THE, PITTSBURG rDISPATOHf SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 1889. '' - W 8' THE GOOD TEMPLABS Kow Gathered In Chicago From All Quarters of the Earth. A POWERFUL TEMPERANCE OEDER Aid to lie Extended to Prohibition's Cause in Pennsylvania. DKTE1HXG OF THE HA1HABKETSTATUE rCOBBTSFOXDZXCZ Or TBI DISFJLTCH.1 Chicago, June 1. The Grand Lodce of the "World of the Order of Good Templars, the largest temperance society in existence, is now convened in this city. They hire, it is claimed, 630,000 members, of which oyer 200,000 are in this country. The badge of the order is a round pin with outline map of the globe and the letters I. O. G. T. It teaches, said one of their members, that "their field is the world." Since 1851, when the order was established, they have organ ized lodges in all parts ot the world to which civilization has spread. There are dele gates here who have come all the way from India and South Africa to attend this con vention. These delegates from distant lands, how ever, are not such a curiosity or drawing card for their meetings as might at first be imagined. They are mostly "carpet-baggers" of tbe Anglo-Saxon race, who have settled in those conntries not natives. It is, said that the belief in one Supreme Baler of the universe prevents the order from em bracing many members outside of the Chris tian lands. A COSMOPOLITAN OBGAKIZATIOIT. There are some colored members and one Indian, Oronhyatekha, M. D., a physician, of London, Canada. He is a large, portly man of distinguished bearing, and, as his color at once proclaims his race, he prob ably attracts more attention than all the other delegates combined. The lodge met Tuesday at the First M. E. Church, and the session will continue tor about two weeks. One of the first actions taken was that of expressing their sympathy and wishing success "to the Pennsylvania brethren in their conflict with the liquor traffic" The chief subject of their deliber ations so far has been the establishment and regulation of "Juvenile Temples" for the children. Besides the usual exercises incident to Memorial Day, it was celebrated in this city by the unveiling of the great bronze police man who stands guard over the spot where bo many of Chicago's police were killed by the Anarchist bomb Hay 4, 1886. The statue is about nine feet high and stands upon a pedestal 12 feet high, making the total height of the monument about 21 feet. A COirStEMOEAMTE STATUS. It was put in position on the 4th of the month just three years after the riot As commemorating the triumph of order over anarchy, it has long been the object of the bitter hatred of the Anarchists, and from some obscure hints dropped by the few still holding that doctrine in this city, it was feared by some that a dynamite bomb would demolish it before ever it was unveiled to the public It was safely dedicated, how ever, and, despite the day being one of the worst of tbe year, cold with a rain drizzling down that every now and then turned to snow, a large crowd stood shivering under their umbrellas to watch the ceremony. The inscription on the pedestal is doubt less intended as an admonition to Anarchists and others of thst class: "In the name of the people of Illinois I command peace." A CHICAGO VICTIM. In spite of the self-asserted shrewdness of the Chicago man, a resident of this city, and a lawyer at that, was recently victimized in a way that wonld have been a disgrace to the ordinary farmer. He traded improved Chi cago property, worth $65,000, for a' Texas rancn, "said to be worth $84,000," and when he went to see it found it & barren tract of land worth about $15,000, but covered and overlapped by a mortgage for $16,000. As the trade was made absolutely, and not subject to approval, the victim in the transaction has taken the matter into the courts as the only way to recover his lost fortune. M. Do Yon Know Old Brown "Windsor Soap? The only imported one is J. & E. Atkinson's. Outlived them all. The oldest and best of soaps. su Fresh Arrivnl. Just received from the Anheuser Bnscb St. Ironis Brewery, a fresh supply of their celebrated Budweiser Beer, in both quarts and pints. For sale at G. "W. Schmidt's, Xbs. 95 and 97 Fifth avc, city. La Perla del Fnmnr. These celebrated clear Havana Key "West Cigars are for sale at Hotel Duquesne, Hotel Anderson, St. Charles Hotel, Albemarle Hotel, Union Depot Restaurant, John Lanier, 3799 Fifth ave., Peter A. Ganster, 3S and 37 Frankstown avc, John F. Ganster, 27 Frankstown aye., Peter Weber, 76 wylie ave., John C. Stroup. 25 Union st, E. "W. Hagan, 609 Smithfield st, Neville Bayley, 405 Smithfield St., J. K. "Dnrr, 400 Market sL, P. C. Dufiy, 540 Grant st, G. "W. Schmidt, 2Tos. 95 and 97 Fifth avc Henry Terheyden, tbe Jeweler, of 330 Smltkfleld Street, Has just received a fresh invoice of those beautiful onvx clocks. There are also a few of those diamonds advertised last week which remain over that he will close out at a positive bargain. Those who contemplate making purchases in the jewelry line would do well to call and see his large and varied stock of goods and extremely low prices. Tuwsn PAYING $100,000 IN BONDS. The ntoDongafaela Narlentlon Company Commenced It Teiterday 8180,800 Dne of Those limed by the Corporation. One hundred bonds of the Honongahela Navigation Company, aggregating $100,000, come due July 1, and payment of the same commenced yesterday, to continue until July 1, with the interest to that date. The above payment will leave $200,000 yet outstanding, the greater share of which will not come dne for some years. Mr. W. Bakewell, Treasurer of the com pany, said yesterday that no appeal had been decided on yet from the Government's action in regard to the condemnation of the locks. He intimated that the company was waiting the further action of the Govern ment, but at present would not do anything. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JTCW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTWCMENTS. gt ' . ' ' What the Public Iriltcs. "Whitmyre & Co. arc meeting with an amount of success that daily increases in their efforts to legitimately introduce and advertise the "Iron City Brand" of flour. The large amount now sold shows, beyond a doubt, that the best-selling brands carry their advertisement with their use. "Iron City Brand" has come to stay and the pub lic takes kindly to that class of goods which shows for itself what it is made of and how a trial brings out its excellencies. J. H. Johnston's gun store removed to 706 Smithfield street. Hundreds of babies photographed last week, tree of charge, -by Hendricks & Co., 68 Federal street, Allegheny; fine work; everybody pleased. I AM selling a fine Key "West Havana cigar 5 for 25c; also a Havana Coquetas at the same price w m. j . .Friday, WFStt 633 Smitbtield street. shees CLIPPINGS FB0M )) WM.GRABOWSKY Straw Hat Bleacher. Wo have now over 200 styles of the latest de signs in Ladies' Headgear. Tbe now English Flat Turban, English High Tapering Crown Walking Hat; very neat Bonnets for young Ladies; the comfortable full Bonnet for Grand ma, and all the best turned up Brim Hats tor Ladies and Misses. For the Little Ones, we have many good shapes, Firefly, Effle. Sadie, Neva, etc: and our Specialty Grabowsky's own make Sailors. Our Sailor has been tried to copy by different parties, but they never cot there. ROYAi POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ot pur ity, strength and wholesomeness. More eco nomical than the ordinary kin ds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of ow est, short weight, alum or phosphate pow ders. Sold only in cam. ROYAL BAKING POWDEK CO, 108 Wall St, N. Y. oc5-m46-MWTSu Ladies hunt up your old fashioned Hat and Flumes, select of our styles and you will be pleased; all work intrusted tons will be re turned within one week. Oar large factory and new machinery with, skilled labor only, will allow this promise. Always get your worK done uy a mecnanic WE GRABOWSKT, 707 Penn avenue, opp. Penn Building. uiviirou (JUNE ISSUE.) Delicacies in Season. COOL DRINKS: Lemon Juice 50o per hot. Fruit Syrups,all kinds..25o and 50o " ' Baspberry Vinegar. . . . .45c and 75o " " Imported Ginger Ale... ,$100perdoz. Domestic Ginger Ale... 90o " " Boot Beer Extract 25operbot. Birch Beer. $150perdoz. Graps Sherbet.... '..... EOcperbot. Lime Fruit Juice 50c and 75o " " THE BEST DINNER GIVER. All American and European Patented Eye Glass and Spectacle frames, with glasses of superior quality, perfectly adjusted to the sight A complete stock of Optical and Mathematical Instruments, Medical Batteries, Photographic Cameras. The largest and best assortment of Artificial Eyes, at KORNBLUM'S Optical Establishment, NO. 50 FIFTH AVENUE, NEAlt WOOD STREET. Tel enhone No. 1686. my26 68 OPIUM sel4-u29-su Morphine ana WhUty Ilablti pain lessly cured. Treatment tent on Hal free. Confidentially address II. L. URaMF.H, Sec, Eoxd Ulijttf, lad. For years George W. Chiids has had the en viable reputation of giving the best dinners of any man In this country. Ho has, to begin with, a magnificent dining room. His butler is a model. His chef is a king of the kitchen.and well he might be, for Mr. Chiids pays him 88,000 per year for his services. The servants are models. The table is always set in perfect taste. Tho snowiest ot linen covers tbe solid mahogany. The silver is the finest that can be purchased. The floral decorations are usually simple but effective. The china and cut glass ware are the best that money can purchase. Tbe food 13 the best that tbe market affords. Every dish is served properly. The servants do notrnn amnckof each other. They never utter a word from the time dinner is served until the guests depart. The butler keeps his hawk-like eyes on everything. One's place is not cluttered up with wine glasses, salt cellars, flowers, knives, forks and spoons. The rosiest and best of wine is served. Everything mores like clockwork. A dinner with George W. Chiids is an event of a lifetime. There are a score of families In New York and Newport that give large dinners. The Vanderbllts entertain on a princely scale. The Astorsgive numerous dinners daring the sea son. Unlike the Vanderbllts, there is less dis play of silverware, bat the Astor dinners are famous for elegance and good taste. One of the handsomest fall dinner sets in this country is owned by the Astor family. It was purchased a good many years ago by John Jacob Astor. It is of French china and consists of 200 pieces. The decoration is simple bnt extremelv hand. some, consisting of a border of bine, edged with gold. The bine is that turquoise shade which is very difficult to produce,! rom its great tendency to crack. The set cost $5,000, and would sell for five times that sum now. Mrs. Hicks Lord owns very valuable china and sil verware. She has a tea set of solid gold. The famous and still beautiful widow gives elab orate dinners, but she is more famous for her teas. She is worth several million dollars, and dtvides her time between this country and Europe. For other notes of interest send for our Housekeepers' Guide, mailed free to any address. Finzer's Old Honesty. ThevChewers of OLD HONESTY TOBACCO will soon find that It lasts longer, tastes sweeter than other tobacco, and will please you. ' Ask your dealer for It and insist on getting it. Genuine has a red H tin tag on every plug. THE NE W SHAPES WHICH RUBEN Has introduced this spring have proven a great success. flit slfl &6&&WQQQ-&&$&&44&g4646 mh2-S5-sau CTBiiitigiifJk YjHft tjjT-iLy' jTyr' k I X1X1UJJ11UU vv UVlli SELECT FAMILY' GEOCEBS, 18 DIAMOND,' Market Square, PITTSBURG. jeZ-Su J. DIAMOND, Optician, S3 Sixth. Street, rittsljurs. Spectacles and Eyeglasses correctly adjusted .v wi.,j ucicvb ui oiguL. r iem ana upera Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Barometers, Thermometers, etc. ARTIFICIAL EYES made to order JlTlli Warrantor! Alnroira .it Tianrl a large and complete stock. jafJ-rrssu st 'rtmSr HERBERT WALKER ARTIFICIAL EYE MAKER, 55 NINTH ST. ap21-su Side view of NewDerby. $1 SO, $1 90, $2 20, $2 40, $2 90 There Is always some risk of failure In offer ing new shades, as the prejudice of the pnbllo to anything not conventional is quite deep rooted. But. thanks to our good indgment, we have been remarkably successful with the above stylish colors. And lastly so; for they are not loud, nor yet insipid, bnt varying from the popular colden brown to tbe handsome tan color. You have three advantages in bnvinir our new Summer Derby. Firstly, they will not soil; secondly, they match the prevailing fashion of clothing to a nicety, and thirdly, tucjr iriw uo wwu miui u ia tae iaii. ion need a hat, therefore, make no mistake, but come direct to RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 AND 423 SMITHFIELD ST. Mail Orders Promptly Filled. je2-wrsu 111 ence invited. DO YOU INTEND TO BCILDT The Pittsburg Building Plan Co., Architects, 96 Fourth avenue, prepare plans and specifications and superintend erection of dwellings at lowest rates consistent with good service. Estimates guaranteed. Correspond-mylS-TTSu ) S..n0 S WHIT OFTEN HflpPENSr when induced to buy cheap, trashy goods from houses that are unreliable. CALL' THIS WEEK -AT THE- OLD RELIABLE ousehold Credit k 405 "Wood. s"b- - j And see the substantial BED, MATTRESS and SPRINGS For $10, $4 Down, $.'per Week for Balance. SEVENTY-THREE BED LOUNGES S$L&Ss ffi f-trmL PHOTOGRAPHER, 18 SIXTH STREET. A fine, large crayon portrait $3 60; see them before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, $2 and J2 60 per dozen. PROMPT DELIVESY. apl4-16-irwTsn p For Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headame, uiuoiness, if ulness, and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flashings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costlveness, Scarry, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &e. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIEF IN TWEHTI MINUTES. This is no fiction. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to tor ono Box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to he a Wonderful Mtdlelne. "Worth a guinea abox." BEXCHAiTS PILLS, taken as directed, will quickly restore females to complete health. For a WEAK STOMACH; IMPAIRED DIGESTION; DISORDERED LIVER; they. enfn; ACT LIKE MAGIC: a etc doewiUwoi wonders mxm tho Vital OTRans,Streneth- ic the muscular System: restorinsc lone-lost Complexion: brinirine back the keen edire of appetite, and arousing with the BOSEBDD OF HEALTH the wtule physical energy of the human frame. Thsse are racts " admitted Dy tnousanas, in ail classes or society, and one or tne best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is that BEICHIH'S FILLS EATS TBS LA23E3I SA13 07 AMI PATENT UEIICISE IK TH3 WOSLS. Full directions with each Box. Prepared only by THOS. BEECHAM, St. Helen, Lancashire, England. Sold by Druggists generally. B. F. AIXEN & CO., 3G5 and 367 Canal St., New York. Sole Agents for the United States, toto inquire first), if your druggist does not keep them, WILL MAIL BEECHAM'S PILLS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE, 25 CERTS A BOX. C AlPyy " T'f VTf. ,1ft Manufactured by us and guaranteed to be perfectly reliable, will be sold t.hla week for the nominal price of $10. $4 Down, $1 per Week for Balance $10. LOOK AT OUR PRICES: $4 for 40 yards genuine Chinese Matting. $10 for a veneered panel Wardrobe. . $22 for 7 pieces of reliable Bed Room Furniture. $40 for 7 pieces upholstered Parlor Furniture. $10 for 20 yards of latest style Ingrain Carpet. CASH on? OIE&IEIDIT. HOUSEHOLD CREDIT CO. 405 "Wood. S-tn?ee-b- ACKNOWLEDGED CHAMPIONS OF LOW PRICES jel-52-wau i'i 9 7 I ff MEN'S FINEST For Comfortable Every-Day Wear. lor Dress and Special Wear. ilk 4a- Kjlpl tafias' !!i jjin YljPSS?aaamtamsSlgqmjr y -jr'-:r9QI malaMZ n saWy HANAN & SON'S SHOES Are the best made in this country, and many men send East for them, thinking, perhaps, that they're not to be had in Pittsburg. We are, how ever, sole agents in this city for Hanan & Son's Shoes, as the following letter plainly shows: New York, May 221889. Messrs. J. jatjfmann & jjros., Pittsburg, r"a.: Gentlemen This is to certify that you are the Sole Agents for the sale of our orand or goods in nttsDurg and Allegheny. Yours truly, HANAN & SON. We are now displaying a full assortment of these woaderfully popu lar and admitted-to-be Finest Shoes, in all styles and afll widths, and're prepared to fit any shaped foot comfortably and fashionably. In order to introduce these superior Shoes to all who wear "the best, you know," we will sell them at popular prices: 4, $5, 6149. ' Gentlemen when you start out to buy Shoes, J kindly bear this fact in mind: We not only keep the finest Men's Shoes in Pittsburg, but the only complete and comprehensive Shoe stock in thfis city. BARGAINS IN BOYS' CLOTHING that have the ring of the true metal Kilt, Sailojr and Jersey Suits, short and long-pant Suits, single Pants and Waists at unexampled low prices. S y "AHIT, A VERY PALPABLE HIT." h NHS KAUFMA . Men's Department Crowded From Early Mom Till Dewy Em PRICES THAT WORK WONDERS! INDUCEMENTS THAT ARE IRRESISTIBLE ! J OUR GMT X 51, Mai I1HI SALES, WHICH ARE THE CAUSE OF ALL THE EXCITEMENT AND COMMOTION, WILL BE CONTINUED FOR THE NEXT THREE DAYS, at the expiration of which every one of these Suits will undoubtedly be in the hands of the consumer. Let there be no delayj therefore, on your part, if you intend to get one of these suits. With all sincer ity and earnestness we say and believe that they are the best bargains ever offered by us. Had we not chanced to close them out from ,the manufacturers at away below their intrinsic value, it would not have been within the range of possibility for us to offer them at the prices we now do. Read the detailed account below: THIS PRICE WILL TAKE CHOICE from a large line of handsome light and dark Cheviot and Cassimere Suits, in plaids, checks, narrow stripes, mixtures, etc. In point of quality, workmanship, fit and finish these suits are fully equal to any offered by competing houses at $10, $11 and $12. They are cut in sacks and cutaway frocks, and will please everybody who wants a good and stylish suit for very little money. $7 50 7 50 THIS PRICE WILL TAKE CHOICE from an immense variety of patterns and colors plaids, stripes, overplaids, checks, pinchecks, mixtures and all sorts of Cheviots. Every Suit in the line is guaranteed to be strictly all-wool and tailor-made. Wish you would compare them with those offered elsewhere at $16, 17 and 18, very well knowing that you will consider-ours the best 810 THIS PRICE WILL TAKE CHOICE from exquisite Dress Suits, in Cheviots, Cassmeres, Stripes, Checks, Corkscrews, Worsteds, etc., in every style of sack, frock and cutaway, imported serges, wales, etc. Indeed, the assortment is superb, and'll make the merchant tailors as mad as "march hares." Everybody is welcome to look at these excellent garments, without being under the slightest obligation to buy. FOR ONE DAY ONLY ! To-Morrow! To-Morrow! To-Morrow! BflflJHaVkifePiiB9flflJ Qfc JEEP r vflTT!! , Mf r,C 4&J MEN'S FINE, LIGHT COLORED DERBYS, WORTH $2 50 AND $3, FOR ONLY t J J Ijf nf IBB lfl . mvii I ij i&tt FniiJiilitllrc ifillill wSk $148. They come in the very latest shades, viz: tan, oak, tobacco, nutria, cinnamon, russet nut, eta, and are from the latest spring and summer blocks of the most cele brated manufacturers. We closed them out last week at about half their intrinsic value, and are selling them to you on the same basis. These are fine Fur Hats, and, if boughf in the regular way, could not be sold below $2 50. Come to-morrow, if you want them at the unequalcd low price of $1 48. FINEST HALF HOSE, 6 PAIRS For $1 13, Worth 40c a pair. An invoice of English Hosiery reached our store yesterday, and, although both fine and handsome, we're going to sell it'awful cheap." They come in stripes, solid colors and very fashionable effects just out Double toe and heel, fast colors and the best wearing hose made. We'll also place on sale in the morning a limited quantity of gen uine German Hosiery, in fancy striped, lisle thread and fast colors" in black balbriggan. Best values ever offered in Hosiery at 6 pairs for 1 13. Note. Our Black Hosiery is warranted fast black or money refunded. - BSy: IFnniisliDE Goofls Den'M MONDAY. MEN'S, BOYS', STRAW HATS ! .CHILD REN'S. -1 j The prettiest, finest and most popular styles, at prices that no dealer can approach. KATJFMANNS' KAUPMANHS 9 FIFTH VEIfcTTTIE! S3eits:fiexSd street. V -tii- 1 -$&&wa- hj& . .. JSiititat, r-t -AO&iiiSSfciS--