Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 08, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 10, Image 10

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11 Hare a Decided Effect Upon the Situ
ation of General Trade.
Business is Yery Moderate Throughout the
Interior Eegion.
israelii, tuxgiuii to thi dist-atcb.1
Kew Yoek, Jane 7. The terrible disas
ter in the Conemaugh Valley together with
floods extending from southern New York
south into Maryland and Virginia, have
checked movement of general merchandise
at all supply points for the region referred'
to. Pittsburg and Philadelphia lose most
in this way. The loss of property in the ter
ritory outlined trill not exceed $15,000,000.
The estimated amount of capital invested in
the Conemaugh Valley (where the property
loss is placed at $30,000,000), was $T,600,000,
of which 55,400,000 was employed industri
ally. v Transpwttation facilities being interrupted
through Central Pennsylvania, Eastern mar
ket supplies of garden product and in New
England of leather, have been curtailed and
prices are higher, of the latter lc per pound.
The almost total destruction by fire of
Seattle, "W. T., has apparently obliterated
more than $15,000,000 worth of property.
The estimated commercial capital invested
at Seattle was $4,100,000. The most active
general trade throughout the country
relatively is reported at Cincinnati, Louis
isrille, Memphis, Chicago and San Fran
cisco. Crop prospects remain favorable, except
in Georgia, and to a less degree in Louisi
ana, where drouth has been severe. At
most trade centers only a moderate general
Business is reported. Under the abnormal
conditions involved in temporary suspen
sion of "ticker" quotations the New York
Block market was remarkably steady. Since
the resumption of "ticker" service a lower
tendency has developed on realization of
profits, rate troubles and larger gold ship
ments. Bonds are firm. Money at New
York is fairly easy. Call loans 23 per
cent. Foreign exchange is high and firm.
Demand sterling, $4 88i 89.
During the week gold engaged for export
aggregated $4,770,000. Foreign trade of the
"United States for the month ending April
SO aggregates $52,000,000 more than in a like
portion of 18S7 and 1888. chiefly "due to ex
ports of cotton and provisions and to imports
of coffee, sugar, wool and silk, linen and
woolen goods.
Since January 1 there have been reported
to Bradstreet's 296 strikes, involving 75,110
strikers, against 389 strikes and 111.201
strikers in 18S8, and 511 strikes and 212,317
strikers in five months of 1887. Stocks of
wheat east of the Bocky Mountains reported
io this journal June 1 aggregated
27,075.024 bushels, nearly 12,000,000
bushels less than one year ago, and 7.287,
981 bushels less than one month ago, and
about equal to tbose of June 1, 1888.
Pig iron is reported somewhat firmer,
owing to reduced productive capacity in
Eastern Pennsylvania, and rumors of an
early advance of 50c are abroad. Prices
"West have been shaded without results.
Southern is in free movement. European
copper stocks declined 7,000 tons during
Hay. Supplies are firmly held. Here the
market is not as active at 12c as expected by
producers who are taking out copper in ex
cess of production a year ago.
Increasing supplies of flour, heavier
cables and pressure to realize, reduces flour
prices 515c per barrel. Wheat advanced
ljc on "Wednesday on increased buying
and reported damage to Russian crops. It
declined oaThursJay with more favorable
home crop reports and heavy home and for
eign sales in domestic markets. Chicago's
so-called "non-intercourse" policy in refer
ence to quotations is reported to have trans
ferred sprltfnsiness from that city. Indian
corn, o&Jr active market, gained Jfc, but
closffd easier. San Francisco wires that
8T562 bushels of wheat, 3,582 bushels of
'corn, and 6,550 barrels of flour have been
shipped to Australia this week, and another
vessel chartered to load wheat lor Sydney.
Trade in hog products, except western
steam lard, is restricted, but prices are
easier. Butter and eggs are fractionally
hither. Hogs are unchanged at leading
"Western markets, but cattle are off 1520c
On Friday wheat advanced c and corn
c. There is more urgent domestic inquiry
for raw sugar at lie advance. Refined is in
free movement also, and c higher. Specu
lation active in Europe and reported heavy.
American purchases of continental beet
stocks aid the advance. Licht's
estimates of the beet crop point
to 3,015,000 tons, against 2,735,000 tons
in 1S8S-89. Refined is up $c at San Fran
cisco. Coffee price fluctuations tend higher,
and the demand, on and off the option list,
is light. Teas remain steady, though in
moderate request.
Drygoods are quieter after the large auc
tion sales. Bleached cheetings are higher.
Flannels are selling in package lots at
prices above those of late auctions. The
spring trade in clothing has been unsatis
iactory. "Wool is firm, but not in free de
mand. The weather has checked the shear
ing outlook. At San Francisco 1,000,000
pounds have been sold this week. Raw
cotton is 1-lGc higher on better demand and
Strong statistical position.
Business failures reported to Bradstreet's
number 201 in the United States this week,
against 135 last week and 148 this week last
Tear. Canada had 25 this week, against 18
last week. The total of failures in the
United States, January 1 to date, is 5,245,
against 4,659 in 18S8.
R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of
trade says: The flood disasters have en
tirely changed the situation in the Eastern
lumber trade, the coal, iron and steel trades.
Producing companies of the first importance
have suddenly ceased operations, and their
orders must be filled by others or delayed.
The flooding of many coal mines cuts off sup
plies of fuel for many manufacturing works,
and the stoppage of the Cambria mills,
which have produced yearly over 35,000
tons of iron in various forms, will affect the
trade - for some time. The destruction of
more than 40 bridges, about half of them on
the Pennsylvania Railroad, besides many
locomotives, cars and miles of track, creates
a sndden demand which is felt in all iron
and steel markets.
Pig iron does not chance as yet, the pro
duction previous to the disaster having been
much in excess of consumption. The South
ern sales of pig have been steady at former
prices, but 25,000 tons of rails have been
sold and the price is firmer at $27, while
structural plate and tank and bar iron are
stronger and an advance is looked for in
nails. In anthracite coal the tone is stronger.
bolt coal mines are cut on lortne present.
"Wheat and oil Lave been lower, but on
other speculative markets the general ten
dency has been toward higher prices. -A
limited foreign demand and the pressure of
accumulated stocks depress wheat a frac
tion and flour 10 cents per barrel, but
corn is about o stronger. Coffee is fc
Sugar has been advanced a quarter, and
the statistical position is considered strong.
Some grades of leather are a little stronger.
' The reports from the interior show a fair
fvolume of trade in progress, except where
i'disasters have interrupted. Collections sre
-backward at Milwaukee and but moderate
at New Orleans. The money markets are
Jalljwell supplied and easy, with active de
mand at Cleveland and Detroit. At Phila
delphia receipts of wool are cut off, but it is
It frhat .growers are asking more than
nufacturers can pay. The white lead
t appears to have been completed by the
purchase of two St Louis concerns. Tin
has been weaker at 20.40 cents for June.
Large exports of gold continue, for the
week, including amounts ordered yesterday,
at least $2,000,000 have been sent abroad. In
place of gold drawn from the Treasury,-however,
silver certificates have been put out
so far that its holdings are $1,000,000 less
than a week ago. All interior marketshave
ample supplies for the present, and no lack
exists here. Foreign operations in trust
and other industrial stocks bring a large
amount of capital hither, and in the stock
market other securities have been stronger.
The business failures number 225, as com
pared with 215 last week and 229 the week
previous. For the corresponding week of
last year the ngures were 235.
The New Adjutant General 'li a Native of
WASHErGTOir, June 7. Colonel John
Kelton, who wan to-day appointed Adjutant
General of the army to succeed General
Drum, retired, was born in Pennsylvania in
1828. He is a graduate of "West Point,
where he was afterward an instructor in
tactics and small arms firing. During the
Civil "War he served as Assistant Adjutant
General and served as Colonel of the Ninth
Missouri Regiment Resigning his volun
teer commission in 18G2, he was in the' ad
vance upon Corinth, and while attached to
General Halleck's staffs was breveted Lieu
tenant Colonel and Brigadier General for
most valuable and arduous services in the
field and at headquarters.
Since the war he has held various staff
positions, in 1885 becoming Assistant Adju
tant General. He is an inventor of marked
ability, many of his improvements in rifles,
pistols and other weapons having been
adopted by the department, and he is also a
writer ot nign repute upon subjects con
nected with the military service.
Honker With a Bevolver and Fatally
Wound n Little Girl.
Logjlnspobt, Ind., June 7. "While a
crowd of young boys and girls were playing
east of this city yesterday Charley Lewis
drew a revolver from his pocket and handed
it to Charley Donaldson. In surrendering
the weapon Lewis told Donaldson to shoot
Katie Hull, an 8-year-old child, who was in
the parly.
"Without the least hesitation young Don
aldson walked up to. the girl and shot her
in the face. The ball took effect in the
right cheek, making a severe and possibly
fatal wound.
There ! a Decided Disagreement as to
Whether They Will Sell.
Rosebud Agency, Dae., June 7. The
Indians are talking with each other. They
seem to be divided into four parties. One
is in favor of the sale of their lands, and is
willing to sign now; another is opposed; the
third party is favorable, but desires modifi
cation, while the fourth will sign-when its
members are through talking. These parties
are now about equal in strength. The mixed
bloods and educated Indians, as well as the
few white men belonging to the agency, are
favorable. The situation has improved since
CmxDREN's lives are made miserable by
the irritation and distress caused by worms.
As these pests sap their vitality, and retard
their healthy growth, they should be treated
at once with Dr. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge.
This remedy destroys the worms, cleanses the
intestines of their nests, and acts as a general
tonic for both the young and old, thus ma
terially aiding in building up the strength.
Special Prices To-Day.
For to-day only we positively guarantee
the price of every suit of clothes we sell to
be 30 per cent lower than the same quality
of goods can be bought elsewhere.. All our
elegant $15 suits are reduced to $7, our $18
to $10, our $20 suits to $12, and our $25 suits
to$15. If you need a suit, if your bo v needs
a suit or a pair of pants, don't be backward -
aoout caning at our store to-day. Ask: to
see the advertised bargains and you will be
treated politely whether you buy or not.
P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,
opp. the new Court House.
New Haven, Conn., Heard From.
The following letter was received by "W.
E. Schmertz & Co., of this city:
"We observe that nearly all of the cities of
the country are taking measures to forward
assistance, and we have been quite glad to
subscribe to the movement which is being
maae oy ine unamDer ot uommerce of our
city in that direction. Considering, how
ever, that you are in the immediate scene of
disaster, and perhaps have definite knowl
edge as to how aid can be applied in the
most prompt and effective manner, we in
close herewith, as an additional contribu
tion, our check for $100, asking you to make
such disposition of it as you think proper.
Very truly yours,
L. Candee&Co.,
Charles L. Johnson, Treasurer.
401 Smlthfield Street, cor. Fourth Avenue.
Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $45,000.
Deposits of $1 and upward received and
interest allowed at 4 per cent. tts
Victoria! Victoria I
To prevent sickness in your family keep
the Victoria Natural Mineral "Water, im
ported direct to this city from near Ems,
Germanv, by Major C. "W. Kraus. Send
your orders 1,154 telephone or 1,339 Liberty
avenue. "Wagons deliver to any part of the
cities free of charge. Ask yourphysician in
regard to it Txhs
SOc to 25c
A large lot of summer dress goods; fine
goods; were 50c now 25c; this is a rare bar
gain. Aethtte, Schcwtdelmteb & Co.,
aixhs 68 and 70Ohio St., Allegheny.
-' What the Pnbllc Ltkes.
"Whitmyre & Co. are meeting with an
amount of success that daily increases in
their efforts to legitimately introduce and
advertise the "Iron City Brand" of flour.
The large amount now sold shows, beyond a
doubt, that the best-selling brands carry
their advertisement with their use. "Iron
City Brand" has come to stay and the pub
lic takes kindly to that class of goods which
shows for itself what it is made of and how
a trial brings out its excellencies.
Brakeaen'a Picnic
The picnic of the Brotherhood of Brake
men will beheld atRock Point, "Wednesday,
Jnne 12. The Pennsylvania Company will
sell excursion tickets at rate of 40 cents
from Pittsburg and Allegheny. Trains
leave Union station, Pittsburg, at 8:00 A.M.
and 1220 P. M., Central time.
The wisest creature is the man,
The best for nothing a black and tan,
j.uC must gracious ine anieiope.
But among the soaps is only one,
"Which has the others all outdone,
And that's: Dbeydoppel Soap.
xo ne conunnea next Wednesday.
Dabbs, the well-known photographer,
has 36 different views of the Johnstown dis
aster; and they are likely the most compre
hensive of any that have been taken. Nine
different views were taken on Sunday.
J?aper Hanging.
"We have a beautiful.line of gold.paper at
10c a bolt; new patterns.
Aethtte, Schondelmteb & Co.,
urhs 68 and 70 Ohio si, Allegheny.
"Wedding" flour
without a
Dispatch, by B. W. JUghlner. who describes
the work o the United States JWt Commission,
The Kepublicans Badly Split Up Into
Factions in Ohio.
Wants the Executive domination and
the State Senatorship, Too.
Fihdi-av, June 7. The "fact that the
Republican State Convention will meet in
less than three weeks to nominate a candi
date for Governor and seven minor State
officers, is giving the politicians of that
party considerable food for speculation as to
who among the many candidates for the first
place on the ticket is likely-to secure, the big
prize; and the significance such a selection
will have on the greater and moremportant
contest next winter in the General Assembly
and also to be elected this' fall over
choosing a successor to the Hon. Henry B.
Payne in the United States Senate.
It is hardly necessary to preface what fol
lows by saving that the Republicans of Ohio
are divided into factions and camDS. each
suspicious and jealous of the other, and all
consumed by the fear that the convention
which meets in Columbus on the 25th inst
will make a blunder in nominating a man
for Governor who, in his personality and
associations, will be at once recognized as
the representative of some one of the "Big
Four combination, which still assumes to
control the party in this State by cutting
each other's throats whenever opportunity
offers. The result of a nomination dictated
by either Foraker. Foster. .But terworth or
McKinley, leaving John Sherman out of
the deal, need hardiy be predicted.
It goes without the saying that the sev
eral defeated factions would encompass the
downfall of such a candidate at the polls,
and consider they were performing a re
ligious' .duty in so doing, thus permitting
me .Democrats to carry tne state and tbe
Legislature, as they have not failed to do
in each year succeeding a Presidental elec
tion since 1863, perpetuating in this way
Ohio's Democratic representation in the
United States Senate, which has virtually
been unbroken for almost three decades.
In the light of this fear, -which has ap
peared at every county convention for the
selection of delegates thus far held, and
which is present at every conference of the
party, nothing of a definite character has
made itself manifest upon which to rest
predictions as to who will likely receiye the
nomination for Governor. There are candi
dates enough, but whether they are out for
tne nomination, or simply as the tools ot
the factions which are scheming for the
Senatorship, is what fills the heart of the
average Republican who honestly desires
the success of his party regardless of in
dividuals with uneasiness and grave
apprenension. uneasiness as to tne ulti
mate result, and apprehension that, in the
multiplicity of candidates, the friends of
Foraker the office-holding element may
spring his name upon the convention for a
third term, and upon the failure to harmon
ize on anyone else accomplish his nom
ination beiore the second, sober effect of
such a'step can be realized, and the danger
averted. That Foraker would accept a
nomination, secured under such circum
stances, no one who is acquainted with his
vaulting ambition doubts.
It is said, and generally believed, that
among the 12 or 13 announced . candi
dates for Governof "whose names will
be presented to the convention, outside
oi O'Keil and Vance there is not a man in
the field but would rather Foraker received
the nomination than that anv 'of his com
petitors should carry off -the capital prize.
This gives color to the charge, which has
been made and not denied, that Foraker has
induced a number of these gentlemen, to be
come candidates for Governor with-this un
derstanding: that he, Foraker, is ultimately
to receive the nomination.
The uncertainty and fear which at present
so plainly dominate the rank ana file of
the party indicate the general belief
that this is the ambitious Governor's
scheme, through which he hopes to down
the other members of the "Big Four" com
bine and secure for himself the United States
Senatorship, upon which his eye has been
fixed ever since he became a theatrical and
picturesque feature in the peculiae politics
of Ohio. But through all this doubt and
fear and mist and gloom, one thing shines
out as clear and bright as the sun at noon,
and that is this: The Republicans are going
into the campaign badly handicapped, with
gloomy forebodings of defeat and without a
spark of enthusiasm. They have, as yet,
no definite ideas as to candidates or prin
ciples. The only thing that has entered into the
contest thus far has been the spoils, and
upon that issue the party is so hopelessly
divided'that if the Democrats only exhibit
ordinary horse sense in the formation of
their ticket and platform they will sweep
the State from the lakes to the river, and
elect not only the Governor and other State
officers, hut the General Assembly as well,
and thus continue Ohio's Democratic repre
sentation in the United States Senate.
To snm up: the Republicans of the Buck
eye State were never in a more demoralized
condition at the beginning of any campaign
in the history of the party, and unless the
unexpected happens at the Columbus con-,
vention, Harrison's administration will re
ceive such a backset in November as will
hardly cause the President to bless the State
in which he first saw the light of day.
Trials In the Criminal and Civil Conrta Yes.
terdny A Habeae Corpus Case.
In the Criminal Court yesterday James Frew
pleaded guilty to larceny. The jury Is out in
the case of Joseph Riley tried for the larceny
of $300 from the residence of Grace S. Miller,
Allegheny. George Shields was convicted ot
entering a building with intent to commit a
felony. Mike Dickson was convicted of bur
glary for entering the store of John
McMahon and' stealing a lot of clothing.
John Krusa pleaded guilty to the larceny of a
buckwagon from F. w. Hartlng and a set of
harness from George Steinhauser. He will be
sentenced to-day. John McCarthy is on trial
for larceny.
The suit of John McClelland against J.D.
Risher for damages for injuries received at a
coal tipple, was settled yesterday. The defend
ant confessed judgment in favor of McClelland
for $1,100.
A verdict for 567 01 was riven far thn nliint.
iff, yesterday, in the suit of Byerley & Shannon
against A O. Tintsman and wife, an action on
a contract.
Judge Acheson, in the United States Circnlt
Court, yesterday ref nsed an injunction in the
case of the Maple Boring Company, of Corry.
Pa., against C. A. Maple and others, for in
fringing a patent boring machine.
Judce Slagle yesterday heard the -appeal of
Mrs. Mary Wbalen from the decision ot Magis
trate Gripp, who sentenced her SO days to the
workhouse for disorderly conduct. It was
alleged that Mrs. Whalen had become dis
orderly in the Magistrate's office, for which the
penalty had been imposed. Judge Slagle con
tinued tbe case until to-day.
In the suit of W. T. Kyner against McKees
port borough, for damages for injury to prop,
fjtyoansed by opening a street, verdict for
53L300 for tbe plaintiff was rendered yesterday.
Tbe irrand inrr vesterdav rttnmA t f-Ci
lowing true bills: Susan Byron, John Krusa,
Wm. Ralston, larceny and receiving stolen
goods: Richard Lyle, larceny from the person;
Thomas Kelly, Benjamin Rosenblatt, Frank
Stawickley. J. G. Schriver, Antonio Stastlo.
aggravated assault and battery; J; J. Davis!
Peter Gninlcuny, Lewis Pfell. Edward Tins
ley, W. F. West, Howard "Williams, assault
and battery: Cyrns Dunlap, adultery; James A
Billieter, forcible entry and detainer; David
Larkius, malicious mischief.
illutlrated letter in tomorrovSt Dispatch
graphically detcrlbet the city, valacet and
Jtpjah of Jeyporc;
morrovft Dispatch, an interesting article on
country life in Cuba, with a detcription of the
rugar plantation.
The 'Winnings In 'a Short Time Foot Up a
Quarter of a Million Points for
Men and Women
Who Bet.
New Yoek, Jnne 7. Gamblers of high
and low degree are in the heyday of their
prosperity. ' Not only is' their present rose
colored, but the future seems brilliant for
members of the fraternity, who dub them
selves "bookmakers," "speculators," and
even "custodians." Plain old-time gam
blers, who, in their own language, "made
no bones of it," would scorn such cloaks for
an illegitimate calling.
From the lips of a bookmaker, speculator
and custodian,- the other day, fell the fol
lowing story of the recent rapid growth of
gambling, particularly among the younger
men and women of to-day:
"Never in the history of horse racing,
faro playing, roulette playing or poker
playing, have I seen so many fools as can be
picked up anywhere. All are gambling
crazy. Not since I first started in as a a
bookmaker in 1873, 16 years ago, has any
thing liko it been seen. Last year these
amateur gamblers were moderately success
ful. "Why, you couldn't go into a big cafe
Slt withnnt Tnoatinfr nrm nf i.hpfifllpfiri1-
Ip. vonnir fellows who throueh sheer luck
l.j',m.J .n nnlllrAW Wfi !ind wnnfPaJ.tom"u.e'5'c-
enough money to make him a fool on horse
racing forever. I say foreyer, for who ever
heard ot a man's being once successful who
didn't think he could name a winning horse
every time?
"To my positive knowledge the book
makers, so far this season, have cleared not
less than $250,000.- That sounds big, doesn't
it? So it is, but their winnings have been
something beyond what even the most san-
guine expected or areamea oi at we upemng
of the season.
"Let me tell you of one example. Just;
before the Brooklyn handicap races last
week a young fellow, scarcely out of his
teens, canie to me for a point on a race. I
knew him to belong to a respectable family,
and not addicted to gambling in any form.
'Keep away,' was my advice. Don't'attend a
race to put money on a horse, even if you
are sure of winning' Pools never listen
to anybody's advice. Only yesterday that
same vouth went "West to avoid the trouble
incident, to his owing his employer more-
money than he could pay. In two weeks
he was clqaued out ot every cent he had,
and some of his employer's money besides.
It's an old story, but how few persons know
when and where to quit a gambling game?
None, or at all events not one in one hun
dred, and that's big odds."
Then, to change the subject a little from
horse racing, the bookmaker said: "Faro
and roulette have done well during the past
winter, and the coming season will be. equal
ly good. All a faro bank needs is customers.
Success is sure. Long Branch will be the
great place this summer. "Why, there is a
widow down there now whose house has
been fitted up for poker playing and nothing
else. In the cottage are nine rooms for
poker players. Her profits are legitimate,
for she simply takes what we call a "Kitty,"
and furnishes refreshments.
This is not a new idea for Long Branch.
but the idea of a woman's keeping it is de
cidedly new. She gained her experience by
loosing tne insurance on ner nusDancrs lite
on faro. D6 women gamble much?
Weill "Why, some ot the wildest
plungers at race tracks and poker
are women, and it isn't always the women
in plain, everyday life. "Women in social
circles so exclusive that few get there are
addicted to petty gambling. That is, they
kill time with draw poker at a dollar
limit To my positive knowledge In
spector Byrnes .only three months ago
was interviewed by a well-known lady
who wanted him to frighten her daughter
while they were playing cards for money in
the house of a friend. The inspector agreed
to arrest all hands, and promised to nave
them put through the courts, and the
mother fainted dead away and refused to
give the address. -
"But to go back to horses. "While the
newspapers are harping on gambling and
bookmaking two bookmakers are making
money within sound of their presses. There
is no cure no stopping it. As lonz as our
smart voung men know more about horses
than the bookmakers do, so long will the
bookmakers exist and make money."
Thus spoke one of the best-known all
around gamblers in New York, a man who
lost S20.000 when the Republicans nut ud
enough money to carry the State of New'
York. But, as he said: "Even gamblers
get burned when they touch the red hot
irons that make Presidents."
A Kansas Farmer Stransles His "Wife and
Ilnno HlmselC
Topeka, RlAJr., June 7. Karl Hahn
mann, a farmer living six and a half miles
southeast of Girad, strangled his wife,
Amelia Hahnmann with a rope "Wednesday
night As soon as he ascertained that life
was extinct he went to the barn near the
bouse, fixed a rope to one of the beams in
tbe loft and hanged himself. He left papers
stating that his property should be divided
equally among his six childrea when they be
came of age; that economy should be used in
his burial, one coffin was enough for both
and no one would ever know why he had
planned and executed the terrible crime.
The murderer had been known as a pros
perous and hard-working man, although
very avaricious, compelling his wife to
work in the field. During the 12 years of
married liie six children have been born to
them. All of the children we're in the
house at the time of the murder, but knew
nothing of it. Hahnmann's property is worth
Oil I
NYE1"'" aet Press agent for
DILL. Illb Ward McAllister1 1 circus, and
gives a jorecasi of ine programme and the
attractions in to-morrow's Dispatch.
It cannot injure
the finest fabric or
Caustic Burning, corroding, destroying the tex
ture of animal flesh.
. Webc&r's Dictionary.
Detergent Cleansing, purging .
Webster's B i innanr.
Chemical analysis will prove that Pearline has ho caustic
qualities, but that the ingredients of which it is made have
been so skilfully manipulated, that Pearline stands to-day
the greatest household detergent known. Science ap
plauds it ; its rapid adoption by intelligent and economical
housekeepers, who use many millions of packages each
year, is proof positivethat.scienceand chemistry are right.
These facts should lead those who do not use Pdarline, to
try it at once ; directions for easy washing on every package.
TT" , ' Peddlers and. some unscrupulous grocers are offer-
riXXTiO f higiniitationswliichtheyclaimtohPearline.oriJthQ
XV- VV 'il t ameas.Pearline." IT'S FALSrT they are not, and
' ' ' ,, besides'are dangerous. PEARLINE fe, never ped
Wd,bfitseIdbyaUgosdgroeers. t4 Maacteiedly.byTAMi6Pl?i.'NewTork,
" SAJRDAT; . JOISTS 8f 1889,
Mr. A. J. Pltcalrn Wn Afraid Mr. Nlsbet
Might Sprain Hlmoll Conncllmanlo
Public Safety Abent Salaries.
The Conncllmanlo Committee on Public
Safety met yesterday afternoon. .Ordinances
were affirmatively recommended: Regulating
street parades and assemblages, and making it
necessary for officers thereof to seenre the
permission of thePolice Superintendent before
getting the use of the streets,- excepting the
police or fire departments, G. A. R. and Na
tional Guard; prohibiting parades cr pyro
technics on Sundays, fixing the pay of police
matrons at $00 per month for Central station,
and S50 per month at other stations: authoriz
ing the'constrnctlon of a police station in tbe
Thirty-sixth ward, cost not to exceed the $11,000
appropriated therefor.
Mr. Nisbet offered a'verbal report as a mem
ber of a sub-committee appointed to investi
gate tbe necessity for ordinances nrovlduig for
tbe purchase of lots in the Thirty-first and
Thirty-second wards for, fire department pnr
noses. Mr. Nisbet said he and Mr. Hollfdav
had talked tbe matter over, but farther than
that bad not done' any investigating because
they knew all about it, living as they did in
that neighborhood.
Mr Pltcalrn thought Mr, Nisbet entirely too
bland and too self-sacrificing and insisted that
he, the speaker, should have a chance to assist
in tbe investigation before' any report was
UlitUC. iUli A UUUiil D-MU .ilia TiU bill? 111S. 1UU
mation be had bad that be was a member of'
that sub-committee. Tbe coiloauv caused con-
amusenent abont City Hall and for
some reason
there was much grimacing
shrugging of shoulders, tbumtwiose-and
Chairman Lamble refused to receive a verbal
'report, and ordered that a written one be
gotten up before the next meeting.
An ordinance fixing the salary of the Bnild
ing Inspector at i2,500 per year was read, and
with It a communication from Chief Brown, of
the Department of Public Saf etj. in which Mr.
Brown states that the present salary of theJ
iJunaioK inspector is insamcient to inauce
pood, reliable and scientific builders or con
tractors to apply for the position, and that is
tbe kind of man needed. He also advised that
Chairman Lamble cut short discussion-by
tbe salary or the Assistant Building Inspector
rulinc that the Finance Committee should con
sider the propositions carefully and prayer
fully, If it felt like so doing.
Master Workman Rose Will Not Preside at
a Prohibition Meeting:.
Mr. W. M.ROS3, Master "Workman of D. A,
3, K. of L., has refused to preside at a prohibi
tion meeting which Vs proposed being held
here next week by Ralph Beaumont and
Captain Dick Trarelllck, two K. of L. lecturers,
and be bas also advised these men not to an
nounce tbem as K. of L, meetings.
Tbe general opinion Of officers of D. A 3 is
that 93 per cent of their members will vote
against prohibition.
Delegate Off for Michigan to Attend the
Supreme Lodge.
The delegates of the 23 lodges, of Pittsburg
and Allegheny, comprising the Keystone dis
trict of F. O.L.. left yesterday lor Cbarlerolx,
Mich., to attend the Supreme Lodge, among
whom are: Robert McNeill, Hueh Knox,
Joseph Shaw, S. J. Topping, William
Walters, R. G. Payton, Thomas Thompson, W.
J. Kyle, Henry Robinson. Gamble Weir. Hngh
Jackson, John Wilson, Alex Kylesdale. Andy
Stewart, Bev. William Meadley, John Harvey,
Henry Thompson.
PATCH givasome graptiicpen-andtfnk pictures
of the gentlemen composing the Samoan con
ference. .
150 Cups
Of most "delicious cocoa may be
made from a pound tin of
Blooker's Dutch Cocoa.
It goes further than any other-cocoa
on the market because it is un
adulterated and made of the ripest
and choicest cocoa beans only. If
you are going to the country or to
the seaside this summer, ask your
grocer to send you a pound or half
pound tin for a trial. It is delicious
for breakfast and highly nutritious
and strengthening after a fatiguing
bath in the surf, or afternoon drive.
The finest Meat-Flavoring Stock
Fxtract of Meat.
Beef Tea, Sauces and Made Dishes.
Genuine only with fac-elmlle of
Justus von Liebig's
Across label.
Bold by Storekeepers. Grocers and Druggists.
ited, London.
xnr Txacaa woriiI).
Of all Druggists, but beteare of imitations.
For Saving Toil&xpnse
Without injury To The
TextureJColor Or Hands.
'Some of the Advantages of Village
Lite Around Pittsburg.
"One who has lived in any of the suburban
villages just out of Pittsburg, would hardly
exchange his home at this season of the
year for one in the city proper," said Mr.
'Adams. He was speaking of his home at
Mansfield, just eight miles out on the Pan
handle, and one of the pleasantest of
suburban neighborhoods. His family have
resided there for 14 years and over, his
father being proprietor of the Mansfield
It was during this conversation with Mr.
Adams that he made the following state
ment': "It had been a trouble," he said, "that I
tried in every way to get rid of without any
success. It kept slowly, gradually getting
worse all the time. Sometimes I would
think I was a little better, but after awhile
I would drop back into a still worse con
dition. "In the morning I would feel' tired and
worn out. It seemed as if my sleep had not
at all rested me. I would feel more tired
when I would get up in the morning than
when I would go to bed at night
"My Head would ache continually.
Usually it would be a dull, heavy pain in
my forehead over the ey6s and across the
bridge of my nose. I would have dizzy
spells, and when I would stoop over quick
a swimming sensation and spots floating be
fore my eyes. The least light would make
my eyes water and feel weak. My nostrils
would clog up, sometimes on one side, some
times on the other, and there would be at
times considerable discharge. Then there
would be such sounds in my ears like ring
ing or singing or roaring or buzzing, as to
almost distract me. My ears, and eyes and
nose troubled me all the time.
"When the trouble got into my throat and
chest, I commenced to loose flesh rapidly,
and I seemed to get weak and despondent.
I didn't feel as it I had any, energy or am
bitron. My throat wonld fill up and I
would have to be constantly hawking and
raising to clean it I coughed a great deal,
especially in the morning a dry, hacking
kindof a cough. Something would seem to
be sticking in my throat that would not get
up or down. Sharp pains would take me
in the chest, at most times about the region
of the heart.
"I would feel hungry all the time, but I
couldn't eat anything. "When I would sit
down to eat the sight and smell of food
would take my appetite away. There would
be a feeling of distress and nausea in my-
siomacu aiier eanng a sensation as 11 mere
was a load or weight there. I went to Califor
nia, and when I returned the trouble seemed to
grow upon me very fast. The loss in weight
and strength, the cough, the pains in the chest
worried me.
"Well, some 'time ago I read in one of the
Pittsburg dailies tbe statement of a young
mechanic, who seemed to' be troubled about as
I was, and who had been treated and cured by
Drs. Copeland and Blair. I went to see them
myself, found that their charges were low and
not unreasonable, and I placed myself under
their care. I am glad to be able to say that I
improved from the start. Tbe ringing in tho
ears, the trouble with the eyes, the headaches
and pains in the chest passed away.
"In tho first two or three weeks alone I
gained six pounds in flesh. My appetite re
turned to me. I sleep well, and get up in the
morning feeling rested. I feel strong and well,
indeed like quite another person from wbat I
was when I went to Drs. Copeland and Blair."
Mr. William J. Adams, who makes this state
ment, lives, as stated, at tbe .Mansfield Hotel,
Mansfield, eight miles west of Pittsburg, on
the Panhandle road.
Showing the Outline of a Roots Which Is
Often Followed.
When a person with a delicate constitu
tion has a tendency to ttnarrb or consumption
whether this tendency is inherited or re
sults from taking cold easily it U notice
able that that person invariably loses flesh
and loses strength, showing that the nutri
tion is interfered with.
In such a case the sufferer should at once
be placed nnder influences that will restore
the defective nutrition and tend to invigor
ate the constitution.
It is to be remembered that in every case
the presence of catarrh is an evidence of
predisposition (o consumption, and no
matter how slight the attack may be, it
should be treated with the greatest care, and
the treatment should be continued until all
traces of the catarrh have disappeared.
If tbe catarrh is allowed to reach the smallest
tubes In the lungs which condition is indi
cated by the spitting up of a yellow material
then immediate attentlonto the malady is de
manded, or serions lung trouble will result.
aiarrii is, nine umes om oi len. tne cause
that produces consumption, and hence no one
can afford to neglect a case of catarrb.however
slight. It is easily enred, if taken in time and
treated regularly and correctly by a specialist.
If left to Itself it is rarely cured without a
change of climate, but with each new cold it
gets more and more troublesome, extending al
ways a little deeper into tbe lnngs until a enre
becomes difficult and sometimes impossible.
"I should like to be treated," a lady re
marked the other day, "but I would not
like to have my name in the paper." Let
it be stated that Drs. Copeland and Blair
never publish a name or statement without
the full and free consent of tbe patient, nor
do they publish one hundredth part of the
testimonials, letters and statements received
by them from grateful patients. As observed,
the statements given are entirely voluntary,
and are given by the patients for publication.
Drs. Copeland and Blair would never publish
tbe most emphatic testimonial unless the pa
tient givinc it understood that it was to be
printed and gave willing consent.
Are located permanently at
"Where they treat with success all curable
Office honrs 9tollA-K.;2 to 5 P.l.;7td9
P. M. (Sunday included.)
Specialties - UATABRH, and ALL DIS-
lungI of EYE EAK" THE0AT and
Consultation, Jl (XL Address ail mail to
66 Sixth aYO., Pittsbnre, Pa,
Notable Local Ix-dobsexeitz The prac
tice here of Drs. Copeland & Blair Sa with the
eXDrWsed sanction and annrnval nf th "West.
em Pennsylvania Medical College, of Pitts
.Darsr. and the dinlomas of both nhTRtal&ns bear
the formal wrrKH indorsement o tho dean and J
nwj;w won tmHomoam. naji-ssa
P8rW 5
Hi! I 3 WmH
4:!!:!!iii!! V Sffl iilv.lSs,1
".!."it!.::'.ur P-U I; I iir.-RSjl
iVvv.iVsU- hno '"'H
" V RrV -I
-Mr. W. J.
J t
The Best
Genuine has "a red H tin
tag on every plug.
OLD HONESTY is acknowledged
to be the PUREST and MOST
market Trying it is a better
test than any talk about it
Give it a fair trial
Rocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing
Italian and American Hemp Packing;
Clothes Lines, Twines, Bell Cord, Fish Lines,
Chalk Lines, Night Lines, Sisal Bale and Hide
Rope, Tarred Lath Yarn, Spun Yam, etc
WORKS East street. Allegheny City, Pa.
ur fiutt.AjN.LAU&9iiuu3i ss water
ttsbnrg. Telephone No. 137a
Jew tobkto ltvekpooii via queens-
vict TVTirca m tt. exrinrrnv
nla, Jnne 1,7am
uotnnia, Jnne w, 10 A K
1. JnneS, SR20AH
ttEtrnna, June 22,1.30731
??Umbrla,Jnne8. lrii
.Auraaia, done -3, daa
Bcma. June 15, 7 A It
luanu, juiys, sauAJi
ttThese steamers carry first-class passengers only.
tv in not carry intermediate.
VV111 carry Intermediate, no steerage.
Cabin passage, SCO, SO and i0O; Intermediate,
go. Bteerage tickets to and from all parts of
urope at very low rates.
VZKliON H. BKOWM 4 CO., General Agents,
4 Bowling Green, New York.
3. 3. MCCORMICK. Agent.
fourth ave. and tfmltbfield St., Pittsburg.
State Line
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin Dassase t to t.50. according to location
of stateroom. Excursion 65 to V30.
Steerage to and from .Enrope at Lowest Sates.
AUbTIK BALDWIN & CO.. General Agents,
S3 Broadway-, SeirYort.
J. J. McCOHMICK. Agent, Pittsburg. Pa.
' " mbi2-D
Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia,
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations lor
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and
from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe
den, Denmark, etc.
General agents, SOT Walnut st, Philadelphia.
Full information can be had of J. J. McCOR
MICJC, Fourth avenue and Smlthfield street.
LOUIS MOESER, Cltt Smithfleld street.
Soap on a
SX3R ST-F1 3Q-X-
Nearly eTery one Is occasionally troubled
with Dillons attacks, more especially in the
spring months, after tbe svstem bas been sur
feited with hearty food during tbe winter. Tbe
action of tbe Liver is interfered with, causing
an overflow of bile into tbe blood. Tbe blood
carries this bile into every part ot the system,
causing yellow skin, yellow eyes, liver spots,
etc., and often serions cases of billons fever
originate from this bile poisoned blood. A
few doses of Burdock Blood Bitters, taken on
appearance ot bllions symptoms, will remove
them and protect the system from a probable
serious attack.
Run Down in the Spring.
I am using Burdock Blood Bit
ters for Sick Headache and Biliousness.-
It is tbe best medicine 1
ever took. I was so run down tbls
spring from overwork that my
nusnana urged me to tee a doctor.
I was scarcely able to stand and
conclnded to trv B. R Bitters first:
tbe first bottle Is not vet finished.
but I can go about mv work with
pleasure already. I shall take an
other bottle.
Mes. JohnDoskelly,
care of Edwabd Doolet,
15 Lyman Street, Springfield,
I tell von for the benefit nt nth
ers what Burdock Blood Bitters
a JaEi$?
Will Believe
Clogged Liver
and Cleanse
Bile Poisoned
nasaone lor me.- I have been a
sufferer for years from Liver Com
plaint and weak stomach. At
times I was so bad that 1 would
appiy to our family pbyalcian for
relief, which would be bnttempor
ary.Last falll bad an unnsuollr bad
spell. Aiy mother bought a bottle
of Burdock: Blood Bitters, and it
gave me great relief. It helped
me more than anvthinir I havn
ever taken. It is also excellent
for conatlnatlnn. Mr i.ttt
GBtJBB, Ickesbarg. J?erry Co., Pa.
ust arniNU,
Last spring ay health became very poor.. I
had no appetite awd my liver troubled me. I
useu several medicines, but obtained no relief
nntii I wasflnall
illy persuaded to try
This medicine cured l
flwoa Bitters.
Maud ?bkii
"What the late Henry "Ward Beecher said
about newspapers and doctors: "I am glad
that the doctor cured him. I am glad-tho
doctor put it into the paper that he cared-'
him, and if any doctor is certain that hecaa '
cure such diseases and does not put it into
the papers, I am very sorry. "What a pity,
it would have been had this doctor come- to- .
town, with his wealth of science and expert-,
ence, and gone away leaving him uncuredj ..
"What a pity it would have been if he had?'
been so prejudiced against advertising as to
read the responsible certificates of the doc-
tor and give him the go-by as a quack!'
What are the newspapers for if not to circu
late valuable information? "What more val- -uable
information can a newspaper give
than to tell a sick man where he can b "
cured? If a man has devoted his life to tha '
study of a special class of diseases the ne
cessity of saving so becomes all the more
pressing. His duty to advertise becomes
Many well-known citizens of this and
other cities testify to Dr. "Woods' genius
and remarkable success. Hen and women
whose lives had been tor years miserable
from disease that was pronounced incurable
have been restored to health by Dr. "Woods.
So numerous and so trustworthy are his ref
erences and indorsements, so remarkable
and permanent are tbe cures he has effected
by his superior skill and ability, and so con
tinuous his success that he stands promi
nently forth as a physician who may be
consulted with the utmost confidence that
his treatment will cure even the most des
perate cases.
Dr. "Woods advises with all who call free
of charge. Examinations are also free to
those who desire treatment. Cases which
require medicine only are treated success-
luliy oy correspondence, send 4 cents in
stamps for question list. All communica- '
tions sacredly confidential. All medicines
furnished (without extra charge), thus in
suring their being genuine and properly
Db. R. A. "Woods, Hotel Albemarle, '
Penh Avenue and Sixth Sxeeet,
Pittsbtog, Pa.
Office hours, 10 a. m. to 12 m., 2 to 5 and 1
to 8 p. si. je5
It can be made a substitute forneorl ,
every purpose for which wire la'tiset.'
and;! s farmore durable) and cheaper. "jT
It la much superior to wire work'ia
every way. It la solid at all points of
Send for Illustrated Circulars and
Central Expanded Metal Co.,
(CHESS, COOK & CO.) '.
116 "Water street, Pittsburgr, Pa.
If you suffer from Headache, Nausea, Sixiz
ness, Faintncss, Alternate Costireness and
Diarrhoea, Yellow ComplexionWeakness, Acb- -ing
Shoulders or any other symptom of bilious
ness or Liver Complaint, procure a bottle of
B. B. B., which will correct tho clogged condl-""
tlonof the Liver, cleanse the blood of all im
purities and tone up the entire system. It is
an acknowledged fact by all who have used
A Horrible Condition.
I was in a horrible condition from
dyspepsia and a combination of other
complaints. In the morning when I
got out of bed it seemed as if I could
not stand up on account of dizziness.
Hearing Burdock Blood Bitters high
ly recommended, I am now using the
first bottle, and, although not having
used quite a full bottle, the dizziness
bas entirely disappeared and I am
much better of my other complaints.
I hare tried many other medicinal,
with no relief.
Mes. Maet Ciiauscet,
525 E. Ransom st, Kalamazoo. Mich.
I had been troubled with Liver
Complaint, Indigestion and Palpita
tion of the Heart for five or six yean
kind could get nothing to do me any-
fcood until I trledB-RB. Insedl3--t
Domes anq now lamasoana man. -
teei octier man X ever uia in my me.
Mv dlrpstfnn hpmTTin all rlirht and 1
W...... .... .. . .M.Blllin.liMrt
naif UU UIUIO UUUUW wi" WJ uwih -'J
I feel very grateful toward B.aaSS
where. Yours respectfully, FraskI
anaieei men recommenaunr it OTerv.w,
Hicxvax, New straitsvuie. -rerryfi
io unio. -.: . '
I have been takinir Burdock Blood :Mmm
andlaslag it In my family this spriacflFotrKT
three years'! have had tbe dyspepsia. yl tk
bqttle or two of your Bitters and tttjwufeve.
wed me. and I never felf better in sav MjTi
a are eras lor avspepsia. uu uws
imiTH, Jl. BCHUfcETH,