Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 07, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Greet AmEriGBn Naval,
ThE DnlyEirl etDvErinnk
Will be published in COMPLETE f onn In
The Pittsburg Dispetch
Of Sunday next, Jane 9.
lift Mi$$nlt
Vol. -M, 2Jo. 120. EntereC a: Pittsburg Postoffice,
KovemberlJ, 1SS7, as second-class matter.
Business Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue.
News Rooms and Publishing' House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
Average cct circulation of the dally edi
tion of The Dispatch for six months ending
Jane 1.1SS9.
Copies per tunc.
ATeraco net circulation of the Sunday edi
tion of Tho Dispatch for May, 1SS9,
Copies per issue.
DAILT Dispatch. One Year $ 8 CO
DATLT DISPATCH, Per Quarter 2 00
Daily Diepatch, One Month. "0
Daily dispatch. Including bandar, one
year 10 00
Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, per
quarter. ! SO
Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, one
month..... 90
Sunday Dispatch, one year SS0
Weekly Dispatch, one year r. l 53
The Daily Dispatch is delivered by carriers at
IS cents per week, or including the Sunday edition,
at 20 cents per week.
The statement made by experts of the cost
of restoring Johnstown to a condition
-which will not breed pestilence enforces the
public duty of the day. Hr. Evan Jones,
who has returned from the stricken city,
states that it will cost 5750,000 merely to re
move the debris and bury the dead bodies,
Hr. "William Flinn's estimate of twice that
sum, probably includes a greater amount of
work in restoring buildings and more de
tailed, though no less essential, labor in
clearing up the ruins.
For this purpose even more liberal contri
butions than have already been made are
needed, and even then it will probably be
necessary to seek for public funds in aid of
the work. The necessity is pressing. Hen
must be hired to make their work effective
and bring them under discipline. The work
they are to do does not contemplate any
restoration to the sufferers of their property
which has been destroyed. It only means
the work necessary to prevent Johnstown
.from becoming a fountain head of pesti
lence; and in that work the whole State is
virtually interested.
To keep this work in active operation the
people should keep up their voluntary con
tributions until the executive head of the
State gathers his wits sufficiently to grasp
the necessities of the situation.
The discovery that the Civil Service Com
mission has made in the custom house at
N ew York is not a surprising one. Host
things about that political engine are
frauds, with the possible exception of the
spoils; and when the machine came to. deal
'With a reform intended to abolish the spoils
it was to be expected that the reform would
be turned into a fraud also. Therefore the
sale of examination papers, false persona
tion and all the other devices by which the"
civil service examinations were falsified are
the natural result It will be more out of
the common run of events, if the commis
sion is able to make another result follow
"that ought to, namely: Taking the heads
off the people who committed these frauds,
and subjecting them to the criminal penal
ties prescribed by the law lor this class of
public cheating.
The general opinion that there will be no
stoppage of work in the iron mills this year
is a comfortable assurance. The manufact
urers, in their rather disorganized and more
disgruntled condition, are not in a position
to inaugurate a fight, unless they are forced
to it by demands which would make it bet
ter for them to shut down their mills than
to pay the wages asked for.
On the other hand, the Amalgamated
Association has a sufficiently dear percep
tion of the situation in the iron trade to
know that it does not warrant any demand
for advanced wages. It seems to be con
cluded that it will present last year's scale,
which will be generally accepted by the
manufacturers, with a few possible excep
tions. So that we can calculate on business
going forward as usual in Pittsburg this
This is so satisfactory to the public that
the absence of the Manufacturers' Associa
tion will not be noticed, as long as that or
ganization prefers to remain in its present
condition of dissolution.
The report that a compromise is likely to
be reached in the Stewart will case indi
cates the result that is usual when deter
mined litigation bids fair to put a great mil
lionaire in a tight place. The case is
eminently one where no compromise is le
gitimate. Either Judge Hilton is fairly en
titled to the millions which he secured from
the Stewart estate or he should be forced to
disgorge. The evidence already in indi
cates some very shady tactics on his part, to
which the usual "settlement" is the natural
conclusion. This ability to "compromise"
a case after it gets pretty hot is one of the
great guarantees of immunity for question
able financial transactions. It should have
a stop put to it.
A somewhat remarkable avowal of the
purpose of the anti-dressed beef law pf Min
nesota is made by the Minneapolis Tribune,
which is a supporter of that measure. Speak-
mg of the result of the law, which has been
in force less than a month, this paper says:
In the meantime the people are preparing to
take advantage of the protection which the law
affords to an important home industry. It has
- stimulated the Interest taken In stock raising
by our fanners and the efforts made to build up
a great packing industry in Minneapolis and
St Paul.
"With regard to the statistical authority
on which it is able to predict within a single
month the stimulation of stock-raising,
the Tribune is silent; but that is not im
portant beside the avowal of protection to a
-JBtate indwtry against the industry of other
- States. This is what The Dispatch has
allUjg pointed ont as the real meaning of I
the movement; bat it is a novelty to find a
journal so ignorant of national duty and
national principles as to present it as a
favorable result of the measure.
Those who consider it consistent with the
national character to cut the country up
with lines of State protection, should study
a certain document called the Constitution
of the United States.
If the reports which come from the capi
tal of theState are true, thatGovernorBeaver
is diverting the relief contributions sent to
him from the East, to the aid of Williams
port and Lock Haven, there is an urgent
necessity for a little common sense at the
capital of the State. We hope that the
statement is not true; but the color given to
it by the Governor's glowing dispatch to the
Hayor of If ew i'ork, stating that he has
"relieved" the Susquehanna district, not
withstanding the loss at Johnstown, gives
a color to the theory that the Governor has
certainly failed to, grasp the situation.
No doubt the upper Susquehanna towns
have suffered some damage and lost a few
score lives. To do something for their relief
would be unexceptionable. But to suppose
that the case of a city which has lost its
lumber yards is anything like that of one
which has been hurled bodily to ruin is
simple ignorance. The respective urgency
of the two cases is expressed by their death
lists of 80 at Williamsport and 8,000 to
12,000 at Johnstown. To divert more than
1 per cent of the relief contributed to the
Johnstown sufferers, in order to console
Williamsport for the lots of its lumber,
would be little short of a betrayal of trust
We repeat the hope that the Governor has
not done this. It would be humiliating if
Pennsylvania had to notify the country that
its Governor is not the proper person to re
ceive the remittances of relief funds.
It has been matter of observation that
such cool and gloomy weather for Jnne has
not had a precedent in late years. No one
would take this for the month of roses, ice
cream festivals and preparations for the
mountain and seashore. Overcoats were a
luxury yesterday; and until yesterday not a
day since the fatal Friday of last week have
clouds been absent ,
In one sense the quality of the weather
since the disaster has been fortunate. The
damp, cool atmosphere has arrested the
decomposition of bodies which in ordinary
June temperature would have occurred
much more rapidly; in which latter event
pestilence would probably have added to
rule for addition the already existing
The interval of sunshine yesterday was a
grateful change from the gloominess and
dampness thathave prevailed for the greater
part of six weeks. That it may continue
for a reasonable length of time would be
the universal wish.
The operations of the English capitalists
who have been trying to buy up breweries
throughout this country have generally been
regarded as indications of a plot to mono
polize the production of beer, and levy exor
bitant prices upon consumers, or perhaps,
speaking more correctly, upon the retailers.
There has not been much reason to attach
importance to this view ot the case, from
the fact that the nature of the business ren
ders it impossible to monopolize it Any
one can put up a brewery who chooses; and
when $50,000 invested in buildings can
break a monopoly the value of such a com
bination is very slight
The fact has been tolerably evident that
the real purpose of the Beer Trust as it is
called, is to put in practice another notorious
corporation abuse namely, that of selling to
confiding investors inflated stock of several
times its value under the representation that
it can pay dividends upon its value. By
taking an investment which is located in
another country, and of which people in
England are ignorant, the Epglish beer
manipulators propose to sell to investors
the stocks in the trust at four or five times
what they are worth. After they have got
the concern in operation they can very
easily declare dividends for a year or two,
whether earned or not When they have
floated their stocks upon the confiding
Englishman at a big profit, theycan get out
of the deal, put their profits m teir pock
ets, and let the investors whistle for their
money. .
In other words the Beer Trust is a scheme
not to oppress American beer drinkers, but
to delude English investors. If it was car
ried on by American speculators it would
be discreditable to this country. As it is to
be operated entirely by English schemers,
the discredit and the loss both will fall upon
the Englishman.
The esteemed cotemporaries which are
now exhibiting their ability to quarrel with
their other cotemporaries about the
news of the Johnstown disaster, affords a
new proof of the survival of vanity and
silliness over the most terrible forces of
destruction. '
ClVEtiBEETICE Commissionee Eoose
VELT.of New York, is reported to have a
great deal of fun "shaking up the barnacles,
claims and other queer things which have
fastened themselves on the government of
New York City." His fun likewise permits
the Hayor of New York to have a good deal
of enjoyment in appointing members of the
Tammany Society to the officeswhere the Civil
Service Commissioner has shaken things up.
The New York civil service reform proceeds
upon the humorous plan of distributing the
patronage liberally among the Tammany
The published report1 that "there are
fears that there will be rioting and blood
shed in Hayti," exhibits almost as remark
able an apprehension as that of the man
who wanted to bet that the Democrats would
carry Kentucky.
With regard to the surplus in the United
States Treasury the New York Ifcrald re
marks "that the shrinking process of the
Republican party is more perfect than any
thing of the kind ever practiced by the
Democrats." If the Republican party
succeeds in beating the Democratic record
of an increase of 5125,000,000 in appropria
tions it will do more than itias done yet
Such a feat would impress upon the people
of the United States the necessity of letting
out the contract of running the Government,
to a new party.
These is an evident fail are to appreciate
the tenderly tempered qualities of Chicago
justice in the fact that Tascott and the mur
derers of Cronin have as yet failed to give
themselves up, plead guilty and pay a fine.
The question whether there is any virtue
extant seems to be rendered doubtlul by the
statement in someot the New York papers
that .Colonel. Elliott P. Shepard runs his
stage in Central Park on Sunday, . Tfcere
is a profit in running them in Central Park
on the Sabbath, while there was '"none e
Fifth avenue, Where the Colonel has dis
continued them. The -eminently good
Shcpard seems to be clearly of the opinion
that it is entirely wrong to violate the Sab
bathunless there is a profit in it
The weather permits us to hope that at
last the sun will cultivate the habit of shin
ing, and that the rains will omit to fall for
more than twenty-four hours in succession.
The Meadow Brook Hunt, near New
York, has been pursuing its particular style
ot sport by breeding foxes and turning them
loose to prey upon the poultry of the farm
ers in that vicinity. This being the idea of
sport imported from England, the farmers
should develop the American idea of sport
by suppressing the foxes with traps and
shotguns and the members of the club with
a large number of stout clubs in the hands
of the farmers.
After the Johnstown excitement com
mences to subside the Williamsport people
earnestly request the people to remember
that they had something of a flood, too.
The announcement that . work will be
commenced to-morrow putting the Gautier
Steel Works' in shape for resuming oper
ations has the rightring. Nothing can be
better for the ruined town than efforts to
bring its manufacturing establishments
back to their original condition. The out
side public is helping Johnstown in order
to get its people into a condition where they
can help themselves.
The New York Stock Exchange has
taken counsel of discretion and adopted the
tactics of the crawfish with regard to its
abolition of tickers.
It seems to be agreed that the United
States has succeeded in preserving the
status quo in Samoa; but the control of the
island is hereafter to be subject to the arbi
tration of England. This puts the national
pride in the apparent diplomatic victory at
Berlin a good deal in the light of rejoicing
that our Commissioners have paid the grim
old Chancellor and have got away alive.
The people who forswear water and take
to milk at this juncture should inquire
what pump their milkman patronizes.
If any roughs have been assaulting and
abusing law-abiding Hungarians at Johns
town they will have done exactly what The
Dispatch gave a warning against the
first day that the reports of summary pun
ishment were received. Corpse robbers
should be shortly dealt with, but honest
men have rights without regard to nation
ality. After three weeks of rain a little sun
shine will be received as an inexpressible
boon by the entire population-.
Secbetabt Blaine is reported as say
ing: "I took my present place to continue
the work I began in 1881;"'yet the most
violent offensively partisan Democratic,
papers have not yet charged that there is an
aroma of guano about the administration
of the State Department
Axfhonse Daudet is thinking of making a
visit to this country this summer.
At the recent artists' ball at the Paris Opera
House, Mme. Bernhardt was conductor of the
orchestra and the younger M. Coquelm first
violin player.
Walt Whitman has suffered no injurious
effects fromhis recent unusual dissipation. In
fact the honors paid him have acted like a
tonic, and for the flrstrtime in a Jong while he
is inclined to do some literary work.
Amelte Rive3-Ciianxeb complains that
she cannot find' literary inspiration in Paris.
She says the influence of the city tends to
make her cultivate her gifts as a painter, but
she has no desire to write. This is not a public
calamity, however
Miss Jake Cobden, the first woman elected
a County Councillor in England, is barely 35
years old, but her hair is snowy white. The ex
pression of her face is refined and gentle, and
she wears picturesque and becoming costumes,
which complete a very attractive personality.
And yet, with all her gentle womanliness, no
one has done peripatetic agitation more per
sistently than she. She ahas lectured and
spoken all over the country on all manners of
topics. Her name is, of course, a very valuable
piece of political stock In trade. It cannot Je
said' that she really speaks well, and she dis
likes it above all things, and yet her name, her
pleasant voice and her obvious, sincerity and
gennineness never fail to make an impression.
She is certain to carry her audience with her.
Miss Cobden lives alone in a cozy little house
out at Hampstead. Two of her married sisters
are well known In the artistic world, one as the
wife of Mr. Sanderson, barrister and artistic
bookbinder, the other as the wife of Mr. Sickert,
one of the cleverest members of the 'Impres
sionist" school. The farmhouse at Mldhurst,
Sussex, where Cobden spent his declining years,
still remains in the family, and his political
daughter has always made use of the connec
tion to keep alive a little spark of local liberal
ism in the heart of one of England's most Tory
The Explorations of Lieutenant Schwatka
In the Chlhunhua Mountains.
Denning, N. Mex, Jnne 6. Lieutenant
Schwatka arrived here-'to-day. His party has
been successful beyond all expectation in its
explorations, and especially in Southern Chi
huahua. Here living cliff and cave dwellers
were found in great abundance, wild as'any of
the Mexican tribes from Cortez's conquest
The abodes they live in are exactly similar
to the old abandoned cliff dwellings of Ari
zona and New Mexico, about which there has
been so much speculation and so much money
spent in investigation. It was almost impos
sible to get very near them, so wild and timid
were they. Upon the approach ot white peo
ple they fly to their caves or cliffs by notched
sticks placed against the face of tho cliffs if
too steep, although they can ascend vertical
stone faces If there are the slightest crevices
for their fingers and toes.
These cliff dwellers are sun-worshlners.
throwing their newborn children out in the full
rays of the sun.tbe first day of their lives, and
showing many other forms ot devotion to the
great luminary. They are usually tall, lean,
and well formed, their skin being very blackish-red.
much nearer the color of the negro
than the copper-colored Indian of the Dnited
States. Schwatka claims that nothing has
heretofore been known about these people, ex
cept by the half-Indian mountain Mexicans,
and thinks his investigation will be of immense
anthropological and archaeological valne. He es
timates the cave and cliff dwellers from 3,000 to
12.000 in number.
Kchwatka pronounces the scenery of the cen
tral Sierra Madres as stupendous beyond con
ception. The grand Barranca of the Urique
equals, if it sot surpasses, the Grand Canon of
the Colorado while the Arroyo of the Churches
is the most beautifnl sculptured rock of 15 to
20 miles in length probably in existence.
Wll Follow Hill'. Example.
New HAVEN, Conn., June & Reliable in
formation here to-night is to the effect that
Governor Bnlkely will to-morrow veto the
secret ballot bilL His reason for the action is
the same as that given by Governor Hill, that
the secret ballot would be cumbersome, ex
pensiveand experimental.
Will Attend Their Reunion.
Washington, June &-By direction of the
President such employes in the Government
departments here as are members of the Army
of the Potomac, and can be spared, will be per
mitted to attend the reunion of that organiza
tion in New Jersey, June 12.
Electrocute ElecrraeMlag Elcctroewed.
Jxostifee Sew York Herald.3 tm f
Electraeatienis the new word, which nUut
what it says, and Is therefore rapidly becoming
yoywar-tmh aupetseaceeptiBarden
No Wonder Women Kissed
and Hugged Dog Romeo.
The Almost Incredible Story of a Compara
tively BmalrDog's Affection Swept From
Two Roof, Be Plunges After and
Finally Saves His Mistress His Friends
Are Myriad Now.
Johnstown, June 6. A large crowd of peo
ple attracted my attention about 6 o'clock this
morning on Main street On going closer I
noticed that a number of men and women
were surrounding a dog, and each and every
one of the crowd was anxious to lavish
attentions and endearing terms, which were
more appropriate to be bestowed upon a favor
ite child, upon an animal.
"Come here, Romeo, my noble old dog," said
one woman, "give me a kiss, there Is a dear!"
"Ah, Romeof said another, "It was a pity
Johnstown had not more such noble creatures
as you are, and there would not bo so many
people dead hre now!"
The dog, a beautiful water spaniel, whose fur
was clipped so as to give him the appearance of
a miniature lion, stood as quiet and dignified'
among the people as if he understood each
word addressed to him, taking the evidencos of
appreciation as matters of course, which he
bad every right to expect
Soon I understood what it all meant Romeo
belonged to Mrs. C.F. Kress, of Washington
street Johnstown. East Friday, the day the
flood-gates of the South Fork reservoir broke
loose, that lady went to the house other sister,
Mrs. A O. Kress, on Main street taking the
dog with her.
Swept Off, Yet Saved.
While there the awfully disastrous waters
came sweeping down upon them fromCone
maugh borough, so that all the people in the
house were compelled to get onto the roof.
There were seven in the party, and Romeo
made a good eighth. But soon the terrible
waves and floating debris raised horrible havoc
with the building. Suddenly a big wave
dashed upon the roof. Mrs. C. F. Kress was
knocked off her place of refuge, and rapidly
floated along with the wild stream.
No one attempted to jump after her or make
any effort for her rescue, because the surging
flood had already dragged her .beyond all
human reach. But Romeo, the lady's dog,
forgetful of his own danger, had apparently
been expecting what was coming. The waters
had no more than closed above the sinking
lady when the dog jumpedaf ter her, and, when
her dress appeared again above the surface, he
immediately grasped it between his teeth. It
was a heavy burden for a small dog, but the
devotion of the animal for his mistress seemed
to make him doubly strong.
Holding the dress, in his mouth be gently but
firmly pushed her forward through the waters
toward a frame house, which was still defying
the waves on Locust street Romeo's noble
efforts proved successful, and, in a few mo
ments, Mrs. Kress was able to lay hold of one
of the spars on the frame roof ahead and to
drag herself into comparative safety.
A Second Noble Rescue.
But alas! it was only temporary safety. Even
before the woman han realized her es
cape, the madding waters came mountain
high, it seemed, rushing against the
frame house. This time the building did not
withstand. With a terrific crash tho "wooden
walls seemed to be bursting apart and once
more the woman and her dog were at the
mercy of the flood. The noble brute, however,
was not to be daunted. Acain he dune to his
mistress very closely, not as If he were to res?
cuenerirom a watery grave, out as u nis
own life depended upon her safety. Con
stantly swimming by her side while she was
borne upon the current he contrived to keep
her head above water so as to prevent her
drowning. For over half an hour the dog thus
battled with the fury of the waves for the
preservation of his mistress' life.
But his noble, faithful endurance was at last
rewarded. He sneceeded in steering his valued
burden toward Alma Hall.and here Mrs. Kress
was pulled out of the waters as she reached
the roof. Unconsciousness overcame her, and,
during all that time, Romeo, who (he's entitled
to the personal pronoun) thought the woman
dead, barked and howled In the most frantic
manner. Only the returning breath of Mrs.
Kress pacified him, and he quietly lay down at
her feet
This was the story gleaned from the people
surrounding the dog; and when 1 called to see
Mrs. Kress afterward at her sister's home', she
verified it in every particular. Romeo comes
from Philadelphia, where a brother of Mrs.
Kress lives, who Is now the possessor of 12
water spaniels. Heinrichs.
Ohio's Quartermaster General on tho Spot,
Doing All He Can.
rrrtOM A staff cobbesfoxdxxt.
Johnstown, June 6. Quartermaster Gen
eral W. B. Lawrence, of the Grand Army of
Ohio, arrived here this morning as an emissary
from that organization to take charge of all the
Grand Army men of Johnstown and satisfy
their wants and alleviate their sufferings in
every possible way.
"I have unlimited power to do just as I please
in regard to the matter intrusted to me," said
the officer to me, "and I will help onr comrades
in every manner. I have just now reported my
arrival to Director J. B. Scott and he has given
me advice as to the best manner of doing the
most good in the best and most effectual way.
"I find that there fs but one post of our or
ganization here, the Emory Fisher Post No.
80. I found one of the comrades of the post
and he tells me that their list of membership
amounted to 300 before this disaster occurred
Out of that number five qnlyare reported as
being missing. All these men had families,
and my orders are to see what can be done for
the wlaows and orphans. If riecessarv. I will
take charge of the children and place them in
some soldiers' orphan schools and the women
will have to be cared for In some other man
ner. Of course all the members of the post
have suffered losses, and those in destitute
circumstances will probably receive money.
'However, I have not been here long enough
to form any definite idea as to what is best to
be done: but after J have thoroughly acquaint
ed myself with the requirements of the men, I
shall act at once. All the money I could possi
bly need has been allowed me, and the com
rades will soon be made to forget their finan.
clal losses."
One of the members of Post 80 stated after
ward that Comrades John' Alexander. Thomas
Hau and William Pernod, three of the dead,
bad been found in the debris at the foot ot the
Pennsylvania Railroad bridge. They wero bur-
lea in urana v lew lemeiery.
Another 'Grand Army man, Mr. St John,
who had been among tho dead in the ruins of
the Hulbert House, was buried in the same
place. "" Heinbichs.
Any Amount of Relief Being Secured for tho
Flood Sufferers.
New Yoke, June 6. Mayor Grant this af
ternoon asked Governor Beaver if portable
houses would be useful. In a few minutes
Governor Beaver sent a reply. It read: "Sup
plies of clothing and bedding are greatly needed
both In Williamsport and Lock 'Haven. Wo
are (shipping supplies to both points. Tho
houses I think very desirable, as I have urgent
requests for moro tents to shelter the homeless
and those who are at work removing the debris.
If these houses could be pushed forward at
once they would bring much needed rollof.
The removal of the vast accumulation of
wreckage at Johnstown will be the work of
weeks, and it is estimated by reliable patties to
cost over SI, 000,000. Experienced hands are see
ing that the work is done."
The third hour's subscriptions at the Mayor's
office showed $5,416. Arrangements are being
made togiveagreat benefit concert at Madi
son Square Garden at an early date. The fol
lowing telegram at I r. m. was sent to Governor
Reaver: 'ifc . can draw on Mr. J. Edward
Simmons, Treasurer of the. Conemangh relief
fund, for 850,000 whenever you need the
money. "Hugh J. Grant, Mayor."
The Iilta Insurance Losses Not so Great.
Mr. J. H. Scott General Agent of the Fidelity
and Casualty Company in Fittsburg, last even
ing received the following from Mr. E, E. Clapp,
the Superintendent:
I have Just returned from Johnstown, where 1
left Mr.JScbarff tocontlntte the -work making,
out el tlrns. I am sorry that I cannot see you, as I
amjust leaving for New York. .Our leases which
threatened to Te (180.000' will not reach Sacso.
HMy of or poller holders had miraculous es
capes. We had MM oa Hr. Jaraes McMillan;
-Who was saved, also Hr. Cyrus Elder. The losses
so rsT discovered are about ts.oea, and every,
":?' "rr,s :i7T.. -""z: .
Men and Organizations Who Bam Done and
Are Doing; Yeoman Service ot
Johnstown The Americas
Club's Kindness.
Johnstown, June 6. Although the public
has heard the names of but a few of the more
prominent members' of the relief corps oper
ating in the Conemangh valley, there are hun
dreds ot men famularvto Pittsburgers who are
doing yeoman service among the afflicted sur
vivors of the flood. Of all the independent or
ganizations on the ground, the Americus Re
publican Club has done the most substantial
work of relief, and is still at it President H.
S. Paul, H. D. W. English, Captain A. J.
Logan, W. C. Hagan, Joe Home, Jr., Jim
Kerr, W. L Mustin, W.H. Ketfch, Jack Llttell,
Wyn Colvllle, James Walker, John HT. Reed
and Sheriff JE. McCandless have all been here
since Saturday: and to say that they have thor
oughly worn themselves oat In looking after
the poor beings who have been robbed of
homes and dear ones, is putting it mildly.
The Americus Club has established commis
sary stations of its own throughout the entire
aisinci, anu ac eacq, one 01 tnese a iorce ui
competent and tireless workers are on hand to
dispensefood to the hungry and clothing to
those who need it Good cooks have charge of
the preparation of the rations, and the bill of
fare is changed at each meaL so that not only
substantial, but a healthful change of diet is
served to all. In fact the Americus boys were
the first to serve np cooked'meat. notatoeS. etc,
-to the crowds of starving victims.
ins newspaper men nave cause 10 man uis
clnb, too, for many of the scribes have been
fed at Americus cars, when they could get
nothing elsewhere, either for love or money.
It must not be thought from this, however,
that the members of the Americus Club are the
only citizens ot Fittsburg who have "done
themselves proud" up here, for they are not
Everybody knows how worthily "Dictator
Scott" has worked, and how WilliamElinn, the
political hustler, has again shown his abilities
as a general, this time by bringing order out of
chaos immediately after he bad assumed
charge of the field and made ready for remov
ing the debris. Then there is Colonel Norman
M. Smith, of the Eighteenth Regiment He has
rendered Adjutant General Hastings valuable
service in handling tbe militia, while the re
sult of Colonel P. D. Perchment's work speaks
for itself. The Masonic committee, consisting
of Messrs. McKean, Carson, Cunningham,
Brown and others, also accomplished much
good, while the ladles of Fittsburg stood ready
at a moment's notice to come up and take
charge of the sick and injured. General
Hastings, President Moxbam and Mr. Scott,
hbwover, were unanimously of tbe opinion
that it wonld be the wisest course to let the
Johnstown folks who escaped uninjured take
care of the others who were not so fortunate.
More Tents Wanted.
William Fllnn wires the Relief Committee
that they are short of tents. Many men are
sleeping on the ground. Mr. Flinn requests
that fishing clubs of Pittsbnrg andAlleeheny
lend all the tents they have tone sent to Johns
town. The clubs are asked to report promptly
to S. S. Marvin.
While Dig-sing- Among the Ashes ot His
Home He Finds Gold.
Special Telegram to The Dispatch.
Washington, June 6. The most notable in
cident of the day was the renewal of the fight
over the office of Collector of Internal Reve
nue for Georgia by a visit from Colonel Jack
Brown as the representative of General Long
street The Longstreet faction long ago es
poused the cause of ex-Representative
Freeman, a popular young Republican,
while the faction led by Chairman Buck, of the
State Committee, supports Delegate Arnold,
who supported Harrison at the right time in
the Chicago Convention Several weeks ago
it was decided to appoint Arnold, but tbe
friends of Longstreet and Freeman rallied,
and the result is now in doubt Colonel Brown
tells a curious story of General Longstreet's
recent bad and good luck. Longstreet has for
some time been rather unfortunate In business.
A few weeKS ago his residence was burned
with all his war relics and the MSS. of his
memoirs. On top of this. General Longstreet
was seized with serious illness, which disabled
him from looking after the interests of his
friends who want office, and his faction was
therefore going to pieces. Afew days ago men
were digging In the debris or the
cremated residence to discover if any
thing precious was left whole,
when thev turned nn .earth containing a slit.
1 texlng substance which resembled gold. Quan
tities weie taKen to an expert cnemist wnose
assay developed the fact that it was gold in
truth, and that the dirt was very rich in tbe
metal. The General feels "better now and has
Erospect of greater comfort in his old age than
e had expected when he saw the smoking
ruins of his old homestead in the suburbs of
Colonel Brown made an eloquent plea for
Freeman for collector to-day and beeged the
President to at least hold Secretary Windom's
bands back from signing Arnold's commission
until Aiongsireei can nave a last woro.
The Cornellns-Sharetllfl Marriage at Judge
Over's Last Evening.
Society was not altogether unprepared for
the wedding of Mr. Charles E. Cornelius and
Miss Catherine Bhuretliff, which took place at
the residence, in Haysville, of the bride's
brother-in-law, Hon. J. W. Over, last evening.
It was not expected so soon, however, and will
cause, a little surprise on that account The
ceremony was performed by Dr. W. O. Camp
bell. J. H. Henderson was groomsman. Miss
Mamie Over bridemald. The bride wore white
silk and held a bouquet of white roses; Miss
Over wore pink silk and carried a bouquet of
pink roses.
Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. M.
D.Peebles. Mrs. William Thompson. Rev, W.
C. P. Cochran and Mr. and Mrs. William John
son. After a bridal trip of three weeks in the
East the'couple will settle for the summer in
Sewickley. Mr. Cornelius Is building a home
in All egheny which will be ready for occupancy
in the fait
The Cincinnati Health Officer Orders Sani
tary Precnutlous.
CTNClNNATl,Vrune6. Health Officer Byron
M. Stanton and A. G. Moore, Superintendent
of the water works, yesterday drew the atten
tion of the Board of Public Affairs to tbe cau
tionary proclamation of the State Board of
Health of Pennsylvania in regard to the con
tamination of the waters of the Ohio and other
rivers, which are swelled by the bursting of tho
South Fork river dam above Johnstown, and
indorsed its recommendation. It is to boil be
forehand all water to be used for household
No delay should be made, said Mr. Stanton,
in doing this, as tho poisoned waters have al
ready reached this city.
A Realistic Tableaa.
On complaint of E. K WInlniki, Alderman
Bums yesterday itsuod a warrant for the arrest
of J.Colbo, on the charge of aggravated assault;
and battery. Some nights ago WInlniki gave a
reception at his home, and tableaux were in
troduced, one of which was the scene where
Sir Walter Raleigh was beheaded. WInlniki
impersonated Raleigh, and Colbo tho execu
tioneer. The latter, in beheading Ralcigb,was
so excited that ho dealt his friend 'a blow that
neatly killed htm. The latter thicks that it
was Intentional, hence the suit
What promises to become a cause celebre Is
being tried at Rouen.. A young druggist from
Havre is accused of having poisoned with ar
senlo 13 different people. The evidence against
him is all based on the fact that be is the only
one of those who were in the pharmacy during
a certain period who escaped from any of the
symptoms of poison, which, moreover, ceased
as soon as he was out of the way.
A motion is on foot in London to restrict the,
height of public buildings.
Pharmacy is receiving the attention of the
Russian Government, and a plan is being pre
pared which will require that every chemist
shaUspend eight terms at a university, and
will give'a master in pharmacy, an education
and status equal to that of a doctor of medl
cine There was a sale of illuminated missals in
London lately, the average prices for which ran
up to 160 each.-
The vernacular press in Bengal appears, to be"
steadily declining, apparently owing to the
spread of English education among the read
ing classes. There are now only two vernacu
lardaily papers regnlarly published In Cal
cutta, whereas a year or two agathere were
five or six.
- . fc
JortheBpypttea GovsmresBt LS90 eoMiett;
are atwork eeanleMttc tifo'BTtseea at G&aek
and Teor&ti, near Caite, JerJ.GeA eeaviett rust'
'at a very small stTt oMeeBaWyjMfcgfeagf
Twns Not Newspaper "Fiction.
New Yoke, -June tt. Several weeks ago it
was reported that the big lawyers In. tbe Stew
art will case were trying to settle tbe contest
outside of the courts. The lawyers then said
that the rumor was a "newspaper lie." To-day
they acknowledge that the rumor was true,
Ex-Attorney General Leslie, W.Russell, who,
with Ellhu Root represents Judge Hilton, is
"willing, though not anxious," to compromise
the contest on the lines laid down in Mrs.
Stewart's wilt
Veterans Have Their Picnic
Thousands of veteran soldiers and sailors'
sailed up the East river on three steamers and
six barges this morning to the plcnlo grounds
of Washington Park. -Twenty-one G. A. It
posts were represented. At the park a big din
ner was eaten and some 25 speeches were made
by the star guests. The picnic was given by
John M. Starin, of the Starin Steamboat Line,
who has entertained the veterans every summer
for U years.
Much Too Mncu to Forgive.
Neal McLeod Keating has sued Charles Noel
Flagg for 860,000 for alienating Mrs. Heating's
affections. Mr. Keating is a prosperous mer
chant on the shady side of 40. Flagg is a young
artist Flagg visited Mrs. Keating at her home
whenever Mr. Keating was out of town. Mrs.
Keating confessed to herhnsband that she had
ceased to love him. Mr. Keating decided to
win back his wife's affections and say nothing.
His mind was changed, however, by the dis
covery that Mrs. Keating had sat as Flagg
model. He at once got a lawyer and a sheriff
to make it hot for Flagg, and filed a complaint
Hashing Oat the Monitors.
2 The Brooklyn Iavy Yard has been all astir to
day. Early this morning tho new cruiser At
lanta was floated from the dry dock, and a
small armji of mechanics was set to work on
ner, with instructions to finish her off with all
possible speed. Scores of men are preparing
the Boston, the Chicago and the Yorktown for
active service. An extra force has been en
gaged to complete the monitors Terror and
Mlantomah. The cause of all this feverish
activity Is an order received by Commander
Ramsay from Washington yesterday. Just
how the order read and where the men-of-war
will be sent only the Commander knows.
A Quarrel About Cadets.
The managers of the Broadway Theater and
the Casino are squabbling over the senior class
of West Point cadets. A few days ago the
seniors, whose attendance at a theater is a
drawing card, announced their intention to see
a comic opera in New York on tbe evening of
June 12. Manager Sanger, of the Broadway, 13
sure they plan to see "The Oolab." Manager
Barton is equally sure that they intend to see
"The Brigands."
Dress Parade of the Sunday Schools.
Some 10,000 Sunday school children paraded
in Jersey City to-day. The Mayor and the min
isters of all the churches reviewed them.
New York Bucket Shops Seem to Have
Beaten the Stock Exchange.
Special Telejrram to The Dispatch.,
New Yoke, June 6. Promptly ai 10 o'clock
this morning tbe Gold and Stock and the Com
mercial Telegram Companies began to print to
the Stock Exchange transactions upon their
tickers. The arrangement to resume this
service was made with the Western Union
Telegraph Company as owners of the Gold
and Stock outfit and with the Postal Tele
graph Company, whlchvcontrols the Commer
cial Telegraph Company. During the forenoon
Vice President Morse called the Exchange
to order and described the situation to them as
"All that seems necessary to say at present
regarding the situation Is this: On the last
day. of May, for the first time the Stock
Exchange found itself in a position
to terminate the contracts with the ticker
companies which were unsatisfactory to the
Exchange,and had been continued in force for
years by legal injunction. A necessary part of
ine termination oi those contracts was at least
a temporary suspension, of all ticker
service, but it was hoped to make such
suspension for as short time as possible.
This morning tbe ticker service was resumed
for the convenience of our members. It is
temporary, to be terminated at the pleasure of
the Exchange without notice. Future and pend
ing arrangements are for a permanent service
that shall be entirely In accordance with the
interests of the Stock Exchange.
For once the general expectation of Wall
street was fulfilled. The stock market was
strong in consequence of the renewal ot tbe
"ticker" service, and there was an immediate
and large increase In the volume of trading.
The Consolidated Exchange, by a vote of 8 to I
to-day, decided not to post the Stock Exchange
quotations on their blackboard.
Appearance of the Orphans Chorus
Prof. Carter's Chnrltabie Concert.
The concert given by'Mr. Charles Davis Car
ter and his advanced club, assisted by the
Orpheus Male Chorus, at the Pittsburg Club
Theater last evening, resulted in proceeds
amounting to $150, for the benefit of the Johns
town sufferers. The concert was notable as
being the first appearance of the Orpheus
Male Chorus in public The chorus is com
posed of 20 .young gentlemen, organized last
fall, who sang well, appeared welt and were
altogether a credit to themselves and the occa
sion. The Haydn Quartet lent their talents to
the excellence of the programme. There were
something like 50 singers who entertained tbe
audience, and where all did well it would be
manifestly unfair to mention a few.
Republicans to Stamp Dakota.
Washington, June 8. Congressman Dor
sey. of Nebraska, has formed a campaigning
party to spend a few weeks In Dakota, subse
quent to the adjournment of the Constitutional
Convention to be held this month. Among
those who will compose tbe party are Con
gressmen McEInley, of Ohio; Burrows, of
Michigan, and Bayne, of Pennsylvania.
New Cases on the Docket.
WASHTNGTOir, June 6. The condition of the
appellate docket of tbe Supreme Court of the
United States at-the close of the term ended
last month, when compared with its condition
al the close of the preceding term, exhibits an
increase of 133 In the number of cases left
undisposed of.
Ho May Die.
John McKeane, an employe at the Lucy Fur
nace, was very severely burned yesterday
about the face and neck by a splash of metal.
He was removed to his home, on the Morning
side road, where he is in a critical condition.
Heap Up tho Cash.
From the Philadelphia Record.
Pile up the cash. Which is tbe highest
mountain in the Allegbenles'f Pile up the cash
as high as that mountain. There-can't be too
Ft. Omaha's New Site.
Washington, June 6. The Secretary of
War has decided to purchase as the new site
for Ft Omaha a tract of 610 acres of land about
eight miles from Omaha,.whlch can be had for
about 67,000.
Be still, and wait
And bear thy fate
If thou art poor or desolate
As patiently
Till better fortune comes to thee.
Though black the night
No star In sight,
There surely comes tho morning light;
So o'er thy sky
Of midnight dye
The sun will shine out by and by.
Be still, and wait
Nor frown at fate.
Be tby misfortune small or great;
, For they ehouldst know,
And Joy and woe
Have, like the tides, their ebb and flow.
. The fret and strain
Oi heart and brain,
Increase the gloom, augment the pain;
But hours of calm ,
, Like hallowed psalm
To aching wounds will furnish balm,
Though many a bliss
- Tsea'rt doomed to miss
In neb. a changing world m ?bl
A . Tiv feats abate:
-.if.'BotB.'sadwaK. - "
.. JFIbk WT Tvi SMbV enWBMH v HLvB.
ftS.-.i-" r-A- il -j .-...1 .t -, MmTrZ-7TlA
The? DIscusa Wars and Means of Fighting
Prohibition Money, to be Bpent for
Literature, bat No Corruption
Fnnd to bo Raised.
Niaoaea Falls, Jane a. The United
States Brewers' Convention to-day de
voted considerable attention to the
queition of resisting prohibition legislation in
the various States. .A recommendation was
made by tbe committee having this matter in
charge that appropriations of S3.S00 for Rhode
Island. $2,500 for Connecticut and 2,000 for
Dakota be made from the National treasury
to defray the election expenses in contesting
prohibitory laws in those places. It Is expected
that the brewers and liquor dealers directly
Interested will look after the details, and the
appropriations wni be added to their funds.
The claim is set forth by brewers and em
phasized by them that they will put up no
money for a corruption fund, and will not buy
From what they said many would favor a re
duction of spirituous liquor sale amounting
almost to proniDition. arguing mat Deer was
S radically harmless, and the crime attributed
i alcohol being produced by indulgence in
other drinks stronger than beer. If the issue
"beer or no beer" could be raised, with whisky
left out ot the question, they believe snecess
would crown their efforts in all elec
ktlons. The Question of license fees
did not come before the convention. There was
talk among the delegates of offering resolutions
commending Governor Hill for his veto of the
high license law. but it was objected to on tbe
ground that tbe convention did not meet for
political purposes, and that it was a question
f ortbe State association to deal with. So the
subject was not brought up In convention.
The New York State Brewers' and Malsters'
Association presented a petition which wa3 ln
dorsed.by several hop growers' associations,
stating that they bad agreed upon concerted
action in all matters of material interest, and
especially in opposing prohibition. The report
of the Committee on Contingencies recom
mended an appropriation for the Advisory
Committee of $5,000 and recommended that a
committee of three be appointed, to whom
should be referred all complaints and inquiries
and to freight discrimination-
The literary bureau was pronounced a suc
cess and tbe expenses of the publication com
mittee were reasonable. An appropriation of
50,800 was made to maintain the bureau tbe en
suingyear. During the year 19 brewers died and a suit
able memorial was adopted. The following
officers:were elected: President T, J. Leferns,
Chicago; First Vice President, James Lelb
ermann. New York: Second Vice President
H. B. Scbarmann, Brooklyn; Treasurer, Jos.
Liebaimann, Brooklyn; Trustees. H. H. Ren
ter, Boston; I. Dauleberg. Newark; E. W.
Stlef el, Baltimore; Leo Ernst Dayton, O.
Canine Watchman, Friend of Expressmen
and a Ball Flayer.
From tbe Boston (ilole.3
Those who have .had occasion to visit tbe
Court square office of the Adams Express Com
pany within tbe las: two or three years have
undoubtedly noticed at differen times a brin
dle bulldog, either lying among the boxes,
bundles and trunks, or walking around the
office and wagging ber tail in answer to some
expressman's "Hello, Judy." She is known to
the police and fire men in the down-town dls
trict, and to every expressman who carries
merchandise to and from the office, as a
''wonderfully cute dog, but kinder savage when
she's riled." .
"Judy" has sharp eyes and equally sharp
teeth. She never provokes a flgbt but if any
one whom she does not know starts to meddle
with her.sha generally convinces them that she
wishes to be let alone. Judy can be trusted to
watch the goods in the office at any time, and
knows just whom to let handle them. It is
well for the expressmen that they are acquaint
ed with her. for 11 such was not the case they
would constantly have to call on some one In
authority to 'take that dog away."
Judy can play ball, too, and although she
might not be able to knock a fly out to center,
she would do well behind the bat As for food.
She does not have to go far for it. One lady in
particular brings her something every night
about the same hour. She has been feeding
her for the past six or eight months, and they
are mutual friends. Then Judy has a regular
route, where she knows she is expected e-rerv
day. and there is always something waiting for
"Judy" is a natural detective, and saves the
company the price of several high salaries
each year. Nothing seems to escape her notice.
One thing, and only one will distract her atten
tion from her assigned duty, and that is a ball.
This She will play with by the hour, and only
when herl owner or an employe takes It from
her will she drop the one playful proclivity and
attend to business, obedience being one of her
Much of tbe Testimony Taken Relates to
Alexander Sullivan.
Chicago, June 6. In the Cronin Inquest to
day J. W. Moore, cashier of John T. Lester &
Co., brokers, testified that between June 1,
1&S2, and April 13, 1883, Alexander Sullivan
paid to the firm, on transactions with the firm,
the sum ot $133,800; that during the same
period he drew out $115,318 in checks and stock
worth $14,000, showing a net loss of about $4,600.
One of Lester A Co.'s bookkeepers was put on
the stand and proceeded to read an abstract of
the transactions in stocks which Sullivan had
with the firm during the period mentioned.
The list was quite lone and was not all read.
Captain Thomas F.'O'Connor, a member of
the Cian-na-Gael. said that in 1885 a man came
to see him. This man, he believed, lived in
Philadelphia, bat b could not remember bis
name. The man told him that some men were
going across the water, and that the chances
were that he (tbe witness) would be called on
to go. O'Connor mentioned this to his friend.
Dr. Cronin, wbo advised him not to go; that,
there were enough good, honest Irishmen be
hind English bars wbo had been given away as
soon as they arrived, and that be did not be
lieve in the dynamite policy. The stranger
saw the witness in Dr. Cronin's company and
did not come to see him again.
Tbo Flag That Covered Lincoln's Tomb.
Washington, June 61 At tbe request of
Secretaiy Proctor. Brigadier General Town
send, retired, has officially identified the large
flair now on exhibition in the Secretary's office
as that which draped the casket of President
A Small Fire. .
The alarm'ot fire from station 72,at 8:40 o'clock
last night, was occasioned by a little fire in a
shed on Leech alley, between Thirty-fifth and
Thirty-sixth streets.
Died In tho Workhouse.
Robert Wiggins, 43 years old, who was sent to
the Workhouse by Mayor Pearson, of Alle
gheny, for SO days, died at that institution yes
Ralph Scueaack-, aged 13 months, was Bit
ting on a boardwalk In his yard, at Columbia,
Pa., eating a piece of cake day before yester
day, when a rat made a dart at him, snatched
the cake and got off with it, leaving the little
fellow almost In spasms with fright
Wheat was laid so flat by the late rains and
winds in-Franklin county, Pennsylvania, that
some fields look as if a roller had passed over
A cub bear owned by William Eaches,of
Heading, Pa., escaped in the night, vainly tried
to enter the Hotel Penn and, the postofflce,
climbed a telephone pole, descended and
planted himself on a clothing store step, and
was led home by the ear at 5 A. 21. by Mr.
Eaches' St Bernard dog.
One shot from Elias Miller, of Manheim,
York county, Ja., brought down 40 sparrows.
As James Murphy was driving across the rail
way track at Newport, Pa., recently, his horse
caught a front foot so tightly between the rail
and the' planking: that nothing but a pickax
sufficed to free him.
, Charles Ftjeton, a teamster at Paoll, Pa.,
dropped a pencil amid some lumber, and, in
seeking It pulled a lumber site over on one of
his legs, crushing the foot and dislocating the
knee cap. B e will be lame for life.
Since (ho repeal ot tho bounty, foxes have
so multiplied in Perry county, Pennsylvania,
that poultry yards are suffering sorely.
A man-' wbo lives near Grafton, W.Va.,-has
a curious contrivance in bis stable, by which,
with, the aid of a trained horse, he stands on his
back porch, some hundred yards from the
stable, and whistles for the horse, which, bridles
and saddles himself, opens the stable door and
coses to bii master, who waits for him at the
I IxbtlatofekM MaBttv OWetb & a robta
tsttttakMWtfcewater Hbe a desk. K,H m
C ! fn W Ik.
Paola, Kan., ha rented its city park t
a carpet renovator.
"The piano taognt moderate" is a siga
on a house in London. '
The decrease in the .public debt during
May is estimated at JB,O00,O0O.
A Nevada rflia has a strawberry patch
which yields.1,000 boxes a day.
The popular sport in El Paso, is a fight
between rattlesnakes and bnllsnakes.
There is a man In Hart county, Georgia,
who spells his entire name with two letters.
Bob Bobo.
Two hundred and seventy-five ladies
are clergymen In the United States and occupy
pulpits as such. -
A little girl in Orvingsyille, Ky.,
choked to death after swallowing' a- grain, of
corn, which lodged In her throat ' "
A housewife at Gridley, Cal.'while
dressing a chicken for dinner, found In its crop
a diamond, which was sold for $185. , jV M
In a bicycle race at Pouehkeepsie, oa
Decoration Day John Van Benschoten, of ithat
dty, covered 18 miles in 1 hour 2 mlnutea'and .
U seconds vr
Mr. Gus Asbury killed a jointed snaka
last week. He says It fell to pieces beforehe
struck it and, if he had not killed it It would
have put Itself together again.
The yearly sales of Phil Armour's great
packing honse in Chicago now amount on aa
average to $55,000,000. They have at times
reached as high as $60,000,000 a year.
The almost incredible statement fa
made by a South Florida man that it has
rained more or less in the vicinity of his home
on the 20th of May for the past 19 years.
Some ingenius arithmetician has calcn.
lated that the 30,000,000 stamps issued by the
English postoffice from 1840 to 1884, if placed
end to end, would reach to the moon and back.
Greensboro.Ga., has a rooster that climbs
a tree by using his spurs as a telegraph lineman
uses his leg spikes in ascending a telegraph
pole. This is the first case of the kind on rec
ord. Judge Wray,of Walton Springs, Greene
county, Ga keeps a horse saddled and bridled
to answer the calls of couples bent on matri
mony, There is an epidemic of marriages in
that county now.
A carriage maker of Armstrong county,
Pennsylvania, has lust shinned to Persia a car
nage packed in boxes, to facilitate transporta
tion across the desert on camels' backs. The
total freight bill was about $100.
Benjamin Hulick had to get a detectiw
to iielp him to find what became of a peaes
and apple orchard he set out lately near Farm-
ingoaie. st.j. jrery tree nau Deen trans
ported to a farm some miles away.
Theodore Urban, an antiquarian and
student of Columbia, Pa says he has evidence
that this continent was settled about 650 years
after the deluge; that tbe inhabitants wera
highly civilized and used tools of metal.
A Cairo colored man narrowly escaped
being bitten by a rattlesnake. He fired his
gun at the reptile and it kicked him in the Oca
locknee river. He could not swim, butwas
pulled out by a passing teamster. The snake
escaped death.
A Minnesota man who appears in
the public streets drunk will for the first of
fense be fined from $10 to $40; second offense,
from $20 to $50; third offense, imprisonment
from 60 to 90 days. For the first two offenses
imprisonment may be substituted for fine.
One day last week W. A. Newton, of
Jackson, Ga., went to his blacksmith shop and
started a fire in the furnace for the purpose of
sharpening some plows. After heating one
plow and while standing at the anvil hammer
ing away on it the bellows burst with the noise
of a large gun. Lying on the bellows were sev
eral heavy plows and other old irons, and they
were dashed atrainst the roof of the house with
such force as to loosen the shingles. The leather
covering was torn into shreds. It is supposed
that the bellows had become filled with ga3
from the stone coal that had been used in the
furnace which, becoming ignited, caused the
A enrious ceremony took place at the
White House on Saturday tbe cremation of -bushel
of letters written to President Clev
land by cranks. Tbey had been preserve)
two mail bags, and were found during the
cent cleaning of tbe White House attic Th.
were written by cranks in all parts of the cour
try, and garelTr. Cleveland advice on all sor
of subjects. About 100 letters had been.x.
ceivedtrom a man who signed himself "David
God." Another, from one J. H. Whiting, re
lated to the dlsappearanca of a stovepioe. As
the weather was warm, however, Mr. Whiting
Informed the President that tbe loss was not
Mrs. Reuben Frost, of Johnson county,
Louisiana, has two genuine madstones that
were given her years ago by ber father, the fa
mous huntsman, Lord Price. Their power of
extracting the poison of (rabid dogs has never
been tested, thongh they will be loaned to any
applicant Mrs. Frost says her father killed In
bis lifetime upward of 500 deer and found only
three madstones, two of which he gave her
when a girl. She furtberstatestbather father
told her that a hnnter coald tell as soon as a
deer was killed whether or not its stomach con
tained tbe magic stone, as in every instance
where tbe stone is. the hair of the animal slain
turned the reverse from its natural position
when cold in death.
A Florida paper opens the summer alli
gator story season with the following: In this
paper a few weeks ago mention was made of an
alligator about four feet long that had been
captured by Dan Waraeronthe sidewalk in tbe
most thickly settled portion of our city. Dan
felt as soon as he saw tbe young saurian that it
possessed unusual intelligence, and set abont
to teach bim. It is perfectly wonderful the
progress "John" he has been christened John
has made. The bakesbop is to him a revela
tion. He will, after the bread has been taken
from the pans, take tbe utensils and pile them
in the comer as neatly as a boy could do it Tbe
first trick he learned was to stand on hl3 tail
and hind feet It is pathetic to see him as be
assumes tbe position and crosses his forefeet
over his breast awaiting the loaf which is
given him as a reward for his skill. He is very
fond of cider, and Schmidt & Warner hare
found it necessary to place the barrel beyond
his reach, as he has halt a dozen times tamed
the faucet The boys do not mind the single
glass, but he does not seem to have learned the
art of cutting It off, and be was not discovered
until a gallon or more bad been wasted. The
music by the band pleases him hugely, and ha
will lie in front of the band room every practice
night until the last note is heard. His harness
will not be done for another week, but Dan is
confident he will drive well. Dan has given him
a huge palm leaf fan, and he handles this with
the utmost grace Ja keeping off the flies, which
seem to annoy him excessively.
Did you ever notice that the "ice" is only
three-fifths Resize of the "price?" Tern Saat
Patron This set of teeth you made for
me is too big. Dentist Yes, sir. Sit down In tha
chair and I will enlarge yoor mouth a little. Jitio
The smart yanng man said he had no't
been in tbe dhag store long, but he had been at
the soda fountain long enough to be a flzzldan.
WatMngtqn Critic.
"Did you divide your bonbons with your
little brother, Mollle!" "Yes, mamma, 1 ate tha
candy and gave him the mottoes, icu know he is
awfully fond of reading Time.
There are 13 different ways of jnaking
strawberry shortcake, and whichever way you try
you will wish you had decided to have straw ber
rics'.and cream. Detroit Irte Prtit.
"Unsatisfactory Exhibition Proud father
(showing off precocious child before visitors)
Whose Utile boy is 'oof ,
Precocious child Mean, stingy ole t'lng's 'lttle
Proud father (In astonlshmentl-Wby, no,
Archie; 'oo's papa's 'lttle boy!
Precocious child positively)-Well, 'at'j wot
mammy calls papa, anyhow. Chicago Tribune.
Commanding Officer So you want to
marry Private Malone's widow. She is old enough
to be your mother. Surely a smart yoong fellow
like you could find a nice young girl-who would
takA-von. " .
Private T. Atkins Young girls U well enough,
nr hnt I likes mT dinner 'ou and I noticed Pri
vate ilalone always 'ad his dinner 'ot so I 'ope
you'll give we lave, sor. London Judy.
A hat for the head of a fountain,
A glove fot the hand of fate,
A shoe for the foot of a mountain,
A link from the chain of debate.
A spoke from the wheel of fortune, ,
A chin from tha "nole" of the south, '
A dtlnkXrom the fountain of knowledfs, .
A word from the river's moutn.
A drink from tbe cup of sorrow,
Aloofc from the face of the storm,
A stroke from the arm or justice, j;
A ring for the flnger'of scorn.
A kaeck i the aoor of repeatM
A tkMfe from the occaa's aeart.1
A afasse Jtoss thesye of a gMiMJ
tssMrs sew a oi