RWXr 3FHS . 'X V?? t.,"D -,. -1ft-l 3 v- n t 2 i - . t j T'- ? T ,,-' - X vSTJ f&k rl :- THE -PETTSBTJKG DISPATCH THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1889. FPI I; ACHATE LIST "Of Johnstown's Business Men - and Women in Full. ?---- iIG INTERESTS INVOLVED. Six Hundred and Thirteen Separate Bnsi. neu Ettnbli.bmenti Were tn the Wreck t ed Cill "t Prohlbltorr Citadel In teresting Dedncllons Can be Drawn by Comparison With Other Lists. One of the most interesting features of the Conemangh casualty is given below in the publication of the names of Johnstown's busi ness men and women. The appended list is absolutely accurate, as its compilation was completed one week pnor to the great disaster by a mercantile institution ot this country which is famous for the care taken in the task of furnishing the business world with an ac curate compendium of the business communi ties of the country. The list will be of great service to those who were personally or com meicially interested in the mountain city, as comparison with lists of survivors or dead will enable the public to judge as to the fate of friends or customers, or their escape from the horrors that engulfed Johnstown. In itself the list contains many points of in terest There were 613 business establishments in the devastated city and its suburbs. Many were small, but a great number were of con siderable dimensions, giving employment to hundreds of operatives. Of saloons Johnstown had iier share, in comparison with what the Brooks law has done hereabouts. There were 110 less than 66 saloons in operation. The Diversified Interests. There were six regularly incorporated concerns in the city exclusive of the Cambria Steel . Works and the Gautier branch, having a listed capital of $310,000; this bcinp exclusive of banks. There were 95 groceries, 34 general stores and over 50 drygoods houses, all of w hich represented a large gross sum of capital in vested. A local expert in the matter or estima tion gives the opinion that the city of Johns town represented a capital of 516,000,000. What percentage of this large sum will be a total loss will probably never be kndwn, as in many in stances the most interested parties were swept away at an identical time with their posses sions. The list as vouched for by R. G. Dun fc Co.'s Pittsburg agency is ss follows: Aaron .Mrs Louisa (Coneinaush), grocer; Abler Andrew, saloon; Adair A, speculator: Adams AV E. general store; Akers & Baumer, florists and grocers; Ambrose A, shoemaker: Anderson Henry, general store; Anderson 1 A A Co. mer chant: Angus & tiro, sawmill; A&hbrldge J 8, carpet weaver; Avll Jacob, upholsterer. Bailey b C, plumber: Baker Dorsev, harness maker; ISater ET. carriages; Banks m B. bar ber: Bantley Fronlietser, hardware; Barnes Charles, wagons; Barnhart Bros, plumbers; Bar nett Jeremiah, grocers: Barrlck.wB& Co, gen eral store: Batterman i Vaughn, sash factorv; Baumrartell L, H, tailor; Beam 1. T, ph slclan; Beam W C physician; Beatty Vi m, florist; Beet J as, shoemaker; Belter Jos, saloou; Benford Prank A, hotel; Benford John H. contractor and carpenter; BenshotT E i Co, grocersand butchers; Benshon" J QAi Son. books: BenshohT & Co, saw and gristmills; Berkebllt Irani, con Jectlonery; Berkeblle George (Conemaugh), Kl WCI, UU&CU1IC B"UU tlVltl , Beckey George, cigars and shoemaker; Better lnan&Vaugh, manufacturers sashes; Bueler F, saloon; Black Alexander, tailor: Black Henry, grocer; BlainA (colored), barber; Blaine J A. barber; Blanch & Allen, general store; Blaugh S T, jeweler; Boechel Charles, butcher; Booser Joseph, tailor; UostertOustarus. flour and feed: Bowman Jerome, general store: Bowser John H, grocer; Boylan John (Cambria), saloon; Boyle Charles (Cambria), saloon: BojleP (Cambria), saloon and grocery; Bracken Hose, caroenters; Brady John; books and stationery; Bralller OH, veterinary surgeon: Bralller 1j L, meats: Briber , photographer; Brinker Bros, crroccrs; Brin key (r C, physician; Broderick T D; saloon: Brown Charles, grocer; Buck L W, stores and tin; Buckley Allies, grocer; Buckley Allies & El len, millinery; Burke Cyrus, shoemaker: Bnrk hardtD. hotel; Bnrkhardt b F, grocer; Burkett Jt Huber, grocer; Burns- James, saloon; Butler Alexander, washing machines; Butler Robert, saloon; Byron W llllam & bon, woolen factory. Every Class nnd Kind. aldwell William, general store; Call Daniel, I on; Cambria Iron Company; Campbell C G, Ks;Canan Mrs KJIor Sarah, millinery; Uaples Bloore, JanL: Carpenter JJ", patent medicines; pentcr ill oysters; Carroll George, grocer: Carter .Manufacturing Company, perfumerr: Castlow U, saloon; Chllcoat N, grocer; Clark t? A , commission produce; Clark II G, grocer; Clark James, saloon: Coad John, saloon; Cobauxh F A, drv roods etc; Cohen A, clothing; Cohen Isaac B. peddler; Cohen Louis, hau and caps: Cohen Marks, clothing: Conlln P. shoemaker, Connelly P. general store; Connor M J, Globe Installment Company; Conrad G K physician; Conrad Mrs M J, millinery; Conrad William, grocer; Conway H, saloon: Coomer Credit House, installments; Cooper J il, physician; Cooper Lloyd Co, lancy dry goods: Cover Bros, livery; Cox Mrs Jane, In surance agent; Crave A, saloon: Creed David, frocer; -Cropp Charles, hotel: Crouse Joseph, Iquors; Crowley Cornelius, shoemaker; Curley M. saloon; Custer Martin, grocer. Dailcy Mrs Jos At, saloon: DangesMrs A A Co, notions: Darby James C, saloon: Davis A, black smith; Davis David, grocer; Davis E E, baker and confectionery; 'Jtavis B D, painter: Davis 4 Bro. grocers; Decker John H, grocer; De France HT: drugs: Dibert John, hardware; Dibert Scott, boots and shoes; Dibert John & Co, bankers; Dibert "ft alter A Co, manufacturers soap; Dowllng John, grocer; Dowllng Patrick, grocer; Dunham G 5 boots and shoes. iadleman Mrs 8. grocery; Eash J. J. shoemaker; Euan James, grocer: Economy Clothing Manufacturing Co; Edwards L L. con fectlonciv: Edwards Fernando, music; Edwards J onathan D & Co, boots and shoes; Edwards Thos. manufacturer brooms; Eldridge 4 1 onnr books Ellsworth C B. grocer; Elsasser Constantine.' furniture; Emerson Cjhrslclan: Emmerllne John, brewer: Evans D W, physician; Evans E B? grocer. Faust I N, grocer; Fearl Mrs Kate B 4 Co, millers: Felt E T. Insurance arpnt- rmn jnh? stoves and tin; Fen temsnWH, umbrellas; Fln ley Bros, grocers: Fish Martin (Cambria), grocer: Fisher John, butcher; Fisher Moses, peddler Fisher 4 Co, wholesale liquors: Fltipatrlck Mrs B, saloon; Fockler Mrs Lizzie M, miUlnerr; Fockler A Levergood, general store; Foster 4 Qnlnn, general store; Foast I N, grocer; Foust Bros, general store: Frank Ephraim, shoemaker; Frank John, saloon; Frlant J, shoemaker; Fried boll Joseph, contractor; Frledhoff F S, saloon Frits John, wagonmaker: Fritz Mrs C & Co. liquors: Fry Harry M, dentist Gaffney W (Cambria), grocer; Gallagher I S. commission flour; Garvey B (Cambria), general tore: Garvey B Jr, grocer: Gaus John, saloon: Gerber James, coal: Gerber E P Km n,inn GerhardtJB, saloon: GerharatW, saloon; Gib twns U li, agent wholesale irrocer: Gilbert An drew, grocer; Given H W (Mlllvtlle), variety; Given Samuel, variety; Gloor A, butcher; Goen jjer Jacob (Cambria), brewer; Gotin P (near). rocer; Goldenberc E, esute of. clothing: Gor onW H, physician: Green Patrick (Cambria), groceries; Green W, photographer. Greene G M, Jbotographer; Griffith Charles, drugs; Griffith ohn G. coal; Griffith Joshua, saloon. Hager C P, dentist: Ilager L G, boots and shoes: Hitin Conrad (Kernvltle), butcher: Ilahn A m H. butcher; Halferty Wm L, hotel; lltfleran Thomas (Cambria), grocer; Hallenuan Mrs M C ft Co., boots and shoes; 11am er J TA, physician; Hamm C B, Mercliants' Hotel; Hannan John, foundrv; Harris W W (near), sawmill; Harshberger G, g-ocer: Harshberger J.mllt; Hartzell C C grocer; artxtll N B, zrocer; Haws A J ft bon. cement; Hay F W, tinner: Helser Geo, grocer; Held Geo, saloon; Helsel Charles (near), general store; Hen derson ft Alexander, undertakers; Hennlng John H, photographer: Hill B F. milk: Hlnchman H U, dentist: Uochstein Chas. hotel: Hoehle Edward, gfocer-Hoehle 4 Co, printers; Hodman Conrad, nloon:Ho&manFW,saloon;HobmanBros,muslc; Hobman Godfrey, saloon: Holiman C (Cambria Cltv), general store; Hoover J ft Son. general store: Hopp Bros, painters: Horne N ft C A, art bazaar; Horner B F. planing mill; Horner E W , marble; Horner Emmltt, tinner; Horner Wm, marble: Horn ck J J. saloon, Horrell E. general store; Howe Mrs E (Cambria City). saloonV Howe Richard XX undertaker: Howe TJ, fruit; Hughes A. boots and shoes: Hummel Adam, gunsmith Hunt C W , dentin; Hunt T L, bUcksniith: Hutch inson J P, grocer. Some Fairly Heavy Ones. Iowa Barb Wire Co, branch New York. Jacoby 3, saw and planing mill; James E, hotel saloon; James Eben, coal; James Emanuel, livery; Janvosky M, variety; Jenkins D E, grocer; Je rookyJ M. notions: Johnson ft Co, steel rails; Johnston bteel and Iron Casting Co, (capital S2CL 000): Johnstown Chemical Works (limited) cattltal KQ,000; "Johnstown Dally and Weekly Tribune." (GeorgeTSwank): "Johnstown Democrat," (L li WoodrnS): Johnstown Electric Light Co, (cap ital $49,000); "Johnstown FreiePrease (Charles T Schubert); Johnstown Lumber Co(capItal tAOOO): jnhnEtnvn Manuiacturlnsr Co woolen eoodtmrtA grist mill; Johnstown Milling Co; Johnstown Pas senger Kallwav Co; Johnstown Supply Co; Johns town Water Co: Johnstown Water and Gas Co; Johnstown and Welsbach Light Co;JoIlyBros,nve cents store; Jones D It, general store; Jones M D. grocer; Jones W 8, grocer. Kane George, flour and feed; East Mrs Charles, saloon; Kearns Joseph, oysters; Keedy Harry C, boots and shoes; Kelm 0, marble; Kelfer Moses, shoemaker; Keiper George ft Co. drygoods; Kels Charles, baker; Kelly Frank, Cambria, liquors: Kennedy Mrs M J. flour and groceries, Kcpple J AV, groceries: Kerllneft Co. Jewelers; Kest Ben iamtn, saloon; Keystone Manganese and Iron company (Inc). capital 1100,000, Kevstone Soap and Fertiliser Company (copartnership); Kiinpel Christ, rurnlture; King Dorsey, peddler; Kinney A P. tobacco and cigars; Kinney Tlhomas. restau rant; Klutz John ft Son, Cambria, boots and shoes; Klrbyic. liquors; Klrby WIUlamB, botel;Kline felters, grocer: Koast Joseph, saloon:Koast Law rence, brewer; Koch George, saloon;Koch Henry, hotel; Kohlcr M, carpet factory; Kough Miss Anna, grocer: Kraft William A. Jewe'er; Kramer W A, grocer; Kramer Bros, picture frames; Kre ?f' 'f.',1re11. diugsrKrelgcr Chris, grocer: Kun ffiVie Mrs M. grocer: Kurtz Mrs F. Cambria, butch rand saloon. Kurtz George, butcher. "Lambert 4 Kress, brewers: Lane DB, harness; Larkin J A Co, jewelers; Laughery OFM, tgHkerjLaveljr Aaron, xeaeral store ;Lecky Albert saloon; LceJ K. physician: LefflerCharles, gen eral store: Leffler Cvrus. blacksmith and waEOUs: Lchmann C. butcher; Lehmeyer AugusUTgrocer- jea; jeumcyer August, soap; LivenBerger jiros, bakers and grocers: Lcnh-trt n B. lumber: Len-ha-t Samuel, saddler; Levergood J C marble; Levergood W H, stoves tin; Llmbacher Frank (near), general store; LlndseyJIL manufacturer brooms; Linton Kobert 1. steam laundry: Lloyd E A. carpenter; Lloyd W lUlam, carpenter aua builder; Lordltch George, grocer; Lorcntz EC Co, boots and shoes; Loutber C O, general store; Louther Valentine, estate ot. wholesale and retail boots and shoes; Lowman John, physician; Low man WB. phyidcian: Luckhardt Lewis Sr, Jew eler: Ludwlg Charles E, cigars: Ludwlg H G, wholesale liquors; Ludwlg John A Son. wholesale liquors; Lupu Kobert, florist; Lysett D, saloon. Including Some Saloonlsts. JlcAnenyN, saloon; McAteerCharlesH,saloon; McUrldeMIchaeU saloon: McCann J J, saloon; McClelland & Miller, grocers and butchers; Mc Conoughy James P, bricks: McCue Owen Jr, sa loon; AlcCurdy L W, confectionery: McOermott Thomas, huckster: McDermott John & Co, furni ture; McGarry George W, plasterer; McQarry George tV 4 bon, grocer; McGulre Thomas, dyer; MeKenna J, machinist: McKernan BT, gro cer; McLaughlin F, saloon; McMillan James A, plnmber; AlcMullen Miss JU. millinery. Mabes William, shoemaker; Madden W B, phvs!cian;MaIony J A, saloon: Maloy M S. cro cer:Maloy IranKh&Co, sewing machines: Malzl Erharu saloon; Malzl Jacob. botcher: Malzi Peter, butcher; Marbourg Mrs E (H W) physician: Mar bourgH"V. physician: Jlarsh 5 A, furniture; .Marsh & lomb, furniture; Alarshall G G Jt Co, sad dlers; Marshall 4 Weakland, lumber; Masterton William, drv goods; JIattern John, shoemaker; Slayer Charles J, sign painter; Mayer George, to bacco and cigars: Slaver Henry, physician: Meier J 4 Bro. brewers; Slerle J C grocer and baker; MertzDE&bon, grocer; Meyer Christian, bar ber; Mever Bros, peddlers' supplies: MlIdrlnMrs J L, milliner; Sillier EK, grocer; .Miller Mrs EL, confectioner and baker; Miller Valentine, shoe maker: MUllgan J J, hotel: Siillspaugh George Vt . insurance agent; Mlnzer Fred, butcher; Monte vcrde Custlte, confectionery; Slorgan Job, liquors; Slorgan T E. musical Instruments; Moses Miss E C, fancy goods; Moses G W, grocer: Moses Willis A 4 Co. tailors: Muehlhauscr George, tin ner: Slurphy M J, saloon; Jlurr Charles, tobacco; Musantl Charles, oysters. Nathan A, notions and fancy goods; Nathan Mor ris, notions and drygoods; .National Provision Company ; Kcary Mrs M A, saloou; Newman Mor ris, general store; Aevrnin Bros, grocers O'Brien Mrs J, grocer: O'Brien M 8, grocer; O'Brien W L, grocer; O'DonncU Frank, liquors; Olmstead 1, grocer: Updrezecc J, shoemaker: Oscbger B O, Ullor; Oswald Chas. saloon: OttF4 Sons, carpenters; Overdorf E T. physician; Over dorrE4Co(SIorrellvllle). contractors and build ers; Overdorf L 4 H, contractors; Overdorf S a E t Slorrellvllle) lumber; Owen J W, grocer; Owens m. feed and grocer. Parker D B (colored), nursery; Parsons Kobert, tailor: Patterson John, Jeweler: Faul J B, grocer; Paul J B, sewing machines: Feden S A. dentist; Fctriken4 Miller, grocer; piarr Mrs Mary (Cam bria), grocer: Pfelffer J Chas,flonr; FfileE,saloon; Fnlllips Bros, drygoods; Pike W W, tinner; Flack Bros, stoves; Foland b C, dentist: l'orch (i B, physician; Porch W; Porch Bros, pianos and organs, Porter 4 Co, commission merchants; Potter G E, drugs; Pritchard Henry, teas. yulrk Stephen, saloon. From Dan to Bcertheba. Baab G C, saloon; Kaab George, saloon; Kaab John L, wholesale liquors: Bamp 4Horan,wall paper and books; Kamsey W E, agent; Kauch W. physician; Keamb C, grocer; Bebmo, Herman 4 Co, drygoods; Keck Max, bakery; Kecke Alex, bakery and candles; Keese David G, tailor; Beldel John, saloon; Keldell J, saloon; Belgart K A, con tractor; Eeutsch W, grocer; Keutsch William, grrter; lUiodes William C, Cambria, grocer; Khodosky H 4 Co, notlonsi Klch George, Junk; KhodesJD, grocer; Blneman Sol, clothing; Rob ert? IK, Insurance agent: Kodgers Michael, sa loon; Kogers Patrick, saloon; Boland A, flour and feed; KoeWJ4 bon, contractors: Kosensteel W HJr, general store; Koss L. general store; Koth E O, drvgoods; Koth P, saloon; Knth OS. books; Kutledge Irwin, insurance agent, Byan John, general store. bagerson K, saloon; Saly Henry, salooni Saly P (Cambria), general store; Schaefer J V, saloon; bchlOhauer John, saloon: bchlll F, phvslclan; bcbnabelCA&Co, bottlers; bebnabel H J (Mor rellville), grocer; bchoffEl, drygoods; bchrader 4 Greer, furniture: bchryock George K, stoves; benubert Charles T, printer; heeler & Bantley, planing mill; beigh TP, carpenter: Selgh & Hill, general store; beniple A B,leweler: bbaffer Geo, carpenter and contractor: Sharer Henry, 6aloon; Shaffer 4 Layman (Elk ton), flour mill; Sharkey .Neil, saloon; sharp John, vinegar; bhepard Cy rus, grocer; Sheridan C, physician: bhendanJC, pbTsiclan; Sherman Mark, drvgoods: bnoemaker 4 Mllligan, hotel; bhumaker James Si, groceries! bible LA, drugs: Sides Miss, millinery; Skrehat Andrew, tailor; Slick James, shoemaker; bloan Mrs C. saloon; bmlth D W (colored), barber: Smith J L, marble; Snavely D J, livery; Snyder H C; bomervllle A E, general store: Specce J M, wagonmaker: bpenger John, butcher; Stand ard Store, drygoods; burk J W(MorrellvUle), gen eral store: Statler C H, drugs: btatler George, photographer, btatler J B. drues, bteigerwald illiam. grocer; btenger John, millinery, Steven son J W. Jeweler; Stewart T G 4 Co, wholesale grocers; Stiblch (Cambria), general store; Stone A A, queensware, btonehraker W ashlngton, black smith, StoneroadTheo. sewing machines; btrayer J E, agent; btrayer J J, planing mill; btremel Augustus, barbrr; Strcmel llllam, confection ery; btrouse William Jr, manufacturer cigars; btronse W llllam H br, grocer: stull B F, grocer: Stutzman G W 4 Son, general store btutzman 4 Wilson, farm toois; bulks Benjamin, saloou; bulka & Co, clothing and hats; buppes CH, Ice and coal: bwan S M, physician: Swank D F, butcher: Swank George T. Johnstown Tnbunt; bwant Joslah, hotel: bwank N J, painter: bwank H4S, potters; bwank Jacob bon & Co, hardware; Sweeney, Cambria, grocer. Ad Alphabetical End. Taney John M 4 Co, drugs; Tayler Frank, gro cer; Thomas William, bottler; Thomas John 4 Sons, general store; Thomas 4 Walters, lumber; Thomasburger F, grocer; Thompson David, gro cer; Thompson James P, dentist; lice "W B. drugs; Tittle J S. Insurance agent; Tomb G C manufacturer of brooms; Tomb H M, (Morrell town) stoves; Toole J O, grocer; TJhl Kussell 4 Co, produce; Unverzagt D, shoemaker; Unver zagt George, drygoods: Upflegrave Wm, general store: Utecht Arthur G, conlectlonery; Vierini' Henry, rurnlture; Von Ait John, barber; Von Lnnen Louis, bricks, sand and hay. Wagener G W, dentist; Wagoner G W, phy sician; Wakefield A N, physician: Walters W W. physician; Waters J H4Bro, plumbers' supplies' Watklns John (Geistown). hotel and grocerv AVatklns Thos. plumber. Weaver WB, genexif ..... cut. . v, f.., ntuii vasper icone maugh), shoes: Wehn Louis 4 Sons, boots and shoes: Weir rrant A, saloon: Weiss Martin, blacksmith; White Miss SI J, millinery; Widman John (Conemaugh). general store; Wilson J M. rocer; Williams H i . fresco painter; Williams H . boots and shoes; Williams A.Specht, grocers JVlnn A, saloon; Wlssel H J, barber; Wlssell Valentine, butcher: Witt E 8, grocer: Wolf N C. machinery; Wolf T J, ; Wolf W C, designer Wolfe Frank, sadalery; Wood Morrell 4 Co iLiuiiicui. cucraibiuic; nooaruniiti, printer' WoolfLM bon ft Thomas, clothing: Teagley Aft BL. physicians: Yost C J. plumber: Young EmiL J Jeweler: Young Joseph M, grocer: Youne SirJ 1 busan M. Jeweler: Young Simon bon, butcher. nsan M. Jeweler: Young Simon 4 bon, butcher. Zanf E. leather! Zimmerman rrhftrli.a.1 iiPbw. Zimmerman E A, artist; Zimmerman G A.' diua Zimmerman W H, general store. ' Seeking Official Data. The local representatives of the two leading commercial agencies of America "Brad street's" and R. G. Dun 4 Cc. are en deavoring to secure data in regard to the 'financial losses in the Conemaugh Valley. The editor or jBraojtreer telegraphed the local representative, Mr. S. Jf . Dickey, that the fullest information as to the extent of the dis aster and the amount of loss was desired with out loss of time, as the Quarterly Bradstrtet w as ready to go to press, but was being held in order to receive some accurate data for the in formation of the trade at large. An experienced man was accordingly sent to the scene of devastation yesterday and will make his report as soon as possible. By a pe culiar geographical arrangement, Johnstown is in the Philadelphia jurisdiction of BradstreeVt and the local agent is not, therefore, fully in formed, except in a general way, as to the mer cantile standing of the citizens. Mr. Dickey was asked whether the agency would gazette the financial condition of Johnstown's mer chants. "Oh. yes!" said Mr. Dickey, "we shall com pile the facts as to each person's financial standing with all possible speed. The trade at large look to us for full information." "But may not your statement of the financial standing of the survivors of the flood inure to their disadvantage before the individuals get a chance to pull themselves together?" Will Prevent Imposition!. "(Jnthe contrary it will have a beneficial effect, as it will prevent impositions or assump tions of name and credit, occurrences which may prove frequent judging by past affairs of this nature, thongh not of this extent. Many of those who survive and intend to carry on business again when the city is rebuilt will be the recipients of substantial sympathy when the extent of their losses he comes officially known. I must say that The Dispatch's interviews with Pittsburg mer chants, published this mornlnc, reflect most favorably upon the sympathetic generosity of those who had dealings with Johnstown men, and I expect that the same feeling will govern the trade generally in their treatment of losses engendered bv the casualty." Mr. A B. Wigley. local agent of R. Q. Dun Co., attends to Johnstown and the whole Conemaugh Valley with regard to the commer cial standing of merchants and business houses. He left for Johnstown early yesterday morn ing, taking with him a duplicate list of that published elsewhere this morning by The Dis patch. It may take Mr. Wigley several days to arrive at a thorough and detailed commer cial idea of the wrecked city and its suburbs. THE WATER SUPPLY. A Plan to FnrnisU Families With Parer Water by tbo Can Has Prohibition Got a Practical Set-Back f The trouble of obtaining palatable water is stiU a perplexing one. Aside from the muddi ness of the water people revolt at the idea of drinking the washings of the Johnstown dis trict. Never in the history of the city has so little water been drank. Teetotalers have given up their .scruples abont drinking only tea and coftee and have taken to beer. The saloons were packed yesterday. Many a man drank his first glass of beer, and prohibition for the time is given a set back. In one saloon a well-known bainer;nan rushed in and said, "I am a teetoti!r,-b-jt beer is preferable to disease-breeding -wate, and I am sick of tea and coffee, here goes." Oatfce XarmoXJ. Jt ifruee, o-f the Crystal .lake Ice Company, is a strong flowing artesian well of pure water, and he invites' all residents in the East Eud to como ana get all they want of it. At the solicitation ot many of the resi dents, he is now considering supplying all who wish with puro water fromwacons in pails or cans, for drinking purposes. Many people are obtaining tbeir supply from distant wells now, and all the outside sources of supply in or near the city are being drawn upon. LASHED TO A TEEE. A Woman's Remains Wound Tightly to a Westmoreland County Tree. The Sanitary Corps sent ont by Westmore land county to clear the banks of the river met with some horrible sights. They found several bodies of men and women in all sorts of places, but the strangest case of all was that of a woman who was tied to a tree near the river bank with barb wire. The wire was wound round and round and held the body so tight that it withstood the awful rush of the water. It is singular how the wire became wrapped about the tree. A Generoas Offer. Messrs. Lecbner & Sohoenberger, 69 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.: Feeling a great sympathy for the suf ferers by the flood at Johnstown and vicinity, and with a desire to render our mite for their assistance, we authorize yon to have sold at auction on your board of trade, or in such other manner or place as yon may see proper, one of the best James M. Starr & Co. pianos which you have in stock, and apply the entire receipts from its sale to the fund for assisting the sufferers. Please do this promptly as onr agents. Very truly, James II. Stabb & Co. Eichmond, Ind., June 3, 1889. The above letter explains itself. The Piano will be placed in the Chamber of Commerce, ."Wood street, at 9 o'clock and will be sold at 11 o'clock a. m., Thursday, June 6, to the highest bidder by Jno. D. Bailey, Auctioneer. THE BEST LINE OPEN TO THE EAST. rittsbnrg nnd Lake Erie R. B, a The train leaving Pittsburg at 8 A. M. ar rives at Buffalo at 4:50 p. ii., and at New York at 720a.m. The accommodation, leaving at 4:10 p. M., arrives at Ashtabula at 10:45 p. if., connects with Lake Shore night express, arriving at 3Sew York at 7 p. m. next day. The train leaving at 930 P. M. arrives at Buffalo at 620 A. if. and Netf York at 8:50 P. m. Sleeping car on night train. The first class limited rate to New York is ?12. FIVE PER CENT Goes to Johnstown Sufferers On all sales of furniture, bedding, carpets, etc. etc., beginning Wednesday, June 5, continuing for one week. Special induce ments during this period. Cash or credit. Call early. "vV. B. Motle & Co., Thssu No. 60 Federal st, Allegheny. Silk Warp Henrietta Cloths Only 50 Cents A yard this is the greatest bargain ever known in dress goods choice, assortment of colors. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Cheap Carpets. All-wool ingrains only GOo a yard; anv quantity and a variety of patterns; good brussels" carpet at 40c a yard. Abthub, Schondelmteb & Co., MThS 68 and 70 Ohio st, Allegheny. Special Notice. B. & O. E. E. Only line open to TCashington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, And all points East. Great Bargains In summer shawls, embroidered fichus and beaded wraps at H. J. Lynch's 438 and 440 Market street. us Summer Wraps and Jackets Reduced. See these great bargains in our cloak room. It will pay you to buy them now. ' Jos. BTORNE & CO.'S Penn Avenne Stores. Home industry deserves your patronage. Therefore drink Prauenheim & Vilsack's Pittsburg beer. ttssu "Golden Wedding" flour rival. without a TTS Pattern Bonnets, Latest Styles, Only 85 Each, In our millinery department, only 25 of them; all are stylish and a bargain. Jos. Hobxe & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Men's Sanitary Nnturnl Wool Underwear In large assortment of qnalities, good to fin est made, all sizes. Men's department Jos. Horne Ss Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. MEETINGS. "VrOTTCE TO TRAVELING SALESMEN" xM There will be a meeting of all commercial salesmen of Pittsburg held at room No. IL Lewis block, 8ATURDAY, June 8, at 2 P. M., to take action on the death of commercial salesmen at Johnstown. By request of COM MITTER je&fll A TTENTION TRAVELING SALESMEN jti. A special meeting will be held SATUR DAY, JUNE 8, In office of Seventh Avenue Hotel at 2.3U o'clock r.M.,for purpose of raising fund for benefit bf "Johnstown sufferers;" also draft resolutions in honor of our unfortunate brothers whose fates were sealed bv the disas ter. A large attendance Is earnestlv'requested. BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE. N. R Those who cannot attend this meeting can send tbeir contributions to R. C. Schanck, care S. Ewart & Co.; same will be reported at meeting. jeo-44 AUCTION SALES. CONTENTS OF A. FINE RESDDENCEAT auction. Everything must be sold to set tle with owners, who are leaving the city, com mencing FRIDAY MORNING, June 7, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms, No. 311 Market st. Four fine chamber suits, toilet ware, hair and husk mattresses, oak chiffonier, dressing stand, pier mirror; wardrobe, bedsteads, wasbstands, handsome group parlor snit in plush, mantel cabinet, Hoover bed sofa, bookcase, linoleum, refrigerator, oak sideboard, extension talilo leather chairs, pictures, lamps, clocks, bedding, xuoqueues, uuuy auu vervci orosseis ana ingrain carpets, curtains, dishes, hydrant hose, tinware, tubs, buckets, stoneware and miscellaneous goods. Goods on exhibition at rooms. HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM.. Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE-LOTS IN THE S. L. BOGGSplan. AUentown, SA1URDAY, June 8, upon arrival of the train leaving Castle Shannon incline at 1.30 p. M. These lots are within eight minutes walk of the new Castle Shannon incline or five minutes walk by rail. Monthly tickets including railroad and incline cost 2 or SK cents per trip. The lots are 25x120 on 0 foot streets extending to a 20 loot alley; are almost level and are surrounded by all city advantages, water, gas, schools, churches etc: inspection will justify our claim that this prop erty excels all others-in the market, in the low price; $250 to WOO per lot; low taxes; easy terms: $10 down and 55 per month and convenient loca tion; within 25 minutes walk of postoffice. Bny now whether you need a lot or not; you will not miss the money on these easy terms and cannot afford to lose the chance to get a home of your own, on your own terms. Auction sale every Saturday at time named, and private sale every day, at SAMUEL W. BLACK &. CO'S,. JB5-65 99 Fourth Ave. LEGAL NOTICES. FRANK W. SMITH, Att'y at Law. ESTATE OF SAMUEL HARPER, DE CEASED Letters of administration on the estate of Samuel Harper, late ot the city of Pittsburg, county of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Helen A Har per, to whom all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. HELEN A HARPER, administratrix, cor. Grandvlew ave. apd Bertha st Pittsburg. my26Vrh JOHN F. COX, Attorney-at-Law, 408 Grant street. "YTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT L letters of administration, c t. a., have been granted to the undersigned on the estate of James Whltaker, late of Mifflin township, Allegheny county, deceased. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known "without delay. . JAMBS H. WHIT. AKSR, Administrator, ct,i Heaeetea, ra ' aay-M-MKHa M3 Display advertisements one dollar ptr square or one insertiorv Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, ric., ten cents per tine, for each inser tion, and none taken Jor less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the publio, Branch Offloes have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts withTH!318 t-JLTCII. prrrsBUEo. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, SU3 Butler street. EMIL G. STUOKEY, Mth street and X'enn ave, E. G. bTOCKEY 4 CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton St. H. bTOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST IND. J. "W. WALLACE, 6121 Pcnn avenue. OAKLAND. , MCALLISTER ft SHElBLER,5th aT. Atwood st. BOUTHSIBE. JACOB SPOHN, No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHVf ARM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHER, 59 Federal street. H. J. MCBRIDE. Federal and Ohio streets. FRED H. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. 8TEVE1.SON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. I'EltRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Male tlcln. TTTANTED - CARRIAGE PAINTERS AND YY woodworkers U, li. STUA'l'rUK, BaiL-ui, JC6-73 O. WANTFD-A CANVASSER FOR THE CEN TURY Dictionary. H. WATTS CO . SM Wood St. JeS-41 WANTED -DRUG CLERK-A RELIABLE man to take charge of small store. Address BOX 50, Plttsbnrir, Pa. Je4-53 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS CIVIL ENGI NEER to do railroad work. Address LOCK BOX 521, Pittsburg, Pa., with reference. ie5-15 WANTED-TO EMPLOY A FEW GOOD MEN who want to make money, and can Rive se curity Tor capital furnished. BOOM 42, Benshaw BuUding, 692Nlnth St. jc6-63 Wanted aheuts for the cele BKATED Jitna Portraits: salary or com mission. Call at 6322 Station st, E.E. VBEDEI il U KU & AUDIO 1)1U3 U J WANTED-A LIVE, ACTIVE MAN AT Johnston's real estate office; oue who can speak German preferred; must furnish bond. GEO. JOHNSTON, 62 Fourth ave. Je6-74 w ANTED-A MAN OF BUSINESS APT1- T1IUH rcaldlntr ontslde Plttabnrr. to act for established house In own State: salary about S100 monthly: references. SDPT. MFG. HUUS1S, LOCK BOX 1810, I. I. oc7-4S-Th TTTANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING T V powder and pure spices: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners ormlllmcn can makemoney in their spare time. YAMASH1BO TEA CO., 83 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa, Ja26-S6-TTS WANTED-5 MEN AT JOHNSTON'S BEAL Estate office; none but those having a gen eral knowledge of values of real estate in Pitts burg, Allegheny and vicinities need apply. GEO. JOHNbTON, 62 Fourth ave. JeS-74 -1TTANTED-BAD WKITEES. AT SMAKT'S YV COLLEGE, 4 Sixth street, Pittsburg. Pen manship, bookkeeping, eclectic shorthand, type writing, arithmetic, etc., thoroughly taught for fj per month; Instruction private for both sexes; open through summer, day and evening. my 12-ttssu WANTKD-GENTLEMEN TO ATTEND N. Y. Cutting School, No. SH Wood St.: Urllng's actual measurement system fanght In all its branches; the only true system fitting any and all shapes; instructions 10 A. u. to 4 P. H. ; even ings 7 to 9 r. or. ; call or write for circular. apr30-C3 WANTED-AOENT FOR PITTSBURG AND vicinity for an entirely new and very hand some line of advertising signs; salary or commis sion, or both; this Is an excellent opening for an energetic man. Address, jwltb reference. VAN EPPS ft POULSEN, 162 West Fifth St., Cincin nati, O. Jefi-79 -TTT-ANTED-AGENTS-ANABCHY AND AN YV ARCHIbTS, the greatest book of the year, is now ready for delivery. Agents say it is easier to sell than any other book published: some agents average six orders a day since the start: good ter ritory still open in cltv and country. Call for outfits at P. J. FLEMING ft CO.'S, Dispatch Building, 77 Diamond St. Je2-5f WANTED-BUSINESS AND PflOFESSION AL men, requiring the services of book keepers, bill clerks, stenographers typewriters, office clerks, etc.. should call and examine our list before advertising. If we have nothing that suits you, we will advertise specially, free of charge. COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTING AGEN CY, 163 Fifth avenue, opposite Court House. Je6-70 Male and Pemalo Helo. -T7-ANTED-AT ONCE-MALE COOK, HOST-. YV LEK, farm hands, yardman for hotel, dressmaker, 2 sewing girls, apprentice, pastry cook, 3 chambermaids, second cook, woman cook 7 per week: cooks, chambermaids, house girls. MEEHAN'S, S4S Grant street. jeS-D Partners. "TsTANTED-PABTNEB Jjj PRINTING BUSI YV NESS: live, practical man who can com mand 120 per week; capital required SSOO; business established: object, increase facilities; books shown and reference given: confidence shown. Give experience, with name and address for three days to H. C Dispatch office. Je6-t3 Financing TaTANTED-MOBTGAGES-fBaOOO TO LOAN W 8 per cent. GEO. JOHNSTON, 62 Fourth ave. Jes-74 -rTT--NTEf)-MOBTGAGE3-S0,000 TO LOAN W at 4)4 per cent. GEorjOHNbTON, 62 Fourth ave. ie6-74 WANTED GOOD CITY MORTGAGES, money from 4J$to8 per cent as to amount, etc. C H. LOVE, S3 Fourth ave. Je6-56-Thssu 1TJANTED MOBTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN TV In sums to suit, at AH, 5 and 6 per cent. GRABBING ft LYON, 135 Fourth ave. ap6-el-D -TTJANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN TV in sums to suit at 4& s and 6 per cent. ALLES ft BAILEx, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apl9-14 TTANTED-RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT- vv ax, .property manages with satisfaction. ALLES ft J i OAXUl LEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. iauf-ai T7"ANTED-MOETGAGES ON CITY PEOP VVerty, over H 000; 4W Der cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER 4 CO., 92 Fourth avenue mh2-a22-D ITT" A M TEB MORTGAGES IN ANY V T amounts: AH to 6 per cent; city and country: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO.. 99 Fourth avenne. Ja20-55-MTn8 Fourth ave. telephone 975. Je6-58 TV in large and small amounts at 4M. 5 and 6 per cent, free of btate tax; no delay. BEED B. CX)YLEft CO., 131 Fourth ive. mya-60 WANTED-MOBTGAGES IN LARGE OR small amounts, on lmt roved cltv or Alle f fUTSS01' Bt tt?ra to 6 per cent THOS. LIGGETT, No. U4 Fourth ave. 1e6-63 WA7EyrTt,.L0AN MONEY ON MOB1 - OAGES on improved real estate In sums of S500 and upward at 4. 5 and 6 per cent. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. le5-23-ThS WANTED-TO LOAN S500, 000. IN AMOUNTS of fs, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on AH per cent, free of tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent BLACK ft BAIBD, 85 Fourth avenue. se21-LX-D eebenvand aal cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. bON, 105 Fourth avenue. M. PENNOCK ft ap7-f4l -nTANTKD-TO LOAN (200,000 ON MORT- . vV GAGES; J100 and npward at 6 per cent; 1500,000 at 434 per cent on residences or business ?enXi aUK m adjoining counties. S. H. 'BENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-eS4-D Miscellaneous. TTTANTED-HOBSE, HARNESS AND WAG ,tt ON for grocery store. Address G. D., 168 Washington avenne, Allegheny. Je6-52 "T7"ANTED TO BUY A TWELVE-HUNDBED TV pound steam hammer in good order. Ad dress MABTIN JOYCE, office Water St. Je4-66 TTTANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S TV dozen (13) of Stewart ft Co. 's fine cabinet photos for 1, at 90 and 92 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny. my28-S0-TTSu T7-ANTED-LAEIES TO KNOWHAUGH ft TV Keenan repair, renntsh or upholster old furniture promptly and in the best possible man- ner. 33 AND 34 NVATEB ST. 'Phone 1626. my9-82 TTTANTED BY PEAESON, LEADING PHO W TOGHAPHER, 96 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making fine cabinets at fl 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised; Instan taneons process. mhl3-63 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Hnzelwood Residences. FORSALE-85,500-HAZELWOOD-ALOVELY home, only two sauares from th .fntinn nn Hazelwood avenue; two-story frame dwelling of o luvuiB, uui. nuKt, uaui. iiuuae w. c. Slate inai tels, natural and artificial gas, good sewerag 8 rooms, ball, range, bath. Inside w. c. slate lnan- ieis, natural ana aranciai gas, good sewerage, etc ;ln facta very complete house. In splendid order; large lot wftb an abundance of fruit and shade trees, shrubbery, etc. 95 Fourth avenue. BLACK ft BAIBD, jCi-2 Suburban Residences. buildings, large lot, with. fraMs sM staubbery. 1. M. PXNNOtlK JTSON, H6 TSuSkmF . JsMtOMWi vi c . ,. . l JsMtOMWj FOR SATJSIMFKOVEB REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. P OR SALE FIFTH STREET .PROPERTY J which will enhance ereatly In value within the next year or so. Call for particulars, C. UEK 1NGER ft SON, 103 Fourth ave. Jel-7S-TTS T7IOB BALE AT A BARGAIN, TWO FRAME -L houses ob Holmes St., between Flftr-second pa tiity-tnircksts.! only slow tor an. u. Btuv- 1NGERS0N, lOSFourihave. Jel-78-TTS FOR BALE-2 GOOD DWELLINGS ON SOM MERS st near Wylle ave., of 4 rooms: Inside shutters; each lo7xl2 to 20 foot alley: only R2C0 for both. BLACK & BA1KD, 91 Fourth ave. JW-41 "CTOE BALE PEN N AVE. PROPERTY; WE JL' have ntrmtxrof-rery valuable properties between Third and Fifth streets on Venn ave. which we can otTer at reasonable prices. C. BERINGER 4 SON, 103 Fourth ave. Jel-7S-TT8 SOESALE-MT. WASHINGTON, ONULYSSES St.. 2-story frame house of 8 rooms, ball, eel j coal and woodhouse. larre cistern, stable, etc; all In excellent repair; location desirable. I. M. PEN NOCK ft SON, No. 105 Fourth ave. JeG-69-jtThs TfWR SALE-WEBSTER AVE. AND WILL A.' IAMS St., A nice 2-story brick houses, man sard finlib, containing 6 rooms, water, both kinds or gas, etci-roodsewerasre; all in excellent re pair. I. M. PEN NOCK ft SON, No. 105 Fourth ave. jee-69-MThs East End Residences. T?OR SALE-BOULEVABDv (PLACE E. E. -a.- anienaia corner lot U3XZ3 n. to an aiiey. i. M. l'ENNOCKft SON, No. 103 Fourth ave. jcs-69-jrrhs FOB SALE-LILAC ST., NEAB ELLSWORTH ave,, house 9 rooms, bath, w. c, nit. gas, etc., lot 63x100 ft., 3 mlu. from cable ears or train. SPENCER ft GLOSSEK, 419 Smlthfield st. Je5-12 T?OR SALE-EAST END-MODERN 2-STORY" JU brick house, on Broad street, 9 rooms, attic, ball, bath, water, range, n. gas. good sewerage, lot2Sxl00ft. LM.PENNOCK ft SON. 105 Fourth ave. Je6-59-MThs FOR SALE-A VERY COMFORTABLE FRAME house of 6 rooms and kitchen, front and side porches, large lot 30x110 feet on Frankstown ave. near btatlon street. C. BERINGER ft SON. 103 Fourth ave. Jel-78-TTS FOR SALE-ON SOUTH HILAND AVE.-LOT 37xl40 to SO-ft. alley; brick house of 8 rooms, bath room, pantry, hot and cold water and all modem Improvements; elegant neighborhood; Immediate possession; only 110,000. THOS. LIG GETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. Je6-63 FOR BALE-DON'T DELAY, BUT ACT quickly, and secure one of those desirable building lots. Bank of Commerce addition plan, Brushton station: 60-foot streets: good walks and no city taxes. Fnll information from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smlthfield street. JeS-33 FOR BALE-A NEW QUEEN ANNE FRAME dwelling; 6 rooms, 2 finished; attic rooms, re ception hall, bath inside w. c, washstand, hot and cold water, laundry, front and rear porches, rear stairway, pantry, slate mantels, bay window, tile hearths, slate roor. complete sewerage; lot 37&C133 feet to alley; convenient to Shadyside sta tion and cable Hue; price t6,000: easy terms. L. O. FBAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. Je5-28-ThS FOR SALE-OAKLAND-RESIDENCE PROP erty at a bargain; lot over one acre, with fine large frame dwelling; 12 rooms, bath, gas. Inside shutters, closets, etc.; also stable and carriage house, washhouse, etc.; tbeentlrelotcoveredwith magnificent forest and fruit trees; the new cable loop will pass the door; only 7 mlnutes-from Flith ave.; terms, fiOOO or $3,000 cash, balance long time. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. Je6-64 FOR BALE-ON THE CORNER OF TWO prominent paved avenues in the East End; lot 46x179; nicely graded and. set with shade trees: brick house (almost new), reception hall, parlor, dining room, library, kitchen and pantry on first floor: a large bed rooms and bath room on second floor; large finished atlc with servants room, cedar closet and trunk room; electric bells, speak ing tubes, sliding doors, elegantporches, elegant neighborhood and convenient location: offered at a bargain. THOS. LIGGETT, NO. 114 Fourth ave. EOR BALE-SHADE. ROOMINESS AND OUT LOOK are features to consider In buying residence property; these and many other ad vantages are possessed by the elegant and com modious new honses upon Oakland square, which is one of the most attractive neighborhoods In the city; only fifteen minutes' from the heart of the city, yet with all the attractions ot the coun try; dwellings finished in the neatest and moBt durable manner; streets paved with asphalt and sewered; natural and artlBclal gas; fronting on handsome park planted with shade trees- new cable loop (for which ordinance Is in Councils) to go within 100 feet of the square; price of bouses, standing on lot 30x100. $1,500; terms, moderate, cash payment, remainder upon long time; most beautiful district, or the city and convenient to all parts. Apply if SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO.. 99 l ourth avenue. myl2-71 Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE-AT HOCO-ON CLIFTON AVE., Allegheny, new house 7 rooms, beside 3 In attic; lot 80x170 ft. W. A HEREON ft SONS. 60 Fourth ave. Je2-6S-a,6,10,13,i5 FOR SALE-HANDSOME MODERN HOUSE all conveniences and large lot, choice loca tlon, Bldwell street, Allegheny; low price easy terms. JNO. H. H'OEEEKY, 93 Fifth ave. . ap9-46-TTS FOR SALE-ON ESPLANADE ST.. NEAB the parks, Allegheny, a good bouse lnflrst etass order; 8 rooms, late Improvements; lot 20x120 tt. to James St. W. A. HEBRON ft SONS. 80 Fourth ave. Je2-63-3;6,10l13,15 FOR SALE-A VERY NICE ALMOST NEW frame dwelling of 4 rooms and basement, kltchenand attic, porch, etc. on California ave , Allegheny; price only p.500. C. BERINGER ft HON, 103 Fourth ave. Jel-78-TTS FOR SALE-14, COO-ALLEGHENY HOUSE, ON Clifton ave, near Harrison st., a new 2-story frame dwelling of 7 rooms and attic ball, vesti bule, slate roof, two porches, both gases, city water, slate mantels, etc. ; lot 30x170; this is a bar galn BLACK ft BAIRD. 91 Fourth ave. Je4-4t FOR SALE-LOTS. Alleshonv Lots. FB SALE-LOTS, LOTS, ALLEGHENY 3 nice lots on easterly aide and i on westerly side of f rwln ave. L M. PENNOCKftSON. No. 10o Fourth ave. Je6-59-MTbS TOJt SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN JD avennes and Lombard street, Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCNAUGHER, 43 N. Diamond St. mh7-93-D East End Lota. 17K)RSALE-WALLINGF0HDST.,NEABNEV-X1 ILLE St.. building lots; location good; price low. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. le2-58-3,6,8,II,15 FOR SALE-VAOANT LOT ON DENN1STON ave.: fine location and well situated: will sell reasonably. C. BERINGERft SON, 103 Fourth ave. jel-78-TTS FOB SALE-BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS on Walllngford street, betwten Barton and Neville sts., 160 feet deep, only SG0 per foot. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. Jes-3 FOR SALE-ON ROUP ST. LOT 40x100 TO 20 foot alley; elegant neighborhood; sewered street; convenient to R. K. and Fifth ave cable ears. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. Jefi-64 -I7OH SALE ACRE LOTS FRONTING ROUP J ST.. 200 feet deep, nearWiIklnsave.,Twenty second ward: the ground lays well, the location is beautiful. W. A. HERRON ft SONS. 80 Fourth ave. Jel-05-Tus TTIOR SALE-ON PENN AVE, NEAR NEG X? LEY ave.; lot 25x145 to Klrkwood St.; good neighborhood, sewered, etc.: on line of Penn ave. cable cars; only 12,600. THOS. LIGGETT, No 114 Fourth ave. Je6-63 FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL LOT ON WINE BIDDLEave., 100x300 to a 50-foot street: ele gant forest trees: good neighborhood; very desir able In every respect; ,11,500. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave Je6-64 FOB SALE-ON WALNUT ST., NEAR HI LAND ave., lots 220 ft. deep to aE0-rt. street: convenient to both cable and steam cars; elegant neighborhood; cheap and on terms to suit. IHOb. LIGGETT, Ho. 114 Fourth ave. JeG-63 FOK SALE-ON COB. EDWIN AND EL WOOD sts , lots 30x120 to a sewered alley: natural and artificial gas and city water on the street; 1.300; 1300 cash. bal. on time, or 11,200 cash. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. Je6-63 FOR SALE-SQUIRREL H1LL-3 TO 15 ACRES at $1,000 to Si500 per acre; directly on or near line of new electric road; will enhance rapidly: a good speculation: call and see us at once. SAM UEL W. BLACK ft CO., S9 Fourth ave. Jel-10-TTS FOE SALE SQUIRREL HILL-12 ACRES, Wilt ins ave., corner property, near Fifth ave. traction road, and only short distance from Sroposed electric road; can De nicety divided Into eslrable building lots: will sell at a bargain. bAMUEL W. BLACK ft Co., W Fourth ave. Jel-11-MWThS Forms. FK SALE-17 ACHES LAND, NEAR PER RYSVILLE Electric road, only 5 miles from the city; price remarkably low. L M. PENN OCK ft SON, No. 1 Fourth ave. les-CO-UThS T7K)K SALE 158 ACRES CON VENIEMTTO CITY H and K,lt.sta.: good house, barn, tenant house and barn, outbuildings; 1.700 bearing peach, 1,000 plum, loo apple, 20 plum trees, etc.; 3, 4 and 6 feet coat, limestone; cheap. D W1TTISH, 410 Grant St., Pittsburg. New list. Jel-D TTIOR 8ALE FARM THE PATTERSON JJ FARM, three miles southeast of Parnassus, in Upper Burrell township, Westmoreland county, will be sold at public outcry on Thursday, June M 1889, at 2 o'clock P.M. Said farm contains 106 acres, mostly cleared, with all necessary build ings and Improvements. For particulars Inquire of R. S. DINSMORE, Parnassus, Pa. Je8-50-8.9,lS,16,l Miscellaneous. T710B SALTS-ATLANTIC C1TY.N. J.-HOTELS, X? boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or for sale by I. G. ADAMS ft CO., real esute agents, Atlantic City. N, J. my20-24-D TTIOR SALE SPLENDID INVESTMENT A Sj row of new brick houses; aU conveniences,. etc.: rental S3, 260; this -property can oe oougnt very cheaply and on reasonable terms. SPLA CER ft GLOSSES, 419 Smlthneld st, Jei-2 FIR SALE-CHOICE EAST END LOTS. S3S per foot front, Conrad St., Twentieth ward; corner lot, 105x95 feet to alley. $60 per foot front, Conrad St., Twentieth ward; lots 60x160 feet to 20-foot alley. (60 per foot front, Atlantic ave, Twentieth ward; lots 60x160 feet to 20-root alley.N 66 per foot front. Liberty avt. .Twentieth ward; corner lot 136x210 feet tss per root front, Rebecca st., Twentieth, ward; corner lot, 114x164 feet. The above tots art all finely located and con- vi s m w ! iffcfmiMjninr &r TOR SALE-LOTS. City Lots. FOR BALE-BUILDING LOTS-ON THE Citizens' cable line, Nineteenth ward; loca tion good, In the Brown ft Dounell plan; terms easy. W. A HEBRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Je2-l-KThl -7H)K BALE-S1.S90 FOE ALL, U LOTS ON J? Harmar street, near P. B. R., between Twenty-eighth and Thirty-third sts. 26x120 feet each; will enhance rapidly: good speculation: very easy terms: S minutes from Pcnn ave. cable line. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. ieZA-ttS Snbnrban Lots. F OB 8ALE-AT 1NORAM t ACHES. GEO. wan sroa, 62 Fourth ave. jes-74 F lOR SALE-8 ACRES AT INGRAM. GEO. iwujaiua, gj ronrtn ave. jew TJIORSALE-ATINGEAM-TENACKES. GEO. J JOHNSfON, 62 Fourth ave. Jcfl-74 FOR SALE-AT INGBAM-81X1-ACEELOTS, CTOOper lot. GEO.JOHNbTON,Art..e2Fourth ave. Je6-7f FOB SALE ATINGBAM-SEVERAL BEAU TIFUL building sites, convenient to U. P. Church. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent. 62 Fourth aye. Je6-74 OR S'ALE-AT IN GRA M-1.000 CHOICE LOTS, located 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes Irom rail road station. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent,62Fourth ave. le6-74 FOR 8ALE-AT INGRAM-A FEW CHOICE lots In the Pier and Moore plan, fronting on railroad, and 4 minutes from station. GEO. JOHNSTON. 62 Fourth ave. Je6-74 FOB SALE-AT INGEAM-13 OF THE ''GOR DON" place lots; lovely shade and forest trees: 12 minutes from B. K. station. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt.. 62 Fourth ave. Je6-74 FOR SALE -EIGHT ACRES AT INGRAM. 20 minutes from station: pure water, pure air. good drainage, beautiful forest, shade and fruit trees; 20 minutes by rail from Union station. GEO. JOHNSTON. 62 Fourth ave. je6-74 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOR SALE - EXCELLENT SMALL DRY GOODS store; would suit lady; lee cream saloon: cigar stores; grocery stores; drugstores; shoe stores: bakeries, etc; business for picnics and county fairs, S12S; 100 business chances. SHEPAED ft CO.. M is lith ave. my29 EOR SALE-LARGE BRONZE AND BRASS foundry with first-class established trade ot g standing, with blast .furnaces, rolling mills, railroads, etc. : completely equipped for furnish ing soft metals of all descriptions; will be sold at a bargain on account or Illness of owner. Address JV. B. B Dispatch office. my24-74 "C10R SALE -GRAND OPENING LEASE J? and furniture of a brick hotel of SO rooms for sale; the house Is in first-class shape; has a good bar and 75 boarders, with a fair run ot transient trade: street cars pass the door to all parts of the cltv; splendidly located, 18 rods from Union depot, two blocks from steamboat landing; the only cause of selling is poor health. Aldress EMPIRE HOUSE, 38 and 38 Water st , Cleveland, O. JOHN BKENNAN, Proprietor. Je4-60 Business Stands. FOR SALE-13, 50U-CENTER AVENUE.T WEN TIETH ward property, known as Brill's Ho tel; brick, 18 rooms, etc.; lot 80x140 feet to P. R. R. L. O. FBAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. Je5-28-ThS FOR SALE-ON FIFTH AVE., OAKLAND, opposite power house: lot 24x178 to a 20 foot alley; two-story frame building of 6 rooms and store room; an elegant business location; only 17,000. THOS. LIGGETT, N 0. 114 Fourth ave. je6-63 F OR SALE -SEVERAL VERY DESIRABLE llfth. Sixth and Seventh aves.; also on Smlthfield St., Penn st , Liberty St.. Sixth st. and Seventh St. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. Je6-74 Manufacturing Sites. FOR SALE -bPLENDID MAM UFACTUBING sites S. S. city. 1 to 10 acres, fronting on the Monongahela river; P. McK. ft Y. B. R. and switch connection easily made with P. V. &CB. B. L M. PENNOCK ft SON, 105 Fourth ave. 1e6-59-XIhS Financial. FORSALE-BY GIBSON INVESTMENT CO., Minneapolis, Minn., 7 and 8 per cent first mortgages on good Improved property; no mort gage exceeds 33 per cent of the actual security; can orsenaiorpampmei. UBAtiiinu lxujm. 135 Fourth ave., Pittsburg, Pa. . A. G1USON, mstern aianager. mie. fa. JeM FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. tc FOR SALE-RELIABLE FAMILY HORSE, barouche and harness In excellent order; a bargain: can be seen at WSrmcastle's stable, East Liberty. Address P. D. Q., Dispatch office. Je5-27 Machinery and Metals.,, CTOBSALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22, JL; IJlUt CUglUC, iBIUSUUYUaUHMlU.U 1 Ball engine, I small dynamo and 2 lamps and Ltcnomiers. reaaenar Knuei. eic- vju.ii MCDONALD, Penn ave., eOr. Thirty-second st. lels-163-rTS PERSONAL. PERSONAL-BOOKS WANTED-IF YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth 11,000, let us kno: we will buy one as qnlckly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK -STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. my3-23 SEKSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUB WIFE, mother or daughters In renalrlng and clean your old clothes, when It can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood at., second floor Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed: suits madeto order: spring styles now ready. Telephone 1558. mh8 LOST. LOST BANK-BOOK OF THE CITY SAVINGS BAN K, containing S233 In bank, notes. The finder will be suitably rewarded by returning to bank. MRS. JACOB MAY. Je6-47 RESORT. HOTEL LAFAYETTE, CAPE MAY CITY, N. J., open all the year: strictly first-class; situated directly on the beach, opposite Iron Pier. VICTOR DENIEZOT, Proprietor. jeI-3-rrs THE ELDREDGE. NO. 18 SOUTH CARO LINA avenne, witbin three minutes' walk of depot or beach. Large, cheerful rooms, ex cellent table. Terms moderate. MRS. E.J. ELDREDGE. Proprietress. mvl6-91-D THE CH ALFON1 E. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt water baths in the bouse. Elevator. apl8-81-D E. RQBERTB & SONS. TIHE TKEMONT, SEA GIRT, N. J. S. W. LEEDa Jel 2-D Winter address, Cinnaminson, N. J. t bisi, importers and dealers in wines, liquors and French cor dials for family use. Sole agents for San Gab riel Wine Company, California. 10 DIAMOND SQUARE, Pittsburg. Foreign produce a soec alty - sc22-bl3K-TTS rpHE W1NDSQR, CAPE MAY, N. J. Directly on the beach. Now open. W. W. GREEN. Jel-4-D rrOTEL NORMANDIE, ATLANTIC CITY, -NOWOPEN,-Under new management. T. C. GILLETTE, Pron'r. my22 Late of Colonnade Hotel, Philada, ON THE BEACH. Atlantic City, N. J., HADDON HALL Je5-9I EDWIN LIPPINCOTT. LONGVIEW SCHOOL-FORMERLY HO TEL Longview will be opened for the reception of summer boarders by July 1, 18S9. For circulars and Information appty to REV. JOHN G. MULHOLLAND. my2-B3-TTSu Longview School, Brookville, Pa. BRESSON bPRINGS, PENNA. MAIN Aj line Pennsylvania Railroad, on top of ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS. THE MOUNTAIN HOUSE Will open June 25. All trains stop at Crssson. For circulars, etc., address WM. R. DUNHAM, Supt. my7-2-nsu Cresson, Cambria Co., Pa. M PRINCESS AM HOm, VIRGINIA BEACH, VA-, Situated directly "on the ocean, IS miles due east of Norfolk, Va, via Norfolk and Va. R. R. This great seaside resort presents every advantage for luxury, comfort and health. Summer season opens June 15. Elegant drives on the bard beach and through the piney woods. The best surf bathing on the coast. Send for illustrated pamphlet: New York office, U Broadway. jetf-TTS B. E. CRITTENDEN. Manager. ARCHITECTS. REMOVAL. George Hodcdon, Architect, has removed to his handsome new rooms. Safe Deposit Build ing; 83 Fourth ave. Take elevator to fifth floor myl7-100-D j stoves and ranges while using the same for cooking, or any other purpose, by using' the iSurekajGarbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing, full information, call oa or address JAKBB ANDBS80N, . NBNfite4BMl streets TO LET. Cltr Residence. TJ LET-B7 CEN1EB AVE.-HOU8E OF U rooms, all modern improvements; 955 Penn ave., all modern improvements, II rooms and bath; 177 Third ave., li rooms and bath: 19 Monte rey st., Allegheny, ten rooms, all modern Im provements, beautiful finish. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. , Je6-74 Allegheny Residences. TO LET-FOUR BOOMS AND KITCHEN; water andVgas in all. No. 39 OH ABA BTREET, Allegneny. Je5-3 TO LET-IN ALLEGHENY CITY 2 HOUSES one of 8 rooms and one of 10 rooms well lo cated: one of them convenient to Pittsburg, but not In the low water district; rent reasonable C. H. LOVE, S3 Fourth ave. Je6-56-ThsS0i Suburban Residences. TO LET-AT INGBAM-SEVEN BOOM FRAME house with 10 acres of ground: abundance of fruit trees. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. JJ-4 TO LET-MY HOUSE. THDJTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern Improvements, stable and carnage house, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM.T. DUNN. mh9-63 TO LET AT HOMESTEAD, DESIRABLE bouse, 11 rooms, first-class order; lately occu pied as hotel by Thomas Klllburn; large store room, 25x60; also small storeroom In same house; situate near City Farm. For particulars Inquire" of THOMAS KfLLBURN, Homestead, Pa. fe6-78 Auartmenu. TO LET-ONE FLOOR OF 4 NICE ROOMS, with gas and water: for light housekeeping. Apply to J? G. MORROW, Shoe Store, 289 Ohio St., Allegheny. JeJ-49 Business Stands. T 10 LET-STORE AND DWELLING. NO. 43 wn.caixKsr. )ei-a 3 no LET-CHOICE NEW STORE ROOM AND I cellar. 12 Federal street. Allegheny. W. A. EHRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Je6-S7-MTh8 TO LET f 15 PER MONTH LARGE AND well lighted basement: corner of Federal and Isabella sts.. Allegheny. W. AHEREON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. JeS-57-MThS AMUSEMENTS. BENEFIT OF JOHNSTOWN SUFFERERS I At Bijou Theater, Thursday and Friday even ings, Jnne 6 and 7. under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce, the beautiful Legen dary drama, Rip Van Winkle, with a strong -cast of professional artists. Lubert's Mandolin Quartet will render some choice selections. Entire gross receipts to be given. Usual E rices of theater. Reserved seats on sale at ox office. R W. TRELEGAN, N. D. McMEAL,and ROBERT BUCK, Managers. TjlNTIRE PROCEEDS TO GO TO THE JOHNSTOWN STJFFERERa GRAND CONCERT BY THE ZITIERBART ORCHESTRA 40 performers under the direction of Prof. F. Zltterbart, Jr. First appearance o! Frank Wilczek, the great German violinist, since ar riving from New York. Soloists: Miss Grace Miller, Mr. W. McCntcheon. Miss Belle Tomer, Mr. Jos. Vogel, Miss Agnes Vogel, Miss Mamie Reuck, violin; Mr. F. Zltterbart. Jr., piano. Haydn Quartet, Accompanists: MissldaBurgv. Mr. R. Maver, Mr. Jos. Gitting. GRAND OPERA. HOUSE, FRIDAY EVENING, June 7. Tickets, SO cts. and SL. je4-35 rE ENTIRE PROCEEDS OF THE ORPHEUS CLUB CONCERT, TO BE GIVEN AT THE PITTSBURG CLUB THEATER ON THURSDAY EVENING, Will be presented to the relief fund. The Musical Director.Mr. Chas. Davis Carter, advances $50 00. Tickets for sale at all music stores. B UOU THEATER. SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 8. Benefit of the Johnstown sufferers, at which will be presented the comedy drama In 3 acts, entitled "THE GENERAL'S WARD," by Marie Baldwin (Mrs. J. Wilson Phillips) of this city. The principal characters will be assumed by the theatrical professiaircesiding in the city, assisted by the leading lot-al fctivnt. The entire proceedaTf ill be gives to, the flood sufforers. j?4-34 .. MUSICAL AND LITERARY ENliSiv ii, TA1NMENT for the benefit of the Johns town Sufferers will be given in the hall ot Mt. Washington Reading Room, by excellent tal ent, under the management of A F. Osterloh, JrTHURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS. June 6 and 7, 1889. Entire proceedings for benefit of sufferers. Admission, 25 cents. je5-18 PICNIC GROVE FREEI WINDSOR PARK. Only six miles from the city, situated on the bluff overlooking Davis Island dam. Easily reached by rail or boat. Large grove of forest trees, cool, clear springs of water, flue dancing platform, etc. The use of the grove will be given free to Sunday schools, societies, lodges, G.A.E. posts, private fetes, etc, the only charge being fare on the steam elevator to and from the grounds. For dates and further particulars apply to J. H. DAWSON, Lacock street, near Fed eral street, Allegheny, or to A CLANEY on the grounds. myll-15-D MONONGAHELA AND OHIO RIVERS Transportation & Excursion Co., , LIMITED. Steamer MAYFLOWER Can be chartered for excursions, picnics and evening parties, umce, is a lis WAT.fc.ri ST. mvU-40-TTS L.N. CLARK. Captain. PROPOSALS. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. ALLE GHENY Arsenal, Pittsburg, Pa., May 3, 18b9 Sealed proposals, in duplicate, subject to usual conditions, will be received bete until 10 o'clock A. SL, JUNE 7, 1889, and then opened for supplying this post the fuel, forage, straw and hauling' required for fiscal year ending June 30, 189a The U.S. reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids for delivery at other points will be entertained. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Pro posals for Forage and Straw," or for "Fuel," and addressed to A S. M. MORGAN, Capt. & O. B. K., A A. Q. M. myl4-41-14,15,18,17-1u5,8 Wn.KTNSBtrRO. Jane 5. 1889. -VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED IN proposals will be received at the Borough Engineer's office. Wood street, borough of Wllklnsburg. until 4 o'clock P. it, FRIDAY, JUNE 14. 1889. for furnishing: material, macad amizing and curbing Penn avenue from city line to Pennsylvania Railroad. Plans and specifications can be seen at this office. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond pro bated before the Burgess or Clerk. The tight is reserved by the Street Committee to accept or reject any and all bids. THOMAS W. McrUNE, ARTHUR STUART. JAMES WILSON. je6-4S Street Committee. JJROPOSALS FOR FRESH BEEF-COMMISSARY'S Office. ABegheny Arsenal, ittsburc. Pa- May 11, 1889 Sealed proposals in duplicate will be received at this office until 10 o'clock A. K., JUNE 10, 1889, for furnishing the fresh beef required by the Subsistence De partment, U. S. army, at this station during the fiscal year ending June '30, 1690. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production or manufacture, conditions of quality and price (Including in the price of foreign pro ductions or manufactures the duty thereon) being equal. The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Full informa tion can be obtained by application to this of fice. Envelopes containing proposals most be marked "Proposals .for fresh beef," and ad dressed to A. S. M. MORGAN, Capt, t O. a K,,AC.a my 14-42-14,15,18,175,6 PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING STA TIONERY, furniture, fuel and other supplies. In compliance with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I hereby invite sealed proposals, at prices below maximum rates fixed in schedules, to furnish stationery, furniture, fuel, and other supplies for the several departments of the State Gov ernment, and for making repairs in the several departments, and for the distribution of the Subllc documents, for the year ending the first londay of June, A D. 1090. Separate proposals will be received and sepa rate contracts awarded as announced in said schedules. Each proposal must be accompa nied by a bond with approved sureties, condi tioned for tbe faithful performance of the con tract, atfd addressed and delivered to me before 12 o'clock M. on Tuesday, the 9th day of July. AD. 1888, at which time the proposals will be opened and contracts awarded, in tbe recep tion room of the Executive Department, at Harrisburg. Blank bonds and schedules containing all necessary information can be obtained on ap plication at this department. CHARLES W. STONE. Je2-89-p Secretary of the Commonwealth. ilANOfc, ORGANa & HAMILTON, Bl AND 08 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg, Pa. ap9-7J-o WAXTBBJ.OSBOITRXE. ItlCHAKDKABSOWS. BARflOWS 4 OSBOURNE JOB PRINTERS, MDtssead street; TsiejksaeXa.aH r ' .."L, .:. OFFICIAL PTTTSBITRO. Z3 f .,. .... ...vf iii u Pa nTTVB'lr TrrT-nTTTn JTtmi.1 1BS9J" ' SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE KB CETVED at this office until 3 P. at o&Sat-J? nrday. Jane 8. 1889. f or nrintlnsr the annual re-1 port of the City Controller. The speciflcMlsfla&vs of which and all information can be obtsle4T,1 on application at this office. The right 1 re ' served to reject au or any bids. v je2-47 E. S. MORROW, Controller VTOTlC IS HEKEEBY GIVEN THAT TH " IX reports of Viewers on the opening (ot ' Geneva street, from Fisk street to Fbrty-aftaT street: Emerson street, from Fifth avenue to Walnut street: Thompson street, from BSet- land street to King street; Allen street, from -Washington avenue to Lillian street, and Boquet street, from Fifth avenue to Bay ard street, have been approved by Councils.; which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas witsia ' -ten (101 days from date. E. M. BTGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. TTT3BUEO,3iay 2U, ISSU. my3U-3-9 Department of Public Safety, . Pittsburg, June 8, 1889. J SEPARATE.AND BEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City. HT. fnr fnrniwhlno- anil flMlvflHTii- trffn tnrti. "T9 table aerial ladder trucks to the city of Pitts- burc Plans and specification can be seen at the., office of the Bureau of Fire; bonds in double the amount of bids must accompany each pro- . . posal, said bonds to be probated before the Mavor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves th, right to reject any or all bids. " - J. O. BROWN.. Chief of the Department of Public Safety." , je&51-fl ' BUSINESS TAX AND WATER RENTS, , 1889. Notice is hereby given that t&e du plicates for the business tax and water rentsf or the year 1889 have been placed in my hands lor . collection by the Board of Assessors author ized to assess the same. The time for paying said taxes and water rents at the Citv Treasurer's office is the month of June. No discounts allowed. Water rents and business tax remaining un paid after June 30. 18S9. will be placed in tha hands of the Collector of Delinquent Taxes for collection, with 5 per cent added. All applicants for statements of water rents must give name of the owner of the propyl erty they occupy or desire to pav water rent for. J. F. DENNISTON, ,, je5-95-D City Treasurer. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE. reports of Viewers on the construction of sewers on Belief onte street, from Ellsworth avenue to Fifth avenue; Copeland street, from Ellsworth avenue to Walnut street; Long alley, from Eden allev to Valley street; Amber son avenue, from Fifth avenue to sewer near Pennsylvania Railroad; Walnut street, from -Ivy street to Roup street; Ivy street, from1' Howe street to Ellsworth avenue. Roup street, from Fifth avenue to Ellsworth avenue: Mar- j ket street, from South Diamond square to Fourth avenne, and Ellsworth avenue, fromC Snmmerlea street to Aiken avenue, have been approved by Councils. -which action will bar final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (101 days from date. E. M. B1GELOW, ? Chief of Department of Public Works. " PITTSBURG, May 30, 18S9. mySO-3-D AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A compromise with Mary Ann Schneider, admx. of amount claimed for damages to prop. . erty caused by the opening of Grandvlew ave ' nue. Thirty-second ward. , Whereas. The Department of PnbUc Works found it necessary for the convenience and' safety of the general public to cause the grad- '' ing of a portion of Grandvlew avenue: and. Whereas, In doing said work the property ot John Schneider, deceased, was greatly dam aged; and, Whereas, The city is liable for the payment of said damages; and, Whereas The Finance Committee have ef-r fected a compromise of the claim with Mary Ann Schneider, admx.. of the estate of said John Schneider; now, therefore. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the " ' city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun- " cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and ' enacted by the authority of the same. That the , City Controller shall be and is hereby author ized and directed to issue his certificate for a warrant on the Mayor in favor of Mary Ana Schneider, admx., for one thousand dollars la payment in full of all damages caused to the property of the estate of John Schneider, de ceased, oy the opening and grading of said Grandvlew avenue upon said administratrix filing with the Controller a release of damages which shall be approved by City Attorney, said, djipantfue charged to the contingent fund. Section Z-itoX any ordinance or part of , ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance beihAthe same is hereby tBJ' pealed so far as the sazneaffects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils -this 13th day nf May. AO. 1889. H.P.FORD, President f Select Council. , .aiieafc; ujju. oaijrrAiu;, iier. ul oeieub Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President oft Common Council. Attest: GEO, BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. V Mayor's office. May 21, 1839. ApprovedfN. WM.MCCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W.H."iiC- CLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. , x Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 78, 4th day of June. A D. 1S89. Je&31, HK.AMA UN .'.. " ;. (SPECIAL ELECTION.) City of Pittsburg ss. In accordance with the Constitution of tha Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and an ordi nance of the city of Pittsburg, I, William Mo Callin, Mayor ot the city of Pittsburg, do there fore make known and give this public notice to the citizens of said city "qualified to vote for members of the House of Representatives of this Commonwealth, that a special election, will be held in the Second, Fiftb, Eighteenth and Twenty-sixth wards, in said city, on the third Tuesday of June, A D. 1889, being tbe 18th day of tbe month, in the several election districts therein, at which time qualified voters will as semble at their respective polling places, here after named, and vote by ballot for members ot tbe Select and Common Council of the dty as indicated below : Tbe electors of tbe Second ward, Pittsburg; First district, to meet at Archibald & Broth ers' livery stable, 138 Third avenue. Second district to meet at the Poor Board office. Fourth avenue. Third district to meet at ' public schoolhouse. Diamond street. And elect one Select Councilman for said ward to fill tbe unexpired term of Jas. Getty, Jr., rs signed The electors of the Fifth ward, Pittsburg, First district, to meet at the office of Peter Hermes, No. 20S Fifth avenue. Second dis trict to meet at John Urban's meat store, Wylle avenue. Third district to meet at tha public scboolhouse, Webster avenue. And elect one Select Councilman for said ward to fill the unexpired term ot John O'Neill, re signed. The electors of the Eighteenth ward, Pitts burg, First district, to meet at tbe livery stable ' ot Alex Kl-gan. Butler street. Second district to meet at Kaufleld House, Butler street and bridge. Third district to meet at the office of B. R. Mclnerny, on Butler street And elect one Select Councilman for said ward to fill the unexpired term of Michael Dwyer. resigned. The electors of tbe Twenty-sixth ward, Pitts-' burg,. First district, to meet at John Hughes' tlnsbop, Sidney street, near Eighteenth street;' Second district to meet at house of Jacob Aulenbacher, Jr., comer of Eighteenth and Sarah streets. Third district to meet at Odd Fellows' HaU, Eighteenth street. Fourth dis trict to meet at the house of John Mansmann, corner of Twentieth and Jane streets. Fifth -district to meet at tbe public schoolhouse, , Sarah street. And elect one Common Council man for said ward to fill the unexpired term of Wm. Ruhlandt, resigned. In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of tbe city of Pitts burg, this 28th day of May; A D. 1839. my29-57 WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. OAKLAND SQUARE, $5,500 each, moderate cash payment, balance) $500 per annum, elegant new two-story and mansard brick dwellings, 8 rooms, hall, bath, laundry, slate mantels, art fire places, tils hearths, sliding doors, wired for electric light, fine chandeliers, both gases, plate glass win Hows, etc.; Oakland Square, five minutes from Fifth avenne cable line and directly on line of new cable loop which is to be constructed this summer; a beautiful park (on which are sev eral hundred beautiful shade trees), the whola surrounded by streets and sidewalks, sewered and paved with asphaltnm;on each side of and, facing the park are the above described dwell ings; most desirable houses yet offered: en hancement of values sure. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO., 99 Fourth ave. myU-39-D TTIOR SALE-WHOLESALE PRODUCBf JTJ commission bouse, doing a business second,. . to none in tbe City; everythirg In first-class , running order; this is an opportunity to te , into an established paying business that i, seldom offered: liberal terms, Address BUSI NESS, Dispatch office. my28-118-TT3sa CURTAINS. We make a specialty of cleaaiae aad dy lace curtains: also dry cleaning Damask Turk- Uh portiers ana au kinds of labnes. Sixth Avenue Dv Works, . M. MAY SONS. Oof- -r as. 5' TT . . ' -.T7;k v,r- j-n-A. r..- n