Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 06, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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ErBot AmEricen Navel,
The Only EirlQtOvErlQQk
Will beTiubllshed In COMPLETE form in
The Pittstiurg Dispotch
Of Sunday next. June 9.
Vol. , So. lis. EntereCatPlttsbnrgPostoace,
J ovember It, I8S as second-class matter.
Business Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue.
News Booms and Publishing' House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street
Average net cit eolation of the daily cili
tlon of Tbe Dispatch for six month ending
June 1, 1SS9.
Copies per Issue.
Average net circulation of the Sunday edi
tion of Tbe Dlipntcli for Slay, 1SS9,
Copies per Uaue.
XUTLT DISPATCH. One Year. t S 00
Daily Dispatch, Per Quarter. 2 0
Daily Dispatch, One .Month "
Daily Dispatch, Including bunday, one
year WOO
Daily DisrATCH, including bunday, per
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Daily Dispatch, including bandar, one
BrM)AY Dispatch, oneycar. S50
Weekly Dispatch, one year 115
Tbf DAiLTDisrATCH Is delivered by carriers at
at 20 cents per week.
The work of restoration and relief at
Johnstown seems to he going steadily for
ward. That is the leading feature of the
news which was received yesterday; and
while there is still an immense amount of
work to be done, its steady progress and the
report that no more laborers are needed,
carry the inference that the -workers have
got the npper hand, and that it is now bnt a
qnestion of time until the homeless are
clothed and housed, the dead buried and
the ruins cleared away.
The most urgent work now, and that for
which the present forces seem most likely to
prove inadequate is that of removing the
danger of pollution from the streams. The
public has been duly warned of the necessity
of caution in using river water; but no ex
pense or labor should be spared in restoring
the streams to a safe condition.
Following the most pressing work is that
of fixing the responsibility for the calamity.
This was commenced yesterday by a "West
moreland county coroner's jury, and it will
doubtless be taken up by other tribunals
until the matter has received a lull "aTd-JS7 ,
dieial investigation.
A good many very interesting produc
tions in the wayof illustrations, diagrams
und maps of lje Johnstown disaster were
necessarilEvoked by the haste with which
yurnalVAttempted to give the public an
jteTorthat terrible calamity. The map
hich the New York Herald publishes con
cerning the storm is a very good example of
tlTe curious production which hasty attempts
to portray the topography and course of the
storm necessitated. More time and care
were evidently spent -on- the Herald's map
than on a good many other illustrations of
the disaster, and yet it contains some very
peculiar features.
From this map it would be understood
.that the storm included a cataclysm that
threw up a range of mountains in what has
heretofore been a notably champaign coun
try, for the map displays a range of well
defined hills all the way along the shore of
lake Erie from Buffalo to south of Cleve
land and Sandusky, where the oldest, in
habitant has heretofore failed to discover
elevated ground equal to the Fifth avenue
tump. The Herald's map contains large
black squares which in tbe foot note are
stated to "indicate the line of the passage
of the storm and where- the damage was
chiefly done." As such squares are located
by the map, both at Cleveland and Pitts
burg, where the storm was a peculiarly
mild and soothing one, it indicates the
manner in which such illustration partakes
rather of tbe lingo of the cartographer, than
of the exact report of the event Lots of
illustrations, like a good many other fea
tures of theTeports of the disaster, have to
be taken with a grain of salt.
The information that Mr. Collis jj. Hunt
ington has paid 5430,000 for a small lot on
upper Fifth avenue, in NewTork, on which
he will build a mill:on-dollar residence, is
one of the items which the newspapers of
that city are enjoying. Residences costing
atnillion and a half for American citizens
afford a rather strong contrast to the circum
stances of the common people undir the best
circumstances. But when the corporation
king who indulges in that ostentation has
secured the wealth far it "rom money loaned
,br the Govcrrsmcrt, w!.'eh he refuses to re
pay? tbe matter n-sr-3PS i Mill more un
pleasant aspect, yir. Ettntiagtoi's "mil
Jion-ahd-a-half palace," as an aatairing
New York; coterupc-ary calls it, will do
m'ore'in-the way of making Socialists than
Mott'could in a lifetime.
Discussion of responsibility for the ap
palling affair at Johnstown is precipitated
by direct charges in the New York un that
the dart was such as should not Lave been
depended upon, and that the provisions for
overflowwere of that inadequate character
which onghfto Tiave commanded the notice
of prudent people. .Before deciding upon
this inevitable question intelligently. The
DrSPAtCH'has, thought and still thinks,
the evidence should be formally gathered.
To impute responsibility for the most dread
ful calamity of modern times obviously calls
for at least as thorough an understanding
as may be had of the causes, ana of the ex
tent to which they might have been foreseen,-it
that were in any degree possible.
Now, however, that the matter is up, a few
obvious suggestions merit notice.
That the dam was insufficient is so tefrlbly
demonstrated that merely to mention thefact
mav look like cheap -wisdom alter the proof.
i,2Ievertheless, it will not. do to' dismiss tht
jquehtion'on the ground that fcbat happened
was snloreseen, . J-at issue in me case-is
W$ m$mm
whether it should not have been foreseen,
not necessarily as a sure occurrence, but
even as a remote possibility. This is prob
ably not the rule of law, which may call for
no more than ordinary care and prudence
in fixinc the measure of legal liability.
But the le?al liability is the smallest conT
sideration in the case, and the tribunal
whose ruling is involved in this matter is
higher even than the courts of law. For
this very reason, however, the public will
patiently await the careful gathering of the
facts before forming its judgment
Terrible though the catastrophe has been,
seeming, indeed, to involve all possible
horrors that even imagination might sug
gest it would add a new shock to
believe that human negligence was a
prime factor in the case. Before the
phenomena of nature, the unlooked-for and
undreamed-of extraordinary dispensations
of Providence, publics opinion, bowever
aghast, can ever but submissively bow.
But in these days, when science is so quick
in its observation and material resources
are so abundant, the measure of public
expectation from both is rightly both confi
dent and exacting wherever the safety of
life is concerned. So must it continue to
Thus far the bulk of the statements seems
to point to the belief that no suspicion was
entertained of the insufficiency of the dam
by the experts who were familiar with it;
and that the rain-fall was unprecedented
and beyond range of thought or expectation.
But if the facts as intimated by some of the .
newspaper correspondents on the ground be
otherwise if in truth whatever they be it
is due all around that they should come out.
The public will sincerely hope that the
charges conveyed by our New York cotem
porary may be met and disproved. That an
official inquiry of some sort is necessary is,
however, now very evident
"Whatever the trnth is let it be established.
Among other matters which the State ad
ministration has possibly taken into consid
eration, but has not shown any signs of
acting upon, is that of calling an extra
session of the Legislature. Yet it is beyond
question that there is some important matter
for the Legislature to take into considera
tion, in connection with the disaster.
The question of State aid for the sufferers
by the floods is perhaps an open one. Yet
when the whole country is pouring in its
voluntary contribution the wealthy State of
Pennsylvania might possibly conclude that
it is well to do something for the relief of
its own sufferers. But outside of that there
is work of the utmost importance for the
Legislature to do in the way of appropria
tions for sanitary work.
The State Board of Health should be able
to do a work of priceless value by securing
prompt purification of the streams and thor
ough precautions against the spread of an
epidemic that is likely to follow such a
flood. But the work that should be done
costs money, and the Board ot Health has
little or none. Its appropriation of $5,000
is a petty one in the best of times, and whe.
an occasion of this sort' arises it is nothing
in comparison with what is needed.
A State administration that was capable
of rising to the occasion would have had tbe
Legislature ronvened by this time with a
message stating the dSb1 of sanitary and re
lief appropriations. OwvLegislature may
notbeery brilliant booyrtPUt il would
JiST: sense enough to do what i3HeC8Sarx
in view of this disaster.
The action of the State Board of Pardons
in commuting the sentence of Johnson, who
was convicted of the murder of Mr. Sharp
less, near Philadelphia, reveals a rather
novel view of the functions of that board.
The board state that, while they are not
convinced of Johnson's innocence, yet they
are not satisfied beyond a doubt that he is
guilty. Therefore they deem it best to com
mute his sentence to imprisonment for life
in the hope that if any further evidence
should be disclosed establishing his inno
cence fully, he can receive a full pardon.
"What the board would do if new evidence
should be discovered establishing his guilt
beyond a doubt.it does not undertake to say.
This seems to indicate an idea on the part
of the Board that it is its duty to try over
again cases which have already been tried
and on which verdicts have been rendered
by the regularly constituted "courts. It was
the business of the court which tried John
son to determine whether his guilt was es
tablished beyond a reasonable doubt. The
verdict was to the effect that it had been so
established; and while a good many people
dissent from that verdict perhaps without
sufficient knowledge of the case to make
their opinion of great value, it is certainly
a question of decided importance whether
it is the duty ot the Pardon Board to try
the case over again and to require the pro
ductions before it of convincing proof of the
guilt of the man convicted.
That theory would make it necessary to
try all murder cases over twice, and to
erect a Pardon Board into a court of re
view or rather a second tribunal for the trial
of capital cases. Of course the discovery of
new evidence, or the statement that mitigat
ing circumstances call for action by the
BoaA are-just grounds for its action; but it
is a new legal theory for the Board to re
selve itself intd a criminal court, and require
capital cases to be tried twice.
Some perception of thetrreat necessity for
a reform in the. methods of our courts which
shall secure a prompter disposition of cases
bronghtbefore them .is shown by the fact
that a member of the bar who is also a
member of the Illinois Legislature, had a
bill pending in that body providing for the
prompter trial of certain classes of cases.
The bill provided for what is called "a
short cause calendar." In brief it contem
plated taat cases which Would not take over
sa hour's time of the court, should bo
placed on a special calendar by themselves,
sad th-t at least one day in each' week
should be devoted to the disposition of such
Such a reform as this would certainly
provide a prompter disposition of what are
probably the less important cases "before the
court; but-it would be only a moderate mit
igation of the great trouble. The real thing
that is needed is such a reform and aboli
tion of the delays or the law, and of'the
plentitude of unnecessary forms, that xases
which may involve a much longer tame in
trial, shall be disposed of more promptly.
"We should have some means of arriving at
the justice and trnth involved in each case
so that it would be impossible for a cause
like that or" Myra Clark Gaines to stretch
over a term of 60 or 70 years and to out-live
both plaintiff and defendants. Tbe tedious
and unnecessarily slow proceedings of such
a case as the Stewart will case which hast
now been in course of hearing before a
Master lor some years.should be so reformed
as to be impossible
The fact is, thai'there is now a great deal'
of delay and TJTolongatloli of certain cases
which resuit'to-inc-prontoi me lawyers ana
masters at the cost of lifigants'anathe genj.
-eral public. It may be wclFensugh to give
a certain common class of cases a prompt
hearing, but it ismuch more important to
adopt such a mode of procedurc-that all
cases can be promptly disposed of without
loitering over unnecessary forms and
The report that Hippolyte has routed the
forces of Legitime and captured Port-au-Prince
perhaps explains the withdrawal of
the Haytian Commission appointments. It
may be well to know what government a
commission is going to negotiate with, before
appointing it
The irony of fate was never more bitterly
set forth than in an interview on -the base
ball situation with Glasscock, of the
Indianapolis team. That authority accounts
for Pittsburg's poor standing in the inter
national record "by the fact that "they have
no pitchers." "When we recall the time
when the Pittsburg-managers used toliire a
new pitcher after every adverse event upon
the diamond, to be told now that they have
no pitchers is equivalent to saying that the
glory is departed from their house.
Possibly the people of Pennsylvania
will reflect about the time of the next State
election, that executive officials selected to
obey the directions of a special political
organization, are not likely to rise to the
height of a great emergency.
Upos- the fact that Beverly Tucker,
while his appointment as a Haytian Com
missioner was pending, ordered a half a
dozen new flannel suits, a Washington cor
respondent bases the prediction that Mr.
Blaine will yet succeed in landing his
democratic friend in some warm climate.
The prediction is safe enough -with the
qualification that if Mr. Blaine does not
succeed, Mr. Beverly Tucker will laud Mr.
Blaine in exceeding! hot quarters.
The renewal, by Senator Payne, of Ohio,'
of his positive declaration that lie will not
be a candidate for re-election to the United
States Senate, shows that Senator Payne has
clear perception of what is "best for the in
terest of Henry B. Payne.
A new law in New York forbids the
selling, not only of cigarettes, but of cigars
and tobacco in any shape, to boys Tinder 16
years of age. This is strict caro for the
physical and moral welfare of the boys on
paper. Before New York multiplies laws
tor the protection of the youth of that
State it would be wise to provide some as
surance that tbe laws will amount to some
thing more than the vast bulk already ex-J
isting, of dead-letter legislation.
New York informs the rest or the coun
try that only S136.000 of the $160,000 re
quired to build that marble arch remains to
be raised. It thinks that that is about the
proportion which the rest of the country
ought to. turn in.
The dispute in which the New York Dem
ocrats are indulging as to whether Governor
David B. Hill was, or was not, hissed dur
ing the speech at the dinner to Mr. Cleve
landlast week, seems to place the Governor
of New York on about the samopublic
level as Mr. Kyrle Bellew. There may be
doubt whether both these characters have
been hissed; but there does not seem to be
souchuestioo A-to WbclEer "both of then
deserve it
A study; of the litigation on the tele
phone question is beginning to create a
tolerably well-founded suspicion that the
telephone patents will make a bigger
bonanza for the lawyers than for the in
ventors. .
A "Wisconsin- prophet informs us,
among other curious things that are to hap
pen, that "The lapse of time will end on
December 27, 1899." If the lapse of time
is to end then, the presumption is that time
will continue to go forward steadily from
that date; but the "Western prophet is very
plainly of the opinion that when time ceases
to lapse, something else probably this
mundane sphere will commence 'to
It is rather interesting to learn that Sec
retary Blaine-lias taken a leaf from the
genial Daniel Laraont's-book and goes over
to New York with his wife for "shopping."
Theee is certainly no reason for the re
ported opinion that TJncle Jere Busk low
ered the dignity of the Agricultural De
partment by driving a hay cart Lowering
the dignity of the Agricultural Depart
ment would be a jyiod deal like that im
possible task of spoiling an unmerchanta
ble egg.
John Gilbert, the veteran comedian, is til
in Boston.
Mes. Fredkeica Netlson, formerly a Nor
wegian actress, is "evangelizing" in Salt Lake
Mrs. Hawley and her little daughter have
gone to Europe, where the Senator will rejoin
them latter in the season.
Pkof. James Russell Lowell- will reoc
enpy Elmwood, at Cambridge, Mass., on his
return from England next fall.
Lord Bbassey has placed the Sunbeam at
the disposal of Lord Tennyson, who will cruise
in it as soon as tho weather fulfils the promise
ot May.
HexbtW. Graham, tho tallest police offi
cer-in New York, is also the only bicyclist on-
thefurce. He is Eli feet and seven inches and
rides a 60-Inch wheel.
A statue of Joan of Arc by Fremiet now in
theTIacodcs Pyramtfles. Paris, is to bere
placed'byanotlicr.andastherpresent one could
with some alteration be made to fit one bfNeW
York's Ions-felt wants in that direction, she
should not let tho opportunity s'ip.
Mrs. SLCcrjr, v ho has jns: come up from
South Aiuri' a. "n a th.y craft trtrllt by her 1'CS
band,taystl.at .Vie ska. looks back over her
adventures i ith pleasure, fho would not Uko to 4
repeat then. The boat is &o small that there is
scarcely anycamn, and there was no wayof
heating it, no matter howcold tha-weathcr:
She and her'f anally suffered more from want of
exercise than anything else, as tho boat was
too small to permit of walking on the deck.
The- voyago would have been very lonely but
that they managed to haVe plenty of reading
matter aboard.
Nothing can be happier1 or more peaceful
than tho lifer at Sandringbaar, and whether
alone or entertaining their friends; the Prince
and Princess aro an ideal hostand hostess.
They donor, as a rule, appear at breakfast: but
shortly after 11 they come down and spend the
rest of tbe day with their guests. In winter
luncheon is generally taken at some cottage
near where skating is going -on, and thfe Prin
cess and the guests join the skaters and walk
with them after luncheon is over. Tea is al
ways ready In the hall at 5, and everyone ap
pears, the men In velvet suits and Knicker
bockers and the ladles in tea gowns. Dinner is
at 8, and the evening is passed either in danc
ing or games, and about 12 the Prince ami
Princess give the signal for retiring, and those
wbogoto bed early can get to"rest; bnt the
majority of theguestso tothe smoking room
till atfearly hour in tho mornirig.
Cuuniilal'loPT Oborrj KrolKukv
iWABHliTOTOKJtme 6. Th&Secretary of the'
Interior, to-day; accepted the resignation orlionemisht'haTe-tafcen this-multitude
JtnafiOlierinCoiQinisloncr of Indiau Af- jgoa who bnUt'tha t wrot fabej
Gautier ,SteeI Works Em
ployes to Get ToDay
A Godsend to SoOcrlngi JfamlHes rientjr
for Laborer to Do In the Future Talk
of Startlnc the Cambria Company's
Mllli Estimates of Damages.
Johnstown, Juno 5. The first steps looking
toward a resumption of work in the Cambria
Iron Works and the Gautier steel department
were taken to-day by the officials of tho latter
company. The following notices were posted
on the improvised bulletin boards throughout
the town to-day:
'All Gnntier steel department employes are re
quested to report at the general office to-morrow
morning, the 6th Inst., at 9 o'clock, for work. .
reigned. L. L. SMITH, Company Agent.
The notice attracted considerable attention
among tho former employes of the mill, who
wanted to begin work again in order to make
some money by which they could recuperate
their losses. The majority of them lost all
their household goods and-n ant to get on their
feet as soon as possible. Among others tho
notice had a much greater significance. It
was whispered around town that the company
wanted to pay the men off and discharge them.
After doing this they would tear down the
little of the works that are remaining, take out
what machinery was left and move tb another
locality. It was stated that several years ago
the company had determined to- move the
greater part of their mill to a point In the State
within SO miles of Johnstown.
A Godsend to Mill Men.
Iho announcement of tho rumor had a de
pressing effect on the citizens of the town, who
would grieve very much to see the works
moved. Officers of "the company stated that
there was no probability that this would be
done. The object of the meeting of the em
ployes to-day is-to count the list of survivors
and thus help determine how many of their
men tho company has lost. Tho following Is
tho number of men they employed in the chief
departments of the works: In the steel mill
proper 834 men were working last week; in the
hart) mill there were 100; 454 men were em
ployed in tbe wire mill last week, and in the
mechanical departments there were between
60andlW. The total ndmberwas about 1.7i,0
Of this number there were probably one-half
lost, according to the estimates made by the
heads of tbe departments.
At the meeting to-morrow the men will be
Jiaid what is due them by the company. The
atter owed them almosttwo weeks' pay when
the flood came, and always kept two -weeks'
wages back. The companv will paytbem in
f nlL The month's pay will be a godsend to the
men, who are totally destitute. Atthe meet
ing the company will hire their old men back
again, if they wish to work as laborers, tearing
down the dismantled mill. The men will be
paid the same wages as other laborers are get
ting in the town, $2 per day. After all the
debris has been cleared away the company
Wilt Rebuild the Works.
The mill will be enlarged, and its capacity for
turning out the finished product will f)$ in
creased. New and improved machinery will
be put into the mill, wbjph nafreally been ben
efited by the floodyrtfwas stated aronnd the
offices of the Cambria Iron Company to-day
that the comnafiywonldT-eallystart up at once,
and that sjjBefwonld be made in 30 days. This
is an oldjfumorand is without! oundation. The
-fcompaayttill rebuild as soon aspossible, but
they cjfn't make steel by July 1. The mill is in
aVey crippled condition, and it will require
over a week's work to remove the debris. The
machinery in some parts of the mill has been
rendered useless and will have to be replaced.
Thu win take considerable time, and the ex-
lent of the damage will not be known for scv-
o-nl waaI'K
A great many people imagine that the Cam
bria Iron Company and the- Gautier steel de
partiriftnt are two different corporations. They
are different as far as organization and ac
counts are concerned, but the same stock
holders own both plants. Tbe Cambria Iron
Company makes iron and steel, whilrthe other
mills only usehe steel made in the former and
work it into the finished product Tho los3 to
tl.e stockholders by the damage done at both
mllls will amount to, as near as can be esti
mated, S43o000. McSWIOAN.
Scenes Among: the JMen Who are AtttmpticT
tbe Herculean Task of Clearing
tho Wrecknso Away Every
thing Going Forward' ,
Johnstown, June 5. To-dar the work of
clearing tho city of Johnstown of all the rub
bish and debris and bunting for the dead
bodies which are still within the ghastly ruins
has been continued. There has been much ac
complished already, and the men who have
been engaged since last Saturday nave labored
as only- heroes can in such a gigantic task as
was before them. They did not work for any
personal gain or profit. They came here and
went to work prompted by the noblest princi
ple of human nature unselfishness. The
energy. perseveTence and undaunted effort
they have displayed deserve nothing less than
tbe highest admiration and appreciation.
Bnt to-day the plan of work, is a different
one. Unfortunately the number of people who
ate ready to sacrifice themselves for the benefit
of their fellow creatures Is comparatively small,
and when the endurance of tho volunteers
failed there was nobody to take their places.
The volunteer army diminished as the hours
advanced, and instead of making any headway
with the work of clearing the unfortunate city,
the task seemed to become greater, because
only gradually could tbe enormity of the labor
be realized. This fact became mantfestto Cap
tain W. R. Jones, of Braddock: Mr. William
FHnn, of Pittsburg, and Contractor Evan Jones
as soon as they came on tho ground and saw
what was before them.
Work-Systematlcnllr Carried On.
"It is impossible," said JSvan Jones, "to ex
pect a corps of volunteers to do this work to
the finish. There are not enough men in the
country to do such a-thinpr for nothing. Cap
tain Jones, ,Mr. Flinn and myself talked this
matter over, and Mr. Flinn concluded to hire
men and pay them. Captain Jones is paying his
men also, and now we are in a position to hire
all theroen who are willing to work. The re
sult has been that we have now about 6,000 men
encaeednn tbe field and everything is going
along rapidly and systematically."
The statement of Mr. Jones has proved itself
true beyond a doubt by the fact that more
work has been accomplished to-davtban In the
entire time suice1a.it Saturday. The working
mn are composed of tbe following corps:
E rth SfFlinn. employes of the Edgar Thom
.p kin 1 Works, the National Tube Works, of
Mt S.lc vrr ;tleHurtman Steel Company, of
il- T : Lorg & Co.'s steel works, from
C a""i " . a. number of smaller companies
ot ucrt fie pcrounding towns. All of
these men st1o "iM'titents, anerfromthelini
where THE Uicpatch headquarters aro situ
ated, Johnstown considerably resembles jnst
now a military camp.
"One advantage or paying men," said one of
tho foremen from the Beaver Falls brigade,
"lies in the fact that you can give orders to a
man you pay and than brings- better .results
than having men work as' thcypleaie. Thera
are so many voluntfeers here, who have applied
themselves to this work out of principles of
pure humanity, and, men who can well afford
to do such a thing, that it would not be fair to
expect a poormanto work tor nothing;"
An Array of Tollers;
"I have taken tho bull by the horns," said
Evan Jones to-day, '4nd I have started this
morning to do a thing that was Imperative. I
have told my men to apply the torch to any
thing that can be burnt in safety. It is the best
method of making headway. lam a contractor
and I kuowbow buildings have to be wrecked,
as well as built, and when this rubbish has been
demolished by fire we willliavo clear sailing.'
TneBoothri Flinn corps and the rest of the
workmen ae- in first-rate .organization. The
tents cover the ground for acres, and they have
all the supplies they want. The Chamber of
Commerce is doing the work in a very effective
manner. There are blankets In all tbe tents.
At dinnertime to-day it was quite a sight to see
tbe men. When the clock struck 12 from the
tower ot the fresbyterlan Church everybody
laid down pick, shovelandax. to, go to head
quarters. There were four tables erected on
!, field -to-da.v. each of them about 150 f ept
lone, and here all the men .sat down tor hive'
th'elr- meal. There were Italians, Huns, Ger,
mass, Swedes ang ttussians, as wen as Amerl-cans--in
fact, from tho many tonuses spoken,
one miaht'htTe taken this-multitude for the
'.AsHSSsctCjS i
Cfuesttohs at Present Perplexing, the State
Department France, .England, Canada,
and Hnytl Encti Concerned la tbe Annoy
Ins Maridle.
Washington June i The. State Depart
ment has at present four international prob
lems on hand in viewing our relations with En
gland, France, Germany and Hayti. The
trouble with Germany grows out of tho
Samoan question, and that seems to be practi
cably settled by tbe treaty framed in Berlin as
cabled to tho J'ost-Ditpatch, and which will
probably be signed by all the parties concerned
next week. There is no doubt that Secretary
Blaino will cable his approval to the American
commissioners and instruct them to sign for
the United States, As a matter ot fact tbey
have full power to do so under their commis
sions without waiting to hear from the Secre
tary on tho point; bnt since the cable has
como into general use it is the invariable- prac
tice now for the envoy to consult tbe Secretary
at ever' step in the negotiations. The Samoan
difficulty is now practically out of the way.
That Drcssmnkei's Bill.
Then comes ourrurapas with France on ac
count of the French dressmaker, who caused
the police authorities of Nice and Mentone to
deal so harshly with the Brooklyn ladles who
were traveling over there and happened to do a
little unfortunate shopping. It is not appre
hended that we shall have any serious trouble
with Franco on the petticoat question. The
difficulty will be adjusted amicably, although
Representative McCreary, tbe successor of Per
ry Belmont as chairman of the Committee on
Foreign Affairs in the House of Representa
tives, said that there was nothing that could
more quickly arouse him to advise the exercise
of a spirited f oreitrn policy than tbe slightest
injury done to the ladies, bless them, American
ladies preferred, of course.
Ministet-Reld's Silence.
No report has yet been received at the State
Department about the Mentone episode from
our Consul at Nice or our agent at Mentone,
both of whom were cognizant of the matter.
The Chief of the Consular Burean of tho State
Department says he does not expect to receive
reports direct from these officials. They will
report, he supposes, to Minister Held, and in
his representation to the French foreign offi
cers. Minister Reid will use the information
thus obtained. Bnt until Mr. Van Nostrand
called at tbe State Department to make his
complaint, nothing was heard from Minuter
Kcld. although the incident happened a month
before and he has had at least tno weeks in
France to investigate it and he has not yet re
ported any progress to the State Department,
The Fisheries Dispute.
It looks as if we were to have a renewal of
pur troubles with England in regard to both
the seal fisheries of Alaska, where We claim
exclusive jurisdiction, and with the other fish
eries in the Canadian waters of the North
Atlantic, where the British claim exclusive
jurisdiction. The British desire to have the
three-mile law applied to the fishing waters of
the Candian coast. But that principle the
Government of the United States does not ac
cept We will give the Canadians a monopoly
of the fishing in the waters within three miles
of their fishing banks, out in regard to our
islands In liehring's Sea, which, by process of
natural selection, have become the territorial
home and tbe breeding-place of practically all
the fur seals of the world, we hold that these
seals belong to the United States, whether tbey
are spending the summer on the islands or 100
miles out at sea on their way to or from the
spot of ground, which the sagacious animals
have made their home.
1 Bearing Sen Trouble.
These seals are different from the Canadian
fish. The latter propagate in the waters of the
ocean and are cosmopolitan, but of the five or
ten million fur seals which now constitute the
world's stock, there is not one that was not
born on American soil, barring the few that
still make their homo in tbe Commander
Islands which are situated on the Russian side
of Behring Sea, just across the way from our
seal islands. The seals are different from all
other fish, and being native born, we hold that
tbey are entitled to the protection of the
American flag. In tha act of July lj 1S70, to
prevent the extermination of fur-bearing ani
mals in Alaska, it Was held that it shall be
unlawful to kill s-id seals at any time "upon
the Islands of tt. Paul and St. George, or on
the waters a 'j- cant thereto by the use of fire
artnsorothji means tending to drive the seals
aft Jf from said Islands." The title of tbe act
takeD in conjunction with this prohibition'
c.ves-a full expression of tbe ground which
this Government takes in ths seal fishery ques
tion. American Vessels Seized.
The Canadians have commenced to make
more seizures of American fishing vessels in
the North Atlantic, apparently with the view
of urging an application of these three-mile
principles-all around, but it won'twork. This
Government will hold on to th3 seal fisheries and
protect the seals. We have no fighting vessels
Up in the waters of Behring Sea now, and none
have been ordered up there. Tbe Thetis is
there. The Bear is going, but they are only
arctic whaling steamers with no armament of
any consequence, sufficient however, in the
meantime to express Uncle Sam's-f nendly in
tentions to the fur seals of Alaska.
Hlppolyte-iind Hajtl,
In regard to Hayti the State Department
here is evidently waiting for :ho survival of
the fittest in tbe contest between Legitime and
Hippolyte, and it is aprarently believed that
Hippolyte will soon be master of the situation.
Bear Admiral Gerraids, who has just come up
from Hayti, -called at the Stato Department
and the NYhiteHonseto-day and expressed that
Less Than Seven Per Ccut of Their Cost
Itcnlized for Jewels and Costumes.
Special Telegram- to The Dispatch.
New York, June 6. Aimee's wardrobe and
jewels were sold by auction at James P. Silo's
salesroom, in Liberty street to-day, for the ben
efit of ber orphan children. Herrmann, the
magician, Mrs. Harry Miner and a few other
professional people were present; bnt, although
Herrmann did his share, dealers were the
principal buyers. The buying was consequent
ly not of a sentimental sort, and things were
purchased for their practical value. The co
quettish costumes in which Aimeo bad charmed
mankind In "La Petit Due," "La Fille-De-Madarae
Angot" "La Grande Duchesse,"
Girofle-Girolla" and others went for a'few
dollars each, while ordinary gowns and similar
commonplace articles brought much better
Tbe auctioneer estimated the original cost of
the collection at something like 500,000 francs,
and a good judge said that his estimate was
not so much out of the way as such statements
usually are. Thesalo scarcely realized 7 per cent
of that amount. Tho Jewels were also sold at a
ercat sacrifice. A pin formed of 60 diamonds
arran"ed in a monogram. "M A." (Marie
Aimcol, which he said cost 510,000, sold for but
1 55ft in spite of his suggestion that it could
be resold advantageously to the Earl of Pem
broke, who has use for it just now; as, accord
ing to Mr. Silo, he IS about to marry ilary An
derson. A FISH ATTA0E8 A SNAK&
A RemnrkableBattlc Witnessed by a Fisher
man IirGeorsIa.
BMJFFTcnr Springs; Ga., Juno 5 Messrsr
James Belcher andames Ingram, while fishing
on Coleemokee creeks saw a 0-ipch black fish
strike a 3-foot moccasin, and bonndinglO feet,
inland, bung to tbe snake until knocked off
with a stick. They killed the snake and ate
the fish. They think the reason of this strange
action of the fish was that there 2re so many-
large fish in Coleemokee the small ones nave to
carry their prey out on land to eat it
Thou shalt die, ' ' the priest said to the king.
Thori shalt vanish like the leaves or spring.
Like the-dust of any common thing
one day. thou upon the winds shalt blow!"
"Nay. noteo," the tlnsTsalJ. "Ishallstay
Whllo the great sun in the sky makes day;
lleaven and earth, when I do, pais away.
In my tomb I wait till all things gol"
Then the king died. And with myrrh and nard,
Washed with palm wine, swathed in linen hard.
Rolled in naptha gum, and nnder guard
orhlsstcadfaittomb, they laid the king.
Century Bed to century; still he lay
i Whole as when they hid him first away
Sooth, the priest bad nothing more to say;
He. It seemed, the king, knew everything.
One day armies, with tbe tramp of doom,
Overthrew the huge blocks of the tomb";
Arrowy sunbeams searched its- chambered gloonr,
Bedouins camped about tn6 saad-blown spot.
Little-Arabs, answering to their name,
.With a. broken1 mumy fed the flame, ,
Thea aSwindkmongtbe ashes came, ""
Kew them lightly-alii the klng'w&s not! ,
.wMffltimmzmigmmBm rati. ? .?.
The People of Honesdale
Threatened by Dangers -
Nnmerons Mountain Reservolis, Situated
at llelglnsof 400 to1,000 Feet Above
tbe Populous Lnckawnnnn. Valley The
Inhabitants of Honesdale Completely jit
the Mercy of Walls of Masonry,
Honesdale, June 5. The frightful disaster
caused by the bursting of the aam at the Cone
maugh reservoir at Johnstown, has naturally
turned the thoughts of tbe inhabitants of this
ana other villages In tho Lackawanna Valley
to their own peculiar situation as regards pos
sible danger from the giving way of reservoirs.
The Delaware and Hudson canal has its bead
at Honesdale, and i3 fed by waters of nine
mountain lakes, which have outlets to the
Lackawaxcn and Dyberry rivers. Honesdale
lies on a narrow plain between high hills at the
junction of thoso two rivers.
Tbe Lacka waxen is a precipitous stream, flow
ing the greater part of its length through a con
tracted valley, both boundaries of which are
steep and lefty hills. Tbe head of the stream
is 1,200 feet above Honesdale, 160 miles north
west of tbe village, and at its source tbe water
is confined by an immense dam, forming a
reservoir of great depth, nearly two miles long
and a quarter of a mile wide. Half way be
tween that reservoir and Honesdale, and about
500 feet above the village, is a lake whose
natural area has been doubled by the throwing
of a dam across its outlet.
Lakes That Cause Uneasiness.
This lake covers an area of more than COO
acres. Four miles from Honesdale, at an alti
tude of at least S00 feet, is a body of water
known as Elk Park, which is also confined by
a dam. This lake covers 300 acres, and in
places is SO feet deep.
The same distance west from Honesdale.near
tbe summit of the Mooslc Mountain.ncarly 1,000
feet above the village, are two large lakes,Stan
tar pond and Keeue's'pond, both of them
dammed reservoirs, although natural lakes.
Cajah pond, a mile from Honesdale and at an
altitude of 100 feet, is another large reservoir.
Four miles northwest of Honesdale, and 800
feet above it is White Oak pond, a lake cover-,
ing a square mile of surface. In Dyberry Val
ley, which is coursed by a wild and precipitous
stream, are Upper and Lower Wood's ponds,
1,000 feet high, and each several hundred acres
in area. The opening in tbe Lackawaxen Val
ley, on which Honesdale Is built, is not more
than an eighth or a mile wide, the eastern
boundary being a perpendicular wall of rock
300 feet high.
At the Mercy of tbe Sams.
It is doubtful if there is another place is the
country that is completely at the mercy of walls
of masonry confining such enormous volumes
of water as Honesdale is. After the Mill river
disaster in 1874 the usual sense of security in
Honesdale could not be restored until the of
ficials of the canal company made a thorough
inspection of Its reservoirs hereabouts,
strengthened some of the dams and reported
thera as safe against any flood that might
come. Sometime previous to that the village
was thrown into alarm by a mounted courier
who rode into the town from one of the reser
voirs and announced that it was giving way.
The people fled to the hills, but the expected
disaster was averted.
The dams have been in existence over SO
years without any damage resulting, but the
news of any catastrophe from the bursting of
any reservoir anywhere In the country is al
ways followed by a feeling of great uneasiness
in Honesdale, bnt It was never so great as it
is now since the terriDle disaster at Johnstown.
Honesdale Is one ot the wealthiest and hand
somest villages In the State. Tbe bursting of
any one of the dams in tbe Lackawaxen Valley
or in the M""q!" Mountain would sweep Hones
dale away a c jrapletely as the breaking of the
Conemaogh reservoir has swept Johnstown and
its sister towns.
Those nt Paris Send Aid and Sympathy to
tbe Flood Sufferers Andrew Carnegie
Offers Some Appropriate Itnolo-
tlons Buffalo Bill's Mite.
Paris, June 5. A meeting of Americans was
held to-day at tbe United States Legation, on
a call in tbe morning papers by Mr. Whitelaw
Reid, the United States Minister, to express
the sympathy of tbe Americans in Paris with
the sufferers by the Johnstown calamity. In
spite of the short notice the room3 of the Lega
tion were densely packed, and many went away
unable to gain admittance. Mr. Reid was
called to the chair, and Mr. Ernest Lamb was
appointed secretary. Tfie following resolutions
were offered by Mr. Andrew Carnegie, and
seconded by Mr. James N. Otis.
Besolved, Tnat we send across the Atlantic to
onr brethren overwhelmed by the appalling dis
aster at Johnstown our most profound and heart
felt sympathy. Over their lost ones we mourn
with them, andln every pang ofall their misery
w'c have our part.
KcsoUed, That as American citizens wc con
gratulate them upon and thank them for the nu
merous acts of noblo heroism d'splayed nnder
circumstances calculated to unnerve the bravest,
especially do we admire them for the capacity
shown ror local self-government upon which the
stability of republican institutions depends; the
military organizations sent from distant points to
preserve order during the chaos that supervened
havlngbeen returned to their homes as no longer
required within 43 hours of'the calamity. In
these few hours the civil power recreated and as
serted itself and resuired sway without th; aid of
counsel from distant authorities, but solely by aid
from tbe Inherent power which remains In tbe
people of Johnstown themselves.
Besolved, That the thanks of this meeting we
cordially tender to Mr. Reid for his prompt and
appropriate action In this matter and for services
at the Chairman of this meeting.
Besolved, That a copy of these resolutions bo
forwarded-by telegraph tothe Mayors of Johns--town,
Pittsburg and Philadelphia.
Brief and couching speeches were made by
General Layton, late United-States Minister to
Austria, Hon, Abram S. Hewitt General Meri
dith" Read and others. The resolutions were
then unanimously adopted and a committee
was appointed to receive subscriptions. About
$2,000 were subscribed on tbe spot. The
American bankers all agreed to open sub
scriptions the next day at- their banking
houses. Buffalo Bill subscribed the entire re
ceipts of ono entertainment to be given under
tbe auspices of tbe committee. Besides others
already named tbcre were present Benjamin
Brewster, Louis von Huffman, Charles A.
Pratt Lloyd Brice. Charles Dinsmore. Edward
Luck, Prot Chandler; Rev; Dr. Stoddard and
others from New York: Colonel Otis Ritchie,
of Boston; General Franklin and Assistant
Commissioner Tuck, George W. Allen, of Sr.
Louis: Consul General Rathbum and a large
number of the American colony In Pans. It
Was the largest and most earnest meeting of
American citizens held in Paris for many
In No -Other Way Cnu tbo Bodies be Dis.
posed of.
JoitnstotW, June 5. Tbe enormity of tbe
devastation wrought by the Conemaugh flood
is becoming more and more apparentwith
cvery-effort of'the laborers to resolve order
out of chaos. Over 100 men have been all day.
engaged in an effort to dear a narrow passage
from the death bridge upward through the sea
of -debris that blocks tbe Conemaughlorncarly
a half a mile. Every ingenuity known to man
has been resorted to by this crew. Tbe giant
power of dynamite was brought into
requisition and at frequent intervals,
the explosions reverberated through the-valley
and sticks, stones and logs would fly high in tbe
air. Gradually a few of the heaviest timbers
were demolished and the fragments permitted
40 float downward throurli the center arch. At
nightfall, however, the clearspace above the
bTidge did not exceed an .area of 60 feet In
length by 40 feet in width. When one reflects
that fully 25 acres ate to be cleatea in this way,
the task ahead, seems an interminable one.
But there is no royal road, and if the hundreds
or tbonsands of bodies beneath these blackeaed
rntus are to bo recovered for Christian burial
Vie labors ot to-daymust be continued with In
creased vigor.
There are re&ay conservative minds that rec-
,coaendthffUo of tlHrtoreh In this work of
cleaning the Hver, but they are not among the
.sufferers, and when such eeuastfs are heard by,
theserwheae wives, cnH, sisters or brothers
'rxrhnnnatl this se&'of flsoass aad tetsasi. the
.------"- . rr a . - -
Of Oft?
mtiBWM a wf lurors ot
-rf 1
objection. It- Is only In deference t3. the un
reasoning,masdate of; grief that tbe herculean
labor of clearing tbe river by means of the dy
namite and derrick-is persisted in. There is no
hope in the calmer minds that this tasic
can be pursued to the end. Tbe progress
of to-day is hardly discernible, and ere
two more days have elapsed there is
little doubt the emanations of putrid
bodies will have become so frightful as todrive
the hardiest workman from tbe scene. Until
that time arrives, however, there is no hope
that this grief-stricken populace wlH abandon
the cherished hope of again gazing upon the
forms of tbe loved ones whrse lives went out
in the fire and flood of the Conemaugh. Tbe
pleadings of sanitarians and tbe logic of engi
neers alike fail to find an echo in the- minds of
the grieyfng and afflicted, but in a few more
days the sterner lets of nature wHI assert
Itself, and in tbe face of impossibilities tbe
task of cremation will become a Christian
No Such Sugar-as Electric Sagar.
New Yobk, June 5. In the trial of the
Electric sugar case to-day William H.
.Cptterffl told' how he and Prof. Friend com
bined to take British strangers into the Electric
Sugar Company. He acknowledged having
sent drafts and cable dispatches to Friend from
Liverpool, with tbe request that they be re
peated back to third parties. Somo of these
drafts were sent to Mr. Latham, of Liverpool,
who had invested largely in the Electric stock,
and, besides, bad influenced friends to do tbe
same. Mr. Cotterill explained that this cabling
from Liverpool to Liverpool via New York was
necessary because Prof. Friend did not know
enough to properly describe the Importance of
tbe great secret refining process to British in
vestors. One of tle dispatches dictated by
Cotterill in Liverpool and sent by Friend in
New York was read to the jury. In it the Pro
fessor asserted most positively that he was the
only person who possessed the secret for refin
ing sugar by electricity, and maintained that it
was impossible to produce such sngar as his
without possessing his knowledge. He further
more Issued a challenge for the production of
sugar of such quality as his, and said that it
would be but a short time before he would
demonstrate to the world the success of his
Eccentricities of Dr. Tumblely.
Dr. Francis Tumblety, once suspected-by the
London police of being Jack theRipper, passed
last nicht in lall because he struck George
Davis over the head with his cane. He met"
Davis for the first time on Broadway last mid
night, and tried to walk home with him. Davis
told him to go away, but be wouldn't do It,
Davis then called him a base name. Tumblety
struck him across the neck with bis cane.
Davis shouted for help, and Tumblety caned
him till a policeman arrested both of them. In
a police court this morning Davis and the po
liceman told the same story concerning Tum
blety's eccentric behavior. Tumblety merely
denied the charge of assault. He' was flashily
dressed ('and sparkling with diamonds. He
sbowed everyone a pamphlet which contained
a history of his career In all parts ot tbe world.
In it J. G. Bennett declared him to be tbe only
doctor in whom he had any confidence. Horace
Greeley asked him to call, and Willard Parker
declared be wanted to shake a hand with him.
When arrested Tumblety bad $1,000 in his
pocket. He was held for examination.
A Candidate for Siberia.
Latow Zesiveskl, a Russian immigrant,
was arrested at Castle Garden to-day. Six,
weeks ago he was delivering mail for the Rus
sian Government in Pownic Rypen, Russian
Poland. On May 15 he opened a registered let
ter sent by Frank Betkoskl, of Bristol, Conn.,
to Father Betkoski, in Pownit Rypen, appro
priated the inclosed steamship ticket to
America, and hurried off the same nicht to
Bremen, where he embarked for New York.
He will be sent back to Russia.
Washed Ashore at Itocknway.
The body of Captain Albert C. Malcom, of
the pilot boat Charlotte Webb, which was run
down and sunk recently by the steamship La
Normandie, was washed ashore at Rockaway
Beach to-day.
Gny and Giililj Girls All Gone.
Nellie Farren, Sylvia Grey, Marlon Hood,
Lettie Lind, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Danley, Fred
Leslie and a dozen chorus girls of the Lon
don Gaiety Company, sailed for Liverpool to
day on the steamship Gallia. 3Ir.andMrs.
Fred Storey, C. Duncan Shiter, the manager of
tbe company, and 24 members of the chorus
left on the Adriatic. Several of the young
ATiglophobists who tried to give the gaiety
girls a wine sapper In Brooklyn last winter,
were at the docks to-day to load them down
with flowers and say good-bye.
Only Old Boats to be Sent by It to the Flood
Special Telegram toTnol) pitch.
Washington. June 5. Smarting under the
criticisms that have bjeu passed on his conduct
of yesterday. Commissary General McFeeley
to-day succeeded in prevailing upon Secretary
Proctor to deny that ho had said he conld not
allow the wool tbe army stores for relief of the
civilians. Tbecbstacle was tbe remarkable fact
that tat.ro was no food available. This may
ease General McFeeley down from his painful
position, but it is a fact capable of ready proof
that be gave exactly the answer quoted, that be
could not allow tho food of the army to be fed
to civilians.
A high officer of tho army says, moreover,
that it is untrue that there is no food in store,
and-that-there is a large quantity of hard tact
and provisions for which there Is no immediate
ue. Secretary Tracy has made a large ship
ment of navy.commissary stores to the sufferers
of Pennsylvania. The War Department will
send nothing bnt some old boats.
The Wife of the Private Secretary 'on Her
Way to Washington.
Special Telegram to The Dispatch.
Bedford, June 5. Mrs. Halford. wife qt the
Secretary to President Harrison, accompanied
by her danghter and Mrs. If. L. Town, and Mr.
Mellon and daughter, arrived here from Al
toona by coach this morning and are stopping
at tho Bedford House. They will remain until
to-morrow morning, leaving for Washington
via Baltimore and Oblo, where tbey expect to
arrive to-morrow evening.
Mrs, Halford, when seen by your reporter,
said that considering her late experience in tbe
flood she enjoyed the ndo hugely, but felt
somewhat fatigued.
Their Conversation,
from the New "iork Herald. 3
"Cajczarf remarked the Shah of Persia
as-a"bomb exploded near him.
"Oh. sbahwl" retorted tbe Czar, and tbey
continued their punning match with only occa
sional glances at a Nihilistic eagle which was
trying to drop a loaded tortoise on their heads.
A doo down in Pfedmon', W. Va., has two
tails, and he wags them in different directions.
FbankDavis, a hotel clerk In Westfield, was
struck in the yo by a bit of glas3 from a burst
ingbottle of pop which hewas opening, andlost
the sight.
John FAHnestock, of Millway, Lancaster
county; Pa, tried to lift sneh a bigfoTkof hay
for'his horse that tho effort broke bis collar
A Nobristown shoemaker in sawing with a
dull Barlow knife at a string with which bad
boys Mad tied a string to his dog's tail, inad
vertently cut apiece of the tail off.
Ella Connoc, of Lititz, Pa, aged 9 years,
has been sneezing for more than a week at
intervals of a few seconds, save when she slept
The doctor calls it nervous prostration.
John c Mooue; of Brookvillc, Pa, who
landedin Guthrie on-April 22 with but 13 cents,
now holds' an JSC0 claim, owns'the only opera
house in Oklahoma', and is "exhibiting more
Indians than any other'wblte man living."
A Mb. RfcuroWL, of Morgan town, W. Va,
has a'dogthat Is trained to act as cash boy. and
wltb a written order and the money in his
mouth, be will do the marketing properly, hla
only fault being that it he meets another
deg he will swallow the money to have a
fight. Mr. Redfowl has lost $7 Win this man
ner. A few nights ago a druggist of Columbiana
county; Ohio,, who thought be saw a medical
friend coming down the-street-hid behind a
tree; and dealt him a stiff blow In the back with
aaiimbreHa."a2i8Wentby, The assaulted man
being stwtlea juhipeJ. two feet itrtho 'air, then
turning he hjc tae-lahshteR druggist a slug in'
tbe eye.; Pmmm by prevented farther punish-metMC;M!-rito-lt
huldnod to hla BhM.
rnmnr .'0A - - - W a U.MMUb n in..l, '
, -, - --.- rz
t9mj9 v kw ms an,, otwtkihiib . m w i uvj
Creosote is proposed as a fuel for tor-'1
pedo boats.
A military pigeon station has teen
established in awitzenanu,
Eugene Hooreyof "Waukeenab. Fh.,
killed 600" alligators this season.
The recent frost has destroyed over one
fourth of the grape crop of New York State.
A Buffalo physician says that there ar&
times when every man has-suicldal tendencies.
There will shortly be a public test at
Anneston. Ala., ot'a shingle machine which Is"
guaranteed to make 5,000 shingles per hour.
In a small town in North Carolina the
gentlemen were seen onrthe streets one day
last week with overcoat3 over tbeir seersuckers.
The Judges of the Lackawanna county"
(Pennsylvania) Court, recently adjourned to
the roadside to try a-case. TheJudgessatona
log". -,
The new powder that German soldiers
have in their sboesto prurent chafing Is said
to contain 3 parts salicylic add, 10 of starch
and 87 of pulverized charcoal
Baseball is going up in the world' An
American sculptor has a statue under that'
title in the Pans salon, representing a youngf
man in tbe act of throwing a balk rj
Leprosyis increasing in Russia. Dur2"
lngthe last ten years 49 patients were treated
in the St. Petersburg hospital, half of whom;
were natives of the city. The Baltic provinces '
suffer most from the disease.
In Leavenworth, Kan., a man must sign
a certificate setting forth that he Is sick before
he can get a drink at a drugstore. The highest
record of sickness in any one month was
reached in June, 1SSQ, and the number of slctc
men was 22,000.
In Paris the saccharine, or sugar made
from coal, has been unanimously condemned
by the medical profession, because it seriously
troubles dices tion. In consequence of their
recommendation a law has been enacted pro
hibiting the use of coal sajar as an article ol
One of tbe simplest forms of shoes is
that worn in Singapore and India. It is merely
a wooden sole, with raised heel and toe and a
peg or post in front. The shoe is adjusted with
this peg between tbe big toe and its neighbor,
and the shoe is held on by a muscular effort of
the toes.
A Montgomery farmer has a colt that
has learned td ring tho farm bell by catching
the rope in his teeth and prancing back and
forth. He knows, too, when to ring it at day
break; to awaken the farm hands, and at noon,
to call them to dinner, ana is never five min
utes late or early.
Minnie Mose3 is sentenced to be hanged
at Birmingham, Ala., on June 17. The crime,
for which she was convicted was highway rob
beryand an attempt to murder an old woman
peddler. The old woman is still alive, and if the
sentence is carried out Minnie will be hanged 1
for highway robbery.
Near Summerville, La., a lady went'
Into the woods and caught a small green snake
by the head. Covering it up she went into the
bouse where she was boarding and asked tbe
man: "Don't you want a prettv?" "Yes," said
he. Sbe threw out her arm. The man's wife
was standing by, and was so alarmed at seems;
the snake squirming about that she fell back
Ker. George "W. Murray, of "Wilcox'
county, Georgia, met his death in a strange
way recently. He bad gone to a neighbor to
have his horse doctored for lameness In the
left foreleg. He got through with his visit and
departed for home, and that was the last seen
of him alive. About 29 or 30 minutes afterward
the neighbor went oat to tbe gate and found
Mr. 31 array Iving there with the horse on top
of him and his life crushed out. The horse
was lying with his head pressed against a tree,
bavins fallen in such a war that he could not
get up. It is supposed tl at when Mr. Murray
went to mount, oa the left sde of tbe horse,
thelatter's lame leg gars way and be fell on
Mr. Murray with such force as to kill him. It
is probable that he was instantly killed, as
there were a number of men shearing sheep In
tbe lot who would have heard him if he had
mads any outcry.
Clarke county, Georgia, has always
been noted for having a man that could eat
more than any other one man in the United
States. His name is Colonel Chancer, and be"
is now living five nr six miles west of Athens.
A quarter of mutton barbecued- would han'i
furnish a lunch for him. Fire pounds of cbev
wltn three pounds of crackers wonldn't tenrj
blm to throw out Tils tobacco and take- a. aria
Twenty-six old-fashioned ginfrer cakes would? .
whet up bis appetite. Bat this is not a marker
to the new eater lately discovered. Apecfcof
Irish potatoos with two pounds of salt seems to
get him in condition for a good breakfast. A
half bushel of onions have been known to dis
appear wben sitting in front of his store,
bpring salad is a favorite pastime, and two
bushels would only make him a lunch. Raw
potatoes, ground peas, almonds with an occa
sional cocoanut thrown in, strawberrieonions,
cabbage, pickles, all serve to make tbe big
eater of Athens ready for business, and givu
him a relish lor his meals.
The old Roman wall of London, laid
bare by the excavations for the new postofHco
at St. Martlo's-le-Grand, becomes daily more
interesting to antiquarians as farther portions
are nncovered. A London paper notes tho
fact and then goes on to say: "From the bet
ter view now obtained, it is evident that the
Romans dug down about 4 feet into the Loudon
clay, filled up the trench forSeet with a mix
ture of clay and flints, surmounted this struc
ture with 2 feet of the hardest concrete, end
then laid tbe tiles in sets of three courses, each
separated by 5 feet of stonework. Apparently
tho wall -nas 9 feet 6 inches high. A bastion
has been found at the northwest-corner of the
ground, exactly coinciding with that marked
on the map of Strype's edition of Stow In 1738,
but seemingly of later work than Roman
times probably mediaeval. Many nits have
also been found filled with animals' bones,
which may either have been used for tbe rub
bish of the city or for the refuse of the slaughter-bouses
in the butchers' colony, which, from
Saxon times, existed close by In Moorgate
street, etc When tbe site of the French Prot
estant Church is excavated, it is expected
that a complete section of tbe wall and the.
ancient town ditch may be discovered.
Elsie X am going to marry the apothe
cary, Aggie OhI how nice. Ile'll trust us for vanilla
cream sodas now. Epoch.
He Loved. Ella How did your husband
Josie He simply" said: 'l have ?.3.C00,and If you.
don't accept me III shoot you." Ob, how be
loves me. Epoch.
The Shortest of All. Husband I'll
always be true to youas thedaylslongt Iswora'
it at tbe altar.
Wife Humpltl We were married on the 21st or
December. Boston Herald.
Beady to Oblige. Mrs. Gohard (who tet .
getting up a tennis match) v in you loan me Mr. -fiATIThtl-vfnr-whne-
llrs. Uollghtly-Loan him? My dear girt, I'll1
give him to you I To-vay.
Anxious for Her Health. Mother-in-law
Charles, whenever you are ready to show me the' '",
brlndle bulk I will go with you. jf
Son-ln-Iaw You had better put on something!
warm. Your red shawl will do. b'otton Herald! '
No Intermediate State. Caller (at'a be
tel)! cannot find Colonel Kalntuek.
Clert-Isft't he In the bar-room?
Clerk Myt 2Iy! Inqulreat the morgue. Sua
Xork 2'noune.
The Perversity of Her. Literary Critic"
(laying down a new book) I wlh every maid,
wire and mother in tbe country could read that
Able Editor Well, run a line to the effect that'
the book is one which no woman should be allowed'
to Ue-'S'tvy IbrJt Weekly.
Couldn't See It Tommy Say, paw, I
thought you said people could see farther as they f .
got older.
Paw Yes.
Tommy Well, say paw, if that Is so what makes!
so many old men always get In the front row atf
the show? p,
Paw-Oh. shut unt Terre Haute Expreet. J
Pretty Strongs Indications. Omaha Belief
Ma. I really do believe that George U getting!
rudv to tironose- -fl
lrrnOt MammA Wh-t lnn1rS that hOOe?
Omaha Belle-WeU. last night he asked mellfj
pa Is doing wed in- business, and when l tola nnni
that pa la getting rich he put his arm around raej
and called me his sliver star ana nis goiaea uope.ji
Omaha VorUt.
He Saw the Proprietor. Wife Johns
wish vou'dto into Coffee & Co.'s when you're!
downtown, and see why they haven't sent npthej
groceries! ordered by postal cara two aays'ag
It's shameful to neglect my order so. Justaglve
them a real hard scolding, win you. jonarT- ,
John I shall go and see Mr. ConTeethimself.
about it. S-iSi.
John (an hourlater)-Mr. Coffee, heresanrder'
on this postal card that I've carried irTtaypocket
two davs. 1 wish you'd get the goodsTunto7thi
house, early this morning; will you,YBtasie7Tfc4X
; L. " - "
kortft - ..-- .-
ssssYimlit "if?- r i" .