Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 06, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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AfBfHortgage,PlaceI on Penn Ave-
ryfaue by a Local Capitalist,-;
VjA'Local TraTelin? Man Eelnrns From the
5. - , West and Tells a Rosj Story.
Samnel "W. Black & Co., whose extensive
knowledge of the location and value of
Pittsburg property is well known, have
placed a mortgage for 515,000, one" year, at
6 per cent, on a Penn avenue property, the
assessed value of which is 525,000. The
mortgage, therefore, represents about 80 per
cent of the present price of the security.
This shows that capitalists must have great
faith in the enhancement of values on that
thoroughfare, which is again attracting
attention after a season of lethargy
caused by inflation. The lender is one of the
most prominent capitalists In tho city, who al
ways looks before he jumps. His faith in the
stability of real estate should have great
weight with prospective Investors, and go far
to maintain confidence in the liveliest branch
of local business.
W".A.Herron&Sons"bronght a large trans--action
to a head yesterday, it being the sale of
a residence on Ridge avenue. Allegheny, for
40,000. The purchaser has no fears of an in
vasion of street cars, the determined opposition
of interested citizens having given tho scheme
such a black eye as will compel it to remain in
retirement for an indefinite period.
In an interview yesterday with a Pittsburg
traveling man, who had just returned from an
extended journey in the West and Northwest,
some interesting facts relating to business were
obtained. He said in substance: "l nave seen
hustling and hustlers here, but nothing like
what I witnessed during my absence. Every
body seemed to be on the jumo; they had no
time for anything but work. They were up
early and late, and busy all the time. Towns
are springing up all over the West as if by
magic. Some of the cities are growing at a
wonderful rate. Among these are Kansas
City, Minneapolis. St. Paul, Milwaukee. Sioux
City, Davenport and Leavenworth. Each of
these has many fine and costly buildings, fine
streets, traction or horse cars, gas, electrlcitr
and everything else necessary for comfort and
The country is well Improved and is settling
cp very fast. Farm buildings are comrortahle,
and live stock is well housed. Farms are well
cultivated, and the crops are in splendid con
dition. Should no disaster overtake them be
tween now and harvest the yield will be im
mense. Should this promise be fulfilled, busi
ness next fall will fairly boom. Farmers will
have money with which to build and buy agri
cultural implements, the railroads will earn
money enough to build additional tracks and
make necessary repairs to the old ones, and
merchants will be able to expand their business.
All this means money for the East. I never saw
a brighter prospect for an era of good times."'
The readiness of young Americans to leave
the homes of their parents and "go AVest and
grow up with the country," is a trait of char
acter in curious contrast with the predominat
ing idea of their English ancestors. Since
William the Conqueror partitioned the lands
of England among his followers the idea ot
holding them In possession of the family has
crystallized into some very oppressive and nn
just laws, and has been the cause of much evil
and dissensions. It had some good effects,
however. It made that tight, little island rich,
prosperous, and powerful and Its people the
greatest and most successful colonizers the
"world ever saw. The improvements they made
on thetr landed estates Were of the most per
manent character, and many houses are still
"anding in England, in good repair, that were
mlt many centuries ago.
The descendants of the English speaking
peoplein America held a totally different idea
ci the subject. They would part with their
landed nossessioni for a very slight inducement
and without regret. The consequence is that
the dwellings and other Improvements have
been of a temporary character. Land was so
cheap and plentiful that only slight efforts
Vere required to secure a home and improve it
in a temporary manner so as to provide for the
Crowing family.
There is a rapid change taking place in the
Minds of the present generation. Since the
public lands have nearly ail gone into private
ownership there is a greater desire than ever
before known to own a home. The mad rush
to the little remaining Government lands In
the 'West is an evidence of this fact, and is one
of the most hopeful and pleasing indications of
the permanency and prosperity of our Govern
ment. Our population lias increased by nat
ural causes and by immigration, aided by a
congenial climate, soil and conditions favor
able to a rapid development of the highest
civilization to such an extent that we now fill
the whole of our vast landed possessions with
a free, hardy and liberty-lovinc people, who,
' for the most part, own their homes.
The coming century will witness a grand
revolution in the construction of dwellings and
other improvements. The old, cheap style will
be superseded by more durable and costly
structures, around which the family offshoots
will stick instead ot wandering to distant re
gions far from kith and kin. The full benefit
of home life can be realized only when it is
permanent. The American will ultimately
Kettle down like his English cousin. This
change has already made considerable progress
in Pittsburg.
Stocki in the Dump-. V.'iihXo Prospects of
Sspcctly improvement
The stock market J cerday was, in the main,
a repetition of that of the previous days of
the week. A bearish feeling predominated,
and almost the entire list was weaker. This
was accounted for by the absence of orders and
the excitement consequent npon the Johns
town disaster. A broker said : "I do not look
for much of a change before fall. The dull
season for stocks is upon us, and Investors will
probably hold aloof nntil the autumn revival of
business. The cutting off of New York quota
tions from the tickers affects trading in local
stocks more or less. All these things taken to
gether makes the prospect of a speedy im
provement far from rosy.
Trading in the forenoon was confined to the
sale ot 100 shares of Philadelphia Gas atS
a decline of 50 cents a share from Tuesday's
figure. The prediction of a 3 per cent dhidend
in J uly seems to be taken with many grains of
allowance. For Wheeling Gas 31 was bid.
Chartiers was wanted at i but it was held at
8L The other gassers were too much in the
soup to be mentioned. Electric was neglected,
there belne no bids for it. Holders of this
stock are not anxious to force it to sale at pres
ent figures. Tne tractions were fractionally
weaker. Pittsburg. Allegheny and Manchester
Passenger Railway could have been sold at 223.
There were two transactions in tbealtemonb,
100 shares of Philadelphia Gas selling at 3
and 20 shares of Pittsburg and Western pre
ferred at 22 the former being a decline and
the latter an advance, both fractional. Electric
was extricated from the debris, and received a
bid of &3J but was held a point higher. Switch
and Signal was not wanted, bnt it was offered
at 21H. Mining shares were flat, and the trac
tions bung around the forenoon figures. Rids,
offers andsales follow:
Momrrxo. jirrEEXoojf.
Sid. Asked. Hid. Asked.
Chartiers Val. Gas Co. H SI 49X ....
People's N O P Co 60
PWfidelphla Co- S7Jf 37 37 XX
ntmfio....... H "M fX "&H
Citizens' Traction ? . w w
Pittsburg Traction.... ai,- .... oijj
Pleasant VaUevB-B... .--
Pitts., Alle. &"; 5
Pitts. June. K. it. CO.. ....
m. w H R. nref.... 2ZU
174 ZIO
23 SCO
26i ....
Lk ori Mlnlnr Co... 1H IX IK, 1W
-Vestlnirliotue Electric 8 54
Unions. AH. Co....... .... 21)4
Wettnr'eAlrj-. Co.. UK
TVesttaf'se B. Co. lln. 04 ....
At the morning call 100 shares of Philadelphia
Gas sold at Shi. In the afternoon 20 shares of
Pitttbnrgand Western preferred went at 2
and 100 Philadelphia Gas at S
The total sileo of stocks at New Tork yes
terday were 191,612 shares, including: Atchison,
jjlvu; xieiaware, ijacitawanu; anu western,
SOU): Lrnil.rtlln nd Nashville. .610: Missouri
, ,'Pacifle. 1430: Northwestern. 8,600s New Jersey
-.vcu.iak Lzru: nnrLuernrr-jauut; urcieiicu. ia.
imx Beaillng, 7,580; BCJPauI, 27,350; Western
V.f uu ' ' - , JrtsJLa. ,
Business Rather Slow Indications 'of Lively
Time Next Fall.
? All the bankers visited yesterday reported
business very slow. The Eastern mails were
light. People were too much engrossed with
the Johnstown disaster to give much attention
to the ordinary concerns of life. The condi
tions were said to be favorable for active trad
lug as soon as the community settles down to
ordinary duties.
Reports f 10m all parts of the country encour
age the belief that business win be very brisk
in the fall. All the crops are In good condition
and promise a larfce yield. The hay crop is said
to be heavier than for some years. It will re
quire a large amount of money to move these
to the centers of distribution. The exchanges
were 51,672,316 9S and the balances S31G.093 7L
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easv at 2 to 3 per cent, last loan 2K; closed
at 2)455:3. Prime mercantile paper.SQws. Ster
ling exchange dull but steady at S!H for 60
day bills, and Jl 89 for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations.
TJ. ?. 4s.rejt 1M
U. b. 4s. coop IS
U. b. 4s, re 10R
U. & 4s. coup 106
Paclfic6sor'05. 119
Louisiana stamped 4s 90S
Missouri Cs I(S
Tenn. neirset. Cs....lGS ;
Tenn. new set. 5s. ...102
lenn. new set. is.... 753(
Canada &o. ids 99 H
Ccn. Pacificists U6?
Den. A K. G., lsts...H9
Pen. A It. . 4s 82
D.Al.G.West,lsts. 10!
Krie. 2ds 1M
31. &.&T. ucn. 6s.. 57i
M.K.AT.Gen.5s.. 53
Mutual Union 6s.... MKf
N.J. C. Int. Cert...lM
Northern Pac Ists-1I9K
Northern Pac 2ds..lUj
Northw't'n consols.146
Vrtliwn debens.. 11311
Oreson A Trans. 6s.l04J(
M. I.. &1.11. (Jen. 5s S3
M. 1..& S. P. Ken. 31121
bu Panl consols ta'i
St. PI. Cht&PclstsIM
TX I'cL. O.Tr. Rs.JPMf
Tx..PcK.G.Tr.Kcts 38
Union l"ac. lsts 115
West Shore 1C9
New York Clearings $123,3S2,0GS; bal
ances. S6.OSS.192.
Boston Clearings, $15,538,538; balances,
$1,901,391. Rate for money per cent.
Philadelphia Clearings, $13,851,845; bal
ances, $1,833,234.
Baltimore Clearings, $2,048,803; balances,
$355. AS.
IOxdon The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bank of England on balance to-day is
79,000. Bar silver 42 11-lGd per ounce.
CHICAGO Sionev dull and unchanged. Bank
clearings, $11,854,000.
Tho Blnrket Shows an Absence of Back
bone Broker Indifferent.
A bearish feeling predominated at the open
ing of the oil market yesterday. Brokers had
not recovered from the shock caused by the
flood and were in a bad condition for trading.
The irregularity of New York quotations was
another wet blanket. Business was light all
along the line Oil was a trifle scarce, from 15
to 25 cents being paid. The outside interest
was still conspicuous for Its absence. Clear
ing were 212,000 barrels. .
The market opened rather shaky at 82c. A
few sales lent it some strength, and it moved
up to 83Vc. the highest point reached during
the day. It then slumped off to S2Jc, recovered
and advanced 2JJc, weakebedatnne and closed
at2?a One ot the most experienced brokers
on the floor predicted a lower market to-day.
Features ot the SInrket.
Corrected daily by John II. OaKiey Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 82 Lowest 2
Highest BMtt'losed 823
ATcra&eruns , 43,499
Average shipments 70,220
Average charters :........b 4S.G37
Refined, Sew York, 6.90e.
Keflnei', London, 6Kd.
Refined, Antwerp, 17f.
ltenned, Liverpool, 6 5-lCd.
Carrying. ew Yort, fiat: Oil City, flat; Brad
ford, fiat: Pittsburg, 25c premium.
A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts 82KS2jc;
calls, 83c.
Oil Markets.
New Yokk. June 5. Consolidated Exchange
Opening. 82c; highest. 830; lowest, 82c;
closing, 8J?a New York Stock Exchange
Opening, K!c; highest, B3e; lowest. S2Jc:
closing, S2Jc Total sales, 363,000 barrels.
Some Bin Transactions in Realty in City and
W. A. Herron & Sons sold a $40,000 Allegheny
City residence, being lot 48x132 feet on Eidge
avenue, near Allegheny avenue, with a large
double brick dwelling, stable and other con
veniences. ,
James W. Drape & Co. placed twp mortgages
of $23,500 on city property at 0 per cent; also a
mortgage of $2,600 at G tcr cent on a piece of
ground In the Thirteenth ward, city.
Black &. Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to
Abel Enscoe a rWo-story frame dwelling. No. 52
Bertha street, on the corner of Sycamore street,
alt. Washington, with double lot, for $3,000
Reed B. Coyle & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold
for Mrs. S. A. Morgan to Theodore Frey a lot
on Boquet street, Oakland, sire 62x120, for $825
cash; also a lot at Marion station, Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad, in the Marion place plan,
size 2Uil00, for $150. They also placed a mort
gage for $350 on a property at Duqnesnc, on
the Pittsburg, Virginia and Charleston Rail
road, for three years, at 0 per cent
L. O. Frazier, corner Forty-fifth and Butler
streets, sold for Timothy D. Maloney a frame
dwelling of eight rooms, lot 50x50 feet, situate
on the northwest corner of South street and
Fo4ter"s alley, Fifteenth ward, to Frank
Kalchthaler, for $2,225 cash.
Lishcll & Rankin, No, 67 Fourth avenue, sold
f or Jas. H. McCabe lot 50x150 on Fourth ave
nue. Coraopolis, to Mrs. Harriet AVolfshofer
tor $500.
A Good Market From Beelonlng to End
Granecrsaiid Trnst Shares Lead
In Activity Everyllilnc Closes
at Top Prices.
New Yoek, June 5. The stock market to
day was somewhat more active than yesterday
but the dealings were principally In tho
Grangers in the Tegular list while the trading
in the trust shares in the unpledged depart
ment assumed very large proportions. The
market was strong from beginning to end, and
the losses of the last few days were entirely re1
covered and in many cases with something in
addition. The improvement In the tone of the
dispatches from Chicaco, together with the
active support given the favorite stocks of that
Center, was the prime moving cause of the
more bullish feeling shown and the advocates
of higner prices came into the market with
more confidence than has been seen for many
days. In making this result the recent re
ports of the handsome gains in earnings of the
roads in the West was not without its influ
ence but the advices In regard to the probable
settlement of the difficulties in the West in a
short time were most powerful.
The feature of the day, however, was the un
nsuallv heavy trading In the trut stocks, and
tho old trusts were specially active, the Chi
cago contingent buying largely on reports that
a large Cincinnati concern had joined the trust.
Chicago Gas and Cotton are moved np in sym
pathy though there were rumors that the
Cotton Oil people would declare dividends in
the future. Tbe close was fairly active and
Btrong at the highest prices of the day.
Railroad bonds also responded to the more
buoyant feeling, and the market to-day was
more active and the fluctuations wider,
although there was not the strength that marked
the dealimr In stocks. Several declines were
recorded, although the tone of the dealings was
generally strong -throughout the day. The
sales ot all issues aggregated $1,602,000.
of which Erie and Western contributed .117,000
and the West Shore fours, registered. $105,000.
Am. cotton on eon
Adams Express..... 149
Alton & Terre Baate ,- 43
A.&T. H. nref. .... 90
American Express lis
Bur., C K. A 32
Canadian Pacific SS
Canada Southern. Mtf
Central 1'atlnc .... 255":
Chesane&ke A Ohio 2ljJ
rClies. AO. lstpref..... 61
dies. A O. 2d prcf .... 34K
Chicago A Alton .... 13)
C, Cur. A Qulncy. ioii(
C St. L. & Pac .... I3u
C, St. L. & Pac. pr. 39
Cleveland Columbus .... .... im
Del. & Undson uii
Del.. L. A W - 43W
Denver A KloO - J7-S
E.T., Va.AUa KH
E.T.,Va. AOalst pr. ... 75
E.T.. Va. AOa.Zdpr. v. 2iU
rlc... ............. .... j .... .... ZSW
Krie nref. 70
KortWarne 153
Iloctlne Valley .... is
Houston A Tolas.... . .... 8
Illinois Central 116
Jnd., Bloom A West... .... t
Kansas & Texas. . , 0
Late Erie A Western .. I8$
Lite Erie A West, pr, (?
Lake Shore AM. 8., 05
Louisville A Nashville 70
Louis. A-Jsew Albany. .... 42
Memphis A Charleston 65
.Miculcan Central... .... .... 60
.Mil., C. S. A West i 8H
Mlli,L.S. AWestpref t .... us)f
Mln. AsUL .... ......... 6
Missouri Pacific....... .... i... , ;... ;
Mobile A Ohio.......... ,... tv.. ,.?.. 11V
rrolk&e!itern.rjLV..rr l.tijff-.r.r - ssv
Northern Pacific.... -..;.JfiB!-Stt- 17
.northern Pacific srer...... 4tKfiKt ..J.WJ
Hew York Central; .V
a, C. AM. L
N. It., liibt. L. PL .
Ohio A Mississippi
Ohio A Mississippi, pr. ....
Oregon Improvement. ....
Oregon Transcon ...,. .t-..
Peo. Dec A Evans.
Pullman Palace Car
Ht.L,&San Fran
St. L. A San Pran pf.
St. L. A San P.lst 1)1.. ....
St. P., Minn. A Man
Texas Pacific .'
Western Union
Atch.ATon..lst7s. 117
A . A T. Land G r' 1 7s. 109
h". Y. A New En..
tllrt llnlr.nr.. -.
A ten. A Top. K. K... 4GX
ItostonA Alhany...Sl2
Boston A Maine.. ...ISSjj
IX. li. AU 1MK
Cliin. San. A Cleve. 24
Easterns. K 90H
KllntA PereM 29Ji
KlIntAPereM. nrj. SS
K.C.St. J.AC.B. 7s. ISM
Little K. A Ft. S. 7S.107M
Mexican Cen. com.. 144
Rutland, com
w is. ventral, coin,.
Wis. Central pr...
Huron - ..
rewablc (new) ....
Bell Telephone... .
Boston Land
San Diego
Mex.C.lstmtg. bds. Ci
Idore Life In Wheat and Prices Fractionally
Higher Com and Onts Featureless
Hoc Products Attract Slore
Interest nt Generally
Klcdinm Figures.
Chicago A stronger feeling was developed
in wheat to-day and the market exhibited more
life. Influences, on the whole, were nfore fa
vorable to the Interest of holders, and induced
long buying and covering of shorts. The open
ing was about the same as yesterday's closing,
and, with only slicht fluctuations, prices were
advanced lc, ruled slightly easier and closed
IKc higher than yesterday. The change in the
market was attributed to better export buying,
firmer foreign markets and rumors of less fa
vorable European crop prospects.
A fair speculative trade was reported In corn
early In the day. most of the business occurring
within the first hour, after which the pit be
came quite lifeless. The prevailing feeling
was firm, but fluctuations did not vary materi
ally from yesterday, being confined Vithin H
c range.
Oats were qnfet and steady and without new
features of importance, price changes being
small. i
A little more interest was manifested In mess
pork. Prices were advanced 7K10c early, but
increase of sales caused a decline. Pricesclosed
Very little business was transacted In lard.
Early prices were advanced 25c, but settled
back again to medium figures" and closed
quiet. . ,
Rather a brisk business was transacted in
shortrib sides early in the day. Opening sales
were made at 25c advance, and a further
improvement of 710c was gained. About
the middle of the session prices receded 2
5c, but tbe market closed firm.
The leading iuturcs raneea as rollows:
Wheat-No. 2 July. 75K76KQ7576Ve;
August, 7475774c; Uecember, 766714
COES-No. 2 July. SlK343431Kc; Au
gust, 3431dlc; September, 35
Oats-No. 2 July. 22622&022022tfc; An
gust, 22K62c; September, 222222
22' 'c
Mess Poke, per bbL July, $1175011 87K
1175U87M; August, $11 8011 95ll fcl'
11 92K; bepteirber, $11 9512 02H11 S0
1'' 02K
"laed, per 100 fts. July, $6 706 7o6 70
6 75: August, $6 806 82H6 806 82Ki Sep
tember. S6 S2J466 876 S2X6 S3.
snonr Bibs, per 100 Bs.luly, So Soo 82l
5 855 92; August, $5 92K5 975 92$
5 97: September, J5 936 055 956 Oo.
Casn quoanons were as follows: Klonr steady
and unchanged. No. 2 spring. wheat, 77K"8c:
No. 3 spring wheat. 7072c; No. 2 red. 77K
78c No. 2 corn, 3333Kc o. 2 oats.21c N o.
2rye.SSc No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flax
seed, $1 56. Prime timothy seed, $122. Mess
pork, per barrel, SU eOllc" Lard, per 100
fts $0 656 67M. Short ribs sides (loose). $o 85
59a Dry'salted shoulders (boxed), S312K
5 23. Short clear Sides (boxed), $6 10g6 12$.
Sugars Cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts
Flour, 14,000 barrels; wheat, 17,000 bushels;
corn. 3CSO0O bushels: oats. 208,000 bushels;
rye. 3,000'bushels: barley, 5,000 bushels. Ship
mentsFlour. COOO barrels; wheat 33.000 bush
els; com. 558,000 bushels; oats, 238,000 bush
els; rye, 16.000 bushels; barley. 6,000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was weak, but not quotably lower.
Kggs firm at l212&c
New York Flour generally unchanged, but
less doing. Wheat Spot strong and l)ilHc
hlgber; options more active and strong and 1J4
glKc higher. Barley nominal. Barley malt
-quiet; l anada, 90c$l 10 for old and new. Corn
Spot strongand fric higher; light offerings:
options moderately active and firm. Oats Spot
unchanged and weaker; options dull and
easier, closing steady. Hay quiet and weak.
Hops fairly active and firm. Coffee Options
opened dull, unchanged to 5 points down, closed
steadv, 515 points down; sales 38,250 bags, in-,
eluding June, iaC516.C5; July. 16 50ia60:An
gnst,lB.6316 70: September. 16.80l6.b5: October
16. 8516.9o;December.l0.9,'"17.05;Jannary, 17.50;
February and March. 17.10; spot Rio quiet
steady; fair cargoes, lSJcJc Sugar quiet and
strong,; refined active and firm. Molasses
Foreign quiet:!? ew Orleans dull. Rice steady
and quiet. Cotton seed oil irregular; yellow,
47Ki9i Tallow steady; sales 50 hhds. city at
4Kc. Rosin steady and qutet. Turpentine quiet
atSSX3SMc Eggs quiet and firm; western,
14Cgl4JJc; receipts, 2,554 packages. Pork firm
and quiet; mess, $13 2o13 50: extra prime, $12
12 25. Cutmeats active; sales pickled bellies,
120 pounds at $C 256 60; pickled shoulders, $5;
pickled hams, $11 75; middles dull; short clear,
$6 50. Lard stronger and in moderate demand;
sales Western steam, $7 02K7 07K. closing at
$7 02K; citv, $6 50; June, closing at $7 02 hid;
July, $7 0G7 07, closing at $7 06 bid; August,
$7 11: September, $7 14 bid. Butter quiet and
steady for best: western dairy, 913c; do cream
cry, 12l7c; western factory. 7K12c Cheese
firm and in fair demand; western, 78c
Philadelphia Flour steady. Wheat Arm:
No. 2 red June, 9090Kc; July. 80Slc: August,
8080Jfc; September, bOK82c. Corn Car lots
quiet; futures dull; No. 2 white in grain depot;
42c: No. 2 high mixed in grain depot, 42c; No.
2 mixed and high mixed in Twentieth street
elevator, 42Kc: No. 2 mixed. June, 4U41c;
July. 41l?ie; August. 41Jfl?c: August,
41?442Sc; September. 42Ml2c Oats Car
lots firm witn a fair demand;No. 2rotxed,S0c:
No. 3 white, 32c; do choice, 33c; No. 2 white,
34c; futures quiet and steady;No. 2 white June,
S2K33c: July. 3Z43&ic: August, 3232c;
September, 3l'432c. Eggs strong; Pennsyl
vania firsts, 16c
St. Lours Flour unchanged. Wheat higher,
the market Influenced by advices from abroad,
ruled firm and closed Jilc above yesterday;
No. 2 red, cash, 75c asked; June closed 7G3c
asked; July, vztsiaz;c diq; August, nyaiac;
September, 73fcc askeu. Corn firm, but very
223ic asked; July, 22Kc Rye No. 2, 40c bid.
Provisions Dry salt meats and bacon firmer,
but very little trading. Pork, unchanged. Lard,
CrscnnrATi Flour quiet andl unchanged.
Wheatscarceandflrm;No. 2.8081c: receipts,
4.500 bushels: shipments. 1,000 bushels. Corn
firm: No. 2 mixed, 35c Oats firm: No. 2 mixed,
24J26c Rvednll; No. 2, 46C Pork quiet and
Arm at $12 1212 25. Bulkmeats firmer; short
ribs, $6 00: short clear, $6 256 30. Bacon firm:
short ribs: OK6e; short clear, 6J6J6c Lard
stronger at $6 456 47.
Baltimore Provisions quiet and steady.
Butter steady: western packed, ll12c; cream
erv. 1718c Eggs firm and scarce at lo16c
Sugar strong; A soft, 8c
Itfelnl Markets.
New York Copper dull and easier; lake,
June. $11 90. Lead strong but dull; domestic,
$4. Tin quiet and steady; Straits. $20 35.
Evidence Showing That Her Husband-Was
n Confirmed Arsenic Eater.
Liverpool, June 5. Tbe inquest into the
"death of Mr. Maybrick. who is supposed' to
have been poisoned by his .wife, was resumed
to-day. Dr. Hopper testified that he had
treated the patient for deranged digestion and
nervous disorder. He bad prescribed the use
of strychnine, but bad never advised the use
of arsenic Maybrick bad told witness that he
was acquainted with the medicinal properties
of arsenic Witness stated that In June, 18&8,
Mrs. Maybrick came to him and asked him to
speak to her husband about the habit of arsenic
taking, to which she said he was addicted.
Maybrick had acknowledged to witness that he
had struck his wife and given her a black eye
during a quarrel about a gentleman. Witness
further stated that Mrs. Maybrick had ex-
Eressed to him a repugnance toward her hus
and, and wished that she could obtain a
separation rom him.
Dr.'Humphrevs, who had also attended Mr.
Maybrick, testified that shortly before tho
patient's death he had given directions that a
few drops of solution or arsenic be adminis
tered hourly to the sick man.
The German Mining Strike-.
BEELir, June 6. Eighteen miners at Essen,
who were recently on a strike, have been sen
tenced to imprisonment for terms ranging
iMMfinntrt rI tnnntlilL for Tinting. T4lrr
.Seleel, the editor of the Valertand, a 'clerical
,1!et of Munich, has been sentenced to six
..weeks Imprisonment for-libeliag the , late
Batter and Egs Are Active and
Markets fending Upward,
Cereals Still Blnggisb, and Situation in
Buyers' Favor.
Wednesday, June 6, 1889. J
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Butter and eggs are good goods. Eggs have
advanced lc since Monday, and stock moves
out freely at the advance. The butter drift Is
also upward. A leading jobber of butter,
cheese and eggs reports active demand for all
his stock which is unusually well cleaned np.
Supplies of fruits and vegetables are light,
owing to railroad blockades. Maryland straw
berries have been blockaded in large quantity.
Potatoes, both old and new, are good stock.
The delay of trains has led to a scarcity of
tropical fruits. A B. & O. train laden with
fruits and vegetables is due, and there will be
enough to-morrow to meet all demands.
BUTTER Creamery, Elgin, 1920c; Ohio do,
1718c; fresh dairy packed, 1415c; country
rolls, 13Hc; Chartiers Creamery Co., 19c
BEANS-$1 751 DO.
Beeswax 2ts30c ftforchoice;lowgrade,
CIDER Sand refined, $6 507 50; common,
$3 501 00; crab cider, $8 00&8 50 barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c $) gallon.
Cheese New Ohio cheese, 9c: New iork,
new, 10KHc: Limhurger, 89e; domestic
Sweltzer cheese, 9i12c
California Fruits California peaches.
Si 004 50 fl box: cherries. $3 00; apricots, $1 00
f 50; plums, $1 004 50.
Dried Peas $1 zal 35 S bushel; split do,
23c W ft.
EGas-HK15c fl dozen for Strictly fresh;
goose eggs, 3uo fdozen.
Fruits Evaporated raspberries, 25e B;
cranberries, $45 p barrel, 50c?l 00 JR bushelj
strawberries, 815c ft quart; pine apples, $1 2o
1 75 fl dozen. ,
Feathers Extra live geese, 5OG0c; No. 1
do, 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c $1 ft.
Hoxey New crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13
Hominy $2 Co2 75 ?! barrel.
Potatoes I550c -B bushel: new Southern
potatoes, SI 251 50 $1 barrel.
Poultry Live chickens, 6575c per pair;
undrawn chickens, 1012o fl ft; drawn, 14
15c ft: turkeys, 15c dressed v? ft; ducks,
live, 6070c fl pair; dressed, 1314c B ft; geese;
live, $1 0Ol 2o fl pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, $5 60
f) bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts, 6 GO;
clover, AUske, $8 60; clover, white, & 00; tim
othy, choice, 15 fts, $1 65; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 fts, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 Its SI 00
orchard grass, 14 fts, $1 65; red top, 14 fts, $1 25;
millet, 50 fts, SI "00; German millet, 50 fts,
$1 50; Hungarian grass. CO fts. $1 00; lawn
grass mixture of fine grasses, $2 50 fl bushel of
14 fts.
Tallow Country. 4J5c; city rendered,
Tropicat. Fruits Lemons, fancy. $5 5043
6 00 fl box; Messina oranges, $4 505 50 f
box; Valencia oranges, fancy, $7 609 00 $
case: bananas, $3 00, firsts; $2 00, good seconds,
$ bunch: cocoanuts, $4 505 00 f) hundred;
new figs, 8K9c fl pound; dates, 5K6Kc f)
Vegetables Hadishcs, 2530o fl dozen;
marrowfat peas, $2 25 l crate: new cabbage,
tiro-barrel crates, $2503 00; Bermuda onions,
21 151 25 ? bushel: string beans, ?2 00; tomatoes,
$3 00ia'3 CO $ bushel.
Sugars have been advanced c and have lost
noue of their firmness on tbe advance.
Green Coffee Fancy KIo, 2223c; choice
Rio, 2021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18K19c;
old Government Java, 27c; Maracaibo, 2223c;
Mocha, 30K31Kc; Santos, 1922 Caracas
coffee, 20K$22c; peaberry, Rio, 21023c; La
guayra, 2122c
Boasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c;
high grades, 262Sc; old Government Java,
bulk, 32K33c; Maracaibo,27K2SKc; Santos,
2224c; peaberry, 27c; peaberry Santos, 2224c;
choice Rio, 25c; prime Rio, 23c; good Rio,
22Kc; ordinary, 21c
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c;
cassia.tS9c: pepper, 19o; nutmeg, 70SOc
Petroleum nobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio, 120, bJio: headlight, 150. bKa water
white, 10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine,
HKc; royaline. 14&
Syrups Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar
syrup, S3S8c:j)rime sugar syrup, 3033c:strict
ly prime. 333ao; hew maple syrup, 90c
K. O. Molasses Fancy, 43c; choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c:mlxed, 4042c
Soda Bl-carb in kegs. 3K4c; bi-carb in s,
6?ic; bicarb, assorted packages, 68c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearin e, per
set, 8Kc; parafiSne, U12c
Rice Head, Carolina, 77V?; choice, 6i0
7c: prime. 5J6Jc: Louisiana. 6CKc
SJARCn Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, c7c; gloss
starch. 57c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon
don layers, $3 10; California London layers,
$2 50;- Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels,
$1 85: Valencia, new. 67c; Ondara Valencia,
7K8c; sultana, 8e; currants, new,45c;
Turkey prunes, new, 45c; French prunes,
813c; Samnica prunes, in 2-fi packages, 8c:
cocoanuts, per 100, i 6 00; almonds, Lan per ft,
20c; do lYiPS,"19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.,
12K15c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12
lbc; new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts, 10c;
pecans. ll15c: 'citron, per 6. 21J22c; lemon
peel, per ft, 1314c; orange peel, 12kc
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c;
apples, evaporated, 6i6Jc: apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 15G)lsc; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated,
unpared, 10Qlc; cherries, mtted, 2122c;
cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424Kc; blackberries, 78c; huckle
berries, 10012c
Sugars Cubes, SK9c; powdered. 9K
9c; granulated, 9c;coufectloners' A. 868jjc;,
standard A. 8c: soft whites 8iKc; yellow,
choice, &SMc: yellow, good, 77Jic; yeUow,
fair. 7c: yellow, dark, 7c
Pickles Medium, bbls, (L200) $4 50; medi
ums, half bbls. (600). 22 7a.
Salt-No. If) bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex. fl bbl. SI 05;
dairy, fl bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl, $120;
Hmgtn s Eureka, 4 bu sacks, $2 80; Higgles'
Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, $3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches $1 30
1 90; 2ds, $1 801 35: extra peaches. $1 601 90:
pie peaches, XUc; finest corn, $I1 50: Hfd.
Co. corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90c81 00: Lima
beans, $1 10; soaked do, boc: string do do. 75
85c; marrowfat peas. SI lol 15; soaked peas,
7075c; pineapples, $1 401 50: Bahama do,
$2 75; damson plums, 95c; greengages. $1 25:
egg plums, $2 00; California pears, $2 50; do
greengages, $2 00; do egg plums, $2 00; extra
white cherries, $2 90; red cherries, 2 fts, 90c;
raspberries, 81 401 50; strawberries, $1 10:
gooseberries, SI 201 30; tomatoes, 8292c;
salmon, 1-ft, $1 752 10; blackberries. Sue: suc
cotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 99c: do green. 2 fts,
$1 25i 60: corn beef, 2-ft cans, SI 75: 14-B cans,
$13 50; baked beans, $1 401 45; lobster, 1 ft.
SI 751 80; mackerel, l.ft cans, broiled, $1 50:
sardines, domestic, ls, $4 151 50; sardines,
domestic, Ms, $8 258 50; sardines, imported.
Us, $1150012 50; sardines, imported, Ks,
$18 00; sardines, mustard, $4 00; sardines,
spiced, $4 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $36 fl
bbL; extra No. 1 do, mess, HO; extra NO. 1
mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
$36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4cf) ft.; do medium, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c: boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 67c Herring
Round shore, $5 00 fl bbL; split, $7 00; lake,
$2 50 fl 10O-B. half bbl. White fish. $7 00 fl 100
ft. half bbl. Lake trout, 85 50 M half bbl.
Finnan haddock, 10c f ft. Icpland halibut, 13c
ft. Pickerel, barrel, $2 00; J barrel. $1 10:
Potomac herring, $5 00 fl barrel, $2 50 fl K
Buckwheat Flour 22Jic fl ft.
OATMEAL-56 S06 60 ft bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, ES50c
fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grnin, Floor and Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at tho Grain Ex
change, 22 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and
Chicago. 2 cars of rye, 3 of bay, 8 of flour, 3 of
oats, 1 of corn, 1 of feed. By Pittsburg, Cin
cinnati and St. Louis, 1 car 'of hay. 2 Of oats,
1 of wheat. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car
ot oats, 3 of wheat, 1 of bran. There was bnt
one sale on call, viz., a car of mixed ear corn,
34c spot, P. & L. E. The bright features of
cereal markets are few. Trade is slugalsh all
along the line. Supplies are light and demand
is ditto. Minnesota spring patent flour can be
laid down in Pittsburg in carload, lots in wood
under $5 50. There is little doubt that consid
erable cutting on flour quotations is going on.
The cash bujer will find little difficulty in pro
curing flour a shade under quotations, though
jobbers are unwilling to give lower rates.
WHEAT Jobbing prices No. 2 red, 8900c;
No. 3 red, 8384c
CdRN No. 2 yellow ear, 3939Kc: high mixed
ear, 37c; No. 2 yellow, fhelled, 3737Kc; high
mixed shelled. 36K37c; mixed, shelled, 85
Oats No. 2 white, 81&32c; extra. No, S,
30U31c; No. 3 white, 29Ki0c No. 3 mixed, 27
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 6152c;
Nn. 1 Western, 4849c
Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents.
?5,505 75: spriug. patents,' (6 7546 (X): winter
-straight? $4
bakers', HWl -KyefloBr,'
S66 ?.
Millfeed Middlings, flnfe white, $15 00
15 50 fl ton; brown middlings. SU 602)12 50;
winter wheat bran, $12 2512 50; chop feed,
$15 0OQ16 00. ,
Hay Baled timothy, choice, $15 00; Na 1
do,$13 5014 00; No. 2 do,$ll 50I2 50; loose from
wagon, $16 00018 00; No. 1 npland prairie, $10 50
SU 00; No. 2, $7 5008 CO; packing do, to 50
Straw Oats, $7 50; wheat and rye straw,
$7 007 508 00. '
Sugar-cured hams, large, lOJJc; sugar-cured
hams, medium, lljc; sugar-cured hams, small,
llc, sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
oored shoulders, 7Kc; sugar-cured boneless
Bhoulders, 9c: sugar-cured California hams,
8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats. 9Kc; sugar
cured dried.beef sets. lOVc: suirar-cured dried
beef rounds, 12c: bacon shoulders, 7c: bacon
salt i
$14 60. Lard Refined in tierces, 7e; half
barrels, 7Jc; 60-ft tubs, 7c: 20 ft pails, 7Jc; 60
ft tin cans, 7Hc; 3-ft tin pails, 7c; 5-ft tin pails.
c: lu-ro.lln pans, i;c. omoKea sausase, ionir,
5c; larce, 6c Fresh"pork links, 9c Boneless
ham, 10c Pigs feet, half barrel, $3 5C; quarter
barrel, $2 00.
Dressed Illcnt.
Armour t Co. furnish the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 ft's,
5$p; 550 to 650 fts, 6ic: 650 to 750 fts, 6$c Sheep,
8cflft. Lambs, 9c fl ft. Hogs, 6Jic Fresh
pork loins, 9c
The immense destruction of lumber and saw
mills In tbe Susquehanna valley is expected by
dealers to stimulate prices here. We do not
change our yard quotations, but will, from
present outlook, be forced to do so at an early
day. The demand for dry lumber suitable for
building purposes is already fully up to sup
Ply. pine unplaned yard quotations.
Clear boards, per M $32 00S5 00
Select common boards, per M 30 00
Common boards peril 20 00
bhealhlnir , 18 00
1'lne trame lumber per M 2 00(327 00
Shingles, No. 1, ISin. peril 800
bhlngles, iJo. 2, 181n. per M 375
Latbj...?. .7. 300
Clear boards, per SC. , $ 0000
Surface boards SO 0033 00
Clear, X-lnch beaded ceiling 8 00
Partition boards, perM 35 00
Flooring, No.l., SO 00
Flooring, No. 2 25 00
Yellow pine flooriUg 30 004O0O
Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 1..., SO 03
Weather-boarding, moulded, No. 2.... 25 00
Weather-boardine, ,-lnch a) 00
HAttD woods yard quotations.
Ash, 1 to 4 In ?30 0Oa40 00
Mack walnut, green, log run..... 45 00(350 00
111 ck walnut, dry, log run 60 0GW5 00
Cherry 65 0&375M
Green white oak plank, 2to41n 20 00(325 00
Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 in. .......... 22 0025 00
Dry white oak boards, lln 20 0025 00
West Va. yellow pine, 1 inch 20 C025 00
WestVa. yellow pine, lji'lnch 25 00'S0a
West Va. yellow poplar, fttolln 25 00(330 00
Hickory, lto3fn....... 13 0025 00
Hemlock building lumber, perM 13 00
Bank rails . 14 00
Boat stnddlnir HO0
Coalcarplant... 20 00
Ash .,, $23 00(33.5 00
Walnut logrun.green. ....... i 45 0fl50o0
Walnut log run. dry , J.... 35 03ia.-)OoO
White oak plank, ereen 17 0033) 00
White oan plank, hy IS 00325 00
White oak Hoards, dry. 18 0OJK3 00
West Va. yellow pfhe. lln 18 0020 00
WestVa. yellow pine, 1W in 19 00222 00
Yellow poplar... .....V...7. 20 0030 00
Hickory, 1 to 3 iu lSOOgr.O)
Hemlock... . 105012 50
Hank rails ; 14 00
Boat studding. 14 00
Coal car plant. MOO
He Wants to Rednce Sunday Work In tbe
Postnl Department.
Washington, June 5. Postmaster General
Wanamaker has sent the following circular
letter to the postmasters of 100 of tbe largest
postofBces throughout the country:
With the view of ascertaining the relative
importance of the receipt and dispatch of mails
at postnfflces and the delivery therefrom to
the public on Sunday, as compared with tho
same on other days of the week, and in order
to reduce the work on that dy, if it shall be
found to be practicable and proper, I will
thank you to carefully collect information' on
the following points as to applied to Sundays
in tho coming month of June and make report
thereon in detail to me. to wit:
First The amount of postage stamps, postal
cards, newspaper wrappers, etc, sold at your
office on each Sunday in June.
Second The numbers of callers at your posti
office in each Sunday in June. . '
Third The number of mails dispatched. and
received on each Sunday in. June anu the
approximate extent of such mails. ,'
Fourth The number of letter carrier collec
tions, tbe approximate extent of the mail mat
ter collected and the hours awhich the sev
eral collections were made.
Fifth The number of employes on duty each
Sunday and the hours of service of each.
I shall also esteem.it a. favor if you will sub
mit to me. With these, replies, any suggestions
which may occur to j'ou after careful thought
as to the means and the mode of reducing Sun
day work in postofflces.
The information received by this letter will
be laid before the Postmaster General for bis
consideration. Any action that may be deemed
advisable will be announced in order. Mr.
Wanamaker is not certain that any modifica
tion should be made in tho'present system.
Il Will be a Week Before It Is Open For
Philadelphia, June 5. Although the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company had hoped to
get the temporary route between Harrisburg
and Altoona In running order by this afternoon,
the bridge at Montgomery, which is needed to
complete the route, is far from finished. Tbe
water Is still very high at that point, and work
has, there tore, been necessarily slow, but as
the gangs of men under the charge of Vice
President Thomson arc now in a position to
work more rapidly, it Is thought the bridge
will be fixed up sufficiently to permit of tne
running of trains over it by to-morrow after
noon. West of Altoona tbe progress on the re
pairs to tho line are also reported to be pro
gressing more slowly than had been pxpectcd.
Conservative estimates are to the effect that
five dars will yet be required to make the route
from Altoona to Pittsburg good. The slow
r gress is due In great part to tbe rain which
las fallen almost constantly since Sunday, but
which has now ceased. The supplies for the
destitute people at Williamsport will reach
there to-day. Tho mails delayed at Altoona,
which were started from Ebcnsburgby wagon
yesterday, reached BlalrsviHe at 3 o'clock this
morning, and were sent by rail to Pittsburg, ar
riving at the latter place at 7 A. m.
The Famous Mary Frazier Destroyed While
Adrift at Sea.
Boston, June 6. News has just reached
this port that the whaling bark Mary Frazier,
of Edgartown, which acquirecVnational reputa
tion on account of its seizure by thePortuguese
Government, wasburned at sea on the morning
of May 28, In order to remove her from tbe
track of other vessels. The bark was drifting in
mid-ocean, having drifted from its anchorage
at Fayal.
It is probable that the crew abandoned the
bark, for everything of value had been re
moved. Tbe derelict was discovered by Captain
Evans, of the British steamer Peconic, and it
was be who gave orders to burn the vessel,
knowing that the hnlk would be a dangerous
obstruction to naviiration.
Arrive From Altoonn, bnt tbe Service Is
Still in a Crippled Slate.
Superintendent of Mails Collins stated yes
terday that the letter mall thatchad been de
tained by the flood at Altoona had been re
ceived. It was started from Altoona early
Tuesday morning ir train to Ebensbnrg, from
whence it was hauled by wagon to Nineveh,
and got hero at noon yesterday. Tbe paper
mail did not come, but will in a day or two.
Mail Is now being received from and sent to all
points, except the territory between South
Fork and Huntingdon, and between Tyrone
and Lock Haven. When mall communication
will be secured in those districts it is impossi
ble to telh
Mail to Johnstown Is sent ont promptly over
the Baltimore and Ohio road, and distributed
from the temporary postofflce there.
Her Fnlber Recovering Nicely.
Mrs. Gardner, of Scotland, a daughter of Mr.
William Simple, of Allegheny, arrived at her
old home yesterday morning on a visit to her
father, who is recovering nicely from the ill
ness, or rather indisposition, that has for some
time kept him more or less confined. Mrs,
Gardner was detained en route In New York,
by reason or the crippled condition of tbe rail
roads, and had tocomo to this city via Wash
ington. She was accompanied from New York
by her brother. ,
''PLAIT'S 'Chlorides. 'aWe- dmnfeeteht.
;j ,-r- it u -i- , r.j -dz.s &
Leading Features of Trado at the
East Liberty Yards.
Cattle Beceipts LightPrices Steady
Slieep and Hogs
Ojtice op-PiTTSBtmo DisPATcrr, I
Wednesday. June 5. 1880.
It seems impossible to find any depart
ment of trade which is not more or less af
fected by the Conemaugh disaster. East
Liberty stockmen have had many of their
calculations npset by the great calamity.
On Monday, in the early part of the day,
markets were thoroughly demoralized. The
fact that through cattle could not bo shipped
eastward by tne Pennsylvania Kailroad was
worked up by buyers for all that was in It It
was thought for a few hours Monday morning
that the through cattle would be thrown on to
our local market, and the result was that the
bottomdropped out of trade for a time. Bujers
thoneht they could dictate terms.
About noon Monday, however, word
reached the yards that a new
route had been opened via Erie and Buffalo,
and at onco there was a favorable change in
markets, and holders became firmer In i their
views. Local f eceiots consisted of CO carloads.
This being below the average, demand was
sufficient to hold prices np to those of last
week. . . ,, .
Said a leading stockman: "Our local trade
demands abont the number we received this
week, and there is no trouble handling that
number of cattle. The capacity of our home
market is about 60 caraaweek and when this
amount of stock is sent us of of the kind suit
able to our trade we can easily handle it. Our
markets no longer call for heavy cattle." Nice
tidy beeves weighing from 1,000 to 1,200 pounds
are the kind mostly wanted by our local trade.
There Is no margin left in the line of heavy ex
port cattle, and shippers of this class of stock
would do well to give East Liberty tho go-by.
For the grades wanted in this market
prices are fully np to last week.
Sheep nnd Lambs.
As the bulk of stock In this line which comes
to Liberty changes hands for Eastern markets,
it will be readily seen that trade would be slow
by reason of the difficulties in the way of ship
ment. Buyers from the East could not get here if
they had wanted to, and if they had been here,
would not have bought, because of difficulty
and extra expense of shipping, caused by
floods. For this reason prices are oft from 25d
to 40c Our loss has been Buffalo's gain. As
stock went promptly through by the Northern
route, many of Pittsburg's Eastern customers
obtained their supplies from that source. A
leading dealer said to-day: "We have no market
for sheep, and will not have until communica
tion is again opened with the east. Ills hardly
fair to give quotations, as our marketshere this
week are exceptional and furnish no just cri
terion to values." Nice tidy yearlings from 60
to 75 pounds here, are not in over supply. The
same 13 true of lambs from 45 to 65 pounds.
Both are in 'active demand and find ready
What Is true of the sheep market is largely
true of hogs.
The bulk of hog3 that came to the Liberty
yards are bought for the eastern trade.
This being virtually suspended this week,
there is really no quotable market here.
In a word, the hog and sheep market Is de
moralized, because the great calamity has
closed up the ordinary outlets of trade.
Br Telecraph.
New Yobk Beeves Receipts, 2.000 head,
including 71 carloads for the market and 37 car
loads for exportation; the market was weaker,
and good cattle were 10 to 15c higher per 100
pounds; native steers sold at $1 001 85 perlCO
pounds; a carload of Texas steers at f3 97Ji;
bulls and dry cows at S2 003 35; a few choice
at$3 603 7o; exports, 2,200 quarters of beef.
To-day's Liverpool cable quotes American re
frigerator bcerdown to 7?ic per pound and dull.
Calves Receipts, 8,850 head; market steadvat
SI 006 00 per 100 pound for veals and at $2 75
3 TSlor, Buttermilk. caVveagbeep-Receipts,
7100 head; market weaker for both sheep and
Iambs: sheep sold at $3 a5 50 per 100 pounds:
a few yearlings at S3 b06 00. and spring lambs
at $8 0009 50. Hogs Receipts, 0,200 vhead;
nothing doing.
CmCAGO The JJroeri Journal reports
Cattle Kecelnts, 15,000 head; shipments, 5,000
head:marketirregular;beeves,$4 101 65: steers,
J3 65430: stockers and feeders, S2 5O3 40;
cows, bulls and mixed, Jl 803 30: Texas,
HE0. Hogs Receipts. 19,000 head; shipments,
6 000 bead: market slow and 5c lower: mixed.
$1 25445: heavy, S4 20-! 45; light, 304 55;
kips S3 504 15. Sheep Receipts, 8,000 head;
shipments, 2,000 head: market slow and 10c
lower; natives, S3 504 75: Western shorn. S3 75
m 70: Texas shorn, S34 40; lambs, $2 503
per head.
ST. Lotis Cattle Receipts. 4,200 head; ship
ments, 1,700 head; active and stronger! choice
heavy native steers, S3 9004 40; fair to good do.,
S3 2031 00; stockers and feeders. $2 10
3 15: rangers, corn-fed, S2 8033 70; grass-fed.
$2 003 15. Hogs Receipts, 3,500 head; shlp
ments,l,400bead; market stronger; choice heavy
and butchers', J4 S04 40: packing, S4 2004 So;
light, $4 SO4 45. Sheep Receipts, 2,000 head;
shipments, 4,000 head; steady; fair to choice,
3 003150.
A Prominent Brooklyn Physician Charged
With the Terrible Crime.
New Yoek, June 5. Mrs. Jessie TJownie
died to-day in the Brooklyn Hospital of injuries
said to have been inflicted by her husband. Dr.
James Uownic, who is under arrest. On Sat
urday, as it is alleged. Dr. Downie knocked his
wife down and kicked her on the head and
body. She remained at a friend's house nntil
Monday when sbe was removed to the hospital.
Three years ago when Dr. Downie was prac
ticing in Glasgow, Scotland, he eloped
with the wbman, who was the wife of James
Duffy, and came with her and her two chil
dren to this country. He says that soon after
their arrival Mrs. Duffy obtained a divorce and
they were married by a German minister In
this city.
The Supreme Court nt Buffalo Offers a Plea.
For Oppressed Ireland,
Buffaio, Juno 5. The general term of the
Supreme Court this afternoon, just before ad
journment, did a most unusual thing. Justices
Barker, Macomber and Dwight signed, In their
official capacity, an address to Premier Glad
stone, of England, in which sympathy was ex
pressed for borne rule in Ireland.
Exile John McBride, who Is not a lawyer,
presented the documents to the judge', and
they graciously listened to him, regardless of
bis lack of qualifications to address tbem. Su-
Sretne Judges Charles Daniels and Henry
hilds, though not sitting in general term,
subsequently signed the memorial.
SUED BIS 602f.
William aioyte Charges TVm. B. Sfoyle
With Embezzling 84,000.
Wm. Moyle, the furniture dealer of Alle
gheny, made an information yesterday against
bis son, Wm. B. Moyle, before Alderman Mo
Masters. He charged his son with embezzle
ment and alleges be has appropriated to hl3
own use HCOO belonging to tbe prosecutor. The
defendant operates a branch store in Taren
tum. The same charge has been twice brought
against him before, but was withdrawn on the
defendant's promise to straighten the matter
ont. Failing to do so after promising, tbe
father now brings tbe suit again. The defend
ant has not yet been arrested.
The Fourteenth Ward Mass Sleeting-.
Tbe Executive Committee of the Fourteenth
ward Prohibitionists have made arrangements
for a mass meetjng in the Soho School Hall
this evening. T. Edward Murphy is to address
it. Tbe Welsh choir and Band of Hope, under
tbe leadership of Thomas Hughes, will conduct
the singing.
All first-class bars can supply the cele
brated Frauenhelm & Vilsack Pilsner beer
to their customers. Ttssu
A. nurelv Vegetable
LComsonnd that excels
all bad humors from the
leystea. Removes Match
es aaa pimpies, ana
Bases pure, rresBteoo.
!ia ... t I 5sri;
t ..rcrr. ..
Blood Mr.
He Indlananlly Marches Ont of the Co art
Room I.esul New of Yolcrday.
Tbe suit of John McClelland against J. D.
Rishcr, for damages received by a fall from a
coal tipple, is on trial before Judge Collier.
During the progress of the case, Colonel W.
D.Moore, attorney for the plaintiff, offered
some testimony which was objected to by J. S.
Ferguson, attorney for the defendant. Judge
Collier sustained the objection, whereat
Colonel Moore became very Indignant. He
jumped to his feet and protested against tbe
ruling of the Court. He said: "We have some
objections to the decision of the Court," and
Sroceeded to object. He was requested by
udge Collier to sit down, but said he would do
no such thing, and seizing bis bat and coat he
rushed from tbe court room. Mr. McGirr, his
partner, continued in his place on the case.
To-Dny'a Trial Lists.
Common Pleas No. 1 -Clements v Philadelphia
Company; Coogban et al vs Chartiers borough (2):
Brerlretal vsTlntsman: Uavis vs Hlcaerl: Lip
pert v Herold: Smith vs P. 4 W. K. B. Co.; Keif.
Jr., vs Acme Tanning Company: Golden vs
McLaughlin: Mitchell et al vs Jerome: Sunsteln vs
Kohlraan; Kcrcnson vs Calvin: Campbell vs Scott
township: Hodze et al vs Wilson: Wilson vs
Hodso etalV Reinemanvs Crawford: Marrtner
vs Crawford : Henfc vs Henk. Jr. : Ollcher et ux VI
Ureitbole: Paxon et nx vs Mlllvale borough.
Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Oeorge
Shields, ueorge Koberts. Stephen Stosciket aL
Martin Patterson. Arthur Sullivan (2), John An
derson, James Callahan. Louis Abetx, alias Wag
ner: Joseph Ellev. John McCarthy, Charles K.
Ulbson. Peter Strambcr er. Cheeks Clark, Mike
Dickson, Thomas McCarthy.
Leant Tender.
Christian Lins1 yesterday sued for a di
vorce from his wife, Rosina Linn, alleging Infi
delity. The jury is out In tho case of Stephen
Sloecick and Joseph Szapka, tried for the
larceny of 133 from Paul Stark.
Ax application was filed yesterday for a char
ter for the Junior Assembly of the Iron Ring
of America, to be located In Alleghe ny.
In tbe suit of Joseph G. Evans against
Booth & Flinn for damages for a leg Droken by
a curbstone falling on him, a verdict was given
yesterday for the plaintiff for 5200.
The will of John Leech, of Mifflin township'
was filed yesterday for probate. Among the
requests is one of $200. the interest on which is
to be applied In paying tbe salary of the minis
ter of the U. P. Church of Mifflin township.
The suit of the Commonwealth by "V. a
Kirkpatrick. Attorney General, against the
McKeesport and Bellevernon Railroad Com
pany, is on trial before Judge Ewing. The suit
is for damages for the taking of a public road
by the railroad company,
A heabino was had in the United States
Court, yesterday, in the habeas corpus proceed
ings to secure tbe release of Edwin Konald,
who had enlisted in the United IStates Army.
The proceedings were instituted by his brother,
Fred L. Konald, who held that he should be
discharged, as he was under IS years of age.
The Court remanded Konald to the care of the
recruiting officer, stating that tbe reasons werd
not sufficient to warrant bis discharge from the
army. '
In the Criminal Court yesterday Charles A.
Tarrand Thomas Sailor pleaded guilty to tbe
larceny of some lumber from George L. "Wal
ter's lumber yard in Sharpsbnrg. Tarr was
sentenced three years to the workhonse, and
Sailor was held over. Galbraith Wilson was
acquitted of the charges of burglary and enter
ing a building with intent to commit a felony.
Edward Baltz was acquitted of tbe charge of
the larceny of 200 pounds of lead from Markus
Sherman, a junk dealer. Louis Albetz, abas
Wagner, pleaded guilty to a charge of bigamy
preferred by Charles Sellenbach. He was sen
tenced one year to the penitentiary.
The grand jury yesterday returned the fol
lowing tme bills: William Smith, James
Burns. Mike Dickson, burglary; James Frew,
John Gets, alias Kreuse, larceny and receiving
stolen goous; Cheeks-Clark, larceny from tbe
fierson; Thomas McCarthy, attempt to commit
arceny: James Gray, George Shields, entering
a building with intent to commit a felony;
George D. Roach, embezzlement; Henry Bills,
selling liquor without license and on Sunday:
William Smith, James Burns, felonious assault
and battery; George Cunverney, Lv Sing, ag
gravated assault and battery; George Cun
verney, indecent assault
I am satisfied tnat Cancer is Hereditary in my
family. My father died of it, a sister ot my
mother died of it, and my own sister died of It
My feelings may be imagined, then, when (he
horrible disease made its appearance op. my
side. It was a malignant Cancer, eating in
wardly In such a way that it could jsot be cut
out. Numerous remedies were used for it, but
the Cancer grew steadily worse, until itseemed
that I was doomed to follow tbe others of the
family. I took Swift's Specific, which, from
the first day, forced out the poison and con
tinued its use until I had taken several bottles,
when I found myself welL 1 know that S. S. S.
cured me. Mas. S. M. Idol.
WraSTOjj, N. C. Nov. 28, '88.
Send for Book on Cancer andlood Diseases.
The Swot Specific Co.,.Drawer 3, Atlanta,
From a Polypus Tumor.
Mrs. Carrie A. Barker.reslding at No. 16 Pine
alley, Allegheny, has experienced untold suf
fering for two years,, from a tumor, or poly
pus, located in her nose. It gradually In
creased in size until it almost entirely filled
the cavity of the nose. On account of the
irritated stuffed up condition, rendering ita
most Impossible for ber to breathe through her
mouth, she could not sleep nights, neither
could sbe get any rest during the day. Her
eyes became very weak, and she suffered great
pain about her eyes and bead. While speak
ing of the matter one day, a kind friend advis
ed her to call upon tbe physicians of
the Polypathic Medical and Surgical
Institute, who make a specialty of her
disease. She did so and her own words will
best express the result: "This is to certify that
the polypus that has caused me so much suf
fering for the past two years has been success
' fully removed by the physicians of the Poly
pathic Surgical institute, 420 Penn avenue, I
hereby sign my name.
They also treat successfully all forms of skin
and blood diseases.
They give special attention to diseases of the
kidneysind bladder.
AH suffering from kidney or urinary
diseases are cordially Invited to call and con
sult these specialists, and bring a specimen of
urine with them, which will be given a free
microscopical and chemical analysis.
The doctors also treat successfully all forms
of skin and blood diseases, clubfoot, tu
mors, hernia or rupture, ulcers, varicose
veins, hemorrhoids or piles, hare lip and other
deformities. Office hours, 10 to 1130 a. at 1 to
4 and 6 to 8 P. M. Sundays, 1 to 4 p. si. Con
sultation free. Treatment also by correspond
ence. jeS.D
Why toll and. slave forever P Life
vras meant for Uvinsr, not eternal
slaving. Cease this weary drudg
ery. SOAPONA ddes your work
itself, and neither injures hand nor
fanric Then why do it yon P lis
nonsense, very nonsense. Awake,
Ladies, Awake I Tour health and
life are at stake. Use SOA70KA
everywhere. It cleans like magic..
R.W. BELL MF6. CO., Buffalo, N.Y,
city savings,bane;
Capitol, JlOHoeo, with privilege of J30,00a
Surplus and undivided profits, 281600.
Transacts a General Banking Business. Ac
counts SwHelted. CoIloftieBS a Specialty.
Intefest allowed on time depeeHs,
JAS. CAIjliBHir,........4.,.........PreflTcIest
W;j,B9li$3..... VIee President
JOHN W..TAYA.UK , ...vasfiier
"What the late Henry "Ward Beecher said
abont newspapers and doctors: "I am glad
that the doctor cured him. I am glad the
doctor put it into the paper that he cured
him, and if any doctor is certain that he can
cure such diseases and does not put it into
tt papers, I am very sorry. "What a pity
it would have beeir had this doctor come to
town, with his wealth of science and experi
ence, and gone away leaving him nnonredt
"What a pity it wonld have been if he had
been so prejudiced against advertising as to
read the responsible certificates of the doc
tor and give him the go-by as a quackl
What are the newspapers for if not to circu
late valuable information? "What more val
uable information can a newspaper give
than to tell a sick: man where he can ha
cared? If a man has devoted his life to the
study of a special class of diseases the ne
cessity of saying so becomes all the mora
pressing. His duty to advertise becomes
ilany well-known citizens of this and
other cities testify to Dr. "Woods genius
and remarkable success. Hen and women
whose lives had been for years miserable
from disease that Was pronounced incurable
have been restored to health bv Dr. "Woods.
So numerous and so trustworthy are his n(' , S
erences and indorsements, so remarkable
and permanent are the cores he has effected
oy ills supenur s&jii auu auxin j, auu k vuu-
tinnons his success that he stands promi
nently forth as a physician tthomaybe
consulted with the utmost confidence that
his treatment will cure even the most des-. ,
perate cases.
Dr. Woods advises with all who call free
of charge. Examinations are also free to -.
those who desire treatment. Cases which -
require, medicine ouly are treated success-. ,.
fully by correspondence. Send 4 cents in a
stamps for question list. All commnnica- ff
tions sacredly confidential. All medicines jtf
furnished (withont extra charge), thus irS (
suring their being genuine and properly.,
prepared. ',
Db. E. A. Woods, Hotel Albemable,- -' -
Penk Avestje and Sixth Steeet, -
Office hours, 10 a. m. to 12 jl, 2 to 5 and 1
to 8 P. Ji. je5
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this weekla
For largest assortment and lowest prices caU'
On mortgaces on improved real esw8 aa-
of 11,000 and upward. Applv at
mh4&.r No. 121 Fourth aveuu,. .
The Great English Complexion SOAP.
0! all MitffQ, but teware ol imitations.
Issne travelers' credits through Messrs. DrexeL
.Morgan & Co., New Yort. Passports procured.
614-515 Hamilton Bunding.
mylO-TO-D Plttsbnr?; Pa.
Members Chicago (Board of Trade and.
Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange.
45 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg.
As old residents know and back flies of Pitts
burg papers prove. Is the oldest established ana
most prominent physician In the city, devoting,
special attention to all chronic diseases. Front
MCDfll 10 and mental diseases, physical
IMLn V UUO decay.nervousdebility.laclcof
energy, ambition and hope. Impaired mem
cry, disordered sight, self-distrust, bashfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, filling powers, organic wealc
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un-
flttlnc tfcnneninn f or tralnp- ftneletv and mar
Ml UUUUo ill BU 1U1W, !
nutra narmtnanv Bsf.tv anil TiHTn.tlv ftnrAfL 93
n. rfr un rtll.l Hia.A In All 9
DLUUU AINU OMIN stages. eruption,
blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of ton ear, mouth, throat .
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the systes. J
IIUIM AUV Kiuney ana uuuiuer uenago
U II I IN M II T I ments. weat back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges. Inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whlttler's life-long, extensive experience
Insures scientiiic and reliable treatment oa
rnmmnn.sffnA nrlnclnles. Consultation free.
Pationu at a. distance as carefnllv treated as it.
h. re. Office i hours a. Jt, to !r k. Suudjy.
1U A. JL. lO X JT. A. UU1T. Wit. . ..A..., WM ,
Penn avenue. Pittsburg. Pa. ap3lt?DsuWK
A c I II." 1j H UTD from errors ofi
J. O J V X? -fJLi. liJLV youth, witting
weakness, lost vlor. etc., was res;ored to nealtafc
In such a remarkable manner after all else hMtL
failed that he will send the mode of core VKEE to
slLfeliow snizerers. auuxcs uvkHuuiuiij
.East Haaaam, vonn. m;,i..uBnx
Tor LOST or FslUng.
m An uuuu, j errous-
" ness. weakness
Body & Mind, lack of Strength, Vigor and.D
Telopment caused bv Errors, Excesses, 4c Bor
mode of BiLMTBEATJUirT. and Proofs mar
(sealed) free. Address KK1K MEDICAL iC
ilollalo. N. Y. deO-57-TTS.sV?
Formes! Che:ks the worst cases' in'
days, asd. cares in five days; Price jroa.
. jftMsVrrssa ', Aa Market sti