v ?&H.! Sc ;i!f-ii ';" r: THE -PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, tSUNDAX, JTJ2pr 2, -1889. 5t "" .- ?V" ' THEGAYEASTENDERS They Are Beaten Handily by the Dupesnes. SHAMUS IN GREAT FOEM. The Senators Beat the Kew York Aggregation. BOSTON DOWHS THE PHILLIES. Bain Blockades the Eoosiers and Pittsbnrgs at Harrisbnrg. GENERAL BiSE BALL NEWS OP THE DAI Games Flared WASHnroTOJfS. ... 9.... Bostons........... 7..., Athletics 8... Columbus 8..., Kansas Citts.... 10.... Duquesxes. - 6.... Riverside Grays 15..., McKeesports..... 8.... EatswoBTHS. IS.... Yesterday. X .New Yores 6 .Philadelpiiias. 2 CntCUfNATlS 4 .LOUISTILLES , 3 .Baltimoees 8 E. K Athletics. 8 .Homesteads 9 Braddocks. 7 Oaklands. 3 How They Stand. Tlie f ollowing table shows correctly how the League clubs stand up to date. The Bostons, as will be seen, keep in front, while Kew York is falling back a little toward fifth place. Cleve land Is still aspirins; upward, while Indianapo lis' defeats at Philadelphia has sent her back considerably. Following is the score: CLUBS. Bostons , l'MladclpbUs. New Torts..... Clevel&nds...., Chicagoc - Pittsbnrgs Indianapolis.., Vashingtons .. .rra .633 .867 .667 .433 .400 .333 .ISO Games lost.. a Association Record. Per Won.Lost.Ct. St. Loul .27 12 .692 BrooklTD5.....tl 14 .600 Athletics 19 IS .559 Clnclnnstls...21 J8 .633 Per "Won. Lost. (X Ksoess Cltys. -' 17 .623 Kfttrlmnrefi IS 18 .471 lOolnmbus 13 22 .371 iLoulsvUles.... 8 8 .23 Games To. Day. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Cincinnati at Philadelphia; LouisTillesat Columbus; St. Louis at Brooklyn. Flayed Like Kickers. "Washikgtos, June L The New Yorks played a kickers' came to-day, chancing its players frequently. Score: tVashlnrtons 0 04201002-8 Hew Yorks 1 40000000 6 Bse bits New Torks 10. "Washlnirtons 10. Errors Kew Yorks 6, Wasblngtons. 3. Batteries-New Yorks. Keefe, Whitney, Crane, Brown: Vashlngtons, Keefe, Ebrlght. Another For Boston. Boston, June L Tbe Philadelphia! played like tired, overworked men to-day, and were easily defeated by the Bostons. Score: Bostons 3 0O0S11OO 7 1'Mladelpblas 0 0000100 1 I Base lilts-Bostons, 8: Philadelphia, 8. Errors-Bostons, 1: PhUadelpmas, 6. Bittcrles-Bostons. Bennett and Clarkson; Phil adelphias, Casey and Clements. ASSOCIATION GABIES. The Athletics Again Doable Up the Qnlet -Qnnkers. June x. ice .Aiiueucs jCincinnatishere to-day. Score: 0 0013003 18 0 220000004 Base hits-Athletics, 12: Cincinnati, z. Errors Athletics, 6; Cincinnati 7. Batteries Weyhmg and Cross; Baldwin, Mnl lane and Unryea, For Fan and Fame. BALTUIOEE, June L Baltimore and Kansas City plaved two games this afternoon, an exhi bition and a regularly scheduled came. First came Baltlmores 0 00000800 5 .Kansas Cltys 2 020000004 Basehlts-Baltlmorcs. 7: Kansas Cltys. 9. Errors Baltlmores, 4; Kansas Cltys. 2. Batteries Kllroy and Tate; SulllTan and Gun son. Second game Baltlmores 0 210030118 Kansas Cltys 0 0 0 0 7 10 1 1-10 Base hits Baltlmores, 10: Kansas Cltys, 12. Errors Baltlmores. 1; Kansas Cltys. 4. Batteries Cunningham andTate; Swartzelland Barkley. .Downed the Colonels Again. COLUXBUS, O., June L Only a small crowd witnessed the Colambus-Tjouisville game to "day. The grounds weie muddy and the weather cold. Columbus played around the "visitors at all points, and won with ease. Score: Commons 0 000060028 LonlSTilleb 0 0000102 0-3 Earned runs Colnmbas. 3; Loals-rllles, 1. Two-base hits Orr, Kavmond and Browning. (stolen bases McTammany, 2; Dally, Easterday, "Winner. Donble plays-Daily and Greenwood. First base on balls-McTammany. Marr, Ester flav. 2: Baymond. Btruck out Marr, 2: Dally, Johnson, 2; Green--wood. Shannon, Bamsey. Umpire Holland. Batteries Wldner and O'Connor; Bamsayanit Cook. Bad for Oakland. The contest betwezn the Oaklands and the Emsworths yesterday was an easy victory for the latter. Score: Oaklands. 1 0000011. Emsworths 5 3 0 1 S 0 0 1 "IS Hits Oaklands, 3, total. S; Emsworths, If, to tal, 18. Two base hlts-Elbel, Kier. Steitx, Courtney, Scott, Pennington. Errors Oaklands. 10; Emsworths. S. Struck ont Neves. 4: Pennington, 9. t Base on balls Off Neves, 4: off Pennington, 2. Passed balls LareUe, 4: McKlm, 4. "Wild pitches JMeTes, 2. "Umpire Jones. Time of game-Two hours and 30 minutes. Both at Harriabarg. Haeeisbtjkg, Pa, June L The Indianapolis and Fittsburc baseball teams are laid np here in conseanence of the washouts on the rail road. They were to nave played at Pittsburg to-day. THE-EAST ENDEOS BEATEN. A Great Game Won by the Daqnesne Assre- Ration. There was a large crowd at Recreation Park yesterday to witness the came between the County League dabs East End Athletics and the Duquesnes. The attendance was increased because many people were expecting to see the Pittsburg and Indianapolis League teams play. The absence of the major league repre sentatlreJ, however, did not weaken the excite ment. A remarkably close game was played, and the famous East Enders were beaten. Sbamus was a puzzler to the gay youths of the cultured and easy-going locality of wealth. The East Enders also fielded badly and the Duquesnes dldnot do mnch better in that re rpect. Robertson pitched a fair game for the Athletics. The general play of the latter, howeret, was below the lr average. Score: athletics b b f A EIDUOUESNES X B F A X Gray, 2 1 Laner, 1..... O Gumberts, s. 1 Tener, 1-.... 1 Oliver, 3 0 Swift, m 1 O'DonnelL e 1 Kobertson, p 0 -.Harr,r..j 0 1 3 Oil 1 3 Grove, m... 1 Shanma,p. .. 2 Martin, a.... 0 Edwards, 1.. 0 Donaghy, 3. 1 Newell, I.... I CahllL r.... 1 Gillian, r... 0 1 0 113 0 0 0 0 Myers, c... 0 110 0 2 otals 6 S 25 10 8 Totals 6 8 27 17 7 inesnes ,2 1000200 16 letlrs 0 0000231. 0-5 med runs Dnqnesnes, 1. so-base bit Newell. jnck ont By Shamus. 10; by Bobertson, 2. aae on balls-linqnesnes, 2; Athletics, 2. aonble play Gillian. .Passed ball Dnqnesnes, 3; Athletics, 2. Umpire Shaffer. iZlme of game-Two honrsV LADBIft- edo BEAT THE CHAMPIONS. The Riverside Grays Win an Easy Game at Homestead. The game yesterday between the Riverside Grays and the Homesteads was somewhat sur prising because the Grays knocked the Cham pions ont without mercy. The fielding of the Homesteads was wretched, in the extreme. That was one of the chief causes of their de feat. The fielding of fiannan and the batting of Dillon of the Grays were the features. The attendance was good. Score: K. OBATS. R B F A 351 IIOUST'DS R B P A E Dillon. 2.... Buckley, s.. Good, c Neville. 1.... Hannan,3... Caln,p Graham, 1... Keenan. m.. Barry, r.. 2 1 0 0 2 8 212 0 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 1 0 Armor, r.... 2 Unlmer.l.... l O.Corn.m-c 1 H.E.Col'n, 3 1 Kowcs 1 Woods, r... 2 Brulce, 2.... 0 ltohe, c&m.. 0 Dletz, p 1 Totals.... 15 9 2716 7j Totals 9 8 24 18 U K. Greys Homesteads., 6 10 113 2 1 '-IS 8 000100009 Earned runs E. Greys, 4: Homesteads, 1. Two-base bits-Dillon, Neville, H. E. Colgan, "Wood, Three-base hit Dillon. Stolen bases-R. Greys, 11: Homesteads. 7. Doable play Graham and Good. Bases on balls-R. Greys, 6: Homesteads. 4. Struck out-By Diets, 7: by Cain. 4. Passed balls-Good, 1: H. O. Oolgan, 2. Wild pitches-Dletz. 1; Cain, 1. Time of game One hour and 40 minutes. Umpire -Grenet. TEN INNINGS REQUIRED. After a Lone Argument the McKeesports Beat Brnddock. The game between Braddock and McKaes port yesterday was an exciting one. It re quired ten innings to settle the argument. Al though the Braddocks were outbatted more than two to one, they made a great battle. The attendance was good. Score: X'XEESF'T B B F. A ElBRADD'CKS B B P A E NIght'gle, 2 Miller, s.... Torreys'n.3 Provins.r.. Hartrnan,c Gibbons, m. Qulnn. 1.... Costello, 1.. Callahan, p 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 110 1 1 110 1 1 0 1 Cooper, I... Klllen, 3 ... bn'lds.c.,.. B Bennett,! And'son, s, Beinett .. Baker, p... Gordon, r Maglnnl, m 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 11 2 013 3 0 10 4 4 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 6 0 3 0 10 10 0 1 0.0 0 0 0 2 11 Totals , 8 9 SO 8 7 Totals.... 7 4 29 12 6 McKeesports 1 30020400 1-8 Braddocks 0 101112010-7 Earned runs McKeesports, 2. Two-base hits Miller, Torreyson 2, Ander son 2. V mplre Wilson. Made a Tie of It. There was an exciting game atLeetsdale yes terday between the Rosedales and Leetsdalee. A tie was the result. The score: EOSEDALES B B P A ElLEETEDALIS.R B P A E Pollock. 2.. Shook. J.... Baffler, 1... Hutchi'n.m Bender, c.. Robinson, p Seaman, r.. Harbison, s Slattery, 1.. 3 1 4 4 012 0 O Warren, s... 2 tirady, p...- 1 Hamilton, m 1 M'hamee, 3. 0 Walker, 2... 1 Lelght, 1.... 1 Bean, c 1 Sevens, r.... 0 WUllams, L 1 Totals.... 8 8 2713 15 Totals . .8 7 27 9 14 Uosedales 1 3001022 0-j Leetsdales 1 2000210 2- i Earned runs Bosedales, 2. Struck ont Bosedales. 8; Leetsdales, 16. Htt bv pitched balls Bosedales, 2. Umpire Smith. Jerome Park Entries. New York, June L Following are .the names of the probable starters in Monday's races at Jerome Park: First race, half-mile Kempland 107 pounds. Insight 107. Pall Mall lqo, Mile XBd Mlllerton 98, Beathen ICC, Buby Boyal 101, Gljsey lllly 99. Second race, did not fill and an extra race was was substituted, therefor, the entries to close on Mondav. -v Third race, one and one-eighth mlles-Beporter 105 pounds. Major 93, J A B i02, Charley Dreux 98, Larchmont 97. Fourth race, three-quarters of a mile Fltzrqy 109 pounds. EolI&nlW. Miracle 112, Guarantee 112, Little Minnie 104, Edison I'M, Vivid 91, Harbor Lights 107, Deception 97, King Crab, Error. Firth race, L 403 yards King Crab 114 pounds, Salisbury 108, Brown Charley 108. Sixth race, one and one-skxteenth miles Unltah 103 pounds. Volunteer 110. Ernest 112. First At tempt 112, Crusader 106, "Wynwood 100, Gallatin 101, Gendarme 101. A Noted Horseman Dead. E. G. Tyler, the well-known and genial horse man is dead. Word vras received of his death in this city last evening. He died at Detroit on Friday night, of a gathering in the brain. Mr. Tyler was half, owner of the famous trot ter, J. B. Richarson. The latter was placed in .charge of John Solan some time ago. Mr. Tyler, probably, had not an enemy on all the race tracks in the country. He was honest and kind hearted. His body will be buried at Albany. Carroll and Miller Arrlre. Fred Carroll and "Midget" Miller arrived in the city last uight from Washington "via the Baltimore and Ohio. They said that the road was in an awful state, and that tbey had been on their way for more than 24 hours. The bal ance of the team may be here to-night or to morrow morning. Manager Phillips wanted to play two games on Monday, but Manager Ban croft is not willing. General Sporting Notes. RAIN is still pulverizing the games. Rain stopped the St. Louis-Brooklyn game yesterday. The Pittsburg and Indianapolis teams may be here to-morrow. A Constant Reader, New Brighton: Your combination would make 21 Chas. McClitre, the colored pitcher from Unlontown, has slmed with the Keystones. Ovnso to tne disaster of the extraordinary rainstorm the telegraphic service is still so im perfect that fall scores of ball games cannot be transmitted. WAKT AN INYESTIGATIOH. A Committee From L. A. 6111, K. of L., Mnke a Positive and Emphatic Statement. The following communication was re ceived at this office last evening written and signed by a committee from Xj. A. 6111, K. of L., and can be considered as official: We, the undersigned, were appointed as a committee by L. A. 6111, Green Bottle Blowers, to visit the daily press and emphatically deny the statements made in its columns, alleging that considerable dissension existed in our union, in relation to tbe charges made against the officials of Lw A. 300, in connection with the bringing over of foreign glassblowers. We have already denied tbese rumors as without any foundation and were surprised to find, that in spito of our denial, tbe same story reappears in the same issue containing our statement. We now again wish to positively state that whoever makes these misrepresentations to the pres. is deliberately stating what he knows to be a falsehood. Our union is a unit in wishing this investigation to continue. There is not the slightest foundation for the rumors of dis sension in our ranks upon this question. We wish to make our denial so emphatic that we make It-over our signatures, and wish to say that the man who has given these unfounded statements to the press will not back np his story over his signature. Conrad Atith, Tut Havet, JJ. A. Hates. Geo. Kabmbacs, Patrick Havet. Arrested for Taking a Lost Tocketbook. Detective John Murphy, of Allegheny, arrested John Wesley, a colored man living as 275 East street, last night, on a charge of larceny. Yesterday afternoon while John S. McKee was purchasing some meat in the market he dropped his pocketbook, contain ing $40. When he looked for it the purse bad disappeared. Wesley was suspected and confessed his guilt and returned the money. Boy Your Pianos and Organs at H. Bvleber t Bro.'a SOS Woo'd Street. Why? Because Kleber & Bro. are the old est and most reliable dealers; because Kle ber & Bro. are tbe only ones in all Pitts burg who are and have been for years prac tical piano teachers and piano makers; be cause Kleber & Bro; are the exclusive agents for all the best pianos and organs made in this country; because Kleber & Bro. are admitted -to be tbe most honest and trustworthy music dealers in Pittsburg and Western Pennsylvania; because Kleber & Bro. sell lower, take smaller profits and give easier time payments ana a longer warrantee than any other house, etc. At Kleber's you can buy the wonderful Stein way, the great Conover, the popular Opera and the sweet Emerson pianos; also the lovely Bnrdett organs and the unrivaled - vocation church organs, it you want the best and lowest prices, call at Kleber Bro's. LATOMIA WIND- UP. A Large Crowd Sees tho Last. Day of the Meeting. BEAYO WINS THE SWEEPSTAKES. The Erie Trotting- Meeting a, Financial Failure Owing to Ealn. GENERAL SPORTING NEW8 OP THE DAT At Latonia First race Cheeny, 1; Ben B, Second race Moult Hardy, 1; Cupid, 2. Third race Joe Kevin, 1; Troga, 2. Fourth race Bravo, 1; Long Boy; 2. Fifth race Mon trose. 1; Marchma, 2. At St. Loins First race Wheeler T, lj Mollis McCarthy's Last, 2. Second race Mirth, 1; Entry, 2. Third race Long Fish, 1; Ga lientes, 2. Fourth raco Bridgellght, 1; Tudor, 2. Fifth race declared off. LATONLVS LAST DAY. The Sleeting Ends With Good Races and n Big Crowd. . Cincinnati. June L The last day of the meeting was one of the fewwithoutraln,bnttho track was exceedingly heavy and stiff, and the spectators wera shivering In overcoats. Not withstanding the 'unseasonable weather, La tonia has never bad so large an attendance as at the present meeting. First race, selling, six lnrlongs Cheeny 100 pounds, first; Ben B 1C9, second; Stuart 116, third. Time, 1:23. Stuart got off In the lead, but was soon overtaken, first by Holland and later by Iago, bnt at the finish Cheeny and Ben B made strides for the lead, both passing Stuart, and Cheeny winning by a length. Second race, selling, seven fnrlqngs Monlts Hardy first, Cnpld 116 pounds, second; Castaway 108. third. Time, 1:30);. Castaway got off firsl, with Arundel second. Cast Steel third. Monita Hardy went ahead In the stretch and won easily. Third race, purse, five furlongs-Joe Nevin 103 pounds, first; Tioga 103, second; Gun Wad 103, third. Time, i:03M. Tioga got off in the lead, but at the three-quarters Joe Nevine went to the front and held his place, winning by four lengths. Fourth race, sweepstakes, 8500 added, mile Bravo 112 pounds, firt. Long Boy 111, second: Llederkranz 108, third. Time, 1:51. Marcbburn and Llederkranz set the pace, with Bravo in the rear until tbe last quarter, when he went ahead easily and won by three lengths. Fifth race. Cincinnati Hotel handicap, $1,000 added by the "Gibson House, mile and a quarter Montrose first; Marchma 106 pounds, second; Gil ford 105, third. Time, 2:16. Montrose won by two lengths. ST. LOUIS OPENING. A Bright and Clear Day Favors the Jockey Clab's Starters. St. Lotus, June 1 To-day opened bright and clear for the opening day of the summer meet ing of the St. Louis Jockey Club. The track was soft at places on the inside, but was in good shape before tbe day was over. The luds-es were Chas. Green, C. Bent Carr and L. M. Rnmsey. J. B. Ferguson, the Secretary of tbe Lexington track, did the starting. First race, mile dash for all ages Starters: "Wheeler T, Mollies Last, Kermesss, J T., Al phonse. Fanchette. May W, and Eilie H. Fan chette and Kermesse made tbe running to the head of the stretch, where Wheeler T came throngh and in a driving finish beat Mollies Last by half a length, Mollies Last a head In front of Kermesse third. Time, 1:45. Second race, seven furlongs, selling for all ages Starters: Entry. Mirth, Volcl, Bedstone, 'Fosters', Luke Alexander, Big Brown Jug. Mirth won, Entry second. Bedstone third. Time, 'Third race, the St. Lonls Fair Derby for 3-year-olds, one mile and a half Starters: Longflsh, Feu ton, Cassias, Glockner, Le Premier. Call en tes. Longflsh won, Callentes second, Casslus third. Time, 2;39K. Fourth race, five furlongs, for 2-year-olds Starters: Flyaway, Pinkie T., Lena Ban, Lnla B., Sequence, Gertie B LuthaLec. Hualpa and Jess Armstrong. Flyaway won, Lula B. second, Lena Ban third. Time, 1:03ft. Fourth race, seven furlongs, selling, dash for all ages-Starters: KeeVeeN a, Chiltiowle, Tudor, Lelex, Bridgellght, Gardner, Bonnie King and Chickasaw. Bridgellght won, Tudor second, Gardner third, lime 1:30V. - The steeplechase was declared off. Linguist was entered, but Mr. Green refused to allow him to start on account of having been ruled off at West Side. Corrlgan, who owns the West Side, then scratched his entries, Irish Pat and WInslow, and the race was declared off. YOUB CHOICE $15 ZAUN'S SUITS. COR. GRAlsST and DIAMOND STREETS, OPPOSITE THE New Court House IF I IF T nsr o JosLf 3 In Men's Spring Trousers we have an unusually com plete stock. Elegant fancy Worsted stripes, $i 75. All-wool Cassimere Trousers, $2, worth $3 50. Striped Cassimere Trousers, $2 75. Fine Dress Pants at $4, worth $7. .. ' PITTSBURG 'COMBINATION CLOTH Entries for lloday's races are: First race, seven furlongs Kermesse 105 pounds, , race, seven luriougs ncruicrec.w uuaaas, lew lOLTador 10V Bridgellght 116. Chll- 9L; Volem Gov. Hardin 10 Bonnie King iteralW, Gasoline M, 4 T 95, CasluslOS, Bed- .LAKCVICW howle 8L- 84. Kosteral' atone 90. Dick "Wrltrht 102. Second rac;, rolfe aud a furlong Cartoon 107 pounds. Huntress 112. strldeaway 117, Stony Mont gomery 105, Bonlta 1M. Fayette 101 Tho Dude 97. Third race, the Southern Hotel stakes, for 2-year-olds, six rurlongs-PennP 121 pounds. Amlgolis. Watterson 113, Avondale 121. Blue Veil 110, Lntha Lee 110, Little Crete 115, Kyrle B 119.. Fourth race, one nule-The. Elk 117 pounds, Glrondit 117, May W 112, May Haps 112, Lucy P 112, The Deacon 117. Fifth race, one and one-sixteenth miles Los Angeles 110 pounds. Valuable 121. Lela May lie, Entry 102, Helena 102, GOOD RACING PROMISED. Entries nndErents tor tho Western Fennsyl. vnnln Society's Meeting. , The meeting of the Western Pennsylvania Agricultural Society commences Wednesday, June 6, ending June 6. The prospects for a successful meeting are very good. The races are all filled and many of the horses are al ready on tbe grounds. Tbe bicycle tournament will De a new feature, and promises to be very fine. About 100 wheelmen win fake part The exbiblt of breeding horses will be tbe finest ever held here. Below we give a list of horses entered in the trotting.and paclngraces: Trotters-George, b. g A. K. Duff, Pittsburg, Pa.; Gould, b. g., A. M. Bpellman, Wheeling, W. Vs.; Maud Chorister, b. m John a Collins, Pittsburg, Pa.: Maggie C, b. m., B. J. Reynolds, Waynesbnrg. Pa.; Dutchess, b. m., G. W. Me Cleary, Wefisburg. W. Va.; Kenegode, or. g.,T. Harper. Wheeling, W. Va. : Body Wilkes, b. g Moore Floydc, Pittsburg, Pa.; Commotion, b. g., H. T. Hawes, Johnstown, Pa.; Bell Ogle, b. m., J. D. Miller. Erie, Pa.; Dr. McFarland, b. g A. M. Spellman, Wheeling, W. Va.: Wanlta, b. m., B. L. Fisher. Iron ton, Ohio; Idol Boy, b.g John C. Collins. Pittsburg, Pa. ; Dorgherty, br.s., Wm. Danne: Billy Gorman, b. g., W. Handlan, Wheel ing, Vf. Va. ...,. Pacers-BUly B., b. g., J. L. Fisher, Ironton, O.; Jesse H., s. g., H. Myer, Beaver Falls. Fa. ; Bessimer. b. m.,Yf. J.McKlnley, Braddock. Pa.; Donald K., b. g., J. D. Miller. Erie. Pa.: Tom D., b. g., Schrleber Bros.. Ally, Ps. : Belie Shackett, ch. m. A. Campbell. New Athens, O.; Faille K.; r, m., George B. Whitfield, Braddock, Pa.; Ha zel, r. m., G. A. tJlrlck, Pittsburg, Pa.; Gray Bade, g. m., A. M. Spellman, Wheeling, W. Va.; Silver Heel, b.s., Samuel Chambers, West Alex ander; Walter Br, b. g., William Bootn, Alle gheny City: Klnc Helro, c. s.John Z. T.Boblt zer. Pittsburg; Harris, b, g...O. W. Evans. Alle gheny City; Regulator, b. s.. O. Elseman, Wheel ing, W. Va.:G. W Huey, br. g., C. W. .Fisher, Allegheny city; WUlshlre, b. g., L. D. Davis, Ironton, O. The entries for running races will not close until Tuesday evening, June 4. THE CLOSE AT ERIE. Bain and Bad Weather Spoil theMeetlbg on the Lake. rSFECIAL TXLXGBAH TO TBE DISPATCn.l Erie, Pa., June L The spring meeting of the Erie Driving Park Association closed to day under a cloud. The 2:15 and 220 pacing class were not started. The meeting has been a financial failure owing to the rain and dis agreeable temperature. The society will lose about $2,000, but the horsemen nave no room for complaint. The events to-day were the finish of the 223 and 2:40 classes, which were commenced on Decoration Day. In the 2:40 class Memoran dum, b.b. Miller and Sibley, of Franklin; Emma W, b. m-, C. P. Northrop, Warren; George S, b. g., J. S. Brady, Indiana, Pa., and Middleway. b. g., W. P. Grey, Merrian. Ind., each bad a heat on Decoration Day, It was anybody's race. The race was narrowed down to Middleway, George S and Emma W to-day, and George S being a capital mud horse he won easily in two straight heats in 2-2S&. . In the 2:23 class two heats had been trotted on Decoration Day. Tbe race was finished to-day and stood St. Elmo b. s., H. D.Ernst .- 1 2 11 Tonl). b. g., H. G. Schrever.... 4 4 3 2 Donald B, b. g W. Branlgan..- -.2 12 3 Lizzie H, b. m.. D. B. Hlbbard- 3 3 4 4 Time, 2:35, 2:34, 2:37. SSt. Elmo, the pretty baystaUlon from Buffalo, won tbe race easily to-day. He kept his feet in both heats without a single break. The asso ciation will give another meeting in the fall. The Valkyrlo Tflns Again. London, June LThs match of the Royal Thames Yacht Club, tbe most important event of the Thames season, was had to-day. The course was from the 27ore to Dover, a distance of 60 miles. The prizes were 100, 40, and 20. The Valkyrie won, -with tbelrex second, and the Yarana third. ."Both wind and tide were favorable over tbe whole course. The yachts made a flying start. They were all In cruising trim. The official time is as follows: Valkyrie, 621:05; Irex. 625.50; Yarana, 625:55. For one day only (starting promptly at 8 A. M. Monday) we will give you choice of any of our elegant Men's Suits, including fine garments worth all the way from $25 to $30 and $40, at the round figure of $15. Don't delay; this sale lasts but one day, Monday, and we do this merely for the advertisement it brings us. Come right in and take your pick of any Suit in our establishment at FIFTEEN DOIxLARS. Nothing reserved. It's the biggest opportunity of the season and it's to your interest to take advantage of it. "Make hay while the. sun shines" and remember to-morrow is the day. ONE DAT ONLY, TO-MORBOW. mO-MORROW you can 1L come into our store and select any Suit on our coun ters for Fifteen Dollars, regardless of the former price or of the present, value. The stock we offer includes twenty-five dollar, thirty t dollar and forty-five dollar Men's Suits, equal in every respect to custom-made goods. If you are incredu lous call and see for yourself and we will convince you, whether you buy or not. . ASTHISCITYSEESIT, Continued from ITiird Page. that place stating, a citizens' meeting had been held at which' (1,200. bad been sub scribed. This money will be turned over to the committee in this city by Mr. Schoon maker. UNDERTAKERS TO GO TO-DAY. A Representative From Nearly Every Firm In tie City to bo Sent. The undertakers o( Pittsburg and Alle gheny met last evening at J. J. Flannery's office on Grant street. 2&r. Flannery pre sided and H. F. Leslie, was secretary. The following reported that they would go to Johnstown this morning: J, J. Flannery and three men, W. P. P. Fairman and two men, James FullertoDj CJ.Boyle and three men, Herman & Ebbert, George G. Jeremy, Ley & Geisclhart, Leslie & Bro. and two men. Byrne & KcCabe, W. H. Devore and two men, Noble Bros., Miller Bros, and two men, James McCabe & Bro. and two men, McKultr & Bros., Schact & Bro., Semnel rock and Bros.,Spencer & Nillison.J.S.Cos grave and A. Meyer. A, committee of three, D. J. Boyle, P.J. McNulty and W. F. P. Fairman, made arrangement with the relief committee .for transportion, The above undertakers are requested to report at Mr. Plannerv's office this morning at 730 sharp, with" their "kits." There will be a relief corps sent out Monday morning and also, one on Tuesday. - DRAWN FROM THE DRIFTWOOD. The County Democracy last night donated 100 from its treasury. Oveb $1,000 was raised at the Columbus Club meeting last night. A carload of skiffs will be sent to the flooded district this morning. B. Himmelrich & Son donate 250 worth .of shoes for the sufferers. Ruben, tbe batter, gives 3250 and has sent a lot of hats, shirts and underwear. The Lotus Club, of the Southslde, last night subscribed $100 to the relief fund. Nearly every church in Pittsburg will take up flood relief contributions to-day. Sevebal train loads of provisions will be sent to the scene of wreck this morning. , Gomer Lodge No. 64, L O. O. F., donates $100 for the relief of Johnstown Odd Fellows. Mrs. John L Nevin, of Ben Venue, sent a large truckload of clothing for the relief of the sufferers. Bishop Phelan -will start for Johnstown this morning, and transportation has been or dered for him. Adjutant General Att.tne, of Ohio, will arrive in Pittsburg this morning' with 500 tents for the sufferers. Thomas McNallt, of Preble avenue, Alle gheny, gave $25 to Mayor Pearson last night for the relief fund. N. E. Graham sends a check for $75 75, con tributed by East Brady citizens, for the relief of the flood sufferers. A concert for the benefit of the sufferers of the flood, was held in tbe West End last night, and $300 clear realized. The Tariff Club met last night and opened a subscription list, the amounts to be reported at a meeting tolmorrow night. Thirteen cars are being loaded with coffins at the Allegheny Coffin Works in Allegheny, and as soon as loaded will be sent out. Harry Jenkinson, a boy 15 years of .ace, and living at Wood's Run, was playing about the river near there, felt In and was drowned. Post 30, G. A. R., at Johnstown, Is requesto to draw on A. L. Pearson, National Commander Union Veteran Legion, lor $100, by order of Dr. C. P. Selp. , The Poco-a-Foco Orchestra will, on Tuesday evening, give a performance in Gymnasium Hall, East Liberty, for tbe benefit of the flood sufferers. D. J. Boyd, President of the County Democd racy, bas called a meeting for 1 P. Jr. to-day. at 6:14 Smithfied street, to take' measures for the relief of the sufferers. The WestPenn people are building a boat at rm ii. 1 2"OTJK CHOICE -OF- - ANY SUIT IN OUR ENTIRE ESTABLISHMENT FOR Fifteen Dollars, FROM OUR TWENTY-FIVE. DOLLAR, THIRTY DOLLAR AND FORTY DOLLAR STYLISH AND RELIABLY MADE MEN'S SUITS. :--.i.l III I- v. FIFTEEN SALE. MONDAY. Tunnelton for tbe purpose of transf errteg pas sengers; bnt the water is so violent that bo use. will be made of the boat for 24 hours. J. D. Wood, General Superintendent of. Transportation of the Pennsylvania Company, got stuck at HarrisDnrg. where he is helping the Pennsylvania offlcials.in the movement of trains. Forty-six dollars' was collected for tbe Johnstown sufferers at tbe tbe table at tbe em ployes banquet to retiring Superintendent Johnston, of tbe Pittsburg and Western Rail road, last night THSAmericus Club did not meet last nlgbt, as all the officers and many of the members' had gonMo Johnstown with the relief train. Tbe subscription hook was opened again and $310 added to the first list ol $1,300. Mr. DeWolf, of Gusky's, bad a special car. in which he loaded over $2,000 worth of cloth ing for the sufferers. He had a crew of men with bim who assorted the different articles and distributed them npon their arrival at Johnstown. At 11:30 last night a telegram was received from James B. Scott saying that the Pittsburg relief party hart reached the sufferers. They were carrying the provisions a distance of 1,000 feet and then having it taken up on wagons to the sufferers, who are On the hillsides. Superintendent Collins received a tele gram from R. S. Jackson, superintendent of the railway mall service at New York, that Pittsburg mail had been started over the New York Central and Lake Shore Railroads. This mail will get here about 3 P; M. to-day. John A. Mabtin, of the Fulton Market, Smithfield street, will sell milk shakes, milk, lemonade, etc, to-day, for the benefit of tbe flood sufferers. Several hundred gallons of extra milk bave been ordered and "no change" will be the motto. Vice President Malotte. of the Indian apolis Bank, telegraphed to General Manager McCrea, of the Pennsylvania Companv, last night that he had $1,000 at his disposal for tbe Johnstown sufferers, and he intimated that he would send the money by check. IN addition. to Kaufmanns' prompt and gen erous donation of $2,500 worth of clothing, noted elsewhere, the firm last night made out a check for $283 20 In favor of tbe Relief Committee. This sum represents 2 per cent of yesterday's total .receipts, which were $14,160. Representatives from 40 councils of tbe Jr., O. U. A. M. met In the United States Court rooms last night and appointed a committee of fire to go to Johnstown this morning. The State Councillor was requested to call for and appropriate $500 from the State fund. Mr. Irwin Hall, Mayor of Johnstown, telegraphed at 520 last evening to William Mc Creery, of the Relief Committee In this city, in response to tbe message telling of the funds and other relief subscribed: "Dispatch re ceived. Will forward the relief to the people as soon as possible." At a meeting held last night by Fort Dn quesne Lodge No. 260, Knights- of Pythias, it was resolved to ask the lodges of this county to send delegates to a meeting to be held in said lodgeroom, on tbe 13th inst, to devise wavs and means to send relief to tbe Johnstown sufferers belonging to the order; The Pittsburg and Western Railroad was drowned ont by tbe sudden rise of the Alle gheny river; but the WestPenn road was made use of for a few miles in and near Allegheny, and the usual trains were sent out on time. The tracks of tbe Plttsbnrg and Western are practically unaffected by tbe flood. In answer to a request from the Citizens' Committee, Chief of Police Eirschler ordered ten men in readiness for tbe 7 o'clock train this morning for Johnstown. They will be Lieutenant Snuff and Officers Wm. Speer, David Speer, Summer. Richardson, Culley, Mllligan, Moreland, Jenkinson and Kelsch. A committee of Tarentnm citizens sent Rev. W. M. Mead, of that place, to Johnstown, to report on tbe condition of affairs and dis tribute snch funds as were raised. Dr. McCuI lough, of Tarentnm, physician of the West Penn, volunteered to go to the scene o( devas tation, and was carried throngh by a special train. At 150 o'clock tbis morning two cars loaded with provisions came In over the Ft. Wayne road and f onr over the Panhandle road. They were from points along the line within a radius of 50 miles of this city. Tbey were sent right through. The trainmen report the people along the line offering them money in large amounts, but.they refused to receive it. Thx'McEeesfobt Bundav Herald raised a purse of $200 from among its citizens there yes terday morning, and the following named com mittee will take It to Johnstown this morning: J. J. McQlrr, W. P. Wampler, JJUDevenny. 1 1 1 1 11 I I Ml DOLLAR MONDAY, Tbe committee will also endeavor to And where help is needed most, and report to a general meeting to beheld Monday morning. The Pennsylvania Railroad' has bought or contracted for $10U,060 worth of lumber for re building uses ou the -various lines affected. Tbe contracts were' made .by telegraph yester day, .and were generally at the owner's price without demur. Lumber yards all over West ern Pennsylvania have been drawn upon for all the heavy timber in sight A subscription list was started among the employes of the Department of Public Works yesterday afternoon,. which City Engineer W. R. Browne headed with 510. In the Engineer's department, Chief Bigelow's office, and the Bureau of Water Assessments tbe list was soon filled out with subscriptions of from $2 to $5, and in an hour the total amount subscribed was $117. Other employes of this department will contribute -when the list is presented to them. Mb. C. A. Smiley announced that he would give the use of his cottege at Melwood, five miles this side of Blairsville, for the use of tbe houseless, and be- asked. that tho newspapers suggest that tbe Rldgeriew Park Association give tbe use of all its cottages at Melwood, some 100. Mr. Smileystatod that these cottages contained furniture, dishes, cooking utensils, bedding, eta, and that they would house com fortably 1,000 people, until they could find other accommodation. NEARLY $500 TIA VOLKSBLATT. A Little German Fond That Soon Grew to Worthy Proportions. That generous little German neighbor, the Volksblatt, which started a fund from its office with $100 for the relief, acknowl edges the following in addition, or a total of $474 85: James Spcyer. of Spever & Co.. bankers. New York (by telegraph), 1100: Max Schamberg Co.. 850: Oclrlcbs & Co., .New York, agents North Ger man Lloyd (by telegraph), iSOt C. H. Weinhans, 85: Consul Max Schamberg, pi; I. F. Lagerfelt, 810: 1. E. Hlrsch, (10: Henry Gasser, M; Joseph Clpra, fl: Oscar' Rommel, $2: H. Ellern, 82; I. Schafier, 81: anonymous, (1: Hardy Jt Hayes. 815; J. II. Hoffmann & Co.. S5; M. Magvar, 81: Lonls Hlrsch, 82: H. 6chmled,8j; Arnold Schneider, 85: L.Brennlnger & Co., 815; II. Schoenefeldt.51: David Rapport, (I; G.Tbomas,81; F. A. Haellng, fit A. Arnold, ft; Wm.Kohler, fl; mann. fl; S. Sebastians. 25c: M. J. Bradley, Sue: Marie Carlson. 50c; Susan Kllng, 50c; Carl O. Bergstrom, 25c: Albert Ahlstrand, tfc;S. Lind, 23c; J. Jansson, 25c; J. Kragard, 25c; C A. Konig, 50c: H. A, Berg; 60c; F. N. Kebn, 50c: Liz zie Fro Id, 25c; BenJ. Anderson. 60c; D. Behnberg, 50c: Charles Fischer, 11; Ludwlg Than, 60c: Er nest Mueller, 50c; Otto Melntel. fl; H.Lattlen, E; Jos. Htadfeld. Esq., flO; Cash, 85: F. A. orenz. fl; William Miller, fl; J. a Wright, fl: Reese Barean, fl: C. Hemmerle, 50c: 11. Wlckerode, fl; J. E. Dykmann, fit John Melse, fl; A. Koslowsky, 50c: A. Brlnfco, 25c; D. SalonccL 50c; J. W. Gassenschmldt, 60c: Alexander Blank, 15c; T. Deal, 15c; W. Opatkler vicz, 25c: Franz Totero, 15c: Josef Kis, 60c; Michael Stark. 25c; Johaun Stark. 25c: Michael Borcslk, 25c; Andr. Aokos, 25c: George Scbnot zer, 25c: Aug. Wagner. 20c; S. Fantone, 16c; S. Urbanecz, 15c: J. Urbanecz, 15c; William Gelger, 50c; Conrad Mendel, fl; M. Dalbrnzzo, 25c: C. Amlcpne, 25c: P. Baracehlnl, 50c; G. BarkowskI, 25c: G. Splnelli. 25c; A. Tricmlo. 25c; D. Delle Donne, 25c; J. Wels, 25c: Carlo Tondo. 25c: Albert jneans, zac; penny dox oi voiaauiait priuwra, . &u;miZBcnommariz, ouc: ueorge u. jumwr, (instav Goldmann. 50c: K. . KumnE. 60c: ohn Kelly. 60c: Thomas A. Means, f I; Charles V. Lewis, 85, THE TURNERS WILL ACT. A Meeting to be Held To-NIgbt oftheOfflcers of the District. The Executive Committee of the Pittsburg Turn district of the North American Turner Bund, representing 15 Turner societies of "Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Eastern Ohio met last evening at tbe Central Turner Hall, Forbes street Mr. Waltman, tbe President was in the chair andProL-O. Scheer acted as secretary, The members of tbe committee entered at once upon a discussion of tbe awful calamity at Johnstown and it was afterwards decided that all the officers of the district be invited to meet at tbe Central Turner Hall this evening at 8 o'clock and determine .what sbouldbe done by the Turners to alleviate the sufferings of the unfortunates in tbe catastrophe at Johns town. A Picnic Novelty. , h ', One of the novelties of. the moulders' picnic of tbe Amalgamated Association of Ironwork ers is tbe female pedestrian contest that is go ing to take place at Rock Point next Saturday. Manager Harry.Dayls has arranged for an eight-hour go-as-yon-place race to takeplace in a marquee, Tch will allow, a track almost asbigastbr Madison Square. N. Y. The race Is ope' the United States and there will proba oe 20 starters. . COR, GRANT and DIAMOND STREETS, OPPOSITE THE New Court House THE 'styles we show are .- 'Mens business sack Suits, stylish one, three and four-button cutaways, and dressy Prirjce Albert coat and vest, with different pants or pants to match. Such well known fabrics as Rock Cassimeres, French Wor steds, English Wide Wales, Scotch Cheviots and Diago nalsjTricots and Serges. We guarantee a perfect fit and for. style ahd workmanship these suits are town talk. ,We show a. superb line of Boys' and Children's Suits,, which go like the rest, regardless of first values. Boys Suiti7,twd-piece, selling'at $2. $2 50 and $3, worth $6 and $. Three-piece Suits, $3, $4 50 and $6. Child ren's .Trousers, 25c, 50'c and 75a : OMPANY. Kelt-Year's Iron Scaly. Tbe 'Wage Committee of thlj mated Association was in session ui midnight and may bevcompelIed to 1 other session to-day to complete the Secretary Martin, the only person . .. ll -.A f iHttijasAj a .TT . !-d "ttl committee mat is au.uu.iicu . .., ma ner bad no information to give out, except that! ...I.. 1aw1w Tt ?- I..1? 3t tney were progressing wvm;. " ueuevea that some important change will be made hi. the scale. . Into the Flood With a Tab. Thomas Green, a very corpulent negro, fell off a shanty boat in the Monongahela river last evening at the foot of Boss street and was drowned. He was carrying a tub of wafer and slipped off. His body, owing to the high and running river, was not re covered. , A Team of Horses Stolen. A team of horses attached to a wagon be longing to Chris Hensinger, of McCandless township, were stolen yesterday. Detective Eichenlanb found the rig on Pennsylvania, avenue, Allegheny, last evening, 'but wa unable to catch the thief. -T ' A CURE GUARANTEED, " Health, energy and strength secured by using' Amorauda Wafers. These wafers are. a guar anteed specific and the only reliable and ssf remedy for the permanent cure of impotency,, no matter how long standing, nervous neural-, gia, headache, nervous prostration caused' by the use of alcohol or tobacco, sleeplessness; f mental depression, softening of tbe brain, re sulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and deatb, premature old age, barrenness,, spermatorrhea, harrasslng dreams, premature decay of vital -power, caused by overexertion' of the brain, self-abuse or over indulgence. 75 cents per box, or six boxes lor $4, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. Six boxes is then complete treatment and with every purchase . of six boxes at one time we will give a "WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO REFUND THE MONEY if the wafers do not benefit or effect aperma-' nent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON' MEDICAL INSTTTUTE. For sale only by JOSEPH FLEMING & SON, . 412Market street Pittsburg, Pa., P. O. Box 37, to whom all communications should be ad dressed. my8-23-TTSSn TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. -TT7-ANTED-50 LABORING MEN ON ALME- VV DA st.. Glenwood, Monday noon. P. BIDGE, Contractor. Je2-108 , WANTED GOOD BOY FROM IS TO 17 years of age to wort In mil t depot: must give good reference. Address J. R. M., Dispatch office. Je2-I05 FORSALE-SHOEBUSINESS-ELEGANTLO-CATION aud making money; a grand oppor- tunity for one that understands the business. Call and get particulars. J. K. COOPER CO.. 107 Fourth avenne. Jd-104 -VTJANTED-BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY V in the country for the snmmer on Una of railroad near Pittsburg for gentleman, wife and three children, oldest 7 years. Address stating terms, accommodations, etc. ALPHABET, Allegheny, Pa. Je2-1B7 OR SALE-GENERAL STORE IN ONE OF our most thriving suburban towns: an old es tablished stand and doing a paying business; will sell at Invoice: splendid chance for an energetla man of moderate means. For location, etc., call on J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. Je'2-103 A MEETING OF THE ALLEGHENY Athletic Club will be held on SUNDAY. June 2, at 10 A. xM to arrange a benefit for the sufferers in tbe Johnstown disaster. J. Y. LEYTON, President PmsBUBO, June L 1889. ATA REGULAR MEETING OF ADE A. LAIDE Nicholson Lodge, Daughters of" Rebekah No. 180, 1. 0. 0. F., it was decided to issue a general call for ail subordinate lodges.' . "Encamnmenta and Damrhter of Rebekah De- I firee Lodges in tbis district to meet at Odd. f Fellows Hall, over Odd Fellows' Bank THIS (Sunday) Acr.itriuur atiociocs lotaics prompt action in regard to alleviating the dis tressed brothers and sisters of Johnstown lodges. This lodge has donated $20. S. W. JEFFRIES. N. G. N. M. BEAMER, Secr. GEORGE E. YOUNG, ) A. C. PARKH, J. Committee, E. MATTHEWS, je2-Ul '. YOUR CHOICE '( r $15 MEN'S SUITS. IF X IF T nsr o A.' r ; ,-.- S m Saw 4SJJj mm'.