90c Keflneo, Londoa, S 11-1M. Refined, Antwerp. 17f. Refined. Liverpool, 6 S-16d. Carrying, New York, 20c premium: Oil City flatl Bradford flat; Pittsburg, 25c premium. A. B. McGrewiCo. quote: Puts, 8282c; calls, 83Jic Other Oil Markets. Pittsbueg, June 7. National transit cer tificates opened at 82c; closed at 62Jc; high est, 82Jc; lowest, 82c, Bradford, June 7. National transit certi ficates opened at 82c; closed at :c; high, est, 83c; lowest, 81v. TrrvsvnAx, June 7. National transit cer tificates opened at 82c; highest, 83c; lowest, 82c; olosed, 82c New Yore, Juno 7, Consolidated Exchange opening, easjc; nignest, tac; lowest, Siv.c; closing, 83c btock Exchange Opening. highest, 83e; lowest, S2c; closing, 82 sales, 231,000 barrels. JIOYIKG RIGHT AL0KG. Sale of Eleven Stone and Brick Houses Otber Imnortnnl Deals. Graebing fe Lyon, 1S5 Fourth avenue, sold a row of 11 brick and stone dwelling houses in Minneapolis, Minn., for Buel and Alden, for 125,000. They also sold to Frederick Bossie, f or & Delp. two lots, 50x100 feet, on Taylor street. West Bellevue, fpr 1550, and placed a mortgage for 35,000 at 6 per cent for three years vn property in the Sixth ward, Allegheny. Kelly & Bogers, No. 6315 Station street, sold for A- J. E. Means four lots on Joseph street, Twenty-first ward, for S1.600 tash to J. B, Hol land, and four lots on Broad street, Nineteenth ward, to Jones & Householder for S2.600: also one lot, 31x125 feet, Fairmont avenue, to D. Herrnn lor J7U0 cash, and placed a mortgage for (700 on East End property at 6 por cent. Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to Charles L. Reno, for Thomas Malley, of Chi cago, 111., two three-story brick dwellings, Nos. 257 and 259 Ohio street. Allegheny City, with lot 66x275 feet. They also placed a mortgage of $15,000 at 6 per cent on a Pepn avenue property for three years, which was about 85 per cent of tbe assessed value of the property. Ewing A. Byers placed a mortgage of 600 at 6 per cent for one year on property in the Second ward, Allegheny. James W. Drape & Co., sold a small houso and lot near Rebecca street, Allegheny, for $2,750; also two lots In the East End, 60x120 feet; .for $2,050: also placed a mortgage on property in McKeesport of $6,500 at 6 per cent: also a mortgage of $2,000 on house and lot In Wilkins burc at 6 per cent; also four mortgages of $500 each at 6 per cent on houses antf lots in the suburbs; also a mortgage of $16,000 on manu facturing and mineral property above Freeport atC per cent. L. O. Frazier, corner Fortv-fifth and Butler streets, placed a $2,300 mortgage on Butler street. Eighteenth iward, property for three years at 6 per cent and tax. THE BACK TBACK. Adverse Ioflnencea Depress tbe Stock Market Nearly Everything Strong at the Opcnlntt bnt Lower nt tbe Close Bonds Feverish. New York, June 7. The stock market was somewhat less active to-day, but tbe strong tone of yesterday was continued only in the forenoon, when tbe adverse influences prevail ing became most powerful iu the course of prices and the upward moement was checked, a reaction following. Tho opening was strong and active but the business done was not so well distributed as during the past few days and the stocks of the-regular list outside of the Grangers. Pacific stocks and New England were dull and without much feature. Realiza tions again became heavy. The annual report of tbe Northwestern was swallowed uointbe bearish fecline caused by the great flro at Beittle and heavy engagements pfpold for ex port bv to-roorrow' steimera. Tbero was mirked strength in Wheeling and Lake Erie. New England. Union .Pacific and Oregon Snort Line at tbe opening, but tho trusts were rather heavy to weak on the decision ot tho Missouri State Secretary that the new law against trusts would be rigidly enforced. The Pacific stoofcs and Short Line were neipeu oy tno prospects or an amicable settle ment of tho Oregon Navieitlon lease and other matters between the" Union and Northern Pacifies. ThS selling begata immediately, how ever, and before the end of the first hour prices were on tbebarlc track and most or the list were brought belo-w their ppenlng figures, and Tennessee Coal, both common an pre ferred, with Oregon Short Line were the only ones which retained any fair proportion of their advances. There was a spurt in Lake Shore after 12 o'clock, bnt this ras the only up ward movement durln? the atternonn ?inrt ft failed to have any effect upon the rest of tho list. The pressure against the trusts, however, became more pronounced alter that time, and. lead retired, 2 per cent. Tho Grahgers followed, and St. Paul was specially weak, but the low prices reached brougnt in some buying from tbe shorts and In vestors, and there was a better tone to the list toward the close, which was quiet and fairly steady generally at slight fractions better thin the lowest of tho day. The great majority of the active stocks to-night are fractionally lower. Atchison and St. Paul are each down 1 per cent, but Tennessee 'Coal rose L the pre ferred 2, and Delaware and Hudson i. Railroad bonds were also less active, and, like shares, were somewhat feverish and irregular, although a strong tone was noticeable In most of the issues traded in. The Kansas and Texas bonds were again the most consplcnons strong feature, but the declines at the close are quite numerous. The sales of the day reached $1,651,000, of which the Kansas and Texas 5s contributed 3122,000. The following table snows the prices of active stocks on the Ne'r York Stock Exchange. Corrected dally for. The Dispatch by Whit ney Stephenson, members of lie w York Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue: Open- Inir, .. eovf Am. Cotton Oil. .... Atcn.. TOP. ft 81 P.. Canadian l'sciSt..... Csnsds Boutnertu 5SJ Central or ewAierser.MS ttlos Hich Low- inr eiu est. Bins. m m h mi Mi M icex iesx 106k aiii ii" ' asS UU ttML1 lAsHK 7IU 74K es3 99)5 " fa a, s. ItjkB. . IB i, St. L. ft Pitts, pf.. 39)4 li, St. P..M. ftO...... .. 0. 4 .Northwestern... .113 Uft .Northwestern, pf. .... U O. X ftl 7JJ4 Col. Coal ft iron . Opl. ft Hocking Val .. 14)4 pel.. L. ftW... Ui Ucl. ft Hudson 1K CenverftllioU . ye2.Tor.&EloU" nr... 48M E.T. Va.ftUs ios g-y.,Va.Galstpr..7 SlI..Vi,JBi.Ujif,ll! Illinois Central 116!? j-ake Erie ft Western.. 19 ke Erie ft West. pr.. 61J, ske Shore ft M. S 105K Louisville ft Nashville. 71 Michigan Central HJtf Mobile ft Ohio J?., K. ftTexas 10 Missouri Pacific. 76W New York Central 108H I tit f. tV U4f. IS iii" us 7Hf ,7J" 81 N.Y., L. E. ftW.. pref ... S. a.. j. aobu us If.. U ft St, L. Pf. 17J4 J.T4N, B 43 i's',1 Rl V .. - . . 17 .Norfnllr.fr tV.,r.m Norfolkft Westem,pf. Northern Pacific 29 J9 29 Nprtnern Pacific nref. era 68 66K Ohio ft Mississippi... . 23 ns 22JS Oregon Improvement. K K5K H4 Oregon Transcon VK 355? 34), Pacific Mall S5 J31 35S Peo. Dec. ft Kvan9 25 25tf 25 Ph ladcl. ft Heading.. X 46), Pullman Palace Car.. .189 1S9U 189 Richmond ft W. P. T.. 26K 28)2 ssM KIchmondftW.P.T.pf ij 84)? MM St-PaulAUululh ..?. ..V. St. Paul ft Dulutb pf. St. P., Minn, ft Man... 102 102 102JS 8t.L.ft8an Fran 29 29k 28M St. L. ft San JTran pf.. 60 61)2 M St. u. ft aan If.lat pf. Texas Paclflo 22 22 22 UnionPacillo -.... Siii 61M 63 Wabaau Wabash preferred 20X 29 29X Western Onion , SSK 88)4 88 Wheeling ft L. E 715? 715J 69)4 National Lead Trust.. 3J5( . Bngar Trust 10CH Boston Stocks, Atch.ftTon.n.K... 43H Wis. Central, com.. Wis. Central pf... 19M 46 uusious Aicsny...ziz Boston ft Maine..... 19 li. B. ftQ I03W Clnn. ban. ft Oleve. 24K Eastern R. E. 6s ....126 Flint PereM 28 flint ft PereM. nrd. 98)4 K.C..St.J.4C.B.7s.l23 Mexican Cen. com.. IS Mex.C.lstmtg.bds. 65 IJ.X.ftNewEng... 47M Olduoiony. 174 Laismct & uecia. Kranklln... ,.216 10 Huron 1 Osceola. 8)f I wnincv ta Hell Telephone 211 Boston Land 6H Hater Power 6)t Tamarack 105JJ San Ulego 2i Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers, No. (7 Fonrth avenue. Members New York HtockEx cLinge. BM. Asked. Pennsylvania Railroad 82 C2X Reading Railroad 21 23 1-16 Bnflalo. PKtsburg and Western...'., lltf Lehigh Valley 53)4 53 Northern Pacific 29 28H Northern Paclflo preferred 66 67, Wining Stocks. New York. June 7.-rAmador, 100; Caledonia B. H., 295; Consolidated California and Vir ginia. 776; Deadwood T., 100; Dnnkid. 100: Eureka, 200; El Cristo, 150; Halo & Norcross, 375; Homestake, 800: Horn Silver. 100; Iron Silver, 180; Mutual Smelting aud Mining Company, 110: Plymouth, 10.00; Standard, 110; Savage, 250; Sullivan, 115. UU STOCK MARKETS.- Condition of the Blarket at the East Liberty Stock Yards. Office Pittsbubo Dispatch. J EAST Liberty, June 7, 1889. CATTX.S Receipts, 20 head; shipments, nothing; market, nothing doing; no cattle shipped to New' York to-day. Hogs Receipts, 8$ head; shipments, 1,200 bead; market fair: all grades $4 504 65; no hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts. 600 head; shipments. 400 head; market active; all sold 10c higher than yesterday's prices. By Telegraph. New Yobs Beeves Receipts; 2,200 head, including 44 carloads for the market, 65 car loads for exportation and 21 carloads for slaughterers direct, and SO carloads of sale cat tle in pens besides from previous receipts; dull and lower but none changed bands: common to prime steers sold at $3 S04 60 per 100 pounds; a few tops at $4 604 70; bulls and dry cows at $2 403 50, With a few fancy export bulls at $3 603 75; shipments to-day and to morrow, 1,890 beeves and 3,700 quarters of beer. Calves Receipts, 2.200 bead; dull and lower at$4 005 60 per 100 pounds for veals and at $2 754 00 for buttermilk calves and mixed lots. Sheep Receipts, 9,900 bead, including a laree number of lambs: sheen were rather f easier; lambs opened dull and weak, closed neavyana lower; me sales incinaea common to good sheep at H 005 25 per 100 pounds, and common to good lambs at $6 7o8 00 per 100 pounds, with a f ewtops at $8 258 5a Hogs Receipts, 3,500 bead, all for slaugnterers; none for sale alive; nominally steady at $4 655 25. Chicago Cattle Kecelnts, 9.000 head; shipments, 3,500 head; market slow and a shade easier; beeves, $4 404 60; steers, $3 50 425: stockers and feeders, $2 3083 60; cows, bulls and mixed. SI 603 10: Texas steers, $2 203 50; cows, $1 802 2a Hogs Receipts, 24.000 head; shipments, 7,000 bead: market slow, closed a shade lower: mixed. $4 254 45: heavy, $4 204 40; light, $4 25-l.55; skips, $3 5001 4a Sheep Receipts, 7,000 head: shipments, 500 head: market weak; natives, $3 304 50: Western shorn. $3 751 50; Texans, $3 503 90: lambs, 75c$3 4a Kansas City Cattle Receipts. 2.8S2 bead; shipments, 931 head; market rather slow; beavy shipping steers 10c lower and hard to sell; light and medium, $3 80: dressed beef steers steady and 5c Qwer;good cows firmer: good to choice cornfed, $3 C04 15; common to medium, $3 253 80; stockers and feeding steers, $2 253 40; cows, $1 753 OO. Hogs Re ceipts, 12,374 head; shipments, 1,006 head: fair, active and 5c lower. St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 2,400 head: ship ments, 3,000 head; choice heavy native steers. $3 804 40; fair to good do, S3 103 4 30; stockers and feeders. $2 153 20; rangers, corn-fed, $2 803 60; grass-fed. $2 10 3 15. Hogs Receipts, 2,800 head; shipments, 2,700 head; market slow; choice heavy and butchers', $4 S04 40: packing, $4 154 30; light, $4 2504 4a Sheep Receipts, 400 bead; no Fuinments; mantel steaay; lair to cnoice, $3 004ba Cincinnati Hogs active and higher; com mon and light, $3 604 50: packing and butch ers'. $4 354 40; receipts, 1,400 head; shipments, 1,000 bead. A CHAPTER OP INCIDENTS. Flro Docs. Dnmaeo to nn Alabama Town and Unllrond Line. Eutatt, Ala., June 7. News has just reached us by wire from Xivingstone as fol lows: A very destructive tire broke out here 'this morning abont 3.30 in the block west of the artesian well district, destroying 16 houses. The origin of the ire is not yet known. There is no insurance on the build ing oc stock of goods. The south-bound lightning expresr train on the Alabama GreatSouthern, due here at 7 o'clock this morning, met with n serions accident about one and a half miles north of Carthage, Ala., on a trestle known as tbe Carthage gravel pit trestle. The trestle was on fire and before the engineer discovered it and conld stop his train, he ran into it. The fireman jumped from 'he engine. Seventy feet of the trestle was consumed; also the engine, mail car and baggage car. Host of tbe mail was saved. No one was hurt. ALL QUIET AT SAMOA. There Have Been no Fresh Disturbances on tbe Troubled Island. Sydhet, N. S. "W., June 7. The steamer Lubeck has arrived here from Apia, Samoa, with advices to May 28. Everything was quiet in Samoa. A trnce was maintained between the contending natives, owing to reDorts that additional German men-of-war were on their way to Apia. JIataafa had collected his men, and it was thought 3,000 of his men would be assembled in one camp shortly. Tamasese is also in camp. All men-of-war have left Apia. The British man-of-war Bapid had sailed for the Fiji islands. The American steamer Nipsip, convoyed by the steamer Alert, had gone to Tutnila for coal, and from there they were to proceed for Auckland. Weak stomach,Beecham'sPills act like magic Pears' Soap secures a beautiful complexion. HRS.J0HN SHERWOOD frgggL imitable manner into morroio's Dispatch the American colony of Pari, and compares the gallantry of 'Benjamin JYanklin with that of the modern. American husband. I IFF IIN A'FARM and lit dangers to I i-i ru un n rftnm city visitors aeon. sutered irt to-morrows UIS.va.tos from a hy gienic aspen on Dr. J. C. Merles. C., Ml. ft St. Paul C., KoetLftP DOMESTIC MABKETS. Sellable Eggs ilrm, Batter Steady, Cheese More Qaiet. STRAWBERRIES IH GOOD SUPPLY. Light Cereal Supplies Strengthen, bnt Pjices ise Sot. WESTERN MHiLERS' CUT ON PRICES OFFICE OF PrTTSBUBO DISPATCH. 1 Fbtday. June 7, 1889. Country Produce Jobbing Prices. There is good demand for reliable eggs at 15c Tbe Elgin Butter Board made no changes this week. The movement here Is active The time is here for the heaviest sales and lowest prices of cheese. Demand Is active' the past few days, and Johnstown has absorbed a large portion of tbe surplus. The blockade of South ern and Eastern trains bearing fruit and vege tables has only been partially broken, and stuff failed to come In In tbe quantities expected. Shippers evidently ordered much of tbe stuff that was on the way back to Eastern markets. Strawberries are In fair supply, bnt not in very good shape having been compelled to await the falling of the waters. Butteb Creamery, Elgin, 1920c; Ohio do, 1718c; fresh dairy packed. 1415c; country rolls, 1314c; Chartlers Creamery Co., 19c iSEAKS i ixgi w. Beeswax 2S30c $ ttforchoicejlowgrade, 1820c CirjEB Sand refined, $6 507 60; common, $3 504 00; crab cider, $8 0008 50 f? barrel; cider vinegar. 1012c p gallon. Cheese New Ohio cheese, 9c: New York, new, 10llc; Llmburger, 89c; domestic Sweltier cheese, 9U12c Califobma Fbuits California peaches, $4 004 50 jf) box; cherries, $3 00; apricots, $4 00 4 60; plums, $4 004 50. Dried Peas-$1 251 35 jl bushel; split do, 2Moafi. Eqgs 14H15c $ dozen for strictly fresh; goose eggs, Sue dozen. Fbtjits Evaporated raspberries, 25c ft; cranberries, $45 f) barrel, 50cSl 00 $ bushel; strawberries, 8015c $ quart; pine apples, $1 2o 1 75 jfl dozen. Fbathebs Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1 do, 4015c; mixed lots, S035c 1 &. Honey New crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13 15c. Hojowy-$2 652 75 p barrel. Potatoes 4550c 9 bushel: new Southern potatoes, $3 754 50 f) barrel. Poultby Live chickens, 6575c per pair; undrawn chickens, 1012c p &; drawn. 14 15c f? ft: turkeys, 15c dressed fl ft; ducks, live, 6070c f pair; dressed, 1314o fl : geese, live, $1 0012oftpair. Seeds Clover, choice 62 tts to bushel, $5 60 jl bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts, $6 00; clover, Allske, $8 50; clover, white, $9 00; tim othy, choice, 45 ffis, $1 65; blue grass, extra clean, fts, 90c; bine grass, fancy, 14 fits, $1 00; orchard grass, 11 &s, $1 65; red top, 14 Its, 51 25; millet, 50 I, $1 00; German millet. 60 As, $1 60; Hungarian grass, 60 fis. $1 00; lawn grass mixture of fine grasses, $2 60 fl bushel of lifts. Tallow Conntry. 45c; city tendered, 55Kc Tropical Fbttits Lemons, fancy. $5 500 6 00 $lbox; Messina oranges, $4 605 50 $ box; Valencia oranges, fancy, $7 509 00 case; bananas, $3 00, firsts; $2 00, good seconds, fl bunch: cocoannts, $4 505 00 fl hundred; new figs, 8K0o fl pound; dates, 66c f) pound. Vegetables Radishes, 2530c fl dozen; marrowiat peas, es a w crate; new cabbage, two-barrel crates, $2 50Q3 00; Bermuda onions, $1 1501 25 f bushel: string beans, $2 00; tomatoes, $3 003 50 fl bushel. Groceries. Sugars are so strong at the advance that an other rise cannot be far away. Margins are now almost wiped out to the Jobber here, who has to lay In supplies at Eastern prices. Cof fees are firm. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2223c; choice Rio, 2021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18K19c; old Government Java, 27c; Maracaibo. 2223c; Mocha, 8031c; Santos, 1922Kc; Caracas coffee, 2022c; peaberry, Bio, 2I23c; La guayra, 2122c Roasted (In papers) Standard brands, 24c; high grades, 282Sc; old Government Java, bulk, S2XCSc; Maracaibo,272SKc; Santos, 2224c; peaberry, 27c; peaberry Santos, 2224c; cnoice Bio, 25c: prime Rio, 23c; good Rio, 22Xc; ordinary. 21Kc Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c; cassia. 89cr pepper, 19c: nutmeg, 708Oc Petroleux (jobbers' prices) llu test let Ohio, 120; 8c; headlight, 150. 8c; water wnite, xuftc; gii oho. 12c: elalne. 15c: carnadlne. ... . --.. .. iikc; royaiine. in. Syrups Corn si Syrups Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrup, S333c! prime sugar syrup, S033c:strict- ly prime, uu, new mapie syrup, vuc N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me- f dium. 43c: mixed. 40et42c hoda ui-car d in Kegs, axus-ic; m-caru in fts, S-Kc; bl-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal soda in kegs, lej do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, per set. 8c; parafflne, ll12c Rice Head, Carolina, 77Kc; choice, 60 7c: prime, &&c; Louisiana. 66Kc Starch Pearl, 8c; cornstarch, oi7c; gloss starch, 67c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon don layers, $3 10; California London layers, $2 60; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels, $1 85: Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 7K8c; sultana, 8c; currants, new, 45c; Turkey prunes, new, 45c: French prunes, 813c; Salonlca prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c: cocoanuts. perlOO, $6 00; almonds, Lau per ft, 20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12Q15c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12$ loc; new dates, 5t!c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans. ll15c: citron, per ft. 2122cj lemon peel, per ft, 1314c; orange peel, 12$c Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c apples, evaporated, (&6c: apricots, Calif or; ma, evaporated, 15018c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 3223c: peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424&c; blackberries. 7J48c; huckle berries, lvmlc sugars cubes 59c: powdered. 9M ers' A. w-ieKB-xe; fair. IMe: vellow. dark. H4c feV Pickles Medium, bbls, (1,200) SI 60: medi ums, half bbls. (GOO). 22 7a. Sam-No. H3 bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, ffl bbl, tl 05; dairy, f! bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl, Jl 20; Hmgin s Eureka, 4 bu sacks, $2 SO; Higgins' Eureka. 16-14 B. pockets, 3 00. Canned Goods dtandara peaches SI S0 1 SO; 2ds, SI 30Q1 35: extra peaches. SI 501 90: pie peachef. W)c; finest corn, JI01 50: Hfd. Co. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90cJl 00: Lima bean, W 10: soaked do, 85c: string do do, 75 85c; marrowfat peas. 51 101 15; soaked peas, 70075c; pineapples, $1 401 60; Bahama do. RJ 75; damson plums. 95c; greengages. SI 25; egg plnui', 52 U); California pears. S2 GO; do greengages, S2 00; do egg plums, S2 00; extra while cherries, S2 00; red cherries, 2ft,90c; raspberries 81 401 60: stranrberries 81 10: gooseberries, $1 201 30: tomatoes, 82Je92c; salmon, 1-lb.Sl 752 10; blackberries, kUc; suc cotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 09C: do green, 2 fis, SI 251 SO: corn beer, 2-lb cans, SI 75f li-ft cans, S13 no; baked beans, $1 401 4j; lobsier. 1 51 7501 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, jl 60; sardines, domestic, Ms, U 151 50; sardines, domestic, Ki, W 258 50: sardines, imported, Jis. 811 5oai2 50; sardines, imported, Us, S13 00: sardines mustard, (4 00; sardines, splceil,-S4 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S38 fl bbl.; exfa No. 1 do, mess, S40: extra Mo. 1 mackerel, shore, 32; extra No. 1 do, messed, 30; So. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codlish Whole pollock, 4JicJ a.; do medium, George's cod, be; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do George's cod in Works, 67)$c. Herring Round shore, S5 00 W bbl.; split, $7 00; lake, 52 50 W 100-tt. hlf Dbl. White flsb. ST 00 9 100 B. half bbl. Lake trout, S3 50 half bbl. Finnan haddock. 10c V lb. Iceland halibut. 13c a lb. Pickerel. K barrel, $2 00; K barrel, Jl 10: Potomau herring, S5 00 fl barrel, J2 50 fl barrel. Buckwheat Fioub Zii2ic fl a. OAT3IKAL 5S Kl6 CO fl bbl. MlKEns' Oii No. 1 winter strained, 5SC0c fl gallon. Lard oil. 75c. Grain, Flonr and Feed. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex change. 17 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 8 cars bf bay. 3 of oats, 2 of barley, 1 of flour. 1 of feed. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and Bt. Louis, 5 cars ot hay, 1 of flour, lot feed. There wa one sale on call, vlz a car of 2 y. e. corn, 3$c, JO days, B. & O. Owing to very light receipts, all cereals are active, but prices fall to advance. Tho flour situation is a puzzle to tho longest-headed operators. Minnesota mills are cutting prices in order to keep up their record. Some must be selling at a loss. A cash customer who wants 100 barrels of the best spring patents lit wood at S5 75 would hardly be permitted to go away empty. And at this flgnre the jobber here would fare belter tbtn the Minnesota miller. WHEAT Jobbing prices No. 2 rod, 83090c; No.3rei.8384e. Contf No. 2 yellow ear. 39gS9c: h'gh mixed ear, 37c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 8737Kc: high mixed snelieo. SBgSTc; mixed, shelled. SoJi Oats No. 2 white, 81Ji - 7M O !oici o. a wnite, vif$ ; No. 2 mixed, 27 RYE No.lPenMvlvanta-nnfl Ohio. filMSe- No. 1 Western, 48e. , F1.0UR Jobbing prices, winter patents, to 5896 75; eprteg patsets, g 76 9. wtater straight, SI 7505 00; clear winter, $4 60i73; straight XXXX bakers', i 6604 26, Bye lour, 13 5033 75. Millfeed Middlings, fine white, $15 009 15 50 ft ton; brown middlings. $11 60012 50; winter wheat bran, $12 2512 50; chop feed, $15 00816 OOv Hay Baled timothy, choice, $15 00; No. 1 do,$13 50I4 00; No. 2 do,SU J0gI250-,loose from, wagon. $16 0018 00: No. 1 upland prairie. $1060 mi 00; No. 2, $7 60S 00; picking do, $5 509 6 50. Straw Oats, $7 50; wheat and rye straw, $7 007 503 CO. Provisions. Sugar-cured bams, large, 10c; sugar-cured hams, medium, llc; sugar-cured hams, small, llc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders, 7c: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c: sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef fiats, 9c; sugar cured dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, 12c: bacdn shoulders. 7c; bacon clear sides, 8c: bacon clear bellies, 8c; dry salt shoulders. 6Jc: dry salt clear sides, 7fc Mess pork, heavy, $14 00; mess pork, familv. $14 60. -Lard Refined in tierces, 7cr half barrel", 7c: 60-ft tubs, 7c: 20 ft palls, 7Jc; 50 1 tin cans, 7c; 3-& tin palls, 7c; 5-B tin pails, 7c; 10-ft tin pails, 7c Smoked sausage long, 6c; lame, 5c. Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless bam, 10c Pigs feet, half barrel, $3 5C; quarter barrel, $2 00. Dressed DIear. Armour A Co. furnish tbe following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses. 450 to 550 fis, 5c; 530 to 650 fis, 6c; 650 to 750 fis, &Kc Sheep, 8c fl ft. Lambs, 9c fl ft. Hogs, 6c Fresh pork loins. 9c Dry Goods. New Yobk, June 7. Trade In drygoods at first hands is moderating aud a lull is antici pated for the next two weeks. The market was firm, but without change. Jobbers are getting some package business in competition with agents where goods have been advanced. JOHNSTOWN'S HORROR ,6V8 described and illustrated by staff correipond- enisana arusis m UHnorrovrs dispatch. E3gfl I am satisfied that Cancer is hereditary in my family. My father died of it, a sister of my mother died of it, and my own sister died of it. My feelings may be imagined, then, when the horrible disease made its appearance on my side. It was a malignant Cancer, eating in wardly in such a way that it could not be cut out. Numerous remedies were nsed for it, but the Cancer grew steadily worse, until Itseemed that I was doomed to follow tbe others of the family. I took Swift's Specific which, from the first day, forced out tbe poison and con tinud its use until I nad taken several bottles, when I found myself well. 1 know that S.S.S. enred me. Mrs. S. M. Idol. WETSTOjr, N. C Nov. 26, '88. Send for Book on Cancer and Blood Diseases. The Swift Specific Co , Drawer 3, Atlanta; fel-7-TT3 CITY SAVINGS BAJSfK, SIXTH AVE. AND 8MITHFIELD ST. Capital $100,000, with privilege of $500,00a Surplus and undivided profits, 523,600. Transacts a General Banking Business. Ac counts Solicited. Collections a Specialty. Interest allowed on time deposits. JA& CALLERY President W.J.BURNS Vice President JOHN W. TAYLOR Cashier mh23-59-TTS WHOLESALE HOIJSt. JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.( ' Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week in SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, , SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, " audOHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-rK5-D A PERFECT! IM Purifier. Ilft33l angra A purely Veeetablo Compound that expels tail bad humors from the I system. Removes blotch- "es and pimples, and makes pure,, rich blood. ap2-58 DUES! STUPTOMS-UoUt. t InteBMi IteblRsT and fttJnjtiiijcl mot at lent! worse dt cratcning 11 a mred to mnitlnae tumors form and ITCHING PILES.S,d.i.h2s: tRrallf TOT sore. SWATHE'S UIT MEiM stop tke Itehlne and bleedlne. keals i.j.wntlnn. ftnil In mMtnuMICIBOTHlbe ttt nors. SvArxsfO!aTimlifoIdb7drD;giiu,orinallnlla sdt addreM on reeetpt of prtee, 50 ets. s box ; 3 boxes, SUS, Xiixm Ham. PE. SWATSK 4 SOV. PblUdrtpbin. (. THE PEOPLE'S NATIONAL BMK HAVE OS HASD AND ISSUE BROWN BROS. & CO.'S Circular Letters of Credit for Travelers Good in all parts of the world. ap27-83-ws M" ONEY TO LOAN - On mortgages on improved real estate in sums of J1.000 and upward. Appl at DOLLAB SAVINGS BANK. mh4-34-i No. 124 Fourth aTenne. 1IHOKERS-F1NAXCIAL. TTTH1TNBY 4 STEPHENSON, I a FOURTH AVENUE, Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel, .Morgan & Co , New York. Passports procured. ap28-l GEORGE T. CARTER, INVESTMENT BOND& 614-515 Hamilton Building. mvlO-70-D Pittsbnnr. Pa. IIIEUICAI- DOCTOR HITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE. P1TTSBUEH.P..., As old res'dents know and back files of Pitts burg papers prove, is tho oldest established and most prominent physician In the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From SSSST NO FEE UNTIL CURED ML"Dni 10 and mental diseases, physical llL.n V UUo decay, nervous debility, lack ot energv, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, basbfulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, s.iiely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN ife&oS blotches, falling bair, bone pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tngup,moutb, throat, ulcers, old sore. are cured for life, and blood pobons thoroughly eradicated from tbesystem. 1 1 D I M A D V kidney and bladder derange U nilinn I j ments. weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other, painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cnre Dr. Whi tiler's life-long, extensive experience insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as If here. Office hours tf A. Jf. to 8 P. jr. Sundiy, 10 A.M. to IP. M. Only. DR.WHirriEIt.8lI Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. ap!V31K-rsuwk Ji. S U F JjEIiTjJIi yuh. erSting weakness lost vigor, etc.. was restored to health la such s remarkable manner after all else had failed that he will send the mode of cure UtEE to nlirelloir sufferers. Address L. G. MlTl.HKI.L, .Last Uaddam, Conn. mr3I--DSuwk MEN ONLYI A POSITIVE CUKE Vnr lAtitC or Kalllnl MAN HOOU. Nerrouj ness. Weakness of Uodv & Mind. Lact or Strength. Vizor aud Ue- Telopment, csused br Errors, Lxcessea, 4c. Book. MOCB ot SKLr-rnEATMENT. and Proofs mailed (sealed) rree. Address E1UE -MKUIUAL, CO. hi Baaalo. M. X. de35-5J-TTSiwk HARE'S REMEDY For men! Cheeks the worst oases fa three days, aad cares in five days. Prise SI Oft at J- FLstMtNCPS DRUQSTOKE. 2B-noa i!2Muktsteet JEVT ABTgRTISBMEXTg. f- ELECTION NOTICE "Whebeas, Two joint resolutions propos ing two separate amendments to the Const! tntion of this Commonwealth have beea : agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each House of the Legislature at two successive sessions. The first of said amendments being as follows: AMENDMENT. There shall he an additional article to said' Constitution, to he designated as Article) Nineteenth, as follows: AETICLE NINETEENTH.. The manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale, of intoxicating liquor, to be used as a beverage, is hereby prohibited, and any vi--olation of this prohibition shall be a misde meanor, punishable as shall be provided by law. The manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale, of intoxicating liquor for other par poses than as a beverage may be allowed ia such manner only as maybe prescribed by law. The General Assembly shall, at the first session succeeding the adoption of this article of the Constitntion, enact laws, with adequate penalties, for its enforcement. The second thereof being as follows: AMENDMENT. , Strike ont from section one of article eight tho fonr qualifications for voters, which read as lollows: If 22 years, of age or upward, he shall have paid within two years a State or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months, and paid at least one month before the election, so that the section which reads as follows: Every male citizen 21 years of age, possess ing the following qualifications, shall be en titled to vote at all elections. First He shall have been a citizen of the United States at least one month. Second He shall have resided in the State one year (or if having previously been a qualified elector or native oorn citi zen of the State, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) immediately preceding the election. Third He shall have resided in the elec tion district where he shall offer to vote at least two months immediately preceding the election. Fourth If 23 years of age or upward, he shall bave paid, within two years, a State ' or county tax, which shall have been as sessed at least two months, and paid at least one month, before the election, shall be amended to read as follows: Every mala citizen 21 years of age, possessing the fol lowing qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at the polling place ot the election dis trict or which he shall at the time be a resi dent, and not elsewhere: First He shall have been a resident of the United States at least thirty (30) days. Second He shall have resided ltf-the 1 State one year for if having previously beea- a qualified elector or native born citizen ot the State, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) immediately preceding tbe election. Third He shall have resided in the elec tion district where he shall offer to vote at least 30- days immediately preceding the election. Tbe Legislature at the session thereof next after the adoption of this sec tion shall, and from time to time thereafter may, enact laws to properly enforce this pro vision. Fourth Every male citizen of the age of 21 years, who shall have been a citizen for 30 days, and an inhabitant of this State one year next preceding an election, except at municipal elections, and for tbe last 30 days a resident of tbe election district ia which he may offer to vote, shall be entitled to vote at such election in the election, dis trict of which he shall at the time be a resi dent, and not elsewhere, for all officers that now are or hereafter may be elected by the people. Provided, That in time of war no elector in the actual military service of the State or of the United States, in the army or navy thereof, shall he deprived of his vote by reason of his absence from such electioa district, and the Legislature shall have now- er to-provide the manner in which and'tha 'time and place at which snch absent elec tors may vote, and for tbe return and can vass of their votes in the election, district is which they respectively reside. Fifth For the purpose of voting, lip per son shall be deemed to have gained or cast a residence by reason of his presence or ii- sence while employed in the service of tha United States or ot the State, norwhlle en gaged in the navigation of tbe waters of the State or the high seas, nor while a student of any college or seminary of learning, nor while kept at any almshouse or public insti tution, except the inmates of any home for disabled ana indigent soldiers and sailors, who, for the purpose of voting, shall be deemed to reside in the election district where said home is located. Laws shall be made for ascertaining, by proper proof, the citizens who shall be entitled to the right of suffrage hereby established. And Whereas, In accordance with tbe pro visions of the act of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, approved March 8, 1889, entitled, "An act prescribing the time and manner of submitting to the people, for tueir appruvai uuu lauumuuij ut rejection, proposed amendments to th,e Constitntion," the governor ot the Commonwealth has issued a writ of election directed to the sheriff of Allegheny county, commanding and requiring the said sheriff to give notice in the nsnal manner, in not less than two newspapers in the said county and each city thereof, that an election will be held according to the terms of the Constitution and the provisions of the said act of the General Assembly at the usual place for holding general elections ia each of the townships, boroughs, wards, precincts and election districts therein on Tuesday, the 18th day of June, A. D. 1839, for the purpose of decid ing npon the approval and ratification or re jection of each of the amendments. In pur suance thereof, I, Alexander JE. McCaud less, Sheriffofthe county of Allegheny, do therefore make known and give this public notice to the electors of said county or Alle gheny, that a general election will be held in said county on Tuesday. June 18 next, in the several election districts therein within the hours at and within which the general elections of the Commonwealth are directed to be opened, held and closed, at which time the qualified electors will assem ble at their respective polling places here after named, and vote by ballot upou the adoption or rejection of said amendments. The electors of tbe First ward, Pittsburg, First district, to meet at Eees boiler yard, on Fenn avenue, between Second and Third streets. Second district to meet at pnblie scboolhonse, Second avenne. Third dis trict to meet at No. 1 engine house, Fourth, avenne. The electors of the Second ward, Pitts burg, First district, to meet at Archibald & Brothers' livery stable. 119 Third avenue. Second district to meet at the Poor Board office, Fonrth avenue. Third district to meet at public scboolbonse,Diamond street. The electors of the Third ward, Pittsburg, First district, to meet at Municipal Hall. Smithfield street. Second district to meet at , public scboolhonse. Grant street. Tbe "electors of the Fonrth waid, Pitts burg, First district, to meet at public school-! house, Penn avenne. Second district to meet at L. "Woodson's shop, 52 Seventh ave nne. Third district to meet at Aldermaa B. McKenua's office, 263 Penn avenne. The electors of the Fifth ward, Pittsburgh First district, to meet at the office of Peter Hermes. No. 208 Fifth avenne. Second dis- " triet to meet at No. 41 Tunnel street Third district to meet at the public schoolhoose, "Webster avenue. jThe electors of the Sixth ward, Pittsbnr?, First district, to meet at the office of Alder man Nolan No 17 Forbes street. Second, district to meet at tbe house of Adam Erle- .1. "KTn lit Vnrhut frt Third Aimtrint to meet at the new schoolhoose, corner !; Stevenson and Forbes streets. Fonrth dis trict to meet in the south part of pnblie school building. Fifth district to meet at COS Fifth avenue. Sixth district to meet at1 the house of Casper Seltzosn. Van Braaw and Edna streets. Seventh districtto meet at the public scboolhonse, Second avsnae The electors ef the Sevsith ward, Pi -4- ?t - f t