- ' THE P1TTSBTJKG DISPATCH. TUESDAY, TOTE "' 4 ,. '1889; n.,-j ft Names of the Dead as Far as Already Known. IT IS GROWING FAST. Each Fresh Round Adds the Discoveries and Identification. to SOME WHO WERE SAVED. From Yesterday' 3 P. Bt. Edition. rrBOK A ETATT COBarSrONDIXT.i Johnstown, June 3. I have jmt come in from another tonr around the town, with a long list ol dead whose bodies hare been identified. A slow drippling rain is in projp-ess, and this only adds to the discomforts of the res cuers. However, large squads of men are busily working remoTing the debris. Everywhere dead bodies are be ing taken out. It is estimated at present that 2,000 bodies have been recovered so far. .As fast as they are identiSed they are re moved by friends, and those unrecognizable are buried at once. There is an abundance of caskets and more are constantly arriving. Colonel J. P. Xiinton, who everybody thought was dead, turned up this morning. Others supposed to be in heaven are turning up; but for all that the loss of life is terri ble. The following is a list of tne victims eo far as identified: GEORGE HELSEL. boy ol 18. Unknown man S5 years old, red nair ana red mustache. MRS. D. J. TTTLLIAMS. FANNY PROSSER. BESSIE PROSSER. MRS. EVA MAY PARSON a JOHN MEYERS. JAMES JONES. THOMAS THEOBURN. MRS. LEECH, mother of County Superin tendent. J. TV. LEECH, his two sisters, -ancle and brother-in-law cone. MARYSHARKIE, , , Fourteen-year-old young lady, supposed to lie a. nassenrer on eastbound train: brown hair, clack cloth coat, cold watch and chain, breastpin, plain gold ring marked "H. B. to M.aMcD." DR. WILSON. , Another lady, supposed to be in the eastbound train: 25 years old, slim build, dark hair. watch, two small lockets on chain, breastpin and small round pocketbook, $113 in it. UNKNOWN "WOMAN, pay hair, thought to be MRS. OGLE, but some couldn't recognise her. XJ2 KNOWN WOMAN, S feet 1 inches high. brown hair, upper teeth la.se, lower uotuial. oia scar on ie siae oi lave uuu, cjo to MRS. MOLLIE BURHART. mouth. MOLLIE JAMES,daughterof E. A. James. Jr. FRANK DAVIS, 603 South Fourth street, Steubenville. ALICE KENNA, nee CHRISTY, formerly of Butler; one of twin sisters; other one lost also, and married. TTNKNOWN MAN, about 55 years, grayish hair. MRS. MARGARET STOFFEL, MRS. MARIA LTJCA8jCOlored. UNKNOWN FEMALE, burned beyond recog nition. TRUNK OF BODY, sex not known, burned. FEMALE, 83 years old, burned beyond recog nition. Boy named WILLIAMS; boy 6 years old, un nnknown, partially burned; 48 bodies at the JESSIE DAY and LAURAL HAMILTON. IDA and MINNIE FISHER. WILLAM LAYTON. J. J. MURPHY. W. a WEAVER. BART HOFFMAN. The HOFFMAN family, except three. MRS. OGLE. MISS GORMAN. MISS WATKINS. Lady operators. MISS BUNTING. TOM DAVIS and familv. six In all. HON. JOHN HANNON, wife and two dauch. tcrs. JAMES BRACKEN and family, six in all. MRS. LUCAS. HOWARD J. ROBERTS. Cashier of First National Bank, and family, except one. DR. G. C. BR1NKER and brother. ELMER. JOHNS. LESLIE, q J. BUTLER. HOWELL POWELL. ARTHUR BENSBOOFT. BOB MILLER. J. F. HARRIS, f amily about eight. HARRIS, himself saved. Two of DR PALAND'S children, MBS. DR PEDAN. Family of JACOB ZIMMERMAN lost. WALTER HAINES and wife. MBS. EM1L ROTH. MRS. DEFRANCE. MRS. FRONHEISER and little daughter. NANNIE FULTON. NANNIE ELDER. WALLACE MCCONAUGHEY. ROBERT PHILLIPS, wife and two children. 200 bodies are in the Fourth ward school. FRANK WHEAT. Boy named WILLIAMS. Family: MRS. and MISS REPLOGLE. JOHN DIB ERT. LEWIS WEAVER, his daughter and her child. MBS. WALTER a WfiAVER, who was one of -the best known ana most respected Christian ladles in Johnstown. JOHN DIBERTH DAUGHTER BLANCHE. MRS. JANE BRIDGES, mother of the Super intendent of Transports tion for Carnegie A Co Frank L. Bridges. "Her daughter, Mrs. Kate Young, and her grandson are known to be dead. The following were also identified: JOHN FARRELL, druggist. LOUIS STEHR. Conemaugh. AUGUST MICKEY. Cambria. GEORGE BOWSER, Rager Mountain. EMRI TINDARA. Cambria City. NICHOLAS ELMS, Cambria City. DAISY HAUCH, Washlneton, Pa, FIDEL SCHNELL, LOUISA WARNER and six children. HOWARD . ROBERTS, Cashier First Na tional Bank. H. G. ROSE. District Attorney. U. a MERCHANT. EX-SHERIFF RYAN, wife and four children. DAVID G REED, merchant, wife and three uauchters. W. D. KIRBY. wife and slster-ln-law. JAMES H. HOWARD. CAPX&IH PATRICK O'CONNELL and sis ter. JOHNT KINNEY. JOHN 8CHIFFHAUR. CHARLES F. KRESS and wife. JOHN BRADY. MRS. 'CYRUS ELDER, daughter and son. JACOB WILD and wife. THOMAS GORE and wife. ABKAM ELUiUDUiS. AUGUST YOUNG. SAMUEL ELBRIDGE, policeman. MRS. H-Cr. DE FRANCE. EMIL YOUNG. HARRYBEASHOOF. CYBUSi'P. TITTLE and sister. JAMEfHOOPB, Secretary Johnson Company. JAMFi Q, MURPHY and wife, retired mer- cnsiit JOHNFENN. CHRIST KIMPEL and wife, furniture dealer. OLIVER AKERS. builder. MRS. H. M. OGLE and daughter Minnie. CHILDREN OF ROBERT SAGERSON. MRS. J. H. SMITH and three children, wife of the marble cutter. MRS. MORRIS WOOLF, of Woolf, Son 4 Thomas. MRS. KATZENSTETN and son. JOHN FRIEND and six children, B. F. HUFFMAN, railroad station coachman, wife and four children. BON OF JAMES GARDNER. CHILDREN OF DR POLAND. LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER FINDER. JOHN a McCAMMON and wire. MRS. HARRIS, wife of the Chief of Police, and fire children. TOM DAVIS, well known in Cambria county. Una JAMES MERTHA. and three children. MB, AND MRS. GREENWOOD, and two -daughters one survives, Mamie, 19 years of age. MRS. ALLBRETEB. MR&BROZ. MRS. DEGNAN. MRS. KATE FRITZ. MISS KATE STANLEY". JUS SAKBROU& ' MRa CACOLE. URa HENRY SAILOR. MISS MAGGIE NITCH. MRS. JOHN COLLINa 6B. JOHN HOLZMAN. JOHN CLARKE. HARVEY JENKINa HUBERT BRYAN. CHARLES BOYLE. JB. FRANK WILLARD. JANE GARVER MRa R. FLECKENSTEIN. MRa JOHN HIMHAN. MAGGIE HIPP. MRa COBLER. MRa CLAVERN. The following were rescued: J. H. APPLE and wife. ' MRa MARY McKEES and family, JOHN THOMAS and family. A. STRONG and family. J. MCCARTHY and family. MR. LINDSEY and family. MAUD JENKINS and family. P. MARKEL. JESSE GILFANT and family. O. HOPELAND and family. CHARLES LYNCH and family. C. MCPHEELEY. EARL OGLE and family. ISRAEL. La Perla del Fnmnr. These celebrated clear Havana Key "West Cigars are for sale at Hotel Duquesne, Hotel Anderson, St. Charles Hotel, Albemarle Hotel, Union Depot Restaurant, John Lauier, 3799 Eilth ave., Peter A. Ganster, 35 and 37 Prankstown ave., John F. Ganster, 27 Frankstown ave., Peter "Weber, 76 Wylie ave., John C. St roup, 25 Union st, E. W. Hagan, 609 Smithfield st, Neville Bayley, 405 Smithfield St., J. K. Durr, 400 Market st, P. C. Dufly, 540 Grant st, G. "W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave. What the Public Like.. tVnitmyre & Co. arc meeting with an amount of success that daily increases in their efiorts to legitimately introduce and advertise the "Iron City Brand" of flour. The large amount now sold shows, beyond a doubt, that the best-selling brands carry their advertisement with their use. "Iron City Brand" has come to stay and the pub lic takes kindly to that class of goods which shows for itself what it is made of and how a trial brings out its excellencies. Henry Terheyden, the Jeweler, of 330 Smithfield Street, Has just received a fresh invoice of those beautiful onvx clocks. There are also a few of those diamonds advertised last week which remain over that he will close out at a positive bargain. Those who contemplate making purchases in the jewelry line would do well to call and see his large and varied stock of goods and extremely low prices. tuwsu . Fresh Arrival. Just received from the Anheuser Bnsch St Louis Brewery, a large supply of their celebrated Budweiser Beer, in both quarts and pints. For sale at G. W. Schmidt's, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave., city. It I. a Treat. If you haven't tried Marvin's rye bread you are missing a treat such as seldom offered you. Doa't delay longer. Buy one loaf from your grocer and you will never use any other kind. ' Tufsu Fbauenheim & "Vilsack's Iron City beer is piire, wholesome and nutritious, and is the best in the market . xxssu The balance of our beaded wraps closing out at nearly half price. EOSENBAUM & CO. $25 SUITS, $6 pants to order, atPitcairn's, 434 "Wood st tusu "SlLVEB bread. Lake" flour makes delicious TTS Great Bargain. In summer shawls, embroidered fiohus and beaded wraps at H. J. Lynch's 438 and 440 Market street its Frt.h Arrival. Just received from the Anheuser Busch St Louis Brewery, a fresh supply of their celebrated Budweiser Beer, in both quarts and pints. For sale at G. "W. .Schmidt's, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave., city. Its superior excellence proven in millions of homes for more than a quarter of a century. It is used by the United States Government. Indorsed by the heads of the great universities as the Strongest, Forest and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only In cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. KEWTORX. CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS. my5-82-Trseosu SHIP YOUR MIXED RAGS AND OLD RUBBERS. We pay cash for them. JAMES HARRISON, mylO-4S-TTT 102 Second ave. DO YOU INTEND TO BUILDf The Pittsburg Building Plan Co., Architects, 90 Fouith avenue, prepare plans ana specifications and superintend erection of dwellings at lowest rates consistent with good service. Estimates guaranteed. Correspond- mylS-TTSn ence invited' STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. -(unard line. Sew yobk to Liverpool via oueens- TOWN, KEOM PIEK 40 NOBXH EIVKli. FAST EXFKESS MAIL SEHVICE. Anrania, Jnne 1, 7 A Jt ('Bothnia, June 19, 10 A It Gallia, JcneS, 9:20 AK ttEtrurM,JnneZ2,1.30Fic mrmttria-.innffL l-pif I Anr&nla. Junea. 6 am Berrla. June 13, 7AM hGallla, July a, 8:30 AH KTheae iteamera carry srst-class passengers only. 111 not carry lntermeditte. 1WH1 carry intermediate, nosteerafre. Cabin passage, SCO. fSO and flOO; Intermediate, R5. bteerage tickets to and from all parts of nrope at very loir rates. VEB&ON H. BKOWX & CO., General Agents, i Howlirfg Green, New York. J. J. MCCORMICK. Agent. Fourth are. and Bmlthfleldst., Pittsburg, my27-D State Line To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW TORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin tiassage (39 to S5Q. according to location of stateroom. Excursion S6J to S90. Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates. AUSTI2J BALDWIN A CO., General Agents, S3 Broadway, Hew Yorlc. J. J. McCORMICK. Agent, Pittsburg, Pt. . raal2-D AMERICAN LINE, Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia and LiTerpooL Passenger accommodations for all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe den, Denmark, etc PETER WRIGHT A 80NS, General agents, 887 Walnut st- Philadelphia. oil inrormanon sn do naa oi j. j. aicuuiv MICK, Fourth arenas and Smithfield street. LOUIS MOBSEB, U) Smithfield street, BblM&rxs Sa PURE p?pficr$ CREAM Raking NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Maits' Embroidered Caps. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES In Both Hanfl-Maae aBdMacIiinB-Macle. Hand-made Caps at 26c, 36c, 60c, 75c 90c, JL SI 22. Jl 25, $1 50, SI 60. Machine-made Caps at'S5c 90c, SI. 81 23, SI 75, S, 3 25. Extraor dinary values in Misses' and Children's WHITE DRESSES. Ages 1 to 16 years, from 85o to 85. Bpeclal offerings in Ladles', Misses', Chil dren's and Men's Underwear and Hosiery. BLOUSE "WAISTS, In Scotch Flannel, Oxford, Madras and Silk, for Ladles, Misses and Children. Jl 6, CAMPBELL & SONS, 7(0 PENN AVENUE. 710 Between Seventh and Eighth sts. .CT-Open until 8 p.m. Saturday. my2S-TUFSu Curious Prices. Advertising prices, without clear information of what for, is one of the, plagues of the clothing business. There are more apostrophes and adjec tives, often over a compara tively valueless quality at a cheap price, than would do for a proclamation of martial law! vNever hear a word from Wanamaker's about prices, do yo'u? We'll do anything we can to help you to a fair judg ment about clothing, and get you coming to our store, but how advertising our prices will do that is, we confess, a mystery. They tell you about qual ity no more than dashing a chunk of cold iron into water discovers its temper. There's one common-sense way of understanding prices: and that's with the goods in hand, the quality stated, and an examination of the fit and workmanship. . We'll submit our goods, with perfect confidence, to that way oi hnding which is cheapest. Nobody can beat us on prices for reliable clothing, though we're not making a big flourish of them in news papers, i.ooo pieces to make to measure. -. Wanamaker. 8c Brown, Sixth street and Fenn avenue. jeS-D OPTICAL AND MATHEMATICAL GOODS. bpeclal ty Correct fitting of lenses and frames. AU styles of Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Experienced Opticians and our own factory and workmen are our inducements. WH. RSTJERM, Optician, 644 SMITHFIELD ST..PITTSBURG, PA. fe22-27-TTS BEECHAAH'S PILLS (THE CHEAT ENQLI8H REMEDY.) Cure BJXIiIOUS and Nervous ILLS. 25cts. a Box. OB1 ArT- DBTJGK3HSTS. J". J) IAM 02n, Optician, S3 Sixth Street, Plttstmrgf. Spectacles and Eyeglasses correctly adjusted to every defect of sight Field and Opera Ol&Rfteft TaltteonTia. UlpmtAnAa H.nmataM Thermometers, etc. ARTIFICIAL EYES made to order and warranted. Always on hand a large and complete stock. ja6-Txssu ESTABLISHED 1861. BUDD. SPRING AND SUMMER, 1889. DRESSJ3HIRTS. " BPECIAL DESIGNa Underwear and Hosiery. Our own special hand loom made Silk, Lambs' Wool, Merino, Balbriggan, Lisle Thread, etc .! Alec pOB SPRING ULUYH9 AND SUMMER. Dress, Promenade, Driring, etc Best makers. First-class only. SAMUEL BUDD, No. 8 King Edward St, I Madison Square, London, E. O. New Tori one No. i Rue D'TJres, Paris office. my9-24-rrs Almeria and Malaga Grapes, Bananas, Florida Oranees and all kinds ol Foreign and Domestic Fruits, JOEDS OEBE fc CO., 666 LIBERTY STREET. neS-rM , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GRATEFUL-COMH ORTINU. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which gorern the operations of digestion and n utrition,and and by a caret nl application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro rided our breakfast tables with a dell citely flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. Itisbythejudlclous use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our selves well fortified with pure blood and a prop erly nourished frame." Civil Service Qazctte. Made simply with boiling water or milk, bold only In half pound tins by Grocers, labeled thus: Jas.Epps&Co. rfomtnda no3-h-9(Jrus A. of&'R. RP. Association of Regular Registered Resident Physicians, No. 720 Penn avenue. Dr. Orr invites' the friends of the hundreds of patients he has cured of catarrh and dys- Eepsia during the last year to call and allow lm and his associate physicians to prove that tney are wnai tney ciaim to oe, regular regis tered resident physicians, wno are competent to do all they claim, and that they are not trav elers who Btop in our city for a few weeks or months. This association Is founded for the protection of those who are being deceived by spurious institutes and high-sounding, but hollow titles, all of which is no proof of ability or legality. We invite all persons suffering from chronic diseases, medical or surgical, to call for con sultation, free, no matter if you have been pro nounced incurable by some traveling doctor. We do not turn away all persons not easily cured. Office hours-10 to U 30 A. at., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. A.ofR.R.R.P IR. ORB, my3I-i 720 Penn ave Pittsburg, Pa. -TT1 TTr'Wm SCIENTIFIC Ji. t? vL&,' 'optician. Patentee and sole manufacturer of the Eureka Eye Glass. No chain required. Eureka nose blades fitted to other eye glasses. Ooulist's prescriptions a specialty. All kind of lenses ground and spectacles made on the premises. 908 PENN AVENUE, P1TT& Seventeenth and Chestnut, Philadelphia. my28-92-TTS P ATEITTS O. S. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents. 131 Fifth avehue.above Smithfield, next Leader omce. (jNoaeiay.) usiawisnea zu years. se29-hio Vwt JA.fj nwftyJjr WAUKESHA HYCEIA SPRING WATER. This water h acknowledged by leading physicians to be the purest and healthiest of mineral waters. -AJOLtrsrsie. Grains. Bicarbonate of soda , 2,263 Bicarbonate of iron 0.574 Bicarbonate of lime 16.728 Bicarbonate of magnesia ,. 13.142 Chloride oT-sodium 1.230 Phosphate or soda ttwo We have received control of the Hygeia Springs and are e dally to consumers at the low price of IS cents on the cork. Price by bottle, & cents. S- JSK- BLACK 821 PJEJViV Telephone L467. SALE ON THE GROUNDS TO-DAY AT MAPLEWOOD PARK, WHXINSBURG. BUILDING LOTS ON WEEKl PAYMENTS. See GEO. S. MARTIN, 503 LIBERTY ST. Branch Office at Wilkinsburg, opposite station. The Agent at Wilkinsburg will show you the plan at any time. J01 - ment yon should come to us. There is not as we carry. Whatever style of Flower you on demac fyllGI. my "V-- SHAWLS AND FIGHTTS Black Embroidered Cashmere Fichus, $5 50 to 530. Thl in An srHnln vnn are not likelv to want to bnv more than once in a lifetime, and you should be sure to get a good one while you are about it. These goods are of fast Black Cashmere, trimmed with the richest hand-made embroiderv and pure silk fringe. Colored Cashmere Shawls, in all the light shades, from 98c up to $2 50. SPECIAL BARGAINS New Cambrio Corset Cover, V shape, trimmed in fine Medici Lace, back and front 75c. It is an actual fact that a lady bought a corset cover in another store for fl 60 for comparison with ours, and found it Inferior to our 75c article in evry way. We are showing now the nicest Nightgowns for 76o; better goods, 95c, 98c, up to 13, in cambric and finest muslin. PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS As one bargain goes out another comes in. Twenty-six inch Gloria Umbrellas, with 6-inch Tosca Silver Handles, at Jl 50; 12-lnch ditto at $1 75. The biggest bargains ever offered in umbrellas. 26-inch Silk Umbrellas, Oxidized Silver and Gold w , n va ... ml 111- --.! f - ........ Q..!.l 1n .f fl.t.l TTn. nanaies, so ou, worm 90. -me on, guaranieeu ur uuo ycm. Dim,uuiviiviutiiu um brellas, 28-inch, genuine German Gloria, Tassels and cases, at $2 75. Beautiful Pure Silk Gloves, Black, only 29o; worth fully 60c Good quality Taffeta Gloves, 38c and 48c; worth 50c and 660. Odds and ends tn Kid and Suede Gloves, 38c, 44c, 60c, 68c; worth nearly double. Full lines Foster Hook Kid Gloves, all shades, at lowest prices in the oity. ESTWhen in our stores do not fail to visit our Bargain Counter of Hosiery. First counter on the left aisle on Market street side. It is just now covered with the best bar gains in the city to-day. Fast Black Hose, 12c up. Balbriggan Hose, lOo to 25c, ex cellent values. - NEW GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. peibcuin 510 TO 514 MARKET ST. RESORTS. HOTEL LAFAYETTE, CAPE MAY CITY, N. X, open all the year: strictly first-class; situated directly on the beach, opposite Iron Pier. VICTOR DENIEZOT, Proprietor. jel-3rrs rE ELDREDGE. NO. 18 SOUTH CARO LINA avenue, within three minutes' walk, of depot or beach. Large, cheerful rooms, ex eellent table. Terms moderate. MRS. EL J. ELDREDGE. Proprietress. mvlS-91-D rnHE CHALKONTE. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. I MOVED JO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt water baths in the house. Elevator. aplS-81-D E. ROBERTB & SONS. T HE THEMONT. SEA GIRT, N. J. S. W. LEEDS. jel-2-D Winter address, Cinnamlnson, N.J. rnHE WINDSOR, OAPE.MAY,'N, J. Directly on the beach. Now open. W. W. GREEN. ' Jel-4-P TJEDFOBD MINERAL SPRINGS. J5 BEDFORD, PENNA. Leading mountain resort, Water unequaled. Hotel newly furnished. Toerge's Orchestra, Opens Jnne 8. Write for circular. ap7-S7-D L. B, DOTY. Manager. ONGVIEW BOHOOL-FORMERLY HO TEL Longview will be opened for the reception of summer boarders by July 1, 1889. X or circulars ana lnxonnauon apply to REV. JOHN G. MULHOLLAND, my2-63-TT8u Longview School, Brookville,Pa. HOTEL NORMANDJE, ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. ' -NOW OPEN. Under new management. T. C. GILLETTE, Prop'r. my22 Late of Colonnade Hotel, Phllada. BRESSON bPRINGS. PENNA., MAIN 1 line Pennsylvania Railroad, on top of "ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINST THE MOUNTAIN HOUSE Will open June 25. All trains slop at Cresson. For circulars, etc, address WM. a DUNHAM, Supt. my7-2-DSu Cresson, Cambria Co., Pa. HEW PRINCESS AM HOll,, VIRGINIA BEACH, VA., Situated directly on the ocean, 18 miles due east of Norfolk, Va., via Norfolk and Va. R. R. This great seaside resort presents every advantage' for luxury, comfort and health. Summer season opens June 20. Elegant drives on tho hard beach and through the piney woods. The best surf bathing on the coast. Send for illustrated pamphlet. New York office, 44 Broadway. my3fr88-TTB S. E. CRITTENDEN. Manager. Bqnistat.lt bisi, importers and dealers In wines, liquors and French cor dials for family use. Sole agents for San Gab riel Wine Company, California. 10 DIAMOND SQUARE, Pittsburg. Foreign produce a spec alty se22-bl3k-TTS Grains. Sulphateof potassa 0.820 Sulphate of sodium 0.624 Alumina 0.720 Sillcla 0.150 Organic matter, a trace. . xotai 86.2U epared to furnish Hygela Water per gallon, s&bottled goods have our signature & 00. AVENUE. Ie4t-TT 21 - T3S For Hat and Bonnet Trimming. Also Black Small Birds, Stiff Black Wings, Fancy Wings and Small Black Ostrich Tips. These ornaments are more in favor every day, and we venture to say .that we have the largest variety of them in the city. But notwithstanding that, Birds and 'Wings are popular. FLOWERS Are as much in demand as ever. If you wish for the choice of an immense assort another place in the city that has such a stock wish for we can hand over the counter to you THREE . NEW HAT SHAPES, The RHIGI, The LEHMAN, The JUCH. AND 27 FIFTH HE. jei-TTsaa SIMMS ' NEW ADTXRTISEDfZNTS. Was Ruptured 17 Years and 10 Months. "The undersigned wishes to make it known to everybody who suffers with rup ture or hernia, that my wife was afflicted with ah umbilical rupture more than 17 years, and suffered much. Dr. R. A. Woods, of Penn avenue and Sixth street, treated my wife on the 4th of November, of this year. No chloroform, ether or gas was used, and the treatment was painless. All pain and inconvenience disappeared and 'the rupture is gone. Should anybody disbelieve this, or even doubt it, they are requested to ap ply to me, either personally or by letter, for further information. Our pleasure and grati tude induces me to make public the happy result of this treatment, so that many others who suffer with rupture may also be bene fitted. Chas. Smith, Carrlek P. O.. Allegheny county, Pennsyl vania, Nov. 2T, 1888." Of all the afflictions of men or women Hernia or Rupture is the one that has re ceived the least attention from the intelli gent portion of medical men of the world. How strange this must seem to the world at large; a disease that is so troublesome and universal more than 1 out of every 17 men in this country being afflicted with it it would seem that at least the attention given to the more common diseases would be be stowed on the many forms of Hernia- or Rupture. Such, however, has for ages and generations not been the case, but to quacks and charlatans has been left, very largely, the treatment of all forms of Rupture. Hence it is that so many honest and confid ing people have been duped and badly treated by men, who pretend to cure, yet who know they could not. But the world moves. A change has come. The day of hoop trasses and iron bands is past, and you who have suffered the misery and tortures attending the wearing of trusses, will bless the day that ushered in a new era. DR. WOODS.' SPECIALIST IN THE CUBE OF CHRONIC DISEASES. WHY HE ADVERTISES. What the late Henry Ward Beeoher said about newspapers and doctors: "I am glad that the doctor cured him. I am glad the doctor put it into the paper that he cured him, and if any doctor is certain that he can cure such diseases and does not put it into the papers, I am very sorry. What a pity it would have been had this doctor come to town, with his wealth of science and experi ence, and gone away leaving him un cured I What a pity it would have been if he had been so prejudiced against advertising as to read the responsible certificates of the doc tor and give him the go-by as a quaeki What are the newspapers for if not to circu late valuable information? What more val uable information can a newspaper give than to tell a sick man where he can be cured? If a man has devoted his life to the study of a special class of diseases the ne cessity of saying so becomes all the more pressing, xus amy to aavertise oecomes imperious." Many well-known citizens of this and other cities testify to Dr. Woods' genius and remarkable success. Men and women whose lives bad been tor years miserable from disease that was pronounced incurable have been restored to health by Dr. Woods. So numerous and so trustworthy are his ref erences and indorsements, so remarkable and permanent are the cures he has effected by his superior skill and ability, and so con tinuous his success that he stands .promi nently forth as a physician .who may be consulted with the utmost confidence that his treatment will cure even the most des perate cases. Dr. Woods advises with all who call free of charge. Examinations are also free to those who desire treatment. Oases which require medicine only are treated success fully by correspondence. Send 4 cents in stamps for question list. All communica tions sacredly confidential. All medicines furnished (without extra charge), thus in suring their being genuine and properly prepared. De.B-A.Woods, Hotel Axbemaele, PENH- AVENUE AND SIXTH HTEEET, PlTTSBTJEO, PA. Office hours, 10 A. M. to 12 M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M. je3 AU American and European Patented Eye Glass and Spectacle frames, with glasses of superior quality, perfectly adjusted to the sight A complete stock of Optical and Mathematical Instruments, Medical Batteries, Photographic Cameras. The largest and best assortment of Artificial Eyes, at KORNBLUM'S Optical Establishment, NO. 50 FIFTH AVENUE, NEAB WOOD BTBEET. Telephone No. ICSfl. Je312 KAXUtOADS. PITTSBURG JlSU LAKE EU1B BAILBOAU COMPANY-gchedule In effect June 2, 1839, Central timet r. 4.L. JS.Tl. E. DIPABT For Cleveland. S:0O, "8:00 A. M., 1:33, 4:10, 9:30P. M. jfor Cincinnati, Chicago and bt. Louis, 5:00 A. v., '1:35, 9:30 P. x. r or Buffalo, 8:00 A. K.. 4:10, 9: P. M. For Sala manca, tssco jl. x., l:35 r. M. For Bearer Falli, 5:01', OO. 8:30, 10:15 A. X.. 1:3S. tM, 4:10. 5:15, 9: P. x. Jror Chartlen. 5:00, 15:30. 5-35, 6:2), 8:55, 7:li 8:U, 8:301 9:25, 10:15 Ju X.. 12:05, 12:45, llU a.SVU.S), 4:50, "5:05, 5:15, 8:03, 10:30 P. X. AEiUTE rrom Cleveland, "9:30 A. x.. 12:30, 5:35, 7:55 9:40 P. X. From Cincinnati, Chicago and Bt. Louts, 12:20. 7:55 r. x. From Buffalo. 8:30 A. x., 12:30, 9:40 P. X. From Salamanca. 12:30, 7:55P X. From Younrstown. "6:3a 9.3) A. X.. 12:30, 5:35. "7:55, 8:40 p. X. From Beaver Falls, 5:25, 8:80, 7:ffl, 9.-20 Ju X.. 12:30, 1:10, :J3: 7:55. 9:40 P. X. From Chartlert, tstt, 5:25, "S.W 6:15. 7.-03.7:47, 90, 9:57. 11:59 A. X., J:10, 1:82, 3:17. 4:00, 4:40, 4:52, 8:33, -SllS. 9:40, 11:12, Vi A. M., 15:12 P. X. P., C. A . trains for Mansfield. 8:30 A. X.. 3:30, 4:60 p X. For JSssen and Beechmont, 8:30, A. X., 3:30 P. M. P., C. AY. trains from Manifleld, Ewen and Beachmont, 7:08, 11:59 A. X. P.. McK. 4Y. B. B.-lirAHT-For li ew Haven, ,8:S0A.x..,3:SOP.x. ForWeat Newton. 15:30 10:05 A. X., 3:30. 5:15 P. X. . ABBTVI From New Haven, t7:S0 A. X.. 5:0OP. x. From WeitX4ewton,:15. 17:50 A. x.,15, 5.-00 p.x. For MeKcesport and Elizabeth, 5:30,10:95A. X., 3:3C, 5:15 P. X. From Elizabeth and MeKeeiport, 70 A. u 15, 5rt)0 P. x. Dally. 'Sundays only. tWIU run one hour late on Sunday. IW111 run two hours late on Sunday. City ticket office, 401 Smithfield street. )ITTSBTJJtQ j&d'w-ESTEKIT ti,lJVWAX xraim (Uet'i atan'atimei iaTe. aki Bntler Accommodation Day Ex. Ak'n.Tol., Cl'n. Kane Butler Accommodation Chicago Express (dally) New Castle and Greenville Ex Zellenople andFoxburg Ac. Butler Accommodation. 00 am 7:20 am 920 am 7:13 am 7:23 pm 4:00 Dm 12:30 pm U.-0.5 am j:au pin 4:40 pm 5:40 Dm 9:39 am SdO am 2:10 nm Flrstrtass tare to Chicago, 9 50. Throuxh coach and ng- ear to Chicago dally. 0 50, leeond class. ,n Buffet sleep- AIiLIQHENT VAIiLET BAILBOAl Trains leave Union Station (Eastern Standard time). KltUnnlnjr Ac. 8:55 a. m.: M(tara Er dally. 8:45 a. m.. Uulton Ac, 10:10 a. m. : Valley Camp AC, M.-05 p. m.; OU City and WuBols hx pres3,2:O0p.m.;BultcaAc.,3.00n.m.: Klttannlnx AC, 40p.m.; BraeburnEx.,5aV)p.in.: KJttann lnjr Ac 5.80 p.m.; Braeburn Ae.,60p.m.: Hoi ton Ac, JO) p. m.: Buffalo Ex., daUy, t-Mp. m.iMnUon Ac. 9:45 p. m.f Braeburn Ac, 11:30 p. m. Church team Braeburn, 13:40 p. m. and fi p. m. Fullman Bleeping Cars Mtwsea nttiburc and Buffalo. JAS. F. ANOEBfON, O.F, Agt.( UAYlDHOOABaO.eea.Sapt. tilii' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. $5 itsro-w For Boys' Finest Dress Suits. Mothers, for two days," to-day and to-morrow, we will offer the best bargains in Boys' Clothing ever seen in Pittsburg. You can take your pick of over 1,000 Boys' short-pant 4 to 14 years Suits for $$; Pleated, Belts, Semi' Belts, Corded, Box,' Straight Fronts, Cutaways and countless other beautiful, fashionable and princely styles checks, stripes, mixtures, silk effects,- fine heathers, enduring tweeds., dressy ' worsteds, corkscrews, diagonals, wales, and many others in every shade and tint of light, dark and medium colors a fine, rich and mag nificent gathering that'll surprise you! and you! and you! There are houses in town that would say these suits are worth 12 to 15. We say you can't match 'em for less than $10. $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 KTJMI-AJSntsTS' $12 nsrcrw For Men's $12 Gentlemen, Twelve dollars never entwined such custom-like, perfect-fitting and elegant Suits as we're selling this week, and this week only. Every shape of Sack, Frock and Cutaway in nearly every sensible and fashionable fabric we've got 'em all light colors, dark colors, quiet shades, lively designs Tailor trimmings, and not a suit among them but what's worth $18, many 19, a goodly number $20 and some even $22. Just as well dressed and sensible men as walk the streets of Pittsburg have bought and're wearing these fine suits that we're now selling for 'bout half their real full honest worth. Gentlemen, if you'd like to have a hand in values that you'll never see excelled if equaled call before stores close Saturday and buy one of these 20 suits for I12. $12 $12 $12 $12 iTJdiisriTS3 OUR WONDERFULSHOE TRADE HOW WE ESTABLISHED IT. We have been in the Shoe business but little more than four years; have built up a trade Shoes. house in the city, and )ias reached such vast and gigantic proportions that we're abreast with the two mammoth shoe dealers of the populous East. "And the cause of this wonderful trade?" you ask. We keep as good Shoes as there are in the world as good as can be made. Many of the very best makes we control you can't get them elsewhere in. Pittsburg; we have, every width, every size and every half and fraction of both; we have every style from plain to the most ultra fashion; and especially do we keep easy, com fortable shoes; and that are at the same time sightly, though plain, or, others again, that're not only comfortable, but rich, fashionable, elegantl It's our prices, however, that are our greatest stronghold. Selling fine Shoes at a saving to our ".patrons, of from i to $2 per pair is what brings Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. the crowds to our store. KAILK0AD9. PENNSYLVANIA' COMPANY'S X.1NE3 1UT12. 1SSX Central Standard Time TKAIN3 UEPABT As follows from Union Station: For Chicago, d 1M a. m.. d 120. d 10, d7:45. except Saturday. 11:20 p.m.: Tolado, 75 a. m d n-JD.(X 1M and except Saturday. H:20p. m.; CrestUne. 5:45 a. m.: Clrre lAnd.8:ia,7:2S a.m-12:45 and d 11 K p.m. : New Ca tle and Youngstown, 7:05 a. m.. fiao, 3:45 p. m.; Younptown and NUes, d UOO p. m.; MeadvUle, Erie and Ashtabula, 7rfa. m., 13:20 p.m.: NUes and Jamestown, 3:45 p. m.: MaiSillon. 4:10 p. m.: Wheellna and Bellalre. 8:10a. mr 12:45, lpp. m Beaver falls. 4:00, 6S p. m Bock rolnt, SSO a. so. : Leetsdalc 5.30 a. m. ALLEGHENY-Bochester. : a. Tfl.j Beaver Falls, 8:13, 110 a.m.: Enon. 3:00 P.m.: Leets dalelOsaC ll:4a. m.,20, 41. 4.45, VlO. 1m, ,JM P. m.; Conway, 103) p.m.; Fair Oaks, 3 U:40 a. m.tLeetsdale, B8:30n.m. TBAIN S ABB1VE Union station from Chicago, except Monday ISO, d:0O. d8: a. - d 8:50 p. m.: Toledo, except Monday 1:50, d8:35a.m., 8u0 S. m.. CrestUne, 2:10 p. m.; Youngstown and ew Castle. 8:lom..ldS, 8d4 10:15 p. m.: NUes and Younestown. daipp. m.;aeveland. d5d0a. a.. 2:2J. 7:co p. m.: Wheeling and Bellalre, 9.00 Z. m.tss. 7b p. m.: Erie and Ashubnla, Ids, 10:14 p. m. j MassUlon. 100 a. m.; NUes and Jamestown. 9:10 a. m. ; Bearer Tails. 7:30 a. m.. 1:10p.m.. Bock Foln t, B 8:25 p. m.; leUdale, AKBXVE ALIiEGHENT-From Enon, 8K a. m.: Conway, e-50; Bochester, 9:40 a. m.i Beaver Falls, 7:10 a. m, 5.45 p. , m.: Leetsdale, 5-30, 8:15, 7:45 a. m.. 12:00, 1:45, 40, 8:30, 90 p. m.; Fair Oaks, 88:55 a. m.; Leetsdale, a 85 p. m.: Bock l'olnt. a 8:15 p. m. B, Sunday nlyt d, -daUy; other trains, except Sunday. ft" fJALTTMOKE AND OHIOBAILROAD Jt Schedule In effect May 12. MssTFor Washing ton. 1. c, Baltimore, PhUadelphla and New York, 8:00 a. m. and 9)p. m. For Cum berland ,8:00a-m., 21:00, 9:2irp. m. For Con nellsvlife, t:40 and 8.00 a. m.. 21:00. 14:00 and9a0p. m. For Unlontown, 6:40. 80a. mn Jl:00audi4.-C0p. m. For Mount Fleasant,48.40 and &S0 a. m.. and 210 and 4:00 p. m. For Washington. Ba.. 6:45. 29:40 a- ra 3;35, 5J0 and 8) p. m. For Wheeling, :4d, 29:40 a. m., 3:35, 8:30p.m. For Cincinnati and St. Louis. 8:45a-m.. "8:30p.m. ForCoIumbus. 8:45and9:40 a. m.. 8:30 p. m. For Newark. 8:45, 29:40 a. m., 3:35, 8:30 p.m. For Chicago 6:45. 29:40 a.m., 3:35 and 8:30 p. m. Trains amve from New York, Bhiladelpbla, Baltimore and Washington, 8:20a. m. and 1S-JS0 p. m. From Columbus, Cln clnnatl and Chlcagc 7:45 a. m. and 9:00 p. m. From Wheeling, '7:43, '1000 a. m., 250,9.00p. m. Through sleeping cars to Baltimore. "Wash ington and Cincinnati. Wheclng accommodation. 8.30 a. m. Sunday only. CunnellsvUle accommodation at 53:35 a. m. Oally. Jlhtlly exrept Sunday. JSnnday only. The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hotel and residences upon orders left at B. A O. Ticket Office, corner Fifth avenue and Wood street. CHAS. O. SCULL, Cen. Pass. Agt. J.T.ODELL, Oen.Mgr. P1TTSBUBO AND CASTLE SHANNON H. E. Snmmer Time Table. On and after May 1. 1889, until further notice, trains will run as follows on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard time: Leaving. PltUburg-8:3 a. m., 7:10 a.m., 8:00 a.m.. 9:3ia. m.. 11:30 a. m.. 1:40 p. m.. 3:40 p. m., 5:10 p. m. 40 p. m., 8.30 p. m.. 9:30 p. ro., 11 JO p. ui. ArUpgtou-5:40 a. ra., 6.-20 a. m., 7:10 a. in., 8:00 a. m., loaoa. m 1:00 p. m . 2:40 p. m 4:20 p. m.. 6:10 p. m., 5:50 p. m 7:10 p. m.. load p. m. Sunday trains, leaving Pittsburg W a.m fljp. m.,lMp.m., 5:10 p. m., 7:10 p. m 950 p. m; Arlington 9:M a. m., U m., 1-Mp. m 40 p. m. 6:30 p. a.. p. m.JoHN JxsSt $5 $12 Finest Suits, $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 yet, within that short time way ahead of any othervj now our great business OL ' OllUtiSy Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD ON AND after May 12, 1889, trains leave Union Button, Pittsburg, as fouows. Eastern Standard Time: MAIN LINE EASTWABO. New Yo-k and Chicago Limited of Pullman Ve tlbule dali. at 7J5 a. m. Atlantic Express daUy for the East. SdOa.zo. Mau train, dally, except Sunday, 5:30 a. m. sua. day, mall, 8:40 a. m. Day express dally at 80 a. m. Mail express daily at 10 p. m. Philadelphia express dally at 4:30 p. n. Eastern express daUy at 7:15 p. m. Fast Line dally at 8:10 p. m. Ureensburg express a:io p. m. week days. Deny express 110 a. m. week days. All through trains connect at Jersey Cltywltt boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. N. Y9 aroldlngdonbla ferriage and journey through N. Y.Clty. Trains amve at Union Station as follows: Mall Train. daUy 8.10p.m. Western Express, daUy 7:43a. m. Paclfle Express, dally 12:45 p.m. Chicago Limited Express, daUy 8:30 p.m. Fast Line, daUy 115 p. to. SOUTHWESP PENN BATLWAI. For Unlontown, 8:30 ana 8:35 a. m. and43p. m.. without change of ears: 12.50 p. m., connect lng at Greens Durg. Trains arrlTe from Union town at 9:45 a. m.. 12.20. 5 Oi and 8:10 p. m. WEST PENNSYLVANIA Division. From FEDEBAL ST. STATION, Allegheny City, Mall train, connecting for BlalrsvUle... 8:4i a. m. Express, for BlalrsvUle, connecting for Butler .. SilSp.m. Bntler Aecom 8:20a.m., 235 and 5:15 cm. Snrlngdale Accom9:00,lli0a.m.JJ0and 80 p.m. FreeportAccom ....4:15. 8:30 and 11:40 p. m. OnSunday 12:50 and 9.30p.m. North ApoUo Acconi... ..110 a.m. and 50 p. m. ABegheny Junction Accommodation connecting for Butler 1:20 a.m. BlalrsvUle Accommodation 10:40 p. m. Trains arrive at FEDEBAL STBEET STATION: Express, connecting from Butler 10.33 a. m. Mall Train. 1:45 p.m. Butler Accom 9:10 a. m., 4:40 and 7:20 p. m. BlalrsvUle Accommodation -9 52p.m. Freenort Aecom.7:40 a. m..l:2 7:20 and 11:10 p.m. On Sunday 10:10 a. m. and 7:00 p.m. Sprlngdale Accom... . 67,11:48 a.m., 3:25,6:30 p. m. North ApoUo Accom 3:40 a. m. and 5:40 p. m. MONONQAUELA DIVISION. Trains leaye Union sUUon.Plttsourg, asnnowsj For Mosonrahela City, Wess Brownsrllla and Unlontown.-fl a. m. For Monongaheu City an "West BrownsrU 75 and U a. m. and 4-40 P-m. OnSunday, 11 p. m. For Monongahela City. 5:40 p. m., week dars. Dravosburg Ac, week days, 8:20 p. m. , West Elizabeth Accommodation. 8:20a. m Iioa, , 8u and lids p. m. Sunday. 9:40 p. m. xicaes oraces vomer jraiu iiw . street and Union station. CHAS.Z.PUUH, General Manager. J. B. WOOD.. Gen'IPass'r Agent. T3ANBANDLZ BOUTE MAY 12. MSJJJ" JT sutlon. Central Bundard TBrt. l'"Te.ftJ ClnelnnaU and St, Louis, d 7:30 a.nu, d 80 ana d 11:15 p. m. Dennlson. 2:45 p. m. "?5J 12i dnTiS p.ra. WheeUng, 70 " 5? 6:10 p.m. 8teubenvlU 5:55 a. m. Washington. 6 J6, 8:35 a. m.. 1:54, 3:30, 4J5 p. "fc" TSS52 a. m. Burgettstown. Sll:35a.m 53ip. m. Man fleltt, 7:15, 110 a. m 6t dSJSilOU P-m. Me- Donalds, d 4:15, d 10:25 p. n. Fromthe West. t 2:14 d 60. a. m 35, d iOSf. p.m. Dennlsow 9 JO a.m. SteubcnvUle. SjOS p. m. Wheeling. 2:10, 8:45a.m.. 35, S-J5p.m. Bnrgetts-i tiwnrkif'a: m.,S95..m. ashlngtos it. Tao,, 9-Mm. m tag ta v. m. Manrteld, d Sas, 90 a.m lS:46d:Xandlfl0p.m. Bulger, l:40p.m.r d daUy; S Sunday oalyi otier tnlas, xeft Sanday. . A