y- ci, MEAT ON THE HOOF. Leading: Features of Live Stock Mar S ket at Herr's Island. SHEEP AND LAMBS STEADY, SLOW. Hogs Unchanged, bnt WeakTribulations of Port Packers, "WHO CLAIM TO BE LDSIKQ MONET Office of Pittsbubo Dispatch, i Monday. June S. 1689. There were about tbe usual supplies and cattle were higher, sheep and lambs easier and hogs without any material change. Cattle. The supplies from the West cost from 15 to S3 per cent more at Chicago than last week. Buyers here were not willing to pay the ad vance and the result was a compromise. Drovers were only able to obtain a part of the advance they were compelled to pay at Chi capi. Choice heavy Western beeves, weigh ing 1,500 to 1,600 pounds, were held at ?4 S5 4 95; medium weights, 1,200 to 1,400 pounds. 5JC0475;primelightweiBhts,900tol,100pounds 4 003 1 33: common to fair rough steers. 3 25 3 55. Country butchering stocc was in light supply, consisting of a few head of bulls and dry cows. These sold at 3c per pound. Fresh cows sold at $25 00 to $45 00 per head, calves at Z to 4c and for a few extra tine D to 6c was asked. xteceipts from Chicago Winter & Dollen bach for abattoir, 219 head; I. Zeigler, 105; L. Geraon, 95; A. Fromm, 63; Tranerman Uros.. 37; H. IIirch 4 Co., 35; Rothschdd & Co. 74. From Pennsylvania J. Reiber, 7 head: various owners. 8; total, G38 head; last week, 630; previ ous week. 712. bheep and jLanibs. Supply viism excess of demand, and mar i.ets were easier than last week without any material change in prices. Yearlings and spring lambs were a shade low er. Prime, heavy Ohio and Pennsylvania weth ers, 54 50 to S45: medium to good. $4 00 to $4 25; common to fair, $3 25 to $3 75, yearlings, $4 75 to 6 00; spring lambs, 5c to 7c per pound. Some very choice lambs brought a shade above the outside figure. Receipts from Ohio J. Langdon, 37 head; A. Williamson, 125 head. From Pennsylvania is. Lowenstelu, 44 head: S. Lonenthal, 1S3; Pisur AlcNeese, Hi: J. Reiber, 24; F. CruiUhank, 7b; McOrearyi Craig, 165; J. Ackerman, 212; J. Bcbler, 118 Total receipts, 1,140 head; last week, 1,033; previous week, 1,022. Hos". Market slow at last week's prices. Holders were not willing to concede, and buyers paid about the same as last Monday. The range of prices was $4 75 to $5 10. Receipts from Ohio: j eeay a. tsmitn, s neaa; jsamora ana .Lang don. 20 head. From various Pennsylvania owners, 8 head. Total, 294; last w eek. 153, pre vious w eek, 276. Losses of Pork Packers. Pork sackers have not found a bonanza in their industry this season. A gentleman from Cincfhnati, who has been long engaged in curing meats, was in the city a day or two ago, and re ported that packers there were generally losing money. Said he: 1 have put np about 800,000 pounds of stuff, at a cost of 00,000, and if I were to close out at present prices of provisions my loss would be not less than 516,000' One of our provision dealers here made pur chase from the Cincinnati house ot an amount of stuff on which there was a loss to the seller of.S900- Pork packers are nnanimous in the belief that margins are about wiped out. The truth is hogs ha e ruled too high all the past season. Though the tendency has been downward for some weeks, prices are still too high for any profit In packing. LITf! STOCK MARKETS. Condition of the Market at the East Liberty Stock Yards. Office PirrsBrmo Dispatch. East Liberty, June 3. 1S89. ( CAT1XS Receipts, 910 head; shipments, 1,020 head; market slow at unchanged prices; no cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hogs Receipts. 1900 head: shipments, 1,100 head; no market on acconnt of flood. Sheep Receipts, 3,400 head; shipments. 4,400 head. Br Telegraph. A lipt k we 'brai: Rvaxsas Crnr-Cattle Receipts. 3.786 head.- Iiipments, 1,778 head; choice cornfed steady 7 nwfc, utiiere muw a.nu otiuc lower: cows rm: common dull and weak: pood tn -hnir- cornfed. $3 754 40; common to medium. S3 25 o iv,bukho ouu iceuing steers, rc Z3gg3 iJ: cows, Si 753 5a Hogs Receipts, 7.721 head: shipments, 1,774 head: market weak and 510e lower, closing strong with some of the loss re earned; -good to choice light. $4 124 17; common to medium. $3 904 10. Sheep Re ceipts, 1,771 head; no shipments: market weak and a shade lower; good to choice muttons, 3 751 25; common Jo medium. $2 503 50. New Yoek Beeves-Receipts, 3,700 head, making 9,900 head for the week. Trading was slow, but tbe market was firm and higher; steers ranged from $4 00 to $5 05 per 100 pounds; Dulls and dry cows firm at 2 73; exports for the week included 1.600 beeves, HO sheep and 10,500 quarters of beef. Calves Receipts. 1,700 head, making 10.000 head for tbe week; firmer and higher at $4 006 00 per 100 pounds for veals, and $2 603 50 for buttermilk calves. Sheep Receipts, 6,600 head, making 33,400 forthe week; market active, firmer and higher: sheep sold at $4 255 80 per 100 pounds; lambs at SS 0C10 00 Hogs Receipts, 2,600 head, .making 26,200 for the week; none sold on lire weight, Chicago Toe Drover1! Journal reports Cattle Receipts, 15.000 head; shipments. 4,000 head: market5cto!0c loner; beeves, SlOOffi 4 37J steers, S3 604 30: stackers and feeders. 52 403 60; cows, bulls and mixed, $1 80 5 35; Texas cattle lower. $2 00370. Hogs Receipts. 23,000 head; shipment?. 6,000 head: market slow and 5c lower; mixed. S4 20445 light .84 S04 55; heavj; 54 04 40; skip 53 J04 2a bheep Receipts. 1,000 head; ship mente, 3,500 head: market a shade easier; na tives, $3 504 80; Western shorn. $3 60fi!4 70 lambs,5049a ' St. Louis Cattle-Receipts. 2,500 head; ship ments, 1.800 head; lower; choice heavy na- ave steers, w twfi 3U: lair to good do., $3 103 3 90; Blockers and feeders. $2 003 10: rangers, com-fed, $2 75ffi3 50; grass-fed. $2 10g3 Oa Hogs Receipts, 5,500 head; shipment 1.300 head; lower; choice heavy and butchers'. $4 30 4 40; packing, 54 154 30; light, fi 25ffi4 ii Sheep Receipts, 4,600 head; shipments, 2,700 head; lower; fair to choice, $3 O04 4a Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 75 loads: 135 sale: market dull and unchanged, bheep and lambs active and fully 25o higher; receipts. 20 loads throuch, 127 sale; best sheep sold at $5 00 lanibs. 55 756 Ott Hogs dull and 510c lower: receipts, 37 loads throngb: 100 sale; Yorkers, i $4 654 70; mediums, $4 504 55. Indianapolis Cattle quiet at $2 754 4a Hogs quiet at 54 254 6a Sheep strong at S3 00 4 25; lambs, 55 006 50. THE W01IEFS EICHAKGE Slake a Donation and Offers a Band of Volunteer Workers. At a meeting of the Board.of Managers ofthe w Oman's iurcnange, held yesterday afternoon, it was voted that the fines collected, amount ing to over $11, be devoted to the relief fund of the citltens' committee, and that a box be kept in the rooms to receive clothing, money, pro visions or material to be given to the commit tee. A nnmber of the ladies are sewing at their own homes for the sufferers. The following volunteer committee was ap pointed to hold themselves in readiness to be called on for any service when neeped: Miss Sell Stewart, Mrs. William It. Thommon Mrs. H.H. McKee, MUsEW,J Mra. J. 1. iSInc" Mrs. T. H. Vickson, Mrs J. o. Home, Mre. Jam Albree, Mrs. deorge Macbeth. Mrs. Alex Laurh lln, Mrs. GeonreGnscom, Mrs. J. K. McFadden. Mrs. C. Ihinscn, Mrs. Wslter McCord. Mrs Ernest tchwarti, Mrs. J. H. Hampton. Mrs.' Phillip Keymer. Mrs. M. Atwood ana MUs DskeweU. To-Dny's Trlnl Llsf. Common Pleas No. 1-Fnllerton vs Fife: Evans vs Booth & KUnn; McClcllandTs KIsber; Clement x nuaucipnia vo.; jyner vs iicAeesport borongb: Uradlcy vs Sim: Cocghan et al vs Tintss man: Davis vs Heckerl: Elppert vs Herald: Bartinsky vs bare Deposit Co. nnmmon Pleas no. 2 Locmer v norm.,. Mutual Insurance Co.: Eramer, widow, vsP. c. AbL L. B. K. Co.: Hurrell vs Mntth: Luak vs Phlpps; Walter & Co. vs bherraw; Vlehl et nx vs Hldwell: Harndollarct ox vs Wiley: K. 1. Karle T Plttsbnrg31an(ranecse Co. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs James bhlra, John Condon, James Gillespie et aL Stephen btocsik et al, JameiGreen, Henry Brown. Edward Bolts, alias Wiles, Samuel Whitehead, Martin Patterson, John K. Shauahan, James Mc G1U et al, Samuel Harvey. Dishonored Drafts. When the stonfach dishonors the drafts made upon It by tbe rest of the sjstem.it is neces sarily because Its fond of strength is very low. Toned with Hostetters Stomach Bitters, It soon begins to pay out vigor in the shape of pure, rich blood, containing tbe elements of muEcie none and brain. As a sequence of the I vigor afforded the .stomacn, tbe bowels perform their functions regularly, and the Uver works like clockwork: Malaria has no esect upon a system thus reinforced. MARKETS BY WIEE. Wheat Moves at a Silent Decline In Prices Corn Stronger Oau Unchanged Hag Products Close With the Early Advance Lost. Chicago Trade Jn wheat was very light to-day and mostly local. Prices declined to a point c lower than Saturday's closing. The opening was &Jc lower, and with only slight changes receded e more, ruled steadier. Improving 3c closing about H6Jic lower than Saturday. Crop reports continue favorable, with exception of points In Indiana, Illinois and Tennessee. Com ruled rather quiet but comparatively firm, and prices fluctuated within He range, closing a shade higher than on Saturday. Oats were quiet and steady, with small changes in price. Trading was only moderately active in hog products. Under the influence of liberal re ceipts of hogs and a further decline in prices there was an inclination arly to sell for future delivery, and prices ruled lower. At tbe de cline the demand slightly improved and prices rallied, but toward the close the market weak ened and the advance was lost. The leading futures ramrea as follows WEKAT No. 2 July. 75K75e74K75Vc: August, 73K73K73k73Jc; September, 73 7473Jg-74c: year.7373ifc Come No. 2 July.S334JS33K34c; in put, 3434K34Sg34c; September, S5 35c. OATS No. 2 July. 2222K822JB'ffi22J6c; Sep tember. 22H22&e22Ji25ic. Mess Pore, per bbl. July, $11 80U 80 11 72UU 75; August, $11 90011 87X11 82f 11 S; September, $11 9511 90. Labs, per 100 tts. July, $6 TO; August, $8 75 6 77K6 756 7 September, $6 806 KZ& Sho&t Ribs, per 100 Bs.-July, $5 72K5 75; August, $5 805 82W: September $5 855 90 5 S55 S7f lasn quotations were as rouows: Flour ami 2rve.3Sa No. 2 barler. nominal. No. 1 flu. ro.2 ; seed, $158. Prime timothy seed, $125. Mess pork, per barrel, $11 751I80. Lard, per 100 . $8 62KE6 75. Short ribs sides rioosnl S5 65tf? 510. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $512K 5 25. Short clear sides (boxed), $66 12. Sugars Cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour, 11,000 barrels; wheat, 22,000 bushels: com, 582,000 bushels: oats, 219,000 bushels; rye, 4,600 bushels; barley, 4,000 bushels. Ship ments Flour. 13,000barrels;wheat, 22.000 bush els; com. 461,000 bushels: oats, 287,000 bush els; rye, 2.000 busbels; barley. 3,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was weak: fncycreamerv, 15X16Xc; choice to fine, 1215c; fine dairv, 1213Kc: fair to good, SQlOc Eggs firmer at 1213c. New Yoek Flour moderatelyactivo. Wheat Spot unchanged, moderate export demand ana light milling; options fairly active and ir regular, closing steady. Barley malt quiet. Corn Spot fairly active and firm; options mod erately active. hilic lower and steady. Oats Spot moderately active; options fairly active and firmer. Coffee Options 510 points np, closing barely steady. Sugar Raw higher; f air refining, 6Jc: centrifugals, 9c; sales, 3,500. Tallow lower; city, 4c Rosin steady and quiet. Turpentine dull at 3334c Eggs quiet and steady; receipts, 6,510 packages. Pork steady. Cutmeats inactive. Lard firmer and quiet; sales Western steam, $7 057 07, closing at $7 05; city, $8 60: June, $7 01 asked; July, $7 03, closing at $7 02 bid; August, $7 08 asked: September, $7 11, closing at $7 11 bid. Butter dull; steady for choice only. Cheese scarce and strong. Philadelphia Floor quiet. Wheat quiet and prices without important change. Com Carlots firmer and c higher; options quiet and nominally unchanged. Oats Car lots quiet and c higher: options quiet and steady. But ter firm for prime goods. Eggs steady. Cheese steady. Baltimore Provisions quiet. Buttersteady: creamery, 1718c. Eggs firm at li)ilBc Other articles unchanged. THE LEGAL DRIFTWOOD. Kot n Terr Great Flood of It Yesterday, bat Enough for tbe Client. The ejectment snit of John Fox against Gottlieb Harmonting was settled yesterday. The jury is ont in the snit of P. Haggltlrls against Reymer Brothers, an action for rent. The salt of James Packer and wife against David Hutchinson, a landlord and tenant case, is on trial before Jndge Slagle. The trial of Charles E. Allen for the murder of "Bud" Lee, both colored, was to have been commenced to-day, but was postponed until next Monday. The trial of Henry F. Volght. ex-cashier of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of tbe Southside. for embezzlement, etc., will be taken np wcanesaay. The suits o Elizabeth Matthews and Annie M. Lyons against Lyons Brds,. McKee fc Co., actions on accounts, were settled yesterday and the cases withdrawn., - , The Methodist Episcopal Church, of Tem peranceville, yesterday, filed a petition asking that the name of the church be changed to the West End M. E. Church of Pittsburg. An order was made in Common Pleas Court No. 1 yesterday fixing Thursday, June 13, at 9.30 a.m., for hearing all appeals from assess ments of property for taxation ln'PlttsDurg. A vebdict for 51,150 for the plaintiff was taken by consent yesterday in the suit of Mag gie P. Shook against the receivers of the Pitts burgand Western Railroad, an action on bonds. J. Charles Dicken yesterday received a verdict for $233 35 in his suit against John Scbanb. The suit was an action on a judgment note for $100 given in 1865 by Schaub to Dicken Interest was allowed for 21 years, making tbe verdict more than double the face of the note. But one branch of the Criminal Court will be run during June. For tbe, first two weeks in July two courts will conclude the business, wnen toe court wiu sojourn ior the heated term. The jury is out in the case of John Welsh against John Wise. The snit Is for damages for false arrest on a charge of larceny. Wise having been arrested in mistake for another man. John Ballenfiels yesterday entered suit against Richard Jeff enes for $1,000 damages for slander. The parties are residents of Millvale it was claimed that Jcfferies accused Bailen field of stealing furniture. The County Commissioners yesterday nut a force of men at work cleaning up tbe old Uni versity building and putting it in shape for the Surpose of turning it into i hospital for the ohnstown sufferers if necessary. In the suit of James H. Beli against Samuel McQuitty for possession of a lot in McKees port a verdict was given yesterday for six cents damages and costs for the plaintiff, according to the terras of the agreement filed. The jury is out in the casef Louis Gordon against James Leech and the borough of Brad dock for damages for injuries received by fall ing down the cellar way of a house owned by Leech that had been burned down. The commission in lunacy in tho case of Andrew Soellner yesterday reported that Soellnerwas a lunatic Tbe report was ap proved, and E. P. Thomas appointed a commit tee of the person and estate of Soellner. Mrs. Virginia Evans yesterday filed a petition asking for an inqnest In lunacy to be held on her father, Martin Thompson, of Elizabeth Borough. She stated,that he had be come insane and was squandering his estate. CHasbrouck, Esq., was appointed commis sioner w uuiu too inquest. Mrs. Catharine Ztteqel, yesterday, en tered suit against the Braddock Wire Company for $10,000 damages for the death of her hus band, Michael ZwegeL He had been employed in tbe wire works and fell into a vat, about which there was no railing, the contents of which were principally vitriol. Ho died shortly afterward. A bill in equity was filed yesterday by T. R, Thomas, J. B. Van Wagner, Fred C. Milliken and George V. Milliken against E. If. HukilL It was stated that the plaintiffs purchased a lease of oil and gas rights of land In Monon galia county, W. Va., from HukilL Since then Hnklll has commenced to bore for gas and oil in the same land, and an injunction is asked for to restrain him from continuing. After theferand jury had been disposed of in Criminal Court yesterday the rest of the day was occupied in receiving the constable's re turns. The returns were Tery light, but few violations being reported. Jndge Stowe "re peated the order made by Jndge Magee last term, that the violations reported were not to be published, as it would give tbe offenders a chance to escape before they could be in dicted. The grand jury's first day's work consisted of returning the following true bills: Edwjrd Baltz, alias Mills, Samuel Harvey. James -ao GiU, Thomas Davis, Br, Thomas Davis, Jr., Samuel Davis, Maggie Davis. MaryMcGilL Stephen Stoeslck, Joseph Szopka, Samuel Whitehead, larcenyand receiving stolen goods John Condon, burglary: James bhira, aggra vated assault and battery: Harry Brown James Gillespie, Anna Gillespie. James Green' assault and batter ; John K. bbanahan, false pretense. No bills were ignored. A Month's hhnTingfor2 Cents. For 2 cents Colgate 4 Co, 55 John st, N. Y willman you a sample of Demulcent Snaring Soap. " THE A TOUCH OP NATURE, Business OTershadowed by Jhe Great Disaster at Johnstown. AUCTION SALES OP REAL ESTATE Presented Prom the Standpoint of a1 Gen tleman of Large Experience. A DIAMOND STREET IMPE0TEE TALKS "The angels of our better nature" have been so deeply touched by the Johnstown catastrophe as to canse business to be in great part subordinated to the more urgent necessity for the caring of the survivors and burying the dead. Nobody seemed to have any heart for business yesterday. Scarcely a dozen brokers attended either of the stock calls, and all of Captain Barbour's efforts failed to excite sufficient enthusiasm to effect a single sale. The same was true of the stock market, which was strong but dull. The banks did nothing but routine work, and not much of that. Everywhere, on the streets, in the stores and offices, wherever people assembled, the only topic of conversa tion was the disaster. Almost every man had his hand on his pocketbook ready to respond to a call for further assistance. It will be several days beforebusinessesumes its .wonted course. a To the Financial editor of Tbe Dispatch: Having read several articles in The Dis patch lately on auction sales of real estate, it occurs to me that probably a few lines from one wbose experience in that business extends over 30 years in this county may be of interest. I remember when owners of real estate hesitated about offering their property at auction for fear that the public would think that they were acting nnder financial distress, or that they were compelled to sell. Gradually that feeling gave way and auction became a popular method of offering property. This popularity continued until a few years ago, when it came into disfavor, from which it has not recovered. One reason for this decline was the introduc tion of fictitious bidders. So long as bidders had confidence In tbe honest management of the sale tbey would bid freely, and nnder the spur of competition would give more than they had really intended to give. But whenever the suspicion of false bidding arose bidders would decline to give even the sum that they had in tended to bid. Another reason was that, after attending sales and bidding what was deemed the value of the property, owners wonld withdraw the property and hold it for a higher price. Bid ders thus lost both time and temper in attend in; sales. Then came the era of brass bands, free lunch and often free beer to stimulate the bidding. Auctioneers used to pay $500 a year license and give heavy bonds for the faithful discharge of duty. Ten years ago these were entirely repealed. This developed an extraor dinary increase in the number of auc tioneers. Now auction ought to be a popular method for the sale of real estate. How to regain the old-time popularity is the question. As already said, confidence in the conduct of the sale is an essential requisite. One idea I wish to pre sent: It is well known that, with few excep tions, there is a limited price at which owners will allow the property to be sold. Then why not publish the limited price? If itjisalow price or a fair price, buyers will be attracted to attend the sale, and. under the stimulus ot legitimate competition, may be induced to bid over the limit Those who deem the price too high will sot attend, and will not thus be disappointed. When it is found that tbe limited price is too high, let tho sale be readvertised with price re duced. Let it be understood that the property will be positively sold if the limited price is of fered. This plan may rob the auctioneer of his opportunity to create enthusiasm among his audience in order to reach the limit, but will afford him a higher order of skill to persuade them to exceed the limit, which is of far more consequence. Bidders will then attend sales with a definite knowledge of the owners' views; distrust will be abolished, and much more sat isfactory results will be obtained. Many per sons have failed to attend auction sales from lack! of knowledge of the acceptable price, whereas had tbey known it, they would have attended andbidden higher. There is no good reason why an auction sale should not be con ducted as openly and above board as a private sale. Alexander Legoate. While there is nothing new on the surface relating to the widening of Diamond street, there is a strong undercurrent of sentiment in its favor. One of the most earnest and zealous advocates of the improvement is a Fourth avenue real estate dealer, who has the courage of his convictions in expressing his sentiments. He said yesterday: "I know that Diamond street will be widened. I won't tell you how I know It, but I give yon the fact, and you can rely on it. 1 have watched this matter care fully from tbe start, and have made up my mind from pointers obtained from the inside. While the opponents of the project have been talking, tbe other side has been acting. They have been buying property there right along until now they are practically in control of the street. Nor have they confined their operations to the thoroughfare in question, but have gone into the adjacent streets and worked up a strong sentiment In favor of the improve ment If tbe determination of the question were left to a vote of the people directly inter ested, the wideners wonld carry the day by a decided majority. We are in no particular nurry. xne more the subject Is debated the better it will be for us. No man In his proper senses can fail to perceivo that the widening of the street would be In the interest of the pub lic Afcwmenmay make money out ot It. but that would be a trifle in comparison with tho benefits which would be necessarily follow from the opening of a new street in the heart of the city. Another thing 1 can tell you. The street will never be obstructed with car tracks. In view of the almost universal sentiment against it, Councils would not dare to author ize such an invasion of public rights." TWO G00SB EGGS. Nothing Done at Elttierof Yesterday's Stock Culls Bids nnd Offers. There were no transactions in local stocks at either of the calls yesterday. Thero were sev eral reasons for this. The brokers were ab sorbed in the Johnstown disaster, many of them having relatives or friends among the victims. Under this weight they were not dis posed to pay much attention to everyday busi ness affairs. Then, again, there were very few orders demanding instant execution, and finally, bids and offers were too far apart to be hastily bridged over. All of tho favorites were strong and some of them higher in the bidding. For Electric 632 was bid and 65 asked. It was fractionally weaker ln the afternoon. Philadelphia Gas could have been sold at 3 but it was held at 33. Central Traction was held at 33K ; Citizens' was offered at 07 For Pittsburg 61 was bid and 63 asked. Switch and Signal was strong at Saturday's quotation. Pleasant Valley Pas senger Railway was in request at $180, but $200 was wanted in tbe forenoon and $193 In the aft ernoon. People's Natural Gas and Plpeage was in the market at 17M, but the opportunity was allowed to pass unimproved. Bids and offers were; MOENING. Bid. Asked. ATTEKSOOlr. Hid. Asked. Pitts. Pet S. M. Ex.. 475 500 Third Nat. Bant. Av,.. 131 61 "ii 67 si 180 Nat Gas Co. of W. va. People's JBtr Co.. 17 "56 32 A.. 70 fx "H Philadelphia Co.. S7 38' "Westm'd & Cambria., 40 33 Wheellnr Gas O 31 Washington Oil Co.... Central Traction Cltlrcns1 Traction Pittsburg Traction.... Pleasant Valley It. it... P. W. It. It prer.... LaNorla Ml nice Co... AVestinghonse Electric "J3X "is 193 200 23 180 63X 55 U. Switch & Slenal va. Tbe total sales of stocks at New VnrV vm. a terday were 253,6o0 shares, including: Atchison. 14.385: Missouri Pacific 6,680: Northwestern! 8,600; Northern Pacific, 16,119; NorthernPaciflc preferred, 42,850: Reading, 18,185; St Paul. 23. 460: Union Pacific, H.500; Western Union, 13,700. PAEALISIS AT THE BANKS. money Matters Subordinated to tho Great .Calamity A Look Ahrnd. There was very little doing in the local money market yesterday. The demand for loans was light and routine business, below the average. PITTSBURG DISPATCH, A large part of tho checking was made up of contributions for the Johnstown sufferers. The clearings were 2,002,075 15, and tbe balances 5283.181 47, Henry Clews 4 Co., New York, say in their weekly circular: "Our heavy gold shipments and their bearing upon the future of the money market have attracted considerable at tention, especially as the movement of stocks is largely influenced bT this consideration. Since January 1, about $19,000,000 of gold have been shipped from this port, the bulk of which went In the month of May. As produce and commercial bills are scarce and London Is not taking our securities very freely, the prospects are that further important amounts will follow. The bulk of recent shipments go the continent, and their result must be continued easy money in .Europe ana consequent stimulating oi speu ulationin foreign markets. At London dis counts in tho open market are quoted at about IK per cent: at Berlin tbey aro only a fraction higher: while In Paris, where tbe feeling lacks entire confidepce, the rate is about 2Xper cent "The loans of the New York Associated Banks are at ho highest point on record; but this causes no concern. among bankers, for the reason that the reserves are nnder good con trol, and there is no prospect of any activity In the demand for money until midsummer, when preparations for tbe fall requirements are in order. Better rates are, of course, anticipated at this period, and there Is consequently less disposition to lend on time at present low rates. There need be no apprehension of stringency in the money market for months to come; as the Treasury is in a position to release funds more freely when necessary, ana the gold now going out is likely to return In the latter half of the year." Money on call at .New York yesterday was easy, closed offered at 2 to 3. per cent last loan 3; closed offered at 2. Prime mer cantile paper, 83K. Stenng exchange dull, but steady at $4 STJJfor 6(May bills, and$l 89 for demand. Closing BorTfl Quotations. TJ. s. 4s,reg im U. 8. 4s. coup 13 U. B. 4X&, reje..., IOC), TJ. S. 4Ha, conn...., 106) Pacific 08 of 'K. 19 Louisiana stamped 4s 8GJ$ Missouri 6s 102 Tenn. new set 6s i07 Tcnn. new set. Ss.. lM " Tenn. new sot. 3s...... S)i Canada So.pds 100 Cen. Pacific, Ists 116 Den. AK. G., uts.i 11 Den. &R.G. 4 ZIX '" Den. & K. G. West, Ists 102 Erie, 2ds vav M. K.4T. Gen, 6s 57X M. K. 4T. Gen. Ss 53 Mutual Union 6s veH N. J. U. Int. Cert H4J Northern Pac Ists 120 Northern Pac 2ds 1W Northwestern consols HiK Northwestern debentures in?i Ureron ATrana. 6s inj tt. L. St Iron it Gen. 63 S5 St. L. San. Fran. Gen, M 121 St. Panl consols 129 St Paul, Chic APac Ists 119 Tex., Pac. L. G. Tr. Kcts 1 90S Tex., l'ac. It G.Or. Kcts 38 union Pac. Ists..... lis We6t Shore ic$s$ New York Clearings $77,600,884; bal ances, 56,410,179. Boston Clearings. $19,654,923; balances, $2,418,390. Money IK per cent Philadelphia Clearings, $14,217,770; bal ances, $2,172,728. BALTIMORE-Clearlngs, 52,575,573; balances, 5406,643. London The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England on balance to-day is 2,000. Paris Three per cent rentes, 8flf 43o for the acconnt Berlin The statement of tbe Imnerlal Bank of Germany shows a decrease in specie of 4,000.000 marks. Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, 514,095,00a St. Louis Clearings, $3,737,246; balances, $134,000. IJNeW York, June 3, Consolidated Exchange: Opening, 82Jc; highest S3Jc; lowest 82e; closing, aac new iorK arocK nacnange oaies, ,uu,vw uarreis onenlnir. t2c: highest azyec; lowest. I 349,000 barrels. lowest 81c; closing, 82c.jraotal sales, Oil Markets. nrr. fVl'V. JnnA 9 WaH,,al m-.al .,- tificates opened at 81Kc: highest 83c: lowest 81Jc; closed. tSZXc; sales. 301,000 barrels; clear ances, 676,000 barrels: charters, 38,690 barrels; shipments, 3,632 barrels; runs, 76.129 barrels. Pittsburg, June 8. Petroleum National transit certificates opened at 81Kc; closed at 82c; highest 83c; lowest, 81c Bradford. June 3. National transit certi ficates opened at 82c; closed at 82c: high est 82c; lowest, 81c; clearances, 29&000 bar rels. Titubvuxs, June U National transit cer tificates opened at. 82c: highest 83c: lowest 81fc; closed, 82c ; X0 HEART FOR BUSINESS. . The OH Men Meet and Go Through the Usual Forms. The oil market was very slow yesterday. The Johnstown disaster overshadowing every other interest. Th e wires were still in bad sh ape.and New York quotations came in at long intervals. Oil was a little scarce, 25 cents premium being paid. The opening price -was 82c This was too high for the prevailing conditions, and it dropped to 81c From this point there was a rally during the day to 8Sc, the highest boint touched. A de cline then set in which carried the figures duwn to815iJc.froro which there was a reaction to 823c, which was the closing price. Field news was to this effect: The Smith well at Ninevah was torpedoed, but th result was unknown here. sHershberger No. Sat Legion vllle,was due. In the Washington district Busbuell's Salem-Flack No. 2 was in tbe sand and doing 150 barrels per day. The Forest OH Company's well will not De a large producer. The same company's Kerr well is dry, but had struck a heavy gas vein, There was no change at the other wells. Features ot the Mnrket. Corrected dally by John M. OaKiey & Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened 81 I Lowest nit Highest ,.83 Jflosed .......SIM . Barrels. Average runs r. , B0, 743 Average shipments , 61 Ml Average charters , 41,513 Kenned," New York, 6.90c. Itellne.', London, 5 -I6d. Reflned, Antwern. 17)tr. lteflned. Liverpool, s 6-lcd. 5r7f?.i.iSSw,i0Si JS!i2!L a fla" Braa- ford. A.B.McGrew4Co. 8383Kc -wukt v jjitiuium. quote puts, 82c; calls, EALTT 1T0LDS THE F0ET. A Big Denl at Mirlon Station Good Ones i Elsewhere. Reed B. Coylo & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold for Charles E. Speer ten acres of ground at Marlon Station, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, for about $20,003. Black and Baird, 85 Fourth avenue, sold for Joseph S. Gold a two-story frame dwelling of five rooms, on California avenue. Sixth ward, Allegheny City, to John Alcorn, for $1,925. The electric railway has made enhancement in this location sure. James W. Drape & Co. closed the sale of a house and lot on Roberts street Eleventh ward, city, lot 20x80 and an eight-room house. m .'.: "?"""" i w ii.res nearjrerrys ville, with improvements, at $4,600. They also placed a mortgage of $2,600, at 6 per cent on a house and lot in the city. SamuelW. Black tCo., 99 Fourth avenue,sold to John A. Steele one of those handsome two- awry ana mansard Drick dwelling houses lo cated west side of Oakland square. Fourteenth ward, being the sixth, house from Boquet street, with lot 30x100 feet for 53,750. These beautiful bouses are selling very fast as they are very desirable as well as cheap. Baltensperger & Williams. No. 154 Fourth avenue, placed a mortgage for $2,000 on prop erty on Perrysvllle avenne, Tenth ward, Alle gheny, for three years, at 6 per cent W. A. Herron & Sons sola lots Nos. 20 and 22 in the Wilkins estate, Wilkinsburg, for 51,600 cash; size, 52kxl20 to a 20 foot alley! George S. Martin, 603 Liberty street sold in the Maplewood Park plan, Wllklnsbnrg. lot No. 33, fronting 40 feet on Coal street by 120 feet to Washington lape, to Charles H. H. Cupns for 5400. 1. Al. Pennock & Son have sold and settled a mortgage for $1,800 on a farm in Butler county, three years at 6 per cent; also one for $2,000 on property at Homewood, three years at 6 per cent and one for 5L00O at Duquesne. three years at 6 per cent PELT IN WALL STEEET. The Pennsylvania Disaster Has a Depress ins Effect Upon (he Stock Market A Reaction and Losses Recovered Railroad Bonds Quiet. New York, June 8. The stock market to day was more anlmated'than on Saturday, and there was decided strength in many of, the leading shares, and most' of the important stocks are higher this evening. Tbe disaster ln Pennsylvania bad a depressing effect upon the minds of tbe traders, and coupled with that were rumors that several banks and large loan ing institutions intended to call in loans on stocks unless there .could be a ticker service. This opened the market materially ''TTJESP4Y, JUffE 4 lower, with Louisville and Nashville down 1 per cent; but the others from ys to percent generally. Tbe traders were bearishly inclined, and by well directed attacks upon tbe list helped prices clown still further in tbe, first half hour, tbe Grangers being specially promi nent Burlington took the lead in the decline, but was followed closely by St Paul. The market opened weak, but the hnying and the concessions in prices assumed larger porportions and the bottom was quickly reached, and the Northern Pacific stocks sud denly sprang into activity, with a decidedly strong tone and sharply advanced. The rum ors accompanying the improvement were to the effect that the expected settlement of tbe points at Issue between that Company and tbe union Pacific had been satisfactorily adjusted, and it became known that President Oakes had left for tho West The decline was therefore soon checked entirely. There seemed to be good baying from western sources on the rally, and the Grangers did not lag in the upward movement Most of the losses were recovered, Burlington closing at only percent decline for the day. The only Important changes were advances of gg in Northern Pacific, IK in Delaware and Hudson, lJi in Jersey Central and 4 per cent in Oregon Navigation. The market closed quiet but Arm. Railroad bonds were quiet and tho sales reached only $1,231,000, with no special anima tion or movement anywhere in the list The tone of the trading was generally firm, but no marked movements occurred. Boston Stocks. Atch.&Top..lst7s. U7 Atch. 4Top. B. B. .. 45H Boston ft Aloany...212 Boston ft Maine.... .189k C..B.&Q. 101 jf Clnn. San. ft Qeve. 23 Eastern B, B 90 Eastern B. B. 6s ....lis JllntftPereal 28 Flint ft PereM. pro. 98 Mc-ucanCen. com.. I4 Mex.C.lstmttr.bds. 73J4 J. Y. ft .New foil-... 4BH N.Y.4N.E.7S....129 Old Colony. m Bntland preferred.. 40 WU.Uentral.com... 19VC Wis, Central pf.... 49 AlIonezMgCo(new). 1 Calnmet ft Hecla....219 FranUtn 10 Huron, 2 Osceola. So Rida-e 142 Sliver Islet 6( Bell Telephone 6& Tamarack... 107 San Diego 25 Itfetnl Mnrkots. NewYork Plg'ifon steady. Copper dull; lake, June, $12 10. Lead strong and fairly ac tive: domestic; $3 92K. Tin easier; Straits, WICKED THEATER MANAGERS Condemned by the Presbyterian Ministers For Trying to Desecrate the Snbunth. At tbe meeting of the Presbyterian Minis terial Association yesterday the following res olution was about the only matter discussed. The resolution was adopted: The Presbyterian Ministerial Association of Pittsburg has heard with mingled sorrow and In dignation of the attempt made by certain the atrical managers In onr midst under the cloak of charity, to essay the violation alike of the laws of Uoa and man. by throwing open their places of amusement for the pnrposo of giving a oeneflt" In behalf of tbe Johnstown sufferers. The manifest ulterior aim of these attempts be ing to secure the removal of the prohibition cx litlng in reference to Snnday theaters, and thereby tho ultimate enhancement of their gains, compel us to deplore and condemn this specions use of the plea of charity In a way which will wore a lasting Injury to our commnnlty and land. SAMS AND SALOONS. A Plttshnrs Clergyman Draws a Somewhat Striking Parallel. Clubs like the South Fork: Fishing Club were likened in a parable to the saloon keepers driven out of business by prohibition in tbe speech of the Rev. J. W. Sproull at the month ly meeting of tbe Ministerial Alliance Associa tion yesterday. It tbe State should deny the privilege ot dams to the one and ot saloons to the other, the speakor felt the prohibition in both cases was for public safety, and no com pensation should be given. Rev. Messrs. Irvine and Benham worn m&ria members of the association. J. F. Patterson was elected President for the ensuing year and Nevin Woodside Secretary. The next meeting of the association will be held in Oc tober TAJBZE - Tutt's Pills The first dose often astonishes the invalid, giving elasticity of mind and Buoyancy of Body to which he was before a stranger. They give appetite. Good Digestion, egular bowels asd solid flesh. Nicely sugar oated. Price, 23c per box. Sold Everywhere. A CURE GUARANTEED, Health, energy and strength secured by nslng Amoranda Wafers. These wafers are a guar anteed speclflo and the only reliable and safe remedy lor the permanent cure of Impotency, no matter how long standing, nervous neural gia, headache, nervous prostration cansed by the use of alcohol or tobacco, sleeplessness, mental depression, softening of the Drain, re sulting ln Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, premature old age, barrenness, spermatorrhea, harrasslng dreams, premature decay of vital power, caused by over exertion of tbe brain, self-abuse or over Indulgence 75 cents per box, or six boxes tor $4, sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. Six boxes Is tbe complete treatment and with every purchase of six boxes at one time we will give a WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO THE MONEY REFUND if the wafers do not benefit or effect a perma nent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON MEDICAL INSTITUTE. For sale only by JOSEPH FLEMING & SON, 412Market street. Pittsburg, Pa., P. O. Box 37, to whom all communications should bo ad dressed. my8-23.TTSSu JAS. MNEI1, & BRO., BOILERS, PLATE AND SHEET-IRON WORK. PATENT SHEET IRON ANNEALING BOXES. With an Increased capacity and hydraulic machinery we are prepared to furnish all work in our lino cheaper and better than by the old methods. Repairing and generic machine work. Twenty-ninth street and Allifheny Val ley Railroad. Ie5-TTS DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured by Administering Or. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be given in a cup or coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking It: Is abso lutely harmless, and will effect a permauentand speedy cure whether the, patient is a moderate drinker or. an alcoholic wreck, "thousands of Drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken Uolden Hpcclllc ln their coffee without their knowledge and to-day believe tbev quit drinking from tbclr own free will. ITNEVEK iaim. xne system onco impregnated wiiu tne ppeciflc it becomes an utter Impossibility for the iiqnor appetite to exist, jyor sale by A. J. Ksnkln. blxth and Tenn ave..Pittahnre: E. Jloldcn & Co.. Si E. Federal St., Allegheny. Trade supplied by '.co. a. Kellv &.O., 1'lttobnrK. ra. oe27-oS-TTS CITY SAVINGS BANK, 1 SIXTH AVE. AND SMITHFIEED ST. . Capital, $1MJOOO, wlth-prlvllege of $500,000. Surplus and undivided profits, $23,600. Transacts a General Banking Business. Ac counts Solicited, collections a Specialty. 1 Interest allowed on time deposits. JAS. GALLERY President W.J.BURNS Vice President JOHN W.TAYLOR Cashier mh23-59-TT8 ARE YOU SICK? The physicians of che Polypathia Aledical and Surgical Institute, atNo.'120Pennavenno,bave for years riven especial attention to the treat ment of chronic diseases, and cases which require surgical treatment, viz, all forms of skin and blood diseases, eczema or salt rheum, scrofula, acne, in cluding every form of disease which manifests itself hy pimples, blotches or eruption on the skin. By their constitutional and local treat ments they easily remove the worst form of eruption on tbe skin, moth patches, freckles, etc They also cive especial attention to dis eases pf tbe kidneys and bladder, snch as Bright's disease, congestion, enlargement, dis placement and deposits of sand and gravel Jn the kidneys, and stone in tho bladder. Do you have pain across the small of the backT A weak, tired feeling, especially in the morning, lack of ambition, scanty urine and pain in voiding it, with a brick dust sediment? If so, these symp toms point unmistakblv to a disease of the kid neys or bladder. Often tbe kidneys become diseased without manifesting any especial symptoms and which can only bo detected by a thorough microscopical examination of the urine. All suffering from kidney or urinary diseases aro cordially invited to call and con sult these specialists, nnd bring a specimen of urine with them, which will be given a free microscopical and chemical analjsls. 'lhe doctors also treat successfully clubfoot, tumors, hernia or rnptnre. ulcers, varicose Teins, hemorrhoids or plles,tare lip and other deformities. Office hours, 10 to 1130 A. St. 1 to 1 and 6 to 8 ?. jr. Bnndays, 1 to 4 pj M. Con ultaUoa free. Treatment also by correspond ence. mya6-D 1889? DOMESTIC MARKETS. S Strawberries 'Bigher, New Potatoes Lower, Baiter Firm. TROPICAE FBUIT LESS ACTITB. Cereals Are Quiet and Still Continue , Buyers' PaTor. In FI0DB OS THE YERGE OF A DECLINE Office of Pittsbubo Dispatch,! Monday, June 3, 1889. J Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Attention Is so generally and intensely given to tbe appalling catastrophe at Johnstown that littlethonghtisglren to trade. .Liberty street was unusually quiet Strawberries were better stock than they have been for several days past Apples are scarce and firm. New pota toes from the South come In freely and are drifting downward. Cool weather has served as a check to the demand for tropical fruit hut prices continue firm. The week opens with a firm market for eggs and butter, and a down ward tendency for cheese. Butter Creamery, Elgin, 1920c; Ohio do, 17018c: fresh dairy packed, 1415c; country rolls, 1314c; Chartlers Creamery Co., 10c Beans $1 75l 90. Beeswax 2B30c f) tt for choice; low grade, 1820c C'idee Sand refined, $6 E07 60; common, $3 604 00; crab cider, $8 008 50 V barrel; cider vinegar. 10 12c f) gallon. Cheese New Ohio cheese, 9c: New York, new, 10llc; Limbnrger, 910c; domestic Sweitzer cheese, 9X12Xc Cauforhia Fruits California peaches, $4 004 60 V box; cherries, $3 00; apricots, $4 00 4 50; plnms, $4 004 50. jjrikd ceao t Z0431 so f i pusnei; split ao, 2KScB.. EaG3 I314c ?f dozen for strictly fresh; goose eggs, SOo, 1 dozen. Fruits Apples, $3 504 00 V barrel: evap orated raspberries, 25c B; cranberries, $45 fl barrel, 0c$l 00 1 bushel; strawberries, 6& lie jf) quart; pine apples, $1 251 75 $1 dozen. Feathers Extra live geese, 60B0c; No. 1 do, 4045c; mixed lots, 30035c -ft. Honey New crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13 15c. HOHTNT $2 652 75 9 barrel. Potatoes 3540c bushel: new Southern potatoes, $4 254 60 f) barrel. Poultry Live chickens, b575o per pair; undrawn chickens, 1012c $1 Si; drawn, 14 15c V1 ft: turkeys, 15c dressed V S; ducks, live, 6070c $ pair; dressed, 1314c 1ft B; geese, live, $1008125! pair. v Seeds Clover, choice, 62 Bs to bushel, $5 60 f) bushel: clover, large English, 62 Bs, $6 00; olover, Allske, $8 60; clover, white, $9 00; tim othy, choice. 45 Bs, $1 65; blue grass, extra olean, 14 Bs, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 Bs, $1 00; orchard grass. 14 Bs. $165: red toD. 14 Bs. $1 25; millet, 60 Bs, $1 00; German millet 50 Bs, $1 SO; Hungarian grass. 60 Bs. $1 00; lawn grass mixture of fine grasses, $2 60 ffl bushel of 14 Bs. Tallow Country. 4$5o; city rendered, 55c Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy. 53 SO 6 00 V- box; Messina oranges. $4 6005 60 ft box; Valencia oranges, fancy, $7 609 00 ) case; bananas, $3 00, firsts: $2 00, good seconds, ip bunch: cocoanuts, $4 605 00 $) hundred; new flgs, 8Ji9c pound; dates, 66Kc pound. Vegetables Radishes, 2530c $1 dozen; marrowfat peas, $2 25 5) crate: new cabbage, two-barrel crates, $2 60S3 00: Bermuda onions, $1 15.Q1 25 -p bushel; string beans, ?2 00; tomatoes, 53 003 60 f) bushel. Groceries. Grkxh Coster Fancy Rio, 22323c: choice Rio, 2021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 1819c; old Government Java, 27c; Maracaibo, 2223c; Mocha, 303iKc; Santos, 192Kc; Caracas coffee, 20k22c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La- guayra, 2122c Roasted (ln papers) Standard brands, 24c; high grades, 2628c; old Government Java, bulk, B33Kc; Maracaibo,27X2SKc; Santos, 2224c; peaberry, 27c; peaberry Santos, 2224c; Cbolce Rio, 25Koj. prime Rio, 23c; good Rio. 22Kc; ordinary. 21c SPICE3 (whole)-Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c: cassia. 89c; pepper, 19c: nutmeg, 7080c. Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test 7c: Ohio, 120. sKc; headlight 150, 8Kc; water white, 10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine, HKc; royaline. 14c; Struts Corn syrups, 5829c; choice sugar syrup, 3338c:prime sugar syrup, 80S3c:3trict ly prime. 333cn;; new maple syrup, 90c. N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me dium, 43c: mixed, 4042c. Soda Bi-carb in kegs. 84c; bi-carb in Js, 5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 5J6c; sal soda ln kegs. lc;do granulated, 2c. Candles Star.f nil weight 9c; stearine, par set 8Kc: parafflne. 11012c Rice Head, Carolina, 77c; choice, 6V 7c; prime, 6;6o; Louisiana, (i6Kc. Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 5&7c; gloss starch, 57c. Foreign FBCirs-Layer raisins, $2 63; Lon don layers, $3 10: California London layers, $2 60; Muscatels, $2.25; California Muscatels, 81 83: Valencia, new. 67c; Ondara Valencia, 7K8c; sultana, 8r; curranter new, 4J65c; Turkey prunes, new, 4ft5c: French prunes, 8Kl3c;8aIonica prunes, in 2-fi packages, 8c: cocoanuts, per 100, $6 00; almonds, Lan.. per ft, 20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12MQ15c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12U 16c; new dates, &tc; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans. 11015c: citron, per ft. 21022c; lemon peel, per ft, 13lic; orange peel, 12c Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per 6, 6c; apples, evaporated, 6VQ6)ic: apricots. Califor nia, evaporated, 150l8c; peaches, evaporated, pared. 2223c: peaches. California. evaDorated. unpared, 10lc; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, nnpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424rc; blackberries, 7K68c; huckle berrles. 10Qi2c Sugars Cubes, 8Jg9$c; powdered. S 9c; granulatcd,6c; confectioners' A.8S32c; standard A, &;; soft white, 8Kbc: yellow, choice, 7q:: yellowood.TQTJlc; yellow, fair, 7Kc: jellow, dark, 7jic Pickles Medium, bbls, (1,200) 54 60; medi ums, half bbls. (600). 22 7a. J Salt-No. 1$) bbl, 85c; No. 1 ex. a bbl, $1 05; dairy, fl bbl, 81 20; coarse crystal, f bbl, J120; Hingin'S Eureka, i bu sacks, $2 8D; Hlggins' Eureka. 16-14 B. pockets. S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches 31-30 1 90; 2ds, $1 301 S3: extra peaches. $1 601 90: pie peaclie, 90c; finest corn, $101 50: Hfd. Co. corn, 70'J0c: red cherries, 90cJl 00: Lima beans, $1 10: soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75 doc; marrowfat peas. SI 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, $1 401 60; Bahama do, $2 75; dainsOn plums, 95c; greengages. $1 25: egg plums, $2 U0; California pears, !2o0;do greengages, 52 00; do egg plums, J2 00; extra white cherries. 52 90; red cherries, 2 lbs, 80c; raspberries, $1 401 60; strawberries, 51 10: gooseberries, $1 'Mall 30: tomatoes, 82U92c; salmon, 1-ft, $1 752 10; blackberries, 80c; suc cotash, 2 ft cans, soaked, 99c: do green. 2 &s, $1 251 60; corn beer, 2-ft cans, 51 75: 14-fi cans, 513 60: baked beans, 51 401 45; lobster, 1 ft. $1 751 80; mackerel, 1-6 cans, broiled, $150; sardines, domestic, Jis, $1 lo4 50; sardines, domestic. Us, S8 258 oO: sardines. Imported, Vfs, $11 504212 50; sardines, imported. J43, AU W, DIMU.UH, U1U3MUU. W, BafUJUCS. spiced, 54 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 536 a bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, $40: extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, 532; extra No. 1 do, messed, $36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole pollock, 4Jc jfl fi.; do medium, George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c: boneless hake, in strijn, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 6K7e. Herring Round shore, $5 00 bbLr spllt,xS7 00; lake. $2 50 100-ft. half nbl. White fish, $7 06 W 100 ft. half bbl. Lake tront, 55 60 fl half bbl. Finnan haddock. 10c ? B. Iceland halibut 13c M B. Pickerel, H barrel, $2 00; barrel. $1 10: Potomao herring, 55 00 $ barrel, 52 SO 1 K barrel. A Buckwheat Flour 223e l B. Oatmeal $6 30G CO ft bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained. 6860o V gallon. -Lard oil, 75c Grain, Floor nnd Feed. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex change Sunday and Monday, H cars. By Pitts burg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, i cars of oats, 5 of bay, 1 of malt, 1 of husks, 8 of flour, 2 of feed, lof bran. By Pltlsburg, Cincinnati and SlLoui3, i cars of oats, 3 of corn, 1 of hay, 2 of flour. By Pittsburg and Like Erie, 3 cars of bay, 2 of flour, 3 of malt, 1 of. flour and feed. Bs Pittsburg and Western. 2 cars of oats. 1 of flour. There was bnt one sale on call, yiz.:a car of sample oats, 81Mc. track. Total receipts for last week were 179 cars, against 191 for the previous week. Last week closed as if began, with little animation to cereal trade. Everything moves slowly and ln buers' favor. A drop In flour is looked for soon and already dealers are cutting on our quotations. Hay starts out this week on a lower level. Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red,90!lc: No, 3 red. 8486c. Corw No. 2 yellow ear, 39a6Jcthlch mixed ear,37cj No. 2 yellow, shelled, 3i37Kc: high mixed shelled. S6S7c; mixed, shelled, S5 38c' Oats No. 2 white, 31&3Zc: extra. No. 3, S0K31c; No. 3 white, 23X3liOci No. 2 mixed, 27 28c ItTE-No. 1 Western, 7075c: No. 2. 555(5c Uaklkt No.l Canada, &59Sc: No. 2 Can ada. 8oS3c; No. 3 Canada, 7072c; Lake Hbore, 78S0c. Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents, JS C5 7o: spring patents. f 758 00: winter straight, 755 00; dear winter, 604 7o; straight XXXX bakers', $4 004 25, Kyo flour, S3S868 7a, MuarsEB Middlings, line white, 113 09 15 60 V ton; brown middlings. .$11 12 60; mute nueair untaj at4 xwu OH. CSOfr xeeo. 5 0918 00, , !. Hay Baled timothy, choice, $15 00; No. 1 do,$13 6014 00;No.3do,$US01260;Ioose from wagon. Sltf 0018 00; No. 1 upland prairie. S10 SO 011 00; No. 2, $7 60$8 00; picking do, $5 600 6 60. 8trX'w Oats, $7 60; wheat and rye straw, 87 007 50S 00. Provisions. Sugar-cured shoulders, breakfast bacon and California hams have been reduced K Per pound and dried beef sets advanced lc per pound. ' Sugar-cured hams, large, 10c; sugar-cured hams, medium, llc; sugar-cured hams, small. llJic; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders, 7Kc: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c: sugar-cured California hams. 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats. 9c; sugar cured dried beef sets, lOKc; sugar-cured dried beef rounds. 12K bacon shoulders, 7c; bacon clear sides, 8c: bacon clear bellies, 8c; dry salt shoulders, 6c: dry salt'clear sides, TKc Mess pork, heavy. $14 00; mess pork, family, 514 60. lard Refined in tierces, 7c; half barrels, 7Jcj 60-B tubs, 7c: 20-B pails, 7Jc; 50 B tin cans, lyic; 3-B tin pails, 7c; 6-B tin pails, 7c: 10-ft tin palls, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 5c; larire, 6c Fresh pork links, 9c. Boneless ham, 10c Pigs feet, half barrel, $3 6C; quarter barrel, $2 00. -v Dressed Menf. Armour A Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 Bs, 5Kc;650to650Bs,6Kc:e50to7S0Bs,6Kc Sheep, 8c Ifl B. Lambs, 0c p ft. Hogs, 6c Fresh pork loins. 9c aCSLSL-5l I am satisfied that Cancer u uereditary In n family. My father died of it, a sister of my mother died of it and my own sister died of it My feelings may be imagined, then, when the horrible disease made Its appearance on my side. It was a malignant Cancer, eating In wardly in such a way that it could not be cut out Numerous remedies were used for it but the Cancer grew steadily worse, until itseemed that I was doomed to follow the others of the family. I took Swift's Specific, which, from the first day, forced out the poison and con tinued Its use until I bad taken several bottles, when I found myself well. 1 know that S. S. S. cured me. Mrs. S. M. Idol. Winston, N. C. Nor. 26, '88. Send for Book on Cancer and Blood Diseases. The SwTjTT Spectfio CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, fel-7-TTS LABOR-SAVING A pure dry Soap In powdered form. The great labor saver and quick cleanser, without Injury to hands or fabric. Economical, pure and good. Beats the world for cleaning glasses, windows, houses, dishes, milk pails, milk cans, clothes, Lz. Keeps moths out of carpets, bureaus, etc. See that you get BELL'S SOAPONA-Red Packages. BELL'S BUFFALO SOAP-Best Soap fade. B.W. BELL HF6, CO,, Buffalo, H,Y. JSczemnvItchy, Scaly, Skin Tortures. SWAYNE'S OINTMENT Tho ilmpl application of " Swims i Onman" without any Internal medicine, -win enra any eaae of Tatter. Salt SWAYNE'S OINTMENT Rheum. Rip prcrm. fua. Itch. Born. Plmplei, Errilpeln all SKIN DISEASES no matter now obstinate or long standior. Sold bj dragglau, or lent br mall for 50 eta. 3 Boxes, $1.25. Addren, D. 6-tb k Soa, PBiladelpbla, Pa. Aafc Joar dmiM for i MARVELOUS - MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only Genuine System of Memory Tralninj. Four Bonks Learned in ono reading. Mind vrnnderino cured. Every child and adnlt greatly benefitted. Great inducements to Correspondence Classa. Proepectojj, With opinions of Dr. Wn.A.Ham. mono, the world-tamed Spedahst In Mind Disease, Daniel Greenlenf Thompson, the crest Psychct erist, J. M. Bnckley, 1). p., editorof the Christian AdvocaUTX. r. lUchard Proctor, the Scientirt, Hone. Jadjzo Gibson, Jadahi'.IIcnJamln, and others. Bent port free by Prof. A. NOISETTE, 837 Fifth Atc N. T. mhloVmr Pears' Soap (Scented and Unsoentedr flEdTBES Am BEAUTIFUL C OH FLEXION . OF ALL DBUOGISIS. jijjMiS jPNHii PERFEC1 iBl'laL'iMtjr ffrcffjf iiOir.ii A. Durelv Vegetable .Compound that expels jail bad hnmors from the (system. Removes blotch es and pimples, and makes pure, rich blood. ap2-5S CURED OF DYSPEPSIA AND CATARRH. Sirs. Or. Crossley, one or the Consnltlnr Pfij.I clans at tbe Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, 333 renn Avenne What hundreds ofpeople say must be true, and now Miss Mada Fritsscb wishes to tell what has been done fur her. Her stomach had caused her untold suffering and pain for years, her appetite was poor, and she experienced snch a burning and distressed feeling in her stomacb. Although she tried to be careful of what kinds of fond she ate, vet nothing would remain oc her stomach, for she would vomit up her food regularly within balf an hour after eating. Tho catarrhal secretion that formed inner head caused mucn pain over her eyes, and she was almost constantly trying to raise tbe tough; tenacious mucus that kept dropping from her head into ber throat. Her bowels were costive, and she was veryacrvous. She began treatment with the physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute at 823 Pean avenne on March 11, and on May IS declared herself cured. She says: "I wish to state to the public and my many friends that I have been cured of this dreadful disease, dyspepsia, and gladlv recommend these physicians to others suffering from these diseases. I here by sign my name. .. "MADA FRIT8CH. Economy, Pa," Have you been watching tbe cures that the physicians of tbe Catarrh and Dyspepsia Insti tute have been publishing for tbe last year? Have you called to satisfy yourself that they have enrert thesn THrrnlf vhrnn testimonials 'they have printed from day to dayf If not, do so: investigate wnat tney are capaoie ot aoing for others, and then call on them and they will tell you what thoy can do for you. Do yon know why tboy Invite sharp criticism on their work? It is because tbey know what disease tbey can cure and have no other way to abso lutely prove their success than by referring you to the hundreds whom they have cured. Re member, consultation and advice la free to all. Office hours. 10 a. ic to 4 P. x. aadttoSr. ik W WASHING POWDER A M Mir. WW c A H. Sundays, 13 to 4 P. x. 'mjW-M rw NEW ADVERTD3E3niSTW-. J r jT-n-.ii.. Ln j- i- - i- ri.i - i-i ---- f SMIETHBia MEW Fffll FEMCE$(r STRONG NEAT.CHEAP SXEAITDED METAL MADE FROM STEEL PLATES FOR LAWN OR FARM FENCES, WINDOW GUARDS, TRELLISES, LATHING FOR BUILDINGS, Etc, It can bo made a substitute for nearly every purpose for which wire Is used, and is far more durable and cheaper. It is much' superior to wire work fa everyway. It is solid at all points of intersection. Send for illustrated Circulars and Prices. Central Expanded Metal Co. (CHESS, COOK & CO.) 116 Water street, Pittsburg, Pa. my2-65-TTS WHOLESALE HOUSE. JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts,, Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this weekia SILKS, PLUSHES, DBESS GOODS, SATEENS SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTS. For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-r&-D oTjE27ri3nC5SS" 2 in mortcazes on imDrnved real estate In sum of 1 1,000 and upward. AppWat DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. mh4-34-i No. 121 Fourth avenue. UKOKERS-I71NANCIAL. TTTHITNEY t STEPHENSON, ST FOURTH AVENUH Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel, Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured, ap2S-l $K TO 1U0 WILI, SECURE -STOCK- OP 0 TIONS: 10 to 100 shares; often yielding targe protlts; stocks carried on; margin: Wall Street Manual free. PECK & COSTER, jel-97 62 Broadway, New York City. GEORGE T. CARTER, INVESTMENT BONDS. 514-515 Hamilton Building; mvlO-70-D Pittsburg; Pa. JOHN M. OAKLEY & C0.s BANKERS AND BROKERS. Members Chicago Board of Trade and Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange. IS SIXTH ST., Pittsburg. RIALTO BUILDIKG, mylgj-frTTSn f DIEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE, PITTSBUBO, FA As old residents know and back files of Pitts burg papers prove, is tho oldest established and most prominent physician, ln the city, devoting; special attention to all chronic diseases. From SKST" NO FEE UNTIL CURED ML7Dn IQ ana mental diseases, physical IlLn Y UUO decay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, bashf ulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, falling powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting tbe person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN seTerupSonst blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations oi tongue, moutn, tnroat, ulcers, old sores, are cared for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. HPIMARV kidney and bladder derange UiillNrVn I j ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painf nl symptoms receive searching treatment; prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whlttler's life-long, extensive experienca, insures scientific and reliable treatment oa common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as IC here. Office hours 9 A. H. to 8 p. x. Sunday, 10 A. M. to 1 p.m. only. DR.WHirrrER,8lJ Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. ap9-31K-isuwk WMtimwimm MOW THYSELF, t i u!!jfrsa s A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise ost tne Errors OI Xontn, Temainrejrecu3e, nervous end Physical Debility, impurities oi ;aeciooa, Rcsulttngtrom Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Excesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the f ietba for Work, Business, the Married or Social HclaUon Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess tlu great work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8ro. Beautiful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only $L00by mall, post-paid, concealed ln plain wrapper. Ehis tratlve Prospectus Free, if you apply now. Th distinguished author, Tm H. Parker, JVC. D re ceived the COLD AND JEWELLED MEDAL' from the National Medical Association, forthe PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUVartf PHYSICALDEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a n of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, eoafl-' THE PEABODY MEDICAL INSTXTUTE., No. 4 Bnlflnch St., Boston. Mass., to whoa oK , orders for books or letters for advice should t directed as above. , Jala- tui' suwk MEN ONLY! a FosmvK cukbi TTnr LOST or Killing M AN HOOD, KervOBS- ness. Weakness at Hn-Iv Mind l.irV at Strength. Vizor and De velopment, caused byJErrors, excesses, Ac; Boot ; , 1 MODKorsrxr-lREATMi:rr. and Froofs milled. -s 1 sealed) free. Address EltiE aituiUAi. co.,, lultalo. N. Y. de3-57-TT34wk HARE'S REMEDY 1 For men! Checks tho worst cases in three days, and cures In five days. Price 1 08. at J, FLEMING'S DRUGSTORE; iaS-a-TTSSn 12 Market street. A SXJFFEEEEfo'Sfh. "SLif weakness, lost vlcor. etc., was restored to healt ln such a remarkable manner after alt else n4 railed that he will send the mode of esjm ITUfCtn all fellow sufferers. Address L. G. IfTtOcU II GOODS d 1TI0IS. SSBSCIBSsV. t KiKtKr' SastHaddaa, Ceaa. 9f9tM sj-ii-ssnAiiK -i - . Sc . S I &&$&: