1X3 i' -.2 ". THE. PITTSBURQ- DISPATOHr "WEDNESDAY, JTJNEV 5? 1889 a ' -r I0T A COMPARISON Can Be Had for the Great " Pressure on Wires. WESTERN UNION DOUBLED TAnd 15 or 20 or Its Best Operator! Sent 7to Johnstown The Kioto, Centennial .nnd Garfield Furnished no Parallel In Telegraphy Operators Must bleep In Barns. At the Western Union office It was learned last night that business had increased enor mously in the past f ew days, so much so as to require a doubling up of the force. In response to the inquiry: "Hare you ever done as much business, in the same time, as you hare done since the Johnstown calamity T" Manager Williams responded: I do not remember the time when business Id our line was so lively. In Centennial times and in hen the strike was on there was great ac tivity in telegraph matters, but there were far fen er wires In operation then than now. We did not realize the extent of theConemaugh disaster for many hours after the first news came. Our offices and operators at Johnstown went down in the flood. Since Friday night we have sent 15 operators to that ill-fated city, with all the appliances needed for telegraphing. "We were Terr fortunate in securing the serrices of Mr. Munson, of the East liberty Stockyards, who has superintended theitork of the Johnstown office, and has proved him self fully equal to the emergency. The opera . tors under Air. Munson do not find the best of accommodations. Many are Sleeping In Barns and hunting rations wherever they are to be found. We sent up three additional operators to-day and will send another to-morrow. There are now in the employ of the Pittsburg office about 90 operators. Ordinarily we employ about one-half this number." At the Postal Telegraph office the informa tion received was of the same character. Said the foreman of this company: "Our regular commercial business has been very slack the past few days, but the extra business brought by the Johnstown disaster ' has far more than made up for the loss in com mercial lines. The press of business since the flood has forced us to quadruple our force. On the night force from 25 to 30 men are now kept busy, whereas we were able a week or two days ago to get along with a half dozen. "We have managed to cet our wires Into good shape, and are equal to all demands, not withstanding the great increase the past few days." Night Manager Henderson, of the telephone company, was seen by the reporter, and from him it was learned that business had greatly increased since Friday. On Sunday the force was doubled. The amount of business done the past four days has been fully 100 per cent above ordinary times. Everybody Wants to Esoir. Said Manager Henderson: "Pittsburg has been the center of inquiry from all points for J) information concerning Johnstown sufferers. "We hare no line to Johnstown, but hare an exchange there. Onr operator there, a young lady, was saved, but lost everything, and had scarcely a sufficiency of clothing to protect her from the elements. A gentleman's coat was a part of her covering when rescued from the flood. The lady operators of our office have for warded to her a lull line of it earing apparel, and both they and she will, no doubt, derive much satisfaction from this timely gift. -"Locally, the 'phones have been kept going like mad until some subscribers refuse to an--..swer any calls." CARIXG FOE THE IKJURED. , Elahteen Patients Broneht to the City The nloapltal Open Their -Doora Most of lithe PeonAs Will Live. ""vEffiralcirfDr. W. C. Stewart, of the Mercy Hospital surgical staff, brought 18 patients from Johnstown, all tho inmates of one of the temporary hospitals. Three were taken to the West Penn, 13 to the Mercy Hospital and two were taken by friends at Hazelwood as the train came through. At the Mercy Hospital the worst case was Mrs. Margaret Donnelly, a widow, 50 years old. She is hurt internally, had three ribs broken and will probably die before morning. Miss Catherine Vance, 19 years, was in the water 15 hours, but has no fractured bones and will probably live. Sarah Young, 25 years, has a dislocation of the knee and was in the water 10 hours: her case is dubious. Hose Young, 22 years, has a badly jammed body and internal injuries. She was given an opiate, as she was suffering intensely. She is dangerous. George Slick, 50 years, was laid up with rheumatism when the flood came. The expos ure he has come through has paralyzed him, and he will probably die. Mrs. Mary Slick, 48 years, in the water the greater part of three days, she may recover. A son of George Slick, 31 years, worn out; will recover. .Nellie Secrist, Philadelphia, 19 years. In the water 12 hours and bruised about the face and body; she will recover. Mrs. Emma Horn, 25 years, crushed leg, gneumonla from the exposure. She will likely ie in a few hours. "John Horn, 2S years, suffering from exposure; he will recover. Mrs. Ann Frederick, 30 years, was sick with a fever before the flood and the exposure has about finished her career. She will hardly re cover. Mary Frederick, a daughter of the above, crushed body and bruised head; she may re cover. Benton Koney, 30 years, had typhoid fever when the flood came; his recovery is doubtful. .At the West Penn Hospital there are: Bon bcin Keuman, suffering from exposure. Morris Newman, broken leg and hurt about the head; the leg will be amputated at once. Charles Reed, broken arm, and suffering from exposure. None of the West Penn cases will die. The car the patients were brought down on was fitted up by Dr. Stewart and will be sent back over the Baltimore and Ohio this morning for another detachment. UPWAED OP 5,000 Raised Through Tho Dispatch, and Nearly All ot It Is Forwarded. The Dispatch yesterday afternoon handed to William Thompson, Treasurer of the Johns town relief fund, the amount of its collections up to Monday evening, the sum, adding The Dispatch's $500, being $4,705 28. Additional collections up to 7 p. jr. June i are as follows: Employes or A. Evans, Cunnlng- O-arrUon Foun nam & jones ana emnloves m no dry Co tSo 60 Uiuzcns vi irenn station. Der'W.H. Cash inn . Thoj. McGoyern... SOD Landls 114 07 Et. Aug. Young r Collected by three mue Kins at Alli son Prt ej ilea's iicaoc.... sis Oeo. uaray. jvwb. b. aiason in no .E Graham.add'1 30 DDCltl:ns of Perrys- feherldan 41. E. ville, Pa ... ss0 Church 9 M Cash 4S0 Cash. aooosn s-s Frank J. Martin 1 OOJAlex. Pltcalrn 2000 138541 Total, to date 3,090 67 A STBUGGLE P0E LIFE. Secretary WicUershnm's Son Climbed a Telegraph Pole, bat Was Swept Away. Colonel S. M. Wlckersham, Secretary of the Western Pennsylvania Engineers' Society, lost his son Dick, aged 21 years, in the flood. The boy was a Government steel inspector at the Cambria Iron Works, and made a desperate struggle for his life. When the flood came he had no time to run to the mountains, and climbed a telegraph pole. He was seated on one of the crossarms, and seemed to be com paratively safe. The force of the flood was too strong and the pole gave way, and the young man was drowned. His body has not yet been recovered. MEDICAL SOCIETY ADJ0UBNED UntH September 3 Next, and the Fnnds 10 Go the Sufferers. The State Medical Society, which was to fcavemet In this city yesterday) adjourned,, until September 3, on account of the general excitement occasioned by the Johnstown dis astsr. The entertainments arranged are all re called. The flowers that ere to decorate the banquet hall will be sent to the hosuitals at Johnstown. The money appropriated for the entertainment of the visitors will be donated to the sufferers. IN COPPERS, MICKELS AND DIMES. How a Great Portion of Organized Charity Contributions Come. Tttr. W. R. Thompson. Treasurer of the Re llef Committee, requests that all contributors to the fund will exercise a little patience in re gard to the non-appearance of their contribu tions in the papers. The collections coming in lrom churches, Sunday schools and ward schools are principally of silver pieces of small denomination, and there is so much of it that considerable time is required in counting it. Contributors may rest fully assured that every one will be properly recognized and credited as soon as possible. Looking for His Daughter. Mayor's Clerk McCleary last night received a telegram from Morrellvllle requesting him to hunt up Peter Fitzpatrick, the chief of Police of Cambria City, who came here yesterday to look for his daughter, Ella, who had been miss ing since Friday. It was reported that she had escaped the flood, and came to this city with friends. The telegram announced that this supposition was incorrect, and the body or his daughter had been recovered at Johnstown last evening. Enst Liberty Ladles at Work. The ladies of the East Liberty Presbyterian Church met last night and sewed for the un fortunates at Johnstown. There were about 150 present, and they made 400 garments. In addition to the newly-made clothing they shipped 70 sacks of clothing and a lot of shoes to J ohnstown. Buying; a New Fire Engine. The Allegheny Committee on Fire Depart ment met last night, and awarded the contract for furnishing vitriol to G. Eisenbeis at $5 75 per 100 pounds. The Controller was autnor ized to advertise for a second-class steam fire engine to take the place of tho Grant engine on Spring Garden avenue, which was the first in the city, and has about outlived its useful ness. It was decided that the annual Inspec tion of the department will take place on Tuesday, June 20, at 10 A. M. Drowned in the Monongnheln. John Stewart, aged 60 years, was found drowned at the foot of Liberty street in the Monongahela river yesterday. The deceased was a shoemaker and has been about the city for many years, though he had no permanent home. He was last seen alive Saturday night, and had been In the water two or three days. The coroner held an inquest and a verdict of found drowned was rendered. CLAIMS AGAINST Tho Fidelity and Casualty Company, of New York, Arising out of the disaster at Johnstown, will be paid immediately upon the presen tation of satisfactory proofs to Adrian Scharff, examiner of claims, who is in Johns town for that purpose, or application may be made to J. H. Scott, General Agent, Hamilton building, Pittsburg, Fa. E. E. Clafp, Superintendent A Generous Offer. Messrs. Lechner fc Schoenberger, 69 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.: Feeling a great sympathy for the suf ferers by the flood at Johnstown and vicinity, and with a desire to render our mite for their assistance, we authorize you to have sold at auction on your board, of trade, or in such other manner or place as you may see proper, one of the best James M. Starr & Co, pianos which yoa hare in stock, and apply the entire receipts from its gale to the fund for assisting the sufferers. Please do this promptly as our agents. Very truly, James M. Stabe & Co. Eichmond, Ind., June 3, 1889. The above letter explains itself. The Piano will be placed in the Chamber of Commerce, Wood street, at 9 o'clock and will be sold at U o'clock a. ji., Thursday, June 6, to the highest bidder by Jno. D. Bailey, Auctioneer. B. &B. Corsets, Her Majesty's, C. P., E. & G., P. D., Dr. Ball's, Dr. "Warner's, H. & S., P. N., and all the other popular makes of corsets, in our large corset department' at lowest prices. BOGGS & BUHL. Black Cashmeres Another lot of those extra heavy 48-inch wide all wool Black Cashmeres at 50c a yard. These are positively the best value ever shown. MWTSU HUGTJS & HACKE. Special Notice. 7 The Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad is open and has resumed business to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York and all points Bast. Trains leave at 8 A. 11. and 9:20 P. M. An entertainment for the benefit of the flood sufferers will be given in the West End rink, Wednesday evening. The best local talent will take'part B.&B. Special quality summer blankets at 75c and $1 each. Booos & Buhl. Atxektioh is called to, the fine photo graphs made by Mr. Hendricks, of Hen dricks & Co. Cabinets only $1 per dozen. Special Notice. The Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad is open and has resumed business to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York and all points East. Trains leave at 8 A. 21. and 920 P. M. B.&B. FAsk for the genuine lisle thread vest at 35c, or three for $1; it is really worth 50c Boggs & Buhl. Amendment Mass Meeting, Hock Point, Jane 7th. Excursion tickets will be sold via thePenn sylvania lines for the Amendment mass meeting, at Bock Point, on June 7th. Trains will leave Union station, Pittsburg, at 7.-05 A. M., and 1220 P. m, Central time. Pare for round trip 75 cents. B.&B. Bee the new 50-cent dress goods depart ment an indiscriminate mark of 75c, $1 and SI 25 goods at 50c. Boggs & Buhl. Special Notice. The Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad is open and has resumed business to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York and all points East Trains leave at 8 A, zi. and 920 P. ir. B. ot B. Dollar pin stripes, 42-inch all-wool suit ings at 40c Boggs & Btjiil. Great Kemnnnt Sale. On Friday, June 7, we will make the greatest remnant sale of the season. Bern nan ts of carpets away below cost, all grades; also mattings, remnants of wall paper, browns, whites,golds and borders) remnants of dress goods, including silks, woolens, wash goods and trimmings; we will include curtains, parasols, gloves, hosiery, summer underwear, etc, etc, making it tie greatest day this year. Aethue Schokdelmtee & Co., mwf 68 and 70 Ohio it. Rebuilding Sale. Carpets, curtains, etc The building we now occupy will be taken down on July 1. We have conclud ed to close out onr entire stock of carpets, curtains, portiere, oilcloth, linoleum, window shades, rugs, mats, In fact, every, thing in the house at greatly reduced prices to close out the stock by July 1. Come and get a bargain. Geo. W. Snamait, Mwssu 136 Federal St., Allegheny, B. &B. Special leaders 50c, 60c, 75o and $1 lines of corsets, the best ever offered for the price. "" Boggs & Buhl. Reverse the Proportion. Each hundredth man with health Is blest The balance go awry, The secret is that some digest And ninety-nine just die. Here's a way to reverse the proportion. Dks. STARKETt Pales: "Since nslngyour Compound Oxygen Treatment my lungs have been better than for years." Willis DeLong, Taylor. N. Y., December 25. 1888. JDbs. Stab Ket & Palen: "Your Compound Oxygen Treatment saved my son's life." M. A TDB KEB, Gainesville. Ga., July 21, 1888. Drs. Starkev & Palen's office records show over OOO diflerent cases in which their Com pound Oxygen Treatment has been used by physicians in their practice and by invalids in dependently In cases of consumption, bron chitis, asthma, catarrh, dyspepsia, nervous prostration, rheumatism, neuralgia, and all complaints of a chronic nature. Tbcirbrochure of 200 pages will be forwarded free of charge to anyone addressing Drs. Stabkey & Pales, Ho. 1529 Arch street Philadelphia, Pa. THE BEST LINE OPEN TO THE EAST. ritubnrg nnd Lake Erie It. R. The train leaving Pittsburg at 8 A. ir. ar rives at Buffalo at 4:50 P. ir., and at New York at 720a. M.k ' The accommodation, leaving at 4:10 P. M., arrives at Ashtabula at 10:45 p. M., connects with Bake Shore night express, arriving at New York at 7 P. M. next day. The train leaving at 9:30 P. M. arrives at Buffalo at 620 A. H. and New York at 8:50 p. M. Sleeping car on night train. The first class limited rate to New York is 512. TAYLOR & DEAN'S. 203 and 205 Blnrket Street, Is headquarters for adjustable window screens, which will fit any window. Price from 30c to 50c each. Also for fencing ot every description. EOD Passengers for the East Can take the Allegheny Valley Bailroad to Corry or Buffalo. Connections made at Corry for all points on the N. Y., L. E, & WfE. K., and at Buffalo with the N. Y. C. &H."K. B.and West Shore E. K. for all points in New York and New England. Trains leave at 8.45 a. m. and 8:50 P. M. Bate Pittsburg to New York, 512. Fbench Kobes To close quickly the remaining stock of our imported Bobe Patterns, exclusive styles, we have re duced prices one-half original values. A few only of each style. Mwrsu Hugus & Hacks. Henry Tcrheyden, tho Jeweler, of 530 mlthfield Street, Has just received a fresh invoice of those beautiful onyx clocks. There are also a few of those diamonds advertised last week which remain over that he will close out at a positive bargain. Those who contemplate making purchases in the jewelry line would do well to call and see his large and varied stock of goods and extremely low prices. TUTVSU A medicine for father and son, Por girl and mother, wife and nun, . For the old bachelor, for the mope Who dreams all day of a night's rest, For everyone, tor worst and Dest, Ii: Dbetdoppel Soap. To be continued next Saturday. Vm. J. Feiday's "Marie" brand of Havana cigars are the finest in this market; 3 for 25c 633 Smithfield st. WFSu Subah Silks Checks, plaids and stripes. Begular SI quality reduced to 75c a yard. This season's styles are very desir able. HUGUS & HACK2. MWFSU I am selling a fine Key West Havana cigar 5 for 25c; also a Havana coquetas at the same price. Wm. J. Feiday, WFSU 633 Smithfield st Royal Worcester Exhibition. The largest collection of Boyal Worcester and Doulton Pottery ever shown by any single retail house in the United States is now on exhibition at E. P. Boherts & Sons' stores, corner Fifth avenue and Market street. They show a multitude of new shapes and decorations, with all the beauty and grace this ware is celebrated for. wfsu Imported ort Wines. Old London Dock 52 00 Burgundy 1 50 Cocfcburn's 1 00 Full quarts, case or gallon. Wm. J. Feiday, 633 Smithfield street. "WTSU Wash Goods Great reduction, Ander son zephyrs reduced from 40c to 25c a yard. French Ginghams, regular, 45c and 50c qualities and styles reduced to 30c a yard, irwrsa Hugus & Hacke. Imported Sherry Wines. Pemartni, 184 Reserve 1 $2 00 Solera Cabinet, 1860 1 50 Pine Old Harmony 1 25 VinodePasto 1 00 Pull quarts, gallon or case. Wm. J. Feiday, 633 Smithfield st. wrstt Diamonds at a bargain. A few more left at the Jewelry Bazaar of Henry Terhey den, 530 Smithfield st irwsu California Wines. A full line of California wines at 50c for full quart and by gallon or case. Wm. J. Feiday, 633 Smithfield st WTSU (Seasickness prevented and alleviated bv the use of the genuine Brown's Ginger. Fred. Brown, Phila. Established 1822. India Silks Cheny Bros. 24-inch Al quality printed India Silks at 65c a yard. These goods are worth and sold elsewhere at 51. Hugus & Hacke. MWZSU The Boyal Worcester Opening; At E. P. Roberts & Sons' this week is the wonder and admiration ot all lovers ot the ceramic art See their beautiful window display, corner Fifth avenue and Market street wtsu Brandies, Gin, Elc A full assortment of brandies, rum, gin, liqueurs, cordials, fruit liquors, bitters and kummel can be had from, Wm. J. Friday, 633 Smithfield st VTFSxx Fancy Deess Goods 51.25 and 1 goods at 75c a yard; plaids, stripes and checks; latest styles and newest colorings. ktvtsu Hugus & Hacke. Ales and Porter. Bass' ale and Guinness' stout, bottled either by McMullen (white label), Bead Bros, or Burke, in pints by the dozen. Wm. J. Feiday, 633 Smithfield st WPSU Mexican Onyx Exhibit. All the new (recentlydiscovered) shades in rose, green and mottled onyx, mounted in clocks, candelabra, pedestals, lamps, tables and cabinets. AH really wonderful display canbe seen at B. P. Roberts & Sons', cor ner Fifth avenue and Market street, tvfsu India Silks Hundreds of yards sold this week. Nothing like them ever offered before at the prices, 65c, 75c and $1 a yard. mwfsu Hugus & Hacke. Wm. J. Feiday'S "Marie" brand of Havana cigars are the finest in this market; 3 for 25c 633 Smithfield st -wtsu ARCHITECTS. A, "E. L1NKENHE1MEB, ARCHITECT, 515 Smithfield street, Pittsburg, Pa. Freihelts Freund Building, second floor. mh24-80-MWJi REMOVAL. George Hndgdon, Architect, has removed to his handsome new rooms. Safe Deposit Build ing, S3 Fourth ave. Take elevator to fifth floor myl7.10P ISSESH BUTTES 1 BECEIVED DAILY BY GEO, K. BTEVENSON 4 CO., GROCERIES AND TABLE DELICACIES, SIXTH AYENUE. jaWtorwi' A Word to tb e Thinker. Jf you are young, vigorous, full of life and health, you require no stimulant, but un fortunately we are not all so; then think, if depressed in spirits, if lack of ambition, ifweak from disease, if lung trouble, if no appetite what is the best to use! Why, ask the hospitals, ask the faculty and they will all answer Max Klein's "Silver Age" rye is the best stimulant in the world and sold everywhere at $1 50 per full quart He will also forward yon six quarts of the best six-year-old Gucken heimer, Finch, Gibson or Overholt for 55 or 51 per single quart You can relyupon any article advertised by Max Klein, 82 Federal street, Allegheny. Send for price list We ship goods neatly packed any where. . MWF 500 Engravings Given Away Free, Free, Froe. One 22x28 engraving given with every purchase at Treganowan's picture store. Picture frames, engravings, etchings, etc. Life size crayon portraits, 25x30, for $6 00. Now is your time, improve it 152Wylie ave. wrsu LEGAL NOTICES. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JLH letters of administration on the estate 01 Oeo.F. Heim, deceased, late ot Allegheny City, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all those Indebted to said estate, will make immediate payment, and those having claims aguust the same will present them duly probated without delav. JOHN F. MYEKS, lOB'ederal St., room 20, second floor, Alle gheny. iny29 97-W TESTATE OF GERHARD STRATMAN, JJJ deceased. Executors' notice. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Gerhard Stratman, late of the Fourth ward. City of Allegheny, county of Allosbeuy, State of Pennsylvania, deceased, havo been granted to the undersigned, to whom all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to JOS. STRAT MAN, JOHN STRATMAN, Executors. 418 Liberty ave., Pittsburg, Pa. myl-57-W TOTICE - APPLICATION WILL BE X made to the Governor of Pennsylvania, under the general corporation act of 1871. on THURSDAY, June 27, 18S9, by R. C. Elliot, Henry Fisher, James M. Guffey, William Flinn, A. F.Keating and others, for a charter of incorporation for the Venture Oil Company. The object of said intended corporation is to mine for natural gas and petroleum. R. S. FRAZIER. je5-S6 Attorney for Applicants. IN THE COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS of AUecheny County, In the matter of the application for the transfer of retail licenso No. 201, March sessions, 1689. granted to George W. Mahaney, Nos. 1,103 and 1.105 Liberty street, Ninth ward, Pittsburg, notice is hereby given that Saturday, 15th day o June, 18S9, at 10 o'clock a. M., has been ' fixed by the said court tor hearing the application for transfer of retail liquor license No. 204, March sessions, 18S9, from George W. Mahaney to Charles B. Deshon, at which time persons opposing said transfer as well as the parties above men tioned will be heard. je5-25 D. K. McGUNNIGLE, Clerk. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN Jl application will be made to the Governor of Pennsvlvania on THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 18S9, by Edwin E. Little, A Marthens, Frank "Wilcox, Charles V. Wolfe and Walter D. Upte graff, under the general corporation act of 1874 and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called Manufact urers' Water Company, the character and ob ject of which is to supply water to the public in the township of Patton, Allegheny county. Pa., and for these purposes to have, possess and en joy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said apt of Assembly and its supplements. my22-57.w AUCTION SALES. TTiXECUTOR'S SALE OF STOCKS THE VI undersigned executors will expose at pub lic sale at the office of A J. Pentecost, 413 Grant st, Pittsburg, on TUESDAY, June It at 11 A. 11., 20 shares Consolidated Gas Co., of Pittsburg; Terms cash. C. ECHEN8BURG. JOHN H. KERR, Executors. A. J. PENTECOST, Auctioneer. je593-Tuwr pUBLIC SALE OF BUILDING LOTS MT. WASHINGTON, Thirty-second ward. Pittsburg. I will offer for sale on SATURDAY; JUNES, 18S9, at 2.30 o'clock, on the premises, a large number of building lots. These lots are eli gibly situated in the DIlworth-Norton plan, about seven minutes' walk from the Mononga hela Incline, south of tho public school and west of Southern avenue; lay well for building purposes; will be sold singly or in blocks, to suit purchasers, at verv low prices, on reasonable t trma of payment; 10 down on each lot at sale, und balance of one-fourth cash on delivery of deed; balance in three equal annual payments, 6 per cent interest, secured by tight bond and mortgage. For further information inquire ot GRAHAM SCOTT, 151 Fourth avenue, or A P. NORTON, 419 Smithfield street. GRAHAM SCOTT, Administrator Wm. Dilworth Estate. JeS-96-ws BY A J. PENTECOST. ORPHANS' COURT SALE Estate of OWEN WAGNER, Deecased. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny county, I will expose to public salo upon the premises, on THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1889, at 10 o'clock A. ir., a certain lot of ground, situate in the Thirty sixth ward, city of Pittsburg, having a front of 60 feet on Wabash avenue, and extending back 135 feet, more or less, to a point having erected thereon 2 story frame awellinghouse and neces sary outbuildings. This same is made subject to the joint use by the purchaser and Mrs. Mary Wagner, widow, owner of adjoining property, of the hydrant standing on this lot, also of the portion of the ground rent arising therefrom. Terms of sale One-half cash upon delivery of deed, and balance payable in two equal annual payments, with Interest. Deferred payments to be secured by boud and mortgage, with scire facias clause, GO days default, $250 to be paid on day of sale. Possession given on July 15, 18S9. PATRICK KENNEDY, Executor. A. J. PENTECOST, Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent, 413 Grant street. ju5-92-W ASSIGNEES SALE OF A COAL MINE ON line of C. V. R. R. pursuant to order of tue Court of Common Pleas, No. 1, at No. 482 December term, 1SS8, the undersigned assignees of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of E. B. will oSer for sale on the premises on Wednes day, June 20, at 10.30 a. M. all their right, title, interest and claim in and to a piece or tract of coal described as follows: Being all the' coal underlying a certain tract or piece of land situated in bcott township, Allegheny county, near Leasdale station, on the line of the Chartiets Valley Railroad, and known as Old Glass Honse Farm and Coal works, containing thirteen (13) acres, more or less, and being what remains ot a larger tract of coal conveyed by Thos. Hnnter, High Sheriff of Allegheny County, by bis deeds, dated the 18th day of December, 18S0, and recorded in the Recorder's office of said county in deed book, vol. 410, Sages 522 and 530, to the said Farmers and echanics Bank: also all T iron pumps, boiler and pipes tipple and fixtures, sidings and rail road iron thereto belonging. Terms of sale ten per centum of the purchase. Money on day of sale and balance when deed is delivered J. H. SORG, ) Assignees H. G. BERG, Jr.. of L. L. CUNNINGHAM, S F. and M. Bk. je5-2U-ws RESORTS. THE ELDREDGE.NO. 18 SOUTH CARO LINA avenue, within three minutes' walk or depot or beach. Large, cheerful rooms, ex cellent table. Terms moderate. MRS. E J. ELDREDGE. Proprietress. mvl6-91-D THE CH ALFON1 E. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt water baths in the house. Elevator. apl6-81-D E. ROBERTS & SON& mHE TREMONT, SEA GIRT, N. J. a W. LEEDS. . jel-2-D Winter address, Cinnamlnson.N. J. mHE WINDSOR, CAPE MAY, N. J. Directly on the beach. ttow open. W. W. GREEN. jel-4-D CTOTEL NORMANDIE, ATLANTIC CITY, NOW, OPEN. Under new management. T. C. GILLETTE, Prop'r. my22 Late of Colonnade Hotel, Philada. ON THE BEACH. ' Atlantic City, N. J., HADDON HALL Je5-9i EDWIN LIPPINCOTTj nRESSON bPRINGS. PENNA. MAIN V; line Pennsylvania Railroad, on trip of ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS. THE MOUNTAIN HOUSE Will open June 25. All trains stop at Cretton. For circulars, etc address WM.R. DUNHAM, Bupt, my7-2-DStt Oresson. Cambria Co.. Pa. JUST AEEIVED-ALABGE lot of young mocking birds; guaranteed singers. For sale at ESflCH'S B1ED BTOEE, 610 Smithfield St. JcK4-wsa XS-Hifplay adverliitmentt .one dollar psr tquare for one insertion. Clauiled advertite tnents on, (Ad page such as Wanted, For Bale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to he prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with TnB DIS PATCH, PITT8BUEO. THOMAS MCCAFFBKY, 8&,9 Butler street. EMIL G. HTUCKET, 24th street and Penn ave. E. G. BTUCKEY A CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton st. N. STOKELY. Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST ESD. J. W. WALLACE, 6m Penn avenue. OAKLAND. UCALLISTEB SHEUILEB.tthav. ft Atwood St. SOUTIISIDE. JACOB SPOHN, No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWABS1, 1707 Carson street. ' ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEK, 59 Federal street H. J. McURIUE, Federal and Ohio streets. FRED H. EGGEItb. 172 Ohio street. F. B. EOOEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sM. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENHY, Westcrnand Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsvlvania and Beaver aves. 1'ERKYM. OLEIM. Rebeccaand Allegheny aves. WANTED. DIalo Hcln. WANTED-DKUGCLEKK-A BELIABLE man to take charge of small store. Address uu.4. du, rnisDurjr, ra. jej WANTED-A GOOD GERMAN BOY, 16 vears old. to work hi drugstore. Call 291 WEBSTEK AVE., city. JC5-10 TTT-ANTKD-BBEAD BAKERS AT 8. 8. ilAR VV V1N k CO.'S. Liberty St., to bate bread for Johnstown sufferers. Je5-M TTTANTED-A F1HST-CLASS CIVIL- ENHI- VV NEEK to do railroad work. Address LOCK BOX 521. Vltisburg, Pa., with reference. lea-I5 TtrANTED-A SINGLE MAN TO SCRUB AND (V make hlmselr useful about a house. Inquire at WEST PENN HOSPITAL, Twenty-eight st. JeS-8 "TaTANTED-A YOUNG MAN TO ACT AS VV agent f or a rast selling article: small capi tal required. Call for J. D. IKONS, 412 Wood St., rittsburj. Jei-ll YTJANl ED-TWO FIRST-CLASS JIACH1N TT 1STS. planer hand and lathe hand. Apply corner SOUTH TWENTY-FIEsr AND MARY ars., city. Je5-13 TT7ANTEU - IMMEDIATELY - A WHITE V barber: roust be a good workman; state wages wanted with board. Address DAN C. KiIKNS, box 1360, Niles, O. e&-9 -TrANTED-STENOGRAPHER A BRIGHT, TV intelligent young man that can write a good ouslness longliantl, and make hlmselfnseful about an office. COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTING AGENCY, 163 Fifth avenue. Je5-22 TIJANTED-IOR THE UNITED bTATES TV army, able-bodied, unmarried men between the ages of 21 and 33 years; good pay, rations, clothing and medical attendance. Applvat.No. 915 l"i,N N AVEN UE, Pittsburg, Pa. Je5-6-wsu WANTED-GENTLEMKN TO ATTEND N. Y. Cutting Bchool, No. 514 Wood St.: TJrllng's actual measurement system taught In alt its branches; the only trne system fitting any and nil shapes; Instructions 10 A. M. to 4 P It.; even ings 7 to 9 P. H. ; call or write for circular. apr30-63 -VTTANTED-MANAGER-ON SALARY 2,CC0 TV per year, to open branch ofilce in your lo cality; business purely mercantile: one that will Inspire you with pride, pleasure and profit; trade established: no canvassing or peddling: a rare op portunity. 3. E. SUEPARD, 25 and 27 W. Fifth si , Cincinnati, u. apw2-wa WANTED-AGENTS-ANARCHY AND AN ARCHISTS, the greatest book of the year, is now ready for delivery. Agents say it Is easier to sell than any other book published; some agents average six orders a day since the start; good ter ritory still open In city and country. Call for outfits at P. J. FLEMING & CO.'S, Dispatch Building, 77 Diamond St. Je2-37 Female Help. WANTED -AN EXPERIENCED DRESS MAKER. Apply at No. 4 STEVENbON STREET. Je5-23 WANTED -AN EXPERIENCED DRESS MAKER. Call at No. 25 FERRY ST. N ew No. m. Je5-28 Male and Female Help. WANTED-3 FIRST-CLASS bHOE SALES LADIES and also 3 shoe salesmen; good reference required. Apply at KAUFMANNS' GRAND DEPOT. Je5-7 TTTANTED-AT ONCE-A HOSTLER, 3) FARM YV hands, Malry man, dressmaker (10 per week), steady work; cooks, chambermaids, bouse girls, dining room, pantry, kitchen and laundry girls, cook and second cook for hotel. MEEUAN 'B AGENCY, 515 Grant St. JeJ-D Financial. -TITANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN TV rlnsums to snlt, at 4K, 5 and S per cenl GRAEBING & LYON, 135 Fourth ave. ap6-el-l cent. D iTAN'rE1,-iI0B'r(AGES-M0Nf:Y T0 LOAN VY In sums to salt at 4& 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 161 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apl9-14 fiTANTED-RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT- VV LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. Ial9-31 WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over S4.000; i per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAViRtCO.. 2Fourth avenue. mhS-a22-D -r)ITANTED-AT 5 PER CENT, MORTGAGES TV In large or small amounts on Improved city property. W. A. HEHRON 4 SONS. 80 Fourth ave. Je3-5-MWr WANTED-MORTGAGES-S1.000,000TOLOAN In large and small amounts at 4. 5 and 6 per cent, free of State til; no delay. REEU B. JO YLE & CO., 131 Fourth ave. myn-60 WANTED-MORTGAGES ON PITTSBURG. Allegheny and suburban Improved real e tate or farms In Allegheny Co. In large or small amounts, at lowest rates. ALEXANDER ALEE, 313 Wood st. Jel-75-srws -TT7"ANTED-TO LOAN 1509,000, IN AMOUNTS VV of (3,000 and upward, oncltyand suburban property, on 4)6 percent, rree oftax; alBO smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent, BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d2S-D WANTED MORTGAGES-SI, 000, OOOTO LOAN on city and snbnrban properties at 4M, Sand 6pcrcent. and on tarms In Allegneny and aqjs cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. M. PENOCK A bON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-fll TTJANTED-TO LOAN FS0.0CO ON MORT VV GAGES; tlOO and upward at 6 per cent; FAA AHA ,1, " r J i 1 i Sllsccllnneons. TTANTED-TO BUY A TWELVE-HUNDRED V V pound steam hammer In good order. Ad dress MARTIN JOYCE, ofilce Water St. Je4-66 T7-ANTED-LADIES TO KNOW HAUGH 4 VV Keenan repair, refinlsh or upholster old furniture promptly and In the best possible man ner. 33AND34WATER ST. 'Phone 1626, my9-82 "W- ANTED-CUSTOMEHS FOR CASH BAR (1A1NS Elzln. sllverlne watches. C5.S7. S3: Elgin gold ladles' watches. BO, P3, 25;" nickel clocks 75 cts. ; 1847 Rogers' knives and forks, SI 75 per set. JOHN MirSCH, Jeweler, 130 Federal st. aplj-irwifsu WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 96 ilfth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making fine cabinets at (1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: lnstan taneons process. mhl3-gl FOR. BALE IMPROVED HEAL ESTATE. East End Residence. FOR SALE-EAST END BRICK HOUSE, 10 rooms, stable, carriage bouse, etc., cheap: also house, Oakland, a mln. from cable or train : all conveniences: largo lot. SPfcNCEK & GLUSSEB, 419 Smithfield st. Je5-2 FOR SALE ON MARIPOE AVE., BEN VENUE, Just a few minutes from station; lot 50x10; beautifully laid out, with new frame dwelling of hall; 10 rooms, bath, porches, both gases, cic,newiypapereainrougaout:oniyE9jiw; easy payments. mtS. J.11U3. Binv&xnuai, rauuut- lursu my26-59-Wsp FOR SALE-A FINE HOUSE WITH STONE front containing 12 rooms, near line of Filth avenue cable cars; hot and cold water, tile hall on first floor, good cellar, reception room, 2w. c, bathroom, laundry, drying room, etc., etc.; this house Is well located and In a fine neighborhood, and Is finished In the latest style, having all con veniences possible for the comfort of any house hold, and will bo sold cheap. I. J. WILSON, Real Estate Agent, 149 Fourth ave. Jel-57-WB FOR SALE-SHADE, ROOMINESS AND OUT LOOK are features to consider In buying residence property; these and many other &a vantages are possessed by the elegant and com modious new houses upon Oakland square, which Is one of the most attractive neighborhoods In the city; only fifteen minutes' from the heart of the city, yet with all the attractions ol the coun try; dwellings finished In the neatest and most durable manner; streets paved with asphalt and sewered; natural arid artificial gas; fronting on handsome park planted with shade trees: new cable loop (for which ordinance Is in Councils) to go within 100 feet of the square; price of bouses, standing on lota 30x100. sJ,50u: terms, moderate, cash payment, remainder upon long time; most beautiful district or the city and convenient to all parts. Apply to SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. myl2-71 ITnzelwood Residences. TTIOR S A LE-W, 500-HAZEL WOOD-A LOVELY 1? home. onlV two squares from the station, on Hazelwood avenue: two-story frame dwelling ot 8 rooms, hall, range, bath. Inside w. c, slate man tels, natural and artificial gas, good sewerage, etc; In fact a very complete bouse. In splendid order; large lot with an abundance of fruit and shade trees, shrubbery, etc JJLACK A B AIRD, 96 Fourth avenae. jel-G FOR,SALE-IMPROTED HEAL ESTATE. Cltv Residence. TTlbRiSALE-BHAFFER ST., NEAR RIDGE. A JD nice t-story frame house of 6 rooms, hall, etc.: lot 20x80: price low. L M. PENNOCK A SON, 105 Fourth ave. Jel-S2-ltW8 FOR SALE-2 GOOD DWELLINGS ON SOM S1ERS st , near Wylle ave., of 4 rooms; Inside shutters; each lot57xUd, to 20 foot alley: only f3, 200 for both. BLACK A BAlitD, 91 Fourth ave. Jel-41 FOR SALK-179 CENTER AVE.,-HANDSOME 2-story brick house of 8 rooms, attic, ball, vestibule, bath, wash house, both klndsaor gas and modern conveniences; lu excellent repair: lot 24x163 teet to Wylle ave. I. M. PENNOCK A SON, 105 Fourth ave. Jel-82-MWS Allegheny Residences. FOB SALE-CHOICE LOTS FOR DWELL INGS or manufactory, 126 feet front on Strawberry lane, by 100 feet, near Preble ave. Ninth ward, Allczbcny: easy terms. WM. A. S1PE, 93 Diamond st, Pittsburg. Pa. apaoO-irws FOR SALE-ALLEGHEKY-A GOOD PAY ING investment In Sixth ward : 6 nice 2-stonr brick houses of 6 rooms each, attic cellar, both kinds of gas, water, etc, all In good repair: lot 111X72 feet: pleasant location. I. M. PENNOCK A SON, 105 Fourth ave. jel-SZ-MWS FOR SALE-HOOO-ALLEGnENY HOUSE. ON Clifton ave.. near Harrison St.. a new 2-story frame dwelling of 7 rooms and attic, hall, vesti bule, slate roof, two porches, both gases, city water, slate mantels, etc. ; lot 30x170: this Is a bar gain BLACK A BAIRD, 91 Fourth ave. Je4-41 Snburbnn Residences. ITiOHSALE-COUNTRYnOMKATFAIROAKS. 1 P.,Ft.W.&C.R.R .embracing between 4 and 5 acres of land on which Is dwelling of 11 rooms. Ice house, wash room, large stable, carriage house and several out buildings; land Is covered with bearing fruit trees nnd large sliaue trees; dwelling and stable are supplied with delicious spring water, and heated and illuminated with gas at reascnable expense: premises are connected with R. R. by board walk, and are unsurpassed in beauty andhealthfolness of location: will be sold quite low. J. M. STONE1E, 22 Bakewell Building. anl9-38-3twp FOR SALE-LOTS. City liOts. FOR SALE LAWRENCEVILLB BUILDING lots, $650, on Hatfield, near Forty-seventh it. W. A. HEBRON A SONS. 80 Fourth ave. Je2-00-5,8,U,14, 19,24, 26 FOR BALE-ON FRANKLIN STREET, CITY, near Fnltom nice lot, 24x70 feet, 1. M. PEN NOCK A bON. 105 Fourth ave. Jel-S2-MWS FOR SALE-LOTS-SEVERAL GOOD LOTS on Sbawnee St., Madison and Breckinridge aves., Thirteenth ward, near Wvlle ave; cable cars. I. M. PENNOCK & SON, Ida Fourth ave. Jel-82-MWS TTIOR SALE-LOTS. LOTS, LOTS-MT. WASH JU INGTON 60 nice lots on Boggs and Southern aves., Wllbert, Grace. Belonda, Dilworth. Natchez and other good streets: prices 200 to SSOO. terms Uberal. I. M. PENNOCK & bON, 105 Fourth ave. Jel-82-MWS FOR SALE-LOTS, LOIS, LOTS, LOTS, IN Dickson plan. Thirty-third St. 20 and 23 ft. by 100 up to 185 feet each, from $350 to S7C0 each, on very easy payments; title guaranteed, special In ducements to those building at once. Seo plan and get full information from THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st. Ofilce open evenings; telephone, 5511. ap30-69-W East End Lots. FOR SALE-E. E, ON LINDEN AVE., splendid lot 188x260 feet 1. M. PENNOCK A SON, No. 105 Fonrth ave. Jel-82-MWS FOR SALE-LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! 30 FINE lots on Lincoln ave., E. E.; 10 minutes walk from Torrens station: each about 40X100 ft.; price (375 to S300. I. M. PENNOCK A SON. 105 Fourth ave. jel-66-EOD FOR SALE-THE LARGEST LOTS, THE BEST Improvements, most convenient locations, lowest prices, easiest terms; can all be secured in 'TheBanm Grove Plan," Negley ave. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agt, 512 Smithfield street. Je5-1 FOR SALE SQUIRREL HILL-12 ACRES, Wllklns ave., corner property, near Filth ave. traction road, and only short distance from Sroposed electric road: can be nicely divided into eslrable building lots: will sell at a bargain. SAMUEL "W. BLACK & Co., 99 Fourth ave. Jel-11-itwihS T7W.1R SALE-EAST END-27 ACRES CHOICE X? land, lies nicely for sub-divlslon fronting on Shady Lane, Holmes. Linden and Dennlson aves.; only half mile from Fifth avenue cable cars; new Squirrel Hill road will pass near: very desirable forprlratereildences;rapldlyincreaslngin value; a prize to an early buyer. I. M. PENNOCK A SON, WSrourthave. jel-82-MWS AHechcnv Lots. FOR SALE-LOTS ON SIAVLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street, Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCN AUGHER, 43 N. Diamond st. mh7-93-D FOR SALE-A FINE PIECE OF LAMD IN Allegheny, near bead of Federal st. and elec tric cars; about 13 acres, admirably adapted to laying out in building lots: the lots would all sell readily: a rare chance In this for speculation or investment. Full particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., U3 Fourth ave , Pittsburg. Jel-91-Jiws Forma. FOR SALE-1M ACRES CON VENIENTTO CITY and R.R sta.: good bouse, barn, tcnantbouse and barn, outbuildings; 1-700 bearing peach, 1. 000 plum, 100 apple, 20 plum trees, etc.: 3, 4 and 6 feet coal, limestone; cheap. ED WITTISH, 410 Grant St., Pittsburg. Newllst. Je4-D Mlscellnncoan. FOR SALE-ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.-HOTELS, boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let cr for sale by I G. ADAMS A CO., real estate agents, Atlantic City. N. J. my20-24-D FOR SALE-SPLENDID INVESTMENT -A row of new brick bouses; all conveniences, etc.; rental (3,250; this property can be bought very cheaply and on reasonable terms. SPENCER A GLOS3ER, 419 Smithfield at. Je5-2 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. F IOR SALE-STOCK AND GOOD WILL IN onn of the oldest and best fiTOcerv stands in Allegheny: good reasons for selling. Address K, K., Dispatch office Je4-40 FOR SALE -SMALL GROCERY IN ALLE GHENY with a nice trade; will Invoice about S300: a splendid chance for a small Investment Address F. S., Allegheny, Pa. my31-14-FSuTUW F 0R SALE ATTENTION BARBERS A GOOD navln? 2-chalr barber shon: location No. 1: trade constantly Increasing: good reasons for selling. For full particulars inquire at 125 lOUlliu AVi, -la. noor. jez-ia-Mwsn FOR SALE-THE LEASE AND FURNITURE and fixtures of a nice small hotel restaurant and saloon bnsiness at Canton, O.; the best stand In the city; everything complete and new; long lease for same (reason sickness). Address CANTON, Dispatch office. my29-9 FOR SALE EXCELLENT SMALL DRY GOODS store; would suit lady: ice cream saloon: cigar stores; grocery stores; drugstores; shoe stores: bakeries, etc; business for picnics and county fairs, S125; 100 business chances. 8HEPARD A CO.. 54 Fifth ave my29 FOR SALE-GROCERY IN ALLEGHENY DO ING a large paylngbuslness, stllllncreaslng; must be sold Immediately, as owner has larger Interests in other business outside of city which must receive his attention; will sell by Invoice or lump; a great bargain. Address A. 1!. is'.. Alle gheny. my3l-H-Mwr FOR SALE-LARGE BRONZE AND BRASS foundry with first-class established trade ot longstanding, with blast furnaces, rolling mills, railroads, etc.: completely equipped for furnish ing soft metals of all descriptions: will be sold at a bargain on account of Illness of owner. Address W. R. B., Dispatch office. my24-74 POR SALE GRAND OPENING LEASE and furniture of a brick hotel of 50 rooms for sale; the house Is In first-class shape; has a good bar and 75 boarders, with a fair run ot transient trade: street cars pass the door to all parts or the cltv; splendidly located, 13 rods from Union depot, two blocks from steamboat landing; tbe only cause of selling Is poor health. Aldress EMPIRE HOUSE. 36 and SS Water St., Cleveland, O. JOHN BRENNAN, Proprietor. Je40 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, ttc FOR SALE-STAR BICYCLE; 61-INCH, ALL Improvements. Balls' balls, tangent spokes, Sood as new, cost 8165. will sell for 100. Address 1CYCLE, P. O. Box 235. 1e5-100 TTIOR SALE-RELIABLE FAMILY HORSE, Ju barouebe and harness In excellent order: a bargain: can be seen at Warmcastle's stable. East Liberty. Address P. D. Q., Dispatch office. Je5-27 Machinery and Metals. F OB SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND hollers: all sizes and stvles kent In stock, from 4 to 100 n. p.; ail repiica: goou as new, at lowest rices; mounted portable engines. 8 to 25 h. p. 1-25 Park way. J.S. YOUNG, AUegheny, Pa. Ja3-92-MWT FOR SALE-28X4S CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year; can be seen in operation: price on application; also a new Strange Co. stave ma chine all complete; capacity JO, 000 In 10 hours; will sell at low figure J. A. MCCORMICK, 153 First ave. aul-p32-MW7 TJiOR SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY; J one 74xl2-lnch double engine, double drum; others large and small, with single or double friction drums: wire and manlla rope, centrifugal pumps, etc: two 2Sx4S-lnch horizontal engines with flywheels. THOMAS CAHLIN'S SONS, cor. Lacock and Sandusky sts Allegheny. Jal7-MWT BUSINESS CHANGES. -VTOTICE THE UNDERSIGNED HERE JM BY Rives notice that he ha,s this day with drawn from tbe limited partnership known as Williams & Co., Limited, and steamer Daunt less and owners, which have been engaged in the steamboatand towing business on tho Mo noncahela, Allegheny and Ohio rivers, having sold his whole interest to James F. Williams, one of the members of the association known as Williams it Co., Limited. All moneys due to Williams & Co., Limltod, and steamer Dauntless and owners, will be collected by James P. Williams, who will settle up tbe busi ness of Williams A Co , Limited, and pay any indebtedness thereof, and Dauntless and owners. L. Z. BIRMINGHAM. Pittsburg, May 27, 1889. mr2W7-w TO LET. Allrsheny Residences. T 10 LET-FOUR ROOMS AND KITCHEH: water and raa In all. No. 39 OHABA BTREET, Allegneny. l Je5-3 TO LET-SMALL HOUSES IN ALLEGHENY; call or send for list free. W. A HKRRON A SON S. 80 Fourth avenae Je5-4-MW Snbarbna Kesldencem. TO LET-OR- FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE for city property, eleven-room bouse, one acre of ground; she miles upW. P. R.R. For particulars Inquire at 41 FOURTH STREET. my23-l9-jiwrsu TO LET MY HOUSE, THDtTEEN BOOMS, at Laurel Station, i t. Wayne road, all mod ern improvements, stable and carnage honse, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mh9-63 Apartments. TO LET SOME FINE UNFURNISHED rooms suitable for housekeeping: three store rooms, good stands, low rent. For particulars in quire 44 FOURTH STREET. Jeo-K-TWTSU Buslnem Stands. 10 LFT-STORK AND DWELLING. NO. 43 , WEBSTElt BT. je4-43 LOST. T OST-A PAIR OF GOLD SPECTACLES, BE JJ TWEEN Fremont st. and tbe rink. Alle gheny ave. Return to 91 FREMONT ST. and re ceive reward. Je5-09 LOST-IN OR NEAR GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Mondiv, May27, a silver bon-bon box. with initial M." Finder will be rewarded If returned to VOLKSBLA1T OFFICE. 92 Diamond street. JeS-iro T ObT-A CERTIFICATE OF STOCK-NOTICE J-J Is hereby given that certificate No. 108 for twenty shares or capital stock of the National Insurance Company of Allegheny, Pa standing on the books of said company in the name of Joseph Klee has been lost or stolen, and the pub lic It warned against negotiating or buying same and also that application has been made to said company for a reissue of a new certificate for said sh ares accordin g to la w. J OSEPH KLEE. my29-15-W PERSONAL. PERSONAL BOOKS WANTEO-IF YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth 11,000, let us knov: we will buy one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. my3-23 -pERSONAL-WKY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, ST mother or dauehters In renalrlng and clean ing yonr old clothes, when IC can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st., second floor Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed: suits made to order; spring styles now readv.- 'telephone 1553. mh8 AMUSEMENTS. B ASEBALL TO-DAY- RECREATION PARK. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 5. LAST GAME UNTIL JUNE 19. ALLEGHENY yiDLMAPOLIS. BEAM WILL PITCH TO-DAY, SPECL4.L NOTICE. In order to allow Indianapolis to depart for Chlcapo THE GAME WHJD BE CALLED AT 2.40. je37 BENEFIT OF JOHNSTOWN SUFFERERS I At Bijou Theater, Tnursdayand Fridayeven Ings, June 6 and 7. under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce, the beautiful Legen dary drama, Rip Van Winkle, with a strong cast of professional artists. Lrjbert's Mandolin Quartet will render some cbolce selections. Entire gross receipts to be given. Usual prices of theater. Reserved seats on sale at box office. R. W. TRELEGAN, N. D. MCMEAL, and ROBERT BUCK, Managers. TjINTIRE PROCEEDS TO GO TO THE JOHNSTOWN SUFFERERS. GRAND CONCERT BY THE ZITTERBART ORCHESTRA. 40 performers under the direction of Prof. F. Zitterbart, Jr. First appearance o! Frank Wilczek, the great German violinist, since ar riving from New Ydrk. Soloists: Miss Grace Miller, Mr. W. McCntcbeon. Miss Belle Tomer, Mr. Jos. Vogel, Miss Agnes Vogel. Miss Mamie Reuck, violin; Mr. F. Zitterbart, Jr., piano. Haydn Quartet, Accompanists: Miss Ida Burgy, Mr. R. Maver. Mr. Jos. Gittlnir". GRAND OPERA HOUSE, FRIDAY EVENING, June 7. Tickets, 60 cts. and JI. jeW5 THE ENTIRE PROCEEDS OF THE ORPHEUS CLUB CONCERT. TO BE OIVEN AT THE PITTSBURG CLUB THEATER EVENING, Will be presented to the relief fnnd. The Musical Dlrector.Mr. Cbas. Davis Carter, advances S50 00. Tickets for sale at all music stores. B IJOU THEATER SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 8. Benefit of the Johnstown sufferers, at which will be presented the comedy drama in 3 acts, entitled "THE GENERAL'S WARD." by Marie Baldwin (Mrs. J. Wilson Phillips) of this city. The principal characters will be assumed by tbe theatrical profession residing in tbe city, assisted by the leading local talent. The entire proceeds will be given to the flood sufferers. je44 A MUSICAL AND LITERARY ENTER TAINMENT for the beneflt of the Johns town Sufferers will be given In the hall of Mt. Washington Reading Room, by excellent tal ent, uniler the management of A. F. Osterloh, Jr.,THUKSDAYAND FRIDAY EVENINGS, June 6 and 7, 1889. Entire proceedings for benefit of sufferers. Admission, 23 cents. je5-18 TT ARRIS' THEATER Kvery afternoon and nigh t, commencing June 3, STREETS OF NEW YORK. Nextweek,N.S.Wood In tho Boy Detective. je3-13-MWT PICNIC GROVE FREE! WINDSOR PARK. Only six miles from the city, situated on the bluff overlooking Davis Island dam. Easily reached by rail or boat. Large grove of forest trees, cool, clear springs of water, fine dancing platform, etc. The use of the grove will be given free to Sunday schools, societies, lodges, G.A.R. posts, private fetes, etc., tbe only charge being fare on the steam elevator to and from the grounds. For dates and further particulars apply to J. H. DAWSON, Lacock street, near Fed eral street, Allegheny, or to A. CLANEY on the grounds. rcvll-15-D PROPOSALS. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. ALLE GHENY Arsenal, Pittsburg, Pa., May 3, 1883 Sealed proposals, in duplicate, subject to usual conditions, will be received here until 10 o'clock A. it., JUNE 7, 1889, and then opened for supplying this post the fuel, forage, straw and hauling required for fiscal year ending Jnne 30, 1690. The U. S. reserves the right to reject anv or all bids. Bids for delivery at other points will be entertained. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Pro posals for Forage ,and Straw," or for "Fuel," and addressed to A. a M. MORGAN, Capt. O. a K., A. A. Q. M. myl4-41-H,15,16,17-jn5,6 TIROPOSALS FOR FRESH BEEF-COM-Jr MISSARY'S Office Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsburg, Pa., May U, 18S0 Sealed proposals in duplicate will be received at this office until 10 o'clock A. M., JUNE 10, 1889, for furnishing the fresh beef required by tbe Subsistence De partment, U. S. army, at this station during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1SS0. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production or manufacture, conditions of quality and price (including in tbe price of foreign pro ductions or manufactures tbe dnty thereon) being equal. The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Foil informa tion can-be obtained by application to this of fice. Envelopes containing proposals must be marked "Proposals for fresh beef," and ad dressed to A. S. M. MORGAN, Capt. & 0. 8. K..A.C.8. myl4-42-14,15,18,17,Jeo,6 PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING STA TIONERY, furniture, Xnel and otber supplies. In compliance with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I hereby invite sealed proposals, at prices below maximum rates fixed in schedules, to furnish stationery, furniture, fuel, and other supplies for the several departments of the State Gov ernment, and for making repairs In the several departments, and for tho distribution of tbe public documents, for tbe year ending the first Monday of June, A. D. loDO. Separate proposals will be received and sepa rate contracts awarded as announced in said schedules. Each proposal must be accompa nied by a bond with approved sureties, condi tioned for tbe faithful performance of tbe con tract, and addressed and delivered to me before 12 o'clock M. on Tuesday, the 9th day of July. A. D. 1889, at which time the proposals will be opened and contracts awarded, in the recep tion room of the Executive Department, at Harrisbnrg. Blank bonds and schedules containing all necessary Information can be obtained on ap plication at this departs en t. CHARLES W. STONE. Jc2-68-d Secretary ol the Commonwealth. MEETINGS. fTTHE MEMBERS OF O.H.RIPFEY CHtCLB JL are requested to meet at their ball, Bntler st, JUNE 5th, at 1 o'clock sharp, with badge on. to attend the funeral of our late sister. Mrs. Ann Barrows. Members of sister Circles ars invited to attend. By order of President, MRS. M. MCGRAW. M. J. SitTrn, Corresponding Secretary, je5-19 NOTICE TO BUTCHERS AND BREW ERS of Allegheny Co. Yon are request ed to attend a meeting of all butchers and drovers on THURSDAY, June 6, at 7 P. JC, sharp, at tbe Old City Hall, Pittsburg-, for the purpose of taking action to relieve sufferers; of the late flood. Respectfully. J- F. BEIL STELN, Pres. ot Batchers' Protective Associa tion. F.GREEN WALT, Chairman of Board of Directors. je4-55 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. Office of City Conteollee, Pittsbubo. June 1. 1889, J SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at this office until 3 P.M. of Sat urday, June 8, 1SS9, lor printing the annnal re port of tbe City Controller. The specifications of which and all information can be obtained on application at Wis office. Ths right is re served to reject all or any bids. je2-47 E. S. MORROW, Controllor. VrOTlC IS HEREEBY GIVEN THAT THE L reports of Viewers on the opening lot Geneva street, from Fisk street to Forty-fifth street: Emerson street, from Fifth avenue to Walnut street: Thompson street, from Shet land street to King street; Allen street, from Washington avenne to Lillian street, and Boqnet street, from Fifth avenue to Bay ard street, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed In the Court of Common Pleas witbia ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Ciller of Department of Public Works. FrrTSBrrEO,May30.1889. . my30-3-D BUSLNESS TAX AND WATER RENTS, 1889. Notice is hereby given that the du plicates for the business tax and water rents for the year 1SS9 bave been placed in my bands for collection by the Board of Assessors author ized to assess the same. The time for paying said taxes and water rents at the Citv Treasurer's office is the month, of June. No discounts allowed. Water rents and business tax remaining nn-, paid after June 30, 1889, will be placed in tho hands of the Collector of Delinquent Taxes for collection, with 5 per cent added. Alt applicants for statements of water rents must give name of the owner of the prop--erty they occupy or desire to pay water rent for. J. F. DENNISTON, jeo-95-D City Treasurer. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of Viewers on the construction of sewers on Bellefonta street, from Ellsworth, avenue to Fifth avenue; Copeland street, from Ellsworth avenue to Walnut street; Long alley, from Eden alley to Valley street; Amber son avenue, from Fifth avenue to sewer near Pennsylvania Railroad; Walnut street, from Ivy street to Roup street; Ivy street, from Howe street to Ellsworth avenue. Roup street, from Fifth avenue to Ellsworth avenue; Mar ket street, from South Diamond square to Fourth avenue, and Ellsworth avenue, from Summerlea street to Aiken avenue, have eeea approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal Is filed In the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. 31. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. Pittsbubo, May 30, 1889. my30-3-D AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A, compromise with Mary Ann Schneider, admx. of amount claimed for damages to prop erty caused by the opening of Grandvlew ave nue. Thirty-second ward. Whereas, Tbe Department of Publio Works found it necessary for the convenience and safety of the general public to cause the grad ing of a portion of Grandvlew avenue: and Whereas, In doing said work the property of John Schneider, deceased, was greatly dam aged; and, Whereas, The city is liable for the payment of said damages; and. Whereas. The Finance Committee bave ef fected a compromise of the claim with Mary Ann Schneider, admx.. of the estate of said John Schneider; now, therefore. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tno authority of the same. That the City Controller shall be and is hereby author ized and directed to issue his certificate for a warrant on the Mayor in favor of Mary Ana Schneider, admx., lor one thousand dollars in payment in full of all damages caused to the. property of the estate of John 8chneider, de ceased, Dy the opening and grading of said Grandvlew avenue upon said: administratrix filing with the Controller a release of damages which shall be approved by City Attorney, said amount to be charged to tbe contingent fund. Section Z That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same Is hereby re pealed so far as tbe same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Council this 13th day of May. A. D. 18S9. H. P. FORD, President of Select CoundL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select. Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President otVi Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk o' Common Council. Mayor's office. May 21, 1839. Approved: WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W.H. MC CLEARY, Mayor's Cleric Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 73, 4th day of June, A. D. 1889. je5-21 PROCLAMATION. (SPECIAL ELECTION.) City of Pittsburg ss. In accordance with the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and an ordi nance of the city of Pittsburg, I, William Mc Callin, Mavorof the city of Pittsburg, do there fore make known and give this pnblic notice to thexitlzens of said city qualified to vote for members of the House of Representatives of this Commonwealth, that a special election will be held In the Second, Fifth, Eighteenth and Twenty-sixth wards, in said city, on the third Tuesday of Jnne, A. D. 1SS9, being the 18th day of tbe montb, in the several election districts therein, at which time qualified voters will as semble at their respective polling places, here after named, and vote by ballot for members of tbe Select and Common Council of the city as indicated below : Tbe electors of the Second ward, Pittsburg; First district, to meet at Archibald & Broth ers' livery stable, 136 Third avenue. Second district to meet at the Poor Board office. Fourth avenue. Third district to meet at public schoolhouse. Diamond street. And elect one Select Councilman for said ward to fill tne unexpired term of Jas. Getty, Jr., re-, signed The electors of the Fifth ward, Pittsburg; First district, to meet at the office of Peter Hermes, No. 208 Fifth avenue. Second dis trict to meet at John Urban's meat store, Wvlie avenue. Third district to meet at the pnblic schoolhouse, Webster avenue. And elect one Select Councilman for said ward to fill the unexpired term ot John O'Neill, re signed. The electors of the Eighteenth ward, Pitts burg, First district, to meet at the livery stable of Alex Kingan. Butler street. Second district to meet at Kaufleld House, Butler street and bridge. Third district to meet at the office ot B. K. Mclnerny, on Butler street. And elect one Select Councilman for said ward to fill the unexpired term of Michael Dwyer, resigned. The electors of the Twenty-sixth ward, Pitts burg, First district, to meet at John Hughes' tinsbop, Sidney street, near Eighteenth street; Second district to meet at house of Jacob Aulenbacber, Jr., corner of Eighteenth and Sarah streets. Third district to meet at Odd Fellows' Hall, Eighteenth street: Fourth dis trict to meet at tbe house of John Mansmann, corner of Twentieth and Jane streets. Fifth district to meet at tbe public schoolhouse, Sarah street. And elect one Common Council roan for said ward to fill the unexpired term ot Wm. Rnhlandt, resigned. In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the city of Pitts burg, this 2Sth day of May. A. D. 1889. my257 WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. OAKLAND SQUARE, 6,500 each, moderate cash payment, balance $600 per annum, elegant new two-story and mansard brick dwellings, 8 rooms, hall, bath, laundry, slate mantels, art fire places, tile hearths, sliding doors, wlredfor electric light, fine chandeliers, both gases, plate glass win dows, etc; Oakland Square, five minutes from Fifth avenue cable line and directly on line of new cable loop which is to be constructed this -summer; a beautiful park (on which are sev eral hundred beautiful sbade trees), the whole surrounded by streets and sidewalks, sewered and paved with asphaltum;on each side of and facing the park are the above described dwell ings; most desirable houses yet offered; en hancement of values sure. SAMUEL W. BLACK14 CO., 99 Fourth ave. myU-aS-o JC. TWYMAN, . OF IjEXDIGTON, KX, Has a lot of nicely broken SADDLE AND HARNESS H0RSE3 For sale at the Allegheny EXPOSITION DRIVING PARK, And will take much pleasure in showing the same to ladies and gentlemen. I will remain, only a few days longer. myl54t plANOS, ORGANS. 8. HAMILTON. 91 AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-7J-D A. WHITELEY. 128K THIRD AVEL. UPSTATRa L- Gents' shoes soled and heeled in 15 minutes f ftr 7 rpntS- Finest work in the city. my23-U.Tn' yyjNCAN a white, Building Contractor, vi uiamona street; Second door above Smithfield, ' .Pittshnnr. ,,tal.1.mrBr. PI rl 1 n mi "sjLiH liiiiiiB t m-J-H mj.-u. tmmi JLiAj Mmfmf-'-