'A 2 THE PITTSBTJELG- DISPATOH, TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1889. . the flood was evidently sufficient to tear up thousands of cubic yards of the earth, and it was borne along in suspension. Sow this enormous quantity .of earth may have been our salvation for the effect of clays in -water is to act as ab sorbents and not only absorbents, but peu tralizers of many of the poisons with which the water may be charged. At least this is one of nature's ways of purifying water. 1 ho time, or course, was very short for the action of the air in oxidizing such materials, for it was not more than "nine or ten hours after the flood until the great body of the drift reached us. "Then, we must take into consideration the further fact of the great dilution of the poi sons. Nevertheless, during the hours named the water was in an alarming condition to say the least. "By Sunday morning it was evident, from the change in the character of tho drift, that the flood carried more water from the upper Allegheny than came out of the Kiskimlnetas. So that just now and until putrefaction sets in to such an extent that carcasses of animals, etc, begin to fall apart, etc, I think there is little to fear from the water. And, if our rivers keep up a tolerable fair stage for the uext few weeks, I would apprehend but little trouble. Work It nt the Kenervolr. "One thins I would suggest is that frequent examinations bo made of the influent pipes at the water works to see that no carcasses arc. lodged about them. I recall an instance which occurred in JS6S, I think, which was never pub lished, but as it has an important bearing on the subject just .now I will relate it. About the period mentioned there were MX) Texas cattle seized with some fever in transit through this city. Shey were con demned and siaugbteredfortheir hides. Some time afterward there were statements made that the entrails and some carcasses of these animals were thrown into the Allecheny at Wamwricht's Island, about Thirty-fifth street, but the statement was Denied. A week or so afterward I was in a skiff in the Alle cheny and passing the influent pipes of the old Pittsbunr water works at Eleventh street, I was horrified to find en tniit in nil stae-es of dccomDosition accumu lated about the place, and held there by the in flow of the current, i imormea jur. jjb McCauley, a prominent member of Councils, but he advised me to say nothing, as the ex citement and knowledge of such a fact might oi itself produce a fever. I was agreeably disap pointed to find the time pass awav without any epidemic of disease striking the city. Fortunate In One Way. "I don't know that there "are any distinct forms of disease liable to be produced by the water even perceptibly contaminated with putrefying flesh. But it would, of course, be a contributing cause for sickness in various forms. It would bo different If there had been recently ranch typhoid fever, cholera, eta, among tho people of Johnstown. Another thing the temper ature of the water just now is not favorable to germ life. Take it all in all, and considering the extent of the flood, our people should not be unduly excited about the water, so long as samples stanaingthree or fonr hours in a warm place have no offensive smell. I think there is no danger. . I believe the usual period of incubation for typhoid and other fevers is nine dajs after the perms have been introduced into the system, so that if we pass say June 10 or 12 without an alarming increase of such diseases in the city we ought to consider ourselves safe." Dr. bnively, physician to the City Board of Health, said that he had been confronted on eve-y hand yesterday with anxious inquirers to know whether it was safe to driiiK the water or not. He said: Hoping for the Bent. There is, of course, a possibility of epi demic; but Idon't think that the people need fear it. Banning water purifies itself, and the distance is so great from here to the cause of trouble, that the dUution alone would prevent great cause for fear. From the outlets of tho sewers of Pittsburg and Allegheny to Sewick ley it is only 11 miles, and yet their water is pure. Another thing, the contamination matter would be greatly oxidized by tho water, tho oxygen in the water fairly burning it up. The gases arising from the matter in water always rise to the surface and go off. "The water supply of Pittsburg is drawn from deep pits at the bottom of the river, so " much -of the contamination must be above where the supply is drawn from." , . Dr. W. T. English said: "The contamination of the water, as a direct result of the flooding of Johnstown district, is beyond a doubt. Numerous circumstances will contribute to make the flood one memorable, not only on account of the immediate loss of life, but also as a result of the numerous sequctse which, . from the necessity of the case, will arise. The dead bodies are not the most important element in the case. Innumerable portions of theralleys and bills, long exempt from flood-J-iiEohave contributed to the contamination Cessf eiels along the line of the flood have long been hidden iadf orgotten, but have added their vitiating elements to the tide. The lowlands, with marshes, swamps and stagnant pools, filled with disease-breeding germs, have emp tied themselves into the watery avalanche all along the line of the flood, aiding in multiply ing the variety as well as augmenting the ag gregate of tilth and contamination. Worse Thine Yet. "The effluvia and solution of dead bodies de serve smaller consideration than may at first be supposed, from the fact that many will be deposited upon the bank to go into dissolution before they can affect the water. A very small percentage of the bodies will remain in the water. "The diseases which are most likely to follow are those affecting the bos els, among which woUld.be classed typhoid fever, diarrhoea, etc. The season is unfortunate, as it is at the outset of summer, and the heat of the sun will vivify the germs. "It cannot be told how long the water will be impure; it may be for months. The best method for those who use the water for culinary and drinking purposes Is to boil it. The use of tea and coffee from the water is not likely to spread infection, but it seems rather uninviting to say the least." Dr. McCann has been in Johnstown since the flood, and has a good knowledge of tho real sit uation and possible danger. He said that every precaution possible should be taken to purity the water. He advocated boiling as the only sure method to prevent contagion. State Doctors to Toxklo It. It is expected that this subject will be dis cussed by the State Medical Society, which meets to-day. E. Si. Bigelow, Chief of the Department of Public Works, who has charge of the city water works, has issued a notice of warning to the people. He urges them to strain all the water and then boil it before using it. He ad vises that a bag of duck or other liEe material be placed in the spigots of the water pipes, and the water, after being strained In this way, be boiled. Failure to observe these precautions, he says, will result in great sickness. This warning applies to Allegheny as well as Pittsbure. as both cities draw their water sup plv f rom'the Allegheny river. The doctors generally agreed that filtering the water was not enough, as it only took out the sediment and left the microbes, should any be present in the water. Drs. Sutton and J. N. Dickson. Dr. Sutton said: "I believe that, with the immense mass of decomposing bodies of ani mals which must necessarily be lodged in drift piles between here and Johnstown, the water cannot be otherwise than impure, and the use of it fraught with more or less danger. The best thing to do is to bury the dead and burn the animals at once. The burning of these great drift piles, which struck us all with hor ror, because of the feeling that large numbers of human bodies were lodged in them, was, after all, a salutary thing ma hygienic sense. as a great deal of organic matter which might nave bred disease was removed. Tho thing now to do is to set fire to the drift piles at once, and thus clean up the rivers. There must be thousands of dead animals in these piles, and the sooner they are consumed the better. "Of course the danger of disease at Pittsburg from decomposing animals is very much dimin ished by our distance from the Conemaugh where the decomposition is going on." Better Drink Beer. Dr. Joseph If. Dickson said; The only safe water to drink atany time is distilled water. The truth Is we should not drink any water that is not boiled or distilled, tho latter being safest. "For this reason beer properly made (which, of course, is seldom done, as the aim now is to produce a salable article) is a much safer drink at the present time than the ordinary water wo use, because it Las had the poisonous elements boiled and distilled out of it, Che re cent floods are adverse to the prohibition amendment. "I do not think the water is any more dan gerous now than it often is. Floods are sure to stir up the poisonous sediment that has been deposited at previous times, and the danger from this source now Is greater than that from the decomposition of animals going on up the river. Our sewers are all the time depositing poisonous matter into the rivers, but the hu man stomach can take in a large amount of poison without absorbing it. "".Let all the rubbish heaps along the Cone maugh be burned up at once, even ifthevdo contain valuables.and possibly human remains. What earthly satisfaction can there be in res- " cuing an unrecognizable, mutilated body. "With the difficulty of nroenrinp coffins, and .the danger of disease beinr- unwul. cmnri kptmia pd hygiene can for cremation," ALLEGHENYCOUMLS ACT Tbey Appoint it Committee to so to Johns townA Boat Will be Sent Up the River to Collect Dead Bodies. A special joint meeting of Allegheny Select and Common Councils was held yesterday morning to take action on the great disaster. It was a hastily called meeting, but SO members responded, and James Hunter presided. Mr. Snainan offered the following resolutions which were adopted: VnEBXAS, The recent terrible calamity at Johnstown calls for prompt action on the part of all who are able to render assistance to the dis tressed people of that city, and Whereas, The servicesof a force of able-bodied men would doubtless be of great value to them at this time, therefore, be It Resolved, Bythebelcct and Common Councils ofthe city of Allegheny: thattbebtreet Commis sioners and iioad Commissioner are hereby dele gated to procure the services of a force of ICO of ablebodled men and proceed at once to Johnstown and assist In removing the debris gathered there, and for the purpose of assisting as far as in their power In relieving theexistlng distress Mr. Snaman also moved for a committee of five to tender the services of these men to the Chamber of Commerce, and in case they -tore not needed that the force be sent by the city. President Hunter appointed on the committee Messrs. Snaman, Wertheimer, Knox, Curry andSteffen. Mr. F. L. Ober tendered the committee the tent of-the Champion Fishing Club: Charles A. Mnehlbroner tendered that of theDuquesne Fishing Club, and Arthur Hunter that of tho Batchelors' Club. The school boards of the city were requested to loan their tents used in the parks on jubdee day, and if destroyed they would bo paid for. Dr. R. H. Gilliford was authorized to organ ize a medical corps to consist of the city physician, the health officer ana Lis inspectors, with a competent druggist and the proper drugs and supplies for immediate use. The session then adjourned. When the committee tendered this force of men to the Citizens' Belief Committee they -were told that all the men that could be used at Johnstown were already engaged, and that idea was then abandoned. The com mittee, however, secured a steamboat, and will send a party up tho Allegheny river this morning tor the purpose of clearing away the masses of decayed matter along the banks. This precautionary measure was sug gested to Dr. Gilliford and Health Officer Bradley by the State Board of Health. It is the intention to make a thorough search for dead bodies, both human and animal, all along the river, among the numerous creeks and small streams, islands and bridges, and in fact where any gorge or drift may be collected. The partv consists of Dr. Gilliford as chief. Health Officer Bradley. Superintendent of Water Works Armstrong, City Engineer Ehlers, James Hunter, Arthur Hunter, Chas. Muehlbroner.Frank Curry and about ten of the members of the Street Department. They will leave the toot of Federal street at 8 o'clock, and will go to the Kiskiminetas at least, and re turn only after every precautionary measure has been taken. Cooks will bo taken with them, and they will live on the boat Dr. Morris Einstein, the East street druggist who is a member of Select Council from tho Twelfth ward, 'volunteered his services, and will have complete charge of the drugs. The party of medical men left last night for Johns town. They were taken to the B. &. O. B. It. depot in patrol wagon No. 2, HARRISON OPINION. The President Says the Stnto Board of Health Should Act He Reminds TJs That Wo Possess a Governor and a State Board He Wants tho Governor's Request Before He Acts. The following telegrams which were read to President Harrison by the Masonic Committee, and the answers sent by him, show very clearly what the outside world thinks of our great ca lamity. The President states clearly that our State Board of Health should be able to cope with the disaster, and that burgeon General Hammond wdl not be sent unless specially re quested by the Governor. The messages read as follows. FrrrSBUBO, June 3, lfcra. His Excellency. Benjamin Harrison, President of United States, Washington: Situational Johnstown appalling in extreme. TJnlebS immediate steps are taacn to remove dead from water, every river affected by waters of Uon cmangh will carry pestilence In its course. Can you not send a Government Sanitary Corps to the scene without moment's delav. Every hour's de lay serious. Two members of this committee have oeen on me becue mr iwu oars. no woras canac scribe terrible situation and suffering. Houses and Wnole lamuies swept away oy nood and are. Death and devastation incomprehensible. James o. mcKeax, t. J. Hudson-. C W. UATCnEL.EE, J.I. BUCHANAN, Masonic Committee. A similar message was sent to Senator Quay. and he replied: HEAVER, June 3, 1889. James G. McKcan. T. J. Hudson, C. V. Batch clcr and J. I. liuchanan, Pittsburg: Becelved yonr telcxram. and have wired the President, M. S. QCAT. Then there came this pointed reply from the White House: Executive Mansion; j Washington. Junes. 1839. t James S. McKcan and others. Masonic Committee, .rcu&Durg: Our only sanltarv corps consists of a few medi cal officers. One, Dr. Carrtncton, is stationed at l'lttfihnrr. You have a Mate Board of Health, and unless the Governor should request It, burgeon uenerai Hamilton coma not imeriere. ue are anxious to extend everv possible heln. but -what you need Is systematic work under proper author- Health make anv call unon me in anv matter In my discretion I will gladly respond, and will di rect isr. umanuD wi .report luc situation, ana Dr. Hamilton w III communicate at once with your iitatc Board of Health. Hespectfully, Bcnj. Hahkison. Then followed this, from here: PrrTSBUKO, June a, 1889. His Excellency, BenJ. Harrison, President, etc, 'Washington. lour very satisfactory telegram received. We thought It proper to communicate -witn you In view of National Government relation to water highways. c thank you. Signed by the same committee as auuvc. j THE LEGISLATUBE. All the Members From Allecheny Unite In Asking Governor Beaver to Call a Special Session An Opinion of the Governor Very Caustic Criticism. Every member of the Legislature from Alle gheny county yesterday afternoon signed a telegram to Governor Beaver urging liim to issue a call immediately for a special session of the Legislature. The message was sent about half-past 2 o'clock yesterday afterdoon. Hon. M. B. Lemon, who was one of the ac tive ones in having the request prepared, said yesterday afternoon: There aie several reasons why the Legisla ture should be convened immediately. There is so mnch danger of pestilence that the State authorities must take steps to prevent it. The city and county authorities can not do the work, because they cannot act In harmony. Another reason is that tho State must give aid to restore the de stroyed industries. It is neither right nor safe to depend altogether on voluntary private sub scriptions to do this. The whole State should come to the aid of the survivors." "Governor Beaver's attitude in this calam ity." continued Mr. Lemon, "issimply astound ing. Why, even the President of the United States is taking more interest in the matter than Governor Beaver. The Governor of Ohio was awake and offered snch assistance as he could, while Governor Beaver was off in Mary land inspecting a lot of dudes. The Governor has hurt himself more than he now realizes. It is a pity that the State of Pennsylvania has a wooden man at its head." Iso answer to the message had been received by Mr. Lemon last evening, and he said ho hardly expected one. in view of the apathy the uovernor uaa aireauy snown. DE. PHILIPS' PERIL. All In the House but Him Drowned, and His Escape Bllrncnlons. Dr. H. Philips, of the East End, returned from Johnstown yesterday and has a fearful experience to relate. The doctor went to visit his mother at Johnstown last Thursday, and was in her house when the flood came. There were, beside himself In the house, his mother, his brother-in-law. Dr. L. T. Beam, and two nieces, one of whom was Miss Susie Mc Will iams, aged 13, daughter of George Mc Williams, of Hiland avenne. Dr. Philips was the only person in the house wbo escaped deatb, and he was only rescued after being in the water for 17 hours. Carpenters to tho Fore. The Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners took action yesterday toward doing their part for Johnstown. During the day Agent Swartz called on the committee and offered the serv ices of a number of skilled carpenters, to be sent at the expense of the unions, as soon as men were needed to build or repair houses. In the evening Local Unltm No. 142 met and con tributed ?!(: No. 164. $50: No. 470, $25, and No. GOG. 125. This money will be paid into the Dis trict Conncilwhich meets to-night, and will be disposed of by that body. There are 15 to 20 unions in the district, which will contribute about S2,000 in alL SATING THE SISTERS. How the Little Chapel in the Ell Part Became Their Sanation, ASSAULT UPON FATHER DAYIN. r A Murderous Ghoul Attacks a Priest Who Remonstrated Witli Him. OBSERVATIONS BI" BISHOP PHELAN Bishop Phelan returned to Pittsburg late last evening, after two trying days at the scene of the disaster. To the reporter who visited him at St. Peter's Episcopal resi dence, he expressed himself as worn out, averse to talking for publication in general, and averse in particular (this very emphatic) to appearing in print as criticizing, patronizing or even presuming to comment upon the noble work that is being done. Gradually, how ever, in spite of his indignant protest to an interview, his interest in what he had passed through, led him into conversation. "When I got there," he said, "they stopped me. Wanted to know what I wanted. I told them I wanted to assist They replied there was no one to be as sisted. They were all dead. Indeed, I don't know but they were right, In the main. The flood did its work well. "I don't want to speak of what we did. Wo did all we could. That's all. I took two priests with me. There were four other priests who came in from the mountains. All worked heartily, cheerfully. Four of the Franciscan Sisters who went down asked permission to stay. I gave it told them to stay. A number of the Sisters of Mercy were given permission to stay. I told Dr. Stewart that if more were needed to telegraph me, and they would be sent at once. All worked in entire harmony. Mr. Scott under stands that all the Sisters that are needed in caring for the sick and injured are at his com mand. -y "Shall I go back again? I think not not unless I am sent for. All that I could do I did while I was there. My work done, I couldn't bear to stay there. Work hard work being of some use, is all that could enable one to brace up under such scenes. The wont done JL must get away as soon as possible. "Father O'Connell, who went down with me, remains there. He would have come back with me but for an accident to Father Davin, one of the local priests. Father Davin was trying to prevent a Hungarian from robbing dead uodies of jewelry or money. The fellow turned upon him and kicked him. It was some time before we knew that Father Davin was hurt. At last we noticed It from his walk. I demand ed to know how he had been hurt. He told me. "Was there no one with you?" I asked. "Yes; a" crowd was not far away." "Why didn't you call upon them?" "Because they would have hung the man, and I Didn't Want Him Banff. "And so that was the reason Father Davin had said nothing about It mercy for the ghoul that bad assaulted him. So I have left Father O'Connell to remain with Father Davin until he is entirely over this Injury." Bishop Phelan talked rapidly, interspersing all with emphatic, sometimes almost angry protests against anything like an Interview. While speaking of the burials he said: "There is one matter that I meant to have talked with Mr. Scott about before I came away. That is the burial of the many who are unidentified. But mind, there is no clash, or possibility of a clash, about that or anything else. All denominations are working together in perfect harmony. Those who wish can have for their friends a Catholic bnriaL One girl I met just before I came away was anxious that ner mother should be buried in St. Mary's ground here, and I promised her that it should be done if I had to see to it my self. Many had the emblems of the Catholic faith still clinging to their poor dead bodies. These, of coarse, thqre is no doubt about. Oh, well " . And here it seemed to the reporter that the Bishop in his emotion said something very broad and tender and liberal aryl noble, about all tbe unclaimed dead, but the reporter's anxietr not to misrepresent him. prevents him from presuming to quote his exact words. Among other things uisnop pneian spoce oi the school of the Sisters of Charity. "It is not true as reported." he said, "that that building was entirely swept away. The ell part con taining the chapel still Btands. Early in the day, fearing the rising waters but not dream ing of the flood that was to come the Sisters had sent their pupils home. Soon after, warned by tbe crash and roar of tbe deluge, the Sisters fled to the chapel in tbe ell, leaving the main ?iart of the building. There in the chapel they ell upon their knees and prayed, the waters roaring about them. "As tbe flood rushed into the chapel they were suit upon tneir Knees praying. The waters rose about them. Taking the blessed sacrament they went to the room above the chapel, and Kneeling about it, prayed. The torrents bore a crushing mass of shattered houses down upon the school building, tearing it from its foundation and hurling it onward with the flood. "But, strange to say, that little ell part with the chapel and the sisters in the room above it, KSEEL1NO BY THE SACEAMENT and praying that remained. The deluge beat against it, but it fell not, while all the rest of the building was whirled along a shattered ruin, that little part, with its precious contents, remained in safety. "All night in trembling and prayer kneeling all night about tbe sacrament, in that little room above the chapel, waited the sisters, and in the morning rescue came. Hraw your own inference. The ell part stands there a witness to what I have said.'' This incident tbe Bishop related rapidly and earnestly, with no attempt at eloquence, for getting himself entirely in tbe narrative. When at its conclusion tho reporter said: "And if they had not gone into the chapel to pray they would have been lost in the wreck of the main building?" He drew himself back, a little in dignantly. "Don't question me," be said. "This is no Interview, nor am I preaching a sermon." At some further length the bishop talked, seeming to looK for some light in the general gloom. Many, he thought, tnat had been re ported lost were being found. He called to mind a man be knew, prominent in Johns town, a Mr. Linton, a Protestant in faith. "I was told that he was lost," Bishop Phelan said, "but on my way to the depot to taKe the train home I met him. He had bad A TnEILIilNG ESCAPE with his family. Making a perilous way from floating roof to roof, he had at last been rescued. Another man I was told was lost a Mr. McLaughlin, a Catholic, I met just before I came away. He had been a prominent man in Johnstown, and I knew him well. When the crash staid, be remained right in his of fice, never stirred an inch, and the floods earned him at last to a place of safety. Others who have been reported lost are being found. Heaven grant it may be true of many." In concluding the conversation the Bishop said: "Only one thing I am willing you should print as coming from me. That all is being done that can be done, that all are doing their work carefully, that the care of the dead, the work of tbe undertakers and embalmers is being well done, and that so far as I am con cerned I have simply done what little I could; I only wish it could be more, and I want nothing said about it." THJET YIELDED HANDSOMELY. Entertainment at Turner Hall by Father McDermott's Colored Schools. The capacity of Turner Hall was well tested last night by an audience of 700 or 800 people, wbo gathered there for tbe purpose of listen ing to a musical and literary entertainment given by Father McDermott's colored schools, for tho flood sufferers. At tbe entrance a basket was held to receive contributions. This was well-filled with silver and bills. The entertainment was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience, too. judging by the hearty ap plause given. A clog dance was given by Messrs. J. Luyman and B. H. Robinson. Father McDermott began his work among the colored children last fall with about a dozen pupils. Now he has a day school num bering 60 or more and a night school comprised of boys and young men numbering as many more. The schools are closing for the summer. MISS PATRICK AL1T. Tbe Daughter of the Bankcr'Etcnped From the Wreck With Her Life. Miss Margaret Patrick, dauebter of W. W. Patrick, the banker and President of the Birmingham Street Bailway line, is alive. Sho was on the train that left here for tbe East on Friday morning, and nothing was heard from her until last evening. Her parents were al most distracted, but at 5 o'clock a telegram was received from Dr. Bobipsori, of Allegheny, saying that Miss Patrick was alive and well at Altoona. Mr. Patrick was seen last night, and said he had received no dotails of the accident, but that he was very jubilant over the fact that his daughter escaped death. He1 does not know how she escaped, but is satisfied with the fact that she Is alive. HOW ITOSAEE HANDLED. An Insldo View of Treasurer Thompson's Work at tho Bank He Is Prond of rittsbnrg Now Guardedly . Sent Out la Parcels. Treasurer W. B. Thompson's private bank at the corner of Fourth avenue and Wood street was literally overflowing with money yesterday when a Dispatch representative passed into the door. In a moment or two Mr. Thompson hurried in with a huge canvas bag under one arm, two cigar boxes filled with specie under tho other and both hands filled with checks and greenbacks. Since his appointment as treasurer of the relief fond he has baa precious littlo time for tbe cultivation of social ethics or adornment of the person. "I am proud of Pittsburg," said tho genial treasurer. "Our citizens have responded nobly to this terrible emergency, and tbe stream of contribution has Increased bo mnch in extent as to throw our usual business entirely aside. My five clerks are working like beavers to ac knowledge and separate the contribution and are several hours behind their task. HoVever, we shall be able to make a statement in detail' of the contributions by night Checks Two Feet High. "Yes, a very large portion of contributions comes in the shape of checks. I have a stack two Teet high of these tell-tale slips of paper to sign. They will then go through tbe Clearing House in the usual manner and the money will bo immediately available when needed. The money contributed is much harder to classify and count, especially tbe church contributions and tbe money collected in tbe fish globes all over the two cities. Whde it would save mnch time if everything come in tbe shape of checks, it all 'goes' in such a cause. "As to the money sent to Johnstown, we have not felt like placing too much in the city while everything is in such confusion there. Postmaster Laruin went at S o'clock this morn ing to Johnstown, taking 5,000, in bills of small denominations to be used in paying workman and rescuers. "Mr. William Fllnn leaves Tuesday morning, accompanied by Captain W. R- Jones, and wilt take 87,000 with him to pay for the work on the mass of debris at the culvert, tbe removal of which will be under his direction. We are concerning ourselves just now in the Ttork of collection of funds for the money will fly very fast in the mammoth task that lies before the Belief Committee. I wish The Dispatch would say to the public that publication of some contributions may have oeen or may be omitted through the tremendous rush that we are in, but, if we are given time, all will be properly acknowledged. I will say, in addition, that I will cheerfully make alterations if any are suggested to me by interested parties." "As matters stand now, we shall not forward any largo sums of money to Johnstown, unless assured of adequate protection." Chairman McOrccry on Finances. Mr. William McCreery, Chairman of the Be lief Committee, managed to spare a moment from his pressing duties to answer interroga tions as to the financial administration of the large sums contributed: "We are addressing ourselves wholly, at present, to the work of forwarding supplies and purchasing provisions as ordered by Gen eral Hastings, who is in command at Johns town. So far as money is concerned, there will be more need of it In a day or two tban at present. .There are no stores in operation for miles away from Johnstown, and our system of free transportation so generously organized by tho railroads enables us to obtain here articles that are needed and get them to the sufferers in better shape and to a greater extent than if it were possible to expend it at the scene of aevastation." "We are in communication with the First national Bank of Johnstown, and It Is sound financially, although physically shattered. We shall get money to tbe scene of tbe awful dis aster Dy the timo it is needed. We have sent supplies by the carload, and are directing every energy to the proper care of the unfor tunate survivors of the flood. Our committee finds itself badly hampered by tbe lack of Eastern malls. Thousands of dollars con tributed all over tbe East are on the way here, and delaved bv tho cessation of transportation. From the West, however, all Is In good shape, and money is ' Coming by Every Mall. "The telegrams sent out by us on Sunday are, indeed, bearing golden fruit. Hundreds of telegrams containing generous responses aro notifying us of money transmitted by mall have been coming in all the day, and when it is considered that in each city asked to help us it requires time to take action, official or otherwise, the contributions of to-day are phenomenal. But the magnitude and un paralleled extent of this disaster is beginning to be known enough to assure us that the Iocs of life and property Is such as to surpass even the wildest imagination. More money is need ed, and I believe it will be forthcoming. Our own city is responding magnificently to tbe call for aid. The Belief Committee will re main constantly in session, and every sugges tion or question will be promptly dealt with. I must say that the milk of human kindness seems to bo existent all over the length and breadth of America. Contributions are com ing in as if tbe spirit of generous emulation and had almost become large hearted rivalry." SEW lOEK'S GENKB0U8'GIFT. Sho Scnds.S3O,O00 for the Eelicl of Snf ferers and Chlcaco $5,000. The greatest single contribution yet received though little Pittsburg has already more than doubled it came in at 8:30 last night. It was from New York, and the message read as fol lows: SewToek, Jnne 2, I8S9. William JI. McCreery, Chairman. Pittsburg. Governor Beaver has been authorized to draw on J. Edward Simmons, President of (he Fourth national Bank, 50,000 at sight. Hugh J. Geakt, Mayor. The tired out men who have been laboring on the Belief Committee since Saturday aroused themselves sufficiently to applaud as this message was read. An answer thanking Mayor Grant was sent at once. Following this came a telegram from Dewitt C. Cregier. Mayorof Chicago, announcing that $5,000 would be forn arded last night. Falrman Williams, for the Belief and Aid Society, that had charge of the distribution of goods durinc tbe great fire, offered tho services of Mr iiu&ucii, tvuu itiu vueir ouueriuienuenu ino committee replied that their organization was sufficient so far; but that, if needed, Mr. Trus dell's services would be thankfully accepted. THE PRESIDENT'S HELP ASKED. The Masons Call Upon Him to Appoint a Sanltnry Commission at Once. At the meeting of the Masonic fraternity yesterday morning a committee consisting of C. W. Batchelor, James S. McKcan, T. J. Hud son and J. R. Buchanan was appointed to call on the General Government to take action at once to have sanitary measures nut in force. A long message was sent to President Harrison explaining the horrible condition of the Con emaugh Valley. The committee called bis at tention to the large number of bodies that cannot possibly be gathered up for several days and the number of dead domeutlc ani mals which will naturally be left to the last. The danger of every stream which the waters of the Conemaugh reach being polluted was pointed out, and the great probability of an epidemic or plagne reaching from Pittsburg to New Orleans dwelt upon. The committee urged upon tbe President to appoint a Sanitary Commission without delay to take charge of and carry on the work of clearing up the Cone maugh valley. Like dispatches were sent to tbe Pennsylvania Senators. The Masonic fond now reaches over 5,000. Contributions can be sent to W. T. Belter Treasurer, P. O- box 832. STEEL W0BKERS CONTRIBUTE. Andrew Carnegie's Men nt Homestead Glvo 810,000 for the Johnstown Sufferers. The iron and steel workers at Homestead have contributed their mite to tbe sufferers at Johnstown, and their mite when added up will almost equal that of their employers. At a meeting of Amalgamated Association men, 2,000 in number, held on Sunday, it was decided to denote the proceeds of one turn's pay to the sufferers. This will amount to not less than 810,000. Vice President Wm. T. Roberts, of the Amal gamated Association, was present at tho meet ing of the men held on Sunday, and when seen last evening said: "The men will give fully 510,000, and this is only one plant of the Car negio's. and tbe one where a reduction in wages Is offered. The men are willing to give more if necessary, but I think they have done their share by the liberal offer. A WOMAN'S GRIEF. She Wanted Passage to Johnstown to Seek 14 Dlcmbers of Her Family. An incident which occurred at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday afternoon indicates the drift of opinion among certain classes of people. A woman far beyond middle age by her appearance called to get a pass to Johns town. She said that her family of 14 persons had been lost, and she wanted to find the bodies. The committee gave her a pass through the lines. She wanted transportation also, but tbe gentlemen told her they could not give her that j tho utmost of their ability was to give her a pass through tbe lines. -"But I have no money; X can not pay. Every member of my family is lost, and yet you say that rich men can build a dam to fish in that causes the death of thousands of poor persons, ami yet they can't pay the fare of one of the sufferers to find the bodies of the dead." The lady became hysterical in her grief and had to be removed from the room. HUMANITY STIEEED, Tho Belief Executive Committee's Work-Far-off Plaees Respond Contri butions Banning From 81 to 313,000. Tbepoorand tho rich visited the Chamber of Commerce rooms yesterday and swelled the Johnstown relief fund heavily. Some brought donations in person and others sent checks. The treasurer, Mr, Robinson, was kept well employed receiving and recording tbe money and giving receipts. The givers were of tho cheerful kind whom, it is said, the Lord loves, and they gave twice by giving, promptly. The sums counted rapidly, $100 to $500 being quite common, and soon mounted to $30,000 and be yond when snch checks as that of Westing bouse for $15,000, Window Glass Committee's for over $9,000 and that of tbe 'Produce Ex change, of Toledo. Ohio, were counted. They came from afar as" well as near. Aspen, Color ado, contributed. Messrs. Home & Ward send $300 worth of ladles' and children's clothing. Here is the order In which the Executive Committee recorded the acknowledgements: A. Garrison Foundry Wylle Avenne A. M. E. Company, S500. Church, ?57 74 W. P. Shlnn, SIOO. Jos.WoodweU&Co.,tW). J. P. Hyland. (1. sixth Presbyterian Pennsylvania White jiChurch, (132. Lead uo., r-av. Wi cstlnghouse Company, J. Jl. Jlairuire, ft. sis. our. Opera House, KS So. Miller, Jdetcalf & Sax- Union Uhurcn tltoss kin, 31,000. . township). S71. William C. Urav, SoO. Evergreen Al. E. Church, Parnassus Presbyterian 110 75. Church, (282 GO. Bethel Presbyterian People's Natural Gas Church, (90. Company, SS00. Cnesuskl Lodge, I). O. Louis Holster, 125. 11., tlO. W. U. Johnston a Co., Jl. Bonn & Co., $50. 00. McBride & Gray, S50 John Naegley, (10. Pennsylvania Lead Com-Wbltehlll & Cleveland, pany, 1300. Newbnrg, N. Y.. 1100. George A. Berry, 150. Employes Evans Jones Charles Paine, (100. & Co.. (Z7S. Harbison & Walker, St. Malacby'a Church, 8500. (85. Wm. B. Scalfe & Son, John Hays, (50 (200. ' Mrs. John Hays, (25. Jesse Yarnell. for Denny BlssellA Co., (100. il. E. Church, (IS 75. J. U. Thompson, (20. P. J. Pierce. (10. H. A, Martin, (10. Wm. Munhall, (125. J. Galloway, (100 20. JUUlvale Boronxh Belief Ames M. E. Church. Corps, (G93 i'S. Hazelwood, 155. Vit a. t frailer, (75. Davis - Chambers Lead Beymer-Banmau Lead Co., (200. Co , (100. Bailey, Karrell & Co, (103, Armstrong & McKel- A. Chllds & Co , (250. vey, S200. Dr. Josephos Albon, (5. D. C. PhiUlpg. (50. Church of Ascension, Jacob Schoenfcld, (35. (131 90. Huiro Bosenberg. (33. Samuel StelnSeld, (32. J.M. SchoonmaKer Coke 3. L. beboonmaker, (100. Co., (LU0O. A. A. Kelly, (500. Dr. K. 8. Sutton. (20. First National Bank, Economy Society and Plttshurg. (1.000. worsmen, (1,660. Canton, (X, (228 17. Tlrst unlversallst Hsmll ton, Lemon &Arn- Chnrch, S25 69. old. (500. Pittsburg Tyre Works, Mary A. Bailey, (25. es. Plrst C-rT Church, A. L. Bailey, (10. (220 53 Three Churches, Butler II. P. Joslln, (2. county. (50. Kdith'Jarvin. (1. Charles 1'. Wagner, (25. JamerMcUrezor, (100. Hugo Blank, (10. Mist Baldwin, (1. Drcyfut Bros , (25. Eighth U. P. Church, Denimler&Snenck, (100. (213). Birmingham Tnrner As-West End Manercholr, soclatlon, ttSB. (is. German Male Beneficial Star Encaustic Tile Com- Soclety, (10. pany, (25. Delia K. Carr, (100. Stani. & Thomas, (100. T. C Jenkins' ware-Henrietta Benser. (50. housemen, feO. Firs tilt. P. Church. (110. ThlrdNatlonalBank. (500. Second U. P. Church, ExchangeNatlonalBank, (94 05. (1,000. Pittsburg Timet, addl- u. uairu juanui&cburmg uonai, f3,tM w lminany, )iuu. Kopp & Vogelty, (100. Builders' Exchange, (100, Druid Sangerband, (50. Committee on Boots and Shoes. S103. Mr. Mclntvre. K. M. Y. Itobertson. S5. Presbyterian Ch u r c h. Citizens of Shalersvllle, Kev. Aspall, (29. (350. OakIandU.P.Cnapel,S21.Mxon Street Church, Dr. J. A. Ilex, (10. KSU. H. C. Zelgler. (10. V. O- Place, (50. J. W. Craig, (100. J. Jl. Oakley Co., (100. Oil Well Supply Co., (100. English Soeaklnc Tall P. Schlagel, (50. . ors, K. of L 1620. (57 50. F. Uwlnner, (500 Citizens of Ironton, O., Westlake school pupils, (350. iJhartiers, (13. WUlIam Hawdon, (5. Scott and McLean, (25. O.M.von Bonnhorst,(25. Jflrst Reformed Presby-Monongahela national terlan Church, Oak Val- Bank, 8250. ley, (100. Window Glass Commit- R.C.Bchmem& Co., (100, tees, (9,662 78. Wm. McCnlly & Co., f 100. Abel. Smith & Co., (100. Thomas Wlghtman A Co., olf. Howard A Co., 1100. (I00L . Cunningham & Co , (100. T. Campbell & Co., (100. ProduceExchangeofTo W. C. Qulncy, (25. ledo, U., (5,000. St. James' EplscopalProcecds of Citizens' Church, (33 50. Meeting at sbarpsvllle, Fred Uwlnner, (500. Mercer county, (350. Young Men's Hebrew Association. (50. vSIGHTSEEBS CHECKED. - -,; ,s Only Those Who Have a Definite Mission In Johnstown Can Go There A Pass Bnrcaa Set Uo affecting Scenes. The phenomenal rush of sightseers to Johns town and vicinity received a sudden check yes terday morning. Curiosity compelled thous ands to crowd the Sunday trains until the cars groaned. The great majority went to dilate their eyes and return with a stock of superior information to retail at length to their fellow citizens. Hut some good was also done in an indirect way. and many a pocket was emptied for the benefit of suffering humanity along the devastated Conemaugh. Be that as it may, Adjutant General Hast ings grasped the situation of affairs and per ceived tbe manifest inutility of tbe sightseer pure and simple, and telegraphed Mr. Mc Creery that the military lines around Johns town bad been ordered to pass no one npon any pretext unless armed wltli credentials from the Pittsburg officials: When tbis became known the Chamber of Commerce was thronged with anxious applicants for a pass. Mr. McCreery soon found that help was necessary, and be -summoned ChieT Bigelow, of the Department of Public Highways, and Controller E. S. Mor row to his aid, deputing them as a Committee on Passes. A Sorrowful Levee. From 9 o'clock In tho morning these gentle men held a sorrowful levee at a desk in the Chamber of Commerce, and at S o'clock threw down their pens unable to work any more. Chief Bigelow propounded the questions and the genial Controller wrote the permits on a Sad of Department of Public Safety paper. Mr. Igelow's rule was that jio one should get a pass unl ess near relatives were presumably lost, and he cross-questioned all the applicants as to the exact location ot their relatives' homes. Quite a number went away relieved to find that tho persons they sought lived out of the track of the flood, frequently disclosing that fact by their own knowledge, saying that they "hadn't Stopped to think." But others came who needed little examina tion. They presented themselves and answered questions fluently enough until Mr. Bigelow asktd who it was tbey sought. Then with choked utterance brawny men would say, "My mother;" "my sister," and no more was neces sary. One woman seemed defiant, "Yes, they are all dead and I am going anyhow; do you hear ?" she said. Another said ber six chil dren were residents of loner Main street and sbe could hear no news and must see for her self. "Do yon give tickets also? You ought to. The railroad ought to carry us free." She was referred to the Itelief Committee, Several people were given transportation because un able to pay their way. One fine-looking work man came up with tears running down his face and explained that he sought a person known to be living. He said that tbe first published list gave his brother's family of seven as drowned, with the exception of a 15-year-old niece, who was Left Utterly Alone homeless and unprotected. No one to care for her but me, and I must go to her," he said, tbe tears welling out of his eyes. He got the pass. And so it wept. There were too many of them to be recorded. Some came from distant places, and many from the Beaver Valley and Ohio. Chief Bigelow told each applicant that the task of searching would be full of difficul ties: that there was no shelter and no food, but, undeterred, the sorrowful relatives pushed on. There were many refused, but when a man's voice had the ring of genuine sorrow in it, be got-the pass. Messrs. Bigelow and Morrow will begin their session at 8 o'clock this morning In the same place. SAVED IN THE CLUBHOUSE. The Story SIr.Klock Tolls of His Experience In the Johnstown Flood. G. F. Klock, a traveler for the varnish house of Murphy & Co., 'of Cleveland, was in the club house connected with the Cambria Iron Works when the dam burst. The clubhouse is a five story brick building, and Mr. Klock was asleep In bis room on tho second, floor when a few minutes after 4 he was awakened by an awful noise. As he opened bis eyes he saw a house floating by on the flood. Ho ran up two flights of stairs and then retnrnedyto the third floor, and by that time the water had risen IS feet. He helped to haulin a man and a boy through a third floor window and a score of others found refuge in the clubhouse, which with stood all buffets, and. except two or three res idences near it. is the only building on Main street which stands comparatively whole to day. When the flood had snhsided a little Mr. Klock observed that the part of town in front of tbe club had been nearly wiped out. In a space a third of a mile wide and two miles long which bad been covered with houses he could only see five buildings standing the B.&0. depot, two office buildings ana the Cambria Company's store and a schoolbonse. Tbe pris oners In tbe clubhouse were almost starved before help reached them. Mr. Klock thinks there are thousands of bodies under the ruins. A YEEY THBILLmG ESCAPE. Two Mothers and Their Daughters Aloso oa a Floating Boof-IIow Manager Ful ton's Family and Their Guests Were Bescaed Mrs. , Crawford's Story. Fale and wan, bnt with a smile npon ber features, was the lady that a stalwart Coopers town merchant helped from the train at the Union depot last evening. The merchant was her husband, and he finds her hair whitened since she left him for a short visit two months ago, but there Is noticeable a certain eager tenderness in his care of her. Mr. W. A. Crawford, that is the merchant's name, holds bis wife's hand as she tells the story, and their daughter clings to bis arm. "My Utile family left me," he said, "two months ago for a visit in Harrisburg. On their way home they stopped at Johnstown to visit friends the family of Mr. John Fulton, General Manager of tbe Cambria Iron Com pany. They were there when the flood " And here Mr. Crawford stopped. There was all the pent-up emotion of the suspense and torture and danger of long hours and days In his faltering voice. His wife came to bis help. "Yes, daughter and I were visiting with Mrs. Fulton. Mr. Fulton was away at Connellsville. We had had some warning of the high water, and had taken up the carpets. Shouts and cries warned ns for our lives. Wo Mads for the Roof of the house. It was a three-story brick structure. How we got our children np there I shall never know. 1 remember Mrs. Fulton was the last to come up through the hatchway to the roof, and that her clothing was drench ed. But there we were at last, Mrs. Fulton, her two little girls, my daughter and myself and a hired girl there alone upon the roof of that floating house, borne upon Dy a flood of rush ing water. "What did I do. I came up here. I shut my eyes, and clasped my little girl and prayed. It seemed but a moment, another floating house bore crashing down upon us. We could feel the bouse beneath us, passing ont from under us, leaving us with the roof alone between us and the water, and that itself fast giving way. I thought It was death we faced, and my heart was breaking for my little girl and for my father. Oh, it was " An Interruption. And here Mr. Crawford interposed, fearing the nervous strain upon his wife, "Marvelously enorjgh," he said, "these two women and four girls, with nothing left them but the frail roof in that terrible flood, were saved. With desperate strength, taking their littlo ones, they made their way to another roof against which their's swung, and from that were taken into the upper story of a house not driven from its foundations. There they stayed packed In a darkened hall all night, and from there were finally rescued. Tbis is in brief the story." Accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Crawford and their daughter was Mr. Alfred Fulton, brother of Mrs. John Fnlton. The latter Is now at Johnstown. He was reported as lost in the flood, but was really at Connelsville when it occurred. His wife and children, who passed through the terrible ordeal described with Mrs. Fnlton and her little one, are well and gaining strength. They will remain some time with friends away from the scene of the disas ter. THE NEWSPAPER FUHD. It Continues to Be a Gratifying Proportion of the Whole. The relief fund contributed through The Dispatch had at7 o'clock last evening reached the -neat sum of J1.70523, of which 1601 88 found acknowledgment in Sunday's Issue, 672 additional In Monday's (witn duplications cor rected), and $1,531 01 came in yesterday in con tributions, acknowledged as follows: Citizens of Irondale, A. A. Atterholt, East per w. wicnsei, fiu. uraay, e. Citizens of East Brady, O. U. C. (I. ner Review. (75 75. John Boblnson A Son, Cash, (I. H. A. Sparrow, (10. W.T. Bower A Co., (25. Miss &. Mc., (5. Wm. Jackson, (10. W. J. Dunn, (10. Brlnton Sunday School, (3 50. Laura Ablett, (2 GO. Josnh Benedict. S3. (loo. L. A. 791, K.of L., (25. John Morris, (1. H. B. Bryton, (2. Cash,!. H. L. Sweidlnger&Bro., (25. Cash, (I. Keystone Division 233, iHazlewood Christian No name. 50c, is. ox i.. .r. ssu. Sunday School, (10. J. B. Hedges, S3. J. Leon, (1. John McKay, (50. KeaU Mone & Co., Bot-C B. Greene, (10. tnn. ner Eisner & Phil- A- 8. H.. S5j lips, (100. Congregation Bnel Is. Douglass, MacMe A Co., raei. per . Korn- BjU; U1UUJ, ftw. German M. E. Mission Employes Fleishman & Church, East Liberty, Co., (78 50. per Rev. Mr. Beal, II., (s. fca 77. Ber. and Mrs. William C. K. Carson. (2. Long, (2. U.,tS. O'Hara Lodge No. 038, William Swindell, (25. L O. . T. . (10. Bricklayers Union Ho. 2 Emploves ot Douglass (500. MacMe & Co., (20. A. McW., (5. H., (8. Alice Ablett, (2 50. A 1V0BD FOE THE HUNS. Consnl Mnx Schnmbersr Thinks They Have Boen Wronglr Accused. Mr. Max Scbamberg, the Austrian Consul, thinks it more than possible that the Hungari ans have been unjustly accused as the perpe trators of all the robbery and outrage at Johns town. Mr. Schamberg states that many of them there are above the average, in intelli gence, and that a number held responsible sit uations in the mills. He supposes that many suspected of robbery may have been looking for the bodies of their friends, and unable to express themselves in English, could not ex plain. While he states that he hasn't any doubt there may have been some so engaged, yet he says they are no more inclined to pillage and riot than other nations, and supposes that the ghouls belonged to the tough classes to be found In all nations. Mr. Schamberg stated that while he didn't want to make any parade about it. either he or some of his agents would go to Johnstown to investigate, and he hoped there would be no ef fort made in the meanwhile to stir np a race conflict. COKE W0BKEBS AFFECTED By the Big Flood That Bulned the Blast Fnrnnccs at Johnstown. The flood, as is well known, has closed the Cambria Iron Company's works, and. tbey will not be started for several weeks. All their blast furnaces are knocked out, and it will bo a long time before they can be put in shape again. This will affect many different classes ot workmen. All the coke ovens in the Con nellsville region will be closed down, as there is no market for the product at present. Tbe Cambria Iron Company uses about 350,000 tons of coko per year, and turns out about 50, 000 tons of pfg iron, which is used in their works. The coke works will likely be closed, and the orders for steel rails that are now on hand may be turned over to some other con cern. Many of the employes at the works have been drowned, and their places will have to be filled by other men when the works are ready to start, A delegate to the Amalgamated Associ ation Convention said yesterday thatthere were a number of idle men, and tbe places conld be filled by experienced men as soon as the first was ready to resume operations. BELIEF IN PLENTY. The Collection of Food and Clothing at Old City Hall. At Old City Hall the work of shipping was going on vigorously. People dropped in with donations of almost every kind, some of food, but the greater part of clothing. Under the supervision ot tbe committee, Messrs. O. F. McDonald and C. P. McCord, the stuff was hastily packed in cases and sent to the depot as fast as a wagon load could be made up. At 2t5 o'clock p. si. 150 cases bad been sent in wagons furnished by James McKee. A glass bowl had been placed at the door, and over it was the inscription: "Money for Johns town sufferers." At the hour named about 230 were taken out in sums ranging from 10 cents to 810. At 6.30 o'clock over 200 cases of stuff had been sent, and there were still several wagon loads to be packed. ELETEN UNACCOUNTED-FOB, Tho P. K. B. Dispatcher Insists That the' Fntoof All Other Passengers is Known. "We wUl have two tracks to Johnstown by 4:30 this afternoon," said the Train Dispatcher at the Union depot yesterday, "and by 8 o'clock this evening will have two tracks at least two miles east of there. We have now 5,000 men at work in tbe neighborhood of the scone of the disaster." Reeardlnir the trains Involved in the flood, he insisted that aU that remained unaccounted for ( consisted of 11 passengers. Fifteen passengers were missing, and four bodies have been fonnd and identified as from one of these trains. The Continued on Third Fage. THE BEST LINE OPE! TO THE EAST. Pllttbnr and take Erie K. R. The train leaving- Pittsburg at 8 a. m. ar rives at Buffalo at 4:50 p. M., and at Hew York at 7:20a.m. The accommodation, leaving at 410 p.m., arrives at Ashtabula at 10:43 p. M., connects with Lake Shore night express, arriving at New York, at7 p. m. next day. The train leaving 9-20 p. M. arrives at Buffalo at 620 a. m,' and New York at 8:50 P. M. Sleeping car on night train. The first 01857110111661 rate to Kew York is V2. A, A,OFI,AND8.W. Eeunlon at Rock. Point, Jnne 8. The Pennsylvania Company will sell ex cursion tickets to iRock Point at SO cents irom Pittsburg and Allegheny, and run trains leaving Union station at 620, 7:15, 730, 7:4S, 8:15, 8:56 and 9:00 A.r. and 1220 P. M., Central time. Trains will leave Tem peranceville at 629 and 8:48 A. M., Central time, stopping atPoint Bridge and Birming ham. Fare G3 cents. nh SPECIALTEAINS TO WASHINGTON, PA., TIa the P.,C. ot 8t.Ij.Ity.. Jnne 5th and 6th. A special train will he run to "Washington via the Panhandle on "Wednesday and Thursday, Jnne 5th and 6th, leaving'Piits burg at 10 A. II., Central time. Returning, leave "Washington Fair Grounds at 6 p. it., Central time. HEAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LIM., 401 Smlthfleld Street, cor. Fourth Avenne. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $45,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received, and interest allowed at 4 per cent. TT3 i Choice Old Whiskies. X.X.X. 1855, Pure Bye "Whisky, full quarts S3 00 Monogram, Pure- Bye "Whisky, full quarts 1 75 Extra Old Cabinet, Pure Bye "Whisky, lull quarts........;. 1 50 1879 Export, Pure Bye "Whisky, full quarts 1 25 1880 Export, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts 1 00 For sale at G. W. Schmidt's, tfos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave., city. Wanted Every Voter Desiring Light On the prohibition question should read Fbohxbitiox, An investigation of its effects in the "United States and Canada, by Prof. Goldwin Smith. Tbis celebrated pamphlet will be for warded to any address, tree, on application to the Phosnix Publishing Co., P. O. Box 551, Pittsburg, Pa. Victoria t Victoria! To prevent sickness in yonr family keep the Victoria Natural Mineral Water, im ported direct to this city from near Ems, Germany, by Major C. W. Kraus. Send your orders 1,154 telephone or 1,339 liberty avebue. Wagons deliver to any part of the cities free of charge.. Ask your physician in regard to it. TXhs Henry Tcrhpyden, the Jeweler, of 530 mlthOeld Street, Has just received a fresh invoica of those beautifnl onyx clocks. There are also a few of those diamonds advertised last week which remain-over, that he will close out at a positive bargain. Those who contemplate making purchases in the jewelry Hue would do well to call and see his large and varied stock of goods and extremely low prices. TUWSU For Camping Parties. If you are going camping or on a picnic don't neglect to- include some of Marvin's pilot bread and toast biscuit in yonr outfit. They are convenient, wholesome and de licious. Tursa Axi first-class bars can supply the cele brated Pranenheim & Yilsack Pilsner beer to their customers. ttssu Jackets foe Cool Weather. All onr stockinette and cloth jackets at greatly reduced prices to close out. Kosenbaum & Co. Moxheb Eve as she appeared in the garden given, away to purchasers. Busy Bee Hive, corner'JSixth and Liberty. Spring Saltings. For a good fitting suit go to Pitcairn's, 434 Wood st. tush Use Angostura- Bitters to stimulate the appetite and keep the digestive organs in order. Wise Mothees will buy infants' cloaks this week at reduced prices. Busy Bee Hive, corner Sixth and Liberty. "Una," fancy spring patent flour, best in the world. TT3 NOTICETOAGENTS. Should the news from Johnstown reoeived after the regular hour for goingr to presB warrant It, THE DISPATOH will make a 9 o'olook edition this morning and possibly for several days following. Agents who desire a supply of these extras must telegraph or telephone their orders before 9 o'clock for to-day, or mail them in good time for to-morrow, as none of the 9 o'olook edition will be sent out of the city without orders from our agents. THE DISPATOH PUB. CO. JUNE DELIVERIES. SOLID COLORED INDIA PONGEE SILKS. A f nil line of shades imported to sell for 75c on sale at 10c a yard. Fancy printed India Silks only 40c a yard. A line of French Wool Challis at 25c a yard. French Satlnes in neat and bold designs at 20c a yard. The season's most choice effects in wash'fabrics At sacrifice prices. The lines at 12c unsurpassed. Fine and finer grades, 20c to 10c. 12 40, $3 60, $5 00. $7 00 and 59 00. Above prices have been made on several lots of Handsome Bead Man talets. Our Embroidered Fichus Lace Silk and Wool Wraps on the same low scale of price. One lot of Children's and Misses' Jersey Blouses: assorted colors, stylishly trimmed: 8 to i years. $3 goods for $2. ladles' Soutache Braided Cirectolre Jerseys; Manufacturer's price. 69 a dozen; to be closed at $2 50. SUITS-Choice styles In Wash Fabrics. Silk and Wool Costumes. Misses' and Children's Suits; latest designs. BIBER iJABTDN, 05 AND 607 MARKET ST. JeTXSeu,', JDS. HDRNE k CG.'S PENN AVENUE. STORES. To wind up tbis month's business In a lively way we have made sose sweeping redactions, and also have purchased'large assortments ot choice and desirable golds, which we offer at very low prices, some at even half price. To begin with: Eighty-nine (SB) pieces of 50 inch, English 'style, Fine Wool Suitings, Checks, Stripes and Plaids, a large variety o coloring, at SI a yard, usual price $1 26; no bet ter wearing goods are made. French Novelty Dress Goods, in fancy ea broIdered'StrlpesandJacquard sflk mixturesi our price SOc a yard; cost U to land In New York; all In tbe latest summer colorings.'' , One case of silk and wool 43-lnch Crepe Bril liant, 13 Inches wide, at 75c, worth S125-our price 73& These are light In weight and ver serviceable. Special-bargains in fine quality pure English Mohairs, in fancy weaves and colored stripes at 75c a yard, reduced from a 25; also full assortment of plain, colored and gray and brown mixed Mohairs. 12 Inches wide, at 50c, 75c and SI a yard, great value, and not to bo confounded with goods of inferior quality at the same prices. Over 20 styles of 64-Inch Suiting Cloths, la fancy Jacquanl stripes, at 75c a yard. Eleven shades in a fine imported 50-inch Cloth at 75c, worth SI 50. Onr 60ent Counter Is filled with really choice styles in Imported Dress Stuffs Side Borders, Tennis Stripes, Plaids, Foule Stripes, Debeiges all extra good values and all In Summer weights andolorings. Silk and Wool Colored Henrietta Cloths at 75c This Is the best dress goods bargain la any Silk Warp Cashmeres. Full assortment of shades in All-wool French Cashmeres, perfect In finish, good weight at 50c 18-lnch All-wool Cashmeres at 50c to SI 25 a yard, latest shades. Our entire stock of Imported French Dress Patterns to belosed out quickly. The prices we have put on them will make quick work. Many of these patterns are the finest goods ever shown in Pittsburg, but we are selling them at a great sacrifice. The all-wool French Albatross at IScentj t Is another Instance of 'Special good value. The French' All-Wool Challis at 25o and liX '" are selling faster each day. We have the largest assortment of both dark and light Challis. including newest and finest imported, all at 50c New printed Mohairs, only 40c a yard. Largest stock of cream, white and light colored Woolen Dress Stuffs Albatross, Cash. meres, Nun's Veilings, Crepes, Mousselines. 1,000 remnants of black and colored Dress Goods to bosold out at once. See the prices put on them. So mnch for the Wool Dress Goods. The Cotton Stuffs are in great variety. Scotch; Ginghams (real) at 20c: (so-called) atl5o and 12Kc Satlnes, choice American. 9o np to 20c( real French, 18c to 35c Bee the old Rose color, lugs, Just from Paris. Fine Scotch Zephyr Ging-j hams atS0c New styles in striped Seersuckers, Persian-Crepes, Primrose CIoth,printed Crepes-' and other novelties. Then-the Silks Thousands and thousands of. yards in colored Silk fabrics for Summer wear. One httodred and fifteen pieces of new printed India Silks, 21 Inches wide, at 75c, regular SI 25 quality. 27-inch India Silks, black and whits ancfnew-colorlngs, at 65c; fine styles at Jl 00 and SI 50, very much under price the hand, somest-goods shown tbis season. Hundreds of pieces here to see. The largest variety, ever shown, and undoubtedly tba best values. v - Our 21-Inch Colored Surah Silk, at 75c is the equal of -any II Surah yon can find. AU the new colorings. New Annure Boyale Silks at 84, extra fine and choice. The best bargains in our Black Silk stock yon have ever seen In many a long day Surahs, Grenadines, Indlas, Gros Grains, Failles, Armures, Satlnes. This is the place to come for your Black Silks, In all grades, especially the finer goods not to be found elsewhere. All the other departments are ready for June customers, and have great attractions in tba way of bargains. Decidedly the biggest and. most and best bargains are here. J JUH liUHlNb & ULUl lnn . a-! 1 TT-1 9 1tl - ' Ai -PENN AyENUE STORES." tr; myas